#mostly eddie but whatever..../lh
kxtio · 5 months
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thinking abt my old textposts I made back in 2022…I never posted them anywhere so here
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kugamoogle · 3 months
I've seen a couple posts talking about combining Eustace/Sebastian's fan and official names together as a fun little compromise (which I love!!), and while most of the focus has indeed been on him because of his....interesting choice of surname, I've also seen almost as many posts talking about disliking Ray/Eddie's name change too—mostly due to the lack of subtlety with his new name and the erasure of the sword and shield motif, and wanted to share a compromise my friend and I came up with in case it helps anyone:
Eddie is short for Edmund.
Admittedly "Edmund" isn't a name I'm particularly fond of myself—I definitely prefer the way Raymond sounds and I think it suits his design better, but it shares the same root suffix—and subsequently a similar meaning—to "Raymond", with the ending suffix meaning "protector", and thus brings back some of the subtlety of his fan name. It's also not a perfect homage to the shield aspect, but personally I only recognized "Edgeworth" as being sword related at all after seeing the Japanese name (granted, I'm also dumb) so....make of it what you will ig.
Not a perfect solution (and I don't think I'm the first to come up with this specific idea by any means!), but since the majority of the complaints I've seen are about the meaning and the pun, versus issues with the actual name fitting his design or the sound of it, I figured it may help someone.
I will also agree he doesn't look like an "Edmund", but honestly that's just more of a reason for him to go by Eddie. Lol.
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stonedragonisnthere · 3 months
HHN icon headcanons!!!
(Part 1)
Blue - Unserious hc
Red - Serious hc
(These are not related to shipping or ships but are rather personality/lore traits I’m assigning each character. These hcs also do not mind canon much. )
• believe it or not, Jack is one of the best people to go to for dating advice! He knows how to control a massive crime gang and how to get and keep bitches!
• Jack is polysexual + Panromantic
• Jack and Eddie are mixed (American + Singaporean). Their parents weren’t married when Eddie and Jack were born and their father left their mother
• Jack sort of picked up certain eating habits from Dr.Oddfellow, however he does have some knowledge on cooking basic meals, think of those four ingredient “lazy mom” recipes you’d see on TikTok from time to time.
• Jack does care about his brother, he doesn’t bring it up much but has offered help to Eddie in the past
• Jack has ADHD but has found ways to help him focus on certain things
• Jack has been seen without his clown makeup by the icons so rarely that when he did, the icons tried to kill him because they thought he was a victim Adaru put in the lantern.
• Jack and Chance are both insane clown posse enjoyers
• Jack is more than willing to shoot Chance and anyone else he likes out of a canon (it’s his way of affection/very lh)
•Albert Caine had brown hair when he was younger
• Albert’s way larger underneath his professional wear. After a day at work it’s a relief taking off his corset and relaxing for the night.
•Albert’s wife who he had Cindy with passed away after she was born. He chose not to date after and focused on his morgue and raising his daughter.
•He is one of the more polite icons, he is willing to talk in interrogations or explain what the icons are to people (Mostly his murder victims before their death)
• Albert secretly enjoys the carebears, his favorite care bear is Take Care Bear.
• Jack and Albert are fishing buddies
• Paulo is surprisingly durable for being only a guy, he’s survived everything from snake bites to full on getting blown up. However he does have stitches through out his whole body.
• He is very much a film snob, Definitely a gatekeeper on how much of a horror fan someone is but doesn’t move the goal point much, he’ll respect you if you say certain movies are good
• Paulo has OCD, and even through his trashy workspace, he has all of his filming equipment in specific areas made for each tool and accessory he uses and does get angry at the other icons whenever someone places something of his in the wrong place
• Billy Skorrski was one of his 6 to 7 fake IDs he has used while in Singapore
• The most Paulo is able to cook is some cup noodles and a monster energy as a drink. Whenever anybody does cook for him he wolfs his plate down then goes back to whatever he’s working on for that day.
• Paulo believes himself to be an “Alpha male” and Jack dogs on him for his beliefs
•He also gets into fights with people on subreddits
• Elsa is the walking Swiss Army knife of the group. She always seems to have some tool or weapon useful to the situation happening to the icons.
• Some of her favorite books are Grim’s fairytales and murder mysteries, Elsa does like when the murderer gets away in them though :)
• Her and Julian hang out from time to time. (Elsa likes the old timey movies the palace theatre plays and Julian sometimes sits down with Elsa for some tea and to listen to music)
• Elsa is a lesbian but has no interest for anyone in the lantern.
