#mostly because despite everything she can’t help but care abt them too and wants to bring it up subtly to be safe
arolesbianism · 1 year
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Found another relationship meme so y’all know what time it is. Anyways Softie and the different flower victims woo
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adotmbrosia · 2 months
season 7-9 spoilers, particularly abt kevin tran
thinking abt kevin tran and how FUCKED everything was for him.
sam winchester is doomed by the narrative because he is the main character and he always got to go through shit but i’ve never seen anyone talk about how kevin tran was also doomed by the narrative due to being a prophet. maybe it’s bc of his actor and his horrible actions — which i do not condone and i feel so horrible for all the victims. but kevin tran as the character is so pitiful and sad yet i see nobody in the spn fandom talk abt it.
jst bc he’s the prophet he is ripped away from his normal life at like fucking 17/18 yrs old ffs his main concern was abt his ap classes 😭😭😭 imagine living almost two decades of normalcy and you’re thrown into this world where you’re being goddamn hunted down by everybody, especially these two scary ass 6 feet middle aged men who knows too much about everything spouting shit about “responsibility.” girl i havent even paid taxes yet!! idk shit abt responsibility!
after being forced into this role of the prophet, kevin literally worked — which is grueling btw transcribing is not easy and we can see it take a toll on him as he continues to work throughout the seasons — himself to the point where the winchesters bought him fucking xanax (i may be wrong here but it was some sort of medication) to calm his anxiety 😭 like ts is NOT okay to give to an undiagnosed teenager. not to mention crowley always looking for him.
the winchester brothers say kevin is family and how much the winchester brothers cared for kevin but they never rlly show it. kevin figured out he was kidnapped by crowley bc fake sam and dean winchester were too nice to him. they were willing to go through some trouble to get him food he wanted despite there being leftovers in the fridge. if i was depending on this poor kid to save the fucking world i’d buy him some barbecue.
i mostly have a gripe with dean’s “pep-talks” he has with kevin too. kevin is rightfully unhappy about these circumstances. he’s allowed to feel fucked and scared and all of these emotions but dean pushes his agenda in kevin’s face. he doesn’t consider the nuances of the situation because dean has never lived a life where he had a choice (which is another conversation) but it’s not okay to make kevin feel like that as well. dean says shit like “oh i expected this wimp to choose the cowards way out” when kevin was literally KIDNAPPED😭 (unbeknownst to dean and sam but i digress it’s understandable he would run away from all of this) after kevin finds out that his mother is alive from crowley, he wants to go out and find her yet dean makes kevin stay once again to serve his agenda of saving the world and shit veiled by claiming kevin was family and crowley has reasons to lie. but after kevin’s death we find out that she was, in fact, alive!!!
kevin could’ve saved his mother from months(?) of torture by a demon yet dean stopped him because of what??
speaking of deans treatment we go over to sam’s treatment of kevin how he jst went AWOL on the poor kid leaving him to hide and live alone for a year despite kevin calling him Numerous times to tell sam that he was alive and Needed help
and i’m not saying that dean and sam doesn’t care abt kevin bc they have said so in many instances and have saved him many times. i jst feel like they weren’t perfectly great to him (honestly i can’t really blame them either) and the narrative has truly fucked kevin over many times.
ESPEICALLY kevin’s death which could’ve been so easily prevented, but it happened because he no longer served a purpose to the narrative. like kevin only got a few episodes where he didn’t serve as a prophet and was allowed to help the winchester brothers in his own way— which he COULD btw. he hacked into the military wifi to help them convince this lady to allow them to investigate the bus.
i also think abt how the show presents kevin. in the beginning it’s the overdone and stereotypical joke of “oh look at the asian kid who wants to go into an ivy and is in a million ap classes” and they never elevate themselves out of that box kevin is put into. not to mention his mother who when introduced the episode name is literally “tiger mommy” which is another asian stereotype that they are pushed into. which is frankly racist and jst not good writing which IK the writers are capable of bc look at sam and dean winchester at certain instances bc sometimes they fuck that up too.
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infernalrevenge · 3 years
HCs abt an S/O of Lady D's who's struggling to get her daughters' approval? It's rarely addressed in fanfics, but y'all.. becoming a stepparent is a hard and frustrating journey, especially when mama and kids have such tight bonds. Makes small wins feel so rewarding, tho! What are your thoughts on that? How would D react, how would she help? (or make it harder, in true possessive Mother Hen™ fashion..) Which flybaby would warm up to S/O first? How would S/O try to win each of them over, etc..?
Oooh this is a really cool thought! Not that I have a lot of experience with stepparents but yeah, changes and adjustments in family dynamics like that can't be easy. I think I'm gonna have some fun with this.
When the Dimitrescu sisters found out you were the human dating their mother, at first they were mostly indifferent. Not like it's their business as to who Alcina gets it on with anyway (and they could also be thinking you would quickly turn to lunch if you fuck up badly enough, in which case they would gladly join her in the feast.)
They might quip with you sometimes, but for the most part, you're left alone.
But when they realized you were here to stay and might become a parental figure in their life... oh boy.
You're telling them they have to answer to you now? A mere mortal? On what grounds? Just because you have sex with their mom? They think the fuck not.
Hell, they're individually old enough to be your parent, so truly... what the fuck?
(Part of that fear of you joining the family may come from thinking that Alcina now has someone else to preoccupy herself with, so there's less time for them. Perhaps even less love for them. They can't have that. That can't happen.)
As for your partner's reaction? She's kind of torn. On one hand, she understands how her daughters feel about having a new family member suddenly join the dynamic -- someone they barely know relative to each other. You could have been around for a few years, but they've been all together for more than half a century, and they're doing just fine.
On the other, she wants to see you all getting along. She loves you and wants you to be a part of her life, and of course she also loves her daughters with all her heart.
She's not really sure what to do, so she kind of... ends up not doing anything.
But she is curious as to what you'll do about the situation though, since the sisters would hardly make it a secret that your presence is an annoyance at best, completely unwanted and unwelcome at worst.
Bela, surprisingly, might be the hardest to win over. You would think that, as the eldest, she should be the one to lead by example and be the mature one. Plus, she's always looking for her mother's approval, so approving of you may get her on her good side (and yours.)
But she's very opposed to change, especially one that affects her life this much when it's not her choice.
She lets Cassandra and Daniela get away with pulling harmless pranks on you to get under your skin, or make Alcina mad at you. She pretends to not have a direct hand in them and would passive-aggressively remark on whatever they did.
Oh, your clothes were misplaced and looking for new ones made you late to a date with the Lady? "None of them were very nice anyway. This is doing you a favor."
You found dog poop under your bed and now you reek? "I don't smell that much of a difference."
Getting doused in sticky honey and molasses somehow? "At least Mother has a reason to think you're sweet now."
They would never do anything to hurt you, not unless they want to incur their mother's wrath or sadness, just... little things (hopefully enough to get you to leave.)
But luckily, if you're a patient and persistent person, they (ever so) slowly warm up to you in different ways.
The most important thing to remember is that they're different people despite having a lot of things in common, so your manner of approaching them will have to vary for each sister.
Daniela might be the easiest to win over, such a sociable little fly. She might try to be standoffish at first, but if you bring up a book series that she enjoys reading as a topic for conversation, she can and will keep you there for hours talking about the characters, dissecting certain themes, and explaining her theories of the inner machinations of the plot.
If you actually start reading it upon her recommendation, she becomes ecstatic. Finally, someone other than her sisters she can explain these theories to! And someone who can actually relate and add on to them!
Eventually, she'll come to realize that having you around won't mean the end of their family. It just means they're getting more out of it -- a new member to love, and one who loves them.
Cassandra might be a little territorial about her current interests, so you'll have to take on a different approach.
Maybe try introducing her to something that peripherally matches what she likes now. She seems to really like hunting and torture to take her aggression out on, so uh... maybe try martial arts?
It would be more fun if it was something the both of you were new at, so you could bond over attempting to do things together. Nothing says "I want to get to know my stepdaughter better" like letting her throw you to the mat and laugh in excitement when she gets the technique right.
She is still very stubborn though, so she may take a while to fully convince. Even when it seems like you're on her good side, there's a tiny bit of denial. But she'll come around, no matter how reluctant.
Finally, as for Bela, she just needs to see that, though most of her family now genuinely likes you, that it doesn't have to change a thing about how they feel about her either. They're not going to abandon her or anything that drastic just because someone new has entered their lives.
Seeing her sisters approve of you can be jarring, no matter how long or gradual the process may have been. Like, weren't they switching out your shampoos and putting snakes in your closet last year? Why is everyone buddy buddy now? (Why are they leaving her behind?)
She'll start to act bitter toward everyone, feeling like she's been betrayed and shut herself away. She doesn't even want to see her own mother anymore.
But eventually, you have to talk to Alcina to do something too -- she could see you were making an effort, but she's not making it clear to her daughters what exactly was happening. She should be the first to approach Bela regarding the subject, along with her sisters.
You may need some time alone with her as well to drive the point home too. Having more people in the family doesn't mean less love, but in fact it means more, because now you're there to care for her too.
And she has to admit that seeing her mother care for you, having her sisters like you, it didn't really feel like they were any different towards her. They were more insistent in getting her to spend time with you, sure, but other than that... things were mostly the same.
The acceptance may be begrudging at first, but when she actually gets used to this new norm, she'll come around.
If you want to bond with her, you can teach her something. She likes learning new things, and she'll start to warm up to you more if she has reason to keep going to you to get this new information.
It can be anything -- music, arts, sports, cooking, you name it. Even introducing her to new technology will help get on her good side. You'd be surprised at how quickly she gets into it that you start to wonder why it was so hard to get her to like you in the first place.
Also, just talk to her. As a person, as your new daughter, whatever. Just acknowledge her and be honest. She appreciates the little things.
All in all, it's going to be tough. The journey will have its ups and downs, and not everything is going to be smooth sailing. Communication is key, though, as with any sort of relationship. Let the girls know you care for them just as much as you love and care for their mother. In a way, that's all they really want.
But they're not calling you "mom/dad/parental unit". First name basis with a stepparent (affectionate) all the way.
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charmspoint · 3 years
what i know abt qifrey from u talking abt him uhh ok so he's genuinely just a nice guy but also he's evil and irredeemable but also he's literally just a pleasant gentleman
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I know ur not asking for a rant about this but by god ur gonna get it.
So the thing is, I don't think Qifrey is evil or irredeemable at all. We joke around the fandom (at least i hope its mostly jokes) that he's evil and crazy but he's really not. If id have to pin Qifrey on a morality spectrum I'd say morally gray but leaning towards the good.
Did Qifrey do some messed up stuff? Yes, fo sure. But I've always gotten more of an impression that he's teetering towards the edge and not completely over it. He does do damage but so far he's mostly made sure that damage was extremely localized and not actually harming other people (I talked about before how Qifrey's own memory erasing spell seems weirdly specialized compared to what we were brought to believe memory erasing spell actually does when used by anyone else).
But now comes the question
Do I think Qifrey will get worse?
Yes, 100% I believe this is where we are going towards, I said before that I'm p convinced he will become some kind of obstacle for Coco down the line.
Qifrey is going through a LOT rn. He's already got ptsd from, you know being stripped of his identity, buried alive, almost drowned and then remembering he was experimented on like a lab rat, but now it's getting worse. Before he could at least relay on the fact that even though his past was horrible, his future was bright. He genuinely loves his job, he loves his girls, he loves teaching. This monolog gets me every single time
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Now he's losing his future, he's losing not only his eye, but the whole identity he built out of nothing, he's losing his teaching position, he's losing his kids, he's losing Everything he gained after he had already lost Everything.
It leaves him rushing against an uncertain time limit, desperate, stumbling, sloppy. I don't think he's thinking straight anymore, not really. I think he's convinced he is being methodical and calculating but in actuality he's stumbling forward, grasping at straws, unable to hold on to anything but his need for revenge and the empty words that his actions aren't only for his own sake.
It's all very striking, in his relationship with Olruggio in particular. Olruggio is very clearly supposed to be the guiding light for Qifrey, the one who pulls him back when he goes too far, the one who helps him resist the growing darkness. It's very meaningful how as Qifrey continues on his path he makes sure Olruggio doesn't even know about it. He said it himself, if Olruggio knew, he'd try to save him. He'd try to bring Olruggio to light again and Qifrey doesn't WANT to be saved, he has decided on a road he wants to take and he won't allow anyone to change his course. Not even Olruggio.
So do I think Qifrey is evil?
Do I think he'll get worse?
Do I think he'll become evil?
Not really
See here's the thing. Qifrey's desperation, how quickly he's trying to work through this, how determined he is to throw everything else under the bus if he could just achieve his goals? All of that is dictated by the fact he's running out of time, the fact that once he loses his eyesight he can no longer be a witch. Eyesight is VERY important to witches since magic is a very visual art. We've seen with Tartar how something as seemingly miniscule as color blindness can basically doom someone, causing everyone around them to say they can't become a witch without good eyesight. So complete blindness is a death sentence to a witches career. Now, it's funny how a lot of the Coustas and Tartars arc has to do with adjusting the world to disability and not the person to the world. How it's made pointed, over and over again, that people with disabilities shouldn't be written off but given proper tools that will help them function, how the world should adjust to be a more comfortable place for all kinds of people and not just those who are already adjusted to it. Without the threat of his eyesight going out and cutting his whole identity into bits, Qifrey wouldn't have to act like this, he would be able to sit and think and not rush and if he still wants to pursue brimhats he could do it more safely for himself and everyone else because the desperation factor would be gone.
So what I think is going to happen is that Qifrey will lose his eyesight but won't lose his standing as a witch because he, Olruggio and the kids will figure out how to make magic accessible to him.
Now there's of course a bunch more unaccounted for variables which I'll probably have a better grasp on after the current arc is done being translated. Ininia and Lord Restis represent a very interesting development because they are brimhats introduced specifically via healing injuries. The rule of 'medicine magic isn't allowed cuz it's a slippery slope' has been there since the beginning of the series and a big thorn in the 'yeah the witch world rules are good and fair' side cuz of course, everyone thinks healing people should be allowed. Now the brimhats we've had so far were fully ready to attack and experiment on children's bodies in order to further their own goals so of course that immediately leaves you disliking them and not putting much account into their rhetoric even though it does make sense at times, but ur not gonna listen to ppl experimenting on kids. That's why I think Ininia and Lord Restis are interesting, cuz if they aren't literally attacking children they might get a good case in about medicine magic being allowed. I think we are going towards at least some sort of medicine magic becoming acceptable considering Tartar's arc. But then the question is, if some sort of medicine magic is approved, will it be used to heal disabilities cuz like...that would kinda suck. I would much rather have a 'world should be adjusted so disabled people can participate in it equally' narrative rather than the 'just heal the disability with magic lol' narrative. But honestly this whole paragraph is pure speculation because the arc isn't fully translated or even fully out yet but I sure af am LOOKING at it. I think it will be v important in understanding where the story is going to go. I just hope Shirahama does a good job with it, but honestly she never once let me down up until now so I'm feelin positive.
Circling back to Qifrey, I do think he's one of the kindest, most understanding, most lovable characters I've had a joy of reading and studying. But he does have a black hole in him that is pulling apart all that kindness, leaving him a shattering shell. I don't think he's evil, I don't think he'll ever become truly evil and despite what he's done I don't think any of what he did is irredeemable, especially with how careful he tends to be not to take away from people more than he has to to further his own goals. But I do think that hole will eat at him more and more and that before he can get better somebody will have to notice it and help him plug it up. Olruggio noticed and Qifrey refused the help, convinced that he can't be helped, not in the way he needs. He will need proof that he can keep his future before he can ease up on the frantic hunt after his past
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doomstypewriter · 4 years
abt the last ask: u dont have to include it ofc (if u write it at all) but i thought id let u know that its based on the mental image i suddenly had of j climbing up to pats window, knocking on the shutters, pat pulling him in by his lapels and immediately kissing him (if you can even call it that with how hard theyre smiling) & then sometime later pat hearing like his dads footsteps coming toward his room as theyre making out so pat scrambles off his bf & shoves him in his closet (the irony)
Anon, finally, here you have it, but with a twist. This got completely out of hand, as per usual when I write anything. Since you were so nice (/li) to send me your request in two parts, I will actually break your prompt into two parts, otherwise, it’s never going to end. I hope you’re pleased by the first part, also, I am answering to this first because it matches the content of the first part. 
Thank you so much for your lovely prompt! Hope you enjoy! 
If anyone wants to be tagged for this let me know in a comment!
Chapter 2 >>
We call it an affair because it’s a forbidden romance
Summary:  An encounter in the dark. The disdain of society. A forbidden romance. Royalty is involved and a title is at stake. Will an aspiring count, Patton Morandi and his rogue lover Janus overcome the barriers laid in front of them?
(We're in it for the drama)
“So long away and what I least expect is not you saving my life, but finding myself having missed your nonsense”.
“Is it nonsense when I make you smile like this?”
Word count: 3848
Pairings: Moceit, future Prinxiety.
TW:  Homophobia, internalised homophobia, deadnaming a trans person, misogyny, mentions of religion, hopelessness, ideological things you would expect from the period (I'm not sure if there's anything else, but please tell me).
Chapter 1 of 2: 
Balcony kiss
How the moonlight shone in its quiet dance with the nightly air. It was a mostly clear summer evening, the second day of the week-long festival. The sounds of music and colourful lights could be heard and seen from the distance, but gradually decreased as a certain thief made its way across the gardens of Villa Morandi. For certain, the head of the family would not be excessively happy about the entire ordeal, but no disgruntlement could come out of those things of which one has no knowledge of, and Janus surely intended to keep his entanglement a secret. 
