#ms pain(t) monday
davejade-daily · 11 months
welcome to davejade daily!!
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we post content of jade, dave and the relationship davejade. not necessarily daily, as we have lives, but we will be posting original art, edits and writing. we will also reblog relevant art, fics and writing, because other people are also making awesome dave, jade and/or davejade content that deserves attention too!! if you see a like from us, chances are, you are in the queue! hooray!!
this blog is run by @crookedgrifter and @ardentastronomer!! check us out if you want :D
taglist and such under the cut
#mod harley <- this is the tag crookedgrifter (griff) will be posting from.
#mod strider <- itsa me, ardentastronomer
#davejade <- for any post about them
#davejade art <- any of our davejade art
#davejade fic <- any little stories we write :D
romantic content will be tagged as #davejade art/fic <3, platonic content will be #davejade art/fic <> and any ambiguous content will just be #davejade.
#jade art
#dave art
#not davejade
#nonsense <- for silly things!!
#art reblog
#fic reblog
#answered <- ask tag
#au tag <- for our various au rambles and doodles!!
#requests <- for any art requests we receive!
#ms pain(t) monday
we do take requests of content (fic, art, edits) relevant to this blog (homestuck, jade harley, dave strider, davejade in both platonic and romantic forms, and any of our aus). we will fulfill these requests if and when we can. please be patient. we will not do suggestive or NSFW work.
i, mod harley, aka griff, am an enjoyer of jade harley and classpecting (prospit dreaming prince of void, sagittarius, sagittanius). i am a hobbyist artist, and i have been a homestuck for a year now. i discovered it through chrisrin's awesome art, and have not left since. i convert oxygen into carbon dioxide!! woo!! and so do you!!! i am a little bit silly and i am Totally Normal about jade. and davejade. aa/mod strider is my moirail!! :D
hi. im mod strider, aka aa (because my url doesnt nickname nicely. lookin at you). i also convert oxygen in to carbon dioxide (hey you stole my joke) and am an obsessive theorist. im a derse dreaming knight of light and a virgo/virpia. my fellow mod and moirail gave me the homestuck virus and now theres no hope for me. its terminal. my main hobby is being an internet hermit and multifandom mess, but i also enjoy drawing silly little guys and procrastinating my piano practice by playing taylor swiffer on guitar
thank you and have a good day!!
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davidpwilson2564 · 2 months
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Lee Norris, conductor, is now out of his pain. Odd that he lopped a few years off his age. Announced he was ninety though he was several years older. (Stokowski did the same thing.)
Much T V talk about the assassination attempt at the Donald hate rally. The kid who shot at him (high powered rifle bought for him by his dad) was killed right away (of course). Twenty years old and said to be a Trumpist, a good student. Poor boy. Trump making big thing about how God saved his life. Oh boy. This could get him elected.
A bit of consolation: if elected he will be a lame duck.
Monday, July 15, 2024
Big news. Aileen Cannon, down in Florida, has tossed out the documents case. Trump appointed judge, inexperienced but eager to please the Boss. Trump continues to dance around the raindrops.
This is an easy one to figure out. Ms. Cannon will get a spot on the Supreme Court when Trump is elected. (Clarence Thomas will be offered all the money in the world to resign. Cannon will take his place.)
There will be a grand time in Milwaukee as the Republican convention starts up.
I go out. It's hot.
Later: Republican Convention begins. He choses J D Vance as his running mate. The atmosphere very much like a Trump rally. Lee Greenwood (Trump's Bocelli) singing that song again. And Trump enters, bandaged ear and all, like a monarch. All hail, etc. Sits with his friends and family, the same crowd that was boogie-ing it up when they watched the Capitol Building being stormed on Jan 6.
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sgtjbbhasmyheart · 4 years
Drunk Texting Is(n’t) Bad for Your Health- Chapter Six (part 1)
Series Summary: Talk about your unconventional meet-cute! Bucky receives a text by mistake requesting he prove he's not Reader's sister. The easy dialogue between Reader and Bucky sparks a natural friendship, but could it lead to more? Bucky still deems himself unworthy of any form of affection or love. Reader is hellbent to prove him wrong. With the help of some (meddling) friends along the way, Bucky may get his happily-ever-after after all.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 3293
Warnings: ANGST, bad language words
A/N: Tumblr sucks. It forced me to split this chapter up because I exceeded the text block limit. That’s just how I write! Link to part 2 at the end.
A/N 2: Thank you again to everyone for showing this story so much love! And thank you to everyone for your patience and support as I struggled to put this out. As you can tell from the multiple parts, it was a doozy. 🥰 divider credit- @firefly-graphics​
In case you missed the update, I will be publishing a new chapter every other Saturday from here on out. Schedule is in the Masterlist in my header.
DO NOT copy or replicate without my permission.
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Monday morning rolled around, and your good mood from the weekend followed you into the office. Spending all of Saturday and the majority of Sunday texting James had lent to this early morning cheerfulness. You couldn’t help the smile on your face. You had even managed to arrive before most of your team.  
You hummed a sweet melody as you booted up your computer and organized a few files for Timmons to peruse. They were statements intended for the press needing his approval about a particular prominent CEO or A-list celebrity client. The firm was not confirming nor denying any knowledge of said client’s whereabouts the previous week or why there was photographic evidence of them coming out of FlashDancers NYC. Other files included those seeking rebranding approval for existing companies looking to revamp their image.
Most importantly, today was contract signing day for Stark Industries. 
You had compiled the document from a generic template the company used for all its clients, manually plugging in Stark Industries’ information in the correct spots and changing or omitting any services rendered or not. E-signing contracts were not only environmentally responsible, but they also saved a lot of your time from printing out numerous copies of a single agreement.
All you needed now was Timmons’ go-ahead to email the contract, and Pepper Potts could plug in her Jane Hancock.
Seeing Timmons enter the workroom, tweed coat draped over his forearm and attaché in hand, you rose from the seat behind your desk. You shuffled into his office after him.
He hung his jacket from the coat rack in the corner near a bank of expansive windows and placed the small, leather case he’d been carrying on the sturdy oak desk. He pulled out a stack of papers and tapped the pile against the desktop to straighten them before setting them down. Looking up at you briefly, he tugged out his laptop next.
You positioned a mug of coffee on Timmons’ desk, turning the handle just so, making it easier for him to grab. You cleared your throat gently. He glanced up at you again.
“Here’s the media statements for today,” you said, handing him a group of manila folders. You smoothed down the hem of your cardigan, smiling at the reminder of Bucky. You wished there had been a way to apologize to him again. He had left your apartment with such a pained look on his face. Maybe you could ask Peter. “And the Stark contract pdf is ready to go. I can email it over to you for final approval.”
“That won’t be necessary,” Timmons replied absent-mindedly, lifting the organized piles on the desk as if looking for something.
“Oh, okay,” you returned, nodding your head diminutively. “Do you want me to forward the contract on to Ms. Potts, then?”
“Ah-ha!” Timmons exclaimed, plucking a pen from underneath a stack of envelopes. He twirled the writing implement in his hand and peered at you, finally taking in your presence for the first time that morning.
An uncomfortable feeling washed over you as he evaluated you from head to toe. What was he looking at? Your hands tensed into fists as you continued to wait for his answer, growing impatient.
“Should I go ahead and do that, then, sir?” you asked, folding your arms across your chest like a protective suit of armor to deflect prying eyes.
“Yes, yes. That should be acceptable,” Timmons answered.
It threw you off balance. What had gotten into him? Timmons always had to have the final say on everything. It was so unlike him!
“Just so we’re clear- I will be sending the Stark Industries contract via email to Pepper Potts to e-sign,” you said, seeking clarification. You wanted to dot all i’s and cross all t’s because you weren’t going to lay your ass on the line for a misunderstanding. Especially not with something as crucial as the Stark Industries account.
“What? No, there’s been a change of plans,” he corrected.
You stared at him dumbfounded. Was he purposely trying to give you mental whiplash?
“Change of plans,” you affirmed. “Has Stark Industries decided not to use the firm, sir?”
“Oh, no. They’re still going with us,” Timmons said, rearranging the clutter he’d made on his desk.
You dropped your arms to your sides, although inside, you felt like throwing them into the air in frustration. Why was he so vague? He was usually wholly transparent with you. “Would you mind explaining it to me, please?” you asked, borderline annoyed. “Last time I checked, Stark Industries’ contract signing was still on the calendar for today’s agenda.”
“And it still is,” Timmons acknowledged. “It’s moved to an in-person signing.”
Your stomach plunged to the floor. Shit! You hadn’t printed out the contract! When was the appointment? How much time did you have? So many questions flew through your head.
How could Timmons keep something like this from you? Your heart hammered in your chest. You practically wobbled on your feet. Were you going to be sick?
I’m going to get fucking fired over this, you thought, trying to steady your breathing.
“Will you be ready to go in twenty minutes?” Timmons questioned, sitting down in the comfy desk chair and opening his laptop.
“Go?” you squeaked, attempting to recall how much you had in savings. You shook your head, trying to understand his words. Was he already asking you to clear out your desk?
“Yes. The car will be here at nine,” he said, keyboard clacking as he typed something.
“Car?” you asked, finding great difficulty comprehending the situation. Your head felt like it was stuffed with cotton.
Timmons regarded you in bafflement. “Have you been drinking?”
“What? NO!” you declared. You didn’t need that added to “the inability to perform required tasks” as a reason for your firing.  “I’m-I’m just really confused, sir.”
“About what?” Timmons asked, sitting back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap.
“Well…” you started. “What do we need a car for?”
His chocolate brown eyes shone with what you imagined might be excitement. “To drive upstate, of course.” He smirked as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on the desktop.
Upstate? What was upstate?
Timmons’ smile broadened as realization crept across your face. “Are we-”
“Yup!” he interrupted gleefully. He was like a child in a candy store. “We are headed to the Avengers Compound with a personal invitation from Tony Stark himself!”
You blinked several times at your boss, not entirely computing what he’d said. You were usually a lot quicker on the uptake than this. Why were you having such an off-day? 
“We?” you asked, shaking your head clear of the cobwebs. Why on Earth would he bring you along?
“I need someone who knows the ins and outs of these contract signings,” he said, fiddling with his pen again.
Wasn’t that his job?
“I’m just the schmoozer- the people-person,” he admitted, shrugging. “You’re the real brains behind this whole operation.
You nodded your head in agreement. He wasn’t wrong. The office would collectively collapse without you, and it felt good to hear your actual boss say it out loud.
“You better not forget it, either. Especially when my job performance evaluation comes around,” you asserted.
Timmons swiftly saluted you as if he was the subordinate. You huffed a laugh at him while shaking your head with incredulity. You took a step or two toward the office door before looking over your shoulder at him.
Timmons had turned back to his laptop screen already and started typing again. “So, twenty minutes?” he asked with an air of levity.
You faltered, nearly tripping over your feet. “Wait? You were serious about that?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Timmons wondered, looking up hurriedly from his laptop.
“I need to print out the contract and make copies, for one thing,” you mentioned, almost accusatory. Maybe if he had warned you ahead of time, you wouldn’t be so defensive.
“Already taken care of,” he soothed.
“What do you mean it’s ‘already taken care of’?” you asked, raising your hands to make quotation marks with your fingers.
“I had one of the other grunts do it last night.”
You gaped at Timmons like a goldfish, mouth popping open and closed. Did you hear him correctly? Timmons did something to make your job easier? You could hug him right now! You felt like pinching yourself to make sure it wasn’t a dream.
Once you gathered your wits again, you glanced to your feet bashfully. “Oh,” you spoke, absently fingering the bottom button of your cardigan. “Thank you.” You smiled gratefully.
Timmons returned the smile with one of his own. “You’re welcome.”
“Nine o’clock, then,” you agreed, moving further toward the doorway.
“On the dot!”
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Words couldn’t even begin to describe the Avengers Compound. You’d seen it on the news, sure, but that didn’t compare to seeing it in real life. It was grandiose, imposing. You felt dwarfed in size looking up to the high rooftop. 
It was almost ostentatious in a way. Much like the man who designed it. Larger than life.
Tony Stark.
Tony had insisted he take you and Timmons around on the tour of the compound. You still hadn’t seen the need for a tour.
“When Tony Stark invites you to tour the Avengers compound, you don’t say no,” Timmons had said in the car-ride up when you questioned why it was necessary.
It was all superfluous, really. Like Tony was trying to woo the firm to sign them, not the other way around.
A headache was forming at the base of your skull as you waited in line at the reception desk to return your visitor security badge.
The tour of the facility seemed to have been drug out longer than it needed. Tony had appeared overeager to show off every little gadget or trinket. Or maybe he just liked to hear himself talk.
When Timmons excepted the lunch invitation after the tour was completed, you felt the urge to run down to the armory, grab a gun, and shoot yourself in the foot. You were kicking yourself for ever agreeing to come on this dumb tour.
As the line slowly dragged forward, the muffled noise of men’s voices caught your ear. It sounded like an argument. Your line of sight followed to where the altercation originated.
Standing twenty feet away was Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, clearly disagreeing.
Your breath stilled as you watched the two super soldiers quarrel in a near-stage-whisper. What could they be fighting about?
From your place in line, you saw Bucky shake his head adamantly, his chestnut hair swishing about his shoulders. He might have even stamped his foot like a child, but you were too preoccupied with the look of abject horror on his face. He turned away as if to flee, but his friend caught him by the shoulder to stop him.
Were you causing this reaction from him?
You looked to your right to see if there was possibly someone else. All you noticed, though, was an empty space. Had you hurt Bucky’s feelings that badly? Your stomach clenched. The last thing you wanted was to be on an Avengers’ shit-list.
Glancing back to the two men, you caught Steve gesturing Bucky forward with short sweeping motions of his hands. Bucky shook his head again, stubbornly.
Even at this distance, you could feel the frustration rolling off Captain America.
Like a sucker-punch to the gut, you suddenly became very aware you were eavesdropping on Captain America and his best friend.
Your cheeks heated instantaneously, embarrassed of your staring. You shouldn’t be spying on them, you admonished. No matter how much your curiosity is piqued. 
It was none of your business.
You turned away from them, facing the reception desk again.
As hard as you tried not to pay attention, you could still see what looked like wild gesturing from the corner of your eye.
What if they started fighting? Shouldn’t you be conscious of your surroundings for your own safety? You fidgeted in your spot as you debated your moral compass.
Fuck it, you thought.
As you peered over to the two super soldiers, Steve shoved Bucky forward gently, causing the latter to trip over his booted feet. Bucky glared back at his friend, his hands clenching into fists. Steve shooed him further. You could barely make out the word “Go!” on his lips.
As if in slow motion, you eyed Bucky taking step after step toward you. Was he coming over here?
Once you realized what was happening, your heart plummeted to your knees as your head whipped around to the front of the line.
Bucky Barnes was definitely walking over to you. 
Had he noticed you staring?
You tried to stabilize your heart rate with slow, easy breaths, but Bucky was beside you much sooner than you could imagine.
A waft of aftershave hit your nose- woodsy and deliciously masculine. Your stomach swooped.
God, he smelled good.
Without having to turn your head, you could feel his brawny mass hovering near you.
How do you play this?
“Oh, my gosh! I had no idea you’d be here!” Of course, he wouldn’t believe that. This is where the Avengers lived. He’d probably think you were a stalker.
