#mothwing my beloved <3
riverc1an · 7 months
god this amv is so gorgeous!! <3 honestly shoutout to this old school wc amv, one of the best amvs ever and literally obsessed with this mothwing design it’s so pretty!! one of the best mothwing design ever <3
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loonarmuunar · 1 year
me when I me when I me when I old designs from my rewrite: Mothpool and Hollyleaf as one of their kits
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Leafpool my beloved <3
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Hollyleaf… her
👁️👁️ *plays with our waca designs like dolls*
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needlepine · 1 year
tigerclawstar & mothwing for the character bingo?
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He’s just Classic Warrior Cats Villain, what’s not to like? I wouldn’t call him my favorite villain but he’s got the nostalgia factor going for him. My very first Warriors book was actually…… the Sasha manga so he was one of the first cats I ever met! I like the way they set him up in TPB and despite it looking. Like that. The manga holds a special place in my heart
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Mothwing my beloved <3 I thought I’d feel more strongly about her while filling this out haha but I do like Mothwing a lot! And I’m so happy to see her in the spotlight again in recent books. I’ve got a soft spot for Sasha and her kids. Idk if this is controversial at this point, but I like that Mothwing has stuck to her beliefs about StarClan/amended them to be more “I refuse to rely on some dead cats the way the rest of you do” rather than flat out not believing. I would also gladly punch Jayfeather for talking shit about her
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troutfur · 2 years
I would like to ask for Jay, Lion, and Holly!
The beloveds! <3 Thank you so much for this ask. <3
Starting off:
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To nobody's surprise, I fucking adore Jayfeather. I'd say it stems from a combination of my natural affinity for asshole with a chip on their shoulder as a character type, the glaring flaws in how his story was handled being an alluring writing challenge, and just the fact that I find his presence on the page entertaining. I've had a lot of time to let my thoughts swirl and when writing about him I keep finding new and interesting angles for him. I love all his worst aspects from the bratty kid he started out as to the jaded adult he grew up to be and even with the way he played into stealing Dovewing's youth for the sake of the stupid ghost cats he hates so much. That's another interesting aspect of him actually, the way he's deeply misotheistic and yet still very committed to Clan religion. I want to strangle basically any time he says anything about Mothwing but at the same time I'm very appreciative of how he has this complicated relationship to the religion he was raised into and which has dominated his whole life. All in all, fantastic character start to finish.
Now onto his blander brother:
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I love the idiot blond perhaps a little too much. In canon, he suffers from being easily the most boring character on both arcs he's a protagonist of, particularly in Omen of the Stars when his chapters turn straight up painful to read. The Fourth Apprentice was so fucking dull outside the Jayfeather PoV chapters and while Dovewing's chapters did get much more interesting, Lionblaze's never really did. But as a character I get to write constantly considering my particular obsessions with sibling dynamics and my love for Jayfeather, the Lionblaze I portray is a surprisingly interesting character. I don't know what exactly I tapped into, I don't think I'm pulling this stuff entirely out of my ass, Scout has even complimented me on accurate characterization of him so I have someone backing me up on that. But I don't know, something about this fluffball that can go from endearing himbo to little monster fueled by anger and pent up aggression makes me want to write more constantly.
And finally:
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I feel like Hollyleaf is the sibling I have the weakest grasp on. In fact I'm planning on rereading Po3 soon-ish just to refresh my memory and try to really get her and understand what makes her tick. She's a really important balancing influence in the sibling dynamic with her brothers and she plays the extremely important role of being the brains (much as Jayfeather would like to think otherwise) and the initiative of the group. Her reaction to the parentage reveal is also extremely interesting and really cements her as a memorable character. And on a more personal note, I sometimes say she's my extremely niche representation what with the whole "wanted to be a doctor as a kid but realized they were too squeamish for the job and too uninterested in learning". Because of that I have a distaste for medicine cat Hollyleaf AUs that frame it as "Hollyleaf follows her dreams and gets to be happy". No, if you want to go for meddie Holly, I'd say a more realistic outcome would be her turning out to be the same kind of embittered asshole as Jayfeather. Just without the sarcastic edge or endearing smartass attitude. In fact, I think embittered asshole meddie Holly would enhance her breakdown and moral crisis.