He crossed the bushes and jumped over marble balustrades expertly, careful to avoid the lights of the servant quarters, where their residents were reading themselves for departure. 
“Signor Morandi seems to be in good spirits lately, it is fortunate that most of us can leave for the festival”. 
Any news about the man was something worth listening to, given his situation, so he decided to stay and see if they mentioned something useful. Also, he, admittedly, enjoyed gossip. 
“Loretta! Don’t be such a bragger in front of us!”
“Why? I’d say the only one lamenting not being able to go is you. You should be ashamed for dragging poor Virginia in with you to make yourself sound less self-centred”. 
Janus silently nodded. 
“That is not true! I am merely trying to make the newcomer feel welcome! And here you are making her feel excluded, who is now in the wrong?” 
Weak retort, wannabe-partygoer, he thought. 
“Va, va…” the other maid answered dismissively “Quit holding her like that! Don’t you see she’s uncomfortable?! Povera bambina”. 
“Come on Virginia, don’t you think it’s a waste for such a wrinkly woman to be let out instead of us?” 
“Who are you calling old?!” 
“You did, but now that you so kindly brought it up, you are old! Turning wrinklier by the second!” 
Alright, at this point, Janus could not help but be rooting for Loretta, going for the old card was the low-hanging fruit. 
“I may be your senior, but I promise you that regardless of that nonsense about wrinkles you’re babbling I’m ten times more fair looking!”
“Ah!” she exclaimed with feigned indignation. “Can you believe her? She’s delusional!”
“Well then, the delusional one will not search for a man at the festival, such a pity I will not be introducing anyone to you this week!”
He smiled at the comeback. Way to go, Loretta. 
“Loretta! Just because you had the luck to get engaged doesn’t give you the right to rob others of their chances. Don’t be so mean, I’ll apologise if I must”. 
“Alright, but never dare call me wrinkly again, for you will owe this old woman when I find you a husband. Virginia, I can help you too if you want it, I know plenty of young lads who would love to…” 
“Oh, no, I’m not really interested”. 
At this point Janus had quenched his thirst for amusement and begun to lose his interest, having more pressing matters to attend to. But, one new comment made him reconsider the usefulness of his eavesdropping for longer on the ladies’ conversation. 
“That’s right, Loretta, don’t you see she’s here on official duty. To suggest for her to slack off with men… ts, ts… “
“Oh, you shut up! Don’t fret, Virginia, dear, I should have remembered you were sent for an urgent matter”. 
“True, true! Tell us if you can, is it as they say? Was her ladyship done in by pirates?” 
“Elda! Such crude language, you dare call yourself a lady, how can you say something so insensitive?”
“What? You want to know as badly as I do, besides, if it is true, then there is no changing it, and if it’s not then it’s fine, as her ladyship is still alive”. 
“I’m so sorry, Virginia, just ignore her”. 
“Don’t worry. As far as I’m willing to say, her ladyship still lives but I cannot disclose any further information”. 
When one spies on others, bad news exists as a possibility, but, usually, in the form of getting caught. This happened to be worse. Being spotted? That he could deal with. Having his heart ripped out after one stellar month? Not so much. 
He ran. 
Not from his problems. More or less towards them. 
The marble balcony seemed as unreachable as ever. A sense of dread loomed over his thoughts, while a mix of feelings, now turned into urgency, settled in his heart. 
Raising a hand Janus willed his trustworthy companion to fall from the nightly skies. Meanwhile, he began to climb the walls of the manor. There was an undeserved elegance in his motions, not becoming of such an honourless goal, and, nevertheless, fitting for a thief like him. 
The hawk swept inside the room from a window and cast the doors to the balcony open. 
Janus promptly grabbed onto the bass of the marble balustrade. One month ago he had received news of something that would simplify his life. He knew he should not care, it was going to end poorly no matter what. But, rereading two months worth of love letters and hoping for an uncertain future, he could not help but feel happy. That made his resolve to return in time for the festival. 
From the room came a sound of rushing footsteps. 
Three months of yearning to see a face again. 
That image made Janus more desperate, and, in his haste, he committed one fatal mistake. His grip on the marble slipped. At a thirty feet height, the ground beckoned him. 
But, just when his doom seemed so certain, he was caught by the front of his cape and safely gathered against a pair of lips. 
With such smiles stretching their faces, it could barely be called a kiss. But, the intensity of the affections behind it rendered the notion meaningless. 
“My love”, Janus muttered as they parted ever so slightly. 
“You scared me, silly. I miss you for three months and when you’re returned to me I almost lose you for good”. 
“Let’s be happy you were there to catch me”. 
“Thank the Lord, and if He wills it, I will always be”. 
“I ought to be grateful to you, my dear, not the ones above” he answered while stepping to the safe side of the balcony. 
“Well, our poor feathery friend can’t be too happy about that” Patton laughed dismissively, gazing at Janus’ hawk. 
“You’re right. I neglect to show my gratitude, perhaps you could give me somewhere to start?”
“Oh, but how can I hand you my room, my sweet, the stones of the house are too heavy!” 
“So long away and what I least expect is not you saving my life, but finding myself having missed your nonsense”. 
“Is it nonsense when I make you smile like this?” 
Janus laughed in delight. 
“Let me make you smile in turn, then”, he said, whilst extending his hand. 
The touch of Patton’s palm felt like a warm pressure through the barrier of his leather gloves. Perhaps all of his interactions were as imperfect as their naked hands not being able to meet. Janus’ fake gallantry, their hopes, may be short-lived in the face of change. But, for now, he would rather enjoy pretending. 
He pulled Patton to the inside of the alcove. 
“Are you refined now?” Patton laughed. 
“Of course, I have always been. Whatever could lead you to ask such a question? If I were to be a thief, which I am not, I would be the most honourable”. 
There was a certain amount of delight to be found in catching his lover in the midst of changing into his night robes, judging by those being laid out onto the bed’s ostentatious covers. Despite such a degree of luxury surrounding Patton, he still refused to task any servant to dress him. What was there not to love about the man? 
Patton made a motion as if to hold his hands, only to surprise him by pulling his gloves off. Any other person, and it would have been a display of sensuality, coming from him, it was like movement turned into honey, perhaps a mixture of both. Indeed, there was everything to love about him. 
Maybe not all. Janus dreaded to admit how deep in he had allowed himself to be for this man. 
A fool for a good man. 
His hands felt the light night coldness in their grip on the linen shirt. Janus almost wanted to chastise himself as the thought of kissing away the kiss of the midnight breeze came to mind. He hid in the curve of Patton’s neck, sliding his lips along it, feeling like a coward whispering a lie. Countless lies. Telling himself this was enough, that he could bear the thought of this man taken away from him by a woman, that the thrill in this forbidden form of vice was not his worry taking yet another disguise. 
“Oh, you’re a thief alright”. 
“Is there something of yours I happen to have taken?” Janus retorted with a vague tone of amusement. 
Patton cradled his left cheek in a firm request to see his face. Who was Janus to deny him? 
“You know all too well you have”. 
“Well, that would make two of us”. 
Patton’s expression melted into more honey. It always made Janus unsure as to whether he had made a mistake, no matter how unfounded the doubt was. 
“Thank you” the words rebounded in proximity against the other’s lips. Janus didn’t know Patton could also be cruel. 
“A little sincerity never hurt anyone”. 
“You are not anyone” he smiled softly. 
“Then make the pain up to me”.  
Both their lips made contact like a wax seal on a letter. Janus pushed Patton against a low piece of furniture. From how the other fumbled, he could tell a corner was pressing against him. Despite the sting, Patton still committed himself to their affections. If that wasn’t a metaphor for their relationship Janus didn’t know what it was. Janus knew Patton would disagree, of course. 
It seemed that exchanging one piece of furniture for another, the bed, would not be possible. Someone was knocking on the door. 
“Janus…” Patton panicked in a hushed voice.
“Not a problem, my dear, this is my speciality” he smiled at him. 
Janus’ feet almost flew over the carpet, muffled by the Persian fibres and his expertise on avoiding the parts of the floor that creaked. He turned the key of Patton’s wardrobe without the distinctive noise most people couldn’t avoid. Luckily for them, he wasn’t most people. The door mysteriously closed itself from the inside. Janus could swear to hear Patton draw a breath in wonder as to how he had done it. 
“My son, let me in!” a voice came from the corridor. 
“On my way, father”. 
The mule-like bray of the alcove’s door hinges Janus detested preceded the sound of a set of footsteps he knew and loathed just as well, if not more.
“Were you reading yourself for bed? Ah, do not answer, I can already see your night robes over there. How many times need I tell you, call the servants to dress you, it is unbecoming that you do not. Moreso with the status you are to acquire”. 
Janus almost scoffed upon hearing it.
It wasn’t that Janus outright looked down on Signor Morandi. He certainly held an admirable reputation and an even more admirable wealth. He contributed to the church, upheld his honour, was a patron to a few talented artists and did everything expected from someone of his status. By societal definition, he was an outstanding man. But, he could never understand Patton. Yes, Patton’s behaviour in public also stood to scrutiny. He was a young man to be admired, for sure. Yet, it somehow mismatched any other person’s strive for reputability. Patton lacked this performative quality, eagerness, if you will, that he found time and time again in people. 
At first, Janus struggled to comprehend it. Everyone had desires outside of the strictly polite, they either pretended they didn’t or tried to hide it, that’s why they paid the church, after all. Janus didn’t believe people made an effort to actively align with the global canon for morality, just to look like it or deceive themselves. This theory on society made it so when he met Patton he simply dismissed him as a try-hard, later to relabel him as self-deceiving. Maybe he was a victim of his own biased cynicism. 
As they grew closer, he started to get the whole picture. To his surprise, Patton tried to get his desires to align with what he perceived as morally correct, sometimes failing miserably. Janus’ presence in his room didn’t qualify as a success by society’s criteria... Patton’s effort to be ‘good’ did not come from a place of wishing to be perceived as such. Patton didn’t want to look good, he needed to be good. A good man. The realisation was hard to process but true. 
Once he understood that, Janus could not let go. It stands to reason that, if that kind of person were to earn his affection, someone like his father would awaken his spite. Signor Morandi had simply never made an effort to understand his son’s motivations, unlike Janus. If he was a cynic, Patton was a victim to his own good intentions. 
“I do not understand”. 
“Lady Renata Regio is alive”. 
“Yes, it is most fortunate, you will no longer have to stay inside and miss the festival”. 
“Well, father, I am not sure if that is appropriate, her ladyship must be feeling poorly after such a horrid experience. Perhaps it is best if I stay in and promptly send a letter to help soothe her”. 
“Patton, it honours you to be willing to put the weak’s suffering before yours, but it is not needed in this case. You do not have to concern yourself with her. I am afraid that she is safe and sound on the account of having planned her own kidnapping. Lady Renata Regio has joined the pirates bringing disgrace upon her family, the wretched woman”. 
Yes! Janus thought. Neither the wardrobe nor the entire room could contain his joy at hearing it. 
“That is most unfortunate, should I reassure her family that I do not hold any resentment towards them?” 
“It would be no good, there is going to be a scandal!” Signor Morandi sounded too happy. 
Janus could not help but to smile a little.
“Are we going to pursue any retaliation?” Janus almost saw Patton shudder in the tone he used. “I do not think it necessary, it is a matter of marriage, although important, there are many other options that--” 
“Yes, there are many other women to pursue, that is the spirit! In said spirits, I must inform you of the most wonderful news I have just received”. 
“Today a trusted servant from the Regio estate arrived at our home”. 
“Yes, Virginia Fusco”, of course, Patton knew her name. “I personally received her, she refused to tell me exactly why she was sent here, also insisted to wait to talk to you”. 
“Precisely, well, it turns out she is the personal servant of Lady Romina Regio”. 
“The eldest of the twin daughters of the Regio?” 
“Indeed. Let me be frank with you son, the Regio know they cannot keep the true actions of their lesser daughter hidden forever, a rumour is meant to surface eventually. This is very unfortunate for them, I have heard they were planning to match Lady Romina with a higher member of the nobility. Her sister’s actions have ruined her chances, it is unlikely that whoever was to marry her will accept such a union. My son, you know I always have your best interests in mind, Lady Renata Regio was a fine choice to provide you with connections to nobility. In turn, her family would have got access to our wealth, which, after their losses in the war, they need”. 
Oh no. 
“This being the circumstances, they have to choose how to align themselves in the future and what would be more advantageous to the family”. 
“Shit” Janus said under his breath. 
“We are about to reach an agreement for a marriage between Lady Romina Regio and you. I need you to understand that, if you are to accept, you will have to face some troubles, at least initially. The rumours about Lady Renata’s motivations may taint your reputation for a short while and the Regio’s rush to marry off Lady Romina will raise more rumours”. 
“What choice would please you the most?” 
“Oh, Patton, you idiot”. 
“The union could make your child a count, you could potentially obtain a title depending on how we negotiate with the family. It is my wish that you accept this marriage”. 
“Will this bring honour to our family?” 
“Then…” an air of doubt went through Patton’s voice. 
Janus was debating whether or not to burst out of the closet, either to tell him to refuse or to scold him for not accepting immediately what was probably the best opportunity of his life. 
“Of course I will accept”. 
“You make me very happy and proud, my son. I will meet with the servant girl to send her back with a letter requesting to meet with Lord Regio”. 
The words were spoken carelessly. Signor Morandi often did that around his son, not knowing how many times he had been overheard by him. He may be a great man by society’s standards, but he could never be a good man. 
Janus slumped against the back of the wardrobe, surrounded by pieces of clothing he could never afford. There was a world in which Patton had refused. But Patton hadn’t been left a real choice, so he could find some comfort in knowing this thing between the two had to end due to him being backed into a corner. Better than having Patton’s morals come between them. That, he would never reconcile with. 
This was better than before. Being cast away for something as mundane as marriage, no matter the useful connections involved, was one thing, being left for a countess, well, if that’s what it took to refuse him he wouldn’t complain too much. 
He would have preferred a marchioness or a duchess. 
He would have preferred to be the only thing standing in between Patton and kingship and still win. 
He would definitely prefer it if Signor Morandi was to accidentally fall down a flight of stairs on his way to writing his pesky letter. 
There was nothing like a fire to persuade someone, even a countess… 
But Patton would be upset. 
His hawk screeched from the roofs above. Then footsteps rushed to his side, followed by candlelight flooding the inside of the closet. 
Patton had no right to look so humble yet so marvellous. Not even the warmth of the flame could rival with that of his gaze. A gaze that was his’, not of any countess. But, still, a gaze that deserved to become a count. 
Honey clogging up his ears, that was the shape of a whisper. 
“I suppose”, he shook off the dust of his cape and held his head up with dignity, “this is when we part. I’d love to say it’s a pity, but we saw it coming. Guess it was nice to enjoy it while it lasted. I’m always a letter away, my dear, that countess of yours wouldn’t ever find out”.
This was the bitter taste of selflessness. He never understood how Patton enjoyed it. 
Janus turned around, ready to make his merry way out of Villa Morandi or fall off the balcony properly this time. Suddenly, Patton’s armed chained the two of them to their spot in the room. Patton’s chest heaved pitifully in a mockery of a hiccup. 
“I’m sorry. What was I supposed to do? There was no other choice. I didn’t wish to upset you. Please--” 
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
He promptly let him go. 
Janus turned back to face him.
“You think crying will make this easier? Do you seriously think I enjoy this? I would gladly rob you of everything and have you entirely to myself. It is taking so much self-restraint to not get your father into a tragic accident, my dear. If anything, you’re making it worse by crying. I am doing this for you. Don’t you dare ruin the one honourable thing I will do in my life”. 
“How can I pretend to be happy when you’re leaving?” 
There were sparks of light encased in his tears. Something about their ironic beauty left him even more heart-broken. 
“What am I going to do, then? I can be selfish to an extent, but I cannot take the rest of your life too. You’re being offered a title and a wife, all the things someone at your level could wish for. Don’t be more of an imbecile, keep it. It is already inappropriate for you to be seen with the likes of me, and it’s even worse with me being a man”. 
“You’ve never cared about that”. 
“But you do! Let resume, dear”, he tried to say in his most condescending voice. It didn’t sound even remotely like it. “You go to church each Sunday, you have five bibles just in this room and the most sincere good-samaritan complex I have ever seen. I know you can’t bear to live in sin”. 
“I can’t bear to live without you either!”
Oh, Patton, you fool, silly, ridiculous man…
  “What…” he felt as if he was going crazy. 
A chuckle escaped through the spaces in between his teeth. Janus looked downwards and whispered. 
“What are you saying?” 
This self-consciousness, he had never felt anything like it before. Was he blushing? 
“I love you… I know it’s wrong, so why doesn’t it feel like it?” 
More honey. What a way for his plan to backfire.
“This is ridiculous, you should be concerning yourself with more important--” 
Patton placed the back of his hand under his jaw to raise his head with such gentleness... stupid. 
“Is it ridiculous when it’s making you cry like this?”
A compassionate man’s tears were not worth his. He had never been as sure as now that this was a mistake. Yet he longed for him more than ever. 
“Of course not” he wiped away his tears feigning some kind of dignity. 
As quickly as ever, he also pretended to regain his composure. 
“Do you have any sort of plan for what you’re going to do next? Under pressure, you’re a terrible improviser, my love”.  
“Well...I can’t let you go. I know as much. I should, for my family, father, my honour. But I will not. You’ve shown me that acting selfishly doesn’t make someone evil. I will find a way to fulfil my duty without giving you up, you have my word”.
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ashtonq247 · 4 years
Kaminari Denki headcannons!!
