#mr Francis is right there .. use him
badboychaser · 1 year
as the resident cole AND morro guy, uve GOT to have some interesting opinions on wu, so im gonna bite the bullet and ask what u think of my epic guy of all time wu.
I don’t really like or dislike Wu. He’s more so a character to me that is just…there.
He served more as a guide character within the pilots-s2 to sort of introduce us to the lore and world of Ninjago outside of the Ninjas perspective when we weren’t focusing on their world- like Coles father, Jays parents/crush on Nya, Kais ambition towards the green ninja, Nya coming to terms with growing up as a women (saying this as afab), and Zane’s sense of purpose. I’ll get to Lloyd later.
I joke often about Wu forgetting to tell the Ninja about important situations such as the Time Twins, Morro, etc. as most people do, however, I see this more as a fault of the writers than anything else. Characters are bound to be written and expressed differently depending on the writers of the time. This extends to the character of Wu and very noticeably the Ninja throughout the later seasons.
*I’m gonna talk about Cole & Morro a lot but it’ll circle back to Wu I swear.
~ Cole ~
During the beginning of the show we’re introduced to Cole; whom is shown to be somewhat a leader of the group in sense that he’s strong-willed. He’s not afraid of taking down someone who’s threatening the lives of others, but he can easily shed that hard exterior to reveal a caring person. Someone who, later on, is revealed to have had this revelation in childhood as well. He wants to go his own path even if others advise against it.
I believe that Wu did notice this in Cole when Cole was younger. The particular age that Wu started officially training Cole is unfamiliar as the mainline tv show has retconned this a few times while the comics go their own way. Besides that, I don’t believe Wu ONLY wanted to train Cole to become a ninja I believe he wanted to train Cole a certain type of discipline- to pick his battles and to know exactly what he’s fighting for.
I see Cole as someone who would get lost without proper guidance. Someone who has the potential for destruction whether that be internal or external. Someone who fights for what he thinks is right and to help others, but may end up actually hurting those he loves to prove a point.
Cole turning into a ghost is one of the BIGGEST points in his character arc. He sacrificed himself to get the map inside the Temple of Airjitzu thus turning him into a ghost. He accidentally chose his battle incorrectly because he felt obligated morally to help more than he needed too. He knew he was fighting for Ninjago and against Morro, but he didn’t know what he specifically got out of the situation which put him in a type of purgatory. This purgatory is worse than what is normally described, because instead of being cleansed of past sins and mistakes he is substituted to watch himself create more mistakes and “live” through the ones he’s already made without amends. In a perfect world, Cole only realizes he can move forward from his ghostly form if he actively WANTS change.
Wu trying to aid and guide Cole through life so he doesn’t end up like a child he used to teach- only to end up seeing Cole stuck due to circumstances out of his control. Circumstances brought on by someone from the past. Someone who cannot move forward and doesn’t believe in change. Morro.
“I tried to warn you when you were a child
I told you not to get lost in the wild
I sent omens and all kinds of signs
I taught you melodies, poems, and rhymes”
The Yawning Grave - Lord Huron
~ Morro ~
Morro is the same as Cole, at least, in the sense that they’re both strong-willed. Wanting to go his own path and achieving the destiny he thinks he’s entitled too. Wu definitely saw a little bit of Morro in Cole at some point and I believe the ghost arc sealed it.
A lot is unknown about the relationship between Morro & Wu other than knowing that Wu took Morro under his wing to train him to become a ninja. Lore like this isn’t really explored much in Ninjago seasons as they like to focus on present situations instead of past ones. It did seem that Wu really did care for Morro and did try to comfort him after it’s revealed that Morro wasn’t yet worthy of the green ninja title. Although, when Morro started acting out that’s when Wu started to become stern which is where I believe a lot of people have misconceptions about his character.
While we don’t know much about Wus student of the past I think it’s safe to assume this is the moment where Wu recognized that people have to been taught and trained differently. Maybe he taught Morro wrong? Maybe Morro cannot be taught and had to experience hardships himself to actually learn? Next time it can be different- it has too.
The first time I watched Day of the Departed I thought Morro mentioning Coles danger to Wu was to get some type of ulterior motive and the writers were going to explain it at a later date. This..didn’t happen. Typically because of this I joke about Morro helping Cole to get “heaven points” or “helpin another ghost bro out” but if I were to look deeper into it (a territory that the writers had 100% no intention of) I like to picture it as Morro not EXACTLY forgiving Wu but accepting the fact that he’s done wrong and wanting a better life for someone else.
Morro has done bad things, he knows that, and he’s not immune to consequences. Whether or not it was his own fault or Wus doesn’t matter because it’s all in the past. What matters going FORWARD and helping others is the important part.
~ Lloyd ~
Lloyd had a bit of a tricky relationship with Wu. It’s very obvious that Lloyd loves his Uncle, but the lingering thought of his father does get in the way of that love sometimes. Wu was very sweet to Lloyd when they took him in during s1 and even advised the ninja to look past where and who Lloyd initially came from and focus on befriending him and moving forward. From then on mostly it was the ninja and Kai who raised Lloyd.
Misako…I’m not a Misako lover. I don’t resonate with her character at all so I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to speak on her relationship with Wu. Not my place to say.
Reiterating, while Wu does do the infamous “there’s something I forgot to tell you…” that’s ABSOLUTELY just a writer shoe-in to push more seasons and should not actually reflect Wu as a character.
The way I see it; Wu at the beginning of the series was a character to push guidance and lessons for our characters to learn from so they can “defeat the big bad” of that season. A LOT misdirection of Wu’s character comes from s5. Honestly, I’m an early Ninjago season lover so anything after s7 is not my strong suit so I cannot speak for his character beyond that point.
I’ve been a little distant from Ninjago lately so I wish I could have given a more in depth response, so I tried to reason with what I already knew from the top of my head.
*Side note: I think “The Yawning Grave” by Lord Huron is a really good song to express the relationship between Wu, Morro, and Cole. Highly recommend the listen and looking up peoples thoughts about the meaning of the lyrics online.
*Side note: “Ninjago Mini-Movie #4: An Underworldly Takeover” is a good Cole and Wu focused short where Wu explains the relationship he had with his brother Garmadon after Cole gets curious and asks.
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notmyneighbor · 6 months
Let Me In ~ Doppelgänger Francis Mosses/The Milkman x Female Reader
Chapter 1
Word Count ~1k
Rating ~ Explicit
CW ~ blood and gore, character death, eventual smut(not in this chapter)
Excerpt ~ You know it’s not Francis peering at you through the glass window.
You know it, even though he looks exactly like him, every feature carefully duplicated: the sleep deprived smudges on the frail skin underneath his eyes, the narrow chin and a long nose, that unblemished complexion as smooth and pale as the milk he delivers.
They’re getting better at the replication.
It’s getting harder and harder to tell them apart from real humans now.
Also available on AO3
Fanart used with permission @kaworinx on Instagram and TikTok
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You know it’s not Francis peering at you through the glass window.
You know it, even though he looks exactly like him, every feature carefully duplicated: the sleep deprived smudges on the frail skin underneath his eyes, the narrow chin and long nose, that unblemished complexion as smooth and pale as the milk he delivers. They’re getting better at the replication. It’s getting harder and harder to tell them apart from real humans now.
Yet there’s still something off. Something in the way the flesh sits on his bones. Almost a shift, like a mirage in the desert: a shimmery, not quite real haze that’s there and gone again in the blink of an eye. He lays his fingers against the glass, splayed directly across from your face. The pretender’s lips curve into a smile. “Let me in,” he says, and it’s identical to the real milkman’s voice, that same sleepy, gentle tone you’re used to hearing day in and day out, and your heart lurches. When had it happened? When had he been taken? During a delivery? Lured into some back alley? Some devious doppelgänger asking for help, maybe, and of course he’d obliged, he was kind like that, he’d never refuse anyone. You envision the wire rack cradling the bottles of dairy product dropping from nerveless fingers, the glass shattering. White mixing with the bright red blood that leaks out of him all over the pavement.
You wince at the gruesome image. Poor, trusting, foolish man.
“Let me in,” he says again, and the words drag at something deep inside of you. A glint of something feral in the dark eyes now. This imposter knows you can sense his deception. “I know what you need. I can give it to you…”
Another chord strummed on the string of your spine, vibrating along your body. Had he taken over Francis’ thoughts? Sorting through the milkman’s memories like digging through a box of old photographs, perhaps. Choosing which ones to keep and which ones to discard. Had the unfortunate third floor resident known about your hopeless crush? He must have. How else would this creature target your desires so readily? The knowledge of this wounds you. Francis had known, and he hadn’t acted on that knowledge. No return of your feelings. Maybe he’d just been shy.
Or maybe he just didn’t feel the same way.
“You must be so tired, working so hard. You deserve to rest. Collect a reward.” His tongue darts out to moisten his lips and this is the first foreign gesture that completely confirms your suspicions: this is not Mr. Mosses.
Everything you need is right in front of you. The entryway door is still securely locked. The rotary phone is mere inches away. You can call in the team at any time now. Save everyone. Except for Francis, of course; it was too late for him.
“Sweetheart, please let me in.” Attracting flies with honey. His voice dripping affection. His fingertips blanch against the glass. The brim of his cap slides further down his brow. A single track of perspiration leaks down his cheek. The body still fighting, even now. Resisting. Rejecting the invader. But it was too little, too late.
“I can’t let you in.”
His head snaps up and the eyes are bloodshot, spidery lines of crimson streaking across the white orbs. A thin trail of saliva drips from one corner of his mouth. “Can’t, or won’t?” Straight to vinegar now. Acidic tone. It lashes against you. You’re shaking.
“I know what you are,” you declare in a whisper.
The replicant raises his free hand, fingers curling into a fist before striking the pane. It rattles in its casing and you gasp. You’d always thought the material was shatterproof. “You don’t know anything. How can you? You run unchallenged for a small fraction of years and you think you know all there is to in the universe. Such arrogant, fragile things you are,” he murmurs, and the sudden calm unnerves you even more than the rage.
You begin to reach for the receiver and his fingers slide down the glass, squeaking as they go. “Wait. Don’t do that.”
You pause, hand still outstretched. “I don’t have a choice.”
“You do have a choice. You don’t have to be one of the mindless sheep.” His nostrils flare, inhaling deeply. “Francis loved that fragrance you wear. He liked so many things about you. You’ll never know how much if you make that call.”
You suck in a sharp breath. Was it true? Or just a ruse to get you to spare him? “He’s gone. There’s no getting him back now.” Your voice warbles, your fingers trembling as you reach again. Making contact with the ebony plastic this time.
“He’s right here. You could have him. All you have to do is let me in.”
You lift the receiver from the handset cradle. The spiral cord connecting the two sways like a tightrope beneath an acrobat walking its length. You feel like that performer. Teetering on the edge between life and death. Yours. The people in the building. You have a duty to protect them.
The uniformed man’s eyes slide closed. Dark lashes light as moth’s wings kissing his cheeks. He’s humming softly. A melody you’d heard every time Francis had left for his route. The tune unfamiliar. But it’s his. Had always been unique to him. Why hadn’t you asked what song it was? Why hadn’t you…
The handset drops back down and the dial tone is silenced. His eyes reopen. “Let me in, love.” The softest, sweetest smile. You reach for the buzzer. Staring at your hand as if you don’t recognize it as your own. “I’ll give you everything you want, sweet girl.” Nearly to the button now. “There you go. Just a little more.” Contact. The light flashes and the magnetic locks release, granting the doppelgänger access.
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little-writers-posts · 6 months
Something More Between Us (The Milkman x GN Reader)
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Author's Note: A short draft that was playing in my mind because of the milkman on TikTok. I hope you enjoy.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 781
The clock marked 9 p.m., marking the end of my shift as a doorman at the apartment complex where I live. I stretched out on the chair and sighed. At the same time, the other doorman comes through the door to take my place and start his shift.
“Hey, (Y/N), how was your day?” he asked as he started to unpack his things.
