#most of which have not and will not be updated for 1.6
bitchc0ck · 6 months
can someone fucking tell me why my tumblr app updated when i have purposely NOT updated it in nearly a near 🙃
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mister-qi · 5 months
Mr. Qi Friendship and Romance Mod Devlog 5/9/2024
Previous update
For those curious about the mod progress, read on!
Since the previous update, most of my efforts have been spent on Art and Implementation. While I've made some progress on Writing, that hasn't been my main focus.
Heart Events: no major progress, besides a bit of writing/blocking for the 4 heart cutscene.
Daily Dialogues: Generic dailies are 64% done. Unique dailies are currently on the back-burner. Marriage dailies are also on the back-burner, but I have quite a few written regardless.
Misc dialogues: A new section! This includes so many little details, which even get as hyper-specific as what happens if you divorce him and then attempt to invite him to a movie. What does he say if you give him a bouquet at low hearts? What does he say if you're married to him and there are slimes in the house? Stuff like that! There are 49 of these written so far, and it's hard to estimate my progress because as I continue looking through both the documentation and existing files I get more and more ideas.
Gift Dialogues: Not a ton of progress since the previous update, though I've written his birthday gift reactions.
Portraits: 2 new portraits finished: blush and shocked.
Sprites: You may have seen me posting about this, but Mr. Qi does not have a walk cycle in the vanilla game, so I had to make custom animations for him. I've also changed his color scheme to better match his sprites.
Besides that, I've also made a walk cycle for the Bouncer, who will show up in at least one cutscene, maybe two.
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look at him go!
Maps: I'm really excited to announce that I've recruited someone to help with maps! Their name is wovensong, and they're currently working on the Casino VIP Room, which features in the 10 heart cutscene. They're helping with both the sprites and .tmx files, which is a huge help.
Misc sprites: none yet
I have a functional version of Mr. Qi that can be befriended in my files now. He doesn't have a ton of dialogue in game yet, but you can give him stuff, raise his friendship, and trigger some placeholder heart events. But getting to that point has been kind of a hassle, in ways that the average modder doesn't have to deal with!
You see... the vanilla "Mister Qi" has a space in his internal name. If you know anything about coding, this should be setting off alarm bells.
Here's an example of where that's an issue: say you want to trigger a cutscene at two hearts with an NPC. You'd write something like:
f Jodi 500
which the game reads as "trigger this cutscene when you have 500 amount of friendship with the NPC named Jodi"
But if you were to write:
f Mister Qi 500
the game would go "you want me to trigger this cutscene when you have Qi amount of friendship with the NPC named Mister?? WTF?" and then SMAPI throws you a big red error and the cutscene would never trigger. Yippee!
It took me... a while to figure out how to get around this. Luckily the 1.6 update now allows for parsing for quotes in certain scenarios, so what actually works is:
f \"Mister Qi\" 500
So I'm glad that I started this mod now instead of pre-1.6!
However, it's definitely possible that the space in the internal name will cause issues down the line, so I have some (rough) code for what to do in that scenario. This involves hiding the vanilla Mister Qi, and adding a new, identical NPC with an internal name that doesn't have a space. Other mods, such as Morris Redeemed and some NPCs like Marlon and Gunther in SVE, do this as well.
And, if you're thinking that I could just change the internal name itself: maybe?? But probably not. There's some hardcoded stuff surrounding Mister Qi, and I worry about breaking it. Additionally, if any future official Stardew updates added new content revolving around Mister Qi, there's a risk that the mod would break in more serious ways.
Final Notes
Overall, I feel like I'm making pretty good progress! There's still a lot to get done, but I'm proud of the work I've done so far. Thanks for reading!
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not-that-syndrigast · 1 month
Does McLaren exceed the cost cap? 
In the course of this year, the McLaren car has been updated from a midfield car to the arguably fastest car on the grid, being able to build a twenty second gap to Verstappen in a RedBull and keep all the other teams that have shown to have a race winning pace behind. Shortly after the win in Zandvoort, Zak Brown revealed that they would bring even more updates for the car in Monza. Quite a few people are confused by this, and ask for McLaren to be investigated on their monetary spend, because people think that they have already exceeded the cost cap, but I want to share my thoughts on McLarens financial situation.
I am not quite sure how people think the teams work the cost cap, but generally we can assume that the administration of the finances works the following; 
First of all, there are certain amounts that teams are aware of from the beginning of the year on. This includes the wages, equipment and the base car that they build at the beginning of the year (important here; base car, excluding updates and crashes). This part makes up the biggest portion of the cost cap, and although teams can save here a bit by not employing as many people, teams that work well will try to stay with similar numbers here.
Second of all, there are expected expenses. Crashes, faulty parts that need replacement, ect. These things can only be predicted and not be guessed as accurately as the fixed costs which is why teams can lose or win most in this category.
Last but not least, there is everything that they have left, such as updates, making spare parts, ect. While teams will also have an estimated amount for these expenses, they are dependent on the expected expenses, and by this, McLarens seemingly financial freedom can be explained.
McLaren has been very lucky this year. Every single one of their updates work, so there is no wasted money there, but they have more money left than probably expected. Why? Their drivers are pretty cheap. While driver wages do not fall into the cost cap, any expenses made by crashes do. McLaren hasn’t mentioned it, but for RedBull the opposite is the case; in the past few years, they didn’t lose as much in crashes; in 2023, they lost estimated $3.5 million, in 2022 only estimated $1.6 million.This season though,they’ve already lost an estimated $4.5 million and we still have nine races left. Important is to keep in mind that these amounts are only estimated, but Dr. Helmut Marko himself said that especially Perez’ crash in Monaco is dangerous for their cost cap, and although I usually do not necessarily think he tells the truth at all times, this does make sense. It’s been discussed by multiple sources that RedBull has probably planned less for crashes this season and had thus to cut back on possible updates.
McLaren on the other hand, has most likely more money left than expected. With only nine races left, they have only had to spend an estimated $1 million on crashes. They won’t use all of their funds of predicted damages for updates, but winning the constructors championship would be of incredible performance for McLaren.
Furthermore, different than RedBull, not only did all of their updates work, but they also have had less than RedBull. While RedBull has had to try their hardest to make their car drivable again, thus bringing rushed updates almost every race week, McLaren has only had updates in three races. These were bigger packages, but they were also better planned and worked so well that they did not lose any money having to redo them.
In the end, these are mostly guesses though, but I am fairly positive that all teams try their hardest to stay below the cost cap. I guess, the reason McLaren finds themselves under scrutiny, is that people quickly make up things because they dislike the team and others just read it and believe it, so as usually, I don’t expect, nor do I want, anyone from just believing my thoughts without any questioning. Look at the data, read the official FIA regulations and think about what is logical yourself, without just listening to others. Sapere aude and all that.
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ddarker-dreams · 8 months
Lock, your thoughts on penacony in hsr? Or just the last 1.6 with dr ratio and Ruan Mei (the love of my life)
i went in thinking penacony was a far superior former IPC prison planet to live on than eris (from nexus) and left going hm. perhaps the eternal night is preferable to biblically accurate flying killer worms. LOTUS-EATER > the reverie hotel
this update might be my favorite yet. i've always loved dazzling, noire veneers with seedy undercurrents. i'm not sure if i've mentioned it on this blog (i probably have bc i never shut up) but the game la noire is one of my all-time favorites. jazzy music, glamorous starlets, corrupt organizations; those set pieces just do something for me. the environments are gorgeous. the reverie hotel has this larger than life feel to it and its layout reminds me of a panopticon, then there's the dreamscape itself. a city that never sleeps which you can only access by falling unconscious. there's so much creativity in the puzzles and charm in the little interactions littered throughout. i especially loved playing matchmaker with a bunch of bottles.
alright, onto the story itself: the start and end were strong with the middle being a hit-or-miss. i am far more forgiving with this in star rail than i am in genshin, since in the former, i'm subjected to the cruel and unusual punishment of hearing paimon's banshee shrieks. i think they did a good job crafting a compelling mystery. anything involving the unconscious is a writer's treasure trove, there's so much you can explore with it. i'm curious to see the angle they take.
as for the moments that stood out to me the most:
the initial dream sequence ft acheron with her being weird. the seemingly eternal hallways, contorting in physic-defying ways were a personal favorite. it reminds me how in dreams, there isn't always an outright threat, yet uneasiness persists. what's familiar warps into something indifferent and unknowable. very neat. then the shot of her crying blood after cutting down the trailblazer... very iconic of her.
mr aventurine. what was he about to do to the trailblazer?? why must they have stopped him?? let him cook. i was game for anything. zero fear, zero hesitation. he's an interesting player. neoliberal girlboss topaz had some workable parameters, aventurine is a total wildcard. his ambitions are murky at best. i kinda wonder if he might stick it to the IPC by purposefully flunking his assignment, it'd make for great revenge.
sparkle is unapologetically awful which makes her fun. her cosplaying as sunday's recently deceased sister was so appalling that i actually stopped for a moment when i pieced together what was going on. i've always found aha and their absurdist philosophy one of the most interesting among the aeons. it seems like there's a real emphasis on characters that embody their aeon's ideals (black swan + fuli, sparkle + aha, sunday/robin + xipe, etc). i hope they lean into it more.
SAM.................................................. his encounter betrayed my expectations in the best way possible. i have so many questions about his involvement and motivations. the music for his fight had my heartrate ascending. i play with japanese voices so i'm not sure if it's limited to the JP dub, but i was surprised by how polite he speaks?? even as he's about to immolate the trailblazer + her two accompanying girlfriends. it wasn't the cadence i envisioned for him. the stellaron hunters never fail to capture my interest, wtf are they Doing........
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melefim · 2 months
Cursing in Dead Boy Detectives: Maren
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5 curses said in 1 episode.
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Episode 5: 1 Bitch, 4 God
Uses Per Word:
Maren’s favorite curse word is God, which she says 4 times.
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God: 4
Bitch: 1
Percent of Total:
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She swears 5 times, which is 1.6% of all cursing in the show.
Who Swears the Most: Maren’s 5 curses puts her in 11th place.
Curse Word Variety: She is tied for 11th place for cursing variety with David, the Tabby and Calico cats, and the girl in Crystal’s club fight memory.
Episode 5: Brad was my boyfriend. God, I miss him so much.
Episode 5: God, I shouldn't have left.
Episode 5: He was always bitching that Brad got him hooked on Adderall.
Episode 5: And oh God, they, they… ugh, they humiliated him any chance they got.
Episode 5: Oh god I… I almost did it to you.
Updated Percent of Total Swearing chart.