Bc it’s his bday and I love him (this will not cover his fam bc I switch between backstories with him so much that I just have no clue)
Buckle up bc this is a very long post I did not mean to get this deep lol
Let’s start with the most obvious- he makes friends easily, but I’m not just talking other students, I’m also talking the staff. This boy makes friends with the janitors and the lunch ladies and even the teachers!! He also makes friends with the security bots and pranks them a lot
This stems from him wanting ppl to like him. I think this bc of the fact that his character sheet says he likes all things “trendy” - I think he rlly wants to be known as the cool guy bc he is rlly insecure of himself
And as much as I think he is very trendy, I also think he is a big literature nerd! I believe he is more likely to listen to audio books tho, but I’m not entirely 100% sure though. He tries to keep this underwrap, but eventually he does join momo’s book club and brings completely different analysis to the table :D
He is just generally into the arts (we see this in cannon- he plays guitar, is seen drawing Aizawa, references Hemingway) so I see him as a more creative guy rather than a logically minded dude
This boy has adhd, anxiety, and dyslexia and dyscalcula (he was able to work through dyslexia bc he read so much, but still has problems with his dyscalcula) and this causes issues for him in school. He also a HUGE procrastinator. He often feels stupid and dumb bc if it (also doesn’t help that even his friends joke abt it too, but as long as it’s just a joke he shouldn’t make a big deal abt it right??)
I say he has anxiety because of the way he reacts to when he is training- always panicking and frying his brain. I think what stans between him and being rlly op is his anxiety and view of himself
Speaking of him frying his brain, I headcannon he has litchenburg figures, which if u don’t know r these rlly cool scars that look kinda like branches with what kinda looks like flowers so cool tbh, and BEFORE u say “he obviously doesn’t have them cannonly” let me just say that his quirk affects his brain cannonly!! It’s not weird for it to also affect his skin!!! I think he might have had litchenburg figures if they were more commonly known as it is a very cool thing tbh
I also think that bc his brain gets impacted by his quirk, sometimes his nerves get impacted too. This means he sometimes can’t taste food (and he doesn’t eat it when he can’t taste it, which pisses Bakugo off) and he also can’t feel things as well (I believe the class figures this out after Denki went to poor himself some tea but didn’t know the kettle was still rlly hot and so he grabbed it not knowing he was burning himself until he handed it over to someone who then dropped the pot bc it was so hot- needles to say he had to go to recovery girl that day)
He has never been to the aquarium bc as a child he had terrible control over his quirk and that made ppl nervous to put him near water (he goes as a teen with the bakusquad and is absolutely floored- his favorite creatures are of course all the sting rays, jelly fish, and electric eel- cue bakusquad comparing him to the brainless jellyfish)
He also doesn’t know how to swim till he was in middle school (once he was in better control of his quirk he went out and learned to swim on his own bc he had to learn how if he wanted to be a hero u know? He never quit got the hang of it tho)
Storms make him very energized and his already low ability to focus worsens. Prone to accidentally zapping ppl. He mostly stays in his room when storms happen bc he doesn’t want to hurt ppl/ wreck electronics on accident. He doesn’t even get to chat with friends on the phone bc he would wreck it so storms get rlly lonely :(
Also is basically a lightning rod. It hurts bc of how forceful it is, but it’s also not that big of a deal to him
Is prtty forgetful unfortunately due to all the times he fried his brain. It’s something he really tries not to think about
He probs can’t sleep very easily due to all his energy
He hates frying his brain bc it’s very hard to understand what’s going on when he does. Everything is a lot more sluggish and things are simultaneously way too much and he gets hyper sensitive and at the same time his senses are also very groggy and weird. It’s over all a bad time, but he got used to it
Whenever he fried his brain instead of being all wheyyy and thumbs upy he use to act more vegetative which rlly freaked ppl out so he eventually learned to get to where he is now when he fries his brain
Kids use to take advantage of his whey mode and do pranks on him which often got him hurt, but he never rlly felt it at first so he didn’t mind to bad. As long it was just joking and they were having fun right??
Time for happy ones!! His favorite foods (besides burgers, those r his favorite cannonly) all have some coralation with memes (speggeti tacos, mac n cheese, “chonky” milk, chicken nuggy, etc)
He is a meme lord yes
Stans pikachu (obvi)
U cannot convince me that he doesn’t paint his nails black, maybe with a little lightning bolt on his middle finger. This boy cannonly wears a choker common
He does face masks with Mina!! I believe he cares abt his looks greatly, and does beauty routines with Mina all the time. I’m constantly switching btween wether or not he owns it, or is a bit insecure and tries not to show this side to much to the boys
Why does this show not give him skinny jeans?? I mean common his entire style calls for skinny jeans. Maybe it’s Japan fashion or smth bc if it was in America he’d have skinny jeans bc it’s the trendy thing u know
Cannot cook. Can barely work the microwave. Claims unmarked food and eats it at midnight
Has a lot of weird info stored in his brain- how weather works, psychology stuff, weird facts abt bees, etc- that he learns randomly, never rlly trying to learn them but it sort of just happens u know. This frustrates Bakugo and jirou to no end bc he knows all these useless facts about how 1,200,000 mosquitos is all it takes for them to all at once drain a human of all their blood in a second, but not about how to work the pathagorean theorem
Idk why I think this (and it’s a popular headcannon too), but he knows at least 3/4 languages. It just suits him?? Bc he is a ppl person??? I don’t know??
Gets major test anxiety
Teachers either love him or hate him no in between. A lot of his elementary teachers absolutely hated him and would tear him down by calling him stupid and annoying. In middle school when he learns to control his quirk better, teachers rlly liked him- in the way that class clown trouble makers are liked by teachers. He may not excel in his class but he is a pretty funny dude.
He is constantly either underestimated or overestimated. Kaminari himself does this as well. It’s part of the issue with his hero training
Cats do not like him. They may like being petted bc if the static electricity, but when Kami pets cats he just absorbs the static- no pleasure :(((- or he accidentally has too much static electricity. If so then only tge rlly fluffy cats like him. Either case, shinsou finds a cat that likes kaminari as well and it is very cute :33
THE class prankster. Even on the teachers! The death glare Aizawa gave him on the one time prancing him worked is one kaminari will never forget (he still tries to prank him despite this lol)
Constantly teasing Bakugo as a way to press his buttons. It’s debatable on wether or not this helps bakugo’s anger issues
He is the wingman between Bakugo and Kirishima change my mind!!
Also mandatory kaminari is bisexual headcannon bc he rlly gives me those vibes. I think he doesn’t know yet that he’s bisexual, and when he thinks a fellow bro is hot he thinks he’s just admiring his bro u know. Maybe even thinks he is jealous. He does flirt with all genders tho mostly as a joke. He draws dicks as jokes but he always puts a little too much detail in them for him to rlly be straight
Can be used as a defibrillator as long as he can focus
Honestly there’s so much stuff kaminari has the potential to do with his quirk it’s a shame the manga/anime doesn’t use it
Like I rlly want to see him use his quirk in training to blow out all the lights in a building so he can use it for his advantage
That’d be badass
Also his quirk makes him very hard to be caught when their training. He can slip out of ppls grasp easily with a shock, and he also just has good reflexes in genral (I think this is cannon). Cue class 1-a running around trying and failing to catch him lol. Their best bet is to get him to fry his brain :(
He was popular in school before UA bc of his quirk and bc of how charming and easy to get a long with he is. This lead a lot of his friends to be very shallow. He didn’t rlly think about wether or not someone was trying to be his friend or not, he just liked being liked. This lead him to his whole liking trendy things, and he often felt that if he wasn’t seen as cool or funny his friends would all leave him. His whole rlly liking to talk thing caused a lot of ppl to think he was annoying at times, but he was never rlly able to lose that trait
The bakusquad was the first friend group he got rlly close too. He felt he can be himself around them and be the crackhead he was always meant to be. He still always concerned about wether they might leave him if he’s too annoying bc of anxiety but he’s getting better :)
He is a bringer of chaos and that’s part of his charm! Never dull with Denki around. He’s always doing the weirdest stuff, and ever since Mina, Kiri, and Sero, this has only doubled!
He is always calling Momo a genius (bc she is) and they are rlly good friends
Is an unofficial emo squad member (just look at his hero costume)
A sinnamon roll I’m srry but he ain’t a cinnamon roll. He has a dirty mind lol
Peepee jokes
Probably does tik tok dances I’m sorry
Nintendo fan for life
Xbox or PlayStation?- “Nintendo wut u mean”
Abbreviates so much it’s kinda hard to read,. Like if u thought I was bad this boy is soo much worse
It’s kinda ironic bc he has a very large vocabulary lol
He only uses it when he’s being sassy or very passionate
Mixes his gen z lingo with his big brain vicab to create atrocities of sentences
”bro the rise of the proletariat is lit tbh”
He is the worst to text with. He gives Bakugo aneurysms
Yeet yote to be yoted
3am shower thoughts
Unpopular opinion: i don’t think he likes weed. It probs reminds him too much of his whey mode
He’s a good strategist, but let’s the other team members think of the plans bc of insecurity, and otherwise his anxiety causes his smartness to shut down
Very good at zoning out. Sometimes he accidentally zones out so hard during class he misses the entire lesson and is only brought out bc of the school bell. Aizawa is best at snapping him out of it
Tbh I don’t think UA would be good with mental health. You’d think they’d hire a professional therapist or smth, but maybe it’s bc hero’s are so glorified ppl don’t ever think about these issues
I doubt the teachers had very good teacher training u know
We’ve mostly seen young heroes. I bet that’s bc they die so often, and if they don’t die in battle the mental health issues that stem from trauma and the media’s pressure are such an issue that it’s not uncommon for hero work to have high suicide rates
Anyway I’m starting to lose track of things thanks for coming to my ted talk I think I’ll stop here
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aspoonofsugar · 4 years
What do you think about Camilla and her guards’ nen? Do you think any of her guards will actually be able to kill/harm the other princes with their “curses”? I thought it was kind of weird that Camilla is one of the princes most adamant about winning/killing other princes yet has nen that only works if she dies, but maybe she’s just smarter than she looks and planned ahead? Idk I think abt her a lot but I haven’t come up w any answers
Hello anon!
I have talked about Camilla here.
Many of the thoughts in the meta I linked are still relevant, but by that point we did not know that Camilla’s guards are Have-Nots. To discover about them made her whole character more interesting to me.
As far as your questions are concerned, I actually think Camilla’s ability fits her ego-centric attitude. From the meta linked above:
Benjamin takes the powers of his dead soldiers to become stronger, whereas Camilla takes the lives of the ones who hurt her in order to come back to life. So, for Benjamin it is about honouring one’s comrades, while for Camilla it is about punishing her enemies.
I have mentioned in the Benjamin’s meta that it might be possible that this arc will deal with grieving and the acceptance of death. When it comes to this, Camilla’s ability may represent a total refusal of death since her nen power is literally resurrection.
It is interesting to underline how such a strong inability to accept death can be symptomatic of a childish vision of the world like the one Camilla displays multiple times. After all growing up means also to accept death as a part of life.
In short, Camilla, despite being older than the majority of her siblings is depicted as childish and her nen ability which negates death might be just another hint at this trait of her personality.
Camilla’s ability is a selfish-one because it takes others’ lives and makes them hers. At the same time, it is also linked to a primary concern, which is survival, and, in the end, it is nothing more than a very powerful and extreme defense-mechanism. After all, the whole point of counteractive nen abilities is to take damage and to give it back to the attackers. In other words, they are reactive abilities, which are useful only if an external attack happens. What makes Camilla’s power different from other counteractive ones (like Feitan’s) is that Camilla’s ability is extreme. It is extreme in the damage she is ready to take to activate her power (she is ready to die) and it is extreme in the damage it gives others (she kills them). All in all, the fact that Camilla came up with such an ability shows how the environment around her made her feel threatened to the point that her power is one which deals directly with death. It would have been a useless ability for a person living in a peaceful context.
At the same time, Camilla’s ability is also one which does not care about others’ lives and makes use of them. This fits with Camilla’s idea that everything revolves around her. This is another trait of her personality which is childish:
That said, Camilla’s childishness is noticeable mostly because of how ego-centric she is:
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Camilla’s feelings are reflected in her nen beast:
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A coercitive type ability means that the manipulator controls both the mind and the body of the target and this mirrors Camilla’s desire of control towards others:
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Here, Camilla tries to control even her own mother and orders her around. However, I think Camilla’s interactions with Duazul might hint at something deeper than a capricious woman who wants everyone under her thumb.
As a matter of fact Duazul seems to me as the kind of mother who would let Camilla do whatever she likes:
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This would explain why Camilla is how she is since she is basically a caricature of a spoiled brat. At the same time, though, I think Duazul’s behaviour is odd.
At the end of the day, in the two scenes above we have a daughter asking her mother for help and her mother negating it and a mother letting her child march towards danger without doing anything. Especially when it comes to this second case, we should consider that everybody could see that what Camilla was doing was crazy, but Duazul let her go and even stopped others from trying to reprehend Camilla.
In short, Duazul strikes me as a distant mother to Camilla, the kind of mother who would give her child whatever they want, but who doesn’t ultimately care that much or who wouldn’t show it particularly at least. I wouldn’t be surprised if Camilla’s odd behaviour turned out to be nothing more than a way to ask for support and for attention, not by the world as she says, but by her parents.
In short, Camilla is very childish and her ability reflects it to an extent. It is an ability linked to a primary wish of survival and to the refusal of death. What is more, it is a power which puts Camilla on top of others. Finally, it makes Camilla feel invincible, even if this is false. As a matter of fact Camilla’s power is strong, but not perfect. For example, a manipulation technique would be efficient against her. Who cares if she is alive if she is reduced to a zombie without a will of her own? And what would happen if she is forced to kill herself while she is manipulated? Will her ability still work against the person who manipulated her or it won’t? And what if the person who kills her dies the moment he kills her? Moreover there is also the possibility that her ability is stolen by someone. What would happen then? Finally, Camilla using zetsu to increase her chances to die makes so that he guardian beast can’t really show its powers nor protect her. As you can see, there are different ways to handle Camilla and her failed attempt to kill Benjamin proves it. All Benjamin had to do to make Camilla harmless was to avoid killing her and to restrain her.
All these considerations are about Camilla herself, but let’s know address her private guards aka the Have-Nots. Them being Camilla’s soldiers is a very interesting detail for multiple reasons. First of all it is surprising that a person so self-centred like Camilla would give the poorest people in society a chance to shine. Why did she do so? Was it just for utilitaristic reasons or there is more to Camilla than what meets the eye? Was it a reaction to Benjamin being the leader fo the military? Since Camilla could not count on regular soldiers did she look where nobody else would have? All in all, I hope Camilla’s reasoning will be explored more.
At the same time, the Have-Nots can be read as foils of Camilla herself. As a matter of fact both the prince and her guards use post-mortem nen, but their approaches to it are basically opposite.
On one hand Camilla gives her life so much importance that she has used her nen to make herself immortal. She gives her life to kill others and to be given her life back to her.
On the other hand the Have-Nots give their lives so little importance that they are ready to live and to die with the sole purpose of killing another person. Consider that in order for the Have-Nots’ curse to work they must spend months or even years thinking about their target and must keep an object linked to them. In other words, they must really live in function of their death and their death will only accomplish the death of another person. Nothing more and nothing less.
What is more, it is interesting that the Have-Nots have decided to bring back a use, which was considered outdated even by the strongly classist society of Kakin. The practice of the after-life companions forced members of the Have-Nots to be buried together with a prince, so that they could keep the prince company in the afterlife. Now, I think there are two possible ways to read Camilla’s guards’ nen ability.
On one hand Camilla’s guards have taken an old practice and have twisted its meaning. As a matter of fact, in the past, the Have-Nots had to die for the dead prince’s sake, while right now they die to kill a prince. One could see this twisting as a way to refuse their previous social-standing and a way to reclaim their personhood.
On the other hand the Have-Nots choosing to base their nen ability on an outdated practice which dehumanizes them shows how frail their sense of self still is, despite Camilla supposedly granting them privileges. In the end, the Have-Nots think so little of themselves that they can only feel they can kill a prince if they die as a consequence of it. There is also the fact that, as far as we know, they all (with some exceptions) share the same nen ability. All in all, nen is a practice which lets people express their individuality, but here we have a group of people who all share the same ability. Morevoer this ability is one which demands their death to work.
In short, Camilla and the Have-Nots are opposites. Camilla is too self-centered and too self-important, while the Have-Nots are too self-hating. This might also be why they work well together. As a matter of fact Camilla wants to be put at the centre of the world and this is what the Have-Nots do. This makes so that, at first glance, they complement each other pretty well.
Finally, will the Have-Nots succeed in killing someone? I think their nen-ability is real, so it should work. That said, if they manage to kill someone, it will most likely be an unimportant prince and certainly not Wobble. Who knows? Maybe their failure to kill Wobble will make their ability known and it will make acting more difficult for them.
Thank you for the ask!
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Emile-Hides told me about their self indulgent(and also super cool) Chzo Mythos au, so I have decided I shall reveal some stuff about mine as well, mostly just random details. Im p sure it diverges from canon quite a bit, especially the parts involving Chris Bc I can’t fully understand Chris’ canon for the life of me(It isn’t actually very complicated I’m just dense for some reason) Most of the first half of this has turned out to be rambling abt the TCS factors of my au specifically.
-Obviously, post TCS events, as I’ve mentioned before Trilby adopts a scuttler which he trains and raises, the scuttler becomes a soldier buzzer when it grows up. Trilby adores it.
-Trilby has a brother! The brother is my interpretation of one of the playable characters in TCS, but I won’t say which one.. yet.
-I wasn’t a huge fan of the paradox full circle 7DAS Malcolm being Trilby thing so I sorta made my own version? 7DAS Malcolm and his family are clones of Trilby and his family made by Chzo so Trilby could fully serve his purpose as a guide. Obviously they aren’t exactly identical because of the huge environmental and time differences.
