#morgana the direwolf
lady-oceana9518 · 5 years
My Hazbin Hotel OC!
Name: Morgana
Nickname: Morga
Gender: Female
Orientation: Lesbian
Species: Direwolf shifter
Age at Death: 30 (1960-1990)
Appearance: In her humanoid form, she is a tall, black-haired woman with green eyes. She loves to dress up and adores wearing maxi dresses, skirts, and fancy blouses. Her wolf form consists of a black and brown-furred direwolf with large white feathered wings peppered with black spots (think snowy owl feathers).
Personality: Appears cold and aloof when you first meet her. Motherly and protective of her loved ones (mama wolf to a T) and admittedly far more affectionate in her wolf form. Has a mischievous and flirtatious side.
Backstory: Morgana lived a fairly ordinary life, and wasn’t overwhelmingly good or evil. Upon her untimely death from chronic disease she was sent to Heaven but found it horribly dull. It was too perfect with none of the excitement of life on Earth. Quickly becoming bored, she craved some sort of purpose. It was difficult for her to be involved in a career or any adventurous hobbies during her life on Earth because of her disease, so she quickly decided that an afterlife of relaxation and inactivity just wasn’t for her. She became interested in Charlie’s project after overhearing the details from some angels and, knowing full well that she could never return to Heaven if she left, she snuck out and journeyed to Hell that very night to seek out a job at the hotel.
Role at the Hazbin Hotel: She takes on a variety of jobs to keep things interesting. Leads yoga and meditation sessions and ballroom dance lessons. As intimidating as she appears in direwolf form, she’s really an overgrown puppy and occasionally takes on the role of a “therapy dog” for those residents who need emotional support during their rehabilitation.
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grandschemed · 5 years
about lady.
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name: lady direwolf of house stark / freya stark*. age: adult - approximately a woman in her late twenties / early thirties. species: direwolf**. gender: she/her. orientation: bisexual. occupation: personal charge and lady-in-waiting to sansa stark. family: grey wind, nymeria, summer, shaggydog, ghost and her late parents.  one could say house stark is her family as well.
positive: adaptable, courteous, unshakably loyal. negative: stubborn, unforgiving, manipulative. likes: meat dishes with some complexity, afternoon gossip and tea with sansa, a warm home and hearth to call her own, and idle strolls through gardens during periods of gentle rain. dislikes: those who would harm her mistress’ family, impoliteness and discourtesy, extremely warm temperatures, bland vegetables and being forced to resort to displays of violence.
abilities: enhanced senses in wolf form, some talent with a sword*** and a wicked tongue.
* freya = means ‘lady’.  used for modern verses.
** lady is a direwolf who can shift into the form of a human.  sort of like a werewolf, but with more control and less happenings with the full moon.
*** while lady does not enjoy ripping throats out or mauling people, she has learned that sometimes, violence is necessary, but always remembers her dear lady’s teachings and greatly prefers to use her words over her claws.
living: told to run away by ned stark instead of being executed, lady escaped into the wilderness as fast as she could run for her family’s sake although she was always burdened by guilt for being unable to remain at her lady’s side.  hungry for lemon cakes and her mistress’ pleasant company, she longs to be reunited with sansa one day in the future before amassing many adventures of her own.  planned reunion: when sansa finally returns to winterfell.
living alternate: in which lady was never killed nor left sansa’s side.  this is still a work-in-progress because i have to figure out how lady allowed all of those terrible things to happen to sansa without ripping everyone’s throats out, but i imagine it was mostly due to sansa’s orders / not really having a choice in the matter.  i’m also only on season 2, episode 7 as of 4/22 so i’m still working things out.
dead: honorably executed by ned stark on spiteful account of cersei, lady now persists solely in sansa’s dreams.  she regrets they could not spend more time together.
modern: soon to come / something something adopted into the stark family.
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jadeoxfordrose · 7 years
okay so @keda-loco sent me some of these cool dnd character questions but tumblr went weird when i went to answer it so i’m posting my answers here - thanks for the questions hun! <3
2) What hobby would they like to be good at?