More Dead Boy Detectives Swearing Posts:
Swearing by Episode
Swearing by Character
Swearing by Word
All Swearing Posts
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detectives ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress
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lily-drake · 8 months
The Demon's Queen
Chapter 17
First <> Previous
Mari is 18 Damian is 19
“Okay, let's start the trimonthly meeting,” Superman announced from the head of the table.  The Watchtower was filled with the founding members of the Justice League to go over everything that had happened in the last three months, which was a lot.  
“Well let’s begin with the most major events,” Batman grumbled, “There were four mass scale alien invasions that involved the whole League plus Young Justice.”
“Thankfully we were able to solve two of them with civil treaty talk,” Wonder Woman chimed in, a gentle smile on her lips as she reminisced on the events.  
“The other two had to be captured which resulted in the mass destruction of New York, New Jersey, Missouri, California, and Oregon,” Black Carny listed, “from there we had to help pay for reconstruction.  Batman, how much did we have to pay?”
Batman gave the whole League his normal flat look, seemingly unimpressed with the group.  “$1.6 billion,” he growled, scowling at the rest of the members, most of which didn’t meet his gaze.
“Right!”  Superman exclaimed.  “We’ll go over the cost of everything at the end.  Next on the agenda is reconnaissance missions and what we’ve learned.”
“The Young Justice team has gone on nearly fifteen missions in the past three months, most of which were successful.  From their hard work we were able to prevent five Kobra-Venom shipments,” Flash began to quickly list off, “having skimmed the reports, the few that went off the rails were quickly resolved and handled by other members of the JLA.  Going along those lines it was also discovered tha-”
A loud ringing went off and everyone looked back at Superman with a blank stare. “Sorry everyone, it’s one of my emergency lines that I give to citizens, let me juuust-oh.”  After Superman had removed the small device his face fell from his usual cheery demeanor into something more tired and solemn.  “It’s Mrs. Dupain-Cheng again.”
There were a few frustrated sighs from around the room, others simply shaking their heads in exasperation.  As of today it had been one full year since one Marinette Dupain-Cheng had officially gone missing.  She and her husband had been calling them every few weeks demanding updates, but the truth was that they hadn’t found anything.  Even when Tim had thought he had gotten a lead, it ended up falling flat as there was nothing they could deduce purely from black clothes.
Not only that, but ever since her disappearance, there hasn’t been a single magical attack, which has made looking for her a lower priority.  It wasn’t that they wanted her to stay missing or for a lack of scouting, but the matter of fact was that they were dealing with bigger active threats on a day-to-day basis, and there were simply no clues as to where she could be.  They let the message go to voicemail and continued on the meeting with a more sober tone.
Ladybug and Chat Noir Were the Villains All Along–An Informative Article About the Truth Behind Akuma Attacks and the “Heroes” Who “Protected” Paris.
16:24 Written by: J. Jona Jámesón (previously hosted on Wild Safari)  & Raine Coffee Chaos
It has now been officially one year since Paris’ so-called “heroes” have vanished, along with the emotional terrorist known as Hawkmoth.  The last sighting of the heroes was during the last battle with the Akumatized victim known as The Reaper, a twelve-year-old boy that has chosen to remain anonymous.  
In that last battle, the video was captured of the Akuma, The Reaper, having the ability to take the lives of any person or being that came near their scythe or made direct eye contact.  Other videos taken by popular blogger, Alya Césaire, showed that both of our heroes greatly struggled with this Akuma, where Chat Noir once more fell victim to it, and once more Ladybug barely succeeded on her own.  Since the end of that battle both our heroes have simply disappeared along with the villain that brought them to light in the first place; which begs the question: were they ever heroes to begin with?
*video of final akuma attack from “The Ladyblog” filmed by Alya Césaire*
Take that masked menace the Flash, for example.  He presents himself as a protector of the masses with his super speed, but has a suspiciously cordial relationship with his ‘Rogues gallery’. These villains are known to have a moral code, avoiding unnecessary harm to innocents and children while committing their various nefarious crimes. It’s more than likely that they’re in cahoots with Flash; pulling off their various stunts with him acting as the “hero”.  Making it so that the police cannot properly do their jobs. He is wrongly adored by the unsuspecting masses in Central City, even having a museum! Perhaps he cooperates with the Rogues in a desire for attention and infamy! 
However, just as people worship the Flash, the people of Paris worship Ladybug and Chat Noir.  And now that Parisians are no longer afraid to talk about the atrocities inflicted on them, it has been widely speculated the heroes that Parisians so heavily relied on were mere children ! If we study the very first video taken of Ladybug and Chat Noir five years ago compared to the most current video of them, it is obvious that the both of them had grown and matured at the same rate as an average teenager.  A set of teenagers could never accomplish what Ladybug and Chat Noir have done on their own! There must have been someone behind the scenes.
*Photo of Ladybug and Chat Noir side-by-side during Stone Heart right next to an image of Ladybug and Chat Noir side-by-side during The Reaper *
Who’s to say that, in the end, these kids were not in fact working with Hawkmoth the entire time? Their job: to create mass fear and panic among the citizens of Paris so that everyone would fear for the safety of themselves and the children, who were most at risk if you look at the Akuma, Gigantitan, who was only 5 months when first akumatized, and was targeted nearly 18x after through the years for minuscule, child-like frustrations.  
From this prolonged fear-epidemic, studies have shown a mass decrease in mental health and an extreme increase in the unhealthy coping skill of suppressing emotions so as not to be a target.  This in turn has led to a massive increase of people searching for and spending on therapists, where there is a shortage of them in Paris. Commonly referred to as the ‘Captive Hearts Epidemic’. And with the government being unwilling to bring in more from outside the city, and France as a whole unwilling to bring more in from out of the country, it is not hard to believe that this was a ruse for people to spend more money to big Healthcare Companies.  We have already seen time and time again that Mayor Bourgeois is a corrupt politician only interested in putting more euros in his own private account.  It is not hard to believe that he paid off these children and mysterious entities to terrorize the city into buying higher and more expensive health plans, especially since any damage done by these so-called heroes–rather conveniently–just magically disappears; so he never has to worry about paying for any reconstruction.  
This war has gone on for over five years without end.  The very sudden disappearance of Paris’ heroes and villains without so much as a warning is far too suspicious.  It makes no sense as Ladybug and Chat Noir have had no trouble making public appearances and taking interviews.  It’s obvious they care about how they are portrayed through the media, so why disappear without telling anyone unless they were caught and forced to give it up? Are we truly in the clear, or are we just coming home to a peaceful disaster? 
17:07 RenaRougeOfficial:
How dare you make up such blatant lies and falsehoods!  Ladybug and Chat have defended and rescued our people every day, putting aside everything in their lives for us. 
Instead of trying to vilify them, why not think of the actual reason they disappeared.  Perhaps they defeated Hawkmoth and decided to leave the scene to live in peace.  Or maybe they got injured when defeating Hawkmoth and didn’t want anyone to know.  Or perhaps it’s because 
“Ohhh, that’s a good one Alya, here add this,” Adrien jumped in, startling Alya from her rant filled with righteous fury.  She was forcefully pushed aside as Adrien began to type on the keyboard, adding to her rant.
you are just lacking in brain cells.  Ladybug and Chat Noir risked their lives every single day so that this city, this world even, could continue on.  They put the world on their shoulders knowing that if they failed then the universe itself could have been destroyed.  Stop trying to destroy the heroes' reputations simply because you want clicks and views.
“And, send!”  Alya announced, slamming her finger on the button.  “Now, onto the next one,” she declared while opening a new tab.
“Okay, that’s enough you two,” Nino called out.
“Oh come on Nino!  Just one more,” his girlfriend begged.
“You said that five articles ago.  I’ve only tolerated you two doing this for so long because of the day.  But if you keep going we’re gonna be late,” Nino barged in, powering off the computer before either could do much as protest.  
Adrien and Alya looked away from Nino, a deep sadness penetrating their hearts, the same sadness they had been trying to ignore all day, all year really.
Nino watched as Adrien rubbed at his finger, twisting a ring that was no longer there.  He had been an absolute wreck the day it had gone missing, saying that it was a parting gift from his mother.  Nino could tell he was lying, but didn’t pry as, at the time, it looked like he had just watched someone die.  And then with the news of a mysterious attacker stabbing both his father and Nathalie had both been stabbed in their own home and had nearly died of blood loss.  Even though he was a terrible dad, Nino didn’t think he deserved that .  And Marinette was still missing.  It felt as if everything was falling apart at the seams.
"Let's head over to the bakery.  Tom and Sabine are waiting for us," he whispered, turning away from his two friends so they wouldn't have to see his pain.
The Truth of Paris’ Heroes: A Response to the Forgetful
22:34 Written by: Alya Cesaire
It has, unfortunately, come to my attention that there have been some doubts about the sincerity of our heroes and their intentions in fighting for our city. While my beliefs have personally never been shaken, I know that I was able to get to know the heroes on a much more personal level than most. The heroes were, as has been speculated, children. They never confirmed this to me, but I genuinely believe it to be true.
I believe that our heroes were in the same age range as myself, and as such, they were more comfortable opening up to me about the struggles they faced while they were saving our lives.
Ladybug used to cry to me, about how she had to lie to her family about who she was. About how she felt she was a bad friend for having to run away to fight a battle she never wanted to be a part of.
Chat Noir shared how isolated he felt. How he felt free in the suit compared to his life at home. How he had little to no support group to help share the burden of his secret.
They were indeed children, fighting in a war they had no reason to be fighting. They put their lives on the line every time there was an attack. They showed up for us without fail each and every time we needed them, and this is how we repay them?
This is how we thank them?
We come at them, with accusations and cruel assumptions in response to their sacrifices. They gave their very lives for Paris over and over again, and yet here they stand; accused of participating in the crimes they fought so desperately against. How is this fair to them?
How could we treat them this way?
I personally, would like to apologize. Not to Ladybug, the symbol of hope for Paris. Not to Chat Noir, the very definition of Loyalty. But to the people behind the mask. To the children behind the masks.
I’m sorry for how we have treated you, for the suspicion that has been cast upon you. For the doubts we have held as you held the very world on your shoulders. Thank you for always giving your life, for continuously fighting despite your own doubts, and for saving us every day without fail. I know better than anyone, that we did not deserve you.
I hope you find your peace, in the aftermath of Hawkmoth.
__________ Ever since her mission, things had changed in the base.  No longer were the other assassins skirting around her, giving her side glances, and weirdly enough, they were no longer ignoring her.  When she had first come back, Tomoe had kept her in the medical wing for three days, where during that time The Boy had come in to check on her wounds, before leaving without a word.  She had brushed it off as him wanting to make sure his prized possession was still capable of doing his dirty work, but there was something in his eyes she simply couldn’t place.