“A little tiring, to be honest. Had four residents, plus two without an entry request, and caught six doppelgangers, some more violent than others, but it comes with the job, I suppose.” I said as I packed my things.
“I’m lucky to be on the night shift” he smiled. “I only have three tenants on the list, and according to the DDD all the tenants are in the building except for those.”
“Don’t be careless. Our lives are at stake here.” I warned. “But, you’re right, you’re lucky.” I smiled.
I quickly scanned his list for the night and my heart skipped a beat. Francis name was there, I assume he left for his job as a milkman and, if I remember correctly from my night shifts, he was one of the first to arrive. 
When I started working as a doorman as well as living at the building, one of the perks was to get to know the people who lived in the same space. I always thought that Francis was good-looking, even with those tired eyes. However, even if we do chat a bit at the door or on the occasional bump in the corridors, we never really moved past that. He is a very reserved person and prefers to keep things private, I get that, plus he never seamed that interested in me.
As I was lost in thought, I heard two voices in the entrance lobby and realised my colleague was gathering all the folders to check the information.
“Mmm… Hello” I heard Francis say through the door.
“Good evening mister Mosses” greeted the doorman. “Let’s see…”
I resume my packing, picking up some final things left and reaching for the keys to my apartment.
“All good! You may go.”
The second voice reached for the window, “Good evening.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Looking good as always Mr. Gauss”
Once I had everything I left for my own apartment. When I reach the elevator, I saw that Francis was holding the door.
“Oh, thank you.”
“It’s nothing,” he said, “Izaack is also coming so I thought I might wait for both.”
I joined in and backed up against the wall, standing next to him.
“Our prettiest doorman is joining us today, its always a pleasure walking with you” Izaack mentioned as the door shuts, “Did you think about my proposal?”
I sighed for what seems like the thousandth time today. “I am not interested in going on a date with you, thanks.”
“Oh, come on, (Y/N).” He insisted. “It’s going to be fun, I promise. And I’m not just talking about dinner, you know?”
He stepped closer to me. Suddenly, I felt slightly trapped in that elevator. I tried to move further back, but I was already up against the wall. Isaack started to raise his hand to grab me by the chin and possibly bring me even closer to him. However, it didn't come to that. A body came between me and the raised hand.
“Geez, Francis, relax” Isaack chuckled. “I was just messing arround.”
The doors to the elevator opened on the second floor. Isaack was walking out into the corridor, but looked back before the doors closed again.
“You sure can be scary when you’re angry Mosses” He gave that characteristic smile of his. “See you tomorrow.”
The doors closed and Francis moved out of the way.
“Thank you” I whispered to him.
“Hm.” He raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Listen, if he ever bothers you again liked that, let me know, ok?”
“Oh, don’t worry, Francis” I said while massaging the back of my neck “He's infuriating, that’s true, and persistent, but I can deal it him.”
The elevator reached the third floor.
“I mean it.” He said while leaving to his apartment. “I… I do worry about you.”
I was about to put the key in the door when I suddenly stopped and looked at him. He stared at me with his tired but expectant eyes.
"I didn't know..." An embarrassed but broad smile appeared on my face "Thank you, Francis, I care about you too, a lot."
He nodded and gave a small smile, turning and heading for his apartment. 
After all, there might be something more between us than I thought.
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Right, back to my usual schedule of rewatching and thinking way too much about random shit.
Do you think it means anything, the slightly differing levels of formality with which Franklin and Crozier refer to each other in their first scenes?
I feel like Crozier is the more distant and formal of the two, even if only slightly:
"Tell Mr. Diggle Sir John and Commander Fitzjames are coming aboard to dine tonight."
Whereas Franklin is more casual in his use of first names:
"Let Francis know James and I will be joining him for dinner."
Could mean nothing I suppose. Just something I noticed just now.
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lana-llama-in-pajamas · 6 months
thick as blood
sweet as milk
chapter 4 (parts seems juvenile)
a few days have passed and you finally cleaned your home, the bathroom was a lot nicer now and yes to Francis's odd dismay your apartment looked like a green house, today was rainy so you stayed in writing thank you letters to your neighbors.
Francis was at his last stop. he walked up the steps of a very nice new home, one of those buy to build homes he's seen on Sears catalogs (look it up, very cool)
he knocked on the door with his foot as he carried more milk than a normal household would use, the door opened via a very pretty woman in a blue polka dot dress and blue sweater "Francis! you got my call" she opened the door wide as he walked passed her placing the jug crate on the counter "you wouldn't believe how many cakes the school is asking of me" she continued following him in filling up a glass of lemonade "isn't your husband a baker?" he asked nodding as he took the drink from her "he's too held up with catering the convention that rolled in" she answered folding her arms standing across from him "but I did want to spring something up on you...we've known each other for a bit would you say?" she asked almost in a whisper. Francis stopped mid sip nodding slowly thinking of the million things she was about to say "right...you know my daughter Amelia" she walked passed him into the living room, Francis followed even more puzzled "she's 15 now no?" "yes" god why was she being so vague? "sit, please" she pointed to her pristine yellow couch "you see my daughter got a cat and as funny as it is now we're sad to say she's deathly allergic" she awkwardly laughed "you don't know anyone who would want one hm?" he stared blankly at her for a moment mentally cursing her for freaking him out "Joan, I don-...actually I do know someone in the need of a companion" Joan's eyes sparkled a little "great! Johnny bring the cat" she called upstairs and a few moments later a little boy still in his pajamas carried down a small kitten in his arms "milkman! your taking my sisters cat?" he asked running over to him, the poor kitten wiggling around as he did so "yes i am" "but cats are for girrrllss ewww" Johnny laughed passing the poor sleepy thing to him
"I'm giving it to a girl, but no cats are for men too." francis pet it gently "my dad says sooo" the little kid huffed "ok back to your room." Joan pulled his ear on the way back to the hallway going into his room coming back moments later with bags and a litter box "toys, litter, litter box, and food. its still too small for solid foods so, a little baby formula warm water and the kibble should be good" she pointed to each bag explaining how it worked before sitting down on the armchair beside couch. “ so we’re giving it to a girl, not to fit the stereotype, but is this lady in another home you deliver to?”Joan snickered slapping his knee, hoping that Francis will get the joke, Francis kind of did , but like everyone else Joan couldn’t read him “ She’s my door lady. She actually saved the building from an dopple attack a few nights ago.”he told Joan inspecting the small fluff ball “oh wow must be an intimidating woman” Joan said imagining a large gruff woman with a killer stare, if Francis could read her mind he would’ve laughed but he continued “she seems the type to have a pet.” He got up carrying the bags and box on his hip heading for the door “thanks for the gift Mrs. Wilde” Joan got up to open the door for him “Yaknow Francis, in old Viking tradition gifting a cat to a woman is a symbol of courtship” she said raising a brow hoping to fluster the brick wall “…I don’t think she’s of Viking origin” he said back making Joan face palm “but that is interesting, you were a mythology major?” He asked placing the items into his truck wrapping the kitten in a jacket before gently placing it in the passenger side “ I was, but you know how it goes. You think you’re going to live a life of independence and then you get married to a baker.” Joan looked at the horizon saying that. Francis looked at her with a softened gaze before she snapped to reality “sorry, I hope she loves the cat, and I hope the goddess freya doesn’t get any ideas haha” Joan turned around fixing her sweater hearing Francis as she got to her door “…..your still a mythology major.” He turned around getting into the truck driving off. Joan still at the entrance, smiling in acknowledgment.
Back at your apartment, the twins were back gossiping to you about model drama you could barely understand while they randomly asked questions about you, “ oh and Eliza got fatter so now we all have to weigh before booking! Can you believe it?? Let the girl eat a little extra cake at her mom’s funeral!” Selenne laughed sipping her tea “oh speaking of, miss mia wants us to help her with the wedding venue! Everyone in the building is invited. ” Elenois shook you a little clearly excited “I forgot they were fiancées, since they live together anyway” you giggled pouring another cup for everyone “ y/n! You didn’t tell us you were a max traditionalist~” Celine pointed at you, smiling “ of course not it’s just since they live together. My brain just automatically thinks that.” You felt a little embarrassed but the twins were known to make people sweat for fun. “ Miss Mia wants to have it during the summertime so we have a long time to prepare.” Sel sat back looking out the window “ good thing she doesn’t want it during the spring. It’s so rainy here.”
Francis knocked at the door the cat meowing, he knew it was hungry so it was a perfect opportunity to teach y/n how to care for it, you opened the door smiling then looking straight at the dramatic kitten meowing loudly “ you found a cat?” You asked getting on your toes to see it closer making Francis die of cuteness on the inside thinking to himself ‘she really did that almost automatically, how adorable’ mentally slapping himself he lowered his hand passing the kitten to her, y/n didn’t know if the cat was tiny or Francis hands were huge because it really fit in the palm of his hand only it’s a little leg spilling out, grab the sweet thing, putting it to your chest “aww poor baby, I bet your hungry” he spoke softly, almost afraid to burst its ear drums with your normal tone, Francis look down at you now getting the picture.
he was attracted to you.
You were smaller than him which every 1950s man wants from a partner and you look beautiful doing everything mundane like if he took a picture at a random moment, you would look like a model no matter what. As if someone directed you in that exact pose. And you dressed nicely. He Longed to see you in more colorful items, just to see your features shine brighter. He stared at you in his mind lovingly
But you looked back up to see the most stern look with furrowed brows “um…did I say something?” you got nervous stoking the cat for comfort “ the cat is hungry but do not feed it milk. That is a myth.” he spoke plainly opening one of the bags putting the food items on the table “ baby formula, warm water, and a little bit of kibble is good for the cat, what will you name it ?” He asked sounding pretty excited about the name part “ maybe we should feed it first and then think of a name” you said leading him into the kitchen with the supplies “hiii francy” the twins waved as he did back before they giggled to themselves “he was absolutely fucking her with his eyes “ selenne pushed her sister’s shoulder whisper yelling “ shutup, that’s so not appropriate!” El covered her mouth, both trying their hardest not to laugh too loud.
