#mr classic jurassic
slaughter-books · 9 months
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Day 13: JOMPBPC: Classic
Are these books classics? I think they are! ❤️🦕
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superblysubpar · 6 months
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🎵 " She's Seen All the Classics, She Knows Every Line" 🎵
Just once, I want my life to be like the movies. Preferably one from the list below. But no, no, John Hughes and The Duffer Brothers did not direct my life.* - Stranger Things stories inspired by some of my favorite movies of various decades.
Most of these are not straight "AU's" of the films, but more my love letter to them. I'm excited to share these, and I hope you enjoy** // My blog is 18+
🖤 no tag lists for this, as I don't really have a schedule or way to organize that
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Hey Girl, Don’t You Realize
A Robin Buckley story inspired by the films Some Kind of Wonderful and Say Anything
You’ve Got To Love Her
An Eddie Munson story inspired by the films Pretty In Pink and The Breakfast Club
I Fell So Ceaselessly
A Nancy Wheeler story inspired by the films Heathers & Clue
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So, Kiss Me
A Steve Harrington story inspired by the film She’s All That
Oh, But You’re Lovely
A Robin Buckley story inspired by the film My Best Friend’s Wedding
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I’ll Be Waiting
An Eddie Munson ( and a touch of Steve Harrington) story inspired by the films John Tucker Must Die & A Cinderella Story
Holds You Captivated
An Eddie Munson story (with quite a bit of Steve Harrington too) inspired by the film The Devil Wears Prada
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I'll Take You There
A Steve Harrington story inspired by the films Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Miss Congeniality
Baby, I'm A Wreck
A Steve Harrington story in a Spiderman AU
So Baby, Take My Hand
A Steve Harrington story in a Jurassic Park AU
I'll Seek You Out
stories heavily inspired and in a semi-Twilight AU | Vampire Steve and Werewolf Eddie
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🖤Each individual story will have their playlist linked with masterlist
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*paraphrased from the iconic speech Olive gives in the film Easy A.
**Because I am working on writing in my personal career, outside of Tumblr life, I need something not only for research and practice, but also for FUN. So, these are projects I will be working on slowly - I don't really have set deadlines yet or know if I ever will. They won't update by decade or character, just whatever I'm working on is the order they'll go in. However, each story will upload at once - not chapters spread over time, but as long "oneshots" typically split into two to three parts.
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silamander · 3 months
In honor of Lautski week, time for Lautski headcanons
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They always have some sort of physical contact going on, whether it’s arms around each other, legs tangled up, or intertwined hands.
They do the Lumity hug lift thing anytime they hug. Steph just lifts and spins Pete cause he’s a twig.
Steph’s favorite place to kiss Pete is his nose.
Pete has a running joke of Steph being a moth because she stares at lights so much (ADHD Steph is a whole other discussion for another day-)
Steph will tell Pete a ton of the popular kid drama before they start dating and all of it after, even if she was sworn to secrecy for some of it (most of her friendships are likely formed for superficial reasons so she might not care much about breaking their trust) and Pete pretends not to be super invested even though they both know he is.
Pete is the most attentive and perceptive partner ever. He picks up on every little detail. Steph had a bad day? Pete instantly knows how to cheer her up. Steph is excited about something and needs to talk about it? Hey babe what’s up tell me all about it. Pete’s the type to start keeping snacks on hand because he knows Steph’s internal clock and that she always forgets to eat and then gets hangry after a few hours.
They frequently have sleepovers and they try to be all cute and cuddle with each other but Steph moves around way too much for that to be a good viable option. Pete has woken up on the floor at least twice because Steph rolled over too many times.
They vent to each other about their problems/stress in private. It always ends in them making fun of someone/something that’s caused them these feelings.
Pete loves horror movies because he’s a special effects geek and Steph lies and says she likes horror movies so she still looks cool but is actually not a fan and the scares almost always get her.
Pete is also a Jurassic World Evolution junkie and he shows Steph all the parks he makes (no I am not self projecting).
If Ruth, in any timeline, lives to see Peter and Stephanie have a child, she’d be a MENACE of an aunt and teach that kid ALL THE SWEARS. Richie would put on his favorite animes for them, and get them hooked. The two of them would never admit it, but they love how much Steph and Pete care about each other, and are so insanely proud of Pete.
Ted would be so stoked that Pete pulled the most popular girl at his school and she’s so clearly head over heels for him AND she’s helping Pete feel more confident?? Fuck yeah that’s Ted’s sister now. Steph and Ted probably mess with each other in a really brother/sister way anyways. (Not that Ted would ever admit to Steph that he sees her as a sister. He has a reputation, y'know?)
Pete's parents love her too. Mrs. Spankoffski loves her boys but she needs someone to have a little girl time with (and Steph of course would love to have a maternal figure in her life). Pete's dad and Steph definitely talk a fuckton about classic rock. No thoughts just daddy issues, motherless, only child Steph getting the family she deserves by being with Pete :]
They're so cringe, i love them <3
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weepingfoxfury · 5 months
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The man on the radio is still the 'I like pushing random buttons' man on the radio. The usual man on the radio is in Sweden for Eurovision. Lots of classical this morning, something from Michael MacDonald and today's quiz was the music from Jurassic Park. As ever, I had no clue. The traffic lady has been and gone and been and gone ... she mentioned Killmoon Cross several times. Obviously a popular spot this morning and one to avoid.
Apple blossoms ahoy! Lots more apples expected for later in the year.
Ooh! A second quiz. The prize is a two night hotel stay with gourmet dinners. The question refers to a children's author and which books is he famous for. I have no idea as to the answer for this either.
A new stray cat has started coming around. Paler than palest of gingers ... looks like a ghost at night on the camera. Shorter legs than most cats, but the usual hard life looking face. It will take a lot of time to get to know this one, jumps with every twig crack.
Mr Anka sings his version of Mr Brightside before Chicago pushes him off the stage.
I'm thinking of apple pie, custard and cream. Even better, blackberry and apple pie. Family times sitting round the table. Times with friends that led to food fights and cream ending up on curtains, carpet and cats. Not that the cats minded.
Shiny metropolis is calling. Time to vamoosle. More coffee first ... always time for more coffee ...
