#mount solaro
giovannibenvenuto · 10 months
Unveiling Hidden Gems: Day Trips from Sorrento
Nestled along the breathtaking Amalfi Coast, Sorrento stands as a captivating gateway to some of Italy's most enchanting destinations. While Sorrento itself is a charming coastal town with its stunning sea views, historic architecture, and delicious cuisine, the surrounding areas offer a plethora of day trip possibilities
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Uncovering Hidden Treasures from day Trips from Sorrento.
Following are some hidden treasures from day trips from Sorrento
1. Positano: The Jewel of the Amalfi Coast
   Start your day trip adventure by heading to the picturesque Positano, known for its colorful cliffside buildings and panoramic views of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Stroll along the narrow, winding streets lined with boutique shops and quaint cafes. Don't forget to relax on the beach and savor fresh seafood at one of the local restaurants. Positano's charm is sure to leave you captivated.
2. Pompeii: A Journey through Ancient History
   Immerse yourself in history with a visit to the ancient city of Pompeii, famously preserved by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Wander through remarkably preserved streets, homes, and public spaces, getting a glimpse into daily life during the Roman Empire. The archaeological site is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers a fascinating window into the past.
3. Capri: A Tranquil Island Escape
   Hop on a ferry from Sorrento to the idyllic island of Capri. Famous for its stunning Blue Grotto, lush landscapes, and upscale shopping, Capri is a haven for relaxation and natural beauty. Take a boat tour around the island, explore the charming town of Anacapri, and ride the chairlift to the top of Mount Solaro for breathtaking views.
4. Amalfi: History and Seaside Splendor
   Journey to the heart of the Amalfi Coast with a visit to the town of Amalfi. This historic town boasts a magnificent cathedral, the Duomo di Sant'Andrea, which dominates the central piazza. Wander through the charming streets, shop for local crafts, and enjoy a leisurely seaside lunch. Amalfi's rich maritime history and stunning coastal scenery make it a must-visit destination.
5. Ravello: A Serene Hilltop Retreat
   For a more tranquil and elevated experience, venture to Ravello. Perched high above the Amalfi Coast, Ravello offers breathtaking views of the sea and surrounding landscapes. Explore the exquisite gardens of Villa Rufolo and Villa Cimbrone, and attend a concert at the iconic Ravello Festival if you happen to visit during the summer months.
As you embark on these captivating day trips from Sorrento, consider elevating your travel experience with Benvenuto, a premier chauffeur service dedicated to ensuring your journeys are as luxurious and comfortable as the destinations themselves. With Benvenuto, you can seamlessly transition between each enchanting location, enjoying the scenic landscapes and historical wonders without the stress of navigating unfamiliar roads.
Imagine being whisked away in a private, air-conditioned vehicle, with a knowledgeable local chauffeur providing insights into the rich history and culture of the region. Benvenuto's commitment to excellence ensures that your day trips are not only filled with awe-inspiring sights but also with the indulgence of personalized service.
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europeantravels · 4 years
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Mount Solaro on top of Isle of Capri
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capriguide · 3 years
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La primavera è tornata! Sulla ns bellissima isola di #CAPRI sbocciano infinite varietà di fiori ,684 specie di piante censite sull’isola azzurra. Oggi vogliamo informarvi sulla Ginestra (Spartium junceum) La Ginestra fiorisce a Capri ogni anno da maggio a giugno. Sull'Isola sono diverse le specie appartenenti alla famiglia delle #Ginestre, come la ginestra spinosa con venature vermiglie e quella con i fiori giallo intenso. Tra maggio e giugno le colline dell’isola si coprono  di un colore giallo solare, e si avverte nell’aria l’odore delle ginestre misto al delicato profumo delle rose. Numerosi campi di ginestre si localizzano prevalentemente sul #monteSolaro La ginestra è la pianta simbolo  dell’ #isoladicapriCapri anche perché’ In questo periodo sull’isola  si manifesta  la devozione religiosa  verso i loro santi protettori: San Costanzo a Capri (il 14 maggio) e Sant’Antonio ad Anacapri (il 13 giugno).   La Ginestra e’ stata adoperata nel corso della storia caprese  anche per le sue qualità tessili , è ' possibile ricavare fibre tessili da entrambe le specie.Anche i Romani la usavano come pianta da fibra per produrre stuoie, corde ed altri manufatti . La fibra che viene estratta dall’arbusto è molto simile a quella del lino e della canapa. Anche a #Pompei veniva utilizzata per la realizzazione di abiti, che sono stati trovati negli scavi. Ai giorni nostri dobbiamo anche affermare che Nel periodo fascista, durante la seconda guerra mondiale, c’era una notevole carenza di materie prime e la produzione di fibra di ginestra ebbe un grande successo sull’Isola di Capri, prevalentemente nel settore dell’arredo 1936Oggi  la ginestra per  il mondo della moda, sempre alla  continua ricerca di materiali sempre  più  sostenibili  e con un grande vantaggio ambientale, non è solo una pianta naturale bellissima, ma che è anche molto utile e sicuramente sara’ una delle fibre tessili del futuroSpring is back! On our beautiful island of CAPRI bloom endless varieties of flowers, 684 species of plants recorded on the blue island. Today we want to inform you about the Broom (Spartium junceum) The Broom blooms on Capri every year from May to June. On the island there are many species belonging to the broom family, such as the spiny broom with vermilion veins and the one with intense yellow flowers. Between May and June the hills of the island are covered by a sunny yellow color, and it is possible to smell the air of brooms mixed to the delicate scent of roses. Numerous fields of broom are located mainly on Mount Solaro The broom is the plant symbol of the island of Capri also because in this period on the island is manifested the religious devotion to their patron saints: San Costanzo in Capri (May 14) and Sant'Antonio in Anacapri (June 13).   