#morgan's birthday
atdawn · 9 months
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MERLIN - ‘The Secret Sharer’ Blooper
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dindjarism · 9 months
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BBC MERLIN | 3.04 Gwaine
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thegroovyarchives · 3 months
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The cast of M*A*S*H, 1979-1980. From The Complete Book of M*A*S*H, Suzy Kalter, 1988.
(via: archive.org)
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i found these pictures on my pinterest and look how cute my boy is!
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ugh, i just wanna wrap him up in a blanket, give him a hug and protect him from harm.
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seraphinitegames · 6 months
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Happy Birthday Specialist Agent M - you may not remember the date of your actual birthday, but this day is as good as any!
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lampreylarry · 5 months
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Little Prince
Happy Birthday Morgan!
A very cute art commission i got from @ArayaEjiri on twitter
love the little details in this one, Lucina's ecstatic face and Robin's tired (but happy) look. So cute.😊
The royal family has gotten bigger and now little lucina is a big sister!🥰
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lumorie · 7 months
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Morgan (oc)
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8cuttlefish · 9 months
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some scenes from my fic how easy it is to be with you! charthur gives me brainrot like no tomorrow so i'd love if you give it a read <3
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littlespacereader · 1 year
It’s my Birthday!!🥳🎊🎉
And in celebration of my birthday I made a Criminal Minds Readers fic! Please enjoy!!
Big Birthday, Little Birthday
Caregiver!BAU Family & GN Little! Reader. Completely SFW:)
Tags: BAU team as a family of Caregivers, birthday party, presents, cake, diapers mentioned, play arguing, pacifiers, sippy cup
Nicknames: little one, darling, sweetheart, kid, kiddo and la mia gioi (my joy in Italian), birthday kiddo, Daddy Hotch - Morgan’s joke to Hotch, babygirl - Morgan’s nickname to Garcia
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I walked into work, hands in my pocket and my head hanging low. Today’s my birthday, which is normally a happy celebration to anyone else, but to me it wasn’t.
It just reminded me that I’m another year older which frustrated me to no end. It wasn’t like I could just stop aging, I knew that, but the idea of being older hurt my little self tremendously.
The comments people say like “Wow you’re getting so big now! I can’t believe you’re that age” or “You’re really growing up” just make me want to stomp my foot and go “No! I’m still little! I’m still just a little kid.” But not everyone would truly understand what I mean by that.
So I simply stopped telling people my birthday and avoided it all together. That was…until I joined the BAU.
I didn’t realize how close I would become to the team and how close they would become with me. My regression was something I kept to myself for years but after a particularly tough case I regressed involuntarily on the plane back and the whole team found out it.
I thought that I would be fired soon after, but instead the team looked after me and was accepting of my regression. All of them acted as Caregivers to me. Some like JJ, Morgan and especially Hotch make an effort to look after me all the time, regardless of if we’re on a case or not.
So it should’ve been no surprise to me what happened today.
I walked out of the elevator and into the bullpen to find it completely empty. I paused the unusual sight.
“What the hell?” I said to myself.
My first glance was to Hotch and Rossi’s offices which were completely dark. Now that is odd. Hotch is always the first one to work. If anyone was going to be here, it was him.
I glanced at my watch. 7:34 am. We had to be at work by 7:30. I was running a bit late but that meant the whole team running later than me? Where is everyone? Did work get canceled and no one told me?
But just as I was about to investigate strange occurrence my answer surprised me.
“SURPRISE!!!” The team jumped up and shouted.
Balloons and confetti flew into the air as everyone came out of their hiding spots. I couldn’t help but smile at the excited team. But I was mostly in shock. No one’s ever thrown me a surprise party.
“Happy birthday!!” Garcia was the first to run up and give me a hug out, knocking me out of my shocked state.
“Thank you,” I said squeezed in the tight hug. Once we broke apart I looked at the team confused, “How did you guys know?”