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finished River and have so many #thoughts and questions. this is definitely a good arc for tinfoil hats lol
I know it seems like theyre setting up for every clan to lose their leadership, but a tiny part of me is hoping it's just RiverClan. the only cat anyone seemed to agree on leading, and the only one who did anything to keep them together was Mothwing. My crack hope is for her to stay as leader, continuing to train Frost who would become the full medicine cat and her advisor, possibly not even taking the -star suffix (though there are wild possibilities with the famous atheist ending up with 9 lives if she did become a "real" leader). This is what would make them "a Starless Clan" since their leader can't even talk to StarClan -- an arc title that maybe implies only one of the clans will be "starless".
i could totally see even just the RiverClan drama causing more drama in the other clans - we could have lots of conflict between the Nightheart school of thought about the right to self-governance and self-determination vs. Sunbeam's possible cohort willing to fight for traditionalism. Blackstar turning ShadowClan from StarClan caused crazy drama on its own so I definitely think we could get a whole arc out of this, even if I would like to see pretty much all of the other leaders change over too (RIP Leafstar my beloved <3)
idk I know this probably won't happen, and i am torn since Mothwing is also pretty dang old, but she just had so much character in this book already, and i feel like it would be literal overkill for poor Frostpaw if her mentor died too at this point.
(pretty unrelated, but i wonder if the prologue for Sky will be a flashback into what's been going on in SkyClan during River because we barely mentioned what's going on with them at ALL, other than Fringewhisker wanting to move clans, but there were several mentions from others not understanding/trusting SkyClan. This seems an awfully strange coincidence when the next book is presumably going to have something big going on with them ... hmmm..)
These ideas are brilliant - that Mothwing idea would make a lot of sense for RiverClan to be a “starless clan” for at least the majority of the arc
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sharpilu · 3 years
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trans mothwing my beloved <3
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We Should Have Drowned Our Love in the River: A HawkLeaf AU
Summary: Instead of meeting Crowfeather, Leafpool is introduced to Mothwing's brother, Hawkfrost. Even after their love meets a sudden, violent end, the consequences nearly destroy everything ThunderClan's medicine cat loves.
Main relationships: HawkfrostxLeafpool, BrambleclawxSquirrelflight
Tags/Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, emotional manipulation, major character death, graphic description of violence, loss of faith
Previous Chapters: Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two , Chapter 3
Link to Work on AO3
Chapter One
“Mothwing, what are you doing talking to a ThunderClan warrior?”
Leafpool spun around to find the source of the scornful voice and flinched when she realized the warrior was so close to her. As she took a step back to put some space between them, her RiverClan counterpart let out an irritated sigh.
“Hawkfrost, please. You know this is Leafpool. ThunderClan’s medicine cat apprentice?”
I’m not that much younger than the both of you, Leafpool groused silently to herself, resentful at the emphasis of her rank. Though she quietly scolded herself; Mothwing may be RiverClan’s full medicine cat now, but it came at the cost of her beloved mentor. I’ll go back to being a ‘paw for the rest of my life if that means Cinderpelt will live forever.
She met Hawkfrost’s suspicious gaze and he stood there, studying her. “That still doesn’t explain what she’s doing here.”
For what wouldn’t be the last time, Leafpaw wished she had the indignant confidence of her sister. She imagined herself hurling a searing comment that sent the tabby stalking away, but instead, she could barely get out her reply without stammering. “I don’t mean any harm to RiverClan. Mothwing just asked me for help with a few things.”
“I don’t see why she would need your help.”
“I’m still learning how to do things on my own,” Mothwing snapped. “I don’t have the luxury of conferring with a Clan mate, in case you’ve forgotten.”
Finally, the hostility in Hawkfrost’s eyes melted and he deflated, though it didn’t do much to erase the intimidating image of him seared into Leafpaw’s mind. “Okay, Mothwing. Just next time, tell me if you’re bringing her here.”
“The only ones I have to tell are Leopardstar and Mistyfoot. Which I did. I don’t need your permission.”