Broom has been used throughout the history of Capri for its textile qualities, and it is possible to obtain textile fibers from both species.Even the Romans used it as a fiber plant to produce mats, ropes and other artifacts. The fiber extracted from the shrub is very similar to that of linen and hemp. Also in Pompeii it was used for the production of clothes, which were found in the excavations.  Nowadays we must also say that during the fascist period, during the Second World War, there was a considerable shortage of raw materials and the production of broom fiber had a great success on the island of Capri, mainly in the sector of furniture 1936Today broom for the world of fashion, always looking for more sustainable materials and with a great environmental advantage, is not only a beautiful natural plant, but it is also very useful and will certainly be one of the textile fibers of the future¡La primavera está de vuelta! En nuestra hermosa isla de CAPRI florecen infinitas variedades de flores, 684 especies de plantas registradas en la isla azul. Hoy queremos informarle sobre la retama (Spartium junceum) La retama florece en Capri todos los años de mayo a junio. En la isla hay varias especies pertenecientes a la familia de las escobas, como la escoba espinosa con venas bermellón y la de flores amarillo brillante. Entre mayo y junio las colinas de la isla se cubren de un soleado color amarillo, y en el aire se percibe el olor de la retama mezclado con el delicado aroma de las rosas. Numerosos campos de retama se encuentran principalmente en el Monte Solaro La retama es el símbolo vegetal de la isla de Capri también porque en este periodo en la isla se manifiesta la devoción religiosa a sus santos patronos: San Costanzo en Capri (14 de mayo) y Sant'Antonio en Anacapri (13 de junio).   La escoba se ha utilizado a lo largo de la historia de Capri también por sus cualidades textiles, siendo posible obtener fibras textiles de ambas especies.Incluso los romanos la utilizaban como planta de fibra para producir esteras, cuerdas y otros artefactos. La fibra extraída del arbusto es muy similar a la del lino y el cáñamo. Incluso en Pompeya se utilizaba para confeccionar ropa, que se ha encontrado en las excavaciones.  Hoy en día hay que decir también que durante el periodo fascista, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, hubo una considerable escasez de materias primas y la producción de fibra de escoba tuvo un gran éxito en la isla de Capri, principalmente en el sector del mueble 1936Hoy en día la retama no sólo es una hermosa planta natural para el mundo de la moda, que siempre busca materiales más sostenibles y con una gran ventaja medioambiental, sino que también es muy útil y será sin duda una de las fibras textiles del futuro
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tyronesmith · 7 years
  Take a step back and reflect, it maximizes the opportunity to keep things in perspective and decreases the chance taking things for granted! | #MindOverMatter #WeAllCan | http://Instagram.com/OfficialTyroneSmith
    | Take a step back and reflect, it maximizes the opportunity to keep things in perspective and decreases the chance taking things for granted | 🙏🏾✌🏾 | #MindOverMatter…
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seeyouitaly · 6 years
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Panorama of Capri Island from Mount Solaro, Italy. Source: Things to do in Capri Island.
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yourboatholiday · 3 years
Why is the Castellammare di Stabia Marina the Best Choice if you Desire to Sail and Discover the Gulf of Naples?
Probably still little known internationally, the city of Castellammare di Stabia and its marina are becoming increasingly popular as locations for boaters wishing to navigate the Campania archipelago and/or the Amalfi Coast.
This is due to its strategic geographical position to the Gulf of Naples and also to its proximity to some world-famous tourist sites such as Pompeii.
Where is this marina located? How to reach it?
The city of Castellammare di Stabia and its marina are located south of the city of Naples in southern Italy. It overlooks the Tyrrhenian Sea and is set on the coastal stretch of the Gulf of Naples, between the volcano Vesuvius and the Sorrento peninsula.
This southern Italian town can be easily reached either by car or train or by air. By car, it is necessary to take the highway towards Naples – Reggio Calabria. By train, again from Naples, it takes the Naples – Gragnano line and gets off at the Castellammare di Stabia stop.
However, the most comfortable mode is the plane. It is indeed possible to land at Naples Capodichino International Airport, located a few kilometers from both Naples and Castellammare di Stabia, and then reach the marina by taxi in a few minutes.
What services does Castellammare di Stabia offer to its customers?
Marina di Stabia tourist port is one of the best equipped and organized in the entire Neapolitan archipelago. It boasts 871 berths for boats up to 100 meters in length and depths on the quay up to 6 meters deep.
The quay is equipped with columns for the supply of electricity from 16 to 400 Amps and free Wi-Fi while mooring assistance is guaranteed 24 hours a day.
Among its services, Marina di Stabia is equipped with a restaurant, a launderette, a gym, and a play area for children as well as a convenient secure car park with 1,000 spaces complete with luggage trolleys.
At customers’ request, the marina provides transfers to and from Capodichino airport or to the Naples central railway station.
Why choose Castellammare di Stabia as a starting point?
In our opinion, Marina di Stabia is an ideal port for those boaters who, in addition to enjoying the sea and the famous places that overlook it, do not want to miss the nearby archaeological areas of Pompeii and Herculaneum or the fabulous gulf panorama seen from the top of Vesuvius or Mount Faito, both reachable in a few minutes by means of a suggestive funicular or an organized trip with off-road vehicles.
