#mother dairy oil
astrolovecosmos · 8 months
The Planets & Random or Obscure Associations
Creativity, vitality, head of state, the father, games, yellow and orange clothing, articles of value, jewelry, gold, brass, power, diamonds, citrine, topaz, jasper, amber, rhodochrosite, mistletoe, almonds, citrus, succulents, sunflowers, fevers, heart, back, spine, grapes, walnuts, rice, chamomile, frankincense, juniper, saffron, marigold, rosemary, rue, palaces, towers, luxury.
Eternal, cycles, silver, aluminum, pearls, moonstone, opal, selenite, chest, glands, lymphatic system, nervous system, emotions, mother, ancestors, nurture, rebirth, tides, baths, ocean, brew, boat, sap, willow trees, succulents, pale color plants, white flowers, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, melons, shellfish, pumpkins, lakes, fountains, ports, fishponds, pools, springs, sewers, dairies, toys, reflection, blankets, objects of comfort.
Communication, journal, pen/pencil, any writing tools, wings, phosphorous, mercury, agate, tiger's eye, brain, nervous system, eyes, respiration, thyroid, speech, hearing, intellect, vehicles, money, bills, paper, books, pictures, parties or social gatherings, scientific instruments, butterflies, messages, mail, hazel, mulberry, myrtle, seeds, aniseed, dill, fennel, lavender, liquorice, marjoram, parsley, valerian, hazelnuts, beans, mushrooms, pomegranates, carrots, celery, libraries, schools, markets, fairs, public spaces, tennis or badminton court, studies, banks, bowling greens, offices, blue, white, or light colored flowers.
Love, relating, lust, high-quality fabrics, copper, bronze, sodium, malachite, tourmaline, emerald, rose quartz, kunzite, sapphire, pastels, throat, kidneys, lumber region, art, music, aesthetics, social life, fashion, jewelry, wine, pleasure, alder tree, fruit trees, paint, ash tree, birch, pomegranates, early flowering, daisy, mint, marshmallow, meadowsweet, mugwort, plantain, tansy, roses, thyme, vervain, yarrow, potatoes, strawberries, wheat, sugar, nectarines, ballrooms, bedrooms, dining room, gardens, fountains, wardrobes, theaters, looking and feeling good.
Lust, conquest, desire, flaming sword, red things, fights, iron, brass, bloodstone, carnelian, cinnabar, pyrite, magnetite, ruby, garnet, hematite, muscles, reproductive organs, blood, kidneys, immunity, heat, action, arms, pepper, sharp instruments, cutlery, attacks, scissors, weapons, physical intimacy, bites, stings, scalds, burns, accidents, hawthorn, pine, thorns, cactus, aloes, anemone, arnica, belladonna, garlic, ginger, hops, mustard seed, nettles, wormwood, chives, onions, leeks, radish, rhubarb, tobacco, labs, furnaces, distilleries, bakehouses, ovens, smiths, butchers, fields, anger, passion, self-focus.
Expansion, optimism, religion, religious sites, tin, seduction, turquoise, chrysocolla, topaz, citrine, jasper, liver, pancreas, pituitary gland, sciatic nerve, excess, abundance, prophecy, philosophy, knowledge, universities, foreign travel, luggage, honey, oil, silk, fruit, distinct clothing, merchandise, horses, domestic birds, gambling, indulgence, entertainment, oak, dandelion, sage, endive, chervil, asparagus, figs, churches, temples, palaces, altars, courts, mansions, woods, orchards, winery, cornucopia, connecting with the soul.
Limits, boundaries, father time, lord of death, shadows, lead, iron, steel, calcium, asbestos, sulphur, diamond, onyx, calcite, skeleton, spleen, skin, teeth, nails, joints, structure, crystallization, old age, blockage, anything dark, wool, heavy materials, agriculture, wheelbarrows, spades, farm houses and buildings, cold, laws, aspen, blackthorn, buckthorn, cypress, elm, toxic plants, hemlock, henbane, belladonna, hellebore, barley, beetroot, safflower, parsnips, spinach, deserts, woods, valleys, caves, church yards, ruins, coalpits, sinks, wells, mud, institutions.
Eccentrics, mavericks, invention, genius, revolution, change, trends, disruptive science or tech, uranium, magnesium, lapis lazuli, sapphire, aquamarine, azurite, chalcedony, electricity, neon lights, plaid, nervous and circulatory system, pineal gland, chaos, violence, upheaval, astrology, steam engines, coal, machinery, coins, baths, fishponds, dangerous places, computers, magnets, quantum physics, research, welfare, humanity, hypnotherapy, railways, banks, gas, psychiatric hospitals, offices, hospitals, dispensaries, fortified places, chemicals, mingled/mingling, spirit and matter.
Illusions, veils, diffuse, deception, water, oceans, mysticism, enlightenment, artistic pursuit and understanding, zinc, potassium, amethyst, fluorite, jade, sugilite, coral, aquamarine, pineal gland, lymphatic and nervous system, spine, mental processes, addiction, psychoses, disease, photography, music, substances, gas, religion, poetry, mimicry, chameleon, anesthetic, telepathy, empathy, dancing, psychic gifts, places near water, hospitals, places of healing, jeweler, painters, brewers, musicians, visionary.
Power, influence, darkness, new life, what's hidden underneath, seeds, volcanoes, deep earth or ocean, bury, explosions, eruptions, abduction, plutonium, smoky quartz, obsidian, jet, pearl, deep reds, reproductive organs, the unconscious, nuclear, transformation, death, birth, rebirth, underworld, riches, earthquakes, big business, murder, detection, detective, invisibility, sneak, enforced change, hidden places, underground, drains, sewers, radioactive places, the occult, black magic, sacrifice, renew.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Notes: Food (5 Mother Sauces)
for writing your cooking and other food-related scenes
Mother sauces, first classified by French Chef Marie-Antoine Carême and later codified by Auguste Escoffier, are the starting points for countless ‘daughter’ sauces in French cuisine.
In 1833, Marie Antoine Carême published a classification of French sauces in his reference cookbook L’art de la cuisine française au XIXe siècle ("The Art of French Cuisine in the 19th Century").
These foundations are essential to traditional French culinary creations, but by adding various ingredients can be transformed into a wide range of sauces ready to enhance and complete different dishes.
The Roux
Master the making of roux (“roo”), and you will have a variety of French sauces at your fingertips.
