#mother3 predictions
pain-in-the-butler · 5 months
Do you have any Black Butler theories that you believe? Personally the ones that I believe the most is r!Ciel and Undertaker are planning on breaking Sebastian's and o!Ciel's contract. And that Diedrich knew o!Ciel wasn't the r!Ciel. He didn't have any solid proof, but he is a Phantomhive so that was all Diedrich needed
I have a couple, though I unfortunately feel like I'm not very good at predictions, so I'm not really holding them tightly with both fists. Most of my predictions are based around what happens in Mother3, but not all of them. Here are the theories that I like the most, though I wouldn't be surprised if they were proven wrong at the same time:
Undertaker is Ciel's grandfather, or at the very least he was Claudia's lover
Polaris is Rian Stoker
Francis was the Blue Miracle and she knew O!Ciel was lying about his identity before it was revealed (I agree Diedrich might've known something too)
R!Ciel played a role in the manor murders (though I don't think he was directly responsible or intended for things to go the way that they did)
Rachel and possibly also Vincent will come back in some capacity, maybe as ghosts or in a cinematic record
Also I don't know if anyone else has said this before, but rather than focusing on ending the contract, I think Undertaker is interested in getting R!Ciel's cinematic record from Sebastian. If the last fight in Kuro is anything like in Mother3, I also believe the information on that record is what will make R!Ciel give up the fight. But it's kind of a stretch, I honestly have no idea what Yana is cooking. We'll see...
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abybweisse · 1 year
Don't you think the amount of parallels between the original anime episodes and what's currently happening in the manga is shocking ? There's so many similarities that I believe the anime canon is foreshadowing quite a lot , for example I predict that snake will turn against the Pahntomhives the same way Pluto did in season 1 . Or that The contract will end up jeopardized or broken just like in the 2 first seasons .
Parallels between manga and anime
I have some older posts about parallels between the manga canon and the first two seasons of the anime, as well as what appear to be easter eggs found in the anime.
Basically, it's about how Yana-san must have given them some vague ideas about upcoming parts of the manga, and the anime team was allowed to interpret them as they pleased. What we ended up with are like professionally written (but still very flawed) fanfic scenarios.
Please see my tag for #anime vs manga.
Oh, but keep in mind that in the Akuma6 side chapter, ch107.5, Snake doesn't turn on our earl and Sebastian... but his snakes turn against everyone, including Snake. I recall making the parallel with Mother3 that the individual snakes in the manga are like the Rope Snakes in the game -- very useful! But all the snakes combining (working) together and acting as an adversary in ch107.5 is like the game's Oh-So-Snake, which provides an early boss fight.
About the contract, I expect Undertaker to attempt to break the contract. I also expect him to ultimately fail.
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archivedlandmark1 · 4 years
Our main characters
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I'm mostly just gonna copy and paste everything with minor changes
The sunsets is a fictional crossover rythmn/rpg game of the least expected charaters. These 4 characters from differnet timelines untie 7 yarn knots all over the planet so all worlds are seperated once more. LUCAS(MOTHER3/EARTHBOUND ENDINGS: right after the events of mother 3 lucas is Landed in a field of sunflowers,  but was help by kermit the speedwagon. He taught lucas "dance" to predict a fighters movements by their music/beat. During the beginning of the game he hated himself and believes he's responsible for the death of his brother and the island. But after having some help of people who cared for him he came to turns of what it means to love Jotaro kujo(jojo's bizzare adventure:stone ocean): lucas second party member after mastering "dance" he went to his world and "acidentally" change the timeline. While lucas does the main notes,  jotaro does the heavy parts of the music, Jotaro adds his own flavor to dance that way. He's a hard headed, silent and menacing man who has problems of expressing himself. No one could help him unless he does something to express it Captain olimar: jotaro's star platinum is the one who found this little guy.   even though olimar wasn't one of the chosen simply because hes from another planet his pikmin make up for that. Captain olimar and his pikmin does the fast or unoticable notes even though you don't listen to those notes they carrie the song. Olimar is an intelliengent, determined , most encouraging one of the bunch but his power and size compare to other fighters seem irrelevent his pikmin army makes him just mighty enough as them The artic soldier:retec (crossover fraternity original/kirby) the only semi oc on this list retec is king dedede from an alternate timeline where he was never  born or raised in dreamland. It was until in his 30s when he visit dreamland after meeting the alternate version of kirby who was trapped by nightmare. The only way to save him is by goimg through the 5 trials. He was trapped by ilolisons until the team save him.retec does the "wiggled" notes and is able to "hold" the longest. Retec is a rutless, entiteled, somewhat careless but in the inside He's still the  king he could have been
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abybweisse · 2 years
Hello! I would love to hear your take on a theory I’ve heard, maybe you’ve already done something about it but —
The theory that the phantomhives are actually of Irish/Scottish/Celtic decent and that’s part of the reason Victoria (supposedly) wiped them out. Also kind of explains the “Windsor incident” and the “sour faces” of relatives at the mention of the twins names (I realize Ciel is French—I believe? But still!)