Ren would say, 1 - she doesn’t have hobbies, she has interests – hobby implies a casual interest and Ren has never been casual about anything in her life. Yes there are things she does for fun but she definitely goes big with them. 2 – She’s good at everything she does thank you very much and when she discovers something new, she gets good at that too – its simply a matter of putting the time and effort in. (Ren it should be noted, is kind of an asshole.)
Drae…I’m not sure. I mean she loves music but that’s also been how she makes money in the past so it isn’t really a hobby. Ditto music. She reads for fun but she’s already pretty good at that even she’s limited language wise. I think she’d like to learn how to make things – something that’ll be around when she isn’t any more, tangible proof that she existed.
5) What is their favourite weapon to wield?
For a long time, Drae would have said her crossbow was her favourite as it suited how she liked to work. These days however she definitely throws herself into the fray more so it’d be her rapier. She also loves her Thunderwave spell and likes to find different ways to use it
Ren has a couple of weapons but her favourite and her weapon of choice in every scenario is the Thunder Cannon – it’s a magically powered shot gun/bazooka about the length of her torso that she calls her baby and is one of the noisiest, least subtle things to have ever existed.
8) What do they look for in a platonic or romantic partner?
Ren already has her platonic partner in adventuring as it were – the lightning to her thunder – a water genasi druid called Morgana with a penchant for eating her kills. Ren is her moral compass (sort of) and Morgana is…well, the Marty to her Doc Brown tbh. Romantically, she isn’t really looking for anyone but so long if they were interesting enough, they would catch her attention. She’s also resolved herself to the mindset that no-one would want her in a romantic sense so she doesn’t waste time thinking on it.
Right now Drae is grieving for a lost love so she isn’t looking for anyone romantically and her party has her back but things she likes in a person include honesty, a good sense of humour, competency and kindness
14) If they could own any creature as a pet, what would they have?
Drae would have something small and quiet like she is, maybe a bat? Or a pseudo-dragon – I think she would lose her shit if she could have one of those :) (one of her party has a steed because he’s a paladin and another has a familiar and while drae won’t say it aloud, she’s a little jealous)
Ren…probably would balk at having to have responsibility over another living thing given that she barely manages to look after herself most of the time. However when she reaches level 6 she’ll be able to make herself a mechanical servant that can take the form of a large beast and I think she’s gonna go for something like a direwolf that is smart and can attack people but is also big enough for her to ride comfortably (she’s a gnome so enjoy that mental image because I certainly do XD)
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lady-oceana9518 · 5 years
The Moth and the Direwolf (Vaggie x OC)
A/N: I’ve decided to ship my Hazbin Hotel OC, Morgana (aka Morga) with Vaggie. I hope you all enjoy this bit of fluffiness between these two lovely ladies😁
“Wonderful work today, everyone! Remember to work on those breathing techniques we practiced!” Morgana called out after the demons currently leaving one of the Hazbin Hotel’s multipurpose rooms. She had just finished a yin yoga and meditation session with a group of demons who struggled with serious anger issues. Charlie, who noticed their especially fiery tempers almost as soon as they were admitted to the hotel, knew that she needed to get them involved in some sort of activity to calm them down. Since Morgana had been leading yoga and meditation sessions since her arrival in Hell a couple months prior, Charlie passed them off to her for some mindfulness training.
Morga stretched her arms overhead until she felt a satisfying pop in her back. Rolling up her red yoga mat and grabbing her water bottle, she headed up to her room for a shower before lunchtime.
After her shower, Morga dressed in a flowing gray blouse with a bow tie at the collar, black slacks, and silver kitten heels. She hummed a random tune as she walked, enjoying the satisfying sound of the heels of her shoes clicking on the hardwood floor.
Upon her arrival in the hotel’s dining room, Morga noticed that Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, and Niffty were just starting to tuck into their lunches.
“Afternoon, everyone!” Morga greeted, baring her sharp white fangs in a grin.
Everyone greeted her warmly except for a certain Radio Demon. It was no secret that he was uncomfortable around dogs for some reason, so throw in the fact that Morga could shift into a full-blown direwolf, and you can imagine his wariness around her. She was honestly a little disappointed. She got along well with the rest of the hotel staff and thought he seemed like an interesting fellow. She would’ve liked to be friends with him too; but she guessed that was a task for another day.