What places and attractions can you visit nearby?
This famous archaeological excavation site is located a short distance from the city of Castellammare di Stabia and can be reached in a few minutes by taxi from the tourist port.
Famous throughout the world, these are the archaeological excavations of two entire cities from the Roman era which in the year 79 AD were completely buried by the eruption of a volcano.
Today it is instead a majestic open-air museum that every year gives new discoveries and that attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors.
Vesuvius is one of the active Italian and European volcanoes. Due to its proximity to the population that lives and inhabits its slopes, it is also considered one of the volcanoes with the highest risk and therefore is constantly monitored.
The entire area, now part of the Vesuvius National Park, is nevertheless safe enough to be traveled by trekking lovers along its 11 paths for a total length of 54 kilometers.
The most coveted of these trails is certainly the one that leads up to the “Gran Cono”, the summit of the volcano, to experience the unique experience of walking along the crater of an active volcano.
Mount Faito
For all the inhabitants of the Sorrento peninsula, the mountain has only one name, Faito. This mountain, about 1400 meters high, is the highest point of the Lattari Mountains and marks the beginning of the Sorrento peninsula. It is a very popular destination especially in summer when it represents an escape from the hot and sultry days of the Italian summer.
The easiest way to reach the summit is to take the funicular that leaves from the station of Castellammare di Stabia.
What beauties can you reach by sailing from Castellammare di Stabia?
Sorrento is much more than a seaside resort. This town is the beating heart of the peninsula that bears his name and ideally is the gateway to the Amalfi Coast.
In addition to a historic center full of streets teeming with life, between bars, restaurants, and shops, Sorrento is full of historic villas that can be visited such as Villa Comunale, a unique beauty mansion characterized by a 5-star panorama.
The famous “Deep Valley of the Mills” is also worth a visit. It is a bed of a river now disappeared that once reached the sea where a mill was built for grinding wheat. The business continued until the early 1900s and then interrupted. The result is that dense vegetation has taken over the area, almost completely covering the traces of the activities that took place there (there was also a sawmill, a tuff quarry, and several caves used as cisterns for collecting rainwater). All in the historic center of Sorrento.
Capri has always been associated with glamorous and elite tourism even though it owes its fortunes to cruise tourism and day trips by tourists arriving from Naples and other coastal cities.
As for the things to do, one cannot fail to start with the magnificent Blue cave. An authentic wonder that can be visited with special boats.
Having a stop in its famous square is almost an obligation. You don’t need to stay long, just the time for a coffee is enough to savor the authentic life and the panorama of this beautiful town.
With 589 meters above sea level, Monte Solaro is instead the highest peak on the island. The easiest and most comfortable way to get to the top is the chairlift located in Vittoria square in Anacapri. From here you can enjoy a unique view that embraces the two gulfs of Naples and Salerno, the island of Ischia, and the legendary Faraglioni.
The latter is precisely the icon of Capri in the world. Do not miss the opportunity to circumnavigate them with your boat!
Amalfi Coast
This coast stretch is probably one of the most famous in the world. It is located along that promontory that extends towards the Tyrrhenian Sea and which is characterized by steep cliffs, cobalt blue sea and some world-famous towns.
If you’re wondering what is the reason for such fame, well it’s difficult to put into words. The place’s atmosphere, its landscapes, and its millenary history, combined with exceptional typical cuisine, can only give you an idea of ​​what awaits you.
What better way to visit it than with a boat trip?
Just mentioning the main villages to which a visit is a must such as Sorrento, Amalfi, Positano, Furore, and Vietri Sul Mare. It is then worth climbing to the top of Ravello to enjoy a breathtaking view.
Contact  now YBH Charter Brokers:
You can contact us by sending an email at [email protected] or by phone, calling +39 33436 00997, available also on WhatsApp for both calls and texting.
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msquenns · 5 years
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Scenic chairlift to the top of Mount Solaro - the highest point on Capri 💙 // Capri, Italy (at Monte Solaro) https://www.instagram.com/p/BkglZ8rgkaI/?igshid=1m3k3dwlgyte
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abi-abroadventures · 7 years
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5/13/17 8 Days Left
... in this beautiful place and I’m really sad about it. Three months a go, I was very anxious about the weather, being in a foreign place, and going without the comfort of my home, or my family and friends, but as I look back at all the adventures I’ve gone on, and the friends that I’ve made along the way, all those things that I was worried about just made the experience more surreal. 
I’ve been blessed with this wonderful opportunity to make one of my dreams a reality. Granted, I was forced to explore beyond the boundaries of my comfort zone, and do things that I’ve never done before. I’ve encountered challenges, faced some of my biggest fears (traveling alone to Venice to meet a friend, taking a chairlift to see the views of the Amalfi Coast from Mount Solaro even though I’m scared of heights, or taking multiple boat rides in a day even though I have motion sickness), and have truly grown as an individual because of these new experiences. I’ve become more independent, and more confident in myself in my ability to make my own decisions, trust my own instincts, and to adapt and adjust to survive in a foreign place. 
I’ve learned so much these past three months about the Italian culture, the history of Florence and various other places I’ve visited, and about who I am as an individual. Florence, and the memories I’ve made throughout these three months will always have a special place in my heart. 
