#mr orange hc
4ndj4 · 2 months
The Dogs reacting to having a woman in their team — but let's be honest
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— I mean he worked with women before, but if a new chick he never met got in the group he'll probably just rant to her what (not) to do like she's a dumbass or something... Still, he only wishes her well, so you can't be mad at that.
"Listen kid, I know that this isn't your type 'a job, but you can't barge in like that- We're doing it in broad daylight..."
— Oh boy he'd feel reeaaally guilty after knowing that his twink ass would have to betray a chick. He'll probably try to scare her off but fail and give up.
"Are you sure you wanna do this..?? What if you get hurt? I mean who knows what can happen there..."
— Sexist like 99%. But I'm not talking about "Go back to the kitchen, you female" kinda sexist, I'm talking about "Wtf is she doing here, she's gonna get us killed" (the paranoid) kinda sexist.
"Listen, lady, it's not personal, but- I 'on't think I can trust you even if the fakin' pistol has safety on, did ya' ever even shot anythin' correctly?"
— Depends how the girl likes him, he's either a creep or a flirt. And let's be honest, he's not the romantic type, he's the dick itching type. I mean maybe I'm wrong but he'll change like after like 5 years of dating.
(I am NOT writing him hitting on someone 😭🙏)
— Either scared of the girl or keeps ranting with her about his bit more feminine interests. If he isn't pissing himself from you you're lucky. (I'd listen to that man rant about theories forever)
"Your favorite Madonna song is Vogue? Well uhm, I guess, but hear me out-" *proceeds to yap how is not as good as her older songs*
— Probably as same as White but a bit more chill. If she's uncomfortable he's the first one to notice.
"Are you ok? Do the guys listen to you? No? I'll go beat their ass..." *gives them a calm 30 minute lecture how their behavior isn't okay*
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flowerbloom-arts · 1 year
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A lineup of all the "The Fillyjonk"s throughout the books (plus Mrs. Fillyjonk herself from the comics)
For the love of Booble stop mixing them up and thinking they're the same character it drives me insane.
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vamp1r1cjuggalo · 9 months
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Late night silly posting (featuring the Noid, and my oc Giovanni he’s here too ig)
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angelmarie · 4 months
💙 An unnecessarily long list of random von Karma family (+ Gant) hcs💙
(Contains slightly suggestive relationship stuff)
-Manfred’s wife’s name is Martha
-her favorite color is yellow 💛
Yellow Primroses are her favorite flower
-Manfred has a major sweet tooth
Of course no one knows this except Martha and kids. Once their first daughter was born she decided to become a full time mom, which gave her more time for baking. Manfred would never outwardly express his happiness with this since he thought having a sweet tooth was childish, but he was not able to hide his true feelings from her ever.
She passed away not long after Franziska was born. One way Manfred kept her close after her passing was learning how to make the recipes she had left behind. They never failed to make him feel better.
Unfortunately Gant eventually found out about his sweet tooth; something that would be endlessly embarrassing for manfred since Gant thought it was cute and would tease him endlessly for it. At least he was able to get some new desserts out of it (Torta Maria Lusia and Tres Leches Cake are favorites of his. Milhojas became a must have during afternoon tea.) (<- Colombian gant propaganda)
He will consume anything with dark chocolate in it
-I go back and forth between whether or not Manfred’s wife was a woman of law herself or a traditional wife, but either way she was the matriarch of that household and ruled it with an iron fist
Obviously manfred lived for every second of it bc he’s a bottom
Manfred fr:
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It was only with Martha’s permission that Gant got to fool around with her husband before her death. Granted though if Gant didn’t continue to satisfy manfred after her death then his eternal punishment when he died would’ve been getting whipped 24/7 by none other than Mrs. von Karma herself
When she was alive tho Martha and Gant were an insufferable powerhouse of doting on manfred both in public and private– calling him all kinds of pet names and being all touchy-feely with him bc they knew it embarrassed him to an infuriating degree
-Manfred’s eldest daughter is named Sabrina
-Sabrina’s personality is the opposite of Franziska’s
While Franziska takes after her father, Sabrina is the least ‘von Karma-esque’
She’s definitely the normal one of the family
She’s a very motherly figure– incredibly sweet, very optimistic, and just an overall ray of sunshine. Literally the nicest person you could ever meet, to the point where you’d find it surprising to know that she’s a von Karma
However, this does not exclude her from understanding the sort of secret internal language that von karma’s have. For example, Von Karma’s have a very specific way of showing affection for one another– it is not outwardly obvious like it is other people. It can be confusing for outsiders looking in, and can often be misconceived as mixed signals. But in truth it is just simply that von karma’s are better subtle hints rather than outright stating or being physically affectionate. Sabrina understands this well even though she is a very affectionate person in both words and actions.
She was always the best at making miles feel better when he was little
-Sabrina is not completely devoid of stereotypical von karma traits either.
Even though she’s not one for competition like her father or sister, she is very confident in herself and her abilities, and would not have trouble standing up for herself if someone tried to test her.
She also keeps the von karma tradition of striving for perfection close her, albeit she has a much healthier relationship with it.
Every now and then, she would argue with manfred over his relationship with perfection and how self-destructive it was for him. Her attempts at getting him to understand however would always be unsuccessful, since he was far too stubborn to ever believe that he needed help or that he was destroying himself.
Besides that she and manfred had a great relationship. You will never get me to subscribe to the the fanon that she ran away from home and detests manfred. Let papa love his kids dammit.
-While Franziska favored unky boo boo, Sabrina really liked uncle gant
Since they’re both outwardly happy people they got along really well, and she even considered him to be a distant second father
This made the incarceration of both her father and gant being in such a short time frame an incredibly distressing period for her
Gant was never interested in having kids of his own or considered himself the type to be a good father, but since von karma kids are a different breed (manny duplicates) they were easier for him to get used to.
