#moving companies in serbia
Selidbe Beograd, firma za selidbe Beograd, medjunarodne selidbe, medjugradkse selidbe. Kompletne usluge selidbe Beograd i Skladištenje nameštaja i robe u kontrolisanim uslovima!! Dobrodošli za više informacija; 063 823 15 15
064 00 82 822
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kiminachi · 2 years
hiii cau u write something about richarlison being weak for neck kisses
Richarlison x Reader:
Prize of the Night
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Though, thanks for requesting, I apologize if it is a bit short, but nonetheless I hope you enjoy reading!
Slight Smut || Continue with Caution ⚠️
Includes: Slight swearing, neck kissing, lust
It was the day of Brazils win against Serbia.
You and Richarlison were currently celebrating in your guys’ hotel room. Though, It wasn’t all so big as the actual celebration that occurred in the locker room, you and your lover decided to continue the celebration with just the two of you. And even if it was just the two of you, it was relaxed; You both enjoyed each others company to the max.
“I can’t get over that bicycle kick Richarlison!” You said, admiring over his skill. It was a game that was going absolutely no where, until your wonderful man scored the first goal.
“I’m flattered amor! I dedicate that one to you.” He replied with a smile. He pulled you closer to him on the couch, yearning for your affection. “In-fact, I dedicate everything to you, te amo tanto (I love you so much) (Y/N).”
Anything he said made your heart soar. He knew how to sugar you up, but you loved it. It reminded you about having a loving boyfriend who cares, and is here for the long run in this relationship. “You always know what to say querido.”
“Of course I do,” Richarlison leans close to your ear, “my beautiful girlfriend deserves the world.” That sweet, velvety voice that left his mouth made your heart flutter. However, you felt as if it was your turn to spice things up even more.
Taking a glance at his lips, you quickly lean in to kiss him, catching him off guard. He groaned in surprise, but soon the surprise turned into enjoyment, as the two of you were now making out. Every kiss deepens with love and passion.
Yet, with Richarlison completely mesmerized by your touch, you propped his back against the arm of the couch, putting your hand on his chest, then grabbing his chin with your other hand. You pull away from his lips to catch your breathe. You opened your eyes to see now that you were nearly on top of him. Taking advantage, you smirked saying “and you deserve my affection, let me pleasure you, bonito.”
-Richarlison’s P.O.V-
How could I say no? She knows my body, as much as I know hers. This was the real prize, the real accomplishment.
“You’ve already started, continue me dando prazer.” (Keep pleasuring me) replying to her. Closing in the gap once again, we kissed in desperation. Hearing her moan is music to my ears. Unexpectedly, she left my lips and started to kiss my jawline. I was in bliss, but I wanted more; I wanted her to move down to my neck. “(Y/N),” I huffed, “Kiss my neck bebê, please, preciso de você.” (I need you)
She let go from my jawline, “I was just getting there meu amor, trust the process,” then proceeded to go back. I closed my eyes, feeling her gradually go from my jawline, to my neck. She placed her soft, luscious lips on my sensitive neck and began to kiss it. I groaned in delight, I was moved from bliss to ecstasy under her touch. I throbbed with each nibble, and with her moan that vibrated my neck; I couldn’t contain myself. “Fuck, (Y/N)..”
I gently grabbed her hair and sunk into the lust that grew throughout the rest of the night.
A/N: Thanks for reading~!! 🫶🫶
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canmom · 5 months
авантура Цанмома у Београду
avantura Canmoma u Beogradu, or, the adventure of canmom in Belgrade
it's another one of these 'travels of canmom' posts! last time we went to Gamescom in Germany. this time I went to Belgrade for a company event.
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I can't actually talk that much about this one because the main thing I was doing was cooking up game pitches for what we might work on next (kind of like a game jam but just for concepts), and while that was very interesting and I learned a lot about how to get ideas across in limited time and make judgements about what videogames might sell and how long they'd take to make and such... it is however probably not something I can talk in too much detail about yet, because we might end up making these games, so I can't be like 'the theme was x and we pitched y'.
so instead I will mostly talk about Belgrade! and show some of the photos I took that don't have game developers wandering around in them.
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that's Nikola Tesla airport. did you know that Nikola Tesla was from modern-day Serbia (at the time, the Austrian Empire)? I didn't but I do now!
most of the week was spent in this fancy villa...
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...which is called the Villa Saga Paradiso. it must once upon a time have been some stinking rich family's holiday home, because it's a super weird building, with such features as a pool table, swimming pool, tennis court, library, and even a weird kinda stage thing on the top floor. definitely full of weirdly shaped rooms and interesting old furniture, it felt kinda like a place a moomin might hole up. so here's some pics of the place.
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also the view was kinda insane...
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also! here's a pic of a Serbian snail that came out rather nice:
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anyway on Saturday we went into the city centre to do some more touristy shit. I went to the two places in Belgrade that presumably everyone goes, namely the Fortress and the Temple. but I also got some shots of the city centre...
(also a tram shot for the trams girls in the audience)
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so as you can see, the vibes of central Belgrade are p Southern European sorta architecture, lots of pale stone walls and tiled roofs and the like. but you also have these crazy cool looking tower blocks from the communist period...
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...which were unfortunately quite hard to photograph out of a moving car window.
But yeah, we were on our way to the fortress.
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Belgrade Fortress has a pretty storied history. At one point it simply was Belgrade; even after that, it's been occupied by variously the Byzantines, Turks and Austrians, who all made various additions and modifications to the fortress, and sometimes accidentally blew it up. Nowadays it's become a kind of park and tourist area, surrounded by the river, and thus some pretty impressive views...
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as well as various things that tourists might like to look at, like statues of dinosaurs and tanks, and people dressed Historically.
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apparently you're only allowed 30 images in a post, so let me make another one for the Temple, which was the craziest building I saw, and the butt statue...
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suncaptor · 11 months
I've been collecting different countries sources for emailing representatives about Palestine. I think this is integral and something people should really be doing especially if their government representatives are supporting Israel which in many western countries is the case.
Connection in Europe via European voices for peace:
(Has options for separate countries)
Jewish Voices for Peace has a good mechanism for the United States:
Legal resources for US activism
move on petition
Countries that the Israeli PM has named for support on his twitter: Austria, Czech Republic, France, the Netherlands, Greece, Cyprus, United States, Germany, Italy, Britain, Romania, Russia*, United Arab Emirates*
*publically condemns escalation, that I could find
(He mentions the United States the most, and thanks the congressman of the United States)
Urge you to look into your personal government and/or representatives policies and contact and/or protest (or support if you support them) their decisions regarding Palestine.