“Are you kidding me? I make a point of having everyones birthday’s written down.” Rossi explained.
Before I had a chance to say anything Morgan snuck over and put a big cake hat on my head. “There we go! Today your birthday royalty! Come on, we got you a cake!”
The group lead me over to the desk that had my surprise birthday cake. As I walked over to the desk I looked for Hotch, a bit overwhelmed by the surprise party. But I was getting ushered too fast by everyone that I couldn’t see him.
Emily noticed and smiled back at me with a gentle grin, “Come on everyone, let’s not crowd them. They’re still in shock from the surprise.”
I sat at the desk with the chocolate cake infront of me. The cake was filled with candles to the point of causing an actual fire. In the middle sat two number candles that screamed in my face the age I was turning.
“Make a wish sweetheart,” JJ said pulling out her camera.
That number, the never ending climbing number of my age stared back at me. My smile turned to a bit of a frown as I stared at the cake. With one big breath I managed to blow out all the candles in one go. Everyone cheered and smiled but I was struggling to do the same.
A soft hand held my shoulder and brought me out of my sadness in a heartbeat. I looked up to see Hotch swooping in like a knight in shinning armor.
While everyone was busy getting something to cut the cake Hotch pulled up a seat next to me. “I tried to talk them out of it but it’s a BAU tradition and they insisted you get the special treatment too,” He joked. “But don’t worry this is just the first party, the second party will be a bit more relaxed.”
I looked at him confused. “Second party?”
“Well today’s your birthday so we’re going to celebrate you entirely, both your big self and your little self. This party is for your big self. Later we’re all going to go to Rossi’s house and celebrate all over again so your younger self can enjoy your birthday too.” Hotch explained.
I just stared at him as tears started to form in my eyes. It was as if all that anger and frustration built over the years had finally released. They understood and they cared. They didn’t see me as getting older, they still saw me as their little one. They’re truly my chosen family.
“Thank you!!” Was all I managed to croak out before I gave Hotch a tight hug. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.
“Hey now what’s this? Is Hotch’s gift so terrible it made you cry?” Morgan joked as he came over with the knife to cut the cake.
We broke a part and I shook my head. “No it’s not him, it’s all of you. I…I usually hate my birthday but this,” I looked up at my team. “All of this, it’s so sweet of you.”
“Wait until later! I got you the BEST gift.” Spencer exclaimed excitedly.
“Ohhhhh I doubt that Spence. You haven’t seen what I got them. I’m sure I’ll be the favorite one tonight.” JJ said winking at me.
“You can fight about who got the better gift later. For now let them eat the cake so I can get a slice myself. After all it’s bad luck to eat the cake before the birthday kiddo.” Rossi explained.
I couldn’t help but laugh. Morgan cut me a piece of cake and I took the first bite, allowing everyone else to get their slice and eat.
The rest of the morning and afternoon was a little bit of working and a little bit of my “big” birthday party. After cake everyone gave me what they called “adult present” which really was just a new coffee mug, a lamp and other boring stuff.
Then it was off to do paper work for the rest of the day. I was not allowed to do anything without the cake hat on my head though, that was the birthday rule despite my persuading.
The whole work day I was buzzing with excitement of what they had planned for me when we got back to Rossi’s house tonight. The more I thought of it, the more I wanted to regress and just get to the party. But I couldn’t! I had a real job and real work to do.
So like any reasonable Regressor, I sped up my work and did everything in record time so I could regress. With my stack of files finally accomplished, I picked them up and made my way to Hotch’s office.
It was a rule set up by the team after finding out about my regression that I should always see one of them and tell them I’m feeling smaller, whether I was on a case, in the office or even at home. That way I could regress in the safety of one of them.
So perfect opportunity! I had to drop off the files to Hotch and I’m feeling smaller, it’s a win win! Plus if I’m being honest with myself… I’m the closest Hotch. He’s just so gentle and fatherly!