Unfortunately he could never seem to get on Franziska’s good side tho, bc she was always preoccupied on his intentions with her father (which honestly fair he do be 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂)
-Sabrina still lives in Germany with her husband, two kids, and Phoenix the dog. Despite everything that has happened they are very happy ;v;
-the only time frame that Manfred was truly happy started with the birth of his first daughter and ended with his wife’s death (TW for depression and suicide)
This era was truly the golden age of Manfred’s life. Not only was he the god of prosecutors in court, he finally had his first daughter, something he was overjoyed with since he always wanted to have kids.
Not to mention he was head over heels with his wife and his annoying giant boyfriend
Considering that Manfred had franziska in his late 40s - early 50s, this highpoint lasted for about 15-20 years
Unfortunately this period of domestic bliss would end with the death of his wife, which happened about a year after franziska was born.
Her death was very sudden and extremely disrupting for manfred, leading to a considerable increase in his short temper and destructive actions to both himself and others
This marked the start of his downfall
The succession of events including the IS-7 incident, manfred getting his first penalty, and DL-6 happened not long after
After this, Manfred was never able to feel truly happy like he was during his golden age ever again. This state of being continued for the rest of his existence until he took his own life in prison not long after he was arrested.
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800db-cloud · 2 years
So who exactly is Mr. Orange??
(is holding a comically large amount of paperwork in my arms) hi anon :3
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⬆️ THIS IS MR. ORANGE !!! i made the gif myself :) he’s the noise’s twin brother! he’s the counterpart to mr. green (from yo! noid) and i love him a looot… like an absurd amount a lot… (info under cut)
he has some tidbits about him on the pizza tower wiki, like he was raised in australia and has an australian accent! he and the noise were separated at birth, and (HOPEFULLY) he’s meant to be the stand-in boss for noise’s boss fight for when you enter the boss as the noise. (i’m still fingers crossed to this day abt this btw I NEED HIM IN THE GAME YOU DONT UNDERSTAND)
another fact that i love dearly about him is that before the noise was planned to be a playable character, mr. orange was going to be peppino’s co-op partner! he had a mix of noise’s old moveset and peppino’s.
i think he’s soooo cool :3 i think everyone should talk about mr. orange more actually :3 he’s sooo sillay
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uhoh-peppinos · 1 year
Noise barbershop quartet? It consists of Doise, Noise, Pizzelle, and Mr. Orange.
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did a rather silly take on this request tbh
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dreamwritesimagines · 18 days
Sunshine [2]- Summer Breeze
AN: My loves, thank you so so much for your wonderful support and lovely comments and HCs on the first chapter! ❤️ You're amazing! ❤️
I hope you like this as well, and please don't forget to tell me what you think, thank you! 🥰
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Female!Reader
Summary: Summer breeze can be enchanting.
Word Count: 3464
Series Masterlist
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There were some days that you just knew it wouldn’t be a good day, and today was exactly one of these days.
It wasn’t because it was Monday morning and you had slept through your alarm. It wasn’t because while taking the fastest shower of your life you realized you had run out of body wash.
It was because while driving Theo to school your car had broken down, and though you didn’t know much about mutant schools, you were pretty sure that they cared about punctuality just like any other school.
“Isn’t this fun, bean?” you asked as you walked with Theo’s hand in yours through the gates, pretending you weren’t stressed out at all so that he would have a good day. “It’s like we’re explorers.”
“It is!” he said, looking around the vast of greenery surrounding you. “Professor X says the mansion was built ages and ages ago.”
“Ages and ages ago?” you asked with a gasp, his backpack slung over your shoulder. “Really?”
“Yes! And Ralph says if we tried to explore the grounds, it would take us a week!”
“Who’s Ralph?”
“He’s my friend,” he said. “He can breathe underwater!”
“Wow,” you said. “That’s impressive.”
“Isn’t it?” he asked, excitement laced in his voice. “He said he saw so many pretty fish in the lake—mommy, can we get a pet fish? Wait no, can we get two?”
“Um…” you trailed off while you approached the mansion with him, students running around in the yard. “Why two?”
“Because we can’t get just one, he’d get bored without a friend!” Theo insisted as the roar of a motorcycle reached you. “Can we get a really big aquarium? Ralph says fish need huge aquariums.”
“We can’t get a huge aquarium, bean,” you said, crouching down to fix his hair and he pulled his brows together.
“But why not?”
“But why not?”
“Because we have no place to put a big aquarium in,” you said patiently and he pouted.
“I’d keep it in my room!”
“They’d keep you company when I’m here and you come home from work! You said we couldn’t get a dog, but fish don’t need a yard or anything, just an aquarium!”
“Bean, that’s not…”
“I already have names for them both!” he insisted, making you pull your brows together. “The orange one will be Cheeto, and the white one will be Popcorn.”
“Very creative my love, but—”
“Please!” he said. “Please please please? I’ll take care of them when I’m home, I promise!”
“Theo,” you said. “It’s time for your class. Apologize to your teacher for being late, and tell them the car broke down, okay? They can call me if they—”
“Good morning Mr. Wolverine sir!” Theo smiled at someone behind you and you turned your head to look over your shoulder, your heartbeat speeding up as soon as you did.
Alright, so as it turned out, you weren’t daydreaming last week and he was in fact as hot as you remembered.
The leather jacket he was wearing fit him perfectly, making you gawk at his broad figure for a moment before you remembered to look up at his handsome face, but that seemed to make your heartbeat even faster so you shot him a small smile and averted your gaze from him to Theo quickly.