“I’m so sorry Peter and I made fun of you! Will you ever forgive me?” Nah, too needy or clingy.
Before you could think of any other ways to portray the situation, you heard a large gush of air escape from Bucky. Was he nervous?
“Hey-hey, (Y/N),” he said, voice shaky.
You gazed to your left. Bucky looked as white as a ghost. Had his ego taken that big of a hit?
At that moment, you wanted to do nothing more than wrap him in your arms and tell him sorry, and everything would be okay. You couldn’t, of course. You didn’t know the guy. So you settled for the next best thing.
You smiled at him beatifically. “Hello, Mr. Barnes.”
Like a veil had been pulled, his demeanor changed instantly. He returned the smile. “Ja-” he started but scrunched his nose as if he’d made a mistake. “Please. Call me Bucky.”
“Okay, Bucky,” you replied.
Timmons turned around, ahead of you in line, and eyeballed you. You gave him a dismissive look, praying he wouldn’t butt in.
“So, you here visiting?” Bucky asked, observing the badge in your hand.
“Sorta. It’s a work thing,” you remarked, waving the plastic fob in the air. “Stark Industries has hired my firm as their PR representative. It was signing day.”
“Ah,” Bucky said, nodding in understanding.
“And I got the tour and lunch courtesy of Tony Stark,” you added.
“Oh, yeah?” Bucky’s eyebrows raised in interest. “What did you think?”
“Honestly?” You watched Bucky shake his head in agreement. “It was extremely overwhelming. How do you not get lost in this place?”
Bucky laughed. Crinkles appeared in the corners of his eyes, yet he looked so boyish. He was beautiful.
“When I first got here, I did several times,” he huffed. “Every hallway looks exactly the same!”
“Right?!” you exclaimed. “I kept thanking my lucky stars that I had a tour guide!” 
Timmons rolled his eyes and pivoted, facing front.
“Steve had to draw me a map to help me find my living quarters after the third time,” Bucky confessed, running a hand through his hair.
“Oh, no!” you empathized, bringing a hand up to cover your mouth. “That must have been so embarrassing!”
“Bird brain caught wind of it and gave me shit for weeks,” he lamented.
You gave him a confused look, not understanding who or what he was referring to.
Realizing his mistake, Bucky corrected, “Sorry. Bird brain is Sam.”
“Because he’s Falcon?”
Bucky bobbed his head yes, looking a little sheepish.
“It’s clever,” you grinned. “I like it.”
Bucky reciprocated the smile, and your chest warmed. It was a feeling you usually felt while texting James. Light and airy.
Finally making it to the reception desk, you relinquished your security badge to the pretty blonde in the too-tight sweater set. She handed you a clipboard to initial and fill out your departure time.
While signing, you surveyed the blonde as Bucky stepped closer. Her eyelashes fluttered rapidly, and she bit down on her bottom lip. Was she giving him bedroom eyes?
A new kind of warmth flooded your body. It felt a lot like jealousy as it snaked its way up to your ribs and circled your collarbones, which was absurd because you had no claim to this man. You’d met him one other time. Why would you feel this way?
Shoving the clipboard back at the receptionist, you spun toward Bucky. He regarded her politely and nodded, “Ma’am.”
Her shoulders slumped, and a frown slithered onto her painted lips. Somehow you felt triumphant, but not sure why. Bucky hadn’t picked you over her.
Your heart thumped harder in your chest as you walked side by side with Bucky, nearing the exit. You were suddenly overcome with the feeling of apologizing. What had you told James if you ever saw Bucky again? Apologize profusely and ask him to coffee.
You smiled at Bucky once again as he rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. The sound of a throat clearing resonated nearby. It wasn’t until you glanced up did you register Timmons standing so close. You had nearly forgotten about him.
Trying to gather your courage, you glimpsed between the two men. Bucky was squinting suspiciously at Timmons, and it made you chuckle lightly. “Easy tiger,” you assured. “That’s my boss, Roger Timmons.”
Bucky’s blue eyes widened a fraction, and he raised a hand in hello. “Sir.”
Timmons raised his chin in acknowledgment before looking down at his watch. You took it as his way of telling you to hurry up.
Okay, it’s now or never.
“Would you like to go to coffee with me?” Bucky blurted out, cheeks coloring pink.
Your eyes roamed across his handsome face. The boyishness was back, along with a touch of uncertainty. He was sweet, regardless of what the media claimed about him. Your lips curled up into a broad smile. “You read my mind,” you revealed, then winced. “That’s not one of your superpowers, is it?”
Bucky tittered. “No, no mind-reading.”
“Good,” you said, relieved.
“Whaddya say? Coffee?”
You dipped your head in a slow yes. “It’ll have to be after work, though.” You motioned over your shoulder with your thumb. “The slave driver over there is taking me back to the office to put me to work.”
Giggling, as you heard a scoff come from behind where you were standing, you reached into your purse and pulled out a pen and an old receipt. You quickly jotted down your work address. Handing it to Bucky, you began moving towards Timmons. “I get off at five,” you called. “I’ll meet you in the lobby.” You waved goodbye.
Bucky smirked. “Don’t work too hard!”
You flashed him one last smile before disappearing through the exit door.
You had a coffee date with Bucky Barnes!
You couldn’t believe it! The giddiness swelled inside you.
You gazed at Timmons’ profile as you walked to the waiting car parked at the curb. He had that look on his face.
It was a long drive back to the city. There was no way you could endure it if he started up now.
You gave a stern look before you stated, “Whatever you’re thinking, keep it to yourself.”
Timmons threw his hands up in mock surrender. “I wasn’t thinking anything.”
“Uh-huh,” you said dubiously. Timmons smiled smugly as you both climbed into the town car.
Chapter Five | Chapter 6 (part 2)
DTIBFYH Tag list:
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citygirlinschool · 3 years
Breaking Bad
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Read it on Ao3
Original bingo
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” 
“I have got two research papers pending, I am falling behind on my thesis and I have to submit Mr D’s essay on Monday. So yes, I am not coming.” Frank resisted the urge to physically pick up the boy from his bed and throw him out. 
He could if he wanted to. Leo was a tiny slip of a thing, all wild curls and ADHD. And gods did the boy tempt him to do some serious bodily harm to him.
“Come on man you haven’t come to a single party since well... ever. This one is supposed to be real rager.” 
With a jerked motion he stood up from his desk, threw his door open and marched towards the kitchen. 
“Is that supposed to be a No?” There was ruffling of sheets and Oh my Gods he was wearing shoes the whole time.
His eyes twitched and he slammed the glass on the counter with more force than necessary. A drink, that’s what he needs.
“Mixed signals buddy.” And there he was in all his flannel glory, and those hideous pun t-shirt (Never trust an atom, they make up everything). Never would he have guessed the devil would be a elf in science pun t-shirts. 
“No, Valdez. I am not coming to your rager party.” He made towards the refrigerator.
“Whatever man your loss.” 
There was an audible slam of the door as the fridge door fell of it’s hinges and over a startled Frank, followed by a crash of food spilling on to the floor.
“So, what was it this time?” 
“He broke the fridge.” Frank stabbed his food gloomily.
“And?” Percy waved a ketchup covered fry.
“He fixed the AC.” Frank mumbled.
“That’s good right?” 
“After he broke it.” He snorted.
Percy was in the year above him. Swim team captain and marine biology major. They met by accident and hit it off immediately.
They made it a point to meet in the dinner near the college campus once a week, or when they could.
“What else?” he drawled lazily, and Frank would feel guilty about turning all these meetings into venting sessions, except Percy wasn’t the type to entertain people just because it’s polite, so he probably didn’t mind.
“He brought someone back to the dorm. Again. Some blondie, Maria. This is the third this month. And it’s distracting, and I have told him clearly to bring someone when I am gone… How does he even land these many?” 
“He is kinda cute?” Percy shrugged.
Frank pulled a face. “He has a horrible track record. Can you believe he flirted with Ms Grace?” 
“To be fair he flirts with everybody. I don’t think it counts.” 
“Still. That’s the Thalia Grace.”
 “Touché. Talked to the Dean?” 
“Jason said, only Octavian is vacant. And that guy is… creepy.”
Percy nodded solemnly. “Heard he guts plush toys to some cult god he worships.” 
Frank looked at him wide eyes, and just like that Leo was forgotten. 
At least until he reached back to his dorm. 
“Frankie! You are back.” Leo flashed him his infuriating smirk that he knows gets on his every nerves. “Hazel was just leaving.” And that asshole turns to her, “Until you changed your mind and decided to stay.” 
He flirts with everybody; it doesn’t mean anything. Percy’s voice echoed warningly in his mind.
Hazel flushes, and looks down. Those flawless curls hiding reddened cheeks. “Thanks for the offer but I can’t stay past curfew.” 
“Aw.” Leo leans forward, “That’s not a no.” he wiggled his eyebrows. “Don’t be stickler for rules, get that enough from Frankie boo here.” 
This time Frank’s cheeks heat up. “Leo.” He hopes he would stop.
“Fine, Fine. Goodnight, Hazel.”
“Bye, Leo.” She presses her books to her chest, and Frank shuffles hurriedly to the side as Hazel moves past him.
He slams the door once Hazel is past. 
“So,” Leo straightens from where he was leaning against the wall. “Somebody has got a crush.”
“Cant blame you, she is a real looker.” 
“Oh, come on, don’t play.” He stalks back towards his room, his back toward the Latino. “You already knew that.” 
“I did?” there it is again, the annoying mocking tone he didn’t bother dignifying with a reply. But that didn’t deter Leo from barging in his room behind him either.
“I mean, were all those lectures ignored in the favour of staring at the back of her head, and doodling H+F in the back of your notebook, did give me an inclination but thought they stood for Himbo plus- “ 
“Shut up, asshole.” He whirled around. “You know I freaking liked her.” He stalked towards him. 
“Oh yeah like how you knew my Chatelier’s experiment made twelve percent of my grade?” 
“I apologized for it.” He spit back in his face, grabbing his forearms. 
“That doesn’t make up for it, jerk.” He hissed back.
Blood roared in his veins, drowning out any further jabbing remarks from the squirming boy in his arms.
Gods the things he would do to shut him up. 
“-and would you please let me go, I am pretty sure this counts as phys- Mmph! ” 
He kissed him. That annoying fucking mouth, with those pretty fucking lips. He bit on his lips tugging at them, pressing that tiny body against his.
He kissed him. Fuck.
Frank stumbled back in horror. “Shit I am sorry, I didn’t- “ 
“Oh no.” Leo lunged at him, and he stumbled back in surprise, catching his hips. “You would be sorry when I am done with you.” 
Harsh demanding lips pressed against him, a sharp nip and the metallic tang of blood spilled on his tongue, making him curse.
The heels of Leo’s feet dug in his back, “Bed, bed, bed!” He panted, slim but strong fingers tugging at his hair painfully, tilting it back. He grabbed his lips in another kiss that had his dick aching in his pants.
Frank stumbled blindly towards his twin bed, his hands groping the Latino’s ass, as they both fell on the congested bed in tangle of limbs.
Leo’s hand left his hair and trailed over his collar, clever fingers making a quick job of his shirt, hips shamelessly grinding in his abdomen. 
“Come on, man, get naked.” He ran his fingers over his chest, tweaking his nipples.
“Leo.” He pulled back, “Aren’t we going a bit fast.” 
Leo’s lips pulled back in a condescending sneer, “You sure you wanna be a cock blocker.”
His hand snaked down to the bulge in his pants, and he involuntarily humped forward into the pressure.   “I already hate you enough.”
That was a reminder enough. The clothes were gotten rid of in a flurry of uncoordinated limbs, and broken buttons, until a very naked Frank, had a very naked Leo in his lap. 
He dug his teeth into the hollow of his collar bones, and Leo hissed, but didn’t stop the wild rhythm of his hips. Frank’s hand squeezed the ample flesh in his hands and parting them. 
The head of his cock slipped between them, sliding over the fuzzy hole.
Leo’s hips stuttered, and he exhaled shakily, fingers digging in his shoulders hard enough that Frank knew they would leave welts.
“Lube? Tell me you have lube” his voice was so deep; it had his cock twitching.
“Top drawer, in the back.” He mumbled, leaning back until he was laying down as Leo stretched over him, searching his drawer.
He couldn’t help but mouth over his well formed abdomen, for his deceptively short stature he was strong. Lithe muscles and surprisingly broad shoulders. 
Fuck he hated him so much.
There was a click of lube opening, as Leo pulled back, his fingers dripping with lube.
He leaned forward, one hand beside his head while he reached behind him.
Frank knew the exact moment Leo’s fingers breached him. His eyebrows furrowed, jaw clenched and his breathing became a tad bit heavier. 
He reached up, pressing a sweet almost a innocent kiss against his lips, and for a moment Leo let him. 
“Let me do it.”
And just like that Leo pulled away. 
His weeping cock bobbed proudly between his supple thighs, his dusky nipple looked raw and abused, there was a myriad of hickies littering his chest and his hair was wilder than usual. 
Yet, that jerk had the audacity to smirk mockingly at him.
“Not your girlfriend, Zhang. So don’t treat me like it.” he must have done something inside him cause his eyes fluttered for a moment. “Besides- Ah” his back arched, “we are doing this by-mmh- my rules, cause clearly you are as clueless in this-Ah!”
“What is your problem.” Frank had jostled his fingers out of him as he flipped them over. “I am just trying to be nice.” He snarled.
“No what you’re trying to do.” A lube covered finger smeared across his neck, “is fucking coddle me.” He spat.
“I am not coddling you.” He glared indignantly at the infuriating boy underneath him.
“Oh yeah? What is this? Fucking me? Please, you are not even in me.” He sneered mockingly.
“I am- I don’t –” Leo mercifully cut his spluttering off with a kiss.
“God I didn’t know I had to just spread my legs to get underneath your skin.”
He would have tried replying, except Leo had wrapped his lubed up hand around his dick, slicking it up with quick efficient strokes, and Frank had been so painfully hard all this time all he could do was helplessly jerk forward into the warm wet hole, until Leo tightened his grip. “Don’t come.” He warned, as he guided him to his stretched hole.
Frank to his dying day would deny the sound he emitted when his head slipped in.
A loud unashamed sound, as his head dropped onto Leo’s shoulder, as he panted harshly. Leo was tighter and hotter then anything he had ever felt before. And so deliciously soft.
He wouldn’t have been able to stop the unrelenting rolls of his hips as he pushed deeper if he wanted to.
Like he had no control over his hips, he pushed in inch after inch, as Leo’s back arched off the bed until Frank bottomed out.
For a moment Frank could just lay still and shiver so as to not bust a nut, Leo as so tight around him, it was probably painful for him.
“Move, move, move, jackass.” Or maybe not.
“Oh, gods fuck me, or I am gonna fuck up your laptop and not repair- Oh yesss!” Leo’s eyes rolled back in his head, as Frank pulled out almost all the way and then pushing in rapidly. 
“Why can’t you shut up for a moment.” Frank picked up his pace. “For once –mmh” his nipped at his ear, “just shut up- ah fuck- and moan.” 
“Maybe- mmph- Maybe if you put all that beef - oh Dios- and man boobs (he gripped said boobs) to use than I will.” 