-My version of the Wizard grew up in The Order Of Blessed Agonies. Her father was a devote member and her role model. Her blessed agony of the soul was supposed to be to kill him. She couldn’t do it. They locked her up and planned to sacrifice her, a member of the Ministry of Occultism however investegated the location, shut it down, and freed her. She then promised herself she’d stop The Order’s plans.
-The scholar kept a wallet with pictures of his family in it to remind him of why he was trying to stop the ancient. Eventually he got word of the murder of his wife and child and... gave up, sadly.
-The warrior found his car, and decided to use his notes to figure out what was happening and how to stop it, on the way he ran into the wizard, and they decided to work together to stop the ancient.
-The invading ancient was Chzo.
-Trilby was trying to find the ancient at the same time, he arrived at Stonehenge very shortly after the Warrior and Wizard had managed to banish Chzo. Trilby helped patched them up and they all talked and all that good stuff. Neither Trilby or the Wizard could really go back to their past at that point. Because of this the Warrior offered to let them stay with him. On the way out of Stonehenge was when Trilby found and grabbed Steve the scuttler.
Ok now on from TCS
-Chris has amnesia. He can’t remember much of what happened before the day his parents died. He also doesn’t remembered what happened to reverse his zombie-ness. He just knows he isn’t a zombie anymore.
-Chris lived with his parents in the house we see in the game, but didn’t have the best relationship with them. Because of this he also had a room at an appartment his friend stayed in(he insisted on helping her pay the rent despite her saying he didn’t have to). He and this friend had known each other since high school and were super close. He doesn’t remember hardly anything about her, but he read some of his old books and saw her name mentioned in the lists of people he thanked, so he does know whoever she was she was important to him.
-The mental hospital Chris stayed in was really a product of its time. The doctors didn’t understand much about the mental illnesses they were treating. Their practices weren’t great, and the psychology they relied on was flaky at best. Chris honestly ended up worse off because of it.
-Trilby did in fact meet Chris while trying to steal a ruby! And yes, they went on a date. Trilby was just trying to get out of trouble. Chris was quite flattered and thought there was more to it. They went their separate ways after that. A few years later when they run into each other when Trilby joins the Ministry, both are a bit shell shocked.
-After the hotel incident Trilby just entirely shut everyone out. He was terrified of everything. He was a mess. Most of the Ministry just brushed him off, another nobody who couldn’t handle the stress of the job. Chris reached out to him and tried to help him through everything. This is how they started getting close.
-When their handler at the time noticed that they were beginning to become friends, she(idk who their handler actually would’ve been so I just made someone up) started sending them on missions together, wanting to see how they’d work together in the field. They worked great, and therefore ended up a pretty well known duo in the ministry.
-Claire is good friends with both Chris and Trilby and is sorta a mother hen type. She’s always pestering them to take care of themselves and be responsible and all that. She’s a very sweet woman.
-Trilby took Simone’s death personally. He took all the deaths related to Chzo and Cabadath personally. Yes he wasn’t particularly close to most of the people, but he still should’ve stopped it. In his mind at least. He feels like since he’s directly connected to Chzo by fate, he shares partial responsibility for the suffering and death Chzo causes that he fails to stop.
-On a lighter note Trilby ended up sorta a father figure to Jim. They keep in contact through mail mostly. It’s part of what compelled Trilby to join the STP: ending up in jail, until Jim found out, would just look like he abandoned the poor kid. He didn’t want to do that to him.
-Trilby has dad instincts. Don’t fight me on this.
-Chris is that person who learns to make all the drinks his friends like so he can surprise them with them when they have a bad day.
-Chris keeps his bedsheets and himself extremely clean despite the rest of his appartment usually being a mess. He figures if he can’t keep up with all of it right now he should keep up with what helps him feel comfortable and work his way up.
-Trilby is the literal definition of organized chaos, his house, his office, all of it looks like a train wreck, but he knows exactly where everything is. It’s magical.
-Chris one time tried to adopt a hellhound. Nobody was exactly happy about that. Chris eventually had to send it back to hell.
-Chris acts shocked when Trilby curses despite Trilby doing it quite often.
-Trilby is more sentimental than you’d think. He keeps a lot of little trinkets and such to hold on to those he loves in a way. If you give him a gift, chances are he’s not getting rid of it unless he absolutely has to. Even then it’s not too likely he’s letting it go. His most treasured keepsake is his mother’s wedding ring.
-Chris can’t take good photos for the life of him. They all come out blurry or overexposed or grainy. He finds it infuriating but his friends find it hilarious.
-Trilby and Chris are those idiots who pine for each other constantly but neither can say crap. Claire just wished they’d get over themselves and kiss already.
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panharmonium · 4 years
Hey! Loving the Merlin takes on ur blog, and I wanted to ask—what are your opinions on Morgana? Haven’t seen a lot of talk abt her. I loved her, esp in season 1, which is also my fav season cuz after that I feel like things started to make less and less sense, lmao. I understand her descent into villainy (mostly, but why does she start to hate Gwen so quickly? feel like that could’ve been handled better) but I would’ve loved to see some solidarity between her and merlin!!!!!
hi there! :D
so, i LOVE morgana.  most of what i’ve said about her has been in the tags of gifsets that are now scattered haphazardly around my blog; i don’t think there are larger pieces yet besides my finale round-up (urgh lol), and most of that is just a function of time - i can’t possibly write expansive tracts of meta about every single merlin thing i love, because i love the whole show; i’d never leave my computer again.  i generally sit down to write long essays about whatever grabs my mind at a particular moment, even though there are a bazillion other things out there i love just as much. XD
but with morgana, i also feel like part of the reason i haven’t written much about her is because up until three and a half weeks ago (....oh my god, was it THREE AND A HALF WEEKs???  IT FEELS LIKE A YEAR) i hadn’t even finished the series yet, and the whole time i was watching this show i was sort of...waiting to see whether they would finally tie her arc together.  i didn’t feel like i could say too much about what was happening with her, because my evaluation of her arc was going to depend on where the writers finally chose to take it and whether they brought it to the place i thought it needed to go.
and...they didn’t, obviously, which is what i sort of suspected would happen, though i was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt all the way up until the end, because i don’t believe they ever wrote themselves into a corner with her.  there were things they could have handled with more depth, definitely, but i do not believe that they ever dug themselves into a hole they couldn’t climb out of.
i. what happened to you, morgana
essentially my opinion (just mine; nobody else is obligated to share it) of morgana is this: that the series ended before her arc was over.  
to me, season 5 was the nadir in our characters’ journeys.  they had reached their lowest point, their...“darkest hour,” to quote the show itself.  and in many familiar storytelling formats (the ones that have the most in common with bbc merlin, at least), we take our characters to a moment where they hit rock bottom, where everything is going wrong and things seem hopeless, and then we light a spark under their butts that starts the process where they fight their way out of it.  the nadir isn’t the endpoint of the curve; it’s the point where characters start climbing their long, slow way out of the pit.  it’s what they have to overcome in order to earn their eventual triumphant ending.
to me, season 5 was that nadir, for morgana and everyone else.  i never would have imagined season 5 to be the final season of the show, if i hadn’t known it was beforehand. i would have read season 5 as the show’s ‘empire strikes back’ moment.  the episode that ends with our team losing, but with a whole other episode remaining where they can fight to Make It Right.
i view merlin bbc as tantamount to a cancelled tv show, to be honest.  i know that’s not necessarily what happened (though it does feel pretty weird that they officially announced S5 would be the final season only four weeks before the finale was about to air??  very bizarre), but regardless of the actual behind-the-scenes-whatever, the fact of the matter is that for me, the series doesn’t end.  it stops.  and those two things are not the same.
this is particularly relevant to morgana because, as you said, there are aspects of her character arc that weren’t handled as deftly as they could have been, but if the show had brought morgana’s arc to the place where it felt like they were going in 5.09, they could have rescued so much of what came before.
to get into more detail -
i think the biggest issue with morgana’s arc for me isn’t so much what she does, it’s what we’re not shown as she does it.  
i fully believe that morgana would eventually start working to ensure uther’s downfall.  (obviously.  she’s been presented as the voice of moral authority on this show since episode one, and there’s no reason to believe that she wouldn’t ultimately start rebelling against the king’s oppressive policies.)  i believe that she would reject arthur, eventually.  and i believe that she would reject gwen, too.  but i don’t believe the show illustrates enough how painful this would be for her, or how conflicted it would make her feel.  
and again, as i said, there are my own personal opinions, couched in...some personal experience with certain kinds of family conflict - but i do understand where morgana’s bitterness toward arthur and gwen comes from.  arthur, for all that he’s “a better man than [his] father,” never fully breaks with uther the way morgana does.  he has his own little rebellions, yes, but ultimately he always falls in line.  he tolerates his father’s actions even if he doesn’t necessarily agree with them, and he continues to support uther even after uther is revealed to have lied about being morgana’s illegitimate father.  and because of this tacit acceptance of uther’s poor behavior, arthur reaps benefits and privileges galore.  morgana is cast out with nothing, whereas arthur, who didn’t even take a stand for justice, wants for nothing.  arthur is sitting pretty on the throne of camelot because he continued to bestow his honor and respect upon a man who deserved neither of those things, because he chose the villain of the series over his sister, even knowing what uther did to her.  and that’s gutting, for her.  he betrayed her.
(and there are things to be said on arthur’s end of this, too, of course - morgana doesn’t ever confide in him; she doesn’t come to him for help or give him a chance to even be informed about what happened to her before she jumps into invading camelot and dethroning uther - so for arthur, her sudden turnaround comes as a total shock, and HE feels betrayed, like he has no choice but to fight her - i mean, it’s just a big mess.)
but i understand why she hates him.  he continues to stand with a man who did demonstrable evil, despite the harm that was specifically done to morgana herself.  and by shutting up and letting atrocities be committed in front of him, arthur escapes the harm that morgana suffers for speaking up.  i understand why morgana is so bitter about it.
and gwen is a very similar situation - from morgana’s point of view, gwen is playing the arthur to arthur’s uther.  gwen sides with arthur over morgana, despite knowing full well that arthur’s policies harm people with magic.  gwen abandons morgana for her love interest, and for morgana that’s just like - “why would you do that?  i was your friend before he ever cared about you, i loved you before he ever did - don’t you see the evil he’s perpetuating?  don’t you care what he does to people like me?”  
that’s why morgana tells merlin, “don’t think i don’t understand loyalty just because i’ve got no one left to be loyal to.”  she feels like everybody who supposedly cared for her ultimately dumped her because her situation interfered with their comfortable, morally uncomplicated lives.  they weren’t willing to acknowledge what was done to her, and they stuck by the man responsible for it, and it seems incomprehensible to her, that they would make that choice, when his misdeeds are known and out in the open.  i can’t blame her for wanting to raze the city to the ground.
while i believe that all these things are completely plausible, i don’t believe that the series shows us appropriately how these things would be tearing morgana apart inside, underneath the rage and the armored front of  ‘you brought this on yourself, so burn in hell, i don’t care.’  
there are moments where the show gets it right.  when morgana wakes up after uther dies and says that she felt his pain - it’s not presented as gloating; she’s - almost confused.  uncertain.  like she doesn’t know what she feels.  when she confronts arthur at the end of season 4 (i thought we were friends/as did i) there’s real pain under the surface there.  when they confront each other at the beginning of season 5, too (what happened to you, morgana/i grew up) - you can feel the undercurrent of something deeper there, too.  and that moment with mordred in 5.09, when he appeals to her humanity (i hope one day you will find the love and compassion which used to fill your heart) - that is an amazing scene.  the show absolutely nails that moment.  morgana hesitates.  you can see the grief and the - the conflict written all over her face.  it’s perfect.  it’s exactly the turn i would have expected morgana’s arc to be taking, at that time in the series.
but then the show just stopped.  and without taking morgana’s arc further - without following it through all the way to its conclusion - there’s never any resolution to all the ways the show dropped the ball earlier.  all the moments where morgana appears to be just...evil-smirking her way through her revenge, the way she suddenly seems to have no feelings for gwen whatsoever, the utterly lost opportunity that was the “enchanted gwen” arc (which could have been such a powerful exploration of their broken relationship) - all those could have eventually made sense and fit into a narrative where morgana’s conflicted feelings finally begin to escape the stranglehold in which she has them choked, where we start to see the pain of these destroyed relationships rising to the surface.  
i can understand how morgana would just - shut off her feelings about these people.  she had to close her heart to them - the alternative would have been too painful.  but underneath - we know it wouldn’t be that easy.  we know it eats at her.  and it’s just - so incredibly frustrating that the series was starting to go there - the moment with mordred in 5.09 feels like the beginning of morgana’s big crisis of faith - and then the show just Stops.
so the thing about morgana for me is that, like you said, the show does drop the ball on illustrating her quick descent into evil-villain territory, and they especially drop the ball on her break with gwen, but all of it could have been salvaged, if they had committed to following her arc all the way through to its conclusion.  instead they chose to kill her (and everybody else, lol) just as her deep-rooted internal conflicts were finally starting to rise to the surface.
ii. we can find another way/there is no other way (aka the merlin problem)
i’ll say right up front that anything i say here is, as always, just my personal interpretation of things.  this is not necessarily the One True Way this show is meant to be understood; it’s just my own preferred read.
i have definitely seen some things in my brief foray into internet fandom that are sort of...piling on merlin for abandoning morgana or “gaslighting” her, most of which seem to be centered around the beginning of episode 2.03, which is weird to me, because the whole point of that episode is that merlin does help morgana, in the end - he’s the one who doesn’t gaslight her.  he defies gaius and takes her to the druids, specifically so they can tell her yes, she does have magic.  he tries to distract the attacking knights in order to enable morgana to escape with the druids permanently, like she wants.  and when the attempt fails, and they’re brought back to camelot, he comes to morgana’s chambers specifically to check on her and to assure her that he won’t reveal her secret to anyone, and she’s grateful for this - she thanks him, she’s appreciative of everything he did for her, she feels comforted to know the truth and to know that someone else knows it, too.  this episode ends with their relationship at a high point - it’s overwhelmingly positive, and it doesn’t take a nosedive until 1.12, when morgana gets in way over her head and merlin thinks she’s trying to murder them all.  (and even in that episode, it’s worth it to note, merlin is still covering for her magic in front of arthur, giving her chances.)
(and obviously also, of course, the end of that particular situation gets Real Bad Real Fast, which could be a whole post in and of itself, so let’s stay focused on the earlier eps, for now.)
the criticism of merlin in those earlier episodes seems to stem solely from the fact that he doesn’t out himself to morgana, which i can understand - i mean, i like the idea of a ‘merlin+morgana secret magic squad’ AU as much as anyone - but i’ll be honest and say that nowadays, i’m not quite as willing to condemn him for it as i might have been on my first viewing.
i’m not willing to condemn him for it at all, actually.
(and again - as i said, these are my own opinions!  everybody else is welcome to have different opinions!  we all engage with media differently, and there isn’t a right or wrong way to approach this situation, just whichever way feels best to you.)
so, for me, i’m not interested anymore in telling merlin that he should have revealed himself to anyone, at that point in the story.  it would be different if he had been like - continuing to tell morgana ‘oh, no, you don’t have magic, don’t be crazy,’ or if he had been pretending to hate magic like everyone else so he could blend in, but he doesn’t do that, at the end of the episode.  he sends her to the druids.  he chases after her when he realizes she's in danger.  he openly acknowledges her magic, he supports her in having it, he makes sure she knows she has nothing to fear from him.  by the end of 2.03, he’s gone to great lengths to help her; he’s already made certain that she knows he’s on her side and that she can trust him.  she clearly knows that he accepts her and that he supports her - those are his responsibilities to her as a fellow human and as a friend, and those are exactly the responsibilities he makes sure to fulfill.  she knows her secret is safe with him.  
now - whether or not merlin feels safe enough to out himself, after making sure morgana knows he accepts and supports her, is his own business.
i think there are a number of reasons why it wouldn’t be fair for me to criticize merlin for continuing to conceal his secret, the first of which is something i already mentioned in another piece - that a marginalized person’s first responsibility is to their own safety, when forced into hiding under oppressive social conditions.  merlin isn’t obligated to reveal himself for anybody.  he’s not obligated to put himself in danger out of some kind of...responsibility to the community.  (not at this point, anyway.  it gets more complicated later, as merlin becomes more powerful, which i also address in that other piece, but that’s all in the future for him and not relevant at this moment.)
i think it would be easy for me to forget that merlin isn’t safe, in the early seasons.  we’re so used to thinking of merlin as ‘the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the earth,’ because that’s what we keep being told he’s going to become, but again, that’s all so far in the future for him.  merlin in the early seasons can do some things with his abilities, but not consistently, and not to the level where we can reasonably expect him to resist the entirety of camelot’s army, if they were to come for him.  merlin is in real danger, and he’s not evil for being unwilling to share a secret about himself that would ensure his death, if it somehow got back to the wrong people.
second - i don’t think it would be fair for me to discount merlin’s personal history, either.  merlin’s life didn’t start in camelot, and he hasn’t even been in camelot for all that long, comparatively, by the time we get to S2.  season one takes place over a few months, starting in either spring or summer and ending in the fall (after the referenced harvest in 1.10/1.11, but before winter sets in).  the weather is nice by time season 2 starts, so we can probably assume that S2 takes place once winter has passed (although, it’s technically possible that S2 takes place over the same autumn as S1, I guess...but it’s not made clear to us, timeline-wise.)  either way, we just really have to remember that merlin’s stay in camelot by the time we reach 2.03 is still this blip compared to the rest of his life.  
it would be very easy for me to say that merlin should have told morgana, that there’s no way she would ever have given him up - and i probably would have said that very thing, after the first time i watched the show - but like - nowadays, i really think i have to step back from that certainty and be a little more gentle.  we say we “know” that morgana wouldn’t have willingly betrayed merlin’s secret at that point, and sure, i agree, that’s probably true - but does merlin know that?  
of course not!
i think he hopes that.  i think he would dearly like to believe that.  i also think merlin grew up in a situation where he couldn’t fully trust even the people he’d known all his life, with two (vital!!!) exceptions, and he has been in camelot with a bunch of brand-new people for less than a year, and he can’t be certain of them, however much he wants to be.  (and that’s not even considering the possibility of accidental betrayals, or coerced ones - remember, the witchfinder shows up in S2 also, as just one example.)
remember that exchange merlin has with freya, later this season?