• She is willing to read tamer books depending on who’s asking (She reads to Cindy sometimes when she needs to go to bed)
• Elsa despises Dr.Oddfellow just as much as Jack does. She has her own beef with Fellow that I’ll get into in another post
• Elsa would make a booktok person bite the curb
• Nobody knows what she does with her victims tongues
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dragonmuse · 2 years
My curiously was aroused on my most recently reread of the LH&K 'verse when Stede said there was "very heated bargaining" around the wedding party. Was that just about whether they'd have one at all/how many people? Or were they actually wanting the same folks?
(excellent question!)
What mostly happened was that Eddy did not give a flying fuck and Stede very much cared and was picturing a flock of doves worth of people. Eddy bargained him down to one each and then Stede asked,
"Who do I choose then?"
"Whoever you want?" Eddy had a headache.
"But that's playing favorites."
"Yeah? So?" Maybe if they fell asleep Stede would work through it on his own. Except it was noon and they were at the nice brunch place that Eddy would like to come back to and people got weird when you fell asleep face down in a plate of maple syrup.
"It's not...I don't want anyone to be upset."
"Why would they be upset?"
"Because I chose someone over them? It would make me upset," Stede reasoned, waving around a bit of bagel.
"So don't choose anyone."
"But that brings us back to either no party or an enormous one."
"No to the big one," Eddy reiterated. "We figured this out already. Best person each. Deal is a deal, golden boy."
"Fine," Stede frowned. "So who are you going to choose?"
"Jim," Eddy said without having to think about it.
"Why do you think?"
"Don’t do that. It’s just if I understand your reasoning, it'll be easier for me to decide. Maybe I want Jim."
"Fuck off, you can't have them." She took the bagel out of Stede's hand and popped it in her mouth.
"I would've given it to you, darling," he sighed. "Just tell me."
"Ugh, fine," Eddy chewed slowly, buying time. But there was no getting around admitting, "they're my closest friend."
“Are they?” Stede frowned. “How do you know that?” 
“Fucking hell,” Eddy picked up their empty coffee cup for something to occupy their hands. “Dunno. Got a lot in common. Spend a lot of time together. Have fun together. If I want to tell someone something and you’re not around, they’re next on the list.” 
“Oh. That makes sense,” Stede offered up his cup. “If you want more.” 
“I’m good.” They set down the empty one. “Just...it’s Lucius, right? You can have him.”
“Yeah, my love. Tall one with the fluffy hair that follows you around like he’s on a string and it's annoying the hell out of him. Can’t miss him.” 
“We do spend a lot of time together.” There was a smidge of coffee left in Stede’s mug. Eddy reconsidered and took it off him. Stede barely took notice, lost in thought. “Do you think we’re friends? I mean I would consider him a friend, but I’m not sure he’d consider it back.” 
“Dunno. Probably. You’re likeable.” 
“I’m really not,” Stede frowned, noticed his hand was empty and picked up his water glass instead, taking a sip. “I think you’re the only person that thinks that.” 
“Good thing I’m the one marrying you then.” 
That brought a small pleased smile to his face, “So it is.” 
“Anyway, he likes you. Luc isn’t the type that hangs around people that he doesn’t like.” 
“He’s not?” 
“Nah,” Eddy finished Stede’s coffee. “He’d be long gone by now if he thought you were shitty. Plus, there’s all the gossip sessions.” 
“I do not gossip,” Stede huffed. 
“You do. Maybe it’s about dead writers or whatever, but you two get very catty when left alone for too long. Like about the Bironic guy.” 
“Lord Byron deserves every nasty word ever said about him.” 
“Mhmm. See you can’t get me to talk about that worth a damn, but I bet if you text Luc right now, he’d have some kind of rant ready to go.” 
“I’m going to tell him you’re defending Byron.” Stede did not get out his phone. 
“If he falls for that, than he’s way more gullible than I’ve ever guessed,” Eddy snorted. “Just ask him, my love.” 
“Don’t know if you don’t ask.” It was a phrase Stede often leveled at the kids and he looked half-annoyed half-pleased that Eddy had needled him into it. “Fine. I’ll ask him.” 
Good. Then Eddy could have Jim. Perfect. Not that she cared. She didn't need a wedding party.
“Should we have another round of coffee?” 
“No,” Eddy reached across the table, but this time all she stole was Stede’s hand. “Can we go home? I’ve got a headache.” 
“Of course, dear. Do you think they should have matching suits?” 
Eddy considered the maple syrup again, more seriously this time.  “I would like a nap.” 
“You can’t fall asleep every time we talk about the wedding for too long,” Stede laughed. “Just tell me you’re done.” 