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hannahssimblr · 8 months
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I’m pretty sure I’ll throw up, it’s not a matter of if, but when. I sit shivering and grey faced in the boys changing room at nine o’clock, Friday morning and wish I was dead. Actually, I’ve wished I was dead rather consistently for the duration of the morning, from the moment I woke up at seven after maybe two hours of sleep, while preparing my sister’s breakfast, while showering, dressing myself in my horrible uniform and for the whole seafront walk to the school gates, where I kept imagining cars swerving over the cycle path and mercifully mowing me down. 
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“Jude, man, what time you get home at last night?” Fitzy is in my ear, “I’m so hungover, man, my head is bloody pounding.”
“Dunno,” I reply, “Not long after you I’d say,” through the aura of my vicious migraine I peer at my phone screen where one new message notification blinks at me. 
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Jude, darling. Just thinking of you after our call. I hope you’re doing okay. I know I shouldn’t be worried but if you want to talk again tomorrow I am available. Lots of love & miss you every day. xoxox Maureen. 
Jesus Christ. Did I call Aunt Maureen last night? I check my call log to see that indeed, I made a long distance call to New Mexico at four in the morning. A seven minute call. A groan of despair escapes me. I have no recollection. What did I say to her? Something unhinged enough to warrant this anxious text message, whatever it was. I bet I was an incoherent, embarrassing mess. 
Sorry Maureen, it’s all good. I was just a bit homesick. We should catch up properly at the weekend if you’re free. No need to worry. X J
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It’s a cruel thing, P.E first thing on a Friday morning, but Mr. Doherty, a likely sadist, seems to love it. This is the same man who scheduled an African drumming workshop the day after our junior cert results came out, knowing full well what he would be inflicting upon a classroom full of hungover sixteen year olds. 
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He’s got a basketball in his hands today, bouncing it around the gym floor with his legs spread out about a metre apart. I don’t know why he stands like that, though I suspect perhaps it's a part of his lifelong quest to become the world's most intimidating man and take up the maximum amount of space possible. I made up a story about seeing him on a public bus seat with his legs at a 180 degree angle once, and I still hear it repeated sometimes as though it's fact.
He’s going on about teams, explaining something involving those smelly polyester bibs that nobody has washed since 1972, but I am distracted by the sunlight from the windows edging the ceiling and the way that is so unmanageably bright. Doherty pulls the first of the neon bibs out of the bucket and the sight of it, the colour, the sweat stains around the armpits, makes my stomach lurch. 
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“Bib, Turner,” he barks as he throws it at me and I catch it, along with a whiff of stale sweat and Jurassic era skin cells and I drop it right onto the floor, guts churning as I race to the toilets and retch and puke, fallen to my knees inside the filthy stall until there’s nothing left inside me. 
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“Classic Jude,” someone is saying when they all filter into the changing rooms afterwards while I still clutch the bowl. I must be here forty minutes now. “Always throwing up.” 
“Y’alright?” Someone else calls out, and I groan. “Well Doherty wants you when you’re done. He’s waiting in the gym.”
“Fuck sake,” I fist my hair in my hands and considering knocking myself out and getting the nurse to send me home.
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It’s another few minutes until I trust myself to exit the bathroom, and then, like a shell of a boy, I trudge out to the gym on rubber legs to where Doherty waits beneath a basketball hoop. 
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“I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while,” He begins, his voice echoing through the rafters.
“Uh huh,”
“It’s Friday. Jude. It’s a school day. How is it that you think you can show up to class in this state?”
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“Dunno, sir.”
“I know that you’re a smart boy, right? You know better than this. So when you’re at school, that means you come prepared, well rested, homework done, and in a decent, respectable state, do you understand? You can’t be off doing whatever you like with your evenings, especially if you’re going to show up to my class like this. I shouldn’t even have to explain this to you.”
“Yes sir.”
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“This is an insult to me, do you hear what I’m saying? You think because it’s P.E on Friday that you can rip the piss? That you don’t have to take it as seriously as other classes?”
“No, Sir.”
“You’re the same at my Rugby practises too these days, you’ve gone all soft and unfit on me. Is this why? Are you out galavanting every night of the week?”
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I hesitate, “Some.”
“Is the boom back already? Sex drugs and rock n roll and whatnot.”
“I dunno what any of those things are.”
“Oh, give me a bloody break. You think I was born yesterday? I could smell your type a mile away, and this is my last straw. I want to see you in detention today from four to five.”
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I leap to attention, “Wait, no, sir, I can’t do detention.”
“Seriously, Turner? Are you joking me right now?” “Yes, no, honestly sir. I have an agreement with the school. I don’t have to do detention on Fridays, ask the vice principal, I have-”
“Well that’s the biggest load of bollox I ever heard, do you know that? Special agreement,” he scoffs, “Yeah, pull the other one.”
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“I’ll do it Monday, I promise, I just can’t tonight.”
“You’re heading out again, is it? More partying? More drinking and acting the mick? I don’t think so. Detention at four.”
“But sir, I-”
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“Don’t talk to me. Decision is final, and if you’re not there, consider yourself suspended.” 
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I pace the yard at lunchtime waiting for a call to connect. 
“Oh, Trisha, hi, it’s Jude Turner, um, Ivy’s brother?”
“Oh Jude, sweetheart, how are you keeping?”
“Good, yeah, uh, just wondering, are you picking her up from school today?”
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“As usual… unless something has changed? She and Ella were planning to work on some sort of group project for school, but if you want to come and get her earlier…”
“No, this is about her piano lesson.”
“Yes, I expect I’ll drop her off at four as I always do…”
“Right, yes, is there any chance that maybe you could collect her too? Just for this week.”
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She hisses through her teeth, “Ahh, well you know that we have swimming lessons Fridays at five, we’ll have to be straight on the road… is there going to be a problem collecting her?”
“Um, no, just school stuff, there’s a chance I’ll be delayed.”
“What about your mum, sweetie?” 
“She works until six usually,” there’s dead air on the line and I quickly babble on to fill the silence, “But I’m sure if I tell her what’s happening she’ll leave early, never mind anyway Trisha, I just thought I’d ask.”
“Alright! Sorry about that, love, I’m sure your mum will get it sorted.”
“Yeah. Same. Bye,” I put my phone back into my trouser pocket. No point even trying mom’s phone. She never answers and if she did she wouldn’t help.
The bell rings for the end of lunch. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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neoneun-au · 1 year
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A post for my book recommendations, to be continuously updated as I read and remember more. Because without reading, I would not be writing. 