Frank dug his teeth right below his ears, just shy of tearing skin, but definitely marring the skin, as he readjusted his grip, hooking his hands underneath his knees and practically folding the twink (because that’s what Leo fucking Valdez is and Frank is tired of lying) in half. 
He must have hit his prostrate with the deeper angle cause Leo made a he- would- never- admit- it- but- adorable high-pitched sound, his hands flying between his legs, except Frank slapped it away and wrapped his own hand around his flushed, almost painfully purple cock.
Much to his pleasure Leo hooked his own hand underneath his knees, holding himself open.
“Didn’t know” he panted, “all it took was a good dicking down to shut you up.” 
Leo’s eyes opened up to slits, in what he thinks is a glare, but it is hard to take him seriously on good days, even harder with his cock stupid bambi eyes, and drool covered chin.
Fuck! This is the hottest thing ever and Frank hates him so much.
Frank lost his carefully maintained rhythm, finally rutting in abandon. The bed creaked threateningly, the headboard banging fiercely with the force of his thrusts.
Paired with the slick sound of where Frank was jerking Leo off, slap of skin against skin and squelch of Frank fucking Leo, it sounded like a cheap porno.
Harsh breathing was littered with moans and litany of curses. There tongues ran sloppily against each other, Leo tweaked his nipples, clenching down on Frank as they both hurtled toward the peak like freight train.
The orgasm was a bang.
In hindsight, two fully grown men fucking on a barely hanging on twin bed was not the wisest plan. But what can he say? Leo brings out the worst in him.
“Did it?” Frank muttered tiredly. All he wanted to do was sleep.
“Get off.” Leo’s voice was slurred and strained, “You are suffocating me. And you are sleeping on the couch.” 
“What was it this time?” 
“The bed.” 
“Leo broke your bed?” 
“Something like that.” Frank mumbled.
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peachymarkeu · 4 years
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𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: NCT 127 x OC
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮: Fluff, Angst & Suggestive
𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: What is it like being an 18 year old girl that had just moved into her new apartment and then suddenly meeting the people she would consider to be her brothers while being away from her parents?
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘 𝓝𝓮𝓮𝓭𝓮𝓭
‘Uh- the hell is that sound, can’t you see I’m sleeping’ I thought.
The ringing sound stopped for a while so I continued sleeping peacefully until.
Kringg…Kringg... Kring…
‘Oh come on again.’ I thought in my sleep again.
Once again the ringing stopped and I went back to sleep again.
“Aish what is that sound.” I said while looking for my phone on the nightstand.
I was pushing stuff off the stand until I found my phone. When I got it I realized that it was the one that was making the loud ringing noise.
“Agh- I was sleeping so well then I heard this aish. The hell its only ei-” I cut my rambling once I saw the details on my phone.
January 8, 2021 | Monday | 8:30 am
‘Shit, I’m LATE!’
I got up as quickly as I could and went straight to the bathroom. Since I’m already so late there was no time to take a shower and fix my hair and stuff. All I did was brush my teeth, comb my hair and started to put on my uniform. After putting on my uniform I went out of the bathroom and went straight to my front door to put on my shoes. I didn’t bother getting breakfast at this point, I can just eat something in the cafeteria. After putting on my shoes I got my school bag, coat and keys and went out of my apartment. Once I got out I saw Auntie Minjie getting ready to go out, to the grocery i guess since she there was a little shopping stroller beside her.
“Oh good morning Yuna!” Auntie Minjie Greeted me.
“Good morning Auntie Minjie! Sorry I really need to go now I'm super late for school!” I told her while running backwards towards the elevator.
“Have a good day and travel safe!” she told me while waving.
“Thank you! You too!” I yelled back still while running.
I was near the elevator and saw the doors slowly closing. 
“WAIT!” I yelled and put my hand in between the doors before it closed so that It wouldn’t close.
I got inside and leaned on the elevator walls. The ground floor button was already pressed so I didn’t have to worry about that anymore. I closed my eyes while trying to catch my breath from all the running.
‘Ugh, what way to start the week’ I thought to myself
My hair was covering my face which was why I couldn’t really see whoever was inside the elevator as well. I didn’t even care who was inside. The only thing in my mind was getting to school before the bell rings. I checked the time using my phone and saw 8;45 am flashed on my screen. This was a huge problem. Still need to learn how to get to my school from my apartment. I hit my head 3 times and tried to compose a plan before getting off the elevator.
‘Ok so I’ll search for the directions on my phone, make a run for it and pray that I’ll be able to get to school on time.’ I formulated my plan in my head.
I opened my navigation app and placed my location and the school’s location. I loaded real quickly so I saw the calculations and directions for me to get to my school. It said that it was a 30 minute walk to my school from my apartment so if I run to school I might get there twice as fast and half the time. 
Once the elevator doors opened I sprinted out the elevator and the building. I kept running while looking at my phone for the directions. I was halfway to my school until I tripped and scraped my knees. I saw that my shoes were untied. I guess I didn’t notice them getting untied while I was running.
“Aish you’re so stupid Yuna. You should’ve double tied your shoes so that this wouldn't have happened now you’re wasting time.” I said, talking to myself like a crazy person.
I got up again and checked my phone for the directions. I checked the time and it read 8:55 am. I only had 5 minutes left. I ran as fast as I could until I reached my school. When I arrived I was already 10 minutes late for class. I sprinted up the stairs up until the 3rd floor. I arrived at my classroom and opened the sliding door forcefully which made a loud noise. Every head in the classroom turned to me including the teacher.
“Kim Yuna late.” the teacher announced to the class.
“I’m sorry sir I woke up late this morning and-” I rambled.
“I don’t care about your excuses so go and take your seat. You’ve already disturbed the class.” the teacher snapped at me. 
I bowed to him still as a sign of respect and quietly proceeded to my seat. As I walked across the room all eyes were still on me. Classmates of mine were whispering at each other and were chuckling while looking at me. I must’ve looked like such a wreck. I felt so humiliated that I kept my head down while walking. When I reached my empty seat, I saw my elementary friend, Lee Sungho sitting beside it.
“Hey Yuna, you alright…?” he asked me carefully.
Before I could answer him the teacher cut me.
“So what were we discussing before I was rudely interrupted by your classmate Miss Kim Yuna?” he said, emphasising the word rudely as if he was rubbing it on my face.
I heard a few of my classmates laughing before the teacher continued with his lesson. I’ve never felt so humiliated in my life that tears were brimming my eyes. I felt Sungho tap my shoulder lightly as a sign of comfort. I looked at him and gave him a small smile, assuring him that I was alright. After that I tried my best to focus on the discussion while  restricting myself from letting my tears fall.
*School Chime Ring*
“Class Dismissed. Everyone may now step out of the classroom except for Ms. Kim Yuna” the teacher said while fixing his things on his desk.
‘Well shit’ I thought to myself.
“Yuna-yah, I’ll wait for you outside,” Sungho told me. I bowed to him as an acknowledgment as he strutted out the classroom.
Slowly, I walked to the front of the classroom to Mr. Park’s table. He was fixing some papers on his desk when he lifted his head and looked at me very sternly.
“Miss Kim, I am quite disappointed with you. You are close to failing my class then I see you come to class 15 minutes late.” he said in a very strict manner.
“I’m sorry” I said, bowing my head.
“You are in your senior year. You know that grades are very important to pass your college. You better study and get your grades up. I don’t want to see you coming to class late again. If you continue to have bad grades, say goodbye to entering college because there is no way I will be passing you in my class.” Mr. Park said while grabbing his things and stepping out of the classroom.
I was left alone in the classroom with tears streaming down my face. As I felt them cascading down, I rubbed them off using the back of my hand. I got my things and went outside to meet Sungho who was waiting for me.
“Yah, you alright?” Sungho asked me. His face was full of concern.
“Hm… I’m alright.” I said hiding my sadness with a small smile.
We proceeded to go to the cafeteria for lunch. When we got there, students were lined up, some were even cutting in line just to get what they wanted. Sungho and I waited patiently in line. He sparked up a conversation about his funny experience during his soccer training yesterday. I laughed at all his stories which made my mood become better until.
“Yah move” she said in a very annoyed tone. She cut in line and was now infront of me.
Gwan Aeri. The girl who seems to be so annoyed with me everytime. I don’t know why she’s so annoyed with me since I never did anything to her. Plus, she’s my number one bully. She would push me around, embarrass me and all that stupid stuff. Good thing she wasn’t in Mr. Park’s class. If she was, I would be suffering a lot by now.
I saw her getting her food already so Sungho and I got our trays and started to get food as well. She didn’t get much only bread and milk. I saw her open the milk carton and turn towards me. She bumped me intentionally and “accidentally” spilled her milk on me. My uniform top was drenched in milk.
“Oops, sorry.” Aeri said to me without any sincerity.
All the students inside the cafeteria were looking at me. Some were whispering, somewhere chuckling at me again. Sungho took off his jacket and put it on my shoulders to cover me up. Tears were pricking my eyes again from the second time I got humiliated. I continued to get my food with Sungho. Sungho thought that it was better to eat out in the schoolyard rather than inside the cafeteria. We ate in silence. Sungho would sometimes spark up a conversation but I really wasn’t up to talk at that moment.
After lunch, classes continued and I really was not in the mood to listen to the teachers. I would sometimes doodle, stare at something or just zone out. The day miraculously ended really fast and I went home right away. I felt so physically and mentally drained. While walking home, pain from my scraped knee was now there so every step, there was always this stinging sensation. 
I got home and entered the elevator. No one was inside so I sat down on the floor and let my tears fall freely. I hated this day. First I came in late while I scraped my knee, I got scolded and got milk poured all over me. I was completely done for today. When I entered my apartment I dropped my bag and went straight to bed, ignoring the huge amount of assignments I needed to accomplish, and took a really long nap.
I woke up and looked outside my window and saw that it was already dark. The nap helped me recharge physically but I was still tired mentally. I didn’t know what got into me but I found myself going to the building's veranda and just enjoying the city’s view. To be honest, this was the most relaxing part of my day. I was drowning myself in the city’s noise and view until I heard the door to the veranda open. I was ready to tackle this person down but was then surprised to see who was there.
“Oh, Yuna-yah annyeong!” Taeil Oppa said.
“Taeil Oppa annyeong!” I said back less nervous knowing that we’ve already met.
He sat beside me while looking at the view. We both enjoyed the silence until he spoke up.
“How was your day? I saw you sprinting out the elevator this morning.” he said while I was shocked.
“H-how di-” 
“I was the one inside the elevator with you. Didn’t know that you didn't notice me. I was about to call out to you until you ran out once the doors opened.” he said to me which made me remember everything that happened that day again. Tears were brimming my eyes again and Taeil Oppa took notice of it while staring at my face. Before I could answer his question earlier he spoke again.
“You know, whenever I feel down or frustrated I would always come up here and relax to let out everything.” he said and I looked at him. He was looking out into the horizon while speaking then his eyes were back to me.
“You don’t have to keep it to yourself. You don’t have to stop yourself from crying. You can let it all out.” he said in the softest voice. 
With this, tears fell down my cheeks nonstop. Taeil Oppa pulled me to his chest and hugged me tightly and I cried my heart out. I cried for a while but he never let me go. When I stopped crying and had already collected myself Taeil Oppa spoke again.
“I hope you feel better now since you’ve let it all out.” he said and smiled at me and I smiled back.
“Thank you Oppa.” I said to him while still smiling.
“You know it's getting quite chilly already. How about we go to our apartment and we’ll have some ramen.” he said.
“I-uh thank you for the offer but don’t want to disturbed you guys.” I said trying to politely decline but he still insisted.
“ No, no it's alright, we’ve got the day off tomorrow so it's no problem.” he said.
“We’ll if it won't be a problem to you guys” I said
“Ok lezgetit” he said in a high tone which made me giggle.
We both went to the door and he opened it for me. I went inside and he followed.
‘That was the comfort that I needed’
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July 29, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
The ripples of the explosive testimony of the four police officers Tuesday before the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol continue to spread. Committee members are meeting this week to decide how they will proceed. Congress goes on recess during August, but committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) suggested the committee would, in fact, continue to meet during that break.
Committee members are considering subpoenas to compel the testimony of certain lawmakers, especially since the Department of Justice on Tuesday announced that it would not assert executive privilege to stop members of the Trump administration from testifying to Congress about Trump’s role in the January 6 insurrection. This is a change from the Trump years, when the Department of Justice refused to acknowledge Congress’s authority to investigate the executive branch. This new directive reasserts the traditional boundaries between the two branches, saying that Congress can require testimony and administration officials can give it.
Further, the Department of Justice yesterday rejected the idea that it should defend Congress members involved in the January 6 insurrection. Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) sued Alabama Representative Mo Brooks, as well as the former president and Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, for lying about the election, inciting a mob, and inflicting pain and distress.
Famously, Brooks participated in the rally before the insurrection, telling the audience: “[W]e are not going to let the Socialists rip the heart out of our country. We are not going to let them continue to corrupt our elections, and steal from us our God-given right to control our nation’s destiny.” “Today,” he said, “Republican Senators and Congressmen will either vote to turn America into a godless, amoral, dictatorial, oppressed, and socialist nation on the decline or they will join us and they will fight and vote against voter fraud and election theft, and vote for keeping America great.”
“[T]oday is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass!” he said. He asked them if they were willing to give their lives to preserve “an America that is the greatest nation in world history.” “Will you fight for America?” he asked.
To evade the lawsuit, Brooks gave an affidavit in which he and his lawyers insisted that this language was solely a campaign speech, urging voters to support Republican lawmakers in 2022 and 2024. But he also argued that the Department of Justice had to represent him in the lawsuit because he was acting in his role as a congress member that day, representing his constituents.
Yesterday, the Department of Justice declined to take over the case, pointing out that campaign and electioneering activities fall outside the scope of official employment. It goes on to undercut the idea of protecting any lawmaker who participated in the insurrection, saying that “alleged action to attack Congress and disrupt its official functions is not conduct a Member of Congress is employed to perform.” This means Brooks is on his own to defend himself from the Swalwell lawsuit. It also means that lawmakers intending to fight subpoenas are going to be paying for their own legal representation.
If the committee does, in fact, start demanding that lawmakers talk, Brooks is likely on the list of those from whom they will want to hear. Trying to bolster the new Republican talking point that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) should have been better prepared for the insurrection (this is a diversion: she has no say over the Capitol Police, and she did, in fact, call for law enforcement on January 6), Brooks told Slate political reporter Jim Newell that he, Brooks, knew something was up. He had been warned “on Monday that there might be risks associated with the next few days,” he said. “And as a consequence of those warnings, I did not go to my condo. Instead, I slept on the floor of my office. And when I gave my speech at the Ellipse, I was wearing body armor.” “That’s why I was wearing that nice little windbreaker,” he told Newell. “To cover up the body armor.”
Brooks is not the only one in danger of receiving a subpoena. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) admitted on the Fox News Channel that he spoke to the former president on January 6, although he claimed not to remember whether it was before, during, or after the insurrection. He tried to suggest that chatting with Trump on January 6 was no different than chatting with him at any other time, but that is unlikely to fly. Jordan also repeatedly referred to Trump as “the president,” rather than the former president, a dog whistle to those who continue to insist that Trump did not, in fact, lose the 2020 election.