Hotch was hunched over his own files when I knocked on the door and entered. His focus frown immediately turned to a small smile seeing me enter the office with this ridiculous cake hat still on.
“You couldn’t get out of wearing it?” He joked.
“I tried to argue but they said it’s tradition.” I shrugged.
I handed him the files then took a seat across from him. “I completely the files and filled out the paperwork so it can be analyzed. Oh! And I examined the lab reports and wrote about them too!”
Hotch listened to me overly and enthusiastically explain my paperwork to him. The moment I walked in he knew I was regressing so why hide it? That’s the problem when all your Caregivers are profilers. They know everything just by looking at you.
“That’s great Y/N, thank you. Are you starting to regress now that it’s getting close to your party?” He asked. I eagerly nodded.
“Okay, then you’re gonna stay with me till we’re ready to leave. Sound good darling?” Hotch said, standing up from his desk to close his office’s door.
“Sounds good!” I smiled back. Crossing the room going back to his desk he ruffled my hair a bit.
“I have a little surprise for you while you wait.” He said once seated again.
He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a wrapped gift. “It’s a little something I found in a shop on our last case. A small present before your party.”
I eagerly ripped the paper away to reveal a new coloring book and crayons. I gasped and eagerly looked through the pages. “It’s so cool! Thank you!!” I jumped from my chair and ran around the desk to hug Hotch.
He chuckled and hugged me back. “I’m happy you like it. It’s just a little taste of what’s to come tonight. But now I sadly gotta keep working on my boring paperwork. Why don’t you color a picture for someone while you wait?”
“Great idea!” I ran back to my chair and got to work coloring away.
I was in my 4th picture when Rossi entered the room. “Hey kiddo, what you’d got there?” He peered over my shoulder.
“Hotch got me a safari animal coloring book!”
“Really?! How exciting!” Rossi said patting my shoulder. He smirked at Hotch, “He couldn’t wait till your party to give it to you?”
Hotch smirked and tried to shrug it off, “One little present before the party won’t hurt.”
Rossi couldn’t help but smile. Hotch is the toughest agent he’s ever known in the BAU. But even his cold exterior was no match for Y/N’s little side.
“Well I came in here to tell the two of you that everyone’s done for the day. Are you ready for your party?” he leaned and asked me.
“YES!!! FINALLY! Let’s go! Let’s go! LET’S GOOOO!!”
Thankfully the ride to Rossi’s house wasn’t too long because I was so excited to see what they had planned. Once we arrived JJ and Garcia took my hands and lead me to the door.
“Okay now I want you to close your eyes.” Garcia instructed.
With my eyes closed they guided me into the house. Once they got me in the right spot the two shouted “Open!”
I gasped once I opened my eyes. The whole house was decorated!! Streamers, balloons and little decorations everywhere. On the dinning room table next to me sat matching plates and cups all with a printed theme from my favorite tv show.
Again, I could feel myself getting a bit teary eyed. “It’s so pretty! I love it!! Thank you!” I turned and hugged JJ.
“It was a group effort…but I’ll gladly take the hug.” JJ wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly.
The moment we broke apart Morgan picked me up and spun me around on his shoulder. “It’s present time kiddo. Come on, I got you the best present!” I couldn’t breathe I was laughing so hard.
Spencer chimed in behind us, “I definitely have the best present!”
“Wait until they sees mine. All your present will be left in the dust.” Emily added.
The coffee table infront of the couch was filled with presents. Morgan dropped me down with a plop onto the plush couch causing me to bounce. I couldn’t help but giggle.
“Careful we don’t want to hurt them before they get all these presents!” Garcia said getting me more and more excited.
I sat up and looked in awe at the colorful boxes! I couldn’t wait to open them all up!
“Wait! Where they’re birthday hat?” Emily asked seeing my cake hat missing.
