#moustache mountain
imvgeswrestling · 1 year
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clarkconnorsfan · 3 months
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Trent seven is a dork and i love him so much more because of it destructive annoying the ref trent seven is my favourite trent seven
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So, the other night Sledge put an idea in my head that I did not want there. So I took the gang related dream I had and things we had talked about and wrote this as somewhat of a revenge. So you can thank @sldghmmr for whatever this is.
Summary: Continuation from my weird gang type dream where all the wrestlers were in their own separate gangs. Kate (who Sledge named) had information that the British Strong Style need.
Word Count: 4,050
Warnings: Non-Con/Consensual non-con elements Not Edited
Enjoy my vengeful brain.
Kate was kicking herself for the position she was currently in. It was Friday night and she was looking forward to a rare night off from her job responsibilities. Being able to go out with people she hadn’t seen in a while and fully enjoy herself without having to worry about anything work related being involved. This night was going to be for her. Earlier she put on her favorite sexy black dress and heels that she wasn’t normally able to wear. She added a bunch of yellow into her eyeshadow while doing her make-up, giving her face a pop of her favorite color. Hair carelessly down, able to blow in the breeze. She was more than ready to go out and hit a few bars, have some drinks, and dance stress away. She just needed to make one quick stop on the way for a pack of cigarettes. Normally Kate didn’t smoke, but when she drank a lot and everyone else around her was, she enjoyed it. And she planned on letting loose tonight.
She knew she had stepped out of neutral territory, but she had gone to this corner convenience shop so many times before and never had a problem, she didn’t think anything of running in real quick. Especially since it was just down the street from the first bar where she was meeting up with people. She was always aware of her surroundings. A quick in, hello, and out and she’d be on the town. However tonight she had been thinking a little too much about what she was going to do instead of what was around her. She barely made it off of the corner before she was grabbed, dropping her cigarettes into the street before she could get them into her black clutch. Now she was in the basement of one of BSS’s clubs, handcuffed to some iron bar above her head that was drilled into the stone wall. Most people in her position would be terrified. Begging and trying to bargain with their captors. But Kate was too busy being mad at herself for not paying attention and seeing them coming. She couldn’t say she was afraid either having dealt with these men before on a number of occasions. She was familiar with them. Especially the one with the snarly smirk.
“What’s the matter love? Ain’t ya happy to see me?”
“I’d be happier if your throat was slit,” Kate spat.
“You don’t mean that love,” Pete smiled as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Its what you’d deserve.”
“I take it ya don’t forgive me for leavin’ yet huh?” He taunted as he stepped closer to her.
“As soon as someone lets me out of these,” Kate began as she pulled on the handcuffs causing a clanking sound to echo in the basement,” I’m going to break your legs.”
“Speaking of legs, ya might want to keep an eye on Tyler. He’s been staring at yours all night.”
Kate looked over Pete’s shoulder to where Tyler was standing across the room. His gaze was fixed on her licking his lips. Suddenly Kate became very aware of how high on her thighs her already short dress was riding up. She shuffled her legs uncomfortably knowing there was no way to shield them. She didn’t care that she was in a dingy damp basement. It hadn’t been the first time, though usually the ones she was in belonged to people she was more friendly with. She didn’t even care that she was handcuffed. Honestly, if she left her alone for a few minutes she could probably figure out how to get out of them. But she’d be damned if she was going to stand here and involuntarily be eye candy entertainment for these bastards.
“I know he’s been thinking about ‘em ever since we searched you earlier.”
Kate forced her normal response of curse words and threats deep down inside her. She wouldn’t let herself feed into their cocky egos. She knew Pete was having too much fun with this to begin with. Not too many people could come eye to eye with the Bruiserweight who was knock to break bones easily to get information, let alone mouth off to him like Kate was doing. She decided to pretend like whatever they were saying had no effect on her instead.
“Can I have my underwear back from that by the way?” Kate asked nonchalantly.
“Nah. Could be hiding a recording device in there or somethin’.”
“Oh right, because I planned this visit.”
“Besides, we’ve already discussed sending them to Sheamus.”
Kate laughed in his face. “Go for it. You know he would kill you.”