This week I went to LdM’s farewell dinner at the museum (they had a buffet, a dj, and they served wine!), my friends and I walked around the Duomo very late at night just to admire its beauty, ate gelato at Venchi’s, and enjoyed a few drinks with my very close friends. This is my last weekend in Italy, and though I am very stressed out about finals, and my grades, I plan on making the most out of it. 
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mylondondaydreams · 7 years
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Incredible view from the top of Mount Solaro, just blue melting into blue 💙 #Capri http://ift.tt/2p3r7fH
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tourism-italy-blog · 8 years
Capri outstanding view at Monte Solaro, and that sounds of gulls has no price. You miss just to feel the unique scents of the Island repost from @wenwen.j - The breathtaking view from 🔝 . : #montesolaro #bestview #mare #sea #faraglioni #breathtaking #monte #mount #anacapri #capri #italianriviera #italy #amalficoast #positano #sorrento #napoli #naples #gulfofnaples #italia #italy #loveitaly #iloveitaly (presso Capri, Italy)
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jpborromeo-blog · 8 years
World Juanderer
It’s true that traveling these days only takes a few minutes of browsing the internet. You jot down attractions, pull up prices, check reviews—the digital age practically made everything easy to DIY.   Be that as it may, reality proves, time and again, that in order for you to really prepare for every aspect of your vacation, you need to go beyond your computer screen and do the actual legwork. Luckily, you can get people to do this for you, while you relax and enjoy your trip for what it is—a great opportunity to immerse yourself in a brand new environment without racking your head in anticipation of what could go wrong.   Arranging bookings, securing documents, making reservations—these are just a fraction of what World Juanderer, a travel consulting company that specializes in providing excellent travel experiences, can do for you.
With You While You Are Out There   “World Juanderer is made up of well-experienced travelers who understand what it takes to have a great traveling experience,” shares World Juanderer Travel Specialist Gabriel San Pedro. “It’s all about understanding our clients, particularly their interests, preferences, expectations and passion, their motivation for exploring the world, and then tailoring a seamless experience around these things.”   Prior to booking any trip, World Juanderer conducts a face-to-face interview with the actual traveler to ensure a thorough understanding of how he or she wants each part of the trip to be. And if that is not enough, the company even goes as far as conducting briefings before and after the trip, which covers a rundown of reminders that also touch on travel risks they might encounter and how to use the travel insurance provided. World Juanderer can even do online check-ins for their clients.   Aside from that, World Juanderer also offers travel check lists with suggestions on what to wear, activities for the day, weather conditions, and more. “Literally, we have your trip covered. Your every whim—consider them fulfilled,” says Gabriel.             For the most part, what World Juanderer offers is a highly-personalized, end-to-end travel management that involves checking up on you at regular intervals to make sure that everything is going to plan. Whatever feedback you may have, or problems that may come up in the middle of your trip, we’ll make sure it’s addressed outright. “We stay with you throughout your journey and offer you a hassle-free travel guarantee,” assures Gabriel.  
“Say, for example, you requested to dine at an exclusive restaurant in Paris, like maybe the Georges Paris. We can most definitely make that happen! This also goes for any additional requests you have along the way. In essence, it is like having your personal butler with you while you’re out there,” Gabriel adds.   Wherever your wanderlust dictates, World Juanderer is sure to craft the perfect experience to make your travel worthwhile.
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Go on an Island Getaway in Capri, Italy—Take a boat ride and explore the Blue Grotto, a stunning natural sea cave, up-close. Go on a chairlift ride from Piazza Vittoriai to the peak of Mount Solaro and enjoy breathtaking views of the island and surrounding sea.   
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Spend a night in a room made of ice at the ICEHOTEL—Check in at the ICEHOTEL’s art suites in Sweden, each of which areindividually hand carved by ice sculptors commissioned from around the world.  
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See Easter Island’s Ancient Statues Up-close in Chile—Take travel selfies around Chile with the stoic moai statue of Easter Island. Carved out of volcanic rock by the ancient Rapanui people, the monumental attractions are nothing short of awe-inspiring.  
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The Giraffe Manor in Nairobi, Kenya—Get the best of African luxury in this one-of-a-kind immersive experience. Not only do you get to stay in this colonial era manor-style guesthouse, you can also boast of having had breakfast with the wilderness as gentle giraffes stoop down to join you in your feast.  
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Take a Mediterranean Summer Adventure in Mallorca, Spain—Take a blissful beachfront vacation and enjoy the best of coastal living as you wake up to postcard-perfect views and sample island cuisine in Mallorca’s soulful hill towns.  
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The Lavender Fields at Le Château du Bois in France—Stay in a private Chateau and witness the magnificent view of the iconic lavender fields in bloom. Catch a glimpse of its spectacular beauty. Let your sight follow the intense blue landscape as it stretches out to the horizon.  
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Explore Marine Life on the Underwater Seascapes of Maldives—Go on a tropical getaway that takes you diving to see the marine life in the Coral Garden and the Big Head Reefs of Maldives. Take an equatorial cruise and savor the catch of the day as they cook it right at the boat.  
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Cross the world's highest glass-bottomed bridge in China—Get over your fear of heights by crossing a bridge made up of 99 panes of three-layered transparent glass that connects two mountain cliffs known as the Avatar mountains.
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The Outdoor Sauna in the Swedish Lapland—Take a plunge into icy relaxation and bring yourself to a peaceful meditative state. Cleanse your mind and body as you engage in the ten-step Scandinavian Jukkasjärvi sauna ritual.
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Visit Atlanta and Party at Tomorrow World—Over 300 DJs from around the world is set to perform in this year’s TomorrowWorld, Georgia’s own electronic music festival that combines nature with music, good vibes and spectacular visuals.