“Leave it, they’ve had it on long enough today.” Hotch chimed in, sticking up for me.
“Ohhhhhh Daddy Hotch to the rescue.” Morgan joked, rolling his eyes playfully.
“Enough bickering! Here kiddo, you can open mine first.” Rossi said grabbing his gift bag and handing it over to me. He sat next to me and watched me open his gift.
I immediately dived into the bag and unwrapped my first gift which was a plastic cooking set! “Wowwwww!!” My eyes looked at all the little pieces of plastic food. It even came with a little apron and chef’s hat for me to wear.
“Now when I’m cooking in the kitchen, you can cook along side me.” Rossi pointed out.
I turned and hugged him. “Thank you!”
“Of course la mia gioi.” Rossi said as we broke apart. He always knew I loved when he spoke Italian. La mia gioi means my joy in Italian.
Next up is Garcia who had the most colorful gift wrapping. It was almost a crime to rip the paper…almost. I ripped it away to reveal the softest elephant stuffed animal in the world! I immediately brought it close and hugged it.
“Elephants are a sign of good luck, so wherever you and your elephant go you’ll always be lucky.” She explained.
I gave her a hug, the elephant squished between us. “Thank you!”
“Of course sweetie! Now all it needs is a name,” She pointed out.
I take a good look at the elephant, but there was only one name that made sense. “Lucky!” I smiled looking at my stuffie.
Garcia smiled, “That’s a perfect name!” I placed Lucky at my side and the presents continued on.
Next up is Emily who in an “end all competition” for who has the best present with JJ, Spencer and Morgan. Emily took a seat next to me and handed me her gift.
I immediately ripped it up to reveal the softest blanket ever!! And it was so long! I could be wrapped twice over in this blanket! “Oh my God it’s soooooooooo soft!!” I couldn’t help but bring it close to Lucky and I.
“Now every time you start to regress I can wrap you up like a little burrito.” She joked poking my sides causing me to giggle. She stood up and wrapped the blanket around me.
“Thank you!” I made sure to give her a hug as well.
“Of course sweetheart. I’m so happy you like it.”
Next up is JJ who took her seat next to Emily. “Here darling,” she said handing me the box.
I quickly opened it and gasped. It’s something I’ve wanted for a while! A miniature farm play set complete with the little cows, chickens and sheep!
“It’s a farm!! And I got cows and sheep and chickens!” I picked it up and showed everyone who lit up seeing my excitement.
I stood up and gave JJ a hug. “Thank you!!”
“You’re so welcome! I’m so happy you like it.”
Once I went to sit down she eyed Morgan and winked. He rolled his eyes. “Alright kid, the best present is right here.”
Morgan stood up and grabbed his present, handing it over to me. I couldn’t wait to see what it was, considering the hype behind it. So I immediately started to rip the wrapping away.
Morgan’s gift was a collection of art supplies compete with a new set of colored pencils, markers and a new sketchbook. It all came together in a little case so it would be easy to bring on the go. Again, I gasped looking at the present.
“Our little artist here could use some new supplies. I’ve been seeing you struggling with those old colored pencils and figured you needed an upgrade.” Morgan boasted.
“I love it!! Thank you!!” And like everyone before Morgan got a hug.
“Of course kid! Couldn’t have my artist left with subpar supplies.” Morgan joked. Once I went back to sit, Morgan looked over at Spencer. “Try to beat that pretty boy.” He winked.
Spencer rolled his eyes and got up to hand me his gift. It was HEAVY! By far the heaviest of all the gifts. Like all the other gifts, I ripped into it to reveal a book. Not just any book though, this book was The Illlustrated Encyclopedia of Fish.
“Wow!” I said, flipping through the book.
“You got them a book? That’s your wonderful present? A book?” Morgan asked.
“This is not just a book, it’s an Illlustrated copy of the Encyclopedia of Fish. It has every sea creature with pictures and descriptions. It’s a perfect gift for them! They love animals and this is every sea creature known at the moment.”