You and Francis came back from letting the cat eat sitting on the couch, the twins took the cat from you to pet and prod, “it might scratch” Francis pointed “ let them, I heard prodding pets is a good thing because it makes them more tempered” y/n poured him some tea “you had pets before?” He asked thanking her for the tea “we need to hear some y/n lore” Sel nodded “ I didn’t have pets, but my grandparents did, dogs cows, sheep, wasn’t a farm. It was more like a ranch. My parents live in the city like this one and they never really liked animals” you said studying your tea leaves “ Where is your family?” El asked rubbing the kittens belly “ across the country, I have a cousin who lives here. They are really busy.” You looked out the window at the rain. You didn’t want to tell them the whole truth. “We can understand, it seems everyone in this building has busy lives, aside from the housewives” Francis said ”your right” you nodded “oh have you heard about the wedding?” El asked Francis “no, wedding? You two are getting married?” He asked a little frantic “no no we’re not throwing out our careers yet. Mia’s and Dr. aftons wedding!” Selenne rolled her eyes “oh, yes the doctor asked me to be in the grooms party, I think his bachelor party will be at the bowling alley” "yeah sounds like Dr. afton" Sel sighed "mia still doesnt know what she wants, but she does wanna vote so we all have fun!" El smiled surveying the room, francis was staring at his tea cup but you were in the conversation completely "anyway we forgot we have a alot of calls to make love ya bye" she placed the kitten in your hands before pulling her sister out of the apartment "lets give the love birds forced time alone" she whispered to her twin closing the door behind them
"odd" francis glanced at the door
"yeah, hope everythings ok" you sighed looking down at the cat as he stared at you
“Name?” Francis asked clearing his throat “no idea…I’ll think about it” you placed the kitten on the couch as it played with the tassels on the pillow “well, I’m going to head home, tell me when you name her, I’m excited to know” he said you got up and smiled walking him to the door “of course Francis, thank you for the gift” you blushed opening the door hoping for anything “Yaknow I heard that a man giving their loved one a cat is a proposal in Norse mythology” he said grabbing your hand and kissing it “but neither of us are of Viking blood I don’t think ” (sorry if you are) he walked to his door and you stared holding your hand kissing it softly to feel his lips in spirit
A few weeks had passed and you were on a late shift again. The cat followed you around the building so in turn she now had a bed in the office, it 9pm and you had to wait for 5 of the residents to come home late from a press party
Natasha was in the office playing with the cat “do you have a name for her yet?” She asked making it chase a mouse on a string “no…suggestions?” You pulled out a list of names residents have considered passing it to the little girl “hm..” she wrote a few names even her own “…no Natasha” you said crossing out hers, she shrugged and went back to the cat, time passed and you got a little worried turning on the radio, the twins giving you which channel had the convention/press party coverage. You listened in, and rolled your eyes at the sounds of officials and other higher ups giving empty speeches, a knock at the door made you jump looking up to see natcha with her arms folded staring at her daughter “so. This is what you do at bedtime now? I thought I had more time before you started sneaking out” she held her temple sighing you got up feeling guilty for not even asking Natasha if she even asked her mom to be with you “I’m sorry I just assumed since it’s Friday um, I should have called you ma’am” you looked down seeing natcha look back at you with the ‘mom look’ “no don’t apologize, I should have checked on her earlier but I was busy cleaning, Natasha. Room. Now. And I’m taking your record player tomorrow” she said it so calmly, no yelling just a sweet calm yet stern tone “aww mom!! I’m gonna be bored all day!” Natasha folded her arms pouting “ too bad so sad. Up.” She pointed out the door and Natasha walked still pouting “so sorry you had to see punish my child y/n” natcha said fixing her house coat “no no don’t worry about, I just wish my parents were as calm as you are” you smiled seeing another resident walk over, Francis looked over “something happen?” He asked standing near natcha at the doorway, you could see her side step to not touch him. Her face contorting slightly but fixing itself “Natasha sneaked out to play with the cat n the doorman” she said side eyeing him “nat? Sneaking out? She’s 11” he said just kind of knowing? You felt your stomach drop a bit…hoping they couldn’t tell “she’s 12 in a week.” Natcha stated before walking off “goodnight everyone.” She went back to her sweet tone, there it was. The way he turned to look at her, it shot you in the heart a bit “your still working?” He asked walking in, the cat rubbing against him purring “a few of the residents are still not here, neither is the night shift” you looked away from him with a sour look on your face, you felt so stupid. You two were not a thing and also haven’t even kissed yet and here you are assuming a broken family and getting jealous of a woman who’s only ever shown you kindness not to mention fed you. Francis could tell you were reeling from something but didn’t know how to approach “…I can make you a coffee, I got donuts from a friend today” he walked over placing his hand on your arm “you look tired” his warm hand and gravily voice from just waking up made you feel better yet worse, “your one to talk” you smiled trying to let go “so mean” he let go “ I’ll be back” he walked off, you watching the way he moved Lowkey checking the sway of his ass but quickly looking away. The cat sat at the desk ‘listening’ to the radio with you as you gave it scritches “what about Lucy? Mimi? Tiger?” You read off the list of names to the feline hoping it would give some type of approval but you were sure if it nodded you would scream. Francis came back placing a coffee and a muffin and donut “pick” he said pointing, you grabbed his hand pointing it to the chocolate muffin “ I don’t want to be up all night via sugar and coffee” you smiled taking a bit “thank you” you covered your mouth he hummed taking the donut kissing your head before walking out. God you want to fly and throw yourself out a window at the same time, two people walked in, the pilots. Both disfigured and grotesque slamming the papers against the window making you jump “let us in. Miss door man.” One said somehow with a stitched mouth “eat my ass.” You said back making the younger one angry trying to get to you through the paper hole. Fuck I ran out of spa
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ofallthingsnasty · 11 months
Bill gives off “will fuck you minutes before you have to go meet up your friends so he can get out of it AND have you embarrassed” energy so I’ll love it if you can write that scenario 👉👈
Nothing but facts here 🤭💕 He's such a smarmy asshole haha @flameshadowwolf 😘
fic referenced - please give it a read before you jump into this one, you'll probably need the context.
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tags: yandere, heavy dubcon, Bill being condescending as always, breeding mentioned, talk of future knotting, past noncon + forced impregnation + forced marriage, chubby reader, f!reader, werewolf/human, minors dni word count: 3k
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You haven’t done your makeup in forever. It’s been at least two months, you think, as you try to remember which of the colors in your little eyeshadow palette is the best for a monochrome look. You don’t really have the time to duke it out with a more complex style right now, especially with your rusty skills - there is barely an hour left until you're supposed to meet Ellie, car ride not included. Your mind sings at the prospect of a quiet evening, with friendly chatter and good food - and you not having to do anything. No needy toddler, no sticky little hands and pouty mouth to rob you of every last ounce of patience and energy, just adults-only conversations and friendly faces. Ellie and her husband Francis are the only members of the pack that are making an effort to include you and you like them all the better for it. You buff out the eyeshadow a little closer to your brows while you try to keep your bitterness down.
That fateful night three years ago had been your D-Day, and everything that followed was just punch after punch to your face - including being shunned by the very community that you had unwillingly become a part of. Of course, the whole pack knows what happened. Three years might have passed, but they still stick their necks together and whisper about it as though it all happened yesterday, avoiding your presence like you’re some bad omen, the hangman’s bride herself. Only Hugh and the Evett couple are cordial, the rest act as though you’re the black sheep of the family. It’s a small relief but at least they treat your daughter fairly well. It might change once her peers reach a mature enough age to be included in the gossip but for now your little toddler girl doesn’t have to play alone on the playgrounds and is invited to birthday parties only her father can take her to.
You rummage through your little makeup bag, searching for your brow powder. It’s probably too old to use safely, but you don’t care as you smudge it into the hairs. It’s not like you have the time to buy a new one.
Out of the whole pack, only your life is ruled by some archaic tradition. You had asked Ellie once about her and Francis and when she answered that they were high school sweethearts, you had quickly ducked into your coffee, ashamed of your own fate. 
Of course, she knows. You’re close enough in age - she’s a few years younger and still bright-faced, probably taking a giant heap of pity in your circumstances. It doesn’t matter to you, you’re just glad that someone who knows about this whole supernatural business is friendly with you - your old, blissfully unaware friends have long since grown tired of your bitter rants about your husband, not understanding why you’re still with him.
Oh, if only they knew. Their not-so-subtle nudges to get you to go to therapy (or to ditch Bill) get nothing but a grim laugh out of you now. No therapist could get you out of this mess, no stupid self-help book could give you the courage (with a sparkle and fire emoji, of course) to just leave. Just leave. God, it’s so stupid it makes you grimace.
Your life simply isn't your own anymore - right down to your name. Now you're just Mrs. Timmons, with a small golden band and his goddamn scent all over you (marking you as his possession). He had dragged you to the altar kicking and screaming, breaking plates and ripping up that gaudy number he had proposed as your wedding dress, but in the end, he had succeeded.
You had threatened to leave once, when Claire had been so very little, to pack her up and go - to the other side of the country, out of the country, across continents - just to get away from him. It had all been hot air, said in a dark moment of despair, of fear.
The solemn truth is that there is no way out of this. No matter how much you screech and fight - you’re not up against a regular man. Behind that grubby smile and dark eyes lies a creature that can track you down with deadly precision and has claimed you as its own, until the day it dies.
It sure is easy to forget when he throws his dirty shoes down onto the couch table or when he smokes when Claire is in the room, when he doesn’t do shit around the house and you get to stew in your anger, ruminate on the abysmal hand fate had dealt you. Then he’s just a regular piece of shit, just another good-for-nothing husband you get to nag and scream at and fume around. But when he fucks you - that’s when he’s back to the snarling beast he had been in that shed. The way he holds you down, even as a mere man, his grip like iron, his eyes feral and wide - even thinking about it makes you shudder.
It doesn’t matter right now, you think. You’ll be safe from his wandering hands and salacious comments in a matter of minutes, able to be yourself and not the always-scowling fury you have been turned into.
Just a swipe of mascara and your purse- 
A soft knock on the door frame interrupts you.
The sound of Bill’s heavy footsteps save you the glance over your shoulder to confirm it’s really him. “Wow, look at you”, he whistles, a freshly lit cigarette in his right hand. “Did I forget something? Date night? Our wedding day? My birthday?”
He laughs at his own joke as he takes a drag and you can already feel the annoyance starting to boil in your stomach. “I kid, I kid. You’re gonna meet with the Everett girl tonight, right? Girl’s night, eh?”
 “Yeah. Francis will join us later, though”, you say, clipped, brushing your mascara wand over the lower lashes of your left eye.
  “That so?”, you can hear him sucking in another lungful, sounding almost pensive. “Sounds awfully nice, princess.” You hum, finally done with your look. “I did invite you to come. If you remember.” A husky laugh behind you makes your brows furrow. “Jesus, woman, what did I do to you now?” You bite your tongue. Oh, you know. You just forcefully impregnated me three years ago and maybe I still haven’t worked through that. No biggie, though. “Be nice to your old man, yeah?”
He takes the cigarette into his left hand and presses a kiss to your temple, then drags his lips down to your ear. His stubble scratches the thin skin that is stretched over the cartilage of your helix and you can’t suppress the shudder. The right hand that lands on your shoulder is heavy and warm as it rubs and presses the fat over the joint, thoughtful but firm. “I have been nothing but kind, haven’t I? If you had ended up with that little freak, you wouldn’t have seen the sun ever again.” Crinkling, dark eyes meet yours in the mirror. 
Evan. You still think about him sometimes, but he moved just shortly after you started showing, too distraught that it had been Bill's kid and not his. You'd pity him if he hadn't done the unthinkable to you, just like Bill did.
“You do know that, don’t you?” Despite yourself, you nod - suddenly hot and cold at the same time. “I keep you fed, I keep a roof over your head, I let you run free, I let you tear up my shit when you’re mad, I let you go to your uppity little bitch you like so much- I think I’m doing way more than necessary, darling.” He mouths at your ear again, suddenly licking and biting the shell, only stopping when you visibly cringe. “I even think I deserve a little something for that, hm? And if it’s not gratitude, it might just be something else.”
He presses out the cigarette before you can even answer, right on top of your eyeshadow palette. Rough hands glide over the nape of your neck, down to your shoulders and settle right underneath your tits where he pushes them up and catches your eyes in the mirror again. “Just look at you, baby. I wish I could ruin all that makeup with my cum but we can’t have you be late for your little wine dinner, hm?” You see your own face twist in shock at his crude words and he watches in amusement, hands already working the soft flesh of your chest. He pinches and prods through the sturdy fabric that cups your tits, rubbing the material between his fingers to appraise it. “Aw, you’re wearing only a t-shirt bra today, aren’t you? Not my favorite lace number?”, he says and squeezes over your clothed nipples roughly, making you yelp in pain. “Or maybe I should be glad you aren’t. Else I’d think you’re dressing up for the Everett boy.” “But you’d never do that, would you?”, his tone drips with something dark. “You’d never betray me, hm?” Your breath stutters. It’s not a question. It’s a threat. “Why, I-”, you gasp, the words enough to shake you out of your stupor. “Why would you think that?”
“Dunno, babe”, he almost croons. “Just wanted to put it out there. In case you got into your little head again.” His hands wander down to your stomach and grab your fat roughly, a deep growl ending the conversation. He buries his fingers deep into you, so deep it stings and you subconsciously stretch upwards, granting him easier access to your neck. He promptly uses it to nip the skin of your pulse point.