Meanwhile, it looks more and more like Republicans, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), are eager to change the subject. McCarthy today tried to walk back his previous blaming of Trump for the events of January 6, trying instead to tie Pelosi to the riot. He told reporters that when he said on January 6 that “[t]he President bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters” and that Trump “should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding,” he made the comment without “the information we have today.” Then he tried to blame Pelosi for the Capitol Police response.
McCarthy seems unable to figure out how to handle the changing political dynamic and is continuing to shove the octopus of his different caucus interests into the string bag he’s holding only by promising that the Republicans will win in 2022. To that end, he is essentially walking away from governance and focusing only on the culture wars.
In addition to pulling the Trump Republicans off the select committee on the insurrection, he also pulled all six of the Republicans off a key committee on the economy, the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth. At a time when voters in all parties are concerned with the huge divergence in income and wealth in this country, a divergence that rivals that of the 1850s, 1890s, and 1920s, members of this committee could make names for themselves.
Ohio Republican Warren Davidson was one of those removed from the committee; he told Cleveland media he had been “looking forward” to participating and would “gladly rejoin” the committee if McCarthy relented, but it was Ohio Democrat Marcy Kaptur, still on the committee, who got the headline and the approving story.
Instead of this productive sort of headline, Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and Louie Gohmert (R-TX) staged an event in which they tried to visit the accused January 6 rioters at a Washington, D.C., jail. Refused entry, Gohmert told the press: “We’re in totalitarian, Marxist territory here. This is the way third-world people get treated.”
McCarthy and fellow Trump supporters are trying to get their own headlines by opposing new mask mandates as the Delta variant of coronavirus is gathering momentum across the country. On Tuesday, the attending physician for the United States Congress, Dr. Brian Monahan, reinstated the use of masks in the House of Representatives and recommended it in the smaller Senate. On Wednesday, Pelosi required the use of masks in the House, and reminded members that they would be fined for refusing to wear them. All of the Democrats in the House are vaccinated; it appears that only about half of House Republicans are.
Today, House Republicans launched a revolt against mask use. They are trying to adjourn the House rather than gather with masks. Chip Roy (R-TX), said "This institution is a sham. And we should adjourn and shut this place down.” Representatives Greene, Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ), all maskless, gave Roy a standing ovation. Today, a group of House Republicans without masks posed for cameras as they tried to gain entrance to the Senate.
Consolidating around Trump after his November loss was always a gamble, but increasingly it looks like a precarious one. Just this week, the former president tried to sabotage the infrastructure deal, and 17 senators ignored him. In Texas, on Tuesday, Trump’s ability to swing races was tested and failed when the candidate he backed—even pumping a last-minute $100,000 into the race—lost.
McCarthy has promised to win in 2022 with culture wars rather than governing, and that looks like an increasingly weak bet. But make no mistake: the ace in his vest remains the voter suppression laws currently being enacted across the country.
Chris Cioffi @ReporterCioffiNOW: large maskless group of House GOP members has just crossed onto the Senate side and asked to enter the Senate Chamber. 1,507 Retweets3,942 Likes
July 29th 2021
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Aces in Spaces Chapter 9
*Stands on a chair* It’s Monday again!!!!!
And Roman and Erica are going on a double date with Butcher and Hannah because I said so :D
Tags: @sunshinepascal​ @rentskenobi​ @obaby-wan​ @maybege​ @princessxkenobi​ @agent-450​
Excessive fluff, country music, more fluff, Butcher being soft, Roman being a sap, Erica being a pain and planning ahead to spite Roman, did I mention fluff?
Reference Photos!!! Erica’s dress is first then Roman’s outfit (ft. Ewan:))
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It’s called out as Roman fusses with his tie in the mirror, eyes never leaving it and frown etching itself deeper. He hears a giggle from the kitchen before his Starshine appears, the hair on the crown of her head pulled into a ponytail and the rest added in in links down the back, it’s gotten slightly longer he’s noticed, falling to the middle of her neck when down instead of her lips or chin. It’s a small difference, but he notices.
“Your hair’s gotten longer.”
She tilts her head, looking down at the flowing sundress and white sneakers she’s also wearing before looking back at him in the mirror and blinking twice (it seems smug he thinks but he’s noticed and he plans to point it out). “That’s what you needed me for?”
“I need you for a lot of things dear one—”
“Telling you you’re over-dressed being one of them apparently, we’re going to a barn dance Roman it’s hardly a black-tie affair.” It’s teasing but it’s fond and he can’t really complain, turning to look her in the eyes as he gives his best rebuttal.
“You said we were going dancing—”
“Swing dancing” she cuts in
“Yes, and then you said you were wearing a dress”
“A sundress.”
“Which can also be formal” He adds in an attempt at defense and she shakes her head and laughs.
“Not suit and tie formal silly”
He huffs.
“You’re just worried I’m going to put you in jeans again”
He tries not to wrinkle his nose, he really does.
“Don’t act like that” She says placatingly “Butch’ll cry if you don’t wear the cowboy boots.”
He opens his mouth wide to protest but she’s already reaching to undo his tie and his brain short circuits long enough that she’s already moving away with it towards the closet before he can say a word.
“I brought a flannel of mine, if we can’t find anything in your closet that’ll be our back up!”
She doesn’t yell but she does raise her voice to carry out into his room and he is not having any doubts that she is entirely too cheery about this whole ordeal.
“I don’t know how to swing dance.”
Her head pops out of the closet and she pauses a moment before walking over to kneel in front of the edge of the bed where he’s dumped himself in a defeated pile. His hands are resting on his knees so she rests hers on his forearms, murmuring out a ‘balance’ as she bends.
Roman flips his hands over to steady her.
“I’m alright” She says softly before turning her eyes up to him, “I don’t either, but if there’s anyone I’d want to learn how to with, it’s you.”
He smiles, pinching her cheek just barely, eyes roving over her face. “I’m only wearing the jeans if the shirt doesn’t clash. I refuse to clash colors in public, I have a reputation to uphold.”
She grins so ferally he leans back the slightest bit. “You planned that didn’t you.”
She withdraws and sweeps away to the kitchen before coming back through the doorway with a jacket that somehow is exactly the same color as her dress. Roman would damn her if he didn’t love her.
As it stands, he closes his eyes and sighs deeply. She laughs at him.
“I’m not wearing the boots”
“Oh, Come onnnnnnnn”
They pull up to the lot in Erica’s car (she’d insisted on driving so she could give Roman a musical education on the way, he’s decided country is “tolerable, I suppose”.), and she texts Hannah quickly before they get out, meeting Roman at the hood of the car to pump him up one last time.
“Worst case scenario, we stay an hour and then James feels sick and we have to leave to get him.”
She reaches out to pat the hood of the car gently. “James.”
Roman raises his eyebrows at the car, looking back to her with them still up.
“Welcome to the mind of an introvert, we have plans for everything.” She takes his hand and turns to walk toward the barn. “I once planned the demise of three small countries to get out of a party.”
He sighs again, “I honestly don’t know if you’re serious or kidding.”
She shrugs before seeing Hannah and Butch and calling out to them, cutting off their conversation.
“Did the boots fit him?”
Erica knows she hears Roman growl but she ignores him and smiles widely at Butch instead. “Don’t think I’ll ever get him out of them actually! He loves em to pieces!”
Hannah smiles, “I’m so glad you both could come!! Butch and I have been enjoying it so much and” she pauses before leaning closer to Erica and holding up a hand to hide her words (though they’re still at the same volume) “its easy on the eyes” She finishes with a wink and Erica laughs.
“He’s always easy on the eyes” She says conspiratorially, jiggling the hand of the man in question who’s eyes are currently off in the middle distance. He snaps back to her with a questioning hum and she smiles teasingly at Hannah before they all turn toward the barn again.
“What was that about?”
“Oh nothing, just how amazing you look.” She looks away from him noncommittally, “How big of a stick I’ll need to keep the women away.”
He laughs despite himself before squeezing her hand. “Won’t even see them with you here.”
She smiles at him and it’s his turn to look away, “Probably spend all night looking at my feet.”
They’re walking through the door now and before they head up the stairs she stops him, wrapping her arms around his waist firmly.
“It’s just you and me, we can always hang in the back and eat snacks or make up random steps to confuse everyone else.” She starts listing, lolling her head to the side as she does so “Spend the whole night speaking only Russian and get ourselves thrown out, sit around discussing Star Trek and get shunned...”
He shakes his head and grabs both her cheeks to pull her into a soft kiss that turns into them pressing their foreheads together.
“I can do this, its just more fun if I give you trouble.”
She laughs, “Come on then” she winks, “Cowboy”
“I’m doing this for you but you are on thin ice.”
“I’m on the stairs”
“It’s an expression”
“It’s a barn.”
Roman sighs.
They spend the whole night dancing, Roman (who also definitely commandeered the stereo covertly while Erica occupied the DJ at least once but can’t be held accountable for the second and third time because he might have also been in the bathroom), eventually discarding the jacket for its heat and spinning Erica around in just his t-shirt. They traded partners with Butch and Hannah at the beginning to learn the steps, but they’ve been back with each other for a while now. It’s mostly fast songs the whole night, probably to keep children present engaged Roman thinks, reaching behind him to where Erica is standing to pull her against his back, tucking his hands into her back pockets as hers wrap around his chest. They’ve decided to take a break and watch for a bit, Erica lays her head sideways across his shoulder sleepily, but he starts shrugging to get her attention across the room.
“Look at them, saps.”
Butcher and Hannah are completely wrapped up in each other, twirling and laughing and Butch sweeps Hannah into a dip at the crescendo of the bridge, just as Erica looks up.
“Awwwww.“ Her gaze goes back to Roman. “Like bodyguard, like boss man.”
Roman huffs a laugh. “I’m not a sap” He says calmly, bring his hands to rest over hers on his chest. “I, am…”
“Go ahead, I want to hear another word for it.”
“Whipped.” Comes a slightly croaky voice from behind them and they both startle slightly, turning toward it. They find an old man (who looks weathered and wise enough to be a wizard from a bedtime story) who’s also watching Butcher (who has now picked Hannah up by the waist and is carrying her in a deadlift as he sways so they’re still close) with a slight smile. His eyes fall back to Erica.
“That’s always what we called it, Butcher there’s been waiting for the right one quite a while.”
Erica smiles, “You must be the grandpa he always talks about.”
It isn’t a question and Roman turns to look at her, how many things about Butcher does everyone know except him?
The man smiles a little bigger now, “Are you the Ms. Erica?” She nods, disconnecting from Roman to turn toward the man “He talks about you almost as much as his Sunshine over there, come ‘ere”
She reaches to shake but they end up hugging and she holds on for a second Roman doesn’t fail to notice, he follows along, hoping for a handshake and he gets one, incredibly firm like his grandpa used to give.
He nods in what he hopes is a confident way and is put at ease when the man smiles again. “Heard good things about you too, Butch says you’re the original sap.”
Erica laughs out loud at this before closing her mouth and putting a knuckle against it as she bites her lips to hide a smile. Roman decides to tell the truth, something about Butch’s grandpa makes him feel comfortable enough to, anyway.
“Can’t let a woman like her get away” He says, looking at Erica with longing as she stands by the mans other shoulder, he wants to reach for her right now, and he realizes there’s finally slow music playing in the background. He turns his head to find Butch again, (he’s set Hannah down and is holding her against his chest, she pauses every few beats to place her chin on his chest and gaze up at him lovingly) heart growing in size at the adorableness.
Then he’s looking back at her, and her eyes haven’t left Butch, so he greedily drinks in the moment of looking at her profile. Her beautifully done hair, the highlights of golden and white blonde that peek through, the neckline of her dress that makes her neck look long and makes him want to lay kisses along it, up the side and behind her ear before holding her head in his hands and kissing all along her face and finally---
“Well. I see he still hasn’t taken up exaggeration. Go on then son, take your woman out there ‘fore somebody else does.” Butcher’s grandpa cuts in on his daydream, drawing Erica’s eyes and he gives the man a look that says he isn’t really sorry for having been caught before extending a hand to Erica.
“May I have this dance, beautiful ace woman of mine?”
She smiles at him, and for the briefest of moments he allows himself to believe that its love on her face not just fondness,
“He’s a good one Ms. Erica, wasn’t sure how I felt about him fakin’ it in those boots but, he’s alright.”
And then she speaks.
“Thank you, Ted.”
She gives the older man a smile, placing her hand on his shoulder before reaching out to take Roman’s.
“I’d love to dance with you cowboy.”
He starts to shake his head at her, prepping a sigh but she’s already taken his hand and started pulling him forward towards the floor and turning to face him.
“Does he know?”
She shrugs, “Butch might’ve told him, but having a Grandpa tell me I picked a good one is always a comfort. Even if I knew already.”
Roman blushes. He hasn’t in years but he can’t stop this one, his cheeks burning red as he looks down between them.
She wraps her arms around his neck, sliding in close and kissing his forehead gently. “You knew that, right? That I think you’re a good one?”
He bites his lip and swallows, finally finding the courage to look her in the eyes. “It’s different when you say it out loud.”
She nods, looking down herself before continuing quietly “I should say it more, I’m out of practice but, I want to try, for you” Her eyes drift back up to him, pausing a second to linger on his lips. “I don’t want you to doubt that I want you either.”
He wraps his arms around her waist tightly, breathing in deeply and sneaking a hand up between her shoulder blades to bring her close enough he can bury his face in her neck. “I like you a lot.” He says softly.
“I like you more.”
“Actually with the boots—”
“Shut up cowboy”
They finish their night like that, holding each other tightly and whispering loving words together (interspersed by comments about how adorable Butch is like this), nuzzling cheeks and noses in an effort to keep the feeling of the night in their memories forever.
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mistyxaesthetic · 4 years
Justice for Joyce Echaquan
This is a really rough and terrible story, if you could donate what you can this fundraiser it will help her family. The go fund me is in Canadian French so I translated it. Apologies if some of the wording is wrong but it’s the story.
 Last Thursday Joyce Echaquan, 37, went to the hospital with stomach pains. Monday 09-28-2020 she is given morphine even if she refuses. She knows she has a pace maker in her heart. It was in a live video on Facebook that those around her heard from Ms. Echaquan. He can be heard screaming for help in Attikamek and saying that he was given too much medicine.
She died a few minutes later, with racist caregivers.
In this live video, the comments made by two staff members, in addition to being discriminatory, evoke rare violence.
"Tabarnouche thick esti ... Better off that. Are you done fooling ... calisse? You’re thick in the bucket, ”whispered two members of the Joliette hospital staff.
"You made some bad choices, sweetheart. What would your kids think to see you like this? Think about them a little ... It's better for stuffing than anything else, and we pay for it. Who do you think is paying for this? "
Joyce has 7 children, and it is for them that we are raising funds.
#JusticePourJoyce - #JusticeForJoyce ————————- //// ————) Joyce Echaquan died in Joliette hospital on Monday, shortly after filming herself live on Facebook asking for help. 'help. In her video, she claims to have been over-medicated and Joyce can be heard being the victim of verbal abuse and misconduct by medical staff. Joyce Echaquan has passed away last monday at the Joliette Hospital, not long after having livestreamed on facebook asking for help. In her video she declares having been overmedicated and we can hear Joyce being victim of verbal abuse and innapropriate care from the medical personnel.
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ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
A New Hero Chap 18
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887313/chapters/62252860 Taglist: @bluesimani
Ok! So here’s the next chap! Sorry bout the delay, I’ve been in pain so that’s been delaying this chap being written. But here it is finally. I hope you enjoy it!