I just wanna sing ancient Celtic tunes to OCiel 😭 hits home for me because my lineage is extremely Irish and German, and I know how horribly they treated anyone Irish or Scottish at that time, even in America. So sad to think this might be the case, albeit with a supernatural twist
Celtic roots?
There has been discussion of that possibility within the fandom, and I've had a few posts and reblogs that talk about it.
For one thing, some in the fandom think our earl (who only pretends to be Ciel) might have named Finny after himself. A specific book has been shown on two separate occasions in the manga: Fenian Cycle: Celtic Mythology.
In ch100, it's shown several times, as our earl explains to Finny why he's chosen that name for him.
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And it's shown again on the cover of ch132.
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Now, our earl selects the name for Finny because of his blond hair and his strength. And years later, when our earl joins the circus, he calls himself Finnian. Some people think this is a clue that it's his real given name, and perhaps he has never liked it because it doesn't fit: he doesn't have blond hair, and he's not all that physically fast, strong, or healthy. Canonically, Rachel is the one to name the boys, and I personally cannot see her choosing a name like that for our earl. He didn't show signs of asthma until he was 5 or so, but he obviously doesn't have blond hair, and I expect Rachel to choose a more fitting name for him. Preferably one that works well with "Ciel" (like Claus and Lucas, mirror twin brothers in Mother3, having anagram names). That's one of the reasons why I like the name Elic. (I also like that it means "protection", much like Alex.) However, the idea that our earl is really Finnian (or some spelling variant) persists within the fandom.
I think it's more likely that our earl just fondly remembers Vincent reading the book to him, but it's interesting that the book is shown again on a cover page, with Vincent reading to the boys, and the tag line is "Gazing at the promised future". The chapter includes Vincent showing the boys around the estate and their earldom, but that cover also happens to show the boys "gazing" at the book. This could be a hint that the family is indeed of Celtic origins, or at least partly, despite the fact the image looks more like "gazing at the fabled past".
Then Yana-san revealed the cover art for Artworks 3, and wow. That's a lot of tartans and thistles. She mixes so many different tartan patterns that we cannot really say the family must be from one particular clan or another. But it's really interesting for her to choose all these tartans and pair them with a bunch of thistle, Scotland's national flower. There are even thistles on his boots.
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Here and here are a couple old posts about it, including the symbolic meaning of thistles (includes some Japanese flower language meanings, too). Notice thistles are often associated with "protection". (Makes me like the name Elic even more.)
If the twins have some Celtic roots, it might not actually be on the Phantomhive side so much as Rachel's side. Her sister and father have that red hair, after all, and so-called "Gingers" have suffered discrimination for a very long time, particularly in England. Vincent might have wanted to teach his boys to appreciate and take pride in their partly Celtic heritage.
If Rachel has a strong Celtic background, then Vincent's choice to marry her might have ruffled some feathers. Perhaps family and people in the peerage didn't think it was a good idea; maybe this made Queen Victoria angry. Keeping all this in mind (and making a point of it), the decidedly strong-willed Rachel might have selected names that reflect each side of the family. Something French for the firstborn... and something Celtic for the unexpected twin? (Idk exactly where Elic comes from, but it looks/sounds Celtic, doesn't it? Oh, hey. Look. CELTIC. 😆)
Every time I look up "Elic name meaning" online, I get different results for both the meaning and origin, but when I looked a moment ago, this was from one of the top websites (Names.com):
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Another website says it's Greek in origin and means "defender of mankind", a variation of Alec. Older website entries used to give a similar meaning (protection/protector of man) but claim it's Hungarian or something. So, nothing conclusive, of course, but gosh I hope our earl ends up being Elic. I really do. It's one of the major Mother3 predictions, so of course I'm fond of it. 😅
Speaking of lineage, mine is English, German, Irish, Scottish, French, and Dutch. My first name, Arran, is after the Isle of Arran (Scottish). My last name, Walker, is supposedly from the MacGregor clan, while my Allison ancestors (married into the Walkers about six generations ago) came from the MacAlister clan, straight from Somerled himself! Then again, being a descendent of Somerled is somewhat common. Roughly 500,000 people today are. Only Genghis Khan is documented as having more -- about 16 million. Big oof 😅.
Another person to mix with the Phantomhives could prove to be of Celtic decent.