“At the moment?” Rossi asked.
“Every year we know discover over 2,000 new marine species. We know more about space than we do our own oceans which make up 71% of our planet. Studies say-.”
Spencer’s rambling was cut off by my thank you hug. “Thank you! I love it!” I broke apart from our hug. “Can you read it to me later?”
Spencer lit up with a smile, “I would love to.” After I walked back to my spot Spencer just turned and smiled at Morgan with all the sass in the world.
Finally it was Hotch’s turn for his present. His present was the smallest of the group. But knowing Hotch, it was the most thoughtful.
I opened the tiny box to reveal something I’ve wanted for the longest time but was always too shy to ask or get, a pacifier. I stared at it in awe before looking up at Hotch. He just smiled and nodded his head for me to try it.
I immediately popped it into my mouth and within seconds I started to feel myself regress further. With a heavy sigh I looked back at Hotch and smiled, “I wove it!” I said around the pacifier but my words got a bit muffled.
The group laughed but we’re all gushing over how cute I looked with the pacifier.
“I know you’ve been wanting one for a while now. I even got it in your favorite color.” Hotch explained. “Best part is what it comes with.” Hotch stood up and grabbed something from the gift box I missed.
He attached a colorful band to the pacifier and then clipped the other end to my shirt. “There,” he added. “Now you’ll never lose it.”
I jumped up and hugged him tightly. “Tank yuu.” I mumbled around the pacifier.
He hugged me back just as tight. “Anything for you little one.”
And with that, the gift giving was over and you know what that means…ITS PLAY TIME!!
While Rossi, Hotch and Emily went into the kitchen to cook dinner, I stayed in the living room and started to play with all the new toys with JJ, Garcia, Spencer and Morgan!
First we played farm with my new farm set. Which was so funny! JJ and I were farmers and Morgan was a sheep, Spencer was a cow and Garcia was a chicken. It was hilarious hearing Spencer and Morgan argue over who should have the bigger stall at the farm.
Then we played restaurant! I took everyone’s orders as they sat on the couch and pretended they were at a fancy restaurant.
“Here’s your food sir,” I said handing Spencer a plate of plastic chicken and plastic watermelon.
“I asked for an apple not watermelon.” Spencer pointed out.
“Wow sounds like a real Karen at the table behind us, right babygirl?” Morgan said overly loud to Garcia. I started giggling.
“I’m not being a Karen! I ordered an apple.”
“It was the chef’s choice to make it a watermelon.” I added.
“Who’s the chef?” Spencer asked. I turned round and pointed to Lucky who was now sporting the chef’s hat and apron.
“Oh! My apologies. I didn’t know that Lucky was cooking.” Spencer quickly recovered. “Thank you for the meal.” He winked at me.
Then I went over to the next table of Morgan and Garcia. “How is the food?”
“It’s absolutely divine! My compliments to the chef.” Garcia said in a super fancy tone.
“I couldn’t agree more.” Morgan added in the same tone.
“Alright, enough restaurant. The real chef has finished dinner.” Rossi said entering the room.
Everyone entered the dining room. In the center of the table sat tonight’s meal and another the cake! For dinner Rossi cooked my favorite meal of all time! He’s the best!
I knew immediately where I was sitting, the telltale sign being the only one with plastic utensils and a sippy cup.
Everyone took their seats and started to dig into the dinner. I sat at the head of the table, Hotch at my right and Emily at my left. Periodically the two would cut food when I needed or wipe my face with a napkin, both of which I was always grateful for.
Then after eating dinner it was time for the best part…THE CAKE!! This cake was the cutest! Themed along with everything else. But the best part about it was the number candle in the middle which was simply the number 2, my little age.
As everyone started to sing happy birthday, I couldn’t be more happy and grateful for my BAU family. They organized and made my birthday so special to both my big self and my little self.
