#most of the moments here are from ep3 s1 i think. well most of the sokka ones for sure
bryverros · 6 months
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regaining honor and eating momo… ah,,, season 1.
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So something terrible happens which makes future Crowley go back to try to fix it and there's just 2 Crowleys running around in the present? Oh, and thanks for explaining!
Regarding not taking yourself seriously: I may not be entirely convinced by this particular theory - or any, yet - but I don't think time travel is completely out there or impossible either. Considering the way Adam resets things after the failed Apocalypse, the timeline clearly can be messed with, as can time itself, as Crowley repeatedly demonstrates. I saw the post you reblogged about the rugs and we are rapidly moving out of the territory of plausible deniability regarding the sheer number of bizarre continuity errors. Any one or two of them on their own, yes, but collectively?
If you do go looking back through the minisodes, Crowley's hair seems to go shorter-longer-shorter in Job and his sideburns look like they get quite a bit shorter in the crypt in the Resurrectionists. I didn't see anything in the Nazis minisode, but that doesn't meant nothing's there.
further ask:
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hi anon!!!✨ first of all, im so sorry for not getting round to your asks until now!!!
re: first ask - mhm that's the half-baked idea, anyhow!!! and tbh 💀 im not completely convinced either but i like to entertain the possibility just out of Fun, so here we are!!!✨ oh god The Rugs - so the red one, that appears during the ball? okay sure i can accept that it is part of the Austen Aesthetic, and once the magic lifts it shifts back to the normal s2.
as for the s1 one... im torn. because i saw the amazing post where they hand-painted the mf sink tiles bc they would be in the background of a couple of shots, and wanted to at least be as close to the s1 ones as possible (GO crew honestly do the Mostest). and yeah okay, re: the difference between the s1 and s2 rugs, maybe it's that they thought 'well it's going to be on the floor most of the time and therefore out of shot' but. there are two shots that literally focus on it. as the focal point. so to my mind, they either literally couldn't find a like for like replacement (completely valid), or something Fishy is going on.
ive seen a couple of people remark on the flashbacks potentially being skewed because they're from aziraphale's perspective, but ive genuinely had the half-baked idea that the whole season is. there's so many in-story indicators, to my mind - biased red/yellow colour grading, the cartoony loch ness animation in ep3, and tbh the whole ball thing - and i do wonder if this whole rug sitch (as well as other Unexplained Things) might be chalked up to this very thing; that we are seeing s2 for the mostly part literally through aziraphale's eyes, and that what we see is a little... altered. magicked. as i said, half-baked idea, but there we are.
i did end up going through ACtO, and it's currently sat in my drafts at the moment because... well, idk what to make of it. the scenes where - by my estimation - he has the longer, more defined-curl wig, is every shot in job's house (three scenes, iirc), and so it might actually, if you consider that these scenes were likely filmed in alternative days to the other ACtO scene, a plain continuity/wig-availability issue. plus, when looking at the dialogue, all the scenes in some way link together (so i don't, essentially, think it can feasibly be the same time-travel theory). the only thing, i guess, that still remains valid is that we are seeing a recount of the events of ACtO as per aziraphale's retelling... but even then, there are plenty of scenes where they are very heavy in the crowley perspective (ie it doesn't feel like aziraphale is fudging anything), so this doesn't 100% feel like a true explanation either imo.
i do still need to look at the resurrectionists minisode though, so may well be able to parse some crackpot musing once ive done that!!!✨
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Bucky Barnes imagines - Some Sunny Day Part 2
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AN: I’m splitting episode 3 into two chapters because so much happens. 
Summary: Before the Blip, you and Bucky were close. After you both returning and Tony’s funeral, you decided to go back to your home town to spend time with your family. When duty calls, you return.  
In this chapter: Despite your protests, Bucky seeks out Zemo (Based on S1 EP3)
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Sam Wilson x Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 5,196
Warnings: Spoilers for episode 3, violence, strong language. 
You watched Bucky as he sat beside you on the aircraft. 
“Do you mind?” Bucky’s side eye didn’t make you look away. 
“I’m just trying to see what’s going through that head of yours.” You confessed. You were all on your way to Germany to visit Zemo. It wasn’t a plan you were happy with but it was the plan. 
“Don’t bother.” Bucky frowned, looking down at his hands on his lap. “And don’t ask me if I think this is a good idea again.” 
“I wasn’t going to ask that.” You turned away from the man.
“What was it then?” Bucky asked. 
“I was going to ask if you were sure you wanted to do this.” It was another question you had already asked 20 times or more but you couldn’t shake the overwhelming feeling of anxiety about this trip. 
“She has a right to be worried, Buck. The last time you were alone with Zemo, you ended up putting (Y/n) through three windows.” Sam reminded you both of what happened the last time you were in Berlin. 
“It won’t happen this time.” Bucky tried to reassure you both but you still felt uneasy. 
After another hour or so Sam announced that you were almost there. 
It was a short drive to the prison from the airport but once you were inside, you felt your chest begin to tighten again. 
“He’s just through that corridor.” The German guard gestured up ahead and that’s when Bucky stopped you. 
“Alright. Give us a sec.” Bucky instructed the security guard before turning to you and Sam. “I’m gonna go in alone.”
“Why?” Sam asked, 
“You’re Avengers. You know how he feels about that.” Bucky said as he looked between the two of you. 
“It’s not like you two were known for frolickin’ in the sun together.” Sam felt he needed to remind Bucky of the past again. However, Bucky stood his ground. 
“He was obsessed with HYDRA. We have a history together. Trust me. I got it.” 
“Buck...” You started, 
“I got it.” He repeated himself before you could say anything else. 
You watched Bucky head through the doors alone. 
“Let’s wait outside. This place gives me the creeps.” Sam encouraged you to follow him to which you didn’t do without hesitation. 
Sam brought you a hot drink as you sat on a bench outside. 
“I forgot how worried he can make you.” Sam admitted as he sat down beside you.
“I’ve seen what he went through, Sam. All of it leading up to Zemo. I just... I don’t want it happening to him again.” You knew you couldn’t explain the extent of why you cared for Bucky. 
“You love him.” Sam said. It wasn’t a question but rather a statement. “I can see it clear as day. Anyone could if they stuck around long enough.” 
“Why are you bringing this up, Sam?” You sighed, looking away from him. 
“Because it’s also obvious that he loves you too. You run around driving each other crazy with worry but you have none of the good stuff that comes with being in love with someone.” 
“What do you know about love, Don Juan?” You chuckled as you tried to lighten the tone.
“I know it when I see it.” Sam smiled but there was a sadness behind his eyes. 
“Things are complicated, Sam.” You muttered, “You already know that.” 
“Well I also think that if Bucky got some he’d be a whole lot less angsty all the damn time.” You knew Sam only said it to make you laugh but you still gave him a whack for the comment. 
“Shut up, Sam.” You shook your head, trying not to smile at the inappropriate comment. 
Sam kept you entertained by a couple of silly games of rock, paper, scissors before Bucky returned. 
“Come on, I got some information. We gotta go.” Bucky hurried you and Sam along. 
“Just like that?” You were surprised that Zemo even spoke to Bucky at all. 
“A location. I’ll explain everything once we get there.” Bucky wasn’t giving you much information and it was making you a little suspicious. 
“Hey, hey, hey...” Sam ran after Bucky, stopping him. “You gotta give us a little more than that.”
“Zemo agreed to help us after hearing that there were more super soldiers. It was his life ambition to stop the winter soldier programme and he’s given us a lead.” Bucky explained. 
“And you’re just gonna trust his word?” You probed. 
“There’s not much else we can do.” Bucky did make a point. 
It didn’t take long to reach the large warehouse/garage that Bucky wanted to go to. 
Bucky on the way had started rambling about breaking Zemo out of jail in order to help you guys which sounded ridiculous to you. 
“Tell me you’re joking, Buck.” You pleaded, unsure whether he had lost his mind entirely. 
“He’s our best shot at finding who is making the serum and he’d be a lot more useful out than in.” Bucky opened the door to the building and you followed him inside.
“What are you talking about? You wanna break Zemo outta jail? Where are we, Buck? Have you lost your mind?” Sam was just as lost as you were as he shot questions at Bucky. 
“We have no leads, no moves, nothing.” Bucky sighed as you made your way in with your flashlights. 
“What we have is one of the most dangerous men in the world behind bars.” Sam argued. 
“We also have eight Super Soldiers that are loose.” Bucky retorted. 
“Anyway, I thought this was a lead?” You tried to look around but the place was badly lit. There were mainly mechanic tools and lots of storage scattered around. 
“It’s complicated.” Bucky frowned.
“What’s complicated is Zemo. He’s gonna mess with our minds. Especially yours. No offence.” Sam shone his flashlight at Bucky as he spoke. 
“Offence.” Bucky didn’t look impressed as he found the light switch. “Super Soldiers go against everything he believes in. He is crazy, but he still has a code.” 
“I’ve been on the wrong side of that code and so have you. He blew up the UN, he killed King T’Chaka and framed you for it. Did you forget that? You think the Wakandans forgot about it? It’s a rhetorical question. They didn’t. I know why this matters to you, but it’s pushing you off the deep end.” Sam stepped closer to Bucky. You couldn’t deny that Sam had a point. Zemo was the one who tore the avengers apart by framing Bucky.  “We don’t know how they’re gettin’ the serum. We don’t even know how many of them there are.” Bucky couldn’t give up. “Let me just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I?”
“What did you do?” Sam narrowed his eyes at Bucky. 
You were busy looking inside the car that was revealed by the lights coming on. 
“I didn’t do anything.” Bucky shook his head before he continued with his ‘hypothetical’. 
“The weakest point in any system isn’t the software, the hardware, it’s the meatware. The human element. Now, in this lockup, it’s nine to one, prisoners to guards. And if two prisoners start fighting, then the protocol says four guards have to respond.”
“So why would two prisoners randomly start fighting at that moment? Who knows?” Sam questioned. 
“There could be many reasons…” Bucky shrugged. “But the point is, these things escalate. Lockdown procedures would have to be initiated, and with all those bodies flying around left and right, wouldn’t be hard to slip down a hallway or two.
At this point, you stopped looking around and looked over at Bucky with your arms across your chest. You weren’t liking how thought out this plan was sounding. 
“And if the fire alarm got tripped while the prisoners were being separated someone could use the chaos to their advantage.” Bucky continued. 
“I don’t like how casual you’re bein’ about this. This is unnatural. Are you… And where are we, man?” Sam gestured around the place with confusion locked on his face. 
“Bucky, I’m with Sam on this one. I’ve got a bad feeling and–––” A door opening behind you cut you short. 
You turned around to see Zemo walk through the plastic door curtains. 
“Woah, woah, woah!” Sam jumped forward instructively. Bucky managed to stop him but he didn't stop you. 
You rushed towards Zemo and held the tip of one of your knives to his Adams apple as he held his hands up. 
“What are you doing here?” Sam shouted at Zemo before snapping back to Bucky.
“I didn’t tell ’cause I knew you wouldn’t let this happen.” Bucky admitted. 
“What did you do?” Sam pointed at Zemo in shock.
“We need him.” Bucky stated to which you chuckled harshly, pressing your knife a little harder. 
“You’re going back to prison!” Sam called over. 
“If I may..? “ Zemo tried to speak but you all shut him up with a unanimous ‘No.’
“Apologies.” Zemo mumbled. 
“(Y/n), put the knife down.” Bucky came towards you and wrapped his hand round your wrist. “Please?” 
You did. Slowly. 
“Look, when Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you both backed him. You broke the law, and you stuck your neck out for me. I’m asking you to do it again.” Bucky looked back and forth from you to Sam. 
“I really think I’m invaluable.” Zemo spoke again. 
“Shut up.” You rose the knife again to which Zemo took a step back and pretended to zip his mouth shut. 
“Okay.” Sam sighed after a moment of contemplation. “If we do this, you don’t make a move without our permission.”
“Fair.” Zemo nodded. 
“Bucky... You understand what this means right? If they find out we took Zemo, specifically you. We’ll be on the run again and I don’t know if there will be a pardon this time either.” The concern in your eyes made Bucky frown. 
“It’ll be alright. He's the only shot we got to stop these guys.” Bucky wasn’t sure if he believed his own words but he was praying that this was the best thing to do. 
“Alright.” You turned to Zemo. “So where do we start?”
Zemo gestured for you to follow him before taking you into another dark room. You kept your knife in your hand just in case.
He reached for the light switch to reveal a mass of classic cars. 
“So our first move is grand theft auto?” Sam cocked his eyebrow at the impressive collection.  
“These are mine. Collected by family over the generations. I spent years hunting people HYDRA recruited to recreate the serum. Because once it’s out there, someone can create an army of people… like the Avengers.”  Zemo entered one of the cars and pulled out a bag. “I ended the Winter Soldier program once before. I have no intention to leave my work unfinished. To do this, we’ll have to scale a ladder of lowlifes.”
“Well, join the party. We’ve already started.” Sam told the man.
“First stop is a woman named Selby. Mid-level fence I still have a line on. From there, we climb.” Zemo took his bag and headed into another room. 
“Jesus... How big is this place?” You looked around to see it was full of clothes. 
“First I change and then we head to Selby.” Zemo placed the bag down before filing through one if the rails of clothes. 
“How are we supposed to get anywhere with Zemo on our hands? We can’t exactly call Torres and ask for a ride but please ignore the fugitive that’s coming with us.” You looked between the boys. 
“I will get us there.” Zemo told you. 
“Great.” You pressed a fake smile onto your face which Zemo chose not to acknowledge.
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Before you knew it you were at the airport at Zemo’s private jet.
“So all this time you’ve been rich?” Sam’s eyes went wide at the sight of the plane.
“I’m a Baron, Sam. My family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country.” Zemo spoke as if it was well known information. You felt a pang hit you in the chest, it happened every time you thought of Sokovia... it was guilt. 
You watched Zemo greet an elderly man in a suit before you entered the jet. 
You sat furtherest away from Zemo, still feeling very uncomfortable about him being free and under your custody. 
You watched him sip on a glass of champagne like he had no worries in the world. 
“You don’t know what it’s like to be locked in a cell. Oh. That’s right you do.” Zemo reminded you of the time Tony had locked a lot of the avengers up. 
“Why don’t you tell us about where we’re going?” Sam suggested. 
 “I’m sorry. I was just fascinated by this. I don’t know what to call it, but this part seems to be important. Who is Nakajima?” 
Before you could blink, Bucky had lunged forward and taken Zemo by the neck.  
“If you touch that again, I’ll kill you.” Bucky kept hold of Zemo for a second longer before sitting back down. You had fought the urge to get up and take hold of his arm to calm him down.  
"I’m sorry. I understand that list of names. People you’ve wronged as the Winter Soldier.” Zemo made no attempt at a sincere apology for the invasion of privacy.  
“Don’t push it.”  Bucky warned him.
“I’ve seen that book. It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book. Did you hear it? What’d you think?” Sam smiled as he thought back on the memory. 
“I like ’40s music, so…” Bucky shrugged. 
“You didn’t like it?” Sam seemed more shock to hear this than when he saw Zemo. 
“I liked it.” Bucky proclaimed. 
“It is a masterpiece, James. Complete. Comprehensive. It captures the African-American experience.” Even Zemo had to get involved. 
“He’s out of line, but he’s right. It’s great. Everybody loves Marvin Gaye.” Sam turned back to Bucky after giving side eye to Zemo. 
“I like Marvin Gaye.” Bucky repeated. 
“Steve adored Marvin Gaye.” Sam couldn’t drop it but you didn’t bother getting involved. 
You looked at the book in Bucky’s hands. You knew Steve had given it to him before but seeing it again after all this time brought up a hundred thoughts. You remembered the many things you had told Steve to watch or eat or listen to like ABBA, Mochi ice cream and pranking him by suggesting the twilight movie as must see. 
“You must have really looked up to Steve.” Zemo mentioning Steve made you look up again. “But I realised something when I met him. The danger with people like him, America’s Super Soldiers, is that we put them on pedestals.”
“Watch your step, Zemo.” Sam warned him. 
“They become symbols. Icons. And then we start to forget about their flaws. From there, cities fly, innocent people die. Movements are formed, wars are fought. You remember that, right?” Zemo looked over at Bucky. “As a young soldier sent to Germany to stop a mad icon. Do we want to live in a world full of people like the Red Skull? That is why we’re going to Madripoor.” 
“What’s up with Madripoor? You talk about it like it’s Skull Island.” Sam asked but you already knew of Madripoor. Anyone with links to the underworld of crime knew of Madripoor. 
“It’s an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago. It was a pirate sanctuary back in the 1800s.” Bucky informed him. 
“It’s kept its lawless ways. But we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves. James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone.” Zemo looked down at his duffel bag of clothes that you had watched him pack before.
“What do you mean by that?” You finally chimed into the conversation. 
“James will have to retake the person of the Winter Soldier. You both will have a role to play also.” Zemo explained, turning to face you as you sat in the chair by the back wall of the jet. 
“Bucky, can I speak to you privately?” You looked past Zemo to Bucky. Bucky gave you a look to ask where would you go so you stood and opened the cabin toilets door. 
Bucky huffed before following you in.
“Bucky I’m not okay with this.” You whispered as you pressed yourself up against the wall so you could try and fit both you and Bucky a little more comfortably. 
“This isn’t up to you.” Bucky sighed. 
 “Everything about this situation is making every nerve in my body scream this is a bad idea.” You folded your arms across your chest as you stared up at Bucky. 
“How many times do I have to tell you that this is the only plan we got?” 
“I don’t trust him.” You kept your voice low as you threw your hand up in the direction of the door. 
“Do you trust me?” Bucky asked. 
“I’m starting to question it.” You muttered. 
Bucky just stared at you in response. 
“Yes, I trust you.” You grumbled, caving in. 
“Anyway I have you if things go bad.” Bucky tried to make light of the situation but you weren't impressed. 
You left the bathroom and remained silent until you drew closer to Madripoor. 
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Upon your arrival in Madripoor, you were handed some clothes to change into. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me?” You held up the small material dress that you were meant to wear. 
“I had to choose a disguise that would cover your face. Too many people here would know you from your days before the avengers and after.” Zemo defended his choice of ‘costume’ for you. 
“So I’m assassin barbie?” You scoffed before taking to the bathroom to change. 
You slid on the black leather playsuit and boots, along with the mask that Zemo gave you. 
You felt exposed and uncomfortable. You managed to hide a few knives in your boots and you slid on a thigh holster to hold some more to make you feel like you were protected at least. 
“Loose the knives.” Zemo instructed. 
“Are you serious?” You were growing more agitated by the minute with this man. 
“You are playing an escort. You can’t have knives on show.” Zemo pointed to your holster. 
You bit down on your cheek as you removed it. 
“Fine.” You then left the plane to Sam and Bucky waiting outside. Bucky’s eyes went wide at the sight of you but he tried to hide it by clearing his throat and looking away. 
“We have to fix this. I’m the only one who looks like a pimp.” Sam was wearing a red patterned suit and chains. He didn’t look too bad in it either.
“Only an American would assume a fashion-forward Black man looks like a pimp. You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing. The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.” Zemo handed Sam his phone revealing a picture of Conrad Mack.
“He even has a bad nickname. Hell, he does look like me, though.” Sam took the phone and looked down at the picture. 