“you can’t always trust people.”
“i know.  that’s why i left home.”  
merlin is not used to showing himself to people.  he has been taught all his life to NEVER, EVER show himself to anybody.  everyone in camelot who finds out about his magic finds out either by accident (like gaius or lancelot), or necessity (like freya and gilli - though gilli is interesting, because i think merlin’s decisions there are motivated precisely by the choices he didn’t make with morgana - which i’ll go into more later).  
in twenty-odd years, merlin has only ever told one person about his magic.  and even that generous assumption requires a little bit of inferencing for us to determine, though i think it’s likely enough, if not confirmable.
(i am, in case it’s unclear, referencing 1.10, when merlin is explaining to will why hunith sent him away to camelot: “when she found out you knew - she was so angry.”  that, to me, has always been a signifier that merlin told will about his magic, as opposed to will finding out by coincidence.  i know there are a lot of headcanons floating around out there about various...accidental situations that may have occurred which forced merlin to reveal his magic in front of will, and those are all obviously totally fun to play with, but after hearing this particular line - i never understood that to be the case, to be honest.  we’ve seen hunith enough to have a pretty solid understanding of her character.  she and merlin are always easy and gentle together, she’s so kind and calm and thoughtful - i can’t imagine that she wouldn’t have understood, if there had been some kind of accident that forced merlin’s hand.  she’d be just as afraid for his future safety, of course, and she would have wished he’d told her right away, but she wouldn’t have been “so angry.”  
...she might, however, have been “so angry” if she’d found out that merlin had specifically undermined every sacrifice she’d ever made to keep him safe/ignored every single one of her warnings/rejected every cautious thing she’d been telling him for his entire life and TOLD somebody about his magic when it wasn’t remotely necessary.  that’s the only scenario i can imagine that would prompt merlin to say “she was SO angry” in that half-awed, half-intimidated tone, with that little headshake, like it was such a singular event, like it’s still formidable for him to remember.)
so anyway, that said - it’s too easy for me to say ‘he should have told morgana/gwaine/gwen etc; they would never have turned on him,’ as if it would have been such a simple thing for him to do, as if there were no dangers associated with their knowledge even if they would never have willingly given him up, as if he was refusing to do it because he didn’t want to, or because his fears were overblown, or because he was foolish for thinking they would ever hate him for his gifts.  i think that really minimizes the reality of his struggle, and the danger of his situation.  without the pressure of some crisis to force his hand, merlin has only ever willingly revealed himself to one person.  that person is dead.  that person died specifically ensuring that merlin could stay safe and hidden from the rest of the world, morgana included - merlin’s continued secrecy is a gift that was bought at an impossibly high price, and it’s not simple for him to contemplate squandering it, especially with no guarantee that things will turn out okay.
because there IS no guarantee that things will turn out okay!  a lot of the “merlin should have told morgana” online talk centers around the idea that knowing about merlin’s magic would have kept morgana from feeling alone/betrayed, thus preventing her from turning to the “evil” methods she uses later, but again, i don’t think we actually know that at all.  solidarity between merlin and morgana would have been a nice thing, definitely; i’d like to see that too, but i don’t think the fact that she and merlin are both magic-users would have guaranteed harmony between them.  merlin and gilli are both magic-users, too, and merlin expects this to be enough to convince gilli to “see the light,” but the fact of the matter is that merlin and gilli just have very different ideas about what it means to do the right thing.  merlin thinks it means biding his time and waiting for change to come from the top (because he’s been TOLD by greater powers that this is the right course of action, of course; let’s note again that merlin’s situation is extremely complicated) whereas gilli thinks that doing things merlin’s way makes merlin complicit with an unjust regime.  gilli says ‘i shouldn’t haven’t to wait for someone else to give me my rights.  i’m going to take them myself.’
the fact that merlin and gilli share a bond as magic-users doesn’t protect them from an ideological divide that puts them on different sides of the same struggle.  i’m not sure that merlin and morgana wouldn’t have still ended up in the same situation, eventually, if merlin had chosen to out himself to her - but doing so would certainly have made him a thousand times more vulnerable to attack.
third - it’s also important to remember that if we’re going to hold merlin to this rigid ‘he should have told morgana everything/confided in her/trusted her at the expense of possibly his own life despite the fact that she exists at the completely opposite end of a rigid social hierarchy as him and he’s known her for less than a year’ then maybe we ought to raise the bar for morgana, as well.  morgana is very clearly shown to trust and appreciate merlin at the end of 2.03, but by 2.11, when alvarr and mordred show up and convince her to steal the crystal of neahtid, she doesn’t hesitate or come to merlin at all, despite the fact that we never see him do anything to lose her trust between then and now.  she never asks him for help, even when she’s uncertain about alvarr’s methods, and that leaves merlin in the dark, only privy to confusing images of her sneaking around and acting suspicious.  and even with that, merlin doesn’t condemn her for what she does, the same way he doesn’t blame her when she tries to kill uther in 1.12 - he helps arthur retrieve the crystal, but he doesn’t give morgana up.  and he doesn’t hold any kind of grudge, either - in the next episode, merlin doesn’t even suspect her, at first - he thinks it must be her magic protecting her; he doesn’t even consider the idea that she has anything to do with the illness, not until kilgharrah tells him.  
and even after that, he STILL covers for her in front of arthur, and he gives her a chance to come clean to him - but she doesn’t take it.  
i’m not condemning her for that - i get why she would be afraid to admit to such a big mess - she was in way over her head and didn’t know what to do.  but if we’re going to cut morgana this much slack and accept her fears as a valid enough reason to block a potential moment of connection, then we have to accept that merlin’s fears were valid, too - morgana’s descent into “villainy” was not something we can pin solely on merlin’s already overburdened shoulders.  the end of season 2 was not some kind of one-way failure.
in summary: merlin and morgana were trapped in an impossible situation.  they were both victims of the same oppressive regime, and both of them had very real, very dangerous obstacles to letting themselves trust in and reach out to others, and i think pitting them against each other while forgetting who the real villain was is unfair to them both.
also, a brief postscript: circling back to the first section of this piece, where i talked about how season 5 just stopped before anyone’s arc was finished - merlin and morgana could have had so much more, if we’d gotten another season.  their relationship is really in the pits, by season 5, but there is this deleted scene where arthur is reflecting on what happened to morgana and blaming himself, and merlin says arthur shouldn’t take the blame, that “there were others better placed to help morgana” (implicating, of course, himself) and that was SUCH a jumping off point for their story to have continued.  merlin wanted to do better by her.  he blamed himself for what happened to her.  and morgana, for her part, was starting to question herself, as we saw during her confrontation with mordred in 5.09.
there were places for this relationship to go.  it wasn’t a lost cause.  but the writers decided that it made more sense to just...eliminate everybody at the exact moment when things were poised to possibly change.
the story wasn’t over at the end of season 5.  but the show was, and i am always going to regret those many lost opportunities.
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livesbeneath · 4 years
i'm so sorry for asking so many but .. 1-10 for the ilitw ask meme? i love reading about the mc's relationships with the characters bc it always differs between players :')
it lives in the woods mc ask meme. 
pls don’t apologize u made my ENTIRE DAY!!!! i love learning abt people’s mcs too!  (putting some of this under a read more bc it’s gonna get long)
what is your mc’s name? gender? orientation? ethnicity? any other tidbits you feel compelled to share?:
my mc’s (full) name is harley maura blanco! she’s a cis female, bi, white, and the only daughter of two super successful entrepreneurs.   she has absolutely zero clue what she wants do with her life, and while school doesn’t particularly engage her, she isn’t really a slacker.   lives most of her life in her head, more street smart than book smart.  collects pins as a hobby!
rank the members of your friend group in order of who your MC was closest with to who they were least close with:
this one is SUPER hard just because she’s pretty close with all of them for different reasons.  here’s a subject to change list:  dan, noah, ava, lily, lucas, andy, stacy. 
thoughts on dan pierce and your mc’s relationship with him:
other than jane, dan was the one that harley was arguably the closest with as a kid. neither had siblings, so they sort of became each other’s brother and sister. after their mishap on halloween of dressing as the same character, they made it a tradition to do so every year.    the split from dan was really hard. she never resented him for climbing the social ladder and succeeding in high school, but she also never picked up on him struggling, which is something she kicks herself for endlessly. when she gets that text from him at the start of the book, she’s terrified, but also excited deep down that dan would message her after so long.    even if they didn’t speak much until his rescue, they were never on bad terms.  she dies mere hours after really reconnecting with him, but feels more relief after she saves him than she does at any point in the story. 
thoughts on noah marshall and your ,c’s relationship with him:
noah and harley’s relationship kind of serves as the crux of my ilitw narrative.   she had an innocent crush on him as a kid, something he resented due to how jealous he was of her relationship with jane.    these feelings come back to bite her in the ass full force after they reconnect at the start of the plot.   her and noah have just always been on the same wavelength, part of the same crowd, with the similar morals and ways of thinking; there are plenty of fish in the sea, but she wants the one emotionally unavailable fish.   both of them harbor that guilt over not being able to protect jane,  and that is what makes harley almost reach out to him a handful of times before the plot actually kicks in.   the betrayal stings her harder than anything else, as she really thought they were getting to a place where they understood one another, but she still can’t find it in herself to be 100%b angry with him.    she chooses to die in his place because even after everything,   she loves him. 
thoughts on andy kang and your mc’s relationship with him:
andy is the one that makes harley laugh the most.   he brings out her livelier side and reminds her that she does know how to have fun,  which is something she kind of forgot was possible after becoming so withdrawn.    it can be assured whenever they’re together that harley is 10/10 the one that’s going to egg andy on in his antics.    even in the time that the two of them were apart,  harley was always silently cheering andy on from the sidelines.   the true testament to their friendship comes with how quickly they were able to pick up where they left off as kids after not speaking to each other pretty much at all in the ten years between jane’s death and redfield’s resurgence.    there are maybe 20 minutes of awkwardness between them before they go back to cracking jokes and being stupid together,  and when andy is kidnapped and hurt,  it’s the sight of him being dragged through those doors that superpowers harley into becoming the hero of the night. 
thoughts on ava cunningham and your mc’s relationship with her:
as someone who is a bit offbeat, harley appreciates how unapologetically herself ava is.   they bond over the fact that they aren’t like the masses and they they, in return, don’t really care what the masses think of them.    even though ava is seen as unapproachable to most, harley actually finds her pretty easy to talk to once she gets past the initial fear of starting a conversation with her, and once they’re back on common ground during the plot,  that fear vanishes entirely.    they have a lot of similar views and share that “brave even in the face of death” mentality,  meaning that ava is one of the people harley tends to go to first about most things.    through that,  they talk a lot on the regular about stuff other than redfield as well.    harley is,  quite frankly,  terrified for ava when redfield gives her powers.    she sees ava as one of the group’s MVPs due to her knowledge of the supernatural and her all around badassery,  and is sick at the thought of losing her to those very things. 
thoughts on lucas thomas and your mc’s relationship with him:
despite their obvious aesthetic differences at first glance,   harley and lucas balance each other out perfectly.    lucas is,  truly,  harley’s impulse control, and he helps her think through a lot of her good ideas to make them into rational good ideas.   in return,  harley knows how to sort through lucas’ problems to make them more manageable and imposes her more easygoing attitude on him when he needs it.   harley has never held any grudge against him for becoming popular,  as she mostly just saw him as an incredibly hard worker.   for the longest time (until finding out about his struggles) she admired his work ethic, and definitely voted for him in every class election and similar situations.    harley and lucas probably confide in each other  /  keep each other in check more than anyone else in the team.    lucas was one of the gang members that harley spoke to the most throughout the ten year lapse,   each conversation a short,  friendly burst as they went opposite directions socially. 
thoughts on stacy green and your mc’s relationship with her:
stacy is the member of the gang that, at the START of the story, harley feels she understands the least.   the constant association of her with cody, britney, and jocelyn puts a very sour taste in harley’s mouth  -  even if stacy herself isn’t doing any of the bullying,  she doesn’t say anything.    their relationship reaches that deep place when stacy vents out to her that she’s being blackmailed by britney,  which kicks up harley’s instinct to protect her friends.   the two are pretty opposite in most ways,   but their differences strengthen their friendship more than anyone else in the group.    even when stacy doesn’t think of herself as a good person,  harley does,   and lifts her up at every opportunity she possibly can because she knows what stacy is capable of.    emotionally,   they are an outlet for one another about their respective social circles.   physically,  they are two of the most unassuming yet strongest fighters on the team,  and work very well together in a battle setting. 
thoughts on lily ortiz and your mc’s relationship with her:
lily is unequivocally,  the one member of the original group that harley talked with the most throughout the ten year span between jane’s death and redfield’s awakening.    both of them were deemed to be Losers by the popular kids,   but both of them were open enough to seek each other out again from time to time,  which explains how easy it is for them to talk at the start of the book,  even if they didn’t necessarily consider themselves “friends” during that gap.    harley is very protective of lily solely because she knows lily is good enough to give second chances to people like britney,  but she never babies her,  simply giving her advice when she sees fit out of the goodness of her heart.    lily is one of the group members that harley actually feels most comforted by when she realizes how thin she’s trying to stretch herself to keep everything intact.    all danger aside,  harley and lily just genuinely think the other is so cool. 
thoughts on connor green and your mc’s relationship with him:
in my narrative, harley and connor’s relationship serves as one of the foils to her relationship with noah.   she didn’t pay too much mind to him when they were kids,  often just thinking of him as stacy’s sill older brother,   but they take an obvious interest in each other all those years later.    harley doesn’t quite realize that 1. connor has a crush on her, because no one’s ever had a crush on her before or 2. that what she does could be considered flirtatious, because she’s never flirted with anyone before.    any romantic feelings she has are reserved for noah,   but she does value connor’s friendship a great amount and thinks he’s extremely cool.     they share a lot of similarities,  from not really knowing what they want to do with their lives to their generally unbothered dispositions,  but what connor really wants is to,  as things get more dire,  save harley.    what he doesn’t realize is that harley is the hero of this story. 
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bubblegvms · 4 years
      ♡ . *   [   madelyn cline, cis female, she/her   ] ⁠— * oh, here comes DELILAH ABBOTT  !  the twenty-two year old libra is often referred to as the luminary. people say they have a tendency to be sententious and opinionated, but from what i’ve seen, they can be vivacious and devoted too. when they walk by, you’ll probably hear give you my lovin by mazzy star playing out of their headphones, but they’re also associated with chewing bubblegum after lunch, signing love letters with a kiss, & collecting music boxes. i hear they’re a waitress and studying women’s studies & want to become a social worker when they’re older, but who knows what will become of ‘em  !
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        hey, everyone  !!  my name is diana, i am twenty years old, use she/her pronouns and reside in the est timezone  !!  some fun facts ( not really ) abt me: i’m a libra sun with a virgo moon and aquarius rising, i have 3 cats, i love film and jane austen :) i am suuuuper excited to be part of this group, ily all already and all ur muses are amazing <3 hehe i’ll be coming to u all for plots now asap :’) but anyway, without further ado, u can read abt my muse delilah under the cut  !!!
