awkwardfanguurl · 1 year
Woke up 5am and I couldn't sleep again...
I guess if I want to change anything I might as well try to get used to waking up early, again.
Somehow I feel bad about my neighbor-lady... She leaves her house at 5am everyday to go to work. From what I gather she's the breadwinner in her family and the only support. I see the lights go off in her house and hear hear when she closes her door. I always try to pray for her when I hear her leaving.✨
Is some weird sense of guilt keeping me awake at this time? 🤔
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reimerstuff · 4 years
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Kerckhoff Lake #kerckhofflake #morningrambles #autumnvibes (at Kerckhoff Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHmJu03AK7WTmCjaXGOdQEt_nuSlx4CuQG7M9U0/?igshid=2xkei6ydlvax
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kaizenkhaos · 5 years
Missing you? Hell yeah...
Darn I'm starting to miss the rp days. Maybe I should just hunt for one on here or just start writing stuff on here ....oooohh that's an idea 😈
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tresselslief · 6 years
lmao at this rate im starting to consider to make a twitter account solely for Estinaud? 😂 twitter is like a gold mining of their fanarts particularly from Japan and Korea but it's really a scattered mess. and how we cant just tag them like on tumblr reblogs, it'd be very difficult to trace back if ur account's whole content is like totally random and personal. and i basically want to have more people to be able to see and appreciate it.
but still.... idk. it's just that i dont remember ever being this "dedicated obsessed" of things before so i didnt really consider it through-and-through. im saying this as two very productive Estinaud fanartists from Korea have deleted all of their past artworks somehow and it's just... very, very shame. id blame all the mess and misunderstanding of the latest policy / concern.
another thing is i find it really a hassle is to create another account when i couldnt really tell whether it could be last long. and on twitter, i need to use another email. idk i just feel very suck in managing too many different things.
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lost-dandelion · 6 years
Sometimes, I gotta keep my distance from certain people so that I can love them just the same as before when they need it the most.
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lanfier · 4 years
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#morningramble sigh still dark at 0500. Kind of wet and rainy but a nice temperature today. https://www.instagram.com/p/CFt6OtFjUh3t-M5l5LMKQwQXwnB8UnfahOBqWw0/?igshid=1wikqd5z8xioa
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flirtygrrl · 7 years
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good morning {09.04.17} | Labor Day | up early hoping to wake to a glorious sunrise only to be met with dull flatness; a two dimensional plane. The tree sentinels look tired. Maybe it's me. Exhausted from another anxiety riddled sleep. Processing a vivid dream that took place in my childhood home on Beatrice Drive. That house has frequently been the setting in recent dreams. Views from the kitchen window, front stoop, the back porch so incredibly vivid. Last night's dream involved burning my hand on Mom's electric coffee pot, then sitting on the front steps watching the sunrise though I was facing west. That's all I remember. I did wake with some sense of peace. What would be Mom's 80th Birthday is 8 days from now. Perhaps she is close by in spirit, knowing the challenges and changes I'm undergoing. Rarely does she appear in these dreams, though her presence is felt. Last night she guided me to find safe haven outside looking for the sunrise, even when I face the opposite direction or discover a flat sky. #morningramblings #snapseededit #snapseedgram #retrolux
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wunmsky-blog · 7 years
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Your subconscious is powerful! Much more powerful than your conscious. You are told not to take things 'seriously'... . . . . Your intuition, instinct,conscience.. They are valid parts of your make up.. Essential part of your package Stop snoozing on them Reclaim and regain your essence. . . . #morningrambling #mindstate #elevatedmindstate #thoughts #subconcious #thispostisnotforeveryone #tuesday
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clairebear0724 · 6 years
Things I Ramble About #6
Ok so here's the thing, I've been working with my job on disability and how I don't know if I'll have to quit or if they'll give me leave since I'm part time right. AND on top of that my boss is hiring already. The government is now shut down simply because this stupid mother fucker likes to act like a 2 year old. But you know us working class, 20 something year old, epileptic, part time employee peasants don't matter because we're not rich. Its irritating that this is nothing new.