“Logan is fine, bub,” he told Theo and Theo nodded so eagerly that his glasses slipped down his nose, making you reach out to fix them.
“Okay Mr. Logan sir,” he said. “Mommy, if we get an aquarium—”
“We’ll talk about it later bean,” you said as you slipped his backpack off your shoulder and helped him put his arms through the straps. You straightened your back at the same time he reached back to open the zipper of the backpack, the simple motion making him stumble backwards but Logan had already grabbed him by the backpack with one hand and lifted him up in the air to put him back on his feet, Theo letting out a cheerful “whee!”.
“Thanks,” you murmured and ruffled Theo’s hair. “Straight to the class, come on.”
Theo gave you a bright smile, then hugged your legs before turning around to run through the hallway.
“Theo don’t—” you started but heaved a sigh. “Great.”
You could hear Logan huff out a chuckle and you swallowed thickly, then turned to look at him better, the fluttering in your stomach getting even worse upon seeing his gaze on you.
“Hey,” he said and you took a deep breath, shifting your weight.
“It was—it was nice to see you,” you stammered, taking a step past him but stopped when you heard him say your name. The fact that he had remembered your name wasn’t supposed to make your chest tingle, you were sure of it, but you didn’t even try to stop the tentative smile pulling at your lips.
“Yes?” you asked, blinking up at him and he stared at you, then frowned like he was trying to pull himself together.
“Your car broke down?”
“Um, yeah,” you said, pointing at the yard. “Like a mile down the road.”
“You walked here?”
“Uh huh,” you said, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet. “I don’t mind, really. I’ll just go back to the car and call my friend, she knows a guy so I’m like ninety percent sure I can get out of it without having to declare bankruptcy—”
“I can fix it,” he said, motioning at the motorcycle. “Let’s go.”
Your eyes widened and you gawked at him for a moment, then scoffed a nervous laugh and waved a hand in the air.
“Oh no no, there’s no need to…” you trailed off. “Please, I’d hate to be a bother.”
“You’re not,” he said, already walking to the bike and you lingered there for a moment before rushing to catch up with his long strides.
“Are you sure it’s okay?” you asked him. “Seriously, if you’re busy or anything, I don’t think—”
“I’m not busy.”
“And your motorcycle looks like a one-person type of motorcycle, I can just walk if you—”
“Are you always this polite, princess?”
Well, that was a sure way to shut you up. Your breath caught in your throat, your head spinning for a moment because of how fast adrenaline rush hit you, warmth blooming in your chest.
“…Yeah,” you said after a pause. “Bites me in the ass most of the time.”
The corners of his mouth twitched and he grabbed the only helmet on the back of the motorcycle, then held it out, making you snap out of your thoughts.
“You?” you asked and he shook his head.
“I don’t need it.”
You took the helmet from him to put it on before he got on the bike and started the engine, and almost automatically your hand shot up to your lips but it hit the helmet, making you grimace. You dug your fingernails into your palms before unclenching your hands again, then got on the bike as well, slowly wrapping your arms around his torso. He took a deep breath as if he had just smelled something sweet, then cleared his throat.
“You’re gonna have to hold on tighter than that.”
“Oh I don’t want to accidentally hurt you,” you said, and the simple sentence managed to coax a chuckle out of him. He turned his head sideways to look at you out of the corner of his eye, your cheeks burning before he turned his head again and the engine roared before it sped off down the road, the movement making you gasp and hold onto him tighter to make sure you wouldn’t fall down.
Fine, maybe today was a good one after all.
Back in high school -and the first year of college-, you had never understood why people were into motorcycle. If anything, they looked rather uncomfortable, not to mention incredibly dangerous, and if it rained it would rain on them, and it would be cold and wet and just unpleasant but now—
Now, hanging onto Logan as the wind whipped around you, trees wheezing past, you were starting to get the appeal.
Logan stopped the motorcycle when you pointed at your car parked at the side of the road, and you pulled back from him even if you didn’t want to, then got off the bike, taking your helmet off and fixing your hair in a haste.
“I didn’t die,” you announced, making him shoot you an amused glance. “That’s nice.”
“That was the expectation?” he asked as you both made your way to your car and you nodded.
“Kind of?” you said, unlocking the car before Logan lifted the hood up to look inside, then tilted his head.
“Hold on,” he muttered and he started unbuttoning his flannel, making your eyes widen. Your heart climbed up to your throat, a sudden warmth swirling your insides and when he slipped his flannel to reveal his very tight white shirt underneath, you gulped, unable to drag your gaze away from him. He didn’t even need to hear your heartbeat, your flustered state was clear as day and your brain recognized him saying something you didn’t even hear with a couple of seconds delay, making your head snap up.
A cocky smirk curled his lips and you shifted your weight.
“I was um—I was thinking about something,” you stammered and his smirk widened.
“Uh huh,” he said. “I’m gonna go under the car for a moment.”
Never in your entire life had you wanted to be a car more.
“I don’t know if I have that lifter thing—” you started, trying to pull your thoughts together but before you could even finish your sentence, he had already reached down underneath the bumper and lifted the car a bit to get under, making your jaw drop.
Oh alright, so this was just…
You were just fantasizing about him and this whole thing in general, that was the only explanation you could possibly come up with. Any minute now, your alarm would start blaring and you would wake up and go to work with no sign of a very specific, incredibly hot and strong guy.
Jesus, he looked like that and he could lift a car?
“Um—Logan are you okay down there?” you asked, approaching the car to bend down a little. “Do you need help?”
“Nope,” he said, his voice not even strained as if he wasn’t holding up the car with one hand. “Just checking something.”
