#morgan frost blurbs
lifeofpriya · 2 years
My Moon - Morgan Frost imagine
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[gif credit goes to @phillyjoel]
song of the fic: Channa Mereya by Arijit Singh
should i write a pt 2 to this? lmk
translated lyrics are here
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"And you may now kiss your husband..."
Morgan felt his heart drop to his stomach as he watched you kiss your newlywed husband. He quietly observed from the sidelines; watching you and your spouse exchange bright smiles at each other.
Your eyes slightly flickered towards the crowd, the once bright smile on your face soon dissipated into a deep frown when they landed on a familiar face: Morgan.
Morgan's lips were pressed into a line as he tightly smiled at you, he clapped along with the rest of the guests with tears pooling in his eyes. You could tell they weren't tears of happiness, but rather, tears of dread and resignation.
You then watched as he let out a long, low sigh and wiped the tears away from his face before turning around and headed towards the exit.
You were soon interrupted from your rushing thoughts by the sound of Dylan's voice. "Is everything alright, Y/N?"
Instinctively, you slowly nodded your head and flashed a small smile at your husband. "Yeah, I just had something in my eye," you made up an excuse as your hand flew up to your eyes. You didn't want to tell him about the real reason why your mood suddenly shifted. "But I think I got it out now..."
You could hear your voice drag on as you spoke. The somber look on Morgan's face couldn't escape from your mind; it haunted you.
"Anyways, I think we should go get the photos taken by now..." Dylan's voice sounded drowned out to you at this point, you couldn't be bothered to listen to him, so you simply nodded along to what he said.
Morgan peeked down at his phone as it let out a 'ding' sound.
Snapchat: Check out this memory from 3 years ago!
Letting out a sigh, he clicked on the notification, which took him to the app. When he got onto the Snapchat app, he was met with an old photo of him and you merrily smiling with the faint skyline of Toronto in the background; you were hanging onto him for dear life as he gave you a piggyback ride.
"Old love, huh?" Morgan was soon brought back to reality by a slightly gruff but warm voice. He shifted in his seat and soon was face-to-face with a man whom he assumed was in his late 50s-early 60s.
The Canadian tentatively nodded his head in response to the mysterious man's question. "Yeah, they were the love of my life..."
The mysterious man then quirked an eyebrow at Morgan, "...but?"
"They got married to someone else," Morgan let out a breathless whisper and tucked his phone back into his suit jacket. "I just came back from the ceremony."
The mysterious man slightly nodded his head; a light frown was etched onto his lips as he glanced at the young man in front of him. "Well, there's this old saying," he cleared his throat before continuing to speak, "if you love someone, set them free..."
"But isn't that a bad thing?"
"Wait, I wasn't finished yet, son," the mysterious man dryly chuckled at Morgan. "If they come back, they're yours; if they don't, they never were."
"What are you trying to get at here?"
"Love isn't as black and white as fairy tales make it seem to be...sometimes, love involves sacrifices; a sacrifice like showing the person you love them so much that you put their happiness before your own..."
The mysterious stranger then took a sip of his whiskey in between his breaths, "It takes a strong person to forgive someone that left them and then wants to come back. Son, what I'm trying to say is: if you had the chance of having that person in your life forever, is the reward of that worth the risk?"
tag list: @2manytabsopen, @jackhues
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
Congrats on the milestone!! Can you write from the dialogue prompt list: “3. (She/he/they) don’t compare to you. No one does.” for Morgan Frost? 💗
thank you!! <3
3. "(she/he/they) don't compare to you. no one does." (from this prompt list)
morgan watched from your table as you talked with someone. he had never seen the guy before, but the way you were talking with him, it wasn't your first time meeting.
you had come to a coffee shop to celebrate his past couple of games. it was different from your normal ritual, so you got special drinks and special desserts.
you finally ended the conversation and made your way back over to the table, setting the drinks you had ordered down, "who was that?"
"that was dean. we went to school together," you responded, taking your seat next to him and adding all the fixtures into your coffee.
"hmm..." morgan hummed.
"what?" you asked.
"nothing." morgan shook his head, "does he know you have a boyfriend?"
"yes, he does. we were talking about, actually." you raised a brow, "what is it, frost. spit it out."
"are you sure he knew you had a boyfriend?" morgan asked.
"yes, i'm sure." you nodded, confused at what he was getting at, "are you okay? i'm so confused, mo."
"really? he was practically flirting with you." it clicked then.
"morgan frost, are you jealous?" you couldn't help but smile.
"why are you smiling? this isn't funny."
you leaned over and supped his face in your hands, "morgan, i promise you, he does not compare to you. no one does."
his eyes softened a but, but he still looked upset, "he was flirting with you."
"if he was, it was bad. i was not flirting back, i promise. i'm not very good at picking up social cues."
"that's true." he nodded.
"he's also the quarterback who peaked in high school, so he's another level of jerk." morgan winced, "plus, i like the guys who peak after high school." you winked.
"rude!" he softly shoved you.
taylor's 2.5k celly!
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toasttt11 · 3 months
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April 8, 2024
“Jay?” Phoenix softly called out as he shut their front door behind him, Phoenix walked through the apartment seeing Jamie sitting on their couch with the balcony door open and enjoying the nice weather.
“Jay.” Phoenix soflty said as he stepped in the living and made Jamie open his eyes and smile softly realizing Phoenix is back home already.
Jamie happily smiled and reached his hands out towards his boyfriend making Phoenix smiled fondly and set the coffee and pasties on the coffee table that he went to grab for them and quickly grabbed on Jamie’s hands and sat down right next to Jamie and set his head on Jamie’s shoulder.
Jamie happily hummed and reached forward grabbing their coffee and handing Phoenix his and holding his own and using his free hand to wrap around Phoenix and play with Phoenix’s blonde curls.
“Thank you.” Jamie softly spoke pressing a gentle kiss to his boyfriend’s head.
They had a free morning only busy later in the afternoon so they spent a good while just cuddling in Jamie’s bed before Phoenix got up and left to pick them up some breakfast.
There was only a few games left of the season and they did not make playoffs so their off season will start soon.
Phoenix had gotten an offer to join team USA in worlds but he hasn’t accepted or denied yet nor has he told Jamie yet, he knew Jamie was getting surgery done once the season was over and he didn’t want to be gone for that and wanted to be there for his boyfriend but he also knew he needed to tell Jamie about the offer because they need to communicate.
Phoenix took a deep breath and set his coffee back on the table and gentle took Jamie’s too setting it on the table as well.
Jamie frowned slightly confused watching as Phoenix toon a few deep breaths before Phoenix gently grabbed his hands, “I got an offer for worlds.”
“Darling! This is incredible!” Jamie beamed proudly quickly pressing a few kisses to Phoenix’s face but pulled back not seeing Phoenix looking that happy, “Or is it not?” Jamie questioned confused but squeezed Phoenix’s hands encouraging.