All time favourites are marked with a ☆
All are sorted by genre and will be linked (if able) to their Goodreads pages so that you can dig deeper into whatever catches your eye.
(ps if you have a Goodreads account, you can add me here)
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Anthology/Short Story Collections
Behold This Dreamer - Walter de la Mare ☆
Love Letters of Great Men - Ursula Doyle
Difficult Women - Roxane Gay
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories - Ken Liu
The Elephant Vanishes - Haruki Murakami
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Bad Feminist - Roxane Gay ☆
Bluets - Maggie Nelson ☆
On Freedom - Maggie Nelson
In Praise of Shadows - Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
Malleable Forms - Meeka Walsh ☆
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Fiction (Classic)
Persuasion - Jane Austen ☆
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Awakening - Kate Chopin
North and South - Elizabeth Gaskell ☆
Siddhartha - Hermen Hesse
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera ☆
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
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Fiction (Modern)
All’s Well - Mona Awad ☆
Bunny - Mona Awad
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach
The Pisces - Melissa Broder
White Oleander - Janet Finch
For Today I Am A Boy - Kim Fu
The Vegetarian - Han Kang
The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova ☆
Fall on Your Knees - Ann-Marie MacDonald
A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing - Eimear McBride
No Country for Old Men - Cormac McCarthy
The Road - Cormac McCarthy ☆
Under the Hawthorne Tree - Ai Mi
The Song of Achilles - Madeleine Miller ☆
After Dark - Haruki Murakami ☆
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage - Haruki Murakami
1Q84 - Haruki Murakami ☆
Hamnet - Maggie O'Farrell
The English Patient - Michael Ondaatje
Boy, Snow, Bird - Helen Oyeyemi
Mr. Fox - Helen Oyeyemi ☆
A Tale for the Time Being - Ruth Ozeki
The Overstory - Richard Powers ☆
The Godfather - Mario Puzo
Blindness - José Saramago
How To Be Both - Ali Smith
The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt ☆
The Secret History - Donna Tartt
Ru - Kim Thúy
Brooklyn - Colm Tóibín
Big Fish - Daniel Wallace
Kitchen - Banana Yoshimoto
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The Exorcist - William Peter Blatty
Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton
Gerald’s Game - Stephen King
The Shining - Stephen King
Audition - Ryū Murakami
I’m Thinking of Ending Things - Iain Reid
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Manga/Graphic Novels
Basilisk - Futaro Yamada, Maseki Sagawa
Death Note - Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata
Eureka Seven - Jinsei Kataoka, Kazuma Kondou
Nana - Ai Yazawa ☆
Paradise Kiss - Ai Yazawa
Uzumaki - Junji Ito
xxxHolic - CLAMP
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Speak, Okinawa - Elizabeth Miki Brina
Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness - Susannah Cahalan
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - Caitlin Doughty
I’m Glad My Mom Died - Jennette McCurdy
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Haruki Murakami
Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books - Azar Nafisi
Henry and June - Anaïs Nin ☆
The Glass Castle - Jeanette Walls ☆
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Non-Fiction (General)
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking - Susan Cain
The Red Market - Scott Carney
The Swerve: How the World Became Modern - Stephen Greenblatt
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right - Jane Mayer
The Psychopath Test - Jon Ronson
The Elements of Style - William Strunk Jr, E.B White
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Non-Fiction (Philosophy/Spiritual)
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge - Carlos Castañeda
Silence: In the Age of Noise - Erling Kagge ☆
The Kybalion - Three Initiates ☆
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation Through Hearing in the Bardo - Chögyam Trungpa
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu
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Poetry Collections
I Love My Love - Reyna Biddy
Let Us Compare Mythologies - Leonard Cohen
The Prophet - Khalil Gibran
The Anatomy of Being - Shinji Moon
The Beauty of the Husband - Anne Carson ☆
Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth - Warsan Shire
Night Sky with Exit Wounds - Ocean Vuong
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Speculative Fiction
Dune - Frank Herbert
Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel ☆
Battle Royale - Koushun Takami
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True Crime
Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders - Vincent Bugliosi
In Cold Blood - Truman Capote ☆
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Young Adult
A Great and Terrible Beauty - Libba Bray ☆
The Diviners - Libba Bray
The Sun is Also a Star - Nicola Yoon
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carsonian · 1 year
Cap-IM Rec Week: Absolute Faves Monday
@cap-ironman, in no particular order:
"One-Man Army" by Captain_Panda
Takes place immediately after the Chitauri attack in Avengers 1. Steve is running himself into the ground. Tony notices. Then Steve gets knocked down hard. And Tony intervenes.
Mt. Everest. The fic that I've made 20+ fanarts for, the one that's been ricocheting around my noggin since I first read it. Ahh, OMA. You big, bombastic beauty.
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"Role of a Lifetime" by Annie D (scaramouche) (@no-gorms)
It’s been almost a year since Tony was rescued from the Ten Rings by SHIELD. In this time, Tony has forged a new path for Stark Industries and taken on a new under-the-radar role as a consultant for SHIELD. Tony’s SHIELD job eventually brings him into contact with the newest Captain America, who’s a pretty cool guy, though for security reasons Tony can’t know his real name or see his face without the Captain America mask. This is also about the time that Tony notices a certain Mr. Stevens, a new hire in SI’s corporate office...
This AU….this AU… I tell ya, THIS AU….this is some high-quality, top-grade, cutting-edge, organically grown, grass-fed, imdb ten of ten, five-star michelin, test-tube perfection, new york bestseller, billboard luster, knockout buster shiz.
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"Meso Park" by Captain_Panda
As the head theropod keeper for A.I.M.'s extraordinary new project, Steve Rogers wants a smooth summer opening. Then the unthinkable happens, on the same day the investor of a lifetime arrives, ready to throw his support behind the world's most ambitious theme park. Can Meso Park survive the upheaval? Can Steve? Tune in to this dinosaur-themed adventure inspired by Michael Crichton's classic, Jurassic Park.
I've said it many times before, I'll say it again: if Meso Park has 100 fans, I'm one of em. If Meso Park has 10 fans, I'm one of em. If Meso Park has 1 fan, that fan is me. If Meso Park has 0 fans, I am no longer alive. It's not yet finished and I'm already sure it's the fic of the decade. That's just Meso Park for you.