Pete shrugged. “He already wants to. We could just let Tyler keep them.”
Kate could see the black lace hanging out of the pocket of Tylers jeans. At this point she wouldn’t be surprised if he took them out and started playing with them.
“I’m not quite sure he has the ass to fill them out but hey, who am I to judge?”
Tyler chuckled. “She is a feisty one.”
“Warned ya.”
They all got silent as they heard the door to the basement open and close, followed by heavy footsteps. Kate watched the stairs until Trent appeared looking as polished as always.
“Sorry to keep you waiting love. Had to take care of a bit of business upstairs. I hope you two haven’t been harassing our guest too much.”
Pete grabbed a handful of Kate’s hair and yanked her head back, making her hiss in pain before letting go. “Only when necessary.”
“Oh of course. Don’t stop playing with yourself while gawking at the poor girls upstairs on my account. It’s not like I have anywhere to be.”
“Kate you know I keep my best girls over at mountains. Just some bar tenders and dealers up there. They’re only good if you’re desperate. Though if you wanted, I could send you over there. You certainly have the assets for it and I could take real good care of you.”
“I would rather be dead.”
Trent smiled at her response. Amusement covered his face and Kate could clearly see the little gap he had in his front teeth. She had seen that smile a few times before. It usually came before something vile happened. Trent Seven may look like a handsome well off gentleman. His hair neatly tied back, beard nicely groomed.  A velvet navy blue blazer over his expensive black button down dress shirt, but he was as despicable as they come. He comes up with ideas, gives orders, but is more than willing to get his own hands dirty if need be. That smile made Kate realize that she was helpless at his mercy and it made her stomach drop.
“You know I’m sure Pete felt that way at one time too. But now he’s more than happy with me.”
“That’s because Pete is a spineless pussy who is easily persuaded and can’t make his own decisions.”
Pete faked being hurt by her comments while Tyler laughed.
“Don’t be upset at him because he realized how selfish and conniving Sheamus, using people like you and Pete to do all the dangerous shit he was too afraid to do.”
Kate rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you’re a selfless angel.”
“Pete seems pretty happy with me. So happy he thinks he can convince Ridge to come over next.”
That sent a wave of anger through her. It was bad enough that Pete had turned on them and abandoned them. After all the late night talks they had together while everyone else was asleep. The jokes they would make while steaking out places together. Their drunken confessions. But to try and take Ridge from her. She’d want to strangle them all herself if any of them laid a hand on him.
“What do you want Trent?”
“I need some information.”
“Why don’t you ask your new best friend?”
“Already have. He was very helpful. Unfortunately he isn’t privy to some of the information I need. But you love, are.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know Sheamus is planning something to try and take me down in a few weeks. However, it wasn’t decided exactly when when Pete left. So if I had a finalized date, that would much better help me prepare. I also need to know who he’s been talking to because I know he isn’t going to do this alone. He’s too much of a coward.”
“I’m not sure why you think I would know who he talks to.”
“Because we all know you’re his little secretary and take care of everything for him. You either have the information or you know where it is,” Pete answered.
“We also tried to get into your weapons shed the other night, but were unable to. Looks like Sheamus might have changed the locks on everything.”
Kate looked over at Pete in somewhat disbelief. They had a little shack on the beach, disguised as an old mostly out of use lifeguard shed. Everyone just assumed it kept old buoys and expired sunscreen. But it’s where they kept a lot of extra weapons and supplies for easy access if something happened when they were out. Even though Pete betrayed them by leaving, some part of her was slightly surprised that he shared that information and locations.
“Everyone had access to that building. And everyone had access for all the passcodes to the house. They were all changed, but that means you have it.”
“Shows what you know. No one has anything anymore thanks to you. He doesn’t trust anyone with shit now,” Kate said harshly towards Pete.
“You’re lying. You know I can tell,” Pete said with a smile.
“Believe me or not. I really don’t give a shit what a backstabbing rat like you thinks,” Kate seethed as she pulled on the cuffs.
Kate’s anger was finally coming out, and was met with a harsh slap to the face by Trent. She wasn’t expecting it and was slightly in shock as she stood there silently. Her hair covering parts of her stinging face, blocking the amused looks by Tyler and Pete. Slightly worried at all of the feelings she had rushing through her body.