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Party the Night Away at Ultra Music Festival Japan—Go on a wild night of party music and dancing as the world's top EDM DJ's gather to entertain crowds of music festival goers in this year’s Ultra Music Festival in Japan.  
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Catch the World’s Biggest DJs Perform at Tomorrowland in Belgium—Not only is Belgium a paradise for food lovers, it is also where you can party at one of biggest dance music festival on the planet, Tomorrowland.  
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Build Clay Houses for the Poor by Volunteering in Namibia—Go for a different kind of adventure by going on your first Voluntourism assignment. Get involved with The Namibia Clay House Project and help construct clay houses in Otjiwarongo, Namibia.  
Those are just some of the experiences you can enjoy when you go for a worry-free holiday courtesy of World Juanderer.   And if you think that what they offer is reserved only  for those who can spend extra, think again.  “We’ve also got affordable packages  to some of the most visited destinations abroad,” Gabriel adds.  
Check out the hottest travel packages  World Juanderer can book for you  
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Journey to the Best European Highlights—Get 15-days worth of adventure as we take you to the breathtaking beauty of everything Europe has to offer. From leisurely strolls down The Avenue des Champs-Élysées to basking in the grandeur of Piazza De Venezia, this package offers a fascinating look into the ancient history of European marvels. (Covering 8 countries : Italy, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium & France)  
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Plot a Course to Korean Tradition—Experience Korean culture in all its colorful forms when you avail of this package. Considered one of its best highlights, the well-known resort city of Jeju is where you can stay in prestigious hotels while enjoying world-class entertainment at casinos and nature-tripping in its wondrous beaches, mountains, and waterfalls.
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Unravel All of Taiwan’s Mysteries—Take a trip to see the great Taipei cityscape and bask in its peaceful countryside views. Uncover secrets of its culture by savoring street food delicacies served on its public food centers.  
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Into the Rich Artistry of Osaka—Head to Japan's busiest capital for an incredible mix of the ultramodern and the traditional. Explore its neon-lit skyscrapers, historic temples, kabuki theaters, and museums that exhibit classical artistry at its finest.  
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Experience Dubai’s Take on Luxury—From luxury shopping to ultramodern architecture and a perpetually buzzing nightlife, the things to do in Dubai seems endless. Dubai takes you to a world where high-end style meets old world charm.  
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A Fascinating Indochina Escape— From the rooftop bars of Bangkok to the elephant trails of Siem Reap, even the Buddhist strongholds of Ho Chi Minh, World Juanderer lets you experience what a genuinely exotic Indochine journey is like in this amazing tour package.
Whether for luxury or for those on a budget, World Juanderer invites you to be part of the many exciting hassle-free journeys the company made easy to enjoy. “Our goal is to make it easier for everyone, specially Filipinos, to see  more of the world. There is so much beauty out there waiting to be explored and appreciated and we’re here to help you soak up every bit of the experience without the hassle,” Gabriel ends.  
For more information about World Juanderer,  please visit www.worldjuanderer.com,  send an email to [email protected]  or call 3287999 local 110.  
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lamoille-house · 5 years
Capri Island, a Starry, Mesmerizing and Alluring Island
There are so many things to do in Capri Island, the most famous and glamorous of the entire Island in Italy. The Island of Capri Island being dream holiday destination, it is also the perfect base to explore the artistic, historic, and natural treasures located on the other islands.
Capri is a famous paradise destination in Italy. Capri Island is just off the Amalfi Coast and Naples Coast. Capri Island is famous for its natural wonders. It is well-known for its nightlife, shopping, beaches, and sweet limoncello.
Here below are some of the best sights and attractions in Capri Island.
Best Attraction in Capri Island: 
The Blue Grotto is known for its sparkling blue water inside the cave. It is one of Capri Island’s most famous attractions. You’ll find sunlight illuminating the crystal clear water to a blue shade. At least once in your lifetime you should experience this marvel of nature and see firsthand why the Grotto Azzure is the most famous sight on Capri Island island. The best time to visit this grotto is between noon and two in the afternoon, since the light illuminating inside the caravan is at its strongest. To access the Blue Grotto take a boat from Marina Grande or a bus from AnaCapri Island or by the Via Pagliaro from AnaCapri Island.
Faraglioni is the most prominent attractions in Capri Island. It symbolizes the three mysterious rocks emerging from the sea just off the coast. Each rock has a name, Stella, Faraglioni di Mezzo, and Scopolo. These rock formation towers jutting out of the blue waters is a photographer’s dream. The best way to view Faraglioni is to walk along Via Tragara which is a treat in itself.
Via Krupp: The twisting hairpin bends of Via Krupp are located right next to the Giardini di Augusto. This is one of the most iconic landmarks of Capri Island. Via Krupp is a real jewel in Capri Island’s crown. If you see Via Krupp from above, you’ll be tempted to walk this dramatic winding pathway down to the waters below.
Activities in Capri Island: 
A climb up to Mount Solaro: if you are looking for the very best views in Capri Island then you’ll need to go to the island’s highest point Monte Solaro. From Piazza Vittoria in AnaCapri Island, you can take a chairlift up to the peak of Mount Solaro for a beautiful view from the top. Photograph the surroundings and stop for a drink at the “La Canzone Del Cielo cafe”.
Swim in the Mediterranean Sea: take a good look and then dive right in. There’s nothing quite as refreshing as a cool dip in the crystalline blue waters off Capri Island.