Then when she had left she could feel the eyes on her.  One of the members even gave her a bow of greeting.  
“Samiet 'anak dhahabt fi muhimat mae abn awa li'iinqadh baed al'atfali. eamil jid,” one of the others grunted.  It took her a moment, but she was able to mentally translate it to, Heard you went on a mission with the Jackals to rescue some kids.  Good work.   It made something in her feel warm.  Valued even.  The feeling lasted her the whole day.  But there was always a dark feeling in the back of her mind.  The reminder of what she was forced to do to free those kids haunting her day and night.
Her thoughts often wondered to the kids.  She had blacked out before she could even know what happened to them, but nobody knew, nobody except one person and she wasn’t going to go searching him out.  Granted she didn’t have to as he came to her.
Marinette had been reading the book Talia had given her–it was in Arabic so it took her a long time to translate making it a very slow read–but she had been reading it for so long that her head was starting to hurt.  Laying down on the small cot she stared at the beige ceiling, imaging the night sky.  As of her mission she had been less restricted, allowed to move more freely around the base.  Maybe she could use that to her advantage.  Setting the tome back on her small dresser.  The idea came with some risk, but at this point she was willing to take it.
Carefully sliding the dagger she was now allowed to keep into its sheath at her hip she exited her room, stalking through the halls on light feet.  Making sure that nobody noticed or followed her as she made her way to the stairs that lead to one of the towers that overlooked the base.  Slowly she went through the small trap door before closing it behind her.  There above her was the starry sky in all of its glory.  It was a warm night that carried a gentle breeze strong enough to brush her hair aside every so often.  The stars glowed brightly as the full moon shone down its ethereal light upon the whole mountain top.
From her perch she watched as the tall grass and wild flowers danced and bowed with the wind, listened to the sound of the night life playing around her, the feeling of being a mere spectator in this moment, the-
“What are you doing up here?”
Marinette nearly jumped out of her skin as she spun while pulling out her dagger in one swift move only to come face-to-face with The Boy.  She felt her grip tighten on the hilt of the blade, but didn’t move.
“I asked you a question,” he demanded blankly.
Her eyes narrowed, but slowly she stood from her stance while sheathing the dagger.  “I just wanted to see the stars.  Am I not allowed even after completing your mission?”
He didn’t respond, just stared her down, his green eyes almost glowing in the moonlight.  They stayed like that for a few minutes, staring into the others eyes before he broke the silence asking, “How are you faring?”  
The question took her by surprise.  How was she supposed to respond to that ?  “What do you mean?”  She questioned, crossing her arms in front of her.  
She watched as he slowly walked past her toward the wall, staring out at the base.  “I know that the first kill can be…onerous.”
Marinette stared at him like he had grown a second head, none of this made sense.  “Did you think I was going to kill myself?”
“No, however it is best to not dwell on those thoughts alone.”
“Well I was trying not to think about it right now, but as you so generously brought it up I guess I must spill my soul to you,” she replied sardonically.
Marinette took a few steps away from him, watching him as she leaned against the stone railing.  His face never changed, always stoic, as if it were carved from stone.  His forest green eyes moved from side to side, scanning the area around him.  His hair was kept short, though the tips of his bangs brushed against his forehead as the wind continued to blow.  His shoulders tense, as if ready for a strike.
They stayed silent, minutes passing between them as they stared out the distance.  “Why me?”
She heard him sigh tiredly, not even looking at her as he spoke, “I already told you that.  I don’t like repeating myself.”
“No.  There is no way that you looked at me as Ladybug and me as Marinette and thought that I could ever be qualified to run this,” she stated, swinging her arm out at the end as if showcasing the base.
“You still doubt yourself,” he grunted, shaking his head disappointedly before turning to face her, looking her directly in her eyes.
“I will not repeat myself again, so listen closely, Marinette.  As Ladybug I saw your tenacity, bravery, strategic prowess, and dedication you held.  Even as Marinette you still held those exact traits, because even though you might have believed that you and Ladybug were two different people, the truth is that is simply not possible and you know it.  Even if you feel less confident you lead your class of fools with strength.  You never put yourself above your duty.  Even with the knowledge that you were killing yourself, you still took on the responsibility of ensuring the safety of your home.  I admire those traits, they are what make you a competent leader, and I believe that you would be an excellent asset in the League’s legacy.”  
Marinette stared at him in disbelief, brows furrowing as she replayed his words in her mind.  “I’m not just some asset you can use for your games!  Have you forgotten that I’m a person too?”
“Of course you are, I have never stated that you are not,” he huffed, a brow lifting as he spoke.
“Yes you did!  You have since the day I met you!  You only think of me as some sort of weapon, just another tool you can use.  Well I’m not a tool!  I only saved those kids because it was the right thing to do!  But you don’t even care, do you?  If you did, then those kids would be somewhere safe!”
“They are safe!  Each of them were returned to their families,” he stated firmly, stopping Marinette in her rant.  It was the first time she had heard him show any emotion in his voice.  “And those without a family were given the choice to either join the League and learn to fight for themselves or be sent to safe foster homes where they would be protected from being put in such a situation ever again.”
Marinette stared at him in awe, she hadn’t expected that.  She had truly thought that he would have forced all of the kids to join like he had her, or he would have hid them away somewhere else to keep them quiet.
“Then why didn’t I get a choice?!”  She yelled, tears of frustration pricking at her eyes, “Why has everyone here gotten a choice but me?”
Here he finally hesitated, turning his head away with furrowed brows.  They stood there for many moments, Marinette trying to catch her breath as her shoulders remained tense.
“It’s late…”
“Is that all you have to say?!  You can’t even answer this one, simple question?”
“You should go back to bed.”  And with those final words he retreated back down into the base leaving a simmering Marinette atop the parapet.
“HA!  That was real smooth, Lover Boy,” Plagg goaded as Damian walked briskly through the halls.
“What are you going on about?” Damian demanded angrily as he snatched the pocket sized god out of his hair.  How the infernal beast was able to hide there so often without his notice he still could not discover.
Plagg gave him a large Cheshire grin as he stared up at the boy, “I’ve seen a lot of fighting in my life, but nothing compares to these.”
Damian rolled his eyes and let out a long sigh.  Sure he admired Marinette and her tenacity, but she was just so infuriating!  She was obstinate, brash, an idealist, and argumentative.  There was always a blazing fire behind her sapphire eyes, always alight with the need to prove herself.  It was as aggravating as it was endearing.
Shoving the small, laughing god into one of his hidden pockets he entered his rooms and tried to push away the question he could not answer that echoed in his mind.
“Can you believe him, TIkki?!  First he demands I answer his question then he refuses to answer mine, and not only that but he runs away!  Can you believe that Tikki?!”  Marinette turned to her right looking up in the air expecting to see her small red and black friend, but was met with nothing.  Marinette clenched her teeth in frustration, it’d been over a year now and she still believed her kwamii was still with her.  It’d been over a year, but it’d been nearly five years before they had ever been truly separated in such a way.  Marinette didn’t know if she’d ever get used to the emptiness of the air, the knowledge that she was truly alone.
Marinette stared out over the base once more, watching the flicker of the sconces that lined every wall.  She couldn't help but think back to his face, the way he finally showed her some emotion.  The storm in his dark emerald green eyes before he looked away from her, the way the moon cast shadows over his carmel skin and his sharp, stunned features.  The way the wind blew his bangs across his forehead without his notice.  In the end, she couldn’t help but loathe him.  
She hated his pride, his stubbornness, his stoicness, his skill, his ambition.  But if she wanted to escape from here, she would need to become as good as- No.  She would need to become better than him.  Because even if she escaped without that skill, he would just come back for her and she wouldn’t stand a chance.
Her mind wandered back to the last conversation she had with Talia before Talia left on her own mission.
“Have you been studying the text,” Talia asked her calmly.
“I have.  It’s in Arabic though, so it’s been difficult at times to get through.”
Talia gave her a warm smile, “Very good, Marinette.  You’re doing well.”  Her words warmed her chest, and Marinette couldn’t stop a smile of her own at the praise.  “Have you been able to practice what you’ve learned thus far?” 
Marinette’s smile fell, “No, I haven’t even figured out how to activate that sort of power, I don’t even think I can.”
“Tch.  That sort of thinking is the reason you have not advanced,” she paused for a moment before bending slightly to be eye level with her and placed her hands atop Marinette's shoulders.  “I have to leave for a few months, but when I return I hope to train you more in this power, however, you will have to seek me out.  I can not help you unless you want to be helped, so I leave this choice to you.”  
Marinette couldn’t stop the tears that welled in her eyes.  A choice, she finally had a choice!  She hadn’t had one of those in so long.  She didn’t get a choice to be Ladybug, didn’t get a choice when it came to Chat’s flirtations, didn’t get a choice to become the guardian, didn’t get a choice when it came to helping her class, she never really got to choose anything; until now.  She finally had a choice . 
“Thank you, My Lady,” she said softly, bowing her head in respect.
“But of course child,” Talia whispered, tucking a loose strand of hair behind Marinette’s ear, “Be strong.”  And with those parting words, Talia disappeared into the shadows.
Talia had been back on the base for a few weeks now, but Marinette hadn’t approached her for the offered lessons.  She hadn’t pressured her, in fact she hadn’t even brought it up since even during their sparse training sessions.  
If she wanted to escape The League of Assassins, she would need an advantage.  She would need to know or have something that would make it so that if Damian did come after her, he wouldn't be able to touch her.  With that thought in mind, she finally made up her mind.  Tomorrow she would approach Talia and accept the lessons.
Thank you @the-coffee-fandom, Sage, and Worried_Safari on the maribat discord for helping me out with this!
@aespades @adrestar @astrynyx @doll246 @queenz-z @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @seraphichana @miraculous-ninja @dorkus-minimus @mysticsoulgirl @ritacrow-blog @snow-leopard-777 @fidget-eep @sometandomstuff333 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shreeing @achaoticmess1 @liquid-luck-00 @buginetye @stainedglassm @prettylittlebutterflie @laurcad123 @iloontjeboontje @heartsong18 @raeuberprinzessin @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @jennifer-rose123 @moon5608 @corporeal-terrestrial @skitarii-alpha-c6-555 @saltysugarysembei @phantom120 @kking13 @depressed-bitchy-demon @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @iamablinkmarvelarmy @fleursroses @buginetye @humanoid606 @ev-cupcake @blackroserelina @rainbowbunny0159 @the-ace-reader @humanoid606 @taewinterbear95 @blueberrygeniejam @alex-rebecca-pearce @neulosfantacyworld @devilbunny612 @boredteen19 @agentxx92 @animegirlweeb @geminis93 @thatquirkydancer
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moonlight-farm · 1 year
Sebby Dialogue Mods
My personal favourites are the first two, as I prefer my Sebby to be on the sweet side these days! However, I've included a couple of spicier ones if you like that kind of thing! ;) Several mods I liked no longer seem available on the nexus, which is a shame, but unfortunately this is what happens in the modding world, especially after an update!