“Maybe not yet – but it’s not about that. I’m more concerned about walking in and seeing my sister with a strange cat.” He looked back at Leafpool. “Not that she’s much of a threat.”
How arrogant! Though the fact that Leafpool couldn’t prove him wrong kept her quiet. Not that she would ever harm her friend, but Mothwing had moons of warrior training and her father’s size on her side. Leafpool had always been told her petite stature came from Firestar’s sister – and though Cinderpelt had taught her basics in defense, she had no doubt her friend could bat her away like an errant fly.
Mothwing let out a purr. “If she’s not a threat, then stop talking to her like she’s a raiding party, dumb furball.” Reaching out with a paw, she playfully shoved her brother towards the den entrance. “Now get out of here, unless you want to pretend to be our patient so I can get in some practice.”
Hawkfrost sniffed, his nose in the air. “RiverClan warriors have far more important things to do than lay around and pretend to be hurt.”
“Well then go do it!”
Leafpool watched Hawkfrost leave; she couldn’t help but noticed how the sunrays bounced off his fur, turning his brown tabby stripes golden and making the white patches on his body turn brighter than freshly fallen snow. She shook her head, annoyed with herself, and looked back at Mothwing. Why in the world are these two so… pretty?
“Don’t mind him,” Mothwing looked back at the pile of herbs they had been discussing. “He’s much friendlier when you get to know him.”
Somehow, I’m not so sure. “It’s okay. He’s just protecting his sister.”
“Hah. Or throwing his weight around for the entire camp to see.”
“Thank you again for helping me.”
Leafpool stretched, letting out an appreciative hum as her aching shoulders popped. “Of course. As long as Cinderpelt doesn’t mind, I’m more than happy. If you need anything else, please fetch for me.”
“I will. Bye.”
Leafpool stepped out into the center of RiverClan camp and felt a wave of anxiety as she saw the sun setting. I stayed all day. Firestar and Cinderpelt are going to be cross with me. She tried to tell herself that if they had needed her, they would have sent for her, but ThunderClan territory was pulling at her paws nonetheless.
As she was deciding whether or not to announce her departure to Leopardstar, the RiverClan leader approached. Leafpool swallowed; the she-cat had always made her nervous, with her sharp eyes and even sharper words. Sandstorm had told her how viciously Leopardstar had fought for Sunningrocks in the old territories, and Leafpool feared one misspoken word could give away information that would spark another war. But I’m a medicine cat. Surely she knows I am not bound to the same rivalries as her.
But like Hawkfrost said, warriors are different.
“Greetings, young Leafpool,” Leopardstar narrowed her eyes. “Thank you for helping Mothwing, though I’m not sure what you knew that she didn’t, this soon into your own career.”
Swallowing indignation, Leafpool felt her head grow hot as she tried to keep her tone respectful. “Sometimes medicine cats are taught ways to use herbs differently. I’m sure I learned as much from Mothwing and she did from me.”
Leopardstar’s tail lashed. “Is that right? I hope Mothwing didn’t share too much of her… wisdom.”
Oh, not like that, you old crow! “You have nothing to worry about from me, Leopardstar,” she replied carefully. “It is against my morals as a medicine cat to cause any conflict that would harm others, let alone my own Clan.” The leader nodded and Leafpool hoped she was satisfied with that answer. StarClan, I’ve never been one for politics.
“Hawkfrost, please escort Leafpool back to her territory.”
Leafpool felt her face strain from the effort it took not to react. “Leopardstar, thank you, but there is no need to worry-”
“It’s nothing like that Leafpool,” this time it was Mistyfoot, who had just approached the two, speaking. “We’re still learning the lay of this territory ourselves. And there was a fox found between here and ThunderClan recently.” She looked at Hawkfrost, who had walked closer after being beckoned. “A strong warrior like Hawkfrost will be able to keep you safe.”
Hawkfrost narrowed his eyes. “Sure, Mistyfoot. Whatever you say.”
Leafpool’s heart skipped a beat as the deputy and warrior stared each other down a moment longer before Mistyfoot broke first, turning away to look back at Leopardstar. Mothwing had told Leafpool her brother had been bitter about giving up his role as deputy when Mistyfoot returned, and it seemed like that wound hadn’t yet closed.