Shrugging subtly, she grabbed a Kaiser roll, stacked it high with sliced roast beef to the delight of her carnivorous self, and served herself some mixed fruit on the side. With her plate in hand, she took a seat next to Vaggie and flashed the moth demon a flirtatious grin. She delighted in the subtle blush that appeared on the younger woman’s cheeks as well as the shy smile she gave the direwolf shifter in return. Since her arrival in Hell, Morga couldn’t deny that she’d met some very attractive demonesses, Vaggie chief among them. There was also quite a fetching hellhound named Loona, but she unfortunately lived all the way in Imp City and didn’t seem interested in the direwolf’s flirtations.
“So Morga, how was your session this morning??” Charlie asked eagerly, all but bouncing in her seat.
Morga returned her already half-eaten sandwich to her plate before replying, “We has a wonderful time as always! I can honestly say that the residents in my class have seemed noticeably calmer since they’ve started practicing.”
“That’s amazing!! I know it probably hasn’t been easy managing a bunch of rowdy sinners when you haven’t been in Hell that long...but I really appreciate your help!” Charlie gushed with a smile.
Morga smiled back and started a bit when she felt a soft touch on her arm. Glancing to the side, her inquisitive green eyes met Vaggie’s own soft and imploring gaze. “How have you been holding up since you arrived in Hell? I’m sure it hasn’t been easy.”
Smiling softly at the beautiful moth demon, Morga gently took Vaggie’s hand in her own. Meanwhile, Charlie and Niffty “awwed” in the background. “It’s much different than life in Heaven, but in the best way. It’s beautiful up there but just wasn’t exciting or interesting enough for me. Here, I finally feel like I have a purpose again and have felt so welcomed thanks to you all,” Morga confessed, smiling to the group as a whole then turning and nuzzling her nose against Vaggie’s for good measure.
Alastor did his best to ignore the direwolf shifter who he was extremely wary of because of her canine shape shifting abilities, while Charlie and Niffty assured Morga that they were happy to have her on board.
After lunch, Charlie returned to her office with Alastor in tow, mentioning something about needing to work out the details for an upcoming fundraising event, while Niffty happily skipped off to clean the occupied hotel rooms. That left Morga and Vaggie, who were currently walking to the hotel’s library for a well-deserved break. Vaggie, still not trusting Alastor, was constantly on edge and worried that he would take advantage of and manipulate Charlie. Morga didn’t like seeing the moth demon so stressed and sought to help her relax in the best way she knew how.
Once the heavy oak doors of the library clicked shut behind the two women, Vaggie let out a heavy sigh and proceeded to sprawl out on one of the room’s large leather couches.
“I’m not the only one who thinks that that cheesy talk show shitlord seems sketchy and untrustworthy, right? Please tell me I’m not crazy, Morga,” Vaggie groaned, closing her eye and leaning back against the armrest.
In response, Morga shifted seamlessly into her direwolf form and padded over to Vaggie. Hopping up on the couch, she gently lowered herself on top of Vaggie so that her large head rested comfortingly on the moth demon’s chest. She whined softly, prompting Vaggie to open her pink and yellow eye. Morga gazed at her earnestly, silently assuring her that her feelings were valid. Vaggie smiled and chuckled in return, ruffling the fur between Morga’s ears. Morga rumbled happily, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the sensation. Vaggie wrapped her arms around Morga’s neck in a hug and rested her cheek on top of her head.
“Hey, Morga? I really like you,” Vaggie confessed.
With her tail thumping loudly on the couch, Morga whined happily and nuzzled affectionately against Vaggie’s chin. Vaggie giggled softly and Morga remained in her wolf form for the next hour until she sensed that Vaggie had calmed down. Eventually, the two dozed off.
A couple hours later, Vaggie awoke, momentarily disoriented until she glanced down at the beautiful woman sleeping below her. Blushing and smiling to herself, she realized that she had been using the wolf shifter’s ample bosom as a pillow and Morga still had her arms wrapped around Vaggie’s waist. She guessed Morga had shifted back into her humanoid form while the two of them were napping. Vaggie placed a soft kiss onto Morga’s forehead, after which the wolf shifter’s leaf-green eyes fluttered open. She smiled up at Vaggie and cupped the right side of her face with her hand, which the moth demon happily leaned into.