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picklingsalt · 7 years
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This is a vicious cat. He bites, howls, attacks the dog, and takes no shit from no body. He is BIG, fluffy, and does what he wants. Not afraid to bite the hand that feeds him. I get little cuts and scratches daily. He is my cat. . . . Just like people, no one, and nothing is 100% evil. Creatures, and I'm talking humans too, all have a light inside. If we choose to pay attention to the darkness, then more darkness will be revealed. Evil is everywhere, and if you want; pain and suffering is all you will see. . . . Anything that is given focus and attention grows. I choose to see that light inside all beings. It gets easy quickly. Working as a waitress for 16 years teaches one about people more than any psyche degree. When a hungry monster is screaming at the hostess, red faced, fist clenched.. or when a boss is drunk and spitting insults behind the line... I see only an animal in distress. There is still good in there. There is still a beating heart that wants to be loved, and has basic needs that arnt being met. What I have learned.. and how I have worked with this cat.. is that if I can keep myself detached and steady of breath, I can hold space, at the level of the wound, and choose to only speak to the light. Choose to see a wounded animal who has been living in a life of anger and pain. Not a monster doing something to me. I choose to nurture their light. Whatever you put your attention towards grows. Sometimes even just keeping an eye on something is all that is needed to change it. . . . . So if we yes acknowledge the evil, stand with boundaries, breathe, and look at the light, the light will be all that grows. I have noticed that in this practice, angry nasty people treat me well. This cat over time, now snuggles on my lap, begs for pets, and is so quick to pur. This cat that was on the street, this cat that was in an unhealthy living situation. This cat. He has boundaries. He has attitude. But the more I see his sweetness and give space for his wounds to heal, the sweeter the cat he becomes. #morningramblings #YouSeeWhatYouAreLookingFor #boundariesAreBeautiful #meetmeatmywound #cherishthelightwithin #paincannotexistwithoutlove
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itsgregsworld · 7 years
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Is that too much to ask for? I know “I’m only 21” and “I have so much time ahead of me” and “Everybody has different timing” but damn. That’s a constant question for me. I wake up like, “Ok, how can I be great today? What do I have to do to get where I want to be?” I gotta stop stressing myself though because as they all say, “You have to just take it one day at a time.” 1 Boss move a day.. that’s a must. What’s your thoughts? #randomthoughts #dontmindme #morningramblings (at The Millionaire's Row)
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daydreamerdreams · 7 years
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They know we constantly reinvent ourselves... different style, different thoughts, different ethics, even different hair. They can't stop us but they keep trying! *Two girls suspended from school for wearing braids* Really? Newsflash! Royalty by blood! It doesn't matter what we look like! The rest is in the breeding. Who bred you? #morningramblings #reinvented #daydreamer #blackgirlmagic #royalbybirth #evenwithoutbraids #calledtobecreative
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nlptransformations · 4 years
"Falling Apart and Finding Your Way Back Home". My 30th #morningramble from a couple of weeks ago. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @michaelneillcatalyst to watch the rest of my Morning Rambles! https://ift.tt/3cgjWYP Like us on FB:https://ift.tt/1kY0XzN
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markofcaindean · 12 years
Whose Salvation is Stefan Salvatore exactly bringing? lol.
Is it himself? Is it Elena's? Is it Damon's ? OR IS IT THE COUNCIL MEMBERS?
guys ok so I just decided to see a 4.02 clip
ok this was connor clip hes reading the letter Aprils dad left the leader of the dudes who died back in 4.01 
now he says greater evil is coming now I can safely say thats Professor Creepy at this point hes clearly doing something very big. Hence why they wont even go straight into it and are giving us few glimpses here and there now he says I will see you again when we FIND OUR SALVATION. 
This is the first time I think this word has been used this season. lol. See now I'm starting to think this is bigger than Elena bigger than the triangle again. Everyone is stuck on the whole cure and shit but what are Stefan's actions exactly where are they going to lead him? 
and I clearly remember JP saying after 4.01 do not forget about our council friends they did not just die. obvs. This is TVD . Everyone was like WTF?!  They just died. But see did they just die? OBVS not. this letter right here is the main point of this season. 