Boycott: HP, Siemens, AXA, Puma, Israeli Fruit and Vegetables, SodaStream, Ahava, Sabra (company)
Israel is using the support of world leaders and repeatedly using the language of civilisation vs barbarians etc. If you're from a place that's representing you and supporting Israel, making it clear you don't support it is important. I can't talk about the intricacies of the many government systems, but I know the left within the United States is gaining more and more fear around the lack of support of young voters and voters of colour they rely on. So contact them and make them aware of how the support of funding Israel's violence against Palestine is in fact making them lose political capital.
If I've made any errors in this post, I do apologise, let me know, and if you have additional resources, also would love to update with some.
Voted against UN ceasefire: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Fiji, Guatamala, Hungary, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Tonga, United States
Abstained from voting: Albania, Australia, Bulgaria, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Iceland, India, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Kiribati, Latvia, Lithuania, Monaco, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Palau, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Korea, Moldova, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, South Sudan, Sweden, Tunisia, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Zambia
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melanieph321 · 7 months
Dusan Vlahovic x Reader - Boss Me Around Part 3/6
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Reader is a former yacht girl now newly moved to Turin, Italy for her job as a real-estate accountant. There she meets Dusan Vlahovic, a former client of hers, a client she never thought to see again. However, with Dusan being Readers new boss their past becomes a liability. Nevertheless the spark between them still lives. This story is a romcom with both His and Her POV!
Your first month in Turin was the perfect description of hell, and it made you seriously contemplate your life choices up until now. Your living hell situation wasn't because of your continuous struggle with the city's public transport system. No. Your living hell situation was caused by one man and one man only. Your boss, Dusan Vlahovic.
"Yeah, this is wrong. You'll have to redo it."
At this point you thought of him as a robot on autopilot, because every week when it was time to hand in your calculated reports of the companies revenues, Dusan seem to always find a way to belittle you by dismissing your work for the slightest and miniscule errors.
"It's just a spelling correction Mr Vlahovic. I'm sure you can interpret what I meant to write." It was strange, addressing him by his last name, however he made it very clear during your first week on the job that addressing him by his first name was a no no, and that he would  ignore you if you  did. To him Miami must have been a hallucination. A shame, because to you it had been very real.
"Interpret?" He frowned. He had been typing away on his laptop as you stood before him, presenting the weekly revenues. This was the first time he took the liberty to actually meet your eyes, however he did not seem happy to see you. "Interpret." He repeated, this time shaking his head with disappointment. "Y/N, you must not take your job very seriously if you're asking me, your boss, to interpret such an important document as the company's revenues."
His raised but steady voice, sucked all of the air out of your lungs and the room. And in the back of your head you prayed that you wouldn't shed a tear at the mercy of Dusan Vlahovic.
"I will not have it." He said, shutting his laptop.
"I...get that." You said, speaking through the sharp rasorblades that cut deep in your throat.
"Do you, Y/N?" He smiled, an evil and sarcastic smile. "Do you really?"
"Yes. I do. I really do. It's just that you've asked me to redue this revenue three times already and I'm starting to fall behind on other priorities."
"Then you must not be the greatest at managing your time, don't you think?" He leaned back in his desk chair, legs spread wide like some form of powerplay. It was only powerful to you because you had gotten to know the size of him more than once in Miami, and the memories of those nights now made you feel sick to your stomach.
"I want the papers on my desk before the end of this day, got it Miss Y/L/N."
"Sure." You muttered and with trembling hands went to retain the documents on his desk. You headed back to your office knowing that it was the last time your boss would ever get to talk to you in that way. You'd hand in your two weeks notice along with the revenue.
Dusan took pride in being the first one to arrive and the last one to leave his office. It showed his commitment and the passion he had for his job. Others should take after him. Matter of fact, he should be working on a biography about his road to success. He came from humble beginnings in Serbia. Back then his dream had been to play professional football, but his parents had been right to push him towards higher education. Today he owned real-estate in three of the worlds continents. He was successful indeed. The only thing he felt to threaten that success was being taken care of. Yes, she put up a good fight trying to please his ridiculous commands but in the end she seemed to have had enough. Like any sensible person would. Dusan had found Y/N's two weeks noticed amongst the revisions of documents she had presented to him before she left for the day. He held it in his hand in the elevator on it's way down the now abandoned office building. He admired her calligraphy as it was exceptional. It was a shame that she hadn't gotten around to tell him about her higher education in accounting. Maybe then they could have avoided this mess in the first place. Then again, Dusan and Y/N hadn't spent their time in Miami getting to know each other. They had spent their brief time together getting to know each other's bodies. He suspected that she had previous experience with that sort of arrangement. Another reason he felt a need to get rid of her. What if the board found out that he had hired a former harlot as his accountant? It would be scandalous indeed.
Dusan stepped out of the elevator holding up his car keys in search for his Range Rover. It was Friday, which made the car harder to find, since a lot of his employees had the habit of abandoning their vehicles at the office and heading straigt to the bars in town. Dusan wasn't like that. He used his Friday's to unwind at home, not to party. He got into his car longing to cook the steak in his fridge that had been marinating over night. He would prepare it along with a homemade risotto, a recipe from a friend. He left the parking lot a happy man on top of his job and his life, that is, until a strange sight made him drastically turn his vehicle back around.
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
He had pulled up to the bus stop where she sat, arms crossed to shield herself from the night's cold.
"What does it look like I'm doing." She hissed. "I'm waiting for my bus."
"You don't have a car?" He  ignored the attitude she had spoken to him with. He assumed that her newfound confidence was fueld by her annouced resignation.
"No, I don't have a car." She huttured. It was a cold night, too cold for someone wearing heels and see-through stockings.
"Get in then, I'll take you home." He said. He was in a good enough mood to do her the favor. However she snorted in his face, shifting to face another direction. Away from him. "Is that a no?" He frowned. He wasn't angry, just annoyed.
Y/N turned to face him, clearly upset. "That was a hell no, Dusan. As in no fucking way am I getting in a car with you."
"Why not?"
"Why not?" Her eyes widened. "Dusan, you must not be aware of the type of asshole you are."
His shoulders fell. Thank God she couldn't see him through the cars rolled down windows. "Asshole?" He wasn't familiar with the term. Nor had anyone called him that before. He didn't like it. "If you're reffering to our encounter earlier today, you must know that I am in the position to give you my honest but objective opinion."
"Pardon me?"
Y/N, stood but did not approach his car. "Your opinions of my work has not been objective and you know it." She said. "I've been living here for a month and almost everyone in your office has taken the time to get to know more about me. Everyone but you."
Dusan frowned. "I don't see how that has any relevance to...."
"You haven't tried to get to know me Dusan because you know me better than anyone up in that office. And pretending not to, makes me highly suspicious that nothing you've said to me has been of objective matter."