Roux is basically cooking fat and flour together before adding in the liquid you want to thicken.
The fat used is generally butter, but oil or other fats can also be used.
The fat and flour cook together to cook out some of the floury, pasty flavor in the flour.
Cook the mixture for 5 minutes for white, 20 minutes for blond, or 35 minutes for brown roux.
The darker the roux, the nuttier the flavor.
When the liquid is added to the roux, and everything comes to a boil, the flour thickens the liquid, and you end up with sauce.
Four out of the five mother sauces are thickened by roux.
The 5 French “Mother Sauces”
1. Béchamel (“bay-sha-mel”)
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Also known as a white sauce, this is a white roux whisked with milk or other dairy to make a white sauce.
White and just a tad bit thicker than heavy cream.
The flavoring is up to you, although the French like to do a little salt and pepper, while the Italians like to throw on a pinch of nutmeg.
Another traditional flavoring option is to steep the milk with a whole onion that has been studded with a couple of cloves and a bay leaf before being combined with the roux.
By itself, béchamel is quite bland, which is why it is usually cooked with other ingredients and not used as a finishing sauce.
Béchamel is classically served with eggs, fish, steamed poultry, steamed vegetables, pastas, and veal.
The sister sauces include:
Mornay = béchamel + Gruyère + Parmesan + butter
Cheese = béchamel + cheddar + Worcestershire sauce + dry mustard
Soubise = béchamel + onions + butter
2. Velouté (“vuh-loo-tay”)
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It’s made similar to a béchamel, except in this case, stock replaces the milk.
A velouté is a blond roux whisked with chicken, turkey, fish, or any other clear stock.
The resulting sauce takes on the flavor of the stock, and the name is derived from the French word for velvet, which suitably describes this smooth but light and delicate sauce.
Commonly, the sauce produced will be referred to by the type of stock used, for example, chicken velouté.
Velouté is classically served with eggs, fish, steamed poultry, steamed vegetables, and pastas.
The sister sauces include:
Bercy = velouté +shallots + white wine + fish stock + butter + parsley
Normandy = fish velouté + fish stock + mushrooms + liaison
Allemande = veal/chicken velouté + liaison
Suprême = chicken velouté + cream
3. Espagnole (“es-puhn-yohl”)
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Commonly known as brown sauce, this rich sauce is made using beef or veal stock, tomato puree, and mirepoix (meer-ph), which is a combination of diced carrots, celery, and onions, all thickened with a very dark brown roux.
If you’ve heard of demi-glace (deh-mee-glass), it’s nothing more than equal parts of Espagnole sauce and brown stock that has been reduced by half for an even more flavorful sauce.
Espagnole is rarely served on its own due to the strong flavors.
Espagnole is classically served with roasted meats like beef, veal, lamb, and duck.
The sister sauces include:
Bordelaise = demi-glace + red wine + shallots + bay leaf + thyme + black pepper
Châteaubriand = demi-glace + mushrooms + shallots + lemon juice + cayenne pepper + tarragon + butter
Madeira = demi-glace + Madeira wine
Mushroom = demi-glace + mushroom caps
4. Hollandaise (“hol-uhn-dehz”)
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This is the one mother sauce not thickened by a roux.
Hollandaise sauce is an emulsion of butter and lemon juice or vinegar using egg yolks as the emulsifying agent (to bind the sauce), usually seasoned with salt and a little black pepper or cayenne pepper.
Heat control is essential here to prevent curdling of the sauce, and therefore, it is usually done in a double boiler.
Hollandaise sauce is classically served with eggs (Eggs Benedict), vegetables (especially asparagus), light poultry dishes, and fish.
The sister sauces include:
Béarnaise = hollandaise + shallots + tarragon + chervil + peppercorns + white wine vinegar
Chantilly = hollandaise + whipped heavy cream. The tomato sauce is classically served with pasta, fish, vegetables, polenta, veal, poultry, bread, and dumplings such as gnocchi.
5. Tomate (“toe-maht”)
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Sauce tomate, better known as tomato sauce, is based on tomatoes.
A roux is traditionally used in making tomato sauce, but many chefs skip it because the tomatoes themselves are enough to thicken the sauce.
The classic sauce tomate is made with salted pork belly, onions, bay leaves, thyme, pureed or fresh tomatoes, roux, garlic, salt, sugar, and pepper.
If you don’t want to get that fancy, you can leave out the pork belly and roux to make a standard tomato sauce.
The sister sauces include:
Creole = tomato sauce + onion + celery + garlic + bay leaf + thyme + green pepper + hot sauce
Spanish = creole sauce + mushrooms + olives
Milanaise = tomato sauce + mushrooms + butter + cooked ham
Sources and other related articles: 1 2 3 4 5
If these notes inspire you in any way, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read your work!
More: On Food
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Fr tho, Ghost Roger being a lil shit is a treat.
I can fuxking see Roger give Buggy the wiggly eyebrows on day when Crocodile and Mihawk are in the same room. (Maybe it was the first day those two subconsciously nicer to Buggy)
Coff coff ((They started to love the clown)) coff coff
Hell, Perona coming in with a letter to Mihawk from one of the spirits that asked for him specifically.
Mihawk: clown?
Buggy: hmn?
Mihawk: who is 'Ms.Rouge'?
Buggy : -choke-
Afterlife be dammed, she may have not raised Buggy, but Rouge loves him like her kin!
Also Roger just "eyy?? Eyyyy???????" Is fucking hysterical to me.
Buggy is blindsided when Crocodile drops off an extra cup of coffee at his desk, when Mihawk deposits a few snacks. He's pointedly not looking into Roger's Corner, something he has been doing for ages and will continue to do. It all comes to a head when someone offers Buggy a candy at a negotiation dinner and he's partway through unwrapping it when he hears three voices tell him to stop. Mihawk reaches out, Crocodile's sand whisks the little treat from his fingers to the other.
A quick glance reveals Roger still partially glaring at the other group but also giving considering glances to the quote unquote lieutenants.
Buggy is just confused.
"This brand is rather popular in the north blue," Mihawk remarks casually, turning the candy in his hand. He never once looks up from the wrapper - Buggy wonders what he's looking at or looking for. "They've been in business for decades now, despite the uproar some thirty one years ago."
The dealers avert their eyes, hesitant and stuttering timid agreements.