“(Y/n) is playing your partner for the night. Conrad is known for his appreciation for the finer things in life and often has a woman on his arm Therefore, (Y/n), you must be attached to Sam’s hip the entire night.” Zemo filled you all in on the reason behind your disguise. 
“Excuse me, what?” Bucky almost choked at the idea of you having to be Sam’s woman for the night. 
“Well it is the only disguise that makes sense. She can’t be your girlfriend as you are the Winter Soldier. She can’t be mine as everyone knows I am loyal to my wife. She has to be the smiling tigers current whore.” 
“Watch your mouth.” Bucky hissed. 
“We all must play a part.” Zemo defended his choice of words. “You smell this?”
“Yeah, what is that? Acid?” Sam asked. 
“Madripoor. No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There’s no margin for error. High Town’s that way. Not a bad place if you wanna visit, but Low Town’s the other way.” Zemo gestured across the city as a car approached you all. 
“Let me guess. We don’t have any friends in High Town.” You sighed as Zemo opened the car door for you. 
“Not if we want the answers we are looking for.” Zemo climbed into the car after you and then the boys followed. 
It didn't take too long to find the way to low town. You had been to Madripoor before but it had been years ago. 
You did as you were ordered when you all exited Zemo’s car. You stuck by Sam, walking in the middle of Sam and Bucky. 
The air wasn’t cold but it felt thick, you could feel it sticking to your bare skin which gave you the desperate urge to take a long shower. 
“Here we are.” Zemo had brought you to a bar. It was busy and filled with a lot of men.  
“Ready to comply, Winter Soldier?” You heard Zemo ask Bucky in Russian. 
You heard whispers around you questioning if Bucky was who everyone thought he was. It made your gut clench with nerves but you didn’t let it show. 
“Hello, gentlemen. Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.” The bartender greeted Sam and Zemo but barely brushed a glance over you.
“His plans changed. We have business to do with Selby.” Zemo spoke for Sam. You then felt Sam wrap his arm around your waist. You leaned into him, batting your eyelashes first at Sam and then the bartender. 
“The usual?” The bartender asked Sam. He nodded, afraid that if he spoke then it would give away the facade. 
You were thankful you were wearing a face mask when you saw the drink made for the Smiling Tiger. You grimaced at the dead snake being cut open and then again when one of its organs was dropped into Sam’s shot. 
“Ah, Smiling Tiger. Your favourite.” Zemo picked up his own drink as he looked down at Sam’s. 
“I love these.” Sam forced himself to speak. 
“Cheers, Conrad.” Zemo and Sam touched glasses before Sam hesitantly shot back the drink. You could tell Bucky enjoyed watching that. 
“I got word from on high. You ain’t welcome here.” A man suddenly approached from behind and tapped Zemo on the shoulder. You felt Sam’s grip on you tighten protectively. 
“I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me...” Zemo held his hand out to show his new bodyguard. 
“New haircut?” The stranger looked Bucky up and down. 
“Or bring Selby for a chat.” Zemo gave him the other option. The man retreated. 
“A power broker? Really?” Bucky spoke once the stranger had left.
“Every kingdom needs its king. Let’s just pray we stay under his radar.”
“Do you know him?” Sam asked. 
“Only by reputation.” Zemo admitted honestly.
“In Madripoor he is judge, jury, and executioner. You can’t visit low town without appearing on his radar.” You spoke up as you let yourself look around the room and take in just how many threats were around. 
“And you know this why?” Sam looked down at you. He must've forgotten your past. 
“I was a free agent before the Avengers. I've been here undercover a few times especially when I was a young teenager. Surprise Surprise evil guys like little girls.” You kept quiet in case anyone around was listening. 
Zemo suddenly spoke a command for Bucky in Russian once again and that’s when another stranger put his hands on Zemo. 
You watched Bucky follow orders and he didn’t hold back. 
He grabbed hold of the strangers wrist and pulled him off Zemo before attacking him and several others around. 
You took notice of those around with their phones out. Cameras...
You went to step forward when you felt Sam squeeze your side. He gave you a look that told you no. 
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form.” Zemo muttered to you and Sam. You wanted to punch him. 
Bucky slammed another man onto the bar and that’s when you heard the wave of guns cocking. 
Sam took hold of Bucky’s arm when Zemo told him to stay in character. 
Instead Zemo told Bucky to stand down once you were informed you could see Selby. 
Sam took hold of you hand and dragged you along side him as you all left the bar. 
“She isn’t welcome.” One of the guards stopped you before you could enter the room. 
“Excuse me?” Sam scoffed at the guard. “She’s with me and so she is welcome.” 
“Let her in!” You heard an English accent call from ahead. 
“You should know, Baron. People don’t just come into my bar and make demands.” Selby was an older woman with a white pixie cut and a sly grin. Sam remained stood and so did Bucky but Sam had commanded you to take a seat next to Zemo. 
“Not a demand. An offer.” Zemo was impressing you by how cool he was playing this. It also worried you. 
“A lot has changed since you were here last. By the way, I thought you were rotting away in a German prison. How did you escape?“ Selby asked. 
“People like us always find a way, don’t we? I’m sure you’ve already figured out what I’m here for.”
“You’re taller than I’d heard, Smiling Tiger.” Selby ignored Zemo as she eyed up Sam.” What’s the offer?”
“Tell us what you know about the super-soldier serum. And I give you him, along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want.”Zemo had risen from his seat and held Bucky by the chin. 
“Now that’s the Zemo I remember. I’m glad I decided not to kill you immediately. Yeah, you were right to come to me. Arrogant, but right. The super-soldier serum is here in Madripoor. Dr. Wilfred Nagel is the man you wanna thank...Or condemn, depending on what side of this you’re on. The Power Broker had him working on the serum, but… things didn’t go as planned.” Selby fed you what she knew. 
“Is Nagel still in Madripoor?” Zemo questioned. 
“Oh. The bread crumbs you can have for free, but the bakery is gonna cost you, Baron. And before you get all cute, don’t think you can find Nagel without me.” Selby pushed herself from her seat and walked across the room. 
That’s when Sam’s mobile went off. 
“Answer it. On speaker.” Selby ordered. The gun behind Sam made him pull out his phone. 
“Hello?” He answered. 
“Hey, um, we need to talk about this situation. It’s been drivin’ me nuts.” A woman’s voice came through. 
“What situation exactly are you talkin’ about?” Sam tried his best to keep up his persona. 
“Are you high? You know what situation, it’s the only situation me and you have.” The woman’s attitude was not helping Sam’s case. 
“What situation, Sarah? Say it.” Sam demanded. 
“The damn boat. And watch your tone. Okay? I let you slide at the bank.” Sarah snapped back. 
“The bank. Yeah. Laundered so much...” Sam chuckled. “Yeah, they’ll come around.”
“If that was the case, then why’d they dog you out, Big Time?” Sarah asked. 
“Yeah, you damn right I’m Big Time. You’ll see when I have that banker killed.” Sam tried to seem intimidating but at that moment you knew you were screwed. You reached down into your boot to take a knife just in case. 
“Cass! What’d I tell you about the Cheerios? I don’t have time for this! Sam, I’m sorry. I’ll call you back.” Sarah had used Sam’s name and that was the end of it. 
“Sam? Who’s Sam?” Selby looked pissed. “Kill them!” She ordered but before her hired men could react, a bullet came through the window and shot Selby down. 
You snatched two knives from your boot and sent them into the guard behind Sam. 
Bucky immediately reacted with taking out the other guard. 
“They’re gonna pin this on us.” You took the knives from the body as the boys took the guns. 
“We have a real problem now, so leave your weapons and follow my lead.” Zemo’s order made the boys put their guns down but you just wiped your knives and placed them back in your boot. 
You left the club in a hurry. Text chimes went off around you and you knew the power broker had seen what happened. 
You were well and truly fucked. 
“This is not good.” Zemo’s last words before the shooting started. 
You took off alongside Bucky and Sam, cursing the fact that Zemo had put you in the most uncomfortable shoes on the planet. 
“I can’t run in these heels!” Sam shouted which almost made you laugh. 
“Down here!” You took a turn into an alley to get off the road as two mopeds appeared behind you. 
Before you could spin around to fight, a shooter had taken them out. 
“You seem to have a guardian angel.” Zemo looked just. as confused you felt. You weren’t aware you knew anyone who was in Madripoor at the moment. 
“Well, this is too perfect. Drop it, Zemo.” A familiar face soon revealed itself from the shadows. 
“Sharon?” Sam furrowed his brow at the woman. 
“You cost me everything.” Sharon ignore Sam as she spoke to Zemo. 
“Sharon, wait. Someone recreated the super-soldier serum and Zemo had a lead.” Sam stepped ahead of Zemo to protest him. 
“That explains why you guys are here. And Selby’s dead.”Sharon glowered at the four of you. 
“So what are you doing here?” Bucky asked the question on everyones mind. 
“I stole Steve’s shield, remember? I also took the wings for your ass, so that you could save him from him. I didn’t have the Avengers to back me up. So I’m off the grid in Madripoor.” Sharon informed you.
“Don’t blow smoke. Both (Y/n) and I were on the run, too.” Sam didn't bother with feeling pity. 
“Was. Is. Big difference. I don’t speak to my family anymore. I can’t. My own father doesn’t know where I am.” Sharon shot back. 
“Listen, Sharon, we need your help.” Bucky interrupted her before she could say anything else.  
“Please.” You added. You and Sharon were friendly for a time before the world went to hell. You figured she’d help you at least. 
“This isn’t over. I have a place in High Town. You’ll be safe there for a while.” Sharon sighed, giving in and lowering her gun. 
“Thank you.” You pressed a small smile onto your face but Sharon didn’t reciprocate. 
She managed to get you to a car safely and you headed out of low town for the night. 
Bucky Barnes Tag List 
@florencxs @mystictimetravelcolor @yourphotographyteen16 @shannon-posts @darkbluenovember @sexwithhiddlesbatch @thefandomimagines @mydarkness-itsnotmyfriend @sad-huffle-nerd @glitchingghosts​ @themaddies-obx​
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laeteria · 3 years
Scenes Aninana S2
Originally written on 13 December 2021.
I skipped through IDOLiSH7: Second Beat to talk about some scenes in the anime, so you don't have to do it yourself.
Kind of obvious, but there are spoilers under the cut!!
EP3: Iori's decision
The main topic of this episode is changing IDOLiSH7's center. Riku has some health problems that keeps him from doing his best, but that means that they need to work around it.
Tsumugi suggests to Iori to change center, but Iori stubbornly says he doesn't want to change center, because Nanase Riku is the center of IDOLiSH7.
Some things happen and at the end of the episode, Iori goes to Tsumugi to say that he wants to change centers.
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Iori is standing in the dark, while Tsumugi is standing in the light. I take it as Tsumugi being the rational option here, while Iori being the "bad" option in this case.
I also want to say that you can see the exit sign above the door (the green light), and I think that's supposed to symbolizes the fact that Iori won't be running away from this problem anymore. This can be supported by the fact that he steps towards the light.
EP4: the talk between Yuki and Yamato
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We have known about Yamato wanting to take revenge since S1, but more context than that was never before this scene. Yuki obviously knows what Yamato is planning and he tries to talk him out of it.
At one point their reflection will be shown in the cutlery. Yuki's reflection in the spoon, while Yamato's in the knife.
It's a well done scene, because a spoon is used to support. Yuki never really straight out tells Yamato to stop what he's doing, but he makes him think about the path he's taking. A knife is also a great support, but you have to handle it with care. Yamato is a very talented individual, but one wrong move and he can hurt you…
EP5: confrontation between the twins
I want to talk about this particular shot of Riku and Tenn. Tenn is visiting I7's dorm, but for some reason he's seated, while Riku is on the ground and it's Riku's room???
That actually makes a lot of sense, because Tenn is TRIGGER's center, but also Riku's brother. Riku simply looks up to Tenn a lot and that's probably the simple reason.
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But… why does Tenn look more comfortable than Riku? It's as if Tenn is in his own room and I thought about the following: what if Tenn is already comfortable with his position, while Riku still needs support?
The scarf that Riku is wearing is actually Tenn's scarf, but that can also symbolizes Tenn wanting to protect Riku. The actual scene is pretty depressing and you will think that Tenn is a bad brother, but he really is doing it all out of good will.
He doesn't want to see Riku being hurt. To protect him, he had to show the harsh side of this idol path as well, so Riku could be sure of his own decision.
EP6: Mitsuki's wavering resolve
This scene is one of the most heartbreaking scenes in this season. When Mitsuki thinks everything is going well and when he's rewarding himself, he sadly overhears people talking bad about him.
We immediately go to this black and white shot, because at that moment, the only thing that went through his mind were these hurtful words. As if it couldn't get worse, the shopkeeper asks him if he's Mitsuki from IDOLiSH7.
If you have watched the episode, you know that Mitsuki said to Nagi that he thinks he can say proudly that he's Mitsuki from IDOLiSH7… but he couldn't.
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Mitsuki ran and ran. In this scene, he runs past these discount boards, that symbolizes how Mitsuki sees himself. He believes that he's not good enough compared to the rest. He's "cheaper" than the rest, so he's only an extra. It also zooms in on these trashcans, but I think it's obvious what's meant with that.
Mitsuki stops before some stairs. He falls on his knees and cries. Why isn't he good enough? What does his character add to the group? He thinks about all these things, but the only thing he has to do is to keep going.
He doesn't walk up the stairs. Stairs are easy to walk on, but there was an invisible barrier blocking Mitsuki from doing so. It's a simple task and yet he couldn't do it…
You really have to watch this scene, because it really makes your heart hurt so much.
EP6: Momo's worry
I wrote about this before, but long story short, the box and the cake represent Re:vale.
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"Consume withing 5 days" is a reference to the 5 years that Momo spends with Yuki.
"Individual packages will have seperate dates" refers to Momo and Yuki, because Momo is not a member of the original Re:vale and thus he has a different "expiration date".
EP7: Mitsuki's breakdown
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Nagi notices Mitsuki being down, so he wants to talk with Mitsuki. Mitsuki pretends to be okay, while he obviously isn't, but in the end he tells Nagi about his problems.
Notice that Mitsuki is standing in the shadow, while Nagi is standing in the light. Rather than pulling Mitsuki to the light, Nagi goes to Mitsuki.
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Nagi accepts Mitsuki as the person he is, even if Mitsuki isn't the happy Mitsuki he knows. Nagi wants to carry Mitsuki's pain with him.
Also, this scene contains orange and yellow, aka Mitsuki's and Nagi's image colours. They really thought everything out.
EP10: Re:vale's past
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Yuki was devastated after his old partner left him. When Yuki read his letter, see how the there's a lot of light coming from the window, but Yuki himself is still pretty dark compared to the rest. At that moment, the light of his world had left him.
He's leaving his light behind and this has to represent his passion for music. He is unable to keep doing the thing he loves, because the light is not the same.
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When Momo starts bothering Yuki, you will see the light behind Yuki, but before Yuki another light appeared (Momo).
When Yuki finally accepts Momo's request, the whole colour scheme will turn light and it leaves a very hopeful feeling. The dark and depressing setting has been changed by simply changing the light.
This scene is very sweet as well and also probably one of my favourite scenes in the anime.
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americachavez · 4 years
did cas really tell dean to kneel before their new god? did that actually happen? i thought him beating the shit out of dean in that alley was the most unrestrainedly horny thing this show had ever done ACTUALLY you know what scratch that new question: top horny moments from the cw's supernatural (2005 - 2020)
getting this ask feels like my sins of the last week have been weighed against the Trials I Have Gone Through since the premier of supernatural on the wb in september of 2005 and I’m not sure if it is a punishment or reward
some notes before we begin:
the ep with dean’s male siren was like, conceptually horny but not actually that horny because the dude was uglie. I’m sorry to this man
all you sam girls out there. I respect you but I do not respect jared padalecki who is JUST tall and has zero sex appeal. but those eps where he’s like, drinking ruby’s blood and then eating her pussy are. you know. I’ll give you that
I am ONLY UP TO SEASON 10 so fair warning this is not comprehensive but the horniness does seem to drop off sharply after the mark of cain is no longer in play lol gotta love a good demon murder tattoo plot
this is easily the most insane thing I’ve ever done, including the destiel manifesto
S1 EP12: the scene where dean gets healed by the faith healer, on his knees with a hand in his hair and looking somewhere between religious ecstasy, brain death and an orgasm. starting this list off great
S1 EP22: azazel possessing john winchester. no I will not explain further if u know u know <3
S3 EP10: dean being taunted by a dream version of himself, this is where we first got the daddy’s blunt little instrument line. still burned in my hippocampus a good 13 years later thank yew
S4 EP1: dean crawling out of his own grave covered in grave dirt. hot. the HANDPRINT. HOT. also tangent but this reveal after the s3 finale was WILD back in 2008 I hollered in my dorm room after canvassing for obama. simpler times man
S4 EP 1: cas’ intro scene. the barn. the shadow wings. the hair??? getting stabbed in the chest by the man you just pulled out of hell. getting aaaallll up in that personal space. his little eyebrow. “you don’t think you deserve to be saved.” OUTRAGEOUSLY FLAMING
S4 EP02: “I dragged you out of hell I can throw you back in.” <<< this angel tops. mark dean down as scared and horny etc
S4 EP16: this ENTIRE EPISODE but specifically the part where dean tortures alastair as some kind of foreplay and then alastair kicks his ass. carved you into a new animal. jesus.
S4 EP16: wait I forgot about the part where cas also gets his ass kicked and looks all....hm. dazed and covered in blood while he’s on his knees and about to die. yeah.
S5 EP4: I mean this entire ep is unfairly horny considering everyone is dying of a zombie plague and hasn’t showered in like, 4 years but if I had to pick one hmmm. the dean/dean interrogation scene with the panty kink yeah I know it’s not original but hm. it happened. also misha collins just being able to convey that CAS IS A FLEXIBLE SLUT with a single roll of his shoulders. who SAYS this man can’t act!!!!!
S5 EP18: when cas locks dean in the panic room to stop him from saying yes to michael and “well cas not for nothing but the last person who looked at me like that I got laid” I hate this show. wait I think the blow me cas line is in this episode too what the fuck were they on here
S6 EP5: the scene where dean gets turned into a vampire. between the old dude who I think calls dean a pretty boy (??) and soulless sam....watching??? no ******* but there were just some absolutely foul energies in that scene and I still do not understand WHAT they were thinking
S6 EP20: cas doing a double smite on two demons by slamming them to the ground and then shoving another demon back in its vessel and then smiting him in the same motion. TOP. ENERGY.
S6 EP22: season 6 is possibly cas’ horniest season because he’s like, going through angel puberty after getting his first boner for dean, but the final cas eps are. whoof. cas eats a bunch of souls and proclaims himself to be a new god in order to handle said boner, and then the season ends with cas telling them to bow down and profess their love to him, their new lord, or he will destroy them. note: the way this is framed makes it look like cas is only staring at dean while he says this, even though sam and bobby are also there. the season ends with dramatic zooms on both cas and dean’s faces respectively. this made me actively regret ditching this show after s5 lol
S8 EP??: literally EVERY SINGLE PURGATORY FLASHBACK. cas dean and benny are all purgatory hot in the “pop 10 cranberry pills and risk the UTI” kind of way but also. dean being the hot girl bottom between two tops who hate each other. I really. whew. I need to go take a shower.