God she was gorgeous, he thought. The way she wasn't having it, the way she saw through his bullshit.
"Just admit it. This is about what happened in Miami, the fact that I didn't tell you that I was moving to Turin right after graduation."
"Y/N, you never even mentioned that you were a student when we met." Dusan yanked the handle to the car door, stepping out onto the street. "Or that you were applying for a job in accounting."
"Why would I?" She snapped. "You told me you were from Serbia, what are you doing in Italy, huh? And as far as I know I didn't owe you anything on that yacht but my company, that's what I was paid for."
He snorted. "You were paid to do a little more than that."
She gasped, and the slap was anticipated. Dusan rubbed his cheek to mend the pain. "I wasn't..." She stood trembling, tears streaming down her face. "I wasn't paid to...." She lowered her head to the ground, wrapping her arms tighter around herself.
"Fuck me." Dusan sighed. He wanted to offer her his coat, but something told him that his concern would be excused for pity. "Y/N, please let me..." He stretched out his arm, offering her his hand. "Let me take you home. The time tables for the bus are different during the weekends."
"Great." She laughed, although he was sure that she didn't find it funny.
"Great" He chuckled
"What's so funny to you?" She frowned.
"I just realized..."
"Realized what?"
"That I am...an asshole."
Her expression withred seeing his smile. She nodded. "You really are."
"Would I still be considered an asshole if I drove you home?"
"Yes." She said, but took a small step forwards. "But a less worse asshole than you were this morning."
He grinned. "That decides it then. Get in, I'm taking you home."
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financieur · 9 months
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#QUANTUM. The 20th century was a century of change, a direct consequence of humanity moving towards a more interdependent world, prompted by advances in transport, communications, trade and finance. This progress also reached the underbelly of the world, forcing the creation of all manners of organizations, and enabling transcontinental crime. S.P.E.C.T.R.E, a clever acronym for 'Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion, was born from this scenario, emerging in 1951 as a joint effort of wide reaching criminal organizations from Serbia, Colombia, Italy, Russia, England, Ireland, China, Taiwan, Japan and United States, with the following decades being marked by their consolidation as an organization of its own seat of power, network expansion and the welcoming of new organizations.
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The first council S.P.E.C.T.R.E had formed a hierarchical structure to divide the control of it in equal parts among the 'chairs', term used then to describe a member ahead of one of the divisions. With advances made in political and military power held by the group in the first decade of activity, their name was changed from an acronym to a simpler Spectre, which was deemed by the members a better fit to their unseen role in the world stage, that had grown exponentially since the 50s. The change in name came followed by a shift to a more efficient and safe council, limiting the members to 44, to be placed in 11 groups of 4 and given shared control over one of the 11 divisions that were functional at the time, lastly, those changes in the group inaugurated the use of companies to further expand profit and reach, with a number of members rising to the command of such enterprises and new members being found among the rolls of legitimate industry moguls, brand heirs and scientists. This lasted until September 2018. The organization's command was targeted by Safin, as revenge for an assassination carried in 1987, which left a vacuum in power and exposed Spectre to the world [ while simultaneously making the favor of labeling them as dead threat. ] The high-ranking members who didn't die, due to anonymity or luck of having matters to attend instead of Blofeld's birthday event, were only 8.
With the abrupt change in scenery, three of the remaining eight members took quick action to gain full control of the array of assets that belonged to both Spectre, its subsidiaries and its dead members, rebuilding the entire operation under the name of one of the most prominent branches: Quantum. While the entirety of Spectre's physical infrastructure was maintained, the trio chose to change the organizational structure to better accommodate their new ideas and hopes for the future of their organization. The number of people in command went from 44 to 36, which were then divided in 12 trios, dedicated to ruling over one of the 12 branches. Dealings in what was formerly known as 'leisure sector' were immediately cancelled and promptly dismantled. What was known as the 11 branches were changed into new 12 sections: Communications [ New York ], Commerce [ Rio de Janeiro ], Counter-intelligence [ Berlin ], Finance [ Monaco ], Infrastructure [ Singapore ], Legal & Foreign Affairs [ Seattle ], Logistics [ Hong Kong ], Personnel [ Johannesburg ], Industry & Mines [ Ciudad de México ], Research & Development [ Seoul ], Tactical Operations [ Lagos ] and Weapons System [ Kuwait ].
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Following this rebirth, the following year was dedicated to finding new members, disposing of old loyalists and overly ambitious former members and migrating the existing physical structures to more modern and secure locations. The 12 branches were given each a central operational facility that best fit the demands required of them. Under control of those are the 180 satellite facilities under around the world, from research labs to mining operations, all to ensure peak performance. This decentralization was a form to protect and insulate each of the sections should any form of investigation reach that deep within their structure.
The process of finding new members of the high council is delicate but fast paced. The candidates are selected from existing organizations, both legal and illegal, or by merits within Quantum itself. An invitation is sent only after the candidate is approved by at least 24 members and go through a process of thorough investigation of the nominee's financial and personal affairs to rule out any behavioral traits that aren't desirable for the organization and measure potential risks. If the candidate fails the process, they remain oblivious to their nomination and are never considered again. Any member of the high council can be removed by the ruling trio if there is at least two that approve the demotion. Anyone who is part of the high council can only be removed from their position for one of the following causes: death, treason, gross failure or demotion. Cases of treason and demotion means death, failure can be remediated in the span of 6 months, and if repeated, will also mean death.
Meetings are arranged every 4 months when the command switch happens on all sections, but can also be scheduled in case there are pressing matters to be voted on, if their existence is under some form of threat from outside organizations, or in case one of the sections needs to make a public announcement to the council. Those meetings always happens in sports events, galas, ballets, operas or other cultural events, with the members being given means to communicate freely and discreetly from among the crowd, which keeps not only with anonymity among members [ which is not a necessity but can be a choice ], but also can keep their presence hidden in plain sight.
The final organizational structure of Quantum counts with 36 members of the high council, 72 aides, 180 wardens and over 200.000 members that deal with day-to-day demands from all sections. Like their predecessors, Quantum is everywhere.
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[ UNDER DEVELOPMENT | 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚜: 𝟶𝟿.𝟶𝟷.𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺 ]
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inevitably-johnlocked · 2 months
Do you know of any humiliation kink fics? Such as exposed naked to one another or pantsed? 🫢
Hey Nonny!
Ah, I don't have any personal recs, but here's what I pulled up that was tagged with "humiliation" on my MFL list. As always, if anyone has some to add, please do! Hope these are what you're looking for, Nonny!