“Make a wish Y/N.” Hotch said at the end of the song.
With my wish in mind and one mighty breath I blew out all the candles in one go. Then it was cake time!!
Most to the cake ended up on my shirt and face mostly due to my excitement to eat it as fast as humanly possible. And while you might think that would be embarrassing, it wasn’t with my little family. They simply found it adorable.
“You have more cake on your face than your plate sweetheart.” Emily joked. “After dinner we gotta get you changed.”
And so she did. Using some spare pajama left here for this very reason, I was changed into the comfortable pjs as well as a diaper.
With myself now changed and padded, I spent the rest of my birthday night relaxing with my amazing Caregivers on the couch.
I used Morgan’s new art set and made some pictures for everyone. But as the night started getting later, I started to get more tired.
I popped my pacifier in my mouth and searched for Lucky. Then I grabbed Lucky and my new blanket, holding them both in my arms. Finally I grabbed Spencer’s book and brought it over to him, taking a seat along side him.
“You want me to read about some fish?” Spencer asked, I simply nodded.
“Alright, let’s get you comfortable first.” Spencer put the book in his lap before he helped wrap me up in the soft blanket. “There you go. Now you’re ready to hear about some marine mammals.”
He wrapped one arm around my shoulders and flipped open the book with the other. “What should we start reading about?”
I rested my head in his shoulder stretch my legs over his lap. I pointed out a chapter on whales.
“Whale? Okay, page 126 then.” He flipped to the page and started to read. “Whales are a widely distributed and diverse group of fully aquatic placental marine mammals. Whales can range from 8.5 feet to 98 feet in length, making them the largest mammals to ever live.”
As Spencer started to read on my eyes started to get heavier and heavier. Eventually I just gave into the sleepy feeling and snuggled closer to Spencer, letting my eyes close and drifting off to him talking about the different types of whales.
“Certain species like the humpback whale communicate using melodic sounds known as a whale song. Humpback whales only have been heard making clicks, while toothed whales use sonar to communicate with one another,” Spencer continued on.
“Spence,” JJ whispered to him. He lifted his head from the book and looked over at her. She just nodded her head in Y/N’s direction. Spencer looked down to see Y/N peacefully asleep wrapped around his side. He smiled and closed the book.
“Well your gift is good for something.” Morgan joked whispering as well.
“Don’t listen to him it’s a great gift. Y/N looked so excited to hear you read it.” Hotch pointed out.
“They loved everything more than I could’ve imagined.” Garcia smiled.
“How are we going to top this next year?” Emily asked.
“I already have a few ideas.” Morgan smirked.
The family laughed.
“They needed this, that last case was tough for them.” JJ added.
“They needed this and we needed this. They do just as much for us as we do for them.” Rossi pointed out.
They all nodded in agreement. Everyone needed a break away from the harsh and sometimes disturbing job they all work for. Regression was not only beneficial for Y/N, it was beneficial for them too.
“To many more birthday to come for our little one,” Rossi raised his glass. They all cheers, all except Spencer who couldn’t move with a sleeping Y/N at his side.
“Happy birthday Y/N.” Spencer whispered, leaning over and kissing the top of Y/N’s head.
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litafan4ever · 4 months
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Happy 30th Birthday Liv Morgan (June 8, 1994)
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baltharino · 4 days
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The Shawshank Redemption (1994) + Foreshadowing
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virtchandmoir · 7 months
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Tessa's Instagram Story (March 9th)
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nellarw95 · 5 months
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Happy Birthday Jeffrey 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
April 22,1966
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
22 Aprile 1966
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mercymaker · 4 months
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some 📷 of morgan doing magic for @tadpole-apocalypse happy birthday!!! 💖
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dingledangly · 5 months
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I wish it was socially acceptable to eat paper😞
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seraphinitegames · 1 year
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Happy #fictionalcharacterbirthday to Specialist Agent M.
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