“The car isn’t gonna fall on you, right?”
“No, I’m holding it.”
“Yeah because that’s the normal answer to that question,” you said, nodding your head. “Sure. Uh, another question, how do you know you can in fact hold up a car? As in, have you tried this before? Because if you die, not only will I be very sad but also I will go to jail and I don’t think I’d survive there, I watched a lot of shows like that and I like flavored coffee a bit too much, and I also don’t know who’d be taking care of Theo—”
“Relax princess,” he cut off your rambling with a chuckle. “It’s fine.”
You hoped your hormones wouldn’t get the best of you and by the time he got out from under the car, you wouldn’t be checking Pinterest for wedding venues but before you could even grab your phone, you heard a car coming to a stop behind you, making you look over your shoulder. The man inside looked you up and down, making you shift your weight, discomfort hitting you out of nowhere as you clenched and unclenched your fists.
You recognized that look just fine.
“Hey there,” he said with a small grin. “Car problems?”
You plastered a well-practiced polite smile on your face. “Yeah but it’s fine, thank you.”
“Get in, I can drive you to the nearest station.”
“Um no sir, thank you,” you said. “I’m actually handling it.”
“Oh come on now,” he said. “Don’t worry, I’m not a bad guy. Just being helpful.”
You opened your mouth to answer, but before you could say anything else, the car groaned as Logan lifted it a little and got out from under it. You didn’t even need to turn your head to know he was glaring at the man, the look of complete fear crossing the man’s face was enough of a clue and you bit back your smile, raising your brows at him while Logan stood at full height behind you, towering over you.
“She said she’s handling it,” he said, his deep growl making your heart do a happy flip and you nodded.
“Thank you though!” you said with the most customer service level of cheerful voice you could muster without bursting into laughter and the man’s eyes went from you to him, and he gulped down.
“Ye—yeah okay,” he said and drove off, making you let out a giggle and turn to look up at Logan.
“I think you scared him off.”
Logan glared at the direction the man drove off as if he was genuinely contemplating whether to go after him or not, then gritted his teeth and glanced down at you.
“You okay?”
“Sure,” you said. “I have a knife in the glove compartment, just in case. Theo isn’t allowed to open it.”
He shook his head slightly, then went to the motorcycle to grab a couple of tools, wiping the motor oil on his hands onto his shirt. You had to physically force yourself to look up at the sky just so that you could stop the sound threatening to spill from your lips, then rubbed at your eyes as he started working on the car. You lingered in your spot for a moment, then opened the car door to climb up to sit on the roof of the car, making him glance at you over the hood.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m keeping you company,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders. “It’s easier to talk like this.”
He didn’t comment on it, instead returned back to what he was doing and you pressed your lips together, keeping your gaze on him.
“So how’s the crying going?” he asked and you scrunched up your nose.
“It’s going well actually, thank you for asking,” you told him. “I already cried this morning so…”
“There was this cat video,” you said. “It was so adorable. I keep telling Theo he can’t have a pet, I need to remind myself that as well.”
“He wants a fish now?”
“He wants to have a lot of animals,” you told him. “He wants a dog and a cat and now fish. Apparently, his new friend told him there are many pretty ones in the lake, and I’m glad he’s making friends but I’m gonna be so screwed when he finds one who can talk to like, horses or something.”
He scoffed a laugh. “He made friends pretty easily.”
“Oh he could make friends in an empty room.”
“He got that from you or his father?”
“Me,” you said, barely aware of the proud tone in your voice. “He gets everything from me, or at least that’s what I’ve been told.”
“Mm hm,” you said, nodding your head. “But I mean, it makes sense when you think about it, considering…”
Logan’s gaze on you was almost too hot. “He’s not around?”
You bit at your thumb, shaking your head. “No.”
“Um, how about you?” you asked, trying to change the topic. “What do you do when you’re not fixing cars and scaring off creeps? Do you teach at school?”
“Sometimes,” he said. “I work for Charles.”
“As a teacher?”
“Not necessarily.”
You pulled your knees up to your chest and rested your chin on top of them, your arms wrapping around legs.
“An open book, aren’t you?” you asked, making him chuckle.
“Mm, pretty much.”
“Now why would a mysterious man give such short answers?”
He shot you a mischievous smile. “Probably the same reason why a pretty girl would ask so many questions.”
Your heart skipped a happy beat as you felt your cheeks burn, and you had to resist the urge to bury your face to your knees with a squeal so you bit down on your lip, smiling at him. He held your gaze for a moment, making fire spread through your veins before he nodded at you.
“You mind if I try to start it?”
“Oh go ahead,” you said, and he got into your car, then you heard him slide the driver’s seat back to adjust it to his height. “But I had the mechanic check the car like a month ago, so I don’t really think…”
You stopped talking immediately when you heard the roar of the engine as it came to life and a gasp left your lips.
“Are you serious?” you exclaimed while Logan got out of the car and you slid off the roof to jump to the ground.
“Yeah, the next time it happens, just—” he was cut off when you flung yourself to him to hug him tight.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” you said with a huge smile. “Seriously Logan, you saved my life!”
 A small chuckle escaped from his lips and his arm sneaked around your waist, and if you didn’t know if better, you could’ve sworn he tilted his head down to get closer to your hair and took a deep breath.
“Not a problem,” he said, his deep voice vibrating in his chest and all of a sudden all your senses were filled with him; his warm body against yours, the pleasant scent of leather, smoke and pine in your lungs, his voice in your ears. You swallowed thickly, your heartbeat getting faster as you forced yourself to pull back, then craned your head up to look at him.