Now Professor creepy wants to raise the dead it seems like it I think so guess who were seeing again? 12 COUNCIL MEMBERS. 
and I do think somewhere stefan will get Elena what she needs I dont know how exactly this is playing out but I think Stefan's role is a lot more bigger than just this triangle this season. 
Ok so the keys right they are similar to St. Peters keys right?
"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
Now this is jumping out to me.
Bound by blood and being loose 
Saint Peter or Simon Peter was an early Christian leader and one of the twelve apostles of Jesus.
THE NUMBER 12 AGAIN 12 COUNCIL MEMBERS. 12 seems to be the magic number this season.
Jesus gave to Saint Peter, empowering him to take binding actions.
Stefan might the power to do something big . He might be the key no pun intended to something bigger. 
The keys are gold and silver to represent the power of loosing and binding.
His are gold but loosing and binding . Again bound by blood . being set free.
On this rock I will build my Church, I have given you the keys of the kingdom of heaven [and] whatever you shall have bound or loosed on earth will be bound or loosed in heaven’ [Matt. 16:18–19]. . . . Upon you, he says, I will build my Church; and I will give to you the keys, not to the Church. 
Ok now Stefan can cause this guy would do anything to free himself from guilt. And he served in the war to repent for his ripper shit. He is the perfect example of someone who would bring church people salvation. 
To repent. 
And also through all of this somewhere he will get Elena what she needs. OR I still am stuck on the idea of Elena biting the dust again.lol for real this time. but then obvs. she comes back. 
Who brings her back? Stefan.
Or there is actually still a strong chance actually now I look at it that Stefan dies. 
 St. Peter labored in Rome during the last portion of his life, and there ended his life by martyrdom . Stefan Salvatore anyone? lol. 
This is why an upside down cross is generally accepted as a symbol of Peter, who would not have considered himself worthy enough to die the same way as his Savior.
Now this part is interesting. Cause yesterday I saw a picture someone posted of Elena with a cross on her head right? I dont know if the cross was upside down. But there was a cross on her head.
I would say her savior is Stefan. 
Now if she takes the role of St.Peter lol 
The apocryphal Acts of Peter is also thought to be the source for the tradition about the famous phrase "Quo vadis, Domine?" (or "Pou Hupageis, Kurie?" which means, "Where are you going, Master?"). According to the story, Peter, fleeing Rome to avoid execution, asked the question of a vision of Jesus, to which Jesus allegedly responded that he was "going to Rome to be crucified again." On hearing this, Peter decided to return to the city to accept martyrdom.
She can be the one to accept and be the martyr. Elena anyone? lol. Again this is all 1035435% character for both of them. 
Clement of Rome, in his Letter to the Corinthians (Chapter 5), written c. 80–98, speaks of Peter's martyrdom in the following terms: "Let us take the noble examples of our own generation. Through jealousy and envy the greatest and most just pillars of the Church were persecuted, and came even unto death… Peter, through unjust envy, endured not one or two but many labours, and at last, having delivered his testimony, departed unto the place of glory due to him."
Envy can come from DE . Jealously can come from DE.  And now from honor takes the high road can come salvation.
Now honor though is can be treating something with utmost respect honor worship hold value 
honor implies popular acknowledgment of a person's right to great respect as well as any expression of such respect in honor of the martyred dead
lol now all of this is jumping out on me and I think what the problem is were looking at this the wrong way. 
Now we can also call the 12 church people martyrs also. They died a death but the main dude said its all for the greater good.
Again Stefan would bring people salvation before he does anything for himself but through that he can gain Salvation . And also  now Stefan is the hero of this story hes the tragic hero of this story. This all of it is Stefan Salvatore. 
All of this yeah my bby would do. I honestly think the end of this season is gunna be bigger than anything. YEP MY BBY'S GOT THIS .
But see the question is whose gunna be doing what? 
And where Elena jumps into this. And how far shes willing to go. And we all know sire bond or not she will never want Stefan Salvatore to die. 
See my thing is what exactly is Stefan's role this season and it looks dam well to me its beyond Elena and Damon .
He's the only one who hasn't talked to professor creepy yet? directly and I think his role extends to him the council members and all of that shit. 
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