Do a boat tour around the island: Beaches in Capri Island, gets crowded. The best way to explore the island is on a boat. You can spend a few hours swimming in rocky caves and emerald green grottos. You will be able to view some of Capri Island’s most treasured natural wonders, like La Grotto Verda ( The Green Cave), La Grotto Azzurra (The Blue cave), La Grotto Blanca ( The White Cave), Faraglioni and Arco Naturale ( The natural Arch). If you are running short of time there are also larger crafts which will take you one hour tour around the island.
Romantic dinner: the wonderful way to end your day on the Island of Capri Island is with a romantic dinner featuring island specialties. Sample the traditional local dishes Ravioli Capresso filled with cheese and Marjoram and Torta Capresso made with chocolate and almonds.
Take a Hike: Capri Island is home to numerous hiking paths which take you to various attractions on the island. Via Krupp is one of them and will take you along the coast and Gardens of Augustus.
A Moonlit Dinner at Nerano: During the evening in summer small boats leave the port of Capri Island and sail in the direction of Punta Campanella. Many of these boats head towards Nerano where the islanders of Capri Island often go to enjoy an evening meal. There is a small sea view restaurants where Mediterranean cuisine is served according to the local recipe.
Beaches in Capri Island:Capri Island’s beaches are small coves tucker between the cliffs with beach clubs offering loungers, umbrellas, and cafes or public areas with rocks from which swimmer dive directly into the crystalline water. Capri Island beaches are all on the small side and during summer it gets crowded. There are many private and free beaches on the island. The most popular beach is Marina Piccola.
Shopping in Capri Island is a dream if you love a little retail therapy. Shop for handmade Capri Island sandals, handmade Italian sandals custom-made for you while you wait. Purchase perfumes made at Carthusia Perfumery. Capri Island is home to many famous brands. Capri Island is also famous for fresh wine, cheese, and limoncello.
NightLife in Capri Island
Nightlife in Capri Island: summer nights are lively in Capri Island, and the nights are long. Capri Island’s nightlife is a showy business. If you are a night owl then you can visit nightclubs and disco and dance away until just before the sun comes up.
Evening in Capri Island begins with a cocktail in Piazzeta where islanders and visitors relax and socialize before continuing to one of the local restaurants for dinner.
After midnight head to the tavern small clubs where there is usually live music and the festive crowd dance and sing along with Neapolitan Classics. The most famous late-night party spot is Taverna Anemae Core.
Best Time to Visit Capri Island: 
The Best time to visit Capri Island is during spring and fall. But if you visit in May, you’ll see Capri Island at its best. Winter here is cold and rainy with heavy fog and most tourist business closes for the season by late October.
Best Staying Options: 
Where to stay in Capri Island: when looking for accommodation in Capri Island you should know Capri Island is a luxury destination. There are not many budget hotel and even mid-range hotels will be more expensive. Budget Hotels: Villa Eva or Hotel Bella vista situated in AnaCapri Island
Mid-range Hotels: La Residenza or Hotel Mamela
Affordable Luxury: Relais Maresca Luxury small Hotel
5 Star Hotels: Hotel Caesar Augustus in AnaCapri Island or Capri Island Tiberio Palace.
Spend some extra time in Capri Island, since there’ something extra here, a magical quality you won’t find just anywhere and certainly won’t find in a day.
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Take a trip to Italy’s Amalfi Coast
The beauty of Positano continues from the beach all the way up into the mountains. (Photos by Jennifer Fauci)
Azure and turquoise seas, colorful homes peppered across the mountains and lemon trees at every turn. It’s not heaven, it’s Italy. Romantic and beautiful in every way, the Amalfi Coast stands out as one of the best examples of a true Mediterranean landscape. And while there is never a bad time to see this gorgeous country, if you had a choice, I would choose the summer, especially if your travels take you to Southern Italy and the province of Salerno.
Similar in beauty (and perfect for hiking through the five towns of Riomaggiore, Portofino, Vernazza, Manarola and Monterosso al Mare) is Cinque Terre, a string of centuries-old seaside villages along the rugged Italian Riviera coastline. I have been fortunate to have explored both dreamy locations, but at the edge of the Sorrentine Peninsula, you will get the very best that Amalfi, Positano, Sorrento and Capri have to offer.
Amalfi Cathedral (Image by YvM from Pixabay)
If your journey begins in Amalfi, start by learning about the maritime history of this seaside town. The Arsenale della Repubblica was Amalfi’s center of shipbuilding from the mid-11th century. Today, it is the only well-preserved medieval shipyard in Southern Italy. If you fancy a bit of religious history, visit Cattedrale di Sant’Andrea/Duomo di Amalfi, where Saint Andrew’s, the patron saint of Amalfi, relics are kept. If you’re one for adventure, take a hike up the Valle delle Ferriere to experience four miles of lemon trees, vineyards, waterfalls and alluring views of the city and the sea. Satiate your hunger with a belly full of fresh seafood and a glass of limoncello.
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Next up, Positano, the most popular town on the Amalfi Coast. Stay in an Airbnb or bed and breakfast in the mountains if you can and wake up to the loveliest of views every morning. Positano is a beach town with Spiaggia Grande as the main beach and Fornillo Beach as the other area to relax among colorful rows of umbrellas. While many of the beaches are public, you will most likely have to pay for a chair or umbrella, rated by the hour. For lunch, shop for fresh produce among the roadside stands or enjoy a meal alfresco with plenty of options near the sea. After soaking up the sun, take a walk to Positano’s Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta, a storied church that features a 13th century Byzantine icon of the Virgin Mary. The church’s majolica-tiled dome can be seen from Positano’s highest point. For dinner, head over to Via Cristoforo Colombo and take your pick of restaurants that offer sunset views of the mountains. My favorite is Ristorante Bruno, where the only thing better than the food is the scenery.