S8 EP17: if I get canceled for including the crypt scene on this list I blame you bud. but dean on his knees begging a brainwashed cas to stop killing him WAS sexy. how many times has dean been on his knees in this list wait there’s another one coming up next jsldjfsldkjf
S9 EP2: abaddon getting dean on his knees (YEAH) and pulling his hair and praising him for always coming when called HELLO???? the only thing that ruins this is dean says “I can’t tell if we’re gonna fight or make out” because this is the CW and they won’t let him say fuck
S9 EP6: ah. this entire episode is Emotionally Horny but the horny horny part is when they’re in the car and dean is telling cas to unbutton his shirt and. watches. I know this was on my destiel manifesto but I need it here too
S9 EP9: cas, covered in blood, slitting another angel’s throat and eating his grace after getting tortured. that shot alone made me understand why this website was so goddamn horny for misha collins for nearly a damn decade
S9 EP11: MARK OF CAIN BABEY. cain watching dean beat up a bunch of demons as an audition for taking on the mark, while crowley also is a fucking voyeur to the whole thing. cain is also a hot silver fox with daddy energies. I said what I said
S9 EP 16: dean getting the first blade. he’s chained to a pillar and being menaced by a foppish dandy who wants to add him to his “collection” (WOW). dean then kills him with the blade and whew. murder is sexy sometimes
S9 EP21: dean being pinned against a wall by abaddon’s power, then using the mark of cain to break her hold, calling the first blade to him psychically and then killing her. god the mark of cain is hot
S9 EP23: dean waking up with the demon eyes NUT
S10 EP2: demon dean beating up that dude with the boring backstory and kicking his ass. really was a go on baby I got your flower moment because I hated that dude and I love demon dean
S10 EP3: demon dean being chained up and taunting sam about how his brother is gone, then hunting sam through the bunker. demon dean in general was VERY fun for me, someone who loves trash
S10 EP9: dean going berserk and killing a bunch of pedophile rapists/child abusers. I’m sorry I know this show is trying to preach morality at me about monsters and unnecessary murder and humanity or whatever but we blew past that like 8 SEASONS AGO. also the mark of cain is sexy
S10 EP14: the rest of this list is really gonna be mark of cain stuff isn’t it look I’m here to have fun. cain and dean’s fight. cain continuously tossing his mane of hair back and taunting dean with the picture of what he’s going to become, who he’s going to kill. dean begging cain to tell him that he can stop, and then ultimately killing him. rip daddy.
S11 EP4: again I have not watched this however. every shot of this episode is PRESTIGE TELEVISION because driving a muscle car is sexy. and especially the shot of dean all beat to hell and begging his car to start and giving her a little kiss from his fingers to her dash. ugh. masculinity.
S12 EP10: the bearded salt-and-pepper daddy look returns, only it’s an angel this time and he’s wearing a vest and shirtsleeves and he swordfights with a hot redheaded lady in a suit and an eyepatch. this show is good sometimes!!! and oh fuck lol I just realized this is the same guy who played krissy’s hot hunter dad in s7 probably the first guy who’s hotter as an angel than a hunter. huh.
S12 EP 11: dean riding larry the mechanical bull to “broomstick cowboy.” I have no idea where this factors into the ep but I have seen. the youtube clip
S13 EP23: from what I can tell s13 is way more emotionally horny than boner horny, although dean burning cas’ body was sexy. but the horniest part was dean saying yes to michael and then michael taking over and saying “thanks for the suit.” we are going to ignore the silliest fight scene in existence as well as the final shot ending on a FREEZE FRAME like a goddamn tiktok
S14: not gonna pick a specific moment because I have not watched yet!!! but michael dean is hot. idk why michael is weirdly hot and I cannot stand any iteration of lucifer on this television programme. it should be the reverse but I’m forever an older sibling stan apparently. someone who is catholic could probably explain this better.
S15 EP13: genevieve padalecki and danneel ackles fight flirting as ruby and anael I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY HELD OUT ON THIS TILL THE LAST SEASON
I know I am missing things but this is already an absolutely incomprehensible screed. I know I’m missing shit from the latter seasons but give me time I’m pacing myself
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Top 5 Reasons Doug’s Pretty Great
It’s hard to believe that it’s been nine years since the first episode of S1 was released. I can still remember be a wee little lass first discovering it on youtube and becoming obsessed. At the time, I had no where to play it myself, so I watched as many playthroughs as I could until my family got an xbox. 
While the first episode in this series has a lot of memorable moments, the one that always stands out in people’s memories is the moment where you’re trying to escape the drugstore as walkers pound away at the door and windows, and you realize that both Carley and Doug need your help or they’re going to die. 
But... you can only save one, and whoever you don’t help, they end up being eaten alive by walkers and you get to feel bad about it for the rest of the episode. 
I bring this up because it’s interesting to look back nine years ago and see that... well, not a lot of people saved Doug. Which is crazy, because now the stats are pretty 50/50 with Doug even having a bit of an edge over Carley. That definitely wasn’t the case back then because the stats were more along the line of 20/80.
Why? Well, the writer’s didn’t exactly do the best job of showing how great Doug is in ep1, especially compared to Carley who has more interactions with Lee and more screen time.... which is even funnier because they did actually think they did a good job and were surprised by the results after the episode’s release.
Even back then they had a habit of making imbalanced routes then denying the imbalance... something they never grew out of. 
I guess they were a little butthurt about it since Doug is a favorite among the team given that he’s actually based on a real person, Doug Tabacco, an IT guy they worked with. This got to the point where Telltale never missed an opportunity to tell everyone to #SaveDoug over Carley.
I also love that they use the Stranger to guilt trip everyone who saved Carley by having him be like, “Doug was in a worse position! >:( You only saved Carley because she was a pretty girl!!” just.... real subtle, guys haha
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that more often than not, I choose to save Carley over Doug for many reasons, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate Doug and enjoy having him around in the off chance I do save him. So I thought it’d be fun to talk about Doug as a character and why he was pretty great as a little tribute, y’know? 
5. Doug’s a pretty funny dude
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Now, I wouldn’t exactly call twdg a comedy, y’know? It gets dark, then manages to get even darker at times, but if the game was nothing but doom and gloom, it’d get boring and become unenjoyable. 
While other characters do get a laugh out of me from time to time, I enjoy the humor that Doug brings to the group, even if it’s not intentional and just the way he is. 
Even from the beginning, Doug had me chuckling with the fact that this nerdy dude didn’t want to bring profanity to Lee’s ears when talking about Larry, so he’s just like “ He's kind of a dick... pardon my french,” like Doug.... it’s okay, you can call him an asshole, no one will judge hahaha.
Then there’s the biscuit scene that I think we all know and love. Helps break the tension of meeting these weirdo’s who own a dairy and are totally not suspicious or anything. 
But it’s not even just that Doug is funny, he’s also a character that gets you to crack a smile when he’s talking about something he’s passionate about, or when he’s proud of the alarm he rigged up, or when he’s being adorably awkward. 
One of my favorites is in ep3 when Lee goes to ask Doug if he has any chalk, and he goes into this spiel about charcoal-- “You know, a piece of charcoal is a suitable alternative, depending on your marking surface. Since we're on the subject, did you know that while chalk is traditionally known to be calcium carbonate, what's often used in classrooms is actually made of gypsum, thanks to favorable domestic mining conditions?”
And Lee’s response is just-- “Doug, I did not know that.”
“Happy to be of service.”
It’s just really funny... and it makes you feel better after all the implications about Doug’s mental health in the episode... like you gave him a moment to flex his knowledge and get excited about it. 
But yeah, what can I say? Doug makes me laugh and he brings a bit of light to the groups constant shitshow. 
4. Doug saved the group’s ass at the St John farm
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And he did so with a laser pointer. 
I always hate it when Doug/Carley leave the group at the St Johns and remain absent for most of the episode, though I chalk that up to the writers trying to make the different routes easier on themselves, y’know? 
But, at least they come back to save the day. 
In Doug’s case, he’s not comfortable with guns like Carley is, so he’s gotta get creative when it comes to getting Lee’s attention and stopping Andy from hurting Duck and Lee. 
That’s where his fancy little laser pointer comes in. 
We first see him with it during the walk to the farm, but then see it in action after Lee escapes the barn and is nearly blinded by the light. Doug claims he was doing morse code before Lee tells him and Ben that these assholes cut off Mark’s legs and tried to feed them to the group. 
Now, here’s the thing... If Doug and Ben had done what they were told and stayed at the motor inn over night, things probably wouldn’t have turned out so good for the group. Doug is the one who shines the laser pointer in Andy’s eyes when he’s got ahold of Duck, giving Lee the advantage of attack. Without that, if Lee tried anything, he would’ve ended up like dingdong Kenny with a bullet in his side. 
Also there’s just a lot of bravery from Doug, y’know? Like as soon as he finds Lee and knows the situation, the first thing he asks is what can they do to help, and he sticks around to do what he can.... even if it is just to point a laser in someone’s eye. 
No one gives Doug enough credit for savin’ the day, y’know? And if you have any doubt, even Lee says, “I never thought a laser pointer would be the thing that saved our lives.”
3. Doug’s friendship with Lee
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Speaking of Lee, his friendship with Doug is underrated. The two have chemistry and work off each other well in the scene’s they’re in. While it’s not as strong as Carley’s in ep1, saving Doug and having around in ep2 & ep3 lets you see it at it’s best, y’know? 
After Lee saves his life at the drugstore, Doug is shown to mourn Carley and asks Lee why he would pick him, lamenting that he wished he had picked her over him and you can tell that Doug feels that he owes Lee a lot for saving him. Hell, he even says as much when Lee tries to give him food in ep2-- “Why don't you keep my share today. I know I said it didn't matter why you saved me and not Carley, but... I owe you a lot more than half a day's rations."
Also, I love this one line from Kenny when you’re on bad terms with him and they’re talking about going separate ways where he’s basically like “We all know Doug’s gonna stay with you because you saved him that ONE time >:(” and on top of it being such a bitchy Kenny line, it also shows that every can see that Doug is a loyal friend to Lee and would want to stick with him where ever he decides to go. 
One thing that I think people tend to overlook, though, is how concerned Lee is with Doug’s mental health in ep3. There are implications that Doug might be suffering with depression due to the situation of the walkers, bandits harrassing and threatening them, and believing that he isn’t useful to the group, stating that he feel pretty worthless. Lee asks Clementine if he seems sad, and hell, he even talks to Lilly about it.
In fact, speaking of Clementine, Doug is real sweet with her, too. Of course, he gives her those batteries for her walkie, but he also asks about how she’s doing as they’re leaving the dairy. Hell, 8 years later, Clementine still remembers him by name and how sweet he was when fucking dingdong Lilly can’t remember his damn name. That says a lot. 
Y’all know how important Clementine is to Lee, so he wouldn’t have grown as close to Doug if he wasn’t a genuinely good person who treated Clementine with kindess. 
I dunno, there’s a lot of trust and care between the two and it’s a relationship that I truly love. I just wish we could’ve seen a bit more of it but y’know...#2 happened. 
2. Doug saved Ben’s life
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Yeah, I think we all saw this coming...
Look, doesn’t matter what you think about Ben, okay? Not what we’re talkin’ about. We’re talkin’ about Doug saving Ben’s life, which unfortunately meant ending his own.
Still haven’t forgiven Lilly for this one. Though I’ve always found the difference between Doug and Carley’s death’s interesting. With Carley, Lilly intentionally kills her after Carley tells her off. But with Doug, Lilly was aiming for Ben and even when Doug pulled him out of the way, she still fired the gun... even though she didn’t have a clear shot and ended up hitting Doug. 
Then she tries to play it off like it was an accident which, yeah I guess it was but that doesn’t change that you were intending to murder this 6ft tall child. 
It’s just... I dunno, man, it’s sad. I always feel more sorrow for Doug’s death, but more anger for Carley’s? Even though both make me angry, it’s just different characters, different things that led to their deaths, different feelings. This is the first real “Fuck you, Lilly” moment for me and she can spend the next 8 years wandering around for all I can. 
Doug didn’t deserve this shit. 
But, the reason I put this at #2 because it really says a lot about Doug as a character. The second he saw Lilly aim that gun, he yanked Ben out of the way. He could’ve gone into shock, he could’ve just yelled “no!”, or he could’ve gone at Lilly instead.... but no, his first instinct was to grab Ben and move himself in front and it really fucking sucks that that’s what killed him. 
And y’know this isn’t the first time Doug has put himself in danger to save someone. I already talked about him saving everyone at the dairy, but can we not forget how he and Carley met? She was gonna get eaten by walkers then our big hero Doug came in and saved her?? Didn’t know her or anything, just saw her and her crew getting attacked and did what he could to save any survivors?? 
Like... no one talks about that because it’s so played off and never brought up again and I need everyone to remember this, okay? 
Doug selflessly putting himself in danger to help those around him? Fantastic. Beautiful. Love that.
1. Look, Doug himself is just #1. His personality, intelligence, everything.
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Wow, Doug’s personality being the #1 reason he’s so great? Who woulda thought?
Well, ME woulda thought because obviously.
Listen... in case you haven’t gather this from the previous four entries, Doug is an intelligent, awkward, caring, selfless, funny, and brave man, okay? He’s likable, he tries his damnedest to pull his weight for the group, he shows actual loyalty and kindness unlike some people, and when he tends to avoid the constant Lilly and Kenny conflicts, he does his best to step in when things take a serious turn, hence the Ben situation. 
No to mention the dude is smart. 
I mean, he really took a random remote and was like, “Oh it’s universal, let me just program it to work on ALL the random TV’s across the street as a way to distract these walkers!” like dude.... you just know how to do that, huh? 
Or his fun little bell trap that alerts the groups of strangers and walkers? Oh, and remember when he fixed the RV by hitting it with a fucking hammer and was like “It works now, drive!” 
And have I mentioned that he bested Andy St John with a goddamn laser pointer?? 
Oh, also wanna add that I really like his voice acting, as well. He’s voiced by Sam Joan, who does a good job at selling Doug’s soft-spoken but intelligent nature, and knows how to pull off “dorky” when needed... and I mean that in a good way, when he’s talking about charcoal Doug is being a dork and I love him.
I mean... what else is there to say?
All that’s left to do is pull a Telltale and--
Honorable Mentions
-Doug is a pie guy, going off of that time he named all the different kinds of pie he could thing of and I feel that.  -He’s a very fashionable person. I want that weird polar bear deer thing shirt he wears in ep1.  -also, you can’t go wrong with socks and sandals, my dude.  -He had a crush on Carley and honestly, I feel that, too. 
There it is, there’s my whole thing about Doug. What are your thoughts? When it comes to that choice in ep1 of s1, do you save Doug or do you save Carley? Do you agree or disagree with any of my choices for this list? Or have anything to add? I’m always down to chat.
Have any suggestions for future T5F’s? Feel free to send ‘em in! :D
Next week’s T5F
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alwaysupatnight · 4 years
From Dusk Till Dawn
Top 5 favorite characters: Kate, Seth, Scott, Eddie, Vanessa
Other characters you like: Rafa, Ximena, Burt
Least favorite characters: Kisa, Sonja, Carlos, Sex Machine
Otps: sethkate only
Notps: kate/richie, seth/kisa
Favorite friendships: Richie & Scott lmfao
Favorite family: Kate & Scott
Favorite episodes: 1.04, 2.01, 2.02, 3.04, 3.07, 3.09, & 3.10
Favorite season/book/movie: overall I think s1 is probably the best but I like s3 the most
Favorite quotes: “You… be cool” and Kate threatening to bible-thump Richie’s ass back to Kansas XD
Best musical moment: maybe the old west theme that plays after Seth’s flying reload? lmfao
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: WHEN SETH RUNS TO CHURCH 🙌
When it really disappointed you: when they brought carlos back in s3… 😤
Saddest moment: when they killed kate. also when they killed Eddie
Most well done character death: SONJA. IT WAS WHAT SHE DESERVED
Favorite guest star: Tom Savini as Burt!!
Favorite cast member: MADIE
Character you wish was still alive: Uncle Eddie
One thing you hope really happens: an onscreen sethkate kiss lmfao
Most shocking twist: it’s been so long I can’t remember actually shocked me… lol Maybe Dakota shooting Richie?
When did you start watching/reading?: I first watched s1 in 2015 just a few months before s2 aired.
Best animal/creature: I guess the Xibalbans??
Favorite location: the RV lol & the Dew Drop Inn
Trope you wish they would stop using: killing off all the best characters for man pain
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: giving the “innocent” female character so much depth instead of her just being a one-note goody two shoes character. Kate does bad things too!! And she gets angry sometimes and lashes out!! I love that about her!!
Funniest moments: Seth and Richie’s bet in s3 XD any time Seth says “shut up, Richard”. Kate yelling at Richie. lmfao when Richie was so excited to get a one-way ticket to Xibalba 🤣
Couple you would like to see: sethkate obviously. But also I’d love to see Richie and Scott hanging out too. Also Richie/Dakota!!
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Salma Hayek!! That’d be amazing!!!
Favorite outfit: SETH’S JEANS AND HENLEY AND GLOVES!! also Kate’s Amaru outfit. THE RED BOOTS. I WANT THEM.
Favorite item: Kate’s cross, Seth’s jacket
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I wanna rob banks with Kate and the geckos!! XD
Most boring plotline: anything involving Kisa and Carlos or Richie tbh. I DON’T CAAAARE
Most laughably bad moment: Natalie as Amaru 🤣 I’M SORRY I CAN’T
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: KATE ROBBING BANKS AT THE END OF S3!!
Most layered character: KATE FUCKING FULLER. Seth too lol
Most one dimensional character: CARLOS
Scariest moment: ngl I was actually afraid for Seth’s life in that fight against Brasa in 3.09. Also when Kate gets kidnapped by the chanan in the temple
Grossest moment: any scene involving Tanner 🤮
Best looking male: SETH 🥵
Best looking female: KATE. IDC SHE’S FUCKING GORGEOUS. Also Monica and Vanessa were really pretty too
Who you’re crushing on (if any): SETH AND KATE. I LOVE THEM BOTH TO DEATH
Favorite cast moment: All of Madie’s on-set photos of DJ lmfao Also any time DJ fangirled over Madie at the panels and interviews XD
Favorite transportation: the camaro seth and Kate ride off into the sunset in at the end of s1. IT’S SETH’S DREAM CAR XD
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I think the motel scenes in s2 were really visually appealing to me with all the bright colors
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. TOO MANY TO LIST HERE.
Best promo: All of the cast posts on instagram and twitter and the live tweets during the shows. I also really enjoyed seeing the clips they’d release on twitter and youtube… I liked the one of Seth’s s3 line “reptile, regular jackass, I don’t really give a shit” with the fancy text XD Also Madie’s song “Monsters”!!
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I think it was the Mexican Honeymoon episodes. I don’t think I really shipped sethkate before that but they really made the whole show for me
The Mandalorian
Top 5 favorite characters: BABY, MANDO, Peli, Kuiil, & Greef Karga
Other characters you like: IG-11, Fennec Shand, Cobb Vanth
Least favorite characters: Qin & Xi’an
Otps: None
Notps: Mando/Cara. Just. No.