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"Gather Ye Rosebuds" by lazywriter7
It isn’t like that, for many people. For them, love is the point: the axis around which everything else revolves, the destination at the end of a long, tumultuous journey. Realisation, confession, resolution. Happy ending. That’s how it goes. And love was a point in Tony Stark’s journey, except it came towards the beginning, rather than the end. The issue, instead of the solution. He hasn’t been alone on the trip, of course. Steve’s been there: sometimes three steps behind, sometimes waiting up ahead by the turn of the road. They’ve sprinted and stumbled, sometimes stood still and refused to move on ahead, sometimes thought of turning away altogether. Steve and Tony’s story began after they fell in love, and this is about how they fell in everything else.
I read this Way Back When, and I remember thinking I'd never seen such a convincing portrayal of MCU SteveTony and how a genuine relationship between the two of them could emerge while still accounting for (hold your puke) canon. Still rock-solid all the way through; knock against the fic at any point, and it will answer back with a fun two-part joke. Lush stuff.
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"The First Time I Went Dancing Sober" by schemingreader
Steve Rogers is a great physical therapist who works with sick kids. Tony Stark is a damaged biotech engineering genius who really wants to be one of the good guys.
I've recc'd this before so I won't blabber on but rest assured it is heartwrenchingly good.
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"But Your Spirit is Untainted; I Can Dedicate You Still" by BlossomsintheMist (@blossomsinthemist)
The incursions crisis is over, and Steve and Tony have gotten back together, but nothing is the same as it was. Fearing that things are broken between them forever, Steve asks Tony something unexpected to try to make things right. Or, Steve asks if Tony really meant what he said when he asked Steve to hurt him. Sequel to Might Have Cherished You More Wisely.
I couldn't give less of a FUCK that this isn't technically finished. It is finished, to ME. The character-building in this story is just rich and fleshy and the stuff of true finesse. I read this every once in a while just to have the taste of masterful storytelling on my tongue. You should, too ;)
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"Sins of Omission" by Kiyaar (@kiyaar)
A Post-Civil War, Pre-Secret Invasion AU where Steve is dead, Tony's a mess, and everything sucks. In which Tony deals poorly with Steve's death, falls off the wagon, sees ghosts, and misses a lot. Oh, and the Skrulls are about to invade.
When I first came across this fic, I devoured it in about 2 days and proceeded to be devoured by it for the next 2 months. :) Lovely stuff!
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"Catechism" by manic_intent (@manic-intent)
Inspired by fanart seen on tumblr, this is an End of Days story, with all the Avengers as Archangels. Tony had always known that he was a special snowflake. He just hadn't realized exactly how special.
Listen. I'm a simple gal. This ticks off all the boxes, uh-hello!
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"not gruesome, just human" by isozyme (@isozyme)
“I need to crash on someone’s couch for a while. Your couch. I need to crash on your couch,” Tony says. Steve’s mouth opens. If he asks why Tony’s going to bolt, he can feel the certainty of it under his sternum. He doesn’t have a sternum anymore, just a tangle of metal under his skin. Too many things have punched through it to get to his heart. There hasn’t been enough bone left to reconstruct anything made of flesh in a long time. “There’s borscht on the stove,” Steve says.
Raw. Punchy. Kind of makes me want to weep. Kind of makes me smile. Lotsa stuff that you can only write about when you've been down and which after reading will lift you right back up.
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And I'll stop myself there because I could definitely just go on and on and on.
Go forth: SteveTony lovers, fuckers, ambassadors, champions, perverts, freaks, losers, dreamers, legends! Read, re-read, kudo, comment, spread legs and spread love.
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bmblboop · 11 months
RWBY X Justice League... TWO!
Gonna do another liveblog while killing some time. Here goes!
-cut for length-
UHD is 480p? This movie has been out for two weeks and it's not 1080? I thought the first one was only that way bc I got it day-of!
Ugh, I wont get mad over it. The YT edition gave me trouble the last time too - let's just see how it goes.
Recap! Took me a minute to realize this is the Weiss vs Bruce music from the first movie - which is definitely the closest we've gotten to classic RWBY music.
"'Grimm' as in, "The Brothers"?" For half a second I thought she was referring to the Gods of Light and Dark but no as in the authors 'Brothers Grimm' because the DC universe is supposed to be Earth and fairytales are just fairytales here. Are they gonna lean more into the allusion aspect of RWBY et. al now that we have a world where Red Riding Hood and the others are just stories?
Jurassic Park moment with the Pterrorsaur. Except this time they can literally smell fear.
Epic Ruby moment vs the Taijitu (first time in Maya), love how creative the fights are.
Grimm on Earth turn to gunk? Hopefully it's just goo and not regeneration-goo (like the Wyvern 'Blood' in v3).
Ooh, when the Kilg%re/Goliath gets punched the cracks are yellow. Color scheme: red, white, black, yellow.
When I saw the flash of purple tailing Batman I thought TYRIAN!? Nope, it's just a Scorpion with a modified tail... suspiciously like Tyrian's. Guess Watts is involved after all.
Saw this preview clip, but ow. Weiss is still hurting from losing Atlas, and I honestly don't blame her. That was her home, and it's straight up gone. Glad to see this carry through from v9, as well as Ruby's post-renewal mindset.
Voice changer to keep the mystery voice a mystery.
Mmm Flash angst. Reminds me of v9 Jaune. Blond boys get no sleep.
Had to pause on Weiss' contacts screen and I love that shes got all her teammates, all her family, and Maria just, lurking. Lol
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Clearly Maria has her own scroll but I do have to wonder how good she is at tech things given she has such a close-cropped image. Or maybe she doesn't give a shit XD.
Love love love that conversation with Klein, I love that this is the direction of Weiss' character arc and I love that daddy issues whammy of 'He abandoned Atlas long before it fell.' 'Do you mean Atlas, or your family?'
Time dilation double pun. The 'when you are needed most' line at the end of v9 and Weiss being the one saying 'we have experience with that' considering one of her glyphs is Time Dilation.
Blake breaking down the door feat. Yang's flirty wink.
XD Ruby entering the portal in style
We finally got a 'not in Kansas anymore' referenceeeee.
Oh, split up along Weiss/Blake and Yang/Ruby this time, glad to see it! Time for sisterly conflict.
Heh. Joker and Harley watching the city burn.
Oh now I see why Blake went to Gotham. Cat. Bat. "This is where he's from. I get it now."