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abybweisse · 3 years
Ch63, Claiming the earldom
While doing research for an upcoming fanfic… I am reminded of a couple things, regarding our earl officially gaining that title:
He and Sebastian learned their respective roles in a mere 2 months. Since the demon contract was made ~ January 20, 1886…
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…and our earl officially gains the title March 17, 1886 (which happens to be St. Patrick’s Day. Is there any significance to that? 🤔)
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I’m also reminded of this confirmation: As soon as the Phantomhives were killed/displaced from their estate, the entire earldom was, in fact, relinquished to the crown. Victoria could do with the manor, the estate, the Phantomhive coffers, and even the surrounding village as she pleased in the three months she controlled them. (Dec 14/15, 1885 — Mar 17, 1886)
And I bet she did as much as she possibly could. I still say that could be one of the reasons for the attack on the Phantomhives to begin with. Perhaps Vincent didn’t send as much money or as many workers to London for the Tower Bridge project as the queen wanted, and one way to get the money and the workers was to have direct control over them.
I mean… the estate was apparently having some money issues, due to cheaper prices on American goods coming into the country. That might have started before Vincent’s death. Vincent said the earldom only prospers because of its people. And in ch132, he specifically states how bridges and ditches take a lot of money and physical labor or “help”. So, this is reason enough for Vincent to not send the funding and manpower the queen likely requested of him. He needed all the resources he had — money and laborers — to stay on the Phantomhive estate and in the surrounding village.
As our earl later (in ch85) tells Sebastian, regarding Tower Bridge not being complete, people have their own priorities. I believe Vincent tried to put his family and the earldom ahead of the crown, and that would have gotten him into trouble from time to time.
Plus, take note of Tower Bridge’s timeline in the manga. Plans laid out in 1875, the year the twins were born. Hardly anything for ten whole years. Construction finally begins in 1886. (In 1889, Sebastian says “3 years ago”.) And this kid returns to the manor to find that the manor itself isn’t the only thing in ruins. The family finances are poor, and the village is suffering, too. I don’t think it’s just about competition from foreign markets. Perhaps that’s what our earl (and later real Ciel) was led to believe? I really do expect to find out the queen was funneling money and even moving people from the Phantomhive estate and earldom to her beloved Tower Bridge project. Don’t forget she built it as a monument to Prince Albert, after all….
And, according to Mother3 theory, Vincent is being punished (partly) for disobedience, just like Flint’s house gets burned down for not showing loyalty to King Porky.
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abybweisse · 2 years
Do you think now that the kuro anniversary is over manga will start speeding up again hopefully?
Story speeding up now?
Ah, an easy one.
Because I don't think it ever had much to do with the 15th anniversary. It's not even much to do with Yana-san's other obligations, like Twisted Wonderland. Because this issue started before then.
Other obligations have an effect on how much time she can physically devote to the series, true, but they shouldn't affect the pace too much. She could do slightly shorter chapters than before (pre-Blue Sect) and maybe skip some side story content and, therefore, cover more ground on the main story per chapter. She could even write these very short chapters and skip a lot of extra stuff to rush to the end. That's what someone might do, if they were "over" the series (and wanted to focus on other projects) but were still determined to finish it. Another way to accomplish that but not lose too much story would be to work even harder to push out long chapters and cover everything that "needs" to be said in as few chapters as possible, ending the series as soon as possible to devote all time and effort to other things. But that's not what's happening. None of that.
No, this is mostly about GFantasy telling her to write shorter chapters, which she tweeted about when the Blue Sect arc started -- she tweeted that they implemented a lower page limit on the series -- and possibly "suggesting" that she slow down the pace of the storytelling, too... though I'm sure she wants to cover as much story as she can, anyway. I see it as a hint from her that the story's timeline is approaching its end... that this Blue Sect "super-arc" is the last true arc of the series.
Manga publications like GFantasy usually announce either the last arc (if it's short) or the last twelve chapters (if it's part of a long arc) of a series. This series is a HUGE readership draw for GFantasy. They want to keep those sweet, sweet sales numbers, and they have no idea how a new, replacement series will fare. Likely, they will experience a massive drop in the readership, and it will take a while for the other series (even with a new one to fill the slot) in the monthly publication to make up for the loss.
Since this arc is being drawn-out into all these mini-arcs (the assignments, etc.), we should see the "nearing the end" notification at the start of either the last of these mini-arcs or at the start of the last 12 months of chapter publication... whichever is shorter, probably. If the last mini-arc is just a little over 12 chapters, we might get a "last arc" notification quickly followed by a "last 12 chapters" notification.
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abybweisse · 2 years
Me: *Realizing that Layla and Al (possibly short for Alyal) might be Lord Vega... and being totally ok that they are Vega (instead of Layla being Canopus by herself)... as long as it means our mirror twins really might also have anagram names, like I've been saying since December 2015.*
Come on, Ciel and Elic....