See also:
Humiliation (Alexx's List)
Humiliation Kink – part 2
Sort You Out by Sexxica (E, 1,562 w., 1 Ch. || Student / Teacher AU ||, Teacher John, Student Sherlock, Spanking, Punishment, Embarrassment, Name-Calling, School Uniforms, Minor Medical Kink, Anal, Shy Sherlock, Humiliation, Slutty Sherlock, Age Difference, Younger Sherlock) – When Sherlock ruins his school uniform, the one that Mr. Watson gives him to wear isn't exactly what he had in mind. His punishment doesn't turn out quite the way he expected either.
Wet to My Touch by splix (E, 3,016 w., 1 Ch. || CAM First Person POV, Rape/Non-Con, Non-Con Touching, Anal Fingering, Humiliation, Extreme Dub Con) – Mands vilje er mands himmerig: His own desire leads every man.
Taming Sherlock Holmes by Sherlock1110 (E, 3,704 w., 2 Ch. || Doms and Subs AU || Dom John, Sub Sherlock, Established Relationship, Humiliation, Kneeling, Punishment, Cock Cage, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Blow Jobs, Butt Plugss, Vibrators, Nipple Play, Collars, Gags, Cuffs, Spreader Bars) – Sherlock is being brilliant in Lestrade's office, pacing around and never being still. It's making Lestrade dizzy, so he offers Sherlock a seat. Part 1 of the Taming the Holmes Brothers series
Company by lookupkate (E, 6,004 w., 2 Ch. || BDSM Club AU || Dom John, Sub Sherlock, Soft Dom John, Mentions of Previous Bad D/S Relationship, Mentions of Previous Non-Con, Humiliation, Happy Ending) – Sherlock goes under cover to suss out an embezzler at a BDSM club. His past is marred by an ex-boyfriend who verbally abused him under the guise of a D/s relationship. What he thinks he needs is a little different than what he needs. Luckily he's placed with someone who can see how fragile he is, Dom John Watson. Once the case is over he realises how much he's going to miss the man. Damn.
You Can't Leave by heat_lightning (E, 19,405+ w., 8/9 Ch. || WiP || Light BDSM, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Possessive Sherlock, Light Dom/Sub, Mutual Masturbation, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Verbal Humiliation, Past Drug Addiction, Making Out, Blow Jobs, Nipple Play, Choking, POV Sherlock, Purple Shirt) – John makes plans to leave 221b to move in with his boring, ordinary girlfriend. Sherlock makes some deductions about just how Not Gay John really is, and seduces John to keep him around. He needs John's medical expertise for the Work. Also, rent money. John loves Sherlock. Sherlock loves the Work. Sherlock knows that John at least wants to fuck him. And Sherlock is perfectly willing to exploit John's attractions to him as a means to an end. Obviously. Mycroft is not amused.
Development milestones by HOverSeas (M, 33,266 w., 31 Ch. || Post-T6T, Sherlock Whump, Villain Mary, Child Abandonment, Parentlock, Explosion, Isolation, Stab Woind, Unconsciousness, Stitches, Scars, Asphyxiation, Humiliation, Recovery, Hurt/Comfort, John Whump, Happy Ending) – Takes after they come back from Morocco. Mary never died, but her bad decisions still follow her around. John, Sherlock and Rosie need to deal with the consequences.Written for Whumptober 2019. Each chapter is a prompt, posted every day of October.
Shames and Praises by s0mmerspr0ssen (E, 51,919 w., 7 Ch. || Doms and Subs || Dom John, Sub Sherlock, Humiliation, Punishment, Developing Relationship, Riding Crop, Cane) – Unable but desperate to find a dom who will put up with him, Sherlock swallows his pride and turns to Mycroft for help. Shortly after, John Watson steps into Sherlock's life.
I want to go home. Series by IwillbeReichenbach (E, 82,514+ w. across 3 works || Series WiP || TEH / Post-Serbia, Canon Compliant, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Sherlock-centric, Torture, Violence, BAMF Sherlock, Sherlock Whump, Canon Compliant, Mycroft To The Rescue, Dark, Pain/Hurt, Injury, Waterboarding, Electricity Misuse, Rape Aftermath/Recovery, Humiliation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Broken Sherlock) – A version of the events that occur in Serbia and shortly thereafter. Sherlock is in for a rough time. I have tried my best to keep it canon compliant. 
Somatic Theory Series by CaitlinFairchild (E, 67,872+ w. across 8 Works || Series WiP || BDSM, PWP, Sub Sherlock, Established Relationship, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Bondage, Top John, Anal /Oral Sex, Masturbation, Enthusiastic Consent, Sex Toys, Rimming, Dirty Talk, Rough Sex, Humiliation, Additional Kinks) – “Sherlock, I think you may be on to something.” John tightened his fingers in Sherlock’s hair. “I won’t hit you,” John said, radiating calm control as he pulled hard on the sensitive strands, making him gasp in pain and surprise. “But I’m thinking hitting isn’t the only way to give you what you want. You want sensory input? I can get--” he pulled Sherlock’s head up and leaned closer-- ”Very--” he pulled his hair even harder-- “creative,” he whispered, licking the delicate curve at the top of his ear. Sherlock moaned, a throaty, desperate sound that sent a jolt of fire straight through John’s body. “Oh yes, John,” he breathed. "Yes, please.”
Children of the Small Gods by alexxphoenix42 (E, 285,081+ w. across 2 works || Series WiP || Regency/Royalty/Historical Magical Fantasy AU || First Meeting, BDSM, Romance, Arranged Marriage, Voyeurism, Cross Dressing, Bisexuality, Humiliation, Minor Character Death, Sensation Play, Festivals, Poetry, Role Playing, Intoxication, Underage Prostitution, Casse Fic, Pregnancy, Drug Use) – Brother John is a recent addition to the Temple of the Small Gods on Baker Street. A mysterious stranger catches his attention one night when he does something that no one else has ever managed to do.
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mariacallous · 10 months
Serbia’s Higher Prosecution Office has been shaken again, this time by accusations about forged statements. Zeljka Nikolaidis, a prosecutor for organised crime in the Higher Public Prosecution, confirmed to BIRN that her alleged statement used in a disciplinary complaint against her superior, Nenad Stefanovic, and his deputy, Brankica Maric, was forged.
The statement was submitted without her signature, with the Prosecution Office facsimile misused without her knowledge during her vacation, she said.
Her alleged statement, which she called “80 per cent inaccurate”, was used in favour of Stefanovic and Maric in a disciplinary case initiated by two other prosecutors who were previously moved from their posts against their will while leading a corruption case involving a company linked to the ruling party.
The disciplinary case against Stefanovic and Maric, who were previously accused of favouring the ruling party, was dismissed.
“I cannot say who did it but my logic says that it was probably those who had an interest to do that. The disciplinary case was against Stefanovic and Maric. My statement likely influenced that case against them being dropped,” Nikolaidis told BIRN. She added that she will ask for the removal of her statement.