“It is. Of course it’s an honor but what about your surgery i might not be able to be there for all of it.” Phoenix looked extremely worried at the idea of not being there for Jamie.
Jamie’s face softened completely in complete adoration for Phoenix, “Phoenix my darling, while i’m very grateful you want to be there for everything it is okay if you aren’t, i am more than okay with it.” Jamie was so extremely fond of this boy.
“Are you sure?” Phoenix looked slighty hopeful because while he wanted to be with Jamie for absolutely everything he did know Trevor accepted to playing at Worlds and Phoenix has barely played with his brother ands it’s something he enjoys.
“Of course.” Jamie smiled softly and gently rubbed the back of Phoenix’s head, “Besides by the time you’re at Worlds i’ll be pretty much healed up and can join you.” Jamie suggested smiling at the exicted look on Phoenix’s face.
“Okay.” Phoenix nodded let out a sigh, “I’ll go.”
Jamie smiled pressed a long kiss to his lips before pulling back and resting their foreheads together, “I’m not wearing anything US though.” Jamie playfully teased making Phoenix chuckle.
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konecnyy · 1 year
🍊 sweet things
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─── just another blurb party
so sorry, i definitely did not mean to neglect this blog. but hi, lets have a blurb party! this will be open indefinitely, so just keep on dropping by!
tag: 🍊 blurb party
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rules & regulations
-> prompts! i've provided prompts, but feel free to send in whatever ideas you might have, and i will do my best to bring your vision to life.
-> use the roster! i only write for certain players at the moment, so if you send in a player not on the roster below, i will delete your request.
-> smut is allowed, but... you must be 18+ to request. so any anons that request smut will be deleted. if you don't want your ask to be attached to the smut, then lmk and i will post your request separately!
what to request
-> instagram edits: send in a player & a scenario! i'll do the rest! [ i.e. can i get a hard launch post with carter hart? ]
-> blurbs: send in a player & a scenario! keep it simple, keep it sweet! [i.e. morgan frost comforting reader after she had a bad day at work]
angst / fluff / comfort
the roster
travis konecny carter hart morgan frost mat barzal anthony beauvillier sebastian aho (canes) andrei svechnikov jack hughes tyson jost sidney crosby
thanks for joining !
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savoies · 4 years
When We Both Look At Art - Morgan Frost.
Summary: going to a museum with Morgan.
Word Count: 465
Warnings: none?
A/N: hey look! Morgan is back and so am i with the Morgan content since i love him. Just something cute and simple from an idea i had a while back. enjoy! special thanks to @hartsyhart for encouraging me to write it and to @bowenbyram and @cozycozzy .
Taglist: @hartsyhart @nhlpetey @mitch-slap @frostythegoalman @ryanssuzuki  @aria253264 @thelionkingpw @mtkachuk @kaitieskidmore1 @kiedhara @laurenairay @teenagekook ​ @alxvlasic ​ @hockeyallthetime ​ @barzy-baby ​ @bigboigritty ​ @puckshitbitch ​ @bowenbyram ​ @mems06 ​ @colecaufields  @connormcdavo ​ @maattamatthews @jdrysdales ​ @selenophileangel ​ .
tagging some friends: @kempe ​ @folkloreflyers ​ @bestestbenn ​ @heybarzy ​ @tkachuk-yeah ​ .
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(*credit to gif owner*)
Morgan and you had been dating for a few months. Honestly, it was going pretty slow but you wouldn't change it for anything. You liked taking your time, enjoying your time together whenever he wasn't playing hockey.
Dates filled with random activities, from going to little coffee shops around Philly, to going to a history or art museum. Philadelphia was filled with stuff to do, so everytime you guys were free you'd find yourself walking down the streets, hand in hand, as the city lights lit up your surroundings.
Today, both of you were on your way to a museum that had just opened a new art exhibition last week. Neither of you were probably properly dressed for a high end museum, but you didn't care as long as both of you had a good time.
Upon arriving and getting stares from people on your clothing choice of sweatpants, you dragged Morgan through the crowd of higher class people with pearl earrings and rolex watches.
After looking at paintings for hours and "critiquing" them under your judging scale of how pretty it was to look at, if you'd buy it, and if you'd stare at it for hours, you decided to walk around the museum to take a look at your favorites a second time before you headed home.
"Why is this your favorite?" Morgan asked you as he squeezed your hand. 
"I don't know, I just think there's so much going on all at once that it's kind of cool to try and think what was going on in the artist's head." You spoke up.
"Woah, and here I thought you were gonna say cause it looks like a pizza." He laughed.
"Morgs, where the heck do you see a pizza?" You asked him utterly confused on how he even got that from the picture five feet in front of you.
"Here you have to stand here." He grabbed your shoulders and moved you to the side.
After squinting your eyes and trying to figure it out, you gave up. "Ok yeah. I don't see it, let's go see yours." 
Walking a few feet down the marbled hallway you came to a halt as Morgan did.
"Now, why might this have been your favorite?" You asked him with a very serious tone and expression trying to imitate those fancy art critiques.
"Honestly I'm not sure. It just makes me happy." He spoke up.
"It is really pretty." You laid your head on his shoulder as you continued to observe it.
"But not as pretty as you." He whispered in your ear.
"You are so cheesy." You giggled.
"Hey I'm just telling the truth." He said as he wrapped your fingers together and started to walk to the exit, smiles on both of your faces.
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rachaelswrites · 4 years
Blurb Masterlist
Updated: 7/7/2021
Part 2
Sebastian Stan
First Time on Set
Panic Attack
Candy Thief
You’re Sick
Christmas Tree
Rugby Practice
Sick on Christmas
About Time
Jake Gyllenhaal
Not Your Fault
Chris Evans
Online School
Bad Day
First Day
New Baby
Sneaking Out
Here For You
Christmas Cuddles
Fan Hate
Scared: Payback
Back To School
Matthew Gray Gubler
Pumpkin Carving
Pumpkin Patch
Obsessed With Christmas
Sick on Set
Unauthorized Documentary
Alvin and The Chipmunks
Wisdom Teeth
Carry Me
Mis-Matched Socks
Scary Movie
Christmas Movies
Family Visit
Christmas Cheer
Panic Attack
Book Signing
Ice Skating
Fancy Dinner
Tom Holland
Sprained Ankle
Instagram Live
Finally Home
Ski Incident
Tom Hiddleston
Wisdom Teeth
Bucky Barnes
After School
Cuddle Buddy
Bedtime Stories
Ransom Drysdale
Streamer Boyfriend
Wisdom Teeth
Bad Day
Trick or Treat
Period Pain
Taken Advantage Of
Steve Rogers
Pillow Fort
Spencer Reid
Harry Potter
Nothing Like Him
Put Her Down
Jail Visit
Cat Adams
Cognitive Interview
Acting Out
New Dad
Tall Boyfriend
Don’t Leave
Morgan V.S Reid
Stood Up
Old You
Brushing Teeth
Hide and Seek
Same Movie
Full Sentences
Goodbye Derek
Prison Visit
Barging In
Emily Prentiss
Back Again
Bath Time
After Rossi’s
After school
Unit Chief
Jennifer Jareau
More Than Me
Family Cuddles
Mama Bear
Brother or Sister
Arron Hotchner
Mr. Scratch
Jaeden x evans!reader
First Kiss
Make Out
Game Night
Snuck In
The Evans’
Noah x gyllenhaal!reader
Louis x stan!reader
New York Tour
First Time Over
Dad’s Costar
Leash Child
Working Out
Fan pages
“Just Friends”
Finn x gubler!reader
Movie Night
Dream Team
Frosting Mishap
Something Wrong
Peter x barnes!reader
Wyatt x holland!reader
First Meet
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laurenairay · 3 years
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One blurb, one winter trope, one guy, each day of December ❄️ i’ve finally picked tropes for all of the players, so have a look below to see which prompt will be with your favourite! I’m about halfway through writing them all - still got a way to go, but it’s been the most fun.