“Sorry!” you said. “Sorry I’m…me and my friend took this test and apparently my love language is physical touch and I’m not very sure about it really because I kind of feel like it’s a scam but also is it though, because I used to have a cat when I was little and um, I refused to put her down, I always carried her everywhere so that I could hug her all the time and weirdly enough she liked it, which you wouldn’t expect from a cat most of the time but—um—” you paused. “Sorry about that.”
“No problem,” he said, his intense gaze pinning you to your spot and you nibbled on your lip, then willed yourself to take a step back, your hand shooting up to your mouth again.
“How—how do I repay you?”
He shot you a reprimanding look. “You don’t.”
“No but seriously,” you insisted. “There has to be something.”
That had sounded more grateful and less like a porn dialogue in your head.
“It’s nothing,” he said. “Change your mechanic though, seems like the engine hasn’t been checked in a while.”
“Okay,” you said, forcing yourself to lower your hand. “Thank you. Again.”
“My pleasure,” he said with a small smile and you lingered in your spot for a moment, then got in the car, almost falling on your ass since he had slid the seat back to adjust it to his height. You cleared your throat, trying to keep it cool as you slid it forward, and as soon as the brochures on the dashboard caught your eye, you reached out to grab one and looked up at Logan out the open window.
“I found a way to thank you,” you said with a proud smile, your heart was beating in your throat. “I work at this diner, you should drop by. It’ll be on the house, and the pie is amazing.”
A small smirk curled his lips as he eyed the brochure you were holding up.
“You sure about that?” he asked. “If you feed me, I might come back.”
The warmth bloomed underneath your skin as your smile widened.
“Looking forward to it,” you said, raising the brochure just a little and he chuckled, then took the brochure from you.
“Drive safe,” he said, patting the roof of the car and you nodded your head.
“See you around, Logan,” you said before you drove off, checking him out from the rear mirror until you slowed down at the road junction, then turned the car and let out a breath, trying to keep your attention on the road.
“Oh fuck,” you muttered to yourself. “Fuck, he’s too hot.”
[3] - Downpour
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HCs of AvM Characters' Typing Styles
(Alan not included despite the misleading photo used lmao)
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Oh, MOST DEFINITELY uses emoticons the most. He's the type to use the most insane ones like╭( ๐_๐)╮and is not above using OwO unironically. Uses all-caps the most, overall VERY expressive in text.
Definitely the one to have the most typos and uses shorthand a lot, but WILL correct when someone else makes a typing error.
Example - "HEYY GUYS hru?? :D" and "NOOO rEuebn in MCSM DIEDDD (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞"
They're a ghoster in chat/J
Types pretty normally, but also uses shorthand a lot. Only uses punctuation and caps when it REALLY counts. Rarely uses emoticons, and uses tone indicators more. Lazy at typing, lmao
Example - "hey what's up?" and "oh dang, rlly? that sucks/gen"
Everything he types is in perfect grammar, punctuation, and spelling. This, of course, leads to him being a bit of a slow typer.
He almost-never uses shorthand, same goes for emoticons. He uses tone indicators, though! And not above using multiple letters like "Helloooo!"
When he makes a single typo, everyone goes crazy and is quick to joke about it. Always quick to correct any typing mistakes.
Example - "I think you mean *Reuben, @/Red, and wasn't there an option to save him? /genq"
Green, Mr. Everything-must-be-perfect Green? He tries to NEVER make a typo, and is quite fast at typing. Manages to maintain perfect typing even in a fast pace.
(The same outcome from Yellow happens to him if he makes a typing mistake, but gets clowned on a lot less since he'd definitely make more typos than Yellow ever would)
Similar to Yellow, he tries to maintain perfect everything for typing, but he DOES use emoticons and shorthands! Also drags on some words with extra letters, of course.
Example - "Yeaah, I think so?? But the scene where he turns into a porkchop is hilarious lmaooo" and "Oh heyy @/Blue and @/Purple are both online! Hey, guys <3"
Has a typing style similar to Orange’s, but uses caps and emoticons a lot more! Doesn't quite care about typing errors unless it's something important. Nothing much to add to this, to be honest.
Example - "Heyyy! ^^" and "The cutsecene was actually pretty funny ngl, it made teh sad moment less sad tho :P"
Their typing style used to be extremely perfect, but as time went on, they stopped caring too much. Of course, they use proper spelling and doesn't use shorthand too often, but they do allow themselves to be imperfect!
They use tone indicators more than shorthand, but they do use stuff like "lmaoo" and "wtf" sometimes!
Example - "Wait tf who's Reuben? /genq" and "@/Red I am so sorry for your loss.."
King Orange/King Mango:
Perfect typing, doesn't even try. Doesn't use emoticons, doesn't use shorthand, doesn't use tone indicators. Uses emojis.
Doesn't understand what "lol" means. His typing style reflects his speaking style.
Example - "@/Purple, I do believe that @/Red is referring to the show he's been watching." and "You all must go to sleep, it's late! You kids need more time to grow."
Purple: "Dad we're all young adults-"
KM: "Oh, that's right 🫢. Indeed, you are.."
Red: "o l d XD"
KM: "What does 'XD' mean?"
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brown-sugar-89 · 1 year
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^^^maiko hakaine!!! i sometimes hc pizzbot having her voice lol even though robo fortune fits more. also comic below is based of her world is mine cover! there's also every single noise-like creature i could remember lol (minus mr. orange and doise + my sonas)
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also those. omg.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
masterlist 🪷
feel free to leave requests for things like 911, marvel, stranger things, obx, the oc, harry styles/niall horan, sturniolo triplets (no smut or inappropriate stuff for them), tsitp, and i’ll probably write more in the future!
tiktok - mvltivspm (edits :))
nsfw = *
the oc.