♡ . *    𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔    !
full name : delilah lane abbott
nickname(s) : lila ( she goes by this ), dee ( by family and close friends )
age : twenty-two
zodiac : libra sun, taurus moon, pisces rising ( click )
sexuality : bisexual
alignment : neutral good
pinterest : click
♡ . *    𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅    !    ( alcoholism & substance abuse tw )
delilah was born on a crisp autumn night, october 15th, 1970, to be exact. she was born in a tiny apartment in the middle of a college party. delilah’s birth mom was extremely young ( high school age ) when she got pregnant, and wasn’t sure who the father was. she came from a wealthy family, but ran away when she realized she was pregnant
her  birth  mother  also  struggled  with  alcoholism  and  substance  abuse.  those  close  to  her  did  their  best  to  make  sure  she  wasn’t  using  any  of  these  substances  during  her  pregnancy,  but  she  snuck  a  few  drinks  and  pills  here  and  there  whenever  she  got  the  chance
after giving birth to delilah, things only got worse. she continued drinking and using drugs more than ever before, often times neglecting her baby. she attempted to raise her baby with her boyfriend, who was much older than her, but he ultimately was no help and only there for a good time. delilah lived with her birth mom the first three ( almost four ) years of her life
finally, her birth mom’s parents tracked her down and discovered she had a child. once they saw the conditions she was living in, they told her she needed to put delilah up for adoption before the state took her away. so that is exactly what she did, and has been in and out of rehab ever since
delilah was adopted around a year later. at this point, she was nearly 5. she was extremely happy and felt so grateful to be adopted. while in the foster care system, she had met a lot of older kids who had been there for years
delilah’s family was so loving and welcoming, she truly could not have asked for more. 3 years later, they adopted jude and delilah became a big sister  !!!  she is extremely protective over her sister, she would literally do anything for her :’) and their parents clearly loved kids, since their basement also became the hangout spot for everyone
( donna and i are still plotting out the details about their family, but it’s only them and their mom now o: )
lila had to grow up pretty fast, so she always much more responsible and mature for her age. still, despite everything, she always maintained an optimistic outlook on life. she loves life and the people in hers so much, she just has so much love to spread  !!!!
delilah developed a passion for feminism at a young age, thanks to her mother. she would literally print out feminist readings and pass them out at lunch in high school. she’d also give speeches about feminism at school. some people disliked her for it, saying she was too opinionated and stuff, but it never stopped her. she also pretty much always knew she wanted to be a social worker
♡ . *    𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚    !
delilah always sees the best in people. although she acknowledges that everyone has flaws, she’s the type of person who doesn’t like to give up on anyone. she will support you even through your darkest times, and try to help you see the light
she is so protective of her friends and family, like will truly do anything to see them safe and happy. she just wants to remind everyone that they are loved and supported
she LOVES people soooooo much  !!!  she is extremely extroverted, literally a social butterfly who tries to befriend literally everyone ajskdhkdh
delilah dislikes conflict, so she is often playing peacemaker, whether in her home life or with her friend group. she wants everyone to get along, but be able to talk to their differences to come to some sort of common ground. however, sometimes this means shes sticking her nose in other people’s business
she is obsessed with love  !!!!  like this girl literally falls in love 5 times a day with a stranger on the bus, the coolest celebrity on tv, the girl that sits next to he in class, etc. i think she is definitely a relationship person, because she’s a nurturer and wants to be there for people. however, i think sometimes she gets caught up in the fairy tale of it all. like she wants to be in love so bad, sometimes she rushes into things or idealizes the situation in her head, so things might not exactly work out
delilah isn’t very open with her emotions. she mostly keeps them to herself, because she doesn’t want anyone to have to worry about her or anything. she tries to deal with everything herself mostly
she sees the beauty in everything, which is like partially because she’s a huge optimist. she also cannot resist pretty things. she once bought a pink guitar from a thrift store because she thought it was pretty, even though she has no idea how to play. however, she wants to learn, especially because she loves to sing ( this bitch is literally always humming )
is almost always the designated driver. she doesn’t really drink or smoke too often, and when she does, it’s during social situations. but she wants her friends to have all the fun they want and know they have someone they can count on to get them home safely. but btw she is an extreme lightweight LMFAO
some other little headcanons / tidbits about her
♡ . *    𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅  𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔    !
adventure buddy - someone who goes on little adventures with her and is always down to experience and try new things  !!!
ride or die / best friend - the person she is closest to ( aside from jude ). literally her platonic soulmate, the person who understands her the most, the person she understands the most
unlikely friends - they’re so different, you’d never expect them to be good friends. but for some reason, it just works. they click  !!  maybe they’re always introducing each other to new things, like showing each other their interests and stuff
ex-fling / gf / bf - maybe they ended on weird terms, maybe they ended on good terms, maybe they still have lingering feelings or sexual tension, etc. we can plot however  !!
unrequited crush - maybe delilah has a crush on ur muse. she is constantly falling for people so it wouldn’t be unlikely  !!  OR ur muse could have a crush on her and she’s oblivious to it
requited crush - they both like each other, but maybe they’re both too scared to make a move, or maybe they’re ready to like try going out, we can plot however  !!
friends w benefits - someone she is currently seeing / sleeping with. could be no strings attached, or there could b some feelings there. maybe they don’t want to make it anything serious, or maybe they’re ready to take it to the next level. maybe one person is ready to go further, and the other isn’t
enemies w benefits - ok not actually enemies, since they’re all friends and delilah doesnt rly hate anyone ( only racist, sexist, homophobic, etc kinds of ppl ). but maybe they don’t exactly see eye to eye, so imagine the tension  !!!  they started out not getting along that well, but ended up hooking up. maybe it was a one time thing, or maybe they can’t stop going back to each other. maybe they’re keeping it a secret from everyone else
will they, won’t they -  there’s feelings between them, but they haven’t made the plunge to pursue whatever they have. longing, yearning, lingering glances PLS  !!!  they have chemistry, but maybe the timing has always been off  ??
flirtationship - they flirt constantly, but nothing serious has come out of it and maybe never will. maybe they have good chemistry, but have never tried to explore it further, or don’t want to ruin their friendship. or maybe they flirt and think it’s a joke, but really it’s like a haha jk....unless  ?  type situation AKSJJKSD
ex-close friends - someone she used to consider a best friend, but they had a falling out for whatever reason. maybe they want to re-kindle their friendship but don’t know how, or they’re just accepting of the distance between them
take care / taken care of - ok so delilah doesnt drink or smoke a lot, but when she does, she is an extreme lightweight. maybe ur muse looks after her when she’s under the influence  ?  also  !!!  someone she looks after a lot. like she tries to take care of all her friends, but maybe she especially wants to take care of ur muse and has a soft spot for them  !!!
confidant - someone who confides in her or someone she confides in, or they confide in each other  !!!  they trust each other, and maybe they talk more in private. delilah isn’t very open about stuff, but she confides in ur muse maybe
bad influence - delilah hasn’t done a lot of bad or crazy things in her life, so i’d luvvvvv for a bad influence plot  !!  someone who gets her to do things she never would do otherwise. someone who can show her a fun time  !!
good influence - someone she can be a good influence on, someone she brings out the best in, maybe someone she rly cares about and wants to look after to make sure they’re ok  !!
diner days - she’s a waitress, maybe ur muse always shows up during her shifts to keep her company and get free milkshakes  !!  someone who helps her pass the time while she’s working
these are all the plot ideas i can think of for now, but i’ll be making a plots page later on and add more stuff  !
finally, that is all !! i’m so sorry about how long this is, i ramble so much sometimes !!! but anyway, if u like this post i’ll hit u up on discord ( if u don’t i’ll still message u <3 ). if u prefer tumblr im’s for plotting tho, just let me know <3 i’m sooo excited to rp with u all aaahhh i can’t wait  !!!!
my discord:  blackpink is coming <333333#5522
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luellasu · 5 years
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          ✧.°   hello  hello  !!!   i’m  diana  (  she/her,  20,  est  )  aka  ur  resident  girl  group  stan  !!   so  i’m  a  little  late  to  the  party  but  i’m  finally  here,  introducing  my  baby  angel  luella  (  she  is  quite  literally  an  angel  hehe  ).  u  can  read  all  abt  her  under  the  cut,  but  if  u  want  2  plot,  we  can  do  so  thru  im’s  or  on  discord  depending  on  what  u  prefer  !!  my  discord  is  everybody say STAN LOONA#5522
𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴    :    #ANG3L    //    STATS    »    luella ‘lu’  su,  (  appears to be )  twenty,  cis female,  she/her,  ballerina.    ATTRIBUTES    »    devoted,  mercurial,  captivating,  demure.    SEEN    »    strangers whispering in the night,  the lingering scent of vanilla in the air,  tired eyes stained by glitter and mascara.    DO NOT MISTAKE FOR    »    tzuyu chou.
(     𝑯𝑼𝑴𝑨𝑵.   )
so,,  since  she  cant  remember  her  life  as  a  human,  i’ll  keep  it  short   !!!   but  i  figured  it’s  worth  mentioning
as  a  human,  she  had  big  aspirations.  she  was  raised  predominantly  by  her  grandmother  because  her  parents  were  always  working
luella had  always  wanted  to  be  a  dancer,  but  she  came  from  a  lower  middle  class  family  and  they  couldn’t  afford  to  put  her  in  lessons.  so,  sometimes  she  would  watch  classes  through  the  window
she  studied  hard  in  school  and  was  at  the  top  of  her  class,  and  despite  never  formally  receiving  lessons,  all  her  years  of  observing  classes  made  her a  promising  dancer
lu took  a  year  off  after  high  school  to  work  and  save  money,  and  planned  to  audition  for  a  prestigious  ballet  academy  in  europe  because  there  were  recruiters  in  her  town
however,  on  the  way  to  the  audition,  she  died  in  a  car  accident  along  with  her  parents.  a  few  months  prior  to  this,  her  grandmother  had  died  of  old  age
so,  with  the  deaths  of  her  and  her  family,  it  didn’t  take  long  for  her  to  be  forgotten  all  together
(     𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 .   )
as  an  angel,  luella  avoided  living  with  humans  at  first.  she  did  not  want  to  get  too  attached,  and  she  felt  that  living  among  them  wouldn’t  end  well  for  her
however,  even  from  a  distance,  she  became  attached  to  one  human.  it  was  a  girl,  a  ballet  dancer.  it  was  then  she  made  the  decision  to  live  among  humans,  and  she  decided  to  take  up  ballet  to  be  closer  to  her
still,  even  living  among  humans,  she  managed  to  keep  some  distance.  she  was  more  reserved,  and  extremely  observant.  eventually  though,  the  two  became  friends.  she  felt  more  protective  over  this  one human  above  all  others
this  continued  for  a  while,  but  the  guilt  of  having  a  favorite  began  to  linger  in  her  thoughts.  she  made  the  decision  to  leave and  continue  watching  her  from  afar  instead
once  lu left  the  human  world,  she  started  to  feel  a  lot  better  about  herself  and  could  say  she  no  longer  had  favorites.  for  a  few  years,  this  worked perfectly.  except  the  ballet  dancer  she  had  once  been  so  close  to  developed  an  illness  and  passed  away  from  it
lu  was  riddled  with  regret.  she  wished  she  had  stayed  close  to  her  for  the  remainder  of  her  life  instead  of  running  away.  the  worst  part  was,  she  knew  that  human  felt  abandoned  by  her
it  was  the  first  time  as  an  angel  that  she  felt  like  a  failure
for  a  while  after  the  death  of  the  dancer,  luella  couldn’t  focus  properly.  she  began  spacing  out  a  lot,  making  mistakes  more  frequently  (  when  prior  to  this,  she  was  the  perfect  example  of  what  an  angel  should  be  ).  she  could  not  move  on  and  started  to  feel  like  she  was  not  fit  to  be  an  angel
as  this  was  negatively  impacting  her  ability  to  carry  out  her  responsibilities,  she  pressured  by  the  other  angels  to  either  overcome  her  failures  or  lose  her  status  as  an  angel
this  ultimatum  made  her  realize  she  wanted  to  remain  an  angel  and  that  she  would  have  to  get  her  act  together  to  do  so. for  a  brief  moment,  she  contemplated  giving  up  her  status,  to  be  able  to  forget  it  all.  but  when  it  came  down  to  it,  she  didn’t  want  to  lose  the  memories  of  all  those  she  had  crossed  paths  with,  especially  the  dancer,  who  at  least  was  alive  in  her  thoughts
it  was  not  easy  to  return  to  being  the  perfect  angel,  but  she  worked  hard  to  get  back  to  that  level  
eventually,  she  felt  ready  to  live  among  humans  once  more.  she  decided  to  move  to  lunehaven  for  a  while,  though  she  really  wants  to  move  to  paris  one  day.  in  the  meantime,  she  has  continued  pursuing  ballet  and  works  as  an  instructor  for  kids
she  attempts  to  live  a  quiet  life,  not  getting  too  close  to  anyone,  but  it  does  get  lonely  sometimes
luella  tends  to  be  quite  reserved.  she  rarely  initiates  conversations  or  hangouts,  but  is  relieved  when  someone  else  does.  she  enjoys  being  social,  she’s  just skeptical  about  getting  too  close  to  others
she  is  a  scorpio  sun  with  a  libra  moon  so  take  that  as  u  will   !!
she  is  extremely  devoted  to  dance  and  being  an  angel  (  despite  everything  that  happened  ),  and  also  very  devoted  to  the  few  that  she  is  close  to,  however,  she  changes  her  mind  a  lot  about  other  things.  her  mood  tends  to  change  a  lot,  but  she  does  her  best  to  keep  this  to  herself
as  you  can  expect  of  scorpio  and  libra  placements,  she  can  be  quite  an  intense/obsessive  lover  BUT  can  also  be  flighty  if  something  seems  too  serious  or  causes  her  to  feel  too  much.  yes,  she  is  a  walking  paradox  i  do  not  want  2  live  in  her  head  !!!
she  adores  classical  music,  which  can  be  expected  of  a  ballet  dancer.  she  wants  to  learn  how  to  play  violin  one  day
her  taste  is  pretty  ....  refined,  so  she  can  be  quite  the  snob  sometimes 
she  enjoys  going  to  the  theatre  and  the  opera  and  stuff  like  that,  and  mostly  goes  alone
she  comes  alive  at  nighttime  tbh,,  the  quiet  hours  once  everyone  has  gone  to  sleep  is  her  favorite  time  of  day.  she  lovessss  stargazing  and  if  you  become  her  friend,  she  will  force  you  to  have  picnics  under  the  stars
she’s  bi  bi  bi  babey  !!!
take  a  look  at  her  pinterest  board  to  get  a  feel  for  her  aesthetic   !!!!
cultured  duo  -  someone  who  goes  to  the  theatre/cinema/opera  with  her  !!!   it could  be  against  their  will,  maybe  she  begs  them  to  come.  or  maybe  they  also  enjoy the  these  things 
ex-fling/gf/bf  -  there  could  b  more  than  one  of  these  !!   they  could  have  ended  on  bad  terms  or  good  terms,  still  have  lingering  feels  or  tension  or  maybe  they  remained  friends  !!!  we  can  plot  this  literally  however   !!
unrequited  crush  -  maybe  she  has  a  crush  on  ur  muse  and  it  scares  her  to  admit.  OR  ur  muse  could  have  a  crush  on  her  and  maybe  she’s  oblivious  to  it
current fling/friends  w  benefits  -  someone  she  is  currently  seeing.  could  be  no  strings  attached,  or  there  could  b  some  feelings  there.  maybe  they  don’t  want  to  make  it  anything  serious,  or  maybe  they’re  ready  to  take  it  to  the  next  level.  maybe  one  person  is  ready  to  go  further,  and  the  other  isn’t.
enemies  w  benefits  -  imagine  the  tension   !!!   they  started  out  hating  each  other  but  ended  up  hooking  up.  maybe  it  was  a  one  time  thing,  or  maybe  they  can’t  stop  going  back  to  each  other.  maybe  they  keep  it  a  secret  and  don’t  want  anyone  else  to  know.  this  could  develop  in  soooo  many  ways 
ex-friends  -  someone  she  used  to  consider  a  best/close  friend,  but  they  had  a  falling  out  for  whatever  reason  n  maybe  they  strongly  dislike  each  other  now.  maybe  they  want  to  re-kindle  their  friendship  but  don’t  know  how
sibling-like friendship  -  someone  she  sees  like  a  sibling.  they’re  there  for  each  other  and  look  out  for  one  another,  always  have  each  other’s  backs 
dynamic  duo  -  ride  or  dies.  platonic  soulmates   !!   this  person  is  prob  one  of  the  closest  people  to  her  and  knows  her  very  well   !    they  could  b  a  power  duo,  always  looking  out  for  each  other
take  care  -  i  think  it  would  be  cool  if  maybe  one  day  she  drank  a  little  too  much  or  was  having  an  off  day  in  general  and  your  muse  helped  her  get  home  and  spent  the  night  to  make  sure  she  was  okay.  lu  probably  feels  like  she  owes  them  a  favor  and  is  really  grateful  in  general  that  they  took  the  time  to  care
confidant  -  someone  who  confides  in  her  or  someone  she  confides  in,  or  they  confide  in  each  other.  they  don’t  necessarily  have  to  be  the  closest  friends  ever,  but  they  get  along,  trust  each  other,  and  maybe  they  talk  more  in  private
rivals  -  they  don’t  like  each  other  for  whatever  reason,  which  we  can  plot. maybe  it’s  jealousy  or  their  personalities  just  clash,  but  for  whatever  reason  they  do  not  get  along.  maybe  they  bring  out  a  bad  side  to  her  that  most  people  dont  see
good  influence  -  someone  she  can  be  a  good  influence  on,  someone  she  brings  out  the  best  in,  maybe  someone  she  rly  cares  about  and  wants  to  look  after  to  make  sure  they’re  ok   !!
this  is  all  i  have  for  now,  but  maybe  eventually  i  will  make  a  plots  page   !!!
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pls scream about Leo a lil bit cause my love for that man is neverending and i live for you guys' blog,,, and ur comte love fuels me??? head empty except for those two pureblood clowns
HNGNGNG I hope that both you and everyone that reads my shenanigans knows how utterly understood I feel when I see anyone stan Comte, if not both of those idiot purebloods bc good lord...I live for two tired fossil men that just want DOMESTIC BLISS. Literally they have no brain cells beyond respect women and we love that for us, it’s spectacular!!
Under a cut bc I went off and is long:
That being said I’d be happy to yell abt Leo!! Where do I even begin, this man was the reason I got into Ikevamp in the first place, and I’ve read just about every single one of his events at this point. He just makes me so TENDER!!!!!! For whatever reason the first thing that came to mind was this one time he lies about being jealous and MC is lolol u a fool if you think I can’t tell when you lie to me. And he’s so fuckiNG SHOOK?????? It’s even funnier because she’s internally like [I’m not 100% sure but for a second there he almost looked mad...time to test this theory even if it’s just A GAME T H E O R Y] And he’s so fucking pikachu meme that shit sends me. I can’t handle the fact that he’s so used to people just assuming he’s fine, that he can handle himself. That he’s lived for so long without really anyone noticing at all. (Comte absolutely notices and will lightly roast him, but doesn’t really push him about it or wants to overstep). And so when MC just actively pays attention and is so gentle with him he’s just floored???