“Let’s get going, medicine cat,” Leafpool startled when Hawkfrost stalked past, heading through the reeds that surrounded the camp. Reluctantly, she followed.
The beginning of the trip happened in unbearable silence. Leafpool desperately tried to think of something to talk about, but she feared anything brought up would be met with indifference or, worse, annoyance. She couldn’t help but feel amused at the fact they were both connected to Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight – how different they both seemed to their respective siblings. Though I guess I should be thankful we’re not bickering like Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight.
“Hello? What, are you having a vision from StarClan or something?”
Leafpool let out a small squeak of surprise as her travel partner’s voice broke her out of her thoughts. “I’m sorry, I was… thinking about something. Did you say something?”
Hawkfrost peered at her curiously. “I said, did you always want to be a medicine cat?”
Leafpool thought for a moment before nodding slowly. “Yes, I think so. I never had the… desire to learn how to fight and defend. I guess I always thought there were better ways I could serve my Clan.”
“Are you afraid of violence?” “Oh no, it’s nothing like that. I have to deal with violence the same as you. You may be inflicting the injuries, but I have to patch them up. I’ve seen everything – battle wounds, broken bones, illness. I’ve seen Clan mates pass peacefully and violently.” Dimly, she realized Hawkfrost had slowed his pace to match hers, his eyes sparking with interest.
“Did Cinderpelt receive a sign from StarClan that you were meant to be her apprentice?”
“No, I don’t think so. I just always showed an interest in healing. Don’t get me wrong, StarClan accepted me, but they never told her I was the one. She knew that on her own.”
“I wish Mudfur had the same forward thinking about Mothwing in the beginning.”
Leafpool sighed. “Me too,” she admitted. “Though, I don’t know how much of it was Mudfur. Correct me if I’m wrong, but RiverClan needed convincing, no?”
Hawkfrost lashed his tail. “Only the fools who couldn’t see past their noses to understand that she was talented on her own. At first, I couldn’t believe she would give up her warrior duties, but when I saw her train… She was meant to be in that role, and they’d all be fools to reject her because of our parents.”
Leafpool was surprised at the surge of respect that bubbled in her chest for the warrior in front of her. He really seems to care about his sister. Maybe his aggressive demeanor was more of a show than she thought.
But that behavior can’t be encouraged, she told herself. Aggressive warriors create tragic battles. And Hawkfrost seems like one of the most aggressive of them all.
Does he? A voice challenged. Or are you only saying that because of his father? Thornclaw and Mousefur are aggressive. You’re not afraid of them.
But I know them. Maybe that’s all it would take. Knowing Hawkfrost.
“Well,” she began carefully. “Mothwing did receive approval from StarClan. So at least there’s no worry about her being accepted now.”
“That’s true,” Hawkfrost said slowly. Leafpool stared at him, feeling as though there was something he wasn’t saying. The two fell silent again, before he suddenly asked: “Squirrelflight is your sister, right?”
“She is.”
“Are you two close?”
“She’s my other half.” Leafpool took two more steps before she realized Hawkfrost had stopped. She looked back at him, curious.
“Would you do anything for her?”
Where is this going? Leafpool thought for a moment before nodding. “Yes…Yes, I suppose I would. And I know she’d do the same for me.”
Hawkfrost nodded. “Mothwing and I are the same.”
“I can see that. You two have been through so much together.”
“You have no idea,” he muttered. Leafpool desperately wanted to no more, but bit her tongue. We’re practically strangers. If anything, I should ask Mothwing more about her past. Her friend did share stories of her kithood, and their mother Sasha, but anything beyond the surface seemed to pain her. And if Mothwing was reluctant to share, surely pushing Hawkfrost would earn her a swipe or two.
“It must be nice, not having to worry about what it looks like to have friends in other Clans.”
But then again, it feels like I’m being interrogated. Who knew this sourpuss was so talkative? Outside her head, Leafpool shrugged. “I wouldn’t necessarily say I can’t worry about it. ThunderClan will always be my first priority. It’s my home. But medicine cats took an oath to heal. Sharing information on herbs and helping the wounded won’t give an advantage in battle; it will just ease some of the suffering in the world.”