The way Ruby just knew that she'd still be able to move like she did on Remnant. My girl. (Was worried for a sec she was gonna try to Silver Eyes it and that would fail)
"You learn not to question Flash's villain roster." That got a laugh out of me and I don't even know about Flash's lore.
Something about Weiss mentioning "Mr Freeze" while dressed as an Ice Princess is funny to me.
The particles on Blake and Jessica's fist bump :D
Aw man, it IS regeneration goop!
I guess 'consciousness is stored' is how we can get Watts in a post-v9 crossover. Technomagic stuff.
Weiss proving she's the queen.
Hope Cyborg isn't corrupted.
Love this Cobra/Dragonfly grimm. Clip it's wings!
'We need more firepower.' Enter Yang with an epic save.
Hold on, are Yang's flame punches the color of the lesbian flag?
Are we gonna a get a 'speedsters need to slow down' moral here? With Flash also rushing into danger and nearly getting killed?
Anyway, planning session time.
The truth revealed.
Honestly, 'no body no death' kinda applies here like we KNOW that Watts died either burning to death via Cinder's wish or when Atlas fell but he was surrounded by computers at the time as well. It could have literally been the last thing he ever did. (Or he did it during v7 since he already wormed his way into the Atlas network via Jacques).
Via Jacques. Man. Watts really is Weiss's personal villain.
The whole 'transferring consciousness' thing also reeks of the Aura Transfer machines used on the Maidens, but I always assumed that was Pietro's invention so he could give life to Penny. Maybe Watts stole or twisted the concept for his own use.
Yang seeing the Ruby in Flash mmmmm. The way he looks at her arm and asks 'what happened?' and Yang explains how she felt ooooooooo. Flash explaining that Kilgore is no longer in his brain but he hears and sees him all the time.
Blonde PTSD buddies WOOOO-
Meanwhile Ruby and Clark orphan bonding. Not entirely sure how Ruby will take the 'I make my parents proud for fighting for the things they died for'
Also given that some of Summer's first "lines" in the show was Red Like Roses Part 2 "baby please don't do what I did/I don't want you to waste your life in vain"
And on that somber note -break time!
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blazehedgehog · 6 months
Given they’re soft rebooting again… what’s your Jurassic world 4/jurassic park 7/ Jurassic animals and also Triassic and Cretaceous animals make life difficult: the movie pitch? I feel like, as fun as the sequels can be, they’ve lost the science parable and horror/thriller elements of the classic - for all its faults; at least lost world has that.
Hmm... I'm gonna think like a movie executive. What's hot right now? AI's hot, right? It's the buzz. I propose a hard reboot.
Crichton's original novel opens with this big screed about a near future where we have "designer genetics." Genetic manipulation gets easier and easier and I think it's said Jurassic Park takes place in a world where it's getting to the point that parents can custom-order what kind of kids they'll have by selecting specific genetic traits. (It's been a while since I've read it)
Jurassic Park the movie shows human beings physically modifying genetic code by hand using VR displays, but Mr. DNA also admits that "a full DNA sequence contains 3 billion genetic codes." So it's ridiculous to assume that a human being could edit the genetic code by hand. One sequence would take years to get right, maybe even a lifetime.
So our story is that we have some 20 something silicon valley tech bro. He got outrageously rich off of crypto and NFTs and was smart enough to cash out early. We frame him as altruistic but around the edges we can see maybe he's not the greatest person. It's suggested he knew crypto was kind of a scam, which is why he got out early, but obviously he was in crypto at all to begin with, which does not bode well. But he's supposedly "one of the smart ones." Now he's rich! And cool! And using his powers for "good." He's beloved in pop culture.
The next wave is here. Neural network LLM Artificial Intelligence. He's all in. It's the next crypto. And he starts a company that uses LLM AI to "solve the genetic algorithm." He spins this out into a financial empire where people can custom-order pets with specific traits. But obviously people with a lot of money start wondering if maybe they can get more... exotic products.
With the realm of cats, dogs and parrots conquered, our techbro begins phase 2: recreating extinct animals. This is a guy who thinks he's going to save the world by restoring lost links in the food chain (without doing enough research to see how that would change our existing ecosystem, since he could be resurrecting an invasive species).
He's going to debut the first of his phase 2 work at an event he's calling Jurassic Park, because he's going to demonstrate the first living dinosaurs in 65 million years. Jurassic Park will continue to operate as a massive nature reserve; a symbol of his control of life itself.
Obviously: everything goes wrong. The AI has never had to change this much genetic code before. It has to make up whole entire sections of DNA. The end result is unpredictable, but techbro is confident that if the AI sequenced things well enough that something could actually hatch from the egg, then it's safe.
It is not safe.
Not only do we not understand anything about dinosaur behavior, these technically aren't even dinosaurs. They're genetic mutants. The on-site dinosaur expert brought in with the press to verify Jurassic Park's claims quickly realizes that while some of these dinosaurs are accurate in some ways, a lot of them have hard deviations away from known science. Muscles that aren't quite right, appendages that aren't the right size, things like that. Maybe their brains and brain chemistry are slightly different.
The question remains whether known science was wrong or whether the AI made something up that was never true.
The question is brought up again when we learn a technician within Jurassic Park sabotaged everything intending to steal the genetic learning data from techbro's servers. Techbro says the thief poisoned the data and that's gotta be why there's mutations.
The security systems fail. The thief has left them to their creations. Jurassic Park as we know it happens.
Since a lot of movies have to deal with this, all throughout this, nobody has phones. To prevent leaks, all of their phones were confiscated before they entered Jurassic Park and locked in a security checkpoint. Our techbro, maybe as a sign of solidarity, even gives his phone to the security guy. We could even say maybe they've been having security issues beforehand, to set up the thief hacking everything before he actually does it.
Anyway, since our thief sabotaged the park's own communication channels, a lot of the movie is about getting back to that security checkpoint, breaking in, and getting their phones so they can call for help.
Oh, and also: all of Jurassic Park's vehicles are electric, too, and tied into the security mainframe. Since the park's whole security system was hacked and disabled, none of the vehicles can be operated. The only thing that works are these little golf carts, but they're small, can't go very fast, and offer little protection. Maybe our survivors try one, it gets smashed by a triceratops, and they're too far away from the depot to go back for a new one. So a lot of the movie is them traversing the park on foot.