OSlySLy's Sebastian Dialogue Edit
The one I am currently using and thus the only one I can say for certain works on 1.6! It has a few bugs, mostly I've noticed that multiple choice questions often don't work, but if you can ignore that it's a nice little mod, quite in-keeping with his character I think. His ten heart dialogue is sweet, I'm currently keeping him at this stage so I can see the dialogue for each season before I marry him!
Even More Dialogue - Sebastian 1.6 Compatible
This is one I've used in the past but it seems to have been updated for 1.6. This also sticks to his character pretty well and for the most part has quite sweet late heart/marriage dialogue. There are a few spicy lines when you're married, but nothing too naughty! ;)
Mal's Sebastian Expansion with Post Marriage Events
Comments on this seem undecided as to if it still works in 1.6. From what I could gather it seems that it does still work but a few of the events are bugged and don't play out properly. But I wanted to add this for completeness, because it's a lovely little mod and adds a lot of events that flesh out Seb's character in a canon-friendly way (be aware that some of them can be a bit glitchy if you have a modded farmhouse layout!) As far as dialogue goes, it doesn't actually add much, but what it does add is very sweet and innocent :)
Possessive Sebastian Dialogue Expansion Pack
I used this one back when I was a little more into this kind of stuff, haha! It's basically a tamer rewrite of the Yandere Seb mod (which was too extreme for my tastes even then!) It's definitely much more spicy than the first three, Seb's personality is more obsessive and protective of you, so if you like that kind of thing you might get a kick out of this. He does still say some sweet things too :) It currently has a 1.6 beta file so I'm assuming it will work okay.
The Only One For Me
Once again, comments on this mod seem undecided as to if it still works in 1.6. Some people say it's fine and others have mentioned needing to fiddle with the files a little. This mod is pretty much a full rewrite of Seb's character and so is not for everyone. It's pretty extreme and has a lot of 18+ content. It also changes most of his events and adds new ones. That said, I think his marriage dialogue in this is quite nice, although some of it may not make sense if you haven't played through the rewritten events.
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henbytheshore · 4 months
Headcanon for a character based on a word huh? Sounds fun!
Hmmmm... flowers (not a bouquet just general flowers) and Shane- two of my favorite things!
Idm if it's sfw or nsfw, you do whatever feels best ^^
Have a nice day! <3
Send me a word and a character, and I’ll write a headcanon related to that word! :D Please specify if you’d like it to be SFW or NSFW uwu
Heyo! Thank you for the ask! :D I have several headcanons, but a lot of them sorta fit in together xD
I apologise this may be a little rambly! xD
When it comes to flowers, Shane is pretty indifferent to them over all.
Sure, he thinks they're pretty, but outside of the bouquet? There's no point of giving him any, even as a romantic surprise.
He'll blush, sure, and be very flattered, but he'll be more confused over why you'd give him flowers.
They're sort of just there in this opinion.
(For in-game flowers) If he had to say his favourite flower? He'd probably just say Fairy Roses - simply because those are Jas's favourite, so they're the only one he knows anything about.
(For real-life flowers) If he had to say his favourite flower? He'd probably say 'Bluebells'.
I feel he prefers blue/purple flowers, so, Bluebells' work well for that. They're a nice Spring flower.
Really, the only thing he dislikes is that they're not good for the Hens, so he (alongside Jas and Marnie most likely), have the fun of grabbing them out of the ground before the Hens can have a taste.
Apart from that, sure, Bluebells are pretty.
Why Bluebells? From a Meta stand point is due to their symbolism.
Bluebells symbolise: humility, constancy, gratitude, and everlasting love. There's old folklore claiming that if you wear a crown of bluebells, you can only speak the truth, and that if you can turn a bluebell inside out without tearing it, you'll win the one you love.
And, aside from humility because he already had a very negative view of himself, I think Bluebells fit Shane as a person once you go through his heart events - and if you chose to marry him.
Constancy: he goes to therapy, he gets help with his alcoholism. He finds a consistency in life, a constant, better, way to help himself that wasn't getting drunk. I know the 14 heart event kinda fumbled it, in my opinion, but we do see he finds a new distraction with the arcade game as opposed to drinking constantly - or at least as much.
Gratitude: The first thing Shane does after the 6 heart event is come and speak to the farmer about it. To say he's getting help. You do get dialogue relating to him being very grateful to the farmer; even new lines of speech in the 1.6 update (which I won't write because potential spoilers) mention he seems happier and such. Shane shows a lot of gratefulness towards the farmer and such as the heart events go on. He even says, as one of his marriage dialogues: "When I stop and think about it...I'm in a good place. My life is pretty nice."
Everlasting Love: I feel like Shane is the ride or die sort of person. He may not be the most romantic guy out there; he can be romantic, just don't expect grand gestures. But he loves hard, and deep - to him, it's everlasting. Divorcing him will just completely destroy him which is why I can never do it I will just start new farms I'm too soft lmao xD. Point is, I feel like when Shane loves; he does it forever. Whether that be the farmer, whether it be Jas, whether it be those in his life that have passed away - he'll never stop loving them, no matter what. He likes to be gruff on the outside, but he's scared to get hurt again - he pushes people away before he feels more pain, but deep down, he's a marshmallow and full of just love that never ends ;3;
When it comes to gifting flowers to Jas? Oh he's going to do his best to grow them himself.
Sure he could just buy them from Pierre's, but, well, he feels it would mean more if he grew them himself yanno?
Though I feel like he does only actually grow them one time before deciding to buy flowers afterwards, because growing flowers is difficult u_u
Thing is, Shane does not have the greenest thumb. Animals, especially Chickens? Sure; man knows Chickens to the point I feel he could just look at a feather and identify the breed, whether they're a Hen/Rooster, age just from one look with terrifying accuracy.
But actually growing something? Oh the poor man is clueless u_u
Shane does try though! He even speaks to Evelyn about it - she's the one in charge of all the flowers around town after all, and it was very awkward of him to approach her to ask. But Evelyn is just everyone's Grandmother so I feel she's more than happy to teach him.
He also turns to you for help, somewhere for him to grow them where Jas can't find them - he'd hate to ruin his surprise.
Why go through the effort of growing flowers for Jas? Because she is the number one person in his life, and he'll always feel guilty for the things he said when he was at his lowest, the drinking, etc.
Jas's favourite flowers are Fairy Roses! So course he's growing those. He has the seeds, a garden pot from Grandma Evelyn, and whatever else he needs.
And then it turns out growing flowers is difficult. Too much water? It's dead. Too little water? Dead! A lot of flowers were sacrificed in this mans attempts u_u
But after about 10 dead flowers and a small break down to the farmer later because Yoba this is harder than it looks it's a flower why is it so difficult ??? He finally managed to have one success, and thankfully, it was even in Jas's favourite colour.
It was surprisingly stressful to grow flowers without killing them.
But seeing the way Jas's eyes lit up, the way she smiled brighter than the sun? Oh that made it worth it for him.
Even when she insisted on showing literally everyone the flowers Uncle Shane grew just for her
So similarly to Jas, I feel like Shane would try and grow the farmers favourite flowers
Except, of course, he won't tell the farmer because well, what's the point in that?
Now I don't think Shane is the most romantic person in the World. At least when it comes to gifting/gestures, things like that.
Totes a massive cuddler, and just enjoys physical affection. Laying on the couch watching Gridball together and eating microwaved pizza? Sounds like the best night ever.
But romantic gestures? He struggles. Not because he doesn't want to, but because he's always has that little self doubting voice in the back of his head. Wants to make the farmer their favourite meal? Oh but he might burn it, or cook it wrong, or give them food poisoning! Wants to watch a [insert genre] movie with you? Wait, you did say you like those movies right, oh the farmer looks bored maybe this was a bad choice?? Should he turn it off, or talk, ask what you think? Maybe you were tired from farming and he should've just suggested you guys go to bed??
Basically he is plagued with the thoughts u_u
But back to flowers!
He wants to do something nice to the Farmer, and the farmer grows a lot of stuff, so he's gonna try!
It goes as well as one would expect; essentially take what I wrote for Jas but, imagine its for the farmer instead xD
He does eventually manage to grow a pretty decent bouquet of [insert farmers favourite flower here]
He course gets those doubts, worries. What if these weren't the farmers favourite and he mis-remembered! Do they even like flowers???
But when he finally decides to give them to the farmer, with their partially wilted and creased petals, he murmurs about how he wanted to grow something nice for them.
And he see's the soft little glimmer to the Farmers eyes, the warm smile, the faint blush, and the struggle of trying to grow them made it all very much worth it
Especially when the farmer pressed a loving kiss to his cheek
But he's never doing it again it was stressful; if he wants to romance the farmer a little, he's sticking to microwaving a pizza for them
Okay admittedly most of these are more Shane and Jas head canons but they're based around the Flower Dance so I'm like lowkey cheating I guess? xD
Shane really does not enjoy the Flower Dance; he doesn't really get the appeal, nor does he like wearing that blue suit, and having to dance in front of the town. He finds it embarrassing.
He really only shows up for the food, and because Jas always wants to go
And I really think he finds it difficult to tell her 'no' ;3;
Anyway, he'd rather stay at home, but, he'll always show up whenever Jas asks him to
I feel everyone in town always wears some sort of flower with their outfit; something unique to them in a way yanno?
For Shane, he'd get that Fairy Rose, and, again, it's thanks to Jas. He knows they're her favourite, and well, he wouldn't know what else to pick.
Shane technically does the Flower Dance twice.
He does it once with either Emily, or the Farmer, during the actual event.
The other time? With Jas
Sometimes she asks him in the morning, before the actual event. She's bright and peppy, and teasing how he needs to practice before he dances with Emily/The Farmer.
He always blushes when Jas points that out.
But he also always agrees.
It's mostly Jas standing on his feet, holding onto him, while Shane carefully dances through the steps for her. She always giggles and talks about how she's going to be Flower Queen one day. Shane knows she will be.