“I disagree,” the tabby countered. “Helping the wounded means Clans have as many strong warriors as they can. So, if you, say… healed my wounds, I would be able to fight for RiverClan – even against ThunderClan.”
She flicked her ear, growing annoyed. This hadn’t been the first time she heard this argument. “That’s because you warriors look at everything like a potential threat. I see a cat as a creature worthy of life, not a… potential pawn in a war. Maybe if I healed you, you would survive to attack ThunderClan. But you would also survive to help hunt and feed your Clan mates; you would continue to look after Mothwing and support her when she needs it. Who knows? You may even be inspired to move to the medicine den yourself.” She was surprised by the feeling of delight that spread through her when he barked out a laugh.
“Fat chance.”
Before she knew it, the two were at the border between their Clans. Leafpool couldn’t help but feel disappointed; maybe Mothwing was right. Hawkfrost did seem kinder, the more he relaxed. And she couldn’t help but admit how nice it felt for him to be so interested in what she thought of her duties, rather than only talking about them when her skills were needed.
Enough, she quickly admonished herself. You became a medicine cat to serve, not to be showered with praise every time you picked up a cobweb.
“Well, here we are,” Hawkfrost said. “I know I came out here because of the fox, but I’m going to admit, I don’t think I’d be as popular a visitor in ThunderClan as you are in RiverClan.” Leafpool shook her head. “That’s okay. No need to alarm anyone. Besides, I can smell Thornclaw, so the patrol must have just passed by. I’ll catch up with them.” There was a beat of awkward silence; not knowing what else to say, Leafpool began to wade across the stream that made up the border, her teeth clenched and her tail stuck straight in the air in disgust. As she made it to the other side, she heard a laugh and spun around. “What?”
“That was the most pathetic attempt at wading I think I’ve ever seen.”
She scowled. “In case you haven’t noticed, ThunderClan doesn’t exactly go fishing like you do.”
He tilted his head, suddenly thoughtful. “No, but you really should have some basic grasp on swimming, you know. Accidents happen, and you do live by a rather large lake right now. Drowning can happen in the blink of an eye.” His eyes darkened and Leafpool felt her heart skip a beat. Was that a threat.
No. He looks as though he’s mourning.
Before she could pry, Hawkfrost shook his head and focused back on her. “Next time Mothwing drags you over to… eat leaves and talk to flowers or whatever it is you two do, I’m showing you how to swim.”
“Now, Hawkfrost, I don’t think that’s necessary-”
“Nonsense. You don’t adhere to borders like us warriors do – you said so yourself. Someday you may need to come help Mothwing and fall into the water. She’d be devastated and she’s been through enough, wouldn’t you agree? Or what if one of your Clan mates is drowning? You could save them.”
Despite the voice in her head telling her to reject the offer from this near stranger, Leafpool had to admit he had a point. How many ThunderClan cats had to be saved by RiverClan while they were drowning? And how many didn’t last long enough to have that luxury? She shivered. There would be more incidents as curious apprentices learned the territory jutting up against the lake.
“Okay,” she said, finally. “Fine. I’ll let you teach me how to swim.” She was caught off guard by how nearly-delighted the usually surly warrior seemed.
“It’s a deal then. Go catch up with your patrol.”
Nodding, she bid him a quick and quiet goodbye and dashed off down the usual route the sunset patrol took. As she jogged down the ridge, finally catching sight of them, she barely noticed their calls of greeting. Instead, all she could focus on was the image of sparkling blue eyes in the front of her mind.
StarClan, I am an idiot.