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abybweisse · 3 years
There is something I wanted Yana Sensi to show us, but she didn't, which is Smile's feelings about the stab he received from his brother in the last arc. As we know Smile loved his brother very much and a large part of his lie is related to that love,So seeing his brother who loves him so much come back from death and destroy the life he built is a pain he didn't think for a second that he would come from the person dearest to him but in the last arc Yana did not show these feelings in Smile
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Feelings of betrayal
We have seen some of our earl’s response to this, in ch147. I guess that’s what you are calling his response from the viewpoint of his “normal watchdog duty”.
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I see it as a bit more than that. It’s the watchdog duty, but it’s also the earldom and everything else he had to do to restore the family name. Despite the help of his contracted demon, he had to put a lot of thought and effort into the process, too.
He endured Sebastian’s harsh teaching methods (shooting, language studies, horse riding, musical studies, and even dancing) as well as any tutors brought in for other lessons. He brought the estate back from financial ruin with Funtom funding various repairs and upgrades around the property, and that all took effort, too. He couldn’t use Sebastian for absolutely everything, since they were both trying to make things look “human”. (For example, Sebastian probably didn’t make the road improvements himself.)
He was dealing with attempts on his life even before the earldom was officially restored to the family name. And, once it was restored, and he was officially earl and watchdog, he was taking on all these assignments that didn’t always have anything to do with fulfilling his quest for revenge.
At this point, it’s kind of hard for him to see this Bizarre Doll of his dead older mirror twin as anything else but a thief and a threat. Thanks to Undertaker dragging the reanimated corpse along to various places, real Ciel got to see some of our earl’s activities… but it’s not like real Ciel helped in any way; it was vicarious enjoyment of his brother’s successes. Real Ciel is getting revenge by proxy. He applauds his younger twin’s accomplishments, particularly that he was able to fake his identity for so long, and displays some really twisted sense of familial love. It’s only after the last time they crossed paths that real Ciel has come to understand even a fraction of the true efforts his younger twin has made, the obstacles he’s overcome. But he doesn’t even care to preserve what his younger twin has achieved (like telling Tanaka to do whatever with the Funtom prototypes).
Sebastian is what’s made it possible, since without the demon, our earl would have had serious disadvantages on all fronts: money issues, no manpower for making repairs, no capital or connections for starting a business, no protection from assassins, and so on. Running to Madam Red or the Midfords wouldn’t have yielded the same results, and they probably would have steered him away from becoming earl and watchdog.
Real Ciel can’t forgive the demon for devouring his soul, but he seems to mostly be focused on the fact his younger twin is the one who used the sacrifice to his advantage, faked his own death, and took his brother’s identity… when he could have claimed to be next in line without doing that. You know, things might be very different if our earl had given real Ciel an answer to the question about why he did it. We know it’s because he didn’t think anyone would care about him, only about the real Ciel. And he also didn’t get to explain that the contract was made out of love and a deep sense of loss. Our earl was at a loss for words, while everyone else was full of them. That’s when the “reunion” is crashed by Grelle and Othello, right? Then the Yard and the Midfords and the arrests.
After that, our earl was just trying to return to his senses, and his emotions come flooding out in a rage; that’s ch147’s big scene. But before real Ciel confronts our earl at the manor, our earl’s already filled with dread at the prospect of his older twin’s return. Whatever form real Ciel is going to take, it cannot properly be the brother he once knew. Violet’s blood loss, the attack on Soma and Agni, Agni’s gruesome death, the carving on the master bedroom wall — whatever is coming for our earl, it’s full of anger and jealousy. And, since Sebastian says he didn’t lie about “what has been lost can never return”, that means it must be a monster.
Our earl is already terrified, and it’s not just about being caught in a lie or losing everything he’s worked for. It’s like he said about Soma and Agni, that they should have stayed out of his business. The people closest to him are being hurt, some getting killed. All this time, he’s tried to push people away, but the truth is he still sees others as more than just pawns. He wishes to protect a lot of people from being pulled down with him; that’s why he pushes them away. But he can’t completely avoid making bonds.
This isn’t just about his watchdog duties or his title; he’s been cut to the core, and it’s hard for him to express the depths of his feelings over this betrayal. And it’s really hard right now to see what’s returned as anything other than a threat from an abomination.
So, you want to see the rest of those emotions? All his deeper feelings about being betrayed by what used to be his older twin? Stick around for their final confrontation, because if Mother3 theory has anything to say about it, that will be a very emotionally revealing event.
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abybweisse · 2 years
Hey! So I have a question... What do you think Soma's role will be in future arcs? We haven't seen him in a while but well.... the last time we saw him it looked like he was willing to kill a man lol.
On an unrelated note, whats your personal opinion on Prince Soma and our earls dynamic? I have seen a few tumblrs talking abt it but I would love to know ur opinion ^^
Have a good day:D
When Soma returns
I have some posts about that, but I’m not sure I have tags for it beyond the usual #soma, #prince soma, and #soma asman kadar… plus perhaps #mother3 predictions.
First-off, I think he did kill those thugs who attacked him (and the woman and child) to steal anything of value.