Other times though, he dances with her at the end of the day. When the petals of the Fairy Rose he wears is slightly wilted and crumpled; when his suit was creased and in need of being dry cleaned and hung back up for another year.
She's tired, yes, but she can't miss a Flower Dance without an actual dance. And Shane can't miss dancing with his favourite person in the World.
Instead of letting her stand on his feet though, Shane will carefully lift her so she can rest on his hip. So she can cling onto him tight, and rest her head on his shoulder.
He's rock her back and forth, just dancing those familiar steps, Shane humming that Flower Dance music that he finds so stupid, but will be stuck in his head for weeks.
If the Fairy Rose he wears hasn't already been added to the compost pile, or wasn't completely wilted at that point, Shane will carefully take it from the breast pocket of his suit, and slide it into her hair.
And he'll dance with her, all night, way past her bed time, until she falls asleep, and he can carry her to her room to tuck her into bed.
He doesn't like the Flower Dance, but he'll dance it, he'll deal with it, because it makes Jas happy, and that's the most important thing to him.
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lovesick-blue · 4 months
hey gamers, mod frosty is back with lovesick blues from 5 years ago-
Welcome to Lovesick Blues. This is a Kindergarten AU that will most likely only involve the kids, you can probably try asking about the adults but they’re most likely not here
Like most blogs, this IS a plot driven blog, so the characters here may not act exactly like canon, but i will try and keep every kid at least 80% in character. Every post will be linked here chronologically
I’m kind of a detail fanatic so if you look closely enough, you can see some small details i added in that should add up to the lore
Everything here that i did not do will be credited accordingly
1. Your typical racist, incest, pedophillia and anything controversial is not allowed
2. This blog is LGBTQ+ friendly, i will NOT tolerate homophobic/transphobic comments.
3. DO NOT make very explicit sex related jokes (they’re 16) and NO NSFW (jokes that are from the kindergarten games themselves are fine)
4. I know the characters are purely fictional, but please don’t actually push their limits on purpose
5. M!As (magic anons) are NOT ALLOWED
6. Only mutuals are allowed to have AU to AU interaction with this blog [might change]
7. Mod Frosty (me) is open for asks anytime
8. Feel free to submit fan art, i will be more than happy to post them here, but please do not submit anything unrelated
9. Characters that are from newly announced games will not be appearing for now until the game is out
10. Asks that do not follow the rules will be deleted without hesitation. If asks that violate the rules keep appearing, the askbox will be closed for an undisclosed amount of time.
12. To see which character is currently available to ask, check the banner for updates
Beginning | Part 1.1 | Part 1.2 | Part 1.3 | Part 1.4 | Part 1.5 | Part 1.6 | Part 1.7 |
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Sky Full of Stars - Chapter Twenty Four.
Apologies for missing last week's update, guys! Thanks as ever for your continued support. You are all beautiful people :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty One Twenty Two Twenty Three
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 3,595
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
Monsters of Rock, Moscow, 1991. It had been one of the largest ever live music festivals to date, with a staggering estimated 1.6 million rock fans descending on the Tushino airfield in Moscow. The year two thousand and sixteen heralded its return, but with a slightly smaller audience.  
This time around, the organisers were arranging a push of eight hundred thousand tickets, all of which had virtually sold out by April, the performance due to take place on July seventeenth. Bands such as Motionless in White, Queens of the Stone Age, Lamb of God, Machine Head, Slipknot, Korn, Sepultura and Marilyn Manson had been signed on to perform on the day. 
The headliners? Seventh Gate. 
For one Sunni Balakrishnan, this meant stress. A lot of it.  
“Right, before we start filling our faces, let’s get down to the details, ladies,” their powerhouse tour manager spoke, sitting with the five in a restaurant in the SoHo area of Manhattan. “Now, we all know that Russia is a volatile climate to play in. We’ve toured there before, but Monsters of Rock is an entirely different animal. There’ll be no contracted security for a start. The entire event will be overseen by the police and Russian miliary, and I am saying this to you all now, and fucking clearly. There will be no fucking around and finding out.  
“They will likely get heavy with the fans, baton use, pepper spray. If you see it, you will not intervene, or you will be arrested. Katie I am specifically looking right at you here,” he spoke, pointing a finger at the guitarist. She didn’t even bother trying to look innocent, her grin spreading devilishly. “There will be none of you opening a can of Brooklyn whoop ass. None. You will be clubbed; you will be cuffed, and you will be thrown into a cell I likely won’t be able to negotiate you being released from.  
“Jade, you will spout absolutely no propaganda, feminist, religious or otherwise while you are on that fucking stage, or you will be arrested. You cannot play Holy War, Kill your Masters, Fallen God, Temple of the Whore or Rise Up. You will be arrested.” 
“What the fuck?” Jade spluttered, Sunni begging to gesture with his hand wildly, eyes almost out on stalks. 
“You bloody, bloody, bloody won’t do it! It’ll be seen as defiance, or incitement, and Russia do not mess around there!” And people said Jade could be wound tighter than a watch spring when under duress.  
“But we near enough always close our set with Kill your Masters! It’s one of our most famous songs!” 
“Yes, because it’s basically one long battle cry against oppressors, of which the Russian fucking government very much are! For fucks sake, the music video alone showed you personally beheading an overload, holding up said severed head and instructing thousands of enslaved people to break their chains and do the same! Shall we talk about how many countries it was banned in?” 
Jen couldn’t help herself, snickering into her hand. “Sunni, that vein in your head is popping hard, homeslice.” 
“Jennifer, I feel like I’m on the verge of a heart attack and we haven’t even landed on Russian soil yet!” The wild gesturing continued; his arm flung around as he pointed at all of them. “Trying to manage you lot is like attempting to herd wild lions! Please, just work with me and bloody behave yourselves!”  
“I don’t enjoy being censored,” Jade muttered, Sunni’s eyes fixing upon her sharply. 
The finger was pointed, waving, his brow beading with sweat. “You. Will. Not. Do. It. I am not even going to risk it, because you know Russia doesn’t play. As I have plainly stated, if you fuck around, you will find out. There will be no provocations, no lewd gestures, no inciting of riots, and for the love of god will you please tell me that Adrien will be accompanying you, because if there’s one man you’ll behave for, it’s your husband!”  
Her smirk had the girls falling into mild fits. “Not all of the time.” Oh, their poor, dear Sunni. He honestly looked like he was about to birth his own spleen out of sheer stress. “Yes, Adrien is coming with me. He’ll be there for the other five festival dates, too.”  
With no album release that year, their only touring obligations were to six open air shows, one in the UK, two in Germany, one in Sweden and one in France all prior to Monsters of Rock. It was shaping up to be a nice, sedate year. Both she and Adrien had little in the way of work, deciding to take a very well-earned break from filming commitments, the latter only just home again after leaving her almost straight after the Oscars for a month-long stint in Bulgaria, shooting his only movie that year. 
As it would turn out, both would discover that the timing of their break was orchestrated quite perfectly.  
After eating, Jade used the restroom, ready to head back to their apartment, Jen already having to leave on account of her and Nick getting ready to take a two-week vacation back to Scotland to visit with his family, Jess out the door rapidly to meet up with her new boyfriend, leaving just her, Katie and Charlotte after Sunni had also departed.   
“I need a favour from one of you,” she spoke, sitting back down at the table, her girls looking at her with curiosity. “Can one of you head into the drugstore down the street and buy me a pregnancy test, please? Obviously, I don’t want even a sniff of this leaking to the press or general public, and if I get pictured buying it, it’ll be all over the fucking media before I’ve even had chance to piss on the damned thing.”  
The faces before her lit up, Charlotte gently flapping her hands in exclamation. “Oh my god, yes! Do you really think you might be, then?” 
Sipping her sparkling water, she nodded. “My period is now nine days late, and that never happens with me, as you both know.”  
Katie squeaked quietly, bouncing in her seat. “You are. I can feel it.” Turning then to her wife (she and Charlotte had finally gotten hitched two years before on their eighteenth anniversary) her eyes widened. “We’re gonna be aunties!”  
“Shhh, walls have ears!” Jade shushed her with gently, putting her arms around her and kissing her cheek. “But yes, I think you might be.” With one clandestine rush to the drugstore four blocks away, Charlotte reached beneath the table to slip the paper bag containing the rest into Jade’s hand with a wink, the latter tucking it into her large, slouchy boho style leather bag before getting up to hug them both warmly before leaving, deciding to take the twenty-minute walk back to her apartment rather than jump in a cab.  
On the way back, she collected a loaf of fresh sourdough from the local artisan baker, an armful of flowers and some tomatoes she intended to snack on with the large ball of fresh mozzarella in the fridge for lunch, a bunch of basil purchased, too. All the way home, the test seemed to burn in her bag, her excitement reaching overload by the time she stepped foot in her apartment.  
“Bug, where are you?” she called, Adrien appearing from the kitchen and pointing to the phone in his hand, moving to give her a quick kiss before absconding again, taking the bags from her with a smile and a wink. She quickly steered herself in there to fill four vases with water, leaving him to it and arranging the flowers she’d bought. The calla lilies went on the table in the hallway, the roses and stargazer lilies on the coffee table, and the peonies into the remaining two vases at opposite ends of the lounge.  
Once done, she grabbed the test, heading down to the bathroom. While she knew that for accuracy, it was best to take a it in the morning, she’d asked Charlotte to buy two. The waiting would likely kill her, so one would be taken right away and the other in the morning to be certain. One quick pee onto a stick later and she was pacing a circle, her heart thundering as she waited the required time. Was this it? Had it happened for them? Reaching for the test, she saw the definite answer right there on the display. 
Clasping her hands over her mouth, the test was dropped into the sink with a small clatter, Jade jumping up and down as she squealed quietly. She had to be quiet, as on her way home she’d thought of the most adorable way to tell her husband if she did happen to get a positive result, wrapping the rest in a heap of tissue and stuffing it into the bin before hiding the second one.  
Come 7am the following morning, the display read the same again. She was elated.  
And so began her little plan to tell Adrien, calling up Amazon on her phone and ordering exactly what she needed in order to let him know he was doing to be a daddy in just over eight months' time. It wouldn’t arrive until the following day, and it almost killed her to keep the news a secret. The poor Amazon delivery guy almost had his arm ripped off in her haste to grab the package with thanks, shutting the door and scurrying into the kitchen, opening the boxes to pull out the gift as well as the sheet of wrapping paper she packaged it in. 
Walking into the lounge, she placed her phone against one of the vases of flowers, already recording so that they had the moment he found out immortalised forever. “Honey, here. A little gift,” she spoke, handing it to him where he sat in the corner armchair, placing down the book he’d been reading. 