“This is a serious criminal offence and the Prosecution for Organised Crime needs to react,” she said.
Nikolaidis resigned a month ago as chief of the Special Department for the fight against corruption in the Public Prosecutors Office but has remained to work as a prosecutor.
The stir in the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office started in February when two prosecutors – Bojana Savovic and Jasmina Paunovic – who had worked on a corruption case in EPS, the state-owned electric power company, were transferred to other positions.
Their removal came after the police arrested six people suspected of having lost EPS $7.5 million during the performance of works at the thermal power plant Kostolac B. Some of the suspects were employees of a company long linked with the ruling Serbian Progressive Party.
Prosecutor Stefanovic and his associate Maric denied a political motivation for the removals but giving several conflicting explanations about the reasons for transferring the prosecutors in the middle of an operation to arrest the suspects.
The Association of Prosecutors of Serbia has backed Savovic and Petrovic, while a protest was held in Belgrade in their support with calls for the independence of judiciary.
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nicklloydnow · 11 months
On today’s episode of World War III is Just Around the Corner:
“Although the buildup was largely overlooked by Western media at the time—and has since been forgotten amid the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas—it is part of an alarming development in the Balkans. The immediate pretext for the Serbian mobilization was months of unrest between Kosovo and Serbia, which have maintained a fragile peace ever since a NATO bombing campaign helped Kosovo win de facto independence from Belgrade in the 1998–99 war. In May, Serbia placed its troops on combat alert after ethnic Serbs living in Kosovo clashed with Kosovo police. And then in September, just before the recent mobilization at the border, 30 heavily armed ethnic Serbs attacked a police patrol in Kosovo, leaving four people dead.
But there are many indications that these incidents go beyond the familiar tensions that persisted in past years. These incidents also show the growing threat that Russia, Serbia’s partner, is posing to the region. In 2022, for example, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that Kosovo and Serbia were “on the brink of armed conflict.” And Moscow—which does not recognize Kosovo’s independence—fanned the flames, using information operations to fuel Kosovar-Serbian distrust and to spread hawkish messages that polarize the region along ethnic and religious lines. Russia has also armed Serbia while increasing Serbia’s energy dependence on its companies by providing gas and oil at a sharp discount. Moscow has promised Belgrade that it will block Kosovo from becoming a UN member state. “A big explosion is brewing in the center of Europe,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in May. It might have been a boast.
It is time, then, for NATO to decisively put an end to Vucic’s Kremlin-enabled sideshow. The United States and Europe must make it clear to Belgrade and Moscow that they will react strongly, and harshly, to future Balkan provocations. They must strengthen NATO’s presence in the region and establish credible redlines that Serbia cannot cross without provoking a military confrontation with NATO forces. And they must sanction Belgrade if Serbia’s leaders do not move away from Moscow and de-escalate tensions.
For Putin, this opening has been a boon. Russia views the Balkans as Europe’s soft underbelly, and Moscow believes that Serbia is its most vulnerable spot. His goal is to turn Moscow into the Balkans’ only reliable conflict negotiator—giving the Kremlin leverage over Western powers. After all, if peace in the Balkans depends on Putin, NATO officials might have to make concessions to Moscow if they want to avoid war. By pushing the Balkans to the brink, he also hopes to show that NATO is a paper tiger and will not act if truly tested. Even if NATO does fight back against Serbia, Putin could still win. By opening another front, the West would have less capacity to help Ukraine.
The Kremlin has other reasons to support chaos in the Balkans. Putin uses the so-called Kosovo precedent to defend its illegal invasion of Ukraine, arguing that the annexation of Ukrainian territories is justified by Kosovo’s independence. According to this perverse logic, articulated by Russia’s permanent UN representative in a January speech, the illegal and wildly fraudulent annexation referendums held in occupied Ukrainian territories are akin to Kosovo’s fight for freedom from Serbia more than two decades ago. Kosovo, in other words, had the right to leave Serbia, and so the occupied Ukrainian territories have the right to join Russia. (The fact that Russia does not recognize Kosovo’s independence, or that Kosovo’s independence is, in fact, a precedent for Ukraine’s own fight for freedom, are ironies that Moscow has not addressed.)
If the West continues to enable Vucic, it will simply embolden him. He will keep testing NATO and trying to prove that the alliance is toothless. The West has already given him encouraging signals: after more than 30 NATO peacekeepers were injured in the May clashes with Serbian protesters, the alliance did not detain the violent protesters out of fear that doing so would escalate the conflict. But such restraint is an invitation for further escalation by Vucic, as well as by the Kremlin. Russian officials are watching what happens in Kosovo and wondering whether they can get away with attacking NATO forces and installations.
To try to contain the conflict, a week after the May attack, NATO increased its presence in the region with a new legion of roughly 500 Turkish soldiers. NATO also deployed hundreds of British troops to the country in October. But these measures are insufficient. NATO must create a coalition of the willing, headed by the United States, that can send successfully pressure Belgrade and Moscow to stop promoting political instability. That means making it clear to Vucic that, if he continues to take escalatory measures, he will face an escalating series of tangible consequences—including, possibly, sanctions.
The West is well positioned to take such steps. In June 2021, U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order allowing Washington to impose sanctions against anyone who destabilizes the Western Balkans. Washington should not be shy about using them against individuals who (in the words of the order) “threaten the peace, security, stability, or territorial integrity” in the region. For American sanctions to have maximum effect, the United Kingdom and the EU should join Washington’s efforts. European leaders should, at a minimum, make future assistance to Serbia dependent on specific policy shifts in Belgrade. The EU, for example, could condition further aid on Vucic’s imposing sanctions on Russia, aligning its foreign policy with that of the bloc, tamping down on regional provocations, and fulfilling the EU’s reform agenda—especially when it comes to the rule of law and media freedom.
On the ground, NATO should deploy teams in Kosovo that counter Russia’s and Serbia’s propaganda machine. These teams should target far-right Serbian groups and remind them that Russian messaging about a “Slavic brotherhood”—to which Serbia ostensibly belongs—is a myth and that if conflict does erupt, Putin will not help them. To do so, all they need to do is speak the truth: Putin has his hands full fighting a losing war against Ukraine, and he will not provide resources to Serbia for an armed conflict with Kosovo. As evidence, these teams could point to the September war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Russia is a longtime ally of Armenia, and yet despite Armenia’s requests, Russia provided it with no military support in the recent conflict, which Armenia lost. The teams could also remind Serbian nationalists that Moscow did not help them during the wars in the 1990s.
NATO states may not want to take these measures. In fact, they probably want to ignore Vucic altogether. The alliance has been worn thin helping Ukraine, so expending time and resources on Kosovo and Serbia may feel like too much, especially when they can just buy off the latter country’s president.