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Continuing further down the coast, a stay in Sorrento is a favorite of many as it is the perfect blend of beach and town life. Facing the Bay of Naples on the Sorrentine Peninsula, Sorrento is known for sweeping water views and Piazza Tasso, a café-lined square. Visit the small sandy stretch of beach that is Marina Grande and then take in that same view while overlooking a cliff.
Up for a little romance? The Cloisters of San Francisco are without a doubt one of the most magical and romantic spots in Sorrento and at night, sip an espresso (cappuccinos are reserved for the morning in Europe) and people watch as you listen to live music and street performances in the square. As glass is to Venice, wood is to Sorrento and if you are going to bring back anything from Sorrento, let it be wood. The inlaid woodwork is meticulously detailed and mesmerizing. From picture frames and jewelry boxes to dining room tables and decorative art pieces, the intricacy involved in these pieces are met with hard work and passion from family-owned shops that go back several generations.
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In my opinion, Capri is the perfect day trip. Take the ferry over from Sorrento and spend the day on this breathtakingly beautiful and chic island, home to the famed Grotta Azzurra or Blue Grotto. Start at the bottom with a boat tour around the island. There are plenty of companies in the marina that offer tours, but a boat captained by a local is the way to go. It’s less of a tourist ride packed with passengers and more of a private lesson about the town.
On the aquatic ride, you’ll likely pass the Grotta Bianca, Grotta Verde, Grotta Azzurra (you can take a separate tour and go inside the grotto on your own rowboat if you wish) and the faraglioni, Capri’s most iconic sight of three towering rock formations that jut out from the sea. Legend has it that lovers who kiss while passing under the rocks will be blessed with good luck.
Make your way up to the top of Anacapri, which is located on the slopes of Mount Solaro, accessible by bus and then a chairlift. For a few euro, the single-seated cable car ride is a bit daunting at first as you dangle hundreds of feet above the ground, but once the fears subside and you reach the top, reward yourself with gelato, lemon slushies and some of the most incredible photo opportunities you will ever experience in your lifetime. As for shopping, the uniquely colorful Capri watch is a popular buy as are bathing suit cover ups and authentic Italian leather sandals.
The Amalfi Coast is best accessed from Rome or Naples. From Naples, it is about one hour on the local Circumvesuviana train to Sorrento. Take the Sita bus (it’s about €2 per person for a bus ticket) and you won’t be disappointed in the stunning vistas at every turn. As for souvenirs, the Amalfi Coast and entire Campania region is known for its lemons and hand-painted ceramics, so limoncello and ceramic dinnerware or tiles are perfect trinkets to bring home to family and friends.
So grab your sunnies, a floppy hat and the most colorful swimwear you own and embark on the dream vacation that is the Amalfi Coast this summer to live la dolce vita.
Long Island Weekly's Jennifer Fauci shares the best of the Amalfi Coast. Plan your heavenly trip to Amalfi, Positano, Sorrento and Capri. Take a trip to Italy’s Amalfi Coast Azure and turquoise seas, colorful homes peppered across the mountains and lemon trees at every turn.
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imxlost · 6 years
Three years ago on New Years, I posted a letter to a boy to tell him everything I never got the chance to say.
Two years ago on New Years, I posted an entry that promised to complain less, appreciate my mistakes, be more patient, and get over a boy that wasn't worth my time.
One year ago on New Years, I posted an entry that detailed my realizations and accomplishments of the year. It was about realizing that many of my limitations are self-imposed and that happiness comes and goes.
So looking back on 2018, I choose not to linger on what things I should’ve done but to hold onto the memories that somehow just felt right:
At 18, I thought about the small apartment party where I chatted and made friends (and fell flat on my back . . .)
At 17, I thought about how I raced my boyfriend through dorm hallways
At 16, I thought about how I hiked in the Blandford Nature Center on my birthday and got mud everywhere
At 15, how I said goodbye to my two best friends at the airport to go to Italy where I found the most beautiful apartment with the most beautiful rooftop view and the most beautiful roommates
At 14, how I went to Fiesole outside of Florence with two classmates I had just met to eat good food and drink good wine and watch the sunset over the city
At 13, how I went to Cinque Terre and swam in Manarola and skinny dipped in Monterosso
At 12, how I went clubbing in Croatia and swimming in Krka National Park
At 11, how I drank orange granitas in Capri and took a chairlift up Mount Solaro
At 10, sleeping in a tent in Interlaken, Switzerland, hiking Harder Kulm, and jumping off waterfalls while canyoning
At 9, traveling to the UP--jumping off Black Rocks, waterfall hopping, and biking around Mackinac
At 8, partying at Kappa Kappa Sig and stealing a random person’s Fireball
At 7, passing Burnett’s and sharing stories around a campfire
At 6, crying about the environment at a tailgate when my boyfriend threw a soda cap on the ground (he preceded to take care of me for the rest of the day)
5, going to cedar point with my boyfriend and getting to know his brother
4, getting on an overcrowded party bus to go to an overcrowded party for Halloween
3, getting into Okelly’s using someone else’s fake ID and two other people using the same fake the same night
2, going to Soaring Eagle for free and eating a lot of good food with a lot of good people
1, partying with three of my favorite people into the New Year--my best friend, my boyfriend, and my brother.