There’s a lot about this topic, because of Mother3 theory, but basically… I see Soma as intended to become an adversary, due to some terrible misunderstanding. In this case, it’s mostly because he doesn’t know the true identities of the people who attacked him and Agni. He must think it’s our earl and Sebastian, since he didn’t know there was a twin. Agni hands him the torn up pieces of photo, showing there are twins, but Soma apparently never looks at it. He is convinced he knows exactly who the attackers are, and I don’t think Sieglinde explains they are not our earl and Sebastian… because she herself might not be entirely sure what’s going on. Our earl didn’t explain it to her; he only warns her and Wolfram to not let anyone in, even if it’s “him”.
Soma is grieving and angry. And he’s probably blaming our earl for Agni’s death, as well as for his own injuries. And now he has somehow gained the Right Hand of Kali, which once belonged to Agni. Agni tried to use it for good, but even he had trouble controlling the intense destructive power of it. It’s obviously not just for making great curry!
So, as I’ve said in older posts, I expect Soma to get stuck in a destructive (even deadly) rampage, much like the story he and Agni previously told about Kali and Shiva. Soma could leave a path of destruction in his wake, and someone needs to figure out a way to calm him down. Unless there’s a bizarre doll of Agni (if those ashes aren’t really Agni’s) that can swoop in and calm Soma down, the best option is for someone to remind Soma that Agni wouldn’t want this life for him. Soma needs to be given a dose of shame for this destructive behavior. Just like Shiva let Kali walk on him, which gave her a deep sense of shame, and it stopped her. Remember Agni using a stuck-out tongue 👅 symbol on the letters attached to the Nabobs who had been strung upside down? Someone needs to make Soma stick out his tongue in shame, regret, and apology. I don’t think we got that story just to explain a tongue on some letters. If Soma can be stopped non-violently this way, great.
But if he runs into real Ciel and — say Lord Polaris — before he learns the truth about the twins… what will happen? I mean, Sebastian would fight Soma and possibly struggle to stay out of harm’s way; recall how hard it was for Sebastian to fight Agni while Agni was under the samadhi of the Right Hand. But even under samadhi, Agni was no match for Polaris.
Soma’s outcome largely depends upon whom he comes across in his revenge for what happened to him and Agni.
Oh… and he might enlist the help of Sieglinde or at least use some invention of hers… but since he has the Right Hand of Kali now, he might not even think to do so.
Best case scenario: he learns the truth about the twins and the attackers (and is humiliated), but he survives, and he either returns home or perhaps travels elsewhere.
Worst case scenario: he dies. He might learn the truth, or he might not. Either way, he’s run into the wrong people, and it gets him killed.
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abybweisse · 2 years
Stop the fighting, addendum
Oh, there’s something I left out in the previous post.
When I mentioned the lockets, I forgot to talk about their own item parallel in Mother3, which is the “Courage Badge”… which turns out to be the legendary “Franklin Badge”. If our earl or someone else uses Cloudia/Claudia’s locket (or any of those lockets, I guess) to convince real Ciel to stop, that also works as the plot parallel to Mother3.
You see, in the game, after Hinawa convinces Claus to stop fighting, Claus makes one last attack. However, he aims his last PK Flash directly at the Courage/Franklin Badge Lucas is wearing, knowing it will ricochet off the badge and hit him instead. And this attack is lethal, so Claus uses his last breaths to apologize to Lucas as he dies (again?) in Lucas’ arms.
Keep in mind that Claus is the older mirror twin brother, he had apparently died earlier, and he was turned into a “heartless” Fascinating Chimera. It really is just like real Ciel being the older mirror twin brother, dying, and being turned into a “soulless” Bizarre Doll…. Claus is also the more outgoing of the two, trying to protect his younger brother, just like real Ciel.
Anyway. In Black Butler, the mourning lockets could be used in a couple different ways:
Whoever holds the lockets displays them and convinces real Ciel to stop fighting. I mentioned this in the previous post. Again, it might not be too convincing, since neither of the twins met their paternal grandmother. And we don’t even know who the other six people were. Will they mean anything to the twins? Likely not. Our earl saw their death certificates, and he didn’t react to them. Real Ciel probably wouldn’t recognize them, either.
Like in the game, the locket becomes a physical protection against attack. The badge is able to reflect lights and lightning attacks, like PK Flash, but that’s not what would be used in this manga. Here, we could end up with a locket stopping a bullet. Clichéd, I know, but it would still be a cool way to both use and destroy the locket. I mean… even if the lockets don’t have souls in them, they still remind me of the horcruxes that Voldemort intended to make (one of them was even a locket). 😆 But seriously, who else here thinks that Undertaker’s mourning lockets will pretty much need to be destroyed in order to make Undertaker let go of the obsession that has such a hold on him?