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mangostar · 3 years
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mothwing my beloved...<3
no idea what a moth looks like so im just winging it 
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fabsfightcats · 3 years
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my beloved <3  new mothwing!! old moth is here!  I like this one much better, she is the buff fluffy doctor she was meant to be >:]
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mallowstep · 3 years
Sorry, I'm hyperfixating but I just came here to say: maybe in Mistu au, Mothwing becomes a medicine cat apprentice fairly easily? Nobody really wants to go against Feathertail Again, so they may cave-or maybe Hawk does do the fake sign but because he actually loves her and it's Tiger who encouraged him to and holds it over her head? 1/2
Mothwing gets in and sees the Starclan cats and everything and she does believe-and then Feathertail comes back and it's discovered that Feathertail was prophesised to die. Cue existential crisis about Starclan sending cats to their death (maybe she meets Tigerstar once and he mentions that Starclan could have chosen to tell Blue he killed Redtail but they didn't or something). She can no longer see them in her dreams. Her faith in them has been shattered. She believes, but not in THEM 2/2
babe ur so welcome here <3
anyway yeah let's talk about mothwing my beloved <3 she's one of my favourite characters.
so - i'm still working out some of the moth stuff, but she does become a warrior first. in canon, she doesn't Want to be a medicine cat until later. it's a whole thing. and i like stories about characters figuring out what they want later than "normal."
there's definitely no fuss about her becoming a medicine cat in au. that whole bit of manipulation is removed. everyone is on board. after all - she's a riverclan cat.
of course, because the tnp timeline is scrunched, i'm still working out the willow stuff, but i'm not even close to writing that stuff Seriously yet so. shrug.
and you're completely right - if there was fuss, feathertail is like. not a Single Riverclan Cat would tell feathertail no. not even blackclaw.
and they've got mistyfoot on their side, even before they connect:
"One to me," Leopardstar says, "one to Stormheart, one to Blackclaw." Mistyfoot's tail lashes. "You'd apprentice one — to Blackclaw?" She glances over her shoulder. Frogkit and Hawkkit are chasing something — a bug, probably — and Mothkit is staring at the river — waiting for someone to take her swimming, probably. She doesn't look at Blackclaw. Leopardstar blinks in surprise. "Who else?" Mistyfoot's tail lashes. Dawnflower, Mosspelt, she supplies. Mosspelt's raising her own litter, but if Leopardstar is apprenticing one to Stormheart, Dawnflower is old enough. "Not him," she says. "Dawnflower could." Leopardstar sighs. "Two new mentors, both young. It's not ideal." Mistyfoot growls, "Not him," and Leopardstar dips his head.
mistyfoot: i might not talk to the kits but i'll be damned if blackclaw goes within six feet of them
so. you know.
i'm still workshopping a variety of tigerstar thoughts, but hawk doesn't have the same manipulation of moth as in canon. that's just getting thrown out. hawk has problems, he has Nuance, but manipulating his sister? feathertail would be So disappointed in him.
as for, well. i need to, writing about starclan is always hard for me because i never know how seriously i want to take it. cats waking up with injuries from the dark forest is cool, but do i want to confirm that the dark forest is real? i don't know.
what i do know is this:
“Why me?” Tigerstar tilts his head. “Do you think your siblings would do as well as you?” He thinks of Frogpaw. He looks the most ThunderClan, Hawkpaw thinks, and his fighting shows it. But he is too kind to be here. He thinks of Mothpaw. She swims like she is half fish, and hunts accordingly. But she is like a ray of sun. He can’t imagine her here. He thinks of himself. He looks like his father and he is fast and good on his feet. He does well here. He is excelling. He thinks of Feathertail. “They wouldn’t,” he agrees. One day, she will know. At least if it’s only him, she’ll still have Frogpaw and Mothpaw.
this isn't confirmed canon to misty au (nothing is until i post it, but this especially i'm still workshopping the ideas for), but this is. kind of how tigerstar manipulates hawkpaw.
i think what would break mothwing's faith is that starclan did not intervene in the slightest for featherpaw and mistyfoot. one thing all three of the kits have to grapple with is what it means for feathertail to have been hurt.
it's a hard thing to conceptualize when you are a child, that your parents had a life before you, and even harder, that your parents were someone different once. i have posted this paragraph as part of a longer excerpt before, but,
Of course she remembers how Feathertail was. Feathertail has been a constant in their lives. She's been the same as long as they've been alive. Mothwing can picture her perfectly, from the nicks in her ear to the way her whiskers twitched to how her tail was silkiest at the very end.
feathertail just - is. and they all have to learn that she wasn't always. they have a lot to learn and deal with and grow, but how do you...how do you accept that someone you love so dearly was hurt so badly, and starclan never once tried to protect her?
i don't think you do.