“Hey, Vaggie? I really like you too,” Morga cooed, happy that she was finally able to respond to Vaggie’s earlier confession in words.
Vaggie, bursting with happiness, leaned down and captured Morga’s soft lips in her own. With a groan, Morga placed her hand on the back of Vaggie’s head to draw her closer. After several moments the two women withdrew, breathless, to gaze into each other’s eyes with fond smiles.
Who could’ve imagined that it was possible to find something, and someone, so beautiful in the middle of Hell?
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lady-oceana9518 · 5 years
Here For You (A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic)
A/N: Hey y’all, here’s another little story featuring my Hazbin OC, Morgana, the direwolf shifter. This fic features lots of fluffy times between Wolf!Morga and Vaggie. I haven’t been feeling the greatest emotionally speaking today, so I wrote this in an effort to comfort myself a little. I hope you guys enjoy it too. Let me know what you think of the story and/or my wolfy girl Morga😊
Today...hadn’t been Morgana’s best day. She woke up that morning with a bone-deep tiredness that she couldn’t shake, even though she had a good night’s sleep the night before. She didn’t feel happy, or angry, or overwhelmingly sad...just, numb.
Charlie and Vaggie were out running errands around town with Razzle and Dazzle, which Morga knew because of a note that Vaggie had left on her bedside table earlier that morning. They should be back later that afternoon, she wrote. Angel was out entertaining one of his regular clients; Niffty was flitting around the hotel cleaning, as usual, like a manic hummingbird; Alastor was working in his office, awaiting his mate Charlie’s return; and Husk was tending the bar in the lobby (while successfully becoming more and more intoxicated himself as the day wore on). Morga had a rare day off from her teaching duties. She was too exhausted to want to do, well, just about anything, but she at least wanted to get out of her room at some point for a little change in scenery. She also didn’t particularly want to socialize with anyone.
The solution to her little dilemma seemed obvious. She would simply remain in her direwolf form for the rest of the day. After locking the door to her room behind her, Morga shifted effortlessly into her wolf form. She shook out her black-brown fur and stretched her wings, which were reminiscent of a snowy owl’s, then trotted down to the lobby.
She passed right by Husk’s bar, and of course didn’t go unnoticed by the surprisingly-observant bartender. “Hey wolfy, bout time you showed up!” Husk snickered, slurring his words a bit. Morga would normally have some kind of retort ready to go but was absolutely not in the mood for his, or anyone’s, teasing today. She growled at him, the sound a deep, menacing rumble emanating from her chest.
Husk jumped, more than a little surprised at the normally mild-mannered and mischievous wolf. “ ‘Ey, what the fuck was that for??” In response, Morga glared at him over her shoulder and bared her teeth, not even breaking stride as she continued on toward the fireplace.
As luck would have it, there was a roaring fire blazing merrily in the newly-refurbished grand fireplace. It was oh-so inviting and looked like the perfect place for a nap. Morga wasted no time in trotting over to the rug in front of the fireplace, circling a few times, and flopping onto her side. She yawned and allowed her heavy eyelids to flutter closed over her leaf-green eyes.
Some time later, which in reality turned out to be several hours later, Morga became aware of a few different voices conversing quietly nearby.
“I’m tellin’ ya, she’s got a stick up her ass about somethin’ today. Been all wolfed out the whole time too. Maybe wolfy’s finally going feral,” Husk grumbled, taking a swig from his ever-present bottle of booze.
Charlie hummed uncertainly, her worried gaze flickering over to Morga’s dozing form. “Morga doesn’t usually act that way...and I don’t think I’ve heard her growl at anyone other than Al before.” Vaggie couldn’t help but snicker at that. It was no secret that she still wasn’t the Radio Demon’s biggest fan. “Vags, maybe you should check on her? Since she definitely trusts you more than anyone else. I don’t want to startle her if she’s feeling a little more sensitive and skittish than usual.”
Vaggie smiled a little at her best friend’s words. She still wasn’t sure how she had become lucky enough to catch the eye of such an enchanting, wild woman like Morgana, but she was grateful for that each day. “Of course I will. You two go back to whatever you were doing; I’ve got this. I’ll take care of her.”