His face was a picture of curious as he took it from her. “Thanks, Moo. What is it?” 
“Open it and find out, silly!”  
Tearing the paper with a smile, he wondered what on earth occupied the small, rainbow paper wrapped square, pulling out a tiny t shirt and reading the slogan printed across the front. His heart all but jolted into his throat. ‘If you think I’m cute, you should see my dad.’ 
“You’re fucking kidding,” he spoke, his face stunned as his eyes began to well up. “Really? You really are?” 
“Yep,” she grinned, watching him shake his head. 
“I’m gonna be a dad?” 
“You are, baby.” 
“Oh my god.” Placing the t shirt down, they were both in tears as he stood to lift her into his arms, hugging her tightly. “Oh my god!” Happy laughter filled the space, Jade wrapping her legs around him as they hugged, kissed and cried, stroking his face, her heart bursting. “I’m so happy, and stunned, and shit, if that wasn’t the cutest way you could have told me!” 
“I’ve been bloody bursting for the last day and a half! I found out when I came back from the band meeting, but I wanted to be sure, so took another test yesterday morning but then had to wait until today for the t shirt to be delivered!” 
His eyes widened a little. “Shit, that’s some restraint right there, not caving in the meantime. Who are you and what have you done with my wife?”  
Placing her back down, he gave her another kiss, Jade racing to retrieve her phone, explaining she’d recorded it. He thought that was just as lovely, too. “I really don’t know how the hell I didn’t crack, or that you didn’t notice that the alleged Jack Daniel’s I drank yesterday was actually iced tea! I had to bloody think fast, there!” 
Sitting back down in the armchair, he pulled her onto his lap with a look of comic trepidation. “Oh god, you without alcohol for the next nine months. I’m scared.”  
Barking a laugh, she stroked his chest, resting her cheek against his head. “I hereby promise to try not to be living hell.” She thought a little longer. “Oh fuck, I can’t have coffee either! I’m going to be resigned to shitting decaf!” 
“Okay, I’m moving out for the duration. I’ll stay here, you go back upstate,” he joked, guffawing at the narrowed eyes he received. She then looked thoughtful for a few moments, hand still idling circling over the centre of his chest. 
“I have to bring my performance A game while being just over four months’ pregnant. That’ll be interesting,” she mused, Adrien nodding.  
“You still going ahead with that, then?” 
“Gotta do it, innit? We’re contracted in, and as long as I’m completely healthy still, it shouldn’t be a problem. My life can’t just stand still because I’m pregnant, but seriously, how well did we time this break we’re taking from work?” 
“Perfectly. I have psychic sperm, evidently.”  
His words had her in soft fits, hauling herself up to go and prepare some lunch while he went back to his book. He didn’t remain long. 
“Excuse me, Mr. B,” she spoke, Adrien wrapping his arms around her as she sliced tomatoes. “You are hampering my making of salad caprese.”  
His hands moved to her tummy, stroking it lovingly. “There’s a baby in here.”  
Oh, he was so adorable. “It’s probably only about the size of a peanut right now, Bug,” she spoke, finishing her slicing, slapping his hand when he stole a piece. “No stealing! She needs to be marinated!” 
He shrugged. “To use a Jade-ism, calm your tits.” he was elbowed away, but it didn’t keep him from once again wrapping her in his arms. “And I don’t care how big it is, it’s my peanut. I’m fucking thrilled. God, my ma is gonna howl. Full on ugly cry when we tell her. And yours will probably deafen us. You definitely get your volume from her.” He paused then, Jade feeling him shaking with laughter. “What if this child inherits their mother’s lungs? Oh man, we’re screwed.” 
“You, you,” she began, turning to wave her finger at him. “You’re just adamant to piss me off today, aren’t you? Fucking wanker.” 
“But I’m not wrong,” he chuckled, his abs hurting from her spluttered reaction. 
Her lips tightened, softly kicking his leg. “Get the fuck out of my kitchen!”   
“No, I have things to ask you,” he spoke, batting away her foot, “like when are we gonna tell people? Twelve-week scan, is that when they say you should?” 
“Hmm, well since Charlotte and Katie know of what my suspicions were – it was Charlotte who went to buy the test for me, save I be photographed – we might have to tell them and swear them to secrecy.” She then looked conflicted. “But that means leaving Jen and Jess out, and I don’t feel comfortable about that. Then if we tell them, of course I want to tell our parents. Aw, hell. I think we should wait, though. Not to jinx anything, but when I’ve been pregnant before and sadly lost it, I want to double make sure that everything is okay this time around.”  
He hadn’t even thought of that, his features softening as he reached to stroke her cheek. “I think Jen will understand, given the circumstances. Same as everybody else. And try not to think about what happened before, even though I know you will. Doesn’t mean it’ll happen this time, does it?” 
It didn’t, but just as he predicted, it was on her mind right up until the moment the sonographer told them everything was fine twelve weeks on from them, both overjoyed to see the small smudge that was their first child and hear its rapid heartbeat for the first time. Armed with a few of the sonogram pictures, they then put the cute idea on how to reveal it to their mothers into action, heading over to Queens first... 
Lois was in the middle of wiping down her kitchen when she heard her doorbell buzz, the dogs doing their usual routine of dancing and barking. “Move it, boys, lounge!” she spoke, Ginsberg and Bukowski scampering off at speed, poking their heads up at the front window. Opening the door, she was puzzled for a few seconds to see nobody there, until her attention was caught by a large bouquet of sunflowers, her favourite blooms sitting there on the step.  
“Open this before you go into the house.” she read aloud, pulling the card from the little holder and opening up the small envelope. Reading what was inside, coupled with a sonograph picture, her jaw practically unhinged.  
‘Congratulations on becoming a grandma!’ 
“Mother of pearl! Oh, my goodness!” she cried, her eyes then caught by her son and daughter-in-law popping up from behind her car where they’d been hiding. “Are you fucking serious, Adrien Nicholas Brody? Doing this to me on the doorstep!!” 
They doubled over with laughter, making their way up to the house, a very tearful Lois pulling them both into a hug. “I am thrilled for you both! Oh my god, this is wonderful. Wonderful!” she exclaimed, kissing their cheeks in turn as she continued to shed a storm of happy tears, ushering them both inside. Patrick was home, too, and of course had some unique words upon hearing he was going to be a grandfather. 
“Well, this is exceptional news. It’s been six years; I was almost certain you were firing blanks.” Adrien was about to admonish him for such, but couldn’t, seeing his dad swiftly remove his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose as his eyes welled. “I’m so damned happy for you, son.” Pulling him into a huge hug, he kissed his cheek, clapping his hand upon his back a few times. “It’ll be the best thing you ever do. Trust me on that, because it was for me.”  
Those tender words from his father had him choked up, Adrien kissing his forehead fondly. They spent a little time there at the house before jumping into a cab and heading to Harlem, phase two of their plan put into action. As a chronic hay fever sufferer, the only flowers allowed within Gemma’s home were of the faux variety, Jade having the perfect idea how to surprise her after visiting a small giftshop.  
Opening the door to her brownstone, Gemma was confused at the sight of a pile of helium balloons there in a little arrangement, a note affixed to one of them that instructed, ‘pop me before you go back into the house.’ There was a pin sellotaped to the note that she carefully unpicked, bemusedly doing at instructed. It sprayed confetti everywhere, as well as a little card that had been carefully placed into the balloon prior to it being filled, with the same message as the one that had greeted Lois. 
“I’m... oh!!” Instantly she began to cry, her eyes scanning the immediate surroundings of the frontage of her home. “Jade Lucia!” she boomed, clasping her hands over her mouth for a moment, “come out from wherever the hell you’re hiding!”  
Up she and Adrien popped from behind the wall at the front of the house, ready for round two of the joy they felt at finally being able to share the news with their parents. “Get up here right now and let me hug you both! Oh my god, I am shocked to my bloody bones, buba!” Gemma’s joy in life were her grandchildren, and now she had a third on the way, she couldn’t have been happier. As was Steven, who luckily wasn’t on shift. Yes, Jade had checked in a clandestine way earlier in the week after phoning her mother.  
“Well, would you look at that?” he spoke, holding the sonograph picture, his other arms wrapped around his daughter as he laid a kiss upon her head. “First you get the little gold fella, and now a little baby. I’m absolutely thrilled for you, monkey.” 
They stayed for dinner there before heading back to their apartment, content to curl up on the couch and watch a film before going to bed. The next day, Jade visited both Jen and Jess to tell them her news, calling her brother and sister too before they boarded a flight home. With a few more close friends told later that day, as well as their management teams to field off the likely incoming median questioning reaching out for comment when Jade inevitably began showing, they’d told everyone they were ever going to.  
There would be no “official” announcement made, the pair not the kind of people to make statements about their private life in such a way. Their baby was their business, and they loved every second of their journey into parenthood.  
“Baby, quick. Come see this,” Jade called softly, Adrien entering the lounge to a heartwarming sight. Usually, Juno would only curl up with him, very much his cat, but on that evening, the big puddle of pale grey fur was lying contentedly with his wife, her paws softly kneading against the tiny swell of her tummy. “She knows! Look at her!”  
Crouching by her knees, his smile crinkled his eyes, rubbing Juno’s head. The cat purred and drooled, her tail swishing contently, continuing her kneading. They weren’t the only ones excited that in just over six months, there’d be a brand-new member of the family arriving, it seemed.  
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goron-king-darunia · 4 months
Annon-Guy: Everything okay?
Yeah, I'm doing pretty good. Catching up on Tumblr is really difficult though. Every time I take a break to do anything there are like 30000 posts to look at. I might just have to contend with the fact that there's no catching up. Internet FOMO. My brain keeps going "Well what if someone made a really funny post while I was away?!" And like... If it was really that funny it would come back around.
I still have no idea where that ask I answered went and I'm too burnt out still to try to retype it.
I am still cranking out fanfic and I am enjoying the 1.6 update of Stardew Valley though. And I made a yummy pasta dinner yesterday.
So overall I'm just... Tumblr exhausted. Everyone makes too many good posts all the time and the need/desire to tag all of them appropriately is massively kneecapping my ability to interact. Couple that with my IRL responsibilities of taking care of my Mom and handling my own adult life just means I spend my limited free time on meatspace tasks like knitting/crocheting and embroidery or on actually gaming or writing instead of my old routine which was... scrolling tumblr until I caught up for the day, usually dumping more than half of the posts in my drafts for future me, and then using whatever free time I have left to write or game. So I'm okay. But I think I'm honestly just... not going to be able to be available on Tumblr indefinitely. This legitimately might have to just be a hobby place now where I pop in to check up on friends, post notable things like finished projects, and then just dip out and ignore most posts. there's simply not enough time in my life to engage with all the fun things I want to.