“Hello again, Ms. Alya. It’s nice to finally meet you, Ms. Lana, Master Xavier, Master Xander. Ms. Alya has spoken of you two quite a bit,” Alfred greeted as they entered the manor.
“Uh, could you please not call me that?” Xander asked softly and Alfred nodded, bowing his head slightly.
“Of course, Xander,” Alfred said giving him a soft smile which he returned, thankful that Alfred seemed to understand instantly. “Master Dick and the others are waiting in the dining room. Dinner is almost done,” Alfred said and Alya smiled happily.
“I’ll take them over, you can head back to the kitchen. I know you don’t trust them to cook,” she said with a laugh and Alfred gave them a wary smile.
“Indeed. Only Master Jason and Mari have shown to be capable of cooking. Masters Jon and Kon have yet to step foot into the kitchen while Master Clark is adequate in making only a few simple dishes. It is beyond me how the boys can’t seem to learn how to cook without burning something,” he said with a smile to show no heat while also smiling at hearing the group laugh, especially Lana and Xan since he knew they could use a laugh.
“Is that why you sometimes make extra food?” Xan asked with a smirk and Alya blushed lightly.
“If I didn’t, he’d constantly be eating either cereal or fast food,” Alya responded waving her hand. They didn’t notice Alfred leaving with a gleeful little smile.
“Sure~,” Xan replied with a teasing smirk as Xavier laughed, placing a hand on Alya’s shoulder.
“I’m sure the others are waiting. Let’s not keep them that way,” he said giving her an escape that she gladly took.
“Ya! Better not keep them waiting!” Alya said heading off further into the manor, pointing a few things out as they headed to the dining room. “We’re here!” she called as they entered the room and Dick beamed over at them, tho it was tinted with shyness as he waved. The group waved themselves as a brief introduction happened. Lana hesitantly made her way over to Jason as that happened with a shy smile. She fiddled with the necklace and bit her lip, not looking up into Jason’s eyes and instead stared at their shoes.
“T-thank you for this necklace all that time ago. You really didn’t need to do that, but you did. I appreciate it,” she said finally looking up at Jason who was smiling softly at her, causing her to blush a bit.
“It’s no problem. I’m glad it helped you,” he said, continuing to give her a charming smile that had her blush deepening a bit.
“S-still. You did it without wanting recognition or whatever. And not to mention, waited years just to make sure I was all good before letting me know who did it. Thank you,” with a bold gesture, Lana went in and hugged Jason tightly before releasing him and backing up embarrassed. “Sorry,” she said retreating backward to Mari. Xan was nearby talking with Damian, he glanced over as he watched Lana move away from Jason before he could say something.
Jason was looking at where she had been standing shocked, a faint blush on his cheeks. Alya shared a soft laugh with Xavier and Dick as they watched that. But the three stopped laughing and Alya gave Dick a serious look. “Dick,” she started softly and Dick looked at her worriedly, “I know that you’re hurting, but I don’t want you to feel like you can’t come to me. Ok? I want to be there for you to help you thru this,” she said and Dick nodded slowly.
“Same, mate. You can come to either one of us,” Xavier added and Dick nodded.
“Sorry about that,” Dick said giving them a guilty look, thinking about why he did avoid them.
“It’s fine, but, can you tell us why?” Alya asked and Dick blushed, looking down at the ground. Taking both of their hands, Dick led them out of the dining room and up to his room.
“Ok, so, it’s because I had to think over some stuff Bu-Babs.....Babs told me,” Dick started softly and Alya squeezed his hand when he trailed off. “It’s.....why is this so hard?” he asked softly as he returned the squeeze to both Xavier’s and Alya’s hands. “She opened my eyes to the fact that I care about you Alya, more than a friend. And that had me also thinking about my feelings for you too, Xavier,” Dick said softly and the two shared a look, a bit surprised at the answer they were given.
Alya moves to wrap both her arms around Dick’s arm and leaned in, pressing a kiss to Dick’s cheek while Xavier did the same on his other side. “Thank you for telling us. I can talk for the both of us when I say, we would love to give this a go,” she whispered and Xavier nodded his agreement.
“She’s right. How about, we go out on a proper date with each other tomorrow night,” Xavier offered, smiling softly at the slightly shocked but happy look Dick was giving them.
“Really?” Dick asked, resulting in them nodding. “Let’s. I’ll pick you guys up at 6,” Dick said happily.
“Let’s get back to the others. I’m sure they want to eat,” Alya whispered and Dick nodded, pressing a kiss to their cheeks before taking their hands and heading back to the dining room to see some of the family sitting already. Lana was sitting next to Mari and talking quietly as Damian sat on Mari’s other side. Xan was across the table speaking to Jason with Tim on Xan’s other side offering some input while Bruce spoke with Clark and Alfred quietly. Clark had his arm around Bruce’s shoulders. Kon and Jon were to the side chatting with Kon glancing down at his phone occasionally with a small smile.
“Sorry about that. We just had to talk about some things,” Dick said and his family smiled over at him.
“It’s fine, Dick,” Clark said while Tim and Jason sent teasing looks.
“Was it only talking?” Jason asked with a smirk and Dick blushed lightly, causing the two to look at him fondly.
“Yes, it was only talking,” Alya said before sending a smirk at Jason. “But can I say the same thing for you when you speak to a certain someone?” she asked, happy at seeing Jason flush himself with a grumble under his breath. Lana giggled softly at the exchange, causing Jason to glance over at her with a soft look before glaring at his brothers laughing.
“Wasn’t there a few more?” Xavier asked confused and the family shared a look with each other.
“Yes. There’s also Steph, Cass, and Duke. The two girls are over in Hong Kong for a while longer. Duke is with his college class visiting a studio. He’ll be back before Monday,” Tim explained and Xavier nodded understanding.
“I look forward to when I can finally meet them,” Xavier said sitting down on Lana’s other side while Alya sat down next to him with Dick sitting on her other side. With that, the last members of the family sat down with Bruce at the head of the table and Clark on his right side.
Dinner was a quiet affair for everyone as they ate and talked about different things. When they finished eating, Mari got up with Alfred to bring in the dessert of macarons. “There are three types: Chocolate, Vanilla Bean, and Coffee,” Mari said smiling as everyone took two. Tim was quick to take two coffee while the others took two of two different flavors. “I hope you enjoy it!” she said happily as everyone took a bit and voiced their agreements.
“This is really good!” Lana said finishing off the chocolate macaron. She coughed trying to clear her throat as it tightened slightly and got itchy. Her eyes watering slightly. “I-is there any-any pecans?” she asked and the group looked alarmed.
“I-I used pecan meal to substitute the flour,” Mari said and Lana nodded breathing shallowly as she got up. Xavier followed immediately and grabbed her arms.
“I’ll get you somewhere to lay down,” Xavier said as Dick got up to show them to the den.
“Shouldn’t we take her to the hospital?” Mari asked as they left feeling horrible. The boys themselves looked worried even tho Alya shook her head.
“No, don’t worry. It’s fine. She only has a mild allergy. This time, she only has to lay down and sleep it off,” Alya explained.
“This time?” Jason asked and Alya bit her lip. At this point, Dick returned since the den was nearby. He sat down next to her and gripped her hand tightly. She sighed softly and glanced over at them.
“Ya, this time. Her allergy....it gets worse with each time she has pecans. She was having a bit of trouble breathing, I assume Xavier giving her a shot from the EpiPen he carries whenever we hang out with Lana......she hasn’t had that type of reaction before,” Alya replied softly.
“Steve,” Dick spat, causing his family to be shocked at how angry Dick was from how he said the name. Anger flashed across Alya’s face at the name.
“You don’t think?” Jason asked and seeing their looks, he really wanted to personally take to the douchebag. As Red Hood. With his guns.
“Oh yes. Steve would, I don’t doubt it,” Alya growled out, even shocking the others more.
“While we think so, we won’t know for sure. Lana doesn’t....won’t talk about what Steve did to her. So we can only guess,” Dick added and Alya nodded, glancing over at Lana’s plate which had one macaron left.
“Yup, like eating....she won’t say why she eats so little, but we can take a guess why.” Jason growled when he heard that, glaring at the table intently while Alya nodded with it, sharing the sentiment.
“Why isn’t he in jail?” he demanded.
“Did anything happen to make sure he doesn’t come back?” Xan asked then and the two shared a look.”
“No,” Alya sighed out. “We threatened him to keep him away. But I don’t know how effective it’ll be long term. But Lana needs to do it herself, we can’t force her. Her therapist says that it would be best if she did things at her own pace. If that means not charging Steve, so be it,” she said, giving Jason a look that spoke volumes. Jason grumbled and glared at the table.
“What if....” Damian started and paused, unsure if he had the right to ask but he could see that Xan didn’t want to voice it. Alya nodded to him, encouraging him to ask the question. “What do you plan to do if he who shall not be named comes back to Gotham and tries something?” he asked at last and Alya hummed softly.
“If we see him doing anything we will try arresting him,” Alya replied after some time of silence.
“Alya, why don’t you and your siblings stay the night. I’m sure everyone will want to see that Lana is in good health in the morning,” Clark said looking between Xan, Xavier, and Alya. Alya smiled softly at that.
“Are you sure?” Alya asked and Clark gave her a smile and nod.
“Of course I’m sure. We’ll find you some clothes to wear,” Clark said easily and Jason smirked over at Dick who blushed.
“I’ll get you and Xavier something to wear,” Dick said leading Alya out of the room.
“I’ll prepare a room for Ms. Lana. Xander, would you like to room with your sister?” Alfred asked and Xan looked over at Damian who nodded.
“He can stay with me,” Damian said and Alfred nodded understanding while Xan looked grateful. “While you get some pj’s, I’ll take Mari home,” Damian said and helped Mari up before leaving the room.
“You should be able to fit something of mine,” Jason said waving Xan to follow him.
“What about Lana?” Xan asked tilting his head as they entered the den and saw Lana laying curled up at one end of a couch.
“Babs would be the best match, but we aren’t going to ask her. So she can borrow something of mine,” Jason said and Xan nodded, giving him a look which had a blush growing faintly on Jason’s cheeks. A soft laugh left Xan as Jason crouched down next to Lana and tapped the cushion. Lana made a sleepy sound as she blinked away and tilted her head as she made a sound of confusion. “Hey there,” he whispered with a soft smile as a yawn left her.
“Hey, is it-?” she started asking but got cut off by another yawn.
“You’re staying the night with your siblings. Let’s get you some pj’s to wear,” he said, and Lana nod slowly and pushed herself up. With some help from both Xan and Jason, she was up and they were slowly making their way upstairs.
“Goodnight, Lana, Xan,” Alya said coming across them as she left a bathroom wearing Dick’s sweats and a tee. She pulled the two into a hug.
“Goodnight, Als,” the two said while Jason gave a small two-fingered wave. Afterward, Alya made her way into Dick’s room where they saw Xavier and Dick inside, the two already laying on the bed before the door closed. Slipping into his room, Jason found some clothes for Xan and Lana to wear for the night. Lana just mumbled her thanks and followed Alfred to where she’ll be staying for the night. Which happens to be next to both his and Dick’s room. She disappeared into the room and Xan went into Damian’s room.
Jason had a small smile and blush as he got ready to sleep. Bruce gave them the night off and would patrol himself with Clark.
Damian smiled softly as he looked at Mari as they reached the hotel. He got out of the car quickly and opened the passenger door for her with a smile. Mari blushed softly as she took his hand and let him help her out of the car. He led her to the entrance and went thru the doors, heading to the elevator before pausing.
“I’m glad we were able to do this. I do feel horrible tho for giving Lana something she’s allergic to,” Mari said and Damian gave her a reassuring look.
“Don’t worry. We’ll keep an eye on her throughout the night. In the morning, you can tell her sorry again. But I doubt she’ll hold it against you,” Damian said taking her hands into his and squeezing them.
“Ya, I’ll see if I can make her something tho in the hotel kitchen. But we’ll see,” Mari said returning the squeeze.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” Damian said raising her hand up to press a kiss to her fingers. Mari blushed brightly at that but smiled shyly as Damian gave her a small smirk.
“I’ll see you then,” Mari agreed shyly. Right then, the elevator opened to reveal an annoyed Lila and an angry Ms. Bustier.
“There you are, Marinette! I can’t believe you ran off from the class!” Bustier said angrily.
“I told you Ms. Bustier that she’s family friends with the Wayne’s. They invited her to dinner with them and I told you that!” Lila said and Bustier just raised a hand to glare at Mari and Damian.
“You better run off, young man. I doubt the Wayne’s will enjoy hearing that someone pretended to be their youngest son,” Bustier said, causing the two girls to looked shocked while Damian returned the glare.
“Bustier, right?” Damian asked and the teacher nodded. “Well then. Bustier, I highly suggest you shut your mouth. You are talking directly to a Wayne. Not only that, but you are also accusing a student of yours of something they did not do. It is not her fault that you are an idiot. To not dig yourself an even bigger hole, I would highly suggest you stop talking. My brother Tim is putting a case together against you as we speak for the terrible way you have been dealing with your class. So, with that, goodnight, Angel,” Damian said with a nod and walked out of the hotel.
Mari smirked as she walked past Bustier into the elevator and Lila pressed their floor. The door closed behind Mari leaving the teacher dazed in the lobby. As they rode up, Mari finally processed the nickname Damian gave her and blushed. “Damian called me Angel!” she cried out, freaking out as she flapped her hands about.
“Mari, calm down! Obviously this means Damian has some feelings for you! In the morning, you’ll be able to find out!” Lila said smiling at her and Mari returned the smile shakily.
“Really. I may not know him personally, but from what I know, he doesn’t just give anyone nicknames. So, ya, I have a good feeling about this,” Lila said leading Mari back to their room where Adrien and Chloe were waiting for them. Opening the door, Lila sat Mari down in front of them. “Tell her. Damian called her angel before leaving.”
“He called you angel!?” Chloe demand as she threw herself onto the bed and shook her shoulder. Mari nodded slowly shocked with how Chloe was reacting. “Maribear, you are absolutely ridiculous if you think Damian doesn’t think of you as more than a friend. He doesn’t even give his few friends a nickname! Xan doesn’t count since they have some history,” Chloe said and Adrien nodded agreement.
“Ya, Mari. I’ve meet Damian when he and his dad came to a fashion show here a few years ago. He just barely now started calling his brothers by their first names. You are very special to him,” Adrien added and Mari’s blush deepened at the thought.
“O-ok,” she stuttered out with a shy smile. Her friends smiled happily at her and laughed as she squealed and fell over shaking slightly as she squealed.
“Ok, time for bed! You, my dearie, need to be wide-eyed for when he meets you up! Not only that, but we need to give you some subtle makeup to really make your eyes pop!” Lila said and Chloe nodded agreement.
“Definitely. Some lip gloss or lipstick in a pale pink and eyeliner will do wonders to make your features stand out. I’ll bring over a couple of options,” Chloe said as she and Adrien stood up and left the room. Mari just nodded at their words before they left.