It’s going to be a winter wonderland ride to remember!
1. Tyson Barrie - Mistletoe 2. William Nylander - Seeing your breath 3. Chris Kreider - Christmas baking 4. Morgan Reilly - Travelling home 5. Laurent Brossoit - Nighttime snow 6. Leon Draisaitl - Christmas market 7. Frederik Andersen - Evergreens 8. Tyler Seguin - Tracks in the snow 9. Erik Johnson - Snowed in 10. Andre Burakovsky - Lost in a storm 11. Colton Parayko - Christmas sweaters 12. Andrei Svechnikov - Snowball fight 13. Cale Makar - Holidays movies 14. Elias Pettersson -Walk in the snow 15. Mika Zibanejad - Hot chocolate 16. Kevin Hayes - Building a snowman 17. Nico Hischier - Wrapping presents 18. Matthew Tkachuk - Blanket nest 19. Ryan Graves - Winter spices 20. Joel Farabee - Christmas music 21. Jacob Markstrom - Decorating the house 22. Miro Heiskanen - Work party 23. Roope Hintz - Chapped lips 24. Mitch Marner - Mittens 25. Dougie Hamilton - Curled up by the fire 26. Tyson Jost - Waking up early 27. Jamie Oleksiak - Ice Skating 28. Nathan MacKinnon - Renting a winter cabin 29. Mikko Rantanen - Frosted windows 30. Jeff Skinner - Bundled up 31. Sidney Crosby - New Year’s Eve
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alltooreid · 3 years
hi !!! first of congrats oh my gosh you deserve all of them and more :)
for the blurb celebration could you do a fluff for promot 30 with the reader having she/her pronouns? it could be like friends to lovers with like constant teasing banter and then theyre like oops i accidentally fell in live with you, ya dork? or whatever you want!
thank you so so much, you’re so sweet!! and i love this request omg!!
Prompt: #30: “i'm sick and tired of your attitude”
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader 
Type: Fluffiest Fluff
Word Count: 1.1K
Content Warnings: None! (I think, please let me know if I’m missing something!)
“There’s my favorite loser!” Y/N said, ruffling her best friend Spencer Reid's hair as she walked past his desk. “So, what are you doing tonight babe?”
When Y/N started at the BAU, Spencer remembered being overwhelmed and nervous whenever she called him babe, until she called Morgan babe for getting her coffee and Garcia babe when she met her for the first time. What really confirmed for him that Y/N would call anything and everything babe is when she told Hotch “Good morning babe,” on pure accident because she was so used to using it in everyday conversation.
Now Y/N was his best friend, and he found her calling him babe kind of annoying and comical, instead of romantic and flirtatious. However, he couldn’t help but blush when she would ruffle or play with his hair. But Spencer had convinced himself that was a completely natural response, that it meant nothing, and that he definitely had no feelings for Y/N.
“Nothing, really. I’ll probably just stay home,” Spencer said. “I just bought a first edition copy of Pride and Prejudice that is practically begging to be read.”
She rolled her eyes over-dramatically, Spencer laughed, knowing she didn’t actually mean it and was just trying to mess with him. “Or you could do something way better. Instead of reading an incredibly boring book written in old English, you could come to my apartment and we could watch the movie! It’s really good, I promise even you’ll love it.”
Spencer smirked, “I don’t know, movie night sounds fun and all. . .  Maybe I’ll see if Emily wants to watch it with me.”
She laughed, “Oh so now you’re too good for me huh?”
“Maybe I'm just sick and tired of your attitude Y/N,” he said while smiling, they both knew that wasn’t true at all. Spencer found it comforting that Y/N was just as humorous with him as she was with everyone else, sometimes even more so. He often felt that because he was awkward around his coworkers and didn’t always get their sarcasm or jokes that he wasn’t included in the more silly, mundane “water cooler talk.”
Sometimes when he would try to include himself, he would begin to ramble, and by the time he was done most of his friends had walked away. Even more times they would just interrupt him so that he would stop talking.  Yet whenever he would attempt to make himself more conversational, everyone seemed to think it was stupid and a useless endeavor.
But with Y/N, Spencer knew she was willing to take the time to make jokes with him and listen to his interests. So when Y/N made fun of him, he knew that it wasn’t out of malice. He felt comfortable exchanging banter with her; he was never scared of annoying her or messing something up.
“I don’t know how much I believe that Reid. . .  but if you insist I guess I’ll just have to see if Penelope would like this chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles…. What a shame.”
“Wait! Y/N I still definitely want that.”
“Well I’m sure Penelope does as well, and she likes my attitude,” she said, giggling as she walked away.
Not too long after however, Y/N was back, and surprised Spencer by hugging him from behind and nuzzling her head on his shoulder. “Just kidding dork, I would never do that to you,” she dropped the donut onto his desk, “but! I would consider it if you don’t come watch Pride and Prejudice with me tonight.”
He laughed “Don’t worry Y/N, I’ll be there.”
“Yes! I knew it! Pride and Prejudice is on! 7 pm, my apartment, and you better bring snacks.”
She squeezed him again, and then went back to her desk, spinning around a couple of times in her chair and smiling.
Spencer couldn’t help but smile as well, both at the sight in front of him and his newest realization, one that he had buried deep inside himself ever since Y/N started at the BAU.
He was in love with his best friend.
“Spencer! You’re finally here! Did you bring snacks?” Y/N said, practically jumping off her couch as Spencer let himself inside; she had a terrible habit of always leaving her door unlocked when she was home.
“What do you mean finally?” he asked, “I’m ten minutes early?”
“Yeah but I’m starving and I really wanna watch this movie,” she radiated excitement, “Now come sit down and cuddle with me.”