As they're being chased by dinosaurs through the park itself, they end up deep in the core of a genetics lab. And it's here we learn the dark truth: there is a wide margin of failure. The recently deceased specimens are all kept for study and learning and there's a lot because the AI fails often, and it has to be taught not to do that. We see dozens of disfigured animals. Bits and pieces of dinosaurs, pets, and even, in one tank... human parts. These tanks are labeled "phase 3."
Not only are the mutated dinosaurs not the work of sabotage, this guy's been trying to create genetically modified people. We have our big "what have you done?" moment of horror. One of the last surviving members of the press is going to blow the whistle on this place. It's over. Maybe it's someone we build up as the techbro's new friend discovering that their hero wasn't who he said he was.
Just then, a dinosaur bursts in and kills that person. Drama! Tragedy!
Obviously, the survivors find a way out. Techbro has to live with his own conscious. Multiple people died at his hands on this day and he had a hand in creating some of the worst sins against nature mankind has ever seen.
(Or maybe we stick to the original Jurassic Park book and he dies just before getting on the escape chopper.)
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angeltannis · 11 months
Currently undertaking a film journey I've been wanting to do for years, which I am calling The Great Horror Movie Watchathon - a list of over 50 horror films widely considered to be classics or modern classics that I have never seen before. The movies range in release date from 1920 to 2022. I'm watching them in a very loose order by decade.
As someone with attention problems who doesn't watch a lot of movies, this is going to be an arduous journey. But I love horror and I want to really grasp it in the film medium, to understand trends and tropes and how they came to be the way they are. And I've watched four so far (including the three very oldest ones), and enjoyed them all!
Here's the current list, if anyone's curious:
Note: If any of these seem like odd choices, it's because I had a few horror movies lying around that I hadn't seen yet, so even though they're not really Big Hits I decided to throw them on the list lol
1920s-1960s ✓ The Cabinet of Dr Caligari ✓ Nosferatu ✓ Dracula (1931) ✓ Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ✓ Frankenstein ✓ The Mummy (1932) ✓ Mystery of the Wax Museum ✓ The Bride of Frankenstein ✓ The Wolf Man ✓ House of Wax (1953) ✓ Creature From the Black Lagoon ✓ Psycho • The Birds ✓ Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? ✓ The Haunting (1963) ✓ Rosemary’s Baby ✓ The Devil Rides Out ✓ Night of the Living Dead
1970s-1990s ✓ The Exorcist • The Omen • Carrie • Rabid • Dawn of the Dead • Halloween • Friday the 13th • The Shining • The Howling • An American Werewolf in London • Poltergeist • The Thing • A Nightmare on Elm Street • The Fly • Beetlejuice • The Silence of the Lambs • Dracula (1992) • Candyman • Jurassic Park (debated whether this one technically "counts" as horror, but screw it, it's scary) • Species ✓ Scream • The Mummy (1999) • The Blair Witch Project
2000s-PRESENT • The Ring • 28 Days Later • Let the Right One In • 30 Days of Night • Byzantium • Only Lovers Left Alive • A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night ✓ The VVitch • Hereditary • Midsommar ✓ Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark • Lamb ✓ M3GAN • Nope
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Hey Huey zoomer, well magical negeroes was a flopped, but those poor black actors, they were pointing out the racist roles they were given throughout their careers. Especially justice smith
Oh he was in that recent dnd movie, which I heard will be a cult classic soon
Oh he was also in the Jurassic World sequel
Waaaaait, I seen him before
Like in a certain pop culture milestone that made him a household name
Oh right
(He also biracial as he played Ryan Reynolds son in it)
Sorry it just yes Hollywood put a lot black actors (and everyone else especially if they were from a poor backgrounds)
Also the white people in the trailer…while I’m estranged from them. My little sister still see our mostly white stepfamily as family. And the white people they bitch about seem upper middle class
…who probably are descendants of those social Darwinists weirdos. Not saying they are as racist, but yeah Hollywood and a lot of it structure was form during social Darwinism and Jim Crow America and yes many black people groups found success in Hollywood during those rough times.
And not to mention most civil rights activists was trying to let working class black people piss in the same bathroom as a white person much less being the heads of Hollywood
This trailer resonated me and a lot of other “marginalized groups” than magical negros did
Sorry like a critic said, this is stick of dynamite, did someone probe my brain with the pigeonholing white liberals did to black writers?
I see you American fiction crew members
I shall buy the 4k or blu ray when it out as a toast
But sorry for ranting…you know I started my creative trend after talking to an Indian woman about Rowling weird lore about American Wizarding society. Which eventually lead me to learning about the “Queen” of New York City Glided Age
Sorry probably it because I’m a midwestern and in general a lot of famous people from here are what Gilded Age Queen would call new money IE Micheal Jackson, Walt Disney, and Henry.
Perhaps another anon, hell I just realize something even both Disney channel cartoon and Sitcom pointed out how different a magical society in America would be due to our melting pot culture.
glad to hear it flopped at least, and the racist roles they've been given, this was one of them and it's not like they didn't accept them this isn't the 1930's where you're under contract with a studio and have to make what they tell you to make.
Don't know justice smith, but I'll take your word for all that.
who probably are descendants of those social Darwinists weirdos. And not to mention most civil rights activists was trying to let working class black people piss in the same bathroom as a white person much less being the heads of Hollywood
Upper middle class people be like that ya, you hit a certain point on the income tree and things like race, gender, and sexuality start to matter less and less as you shift towards how can I make more money off of all of these people.
Not a hard and fast rule, but it seems to happen a lot. Segment from a Trump interview in the late 90's I think it was talking about guys who like guys, he's just like 'I'm happy for them, not my thing but more power to ya'
Oh this is delightful also feels like something certain members of the black community would call racist, educated well spoken black man tends to get called all manner of awful things, hardcore leftists are some of the worst about it too.
But sorry for ranting…you know I started my creative trend after talking to an Indian woman about Rowling weird lore about American Wizarding society. Which eventually lead me to learning about the “Queen” of New York City Glided Age Sorry probably it because I’m a midwestern and in general a lot of famous people from here are what Gilded Age Queen would call new money IE Micheal Jackson, Walt Disney, and Henry.
Mrs. Astor had the money and the pedigree to do that, not that it's right to look down on people but as folks go that would have the ability to do that she's pretty high on the list.
Cathy Bates did a wonderful job as "The Unsinkable" Molly Brown in the Titanic movie, split the difference between old and new money, her still being uncouth and what not.