Mihawk continues. "Rather odd that they'd only list a partial ingredient list on their wares, wouldn't you think? They are marketed as a dynamic company, but their synthetic flavors are but mere facsimiles of the real deal - fakes built upon, more disgustingly, the lies they print on such foils." He flips the candy, dropping the little morsel onto a napkin so he can straighten the wrapping. "See, it even boasts to be free of common allergenic ingredients: peanut oil, dairy, fruit juices. That's the real ingenuity however."
Sharp golden eyes cut into the opposition.
"So long as a company is favored by those on high, they can skirt certain rules. They barely toe the line in the world government's book as is, but they are an infamous vendor in Marie Geoise. No peanut oil but still peanuts. No dairy, but traces of lactose. No fruit juices but concentrated extracts are certainly abundant. And all of their tropical lines contain a key ingredient. Did you know?"
Buggy very adamantly stomps down on the urge and need to blush and swoon as he watches Mihawk and Crocodile tear these people a new asshole over pineapple extract. Roger's approving nod and bouncing brows do NOT help the situation. Nor does Rouge's fond head pats and succinct "I approve, they're good for little bug."
Buggy is suffering.
On the topic of Rouge, YEAH!!! She may have met Buggy after death, but she already loved him so much. She knew loving Roger meant stepping into an established family and she was very much okay with that! She knew Ace would have brothers and she would have step sons and not once did she hesitate. Roger was big, bold and loud - he loved with all he had and then some, even to disastrous results. She adored him. And she trusted him. He has a good sense of taste, after all.
So when she met Buggy the first time, she absolutely went into Mom Mode immediately. It was awkward and strange for a deal of time, and Buggy took a while to come around to her but Ms Rouge is his mom as much as Captain is his dad - it's a fact of life and he's long since lost the self consciousness of it all.
But hearing your boyfriend mention receiving a letter from your shared daughter who wrote it on behalf of your long dead mother, well.... weirder shit has happened but Buggy is a dramatic boy - it's his bit and he's committed to it.
Rouge's shovel talks are lowkey terrifying. She isn't as directly threatening as Roger. She's subtle, and observative, and she plots before springing her track. On that front, she may even be scarier than her husband.
And while she and Mihawk would absolutely get along well for their love of plants and gardening, they're equally likely to cross breed and make a lethal poison just because it "seemed interesting at the time".
((Bonus points of a semi related topic, sometimes Rouge sees so much of Roger in Buggy that she aches with it.
And sometimes Roger sees his wife in the movements and glint of his blue haired son's eyes.
Buggy's a product of both, for better or worse, and it's somehow incredible and horrible in equal measure))
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A few people - @badgirlforeddiemunson @thefreak0fhawkinshigh @ilovecupcakesandtea - have asked me things about my hair; routines, products, hints and tips. And I figured it'd be easier to make a generic post with everything included and people can pick and poke at what they want.
I'm not a vain person, but I will freely admit that my hair is my pride and joy. It is my baby. I have told my mother that my hair is the only grandchild she's ever gonna get from me, and now when she helps me with it, she calls it "babysitting my grandkid".🤣
I have quite fine hair but I have a lot of it, so it's quite thick. Holding it in one fist is a bit difficult and it knots very easily. This post includes routines, products, hints, tips, and things I think are relevant. My hair is my baby and a lot of my leftover energy between my job and my degree goes into my hair. I've dreamed of having hair just like this since I was a child - maybe seven or eight - and now as a twenty five year old, I am living the dream.
I hope those of you who are curious about my rather extensive hair care find what you need in here! I am open to questions about it, as well.💖
TW; in the 'basics' section, there is one mention of actual physical assaults related to non-consensual hair-cutting which happened in my home town about a decade ago. Not to me, but I worry about it every day as a lasting point of anxiety. If you want to skip this, it is the LAST BULLET POINT OF THE FIRST SECTION RIGHT BELOW THE CUT.
Okay, so... where to start...
The basics/equipment I use
I sleep on silk pillowcases and I secure my braids with silk scrunchies. It helps to prevent knots and tangles (it's not perfect, but my hair is much more manageable thanks to silk).
I use a wooden comb and a boar bristle brush which moves natural oils from my scalp down to the ends of my hair. I would never be using a plastic brush or 'normal' elastic ties in my hair. The thought makes me shudder.
I wash my hair once a week unless it gets rained on. In which case, I will wash it more than once a week, but neither me nor my hair will be happy about it.
I pat-dry my hair with a plain white cotton t-shirt and I let it air-dry, which takes about twelve hours to become damp-but-dry-enough-to-safely-brush. (Hair wash day is a whole ordeal, I need a day! More on this to come.) T-shirts are gentler and less damaging than towels; wet hair should be treated like glass because it's very fragile.
I never go outside of the house or go to sleep without first brushing and then braiding my hair. I never go outside with it down. This is because, honestly, I'm terrified someone will come up behind me on the street and assault me by cutting all my hair off (I have severe anxiety but also, this actually happened to a few girls in my town as a series of three assaults when I was a child and I've never forgotten about it) but also, doing this helps to prevent knots and tangles, which minimises damage to your hair.
I eat a lot of meat and dairy but I also take a generic multivitamin every day. Protein and fat are super good for you in general but also, what your body doesn't use, goes to your hair!!! Happy body = happy hair.💖
I am very precious about my hair, very few people are allowed to touch it. If I let you touch it, you are trusted. It's pretty much an "I love you". My mum helps me with my hair every day. I'm very grateful to her for it, and I make sure she knows how much I appreciate it.
My hair only needs a half-inch trim every eight months or so; dad measures it out with a ruler, mum watches him to make sure he's doing it right, he shows me what he's cut off after the first snip and I'll approve it and then he's allowed to continue. I cry a lot when it has to be trimmed, I hate it, and I grieve that half-inch until it grows back in about three weeks.
My different hair-care routines (these are extensive)
Hair wash day!
Number of stages: 4
Duration of all four stages: 13 - 14 hours🥰 (I have to schedule an entire day to do it and it can be tricky because my job doesn't always align with my preferred wash day, which is a Sunday, so sometimes I have to go 10 days without washing it and that can make me very irritable. It's the little things, you know? It has to be an all day thing because my hair takes twelve hours to become damp-dry enough to brush without damaging it. I never use heat on my hair; pat-dry with a t-shirt and then air-dry only. And then I have the brushing routine on top of it, which takes an hour if I do it myself, and ten minutes if mum does it for me, which she often does).