“Soft as ever. Makes me want to bite and devour you whole”, Bill laughs. “But I’ll settle for putting another baby in you.” The nails digging through the cotton of your shirt turn sharp and long - he chuckles as you yelp, as you try to wiggle out of the chair in front of your vanity. “Too late, honeypie.” The man who stares back at you through the mirror is no longer a man - he is a wolf again, the same one that sounded the bell for the end of the life you once knew. “Don’t give me those pitiful eyes. Where’s all that fire, huh?”, he snickers, grotesque notes strung together by a deeper voice, by bigger lungs. “Your snippy little attitude. You do know I love to fuck it out of you, again and again.” Your head is pushed down into the wood and it sends your mascara and brushes flying to the floor. He simply drags your face over the vanity until the crown of your head touches the cool glass of the mirror, your legs slowly rising with the stretch. 
You have a hunch of what will follow. “Ass up, sweetheart”, he bites out and kicks the chair underneath you to the side with so much force you can hear it splinter. You’re left to stand on shaky legs, the cartilage of your nose pressed into the furniture. “Good girl.”
You only whimper in response, too weak to struggle against him, even as his hands leave your head.
He shows little regard for your clothes, as little as he had for his in the moment he turned - sharp claws dig into your nicest pair of jeans with little care, thick hands pull them down by force - over your belly, then over your ass. They're left just above your knees as he targets the next layer, a simple pair of cotton briefs. He slices through them and groans at the sight of you - fully exposed, bent over, vulnerable and oh-so-soft.
 "The baby did you good, sweetheart", he laughs and spanks your ass so hard it echoes through the room. "Made you even better. Maybe another one will make that ass even fatter."
  You're mortified at his crude words - but any indignant squawk of protest gets stuck in your throat as he presses his whole muzzle into your cunt.
He licks and pushes and sucks - eats you out so messily that his spit drips down your thighs and you can't contain your voice any longer.
You're rewarded with a chuckle and even more fervor. 
It's too much and yet not enough - his tongue only brushes your clit but he fucks your hole with it so well it makes your legs shake. You don't even register the way his claws dig into your ass, the pain barely noticeable over the mess he's making in between your thighs.
It’s not enough to make you cum but you feel yourself loosening up, growing pliant under his touch. Maybe he can feel it too because just a few precious minutes later he stops, licking his maw loudly. “Could eat you out all day, princess”, he chuckles behind you. “But you got a little girl’s night to go to, don’t you?” You manage nothing but a teary-eyed nod, throwing him a look over your shoulder, that terrifying creature staring right back at you, the man within it clearly getting drunk with the power he has over you when he is like this. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it quick.” He pushes himself into you slowly, but firmly - his saliva mixed with your own arousal making the most obscene squelch. It’s almost a relief to feel him in you after he fucked you on his tongue and you close your eyes, savoring the feeling of him working you open.
“You take me so well-”, he grits out and you moan in response. You should be ashamed of how much you long for his cock, how the years have made you compliant, even needy for him, even though you’re thoroughly terrified of him - but you can’t find it in you to care right now. The shame will come later, when you’re alone with your thoughts again but for now you just want to him to fuck you so well you’ll forget about everything. He starts out slow but it doesn’t last long - it never does. Just a few thrusts in and he’s found a rather harsh pace that has him fist the neck of your blouse to steady himself, claws puncturing the fabric. “God, I just wanna knot you, sweetheart”, he groans and you believe every word of it. “Bet you want it too- Always such a slut for my knot-” You clench around him both in arousal and shock - taking Bill’s knot is such a messy experience, one that would make you late for sure, with everyone able to smell just why you’re an hour behind schedule. “Ah, tomorrow- I’ll fucking knot you tomorrow.”
Your body is dragged over the wood with every thrust, the crown of your head bumps into the mirror every time he bottoms out - you feel like nothing more than toy with the way you’re rattled around. He seems a little extra desperate, probably trying to empty himself into you as fast as possible.
“Right now I’m- I’m- gonna make you stink with my scent, gonna mark you so that they all know how well I fuck you.” How embarrassing for you. Of course Francis will immediately smell it the moment he walks into the door and you’ll have to duck your head behind your wine glass - wolf that he is, claims like this won’t go unnoticed. “So you can’t run away from me-”, he gasps, out of breath with effort. “And no one can take you, either-” Even through your fucked-out haze, something clicks. He’s insecure. That’s why he’s in this form, why he’s so intent on filling you up before you sit yourself down with friends. Why he just won’t come with you eludes you - but that is Bill, ever so possessive, ever so puzzling.
You’d laugh at him if you weren’t currently getting mounted by a two meter tall humanoid monster, if you weren’t so literally fucked right now.  A groan pulls your attention back to the creature you call your husband. “Oh fuck, babe-”, Bill moans behind you, his pace getting even faster. It grates your insides, your body trying to keep you lubricated as he pounds you. Spittle flies through sharp teeth and lands on your ass as he unabashedly lets his maw hang open, too blissed out to care.
“I’m gonna cum, oh shit- Shit-”, he says and loses himself in a string of curses, trying to fuck you as you deeply as he can, rutting into you with so much force you’re scared the mirror is going to break off the vanity. “Fucking take it-”
The snarl he lets out isn’t human anymore, as are the claws slicing into your scalp, the sudden grip keeping you in place. He shudders violently as he pumps you full of his load, hot and wet. The feeling is enough to wring a throaty moan out of you - not enough to make you cum, but enough to make your legs shake and clench around him. “Damn…” Bill wheezes into the silence that follows, hands still iron on your skin. You slump into the wood beneath you, sweat-slicked and high-strung. He laughs as he hears the thump of your forehead against the vanity. “Fuck, sweetheart. You’re gonna make me go before my time with that pussy.” You don’t answer, already irritated with him again. “Well-”, he coughs and takes his hands off you, sounding much more composed. “Looks like you need to start over with your little look.” His words make you gasp and paw at your face, the sticky smudge of mascara palpable on your cheeks. You don’t need to turn your head up to the mirror to tell that you’re back to square one, that you’ll be late, with a dripping cunt and hastily scrawled on makeup. Your arousal is gone in an instant, replaced by hot rage burning its way through your stomach for good. A pat on the head and a content sigh behind you make it boil over, make you clench so hard you actually push him out of you. It’s laughed away, either mistaken for the wrong emotion or simply ignored. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, your old man will make it up to you tomorrow.”
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m1ssunderstanding · 6 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 4.1
This is embarrassing but I'm actually so obsessed with the first five minutes of this episode that I've got it bookmarked in my YouTube account. It's just so perfect!
“Say you don't looooove him, my salamander. Then why did you neeeeeeed him? Ono don't answer.” He genuinely thinks need and love are the same and I really hope he's got therapy for that messed up mindset by now.
Officially honored as the most successful musical composer and recording artist of all time. That damn well better be mentioned in his movie. And people still don't take him seriously. But also. John definitely smashed his TV.
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I'm screaming. I love Linda the promoter so fucking much!! Interviewer: I knew a lot of your records had went gold and platinum and– Linda: a lot of them? All of them! Ugh I wish she was still with him now.
And then THIS! “What really happened between you and John?” As the first notes to “I Will Survive” play. It's too good. Everyone has to go watch that bit right now.
Linda coming in for the kill again with her fake posh accent: critics? Critics? Oooooh! … They're always three years behind.
Look at him (to the tune Bitch by Meredeth Brooks) he's a whore, he's a father, he's a star, he's a success, he's a lover he's smug, he's laughing, he's having fun, he's working hard. He's everything.
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Interviewing Wings concert goers and this one girl goes, "oh I just got off on all of it" and another one goes “It was great, i came twice!” Literally it should've been me!!!!
The McCartneys are seriously such a big family. And it's been Paul's responsibility since was about 21, really, to make sure they're all okay financially. That Francie story of him crumbling in the street in Liverpool haunts me.
"Why shouldn't they go to the same school as everyone else goes to?" State schools should be the only legal schools btw.
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I love what the creator does to contextualize their songs by pairing them with other contemporary footage. It makes it much easier for me to understand why something like “arrow through me” (which I love but none of the people I've shown it to do) would've been so popular.
Oh here we go again. Just show us the marriage certificate already.
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Cackling at the contrast between “Old Siam Sir” which is one of my all time fav rockers and footage of the Stones being cringe AF and Dylan being so beyond done he's basically dead.
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Oh. Okay. And then they slap us in the face with John's poor baby late 70s demo voice crooning, “Don't want your looooove. Anymore.” “I die each time I hear your name.” I'm fine. It's fine. I'm just vomiting my guts out because I'm sick. That's why.
The pairing of “Mr H Atom” with Paul's would've-been drag show is genius, but what is that clip of some sort of trial stuck in there? If anyone knows, please inform me. (16:15)
John sounds so sad talking about the “endless search for . . . Scotland . . . Within an hour of New York.” I can't help thinking of the Mull of Kintyre. But John was also the one who turned Paul on to Scotland in the first place, ≈always waxing poetic about the heather and the hills≈.
Sean is so adorable. Reminds me of my little guy a bit actually.
Why do I always want to tell Paul to be nice to John? John is worse to him. Idk maybe because John's pain is more visible.
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spinjitsuburst · 1 year
alright gang i've watched dragons rising up to episode 18
gonna infodump my thoughts, spoilers from up to ep. 18 under the cut!
sooooooooooooooooooooo holy shit this season's incredible
the idea that master wu took care of the ENTIRE monastery is so laughable. lloyd a huge chunk of wu's screentime is snapping at the ninja to do THEIR chores
mr. frohicky is so funny and him and zane are dating now i dont make the rules
on a serious note! i love frohicky and zane's dynamic
pixal..... i miss her
lloyd understands why wu never told them shit now. "why didn't you tell us you were the grandson of GOD" "eh never really came up"
lloyd and arin are so special to me, lloyd really did adopt this kid huh
nya working sora through her self-esteem issues!! their dynamic is particularly sweet and i really love that they got paired together
wyldfyre is slowly but surely becoming my favorite dragons rising character
like her and kai's dynamic shifting as he helps heatwave was so sweet
plot twist i freaking LOVE arrakore he's just sad in a cave
i didn't expect them to go into nya's trauma in this episode cuz like hgjkdfshjgk not plot relevant but the bitterness in her voice when she talked about the djinn having a thing for showmanship. hmm.
that creature was just a shiny ditto
cole in general was incredible, andrew francis continues to do an incredible job voicing him
him FEELING the very earth crying out and screaming, it hurt :( i love when they go into the physicality and connection of their elements but mannnn :(((
the administration is the stanley parable
zane jumpscare of him just sitting in the mailroom AHAHHA
he was giving off bitchy villain energy please ninjago please please give him a villain arc please please
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pretty sure i fucking busted @rottedsoulx 's headphones when i let out the loudest scream when jay showed up like. hooooooo man i'm so sorry dude HAHAHGKJFDH
lord ras and beatrix lore..... innnnnteresting also beatrix' twin having an elemental power is WILD
"you know how i taught you patience and stuff" "yeah?" "fuck that go ham" thank you kai
in conclusion i'm ecstatic my crops are cleared my depression is gone i'm in love with this season
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novashelby · 27 days
The Maid-Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff One shot
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warning: None-light humor about sex, but SFW
Words: 1,216
Summary: Tommy thinks his maid is cute and wants to show her how to dance. Request to write Tommy flirting with a maid!
Please enjoy, comment, and reblog!
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He hated that she worked for him. Believe it or not, Tommy Shelby was indeed a professional. He never flirted with his maids and always treated his staff with respect using appropriate boundaries. In any other part of his world, he didn’t understand that word…boundaries. But for fucks sake, she made it hard. From the minute she walked through those doors looking for a job, he knew it was a mistake to hire her. That he was going to be a bit into her. A bit infatuated. A bit interested. A bit subjective, really. Whatever was ‘a bit’ because his ears perked every time he heard her voice. And his eyes would widen when she’d come walking to him. He was like a schoolboy again and he hated it. 
He was working in his office when she peeked her head in, wearing that contagious smile of hers. Knock, knock. “Mr. Shelby,” she sang before sliding in with a tray of food he wasn’t going to touch. “I brought you some breakfast. Francis was held up with young Charlie this morning. Your son has a knack for getting stuck in bushes, you know?” 