Done With College @proudgothamite 2 hours ago
So happy to finally thank the proper person for this necklace I got ages ago!! #sograteful #present #necklace *pic of dagger necklace with three gems on the hilt*
Mari-aculous @MDC_Designs 1 minute ago
Had a great time hanging with Damian and everyone!! #hangout #fun #domesticwaynes
    Damian @BloodBorne 1 second ago
    I’m glad you had fun with my family tonight. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Ok, so here’s the next chap!!! I had fun writing it, it was really cool to do it and show dami n mari’s relationship!! Also, Dick/Alya/Xavier are sorta finally together!! Ok, no sorta….but they do need to go out on an official first date. But still, YA!! Also, this takes place about a few weeks after they arrived in Gotham. Unless explicitly stated, assume the chaps are the next day sorta thing. Ok, until next time!!!! ~Love Willa<3<3<3
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davejade-daily · 11 months
happy ms pain(t) monday
Tumblr media
one day ill master the program and then yall are screwed
(that one pixel matters ill never be over it)
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Read on AO3 here
Summary:  Natasha is late for work again like she usually is on Mondays and James Buchanan Barnes is feeling the brunt of her wrath. But what can he expect? That's how their Mondays go.
Rating: T+, WC: 1054, CH: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Quarantine Quick Writes
I hope y'all enjoy this sweet lil one-shot. My roommate and I decided to do a 45 minute writing game, and this is what I came up with. I'm honestly really happy with what I came up with. My prompt was: "Have a good day." ... "Don't tell me what to do." It was a lot of fun, and exactly what I needed during this excruciating quarantine.
The sound of the toaster joins the many noises filling Bucky and Natasha’s quaint apartment. They had a late start to their morning due to Bucky’s lazy wandering hands and Nat’s slight hangover from last night’s endeavors with Steve and Tony. Thankfully living together for the past two years and having insane assassin training allows Bucky and Nat’s routines to flow together like a dance — even with the sluggish effects of a hangover.
“Babe, where did you see me throw my bag last night?” Nat’s question floats out from the hallway seconds before she follows. “I can’t find it, and I feel like I’ve looked everywhere.”
Bucky looks up from the breakfast he’s working on — he starts work later than Nat does, so he has the luxury of enjoying a decent breakfast. His face scrunches up in thought before admitting, “I think I saw it in the freezer. I was confused, but wasn’t sure if you did it on purpose or not.” He pauses, “Now looking back, I think I remember you going into the freezer for vodka before we went to bed.”
Nat stops and stares, “Why would I purposefully put my purse in the freezer? I know you’re a man from the 1500’s, but come on babe.” Bucky scoffs with fake indignation as she makes her way over to retrieve her purse that is definitely squished underneath their bottle of vodka. She grumbles with annoyance, dusting off the frost that lines the corners of her bag.
“What was that doll? I couldn’t hear you?” Bucky teases, it’s a risky move, he knows how grumpy Nat can be when she’s hungover and late for work.
She proves just how grumpy she is when she turns and glares at him, jabbing her finger into his chest. Bucky feigns pain at her poking, which just makes her scowl more.
“I said that my purse is now going to be wet. So now I have to deal with a wet bag, one slice of toast for breakfast, and traffic that will make me even more late because my clingy popsicle of a boyfriend couldn’t keep it in his pants!” He cringes with every word she emphasizes — she is definitely grumpy today. Before Bucky can say anything, Nat whirls back around to slam her purse on the counter and grab her work essentials. “Tupaya grebanaya ovtsa,” she mutters, making Bucky’s eyes shoot up.
“Every Sunday, I let you convince me that going out with Steve and Tony will not end with me massively drunk, and that I will start my week out feeling great! And every time, you let me get plastered, knowing full well that I will have your ass the next morning for making me late. Where the fuck is my left shoe!?”
“Under the blue armchair.” Bucky’s met with silence for a moment, before a bit more grumbling and another tirade begins again.
“I swear to god if you come to me with those puppy dog eyes next week begging me to join you on a night out I will send your ass back to Wakanda!” At this point, Bucky has finished making his breakfast and is now settling himself on the island. His eyes follow Nat around the apartment, who is now adorned in her heels, suit jacket, purse, and briefcase as she makes her way back into the kitchen. When her eyes lift to meet Bucky, he raises his eyebrows in question, slowly chewing on his bite of pancake.
She huffs and throws a napkin at his face. “I mean it this time Barnes, I’m not having it! Now wipe your face, you’re dribbling syrup all over my counter.”
“Yes ma'am,” Bucky chuckles. Nat shoots him a look before going to the fridge to grab a coffee.
This is their routine every Monday morning, and every Monday evening Natasha comes back beat and begs for a nice foot rub and cuddles. Bucky loves every minute of it, knowing that he can be rowdy and soft with her, and that she can be the same with him. He never thought this reality could be possible for him when he was saved from Hydra.
Natasha stands back up, coffee in hand and her face scrunching in confusion at her phone. She must have gotten some kind of work alert that she’s now preparing to face when she goes in.
“Everything okay?” Bucky asks.
Nat looks up briefly, “Huh? Oh yeah, just a doozy of a day it’s going to be, thanks to you.” She looks back at Bucky innocently before winking. She closes the fridge door with her hip, grabs her toast and makes her way towards the door.
“I gotta go babe, I’ll see you tonight for Italian?”
“Sounds good doll. Have a good day!”
“Don’t tell me what to do Barnes, I haven’t forgiven you just yet.” He simply blows her a kiss as the door closes behind her.
These next few moments will define how the evening goes for him. Bucky rinses his plate off and gets ready for the day, making his regular Monday morning calls with the biggest grin plastering his face.
“Hello Ms. Romanoff, there’s a delivery at the front desk for you.” One of Stark’s newest interns awkwardly shuffles in front of Natasha. It’s halfway through her work day, and it has been as hectic as she expected.
“Thank you so much, I’m heading over there now.” As Natasha leaves, the corners of her lips tug upwards into the slightest smile. “Barnes you son of a bitch,” she mutters.
When the elevator doors open, Nat is assaulted with the gaudiest bouquet of flowers she has seen yet, and she has seen quite a few as this is what James sends her every Monday morning. She swears he tries to top the ridiculousness of the bouquets each week. She’s laughing by the time she gets to Janet at the front.
“He really outdid himself this time Nat, that bad of a morning huh?” Janet is chuckling herself.
“Oh I would say so. I did kick him off the bed this morning, but I think this redeems him.” The women both laugh, and really Nat knows that’s all James wants, is for her to be happy. She has to admit, he definitely succeeds in making her happy.
Okay so what did y'all think??? I promise I will be back with more fics like this and I also want to make an effort to post my long time coming fic. Drop a comment below! I want to hear from y'all! Also hmu on AO3. Stay safe, stay healthy! And wash your damn hands!!<3
P.S. If you haven't already, you should definitely look up that Russian phrase Nat muttered
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inkanistark · 5 years
Currently living one of the worst weeks of my life, it’s going very cute so far.
Woke up with alarming chest pains. Very alarming to the point that I told my parents because I thought I was going to die. (6-7 on the pain scale)
Went to the ER. It was very C U T E.
They said that I just had a bad reaction to my respiratory virus infection, possibly strengthened due to high stress, possibly a UTI.
Kobe died, found out at hospital.
I got home at 5 and had to still write an Oliver Thesis, write 9 chapters worth of AP Psych Notes, and had to study for the test the next day.
Studied for AP Psych Test all day. Probably failed it. Had to endure classes that talked about abortion, Kobe’s death, transphobia, mental illnesses, etc.
Had to write an entire AP Psych project due to lack of time as I caught the flu the week before. This included about 70 logs as well as follow up questions that I’d rather not talk about. This was due as midnight as well as an editorial analysis for AP Lang, which mind you I had also not started. I ended up procrastinating and rushing to do both before midnight just in time.
Good Day. Julius Caesar got stabbed.
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Before the field trip, I had extreme chest and stomach pains again. The cause turned out to be the fact that I had taken my prescribed pills and cough medication, both of which are a deadly combination when on an empty stomach. I skipped dinner the night before and breakfast that morning. My stomach felt like Caesar.
Had to read the entire Great Gatsby, as I had repressed the due date and had to cope with the flu for over two weeks, but whatevs. Following this up, I finished my reading at midnight, and still had 2 WebAssign tasks for math and gave up on them. I also had to study for a math quiz and anatomy quiz. I went to bed at 3 A.M. and felt like crying. I didn’t. It was cute.
Dealt with a terrible Anatomy Quiz that I managed to pass on virtue hat it was an open note quiz.
The Great Gatsby Socratic Seminar was that day. Everyone contributed except me, I wanted to contribute before Keller interrupted me and my anxiety already wanted to yeet me off a cliff. I wish I had done my math instead of actually listening to the discussion.
Math was next. Quiz on the last two lessons. On virtue of logic, I managed to answer the first two questions. I struggled a bit on the third but managed to come to some sort of conclusion, correct or wrong. The last question was a doozy that I stared at until the last ten minutes of class, where I simply gave up and turned it in. I kinda felt like crying, but I didn’t and just #smiled. Ms. Nahigian taught us about hyperbolas and I thought I was free, but she pulled a sike and assigned us all to a group project due next Friday, where we will all have to make a one minute video about hyperbolas. I’d rather die but do I have a choice? Nah. Next was Chapel. I sat down in my dreaded front row seat and the white boy behind me asked me why I was wearing a mask and where did I get it. I had to bite back the response that I had it specifically so I could spread the coronavirus, and said that I was sick and got it at CVS.
Then I took a makeup test for Anatomy, got two wrong. Tea. Went to Creative Writing Club even though I felt like crawling into a hole in the ground. Left and went to orchestra, but arrived late as it was across school. Had an incredibly average time there. Arrived back at Oliver and sat by myself, prompting Ketterling to ask if I was ‘exiled’ by everyone. I didn’t want to bluntly say that I wanted to be alone so I kept quiet. I fell asleep for the rest of class and woke up at the last 5 minutes to see everyone taking the reading quiz. I attempted to summarize 30 pages worth of religious analysis in 3 sentences and turned it in without batting an eye since failure is the norm now.
I got home. Procrastinated since I felt so tired from staying up so late the night before. Attempted to finish my Great Gatsby discussion questions, gave up and tried to turn it in. The submission kept having errors and eventually it was past the due date. Cute. I still have my huge math makeup test to study for, as well as anatomy and English quizzes. It’s already midnight, so kill me.
Friday-Sunday have not happened yet, but I expect them to be just as bad.
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allthings-fantasy · 5 years
See You Again - Part Five
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1500
Warnings: language 
AuthorsNote: Here is part five guys! I really like this story and I can’t wait for you guys to see where it goes!! Happy Reading
Dean’s POV
By the time Monday rolled around, there was another victim. Although this time, the vamp kept the chick alive. Wither it was from sloppiness or taunting us we couldn’t tell. But I do know that I was tired of this vamp slipping from my grasp. For now, Sam and I had to talk to the survivor.
The lobby of the hospital was pretty quiet. A few people had some nasty coughs that left my skin crawling. I hated hospitals. We stepped up to the front counter and the older woman flashed the two of us a smile. “Can I help you two with something?”
I simply smiled back and flashed her my FBI badge. “Yes, actually I believe you can. A woman was brought in here last night, suspicious bite marks on her neck and wrists, major blood loss. We need to speak with her.”
She seemed confused for a moment and typed something on her computer. “Uh yes, but why would the FBI need to speak with her?”
Sam cleared his throat and rested his hands against the counter. “You see, there are a couple other attacks in the mid-west. Same markings, although normally we find them dead. Just want to make sure they’re not connected ma’am.”
With a wary glance between the two of us, she clicked her mouse and wrote something down on a spare piece of paper. “This is her room number. She’s on the fourth floor. The elevators are down that hall on your left.” We both bid her a thanks and headed down the hall.
“Dude, will you relax? You’re going to burst a blood vessel if you don’t take a breath. What’s the matter with you?” Sam cast a glance over his shoulder before hitting the number four button.
“I don’t like hospitals. You know that. Let’s just get this over with, okay?” He didn’t deserve me being so short with him, but I was just in a bad freaking mood. He’d get over it.
The fourth floor was a lot more busier than the first. Everywhere I looked seemed to be a different nurse pushing around a different patient. “C’mon her room is this way.” I nodded my head towards the left hall.
Reader’s POV
“Y/N, do you mind drawing some blood from 4023? We need to double check a few things.” Doctor Thompson scribbled a few things down on the chart in his hand before glancing up at you.
“Sure… is everything okay with her?” Your brows furrowed and you uncrossed your arms from your chest.
He pondered for a moment, as if debating on how he should answer. “We just found something that may be abnormal, just dotting our I’s and crossing our T’s.” That was all he said before giving you a quick nod and heading off to answer the page that was beeping at his hip.
With a huff, you headed to grab the supplies you needed and headed towards 4023. She was a young girl, maybe around 23. The strange bites that littered her body were the talk of the nurses station. At first you had a fleeting thought that it could be vampire. You were sure Dean had mentioned something to you about them before.
But you’ve never seen a vampire bite before, so who were you to tell? Not that you had any way of getting ahold of him. Shaking the eldest Winchester from your thoughts, you knocked on the glass door before sliding it open. “Ms. Marshall? Hi, my name is Y/N. I know you already had this done earlier, but I’m need to take another blood sample from you.” You smiled sweetly at her and set the supplies on the bedside table.
Her poor face and body was littered with bruises. You couldn’t imagine the pain she was in right now. “But… why do you need another sample?” Claire’s voice was slurred slightly from her swollen upper lip.
“We are just double checking results to make sure everything is in order. No need to get worried.” You reassured her while slipping on some gloves and grabbing the rubber band. “This will be tight, okay? Just try and relax for me.” With a few twists of your wrist, you had the band secured around her bicep.
She focused on the TV as you took the needle from the packaging as there was a knock at the door. Before you could tell the visitors to wait a moment, you heard the door opening behind you. You did a quick glance behind you and could only see from their waists down, the suits giving away their purpose for their visit. “I’m sorry guys, but I’m going to have to ask you to come back at a later time. I a-”
“It’s okay. Rather talk to them now and get it over with.” Claire smiled at you and this time it was her reassuring you.
With a small sigh, you fully turned around to tell them to proceed. The sight in front of you caused you to flinch and the needle dropped from your hand, clanking on the floor. It felt as if ice water had gotten poured on your head and travelled down your spine. The faces in front of you were ones you had no plans on seeing ever again.
He looked older, broader, sharper features… much more troubled than he was at 19. But those eyes gave him away, you could never forget those eyes. Your heart pounded in your ears and you could feel your blood rushing through your veins. Thankfully, Sam cleared his throat and stopped the aching silence. “Hi, Claire Marshall right? I’m Detective Kents and this is Detective Wayne. We’re here to ask you a couple of questions about what happened the night of your attack.”
Sam moved closer to the side of her bed but the two of you continued to stare at each other. It looked like he was going to be sick, but if you were being truthful you could be sick any second too. Claire calling your name was the only thing that snapped you back to reality. You jumped and blinked a few times, whipping on your heels to face her. “Sorry, but uh, do you mind taking this off for now? It’s starting to hurt.”
Your eyes moved down to the band still around her arm. “Shoot, I’m sorry.” You mumbled and reached down to grab the needle off the floor and toss it into the biohazard bin. Quickly removing the band from her arm, you gave her another apology. “I’ll uh, be back in a couple minutes. I need to run and get a new needle.”