Brushing routine:
I brush my hair before I wash it. This is the first stage of hair wash day, and I do this routine after work. It takes me an hour to do it alone or ten - twenty minutes if mum does it.
I section my hair in two, over each shoulder, and then section it again so that my hair has been quartered. I always brush from the back first (I tuck the front section underneath the back section, which has been pulled forward to the front). Whichever side isn't being brushed, I secure into a side-ponytail with a silk scrunchie to hold it there while I work on the other half of my hair.
Starting from the bottom, I finger-comb first and manually untangle any big knots or tangles. If this part goes wrong, I will cry about it. It's instant panic attack if I can't get a knot undone with minimal effort.
Once that quarter-section is finger combed thoroughly, I then use my wooden comb to go through the section again and I alternate as needed back to finger-combing if I find a section I missed the first time.
Once that quarter-section is done, I put it behind me and start on the other section, same process as above. Doing one half of my hair usually takes me a half hour.
Once one half of my hair is brushed, I use a boar-bristle brush, going from the top of my hair down to the tips; this moves the natural oils through the hair. The oil normally comes down to just below my ear, and obviously the further away I am from wash day, the more oil there is, and so from the nape of the neck down to the very ends of my hair, I apply Mielle's rosemary and mint scalp and hair strengthening oil (£8.99 for a 59ml bottle; half a pipette is sufficient for one half of my hair, so it's expensive but does last a while).
Once the hair is finger-combed, combed, brushed, I then pull that section back as well and braid it in a simple three-strand braid and loosely tie it with a silk scrunchie. The first few patterns are tight to hold the braid, but after that, I loosen it off so it's a loose braid and loosely tied. In the morning, I'll redo my braids as needed before I go to work without brushing them - I don't have that time in a morning to do my whole routine before work. To secure it, I tie the silk scrunchie around one more time so it's tighter and will hold longer (bedtime braid: tie it around three times / morning braid before work: tie it around four times).
Repeat this whole thing again for the other half of my hair, and then I can go to bed. A normal night, this takes an hour, a bad night as in really knotty hair or I'm tired, two hours. Unless mum helps me with it. I can and will cry if I find a knot I can't immediately undo and it's not unusual for me to be swaying at the bathroom sink because I will not go to bed unless my hair is fully brushed, oiled, braided.
If it's wash day, I don't braid my hair or apply more oil, I just finger-comb, comb and then brush it and then get in the shower...
Washing routine: Okay. This is the most in-depth and complicated part of my entire thing I do for my hair, and I have to get it right or I will have an anxiety attack thinking I've just fucked all my hair up and I have to cut it off (I catastrophise a lot, especially with my hair). This is the second stage of hair wash day.
So, hair is brushed, shower time!
I have the water lukewarm - too hot will burn your hair and damage it, but too cold and you won't be able to get the oils out properly.
I get my hair wet so it's plastered to my back, and then I use L'Oreal's Dream lengths shampoo; I apply it to my scalp and to the surface of hair up to the nape of my neck, giving myself a gentle scalp massage (treat wet hair like GLASS!!!!). I rinse it all out once it's all in there, and then I use the same brand of conditoner, which is applied from the nape of my neck down to the very tips. Leaving that conditioner in, I then shampoo the scalp up to the nape of my neck a second time (it's like a greasy pan - the first lot of washing up liquid lifts the oil, the second lot of washing up liquid actually cleans the pan - same concept applies here to hair, especially because I only wash it once a week). And rinse that off too.
Then, I apply conditioner for a second time from the nape of my neck to the very tips of my hair, wiping off any excess on the top of my hair (just below the scalp so I don't clog my pores). I leave it in there while I wash my body, which takes a few minutes, and then I wash it off again. I let it all come out, and then I change the shower temperature so it's now COLD, to effectively close the pores in my hair.
My hair is washed! I pat it dry with a cotton t-shirt, then from the nape of my neck down to the halfway mark of my hair, I apply a leave-in conditioner, then from that halfway mark through to the ends of my hair, I use one pipette of the oil to cover everything, and then my hair air-dries for twelve hours until it's damp-dry enough to safely brush, as above!
Using oils and leave-in conditioner:
I use the oil every day from the nape of my neck to the ends of my hair, and every few days I apply leave-in conditioner from the nape of my neck to the ends of my hair. The top section of my hair (scalp to the nape) will be fine, it has the natural oils from the scalp, which is evenly distributed by using the boar-bristle brush.
Brushing routine: After twelve hours, I brush through my hair as in the first stage of wash day, so this is now stage three of wash day for me, and braiding it is stage four!
And finally, a picture of my baby!!! This was taken about two weeks ago and I believe it was the day after wash day!😍💖
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I love it (her) so, so much. I bitch and complain often about the knots, but nothing fills me with instant grief and abject horror quite like thinking about having to cut off more than a half inch. That, in itself, is already cause for tears. My hair is my pride and joy, my favourite body part, and something I cherish as a very real, long-lasting childhood dream. I hope you find what you need in this post; I know it's not applicable to everyone because we all have different hair types and budgets, but hopefully something is useful.💖
I'm pretty sure this is everything but I might reblog with additions if needed, and I'm open to questions as well! My hair was jaw length in late 2019 when I started to grow it out, so it's grown quite quickly and I'm very in love with it.🥰
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glasswaters · 2 years
it’s funny, isn’t it, that I can’t eat coconut without feeling faint. that the texture of stuffed olives turns to foul rot at the back of my tongue, that cauliflower makes me sick for days.
isn’t it funny, mama, that the very food you love is what turns my stomach? xanthan gum instead of sugar, cauliflower instead of pizza dough. coconut fat instead of butter, coconut milk instead of dairy, coconut fat instead of oil, coconut laced in everything that ever touches your pans.
when i am fourteen, i bring home cadbury chocolate from England. to share, I say, smiling still. in the morning, none of it is left. my mother turns a whole packet of baking powder into her cake batter. i won’t eat that, i say.
she laughs.
when i am twenty-four, I try a vegan dish a friend made me, hours of love poured into a plate. you can’t taste the coconut at all. the first bite i take is foul by the time I swallow. it takes all day to get the taste out of my mouth.