“I gave you a pass before, but you don’t speak to any of my men like that when you’re in my establishments. You got that?”
Kate raised her head and shook the hair out of her face. “Go fuck yourself.”
Trent’s smile faded and his eyes shifted to a dark grey. Just as swiftly as he had smacked her, his large hand shot out and wrapped itself easily around her throat, pushing her back against the wall. She gasped for a moment, trying to gather herself from what was happening.
“You told me not to speak to your men like that. You didn’t say anything about you,” Kate said with a smile, proud that even in the position she was in she managed to outsmart Trent. In front of said men no less.
“Oh you’re gonna have fun with this one boys,” Trent chuckled as his fingers stull held her neck. “Tyler, you’ve still got her purse? First check through it. Make copies of any keys you find. Then go through her phone. Pull out anything that looks important. Once you’re done that, feel free to help over here. Pete.”
Pete walked back over in front of Kate to stand next to his new boss. He pushed his long hair out of his face revealing a cocky smile seemingly permanently plastered onto it. Kate hadn’t seen him with his hair down much. Usually it was tied up during meetings and “errands” they did throughout the day. It was only late at night after a few drinks he ever really let it down and seemed to be himself. Here he seemed so much more relaxed and at ease, while equally as tough as before.
“Peter, you’ve never really be able to get, close to Kate, correct?” Trent asked with several pauses to imply a different meaning.
“Yup. Sheamus made sure no one touched his precious little protégé.”
“Well today’s your lucky day. Here’s your chance,” Trent roughly released the hold on Kate’s throat and turned to go back up the stairs. “You know what I need. I’m confident you two have this under control.”
“I’m not telling you anything,” She said once the door closed.
“Aw come on Katie. Don’t be so cold.”
“Don’t fucking call me that!” She spat at him.
“I don’t know why you’re being so resistant. You could just tell me what we need to know, and stay here with us. Join Trent. It’s much better than over there.”
“And just abandon Ridge like you did.”
“Ridge is your bodyguard. Not mine.”
“Sounds like someone is just jealous of our relationship.”
“Jealous, no. Just confused. I don’t understand what kind of hold Sheamus has on you.”
“Sheamus saved me. My family abandoned me when I was thirteen and he took me in when no one else would. He’s always been there.”
“Yeah, and then he exploited you for his own gain. You’re an adult now. You can leave him and go make a better life for yourself. One he can’t give you.”
“You might be a selfish asshole but I’m not turning my back on the only person that’s ever taken care of me.”
Kate stared him down while Tyler walked over to them while holding her phone. He grabbed his hand so he was able to get her fingerprint to unlock it.
“I wish everything could be that easy,”
“Put it down or I swear I will personally rip your balls off once Sheamus and Ridge are done with you.”
“She’s got a dirty mouth,” Tyler smirked as he walked back to another corner of the basement to hook the phone up to his laptop.
“You have no idea,” Pete replied as he grabbed her face. “I’ve heard worse stuff out of her than I have from Ridge when he’s drunk.”
“You’re wasting your time Peter. I’m not telling you anything.”
“We’ll see about that,” Peter stated confidently as his voice dropped.
His hand rested on her cheek, thumb tracing her bottom lip. Much more softly than how he had grabbed her. His slow movements along with the deeper voice were effecting her in ways that she really couldn’t be bothered to deal with right now. And that’s when everything clicked. She had shared a lot with Pete during the time they spent together. They bonded, or so she had thought. But earlier, the way he had pulled on her hair, he wasn’t just doing it to be a jerk. The way Trent slapped and choked her, he did it because Pete suggested it. The comments he kept making about Tyler watching her. The whole time she was with them he spent trying to get her worked up so she’d be ready for what they were going to do to her.
“I know what you’re doing Peter. It’s not gonna work.”
“Oh yeah?”