Keeping your gaze on the floor, you quickly shuffled around the bed and Dean and slipped from the room. Everything felt like a very bad dream you were about to wake up from. Resting against the wall, you let your hands lean against your knees. All you wanted to do was go home and forget the last five minutes never happened. But you had a job to do and bills to pay.
After taking a few stabilizing breaths, you went in search of a new needle. It took a lot longer to fetch than it normally would, but you were praying they would be gone by the time you got back. Why did life have to play games? You were happy, content even. Until you saw him.
Approaching Claire’s room, you heard his voice from behind the curtain. Should’ve guessed your luck wasn’t about to turn around. Placing a soft knock on the door frame, you pushed the curtain back and stepped beside the bed.
You could feel Dean’s eyes watching your every move, no longer concerned about the conversation he was previously apart of. Sam elbowed his older brother before returning to his questioning. “So Claire, you said that you were on your way to your friend’s house when you were attacked. I know you ran for a while, but do you remember where you first encountered your attacker?”
She nodded but kept her eyes on what you were doing. You tied the band back and tried to calm your trembling hand. “Uh yeah, it was right in front of Garland Alley. Right in the center of town, the dead end one beside Mickey’s Milkshakes and Burgers?”
“Just relax your hand for me okay?” Claire took a deep breath as you slowly pushed the needle into the vein you found. She flinched slightly and looked away when the tube began filling with blood.
In a few seconds it was full and you were free to leave. “Alright, the doctor will be back in once we get all your test results back.” You bid her a quick goodbye and practically sprinted from the room.
TAGS: @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
‘Something Just Keeps Happening’: Dayton Shooting Hit a City Already in Pain https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/09/us/dayton-shooting-nan-whaley.html
‘Something Just Keeps Happening’: Dayton Shooting Hit a City Already in Pain
By Campbell Robertson and Mitch Smith | Published Aug. 9, 2019 | New York Times | Posted August 9, 2019 |
DAYTON, Ohio — First, the Ku Klux Klan came to town. Two days later, tornadoes destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses and obliterated entire neighborhoods in and around the western Ohio city of Dayton.
Then this past weekend, a gunman stormed onto a crowded sidewalk in the entertainment district — an area of town typically swarming with revelers who stay until the bars close in the early morning — and fired at least 41 shots into the crowd, killing nine people before he was shot dead by the authorities.
“Something just keeps happening,” said Amanda Hensler, an owner of a store, Heart Mercantile, that is across the street from where the massacre took place.
The day after the mass shooting — the second within a 13-hour period in America — residents flocked to Ms. Hensler’s store to buy T-shirts that read “Dayton Strong,” which has become something of a motto for this grieving, shocked city. The customers knew that the store would have them in stock because they had been printed three months earlier, after the catastrophic tornado outbreak.
Indeed, Dayton has been through a brutal six-month stretch, even before the Klan held a rally at the city’s downtown Courthouse Square. Since the beginning of February, the city has also endured a large infrastructure failure and federal indictments at City Hall.
Seeing the city through all this has been Mayor Nan Whaley, 43, a blunt and outspoken second-term Democrat who is believed to have political ambitions beyond Dayton, a city with about 140,000 residents who have endured more trauma this year than many larger cities experience in a decade.
Since Sunday morning, when she first appeared before a throng of reporters, Ms. Whaley has found herself in the biggest moment of her political life — and at the worst moment of her city’s modern history. She has been a whirlwind presence across the city, too, talking to victims’ families, briefing reporters and working with the state’s Republican governor to form bipartisan alliances on gun policy.
And then there is the Twitter feud with the president of the United States.
“She’s going to be governor one day,” said Senator Sherrod Brown, a fellow Democrat who represents Ohio. Mr. Brown was not speaking of Ms. Whaley’s presence solely over the past few days, but over the whole, bad year.
“There have been these three big things, two of them tragic,” he said, “and then you put all that in the context of the past 30 years, with globalization. It’s sort of been one thing after another.”
In February — after a water line break left tens of thousands without water, but before the federal indictments of current and former local officials — Montgomery County granted the Klan a permit to come to town on the last weekend in May. Afterward, the city sued, arguing that a paramilitary-style rally would present serious public safety concerns. Officials ultimately agreed to a consent decree that limited the weapons the marchers could carry.
The rally cost the city at least $600,000 in security costs, but in the end, only nine Klansmen showed up. They were hemmed in by more than 700 law enforcement officers and were easily drowned out by the shouts and chants of the hundreds who had come out to oppose the march. When the rally ended uneventfully, it seemed that the potential for serious violence had passed.
Two days later, the tornadoes hit.
“It was almost as if it was a metaphor of a divine nature,” said the Rev. Renard Allen Jr., the pastor of St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church, one of the larger churches in Dayton.
That tornado outbreak on May 27 devastated suburban communities and littered city streets with fallen trees. For weeks, residents lifted branches off strangers’ homes and served meals at temporary shelters.
“I think the tornadoes really brought the community together in a really bizarro kind of way,” said Shelley Dickstein, Dayton’s city manager. “We were very much still in the process of healing from the tornadoes when the mass shooting hit.”
When Ms. Whaley was elected to the City Commission at age 29, Dayton, like much of the industrial Midwest, was struggling to recover from a prolonged decline. Over the decades, factories and Fortune 500 companies had left Dayton. So had nearly half its residents.
But during her nearly six years as mayor, Ms. Whaley has presided over a downtown revival. Buildings that had long been vacant are being redeveloped. Some neighborhoods that had been emptied are seeing an infusion of new residents.
And during this time, Ms. Whaley has steadily built a larger profile for herself, taking on a leadership role in a national mayors’ organization, speaking openly about the toll of the opioid crisis on the state and briefly seeking the Democratic nomination for governor.
“People see that she’s striving for a higher political level,” said Gary Leitzell, her predecessor as mayor, who said Ms. Whaley’s ambitions have been seen by some as overshadowing the concerns in some neighborhoods.
“I don’t dislike her,” he added. But, “I do not trust her.”
Still, among mayors across the country, Ms. Whaley has become something of a celebrity.
“She is just so smart, she’s so accessible, she’s so real. Like, what you see is what you get,” said Christine Hunschofsky, the mayor of Parkland, Fla., which endured the unwelcome spotlight last year when 17 people, including 14 students, were killed at a high school in her city. “She is definitely someone other mayors look up to and learn from.”
But on Sunday, it was Ms. Hunschofsky who had guidance for Ms. Whaley. While Dayton police officers were still outside Ned Peppers bar, collecting evidence and methodically combing the vast crime scene, Ms. Hunschofsky texted words of encouragement. Buddy Dyer, the mayor of Orlando, Fla., the site of the Pulse nightclub shooting in June 2016 that left 49 people dead and more than 50 wounded, called Ms. Whaley. So did Bill Peduto, the mayor of Pittsburgh, where 11 people were killed in a synagogue last October.
At a vigil on Sunday, Ms. Whaley talked about joining an unfortunate fraternity of mayors whose cities had been the site of mass shootings. The crowd roared with approval for the mayor. A moment later, they drowned out the Republican governor, Mike DeWine, imploring him to push for tighter gun laws with chants of “Do something!”
Ms. Whaley said in an interview that she was not sure how Mr. DeWine would react. “After that I said to him, ‘I’m sorry, people are just wound up,’” she recalled. “He said to me, ‘Nan, that’s part of the job.’”
Since that vigil, the two have spoken every day, she said. They have effusively complimented each other at news conferences and tried to put on a bipartisan front for gun control proposals.
“She’s done a great job,” said Mr. DeWine, who grew up about 20 miles from Dayton. “Communities always look for leadership from the mayor when you have a crisis, and she’s stepped up.”
On Tuesday, Mr. DeWine proposed expanding background checks and enacting a version of a “red flag” law that would allow guns to be seized from people deemed dangerous. But feisty exchanges between Ms. Whaley and President Trump have not made a bipartisan alliance very easy.
Before Mr. Trump visited the city on Wednesday, Ms. Whaley said she planned to tell him “how unhelpful he’s been” on gun policy. She also would needle him about mistaking Dayton for Toledo in a national address on Monday about the shooting.
After leaving Dayton on Wednesday, Mr. Trump said on Twitter that Ms. Whaley’s characterization of his visit was “a fraud.”
For her part, Ms. Whaley said on Thursday that she was relieved he had left town.
“We’ve got to get to the work of grieving and bringing our community together,” she said. “All of the national drama about what President Trump is thinking and what he’s not thinking, it’s not helpful to our community.”
And there has been no shortage of help needed in Dayton.
On Thursday, for Ms. Whaley, this meant a news conference at a children’s hospital, lunch with the governor and her regular appointment with a counselor, which she highlighted on Twitter to emphasize the importance of mental health.
Still, officials in Dayton were looking ahead. Plans were already underway, the city manager said, for a New Year’s Eve party to bid good riddance to 2019.
Timothy Williams contributed reporting from New York.
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oohfluffy · 6 years
LMN Ch.3 | OSH
Group: EXO
Member: Oh Sehun
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Writer!AU | Neighbor!AU
Word Count: 2,368
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✎ Chapter 3: EX ✎
"No way, man. No way. Stay away from my noona."
Chanyeol shook his head as he hit Sehun's arm.
"What? You're the one who tells me about her books and stuffs. Now that I'm asking about her, you're declining?"
"I know that kind of question, bro. You're gonna hit on my sister." Chanyeol rolled his eyes as he watched Sehun lay down on his bed as if he's at their own house.
"I'm not! I'm just curious. She seems..." Sehun bit his lower lip as he thought of the first time he saw you. "...distant? Beautiful but it's like she has walls built around her."
"I don't know what you're talking about but please," Chanyeol stared into his best friend's eyes. "stay the hell away from her."
"You're creeping me out. Is there something I need to know—"
"None that you should know. Anyway, let's work on that project that's due..." Chanyeol trailed off as he flipped the pages of his notebook. "...oh shit. The deadline's fucking tomorrow!"
Sehun lazily stood up to get the materials needed back at his house.
"I'll just get my things and we can work on it here. Is that alright?"
"Yeah, that'll be great. Move fast, okay?!"
Sehun closed his door and was about to walk downstairs when the door in the end of the hallway opened.
You had your toothbrush in your mouth as you scribbled on your notebook while walking back to your room, which is just located across of the bathroom. Sehun stifled a laugh as he saw you. You seemed to be in your own world, not even noticing his presence. He watched as you walked back out of your room to continue brushing your teeth in the bathroom with your eyes wrinkling in happiness.
"Cute." He mumbled with a grin as he took a last glance at you before going downstairs.
You went out of the bathroom as you breathed out in relief.
"Next chapter will be..." You wondered out loud as you walked back into your room. "The guy finally met her, so..."
What will happen next? Should the guy make a move already?
"Maybe?" You muttered as you sat back down on your chair.
As you leaned your head back on the chair, you tilted your head towards the window beside you.
The lights are on?
A broad back suddenly appeared in your sight, making your eyes widen. The white shirt he was wearing was fit and since he was putting a lot of materials inside a bag, you see how his back flex whenever he moves.
And of course, he suddenly turned around and saw you gapping at him.
Sehun waved at you with a smirk.
Your cheeks flushed as you quickly pulled your blinds down, hands slightly trembling in panic.
"What the hell. His room is just..." You groaned in annoyance as you shook your head. "What a pain."
You blinked as you saw a little notebook laying on top of your books.
That seems familiar.
You went to get it and open it as you sat back down.
| "Dear Diary" |
Sehun watched as you disappeared in his sight, chuckling as he saw your panicked expression.
"I wanna know more." He mumbled as he carefully brought the bag out of the room.
✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ ✘
It has been a week since the Oh family move in next door. Chanyeol's best friend has been hanging around your house too.
How fun.
"So the guy, who has been getting stalked by my sisters and yours, is your new neighbor? Wow. Such a small world."
Dasom laughed as she watch your face turned sour.
"Why do even girls like him?" You asked as you took a sip of your iced coffee.
"Girls in this generation like bad boys. Almost 95% of the books I've read at the library are all about good girls falling for the bad boys. I'm getting tired of it, girl." Dasom sighed as she looked at your window.
"Why does he enjoy playing with them though?"
"Maybe because he loves the attention? Or maybe he's just a jerk that likes to sleep with them?"
"Why would he like to sleep with them?"
"Probably because he knows that he can just use them for a day then throw them like trash after."
"That's gross." You cringed as you stopped typing.
"Why are you suddenly interested with Oh Sehun, huh? Don't tell me?!" Dasom gasped as she turned to you.
"Shut up. It's not like that."
"Why then?!"
"I kind of used him as the inspiration of the male character in my new story. I needed information about how a real playboy works." You shrugged as you frowned at her.
"Watch your steps then. You might enter the danger zone."
"Danger zone? What's that?"
Dasom walked closer to you, as if someone might hear her speak.
"The danger zone is the hole you might fall in when you get closer to a playboy, Yeoreum-ah."
You laughed at her words, hitting her forehead as you calmed down. She was just staring at you with a blank face.
"T-That's funny." You bit your lip as you stifled the laugh that was trying to get out of your mouth.
"I'm serious!"
"So what happens if I fell into that 'danger zone'?" You giggled as you made quotation marks as you said the two words.
"There's a possibility you might never come out alive."
Your smile dropped as you heard your best friend sigh.
"W-Why? You're gonna die in there then?"
"It's because you'll probably offer your life to him. You'll turn into a boomerang. Like even though he throws you away for a million of times, you'll just end up going back to him. That's how dangerous the danger zone is!"
"What kind of logic is that? How'd you know about this?" You grabbed your glass of iced coffee, feeling your throat dried up.
"I already entered that once."
You choked on your coffee, coughing hard in the process. Dasom squealed in panic. You just raised your palm up as a sign you're okay.
"Why didn't I know about this? Tell me everything!"
"It happened when I went to a party last 2 years ago. I ended up drunk and accidentally..." Dasom grinned as you listened to her attentively. "...had—"
"OKAY. Stop right there. You did that?!" You cut her off, knowing how that night ended with her.
"Don't act so innocent, Park Yeoreum! You're freaking 25, don't tell me you hadn't done that with J— oh fuck. No?"
You shook your head as you closed your eyes in embarrassment.
"But you'd been in a relationship for two years!" Dasom said frustratedly as she shook your shoulders, slightly making you dizzy. "Oh sorry."
"A relationship means loving and caring for each other as you get to know one another more. It's not about having sexual interactions or skinship. It's about staying stronger as time pass by, not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. Can you stay longer in a relationship that's just all about sex? You're just a slut if you can."
"I believe in you, my friend." Dasom nodded as she agreed with what you're saying. "You can really change my mind with your words."
"Anyway, I need to finish 5 chapters for this week. It's December already." You groaned as you realized something. "Shit. I have a conference on Monday."
"Seoul Metro Center. The company I'm working at for a while invited me to go. It's an opportunity to see other authors and their works too, so why not. It totally slipped out of my mind!" You said as you stood up and opened your closet.
Jeans, oversized t-shirts, jeans, polos, jeans, and...
"Jeans." You mumbled as you glared at your clothes. "I don't even have any formal clothes."
"I told you, you can count on me! I have a lot!" Dasom exclaimed as she walked to you. "I'll bring the ones I think will suit you tomorrow! I'll take care of it! I can be your make-up artist and hairstylist too!"
"Don't you have work on Monday?"
"Well, what time is your conference?"