(when I was just a child, I once ate twenty tablets of sweetener and cried for days. my mother looked at me and sighed.)
all my life, my mother diets. all my life, she swaps out fat for coconut. all my life, she weighs and she prods and chocolate disappears from the pantry.
by the time I am fourteen, I have an eating disorder. funny, isn’t it, the way the mouth remembers things?
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mariacallous · 7 months
Salmon croquettes aren’t exactly the most elegant dish. Traditionally made with canned salmon, some bread crumbs or matzah meal, eggs and seasoning, they are an easy and cheap way to throw together a meal. These classic patties, which are also referred to as salmon latkes, croquettes or cakes, may seem out of fashion to the young folks who came of age after the food revolutions of the late 20th century, but for me they will always be the ultimate comfort food. With the explosion of increasingly global ingredients at the ready and the emphasis on fresh food, all steered us away from the pre-1970s casserole-from-a-can type of cookery. And yet, classic old-time foods remain beloved, if not perhaps back in fashion.
No one in my mom’s or grandma’s generation made salmon croquettes with fresh salmon. Canned food had become popular during the Civil War, and even more so during WWI, when soldiers needed food that was convenient, safe and tasty. Canned salmon in particular became a household staple during the Depression, when meals had to be nutritious but also as cheap as possible, made with inexpensive proteins and stretched with filler to feed the whole family. New Deal subsidies helped make canned salmon economical enough for most of the immigrant and first-generation Jewish families at the time. And because salmon is kosher and pareve (neither meat nor dairy), the canned kind became ubiquitous in Jewish households, because fresh salmon was neither cheap nor readily available. 
Beyond the convenience, ease and cost, salmon croquettes occupy a particular place in my heart because they were also my mother’s last meal before she passed away. She didn’t know it would be the very last thing she ate when she fussed about the kitchen fixing up a batch of salmon croquettes for lunch. But had she known, my mother would have chosen them anyway. They were among her favorite foods and she made them at least once a week for as long as I can remember. As she used to say, “you just mix a can of salmon with an egg and as much matzah meal or bread crumbs as you need to shape them into patties.” 
It was the only dish my mother prepared just for herself, and, if I were visiting, for me too. That particular day, my aunt was over and the two sisters shared a salmon latke lunch while discussing whatever two older widowed women talk about in private. 
My dad had always refused to eat salmon croquettes because his mother made them so often when he was a kid, he had “enough for a lifetime,” he explained. They were a Jewish staple as far as we knew: Everybody’s mother or grandmother made them for lunch or for a “dairy” meal in the summer, capped off with sliced bananas and sour cream sprinkled with sugar.
The recipe didn’t deviate too much, though my mom would sometimes mixed in fresh dill and a chopped scallion if she had. She shaped them about 1-inch thick and fried them in vegetable oil. We would eat them hot or cold, plain or with sliced tomatoes, and during Passover, on matzah.
While have moved more towards using fresh salmon when I make them, I still sometimes revert to using canned salmon (red, just like my mother said). I’ve added a little of this and that too: one of my family’s favorites includes mashed potatoes and fresh spinach. The thing is, the “recipe” for salmon croquettes is so basic it asks the modern cook to do what our grandmas did: add a bissel of this or that, perhaps some harissa, grated fresh ginger, horseradish or soy sauce. I’ve seen recipes that call for mustard, cooked peas, shredded carrots, chopped jalapenos or grated onion. Some people coat the patties with panko before frying them, to give them extra crispiness. And the latest version: salmon croquettes made in an air fryer!
Salmon latkes. Croquettes. Whatever you call them, they’re still going strong. After all, what’s old is always new again.
My mom died suddenly, unexpectedly, an hour or so after enjoying that lunch. I always feel a little sad when I make salmon croquettes, remembering that day. But I also smile to myself, knowing how much she enjoyed that last simple, perfect meal.
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schoolofholywitchery · 6 months
🌿Correspondences for Ostara (Spring Equinox)🌿
🌿Other Names: Eostre, Eostre’s Day, Spring Equinox, Vernal Equinox, Alban Eiber, Bacchanalia, Lady Day
🌿Dates: March 19 – 22nd
🌿Colors: Pink, Yellow, Grass Green, All Pastels, Robin’s Egg Blue
🌿Altar Items: Eggs, Rabbits, Potted plants, Seeds, Maiden goddesses, Flowers, Quartz crystals, Cocoons, Bees, Baskets, Lambs, New Moon
🌿Activities: Conception, Egg painting, Gardening/planting a garden, Actualizing potential
🌿Spell Work: Manifestation, Healing, Energizing, Rededications, Removing obstacles, Restoring balance, Love attraction, Abundance, Home blessings, Spring cleaning
🌿Animals: Rabbits, Snakes, Chicks, Birds
🌿Stones: Aquamarine, Amethyst, Rose quartz, Moon stone, Bloodstone, Red jasper
🌿Foods: Eggs, Honey, Sprouts, Fresh fruits, Sweet breads, Seeds, Poppy Seed Cake, Banana bread, Chocolate, Sweet Wine, Milk and other dairy foods
🌿Herbs: Celandine, Cinquefoil, Jasmine, Rose, Tansy, Viole, Acorn, Crocus, Daffodil, Dogwood, Honeysuckle, Iris, Lily, Strawberry
🌿Trees: Birch, Ash, Alder
🌿Meaning: Balance, New Life/Rebirth, Goddes and God in Youth, Non-Celtic End of Winter, Light Overtaking Darkness, Fertility, Balance, New Beginnings, New Love, Growth,
🌿Ritual Oils: Lotus, Magnolia, Ginger
🌿Incense: Jasmine, Light scented florals
🌿Mythical Creatures: Mermaid, Dragons, Unicorn
🌿Goddesses: Aphrodite (Greek), Athena (Greek), Cybele (Roman), Eostre (Teutonic), Eriu (Irish), Gaia (Greek), Hear/Juno (Greco-Roman), Iris (Greek), Lady of the Lake (Welsh-Cornish), Madhusri (Hindu), Melusine (Franco-Scottish), Moon Mother (Native American), Ova (Greek-Etruscan), Renpet (Egyptian), Salamaona (Middle Eastern), Vesta (Greco-Roman), Anna Fearina (Roman), Astarte (Canaanite), Coatlicue (Aztec), Doda (Siberian), Erce (Slavic), Flidais (Irish), Garbhog (Irish), Ishtar (Babylonian), Isis (Egyptian), Libera (Roman), Ma-Ku (Chinese), Minerva (Roman), The Muses (Greek), Persephone (Greco-Roman), Rheda (Anglo-Saxon), Vesna (Slavic), Venus (Roman), Freya (Norse), Rati (Hindu)
#SpringEquinox #Ostara #Spring #pagan #Witchcraft #Witch
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stevishabitat · 3 months
Was on Pinterest (I know, I do sometimes cheat on Tumblr with the Pretty Plagiarism Hellsite, I'm not proud of it)
Anyway, I saw this and just about threw my phone...