Something else I like to remind people when I talk about the mourning lockets paralleling the Courage Badge/Franklin Badge: If Undertaker is Cedric, then Cedric K. Ros— probably is a character parallel to Cedric of Rotherwood from Ivanhoe. And Cedric of Rotherwood is a Saxon lord. The Normans called these Saxon landowners “Franklins”. Meaning they were “free” (as opposed to feudal peasants or slaves) and owned land and their own titles. And Francis/Frances basically means the same thing….
In Black Butler, Undertaker calls the lockets his “treasure”. In Mother3, Nippolyte says the “Courage Badge” is Flint’s “treasured” family heirloom. Flint is the twins’ father; he’s alive, but he’s not actively involved in Lucas’ quest for revenge. Instead, Flint obsesses over Hinawa’s death and Claus’ disappearance by going back and forth between visiting her grave and searching for Claus. He doesn’t find any closure until he finally sees Claus (returned as a Fascinating Chimera) with his own eyes.
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abybweisse · 2 years
Ch192, Mother3 theory prediction etc.
I'd previously explained that Layla is the parallel to Li'l Ms. Marshmallow from Mother3, and Al comes out to act as Li'l Ms. Marshmallow's "Ultra Ticked-Off System" -- the supercharged fighting mode that she goes into once being severely injured.
Keeping with that parallel, if Yana-san sticks close to it, we should see Layla/Al be defeated within the next couple chapters. Probably ch192. If the parallel is extremely close, then here are some other things we might see:
LMM (for short) breaks down (self destructs, actually) when she's defeated. So, Layla/Al might not get taken back to reaper HQ as a functional bizarre doll. I mean they will possibly take her to the reaper realm for examination anyway, but she will probably have to be destroyed first. (I seriously doubt they will be able to just restrain her and hand her over to the forensics lab, or whatever.) And then they will only be able to examine what's left. Maybe they can view parts of the brain and cinematic records before they are completely decomposed. 🤷🏻‍♀️
LMM is a robot, so she's very strong and all, but she's susceptible to being shorted out by saltwater. Bizarre dolls are not susceptible to death scythes in the same way a truly living person would be, but anything that strikes her just right on/through the skull should suffice. That could be a death scythe, those scissor blades she's got... even a regular bullet. The weapon that lands the final blow could even end up being something completely random and unexpected. Possibly even comical. Seriously, LMM finally gets taken down by a water gun filled with saline.
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However, these advanced bizarre dolls might also be susceptible to a few other things, too. It might not suffice for the final blow, even shooting her through the heart just made her angry, but.... Imagine what would happen if someone managed to get in close enough to stab her with a hypodermic needle filled with the wrong type of blood. If she's Canopus, she can only have Canopus and Vega. If she's Vega, she can only have Vega. And that gets me to the next possible parallel. When LMM gets shot with saltwater, she starts to short circuit, making her slump then sway. Finally, she starts talking absolute nonsense... before she explodes. Earlier, I'd wondered whether that's what was happening in ch190, because when she was hit in the chest, she swayed, slumped over against the desk, and then fell to the ground while calling out for "Al". It kind of seemed like nonsense, because who TF was "Al?" Well, that was basically just LMM right before the Ultra Ticked-Off System truly kicks in. For Layla, that's Al. Now we get to see what it's really like for this parallel of LMM to "slump, sway, yell nonsense, and explode". How that's portrayed depends on the weapon that's used. If she's actually susceptible to something other than a major injury to the brain, I'd love to see what the wrong blood type (injected) does to her. It might not finish her off, but it could incapacitate her long enough for someone to land the final blow. I don't expect Layla/Al to literally explode, like LMM does... unless Baldo comes back into the fight with actual explosives. (There shouldn't be enough blood supply there to hook her up to a machine and pump her full of everything they've got until she bursts, like the exact opposite of what Blavat does to the Sirius renal patient. ...Unless they use saline! 😂)
If we part from the parallel more than a smidge, injecting her with the wrong blood type might be the only way to incapacitate her enough to capture her and take her away to reaper HQ. Then, perhaps they could interrogate and examine her until they decide they are done... and then administer the final blow to her skull. This might be our best chance of seeing Othello or the reaper forensics lab at work.
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abybweisse · 3 years
Ch184 (p2), That parallel to Flint….
I’d recently responded (January 16th) to an anon ask regarding the possibility of Baldo as a parallel to Flint in Mother3, and yeah, he definitely is. I said Flint lashes out in a rage after his wife is killed (his older son hadn’t gone missing just yet), and ch183 gives us the start of that breakdown. I also said that if the parallel holds up, ch184 might show us that Baldo goes on some rampage, where he attacks just about anyone.
Well, ch184 delivers! Baldo even says that’s exactly what he did, with “I wasn’t simply avenging my family. Anyone who appeared in front of my eyes was my enemy.”
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So, we do have layered parallels here.