Husk grumbled something along the lines of “Careful she doesn’t rip your hand off,” before heading back to the bar, while Charlie nearly skipped away toward Alastor’s office, eager to spend time with her mate.
Vaggie slowly made her way over to Morga’s dozing form, beginning to speak softly to her lover as she did so. “Morga, hun? Are you feeling alright?”
Morga’s eyes slowly blinked open and she felt a growl instinctively begin to build in the back of her throat. When she saw her moth demon slowly approaching, though, she stopped immediately. She let out an apologetic whine and glanced off to the side, folding her ears back against her head.
Vaggie crouched down and knelt alongside her direwolf, gently running her fingers through the thick fur along Morga’s back. “It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s alright. I know you didn’t mean it,” Vaggie murmured. Morga rumbled her thanks and hesitantly laid her head in Vaggie’s lap, gazing up at her tiredly. Vaggie felt her heart twist at the sight. Her usually-serene, confident Morga looked so tired and hopeless. For a moment she didn’t know what to do. She just wanted to be there for her lover and comfort her in the same way that Morga so often comforted Vaggie.
“I’m sorry you don’t feel great today, mi cariño,” Vaggie cooed, beginning to idly stroke Morga’s silky, feathered wings. She was actively racking her brain, trying to think of what would help her wolf feel more like her usual self. “Have you had anything to eat today?”
In response, Morga’s ears flattened once more and she looked anywhere but at Vaggie. The moth demon gave the direwolf a small, patient smile. “That’s alright; it’s easy to forget those things when you’re depressed and having an off day. How about we find something good to eat in the kitchen and then go back to our room to cuddle?”
In response, Morga butted her head against Vaggie’s stomach, then rose to her paws for a nice, long stretch. She stared expectantly at Vaggie, waiting for the moth demon to stand up too. Vaggie chuckled, taking that as her cue to stand. “Alright, princess, let’s go.” Morga growled softly at Vaggie’s teasing tone and gently nipped her hand for good measure. “Hey now, you better watch it, missy!” Vaggie replied, to which Morga swatted her gently with one of her wings before plodding ahead to the kitchen.
The two of them rifled through the cupboards, determined to find something Morga would like. Suddenly, the direwolf’s ears perked up and she eagerly sniffed a sealed plastic bag that was filled to the brim with something that smelled delicious. Vaggie raised a brow and reached into the cupboard, only to pull out the bag of venison jerky that Morga had been snuffling at. “Babe, Alastor made this from the deer he killed during his last hunt. Maybe we should find some food that doesn’t already belong to someone, yeah?” In response, Morga’s ears drooped, she lowered her head, and simultaneously gave Vaggie the most pathetic puppy dog eyes she could muster. Vaggie groaned, covering her face with the hand not holding the bag of jerky so she wouldn’t have to see the pathetically adorable display.
“Ugh...okay, fine! I guess that shitlord can always make more another time. I’d rather you have the jerky than him anyway,” Vaggie relented, holding the bag of jerky out to Morga. The direwolf gently took the bag into her mouth, trotting toward the staircase as Vaggie grabbed two water bottles from the fridge and followed quickly behind.
Back in their shared bedroom, Vaggie and Morga, still in wolf form, lounged on their bed and snacked on stolen jerky while soft music played from a speaker on their bedside table. Vaggie leaned back against the headboard, scratching behind Morga’s ears as the direwolf sprawled across the moth demon’s lap and contentedly tore into her seventh piece of jerky. While Morga still felt like a shadow of her usual self, she couldn’t deny that she felt much better than she had that morning; and it was all thanks to the love, support, and patience that Vaggie so freely gave.
Suddenly, from downstairs they heard a baffled-sounding Radio Demon call out: “Oh Charlie, dearest, do you know where my venison jerky ran off to? I put an entire bag in the cupboard just this morning!”
Meanwhile, back in hers and Vaggie’s bedroom, Morga wolfed down the last piece of jerky that was currently between her forepaws, and pushed the empty bag beneath the duvet with her nose. Content with her work, she laid her head on top of Vaggie’s stomach, snuggled close to her side, and spread one of her wings over her moth demon as a sort of blanket. She gazed up at Vaggie in thanks for all she had done that day, then began to fall asleep. This slumber would be far more peaceful than the last.
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