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(I didn't throw my phone because I have to use it to sign into the work VPN so I can keep my job)
But I literally saw red for a brief second.
My fridge, freezer, and pantry currently consist of about 20 eggs, half a loaf of bread (gift from my mother), several servings of cooked black beans, some cooked white rice, a bag of frozen peas, about five frozen chicken nuggets, a pound of dry white rice, a small jar of dried lentils, a small jar of split peas, a slightly larger jar of pinto beans, two packets of minute rice, two packets of ramen (another gift from my mother at kiddo's request), several cans of spaghettios, several cans of tomato paste, two tins of tuna, a few packets of instant oatmeal, a tin of hopefully not stale steel cut oats, and some bisquick for pancakes & waffles.
I do have a little less than a pound of flour, and things like sugar, baking soda, baking powder, some spices, some condiment packets, vinegar, and some boullion. Oh, and some coconut oil that's been in the freezer for awhile, meant for making hand cream, but isn't rancid so it's getting used for coating the electric skillet and waffle maker once we'd run out of olive oil and butter.
This is what we'll be cooking with until the next pay day/grocery day in two weeks.
So, I'm not quite at the level of food insecure, but I'm pretty damn broke.
And the pictures on that pin are just nothing like what we're able to eat. Ever. For at least the last 10 years. I don't even remember the last time I was able to buy meat on a regular basis.
Canned chili with meat instead of beans and chicken nuggets are like Special Occasion foods for kiddo and I rarely have any (because I can easily sub beans, kiddo has sensory issues with most beans).
I might get myself a single chicken pot pie from time to time, especially in the winter. But I can't afford to buy like cuts of chicken to make my own. It's too much money to spend at once on just one thing. My $35 grocery shops twice a month have to cover a LOT.
Plus when we moved in (2021), the stove/oven was broken, so we had a scrapper haul it away for the recycling value. So we've been using a toaster oven and small electric skillet since then.
I had a little remorse at my knee-jerk reaction to the cover photo, so I clicked into the blog to see what the actual list was like. Title of the blog is Boss Single Mama, so maybe she knows what she's talking about. Maybe she's been there for real.
Nope. Chicken, beef, ham, almost every dish has meat. Cheeses and other dairy, a variety of vegetables, all things that we get very sparingly and use in small amounts on many meals, not as a main ingredient.
And even thinking back to my childhood it wasn't much different. We shopped at Aldi before it was cool and their selection was far more limited. Most of our meals were rice or pasta based, with meat only appearing as ground beef, tuna, and sometimes bologna.
Hot dogs were a special treat and even those weren't used on a bun. They were cut up in a pasta salad or casserole. Sometimes if we had a few leftover we would eat them the next day fried in a pan and wrapped in bread or a tortilla and that was a good day! We bought the cheap cheese in blocks and had to grate it because Aldi didn't even carry shredded cheese back then.
This is the kind of thing that makes me feel like when most people talk about being broke, or living frugally, or thrifty, or struggle meals, or whatever the trendy phrase is... They're talking about something vastly different than my daily life.
And it just makes me feel crappier about how I'm raising my kiddo, and it seems like there's so few resources to help people who are actually struggling. Whose lives don't look like a Boss Single Mama blog.
Anyway, if you ever feel the same way, you aren't alone. I raise my bowl of bean & tomato sauce rice to you! We are survivors, in spite of it all.
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nautilusopus · 2 years
the link in that post i think leaves out most of what makes something kosher or not kosher actually so i’m just gonna add it here:
edit: hey what the fuck tumblr collapsed my bullet indentation
stuff that was in the link: certain animals are off limits, though it did not specify the criteria SO:
all mammals must have split hooves and chew their cud
birds must NOT be predators or scavengers
all fish must have fins and scales (also no scavengers)
all plants are inherently kosher
all dairy is inherently kosher, as long as it comes from a kosher mammal (and isn’t consumed with meat)
blood, even from a kosher animal, is absolutely verboten. more on this later.
the sciatic nerve is off limits. sirloin, unless great pains are gone to to remove the sciatic nerve, is often not kosher, even though it comes from a kosher animal. (there are other nerves that are and are not kosher but i’m not gonna get into that here and usually the only relevant one is the sciatic nerve)
some jews unilaterally just avoid hindquarter meat, since most butchers don’t bother to remove certain nerves/certain portions of fat. when taking this into account, a great deal of modern jews don’t actually keep kosher
some species from the genus orthoptera are kosher but all other arthropods are not
if you found it already dead, it’s not kosher
you may not cut off and eat a part of an animal without first slaughtering the animal. this one in particular isn’t really a problem these days, but back when there was no refrigeration and you couldn’t afford to butcher the whole animal at once lest it go to waste, it was a thing people sometimes did. less likely to go bad if it’s still alive and in horrible pain
you may not mix meat and dairy. the justification for this is that you are not supposed to boil the calf in its mothers milk (which was an actual dish at the time this was written), but you can have chicken with eggs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you must have separate sets of dishes for both meat and dairy. the two must never come into contact with one another, even indirectly by putting meat on a milchig plate, or stirring milk with a fleishig spoon
this part is a lot of what rabbis get brought in for. the animal in question must die as painlessly as possible, so the knife must be EXTREMELY sharp. like, extremely sharp, to the point where if you cut yourself with it you don’t even notice it. you have to run your fingernail down it and if you feel even the slightest bump it has to be sent back for further sharpening, because the blade is required to be free of any imperfection. 
you say a little prayer. this is less “blessing” and has been mentioned and more just a brief animal funeral rite
the animal in question must not be injured in any way prior to slaughter. this also includes the standard electric shock to incapacitate most animals for slaughter.
the throat is slit, and must be slit cleanly and in a highly specific way, and all the blood must be allowed to run out. following this, the meat is salted to remove any blood this procedure might have missed. this is the key difference between kosher and halal, as halal slaughter does include the painless death part but does not have any specific prohibition on blood, and depending on who you are will either do in a pinch or is still just as unacceptable as christian meat. 