This was one of those things that should have made Spencer realize just how much he loved Y/N. Platonic cuddling was not something Spencer was used to, but when it came to Y/N he looked forward to it. Yet now the realization that it was only platonic on one end made Spencer feel awkward.
“You seem tense babe. What’s wrong?” Y/N asked.
“It’s nothing,” he lied.
“Don’t play that game with me Spencer, you’re my best friend. I love you, I know you better than I know myself, you can tell me anything.”
He sighed, “That’s the problem Y/N, you love me, but I realized today that I don’t just love you, I’m in love with you.”
Y/N’s mouth was wide open, and for a second when he looked at her Spencer thought he had ruined everything.
That was until she fit her mouth to his.
“I realized a week ago, it hit me like a truck. When I went to your apartment after the Oregon case, and you read me to sleep because it had affected me so much. I just remember lying there, eyes half shut, and thinking ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with this man, I want to come home to this every single night’ and that’s when I realized I was in love with you.”
“That’s a cuter story than mine, I realized this morning. Something in me finally said that there was no way best friends felt the way I feel around you.”
Y/N pushed his hair off his forehead and planted a kiss there, “Look at us dork,” she said with her lips still brushing the top of his head, “We accidentally fell in love with each other.”
Spencer smiled and then laughed, “Yeah, I guess we did.”
taglist!!: @reidingmelodies @hercleverboy @rigatonireid @muffin-cup @takeyourleap-of-faith @wheelsup @spenxerslut @averyhotchner @widow-cevans @laurnrnlds @samuel-de-champagne-problems
let me know if you would like to be added or removed!!
please reblog and let me know what you think!! :))
or send me direct feedback here!
thank you again for this request! if anyone else would like to send request for my 300 celebration please refer to these guidelines!!
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masterwords · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Jack!
Summary: Derek has a unique approach to learning to drive.
Warnings: No warnings, just a cute blurb for Jack on his 16th birthday.
Pairings: Hotch/Morgan
Words: ~600
“Alright, kid...” Derek says with a grin, buckling his seat belt. He makes a show of it, checks that it's tight, watches for Jack to roll his eyes. “Drivin's easy. You're gonna be a natural, I can feel it...your real problem is gonna be the other drivers on the road.”
Jack is shaking as he adjusts his rearview mirror, checks that there is gas, glances down at the pedals to make sure he remembers which is which. He's done it a million times in the simulator in Driver's Ed but this is his first time behind the wheel of an actual car. His dad's car.
“Drivers like your dad, for example,” Derek continues, indicating for Jack to put the key in the ignition. Derek adjusts the radio, he's brave but he's got to have his own music or this won't work. Besides, Jack needs to learn what good music actually is and he's not going to do that by listening to his friends or his father. It's as much a musical education as it is about driving this morning. “He likes to use his car as a battering ram. Don't do that. Watch out for guys like that.”
“My dad...” Jack starts to ask what that means exactly, when it happened, but he doesn't want to know, doesn't want to go there. His dad makes questionable decisions daily and he just can't worry about all of them or he'd go insane. He and Jessica already worry enough without all of the details.
The engine roars to life and he lets his foot hover over the gas pedal briefly before depressing the brake, putting his hands on the steering wheel. He sucks in a deep breath and narrows his eyes, peers out at the parking lot before him – it's empty, it's 5am and frost still clings to the yellowing grass in the parking strips bordering the wasteland of asphalt, abandoned, weeds climbing up through cracks left untended. The sun isn't even peeking over the horizon yet, the sky is milky and pale bleeding into black and the streetlights pool around them trying to compete with the impending brightness. It's the perfect place.
“Happy Birthday, Jackie...” Derek is beaming, bright wide smile and he's gripping the door handle but he's doing his best not to show it. He's not really nervous, he just remembers his uncle taking him out like this and the wild way he clung to the door but laughed loud like a child at an amusement park. He'd always wondered if his father would have done it like this, too - he would probably have been more like Aaron, conventional and reserved with checklists to mark and rule books to memorize before ever touching the keys. “Floor it, kid!”
Maybe it's not conventional, but Derek thinks learning to drive should first be fun and a little exciting, get those what if jitters out. They ensure the car is in working order and then he teaches Jack to spin donuts, slam on his breaks, have a little fun getting to know the way his car handles under duress. The parking lot is slick in places where frost sits atop oil and the car slides just enough to spook Jack but he figures it out. He's a quick study.
There's no one around for miles, and Jack is a reserved kid by nature but this is the best birthday present he could think to give him. A morning to let loose, throw caution to the wind.
When they get home, maybe they won't tell Aaron everything Jack did. Derek might say he's the one who crunched the tail light on a graffiti crusted cement monstrosity that may have been a wall at some point in recent history. They're both smiling, though, and they're ready for a big birthday breakfast. When Aaron takes him out to practice in the afternoon, Jack won't feel so nervous in control of his car.
“What are you doing?” Aaron asks as Jack smiles, running his hands along the steering wheel.
“Getting a feel for her,” he replies and Aaron rolls his eyes and bemoans Derek's lackadaisical approach to driving before launching into a step by step checklist for Jack to go over before even putting the keys in the ignition.
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spencessmile · 4 years
Pairing - Spencer Reid x Reader 
Summary - You have a migraine & Spencer wants nothing more than to help you feel better. 
Warnings  - None
Word Count - 1,761 words 
And all imagines/fanfics/blurbs are written solely by me so please don't steal my work and post it without my consent. 
Feedback and Comments are always welcome. Happy reading! 
Requests are open!
"Babe, are you okay?" You looked at Spencer grabbing your second coffee of the day from the small kitchenette. "You look a little pale." 
You leaned against the counter, taking in the smell of fresh-brewed coffee. "Spence," You put a hand on his arm. "I'm fine." You assured him.
"Morning lovebirds," Morgan called as he walked into the bullpen with his arm around Garcia. Just a few months ago you told you the team that you and Spencer were seeing each other and Derek made it his second job to tease you and Spencer about it. You never bothered you in fact you found it weirdly cute.
"Please tell me there is more coffee because I have donuts!" Emily said, walking in holding two boxes of donuts. 
"Oh!" Spencer cheered, you slightly winced at his voice. "Did you happen to get any-?" 
"Chocolate frosted with sprinkles? How could I forget your favourite?" Emily said, putting the boxes down as everyone dove in the boxes. 
"Good morning!" JJ cheered, holding her go-to bag and her mug of coffee. "Oh, donuts!" She said rushing over. 
"Pretty girl?" Morgan said. "Don't you want any? This sweet honey glazed donut is yelling your name," He motioned towards the box. 
"Nah," You shook your head. "I'm okay." 
"Since when do you refuse donuts? You love donuts," Morgan was right, you had a major sweet tooth and donuts were always your thing. You considered donuts to be your comfort food.