Not Duck Dynasty level, but they don't actually care if they fit in or not, also I imagine a bunch of that is an act.
Perhaps another anon, hell I just realize something even both Disney channel cartoon and Sitcom pointed out how different a magical society in America would be due to our melting pot culture.
That and guns, post on here about the American exchange wizard at Hogwarts that casts Glock-19 or something like that.
Also I'm gonna nominate the Bass Pro Shop pyramid as our school location.
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lavampira · 1 year
7 comfort movies
tagged by @verbose-vespertine tysm !! 🫶
1. titanic (1997). I nearly wore out the vhs tapes playing, rewinding, and replaying it over and over as a kid. the movie I know most by heart.
2. star wars: a new hope (1977). all it takes is the scene of luke skywalker gazing across the tatooine horizon as the binary suns set and I’m in my happiest place.
3. mr. deeds goes to town (1936). such a silly, lighthearted, cute classic. always brings heart-warming laughter.
4. sailor moon s: hearts in ice (1994). the other movie of my childhood, but also still my go-to winter cozy day choice. can’t go wrong with icy moon princesses and the power of love.
5. austenland (2013). the funniest and most quotable movie to exist, hands down. free serotonin every rewatch.
6. howl’s moving castle (2004). it wouldn’t be a comfort film list if it didn’t have a ghibli on it, but I genuinely never get tired of this one.
7. jurassic park (1993). dinosaurs <3 enough said <3
and I’ll tag @storyofthemoon @jennystahl @elliewilliums @elvves @consulaaris if anyone would like but no pressure x
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frostyreturns · 9 months
Year In Books 2023
My reading goals are
1.) read 100 literary classics
2.) Read every Star Wars novel in the Pre Disney canon
3.) Read every book/series I read as a kid
Best And Worst Books From 2023
Top 5 Classics of 2023
5.) Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson 3/5
4.) Robin Hood - Paul Creswick 3/5
3.) The Illiad - Homer 3/5
2.) 2001 A Space Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke 4/5
1.) 1984 - George Orwell 5/5
Bottom 5 Classics of 2023
5.) The Wind In The Willows - Kenneth Grahame 2/5
4.) Chapmans The Odyssey - Chapman/Homer 2/5
3.) Call Of The Wild - Jack London 2/5
2.) Phaedo - Plato 2/5
1.) Defense Of Socrates/Euthyphro/Crito - Plato 2/5
Top 5 miscellaneous genre fiction of 2023
5.) Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk 4/5
4.) A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms - George R.R. Martin 4/5
3.) Batman The Court Of Owls - Greg Cox 4/5
2.) Bioshock: Rapture - John Shirley 5/5
1.) Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton 5/5
Bottom 5 miscellaneous genre fiction of 2023
5.) Hitman Enemy Within - Willaim C. Dietz 3/5
4.) The Lost World - Michael Crichton 3/5
3.) Spider-Man The Lizard Sanction - Diane Duane 2/5
2.) Spider-Man The Octopus Agenda - Diane Duane 2/5
1.) The Girl Who Lived Twice -David Lagercrantz 1/5
Top 5 Star Wars Novels of 2023
5.) Outbound Flight - Timothy Zahn 4/5
4.) Darth Bane Rule Of Two - Drew Karpyshyn 4/5
3.) Revenge Of The Sith - Matthew Stover 5/5
2.) Darth Bane Dynasty Of Evil - Drew Karpyshyn 5/5
1.) Darth Bane Path Of Destruction - Drew Karpyshyn 5/5
Bottom 5 Star Wars Novels of 2023
5.) Champions Of The Force - Kevin J Anderson 4/5
4.) The Phantom Menace - Terry Brooks 4/5
3.) Labyrinth Of Evil - James Luceno 3/5
2.) I Jedi - Michael A. Stackpole 2/5
1.) Tales From The Empire - Various Authors 2/5
Top 5 Young Reader Novels of 2023
5.) Jedi Quest: The Dangerous Games - Jude Watson 3/5
4.) All The Wrong Questions: Why Is This Night Different From All Other Nights - Lemony Snicket 4/5
3.) Brians Winter - Gary Paulson 4/5
2.) All The Wrong Questions: Shouldn't You Be In School - Lemony Snicket 4/5
1.) Hatchet - Gary Paulson 4/5
Bottom 5 Young Reader Novels of 2023
5.) Goosebumps Deep Trouble 2 - R.L Stine 2/5
4.) The First Four Years - Laura Ingalls Wilder 2/5
3.) The Nose From Jupiter - Richard Scrimger 2/5
2.) Wayside School Beneath The Cloud Of Doom - Louis Sachar 1/5
1.) Unicorns Don't Give Sleigh Rides - Debbie Dadey 1/5
Top 5 comics of 2023
5.) Dragon Ball Z Vol 1 - Akira Toriyama 5/5
4.) Calvin And Hobbes The Days Are Just Packed - Bill Watterson 5/5
3.) Batman The Long Halloween - Jeph Loeb 5/5
2.) Calvin And Hobbes Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat - Bill Watterson 5/5
1.) Calvin And Hobbes It's A Magical World - Bill Watterson 5/5
Bottom 5 Comics of 2023
5.) Green Lantern True Colors - Art Baltazar 2/5
4.) Bart Simpson Bust Up - Matt Groening 2/5
3.) Wonder Woman - William Messner-Loebs 2/5
2.) Pokemon Giratina & The Sky Warrior - Hijoka Makota 2/5
1.) Binky And His Buddies- John Albano 2/5
2023 Reading Stats
46,866 Pages Read
272 Books Read
16 Literary Classics
22 Miscellanious genre fiction novels
11 Star Wars novels
100 Youth/YA/Young Reader novels
92 Graphic Novels/Comic Trade Paperbacks/Digests
1 Non Fiction Book Read
29 Picture/Reference Books Read
Shortest Book: Mortimer- Robert Munsch
Longest Book: False Memory - Dean Koontz
Most Popular Book Read (on goodreads): 1984 - George Orwell
Highest rated Book Read (on goodreads): Calvin And Hobbes It's A Magical World - Bill Watterson
Lowest Rated Book Read (on goodreads): Bad Hare Day - R.L Stine
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Rivals, Cowboys, and Dinosaurs: a look at Michael Crichton's Dragon Teeth
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The name "Michael Crichton" should be familiar with any dinosaur enthusiast. After all, he is the man behind the famous novel Jurassic Park which was adapted into the classic film.