Favorite friendships: Din & Cobb Vanth
Favorite family: Din-Grogu-Kuiil!! Alternatively Din-Grogu-Peli lmfao
Favorite episodes: 1.02, 1.03, 2.01, 2.07 and maybe a couple others idk
Favorite season/book/movie: hmm maybe s1?
Favorite quotes: “I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold” & “I have spoken”
Best musical moment: the theme song!!
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: when mando rescued his son in ep3!!
Saddest moment: when Din’s ship got blown up right after the baby was kidnapped
Most well done character death: IG-11’s sacrifice
Favorite guest star: umm maybe Matt Lanter in s1? I didn’t actually watch Clone Wars tho :P
Favorite cast member: PEDRO
Character you wish was still alive: KUIIL
One thing you hope really happens: I guess it already happened? baby got to see Din’s face finally
Most shocking twist: how many times Din removed his helmet in s2 lmfao was not expecting that
When did you start watching/reading?: I started watching I think either the same day or the day after ep 1.03 came out lol
Best animal/creature: the blurrgs XD
Favorite location: Tatooine
Trope you wish they would stop using: the baby eating random shit. WATCH YOUR CHILD, MANDO FFS
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: I feel like this series is the most accessible to casual and non star wars fans? I’ve never really been into star wars anything that much ngl but this one I really enjoy. maybe because the creators actually really care about the content and it shows
Funniest moments: the stuff involving the Jawas in ep2 XD
Couple you would like to see: uhh I don’t ship anyone
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I heard Sophie Thatcher might be joining in s3? IF NOT THAT’S WHAT I WANT OKAY. A PEDRO AND SOPHIE REUNION.
Favorite outfit: Mando’s suit? I mean c’mon!!
Favorite item: the beskar spear in s2
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: a baby!! my tiny green son!! The bigger one with the plastic head lol not the ugly plush
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: haha idk I never thought about it. being a bounty hunter would be cool though
Most boring plotline: that bounty hunter noob betraying mando, as if no one saw that coming
Most laughably bad moment: Gina’s acting lmfao
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: so it’s not really a flashback, but Grogu’s memories before meeting Mando
Most layered character: Din!! Just his whole journey through fatherhood and his struggles in s2 with figuring out how he can reconcile practicing his religion with his obligations to the things he cares about
Most one dimensional character: those bounty hunters in 1.06
Scariest moment: so maybe it’s not scary exactly, but when the baby was getting beat up by that asshole storm trooper. I was afraid he’d get hurt
Grossest moment: the scene with the space spiders
Best looking male: Cobb Vanth!!
Best looking female: Fennec!!
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Din of course
Favorite cast moment: anything involving Pedro. Maybe that one clip of him doing voice overs while holding a pillow and pretending it’s the baby XD
Favorite transportation: rip razor crest 😥
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): haha idk I guess whichever planet it is that mando takes the baby to contact more jedi
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: nothing I can think of…
Best promo: all the baby merch!! Also any interview with Pedro XD
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: ep3!!
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antihero-writings · 4 years
Map to Nowhere
Fandom: The Promised Neverland (Anime)
Character Focus: Ray (and Emma)
Summary: Emma and Ray stargaze outside the base, and think about many things.
Notes: I couple weeks ago Tale Foundry's prompt of the week was "Map to Nowhere." I started thinking then that that would be a great prompt for Promised Neverland.
After watching S2 ep3--(and, if it isn't already clear, there's some minor spoilers for that here! And major spoilers if you haven't finished S1!)--when I saw the stars outside the base I thought they were absolutely gorgeous, and I was like "Oh I am absolutely writing a stargazing fic for that prompt" haha! 
Also just wanted to quick say that I know nothing about the manga, and I wrote this with the current-anime-knowledge I have!
I've been wanting to write a fic for the Promised Neverland for a while, so I had a lot of fun with this! If you're interested in reading more tpn fics from me, don't hesitate to send me prompts!
If you enjoy this fic, please please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment!!
Map to Nowhere
Emma, Ray, and Norman lay in a circle—(well more like a triangle)—on their roof. Today they enacted their plan: they had snuck out at midnight, (shushing each other all the way), to watch the stars. And, well, if they were already sneaking around, might as well pick the roof as their location. It was closer, after all.
“Ooh, I know this one!” Emma pointed to a collection of stars. “It’s a house!” She said with utmost confidence.
“That’s Cephus!” Norman corrected her.
“It can’t see us, silly!”
“No, Cephus.”
“He was a Greek king,” Ray explained.
“A Greek king?”
“Yes.” Norman said. “He was the wife of Cassiopiea.”
“Spare her the details.” Ray glanced at Norman. “That story’s a…little sad for her liking.”
“You’re probably right.”
She pouted, but quickly recovered. “You guys sure know a lot about stars!”
“Not really.” Norman smiled. “We just read a lot.”
“You sayin’ I don’t read?!”
“Not as much,” Ray replied flatly.
Another pause. Apparently she couldn’t deny that.
“Do you think we could ever go there some day?”
“Well…it’d take a lot of hard work and luck…but potentially!” Norman replied.
“Do you think we’d need some sort of...map?”
Norman laughed. “A map would be good, yeah.”
Ray said nothing, returning his gaze to the sky. They were always undeniably far, but, as Emma and Norman puzzled out how to reach them, to him, they seemed to slink away as they spoke.
The stars unfurled above Ray. And endless expanse of spackled blue.
He’d stargazed before. He, Norman, and Emma had snuck out of bed to lie on their backs in the grass, or even on the roof to watch the sunrise, asking each other what games they’d like to play, and if they could go there one day. All the while Ray knew they wouldn’t so much as leave the farm; the stars as real as glow-in-the-dark stickers on the ceiling, as untouchable as freedom itself.
Now, laying on the dirt above the base, reaching out his hand, he swore he felt his fingers graze them.
No fences, or trees, or walls to block his view. No imprisonment, or impending promise of death. Well, death was still both inevitable and probable, but it was nice there wasn’t an exact date, at least. Or maybe…well, he spent so much of his life planning and, in a way, hoping for his own death…the idea that he ought to live for the future, without a deadline in mind was…oddly foreign.
The world was open, and inviting. There was beauty in that, yes, but freedom, the expansive Earth, was as alien as another planet. The instability of numberless days was, well...unstable. Not insurmountable, but certainly unpredictable.
His mind drifted back to Mom and the others back at the farm. He wondered briefly how and what they were doing. It was likely their escape had made life worse for those that remained, and/or for themselves. Scratch that, he knew they’d made life for themselves worse, because Emma was determined to return and save everyone.
Ray had never had much difficulty valuing his own self preservation above everything else. The thought of everyone else in the orphanage didn’t plague him too often. His own survival was enough of a burden to trouble himself with the woes of everyone else. He didn’t know how Emma did it. It was almost impressive just how many people she was able to worry about at any single given time.
Still when he thought of mom…She wasn’t particularly kind, or lovable. He’d known from the very beginning this was nothing but a game, and she was nothing but a player. But he remembered perfectly the look in her eyes as she watched them leaving—(like he remembered everything else). He expected anger, betrayal…but that sadness was unexpected. He didn’t make the mistake of thinking it real yet…if he knew it wasn’t, why did it haunt him?
Today, was she taking it out on the kids that remained? Did any of that sadness stay within her? Or was it replaced with scorn for even the innocents left?
Or else was she herself punished for their transgressions? Imprisoned, tortured, or staked in the heart with a flower?
And if she was, what would that mean for the kids at the farm?
“Ray? How do you know that song?”
She wasn’t kind or lovable…but she was his mother. Something none of the other kids could say: his mother. His real one.
Did he actually—?
“There you are!” A voice broke through his musings. The hatch opened to reveal a head of red hair. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
“Well you can either sit there crying about it, or you can join me!” Ray threw to her casually.
“Maybe I will!” She harrumphed.
Emma scooched out of the hatch, closing it, but, instead of laying down to watch the stars, she knelt over his head so her face was blocking his view.
“Whaatcha thinkin’ about?” She sang.
Ray flicked her forehead.
“Hey!” She rubbed her forehead, pouting as he smirked.
After she had sufficiently stared him down, (or else knew she was fighting a losing battle), she flopped on the ground with her head on the opposite side of his.
For a moment they just stared up at the stars in silence, basking in their glow.
“They seem so much closer out here!” Emma reached out her hand and made a grabbing motion.
“What do you think’s up there?”
“A lot of hydrogen gas and—”
“You know that's not what I meant! Would it kill you to have an imagination?!”
Ray scoffed.
“Aliens?” Emma offered.
He was about to shoot down the idea, but paused and replied instead, “I suppose that isn’t too far off from demons.”
“How do you think we’d get there? A starship maybe? Ooh! Like a literal pirate ship in space! That'd be so cool!" She held up her arms, then let them fall out to her sides.
He laughed. “And you have the wildest imagination.”
“It’s not my fault yours just doesn’t work properly.”
“I have an imagination; it’s just grounded in reality.”
“But reality’s so boooring. I mean…” She paused, saying more seriously, “Do you think it’d be better up there? Than here, I mean?”
“If ‘better’ means easier to survive in, then no.”
She groaned, and seemed to decide he wasn’t the best stargazing buddy, because for a minute or two, she actually stayed silent—(shocking indeed).
”Reality’s not so bad, you know." Ray spoke after a bit. "I mean...it’s just a lot of hydrogen gas, yeah, but have you seen pictures of nebulas? Or supernovas? I've seen them in books. They’re some of the most beautiful sights in the universe. To me, that’s much cooler than fantasizing about unicorns in the sky.”
“Hey! I didn’t say anything about unicorns!”
He laughed.
“But... yeah! I guess you’re right!”
The next question was a murmur, soft and serious as ever:
“…Do you think Norman’s up there?”
Breath was cold and sharp on the back of Ray’s throat, eyes widening in shock.
“I…I don’t know.” He exhaled the breath.
“Wherever he is…I hope he’s doing alright. You know, having fun and all,” she said with the air of a lover saying they hoped their ex was happy, when really they wished to get back together.
The wind blew past them, and they had to shut their eyes against the dust. Once it passed she murmured:
“I miss him…A lot. It’d be so much more fun if he was here with us.”
“You sayin’ I’m not fun?” Ray tried to joke.
Emma’s laugh was taut. He wondered if she was trying not to cry.
Ray looked back at the stars. They were so close a second ago, but in that moment they began to drift away.
“I miss him too.”
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thepandragons · 4 years
Rant: Merlin’s “The Mark of Nimueh”
A/N: Now that I’m rewatching Merlin I’m going to be making my analyses in chronological order so you get more accurate analyses with me understanding where the character’s development is. 
Today’s episode is S1 EP3 The Mark of Nimueh. The episode starts with Merlin and Gaius discovering a dead body and attempting to transport it secretively. Gwen comes across them and their wheelbarrow inquiring what they were transporting but Merlin successfully deflects by asking if someone got her flowers, as she is holding a bouquet. She awkwardly laughs and denies it, offering him a purple flower cause purple “suits” him but then states that it’s not that the red top he’s wearing doesn’t suit him...I see you, Gwen. Merlin fans often forget that originally Gwen was crushing on Merlin...but then again, who doesn’t crush on Merlin at some point? 
Anyways the bouquet was for Morgana, who hasn’t been sleeping well lately but Merlin accepts the flower albeit awkwardly. Arthur comes to call for Merlin in an entitled manner...what’s new. Then he looks at Merlin’s flower both bewilderedly and lowkey aggravated. Merlin tells Arthur it’s from Gwen and Arthur ignores it, leaving with the same nonchalant and (entitled) tone. I can think of 3 possible reasons for this A. Arthur is pissed that Merlin apparently has time to pick flowers but not to be on time for his work. B. Arthur is wondering who the flower is from or for C. Arthur is judging Merlin, a male, for having a flower in his clothing, cause of a wonderful (not) thing called gender roles. Personally I believe all of those options are just as likely.
There is a deathly sickness in Camelot that is supposedly magic, the same sickness found in the dead body that Gwen and Merlin flirted over before. Uther orders Arthur to find the sorcerer responsible. Uther seems more concerned with how his street cred will be affected by the sickness than the fact that people are DYING. Arthur is searching Gauis’s things as well as most of Camelot for magical artifacts and Merlin has to find a way to hide his magic book. He  hides it thanks to Arthur calling Merlin over to pettily remark about the disorderly state of his room. Which to me proves that Arthur is both a b*** and doesn’t really view Merlin as a threat because he trusts him. Arthur is required to search Camelot so it’s not personal. 
Gaius discovers the disease is spread through water so Merlin goes to collect samples. Gwen’s father has been stricken by the disease and she goes rushing to Gaius. Merlin once again has to face the decision of using his magic for good and surviving in a society averse to magic. Eventually, Merlin’s value for human life wins out and he breaks curfew to successfully cure Gwen’s father. Arthur searches Gwen’s home finding it suspicious how  Gwen’s father is the only one to recover from the sickness and that Gwen was present. He discovers a magical artifact and Gwen is arrested much to Morgana’s anger. This no doubt adds on to Morgana’s distaste for Camelot and its laws hearing that her servant/friend is being sentenced. Arthur and Morgana try to reason with Uther but Uther is horrible so. It doesn’t work. Merlin comes to see Gwen, it doesn’t go unappreciated and Gwen asks Merlin to remember her.
 Merlin confesses to using magic to save Gwen’s father and is ALMOST ARRESTED in her place. Arthur IMMEDIATELY jumps to Merlin’s defense (unlike when he arrested Gwen might I add) and insists that Merlin can NOT be a sorcerer and that Merlin saved his life. Even creating a cover-up saying that Merlin has a mental illness but then realizing that’s not much better-given history’s spotty history with mental illness-and stating that Merlin is just in love with Gwen. He’s trying so hard to look not upset at it, it’s sad. Don’t worry Arthur his real soulmate is you. Kilgarrah- the dragon guy in case you’re new here- told Merlin that he needs Arthur “his other half” to help defeat the creature responsible for the disease. With Morgana as company, Arthur and Merlin successfully defeat the creature, just a typical date night.
In conclusion: To me, the standout Merthur moments of this episode are Arthur’s supposed jealousy, his protectiveness over Merlin, his trust in Merlin, and the fact that Arthur and Merlin are referred to two halves of a whole (both emotionally and in uniting Albion). Although Arthur is still an entitled piece of sh**, as one might say, and he still vastly underestimates Merlin, he still cares about him.
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the-resurrection-3d · 4 years
so heathers eps 2-3
it's a few days late but I just woke up from a dream about my TomTord Roommate and I don't want to be actually productive. I had to go back and copy-paste this from Word because Tumblr’s new text post editor has a woefully small character limit. Gotta love how Wordpress of all fucking places is going out of their way to make their new pet project hostile to writers. 
Good things:
the pacing feels like an actual show now
it took them three whole episodes but they finally managed to make JD/Veronica interesting and actually dark. Think the ending of Gone Girl if both characters viewed it as a happy ending.
I love Heather Duke's peacock motif. It's very fitting with her personality and is incorporated tastefully.
Changing “Teenage Suicide (Don’t Do It)” by Big Fun into a musical produced in-universe is a fun idea... I think? It gives me a lot of similar vibes to Riverdale having to justify performing Heathers the Musical in-universe , though that only lasted an episode, whereas this looks like it’s going to be an overarching plot. I honestly think they should just pull a Riverdale and have a full-on musical episode -- at least that would give musical fans something to enjoy. I guess this isn’t a good thing so much as a thing that didn’t annoy me. It’s not conceptually poisoned like a lot of other things here. 
Anything else? No...? Well then, moving on. 
Several new problems have emerged:
Veronica's bug motif is absolutely heinous and I don't have any clue what it's supposed to represent, especially when they keep changing what exact bug she's wearing.
Also you don’t have to vomit blue all over every Veronica scene. It’s very weird because they don’t usually throw red or green or yellow lighting all over everyone’s else scenes. Sure, it’ll feature prominently, such as the shot of Heather M sitting on her bed surrounded by yellow stuffed animals, but that’s at least a characterization detail. I’m talking solely about lightning choices here.
Removing the death of Heather Chandler has destroyed any sense of direction the show could have had. I asked TTR what the characters wanted and what goals they were working towards and she just said, "I have no idea." They had Heather Chandler blackmailing JDonica and Heather M. getting gaslit and victim-blamed by everyone around her, but both of these things were done by the end of the episode.
This is a problem a lot of teen dramas have, but I think it’s worth noting that the pop music choices rang from “okay” to “.... but why though.” Like in the scene where Heather C. reveals she’s still alive, it plays “Halo” by Beyoncé, get it, because they thought she was dead! Except it doesn’t fit the tone of the scene nor Heather C’s intentionality, and there’s nothing funny about the contrast, either. What? 
 Heathers looked at the controversy around 13 Reasons Why's suicide scene and said "bet." Except it's not even done well because the entire point of 13RW s1 was getting to know Hannah and understand why she kermited. We always know she's killed herself, sure, but the series utilizes the tapes and frequent flashbacks to characterize Hannah, especially by the time we actually see the suicide. This episode just dumps trauma on Heather M. and has her kill herself at the end. Of episode 2.
After the funeral scene, the rest of ep3 is just pointless generic teen drama, only half of which was made interesting by that Gone Girl twist at the end (where JD kills Ram because Veronica is going out with him and Veronica finds this thrilling and romantic).
The other plot, about Heathers D and C fighting for power, culminates in Heather C forcing D to break-up with Kurt and then bouncing D off the stage during play auditions. Problem one: this is all drama I could get in any teen show. Problem two: you could have easily set up Duke/Kurt in episode one by having a scene where Kurt asks why Duke just she let Chandler humiliate him in front of everyone, allowing us to see that Duke's subservience to Chandler has actual personal costs to her (since the eating disorder angle is out). Problem three: having Duke constantly just back down whenever Chandler challenges her is boring and lame. Why not have a sing-off between the two Heathers? Why not have Heather D. gain the self-confidence her movie self did after C's "death" and then not be fully willing to play nice anymore, especially after Chandler forced Duke to publicly break up with and denounce Kurt for no real reason?
But we can't have the sing-off, because it's getting pretty clear that this show has the same problem RWBY does, where the writers/directors care more about the characters they made than the actual main characters. Characters like the teachers, Betty Finn, and whoever tf this new black girl is get to be major players because their personalities were not as previously well-defined as JD's, Veronica's, or any of the Heathers'. This is also pretty apparent in how Kurt and Ram have both been rewritten to not be douchebros at all (racism aside, because remember, the show doesn't think racism is that bad), despite the episode's title, “Date Rape and AIDS Jokes,” referencing their movie characterization. The show is so obviously uninterested in its supposed main characters that JD and Veronica have only had two real romantic moments together in over two hours of content. Heather M. has gotten the most development... only because the show realized it hadn't given any reason for anyone to care about her before she killed herself off.
JD’s dialogue is fucking horrendous. Imagine if every single word out of Jughead’s mouth was the “I’m a weirdo” speech but five times as long. And you know what, in defense of Jughead, at least Lean Jesus has things going on in his life outside of plowing Betty and wallowing in his own melodrama. He has hobbies, goals, and complicated relationships with other characters. The only things JD has are Veronica and bitching at his dad/his dad’s new girlfriend about how love is a wound and all this other nihilistic shit he got off r/im14andthisisdeep. I’m honestly surprised he didn’t counter Veronica talking about how she wanted to be normal with “Normal is just a setting on the washing machine.” Another missed characterization moment: JD bringing a sword from his katana collection (that’s only seen once in episode three) to school and threatening Kurt and Ram with that instead of the gun. I think that would have been fun.