"I know," You said. "For today I'll stick to this protein bar," You said, walking to your desk. You sat down and started on the stack of paperwork. 
Three more cups of coffees and hours later, you felt your head starting to pound, the bright fluorescent lights above you weren't helping at all. You put your head in your hands and closed your eyes. 
You were so tired last night that you and Spencer got into bed as soon as you stepped foot into the apartment but the only problem was while Spencer slept peacefully you couldn't get in a blink of sleep. You kept twisting and turning, sometimes feeling too hot or too cold. 
Now you found yourself rubbing your temples trying to soothe the pain. To the right of you JJ, Emily, Garcia, Morgan, and Spencer were all loudly arguing about the Bermuda triangle. You tried to shut out their voices but every second you tried the louder their voices got louder. 
You couldn't take it anymore so you snapped. "Can you all please shut up, please?!”
The team looked over at you, all of them in shock because you were known to be a very quiet and reserved person, you never raised your voice. 
"Woah," Morgan said. "You could have just asked politely, pretty girl," Morgan laughs. "Someone’s a little snappy this morning," Morgan was referring to something you may have said earlier that came out in the wrong tone of voice. 
You push your chair out slightly and straighten your legs, you put your forehead down on the table, the cold table feeling good. 
You felt someone crouch down beside you but kept your eyes shut. 
"Your not okay, are you?" You heard Spencer say softly. You didn't say anything, your hands were wrapped around your head blocking out the lights and it felt amazing. "I'm going to tell Hotch that we're heading home for the day," You lifted your head to stop Spencer but as soon as the lights were beaming down on you, you winced in pain.
"No," You say. "I'm fine. It's just a small headache." 
Spencer grabbed your hands. "It's not a headache. Y/n, you're having a migraine," You didn't want to admit it but Spencer was right you were having a migraine and it was bad. "How many times have I told you to tell me when you're having migraines?" He asked. "Y/N, migraines aren't a small thing. I know exactly how they feel." 
All your life people always thought you were overacting when you told them how bad your migraines were until you met Spencer and found out he also had them. You were sort of relieved in a way knowing you weren’t alone. You two always took care of each other. 
"I didn't want you to worry." 
"Well, I am worried now because you look like you're in so much pain and I don't like seeing you in pain, you know that." 
"I know," You responded. "I'm sorry." 
"Give me two minutes and I'm gonna go and speak with Hotch." 
"But I have all this paperwork to finish," You motioned to the stack of paperwork on your desk. 
"The paperwork is always going to be there. I'll be right back," With that Spencer left for Hotch's office. 
You stood up and walked towards the group. "I'm sorry for snapping at you guys, I didn't mean to."
"It's alright pretty girl," Morgan assured you.
"Are you not feeling well?" JJ asked. 
"I've never told anybody but Spence this," You breathe. "But ever since I was 10 years old I get really bad migraines. It takes me days to fully recover from them. Today is the first one I've had in months and it's starting to take the best of me." 
"Oh," Garcia said, "You poor thing. We're so sorry for being loud," Garcia hugged you. 
"It's not your fault. You didn't know," You said. 
"Well, some people don't know how to use their indoor voices," Garcia smacked Morgan's shoulder. 
"Ouch baby girl, that was uncalled for." 
"Your loud-ass voice, hurt our baby angel's head," Garcia said. 
Baby angel was a nickname Garcia had for you from the day you started working alongside this team. You don't remember where it came from but you liked it, a lot. 
"I wasn't the only one talking loudly," Morgan argued. 
"Chocolate thunder, we were using our indoor loud voices. You were using your outdoor loud voice." She explains. 
"Alright," Spencer said, walking towards you. "Let's go home," Spencer grabbed the files off of your desk and his and shoved them into his satchel. 
"I need everyone in the round table in two minutes. We have a case," You turn around hearing Hotch's voice. 
Before you could say anything Spencer moved in front of you. 
"Wrong way beautiful,”  He said, putting his Stachel on. 
"Spence," You said. "We have a case,” You said pointing to Hotch. 
"No," He said. "The team has a case," Everyone laughs at your reaction. "You and I are going home." 
"But I wan-"
"Nope," Spencer shook his head, taking your hand in his and dragging you before you could continue to protest. 
"I just want everyone to know that I'm being taken against my will." You yelled across the room and everyone laughed. "Please be safe! Love you guys." You say as Spencer guides you towards the elevator.  
You squinted at the lights in the elevator. 
"Baby, wear your sunglasses," Spencer said, kissing your hand. 
"It was the worst day to forget them." 
"I always tell you to keep your sunglasses on you Y/N," Spencer said, digging into his satchel and handing you his spare pair. 
"You said you only keep one pair of sunglasses?" You said as you put on his sunglasses. 
"I always keep an extra pair in here for you." 
"You’re the sweetest baby," You said kissing his cheek. 
The car ride was silent because you fell asleep the second you leaned back in your seat. Spencer drove in silence, occasionally looking at you, frowning wondering how much pain you've must have been in the last couple of hours and he didn't know. 
"Y/N," Spencer opened your door and unbuckled your seat belt. 
You groaned in response. "Baby come on, we're home," You mumbled something but Spencer couldn't tell what you said so he wrapped your bag around his shoulder, picked up you in bride style, and closed the car door with his foot. 
When he finally reached the apartment he fiddled with his key, jamming into the lock and getting the door open. He shut it quickly with his foot and headed straight for the bedroom. He gently placed you down, draping the blanket over you. 
He dropped his satchel and your bag to the floor and walked to the kitchen to get you some Tylenol and water. When he walked back in the room he noticed that you were awake. 
"When did we get home?" You asked, rubbing your head. 
"I tried to wake up but you completely ignored me and continued sleeping," You chuckled as Spencer handed you the pill and the glass of water. 
"Well, I'm sorry you felt ignored." You washed the pill down with water. 
"I didn't feel ignored. I was glad you got some shut-eye." You put the glass down. "You didn't sleep last night, did you?" 
"I was so tired but no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't sleep." 
"You should have woken me up." Spencer rubbed your thigh, in a comforting way. 
"\You looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you up," Spencer shook his head at you. 
"Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something to eat? Maybe some che-" 
"I just want you to hold me," You answered, simply.
"You should eat something before you sleep." 
"I'm not hungry." 
"Spence please I'm not hungry. Just hold me," You said. 
"Okay," Spencer climbed onto his side of the bed, and you laid your head in his lap, as Spencer pulled the blanket, wrapping it around his legs and you. 
"You're the comfiest pillow ever," You mumbled as you felt your eyes starting to get heavy. 
"I'm glad I bring you comfort," Spencer smiled down at you, running his hand through your hair. 
"Oh my god," You groaned. 
"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. 
"Your fingers are a god-given gift," You said. "Continue, please." 
"So I've been told," Spencer spoke, causing your cheeks to blush as you pushed the blanket further up to your face. "I love you,” He laughed, kissing your temple. 