Something jolted within him as he stood abruptly, hitting his knee on the desk. “Ah, fuckin’ ‘ell!” He cursed out loud, embarrassingly hugging his knee. Startled, she gasped and put down the tray rushing to him. His body heated as she touched his leg.
It was her soft coo. “Oh, no! You are just as clumsy as that boy of yours. Are you hurt?”
“No, no,” he said, but it did hurt. But not as bad as a cup of scolding tea. When he rested his hand down, he knocked over his steaming cup. It tipped over, causing a stream of hot liquid to run down the desk and on his trousers. “Ah!” He hollered. “Your mother’s whore!”
“Mr. Shelby!” she cried out loud, untying her apron to use as a rag. She dabbed it along his trousers, seemingly close up his thigh. He got hot for a whole other reason. “You’re so silly-ah!” His hand grabbed hers, a blush across his cheeks. 
“Love,” he said, looking down at her, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I got it, please.” Desperately, he was trying to contain whatever may happen from her touching his leg. She nodded, backing up. 
“But please,” she begged. “Take off your trousers so I can look at your wound? My mother was a nurse in the war and I know that hot liquids can cause burns.” That is when she went for his buckle to help him take off his trousers.
“No, no-oi!” Without warning, she yanked down his trousers as if it was her job. Embarrassed, he covered himself with his hands, looking at her a bit appalled, but also very impressed. “Fuckin ‘ell,” he whispered, watching her dab away. She rushed over to the pitch of water to wet a rag. “If you wanted my trousers off, love, you could have just asked-”
“Not appropriate, Mr. Shelby,” she warned, and he nodded, replying with right. Softly, she rested the cool rag on his red thigh and looked up at him. “I’m working,” she added, with a grin, thinking he was joking. But when he grinned, reaching from her hand to pull her up, there was an inkling he was serious. “Mr. Shelby-”
“You don’t have to be on the clock,” he offered, standing with her. Her breath hitch as he pressed her against the desk and it was her time to turn red. Shyly, she attempted to look off to the side, but he tilted his head enough to look her in the eyes. He smirked as he lifted her chin with his index. “I could let you off early-”
She slipped from his grasp, “oh, I couldn’t! There is so much to do…the linens, the banister, the hallway…wha-?” Tommy reached out for her forearm and pulled her in closer, swaying back and forth. She looked down. “You’re still not wearing trousers, Mr. Shelby-”
He stepped back, the suave slipping off of him. “Oh, right…I’m sorry, love.” He quickly picked up his pants, giving a sheepish grin. Of course he was a bit humiliated, but he tried to walk it off by offering something. “C’mere,” he insisted. All she wanted to do was her job while he wanted to do her. Her excuse was Francis will get mad. “Francis is old…she’ll get mad no matter what.” 
“And what will you do? With me, I mean.” She asked, not necessarily prepared for anything. Her fingers fretted with her fraying skirts as he eyed the record player. When he turned and walked towards it, talking about smooth jazz, she couldn’t help, but look at his ass. When he turned, she shook her head and pretended she was looking out the window. “Oh, right,” she said, clearing her throat. She hadn’t even heard his last sentence. 
“Oh, right, what?” he chuckled while walking over. “Let’s share a dance…I haven’t shared a dance in awhile and it looks like you could use it-”
“Meaning?” she asked, giving him a look as she took his hand. Their fingers intertwined and palms connected. With the other hand, he went for her waist, pulling her in. Their bodies pressed a lot closer than she was used to. 
Tommy Shelby winked. “You’re tense,” he said, squeezing her hip making her yelp and jolt. “Loosen up, love.” As he started to sway, she nervously followed his footing. Between talking and steps, she’d look at her feet to make sure she was doing well. While he was so confident, dipping her and chuckling, complimenting her eyes. “Has anyone ever told you that?”
She looked up at him, blinking. “H-huh? I’m sorry?” She’d been too worried about stepping on his leather shoes that she hardly heard him.
Laughing, he leaned in, kissing their noses together. “I said, you have very beautiful eyes.”
His compliment was like a warm up of tea hitting her belly. Awkwardly, she giggled and snorted at the compliment instantly causing him to laugh, releasing a hand, and pinching her nose. “No,” she said. “Actually, I’ve never danced with a man-”
“I know,” he said, honestly. But he was just happy to have her body this close even though it should not have been. It was just dancing, right? There wasn’t much to fret over. “You’re footing is awful, love, but I can teach you for you can go and dance with all those boys-”
“And you?” she asked, eyes twinkling.
He cocked a brow, tilting his head. “I’m not a boy, but yes, me…and maybe not too many other boys. I don’t share too much when it’s something I like.”
“How greedy of you, Mr. Shelby?” The little maid stuck her tongue out and soon after he felt a small pinch on his behind that caused him to jump.
“OI!” He yelped as he replied, “it ain't the worst kind of greed now is it?” She shook her before inquiring when he was going to treat her to something proper. “Well, first, lose the fuckin’ frock, eh? Then Mr. Shelby will take you somewhere nice-”
“Not your bedroom!”
He snorted. “No, what kind of man do you think I am? No, that’s the second date.”
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shelby-fangirl00 · 1 year
Empty Spaces-Part Two
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Sorry for such the long wait if anyone is actually waiting for this! This was super fun to write :) Enjoy! I love reading what you guys thought so plz lmk! Once this internship of mine is over this month, I will be more consistent!
Warnings: age gap, cheating, smut (MINORS DNI, 18+)
What the fuck did you get yourself into? Fucking yourself in front of a married man. You felt so ashamed on the surface, but this desperate feeling of desire ate away at you. It was much stronger than the shame. Were you really that bad of a person for wanting to see him again, preferably before Mrs. Shelby returned? It’s not like you’re the only woman Thomas had pursued while being married. He’s the talk of the town. The women in Small Heath would go on and on about the bloody man. 
Today was your only free day this week, so you settled for a thin peach dress that grazed just above your knees. The dress was a few years old, so it was a bit snug. Honestly, it looked better on you like this. It hugged your hips in a flattering way. You stared back at yourself in the mirror, relishing in the way you looked outside of that god awful uniform you swam in. You felt more like yourself like this, more like a woman. You would’ve never worn something like this even a year ago, when you lived with family. Thomas certainly wouldn’t have any qualms about how you dressed.
You needed to clear your thoughts and get out of this awfully empty mansion. Your favorite place to visit on the property was the massive stables. Tommy had a few horses out here. I’ve seen him secretly having conversations with the horses as if they were people. He seemed to talk to them more than actual humans. 
It was a cloudy Sunday afternoon, so you didn’t expect anyone to be around today, or at least right now. 
‘Hello love.’ You whispered to the tall white horse behind the first stable door. Her name was Charm. She wasn’t a racing horse, just one of Tom’s beloved creatures. She was completely pampered, as she should be. 
She nuzzled her nose into your hand and you couldn’t help but to press your forehead to hers, as a sign of affection. She was such a beautiful and gentle horse. You liked talking to her too. Sometimes you would sit out here for hours reading and thinking out loud to her. Being here with Charm was your way to get away from that stuffy house. Aside from Francis, nobody ever noticed you out here until today.  
‘I see you’ve beat me to her again today.’ A deep voice chuckled out from behind, making you jump and yelp. 
You immediately stiffen as Thomas appears in your line of sight. Again?  You thought to yourself. Had he seen you here before? You could’ve sworn nobody was ever out here when you came. 
Color nibbled at your cheekbones in embarrassment for some reason. 
‘Shit sorry, I didn’t expect anyone to come here today.’ You stuttered out, averting your eyes to the hay bale where you had thrown off your shoes just minutes ago. You lowered to grab them in embarrassment, holding them behind your back. He studied you curiously as the shadow of a smile appeared on his face. 
You hadn’t seen him since he came all over your stomach and tits last night. You finally looked to his eyes as he walked towards you and Charm, reaching out to pet her long muzzle. His body was now inches from yours, leaning over the door that separated you from Charm. His scent flooded your nostrils, leaving you lightheaded. 
You both stood for what felt like minutes in silence, admiring Charm’s beauty. You waited to feel that certain uncomfortable feeling, like you needed to run away from the silence, find something to say. But that feeling never came. Calmness was all you felt. You shamelessly looked up at him. He was quite the vision. Being so close to him, you could see how every feature of his face was also calm and relaxed. You were used to seeing his face tight and stern with intimidation and disapproval. You wondered if he was some sort of fallen angel.
‘Did your father own horses?’ He asked, pulling you from your thoughts. His eyes sparkled as they scanned the length of your body quickly. Your stomach did somersaults at his attempt to be subtle. 
‘We never owned them, no. But I grew up on the countryside with other families. They owned many horses.’ I admitted to him.
His eyes shifted in curiosity, the wheels in his brain obviously turning, trying to figure you out. 
‘Did you grow up with gypsy folk?’ He asked, shocked by the realization. 
You couldn’t help but giggle at the look on his face. Taking a few steps back, you plopped down onto the hay bale to lace your boots back on.
‘Does that surprise you?’ You asked sarcastically. 
‘A bit actually. I didn’t expect someone like you to be living around many gypsies.’ He said with a laugh. 
‘Then I suppose you don’t know much about me now, do you Mr. Shelby?’ You teased, standing up.
 What did that comment really mean though? Your family has always had respect for the other families you lived and traveled with. You all took care of each other. They were like family and still are. 
You both studied each other’s faces, the thoughts of last night running through your heads as you bored into his eyes. You so desperately wanted him to touch your skin, to finally give your body a purpose.
His stepped in to fill the empty space between you, casually lifting a hand to stroke the stray strands of hair resting on your collarbone, like he’d done it a thousand times before. He watched your chest intently as it rose and fell, his eyes filled with a hungry look. 
He stepped even closer to you, forcing you to look up. He bent down slightly, placing his lips inches away from your ear as his hand cupped the back of your head lightly. Tingles ran down your spine.
‘What I do know is that your body is very responsive to me.’ His deep and sultry voice in your ear caused your thighs to squeeze and rub together. You nearly exploded right there. His fingers fell from your head to run along the length of your back, barely touching you.  
Fucking hell. He wasn’t wrong. You were a flushed mess under his touch. Goosebumps covered your exposed legs and arms. But you felt the guilt creeping back up your throat as he spoke. 
‘Thomas…your wife, I-I can’t betray her trust like that again-
‘My wife is out fucking politicians in London.’ He spat out, seemingly annoyed by the mention of her. You didn’t know if this is something you should apologize for or not. You did anyway.
‘I’m sorry.’ Your voice trailed off and he took a few steps back towards the entrance. 
‘Don’t be. Enjoy the rest of your day with Charm, love. Come up to my room tonight after diner.’ He said plainly, as he vanished from the stables, not waiting for your response. 
You stood outside of Thomas’s door, wringing your hands out over and over again. You didn’t feel guilty anymore about fooling around with Thomas after what he had told you. That didn’t stop the nerves that rolled through you the rest of the day. He was a much more experienced man. You had only ever had sex once before, so why would he want someone who didn’t know what they were doing? 
You took a long bath, preparing yourself for whatever the hell he planned to do to you in his own bed. The bed he shared with his wife. You felt guilty for not feeling guilty. You had slipped into another slim and plain dress. The dress was a deep red this time, fitting for the occasion. Feeling bold and needy, you were naked underneath, your hard and perky nipples poking through the dress. 
You went to knock on his door and it opened almost immediately. Thomas was standing there in a loose white shirt, his suspenders pulled down and around his shoulders. His eyes instantly darkened, looking over your body, stopping at your nipples. Your hair was down in a wild way. You usually had it pinned back for work, but you wanted him to see all of what you were. He had never seen you so stripped down. 
You couldn’t help but bite back a wide smile as you too, took all of him in. You wanted each other, it was obvious. 
He forced his eyes to the floor, moving aside to let you in, shutting the door behind him. 