• “quiet, baby” - r.a **
• labyrinth - r.a
this is me trying - p.p
for whom the bell tolls - p.p
teenage fever - p.p
hollow prayers - p.p
stranger things.
RIP 2 my youth - lumax
how to save a life - e.b
you found me - e.b (can be seen as pt 2 to htsal)
cowboy like me - e.b
lost in the fire - e.b
boyfriends - e.b
sweet nothing - e.b
this town - e.b
how you get the girl - e.d
how to disappear - e.b
the feels - e.b
head over heels - e.b
cardigan - e.d
wasteland, baby! - e.b
here with me - e.b
put a little love on me - e.b
must be love - e.b
night changes - e.d
love. - e.d
slipping through my fingers - e.b
falling in reverse - e.d
la vie en rose - e.b
love grows (where my rosemary goes) - e.b
hold on to me - e.d
solitude - e.b
dreaming of you - e.b
arms of a stranger - e.b
chasing pavements - e.d
all too well - e.d
medicine - e.b
kids - b.n
mr. rager - e.d
mr rager cont. - e.b
fallen - e.b
are you with me - e.b
are you with me cont. - e.b
pity party - e.b **
lover - e.b
sos - e.d
waves - e.b
come back, be here - e.b
next step - e.b
skyfall - e.b
heart like yours - e.b
let the light in - e.d
genius (skyfall cont.) - e.b
lovin’ on you - e.b
boyfriend - e.b
this love - e.b
what was i made for - e.b
delicate - e.b
begin again - e.b
you belong with me - e.b
i can see you - e.b
dancing with our hands tied - e.b
happier - e.b
look after you - e.d
the last time - e.d
bad omens - e.b
clean - e.b
you get me so high - e.b
how to never stop being sad - e.b
no time to die - e.d
close to you - e.b
something in the orange - e.b
i wish you were sober - e.b
something pretty - e.b
santa baby - e.b
i think he knows - e.b
in for it - e.b
outside i keep it quiet - e.b
suburban legends (pt.1) - r.p
connections - o.s
the summer i turned pretty.
meet me at our spot - c.f
mirrorball - c.f
champagne & sunshine - c.f **
matilda - c.f
don’t blame me - c.f
dress - c.f **
electric touch - c.f
false prophets - j.f
hc for cam cameron!!
hc for conrad fisher!!
you are in love - s.c
tv - c.c
midnight rain - s.c
home for the holidays - c.f
going, going, gone - c.f
going, going, gone pt. 2 - c.f
jonah hauer-king
i got you babe - j.h.k
meltdown - j.h.k
bring me to life - p.e
you’re losing me - j.h.k
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fennecfiree · 2 months
Hc dump from my notesapp
Stan listens to slipknot
Butters is half canadian
Jimmy likes sonic
Kyle is a really picky eater
Cartman is autistic and has ocd
Mr garrison has ocd, autism and DID
Stan plays animal jam with Wendy
Kyle plays club penguin
Craig paints his nails black and sometimes paints Tweeks nails
Kyle sleeps with a orca whale plushie
Clyde has dyslexia
Tweek has fucked up teeth from meth, acne, skin sores, and he's really skinny.
Wendy has 2 cats (1 white cat named sparkles 1 orange cat named cheesecake)
Bebe unironically uses those glasses nerdy Snapchat filters
Stan works at McDonald's in his late teens and gives Kyle free food
Sheila has a Facebook and shares every single moment of ther life on it, she used to post pictures of Kyle when he was a baby and ike
Cartmans actually pretty good at drawing. Kyle sucks at art tho and gets embarrassed whenever Cartman sees his art cuz Cartman makes fun of him like crazy for it
Butters favorite animal is bunnys
Nichole and Kyle still hang out. Nichole doesn't really have a crush on Kyle anymore but Kyle still kinda likes her
Kyle is scared of dogs, especially big dogs
Wendy wants to be a docter
Kenny gets really cold easily since he's malorished
Kyle is lactose intolerant
Mr garrison has a calico cat named tom
Kyle is oblivous to any and all romantic interest someone may show him
Stan forgets to eat a lot
Kennys favorite season is summer
Bebe does kyles hair sometimes
Stan gets car sick really easily
Stan is the oldest in the group, cartmans the 2nd oldest, kyles the 3rd, and Kenny's the 4th
Shelly has a Tumblr and looks at yaoi and yuri
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4ndj4 · 4 months
What if the Dogs used the internet?