But the West must realize that, if left to fester, tensions in these states could become far more difficult—and expensive—to address. What happens in Kosovo and Serbia rarely stays in those countries, and this crisis could easily spill over to other Balkan states. Nearby North Macedonia, which belongs to NATO, might get dragged in. Further escalations in Kosovo will also invite chaos in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik—who has close ties to Putin—has threatened to have Bosnia’s Serbian territories secede. In October, Dodik even emphasized that Serbs should “form a single state,” consisting of Serbia, Republika Srpska, and Montenegro.
A widening conflict would be an even bigger gift for Putin, who wants the West to train its attention away from Kyiv as he fights to seize more of that country. To protect Europe and stop the Kremlin, it is therefore essential that NATO fortify its Balkans flank right now, while the costs of doing so are still cheap.”
“Russia on Tuesday formally withdrew from a landmark security treaty which limited key categories of conventional armed forces, blaming the United States for undermining post-Cold War security with the enlargement of the NATO military alliance.
The 1990 Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), signed a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall, placed verifiable limits on categories of conventional military equipment that NATO and the then-Warsaw Pact could deploy.
The treaty was designed to prevent either side of the Cold War from amassing forces for a swift offensive against the other in Europe, but was unpopular in Moscow as it blunted the Soviet Union's advantage in conventional weapons.
Russia suspended participation in the treaty in 2007 and halted active participation in 2015. More than a year after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin in May signed a decree denounced the pact.
Russia's foreign ministry said Russia had formally withdrawn from the pact at midnight - and that the treaty was now "history".”
“NATO member countries that signed a key Cold War-era security treaty froze their participation in the pact on Tuesday just hours after Russia pulled out, raising fresh questions about the future of arms control agreements in Europe.
Many of NATO’s 31 allies are parties to the Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, which was aimed at preventing Cold War rivals from massing forces at or near their mutual borders. The CFE was signed in November 1990 as the Soviet bloc was crumbling but was not fully ratified until two years later.
NATO said that Tuesday’s action by its signatory members was required because “a situation whereby Allied State Parties abide by the Treaty, while Russia does not, would be unsustainable.”
U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said suspending the obligations by Washington and its allies will strengthen NATO’s “deterrence and defense capacity by removing restrictions that impact planning, deployments, and exercises -– restrictions that no longer bind Russia after Moscow’s withdrawal.”
Last week, Putin signed a bill revoking Russia’s ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, a move that he said was needed to establish parity with the United States.
In February, with U.S.-Russia tensions running high over Ukraine, Moscow suspended its participation in the New START Treaty, the last arms control pact that remains between the two countries.
Both countries also pulled out of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 2019, blaming each other for violations.”
“Europe had been moving towards the slaughterhouse for years, and by 1914 a conflict was all but inevitable—that, at least, is the argument often made in hindsight. Yet at the time, as Niall Ferguson, a historian, noted in a paper published in 2008, it did not feel that way to investors. For them, the first world war came as a shock. Until the week before it erupted, prices in the bond, currency and money markets barely budged. Then all hell broke loose. “The City has seen in a flash the meaning of war,” wrote this newspaper on August 1st 1914.
Could financial markets once again be underpricing the risk of a global conflict? In the nightmare scenario, the descent into a third world war began two years ago, as Russian troops massed on the Ukrainian border. Today Israel’s battle against Hamas has the frightening potential to spill across its borders. American military support is crucial to both Ukraine and Israel, and in Iraq and Syria the superpower’s bases have come under fire, probably from proxies of Iran. Should China decide it is time to take advantage of a distracted superpower and invade Taiwan, America could all too easily end up being drawn into three wars at once. The rest of the world risks those wars interlocking and turning into something even more devastating.
This scenario would of course place financial damage a long way down the list of horrors. Even so, it is part of an investor’s job to consider exactly what it would mean for their portfolio. So far the possibility of a world war has barely caused a tremor in the markets. True, they have for some time now been more seized by fear than greed. Bond prices have been turbulent, even for supposedly risk-free American Treasuries, and yields have been climbing for most of this year. Stock indices in America, China and Europe have fallen for three consecutive months. Yet this choppiness can all be plausibly explained by peacetime factors, including outsized government borrowing, interest-rate expectations and shareholders whose previous optimism had got the better of them.
In short, it does not look anything like the panic you might expect if the odds of the world entering into war were edging higher. The brightest conclusion is that such odds really are close to zero. A darker one is that, like the investors of 1914, today’s may soon be blindsided. History points to a third possibility: that even if investors expect a major war, there is little they can do to reliably profit from it.
War, in other words, involves a level of radical uncertainty far beyond the calculable risks to which most investors have become accustomed. This means that even previous world wars have limited lessons for later ones, since no two are alike. Mr Ferguson’s paper shows that the optimal playbook for 1914 (buy commodities and American stocks; sell European bonds, stocks and currencies) was of little use in the late 1930s. Investors in that decade did try to learn from history. Anticipating another world war, they sold continental European stocks and currencies. But this different war had different winning investments. British stocks beat American ones, and so did British government bonds.
Today there is a greater and more terrible source of uncertainty, since many of the potential belligerent powers wield nuclear weapons. Yet in a sense, this has little financial relevance. After all, in a nuclear conflagration your portfolio would be unlikely to rank highly among your priorities. The upshot of it all? That the fog of war is even thicker for investors than it is for military generals, who at least have sight of the action. If the worst happens, future historians might wonder about the seeming insouciance of today’s investors. They will only be able to do so because, for them, the fog will have cleared.”
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scotianostra · 1 year
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16th August 1864 saw the birth in India of Elsie Maud Inglis.
Elsie's family originated from originated from Kingsmills, Inverness-shire, her father,John, was in the service of the East India Company, although he was opposed to the imperialist policies of the 1870s. John retired and moved his family to Tasmania for two years before moving to Edinburgh in 1878. From 1878 to 1882, Inglis attended the Edinburgh Institute for the Education of Young Ladies.
When she was eighteen, Inglis attended a finishing school in Paris. Inglis knew she wanted to pursue a career in medicine and fortunately in 1886 Sophie Jex-Blake opened the Edinburgh School of Medicine for Women, where Inglis began her medical training. However, a student rebellion in 1889 led Inglis with the support of her father and his influential friends to establish a rival school, the Medical College for Women.
Inglis studied at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary for eighteen months before qualifying as a licentiate at the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Inglis’s first position was medical officer at Elizabeth Garrett Anderson’s New Hospital for Women in London. Inglis held a short post in Dublin before returning to Edinburgh in 1894 where she opened a general practice. In 1899, Inglis graduated MB CM from Edinburgh and was appointed lecturer of gynaecology at the Medical College for Women, in partnership with Jessie Macgregor, opened a small hospital for women and children in 1894.