When my flights were delayed, I made friends to pass the time. Despite having lost luggage, annoying “family” (roommate) meetings, problems with my debit card, and waterlogging my phone, I saw more and did more in Europe than I could ever imagine. Even though I fought with my friends this year, my relationships are stronger and more resilient. When classes got hard, I have a strong idea of my future and strong relationships that encourage me. With all my memories, good and bad, I end 2018 with hope and intentions for the New Year . . .
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I’ve always said that my goal is to fall in love: fall in love with a guy, with my friends, with the world and adventures, with my job, and with myself. As new years come and go, I look at how far I’ve come.
I have begun falling in love with myself. With rocking a red velvet dress. With my two new front teeth. With creating a room in my new house that suits my style--with a map and plants and calming colors and a yoga mat in the corner. With choosing a theater minor and learning from people who aren’t scared to make mistakes.
I have begun falling in love with my future career. I got accepted to my major. I became the president-elect of AFSLP. I learned more about traveling speech pathology. And I’m excited to find an internship that helps me continue exploring.
I have fallen in love with the world. With all the places I’ve been able to travel and all the places I’ll go in the future. Someday, I hope to live in a big city, and someday, I hope to live in a beach town. And if I speak it into existence, it becomes true: my future holds many more adventures.
I have fallen in love with my friends. With partying and eating cheese bread and watching the Bachelor. With all the memories they’ve given me, all the care they’ve taken, and all the love they’ve shared.
But mostly, I have fallen in love with my boyfriend. I have found someone who makes my heart at peace. Someone that cooks with me. Someone that carries me to bed when I’m sleepy and feeds me Taco Bell nachos when I’m drunk. Someone that holds me during my nightmares. Someone willing to nap with my friends and I. Someone that dances silly with me at parties. Someone who is very competitive when it comes to mini golf. Someone that lets me throw him off the jetski. Someone I can never get enough of.
With everything I’ve learned this year, this coming year, above all else, I am aiming for personal growth.
I want to be more intentional about the things I do in my life. I want to be intentional about my relationships and the people I dedicate my time to. I want to think my food and why I eat what I eat. I want to think about my courses and what things I’m prioritizing in my life. Meaning stems from intentionality and by understanding my actions, they become more meaningful.
I want to be more in touch with intuition. I want to act more instinctively when treating my body with food, rest, and work. I want to follow my intuition to become a better decision maker. I want to ground myself by observing my thoughts, emotions, and cognitive biases without allowing them to control me or dictate my actions.
I want to redefine success in my life. A productive day does not have to be one filled with homework or work. A successful day is accomplishing what I set out to do for that day--whether that’s making a healthy meal or studying or actively taking care of myself.
I want to be more openly communicative about how I’m feeling and learn how to use others as support. I want to use journaling to let go of my thought loops and as a way to organize my thoughts in order to verbally communicate them later.
Once I refine these, I hope to share these ideas with others, continuing to spread love instead of judgements. I forget where, but I heard this quote: “[We must find/be a] glimmer of selflessness against which we can judge the callousness of a world in which love has been sacrificed to economic necessity.” I plan to use this as a reminder to prioritize love in my life and to understand how others may become callous due to greed or to physical necessity--something I have not experienced, and therefore, will not fully understand.
As I go forward . . . here is to remembering that nothing will go exactly as I plan (although this doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t set goals). Here’s to being more intentional in order to become more connected to myself and to the present. Here’s to being more kind and to finding happiness as it flows in and out of my life. Here’s to not to letting my thoughts control me, but to accepting them and releasing them. Here’s to a new year.
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#Capri . Top places to visit: Blue Grotto, Piazzetta, Punta Carena lighthouse, Villa San Michele and Certosa di San Giacomo. Must-do activities: Capri is one of the most cosmopolitan islands in the Mediterranean and it exudes as much glamour and natural beauty as you might imagine. After a delicious and filling breakfast, start your day in Capri by hailing a small boat to the iconic Blue Grotto where you can take in the bright blue glow of this small sea cave. During the afternoon you can take a stroll through Villa San Michele’s, the former home of a Swedish doctor and take in its colourful gardens, priceless archaeological artefacts, and marble statues all draped in vines. If you’re in search for the best views then ride the chairlift to the top of Mount Solaro – you won’t be disappointed. . Top attractions in Capri https://goo.gl/ffCpNM — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2LYMwBs
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jelysia · 7 years
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#Ercolano [erkoˈlaːno] is a town and comune in the Metropolitan City of #Naples, #Campania of #SouthernItaly. It lies at the western foot of Mount Vesuvius, on the Bay of Naples, just southeast of the city of Naples. The #medievaltown of Resina - read #Resìna - was built on the volcanic material left by the #eruptionofVesuvius (79 CE) that destroyed the ancient city of #Herculaneum, from which the present name is derived. Ercolano is a resort and the starting point for excursions to the excavations of Herculaneum and for the ascent of Vesuvius by bus. The town also manufactures leather goods, buttons, glass, and the wine known as Lacryma Christi (Tears of Christ). #italianhistory #italy🇮🇹❤️ #historyfacts #travelblogger #travelersnotebook #traveltheworld 🇮🇹🍁☘️🎶📜💚❤️🛤🏕🏜🌋🏟 (at Solaro Ercolano)
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