"I love you too." You mumbled. 
Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit - Khalil Gibran
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vroomvroommuppett · 3 years
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total number : 3
cm fic rec masterlist
* = angst
^ = smut
+ = fluff
nsfw alphabet
derek morgan nsfw alphabet ^+ @hotchsbabygirl
one shots
kidnapped *+ @frost-queen
warnings torture , kidnapping , blood violence
heir to the throne (mafia!au) *+ @hotchsbabygirl
warnings smoking, death, loss of sibling and parent, blood and injuries, massive grudge holding, fighting, swearing, alcohol and the consumption of, mentions of garvez, hotchniss and jeid(only tiny) guns and the use of, swearing,
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
philadelphia flyers
* = from a prompt list
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jamie drysdale !
✷ matching tattoos - y/n got a tattoo when she turned 18, and jamie loved it. so he decided to surprise her with a matching tattoo.  
✷ pictures with santa - after seeing kids taking pictures with santa, y/n brings up the idea of taking a family picture with santa. so, y/n and jamie take their little family of dogs to take pictures with santa. (part of “taylor’s very merry christmas” series)
✷ no one likes a bully - after y/n’s niece comes home from school, looking sad, jamie and y/n quickly learn it’s due to bullies at school. *
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samuel ersson !
✷ birthday surprise - y/n surprises sam on his birthday after he gets home from a roadie.
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joel farabee !
✷ 4 times you pull pranks on him, and on time he pulls one on you - y/n and joel have been stuck in quarantine for a while, so you guys find a way to entertain yourselves. tiktok.
✷ driver’s license - a fic based on “driver’s license” from olivia rodrigo’s sour album. (from the “sour” series)
✷ lights out - while y/n and joel are decorating their home for christmas, the power goes out, leaving them both in the dark. (part of “taylor’s 14 days of christmas” series)
✷ hurt - joel has been hurting y/n for years, unknowingly, and it takes a wakeup call for him to finally realize his feelings for y/n. *
✷ wine drunk - y/n is a little bit drunk off wine, but joel doesn’t care. *
✷ a little jealous - y/n is a little jealous when a random girl starts talking to joel. *
✷ no happily ever after - y/n and joel are from two different worlds, and maybe they’re meant to be, but maybe not. *
✷ elvis? - joel, vegas, alcohol and a marriage proposal. *
✷ the four bees - joel farabee, and his life with his two kids, caroline and lincoln.
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morgan frost !
✷ three drinks deep - after a night out with friends, y/n is deposited back to morgan, drunk and lovey. *
✷ fight? - y/n gets into a small fight, and morgan is surprised. *
✷ bad flirt - morgan watches another guy (badly) flirt with his girl. *
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erik johnson !
✷ my person - y/n and nathan mackinnon’s girlfriend payton are best friends. they’re each other’s  “persons” if you will. whenever y/n has boy troubles, she goes to payton and nate’s at whatever time of day. that includes when she has erik troubles. 
✷ not alone - erik and y/n are long-distance, so as an early birthday gift, he (with the help of friends), surprises y/n when she least expects it.
✷ 900 club - y/n throws erik a little party in honor of him playing 900 games. and a love confession ensues.
✷ life with the johnsons - erik johnson, and his life with his three kids, twins lila and zach, and little ivy. 
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[wips] [masterlist of masterlists] [taglist]
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manrocket-mo · 5 years
Momma’s Home - Morgan Rielly
requested: yes (by anon) and no (lol) 
prompt(s): “Daddy Mo and his babies picking mommy up from the airport” + my extraneous twist
word count: 1,822
author’s note: I’ve been trying to crank out Mo content for you all! Hope you enjoy! I have another one coming tomorrow leading up the Raptors game and Leave the Light On (Part 4) on Tuesday! Leave me some Mo asks, blurbs, etc. and I’ll be answering some tomorrow night during game 5!
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Morgan had always been so supportive of your professional development, from the time you were in university to when you were working in the industry to now when you had expressed interest in attending a conference that would sharpen your skills and reignite the passion for marketing. You were three years out of the industry, taking a break to raise a family of your own but that didn’t mean that you didn’t want to continue to grow in your field or at least just catch up.
Once Morgan caught wind of it and heard just how passionate you were and how sad you were that you couldn’t go, he convinced you otherwise. He loved watching you learn and grow and thrive and this was no exception. He was willing to do whatever it took to send you to that conference.
However, that meant that for the first time, you’d have to leave your two babies for more than 24 hours at a time. Yeah, you were used to having Nana and Papa take them for sleepovers on the weekends every now and then but you don’t think you’ve ever truly been a far distance away where you couldn’t just drive over to pick them up. This trip would require you to be in Indianapolis for four days. And just the thought of being in another country away from your boys hurt your heart. Lukas was only two and a half, very mobile and very much living up to the Terrible Twos face and Levi was only six months old and highly dependent on his momma. You weren’t sure how it was going to work but Morgan shushed you, booked your plane ticket and walked you to security boys in tow and sent you on your un-merry way to the US.
Four days later, you returned to Vancouver inspired and full of knowledge and passion but missing your boys most of all. Morgan tried not to overwhelm you with videos and texts of what they were up to during your seminars but you couldn’t help it when you opened those sporadic messages. Seeing their little faces climbing all over your husband, spitting up on him and making a mess made you miss them all the more. The FOMO was very much real.
So as soon as you got off the plane, you couldn’t help but sprint through the airport, your backpack bobbing behind you, in search of your little family. You were hoping to beat the customs line and when you finally did after the longest line you’ve ever seen in YVR, you took off for the escalators.
You couldn’t even describe the giddiness, the aching in your heart, the want to just be home to snuggle with your family.
And when you saw them, at the base of the elevator, you heart burst. Levi was all snuggled up in Morgan’s arms and Lukas was bouncing on his feet with a “Welcome Home, Momma” sign, written sloppily in Crayola marker, by Morgan’s side and you knew instantly that this was where your heart belonged.
“My boys!” You squealed, running up to where they stood and scooping up your son and pressing a big kiss to his cheek.
“Momma, momma,” Lukas chanted, getting your attention. “Miss you!”
You smile at him and dropped another kiss to his forehead, melting as your little man snuggled up into you. “Missed you, Lulu!”
And then you look to your husband and your heart bursts with thankfulness and gratitude. He’s holding Levi’s tiny baby hand in his with a bouquet of peonies outstretched in your direction.
“Welcome home, momma,” he smiles, his arm winding around your waist and pulling you in for a kiss. “We missed our girl, didn’t we, Levi!”
You throw your arms around his waist and hugged him to you. “Missed my boys more than anything in the world,” you mumble into his neck. “I’m so glad to be back home with you.”
He presses one last kiss to your temple before stepping back. “Let’s get your bag off the belt so we can get you home for a good cuddle session, k?” You let a wiggley Lukas down and nod, extending your arms for your baby boy, letting Morgan go to grab your bag off the revolving belt, your two and a half year old in tow.