The show also hates black women. And Native Americans. In such a way that it actively contradicts itself (the pilot established that Heather C. actually isn't just a keyboard warrior and goes to irl protests, so why would Heather C. not say a word about Westerburg's school statue being a Confederate soldier holding an Indigenous person's decapitated head?)
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empty-dream · 4 years
Just watched 13 Reasons Why S4
Ended up making a full blown commentary per episode because this is finally the last season and I’ve been enjoying this mess since S1. I even forgot that it was released until a friend brought it up to me. So in short,
Tumblr media
Clay, narrating: *I'm good at hiding shits so my parents don't notice at all." His parents: *concernedly looking at him pale and mushing food on the dining table*
The concequences of investigating murder cases and creating conspiracies instead of studying your ass off because it's a damn school really caught up huh.
Charlie holy shit I love you he's so chill and good.
It's been years I still can't believe Justin is really adopted by the Jensens. Funny that now the table is reversed, with Justin finally actually doing better and taking care of the increasingly-ill Clay.
Wow my headcanon is approved, he already graduated by S3. No reason he didn't hang out with the gang after all the shits in S2 if he was no longer around in the first place.
He's still so nice even in Clay's trippy nightmare. Is that what Clay remembers about him? Well not really surprising, considering Scott actually was worried about him in S2.
Good god finally Clay meets a therapist- Wait a minute that's the guy from CSI:NY?!?! Isn't Clay just gonna get clobbered instead.
Okay I knew they are really close and I do adore their relationship so much but HOLY SHIT THEY ACTUALLY GO AT IT WITH ALEX AND ZACH???
Alex: *panicking over the kiss* Zach: Ayy don't worry let's just continue perhaps-suicidally hanging out on dangerous rooftops that you were almost fall to your death from. Alex: ????
That narration of Clay ranting about college applications. I'll drink to that bruh.
Ya I too make my applications and other supposedly important matters at 3AM instead of any other more sensible time.
Oh my fucking god that is the creepiest smile I've ever see.
I feel like as Justin gets better and better with his life, Clay goes worse.
Justin is so excited about going to college! You deserve the future man. 
The old-time stoners and drunkards are rehabbed or dead. Enter Zach.
Winston: *eyes and ears up to your shit 24/7*
Nobody likes Tyler in S1 but now everybody likes him.
Okay. Cops doing shit jobs at protecting. This feels too real with this situation right now.
Clay's adventure to put the trash into the trash bin.
Omg they got the paint to the lab this is going real CSI.
Idk about u but at this point I don't exactly want to pay attention to Jessica/Justin problems anymore.
I know Zach and Clay don't get along and that's why I need their adventure together.
Clay drunk-puking on Justin. Well well well how the turntables.
The return of Monet!!
"I have 2.8. If I work hard, I'll get 2.9" Winston omg same.
Tht held gaze between Alex and Winston.. Is this slow burn fanfiction???????
Yes Mr. CSI it will definitely get worse.
I know writing about your feelings can make you feel better but probably not in your college essay form.
I'm starting to think Clay is the one who dies in the end? Idk tho.
I guess the toll of busting ass trying to save everyone by yourself is catastrophically high, huh, Clay? Funny that he now goes from 100 in S3 to 0 in here and that's actually realistic.
Alex and Winston are really pining each other with Zach in the background lmao.
"You don't wanna go on the Valentine Dance with me? Even as friends?" Well sometimes there are moments when you just don't go back to being friends. It's an actual normal thing.
And besides the last time Alex goes with Jess for something she wanna do, he ends up murdering somebody. So.
"Hey Zach. Hey punch me. Hey you pussy now? Hey hey. Bitch." *poke* *poke* *poke*
No Zach he's trying to save all of your asses. You can't just say that.
Charlie is really just there trying to do his best in this shitshow and like Justin I wanna laugh but also am proud.
Everyone: *being paranoid and unto each other* Alex and Winston: *having the date of their life*
I wish everyone doesn't have this level of trust issues but then again we won't have a shitstorm drama like this.
When did this become "what is love?" philosophy class?
"You know love but you love so fiercely and sometimes it hurts."Wow Mr. CSI you hit the mark.
How many parties can the Liberty High hold in a year?
"You go with Charlie to get back to Justin, right?" Wow Diego you HIT the mark.
I still have problems with Ani as a character, but I do like her casual banters with Clay.
You know, with all these trust issues, I'm surprised nobody actually tries to peek on other's phone. Like, I know that's low. But, you know, faster solution. And better than having mass hallucinations.
Oh God the football team really is a bunch of jerks. Good fucking thing Scott is outta here.
Alex and Winston almost die like couples in a cheap slasher movie.
"Fuck Love." Clay Jensen, 2019 (according to the movie timeline)
Why is Charlie talking? Why is he wearing the football jersey? Who on earth dies?? Is it Zach? Justin? Somebody else from the football team? But the content of your speech man...
Ah yeah. Clay did survive a great big deal of many ugly shits. Single-handedly thanks to adrenaline, mostly.
Jess got a point tho. Ani could have followed Clay to stop him, by herself or with the gang. What did she do? She spied on Winston and Alex, and then went back to the dance. So much for handling anything themselves.
Or maybe, the gang shouldn't have let Ani and Clay take care of it themselves.
Does anybody in this show ever figure out Clay has dead people hallucinations?
Domestic Jensen family is my everything.
Charlie really out there bribing Zach with his homemade cookies I-
Ah yeah, I kinda forgot that in reality Alex and Winston have a really difficult situation. With Bryce and Monty stuff.
"Looking back on your time at Liberty, do you have any regrets?" Really? Isn't that all they have?
"Who do you trust most in your life and why?" Everybody: *immediately side-eyeing each other*
Clay c'mon wtf Justin is really just worried sick and trying to help you. Aaand he's gone.
Jess you don't put your hands into something without checking it first...
Why would you only send 2 adults to supervise 30-50 kids on a camping wildlife trip? They wouldn't be able to do shit.
"I thought you were a football player!" "I AM a football player! And so are YOU!" Gold.
Dream!Monty and Dream!Clay really sit like that and I almost laugh were it not for the fact that I do that too. It's strange to see that for once, they talk normally, heart-to-heart, without the usual snickering, chiding, all that venom.
Oh shit they really make Monty and Clay mirror each other like that. They both protect people they love but have tendencies to snap, one way or another.
Zach, dude, I know you've been a real good friend. But Alex almost died. Twice. Because of your drunken ways. And you laughed. Didn't you spend an entire season trying hard to not let him die again? What's wrong with you?
When did this become a horror movie?
The Standalls :((
CHARLIE MY MAN WITH HIS COOKIES. And incidentally, a wild Zach appears.
"So are we gonna fall apart or trust each other now!" Justin my man.
Clay dude that would have been an amazing entrance were it not for the fact you looked insane.
I can't fucking believe they just go normally at campfire like that. Two people almost died. Several got beaten. What the fuck.
Does it come from the bottom of your heart or it doubles as a threat, Clay?
Alex you had us at the first half not gonna lie.
Wait. So who has been fucking around with the football team? Who moved Clay?? Huh??
Justin finally breaking down after 5 episodes being the most decent and healthy person around. Well Charlie is too but he's new, so.
Finally an obligatory meeting at Monet.
CYRUS AND THE PUNK GANG!!! God I love you guys where have you been. And you guys are computer geeks?!?!?! Perfect.
My question exactly, Clay. Good replies tho, Cy.
I'm still thinking how for a nerd, Clay knows A LOT of people and knows who to ask what.
"How am I even friends with you?" Ya Alex that's my question too. How are you suddenly bff with Zach? I don't remember you two being close in S1?
Hm. If you aren't holding his family at stake, there is no way Tony would even think to rat out.
Mr. CSI starts going CSI on Clay.
I almost forgot Charlie's last name is St. George. The cast goes by Charlie mostly so.
Justin really shows up at the party with the angry mom pose and disappointed look at Clay. The turntable, people. Flynn's voice got raspy.
Oh no no Clay you don't go there. Please don't split my Jensen-Foley brothers like that. Meanwhile the punk gang be like just watching there.
C O O KI E S??? Goddamn Charlie do you bring cookies everywhere you go??
Charlie my boy you T_T I was kinda suprised that the cookie baking actually had a sad backstory.
Clay-Zach bonding that I fucking wish for oh yeah. I definitely didn't expect it with piano and drunk singing tho.
While Clay is having the time of his life, Tony is seeing life flashes in his eyes.
Yassss he winssss!!!!
Caleb's expression when the sherrif hugs him lmfao
Nice try Sherrif but Tony knows your tricks.
"What of any of this is okay?" Wow things you'd never hear Justin says in S1.
Meanwhile, Charlie and Alex are high on weed cookies as fuck. Their conversation is the most interesting thing I've seen beside the Scott cameo till now.
The look on Justin's face when Clay pushes him :((
MY DUDES HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT JEFF'S DEATH? WHAT HE WAS ACCUSED FOR?! You do not, under any circumstances, drive drunk.
Clay be spitting truth.
They really be discussing Clay's chronic hero syndrome huh.
Okay. Operation Clay-Zach failed.
Weren't Zach all fuck it all yeah! kinda guy? Guess when you are the one who faces death it's not that fun anymore huh.
"One Clay Jensen is enough" Jess truth.
Do Alex and Charlie really study Spanish in front of Tony who is not helping at all? That would be embarrassing lmao.
Clay: Fuck off. Hallucination!Monty: *sits next to him*
Gotta hand it to Timothy Granaderos. He could go venomous to puppy eyed in 1 second. Amazing.
Man. School shootings are fucked up. There are many things I wonder about mankind and one of them is why is school shooting even possible?
Hallucination!Bryce: Hi I’m sorry I’m late. I hear this is time for Clay’s dead people hallucination party.
"Are you a hero or a martyr?" Wow they really throw the question.
And here is Clay sitting under the desk between his two most hated dead people hallucinations whispering moral dilemmas to him.
Meanwhile Winston and Zach got high.
Charlie helping Alex to breath.
The talk with Estella and Tyler.
"No offense, you are cool, but I don't wanna die with you." Zach chill lmao.
Are.. Are you sure outing that to Winston is a good call, Zach? For a guy who was super paranoid that his gang would narc him, he sure is loose mouthed himself.
I like how everyone from Tyler to Zach to Winston, admits that Alex is a really kind guy.
Wow Tony did you really expect anyone could do anything in that situation, in fucking Evergreen situation, for that matter?
Charlie is a great friend wow.
Cl-CLAY DON'T GO OUT that is EXACTLY what you are NOT supposed to do!!!
Goddamnit Clay. Holy shit Clay. 
Dylan Minnette really worked hard in this scene.
.......... WAIT A MINUTE IT'S NOW ACTUALLY CHARLIE ALEX????? Tony be just walking in.
Clay really got into a psych ward. Talk about darkest hour. And it’s only ep 6?
Wow Ty that's some brave lines.
Which hallucination-induced person is Clay talking to before Ani gets there?
Ok that therapy session made me tear up.
These kids are having college interviews at the worst time possible. They are all fucking breaking down one way or another.
And Charlie just, really never gives up on Alex huh.
What's most important to Clay is his friends. Real quick to answer that question huh.
God Justin lashing out at the Jensens. It's the first time he does it and it hurts.
Zach holy fuck. I appreciate you didn't out it but holy fuck you didn't have to do that are you trying to die
Clay-Tony combo is back baby I miss them so much. Although perhaps Tony you would mind a bit about Clay's health because clearly he was out of it.
This is so short. I too really don't like application essays and interviews and the inevitable revisit of the sadder parts of my life because of them.
When did this become sci-fi apocalyptic story?
God I miss the time when Clay's dreams are just Inception-styled trippy shit with Scott randomly says hello and gets him water.
Okay. Everyone's got their own way to cope with existential and moral crisis huh.
You know what, I would like one movie out of this sci-fi dream.
I knew it Tyler was a bait to smoke out illegal gun dealers. Is that... An okay thing to do for a high schooler? Sounds fucked up, all things considered.
Yaaay Justin's got the college! I'm super happy!
Wow Estella good question.
Wow Tyler good statement. If they trust each other a bit more, everything would have been a bit better.
Ah shit. Justin relapses again.
Does Tony need to be pummelled first before he finally goes all off to finish his opponent or what?
Is this going Big Brother Is Watching
What the fuck. That locker fight scene is disgusting.
Jess and Clay might throw shades at each other but together they share one brain cell.
"I think it's a walkout, Sir" Tyler lmao
Wow Zach and Alex heart-to-heart.
Cyrus really steps on some pedestal to make his point.
Aaand Zach and Alex really go all out on "doing it right" huh.
They really have students vs cops riot at this time. Talk about timing.
It's nice to see the punk gang enjoying the fighting again.
Dude what happens if you don't have anything on your bag tho.
Aaaah the punk gang with Tyler again!!
"Why are you with me and not with Charlie?" Zach ouch that hurts.
Zach no no no Zach get out of there too Zach pls
Clay really becomes 2nd in command to Jess huh.
Charlie tries to save Clay but gets whacked on the head instead. 
Tony you came back!! Oh so that college scout was.. Oh.
Oh shit Clay. Oh. Shit. I should have realized that. Goddamn.
"I like sleep." Charlie me too. 
God Alex and Charlie literally sleep together jaldjwaownaljewoalsj that some cute shit.
Wow Clay really takes Mr. CSI's advice to round up the gang and confesses. That's a step.
Charlie sometimes has a good idea, huh.
The Jensens meeting is probably the reason why the idea of parenthood scares me.
Also Clay and Justin really put the practice of "tell the parents the less-harsh-but-still-harsh truth, then ask them to get prom back" by the book. And it's awkward.
Aww Charlie coming out to his dad and the response he gets... When you put the rich fams like Dempseys, Walkers and Saint Georges together, the last one is really the only healthy one huh.
Way to go Jess!
Ah I forgot Alex has an older brother.
Aaaahhh Charlie has dinner with the Standalls! Their reaction is so sweet!
"Does he make you happy?" "Yeah. A lot." AHDKWJWOAKDUWLAOEL I mean after everything that has happened to Alex, man I am so happy he can say that with a fond smile.
Wow Ani you do karaoke good, asking Jess out even better.
OH MY GOD IT ESCALATED. Also Alex is right that one is creepy Charlie.
I thought by special doughnut Caleb means some diet-related stuff fit to Tony's menu for fighting. Why didn't I expect a literal Will You Go To Prom doughnuts?
CHARLIE PLEASE STOP AHAHAHAHA you dumb rich kid where did you get all those lamps and prop candles.
"Would you love me any less?" Aww Clay knows Justin loves him.
"You three all look adorable" Ya Jess, same.
Tony really out there doing the "I'm here because he's here" to Caleb.
Clay, Alex, and Charlie be like judging Zach hard.
Oh right that one kid from Cyrus's gang is gay and he brought his boyfriend!
Zach: You two sitting here like it's a funeral. Also Zach: *proceeds to continue sitting as well*
"We deserve to live." Finally something from Zach's mouth that I can agree for this season.
I love that Tony and Caleb are such good friends to Clay.
And now it's Winston turn for dead people hallucination.
..... The door to the other side again.. :'''((
CHARLIE AND ALEX WON THE PROM KINGS AAAAAAHHHHHH I mean with all those extra efforts, it'd be hard to not to. And there goes Alex finally giving in to dance.
I don't like Luke the football guy when he's the enemy but I like him when he's a friend. He's a hype man lmao.
Alex I'm so happy for you man. I'm glad you are finally happy. My heart was tight at the dance part .
Everyone: *dances* Clay: *sits there, monologuing philosophically*
I like that Clay and Ani finally being honest that they don't fit each other romantically. As romance goes there is not much romantic tension between them. And they have way too many flawed traits that when paired, would turn the relationship sour and possibly toxic in the end.
Justin do u like to show up and make everyone step aside for you or what.
I like that Clay was just watching from a distance. Then at last minute decided to join the crowd with his mother, whom he had a few trust issues with in all seasons.
Charlie: "Foundry's gay?!" Alex: "Mind's blown" Me: Same.
There has been nothing wrong going on in one episode, aside from the Zach one that's timely stopped by Charlie and Alex. I'm suspicious.
Ah. Yes. Of course.
Oh my god Justin's the one dead huh?
Oh thank God he hasn't died. Yet.
Oh God Justin no. No no no.
Get your shit together Zach. Even Charlie tells you that.
No no no not like this not after everything oh god.
Somebody would you actually please run after Clay too.
Oh my god Clay.
Oh my god Alex you. Even when he admits it to Winston, he still covers for Jess. I- oh god.
It's been only 15 minutes and it hurts.
Charlie and Alex, the moms of the group.
You know, for a guy who says he doesn't love Justin, Alex gives a lot of shit about him. I guess you can still be around people you don't like?
I know the kiss is huge news Charlie but that's not the issue here lmao.
Zach: *hugs Clay* Clay: ????? Alex and Charlie: ?????? Zach: *pats Tyler's head* *leans on Clay*
The Padillas :''')
Clay Jensen. Class speaker. Wow.
Yeah Mr. CSI's voice is really calm, rather chilling, actually.
"You've looked at death too many times for a young person." Damn right Mr. Jensen.
Ah so that's the reason why Zach stole that letter. Makes sense, emotionally.
You know, I did say Idc anymore about Justin/Jessica problems but when it gets to this point, I can't not care.
So many people come to the hospital...
Clay and Justin's talk. I'm sorry I can't hold it in anymore. I'm fucking sobbing at this moment.
He's dead. He's dead. He's dead just like his mom. But he died not in the same way. He died holding his bro's hand. He died surrounded by his family. He died with people who loved him around.
"After everything, this is how it ends." Fucck
DID HE HAVE TO DIE??? DID JUSTIN FOLEY-JENSEN HAVE TO DIE?? Did you really have to put yet another sucker punch in the last episode of the season?? Yeah I know real kids and people do die from AIDS but really? After a whole season of Clay screaming kids wants to live to the point he lost his mind???
I spent the entire funeral screen crying. I couldn't even scream again when Scott is present in the funeral. I know he'd be there but god I can't right now.
Mr. CSI sure knows super effective ways to make Clay react.
"If Justin's dead, the none of the rest of it matters. " Clay..
He opens up.
Oh yeah I forgot Charlie is a junior.
SCOTTTTT!!!!!! And CHLOE TOO!! It’s nice that they come together. But they aren’t like, together, right? I mean if he is her boyfriend she would say his name right away to Zach instead of a mere ‘would you like to meet him? He’s outside.’
These 4 are such good friends to attend their friends’ graduation ceremony.
The punk guys in toga are so... Refreshing to look. Such hype men.
"It's easy to hate. It's easy to fear. It's goddamn hard to love. But it's not optional. It's essential." Jessica Davis, everybody.
Jeff, Hannah and Justin really died in the span of 2 years. Add to that is Bryce and Monty, whose deaths left uncountable traumas on top of existing traumas. Yeah. It was hellish time.
Scott’s proud small smile when Clay gives his speech. Im love.
"Choose to live. Even on the worst day, life is a pretty spectacular thing." Clay Jensen, everybody.