Pete’s other hand slipped under her dress and between her legs. Kate gasped slightly as his fingers slid through her folds. He seemed proud of himself for how wet she already was. Unfortunately for Kate, she wasn’t able to hide the fact that she was turned on, but she was well prepared for the unique kind of torture he was about to administer. She knew the mental dilemmas it was supposed to make her face. She knew what it was going to do to her physically. He was going to edge her until she begged. Play with her until she told him what they wanted to know. But that wasn’t going to happen. Kate could handle herself. And she was confident she could handle Pete. If she started to get desperate enough she could easily and believably lie giving them false information. She had seen this enough times to know how it worked, and at what point they would start to believe you. And by the time they realized it was no good, it would be too late. And that was their problem to deal with.
“Are you forgetting that I’m the one that used to give you tips on what to do to girls for this?” Kate reminded him before her eyes involuntarily fluttered shit as his fingers grazed over her clit.
Pete chuckled and used his knee to kick her legs a little farther apart. “Just shut the fuck up Katie and lets finally have some fun.”
Kate knew what to expect from Pete. Even though they had never been intimate before, she had seen him do this several times and knew his plan during it. Not to mention the countless times she’s heard him with his random hook-ups. So she was able to mentally plan for his next moves and control her reactions for the most part. But she didn’t expect his violent destructive fingers to feel so good as they circled over her clit. When Kate did open her eyes, she saw the faces he was making. She had never told him or anyone else, but she always found his angry snarl incredibly sexy. And there had been several times she got distracted while looking into his eyes. Seeing him bite his bottom lip while staring at her almost made her drop her guard completely. She had to remind herself the situation she was in and force herself to not move her hips into his touch. She knew that she should have more fight in her, but it had been a long time since she had been with anyone other than herself, she enjoyed it for a bit. She told herself it was okay as long as she didn’t give in to what they wanted. The electricity from his touch was flowing through her whole body. It didn’t take long for her breath to hitch and she started feeling that familiar sensation in her lower belly. She prepared herself for Pete to pull away, but he didn’t. He kept the steady motion and she came as her eyes slightly rolled back into her head. Pete either got caught up in the moment or misjudged her body cues. Either way she wasn’t complaining that he messed up. At least not yet.
His fingers continued playing with her clit, drawing out her pleasure. When her eyes opened again, he was still staring at her. He didn’t have the face of someone who just made a mistake or was worried. He actually still looked cocky. It wasn’t until the pleasure started to become too much and began feeling uncomfortable that she realized why. She tried to close her legs but Pete made sure to keep them open. She bit her lip to keep in the whimper that was trying to escape. It was already becoming too much but then Pete increased the speed and pressure of his fingers, teetering Kate on the line of pain and pleasure. It shortly switched to intense pleasure and she came again harder than before squirting all over his hand. Pete licked his lips as he leaned in closer to her.
“I always knew I’d be able to get you to make a mess if we got together,” He whispered before shoving two fingers inside of her making her gasp.
Kate wasn’t sure how much time had gone by before the door to the basement opened again. It had felt like hours even though she knew it hadn’t been. When Trent got to the bottom of the stairs he seemed pretty pleased with the sight before him. Her face was stained in tears, smearing her make up and causing it to run down her face. Her fists clenched and slightly reddened, nearly bruising from how she had been pulling on the cuffs. The top of her dress was still in tact, though her nipples were easily visible, almost poking through. The material scraping against them painful at this point rather than pleasurable. The skirt of her dress was hiked up around her hips as Pete was on his knees on the floor in front of her. Her one leg over his shoulder, fingers spreading apart her lips so he could suck on her clit bringing her closer to another painful orgasm. Hips pushed against the wall to steady her squirming. The yelps and cries falling from her mouth were music to his ears.
“Key copies are on the table over there boss,” Tyler greeted.
Trent nodded to him. “Did we get anything?”
“Second weekend in September is when they’re planning the ambush,” Tyler answered.
Trent made a face of approval. “Good. Did we get any names?”
“She mentioned Drew.”
“Of course she did. Drew and Sheamus have always been close I expected him. I was hoping for specific names from his crew.”
Trent and Tyler carrying on their conversation as if they were alone and Pete wasn’t right there lapping at her core while tears streamed down her face made Kate feel like even less of a person than she already had.
“I did find some things on her phone though about Gunther. Texts about trying to get a meeting with him, and some info about his group.”