God I’m crying now, but I will just never forget the funeral scene in his fucking rt. This asshole, this absolute moron, straight up tries to come at us with “yOu GeT uSeD tO iT aFtEr HaLf A mIlLeNiUm, i’M nOt SaD”. Like are you serious. Come here and let me hold you before I throttle you. Absolute clown. He’s just always trying so hard to get by on his own and it breaks my heart. How long...how long has he lived just getting by, nursing his own wounds and dragging himself up all by himself. HE LEFT HOME AT LIKE 14 (whatever the fuCK SOME TOO YOUNG AGE) AND RAN STRAIGHT INTO THE HANDS OF PEOPLE THAT HATED HIM FOR HIS TALENT. HE REMEMBERS HIS MENTORS DESTROYING HIS UTENSILS WHILE TRYING TO ESCAPE PARENTS THAT WHOLEHEARTEDLY REJECTED ANY EXPRESSION OF LOVE OR COMPASSION FOR HUMANITY THAT HE CHERISHED SO DEEPLY. I DON’T NEED SLEEP I NEED TO HUG HIM IMMEDIATELY FUCKING HELL.
Like.........there’s just........I don’t know how to explain it, but I once saw it explained so well in a post. It was basically talking about Castlevania, and how in that show Dracula sees humanity’s folly and develops so much hatred he just goes straight to murder rage. And while in some ways I understand that, I understand even more deeply Trevor’s response to humanity’s fear and violence. He says that he knows they’re short-sighted, that maybe we all just don’t deserve saving...but that he’s going to do it anyway. Leonardo just so much gives me that energy of knowing there’s so much pain in the world, but all we can do is keep walking--keep trying, even if we have to claw our way forward. Because if you only see the awfulness in front of you, you forget the way that strangers make silly faces at babies to make them laugh on the train, how a friend will put everything down to race over to someone and comfort them with some ice cream--do anything they can to distract them from the hurt. How the sight of a child crying will prompt careful cooing from a stranger as to their bravery, an offering of cool water, the gentle placement of a bandaid. How a pair of teenagers will spot a lost child in milliseconds and help them seek out their parents protectively. There is so much wretchedness, but also so much beauty in it all, and the older I get the more I see myself wanting to believe in the latter. I want to be hopeful, and easily impressed, and full of love. To be bitter and jaded accomplishes nothing, and only becomes a worsening self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you seek negativity, the more you will find it; and worse, create it.
I also scream a little bit bc like. I’ve gone on and on about how Comte is very obviously in love with MC all the time, and sure that may be true. But...I really don’t think Leo is exempt from that either if I’m honest lmfao. Only because what does Leonardo do when it isn’t his route? He almost never shows up. Once in a while he might appear for a split second in a scene, but he almost never converses with MC beyond those short moments. While Comte is the one to pine openly, I’d wager Leo is the opposite. He pines in absolute silence, because he knows that if he gets any closer--he’s going to fall. He’s going to enjoy it too much, going to keep seeking out more before he can stop himself. And losing another person he loves...he just can’t do it anymore. In his first meeting story he talks about seeing MC’s eyes and feeling like he’d known them all his life, and even in his MS he speaks to just being completely fascinated by and enamored of her. She doesn’t hesitate, always does her best, meets people head-on and without much hesitation. After a lifetime of people that are probably just immediately interested in him for his talents, or always seeking out his company for the novelty, this is someone that doesn’t give a single fuck if he’s Leonardo da Vinci. Sure she’s aware, and sure she’s impressed to some extent, but her respect--her attraction and admiration--is something that has to be earned. 
There’s something so refreshing about how their love was written. Sure it’s the whole fake marriage to a real relationship, but it’s also a kind of subtle enemies to lovers pulled off masterfully. MC is 100% minding her own business, just wants to do what she must in order to get home, tries to focus on her work to keep from thinking about how much she misses her old life. She doesn’t rely on anyone, doesn’t talk about how hard it is or how scary it is or how confusing. And even Leonardo forgets in his curiosity, is just chillin and also just trying to do the bare minimum to keep from getting too attached--figures he can admire her from a distance. And then he sees her staring at the hourglass. And suddenly, he can’t just watch her do that herself. Just wait for the hard times to pass, just sit with her own loneliness--that hollowing silence. There’s something so moving about it because he reaches out precisely because he knows that feeling to his fucking marrow, and literally just cannot watch somebody else do that to themselves. Sure he’s been dealing with it for three hundred years, BUT THIS GOOD BABIE CHILD DOES NOT DESERVE THIS. SHE WORKS HARD AND DESERVES NICE THINGS!!!!!!!! And so he drives her crazy as he races ahead of her, intercepting any attempt for her to preserve that silence and hide. She doesn’t see any pattern to it, and that’s just how he likes it--he doesn’t want her to worry about the how or why. 
Like I fully remembering playing in Japanese and being like oh my fucking god this is hilarious, this man is just a wild fucker and I love this. I was enjoying myself, mostly laughing and shaking my head. But then it just gets so, so serious. I was having so much fun that I, like a fool, forgot the anime effect. If you’re having fun, it’s going to come crashing down without mercy soon enough. And it does. He helps a little girl without any hope play her violin again, and maybe I’m just too English major but I was fucking FLOORED when I realized I didn’t see that that was straight foreshadowing. That little girl without hope? That was MC (and by extension depending on how you play, us). Though the metaphor isn’t quite so easily mapped without a physical space, the connection is clear when you think about it. With his careful social awareness, he makes a place for MC to exist in the mansion so naturally--as though she was meant to be there from the start, crafts a positive impression of her presence with each of the residents. And he does it with zero expectation of anything in return; he’s just happy to see her not stressing herself out anymore or trying to do everything alone. MC doesn’t fall in love with him despite their differences, she falls in love with him because they are the same in a singular and all-encompassing way that matters; they both care about other people so deeply, to the point where they will forego any personal needs in order to make that person’s life easier. Whether it be muting their own hardship, or working to involve another person in a new space (or opening up to the point of self-destruction to keep a person from feeling alone), they go above and beyond what anybody asks of them--perhaps strong to the point of their own detriment, in some cases. 
It’s why I always laugh when he says to Sebastian “That cara mia, she has a good heart.” Of course she does, Leonardo; it certainly takes one to know one. 
Like. I can’t think of another route I’ve ever done where I spent a good amount of time like “lmfao this guy is so wild im gonna punch him” to just be in a whirlpool of my own tears, regretting my entire fucking LIFE days later. Like Leonardo’s cultural impact???? Fucking immeasurable, I wish every white man disaster I ever met had a hidden heart of gold in all of his boyish dumbassery, an ICONIC himbo of our time. 
Also because I remembered it before posting and I am Dying^TM. The event where MC was a pureblood and he was human. That entire fucking event. I literally can’t think about it without screaming and crying. Her just so flustered at his reaction to her like “oh look, free real estate” as he plops her in his lap, absolutely no fear, treating her like a princess because of her noble title despite NO NECESSITY BEYOND PLAYFULNESS BUT ALSO STILL MEANING IT IN AN EARNEST WAY, being charming to no END just to see her laugh or look away shyly. 
WHEN HE SAID. WHEN HE SAID “...Can’t leave you alone, or you might go off someplace I can’t follow.” I. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU STRIPPED DEVOTION DOWN TO ITS BARE ESSENTIALS!!!!!! GAH HOW MC HERSELF SAYS “I would tell him the truth but...he’s much too generous for a human. I know he would offer his life without a moment’s hesitation.” How Leo describes the aftermath of her biting him: “Lucky for you, I’m a true gentleman, Unlike my principessa, who took me like a storm” HELLO??????? H E L  L O ???????????????????????? ARE WE JUST GOING TO SLEEP ON THE FACT THAT HE LOST HIS ENTIRE SOUL WHEN SHE BIT HIM???? I--
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
(Also as much as I love him the cigarillos have got to go at some point, boy do you have any idea the shit secondhand smoke does good lordt)
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Angst ending- Deku focuses all the energy stored in OfA into his fist, including his own life force. He manages to defeat the villain, but not only his arm is ruined forever, but he manages to lift and clench it into a fist as a final gesture of victory, before dropping dead on the ground.
actual picture of me reading this ask:
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HHH but,,,i can see this happening and ive actually thought abt smth similar
so im thinkin in the inevitable final battle we’re gonna have of ua vs. all for one and the league of villains, midoriya probably is gonna have to face off shigaraki and all for one all by himself (cause toshinori is not gonna be in any state to fight)(but i refuse to believe hs gonna be dead though nope no no)
maybe bakugou will be there for a couple of seconds but midroiya’s mostly gonna have to deal w it on his own
anyway so the nomus r the biggest problem. theyre strong and have absolutely no qualms abt hurting and killing ppl, and worst of all, they will not stop at anything unless u somehow manage to kill/incapacitate them bc they will Not stop obeying orders
and who gives them orders? shigaraki and all for one
midoriya picks up on this during their fight, so he’s trying as hard as he fuckign can to stop them bc holy shit his friends and teachers and schoolmates are all on the line and he CANNOT afford to mess this up
so as the battle wears on and as midoriya gets more exhausted, he realizes,,,theres only gonna be a couple ways to end this in his favor. and fuck, he’s so scared, he’s not even technically done with high school yet, he hasnt saved nearly enough people, but his friends, they need him to focus now, so-
so he starts building up one for all, but its gonna take time so he needs to figure out how he can distract all for one and shigaraki while he does this
so he talks and dodges attacks mostly bc he can’t attack at all if he wants a build-up of power
this leaves him,,,vulnerable,,,though,,,
shigaraki probs decays some of his chest nd hero suit, but its nothing midoriya can’t ignore for the time being. no, he’s mostly worried abt all for one, and if he’ll figure out what midoriya is doing
all for one does, in fact, figure out what midoriya is doing, bc this is exactly how his brother would act
so he does his power/red-black stabby quirk bs nd midoriya gets stabbed like three times (leg arm and shoulder) but still midoriya is holding on bc he needs their attention to stay on him so they cant give the nomus additional orders, nd also he needs to end this like yesterday
since midoriya is focusing on one for all, he can hear the other users’ voices. some of them are yelling at him, asking him what the hell he’s doing, doesnt he know he’s gonna kill himself?, some of them are shouting out directions for him to dodge and jump and run and anything to help keep him alive, and one voice (all for one’s brother) is telling him how to keep the power buildup so it wont rebound onto midoriya (…at least, not until it’s supposed to)
so midoriya listens, cause he cant really talk back to them to reassure them otherwise, nd he’s just. so exhausted honestly, and also his arm is starting to burn which is frankly the last thing he has time to worry about, but also it means it’s working, just a little longer-
midoriya feels smth click when his life force slides into the deal, nd all for one’s brother is kinda like “hey kid so problem” but midoriya still can’t talk back, and he can see his friends in the distance behind all for one and shiagraki on another part of the battlefield, and they look- they look-
theyre just as exhausted as he is, and theyre surrounded by nomu, and midoriya will not let them get hurt, so-
so he begins to charge, because when his life force connected with one for all’s power, he knew the build-up was ready to be used
all of the previous users are screaming at him for a hot second, before all for one’s brother gives midoriya directions on how and where to hit his brother to be most effective. midoriya ignores how sad and choked up he sounds cause he just doesnt have time-
just like all might, midoriya fakes one hit and parries with another; shigaraki is right next to them, a hand reaching out to disintegrate midoriya’s arm, so he gets caught up in the blast as well.
everything goes white for a moment and midoriya cant really feel anything for a split second.
then the world fades back in, and midoriya’s entire fucking body is burning, gaining intensity the closer you are to his arm. He’s almost certain his arm has been completely blown off, but when he opens his eyes, it’s still there.
horribly mutilated, but there. his hand is still curled into a fist, still punching all for one.
oh. all for one.
midoriya tries not to throw up at the sight.
yeah, he’s not getting back up again. the only problem is, midoriya thinks as he stumbles back a couple steps, he himself is probably not, either.
the force of the blow left him in a crater. he almost wants to cry, because dammit, everything is on fire; he knows that his entire arm and shoulder are broken, and it seems like everything else is not far behind. his nose and mouth are dripping blood, in addition to the flesh wounds on his chest (thanks, shigaraki) and the stab wounds from earlier bleeding like no tomorrow; how is he gonna climb out of here?
still, despite his grievances, midoriya shuffles forward, each step aching as he tries to claw out of the literal hole he’s punched himself into. he cant move the arm he punched with at all; his fist is still clenched.
still, he manages to heave himself up and out of the crater. the battle is at a standstill, is what he finds when he reaches the top.
some people have passed out from the sound, midoriya can see. jirou lies protected by yaomomo and kaminari as she tries to get her bearings again.
others have passed out due to the blast snatching oxygen away from them for a few precious moments. they’ll be fine, though, midoriya can tell; he can see kirishima’s chest rising and falling as he breathes unconsciously.
midoriya raises his gaze, exhuasted, to where his friends were in the distance, seconds before he punched all for one.
he can see shigaraki passed out, having hit the side of an upturned rock too hard, which was there thanks for pixie bob
his friends are okay. theyre stumbing to their feet, looking about, and he catches todoroki’s eye while they do so.
he smiles then, breathes out a sigh of relief – theyre okay – before raising his fist (the one that’s horribly mutilated; it hurts to move, but midoriya doesn’t care).
he starts falling back, then, and he can’t shift his feet to regain his balance.
he falls like a house of cards.
his breath rattles in his chest, and it’s how he knows he’s not long for this world, anymore.
he’s too exhausted to feel panicked, per se, but he- he’s gonna miss his friends so much, he’s gonna miss mom, toshinori-
tears start collecting in his eyes, but he’s too dehydrated to form enough of them that they can fall down his face freely.
he doesnt- fuck, he doesn’t regret doing it, he just-
he’s not going to last long enough for anyone to even get to him, he’s going to die with no goodbyes-
then the voices of the other users fill his head again.
their soft, sorrowful congratulations, reassurances that he did the right thing, and that dying is scary but it doesn’t hurt, and he’s going to be okay, wherever he ends up next.
it does little to ease the fear, but it does do something, so midoriya is thankful nonetheless.
im sorry, all for one’s brother says abruptly.
my fight with my brother should never have ended at the cost of a teenager’s life.
midoriya can’t help but laugh a little then. he coughs up blood for it. if all it took was one life, i’m glad it was mine. i wouldnt want anyone else to fall to him.
and it’s true, midoriya isn’t lying, it’s just. he’s gonna miss his loved ones so much.
he closes his eyes, breathes out of a broken chest one more time. his lungs are too tired to inflate again.
distantly, he can hear his friends calling his name, but he’s just…so tired…
there are soft murmurings from the other one for all users, but midoriya can’t make them out anymore.
all he can really hear is a ringing in his ears, an echoing call of, “Midoriya!” but he cant…
he hasnt done nearly enough. he doesnt feel like he deserves this rest.
but…all for one is gone. surely he can take a few minutes for himself?
yes, that should be fine.
the world falls away.
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lanamemories · 5 years
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hLO itsa me nai-io!!!!! (read shrieked in a high voice like mario if he buckled his dungarees too tight around the crotch)...... im sad i missed opening bt i had a pretty busy past 2 days so i didn’t hav any chance at all to b online bc i ws staying at a friends bt. anyway. excited to b here nw regardless of my Fashionably Late entrance. i’m 22 n live in manchester (the u freakin k Bay Bee) n cackle a little too mch like a witch fr supernatural suspicions nt to arise. thts all u rly need to kno. like this or hmu fr plots!! 
p.s. this is her pinterest for those of u tht like tht kind of thing
「 bridget satterlee. cis-female. 」have you seen lana jameson around yet? i hear SHE decided to be in ALPHA NU for their JUNIOR year as a DANCE major. the 21 year old SHEEP is known to be vivacious, alluring, childish and impulsive. ➨ the muse is written by nai. she is 22, in the gmt.
some random aesthetics: a red water pistol topped up with caribbean rum and covered in stickers of cartoon pin up girls, a vinyl record whirring silently because you got too distracted by a stranger’s hands to reach over and flip sides, giant inflatable flamingos floating in the aftermath of a pool party, smudgy lipstick kisses left like an autograph on someone else’s mirror, seventies platforms covered in bowie inspired lightening stripes, fanning the flush in your cheeks with a bright red flamenco fan in the back of a crowded lecture hall, michelangelo reminiscent statures clasping at their stone in suggestive places, bopping stranger’s on the forehead with heart shaped lollipops, a bumper sticker on the back of a convertible cadillac that says ‘SCRAPPY DOO IS A FILTHY SLUT’, lighting a paper lantern and saying “aw, how pretty,” only for the whole party to shriek as it crashes into a children’s tent in the next garden over, a ball point pen that turns a woman naked when you click up the nib, cackling so ferociously that you almost throw up and your ribs ache.