You took in the spacious and dimly lit room. It was quite extravagant, the low rising bed in the center and a massive window covered the wall behind it. The moonlight lit up every inch of the bed. You turned to face him finally.
Without hesitation, he stalked over to you, stopping inches from your face. His breath was heavy on your lips. You fought every instinct to run away from him 
‘Hi.’ You giggled out playfully as he stared down at you. 
In an instant, his lips were on yours for the first time. Your body went numb as he engulfed you into the kiss. He pressed his firm hands onto the sides of your face lovingly. The kiss was firm but mostly gentle. 
A quiet moan escaped my mouth, forcing a growl out of him. He pulled back, still holding your face in his hands, admiring and appreciating this real version of yourself that you allowed him to see. 
‘You’re so fucking beautiful.’ He panted out breathlessly. His eyes were burning with lust. Your heart swelled at his words.  
Without fear, you reached your hand up to stroke his freckled cheek, running your finger along his pouty bottom lip. His eyes became heavy as he watched you.
With no warning, his hand shot up to swat your hand away. In one swift movement, he planted his hands on your waist, pushing you back until you were pressed against the wall. Both of you breathing heavily, he watched his own hands explore your body. They slid up your stomach and up the roundness of your chest, stopping at your nipples. He lightly pinched them into his big fingers. You hissed in pleasure as your back arched closer to him. Your mouths both hung open at the sensation. 
‘Fuck Tommy…’ You moaned out, causing him to chuckle. 
‘You’ve never called me that before.’ He stated, smiling for ear to ear. Before you could answer, his mouth was licking and biting at your neck, down your chest. You threw your head back in ecstasy as his greedy hands moved down to your thighs, pushing up your dress. 
He pulled back and looked down, eyebrows raised to his fucking hairline. 
‘Needy girl. Showing up to my room in nothing but this tight little dress. Practically begging me to touch you.’ He said as his hands reached around to squeeze your bare ass, forcing you up on your tippy toes.
‘Is that a bad thing?’ You croaked out honestly.
His face softened at your question. 
‘Course not, love. You’re honest about what you want. I like that about you.’
His hand moved from your ass to fall between your legs. He watched as if on instinct, your legs fell open for him and your hands wrapped around his neck. You hummed in satisfaction as his two fingers slid up the wet slit between your legs, coating his fingers in your liquids.  
He brought his fingers up for you to see the state of yourself. Your cheeks turned red in embarrassment. 
‘Oh god, I-I’m sorry…’ You whispered, looking away from him. 
He gently lifted your chin up to look at his fingers again. He proceeded to shove them in his mouth, sucking them clean, not looking away from you. 
He moaned lowly, sending more wetness to your core. You watched in awe as he licked the juices from his fingers. 
‘Don’t ever apologize for this. You taste so good. Is this because of me?’ He cooed before his hand returned to your pussy. You were so wet for him it was practically running down your thighs.  
‘Yes…I’m always like this when you’re around.’ He let out a low groan. He started to rub gentle circles into your swollen clit. Sparks flew around your stomach. You let out a whimper before letting your hands slid down his chest, feeling his tight and toned stomach and chest. As you worked your way down his stomach, you ran your hands down his hooded pants. He was so fucking hard. 
He growled, shutting his eyes as you finally touched him where he needed relief the most. 
As he kept rhythm with his hand rubbing your needy clit, you sloppily unbuttoned his pants and reached down to pull his throbbing cock free. You nearly gasped at the size of this man. You assumed that he was impressive, but you didn’t expect this. It made you even more needy than before. 
‘See how hard you make me? You always make me so fucking hard. Especially this morning...in that little dress. Fuck, you’re driving me mental...’ It’s like he was thinking out loud to you as his hands worked at your pussy. 
‘Tommy…pleeeease.’ You whimpered as his words were driving you closer and closer to your release. 
He knew what you wanted. Without hesitation, he slid two fingers past your barrier, forcing a gasp from you, then a throaty noise you couldn’t describe. He slowly dragged them back out and slammed back in, finding a desired pace. 
He felt so fucking good inside of your hot hole. While he pumped into you with one hand, he worked at your clit with the other. The sensations were almost too much to bar. Nobody had ever touched you like this before. 
Your breath became ragged and your legs started to shake from the pleasure. 
You looked down at his throbbing and twitching cock, the only exposed part on his body. 
‘That’s it. Chase that feeling…I want you coming all over my fingers.’ He panted into my ear as he quickened the pace on my clit and thrusted his fingers relentlessly into me. Your hands were bracing yourself on his chest. 
Just as he uttered the words, your body did as he said. He lightly pinched your clit between his fingers and the wave of pleasure washed over you. Your back bowed and your face contorted. Your mouth hung open but no noise came out. The orgasm was so intense, you were driving your nails into his shoulders now. His eyes devoured you as his mouth hung slack, completely overtaken by lust. 
As you came down from the high, you panted out, steadying yourself on his shoulders. After an unknown amount of time, you focused back on his delicious face. You felt amazing, but you needed more.
He gently pulled his two fingers out of you, forcing another hiss to escape your lips, your tight walls clenching down on him. 
You grabbed Tommy’s face, pulling him into a heated kiss. His tongue swirled into your mouth, making you fuss another whimper. The kiss was sloppy and your hands were roaming every inch of him. You quickly pulled off his shirt as he pushed his pants down and off his body. 
Pulling away from the kiss, he pushed the material of your dress up and over your head. You both stood there gawking, completely naked in front of each other. 
He was the most gorgeous human you’d ever laid eyes on. His chest was beautifully covered in small cuts and scars you couldn’t take your eyes off of. 
He gently took your hand into his, pulling you off the wall and leading you towards the bed. 
You were fucking insatiable. 
He sat down on the edge of the bed, and without hesitation, you climbed on top of his lap. He pressed his palms flat on your back as he looked up to kiss you. You grinded your sensitive core over his cock instinctively, making him moan into your mouth. You don’t know what came over you exactly. It was like being around Tommy brought out a different side of you. A more confident and relaxed version of yourself. 
‘I need to be inside you.’ He panted out, grabbing the sides of your head and pressing his forehead against yours. 
Without hesitation, you pushed yourself up and he aligned himself with your entrance. You both watched as the head of his cock rubbed up and down your folds before pushing slowly into your tight pussy. 
‘Oh fuck…’ You moaned out as you threw your head back. He watched as his cock disappeared, inch by inch into you. Your walls clamped down on him as he slid inside. 
He let out a low and throaty growl as he bottomed out inside of you, finally filling you up completely. You stayed planted down on him, adjusting to his size before his hands squeezed your hips, signaling for you to move. 
You slid up slowly, hissing as your walls were squeezing him so tightly. 
‘Shit, you’re so damn tight around me.’ His words egged you on, making you slam down on his cock over and over again. You felt so fucking powerful with him for some reason. It was as if you were a completely different woman. Someone you always wanted to be. You felt free. 
‘Fuck Tommy! Oh my god, please Tommy.’ You were a blubbering mess. Tears sting out from your eyes as your body tried to process this feeling. You had never been so fucking full. He chuckled before taking control of your body. He slammed his back into the bed, pulling you down with him. Your face hovered over his as he wrapped his strong arms around your back, ramming his cock up into you relentlessly. Your eyes squeezed shut, focusing on the feeling of him fucking you senseless. 
‘Look at me. I wanna see your pretty eyes when you come on my cock.’ 
Your eyes shot open at his words. Somehow, he pounded even harder and deeper into you. He watched you wildly was he brought you to your second orgasm. 
‘Fuuck!’ You screamed out, letting the pleasure wash over your face. You weren’t scared or nervous, you wanted him to see what he did to you.
Seconds later, his thrusts became sloppy as his release followed your own. You both never looked away as you came undone around each other. 
You stayed connected like this for minutes, staring into each other in awe. It was more than just casual sex. You both felt a connection being made in that moment, and it scared the hell out of both of you. 
Finally, you slipped off of him. You both moaned in protest as your pussy tightened around him more. His cock popped out, still hard as fuck. 
‘You alright, love? He asked softly as he pushed back the mangled hair in your face.
You smiled, exhausted but completely satisfied in the moment. 
‘I’m more than alright. I-I didn’t know it could feel like that.’ You chuckled out, your limbs going limp.
He smiled softly, planting a soft kiss to your forehead. ‘You took me so well, love.’
You smiled back at him, getting one last look of him like this before standing up and dressing yourself. 
‘You have somewhere to be?’ He laughed, not moving from his place on the bed. 
‘I should probably get back to my room. Thank you, Tom-
‘Please love, stay with me tonight.’ He said so gently as he gestured for you to come lay in his arms. You hesitated at first before saying fuck it and jumping back into the soft white sheets with him. His bed was much more comfortable than yours. 
He wrapped you into his chest, pulling the sheets over your bare bodies. His skin was so warm against yours. You nuzzled into him and he rubbed your back gently before the both of you dozed off in exhaustion. You were shocked by your own actions and even more shocked that you were in bed with Thomas fucking Shelby. 
You couldn’t help but remember Francis reminding you about Mrs. Shelby returning in two days. Your body shuddered at the realization. You tried to push the thoughts to the back of your mind and focus on this moment here in Tommy’s bed. 
Taglist: @lyarr24 @forgottenpeakywriter @casa-boiardi @crabat-the-queen @adaydreamaway08 @tigernach575 @trixie23 @star017 @oizyss88
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since you gave ur opinion on david… obligatory ask about ur opinions on jack :3
ah, you wish to hear about the boy?
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(I've decided to make one of these for every character I'm asked about because they're silly)
How I feel about this character: Jack Kelly, Jacky boy, Mr. Francis Sullivan rootin' tootin' cowboy himself. I think that Jack is one of the most interesting characters in Newsies if I'm being completely honest. It's also very easy for the casual viewer to dismiss him as the stereotype charismatic leader when there's a lot going on underneath that façade. There's soooo much to unpack about his character. And then there's also so much we don't know about him despite Jack being our main character. I think someone needs to give him a hug and a dog to pet (or a cat, or maybe a palomino.)
All the people I ship romantically with this character: First of all, let us establish that Jack Kelly is a bi disaster. You got it? Cool. As I've said, I'm not big on shipping, but I do absolutely love Javid. I also like both of his canon romantic relationships with Sarah and with Katherine. Uksies made me fall in love with Jatherine and I will personally defend Jarah with my life.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Blink and Jack! Blink did not tackle a cop off a horse to save Jack for nothing. I also love the chaotic duo that is Race and Jack.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I've said this before, but Jeremy Jordan is my least favorite Jack (nothing against Jeremy Jordan himself.) Also Jack is not the mom or dad friend, he's just a seventeen year old boy who's trying his best and if he became a leader in the eyes of the other newsboys he never really meant to.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish we'd gotten a scene in either version where Jack explains/apologies for scabbing. I mean, we kinda(?) get him apologizing to Katherine but also wasn't she there when he was handed the deal? (genuine question I haven't watched the musical in a while) I want to see him explain himself to the newsies or at least to David because in both versions we skip straight to Once and For All without any real reconciliation. There are also two specific scenes form the Hard Promises script that I wish had made it into the movie: one right before the rally where Jack says he knows a guy with dynamite (and David doesn't believe him), and one where he asks for a beer in Pulitzers office. Do they add much to the plot? No. But I love and support Jack Kelly raising hell and being a little shit.
Thank you for asking!
ask game
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asparklethatisblue · 4 months
for the reverse tropes thing.. fitzier + 1 & 3
Too many beds + Really nice guy who hates only you
Oooooh that’s a good combination
The short distance between the curb and the hostel’s entrance wasn’t short enough with the wind and the rain doing its best to drench them to the bones. Dragging their suitcases into the safety of a dry and warm room, Francis and James were already dripping rainwater onto the floor from just that quick dash.
“Good evening,” James said to the receptionist, smiling brightly as Francis carefully wiped his boots on the doormat. “We have a reservation? Under Crozier, I believe.”
The woman at the counter returned his smile, with a pitying glance at the way his hair was hanging heavy with rain.