In 1904, Inglis’s small hospital moved to the High Street and was renamed The Hospice. In 1905 Inglis was appointed senior consultant of the Bruntsfield Hospital, which merged with The Hospice in 1911.
Inglis was nearly fifty in 1914 when war was declared, but her zeal and patriotism led her to offer her services to the War Office, only to be denied. Not deterred, Inglis sought to form independent hospital units staffed by women. An appeal for funds and support soon attracted more than just suffrage supporters. Inglis gave an inspiring speech in October 1914 at Kingsway Hall on ‘what women can do to help the war.’ Funds poured in for the new organization, the Scottish Women’s Hospitals for Foreign Service (SWH) and both the French and Serbs accepted the offer of all female medical units. The first unit left for France in November 1914 and the second went to Serbia in January 1915. Inglis went to Serbia in 1915 as the chief medical officer.
In the autumn Serbia was invaded and Inglis’s hospital was taken over by Germans. She was interned until February 1916 when she was sent home. Upon her return home, Inglis advocated for aid in Serbia. On 3 April 1916, Inglis became the first woman to be decorated with the order of the white eagle. Attempts over the next couple of years to found hospitals and aid Serbia were tried and failed. Inglis remained with her unit in Romania until September 1917 when it re-joined the Serbian division.
Inglis knew she had cancer, and by the end of September was unable to work as a surgeon, although she continued to direct the unit. Although the political situation was deteriorating rapidly, Inglis refused to leave until the Serbs were transferred out of Russia. When the unit finally left, Inglis sent a telegraph home saying, ‘Everything satisfactory and all well except me.’ Inglis and her unit landed in Newcastle and the following day, 26nd November 1917, in the presence of her sisters, Inglis died. Before her body was interned in Dean Cemetery, Inglis’s body lay in state in St Giles’ Cathedral. The SWH continued its work for the duration of the war, sending out more units and raising money for the work. Remaining funds were used to establish the Elsie Inglis Memorial Maternity Hospital in Edinburgh in July 1925.
Elsie Inglis has been honoured many times since her death, most notably on a stamp in Serbia, on a Clydesdale Bank £50 note and most recently on the centenary of her death in November 2017, as seen in the fourth pic.
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mikimeiko · 2 years
Day 1 - Milan>Venezia Mestre>Ljubljana
The sun is out for the first time in days. No white skies! This trip has been blessed.
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Of course we got engulfed in fog the moment we left the city BUT THE SUN IS OUT THERE SOMEWHERE.
Why not starting the trip with a small disaster: my fruit juice broke and slowly got my bag and everything in it wet D: so now I have a wet bag stuffed between my shoes in the big backpack but luckily I brought a foldable lightweight tote with me so all my belonging got moved to that.
In Mestre I bought some Venetian tramezzini from the place where I had breakfast this summer (that time they were making the tramezzini but not selling them yet). They were really good! Also I was happy to know exactly where to go to get something satisfying to eat for once.
After a panicky 20 minutes of not seeing my bus to Ljubljana come I got a PHONECALL from the company, checking that I was in fact traveling today and telling me the driver would arrive in a minivan (same thing happened to a very confused asian guy). So I got on this minivan, which is really a big car, and now I'm on my way to Ljubljana (three hours and a half) in the middle seat of a car, which is very fun on one hand (feels like my uncle picked me up to go to the family Christmas lunch XD) but mildly horrifying on the other (let's see how long I can last before becoming too restless not being able to change position especially since I'M IN THE MIDDLE SEAT). (It was ok. The car seat was very comfy and I watched Willow and listened to podcast, and the weather was shit so I didn't miss much as sights go)
This is the first time I'm staying in a capsule hotel (definitely more spacious than what I associate with the word - but of course this is actually a double). It's a very nice place, halfway between the train station and the city centre, and there's a rooftop bar!
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(you can change the colour of the light it doesn't have to be pink XD when I took the photo I had the changing colours setting on)
I went for walk straight away to make use of the last hour of daylight. The weather is not very good but it's not raining, and there's a nice christmassy atmosphere.
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I have next to zero memories of being in this city, until I get to the river. That part I remember!
They're having concerts in one of the main plazas/parks and the first one starts at 7pm so I'm definitely gonna come check it out.
I went back to the hotel to chill for a bit, in the communal area there are this lovely pod-like armchairs where one can read with their own lamp and I love them.
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I ate my first burek of the trip! It's a meat burek and i love it, the last burek I ate was in Serbia and Serbian bureks are very different (and not really my thing).
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I also drink a cup of white (!!!) mulled wine, and go to the concert.
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The music is not really my thing but the atmosphere is lovely, so I stay for a couple of songs and the band almost wins me over, but I'm tired and slowly make my way back to the hotel.
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Iskustvo i mehanizacija kakvo nije bilo prisutno u našem gradu!! Prva #ProfesionalnaFirmaZaSelidbeBeograd 063 823 15 15 * 064 00 82 822 #selidbeposlovnogprostorabeograd #selidbeprivatnihprostorijabeograd #medjunarodneselidbe #selidbebeograd #beoselidbe #MagacinskiProstorBeograd #skladišenjenameštajairobe u kontrolisanim uslovima... Za više informacija dobrodošli ste da posetite našu web str. Kontakt; +381638231515 +381640082822
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shivshaktimachtech · 18 days
Automatic Plane Surface Labeling Machine
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Company Overview: Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Automatic Plane Surface Labeling Machine An Automatic Plane Surface Labeling Machine applies labels onto flat or slightly curved surfaces with precision and speed Industries commonly use these machines for products or packaging with flat surfaces, including the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and electronics sectors. The machine is fully automated, ensuring consistent, accurate, and efficient labeling without the need for manual intervention, increasing productivity and reducing errors. How Does an Automatic Plane Surface Labeling Machine Work? Product Feeding: The machine automatically feeds products onto the conveyor belt, positioning them for labeling. Label Application: As the product passes under the labeling head, the label is applied to the surface with precision. Pressing and Securing: After the label is applied, a pressing mechanism ensures it is firmly attached to the surface, preventing peeling or misalignment. Final Output: Once labeled, the product moves forward for further processing or packaging. Types: Single-Sided Labeling Machines Double-Sided Labeling Machines High-Speed Labeling Machines Multi-Function Labeling Machines Shiv Shakti Machtech is an Automatic Plane Surface Labeling Machine and an exporter worldwide, including Algeria, Angola, Antigua, Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, The Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Guinea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, The Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guyana, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, South Korea, North Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe. For further details or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Serbian president says he received coup warning from Russia
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/serbian-president-says-he-received-coup-warning-from-russia/
Serbian president says he received coup warning from Russia
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Aleksandar Vucic has said the security services are working on leads provided by Moscow
Russia warned Serbia about a potential coup attempt, President Aleksandar Vucic told journalists on Friday. His statement came a day before an expected protest in the nation’s capital. According to Vucic, Serbia’s Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) is already acting on the leads provided by Moscow. “We received official information from the Russian Federation, information transmitted and brought through official channels,” the president said, adding that the authorities “are dealing with it” and there is no reason to worry. Vucic did not elaborate on where the threat comes from or who is behind it. “Serbia is moving forward and they cannot and will not stop it,” he said Earlier, Serbian news outlets reported that the Russian security services warned Vucic about riots that are being planned in Serbia with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the nation’s leadership.