Ma boi Zach really teared up at Clay's speech. 
Luke and one of the punk kids talking about some geek thing I am not familiar with I-
“No offense Luke. You’ve got great arm but you haven’t been known for your brain.” PETER That BURNS LMAO
Poor Winston just being alone. OH HELLO RYAN YOU ARE FAST.
Zach is gonna study music! Nice foreshadowing since he plays a lot of music this season.
Clay having a gratitude moment with his parents and Scott be like munching cupcakes in the background.
Oh god Hannah ...
Wow the old tape gang is here!! The nostalgia hurts.
They bury the tapes on the same hill again asdfwosaiofai.
Kinda salty Sheri and Scott aren’t here. But then again I guess back then Scott was just helping Clay and co when he could and mostly minding his own business. HOWEVER isn’t Sheri like in the tape and pretty prominent too :(( Like she was really cool with Clay (despite the whole guilt over Jeff), tried to make amends and really helped with the polaroid cases.
Also you can't just insert Scott in Clay's dream and then not have them interact in the end. The dream was such a perfect bait. Like we know at least they apparently get along well.
Everything in Jessica’s final conversation with her Bryce hallucination. Everything in it.
Ryan: “Gordon Lightfoot?” Ha Ryan you miss a whole lot of drama.
Fuck I'm tearing up again at Justin's essay. He deadass makes an entire essay about Clay and how he is his savior I- 
Oh my god they end it exactly like S1 with Tony and Clay riding away. They are really each other’s ride or die.
That’s it. It’s over. It’s been a long trainwreck. So the 2019 class graduates, so does Justin, they are doing uni right now and keeping in touch with everyone. Bye.
11 notes · View notes
ragnarssons · 5 years
I’m sorry I’m new to the music side I haven’t really paid attention but you kind of made me open my eyes and so I was listening to all the music and was just wondering how you could tell which ones were made/written for dany. I’m sorry if that’s a stupid question I didn’t know how to word it.
Well it depends, do you mean this season or in general? About the “Stay Here for a Thousand Years” or all the tracks in general? So to be clear, on Game of Thrones, all of the “Houses” have a particular theme. The Lannister theme is reminiscent of the Rains of Castamere, it’s kinda their vibe. Cersei as Queen taking on her own had a new vibe added to that, and it was the piano theme that appeared on ep6x10 and came back several times through s7 and s8.  House Stark is representated by the cello, so cello heavy themes are House Stark and characters related to House Stark/storylines related to House Stark. House Stark Theme | which is reminiscent to The Last of the Starks which is their final piece. Where is added this idea of “epicness”, future, possibilities brought by these characters’ storylines: Sansa becoming Queen, Arya sailing away, Jon going North. It still has this cello vibe, core of House Stark and their theme, but it doesn’t have the same melancholy/sadness it used to have for a very long time when House Stark was to the ground, over and over again. (note, it’s also mixed with the Game of Thrones main title, mostly because it’s the final theme of the season and that’s where they closed the episode- it also kinda proves that the story was about House Stark - at least on the show - they opened the show, they’re closing it). We also have added to that one, Arya’s House of the Undying Theme, these bits of Arya’s theme when she was with the Faceless Men and she left - I don’t remember the name of that piece, but it’s played here. Jon Snow’s theme, is also heavily featured in the last track: this one. Sansa’s theme at its core is still really the one of her family: sad cello often played over her scenes, for a very long time. And then it morphed into this “joyfully melancholic cello” (I don’t know how to describe iiiiit) that plays also at some point - well during Sansa’s coronation. It first appeared during her “The Lone wolf Dies but the Pack Survives” scene with Arya on s7. Anyway, all that to say that the Starks have had a vibe that’s always been reminiscent in all the House Stark characters, and it’s come back and been mashed up together for their very last scenes. It really is really beautiful and it just shows how the characters have morphed, how their House is still what it was at its roots but how they’ve grown and what the legacy of these characters are. The theme starts with notes that are very reminiscent of Ned Stark, and evolves into something that is Arya, Sansa and Jon’s identity. Anyway, as for the rest we have the Lannisters, it’s really generally circling around the Rains of Castamere vibes, it’s always there. What is cool about the Lannisters is mostly Cersei: Cersei has a theme from s5 and going. But her theme is heavily related to the High Sparrow and the faith. It starts as this theme, mix of a Lannister theme and an organ. And it merges into this gorgeous theme for Cersei’s revenge: the organ comes back, but this time, to symbolize the Faith’s destruction rather than Cersei’s.As for Dany, well she was the only one of her House. So actually most if not all of the House Targaryen themes are hers. They’re all about her, tbh. Ramin Djawadi has composed a lot of pieces for Daenerys- like A LOT, I think she has nine soundtracks for s5 alone, for example. The first whispers of her theme are here, technically, on the first steps (literally) of Daenerys towards her destiny, when she meets Khal Drogo. The ironic thing, is that Dany’s theme also starts with some light cello. Not as “deep” as House Stark, but it’s still cello and it has its importance later on. Before that, she has no theme, it’s Viserys’ theme (kinda) that steps over her. The drums are only whispers at that point, and then it grows bigger and bigger as she gains power. This one, is the final version of her s1 theme- BEFORE her dragons are born. Now in the end of the video, we can hear a new version of her theme; the appearence of voices as she’s become something else, the Mother of Dragons. The one who brought magic back into the world! On s1 her theme grew as something like a Dothraki warrior theme, she’s become the Unburnt + Khal Drogo’s Khaleesi, something that is hers but not totally. So her theme has pieces of instruments that were used for the Dothraki related themes- especially the the Armenian duduk flutewhich is used to symbolize the Dothrakis in Ramin Djawadi’s music. Dany’s music grows bigger and bigger as she gains her roles and goes through victory after victory: as I said, by the end of 1x10 when the dragons are born, the “ah ah ahhhhhs” are appearing, because that’s how her theme merges. The “ah ah ahhhhs” are related to the dragons. To Daenerys, becoming more than the Khaleesi of a man, who is proving her strength on a “human level”. She’s something else, she’s more, she’s “the stuff of legends” that people will sing about. The final version of this theme, is at the end of s2 when the dragons finally breathe fire, at the House of the Undying. Name of the track? Well, Mother of Dragons, of course! Which is a perfect balance of “victorious Dany”/Mother of Dragons and Unburnt Dany. And Mother of Dragons really becomes the strong basis of ALL the Daenerys’ themes coming forward. At her core, Daenerys is the Mother of Dragons, the victorious, the Unburnt once again at the end of s2. S3 adds to that, as Daenerys becomes the Breaker of Chains. It’s this theme: and yet you notice it always has the same basis- the flute, the “ah ah ahhhhs”, everything that has made Dany and Dany’s theme so far. This is when she starts building her army, when she starts to conquer. Herself doesn’t know clearly WHY yet, at the beginning of ep3, Daenerys does get this army in order to have an army to sail to Westeros. Her journey on s3 is slowly becoming the Breaker of Chains and the “Mhysa” of the people- hence why s3 for Dany ends with the Mhysa theme. And even tho the basis of Daenerys’ theme, which are the instruments that we can hear in the background are the same, here, it’s really a sung music. It’s a whole music, that could be transcribed as in universe, people singing across the world, everything that Daenerys Targaryen has accomplished. She’s officially become the Mother of the People: Mhysa as they call her. And let’s remember that because it comes back to what I said about her s8′s theme. All that morphes into her usual theme, her “Dany theme”, with the Dohtraki vibes, the Mother of Dragons vibes and all. And here, her theme is Big! It’s Dany full force, Dany at her peak, Dany embracing an unexpected destiny that will lead her to greatness. The “ah ah ahhhhhs” are growing and growing, because it’s truly a moment where she reaches the top: she has three growing Dragons, an army, Ser Barristan, Ser Jorah, a close friend (Missandei), and she’s adored. And that’s where Breaker of Chains really appears, after s3, onto s4. Daenerys didn’t just free the Unsullied because she wanted an army, now she has a new quest, a new purpose, a new destiny. A new title to her long list: Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains. We start with the same flute, the same vibes, what has been Daenerys’ theme ever since the beginning of the show, it’s still here. And it’s morphing into a lament - basically Dany lamenting for the children she sees crucified before reaching Mereen - and it merges into more of a “justice”/revenge theme where she follows her path: we know which one, where she conquers the city and abolishes slavery. The “Dany notes” - like really, how to call them I can’t really transcribe them on a post like that - are still here, and they’re growing and growing. The Mhysa theme is also all merged into this one, truly is one of the best Dany themes. S4 is where Dany kinda “stops” for a while. She decides to stay in Mereen. So there is no real progression in her theme for a while. Her next theme is Forgive me, at the end of s4 (it’s featured on s5′s soundtrack but it appears on s4 first but it gets bigger on s5 after 5x08 when Daenerys really does banish Jorah again). It’s a tragic theme, where Dany kinda loses a lot of her “superb” because her Jorah betrayed her: Dany is really falling from grace at the end of s4. It’s also really the first time Jorah and Dany have a theme: a theme that will come back later on the show, on s5 “officially” and on s6 and merges back into something big because that’s where she accepts him again. At the very end of s4 for Dany, the Breaker of Chains theme comes back, but only the lament part: because in becoming a leader of the people, Daenerys had to choose to chain her dragons. The idea of breaking chains is becoming harder and harder for Daenerys. These are Dany’s biggest betrayals: she was the victim of one, with Jorah, and the second one where she betrays her children and tbh, basically, her Oath as their Mother and a Breaker of Chains. Dany’s next pivotal moment is A Dance of Dragons, so we have the Daenerys theme mixed with the Sons of the Harpy’s one. And it basically becomes a war theme. Daenerys’ war theme: Daenerys with what she has, her dragons who are loyal to her and will follow her as proved by Drogon on this very same episode, her army, everyone loyal to her. It’s also where the French horns appear on her themes: and that’s to symbolize the FORCE of her now full grown dragon(s). And they’ll be part of her theme going forward. And this theme will then also come back to Daenerys’ theme going forward. We still have the flute, the magical notes that are always related to Daenerys as a Mother of Dragons, especially since it’s the moment she sees Drogon again after a while. And then it merges into something more, once again: Daenerys embracing another one of her destinies. Daenerys becoming a dragon rider, and we’re back with the “ah ah ahhhhhhs”. Daenerys’ next big theme after that is Khaleesi. We finally have a theme called Khaleesi for her: and here it’s very reminiscent of Daenerys the Unburnt, Daenerys the Khaleesi that she was on s1. Daenerys freeing people from oppression once again, and the praises are coming back: this time tho, they’re chanted in Dothraki and not in Valyrian like in Mhysa. She becomes a Khaleesi in her own rights, she proves HER strength to all the Khalasar and they all bow to her: this theme has become more about her than about the Dothraki. Her next theme is Reign. And it has everything: it’s Khaleesi Dany, Queen Dany, Mother of Dragons Dany, Unbent Dany, Daenerys Targaryen. That is higher than her peak. She’s accomplished everything she has to accomplish in Mereen and Essos: she has eliminated her enemies, the threats to her “new order” and she’s come out of it, victorious. And Daenerys’ final Essos-y theme is Winds of Winter: again, a theme that is sung in Valyrian and is a CRAZY theme. It’s basically chanting Daenerys coming, the “hero” coming. It’s full of hope, and yet it’s still Daenerys’ theme, it’s what it has morphed into after everything she’s been through: drums, voices, horns, everything is here! Tbh to me that’s why 80% of Dany’s storyline in Westeros is disappointing, because this theme seemed so promising. To me it’s really GoT’s most epic theme ever. After s7, Daenerys became very stagnant. Daenerys’ theme on s7 starts with Dragonstone: it sounds like the accomplishment of Daenerys. She’s back home, she’s where she thinks she belongs, everything that is Daenerys is here, with a part of “accomplishment” and excitment that is added to the whole lot. Daenerys is home, and we have the flute coming back for that: Daenerys at her basis, the flute playing while she walks around the beaches at Dragonstone for the very first time, reminiscent of the baby she was when she was born here. And then we have the voices swelling again, reminding us of the woman she has become: when she sees the Red Doors, which are a big goal to book!Dany even tho it was never expressed from show!Dany. And then we have this amazing piece where she’s walking to her Destiny, and it stops when she reaches the Throne. The Unburnt, Queen, Khaleesi theme comes back. She’s, symbolically, steps away from her Throne, her final goal. Her lifelong dream. The spoils of War basically has Daenerys’ horns symbolic of her Dragons. It is kinda the stuff of nightmare in this soundtrack, but mostly when it’s seen from a Lannisters perspective. If I were to say “there was a foreshadowing of Mad!Queen Dany” I’d say it’s this piece of music, that did a better job to kinda “announce it” or make us fear for it, than the writing of the show ever did. It still has notes of victorious Dany, but this time, it’s over the ashes of things we know: the Lannisters theme and even tho we can freely hate Cersei, by this point of the story, she has detached herself from her usual “Lannisters theme” and became more of an “independant” person. So yeah, the Lannisters theme here is mostly about Jaime and hearing these two sounds clashing has something of a tragedy. She has a theme she shares with Jon: it’s called Truth and everyone knows which one it is, lol. It plays when they sleep together. The cello is back, proeminent in this theme: it’s a thing both Jon as a Stark and Dany from her original theme have in common. It has the three “magical notes” as I call these coming from Daenerys theme, and the “swelling” of Jon’s theme coming from his House Stark heritage. It’s basically the clashing, body and soul of Jon Snow and Daenerys- not really as representative of their Houses, but as people. Like Rhaegar and Lyanna. That’s why there isn’t “more notes” of House Stark and House Targaryen themes. It’s about Jon and Daenerys as people, not truly about their House or their name. This soundtrack has a variation in See You for What you Are which plays during their 7x06 scene and during their 7x04 scene in the cave. Now as for s8 since I can’t say I really comprehend Dany’s journey, it’s really hard to say. What I could see as a soundtrack really related to Dany on s8 is “The Bells” - and yes, it’s THAT far. It’s basically the music playing during Dany’s downfall. The pure lack of foreshadowing during all this time could be transcribed through that as well: we have no soundtrack, up until this point, kind of implying Daenerys going mad. Nothing telling us that Daenerys is “turning” from what we’ve seen of her so far, for 7 seasons. And again, it’s not totally about Daenerys for a very long time; it’s mostly a countdown with a music swelling and swelling for dramatic purpose. And then around the middle of the track you have this tragic, almost war cry, last “scream” of hope, that dies slowly as Daenerys “turns mad” and these three “magical notes” that were so symbolic of Daenerys so far, are dying and are becoming more and more distorted by the music swelling and swelling. That’s really symbolic of some kind of madness, of rage, of “power” taking over Daenerys and who she’s been so far: again, an amazing piece, far better than the writing of the season itself. And it merges into “the Last War” which is basically, the horror. And it’s basically everything Daenerys has been the symbolic of for so long, being turned “dark”, all her victories being reduced to something very very dark where there is no victory, no hope, the voices don’t swell. It’s really about how Daenerys’ force as a character becomes more destructive than liberative. And then when the voices rise and the music explodes, it’s all about horror more than anything heroic. The thread of Daenerys’ character is still here and everything turns to ashes: her goals, everything she’s stood for. We hear the French horns but they’re symbolic of destruction and despair here. We hear her Dothraki theme but it’s not strong in the sense of victory. It’s strong as in “stepping on everyone else”. The “ah ah ahhhhhs” are no longer going up, they’re going down. That’s basically Dany’s downfall. And apparently Ramin has chosen to turn Daenerys from Mhysa, Mother of Dragons, as “Master of War” because this theme is for her as well. Thank you, Ramin, for not calling it “the Mad Queen” or whatever bullshit. And this one is a very sad theme: we do hear all of Daenerys’ “core values” but all of it is twisted by the same “dark effect” we hear in the Last War. Following Dany’s downfall through the soundtrack is actually very sad. The same instruments are used, but not with the same “impact”, Daenerys’ essence is twisted. And what do we have at the end of it? A lament. A lament because Daenerys as we knew her and loved her, is dead here. She was dead before Jon stabbed her. And the lament sings the notes that were before, so representative of Dany the hero, Dany liberating people in the right way. Really, it’s heartbreaking. She touches the Throne, she’s THERE, she’s won, but she’s lost herself in doing so. And the music is not victorious, it’s not hateful, it’s not “evil”, it’s tragic. Ramin doesn’t want you to hate Daenerys with these themes, he wants you to mourn for her.In her final moments of love and trust - after everything - with Jon, it’s “Be with me” that plays, and we have some of Daenerys’ “light” coming back, swelling, before DYING. Really dying, because Jon kills her at that moment. The flute came back, symbolic of Daenerys’ long lost innocence, who she was when she started this journey on 1x01. Again, no hatred, no destruction, no “evil Queen”: Daenerys is a tragic hero, whose flame is killed, like that. The swelling comes back on The Iron Throne for Drogon’s grief, Drogon coming for his Mother, but the Mother of Dragons’ theme is tragic here too. Drogon has lost his Mother. Really, whatever shit D&D did to her, this soundtrack is an ode of love to Daenerys and it’s really beautiful- I think I said it 500 times already. The way Daenerys’ final piece explodes with sadness and tragedy. She’s not a monster, she was not “the enemy”, the world destroyed her (I would even say the world of MEN destroyed her) and that’s what Ramin Djawadi wants us to remember of her. In the additional pieces, we have “Stay for a Thousand Years” that is about Daenerys. Now yes, it has the “Truth” vibes, that could have us believe that it’s about Jon and Daenerys. BUT, the lyrics are the Mhysa’s song lyrics. It’s Valyrian, and everything Valyrian is 100% without a doubt, related to Daenerys. It’s about Daenerys. Daenerys is also the one voicing her desire to “Stay here for a Thousand Years” on the show, when they reach the cascades with Jon. This theme is about how Daenerys died for love, how tragic it ultimately is. It’s about how what could have been of Daenerys had they stayed there for a Thousand Years like Daenerys wanted at some point, when she was sky high, happy and in love with a man who wasn’t a threat to her. No, this song is not about Jon, it’s about an “ideal” of Daenerys that died when war came and duty came, and ultimately tore Daenerys down: she lost love, she lost faith, she lost her core duty as a savior and a hero. It’s really a mourning piece for Daenerys’ character as a whole, the woman she was before she fell from grace and became… whatever D&D wrote her to be in the end. And that’s totally my interpretation, but the fact that these lyrics, about Daenerys the savior, Daenerys the hero, being sung over a melody that is called TRUTH is a way for Ramin to say who Daenerys truly was. She was not “the evil Queen all along” like HBO and D&D and the actors are trying to have us believe right now. She was a hero for a very long time, and that’s how she should be remembered. All that to say that as you can hear through all of this, the Dany related themes all have the same… “back bone”, the same vibes, the same identity. And that’s how you can tell a certain theme is about a certain character.TLDR; probably a wayyyy too long answer to a question that probably didn’t require that much. But I love Ramin Djawadi’s music too much not to dive into it, especially when it’s about Daenerys so *shrugs* it’s a whole journey. Djawadi’s entire music dedicated to Daenerys is a journey. Each character had an identity in the music itself, and that’s what makes it so powerful. It’s not about the moments, it’s about the characters, and them morphing and changing and evolving. The music, as the story, follows them. Because ultimately, as I say that a lot of times, the story should be about the characters and not the other way around. What drives the story and everything around it, are the characters. It shouldn’t be shock value or plot twists, or the story over the characters. That’s what tanked GoT in the last two seasons (at least, if not more for some characters like Stannis or the Sand Snakes, for example) in my mind. How the characters became simpler and simpler (or extras, like Jon on s8) while the story tried to become what it wasn’t meant to be.