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Mr. White
Facebook grandpa
That's it, just Facebook
Misspelled his name while making and account and doesn't know how to fix it
Probably plays games there too, like Candy crush or those stupid farm games I hate with passion
Immediately unfriends someone after an argument
Doesn't know how the block button works so just blocks everyone he doesn't know
Comments "👍" on every other post
Posts those "old man" selfies
Has a bunch of things on the Facebook Marketplace
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Mr. Orange
You can't say he doesn't use Ao3 and Tumblr
Doesn't post his own content just reblogs
Has all three boop badges
Unlocked likes and follows so you can stalk him
Probably hates TikTok
Ridiculously friendly in comments or DM's but it takes him hours to reply
Reads only "x reader" or "x OC" fics
Who knows maybe he has his own OC's but doesn't know how to write or draw so he just doesn't talk about them (so me)
Probably has Facebook but only uses it to stalk people (including White ofc ofc)
Has Instagram but doesn't use it
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Mr. Pink
Attacks everyone
Literally no personal info in his bio or posts so our boy's safe
Also no profile picture
Retweets to every single Elon Musk's tweet just to insult him
Writes ten slurs daily
Got banned like thirteen times but who cares new accounts just keep popping up
When he's not talking shit he's probably just whining about something
May or may not have posted gossip about the other Dogs on there
Plays sudoku or something when bored
Leaked one kid's adress because they called him a "Skibidi negative rizz"
Ignores every single DM
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Mr. Blonde
4 chan
Watches those serial killer documentaries on Netflix
Sometimes even visits the Dark/Deep web for knives/guns
Waits for someone to leak/dox some bullshit so he can send it to the person just to creep them out
Uses Viber instead of WhatsApp because psychopath (at least for Americans)
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(Vincent posted this btw)
Mr. Brown
Reddit of course maybe even Twitch
Farms karma
Bunch and bunch of theories
Doesn't get off his phone
Has probably got like 2k medals (rich)
Nobody takes him seriously
Probably appeared on those youtube reddit channels
Had TikTok but only during the og times ("Hit or miss' and "No mercy" trends)
Why do I have a feeling that he watched amv's or even better gacha amv's
Uses those pirate movie apps like Kodi or Stremio
Has a cracked version of Spotify
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Mr. Blue
Uses a Nokia 3310
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hiimtheproblem87times · 4 months
AvA/M Voice HCs
The Voices inside my Head are telling me to post these HCs i made in my head
• The Color Gang
The Second Coming - Shawn from @ Fgteev in YT
Red - Starlight Glimmer (Boy-ish Cover) from MLP
Yellow - B5 from Boys12
Blue - B3 from boys12
Green - palo santo [Deluxe]
• Royal Duo & their Fam
Purple - Steven from the Steven universe Movie
King Orange - Gabriel agreste from Miraculous
Gold - Golden freddy kid from the FNAF Movie
Orchid - Princess Celestia from MLP
Navy blue/RB - Shawn medes
• The Rocket Corp
Victim - Aaravos From The Dragon Prince +they also speak Spanish, sometimes
Agent Smith - Owen from Jurrasic world: Dominion
Ballista - Mr. Phirana from The Bad Guys
Hazard - Earl the Cop from Cloudy Chance of Meatballs (i have... very.. good reasons)
Primal - Jessica Rabbit from Who framed roger rabbit, but when shapeshifting, they sound like Mangle from FNAF 2
The Workers - Vocaloid Voices from Victim (Mostly Pixelated voices)
• Others
F!Victim - Stoick from How to Train your Dragon
The Chosen One - Corvus from The Dragon prince
The Dark Lord - Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel
Noogai - That voice from "Heaven says"
Corndog guy - Snake from the Bad guys
Freedom guy - mr. Wolf from the bad guys
Das all lol
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lymoncat · 9 months
AOT HCS MODERN AU! What pet you guys own
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he has a dog I’m not even gonna lie, he comes across as a dog person, he doesn’t care what breed but prefers big dogs specifically German shepherds he bought a dog when y’all moved in together and he’s actually really close with the dog, you named the dog bobo you chose the name cuz you thought it would be cute, the dog is very attached to eren
a cat, an orange tabby cat. Armin comes across as a more calm less crazy person meaning he would want a cat to chill and read with. He named the cat tangerine cuz it’s orange. You bought him the cat for Christmas one year since you didn’t know what to get him. It’s the wholesome moments, when you see him on the couch after work holding the cat, you fall in love all over again with your gentle small ray of sunshine
you may think that he has a horse but your very wrong, he has an annoying green parrot that calls you mom, you can simply walk by the change and you’ll hear “food mom?” And you eventually get used to it and get another parrot for them to play together and stop bugging you
oh you poor unfortunate soul, him and that tortoise. Jk he has a dog still, you poor unfortunate soul, him and that dog do everything together, he has a border collie that joins you two in everything, taking a shower, the dog is at the door, using the bathroom?, the dog is staring into your soul, trying to leave? The dog is following you out the door. The dogs same is bacon cuz the dog loves bacon
Bull dog off the bat, he has a big dog strong like him, they wrestle on the living room floor all the time, go on walks, play fetch, chase little kids- wait- what?! Yeah, they think it’s funny to chase children in the park especially the snotty teenager brats over in the corner doing some not so innocent things, the dog is a female named Presley very energetic and playful but don’t expect any unwanted visitors there will be none, middle of the night a robber comes ain’t no way that person getting out alive, maybe in a body bag but not alive.
a tortoiseshell cat with gold eyes, you guys went to an animal rescue center for your anniversary and he fell in love with this cat, he was begging you until you said yes I mean how could you not?! He’s batting those pretty green eyes while on his knees with the cat “please can we get her? I’ll do anything my love” it was a yes in that very moment and next thing you knew you were on your way home with a cat named pineapple don’t bother asking how that name came across his mind but it’s always nice to see him in one of his weird sleeping positions with pineapple splayed across his chest on her back
a lazy pug named Mr. There’s no question just a fat lazy pug that sheds buckets of fur.
you begged him to get an animal and he kept saying no until he came home to you having bought one without his permission, he glared and looked pissed until that fat fluffy black cat looked him in the eyes with her emerald ones. He caved in. The cat was named jasmine and he allowed you to keep it because cats are very hygienic and easy to take care of. He hates changing the litter box but will do it for Jasmine. And when he does actually sleep it’s curled up with you and jasmine and absolutely precious, jasmine sits on his lap when he’s doing work and he shares his food with her all of the time strangely enough she loves lettuce, you’ll be in the kitchen making salad and she’ll prance over and sit there meowing for lettuce
I hope you guys liked this, please comment your thoughts and send me requests and don’t be afraid to give me feedback ❤️✨
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cometcrystal · 3 months
for the anon earlier. some random pnf headcanons 💯 i might have talked about some of these before but i'll take any chance to talk about stuff i like
i've DEFINITELY talked about this one before but as adults phineas and isabella are divorced besties with a son. they love each other soooo much but the romance part just didn't really work.