Vincent and Rachel are parallels to Flint and Hinawa because they have the mirror twin sons. Also Hinawa dies and Flint isn’t of much use to his sons after her death. So, even though Flint is alive, he’s mostly out of the picture, particularly after chapter 3. Whereas both Vincent and Rachel are dead; Undertaker says Vincent’s body was burned to ashes. Flint practically abandons his other son, Lucas, but he leaves his “treasured” family heirloom, the “Courage Badge” (really the Franklin Badge) with Nippolyte, the eccentric gravedigger, and Nippolyte is tasked to hand it over to Lucas. That’s just like Vincent being dead, but our earl ends up with the chain of mourning lockets that Undertaker calls his “treasure”. Since it includes a mourning locket for our earl’s paternal grandmother, it’s also basically a family heirloom.
Baldo, Joanna, and Baldroy Jr are also a parallel to Flint, Hinawa, and Claus. Flint loses his wife (and later his older son) and has a mental breakdown where he lashes out at anyone he sees. And even once the initial rage dies down, Flint just goes around searching for answers, but nothing soothes him because he hasn’t found any closure. (Not until he finally sees his dead and reanimated older son in person, at least.) Baldo loses his wife and his son, then he goes around attacking anyone around him, just like Flint. Even once that initial rage dies down, he’s still going around and fighting, looking for something beyond revenge. He needs closure, but he doesn’t know how to get it.
And… uh. Bonus: Baldo looks way more like Flint than Vincent does. 😆
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FYI: Flint is a reference to guns with a flintlock mechanism. While Hinawa is a Japanese reference to guns with a matchlock mechanism.
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abybweisse · 2 years
I can see that you always use mother3 in your posts ,but I dont think that yana was inspired by mother3 for making black butler...Do you really think black butler storyline is going forward like mother3??? I dont think so
I don’t always use Mother3 for comparison… but quite often.
Yes, I really do think it’s going that way. It sure has, so far. 😊 It’s obviously not the only resource for her inspiration, but it’s got to be a major one.
Have you read my old masterposts on this? I mean, I compare the characters, the plots, and even the timelines… and they have matched up very nicely… so far….
I still have at least two more masterposts in draft.
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abybweisse · 2 years
hello ✨! , hope you fine <3 , According to Yana Sebastian is the protagonist , i am A Fan of kuro since 2016 , and i just knew that 6 months ago!! lol , i thought that Ciel is the protagonist Because the Story is about him and his job as the watchdog and his family , so it is very interesting that Sebastian is the protagonist !! , i am so excited to see what will happen to him and what is the role he will play , i mean he is the protagonist so he must be the most character who will be affected , what do you think he will do or what will happened to him ? ….. thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sebastian as the main character
Yeah, he’s officially the main character, according to Yana-san. I don’t recall any tweets specifically about that, but she did say so in one of the art books… was it Artworks 2? We also have to consider the fact she went to Editor K with “I want to write about a demon butler”, not “I want to write about an aristocratic boy”. In fact, it looks to me like she recycled an older character concept she’d originally meant for another story to become our “Ciel” Phantomhive; his name was Ao (which means “blue”), and he was some sort of young, aristocratic detective. I used to have an image of him, from her old blog, but I haven’t been able to find that image again these past few years.
Anyway, yes, this means Sebastian should go through some sort of character development. And, even though he’s centuries (or even millennia) old, among demons he might be considered “young”. So, I do often call this series the demon’s Bildungsroman — his coming-of-age story.
I’ve got some old posts about this, so you might check the tags of this post for more information. Probably find the most under #series end, #end of the series, #series ending, #end of the manga, and maybe something like #predictions, #emotions, #epilogue, #character development, #soul devouring, and #soul effect. Maybe even #devoured soul effect? Also please see the Tagging Masterpost for a link that’s about this topic. How and when the series might end.
But mostly, I expect for Sebastian to get the meal he’s been promised. Then, when he eats our earl’s soul, something will happen that he wasn’t expecting. Like a blossoming of emotions that he didn’t know he could feel — love, loss, shame, regret, a heavy burden — stuff like that. The sorts of emotions that make humans cry. He previously told Beast that he didn’t “yet” have a “jot” of understanding about such things as love or loss. Then there’s the scene in the witch arc, where Sebastian is crying, but it’s just from mustard gas, which he had never encountered before. He even says to himself he doesn’t have the ability to cry from emotions. I think he’s gained a little taste of these, but our earl’s soul is full of such emotions.
Demons might be the epitope of “you are what you eat”. Othello says that most demon contracts are over so quickly because the humans who make contracts usually have simple wishes that are easily granted. This suggests those humans themselves are somewhat simple. But he also says there have been notable exceptions, and I think our earl is one of them. Plus, Sebastian has accepted a contract he knows might take a while to fulfill, due to the terms placed upon it. He’s ok with that, since a human lifespan isn’t very long to him, and he thinks the wait will make the finished meal all the tastier. Yana-san calls him a “perverted gourmet” because he likes to “prepare” his meals in a way that alters the taste; he wants to put his Young Master through a lot of ordeals in order to “season his soul”. And his goal is to make this soul taste different than others he’s had before. I think he will succeed in that!