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sol1056 · 6 years
if you promise peaches, deliver peaches.
After S7, the asks have been piling up. A few examples:
I was so confused in ep4 when Acxa disappeared, I thought she’d stuck with the team after ep3 and maybe I just missed the scene where she left, but others have brought that up, too.
Funny how the majority of the problems in s7 are because they tried to force BP Keith to the detriment of the story, and ironically, Keith's story, too.
I thought Lance’s family reunion would be much more emotional and be a part of his arc, since he was the most homesick, but then they gave that to Hunk?
Shiro got tossed aside in the most ableist, racist, and homophobic way, and Allura could have had a cool storyline mixing her paladinship and her castle storyline with a new altean mecha, instead of Shiro becoming a bad Allura 2.0 and Keith becoming a bad Shiro 2.0.
Srsly tho, am I the only one who finds it extremely bothering that in writing Allura and Lance they don't bother to show Allura coming to view Lance in a romantic light after her breakup?
Why even bother in S6 to make such a big deal of Shiro/Kuron saying his dream is to be a paladin over and over? Until he was revealed a clone some of us thought he was Shiro, so it's even harder to accept Shiro not being BP anymore.
The EPs seem to be so stuck in their initial idea and salty they couldn’t do it exactly as they want that they just ignore the story itself?
The EPs have spoken of being determined to get the VLD gig out of fear it’d be given to someone who'd wreck the story. That's understandable, but we're talking about a 78-episode, six-season, space opera mecha series. This genre practically demands a sprawling world and a massive cast, and it's far beyond the scope of anything either JDS or LM have ever helmed on their own. 
My guess is that JDS and LM didn’t realize the enormity of what they were taking on, or they (and their bosses) seriously underestimated the degree to which they were wholly unprepared.
Behind the cut: what I meant when I said these EPs are not storytellers.
I’m not surprised the EPs over-estimated their skill, really. People will look at a creative process like art –- where you often start young, practice daily, maybe study it formally, apprentice or intern (especially in animation), and gradually work your way up -- and they see the effort. They know it wasn’t an overnight thing. 
Too often, the very same people won’t accord that respect to the art of storytelling. It’s treated like divine inspiration, something that just happens. We’ve been hearing and reading and watching stories all our lives; how hard can it be to do it ourselves?
It’s goddamn hard, is what it is. I would love to tell you otherwise, but that’s the truth. You can rock your dialogue but you gotta track character goals, too. Complicated backstories only get you so far if you don’t understand how to modulate tension. You can have a great premise but you still gotta resolve the damn thing. A story has a hundred moving parts; scale up to a space opera’s necessary levels of epic and we’re talking exponentially more.
In my experience, the hardest part of storytelling — not the technical aspects of writing, but the art of storytelling — is holding the shape of the story in your head. The entire thing, all at once. You have to, if you’re to see how a choice at this point will echo down the line, or a motif laid here should reflect there, how the theme shifts but stays true from start to end, how these secondary arcs weave together to undergird the main arc.
I’d say a lot of what we learn in our first few novels is how to see — and hold —the story’s shape in our head. I’m not talking dialogue or voice acting or choreography. I’m talking about the overall shape, the vision and theme it establishes, evolves, and eventually resolves.
If we cannot, we will find our stories promise peaches and deliver pine cones.
Looking back, there are too many clues --- almost all given by the EPs themselves --- that they didn't have the experience to do this story justice. What they did have was a certainty that their vision was the best, an inability to deviate from that one story they'd devised, and a continual low-grade frustration at being held back.
Let's go back to the beginning. S1 starts a little rocky (to be expected as a team finds its groove), but S2 builds on S1 quite deftly. It’s not perfect, but in a storytelling sense, it’s the strongest season, and it's much too self-assured to be a beginner’s. It moves swiftly but steadily to a pivotal midpoint, and from there snowballs gracefully into its finale; it balances nuanced characterization with plot movement, and its opening promises bear fruit by the end.
In those earliest interviews and panels, the EPs are often casually vague about basic details, like character ages or relationships. At least twice their answers change, giving the impression they hadn't known and had needed to confirm with someone else. Generally, though, they're low-key and hopeful, possibly leaning on the borrowed confidence of that other storyteller’s influence.
By S3/S4, their tone shifts to a peculiar kind of non-ownership. They joke about having no idea what's going on, tossing out guesses as though they'd be the last to know. They offer head canons, rather than insight. They wear their frustration openly, alluding to the story they'd wanted, chafing at what had been decided for them.
As the story moved into the split-seasons, it's clear that whomever lent that guiding hand in S1/S2 was no longer present. Someone else’s fingerprints are on S3, and my guess is it’s mostly Hedrick, at least on the script-level. The word choices change, the cadences change, the beats change. From S3 on, VLD has all the hallmarks of a muddy vision. 
You can see that in the story’s shape. It holds together, but barely. It darts forward, then sideways, then treads water for a bit. It’s erratically paced, dropping plot points and introducing new ones, only to drop those as well. It can’t settle on a driving antagonist, and when it finally does, it can't keep the antagonist’s goal consistent. It sacrifices nuance for one-note characterization, and shoves most substantiative character growth off-screen.
This continues to S6, which generally continues the focus on plot coupons over character goals, exposition at the cost of emotional beats, and neglecting established characters to introduce left-field swerves in the guise of plot twists. On the plus side, it does manage to rally enough to end its multi-season prevarication, and put to bed questions hanging around since late S3.
It's worth noting that both EPs have only a single writing credit each, for the pilot three-parter. That makes it doubly striking that JDS chose to write the Black Paladins episode. After the season aired, JDS complained in passing about rewrites on his episode. If that seems odd, remember that an EP has final approval on every script. If it bothered him to have his ideas rejected in favor of keeping Shiro, it must've burned to have his writing choices countermanded.
From the timing and the episode credits, this must've been around when Tim Hedrick left the team --- and the EPs took full ownership. 
It shows in their post-S6 interviews. Gone are the ambiguous expressions or vague promises of doing their best. Their wording is declarative: what Kuron had been, what Shiro would be, the resolution of Shiro’s illness, the nature of Shiro’s past relationship. None is equivocated, nor couched as head canons. They’ve taken control of the narrative, and their interpretation is now the deciding one.
This change was important enough to them that they had to make sure we’re aware. There’s simply no other reason to tell us S7 had been written in its entirety, let alone tell us the original outcome. Nor is there any other reason to tell us they petitioned for — and got — permission to rewrite.
When I look at S7 with my writer’s hat on, everything tells me this is where the brakes came off. With Hedrick’s departure, there was no one left but the EPs themselves to steer the story. By whatever means, for whatever reason, VLD went from a crafted vision, to a conflicted one, to none at all.
Set aside the larger controversies for a moment, and just think about the shape of S7. It’s almost three seasons in one: the first part skips from event to event, then abruptly timeskips to reset the entire playing field. That second part in turn is divided from the last half by a two-parter that halts momentum for an overlong flashback with an entirely new cast, followed by a finale that mostly backseats its protagonists in favor of letting that new cast dominate.
There’s a common pattern in the way beginner writers react to critique, and I see that all over the EPs’s responses, from the beginning. It’s only grown worse since S6. They can’t quite juggle the story they think they’re telling versus the story they’re actually telling.
I’ve had these conversations too many times to count. I ask, how did this character get from here to there? The newbie storyteller is quick to explain, usually in great detail. I ask, but then why did this happen? The more I dig, the greater the chance the newbie will get angry that I don’t seem to be reading the story they’re so obviously telling. If I keep pushing, they’ll get defensive.
They’ll confidently assure me this is exactly the story they’d intended to tell, and if I don’t like it, that’s my problem. (They may not be able to hold the shape in their head, but they’ve probably already taken to heart the adage that one must stay true to one’s ‘artistic’ vision. The part about listening to critique even when it’s uncomfortable… that takes a bit longer to learn.)
My reaction almost always boils down to: you’re telling me this amazing story, but that’s not the story you’ve actually written.
Sometimes the best description of the shape of a newbie’s story is that of a house after a tornado’s swept through: the front door is on the chimney, the roof is half-off, and the windows are shattered in the front yard. Most of the pieces are there, but it’s all so jumbled the newbie storyteller can’t see what’s missing. They can’t hold the shape of the story in their head, so even when they know here’s where something goes, they’re too overwhelmed to remember the door they need is still on the chimney.
An epic story is no cakewalk, and boy do I give credit for that effort, but it’s one thing to learn by noodling in a fandom on AO3. It’s quite another to do it at the scale of a television series, let alone one with the expected scope of a space opera spanning galaxies. This is not the place to learn as you go.
Here’s why the shape of the story — and holding that in your head — is so important. 
Think of a story’s resolution like a fresh peach. You want the reader to bite into the peach as the culmination of everything the story has been, from start to end. But you don’t get a peach by planting pine trees. You must start with the proper seeds, and make sure what grows is a peach tree, such that your final act bears the right fruit.
I touched on this before with the promise of the premise. Themes, backstories, world-building, and motifs are facets of the seeds planted in the first act. Everything you need to resolve the story must be present when the story begins; that’s where your premise lies, and your promises are made. 
Through the entire second act, the tree must grow. The storyteller’s task is to trim as needed, bind this to that, shore up the roots, add water and nurture: this is where the theme expands, the foreshadowing laid, the questions reveal answers that lead to further questions, narrowing the outcome, each outlining the tree’s shape in sharper detail.
By the time the story turns the corner into the third act, the readers should be reasonably certain they’re going to get a peach tree. This is not a bad thing! You want them looking forward to plucking the peach and enjoying it. You want everything planted at story-beginning to come to fruition, at story-end.
That is why you must hold the shape — the vision — in your head, always checking against where you began and where you plan to end. You cannot throw out the entire tree at the end of the second act and start over; if you ignore the fruit your story is producing and insist on serving up pine cones, you’re going to have confused and possibly angry readers.
You promised them peaches, damn it.
The story is now midway through the third act. Everything planted in the previous seasons must now be coming to fruition… but it won’t. The EPs are openly (even proudly) reversing course on everything that’s come before. That means directly violating every motif, every thematic element, every bit of foreshadowing in word, image, or sound.
And at the same time, the story’s scope is simply too vast, and they haven’t the experience to juggle all the thousands of moving parts. The result is the most slapdash season, yet. Characters simply drop out of sight, only to reappear again with no warning. Themes and motifs built up over so many episodes are tossed aside as if they mean nothing.
The hand-to-hand fights are visually striking — the EPs’ strengths are in storyboarding, after all — but emotionally hollow, bereft of dialogue that could finally give us closure. Characters that would’ve once spoken openly with each other barely exchange a word; character-distinct dialogue is uttered by someone else, as though the VAs mixed up the scripts in the recording booth.
To achieve the emotional heft required for a meaningful resolution, there must be echoes of the story’s beginning. But when the beginning is negated—underscored by a timeskip that resets the entire playing field—there’s nothing to refer back to. The events now are happening in a void, divorced from the themes and motifs that created the emotional context in the first place.
This is by design; the EPs’ vision has never matched with the story as it was told to this point. They can’t go back, so they’ve rebooted. Once with the timeskip, and again with a two-parter episode that introduces new characters that can be entirely their own. Compared to the protagonists, these secondary characters have been lavished with attention to the point of overload: full names, backstories, designs. All of of that, and the time required to introduce them is to the detriment of the actual protagonists.
Whatever story VLD ostensibly set out to tell, that story is gone, now.
This is no longer a matter of losing track of the story, such that the promised peaches have transmuted into pine trees. We passed that point somewhere in S6. The EPs have burnt down the orchard to plant new seeds, while doing their best to ignore the charred stump of the story we'd been promised.
I would've preferred peaches, myself. That was the story I was promised, and that was the fruit I expected from everything I saw onscreen. But now? 
I hope you like carrots.
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mcccix · 6 years
Ep 1-3 Random Thoughts
It’s fucking long. You’ve been warned:
Clarke emerges from the rubble after a month. We don’t see her use the radio until she gets to Arkadia. So we don’t actually know that she was radio-ing him for 2,199 days. We don’t know how long she was unconscious or if she had a working radio immediately after Praimfaya. The radio is a mobile one, looks beaten-up… either it came from the Rover or it came from Arkadia. She was still radio-ing him for a long-ass time though.
And she was radio-ing Bellamy. She refers to Monty and Raven in the third-person and she’s not likely to be chatting to Harper, Murphy, Emori, or Echo instead of Bellamy.
Loved that we see Jasper’s things. I’m hoping for a moment between Clarke and Monty where she gives him those things.
The editing— they are so not being subtle with that Bellarke business.
Murphy hates himself and, as Bellamy points out, likes playing the hero because it’s redeeming. He doesn’t know what to do with himself or how to feel when he can’t do that. I wish there was more growth with him after 6 years but I hope this means we’re gonna see all that growth this season.
Madi was hiding under the floor of the trailer. She’s definitely meant to reflect/contrast Octavia.
Madi’s hand shook when she shot the guy.
Monty is NOT gonna be down with the ground politics and the things they’re gonna have to do. Bromance with Zeke, pls?
That foreshadowing with Becho tho.
Really really interested in the rumours Abby hinted at. Love getting Ark history. Definite foreshadowing.
Niylah and Octavia… not sure what’s going on there. How’d she know about the book? She also didn’t want to leave when Octavia tried sending her away for her safety.
I like Jackson and Miller but when the revolt happens… they hadn’t been down there long. They’re sure moving quick with the I-love-yous. Hope they last.
The “choose” scene— kick ass, well-edited, loved Octavia here.
Surprised by how Jaha died. I knew they’d make him a hero but I expected something much more dramatic and quick. I was surprisingly emotional over it.
They never address what they do with their dead (Side note: I hope they keep Jaha’s ashes/bones/whatever and he eventually gets to be buried with his son.)
Indra thinks of Octavia as her daughter, and now her actual daughter is interfering in that relationship. Gaia obviously becomes an influence on Octavia— how will Indra’s relationship with O change? Potential conflict.
Octavia took the Roman thing and fucking ran with it. It’s a connection to her brother but in a really unexpected way. (I’ve said before that I think Octavia’s arc will in some ways reflect Bellamy’s in S3b-4a but she’ll reach a far different conclusion than he did.)
Most annoying thing for me is that Octavia keeps getting new titles. 
Murphy knew wtf he was doing bringing up Clarke. The little shit, I love him.
4 PHDs? I love backstory.
Madi is not on board with Clarke’s actions and I can’t wait to see how that plays out when things get really bad.
I’m LOVING the parallels with s1— Diyoza’s speech, Clarke’s silence, the impaled newcomer.
Anyone else think Raven is gonna have a field day with these new weapons? Imagine how she could adapt them.
Murphy wants to be a good guy but has never felt or been treated like the good guy. He tries to do the honourable thing and it ends up screwing him over. This dude TRIES and has no luck. That being said, him being left behind with Raven will give the audience a chance to see how they’ve evolved and hopefully will give us some spacekru stories.
But I’m guessing they’ll come down soon so the setup for Raven-Zeke can happen (What is their ship name, btw?)
Madi was way more confident killing this time (and multiple people!) but I feel like she’s gonna have a moment later when she just cannot deal and her turmoil will reflect the things Clarke and Bellamy went through. (Please tell me they do the parental thing and counsel her through it? A la Kane to Bellamy and Abby to Clarke)
Ok but the framing and blocking for the Bellamy-Madi meeting is so important.
The hilarious thing about the Bellamy-Madi meeting is the way it was edited makes it seem like they just ran off together to save Clarke without a backward glance at the others, just abandoned them in the woods.
Bellamy couldn’t even THINK to ask about his sister, who he’s been desperate to return to. “What? No, how can that be?” -- I don’t think this question is about the bunker
That mug! The mug had narrative significance, yes, but it could have said ANYTHING. They could have made it blank, or had the Eligius logo, or anything else. The fact that they made it say that is just…extra.  It’s not coincidental, the writers know what they’re doing.
They’ve seen each other for 2.2 seconds and there’s already been a declaration. I know everyone said things would be fast this season but damn.
Up until this point, they’ve never outright stated how much they care for each other. Other characters have implied it, they’ve done things that implied it, and they’ve hinted at it with things like “I can’t lose Clarke”, “I need you”, etc. but never a confirmation of “Yes, I care about this person. Absolutely.”
“She must be important to you.” This was a statement, not a question. Rhetorical. He didn’t have to reply but he did.
Clarke wasn’t really mentioned by spakekru in ep1. This episode, she was mentioned repeatedly (mainly by Bellamy). The sudden change from no mention of her to the constant reminder of “Clarke died for us, I left her behind”, etc. in the first half of ep3 is meant to emphasize their later reunion. Bellamy mourned Clarke, he felt guilty about leaving her…. and now he returns to find her alive but in danger and he’s thinking “I can’t lose her again..”
It’s a slightly more level-headed concern and need than his absolute desperation in rescuing her from Roan in s3.
The fact that it’s Bellamy alone that goes to rescue her is so important.
Eligius is morally grey, yes. But one thing everyone forgets when comparing their version of morally grey to the main characters’: Bellamy, Clarke et al did shitty things mainly because they were in life or death situations. Eligius is full of people who did shitty stuff before the world ended. What I’m gonna enjoy seeing is how the show is gonna separate the super fucked-up prisoners from those who, like the MCs, did shitty stuff for good reasons. And to see what these super fucked-up prisoners will mean for their survival because they’ve never yet faced an enemy that was actually evil (as in kill-because-they-love-it evil).
Every second of this was a gem.
Things I want to see going forward:
Clarke and Monty reunion. Talking about Jasper with each other.
Raven and Murphy learning Clarke is alive. Bellamy has to have a way to communicate with Raven to tell her if she needs to pull the plug on the prisoners or not. So I imagine him radio-ing her and revealing what happened. And Clarke getting to talk to Raven and Murphy.
How Raven and Murphy react to Madi. 
Bellamy and Madi interaction. Lola said Madi views him as a hero, we need to see more of this.
Bellamy at some point talking to Madi about Octavia.
Kane or Abby reacting to the knowledge that Bellamy and Clarke were separated for six years.
Eligius having an “oh shit” moment when they see Octavia do something badass.
Murphy’s friendship with Raven. Murphy’s friendship with Echo. Or Clarke. Or Bellamy. I want John Murphy to have friends.
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henry-hart · 6 years
The Secret Gets Out s1 ep3
Some quality Charlotte in this ep. Yay!!!!
ooh I know what happens in this one :))))
yay for that bb chenry content
Jasper just taking over the tv screen when c x h won’t watch his clip ajsklsj same
“CM’s big fail” man they do not go gentle with these video titles. really going for the throat
“Hey, look! My bellybutton!” Hen, sweetie. You need to work on your distractions 
Ray looks hella good. just saying. ;)
poor CM. his face when the news lady says, “once again escaping capture from CM.” HE’S TRYING, LADY.
“CM, isn’t it true that the phone shark has been attacking ppl’s phones for over a year now?” “Uh, yes that is true.” askjlk y does he sound like he’s on trial???