and this is just the brief overview. there are more regulations than this about the type of knife used, how it is oiled and sharpened, how certain cuts of meat need to be made, what does and doesn’t count as “incapacitated”, whether or not the cow’s offspring was killed too closely in terms of date to the cow, et cetera.
all this and more is why 1. kosher meat tends to be more expensive and 2. why you have a rabbi on-site to make sure everything is up to code. and there is a lot of code
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lauvra · 2 months
The sky in Melbourne has been pristine blue for days, my dad will arrive in the early afternoon. Yesterday was spent mostly shuttling laundry from the machine onto racks outside and back, scrubbing the bathroom and tidying but there's more to be done. I'm writing this to kick myself in the ass, because without my morning journal I tend to leech time dry in wait of some greater inspiration. I want to pick up breakfast food, coffee, dairy milk, raw sugar and maybe oats for his stay. Putting him up in my bedroom, I'll remove some lude art hanging on the walls -- it's not that he'd be offended, but kinda like gathering around the family television as an intimate scene pops up, the idea of my dad subjected to the print of a prostitute performing fellatio or my several nude oil paintings is uncomfortable. The flannel sheets are drying on the line, the floors are waiting for suds and I'm expecting some finger wagging reprobation about our wasting the garden bed. In every rental property, he would either utilise the garden beds to grow vegetables or create one. In the last house we all shared, he'd even built a pond then filled it with Koi fish. His mother has emphysema -- he said he intends to quit smoking cigars after this holiday and I'm almost relieved to have faltered on my most recent bout of nicotine sobriety. Penny has slept cradled in my arms nearly every night I can think of, so I'm sure she'll nestle up to him while he's here and that warms my heart. In a classic dad move, he always claimed not to like cats but they love him and he softens immediately, cooing in baby speak. Oh! I'll put up the Iron Maiden flag -- merch he bought for me when we attended their concert together years ago. I wish my brother was travelling here too, eventually I'll convince him, his girlfriend and best friend to move from their quaint nothing town by the beach to the inner city multi-cultural madness of Melbourne. Dad's gonna get a real kick out of Jack's Donkey Kong machine, it's got a modded board with one of his favourite childhood games on it, Galaga.
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Look at this young dope
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oaky-doky-henry · 2 years
Hey everyone! Its your crunchy, munchy, birkenstock rockin, hippie, nature, druid dad!
Happy Holidays!
It’s important during this wonderful time of year to give recognition to the religions and cultures that celebrate during this time of winter! As an American, I see the corporate idea of Christmas overshadowing what’s truly important! I was watching the Grinch the other day with my beautiful boys and lovely wife, when I totally realized what is truly important about Christmas! It’s not always been over the top with gifts and decorations and old saint nick!
The Christmas season is more than just the celebration of Santa Clause! The traditions of religions really made this holiday season what it has become today!
The Jewish celebration Hanukkah is an eight day long holiday! This year its celebrated December 7th through December 15th! Every night is celebrated by the lighting of a candle on the menorah! It symbolizes how the Maccabees revolted against Antiochus IV Epiphanes. According to the Talmud, a later text, the Temple was purified and the wicks of the menorah miraculously burned for eight days, even though there was only enough sacred oil for one day's lighting! Aside from lighting the menorah they also celebrate by singing special songs, such as Ma'oz Tzur. Reciting the Hallel prayer. Eating foods fried in oil, such as latkes and sufganiyot, and dairy foods. Playing the dreidel game, and giving Hanukkah gelt!
So for all my Jewish kiddos! Happy Hanukkah!
The Christian celebration of December 25th symbolizes the birth of their messiah, Jesus of Nazareth! The Christian bible tells about how Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a virgin and was told by angels that she’d give birth to the messiah. So her and her fiancé, Joseph, traveled to the city of David. She gave birth to Jesus in a stable, since there was no room for them in the inn! And shepherds came to see, being guided by the star. The star is now known as the Christmas Star!
So for all my Christian kiddos! Merry Christmas!
A lot of people would (and still do!) celebrate the Winter Solstice! Aka the hibernal solstice! Its the shortest day of the year! They would decorate trees for good luck, they would feast and sing and spend time with those they loved!
So for all my kiddos! A very happy solstice!
Love you lots! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season! Spend it with those you love!
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T&F Diesel Headcanons
He is devious!
He is in a rivalry with Duck and Thomas.
He smokes cigarettes. He's a baaaad boy (note that I don't support smoking, it's really bad for you guys).
He bosses Paxton and Sidney around, since they don't know any better.
He has Doberman Pinscher ears and tail in his animal form.
He's emo. He dresses in all black and listens to grunge.
He is miserable and self-loathing.
He drinks from soda cans filled with oil. He is often covered in diesel stains.
He does boxing. You do not want to see him and Thomas get physical. Different fighting styles, yeeesh!
She's a scene girl.
She listens to My Chemical Romance.
She has a passionate interest in rocks. She knows what kind are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.
She and Toby are good friends. Toby likes her cowcatcher skirt. Mavis likes his cowcatcher shorts!
Percy has a huge crush on her but she's oblivious.
She has Maine Coon cat ears and a fluffy Maine Coon tail in her animal form.
She hangs out with Diesel from time to time but doesn't tolerate his prejudice against steamies. A lot of her friends run on steam.
Her patron saint is Mother Mary Lange. She founded the first African American religious congregation.
He's the pirate train! Yo-ho-ho!
He sings sea shanties. Donald the Scottish twin sings along with him.
He's the Mr. Krabs of Sodor. He's attracted to shiny objects and can be very greedy.
He is attached to the sea. Sometimes he'll drink the sea water then his face looks like this 416c175b6a82f64209c441768857c61a.jpg (640×960) (pinimg.com)
He purposefully annoys Cranky with his really long sea stories.
He's a Japanese Spider Crab with wheels on his six legs in his animal form.
His patron saint is Saint Nicholas aka Santa Claus.
He is a Metropolitan Vickers Diesel highly respected by the railfanning community.
He is a grandfatherly figure to Bill and Ben. He is able to withstand their tricks with firm but gentle discipline.
He and Edward are friends.
He dresses in military fashion.
He is best friends with Bear, the friendly diesel bear with wheels on his legs. He understands how he feels.