You cuddle Levi to your chest, his head tucked tiredly under your chin. You press a gentle kiss to his tuft of blonde hair and enjoy his soft breaths against your skin as you rub up and down his back comfortingly. “Momma’s back, baby boy.”
You lament on the long weekend behind you and although you had the best time, learning from the greats in the marketing industry and teaming up with the up and coming from around North America, you knew that the workplace was no longer for you, at least for now. You belonged here, with your youngest baby cuddled up in your arms, watching as your husband swung your toddler up and onto your luggage, rolling him along, squeals of excitement in the air. You knew you belonged with them, no matter where that was: at home, at the airport, in Vancouver, in Toronto, at the rink, on vacation. With your boys, that’s where you wanted to be.
“Ready to go?” Morgan asks as he nears you and you nod, taking his hand in yours and walking toward the parking garage.
After tucking in the boys into their car seats, you got into the front seat.
“Mo, is this Ice Cap for me?” you wonder, staring down at the frozen beverage sitting in the cup holder.
Morgan joins you in the front seat and grins at you. “Yeah, I had my morning coffees, thought you’d need your caffeine fix, too.”
You brighten up, taking a much needed sip and moaning at the caffeine jolt. “How’d you know I’d need this?”
“Well, Lulu here wanted a doughnut on the way and you know I can’t resist doughnuts...” you roll your eyes but giggle at the admission. “And I remember what you were like after our honeymoon, so...”
“Okay, to be fair, we were flying from Italy. The jet lag was insane.”
“...And every time we fly from Toronto to Vancouver...” he laughs and you shove at his arm.
“Shut up and just take me home, Mo,” you grumble, taking another sip. “Can’t even save me a donut...”
“What do you think I am, a monster?” your husband challenged, reaching back and throwing a paper bag your way. “Chocolate frosted with sprinkles, baby. Your favorite.”
“Lulu’s favorite, too!” Your toddler chimes in from his car seat.
“You boys are buttering me up... What’s going on?” you mumble, narrowing your eyes.
“We just miss momma, don’t we?”
Levi’s coos fill the car as if agreeing with Mo and you all laugh.
“But I guess you’ll just have to see when you get home.”
When you got home, the scene before you was enough to drive you to tears. You walked into the entryway of your home with your baby boy sleeping soundly in your arms to a huge banner strung across the foyer reading “Welcome home, momma!” in paint, Levi and Lukas’ hand and footprints making all the vowels.
“Oh my god, Morgan!” You cried. “This is too sweet! I can’t imagine how hard it was!”
“Oh, yeah. Lulu over there finished his handprints and took off to the nearest white wall he could. Grabbed him last minute.” But you were thankful nonetheless. “Come on, got another surprise for you!”
Morgan grabbed you by the hand and led you into the study.
“What could you—“ and you were speechless.
What once was the room that held Morgan’s extra gear was now an actual study, outfitted with books and decor in the built ins, a brand new desk and sitting area. It was straight out of a catalogue.
“My mom helped me clean and decorate it. Thought, you know, since you’re serious about going back to work that you’d need an office of your own.”
“Morgan, that’s not—“
“I already have some interior designers back scheduled to visit the house in Toronto in a few weeks. It should be all done before we get back!”
“Mo...” you didn’t know what else to do but hug your husband, so you did. You held him tight, careful not to disturb your son sleeping in your arms. “Thank you. Thank you.”
“Anything for my girl,” he whispers against your head. “Come on, I got dinner ready. Let’s go, you must be starving.”
And you were. You scarfed down the home cooked meal like it was your last, the lasagna rich and warm in your belly.
“Thank you, Momo,” you murmured, resting against your husband, his arm wound around you as you laid back and watched Moana for what was probably the hundredth time with your boys all cuddled up on the couch.
“For what?” he asks, absentmindedly, one hand playing in your hair, the other cradling Levi.
“For this. The trip, the conference, taking care of the boys on your own while I was away, dinner, the sign, the study! This was all too much!”
His gaze shifts to you tenderly and he watches you tenderly. “You spend all your time supporting me and my career and sacrificing everything... that this, this is the very least I can do and the very beginning of a lifelong devotion to thanking you for what you do for me, for us... I can’t imagine what it must be like to give up something you love, your dream job and I don’t want you to—“
“You had fun, right? This weekend, you had fun?”
“I mean, yeah. I had fun, I learned a lot. But, Morgan... that was my past life. This, here, with you and the boys... this is where I belong. There is nowhere else I’d rather be.”
The way he looked at you... you didn’t think he could ever look softer, more tender, more in love.
“I love our babies, our family more than any job, any position, anything else. I will always pick our family over anything. Momma is the title that was meant for me.”
And in the dimness, the flickering of the television with Moana score playing in the background, your children surrounding you, Morgan leaned in to press a kiss to your lips.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, too, Momo.”
And with that, you snuggle up, pulling the blanket further over you and Luke who was cuddled into your side.
“But Mo?”
“Yeah, baby?”
“I can take a trip every now and then if that means coming back home to this sweetness every time... and to dinner and a clean house and a chocolate frosted sprinkle doughnut.”
Mo chuckles at your statement, presses a kiss to your temple and murmurs, “that can be arranged.”
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toasttt11 · 6 months
phoenix nicholas zegras
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summary: the oldest zegras sibling, a defenseman for the flyers and trying not to fall in love with his little brothers best friend
phoenix zegras
introducing phoenix
phoenix x jamie
favorites and facts
phoenix’s style
tell me
new roommate
jamie’s boyfriend
best friend
road trips
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milfgritty · 4 years
Can you do 2 and 19 on random with Morgan Frost?
2. “sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!” 19. “she’s hiding behind the sofa.”
“i’m cold.”
“i’m not giving you my hoodie,” morgan didn’t bother looking up as he replied. he stared down at his phone, scrolling mindlessly. the tv played quietly in the background, neither of you paying attention.
you purse your lips, staring intently at his still form. waiting, waiting. you draw the blankets tighter around your body, narrowing your eyes.
“please?” you try again, pitching your voice just a bit higher than normal. maybe cuteness will work.
he ducked his head down further, but you were still able to spot the smile playing on the edge of his lips. moving slowly to avoid detection, you slid your foot out from under the blankets. you nudged his side, once, twice, wriggling your toes as you did.
he let out a bark of laughter, squirming away from your foot. “still no, babe,” he grinned, peeking over at you.
alright. enough was enough. time to change the game plan. you sat up, wiggling from your blanket.
“sharing is caring, morgan. now give me that hoodie,” you shrieked, giggling maniacally as you pounced.
“fu-” he was barely able to get out, your body flying into his and tackling both of you off the couch. you landed in a crash, limbs tangling. your hands latched onto his hoodie—your favorite one of his that he had just recently stole back from you—yanking it up his torso.