I expect the demon to be very satisfied with the meal, but then it changes him. He becomes more like our earl. He’s still a demon, but he has a better understanding of human emotions. From personal experience, not just as some outsider or observer. And I expect him to gain the ability to cry due to emotions. And he should act accordingly…. That’s also probably under #mother3 predictions. Oddly, due to Mother3 theory, I ultimately expect something “good” or constructive to come out of it all, even though it might require an extremely destructive event to get there….
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abybweisse · 2 years
Layla has a Mother3 parallel
Oh my word, I think I just found Layla's parallel in Mother3.
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It's this cute little enemy called Ms. Marshmallow or Li'l Ms. Marshmallow, a robotic maid for King Porky. Lucas and pals encounter her at Thunder Tower, which has a spiral staircase. A battle with her is completely optional, but she gets angry if you inspect and try to touch something called "Friend's Yo-Yo", which belongs to King Porky and is kept in a glass case. She yells:
Once she's been injured, she goes into a higher/stronger attack mode that can damage multiple enemies, called Ultra Ticked-Off System. Because she's a machine, she's effectively injured by Saltwater Gun. When she's defeated, she talks complete gibberish until she finally stops functioning.
The fandom wiki says "Once she is defeated, she slumps, sways, and falls to the ground before yelling nonsensical phrases and exploding."
With Layla, we have this cutesied-up little girl dressed as a nurse (instead of maid), and she's working for Lord Ciel (instead of King Porky). She's encountered at Athena Sanatorium, where blood is collected in a tower with a spiral staircase. She doesn't give Baldo or Lau a hard time until they are obviously messing with Lord Ciel's blood supply.
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When she's injured, she says it's not hurting her and she goes into a higher attack mode. Her eyes look kind of crazy now, and she starts talking about Baldo and Lau as being food to her.
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When you injure her enough, which can be done with a gunshot to the heart, she sways, slumps onto the desk, then falls to the floor and starts talking to "Al", who isn't there. She might be talking nonsense, but it's hard to tell because we don't know whether Al exists.
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If this parallel holds up damn near 100%, she might completely bleed out while running through the woods and just keep talking to herself (or this "Al" who still hasn't shown up) until she stops functioning. Or she gets her brains scrambled by someone in pursuit, like a reaper. If that's the case, another battle could be held against "Al", if that person exists (which I suspect they do). We don't see Ronald in ch188, so it's possible he's fighting this "Al" person while Lau and Baldo are fighting Layla.
Even if it's not a near 100% parallel, Layla (and also likely Al) should eventually be defeated... after a more intense battle??... and she (or both of them) might start talking absolute nonsense as she's (they're) "dying".
If Layla (and whoever Al is supposed to be) makes up Lord Vega, their echoing sort of speech reminds me a bit of how Li'l Ms. Marshmallow's speech can be sort of repetitive.
*** ***
Now... there's also the issue of Jane, who is dressed as a maid at Heathfield Manor, where more blood was also being collected. However, the parallels aren't nearly as strong:
Jane is a hired soldier dressed as a maid, but she's not this adorable little kid-looking sort of person, and she talks quite normally.
She's working at Heathfield Manor, where there's a blood collection facility for Lord Ciel, but it's collected underground, not in a tower with a spiral staircase.
She doesn't cause much of an issue until Ran-Mao is chosen to become a "donor". Then she's even more of an adversary once Mey-Rin is snooping around looking for Ran-Mao and finds the collection facility. But she doesn't get severely injured in the fight.
She gives up once the operation's cover is completely blown, so she gets to just walk away, and she's never talked nonsense.
So, I don't really see Jane as a parallel to Li'l Ms. Marshmallow, though she might be seen as a precursor. There might be a more direct parallel to Jane elsewhere in the game, possibly also in chapter 5, "Tower of Thunder". 🤷🏻‍♀️
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abybweisse · 2 years
Beyond Bard's arc, do you think Ada might be relevant to the story?
Maybe not so much to our earl and Sebastian's story, beyond any help she provides to Baldo, but possibly to humanity's story within the Kuroverse.
If she survives, she might continue to help people, mostly by helping to popularize Florence Nightingale's ideas about nursing and hospitals.
That's why I'm curious to see whether Ronald would give her a shinigami pass, if she is fatally wounded.
If the big Mother3 theory prediction holds out, Ada might be instrumental as one of the survivors picking up the pieces in the aftermath of the twins' final confrontation (and Sebastian claiming our earl's soul as payment for completing the contract).
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