He is a bear with wheels on his legs in his animal form.
Bill and Ben tease him by calling him, "Boco Coco"!
He's kind of like Alex the Lion from Madagascar? Because he's so respected he got a bit of an ego, but he's a good guy regardless.
He had a crush on Ashima when she visited Sodor for the great race.
Diesel 10
He's not a nice guy.
He crushes steam engines with his claw.
He killed Lady, however she came back to life.
He almost killed Thomas. He ripped his arm off during the chase scene, but thankfully they put it back together again.
PT Boomer is his driver. He's a stick figure w/ a motorcycle helmet who carries dynamite.
Sir Topham Hatt doesn't kick him off the island due to finances.
He's a bull with train wheels in his animal form.
He's comedically villainous but when he's angry, you're screwed.
He treats Splatter and Dodge like punching bags, no wonder why they left him.
She used to be very rude and sour when she first came to Sodor. Now she has a change of heart.
She's a dairy cow with train wheels on her legs in her animal form.
She's very girly and fashionable.
She and Lady have DIY spa days together. They get massages, mani-pedis, facials . . . they're girls okay! XD
Diesel thinks she's really annoying.
She uses strawberry flavored lipstick and high-volume shampoo for the extra bounce in her hair.
Her patron saint is Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.
She has back pain. She's highly sprung.
She dresses in flapper fashion and carries a feather boa around her neck.
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talisidekick · 2 years
Having food allergies is a disability. I will not budge from this.
For 24 years of my life, despite having to be bottle fed specific formula as a baby because I had a massive near-death allergic reaction to breast milk, my mom decided it was okay to feed me cows milk and tell me nothing. I had seizures as a toddler, constant diarrhea my whole life, and I needed to use the bathroom withing 15-20 minutes if I ate anything, and not once did my parents tell me I was allergic to milk. They assumed I'd "grow out of it". At 12 I started getting hives reactions doctors couldn't explain. And 12 years later after taking a fucking allergy test after insisting and requesting it myself because the doctor claimed it was "just IBS", I learned I had a dairy allergy. And my mother let me know she fucking knew.
To this day, if I eat anything that has milk or has made contact with a milk ingredient of any animal, it's excruciating pain and agony. It makes me want to die. This means I can't eat out at most restaurants unless the entire menu is milk ingredient free. I can't eat any of the foods listed as irritating to people with IBS because I've fucked up my stomach and intestinal tract for 24 years. The "may contain" section listing milk is a gamble. And if a restaurants fries are cooked in the same oil as their milk-based breadded chicken strips ... I can't eat fries.
Literally, this makes my life, and the lives of those around me, my friends and chosen family, more difficult because it's so EASY for them to just pick a place to eat, and go, but I have to spend an hour looking at the menu, at the ingredients list, and even look up how things are cooked before I can go. This limits me to one or two dishes at places if I'm lucky. Sometimes, if it's a split-second decision, I don't eat.
I'm tired of people treating everything shy of nut allergies as something just inconvenient. Like it's "just an allergy". No it's fucking detrimental. I need people to understand that pain isn't "inconvenient", it's fucking pain.
And for the millionth damn time: no, I'm not lactose fucking intolerant. Lactaids don't work. It's a dairy allergy. There's a fucking difference.
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crazytooley · 1 year
Hi, I saw your post mentioning being allergic to protein and got curious. How does that work?
Honestly, not fun. I grew up not being to eat eggs straight up and specifically peanut butter. It's slowly developed to peanut oil, things fried it and dairy, then red meat joined the list. I didn't really like steak to begin with but the chicken, pork and fish started to do the same thing.
What happens to me is a mix between gastrointestinal issues and extreme nausea problems. I'll be constipated for long periods of time, and if not nothing will be in my body bc of diarrhea and throwing up.
I can tend to eat some forms of plant-based protein from what I can gather such as tofu and mushrooms but I've had problems with protein replacement supplements such as certain drinks and granola bars.
But I grew up in a very meat forward family, in a very meat forward area in Texas and then Missouri. I have a hard time living with the fact that I'm now medically vegan. I'm still living with my mother because of medical and psychological disabilities, and it's hard to explain that I have to have a completely separate diet from everybody in the house. That I have to use separate plates, Tupperware, and kitchen ware. At this point I have a separate mini fridge/freezer and microwave with my own kitchenware to store my own food.
But to be honest, do I very much stick to my eating diet? no... Should I? Yes.
Bc in the long run, I know that my body is not going to like extending that much energy just to poop and digest food.
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abwwia · 11 months
Georgia O'Keeffe
She was the 1st woman to receive a retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art, New York She was also a daughter of a dairy farmers. . . Georgia Totto O'Keeffe (Nov 15, 1887 – Mar 6, 1986) was an American modernist artist. O'Keeffe has been called the "Mo
She was the 1st woman to receive a retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art, New York She was also a daughter of a dairy farmers. . . Georgia Totto O’Keeffe (Nov 15, 1887 – Mar 6, 1986) was an American modernist artist. O’Keeffe has been called the “Mother of American modernism”. via Wiki Georgia O’Keeffe, 1953 by Laura Gilpin Georgia O’Keeffe (1887-1986)Horn and Feather, painted in 1937.Oil…
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wonderlandsakura · 1 year
Or my attempt to explain what it could be.
I believe that Ultra-Recyclo-Vegetarianism, or not eating anything with a face, is probably a form of sustainable and cruelty free vegetarianism, where Sam only eats things that are environmentally, economically and socially sustainable.
This means that she likely mostly eats things that are locally sourced, like the vegetables she can be seen eating, and cruelty free, so she diverts away from meat and likely would only drink milk coming straight from her own dairy cow if she could, so she can ensure that the calf can stay with their mother as long as possible.
(She might also not drink milk during certain seasons so that the cows aren't forced to constantly be pregnant)
Basically, she supports local farms that grow their crops sustainability, and doesn't buy most commercial products, especially if they are from big brands that have more history of mistreatment of their workers: i.e. nothing with a face/commercial packaging.
This also means she won't eat certain things that you would expect of a vegan/vegetarian, if their growth/farming is not sustainable or becomes so, like avocados, almonds, soy, corn and palm oil, especially the commercialised versions.
Basically Sam is not going to support big commercial brands and businesses that mistreat their workers or harm the environment with their practices and that's slay of her honestly.
Her diet is just another way she works to protest :)
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