“My love, my heart,” Eddy clutched his hand. “Mercy. I’m so fucking done.” 
“All right, all right. Tabled for the day.” 
He was a ridiculous man and Eddy was going to marry him so hard as soon as they figured out the flower arrangements.
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festivegrant · 3 years
Question because you are funny as hell and also honest. Do you think Buddie (Buck and Eddie getting together in a relationship) will ever happen? If not, what kinds of people do you want to see both men end up with? And I’m not trying to assume that they should end up with someone. Maybe they just want to be single for a while or whatever like I’m not trying to assume or partner them up with people but I’m just saying. If they don’t end up together, and the writers wrote in someone else who is endgame for the both of them, what kind of person do you see for each of them? I’m curious 👀
and that is a VERY good question. i hesitate to answer because as ive previously mentioned i am infected with supernatural disease, and thus my standards of integrity in a writer-audience relationship/production of a show AND my perception of what actually counts as foreshadowing vs accidental meaningless quips are both INCREDIBLY, incredibly warped. i also know nothing about the entertainment industry or tv production. my credentials consist of having a clown license and a large, overconfident mouth. 
that being said, i think buddie has a solid chance of becoming canon (at least compared to past fandom-popular mlm ships on mainstream tv shows). as of now, 911 fox is pulling in a lot of viewership for the network, which makes me believe they have plenty of time to write out a buddie endgame arc (even if that’s not what they initially intended with buck and eddie). additionally, i know that various actors (including oliver stark and jlh) have been vocal about either being open to it and leaving it up to the writers or outright like. supporting it. PLUS the fact that we have really wonderful queer people/relationships already in the show (that are fleshed out and not just brushed aside in the name of diversity and tokenism) is a really great sign. so, overall, i think we have good chances. we have room not just to hope, but to expect. 
to answer the second part of your question (which pains me because if its not buddie i dont see it /lh), along with the acknowledgement and statement that i don’t want them to end the show in relationships simply for the sake of being paired up, ill start with buck.
i think i would want him to end up with someone with a really strong sense of self. this is a bit of a given, and definitely very minimal sort of requirement, but i think buck especially does a lot of emotional labor for the people in his life. it would be really great if his significant other were someone who has their shit (mostly) figured out so it doesnt turn into a weird sort of co-dependence, and whenever hes ready to be in a committed relationship, him and his partner are actually on the same page. to clarify, him and whoever he’s with should still be there for each other and help each other grow etc etc of course, but it should be someone who is capable of forming a trajectory of growth for themselves. this is very vague and if youre looking for more personality-like stuff lmk and i can think on it further and try again. 
for EDDIE oh boy. i cannot say for sure, though whoever it is first and foremost needs to like. have both a solid platonic relationship with eddie BEFORE it turns romantic AND needs to be able to connect with chris and be ready to bear the responsibility of being with someone who has a child. hm. if only there were already someone who fulfilled thes--[LOUD HORN OF TRUCK DRIVING BY]
i also think eddie still has a bit of a ways to go in terms of overcoming his internalized machismo and beliefs of what being a man and what having a family looks like (at least. in this season he does. he was kind of already working on overcoming those things last season so idk what happened with the writing). whoever he dates long-term needs to be able to challenge that (not necessarily because the person actively CHOOSES to challenge that but because the person should INHERENTLY make eddie question his own behaviors). again. very vague answer to your very good question. 
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tangled-cl0wn-core · 3 years
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
 HI!! since you asked before sending it, I knew this was coming but my First Cool Guy Tumblr Ask is so neat,, anyway!!
This is my only IT-specific account, but I post almost everything I draw on my instagram, https://www.instagram.com/fabricsofteners/ (I don't know how people make links cool on tumblr aaa) I also have an AO3, https://archiveofourown.org/users/tangledheadphonecord , where I might post this one really long fic I’m working on (maybe not, as it’s super lame but God am I putting in work)? But mostly it’s just really old stuff atm, and no IT content right now - just some random drabbles from past hyperfixations tbh.
I used to be ‘fabricsofteners’ everywhere besides here - tangledheadphonecord is a username I used for my tumblr because I want a change from the fabricsofteners brand, as I've had it for quite a few years and have just grown kind of bored - just waiting a bit to change my instagram user. I also used to be ‘unbrandedmarkers’ like, three years ago on instagram? but, that era ended fast. I think I might have an old Tumblr under some variation of ‘fabric softener’ but honestly even if anything is up on it I’d probably be embarassed to look at it now.