But even though I'm a bit burnt out, I'm happy. I get to eat better food now that I cook more, I get to make more cool things now that I knit and crochet and embroider more. I get to handle more of my life which is honestly needlessly complicated (I will rage against taxes being obtuse on purpose forever), but it means I have more control over what happens which isn't much, but it helps me feel like a functional adult instead of a leaf in a stream. And I still have time for fun stuff. That fun stuff just... isn't on Tumblr so much.
All my fruitless efforts to "catch up" on here have done is just give me more drafts to dig through than I can manage and kept me away from doing more of the things I love.
So I'm going to try to do more targeted things on here. Post more original content, reblog a bit less, give up on catching up, and just try to give whatever energy I have on here to specific friends.
Feel free to keep sending me DotNW stuff. I almost always have energy for that. But I don't think I have the time and energy in me to go over a bunch of new things.
Physically I'm drained, mentally I'm fried. But it's okay. I think that I just have to let go and deal with the fact that having to step up and be an adult means I have to choose what's really important to me. And scrolling through memes on Tumblr is fun. But it's not fulfilling. I don't really want to spend 6 hours every day just catching up on what everyone else is sharing and then another 10 hours some other day scrolling through stuff I saved for later because I was too tired to read it the first time.
I want to spend more time creating my own things.
So I think from now on I'm just going to be extra picky about what I engage with on Tumblr, especially because engaging with stuff on here with only half my brain because I'm exhausted means I can only give half the attention to things that they deserve. I will try to post more of my own things so you know I'm still around and I will try to answer more often. But I think including Tumblr in my routine is no longer a sustainable thing.
It's like trying to live at a themepark. There's a lot of good stuff here, but very little of it helps me be the person I want to be. I don't want to just consume other people's content. I want to make stuff.
So I'll be around. But I think I'm going to start making really hard decisions about what I can and can't give attention to.
That said, seeing you build your own little community by hosting polls and engaging with other fandom blogs is really nice. I'm glad you're able to reach out and connect with so many new people. Tumblr is really great for that. I'm happy to be your DotNW contact, but I think I may have to trim down my engagement on Tumblr to just that. DotNW, maybe some legend of Zelda, maybe some cat memes and positivity. I'm going to trim away a lot of political stuff first and foremost because I'm pretty bad with that and I'm going to try to limit my meme engagement and long posts and see how that does. And if I need to trim down even more, then I will. But from now on, I think I just have to be decisive.
And I've decided the best use of my time is much less Tumblr.
I'll still be around, but it's definitely going to be sporadic. Doesn't mean we're not friends. Just means I'll get to all the fun things you want to share in a much longer timeframe.
I hope you are well, too. I think this is just one of those things where I have to completely transform my life. It's not bad. It's just different. I'm still doing all the things I love. I'm just putting more effort into the things that I love more.
Sorry for the long post. I think this is as "back" on Tumblr as I can be.
Thank you for loving me and sharing your joy of gaming with me! Even if I can't be on Tumblr as much, I will try to make space for you in my life!
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wormytoast · 9 months
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here we go baby, updated version for 2.0!!!! more info under the cut
og post with analysis here. once again disclaimer that i do not count the mc in the stats because theyre basically a null character!
Fire: 5
Ice: 8
Lightning: 6
Wind: 6
Physical: 6
Quantum: 7
Imaginary: 5
Ice officially clocks in as the most populous type while Imaginary is the least populous. Physical and Ice have only one path combination remaining while Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Imaginary have 2 path combinations left.
Quantum is the first type to have a unit of every path. Something else that is interesting is that Quantum is the only type to not have a unit that can innately apply its associated effect. We have DoT characters who can apply Burn, Shock, Shear, and Bleed; we have Ice characters who can apply Freeze; and Welt can apply Imprisonment, but no Quantum character so far can apply Entanglement as part of their kit.
Destruction: 9 8
Erudition: 6
The Hunt: 5 6
Harmony: 7
Nihility: 8
Preservation: 3
Abundance: 5
Destruction has officially become the most populous Path, beating out Nihility with the addition of Misha. Preservation is still the least populous with only 3 units (not including Trailblazer). EDIT: I miscounted! Destruction only has 8 units and The Hunt actually has 6 units... sorry for the misinfo guys TT the rest of the counts should be accurate...
There are 3 Paths to have a unit of every Type: Nihility, Destruction, and now Harmony. Guinaifen completed the Nihility collection while Xueyi will complete the Destruction collection in 1.6. Sparkle will complete the Harmony collection in 2.0.
Limited 5-Star: 17
Standard 5-Star: 7; Overall 5-Star: 23
4-Star: 20
In total there are 43 units in the game. As of 2.0 every path will have 2-3 limited 5-stars except Preservation (1). The Fire and Physical types only have one limited 5-star while Quantum has 4, the most limited 5-stars out of every type (most likely due to the absence of a Quantum standard 5-star). Most types have 3-4 4-star units except Wind (2) and Imaginary (1). Most paths have 3-4 4-star units besides The Hunt (2), Abundance (2), and Preservation (1).
As of 2.0 there are now 4 overlaps in path/type. Previous ones are Ice+Preservation (Gepard & March 7th) and Lightning+Erudition (Serval & Jing Yuan). New overlaps are Wind+Nihility (Sampo & Black Swan) and Ice+Destruction (Jingliu & Misha). Ice now has 2 overlaps, mostly due to the fact that one of those overlaps was present upon release in the standard banner.
F child: 2
F short: 9
F med: 9
F tall: 9
M short: 3
M med: 3
M tall: 8
Assuming that Sparkle has an F short model and Black Swan has an F tall model, all female model types (besides the child model) will have an equal amount of units (9). The M tall model is still the most populous male model by a wide margin, but the M short and M med are now tied with 3 units each.
Both the Quantum and Fire types consist entirely of female models, although Quantum is more impressive as it has a unit of every path AND only consists of units with the F short or F med models. Imaginary is the only type where male models outnumber female models (4:1).
Each path has more female units than male units except Destruction and The Hunt which have perfect ratios (4:4 and 3:3, respectively).
I think I got out most of my thoughts in the last post but there's a new unit I really really want to talk about: Misha. I think Misha is a really interesting unit because he is our first unit in the game to be as non-unique as he is. Basically, I'll start out with the fact that Misha is not unique when we look at the combinations of model with Path or Type: Misha is an M short model, the other two being Yanqing, an Ice unit, and Arlan, a Destruction unit. Misha is an Ice+Destruction unit, which we already established is an overlap with Jingliu. Finally, Misha is a 4-star compared to Jingliu, a limited 5-star. While the other units that have overlapping combinations had the 4-star unit implemented before the 5-star (or the 5-star was only obtainable after the 4-star, in the case of March and Gepard), Misha is being introduced after Jingliu. This means Misha is actually our first unit to be introduced as an overlap with a decrease in rarity.
I think this makes Misha really interesting but also important to watch and see what hoyo does with him. On the one hand it's nice that they are introducing these combinations as 4-stars so players can obtain a dps of the type (especially since the only Ice dps in the game so far are Herta and Yanqing), but I think it'll also demonstrate how they handle units that will supposedly be "weaker" than units they have previously released. Or I'm just crazy and wrote an entire paragraph of nonsense (this is probably the correct option, especially since Jingliu is known to be busted).
Anyways if you've made it all the way down here, thanks for reading all this! And maybe even my last post too! This really amounts to absolutely nothing and is purely for my own speculative fun so I hope you also had fun reading!
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Insinuation 2.2 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
While I wouldn't say any of the word count is wasted, per se, I do think that for all that 1.6 million words is impressive... did it really need to be 1.6 million words? 2.1 felt like 75% space filler tbh.
The go-to place for news and discussion on capes was Parahumans Online.  The front page had constant updates on recent, international news featuring capes.  From there, I could go to the wiki, where there was information on individual capes, groups and events, or to the message boards, which broke down into nearly a hundred sub-boards, for specific cities and capes.  I opened the wiki in one tab, then found and opened the message board for Brockton Bay in another.
There are many advantages to letting your characters properly use the internet.
I had the sense that either Tattletale or Grue were the leader of the group I had run into.
Tattletale, really, seems like.
“This article is a stub.  Be a hero and help us expand it.” 
*snort* Jesus christ, that feels too real.
The only new information for me was that her costume was lavender.  A search of the message boards turned up absolutely nothing.  There wasn’t even a hint as to what her power was
And yet sometimes even the internet fails in the face of people just not being worth noticing yet.
 Rachel Lindt had never made any real attempt to hide her identity.  She had apparently been homeless through most of her criminal career, just living on the streets and moving on whenever police or a cape came after her. 
I am somehow both shocked and not at all surprised she's managed to pull this off.
Monsters the size of a car, all muscle, bone, fang and claw. 
Half the time fanfics seem to almost imply the end up with Scales and shit too?
At the very bottom of the page was a list of links that were related to her:  two fansites 
Bitch has Fansites? Why am I actually surprised?
He was estimated to have forty or fifty thugs working for him across Brockton Bay,
I feel like this is an issue of Wildbow not having enough sense of the scale. The Bay has three main gangs, E88, ABB and the Merchants, and 40-50 seems way too small to be a player.
but Lung had made it a mission to conquer and absorb every gang with Asian members and many without.  Once he had the manpower he needed, the non-Asian gangs were cannibalized for assets, their members discarded.  Even though there were no more major gangs in the east end of town to absorb, he was still recruiting zealously.
And yet... he still only has 40-50?
He could teleport, but when he did so, he didn’t disappear.  As he teleported, his original self, for lack of a better term, would stay where it was and remain active for five to ten seconds before disintegrating into a cloud of carbon ash.  Essentially, he could create another version of himself anywhere nearby, while the old version could stick around long enough to distract or attack you.
One thing I love about Worm is that even when someone has a 'normal' power, like teleporting, they can't actually have a normal power. it's always some extra level of bullshit. :rofl:
 By all rights, I should have been angry that Armsmaster took the credit for the fight that could have cost me my life.
I mean, you did tell him he could. And really, it's more complicated than that.
Buuut, on the other hand... yeah, I get it. She's still just 15, and 15 y/os are allowed to bounce their perspectives around.
I was given pause by one post that asked whether Bakuda could or would use a large scale bomb and the threat of potentially thousands or hundreds of thousands dead, to ransom Lung back.
That, I think, is called Foreshadowing
If it happened, it would be the responsibility of heroes better and more experienced than I.