“I do yes. I’m sorry, were you told that only our large rooms were available?”
“So long as there’s a bed, I’m sure we won’t mind.”
That Jopson had managed to book anything at all a mere two hours before Francis and James had set out on this business trip was a minor miracle. James had honestly not expected to find any reasonably priced rooms at all, but somehow Jopson had found this hostel that usually catered to youth groups and schools. Not at this time of year, at least.
They were shown to their room, and when James entered he let out a laugh.
“Look at this, Francis! I wasn’t expected a room this large for just the two of us!”
Ten beds stood in two rows along the walls of a long room, with a window at the far side. At least there were no bunk beds.
Francis grunted something incomprehensible and rolled his suitcase past James.
“Just like some vintage boarding school novel for young children,” James joked. “If it wasn’t raining so hard it would be picture perfect.”
Francis unwound his scarf and shrugged.
“If you say so.”
James pushed his suitcase to the bed just left of the door, and placed his messenger bag on the blankets. He glanced at Francis and then at the beds closest to him. Sure, it was a large room, but he had been looking forward to spending a week with Francis like this, both of them together all day and night. Perhaps something would come of it, if he was lucky. Perhaps his crush could finally be more than just a silly infatuation.
Francis looked at the bed James had picked, then at the rest of the room. He gripped his suitcase and walked right past the bed, and the next, until he was at the window. He placed his suitcase by the furthest possible bed away from James.
“I’ll go find the bathroom. We should sleep early.”
James watched him go by, his chest feeling oddly tight.
He didn’t know what he’d expected when Francis had returned to the office half a year ago, freshly sober and with a kindness that had rarely shown through before. James had felt such an odd little hope watching Francis take several interns under his wing, laugh around with Mr Blanky, be encouraging to his team. He’d even been polite to James. Yet…
Francis had never stopped being cold to him.
James got ready for bed as quick as he could, grabbed his toiletry bag and headed for the bathroom, just in time to see Francis head out of there. He forced himself to focus on nothing but getting ready for the night, not waste a thought on how jealousy reared its ugly head when Francis smiled at anyone but him.
When he finally returned to their shared room, Francis was in bed, back turned. James threw one longing look across the beds separating them, then quietly retreated to his own bed, and pulled the blankets over his head to hide his disappointment.
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @theselfshippingwitch, @psychokinetic-ectoplasm, @lulusplaycorner
warnings: swearing
Ray brought another box into the shop, putting it on the counter next to me. I smiled at him and squeezed his arm as I moved next to him.
“thank you honey.” I said, kissing his cheek as he rolled his eyes. “I think that’s the last box.”
“Isn’t it a little early to be decorating for Halloween?” Ray asked, squeezing my side as he moved past me. He headed back towards the front of the shop, turning back when I gasped.
“excuse you Raymond!” I joked. “It’s the first day of fall! I’m entitled.” Ray chuckled as he shook his head, smiling softly at me. “Besides if you really had a problem with it you wouldn’t have gotten the boxes out for me.”
“you have a point.” Ray mumbled, doubling back and kissing me softly. “Have fun.” I smiled at him and turned back to the boxes. “If you need help let me know.”
“thank you.” I muttered as I opened the boxes up. I started to separate everything on the counters as ray started doing inventory. “Where did you want me to hang the lights this year?” Ray looked up and shrugged.
“where you had them last year is fine.” Ray said. I gave him a look and ray frowned. “What?”
“ray, you complained all last year about walking into the, and I quote, damn lights I just had to hang up for Halloween and Christmas.” I laughed. Ray laughed.
“oh yeah.” He said. He held out his hand and I handed him the lights. “I’ll hang them. This way they’re out of my way for sure.” I smiled at him as he grabbed a ladder.
“while you’re up there, we might as well get the ghosts hung.” I said, leaning back against the counter to watch ray. He gave me a look over his shoulder before climbing up the ladder.
“I don’t understand why you have to put up the things I spent most of my life catching as Halloween decorations.” Ray muttered, teasing glint in his eye. I rolled my eyes as I handed him the stapler. “It feels like you’re making a joke of my life.” I laughed as he stapled the lights to the rafters.
“Raymond.” I giggled. He pretended to ignore me as he climbed down and moved the ladder. “Raymond.” He glanced at me, the beginnings of a smile on his face. I wrapped my arms around his arm and buried my face in his bicep as he started laughing. “Raymond Francis stantz. They’re your fucking ghosts.” I laughed as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close. Ray laughed as he kissed my head.
“shut the fuck up.” He chuckled. “I’ll hang them after I get the lights up.”
“thank you.” I whispered before kissing him. Ray nodded before climbing back up to put up the rest of the lights. I grabbed the gel clings and started putting them up on the front window and the door. The mirror behind the counter got drawn on with dry erase marker to make it look cracked. Ray finished up with the lights and started hanging the ghosts.
“are we putting them all up or are we just putting a few out?” Ray asked. I turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. He nodded with a laugh. “Right. What was I thinking. You go all out. As always.” Ray kissed my cheek as he walked past me to grab the ghosts. “Hey where’s the one that looks like slimer?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed. I walked over and shifted through the pile.
“uh im not sure.” I frowned. “It should be right here. Unless…no. He couldn’t…could he?” I looked at ray, watching as he scrunched up his nose in thought.
“he can’t leave the firehouse.” Ray said. “At least I don’t think…” there was a rustling from upstairs and ray looked at me.
“you go first Mr. Ghostbuster.” I said, gently shoving him. Ray nodded before heading through the back and up the stairs into our apartment. I was hot on his heels, neither of us caring the shop was still open downstairs.
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Ray groaned. “You ugly little spud!” I grabbed rays arm as slimer floated out of the kitchen and into our living room. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I laughed as Ray ran a hand down his face. "Alright you little fucker. Where's the decoration that looks like you?" Slimer shrugged, what could only be described as a smirk on his face.
"Ray, you know you're..." I started.
"Talking to a ghost. Yes." he said. "Slimer, I know you know where it is. Just bring it downstairs and try not to eat me out of house and home." Ray sighed. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and headed downstairs. "I swear I have no idea how he got here. Let's just finish decorating and maybe we can call Trevor or Phoebe to come get him later."
"I think we may need to call Peter instead." I said, smiling at Ray. He laughed and pulled me tighter.
"Oh he'd love that." Ray said, kissing my head. "Let's get the rest of these up. Maybe if Slimer behaves we can keep him around a bit."
"That honestly sounds creepy." I said. Ray chuckled and shook his head. "No I mean like imagine him while we're..."
"I get it. I get it." Ray said, dipping me as we walked and kissing me softly. I giggled as he righted me. "I can't very well lock him in a closet. But somehow he knew about when Peter would bring someone to the firehouse. Kept out of their way."
"Raymond." I groaned. Ray smiled at me.
"Ok. We'll get him out of the apartment." He said, kissing me before going to finish putting up the ghosts. "After we finish decorating." I nodded in agreement as I went to grab the various signs we had.
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theshynerdsworld · 4 months
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THE MUSE part 1
Benedict Bridgerton x female oc
As Benedict sighed, sitting down “I’ll never find the perfect muse” he started to pack his art supplies away, when someone walked in “did I miss it?” Benedict looked up and blinked, he saw a women wearing a blue dress with embroidered flowers on the hem, it looked hand done, she must of been twenty “the art class? Yes.” Her shoulders shrunk as Benedict got up “you are a model?” She nodded “yes.. sorry I’m Mary Francis”, “Benedict Bridgerton.” He noticed, she bit her lip softly when George walked in “Mary!” He walked to her and hugged her “sorry I’m late.” He did a little smile “it’s fine, i was going to do a private session, if you was interested.” She nodded “the usual amount.”, “of course.” She whispered, taking his hand “I’ll probably see you again Mr. Bridgerton..”
For five days, Benedict only thought of Mary. When he drew, it was mainly sketches, rough sketches of a women. When Benedict went to his next class, he stopped when he saw her. Laughing with George, touching his around, while holding her robe closed ‘was she to be naked’ he thought, setting up and George walked to him “your infatuated, with her.” Benedict scoffed “no… well yes but she would not be interested in private sessions with me. She works with you.” He started to set up, George looked at her then Benedict, did a small hum “why the hum.” He questioned “she asked about you my last two sessions, if you had a muse. I said no. I didn’t mind it. I think you would both work well. Plus she does this for the money. She lives with grandparents and they aren’t the nicest. She’s saving up to leave, that’s all I can say.” George cleared his throat when two other models walked in “ok, disrobe when ready.” The two models were naked but Mary wore sort of a underdress, it was cream colour. For beginners, to draw.
Benedict drew Mary and couldn’t keep his eyes off of her, he noticed her eyes closed as he drew her. After about an hour, they all heard George call out “and models, you can change your pose” which they did, he still drew her, noticing a small mark on her right shoulder, that she exposed. After the lesson, the models got dressed and paid, as Mary walked out. She stopped, seeing Benedict’s sketches and looked closer when Benedict walked in and watched against the wall as she looked curiously “like what you see.” She jumped and turned around “I’m so sorry, lord Bridgerton” he pushed himself off of the wall.
“Oh it’s definitely fine.” He paused as he collected his art supplies, putting them in his bag “and it’s Mr. Bridgerton. My brother is lord.” She nodded “you’re the only I guess, amateur who drew me.” She raised her eyebrow “are you insulted by that.” She shook her head “no..” she said, innocently “good night, Mr. Bridgerton” she started to walk out “George said you asked about me, Miss Francis.” Mary stopped and turned around, looking embarrassed “you are, George’s muse, aren’t you?” She shook her head “no. He just paints me, cause he says and I quote, I am interesting. He has two already.” He nodded “I am, in need of a muse. I can pay well.”, “he also told me your situation.” Mary pulled at her sleeve “oh?” She said, nervously “do you look down on me? Because of it?” He shook his head “I find it…” he paused and walked to her “respectable.” She snorted alittle “that makes no sense.”, “or Miss Francis. Does it make sense.” She put her head to the side. “To say, who your family is. Your education is slipping.”
He laughed and smiled “funny. I would like to paint you.”, “me? Why?” He walked closer to her “you are… interesting.” He teased using George’s words then said “no. I am infatuated with you. I cannot think or draw anything, that isn’t you.” She bit her lip and looked at her “ok..” was all she said “tomorrow. Come here and there will be a carriage waiting for you.” Benedict paused and said “we can talk about the position tomorrow. Maybe paint. Also, it’s a trial run.” He touched her face lightly, Mary leaned into his hand softly, closing her eyes. He looked down at her and went to say something but George walked in, she immediately moved away from him “goodnight. George. Benedict.” She swiftly left and George looked at him “you won’t be sorry.”, “what was your payment to her?” George sat down and sighed “four pounds and ten shillings per hour. I was gonna pay her more but she was comfortable with this arrangement.” Benedict nodded at him “right.”, “she will be good for you bridgerton.”
Benedict also sat down and looked at George “tell me about. Like the basics.”, “she’s very shy. Doesn’t do nude poses. She has come out of her shell, the posing in her underdress, was new for her. First time, with the nude models. Go slow with her, bridgerton.” Benedict nodded, grabbing his stuff, standing up, said goodnight and left.
The entire day, Benedict made sure his studio was clean but also ready. Making sure, he had props and paints, along with brushes, water, paper and anything else he needed. He was setting up the sofa, placing pillows and blankets when he heard his house keeper, Ms. Ranger open the door and say, softly “you must be Mary.” There was a pause and then heard “well, come in from cold. Let me take your cloak.” He heard the two walk, slowly and a knock at the door “enter.” He said, looking up as Mary walked in “anything else you need, Mr. Bridgerton?” He shook his head “right, off I go home, hopefully Mr. Ranger hasn’t burnt the house down.” With that, she left.