yall also already know i hc jeremy as bi but i find it worth mentioning because it was one of my first lgbt headcanons EVER after i figured out i could do that. buford and baljeet were probably first.
eliza and nicolette are endgame. do you see my vision
it doesn't matter to the show whatsoever but i do have ideas for what happened to mr flynn and mrs fletcher. in my timeline mr flynn was abusive and linda left him when she was pregnant with phineas, and mrs fletcher died at some point. idk how. ferb was too young to remember her. i have not worked out how close she and lawrence were but she had green hair
phineas and ferb cure multiple cancers in 10th grade and make the patents open-source
one of my early internet friends turned the drummer in jeremy's band into an oc named hugo.... he was in a situationship with jenny that lasted well past their 30s
speaking of jenny i think she and django disappeared for a bit because their rich artist dad took them to. like. greece or something. for the remainder of the summer and theyre just living their best life on a veranda on the other side of the planet until the school year starts
phineas, ferb, and baljeet COULD graduate VERY early but they purposely stay in the same grade as their friends because they love them. once the acts/sats/ap exams come around though its over for you hoes.
candace and stacy went to horse camp (a week long program during the summer teaching kids to ride horses) every summer until high school. at which point they decided it was For Babies. but they're both still horse girls deep down.
since we know that jeremy has liked candace longer than she's liked him, i think he was a really shy kid. he was too nervous to even look at her some days. when she gave him that pencil that one time, he didn't even say anything. he broke out of his shell later and became a friendly young man but candace still made him nervous. etc etc.
xavier and fred are movie buffs. they're usually logging one film per day. if letterboxd still exists on the future their profiles would be legendary.
jeremy picked the name fred. he was fine with candace already having names picked out, but once they found out they were having twins, she texted him a link to a baby name website and told him to pick his favorite. He picked Fred.
jeremy has written an entire album about candace and its all shit that sounds like Chasing Cars and candace LOVES IT
stacy interning at owca is how she meets her girlfriend vanessa and also how she meets her future wife in uruguay
buford and isabella have ice cream romcom sleepovers and nobody else is invited this is THEIR bonding time
sometimes the flynn fletcher kids would spend entire days at the antique shop before candace was old enough to watch the boys
this isn't really a headcanon but i want to see some isabella and jeremy bro moments. Because of In love with #TwoCrazyRedheads
Thats the only ones i can think of right now. My hands are shaking
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isa-ghost · 4 months
I'm gonna do Richas because he's my favorite after Chayanne and Lullah :D
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Richas scares Phil a little bc he's a brand of wildchild he's never encountered before. And his parents?? For the most part are just fine with that?? Survivalist man is screaming.
If the Cellbit and Baghera rescue mission had actually happened, Phil would've seen a whole new side of Richas and it'd change his perspective a bit. Still an unhinged gremlin, but also fearless, determined, full of endless love and loyalty. He knows what he's doing and he does it well, he just needs adults to trust that he can do it.
This goes for Pac too, but any jokes Richas makes with his prosthetic leg make Phil lose it, they always take him by surprise and they're always the right amount of out of pocket to make Phil reel. It's even better if Richas removes the prosthetic and does some wild ass shit with it. He's made Phil screech before. It was a mistake on Phil's part, now he tries to make him scream on purpose.
A lot of "peak qsmp era" horrors felt centered around the Brazilians and goddamn does Phil think Richas is so unbelievably resilient bc of it. That kid is so happy go lucky and comes off so carefree despite everything that's happened to him or his myriad of parents and Phil just cannot fathom it bc he would've broken by now.
Which btw Phil thinks it's rlly fucking funny that Richas was collecting parents like Pokémon and every now and then he'd try to come up with a funny convoluted way to Also become Richas's parent purely for the bit. Never came up with one good enough though, being previously FWB with Fit didn't feel like a good enough pipeline. Richas totally would've accepted that reason though.
Be it through his usual brand of unhinged fuckery or genuine persuasion, I think Richas could've gotten Phil to try any Brazilian food or snack, even if Phil was like "there's no way I'll like that." I'm truthing Richas would get him addicted to smth besides Guaraná.
GOD Richas would've loved to spar with Phil. Phil would be far too nervous to go all out on the kid but Richas would absolutely love it.
Richas's tiny arms never fail to make Phil laugh. He just can't. All Richas has to do is Orange Justice and it's all over, Phil's dying until he gets the hiccups.
Richas would be the motherfucker constantly badgering Phil to go fishing if he was able to go back to the Hardcore World with him.
He's, like many others, is in the Phil Take Me Flying When Your Wings Work club.
Tbfh more accurately I think Richas is impatient to hatch in the hopes he'll have wings so he can be taught to fly himself. (And the heart attacks he'd give Phil then.... MAN)
I don't know where in the deep recesses of my brain this came from but I need them in a laser tag fight on the same team because Richas would THRIVE watching Pro Halo Sniper Tío Philza Minecraft absolutely obliterate motherfuckers.
Phil feels a teeny bit bad about it but he's genuinely surprised Richas didn't perma-die with how reckless he could be.
Phil 100% noticed a change in Richas post-Purgatory and isn't sure if it was because of that or because of a death he had around then. Whatever it was, he picked up on Richas seeming a lot more Fuck It We Ball but in a kinda,, maybe needs to at least talk about it to someone way. Not his kid so he didn't want to butt in or overstep, but he still felt worried about it.
100% thinks Richas is overall underestimated though. Or maybe Richas intentionally fools people into thinking such. But Mr. Angel of Death can see it, that kid's TNT in a shell.
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