Who are you and what have you done with Taylor "I'll take over the city and run it RIGHT" Herbert? :P :rofl:
It was meaningful, though.  I couldn’t interpret it any other way; Tattletale had found a way to get in contact with me.
Probably because her power suggested it was likely you'd check PHO
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jordaninthevalley · 5 months
Mods that I use / reccomend
So this is a list of various mods that I use, and in turn reccomend for other players that want to mod their game or are looking for new mods to add to their game.
I will only directly link to the mod that I am talking about, if you go to download something on the list you will most likely be required to download other mods to make it work. The mod page itself should give you a list, as well as links, to the mods that you need to download!
Everything I list should be updated for 1.6!
Modsite I use: Nexus
Stardew Valley Expanded: A common mod that Stardew Valley players download, and was actually my first mod I ever downloaded! It adds new NPCs, locations, events, fish, expands on the Joja Story, new forage and more, so it's really fun to download once you feel like you've compeleted the vanilla storylines enough that you could do them in your sleep with no issue! It also has links to two optional new farm types, and I highly suggest downloading the grandpas farm one over the immersive farm that they have on the download page because it just fits in better, imo, with the feel of the game.
Ridgeside Village: Another common mod that Stardew Valley players download! It also adds new NPCs, items, locations, shops, festivals, quests, events, food, fish, and many more. Another great mod to add if you're wanting new storylines and new romances!
East Scarp: Also a common mod for players to download, once again it adds new NPCs, items, fish, locations, events, quests and much more. A good expansion mod all around.
Alongside East Scarp I do like to download Always Raining In The Valley which adds even more NPCs, recipies, events and dialogue! Helps to make the village and the surrounding areas feel even more full!
Cape Stardew; Another expansion mod, it's really good if you want a more fantasy related playthrough!
Downtown Zuzu: Adds downtown Zuzu to the game, which adds new characters, quests, events, and many more things! I think it adds more realism to the game in a lot of ways.
Luna - Astray in Stardew Valley: New NPCs, new locations, and new fish. I, personally, feel like this is a bit of an underated mod.
I do really reccomend exploring these mods on their own once and then playing with all of them together! It really does elevate your game play and does provide a lot more fun content.
More Warp Points V2: Provides the ability for you to warp to various points within the game, which can be really helpful for a variety of reasons. I tend to use it for traveling to the desert or ginger island and back without having to pay for it, and warping home if it's nearly 2am and/or I am almost at 0 health so that I don't lose any of my stuff! [Follow the link to see all of the various places you can warp to!]
Experience Bars: Adds a visual on your screen so you can see how far you are from leveling up in one of your vanilla game skills. AFAIK it will not show modded skills. This is a great mod to have if you're like me and completely forget about leveling up skills because "out of sight out of mind" plus it adds a great visual for those of us that only have the drive to finish something if we can easily see how well we are doing.
Skull Cavern Elevator: Skull cavern is basically bottomless and it's hell to get through. This makes it easier for you to continue to get depper within the cavern, and if you use it to help you reach floor 100 it doesn't trigger the "negative" lines from Mr. Qi (or, at least, it hasn't for me).
The Love Of Cooking: New cooking menu, redone recipies, new tool, new skill, and new recipies. I really like the cooking aspect of Stardew Valley and this really expands on it in a variety of ways that I find really enjoyable.
Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion: New lines for the vanilla villagers, I just like when they have more personality.
True Love Valley - A Romance Dialogue Expansion Pack: Same as above, new lines for the marriage candidates! [Note: This mod is a WIP]
Lookup Anything: Lets you look up any villager, animal, monster, crop, fish, crafted item, building, and pretty much anything and everything else you can think of in game. It's really useful for finding out what someones gift prefrences are, and what something is if you've never seen it before.
Automate : Automatically puts / pulls items from one thing to another. My favorite part of it is that you can utilize more space for kegs, perserve jars, and casks because instead of needing room for you player to be able to walk through to get everything, you can fill your entire shed / greenhouse / basement / whatever else with your item and only leave enough room for two chests and you to be able to get in and gather items. I like using one chest as my input chest and one chest as my output chest!
Bigger Backpack: Adds another backpack to Pierres for 50,000g which gives you 48 slots instead of 36. This is really useful while fishing and farming.
Chests Anywhere: The ability to access any chest from any location is very useful. I typically use this to put all of my community center items in a couple of chests and then grabing from them while at the community center so I can just provide everything all at once because instead of running back and forth I can just hit a button and grab what I need.
Personal Greenhouse: An, objectively, better looking greenhouse. Has optional fruit tree spots, a bigger crop area, and other optional aesthetic choices.
Farmhouse Vists: Exactly as it says, NPCs will now randomly visit your house. This does include modded NPCs. I feel like this helps to add to the realism of the game.
CJB Cheats Menu: A cheats menu. I like to use it to get all of the professions toggled minus the fishing ones because those seem to be a bit janky, as well as to upgrade my walking speed so I zoom around the map. Sometimes I will use it to change the weather for the next day if I am trying to catch certain fish or get the mermaid pendant so I can get married by a specific day. I also like to pause the time in the mines so that I can spend however long I want in them.
CJB Item Spawner: An item spawner. I mostly use this to decorate my farm, but sometimes if a certain quest is taking me too long and I just can't figure out how to get what I need or I am just tired of having the quest in my journal after multiple years for whatever reason I'll just spawn in the quest item. This is usually done for quests in relation to cooking.
UI Info Suit 2: [NOT on nexus] Shows you a variety of in-game things to make planning your day, or the next day, easier.
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allfrogsmatter · 5 months
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Sooooo today I splurged and finally got Cottage Living!!
(used up 1.6 Gb of the ~7 Gb of space left on my Mac 😰)
And to celebrate I wanted to share a bit of my current household!
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I began this decades challenge for my own enjoyment a few years ago (2?) and have played them sporadically since.
Meet the Smithens Family, living in Brindleton Bay circa 1890-something!
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Reginald Smithens was the son of a poor fisherman. Always a gloomy loner, his marriage was one of convenience to a farmgirl of similar status. Over time he saved enough to buy a modest farmhouse, which has been expanded over time as they started a family, which continues to grow.
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Anna-Beth Smithens was the demure daughter of a poor farmer. She was married off to Reginald and had a blissful start to married life as she was able to devote her time to her flower garden and caring for her husband. Once children came along she found it much harder to get by and now struggles through her days juggling far too much for one person to handle, even with Reginald’s help.
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Reginald “Reggie” Smithens Jr. is the first child of Reginald and Anna-Beth. He enjoyed a pleasant childhood and grew up to be responsible and helpful. He has an excellent talent for the piano and loves to tend to the animals on the farm.
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Frances “Francie” Smithens is the second child of Reginald and Anna-Beth. He is a spirited boy who loves to doodle and read and makes friends with almost everyone he meets. He suffers from anemia, which keeps him out of school most of the time, but he enjoys being inside creating masterpieces.
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Harriet Smithens is the third child and first daughter born to Reginald and Anna-Beth. She had a difficult upbringing, as she had been an unplanned and unwanted child. Her father bonded with her easily, but her relationship with her mother remains strained. Because of this she grew up to be temperamental and mean, taking out her feelings on others.
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Josephine “Josie” Smithens is the fourth child of Reginald and Anna-Beth. She has always been well-mannered and sweet and enjoys reading books, cross-stitching, and playing with the chickens.
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Cecil “Ceci” Smithens is the fifth child of Reginald and Anna-Beth. He is a free-spirited and unruly toddler who hates to be told what to do and runs rampant over the acreage with no containment.
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And the (current) littlest one is Raymond Smithens, the sixth child! He is an intense baby who throws wild tantrums and has terrific mood swings.
This household has simultaneously been the most fun/most frustrating household ever! I love the challenge of their being self-supporting (they make bank from their crops) and the added strain of a big (and getting bigger) family.
They’ve also given me so much to play with, as they were my guinea pig household for the infants update (i had two infants and a toddler and a newborn all at once and it was actually hell), Lumpinou’s RPO, adeepindigo’s healthcare redux, and now Cottage Living! So I am very excited to dive into this pack with them and I’m glad to finally share a bit of them with you all :)
Also I did NOT build this farmhouse, it is 1890s house unfurnished by holladaytime on the gallery and it is impeccable!!
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nepthys-merenset · 6 months
bugged achievements in the march update
So I'm obsessed with achievements (I have 100/118 right now lol) and have played most of the stories for achievements already. I've found some bugs that I'm really hoping Romance Club will address, so that my little completionist heart can finally be at rest with all of the beautiful achievements unlocked.
Achievement is 100% broken:
I Can Wait (WP): Doesn't unlock at the end of the story despite 100% loyalty to Alek. RC said they fixed this in a technical update, but I can confirm that it's still broken. They've now said it will be fixed in May.
Matchmaker (SIF): Achievement is not unlocking at any point despite having matched Christina, Lorenza, and Ivy. Tepish has confirmed that they've discovered the source of the bug and it will be fixed in the May update.
Enlightener (DLS): Seems simple enough--you should get this if Lale wins the science fair so that girls can study at the palace school. It makes sense for this achievement to unlock in either 1.6 or 3.6, but it doesn't appear at either place. This is the only broken achievement that RC hasn't acknowledged yet.
Achievement is attainable, but only in specific & clearly unintentional circumstances:
Amicus (HS2): This one is apparently only attainable on Dino's path. I wasn't able to get it on War or Mimi's paths, and others have reported that they weren't able to get it on Hunger or Malbonte's paths. When replaying for Dino, I did everything the same way--the only difference was my LI.
Refined Taste + Elegance (LOTW): These work fine if you still have "enough" (I have no idea how many) premium items left to buy, but are not currently working if you've already purchased everything. I think that this achievement is coded to respond only to newly purchased items, which can't be right.
Loyal Friend (LOTW): It's been reported that this one doesn't work if Takao is alive but injured at the end of the story.
Achievement is attainable, but the description is misleading/wrong:
The One Night Stand (TO2): I've seen people saying that they haven't been able to get this by sleeping with Joel while NOT on his branch (which is how it's supposed to work), but they HAVE been able to get this while they ARE on his branch (the opposite of how it's supposed to work). So you can get this achievement, but you have to ignore what the description says.
The Grand Gesture (TO1): The description makes it sound like Evan needs to interrupt the show to unlock this achievement, but that doesn't work. The only way to get this achievement is to choose "no one" in the final episode while romancing Evan, and he'll then confess his love for you off camera. So, again, you can get the achievement, but you have to ignore the description.
So, yeah. If you're playing for achievements, hopefully this post will help!
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