“gimme!” you yelled, batting away his hands at the same time. morgan laugheing loudly beneath you, he barely made an effort to get you off. he knew you weren’t going to quit. you never did.
“aha,” was your exclamation of victory when you managed to pull it over his head. scrambling up, you dodged his hands as they made to grab you. your mad dash out his room was nearly cut off by joel coming out of the kitchen, brought in to the madness.
“this shit again?” you heard him ask, ignoring him as you continued to try to escape your pursuing boyfriend.
squealing, you sped up when you felt morgan’s hands graze your hoodie—okay another one of his, but who was keeping track? “help me!” you screamed to joel, skidding the corner around him into the kitchen. putting your boyfriend’s teammate in between the two of you, you smiled widely at morgan.
“what’s in it for me?” joel asked, blocking morgan’s entrance.
“my eternal gratitude?” you tried, using him as a distraction to duck down and begin to crawl towards the living room out of sight.
“cheater!” morgan yelled.
laughing under your breath, you made it to safety. plopping down, you shucked off your (morgan’s) hoodie, pulling on the one in your hands. breathing in the lingering scent on it, you settled down to hide.
“where are you, you thief,” morgan’s voice sounded a few feet behind you. you stifled a giggle, wiggling further down.
“I’m gonna bet money that she’s hiding behind the sofa, it’s like her go to hiding spot,” joel called from the kitchen? you couldn’t tell as panic welled up at his words.
flashing to your feet, you let out a startled screech when you came face to face with your boyfriend. “traitor,” you laugh-yelled to joel, being taken hostage almost immediately.
“love yooouu,” he replied, ducking his head out to smile cheekily at you.
morgan turned, shielding you from his line of view. “get your own girlfriend!”
“hey,” you started behind tiny bursts of laughter, peeking up at him and interrupting joel’s cries of indignancy. “can I still keep the hoodie? i already have it on.”
blurb night pt. 2
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donsjuans · 7 years
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Loud the winds howl, loud the waves roar, thunderclaps rend the air; baffled, our foes stand by the shore, follow they will not dare… 
Since the anointment of James VI unto the English throne, the toil and hostility that had plagued England and Scotland for centuries seemingly dissipated as the sacred-oil blessed he who had roamed amongst the Scottish heather as a bairn. Peace and prosperity blossomed in the thawing of an animosity as ancient as the monolithic cairns and towering crags - yet old wounds can fester and the blooming springtide would turn bitter with an inevitable frost. 
It is now the year 1741 and the rivers will once more trickle crimson with the blood of the clans. Up in the highlands, there is talk of a Rebellion - the coming of a Bonnie Prince who shall sit upon his rightful throne, restoring the one true faith and granting the Scots the right to govern themselves. Some flock to the cause, others turn their shoulder to it, but many are fearful of it. Fearful of the Red Coats who roam the lowlands and highlands in search of the traitors; but not even punishment at the hands of the English can sway the minds of those prepared to bleed and die for their way of life. The Jacobite cause is gaining momentum as the British crown is tightening the vice upon the Scottish Clans - the Drums of War await.
                           under the cut you will find membership information for DOA. 
✕ You must be 17 years or older to join.  All faceclaims must be above the age of 18;  no duplicates shall be permitted (unless under certain circumstances such as twins).  ✕ Anyone is allowed to join.  However,  you must be a mutual of either myself (donsjuans/pargeneticae) or kiintsvgi to join.  Basic understanding of the historical time period will be expected,  but not too rigidly.   ✕ Please be courteous to group members & treat others with respect.  No ooc drama will be tolerated;  ic drama is encouraged.  ✕ Members are permitted to have as many characters as they like.  No activity requirements will be enforced. ✕ After being accepted,  members should post a short informative blurb on their character / their character’s family in the tag doaintro. 
[ ooc name,  timezone,  blog url  ]    is that,  [ faceclaim ] ?  no,  thats just [  first & last name ]  the  [ age ] year old [ occupation/status ] .  [ first name ]  has lived in scotland for [ amount of time ].  * SUBMIT ALL APPLICATIONS HERE.
doastart ( starter tag )
doaintro ( introduction tag )
doaplotdrop ( plot drop tag )
doagroup ( group tag;  ooc posts )
**Note to new members:  Please ask donsjuans for the link to the Discord chat if you have not received one upon acceptance. 
CURRENT CHARACTERS: (  count:  7  )
[ dani, est, donsjuans ] is that, [ henry cavill ] ? no, thats just [ marcus st james ] the [ 38  ] year old [ border lord ] . [ marcus ] has lived in scotland for [ 8 years ].
[ gem,  gmt,  kiintsvgi  ]    is that,  [ annabelle wallis ] ?  no,  thats just [  virginia st james ]  the [ thirty ] year old [ lady ] .  [ virginia ]  has lived in scotland for [ thirty years ].
[ alex, gmt, conslutingsister ] is that, [ keira knightley ] ? no, thats just [ cecelia holmes ] the [ twenty eight ] year old [ duchess ] . [ Cecelia ] has lived in scotland for [ ten years ].
[ dani, est, pargeneticae ] is that, [ eleanor tomlinson ] ? no, thats just [ ambrosia reynolds ] the [ 25  ] year old [ heiress ] . [ ambrosia ] has lived in scotland for [ 25 years ].
[ sebastian, central us, aussiedoc ] is that, [ geoffrey rush ] ? no, thats just [ dr alan watson ] the [ 46 ] year old [ psychologist ] . [ alan ] has lived in scotland for [ six months ].
[ megan, est, mcallisterclan ] is that, [ armie hammer ] ? no, thats just [ phillip mcallister ] the [ thirty-four ] year old [ heir ] . [ phillip ] has lived in scotland for [ thirty four years ].
[ sam, est, oftheridge ] is that, [ sam heughan ] ? no, thats just [ james fraser ] the [ 20 ] year old [ mercenary ] . [ jamie ] has lived in scotland for [ 20 years ].
[ evie, gmt, asclpius ] is that, [ steve byers ] ? no, thats just [ james embry ] the [ thirty ] year old [ physician ] . [ james ] has lived in scotland for [ fifteen years ].
[ morgan, est, quietresistance ] is that, [ jenna coleman ] ? no, thats just [ katherine harris ] the [ 21 ] year old [ officer's niece ] . [ katherine ] has lived in scotland for [ two years ].
[ Thea, GMT+1, ophelia-hendrix ] is that, [ Alicia Vikander ] ? no, thats just [ Ophelia Hendrix ] the [ 19 ] year old [ Lady, daughter of a Marquess] . [ Ophelia ] has lived in scotland for [ six months with family ].
annabelle wallis
alicia vikander
eleanor tomlinson
steve byers
geoffrey rush
armie hammer
jenna coleman
henry cavill
keira knightley
sam heughan
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