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Kremlin speaks out on attempted Serbian ‘Maidan’
Serbian daily Vecernje Novosti said on Friday that it obtained a “color revolution handbook” supposedly published for participants of ecological protests expected on Saturday. The handbook describes methods reminiscent of color revolutions in other nations, the outlet claimed, adding that the protests are likely to be coordinated from “centers of power” abroad, but did not accuse anyone in particular. The news comes as the nation braces for ecological protests this weekend. In July, there was a standoff between eco-activists and the government over a lithium mine project. Last month, Belgrade granted British-Australian company Rio Tinto a license to develop a lithium mine in the Jadar region in the western part of the country, which is set to become the biggest in Europe, according to Reuters. The project did not sit well with local farmers and villagers, who argued that the mine would severely pollute the surrounding area. Activist and farmer Zlatko Kokanovic told Reuters that the mine would “free the European Union from reliance on China” regarding lithium at the expense of people’s health.
READ MORE: Serbia and US are ‘historical allies’ – Vucic
The government believes the $2.4 billion Jadar lithium project will be a major boost for the economy. The mine could account for 90% of the EU’s needs for lithium, according to Reuters. Protesters have demanded that the government ban lithium mining in Jadar by August 10, saying they will announce their next steps at a rally on Saturday.
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kmp78 · 3 months
“Travel is my life and tomorrow I’m off to the 14 country I’ve visited this year. ✌️✈️🧳“
Which countries have you already visited this year? And how many vacation days do you have? 🤔 Maybe I should move to Finland. 
Austria, Greece, Slovakia, Czech, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, Serbia, Italy, Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark and now I'm in England. 😛
We get 5 weeks vacay annually by law, plus I usually exchance my vacay money (also a fab law we have!) into vacay days which adds another 8-10 days, and also this year I got extra 2 weeks vacay as reward for being with the company for 25 years. 🤭👵
It's not like I have much of a life back home anyway so might as well just see what's out there in the big wide world! 🤷🏼‍♀️
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bitcofunblog · 4 months
Bitcoin Mining Consumption Almost As Much As Ireland People all around the world are wondering how Bitcoin Mining consumes such a huge amount of energy. This blog post will give you some insight into what is happening and why it's important that we take action to protect our environment. Mining cryptocurrency like Bitcoin can be very expensive, but also rewarding for those who put in the time and effort. Mining cryptocurrency requires an incredible amount of electricity, which means more power plants need to be built and maintained to meet the demand; this has caused a surge in global carbon emissions, as well as higher prices on many popular goods and services! Mining cryptocurrency is not just taking a toll on our environment, but also to the wallets of many who are investing in it! Mining Bitcoin requires more energy than almost entire countries. This past year alone saw an increase in electricity consumption from Bitcoin Mining by over 30%. Mining cryptocurrency has become so common that experts expect all mining facilities worldwide will likely use up around 0.05% of the world's global power supply this year, which is equivalent to about 54 terawatt-hours. That would mean that every single hour, Bitcoin mining consumes roughly the same amount of power as does Morocco or Serbia for an entire month! It’s estimated that if the price per bitcoin doesn't reach at least $100.000 soon then we can expect its total annual energy consumption to be greater than that of the Republic of Ireland. Mining cryptocurrency is becoming an increasingly difficult task, requiring more processing power and consuming even more energy as a result! This means it becomes harder for individuals to make money mining Bitcoin by themselves, which leads them either to invest in cloud-based servers or join large mining pools. Mining cryptocurrency has become so popular that many believe it will someday take over fiat currencies like USD all together; however, this demand cannot continue unless we start making changes now. The only way the price per bitcoin can rise above $100.000 at some point later this year is if there are changes made within our current system today! Mining cryptocurrencies have already caused major issues with our environment, but since they are still very new to the world, there is still time for us to take action and make a difference so that we can ensure cryptocurrencies continue growing without destroying our planet! Mining cryptocurrency like Bitcoin has become increasingly popular throughout 2023. The total computing power of all computers mining Bitcoin now stands at over 250 PetaFLOPS - which means it's roughly 100 times faster than every computer in the world combined! Mining cryptocurrency requires such as large amount of electricity that miners are moving into areas with low-cost renewable energy sources; however, it’s important to realize this may not always be possible everywhere. Mining cryptocurrency isn't just difficult on those who try setting up their own servers either; companies also have to spend millions each month attempting to cut costs and remain profitable. Mining cryptocurrency has caused so much strain on our environment that it's estimated around 0.03% of the world’s energy consumption is used for Bitcoin mining each year! Mining bitcoin requires more electricity than 159 countries, which means if all miners were located in one country; that one nation would rank at around 71st place in terms of total power consumption . Mining cryptocurrency like Bitcoin consumes an incredible amount of energy and while this may make sense to those who are familiar with how cryptocurrencies work, these figures should be surprising even to them! Mining cryptocurrency like Bitcoin takes up a huge amount of resources whether you do it at home or through large cloud-based servers spread throughout the world. Mining cryptocurrency includes using supercomputers running complex algorithms 24 hours a day, which means the electricity
consumption is astronomical! Mining cryptocurrency like Bitcoin requires more energy than 159 countries, which makes it one of the world’s most power-hungry markets. Mining bitcoin has become so common that experts expect all mining facilities worldwide will likely use up around 0.05% of global power this year alone . Mining cryptocurrency takes up a huge amount of resources whether you do it at home or through large server farms spread throughout the world; however, some companies are starting to realize there may be ways they can cut costs and remain profitable while still reducing their carbon footprint. Mining cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin consumes an incredible amount of energy each year globally - totaling over 250 PetaFLOPS as we speak! Manufacturing servers for Bitcoin Mining purposes are growing increasingly expensive, which means that it's becoming harder for companies to remain profitable. Mining cryptocurrency has become so popular that many believe it will one day take over fiat currencies like USD all together; however, this demand cannot continue unless we start making changes now. Mining bitcoin requires more electricity than 159 countries, meaning if all miners were located in one country they would rank at around 71st place in terms of total power consumption .
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