ok im a Lay Zee gorl n dnt wna waste any mre time redoin lana’s intro so im pastin in her old one so i cn hop right to interactions. the only thing i can think tht needs to b added is the stuff abt danny nielsen (an evil npc of mine bc im a sadist) who recently beat up zeke van doren (full name this is Official feel like im writin a journalist article) bc he found out him n lana slept tgether n her n danny were kind of dating if....u can call his idea of romance tht. danny is in custody nw bt its a whole Thing like.... is prob... known around lockwood bc it ws a pretty intense..... thing tht happened n danny ws quite a popular senior
grew up in a big house in albany, NY, bt also spent time all over the place n was in the city a lot
okay so her mum is an old money socialite / three time campaign model way back when n her dad is a big record label mogul. he owns a label called jameson records n they repped a few big rock bands back in the eighties, altho they’re mostly known for ‘poppy injects’ whose lead singer had a big heroin scandal tht brought down his career. lana p much grew up around musicians snorting lines instead of spooning down cereal fr breakfast n her parents were v much absent her whole life
they’re pretty well off obviously n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst…. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pink fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably very pretty
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her. it was v clear that she was an accident after her older brother caleb n that even when they just had him alone they weren’t cut out for parenthood. they always kind of jst… ignored her n hoped she’d go away. she had to mke herself microwave meals when she ws only like 12 bc they’d forget to get her anything. once she went like 6 days without her mum even looking her in the eyes once
despite this tho!!! she’s always been insanely close w her brother caleb. he’s her whole world. thts why when he decided to sign up to the army she ws understandably scared bt supported him after initially bein mad tht he ws leavin her all alone. bt then he wound up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed his best friend die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home n he was never the same n lana kind of felt like he’d died out there too. he’s in n out of hospital a lot n it’s rly hard on her bt she doesn’t tlk abt it to anyone rly
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. jst literally…. knew everyone n everyone definitely knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. she has this magnetic way abt her tht is kind of hard to find in real life. it’s something ud only rly expect out of a movie character n she like. deliberately puts tht on sort of. kind of.... is always playing A Role of the person tht she wants to b seen as
she’s always been insatiably spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand stories tht always earn a laugh or a gasp over how ridiculously absurd they r
anyway so after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not
she also currently? is working as a cam girl. she found this website bc she trawls… porn stuff a lot n she wound up applying to work as one bc she thought it’d b fun n wld earn her some disposal income (even tho she frankly doesn’t need it bc she’s already well off). the guy tht manages all of the girls on the site is kind of suspect n it’s a whole plot i’m gna unravel where it’s actually like the front for a cult or something wild so. stay posted ig. kgjdkgjh
personality/some fun facts: uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. her fav book as a child used to b alice in wonderland n she’d fantasise abt having her own little wonderland too where everyone knew her name n asked her things n took her on adventures. at the time it didn’t rly strike her how evident it was tht that was bc she was so lonely. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s strawberry laces or gummy bears or cherry lollipops. she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. wildflowers r her favourites bc they’re the brightest and u can’t buy them. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
plot ideas: exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other. someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh. an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool). someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label. someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh. umm a good influence too mayb? oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days
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heesgf · 5 years
Ship your mutuals with Treasure13 (or Silver Boys if you’d like)?💓
thank u for being so patient with me angel🤧🤧 i finally got around to answering this and just a warning omg sksks it’s ridiculously long!! but very very worth bc i love my mutuals more than anything!!!!💞💞💞 i hope u enjoy :’)))
im gonna start by shipping the cutest bby in the world with the other cutest bby in the world, @moonxlika!!!🤧💖 lika when i think of you and suk, i think about halloween omg?? like you guys dressing up and coordinating your scary costumes and then heading over to a halloween party that suk practically begged u to go to😢 tbh after an hour, u guys realize the party is kinda lame?? and ur like  ‘ಠ╭╮ಠ rlly u just did me wrong on halloween like this??’ but don’t worry!!!! because suk has got u covered~~he has lots of fun things in mind to keep the party fun and perhaps.. it mostly involves kissing uuuu hehe!!! and at one point, u steal the aux cord and start playing some real music and let’s just say.. u dance the night away uwu!!! (and maybe scare ppl when they come out of the bathroom but shhh u didn’t hear it from me!!!) 
of course i also ship hyunsuk with the world’s sweetest angel, miss sim @hyunsukmyass!!!😇💘 sim i know you’ve been studying hard for uni, so that’s exactly why suk takes every opportunity he can to whisk you away and help his baby relax!! this means bringing u beautiful flowers when u start ur studying sessions🥰 and convincing you to take evening drives with him when ur classes are over!! in the moment, all u really wanna do is nap, so ur a little bit hesitant, but once u see the beautiful orange and pink sky when the sun sets, and the way suk has his heart eyes completely set on you, u just🤧🤧 he really loves u to the moon and back :’))) and would do anything to see ur beautiful angelic smile!!!💕💓💞 pls smile lots for him MWAH
sam my bby @jehyoney!!!!! u and hyunsuk are my cowboy couple.. my crackhead icons🤠 u guys are that couple that are so close and comfortable with one another?? like everyone is in awe at ur relationship bc it’s so loving but also so funny?? u guys spend a lot of time watching cringey tik toks (perhaps recreating them….) and just!!! having the best time together uwu!! he loves u🥰 ALSO he sings old town road 25/8 and u kinda wanna kill him for it but also… he’s so CUTE u cant resist not cuddling him pls!!! sweetest bbys✨
@forhyunsuk omg miss courtney!!! originally i was gonna ship u with suk, but u already know im that relationship’s #1 fan, so i thought i’d switch things up and ship u with noa the prince!!!😽💞 i feel like noa is that super smart and kinda quiet but SUPER CHARMING guy in your class that you’ve been crushing on since forever? and tbh u think ur being slick when u stare at the back of his head during class and drool or when u bite lip when u see his sweet smile!!! but guess what!!! hehe noa has known abt ur crush on him the whole time and he was so shocked when he found out bc he feels just the same way abt you??? when u smile and laugh or even just vaguely glance in his direction, he’s just straight up😻😻!!! one time ur hand brushed against his when u were passing out papers and his heart!! almost leaped !!! right out of his chest!!! dont tell him i told u but… he’s planning on asking u out this weekend.. bby he loves u sm!!!💘
tiyi my love @speckofglitter!!!!💕💓💞💞💝💘 i was gonna ship u with suk too, but i thought i’d be fun and ship u with ur model bf noa!!! noa is just so so so in love with you :’)) and he’s so proud of everything you’ve accomplished omg!! i think he’d love to sneak you off campus and take you on spontaneous night time dates into the city uwu✨✨ u guys spend time together at night markets, taking adorably aes photos (bc let’s be real.. king and queen of aes), dancing on the street and singing loudly, and kissing in the car!!! u guys are such a sweet and lovely couple and noa is just so whipped for u :’)) and his camera roll is literally filmed to the brim with cute pics of u!!! also.. sometimes u guys decide u want to give the world what it needs and sing beautiful songs together omg!!! ≧◡≦
@mashiho m i definitely ship u with baby mashi!!!🥰 hehe when i think of u guys, i think of mashi working at ur local bakery??? and u go there occasionally bc ur mom tells u to get that bread she likes, and u see THE CUTEST ANGEL IN EXISTENCE, and suddenly…. u have an intense craving for baked goods everyday???😉 mashi notices that u come more and more often, and he just grows the fattest crush on you? he’s always slipping extra sweets into ur bag and gives u the cutest lil smile when u walk in💕💓💞 eventually he finally works up the courage to ask u out, and ofc, u say yes!!! then u spend the rest of ur days being the cutest couple ever in the world, and it’s random, but u guys dance a lot together??? he loves teaching u moves uwuwuwuwu✨
@mashilove uyen my sweet angel, i ship u with mashi too!!!💘💘💘 he knows how much hard work you’ve been doing at work, and that it’s been stressful for you, so he loves taking out on little dates after work!!!😻 he likes to hug and cuddle u and poke ur cheeks!!  u guys have dinner and then drive out into the hills, and u spend the night staring up at the stars and cuddling💫💫💫 he lets u rant about work and you have lovely conversations!!! he always comforts you when you need it and gives u sweet kisses!! he loves u so so so much!!!
maddi my bby @seunghunn​!!!!! u know that ur love for seunghun makes me the softest girl on the planet😢💖 seunghun knows it’s tournament season and that things are a little bit stressful for you rn, so he just wants to give u the sweetest n warmest cuddles 24/7??? he cares for u too much to let u overwork yourself!!! so anytime he thinks ur studying too hard, he quickly pulls you onto him (despite ur groaning) and he cuddles u between the bed sheets and gives u soft soft soft cheek and forehead kisses!!! sometimes when he’s feeling extra flirty hehe, he’ll steal a few from ur lips as well and as much as you’d like to complain that he’s being too clingy… sksksk u love it too much🤧💓💞 and he knows it too!!! sometimes when u cant sleep at night, he insists that he needs to sing u a soft lullaby, and instantly, u drift into sleep with him by ur side :’)) angel maddi, pls dream of him!!! 
vale, i ship u with ur sunshine bf seunghun too🥰🥰!!! @seunghunies it’s exam season for the both of you, so things have been a little stressful, and sometimes he can’t sleep well at night :’((( on those nights, he drives straight over to ur house, knocks on ur window at 2am with the widest smile, and convinces u to go get some icecream with him uwu!!! tbh ur feeling a little sleepy and icecream @ 2 am… doesn’t sound that appealing sksks, but he’s just too!!!! cute!!! to resist!!! so u hop into his car and kissing, and the next day, maybe ur a little more tired than u need to be but!!! u guys are so in love and it’s sOOO adorable :’ ) ))
angel christina 💞💞💞@kimseunghoney omg literally no one is surprised that i ship u with seunghun!!! u are a complete and utter sweetheart, just like ur wonderful bf, and u guys radiate!!! light!!! hehe when i think of u guys, i think of hun as that sweet and flirty boy next door that has a huge crush on u!! like he’s always doing cute things, like leaving flowers on your porch, and chocolates on ur desk in the library when u study!!! one time u confront him abt it!!! bc ur just so in love with this sweet boy :’))) he’s s OOooo annoying abt it like… ‘me? did i send it? hmmm…. let me think about it🤪’ but he so did!! and u KNOW it 😤 another time, u think you’ve finally reached ur breaking point, so while he’s teasing u, u suddenly slide your hands behind his neck and look deeply into his eyes… he’s blushing ridiculously hard and biting his lip!!! ur hovering so close to his lips.. and then u ask ‘did u send the stuff?’; when he finally gulps and nods his head, still biting his lip, u bravely move forward and kiss him. hmmm… let’s just say u guys have a new hobby….. ;) 
@doyeongs j my sweet lil angel, i ship u with the cutest ray of sunshine!!!🌞🌞 u and doyoung are always studying after school at this cute little ice cream shop!!! and u regularly share sherbet together!!! he’s always doing cute things like holding ur hands, and giving u sweet hugs, and ruffling the hair on top of ur head💘💘 when prom season rolls around, doyoung shows up to ur locker at school with three scoops of your sherbet to-go, and a big poster that says ‘here’s the scoop: prom with me?’!!! and ur screaming bc, ew omg sO CHEESY, but also!!! doyoung just asked u to prom and ur abt to melt!!!! uwu u guys are literally the cutest bbys ever to exist and ur gonna have the biggest blast at prom!!! pls have lots of fun with ur adorable bf🥰
bby ess!!!!💫💫💫 @ggoncafe hehe u know i ship u with gon, my love!!! i think he’d make the perfect date for u at ur annual arts banquet :’))) just imagining gon getting all dressed up to support his lovely gf… sksksk the SOFTNESS🤧🤧 he’s definitely gonna be bringing you the biggest bouquet of roses, and giving u so!!! many!!! sweet forehead and cheek kisses!!! he’s just so so so proud of u 💞💞💞 and he’s so excited to have an amazing night of fun with u and ur friends!!! u two are gonna be dancing and laughing and taking the cutest couple pics uwu!!! he’s just so in love with u,,, and it shows so much on his face when he looks at u and his eyes just pool up with love!!! everyone will be gawking at how cute u two are omg😻😻 angels!!! 
@bggon (taryn i was looking for ur old url and almost panicked skkskss) miss taryn ofc i ship u with gon!!!💘💘 maybe it’s bc of ur dark mobile theme, but when i think of u and gon, i think of bad boy! gon??? like on the outside he looks really tough and intimidating with his dark hair and piercings, and some ppl might be a lil bit scared of him, but then they see him with you and they just.. they drop that mentality completely??? bc LISTEN when he’s around u, his bby, he’s just so so soft??🤧🤧 everybody watches as his eyes crinkle with happiness when he sees u!!! and the way his mouth softens into a smile!! and he’s such a cuddly baby too :’((( how could he be scary when he’s so lovely with u omg… 
lastly i ship gon with aurora @constantlytiiired 💞💞💞 aurora ur so sweet and kind and caring, and i just feel like gon would never want to be away from you?? like when he’s recording in the studio, or travelling places, he always wants to call u and just hear ur voice!!! it helps him fall asleep at night🥰 and he loves to leave u sweet little love notes around ur house, so that when u wake up, u can feel how much he loves u immediately!! uwu he always wants to give u that warmest hugs and just :’)) he’s so soft for u
my baby sugarplum dara @yeetdam ✨✨✨!!!! hnnnggg i have to ship u with [red.] first because ur!!! my!! angel!! you and yedam are those people that are literally head over heels in love for one another, but for some reason, always denying it??? like ur so soft and starry eyed for him, and yet, it always seems to come out in an insult or two??? hehe oops😚💖 not that yedam ever minds tho, because he’s just so whipped for u, his little bby!!! tbh every time u try and deflect ur love for him, he couldn’t be bothered, and instead just wants to engulf u in the tightest hug and smooch ur cute lil head!!! and ofc.. u blush bc he’s so c u t e pls!!! once u guys finally straighten out ur feelings and realize that ur THAT couple; u guys are bursting with love for one another and everyone can tell omg!!! also… the best couple outfits EVER.. i know it
@yedarnit micro u are literally yedam’s perfect match, i swear it!!!🤧🤧 u guys are the most charismatic, and lovable, and musical couple to ever exist omg!!! yedam is ALWAYS at ur shows whenever ur performing, and u better believe he has the biggest bouquet of flowers, along with the biggest SMILE you’ve ever seen💖⭐️💝💓💕💞 he’s shouting and laughing and maybe even tearing up at the end??? god,, he loves u!!! and of course, ur the exact same way with him :’)) whenever he has a music show, ur sure to be in the front row with ur camera, and he can’t help but feel his heart swell with love when he sees u so starstruck (◠﹏◠✿) best bbys!!! 
soh u might run away from this but LISTEN u and yedam…. that’s some good shit @ygteasure❣️❣️❣️ i know u said prom was a little bit lame, so i guess it’s a good thing that u and yedam ditch early to go out on a spontaneous night time beach date????😻 u guys sit in the sand with ur fancy clothes and u lay ur head softly on his shoulder,, and tbh he was gonna be a drama queen and be like… ‘soh.. are u really putting ur head on my shoulder rn?? is this rlly happening?’ but he decides u look way too cute in this moment, and he doesn’t want to ruin anything, so instead he just smiles to himself, and wraps his arm over your shoulder, pulling u closer💞💞💞 u guys talk for hours and have so many heart to hearts… he’s so in love with u!!! and u may not admit it but we know u are too uwu :’)))
my sweet baby angel izzy mWAH😚✨ @glossyedam i had to ship u with someone that was just as bright and kind hearted as u, and that person is jihoon!!!! jihoon knows that ur working so hard around the clock for school, and exam season is approaching, so he always want to make sure ur feeling happy and taking care of urself🥰💝💝 u can always catch him visiting u at school with food and sweets and his hoodies!!! he wants u to be well fed and smiley and warm hehe!!! also jihoon is King of the Class Clowns, so he’s never not telling u jokes to make u laugh!! even if it means embarrassing himself in front of ur whole school sskkssk!!! ur his sweet angel and he can never give u enough cheek kisses.. u guys are everything,, and even though ur school principal sees jihoon and is sometimes😤, they get over it bc u two are so lovely!!!(*^ -^*)
@yoonbins kara… my best bitch… my ICON.. i have to ship u with mr yoonbin bc that’s the cutest shit ever!!!!💖⭐️💝💓💕💞 u two are tall bbys!!! and the energy u emit omg….the most badass visual LEGENDS, literally everyone and their mom wishes they could compete!!!! i feel like u and bin on the outside would have a very bff like relationship, with lots of laughing and inside jokes and banter! and i think ur couple-y interactions in public would be very subtle bc u guys dont wanna go overboard, but uwu, behind closed doors, ha yoonbin is cuddliest baby ever!!! and u are ready to accept all the softness🤧 u two are just so in sync?? and even though u aren’t the most lovey dovey couple, everyone knows ur dating bc ur just so attune with each other✨  ilu!!! 
keita isn’t a silver boy, nor is he in treasure 13, but i want to ship him with the lovely ari @shibrs😽💞 ari, u and keita are the fluffliest couple!!! i can see u guys going on sweet little study dates in the library, and keita just loves to hear u talk, so he likes to lean onto your shoulder and shut his eyes and listen to u talk about ur day!! other times, he’s very boisterous and giggly and his mission of the day is to get u laughing just as loudly with him and omg.. let’s just say there have been more than a few instances in which you two have been kicked out of the library!!! u pretend to be mad sometimes but he’s just .. so.. cUTE !! and when he kisses ur cheek and hugs ur side.. how can u be mad?!🤧
@multyfan1458 krystal this might be random but u and asahi would be so cute together omg???💖💖 he loves to shower u with love and affection ahh!!! i imagine him taking u out on study dates at different cafes :’)) and he just loves to converse with u abt literally anything.. like just talking to u fills him with happiness!! and he loves to do cute and heart warming things, like brushing the hair from ur face, or wiping the whipped cream by your lips😭😭 u guys would be adorable! 
my ray of sunshine niki, i ship u with haru @waharuto!!💓💕💞 when i think of you two, i immediately think of summer time dates together omg!!! i feel like the two of you would love to dress up and head down to the beach :’))) and then you’d share icecream, or swim a bit!!! maybe he’d try and piggyback u and throw u into the water but it’s all in good fun hehe >.
@koala-junkyu b i have to ship you with kyu because u two would be the loveliest couple!!!!🥰🥰 whenever ur studying hard, junkyu is sure to come bring u the warmest blanket he can find and wrap it tightly around ur body!!! bc the last thing he wants is his bby to feel cold :’((( he’s always bring u ur favourite foods and snacks, and coffee when u need it desperately!!! he loves u so so so much💞💞💞 and he makes sure u never forget it by giving u the warmest hugs and kisses!!! 
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