But this was NOT the first time Mr. Crichton took a swing at paleontology. Dragon Teeth was a previously unpublished manuscript that was described by Crichton himself as the forerunner to his second outing with the great lizards.
A historical fiction, Dragon Teeth takes place during the infamous Bone Wars, another name any dinosaur enthusiast or paleontologist should be familiar with. It was sparked by a fierce rivalry between paleontologists Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope, who, from 1877 to 1892, competed to make the most discoveries, name the most species, and collect the most specimens out of the Wild West. Needless to say, it was a fascinating and dangerous period in paleontological history, particularly with the Indian Wars raging all around them, the almost lawless wilderness far from civilization, and the extreme lengths both men went to denying each other of specimens.
This is the backdrop our main character, William Johnson, finds himself in. Having agreed to a bet to go out west with Professor Marsh, he's later abandoned by the paranoid paleontologist before throwing his lot in with Cope. Our hero soon finds himself in the rough and tumble Wild West in the middle of the Indian Wars, where it turns out hunting for fossils is a lot more dangerous than it is on paper.
To begin with, this book is absolutely drenched in the setting and beliefs of the time. If you want a decent idea of what the Wild West was like at the time, this provides a pretty reasonable look. Especially with how it's woven into the narrative. One of the first big threats that Johnson and Cope have to wrestle with is the approach of Sitting Bull making his way north after having dealt with Custer at the Battle of Little Bighorn. And the area as a whole is pretty lawless, with bandits and outlaws being a danger towards the latter portions of the novel.
Paleontology enthusiasts are also going to get their money's worth here. As mentioned before, Marsh and Cope are two of the central characters here and I think they're portrayed fairly well. Marsh being a paranoid recluse who nevertheless prides himself on meticulous work and building a reputation for himself. Cope is the brash and aggressive of the two, often getting into fights, and while his enthusiasm is admirable, he often rushes in making his observations or even just throwing caution into the wind. Course one of the highlights of the whole book is the confrontation between Marsh and Cope, which might as well be a masterclass in who can get as many insults in at each other as possible.
Rivalry and recklessness are some of the driving themes here of the whole novel, specifically how destructive it can be. Johnson got roped into a trip to the dangerous Wild West all on a bet with a school rival. Cope was willing to go to extreme lengths to retrieve fossils all for the sake of his grudge against Marsh that he'll drive his men to work in the face of an impending Sioux attack. Hell, I don't think it's a secret that Custer's brazen attack is given a lot of emphasis here given what the characters are up to. And at the end of the day, the rivalry does ultimately cost both Cope and Marsh everything with them sinking their entire finances and reputations just to one-up the other
Naturally, these aren't the only themes in the novel. Specifically, the colonization of America against the Native Americans is given a lot of weight in this novel. They come across buffalo herds that Cope notes that in a few years may no longer exist. The whole world of the plains Indians is described as a Lost World not too dissimilar to that of the dinosaurs. And there is a recurring theme of religion and Manifest Destiny, that some people believe the settlers were destined to occupy everywhere in America. Cope's struggles with Mormonism is actually a recurring subplot as his admiration of the dinosaurs, the concept of deep time, and evolution clashes with conventional wisdom about God and predetermined creation.
As you can tell, I reeeeeaaaaallllyyy enjoyed this novel. I thought it was a fascinating take on one of paleontology's most turbulent periods that manages to weave the setting and values in with the characters and their arcs. I think anyone who's interested in dinosaurs, paleontology, or historical fiction will appreciate this one. Especially how in some ways, this does feel like a spiritual successor to Jurassic Park. After all, the Bone Wars gave us many of our most famous dinosaurs and helped stir up interest for future generations despite their troubled history.
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jurassicparkpodcast · 2 years
Fanattik Launches Jurassic Park 30th Anniversary Line
Celebrations for Jurassic Park’s 30th Year continue – this time with friends of the Podcast Fanattik announcing a brand-new line of products which have been inspired by the legacy of this iconic line.
Fanattik’s new line comes in the iconic red, green and yellow colours of the classic Jurassic Park branding – and it also incorporates elements which fans will recognize, such as Ian Malcolm and Mr DNA. There are four products in the assortment – plus a host of other complimentary Jurassic Park inspired products which Fanattik have released in the past.
Up first we have the 30th Anniversary Jurassic Park Opening Weekend Ticket. Fanattik have released opening weekend tickets in the past, but this one is adorned with the 30th Anniversary logo and also comes packaged in the gorgeous Jurassic Park colored packaging. This, much like many of Fanattik’s items, will look absolutely fantastic displayed on a shelf.
Following on from this we have the Vehicle I.D. Card – and I love how the Fanattik team packed extra detail into the back of this including reference to both the night vision goggles seen in the film, and also wearing appropriate attire at the park. This is a fun representation of an in-universe item and also features the iconic classic yellow Jurassic Park logo.
Following on from this we have the new coin which joins this assortment – the ‘Life Finds A Way’ coin, featuring the iconic Doctor Ian Malcolm on one side, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex logo and ‘June 11, 1993’ on the other side of the coin. Malcolm is a very popular character in his own right, so it’s cool seeing him immortalized on a coin.
Lastly, we have the limited edition ‘How To Make A Dinosaur’ print – featuring some fun graphics from the Mr DNA animation which features in the original film. I absolutely love this print. It takes inspiration from a fan favorite moment within the film and looks wonderful. I may need to pick this one up!
Overall, the JP30 line brings a handful of cool products to the lineup of merchandise which Fanattik has been offering to fans. All of the items we have mentioned are set to release in June of this year – meaning fans will have the opportunity to celebrate Jurassic June in style!
You can preorder the full line right now at the Fanattik website: https://www.wearefanattik.com/jurassic-park-m30
Let us know what you think of this product line in the comments below, and also on Social Media. As always – stay tuned for the latest news on Jurassic Park’s 30th Anniversary!
Written by: Tom Jurassic
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interstate40 · 8 months
1993 for the movies!!
this one is tough! It's between Jurassic Park and Mrs. Doubtfire, which are both incredible movies! The latter is really special to me and my dad for obvi divorced/reunited father/kid reasons lmao
But for sheer impact on my brain tho, I gotta give it up for JP! Velociraptors, the T-Rex knocking over the fossil in the lobby, the soundtrack???? All time classic and forever imprinted on my grey matter
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