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 3 years
for th impression thing !! :3 i love leafpool and mothwing. mothwing is my fav i think. also whitestorm is my boy. my beloved.
can confidently say you are sapphic in some way [and not only from your user lol]. i mean, whitestorm is very obviously mlm who has solidarity with wlw
you might just hate canon crowfeather. and even though i love him i can see why others wouldn’t 😪
you prolly like the cottagecore aesthetic as well
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Top favorite cats that got introduced in each arc?
Dice you're the best thank you
My favorite cats from each arc here we go!
Arc 1, TPB - like everyone I love Firestar but i also have a big fondness for all the FrostLion kiddos (Cinder Bracken Bright and Thorn) i also love Blackstar and Russetfur! Rosetail also holds a special place in my heart along with Morningflower n Mosspelt (the og and only perma queens in the other clans at the time)
Arc 2, TPN - Squirrelflight, Leafpool and Crowfeather were my favs when I first read TNP but I can now add Nightcloud, Mothwing and DAISY!
Arc 3, Po3 - ngl I actually love the entire apprentice group from po3, mainly Poppyfrost, Icecloud, Foxleap, Hollyleaf, Hazeltail and Jayfeather. I also love Harebounce, Kestrelflight, Willowshine and Flametail as well! Po3 still feels like they actually wrote decently good background characters for all my favorites to be made up of most of them. Oh also Brairlight and Fallen Leaves too
Arc 4, OoTs - Obligatory Dovewing cause I lovewing dovewing~ I also really like Ivypool but i dunno if I'd call her a favorite character? Honestly there aren't a lot of cats introduced in OoTs that i can remember or were introduced in a different arc first lol
Arc 5, Dotc - ive only read half of tbe first book in Dawn of the Clans. I like Gray Wing from headcanon alone and Turtle Tail from description alone~
Arc 6, Avos - can i count Leafstar cause this is technically where she was introduced to the main canon? If not i love Needletail! And Tree even if i didnt read his books, still a cool guy~
Arc 7, TBC - Shadowsight, Rootspring and Bristlefrost are my dumb, dumb children and I love them very much...
Arc 8, A Starless Clan - Frostpaw, my beloved💜
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disgruntleddemon · 3 years
for tha warriors ask thing!!! 🌿 🐾
Favorite arc:
Hmm that's a tough one. It's basic, but probably the prophecies begin? It's been a hot minute since i read any of the arcs before avos honestly.
Favorite medicine cat
Goosefeather my beloved <3
I've also got soft spots for featherwhisker, Mudfur, Mothwing, Runningnose, Alderheart, and Puddleshine. I haven't gotten far into tbc, but maybe I'll add Shadowsight to that list later
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nyenuma · 4 years
Tagged by the forever kind @felicity-kitten!! Thank you :’3
Favorite color: light, sort of unsaturated yellow-green, like the bg of my blog!
Last film I watched: this cute one called “a whisker away” with my sister! but we also started a new bollywood one today afternoon...
Last song I listened to: charger by the gorillaz OR one from the bollywood film, I forgot which
Last TV show I watched: currently have law and order svu in the background while I work. why did joe biden guest star in an episode
Favorite characters: right now, idk!! I’m re-reading warriors for some reason, so maybe mothwing
Pets: I have an aquarium with 3 goldfish and 2 snails, and of course my beloved baby bagheera (species: cat)
Sweet, savory, or spicy: sweet....I’m sucking down m&ms as we speak :(
Sparkling water, tea, or coffee: coffee in the morning, calming tea before bed!
I’ll tag @cherrybananabread, @drylatte, @curls-cat, @alvangs, @prezs, and @kravicle!
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mallowstep · 3 years
SquirrelHawk shipper here (Didn't realize I was one until your fic put the idea in my head). I am really excited to see its an option for the Misty au! Like Really Really excited! Thank you for humoring us few weirdos who like the idea of it.
i'm an equal opportunist shipper. i don't really ship squirrelhawk (altho squirrelmoth my rarepair beloved <3), and yes! it definitely is!
squirrelpaw and crowpaw both are fairly attached to feathertail (or, okay, feathertail is protective of squirrelpaw and crowpaw is attached to squirrelpaw), so they sort of gravitate to feathertail's kits when the clans are journeying into the mountains. (stormheart explains what happens but...stormheart has a very different perspective on everything feathertail than the three, and crow and squirrel understand the three's perspective of her.)