“So why don’t you catch him?” “Well, KD and I have been trying.” “But you keep failing. Doesn’t that bug you?” “Yes.” we always talk about Hen’s sass, but Ray has his snarky moments
AJSLKSLKJ JASPER BAD-MOUTHING KD AND HEN JUST STOPS DRINKING HIS DRINK AND IS LIKE, “One more time???” like, the pg version of “tf did you just say???”
“Just saying, I’d be way better at catching bad guys than KD.” “You couldn’t catch butt warts!!!!” Hen u couldn’t be anymore obvious if you tried aksljsjksjl 
“Why are you getting all mad?” “Because Jasper’s being unfair, and I think it’s unfair to criticize m--that...that KD guy when he’s probably doing the best he can. And people should be fair. Fairness. I’m pro-fair.” THAT’S RIGHT BB. U DEFEND YOURSELF. YOU ARE DOING YOUR BEST AND I AM PROUD OF U 
his lil pouty face after he gives his little speech is TOO CUTE
can I just say, once again, s1 Hen is the cutest thing ever 
@jace how were u this cute at 13??? I didn’t even look human when i was that age aksjlksj
Pipes blackmailing Jasp with that cup song video alksjslksj (no wonder her parents assumed it was her who was arrested in that xmas ep lolol)
“I NEVER DID THAT!!!! Why would I do that? I NEVER DID THAT!!!!”
Pipes just shoved Hen out the way to sit on the couch aksljslk
Henry didn’t put up much of a fight against Piper in these earlier eps (I mean, when does he ever anyway lol).
jasp....i love u...but...that video is really cringey....
Hen telling Pipes not to put the video on line :)))) my sweet son :)))))
Piper mocking Jasper in the video alkjlsk 
“Why does your watch beep like that?” “It means they need me at work....bye!” “Wait! It’s Sunday. Junk ‘n Stuff is closed on Sunday.” “Right....I better go tell the customers.” Henry you are a terrible liar
which is expected bc he’s sweet and a mess. not a combo that makes for a skilled liar alkjslkj
“There is something up with that boy.” YAS CHARLOTTE YAS my smart/observant daughter (tho hen does make it easy with his crap excuses lolol)
“I’m so tired.” “Oh, quit whining. It was only 4 miles.” “Yeah, 4 miles there and 4 miles back!” ajkjslk poor J
“Uuuggghhh I’m gonna die.” “NOT in the house! If you’re gonna die, do it outside!” Piper does not care. at all. 
so, what??? Char’s just been chillin in Hen’s room in the dark waiting for him to sneak back in??? lolol
poor hen had a mini heart attack ajklksj
Char clearly knows. she’s just asking all those questions to hear Hen’s bs lolol
“I like your shirt.” nice try hen. it’s not working, but nice try.
Char really covered all the bases. she called the store to see if Hen was really there. girl doesn’t mess around when she’s figuring something out. r.e.s.p.e.c.t.
“You wanna know the truth? I’m a jazz musician. I don’t tell a lot of people, but secretly, I play jazz. A-a-and the only time the jazz clubs are open is late at night.” Hen...who taught you how to lie????
God, P x H are such antipodes. You have one sibling who blackmails others with embarrassing secrets to get what they want and then you have the other sibling who can’t come up with a better lie than “I play jazz late at night” aksjslk
“That’s where I was---at a jazz club. Blowing jazz. On mah horn.” i love the way he says this lol
“That’s because YOU’RE Kid Danger!” and a hush falls over the room...
Hen, make as many weird noises and mock being KD all you want. It’s not working. aksjlskj
you know, even if Char wasn’t an uber smart cookie, hen makes it unbelievably easy to figure out
“Okay, this is really big, what I’m about to tell you.” “What? That you’re KD?” “Shuuut UUUuuuUUUpppp!” akljslkj
“I’m KD.” “I know. I figured that out.” CHARLOTTE YOU ARE MY QUEEN
“I swear I’m never gonna tell anyone.” “Thanks.” “Can I tell Jasper???” “Wha---NOOOOOO!!!!”
I love the way he says this in his lil 13 yr old squeaky voice aksjlsksj 
also Char wanting to include J from the get-go :’))))
Ray was so light and cheerful in this season. he’s all “Henry, I didn’t know you were working today. Did I butt-beep you???” whereas now he’s all “YoU cAn’T bE sIcK. yOu’Re ObViOuSlY lYiNg To Me!!!!” ugh
:(((( you can tell Hen is having a hard time telling Ray that Char knows
props to him tho. i would’ve put if off until it eventually just came out at the worst time possible jakjslskj
“Can I talk to you about something?” “Uhhhh....babies come from the baby store!!!” oh Ray
“What’d you tell her?” “That I am KD.” “Ohhhh.” “You’re not mad, are you?” “No, I’m not mad.” “Oh, good.” “You’re fired.” jkalsjlk RAY YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TERRIBLE HE IS AT LYING. IT WOULD’VE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE IF HE KEPT UP THE LIE
also Hen’s face is causing me pain. he’s so sad :((((
Ray’s being so serious....I’m not used to this. 
“When trust is broken, it can never be fixed.” “Yes it can!” “Read this fortune cookie.” “’When trust is broken, it can never be fixed’....” “Let’s not argue with the Chinese.” aksjslk 
also Ray is really that next level extra. he has fortune cookies to prove his point lolol a legend
Henry listening to jazz and downing a bottle of chocolate syrup alksjslk is this the pg version of drowning your woes in alcohol???
“You’re not gonna find the answer at the bottom of a bottle of chocolate.” *takes bottle away* *Hen takes out a second bottle* “I won’t know if I don’t look.” 
my poor bb. he really thinks he’s a lousy KD
klajdkl Henry singing a sad version of the cup song
they played a cheering sound effect while he sang omg
(I remember watching a vid where Jace said he doesn’t sing and it’s “probably for the best.” aksjslkjs)
classic pouty/depressed hen laying on his couch. :((((
it’s kind of playing tricks on my mind bc i remember when he did that after he couldn’t defeat Drex, but he looked SOOOO much older in that ep lolol
Jasp having to do Piper’s chores lol
“Henry, come to the Swellview Park right now.” “Nooooo. I’m not in the mood for trees.” jaklsj it be like that sometimes
Piper: “AHHHHH!!!! HEN-RYYYY!!!” Henry: *sighs like ‘here we go again’* akjslk
I LOVE THESE PIPER X HENRY INTERACTIONS (even if it’s her yelling at him lolol)
“Is that makeup on your face???” jokes on you, Hen. you’re all wearing makeup.
i love the faces Hen makes while Piper yells. they’re great
gotta hand it to Ella. she was really committed to this part
“To a club with mah gurlsss.” PIPER NO
“Club 11″ god can u imagine a whole place dedicated to 10-11 yr olds??? i have siblings that age and it’s the worst. possible. age. ever. 
I don’t even understand them most the time. you think i would be able to considering how in tune I am with my kid side, but the stuff they do/say/like is lost on me
sorry for that sidebar
okay, Piper has a fake ID??? a fake license, a fake ID. HOW R U AND HEN EVEN RELATED???
Hen’s out here fighting crime while his lil sis is committing them akljsslkj
I love Hen’s overall indifference??? Like, he’s just like “you better hope mom doesn’t find out” he’s not threatening to tell on her. he just like “not my problem”
even when she’s yelling at him he’s like “whatever. i gotta go.” ajlskjlk I love him
j now has blackmail of his own. oh, how the tables have turned. 
Char is so awesome. instead of just feeling bad about getting hen fired, she’s out her actively trying to help him out, and she’s not doing it for him. she’s just guiding him. she leaves all the redeeming to him. what a stand up character. wow. i lover her. 
wedding crashers chenry style aljksjsl
duh it looks like the phone shark, hen. HE HAS METAL TEETH.
“Now go do CM a favor and catch the phone shark.....Kid Danger.” I squealed. we love supportive bffs here
Hen’s got that pep back in his step 
“What up with the gum?” aksjlsklsj 
I thought Schwoz made the gum???? If he did, then how does Hen have a tube with his own gum for his costume??? Ray and Schwoz are estranged at this point in the show. Schwoz doesn’t even know Ray has a sidekick let alone who Hen is, so how??? does he??? have it????
are they trying to tell me Ray made it???
i love him, but no. 
maybe Gooch??? 
I don’t know
“In sickness and in health, in fitness and obesity, as long as you both can stand it.” these wedding vows are more accurate than the traditional ones, honestly
Henry. looks. so. cute. in. his. lil. costume. like. a. baby. duck. trying. to. be. a. superhero. :)))))
okay, so phone shark guy bites phones, but why??? like, does he eat them, or does he just enjoy biting them??
homeboy is looking at hen’s phone like it’s a whole snack....so he does eat them???
i need to know. 
“Mmmmmm gotta love that new phone smeeEEeeellll.” akjslkj jace was so goofy in the earlier seasons
Charlotte......y do u have binoculars??? this is all happening ten feet in front of you.....???
omg the phone shark spun hen and his feet clocked the bride in the face ajklsjlksj
yo wedding gifts are expensive af and Hen just made the phone shark wreck all of them lolol oops
omg Hen’s lil celebration dance is so cute :))))
he. gave. CM. all. the. credit. can. u. believe. my. son. is. such. a. good. person.
“It was really my boss, CM.” “Interesting. Can you tell us more?” “.....No....” lololol
Ray’s all “you gave me all the credit” in this awed voice DAWWWWWW
y is he suited up as CM tho???
“Well everyone’s been giving you a hard time about catching the phone shark. I figured I’d help you out.” YA’LL I AM SOBBING. THIS IS THE SWEETEST BOY.OL
“Uhhhhh excuse me? I’m the one who found the phone shark.” 
TELL. THEM. CHARLOTTE. Like, who are you to go giving credit??? I’m the one who found him???
Ray doing one of those full body groans that he always does. dramatique
“Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte. What am I going to do with you?” “I think it’s pretty obvious: give me a job here! You guys need me.” GIRL YOU DON’T KNOW THE HALF OF IT.
srsly how many times does Char save their a**es??? too many times to count. hiring her is one of the best things you’ll ever do, Ray.
Char explaining how she found the phone shark and making it clear how obvious her thought process was while Ray x Hen are just like “.....”
“I called some dentists...” “We should’ve called some dentist!” “We totally should’ve!” “Then I went online...” “We should’ve gone online!” “What is wrong with us???”
if it wasn’t obvious before that you need Char, is pretty obvious now. 
“Off to my cousin’s wedding. Hope they serve phones for dessert. LOL.” “She’s good.” “She is.” COME ON GUYS. I AGREE, CHAR IS GOOD, BUT HOW DO YOU NOT PIECE ALL THAT OBVIOUSNESS TOGETHER????
Honestly, Ray getting a younger sidekick makes the most sense to me because can u imagine Ray trying to navigate social media??? or going through the internet like char did??? or hacking into anything??? No.
dude needed some gen z kids to help him out with the modern world aljskljs
“She could really help us out around here.” YOU AIN’T LYING.
“Us???” “Oh, right....you fired me.” “Well you broke the oath.” he sounds like such a pouty manchild akjslkjskj
wow hen ur already on a first name basis with your boss
i don’t know why i’m just pointing this out
homeboy was calling him Ray within a few hours ajlkjsklsj
Hen was so happy when Ray hired him back :))))))
Char: “Cough cough cough.” lolol
“What are you going to do about Charlotte???” “UUUuuuuuUUUggggGGGhhhHHH well, she knows you’re KD. She knows who I am. She knows where the Man Cave is because you brought her down here!” I laughed so hard here. poor Hen was too excited about his job well done so he just took Char into their super secret hideout akljslk
“Sooooooo what does that mean?” “That we either have to kill you, erase your brain, or give you a job.”
“I vote job.” “We can really erase her brain???” “Dude!” cuties
“Alright, she can have a job here--” *C x H celebrate* “--IF--” *C x H jump* “--she can pass the pickle test.” *C x H share similar ‘tf???’ expressions* 
BORK!!! MY MAN!!!! (i just realized Gooch wasn’t in this one)
I wish they’d give Bork more of a role. :( they just have him kind of....grunt....and that’s all.
I do like in the green finger ep where he just dumps Ray out of the shopping cart though bc same jkajlskjl (Ray was being such a baby in that ep and I would’ve done the same)
“You have to prove you’re clever enough to work for CM.” “I found the phone shark.” “Well anyone could do that.” “Not you two.” “Well, you know what--” “Okay, let’s not go there.” aksjdlkj
not gonna lie, when Ray was like, “get the pickle out” the first thing I thought of--before Char did it--was to just break the jar alkjslksj great minds think alike, Char ;)))
“How much time does she have?” “Exactly five min--” *shatters the jar* “Here’s your pickle.”
“That was Bork’s favorite jar.” pfffff
“So, wait, is Charlotte hired???” “Yeah....yeah she’s hired.”
they’re little celebratory high-five was too. cute. 
i love my smol happy bbs
Henry being all excited to show her the tubes :)))))
“Hug me.” *side-eyes him* “Just trust meee.” CLASSIC CHENRY MOMENT AJLKSJLSKJ
Piper scrubbing J’s feet lolol that’s karma, P.
another wholesome episode that left me all smiley and happy :)))))
i love early Henry. he was such a little cutie who was excited about everything
there was some GREAT Char content this ep---she was one of the biggest parts
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kathrynmjaneway · 7 years
Hi! First of all, I love your blog
Heyyy :)
Thank you very much!
I’ll try my best to give you some recommendations!
First of all - here is a complete list of all novels, audio books, radio plays and Big Finish audio dramas. I don’t know how familar you are with the whole concept and the differences of all the different audio plays and where/how to buy them, so here’s a link to another post, where I explain that, just in case :)
And by all means, I’ve only been in this fandom since December 2016, and am still catching up as well.
Audio books:
(I have listened to a majority, but not all, but here are my favourites)
In The Shadows - you’ll definitely want to listen to that. Joseph Lidster wrote it and it has a BRILLIANT storyline and the Janto in it is so pure and sweet. (it takes place in season 2, pre Meat, I think)
Ghost Train - Ianto and Rhys in action! (unlikely pair, but brilliant together), lots of casual Janto mentions and Rhys overhearing them when they go at it.
Sin Eaters - Ianto is really, really cute in this one and there are quite a few Janto moments in it as well (and read by Gareth David-Llloyd!!!)
[there is a collection with 10 audio books called “The Torchwood Tales” available on amazon and itunes, it contains all the audio books from above, I can totally recommend it, 26€ on itunes, around 40€ for the physical edition on amazon]
Radio Plays:
I can definitely recommend them all (there are only 7), but again, here’s my Janto selection:
The Lost Files: those are 3 seperate radio plays,post s2, pre CoE, the first one (The Devil and Miss Carew) isn’t really strong on the Janto front (don’t remember anything tbh), Part 2 (Submission) is a MUST HAVE. Ianto and Jack are very much a couple, and an old ex from Ianto notices and there are some confessions! Part 3 (House of the Dead) is also a must have, but it will tear you apart, make you hate everything, the world, Torchwood and me for recommending it to you. It’s the only one that takes place 6 months after CoE and Jack meets Ianto again - kinda. get lots of tissues ready and a fluffy Janto fix-it fanfic for afterwards.
The Dead Line - JUST BUY IT. YOU WILL THANK ME FOR IT. (ever wondered where the quote “You’re not just a blip in time, Ianto Jones, not for me.” came from? From this radio play.) (and it’s only 2-3€ on itunes)
Asylum - nice storyline, and Jack and Ianto on a motorbike, not really a must have like the lost files, but it’s still really good (it’s round 6€ on itunes I think, so depening on how much money you can spend, maybe dont get it now)
(The Lost Souls is also really good, Martha is in it, but if you’re out for Janto and don’t have much money, it’s also not a priority, but DEFINITELY get it at some point. The Golden Age is good as well, and has one strong hint to Janto, get it eventually, but not a priority)
Now, I only own 5 of them, and I’ve only read Slow Decay and am in the middle of The Twilight Streets. The later is a BUY IT. NOW. you’ll thank me. Other than that, I’ve heard that ‘Consequences’ (and specifically ‘Virus’) is really good. I have a list of recommendations from other people somewhere, but for now, I’ll pass that question along to my followers.
Big Finish audio dramas:
(this is where shit gets real)(again, haven’t listened to them all [I own 7 from the main range and all special releases] but except for ‘The Office Of Never Was’ I have listened to all the ones with Ianto in them)
Broken - again by Joseph Lidster (he’s brilliant). It’s the back story how Jack and Ianto first got together and deals with the aftermath and the storylines of Cyberwoman, Small Worlds and Countrycide (and I think Greeks Bearing Gifts? I don’t remember if that was mentioned as well) Get some tissues ready for this one, too. IT’S REALLY GOOD. and if you only ever want to buy one single audio book, then this is the one you want.
Outbreak - it’s one of the special releases, it’s a three part story, so a bit more expensive (around 30€ I think?), but if you can spare the money - GET IT. it’s post s2 and a virus is spreading through Cardiff that makes you want to kill the person you love the most. Yeah. Part 2 will kill you, it’s soooo good! (love confessions!!!!!!!)
The Torchwood Archive - 2 hour special release, written by James Goss (along with Joseph Lidster, he’s my favourite TW author, you can safely buy anything he wrote and not regret it). There are one or two very sweet Janto scenes in it, Ianto isn’t in at a lot though. Jack and Ianto have a dog named Untitled. If you’re ONLY out for Janto scenes, then this probably shouldn’t take the highest priority for you. BUT - The storyline is awesome! It gives a lot of background to many things that were left unexplained (for example why and how Alex killed his Torchwood team Silvester 1999) and most of the cast is in it - including Andy, Suzie and Yvonne Hartman (I think only Owen isn’t in it)
if you buy it, just so you know: it will reference a few of the other storylines from the TW Big Finish audio dramas, because of the overall storyline of ‘The Committee’. If you want that background, definitely listen to “The Conspiracy” (with Jack), “Fall to Earth” (Ianto solo, I can only recommend that either way!, even has one tiny Janto mention) and “Uncanny Valley” (also Jack solo). Those are the ones you should know to fully understand the plot of The Torchwood Archive (and they are all soooo good! especially Fall To Earth, just not strong on the Janto side, and Uncanny Valley is not Janto-positive, I guess, depending on how you put it in the over all timeline (s1 or s2, it isn’t clear, as far as I know)
Not Janto related at all - Torchwood One: Before The Fall. It takes place pre Battle of Canary Wharff and has Ianto and Yvonne Hartman as main characters. It’s definitely good, when you want to know more about Ianto, but as I said, obviously no Janto. It’s another 3 part special release.
And: Aliens Among Us deserves a special mention. It’s season 5 of Torchwood and takes place a few years after Miracle Day. Part 1 is already out, part 2 will follow in October, part 3 in February 2018. Obv no Ianto, but he and what happened in CoE is mentioned multiple times and there is on scene with Jack and another character in ep3 that’s kinda about Ianto and will make you cry. But if you’re really new to it all, maybe wait a bit to buy it, since it’s also a bit pricey. (if you wanna know more about it, all you do is have to ask - I really, really LOVE IT)
Those are the recommendations that I can give you from the top of my head. Again, I’m passing the question about the novels along to my followers.
Hope I could help you and have fun listening and reading them all!! :)
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