Mary stood awkwardly at the entrance of the door “come in.” He said “don’t be shy, also close the door.” He sat down and patted the seat next to him, she slowly walked in and closed the door, walking over to him, slowly sitting down. They looked at each other “George has told me some things, of course. We can start with face portraits, and that way we can get to know each other.”, “I’d like that.” Benedict stood up and said “would you like a drink? I have beer, whiskey, lemonade.” Mary thought and replied “lemonade, would be lovely.”, “ice?” Benedict asked as he walked to the drinks trolley “um.. yes please.” She stood up and looked around at the art and books, he watched her as she examined a sketch “that’s me..” she whispered “yes. The day we met, I couldn’t get your face out of my head.” He walked to her as she put down the paper, then took the drink “thank you, Mr. Bridgerton.” She sipped it slowly “call me Benedict.” She nodded “as long as you call me Mary.” He nodded “agreed.”
She sat down on the sofa and he watched her, walking to his paper “stay like that.” Mary went to put down the drink “keep the drink where it is.” Mary’s pose was her sat up straight and her glass near her mouth, Benedict started sketching and asked “why model?”, “cause going to parties and looking for a husband isn’t my cup of tea.” He put his pencil down and looked at her confused “I’m sorry?”, “you don’t recognise me?” She raised her eyebrow, as he studied her features, her copper hair and green eyes. He realised “oh my. Mary Francis. Your grandparents come from money, from mines. Do they know you do this?”, “nope.” She popped her p at the end, staying in her position “they’d have a heart attack or stroke and die. Maybe it is to my benefit.” He did a tiny chuckle “you can relax now.” She got up and walked to him “may I see?” He nodded as she looked “you don’t like it?”, “I like it. George never really captured many details on me…” she whispered near the end.
“Why would it benefit you, if you grandparents die?”, “I’d be free.” She stated “eveything would go to my older brother, who has the business from our parents, I have been saving my inheritance, modelling is a job until I can figure out where to go or what I want to do.”, “mind if I smoke?” She shook her, as he held the cigarette then lit it. Benedict pulled up a seat so she could sit down as he drank “why do you need a muse, Benedict?” He looked at her as he drank and said “I have no inspiration. What makes it worse is, my sister found my sketches in the fire” he sighed, looking at his drink as Mary stood up and walked to the sofa, sitting down then put her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands, Benedict looked up and smiled then grabbed his pencil then started to sketch. “Can you look more bored?”, “sure.” She put on a bored face and slumped more “perfect.”, ‘just like you’ Benedict thought.
After a few hours, they had finish and were sat talking on the sofa, siping their drinks, that has been topped up for the seventh time “have you ever has whiskey?” She shook her head “would you like to try ?” She complimented and nodded “ok..” she handed him, her lemonade then took his glass, taking a small sip and gaged giving it back to him and coughed taking her glass, gulping her lemonade and looked at Benedict, who laughed so loud “that was disgusting” she complained and slapped his arm gently “shut up.” She pouted at him, as he stood up and walked to his closet and pulled out, a small envelope and walked back as he cleared his throat. “So we let us talk. Shall we?” She nodded slowly “I think we need a few more sessions to see if we click.”, “I agree, Benedict.” She agreed, playing with her hands. “Shall we say, tomorrow?”, “that soon?” She questioned “yes.”
Mary thought “ok sure.”, “what are you thinking?” He hand held hands in his, they were bigger then hers, this made Mary bite her lip “would there be conditions if I was your muse…” she whispered “yes, there will be.” He paused and said “you can pose in group sessions but only private for me. This will be awkward to say, if you ever pose nude. It will only for me, not on else but I won’t push that. To start with, I will pay you six pounds and fifty shillings” he stopped her as she went to protest “then after a month, it will go to ten pounds.” Her mouth opened and she blinked “I can’t accept that..”, “yes you can.” He patted her hands and said “you should be getting home.” She nodded “of course. I.. will see tomorrow…” he watched her walk out and walked to the window, waiting for her to get into the carriage.
(This is my first time, doing this here don’t judge 😞😞)
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I remember your headcanon that if Francis was forced to draft in the army, he and Steven would meet. What happens if Mr Mosses did end up enlisting his son in the military? I don’t think Francis would be the type who’s good at fighting. Perhaps he’d be stuck as a low ranking soldier or something. How would Francis and Steven meet and how will their relationship go? How does Francis feel about being in the army, especially when his life is put on the line. Would Francis’s relationship with his father change in this timeline?
Okay admittedly its a bit hard to guess this because I'm not 100% sure on the timeline and what not (tbh I kinda feel like Steven is YOUNGER by a few years than Francis so...??) or when they both enlisted or how the US military even works.
Okay lets do this one at a time- if Mr Mosses went through with his decision (his wife is distraught) I agree that Francis would have a hard time dealing with the situation. He is NOT a fighter, not the way Steven is, and training would absolutely be hell for him. HOWEVER, I do think he would still do his best to adapt and while he's absolutely not the best, he still survived training. He'd def be a low-ranking soldier though but at least he's still alive.
Now in come Steven who I think arrives a year or so after Francis. Again its kind of hard to guess this because they're in completely different group (Steven I'm sure voluntarily joined the army and obviously enlisted for the pilot training) and again I have NO idea how the military works but fuck it they still meet somehow. They meet up in a group one night and got to talking about their lives and home. Francis doesn't spill about his home life right away of course but Steven is a friendly and mostly open guy so he talks about his family and his ma and his pops who's insanely proud of him (Francis is kind of envious about this) and how he'd always dreamed about being a pilot and how great it is to be able to fly and see the open sky and everything he wants to do after he finally gets the position and Francis is. Enamoured. Steven is open and adventurous and brave and they continue to meet each other throughout training despite not having much time for that but they made it work. Francis eventually opens up to Steven about his homelife and Steven comforts him which made their friendship grew stronger.
After Steven finally graduates as a high-ranking pilot and sent for missions they still keep in touch through letters and photos. They both talk about wanting to meet each other's families and get to finally spend time with each other outside of missions and trainings after all of this is over.
Okay this is where I'm really just BUTCHERING logic and timeline I'm SO sorry- but eventually Francis got out of the army (after surviving the war) and went back home. Do you remember the Moral Orel talk earlier about Clay? I imagine Francis and Mr Mosses relationship is similar to how Orel feel about his dad after Nature. He no longer cares about pleasing his dad or making him proud. Mr Mosses's actions proved that he doesn't care at all about Francis and he was done with him despite Mr Mosses for once finally showing approval at his son for being a soldier (a position that HE forced on him). Francis stayed around in his town for his mother but then left and cut off contacts with his father. This time because theres no lingering shame or guilt Francis regularly visited his mother and was there when she died so og!timeline pain where he didn't get to be there during her final moments is erased.
(another thing thats erased is him meeting Nacha but uhhhh thats for another day MEKDKDK)
Okay so we're back to where things are supposed to be but with a completely new timeline. I can't see Francis continuing being a soldier so after his contract was up he just went and got odd jobs rather than go back to the military. I'm not entirely sure WHAT he does for a living (I'm sure soldiers get pensions or smth??? but idk) but its a little bit like the og timeline with the addition of military experience and ex-soldier in his list. While Steven is off on missions Francis also visits Mclooy who Steven talked about a LOT and who he always wanted to meet and he became the father figure that Mr Mosses never was.
(also sidenote but about Mclooy's wife- I kind of feel like she's dead before the game began and he's a widow?? Idk it just feels like it to me the only thing I'm unsure of is when she died but I also have this headcanon that Steven and his dad only started living in the apartment after she died)
Back to Steven. Again, we circled back to how canon went with him continuing being a pilot for the military. He still does live with his dad, the only difference is that he and Francis are much closer because they've known each other for years through hell. I like to imagine after the war is done they regularly visited each other and Francis spends a lot of night at the Rudboys's house before they moved into the apartment. They're best friends and have the strongest bond out of all the residents (besides married couples and families)
(also off topic BUT if you want to see a Francis who enlisted in the army check out @/phatkochi's Milkplane swap au where Francis is in the navy! just a suggestion cuz I can't draw or write any of my headcanons down, at least not something this detailed)
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olympeline · 6 months
FrUK FACE family Parent Trap AU, part 7! Part 1
So, Alfred and Matthew made a successful switcheroo and are now living with their other respective dads. The first few days for both of them just pass in a whirlwind of new experiences: new sights, new sounds, new smells, new surroundings. Alfred and Mattie struggle to take it all in, but in a good way. And, of course, at the centre of it all is Francis and Arthur. It’s tricky being around them because the twins want to get to know them so badly but they can’t act like it because that would be weird. Alfred in particular has to dash out of the house to go run around with Mr. Kumajiro a couple of times because the need was getting too much. Francis notices “Mattie” has become more energetic, but accepts Alfred’s excuse that he got really into sports at camp. It’s not such a stretch since Matthew has always been outdoorsy anyway and Francis puts it down to his little boy growing up. Wine, misty eyes, and a long purusing of their family photo album once Alfred has gone to bed that night. Francis may be a suburban dad now with a mortgage and PTA meetings, but he sees no point in life if one can’t be dramatic every once in a while ;)
Then, Summer is over, and the twins have to go back to school. Alfred to Matthew’s fancy private school, and Matthew to Alfred’s normal NYC public school. Alfred puts on his uniform (urgh, monkey suit! Didn’t his dad used to wear something like this?) and is surprised when Francis drives him to school rather than let him walk or get the bus. The school is pretty close, but Francis does it anyway. He’s chill about things like Alfred’s earring, but then pivots and is overprotective about stuff like Matthew getting to school alone. Weird. Meanwhile, Mattie braces himself for the journey on the subway. Arthur is generally stricter than Francis, but he trusts “Alfred” to make his own way to school right through the heart of New York? Weird.
School for both of them goes about as well as it could. Alfred has a lot of friends and Mattie is immediately swept up in their hustle and bustle. Acting up in class pains him, but he has to do it to maintain the illusion. Alfred isn’t a bad kid, but he is a loud and energetic one. Matthew does his best (cringing inside) but his teachers still comment on his good behaviour. Mattie is worried…until he goes home and sees how pleased Arthur is. The teacher messaged him and Arthur couldn’t be prouder “Alfred” is taking school more seriously. Mattie can’t feel too bad about it then. Not after seeing his dad smile. Until Arthur bakes them some cakes to celebrate.
It’s a curse, Mattie thinks to himself as he struggles to chew through the charcoal without his eyes watering. A satanic curse. It must be, eh?
Meanwhile, Alfred does his best to keep up his Mattie act in his new “ooh, la, la” (his words) private school environment. Matthew is a model student, behaviour wise, and warned Alfred that he can’t get in trouble even a little or people will suspect. This is not easy for Alfred. Even less because Matthew is also a loner, so he has noone to help distract him from the boredom. It’s not that the other kids dislike Matthew, rather they just don’t seem to notice him. The teachers appreciate how well behaved he is but they also tend to forget he exists. Again, extremely not easy for extroverted, vivacious Alfred. He can’t keep his exuberance fully under control and it’s a shocker moment for the class when their geography teacher has to tell Matthew Bonnefoy to pay attention for the first time ever(!) Haha, oops. At least they didn’t call Francis. Yet.
The twins have kept in contact and message each other frequently for hints and tips, and (in Alfred’s case) reminders about French vocabulary. They have a long talk about school after the first week and Mattie is irritated and stung when Alfred thoughtlessly comments on his lack of friends. Matthew snipes back about how happy Arthur was when the teacher complimented “Alfred” on his behaviour. Something which gets to Alfred more than he likes to admit. The boys end their talk early that night and both go to bed feeling ruffled.
The next morning when Matthew wakes up, he comes down to breakfast (🥲) as usual. Only to freeze in the kitchen doorway when he sees who’s making it. Arthur is sitting at the table, reading the paper news he still refuses to trade in for an app. At the stove, cooking omlettes that actually smell good, is:
“Buenos días, Al! You want two eggs or three?”
Mattie recognizes the handsone spaniard from the pictures Alfred showed him. His work trip done, Tony is back.
(Life has been busy so here’s a shorter update. Hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for part 8 (´ε` )♡)
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