(the three are very protective of feathertail, but it's from a very different way than stormheart. i'm not Quite sure how to put it into words, so here's a quote from mothwing:
Feathertail has only described their father once. She did the thing where she folded her paw back and forth on the ground, her tail tucked between her legs and her ear folded flat.
They didn't ask about him after that.
and yeah.)
anyway, they bond. hawkfrost saves smokepaw's life, about when he's fully integrated into the polycule. feathertail is proud of him.
anyway, here's a scene of the three fighting after they meet tigerstar.
Hawkfrost paces in their den.
"Let it go," Mothwing says.
"Doesn't it bother you that they lied?"
"They didn't lie," Tadpolepaw says. "They just...didn't tell us."
"Feathertail raised us!"
"Well, she never said she gave birth to us." Mothwing flicks her ear. "Let it go. At least we know she's okay."
Tadpolepaw growls.
"So you're just...okay with this?"
Mothwing flicks her tail. "What do you want, Hawkfrost? Do you want me to hate Feathertail? Demand Mistyfoot claims us? She doesn't even — whatever happened, it's done."
Tadpolepaw studies Hawkfrost for a moment. "You're scared," he says, "not mad."
Hawkfrost flicks his ears. "What's the difference?"
"Is it because you look like him?"
Hawkfrost freezes.
Tadpolepaw growls. "It is, isn't it? You saw how Feathertail reacted to him, and now you're scared of how she looks at you."
Hawkfrost hisses, and Mothwing scrambles back, sitting up.
"You're thinking about every time she's hesitated around you, every time she flattened her ear, and you're thinking it's because you look liked him, you acted like him, you were like him."
"Fuck you," Hawkfrost spits. He lifts his paw, and then sighs. He whips around, his tail dragging across Mothwing's nose, fleeing their den and sprinting out of camp.
"Hawkfrost!" Stonefur calls. "You can't..."
"Was that really necessary?" Mothwing says.
"It's the truth, isn't it? It's what he's thinking."
"You're still a dick for saying it."
"What am I supposed to do, let him slander Feathertail? When we don't even know if she's—"
"She's alive," Mothwing says. "We saw her."
"She could've been dead," Tadpolepaw says.
"I felt her and Tigerstar. She's alive." Mothwing licks her paw, dragging it behind her head. "If she were here, she wouldn't want you to antagonize him."
"Well, she's not here, isn't she? That's the whole point."
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mallowstep · 3 years
how could i forget the five f family panclan polycule™? when does firefern join? and do they all go to one clan or are they a secret? and for hjl, who raises them in riverclan?? sorry, im just really curious 3/3
five f family panclan polycule my beloved <3
firefern joins...whenever skyclan comes to the lake. i assume they get close when territory nonsense is being shuffled out, but the conversation goes something like this:
Tumblr media
more or less.
they don't go to one clan, they hang out when they can get together. it's not a full secret, but it's not...public knowledge. they're not shouting it from the rooftops, but cats Know.
as for hjl, i'm undecided. current winner is shadepelt and stormheart.
i'm not sure if shade and storm have any kits of their own (i haven't decided if they want them, and if they have them before hjl are born - storm is only like 3 years old when they're born, so it's not like they've had a lot of time), but they're a good candidate for raising them.
if feathertail and brook have kits, it wouldn't be for several years. i don't think they do, because i think feathertail would feel bad about her health, and brook...ik she has two litters but she's never struck me as the motherly type.
dawnflower is a queen, but i'm not sure if mothwing would trust an outside-of-kin queen to keep her secret. not that they would have to tell the queen, but mothwing grew up with her birth parentage a very hazy, "we're not lying but we don't want you to ask too many questions," so i don't think she would want to lie to her kits for their whole lives.
so. shade and storm are the best option, i think. but i could change my mind. po3 is a long way off, and i don't know what the internal dynamics of riverclan is like at that time.
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