I watched IT for the first time in 2019, I believe, but wasn’t really in the fandom until actually like, April of this year. I entered the fandom and developed a hyperfixation (sobs) by complete mistake - I read all the fics for michael mell/rich goranski on ao3, and was on a camping trip and wanted to read some Homosexual Fanfiction and literally remembered IT on a whim (rich-to-richie association) and read a bunch of Reddie fics, and it was all down (up?) hill from there.
Unshockingly, I’m sure, Reddie is my number one favourite IT ship. I’m also an enjoyer of Benverly, as well as Stanley/Patty - IT is like, the only fandom where I actually like the canon ships. I do also think Streddie/Stozier is really cute and Bill/Mike (unsure of the shipname?) is nice when I see it!! I think Reddis is cute because I am a total sucker for best-friends-to-lovers, as well asthe  ‘I tease everyone but mostly you’ and the ‘I’m so tired of you bullying me but if you ever stop I’ll cry’ and... just, the entire dynamic that they have. Stanley/Patty - there is no reasoning, I just want Stanley to be happy. Benverly - the way they were each other’s first Meaningful Interactions in so like?? agony, they’re so cute. They both deserve to be happy, and I’m so happy they find that happiness in each other. 
As for characters - Richie is absolutely my favourite. I (unfortunately /hj) kin and relate to him on so many levels it hurts. Having a character that feels that fear of their sexuality because of a horrible environment is painfully real. covering up struggles with humour and all that?? yeah, mood (also, crushing on your best friend-). What he means to me, in a sense, isn’t really canon - I read strictly fix-it fics, because I want to feel that hope that like fanon Richie, I don’t have to hide forever. I can be myself and be happy. Obviously I can’t much look to the movies or anything for that but hey - what’re Andy or Stephen gonna do, tell me to stop reading fics? 
I also really like Stanley!! I don’t,, have a reason. I just think he’s adorable and I love his dynamic with the other Losers a lot. Stanley breathed like, once, and instantly became a comfort character and not even I know why at this point, he just is. Eddie & Bev are up there, too - honestly, Bill is the only Loser I don’t have a strong attachment too. And honestly, he’s growing on me rapidly.
I mostly draw whatever my goblin hyperfixated brain can think of, as well as rebloging just about every post that I see and like (art, jokes, edits, fics, etc.) - I start and stop a lot of fics, maybe one day I’ll finish one but as of yet I have not... Sigh.
I honestly don’t think I do have anyone to tag for inspiration? I follow IT blogs but none I would go to for inspiration (no offense to any mutuals-) inspiration for me is mostly just seeing a pose and going ‘okay’ and suddenly I have a drawing - I have no clue what happens in between.
So, my current all-time favourite IT fic atm is https://archiveofourown.org/works/18213215/chapters/43087232, though I will say it’s a really heavy fic and to read with caution. Going away from Angst, any ‘famous Reddie’ AUs are amazing, but I constantly reread the entire https://archiveofourown.org/series/1560019 series. It’s cute and funny and I THRIVE for domestic Reddie content. 
Actually not Reddie, I throughly enjoyed https://archiveofourown.org/works/23201011 for giving me the Mike content the movies have robbed me of for too long, as well as https://archiveofourown.org/works/25262698 which is pure stanlon greatness and made my heart flutter for the boys more than once.
I don’t really have any IT fics up of my own creation, and honestly my reception in way of Tumblr notes is far better than I expected so honestly, I have none to link lol. As long as I get minimun interaction I will thrive.
I wish I could say I’ve been in anything like a zine or anything, but I have not! I’m relatively new to the fandom (and having a social media dedicated to one thing) so I wouldn’t even know where to begin to join or be qualified for one, y’know? I’ve done art weeks in the past and found them incredibly fun but haven’t seen any for IT - but if anyone does happen to know of any... Feel free to send them my way-
As for the last question - other than like, hyping up Chosen and Jeremy just as much as we do the other IT kids (which, honestly I’m not even sure if is still a problem - I’ve just seen posts about it and it’s made me wary), I’m not sure? I’ve honestly not encountered anything in the fandom I find awful and honestly, for a fandom about a movie that is... Well, IT, I’ve really just kind of enjoyed my time in the fandom thus far?
(I will say we need 200% more attention being drawn to 1990s adult Eddie Kaspbrak, who is one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen - but I also feel that way about James Ransone, so I’m not mad.)
(Also, we should be calling out the 1990s IT more, I watched it recently and it’s so bad /lh)
Anyway!! I feel like this answer was incredibly long and I am so sorry!! But like, thank you so much for asking me anything at all fihabsfhbafb I thrive at any chance to talk about the dumb clown movie. (Also, i’m sorry I say ‘honestly’ so much-)
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