“Ah, so he’s trying to wiggle his way into Gunther for support. That would take a lot of work. But now we can get to him first,” Trent commented as he rubbed his beard. “Good work. Any passcode information yet?”
“Still claims she doesn’t know ‘em.”
Trent nodded before turning around and placing his hand on Pete’s shoulder. “Pete’s been at this a while. What do you say we give him a break.”
Kate nodded eagerly as Pete leaned back wiping the wetness off his chin. Trent took a hold of her thigh that was on his shoulder while he sat back on a chair nearby crossing his arms. Trent stepped a bit closer to talk to Kate while he reached into the pocket of his blazer. Kate tried to take a much needed breath as a buzzing sound filled her ears. The powerful vibrator Trent was hiding in his pocket connected with her overly sensitive pussy caused her to throw her head back and scream. She tried to pull away from him, but he held her tightly.
“Not for you love. Not until you give me what I need.”
“I, I don’t, know anything. Please!” Kate cried.
“She’s lyin’,” Pete stated.
“Yeah she is. Katie, you know I can tell when ya lie.”
“Fuck!” Kate yelled trying to move away from the vibrator.
“You’re not going anywhere,” Trent told her. “Tyler, are you ready for her?”
“Yeah I got a nice set up for her,” Tyler replied as he walked over to where they were gathered.
“Good,” Trent smirked as he slid the vibrator inside of her.
“Trent, please,” Kate begged.
“Do whatever you have to do to get it out of her.”
The look on Tyler’s face made Kate wish she had fought harder and ran away. There were times if anyone saw him on the street, he could look sweet and peaceful. But the way he was looking at her right now was sinister. Like she was prey he was finally able to get his hands on. He caressed her face lightly before trailing his fingers down her neck and to her breasts, using his nails to scratch over her nipple. Earlier she would have loved for someone to pay attention to them, but now it made her wince in pain. His hand traveled lower, pushing the still buzzing vibrator deeper inside her before playing with her clit. His fingers moved so soft and gentle it sent shivers through her body. Slow as if he wanted to make it not hurt anymore, wanted to make her enjoy it. Making her even more furious at herself. Using his free hand he took out the handcuff keys and dangled them from his finger while still playing with Kate with the other. Making her moan through her breaths.
“You know what? I don’t give a shit if you talk or not. The longer you hold back, the longer I get to play with you.”
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spinebuster · 2 years
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cupophrogs · 7 months
Since we're putting things in front of people, and by things I mean more people and by people I mean Thing, would you accept this old man as Thing-bute?
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Originally I was just gonna say he was just Catnap, but it got to be silly soooo
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Take this scribble :D
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goodmode · 3 months
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small furry with a gun, what will she do
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ferryfoam · 8 days
I love TOS this show is objectively complete ass at times but I am enjoying every dang second of it. Every episode I am like lookout guys don't trip over those gaping plot holes but it's okay because there is a beauty in very poorly written shows that does not exist anymore because everyone is trying too hard. Also it's really funny
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unfortunatelyashark · 2 months
With the development of Eddie's moustache and him being from Texas, if we dont get at least 1 brokeback mountain reference, I will be sorely disappointed
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drinksandrunks · 1 year
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imvgeswrestling · 2 months
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clarkconnorsfan · 3 months
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i want to dance with trent seven also never going to forgive the world for making flossing a literally thing however it did give me trent seven doing this so maybe i can forgive them a little bit
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existentialcrisistime · 4 months
on my way to Glasgow to see the Mountain Goats!! very excited, I'm literally vibrating in my train seat here
but I'm going through early to visit the art shop and the big Lush and some of my other favourite haunts beforehand, so great day all round I think!
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realpersonfacts · 1 year
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dj*kovic is so fucking funny i’m sorry but his little routine of looking like he’s about to pass out and die and going 1-2 sets down then pulling the whole “call an ambulance…but not for me!” thing is hysterical it’s exactly what i would EXPECT an evil villain to do
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uhhtcaru0 · 1 year
repressed 1960s gay texan cowboy 🤝 horrible moustaches 🤝 arguably more repressed edwardian-era english politician
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antolevo · 2 years
Prince William on the 2018 Moustache Samedi Race 27 Ebike, handy for lazy days
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headcutoff101 · 2 years
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