"Around 3 in the afternoon."
"My job ends at 2, I can handle that! I'll go straight here after my shift."
You smiled as you turned to your best friend.
"You're really helping me a lot."
"I'm you best friend for goodness' sake! Rely on me more!"
The best best friend.
✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ ✘
"Is your Yeoreum noona gonna go somewhere today?" Sehun asked as Chanyeol made the outline of their project.
"What the fuck, dude. Didn't I tell you—"
"I'm just asking because I saw her go out in a formal attire earlier! Chill!" Sehun laughed as Chanyeol frowned at him.
"She's attending a Writers' Convention or something like that. You know how popular her books are, so it's normal she gets invited to events like that. It's her 5th time—"
"I thought you said she doesn't like going out?"
"Well, it's her work. That doesn't count." Chanyeol shrugged his best friend's question as Sehun just looked at him.
"You're hiding something from me, Chanyeol. I know you!"
Chanyeol's eyes widened as Sehun hit his cheek with a meter stick.
On the other side—
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, author Park!"
A lot of professional authors, journalists and other well-known people greeted you as you entered the venue.
You were ushered towards your seat by a familiar face.
"Mr. Kim!" You greeted as you saw his face. Mr. Kim Junmyeon is the CEO of the writing company you're currently working at. He's young and already successful. You actually envy him a bit. He's 26 but he looks like he's just 12. Another thing you envy from him.
"You look lovely as usual, Ms. Park." He smiled, showing you his bright smile. "Let me lead you to your seat."
You roamed your eyes around the hall. Everything looks elegant and formal. The people are all wrapped in gorgeous and shining clothes.
You looked down at your dress.
It was simple but stunning in some way.
The dress was white, little diamonds on your waist. The collar part shows a bit of your collarbones, a sparkling necklace hanging resting on them. It's only up to your knees as your sleeves end at your forearms. You didn't wear heels, even though Dasom urged you to wear hers, since you knew how hard and uncomfortable to wear them. A simple white pair of flat shoes will suffice.
Your hair was highly tied, curls on the tips. Your make-up is not that dark, making a natural look for you.
"I want you to meet someone, Ms. Park. My friend wanted to meet you so bad when I mentioned you to him before. He's a writer too, he just lives a bit far from here." Mr. Kim looked around as he searched for his friend.
"May I know where your friend lives?"
"He left a few months ago to go to Canada. But he just returned to Incheon this week, so I invited him to come here too. I told him you're coming, I think he's really your fan. He said he'll come the second he heard you're coming."
You stopped roaming your eyes when Mr. Kim spoke.
"W-Who's your friend, Mr. Kim?"
"He's—" Mr. Kim's eyes widened in delight as he looked at the person behind you. "He's here."
Please tell me it's not him.
You chanted in your mind as you nervously smiled, preparing yourself to greet the newcomer.
"Dude, this is Yeoreum-ssi. I know you're one of her fans. This is a dream come true, huh?" Mr. Kim laughed as he stood up to hug his friend.
As you heard his voice, you closed your eyes. You calmed yourself for a second before standing up to formally greet him. You turned to him with a smile as if everything's fine.
It's fucking nice to meet you again.
"Oh! You two know each other already?"
Mr. Kim innocently looked happy as he looked between you and Jaebum.
"Yeah. We were—"
"We were colleagues before." You cut Jaebum off as you gestured the chair in front of you. "Let's sit, shall we?"
The two sat down as Mr. Kim continued talking like he's not sensing the awkward atmosphere on your table.
"You didn't tell me you knew her." Mr. Kim told his friend as he chewed on his beef. "I thought you were just a fan."
"You didn't ask." Jaebum was talking to him but his eyes didn't leave you.
"The event's about to begin. Please settle down as the preparations are being done at the moment."
You sat up straight as you sipped on your glass of water.
"You're not gonna drink wine?" Jaebum suddenly asked, making you turn to him in surprise.
"You know I don't drink wine."
"Why though?"
"It's none of your business, Jaebum."
Jaebum chuckled as he heard you call him his name.
"You use to call me Jae or JB—"
"Please keep your thoughts to yourself. I don't want to hear it."
"Why, Yeoreum-ah?"
You glanced at Mr. Kim, who seems interested with the beef in front of him, before turning to Jaebum.
"What are you talking—"
"You know what I'm talking about."
"If this is about the us in the past—"
"Past? It's just 3 fucking months ago!"
Mr. Kim suddenly turned to the both of you.
"Are you two okay? You're like fighting or something."
"No, no. We're just catching up, Mr. Kim." You smiled at him as you waved him off. He hesitantly nodded as he glanced at his friend.
"Can we not talk about this here?" You mumbled as you focused on the stage in front. You heard him sigh.
"Of course. You're the one who always gets the final say."
Jaebum scoffed as he looked away from your side profile. You slowly brought your fist on your chest, feeling the erratic beating of your heart.
I'm sorry.
You still love him.
A lot.
❥ Ch.4
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
Small World: Part 1
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, and fluff.
Word Count: 3,716
“Killian, please hurry for mommy.” You said as you walked quickly down the busy New York streets with your four year old son’s hand held tightly in your hand so he wouldn’t get lost. “We are so late.”
“Mommy, my shoe!” He said as he pulled at your hand. You sighed, and stopped so you could tie your son’s shoe since he was still learning how to do it himself. You moved him off to the side of the sidewalk so that you were out of the way and crouched down in front of him with a smile.
“Bunny ear, bunny ear.” You said with a glance up at him through your lashes, loving watching your son mumble the words along with you. “Playing by a tree. Criss-crossed the tree, trying to catch me. Bunny ears, Bunny ears, jumped into the hole, popped out the other side beautiful and bold.” You smile up at him, gave your pride and joy a kiss on the cheek before standing up and picking him up as well. “Come on, buddy. Let’s go to school.” He nodded and held onto your neck as you walked quickly up the last couple blocks to Killian’s preschool while he talked your ear off about the colors, sights, and sounds of the big, crazy world around him. You were walking so fast and were so distracted by Killian and traffic, you missed the other mother running toward you as well, and the two of you nearly crashed into each other right outside the door.
“Shit!” The redhead said as she took a step back with her daughter in her arms. “I am so, so sorry.” 
“No, you’re fine.” You said as you pulled open the preschool door and gestured her inside first. The pair of you walked through the door, put your children down so they could go and play before school actually started, and moved to different parts of the desk to sign your kids in. Backpacks were passed off, and shouted good byes were exchanged before you and the woman both hurried out the door.
“I really am sorry.” She repeated as you walked beside her toward the subway.
“Trust me.” You giggled as you glanced over at her, doing a slight double take at the gorgeous woman beside you. “I was just as distracted as you. My son is not a morning person so I’m usually running to get us both where we needed to be in the mornings.”
“I know the feeling.” She said as the two of you jogged down the steps in heels. “Irina… my daughter… she drives me crazy in the mornings.” You giggled and nodded as you scanned your subway pass and nearly took off at a run to catch the subway at the station before it left. The woman ran in behind you with only seconds to spare and actually ran into you this time in the small amount of space you both had in the car. You instinctively reached out to grab her arm so she wouldn’t fall at the same moment she did as well, but at the angle you were standing, she accidentally grabbed the side of your breast instead.
“Well.” You laughed as the woman flushed red, nearly matching her hair in her embarrassment. “At least take a girl out for coffee first.”
“I just… I can’t today.” She said as she ran her fingers through your hair. “And I feel like I’ve already apologized so many times, and I don’t even know your name…”
“(Y/N).” You interrupted with a smile as you offered her your hand in the little space you had. She smiled and met your eyes as she took your hand.
“Natasha.” You nodded your head as you both took a step to the side to let passengers in, and out at the next stop. A slightly awkward silence fell between you until the train started moving again. “So can I take you out for coffee? If, um, if that’s what you’re interested in. Or not. Since you probably have a husband because why wouldn’t a beautiful woman like you have a husband. Or a wife. You could definitely have a wife…” 
“Can I ask you something?” You asked with a smile as you held on to the metal bar beside you so you wouldn’t tip over. “Do you always ramble when you’re nervous?”
“Apparently.” She sighed before covering her face with her hand. “Oh, my God, I can’t believe this is happening.”
“How about this?” You suggested with a smirk as you reached up to pull on her wrist to uncover her face. “I’m usually off at four thirty on Fridays and since I have Killian this weekend, we go to Chuck ‘e’ Cheese in Brooklyn. He loves to ride the Subway over the bridge and I just… I’m a sap for my little man… So, if you have your daughter, how about you join us? Play date for them… not that great pizza date for us?”
“I think we can do that.” She agreed with a nod as the Subway finally pulled up to Grand Central station. You both stepped out of the subway as you simultaneously handed each other your business card. “How about we meet at the preschool around 5? I keep a change of casual clothes in my office.” You barely glanced at the card before putting it in your pocket with a smile.
“You sound like me.” You replied as you both turned to head toward the doors. “I’ll meet you there.” With simple good byes, you turned to the right and headed toward Stark tower, where you had been a lawyer since you passed the bar. A smile pulled at your lips when Natasha turned in the same direction.
“Are you following me?” She laughed as you stopped at the street corner to cross the road.
“I mean, you’d follow you, too.” You giggled as you pulled your ID badge from your briefcase and showed it to her. “I work for Stark Industries.” Natasha stopped walking, and turned to look at you, stunned.
“I’m his personal assistant.” She said as she pulled her Stark issued ID from her jacket pocket.
“What a small world.” She nodded in agreement as she pulled open the front door and gestured you in first this time.
“So how about we just meet down here in the lobby at four thirty? Kind of just makes things easier.”
“Sounds perfect.” You said as you stopped in front of the bank of elevators dedicated for floors one through fifty-five. “Have a good day, Natasha.”
“You as well, (Y/N).” 
— (Y/N). I have to go out of town last minute next week for work. I leave Wednesday at 6:30 am and won’t be back until late Sunday. Think I could trade you weekends if you don’t already have plans? Or just meet you at CeC for tonight?
You groaned to yourself as you sat in the lobby of Stark towers, waiting for Natasha, so you could pick up your children for dinner. You shook your head as you hit reply.
— CeC is not good, I have a friend from work and her daughter going with us for a play date. If you’d like, you can meet us at my house after, stay the night, and take him until Tuesday night as long as you can take him to Matthew’s birthday party on Sunday. I have a gift already so you wouldn’t have to worry about it. But he must go to school, Jase.
“Hey.” Nat said with a smile in her voice as she walked up to you in white t-shirt with a black suit jacket over it, a pair of dark blue jeans, and the same heels she had on that morning. You smiled, and stood up as you slid your phone in the back pocket of your light blue jeans, and fidgeted with your plain, navy, loose fitting tank top.
“How was your day?” You asked as you both headed toward the door to go to the subway.
“Thankfully uneventful.” She breathed as the pair of you jogged across the road before the cross walk signal changed. “Mr. Stark left this morning for a vacation with Ms. Potts so I had my office practically to myself.”
“Must be nice.” You said as you held the door open for her at Grand Central. “I’m stuck with a bunch of smelly, middle age men that can’t comprehend that, despite the fact that I’m a girl, I’m a better lawyer than half of them combined and that I don’t, in fact, exist to pour them coffee or stroke their egos.”
“Ouch.” She hissed as she shot you a look. “That sucks, I’m sorry.”
“You know what.” You laughed as you ducked into subway car, and quickly grabbed seats for both of you. “If you apologize to me one more time…”
“OK!” She laughed as she crossed her legs and twisted on the plastic seat. “So I’m not sorry you have a shitty work environment. I laugh at your pain.”
“There we go! Perfect.” You giggled as Killian’s father texted you back.
— Sounds like a plan. I’ll drop him off at your house 6pm Tuesday. We can all do dinner together. And yes, I will bring him to school this time and not the zoo. The wrath of the baby mama isn’t worth it. Just text me when you get on the train home.
With a quick thumbs up, you turned off your screen and sighed.
“Sorry. Baby daddy has to go out of town next week so we’re switching weeks.”
“Oh!” Nat said as she sat up a little straighter. “So should we reschedule?”
“No, not at all.” You said with a shake of your head as you touched her arm softly. “He’s just gunna meet me at my house after. He usually meets us at Chuck ‘e’ Cheese and takes him home straight from there. The only issue we run into when he doesn’t pick Killian up from school is, I let him take Killian to school on Monday morning so he has that extra night if we’re just switching weekends not weeks. Sometimes my son ends up at school, but sometimes he ends up at the zoo. My son can be very persuasive, and Jason just gives in to those puppy dog, green eyes in a heart beat.”
“Oh, God the puppy eyes.” She groaned. “Irina just kills me with those. She has these big, gorgeous brown eyes that she got from her father, and they just break me down every time no matter how hard I fight.”
“Right?” You agreed as the two of you stood up at your stop, and headed toward the door. “I swear they teach that look at the school just to make parents miserable.” It got a little hard to talk as you battled the steady stream of passengers in Midtown Manhattan that were trying to get around the constantly busy city. “Are you close?” You asked as the two of you climbed the stairs and turned right toward the preschool/ daycare center. “To Irina’s father I mean.”
“I… well…” She said as you stopped at the corner to wait for traffic. “She actually doesn’t have a father. I just… I got to a point in my life that I wanted a child, but when you date women, children are either something you show up to the relationship with or you don’t get for one reason or another. On top of that, working directly for Stark can be a little crazy hours wise so when I get off work, I used to just go home and crash, which takes its toll on a relationship. So I did in vitro with a donor.”
“I used to wonder if that would have been a better path for me.” You said as you looked over at her. “Jason and I have been best friends since we were in middle school. We made a pact years ago that if we both reached thirty and we didn’t have children and we weren’t seeing anyone, we’d get married and have a kid. Well, we hit thirty, realized we wanted the kid but not the marriage, so we tried a couple times and got Killian. When he was an infant, it was super hard to do joint custody but around the time he turned one, one and a half, we worked out the kinks. Holidays we used to spend together anyways so that was still convenient, we split weeks and weekends evenly… I mean, until he kept Killian out of school for a week a couple weeks ago. He had been out of town for work for two weeks and thought it was justifiable since Killian was so young.” You looked over at her with a flat bitch face, and shook your head as you paused outside of the school. 
“Not justifiable. He’s on a mild probation right now. I was having to pick Killian up from Jason’s every morning and take him to school before work which is why I nearly ran into you. But I added him to the weekly email list for what the kids learn at school, and he realized that pre-k was important. So we’re getting there. He’s a great dad, and we work well together but sometimes, I wonder if your idea was a better one. Even if we are cool, not having my son for a week is no fun.”
“I can imagine.” She said as she pulled the door open and gestured you inside. You smiled broadly and bent down in your heels to catch your little man as he screeched ‘mommy!’
“Hi, baby boy!” You said through a grit teeth smile as you kissed his cheeks a couple times. “I missed you!”
“Missed you too.” He agreed as he kissed your nose. “Are we goin’ to Chuck ‘e’ Cheese now?”
“We are.” You said as you put him down and turned him toward your new friend and date. “We’re going to go with mommy’s friend from work, Miss Natasha and Irina. That OK with you?” He nodded as he passed you his backpack while you signed him out.
“I can show her the boats.” He said as he looked up at you and held his hand up for you to take when you were ready.
“That you can.” You agreed as you slung his bag over your shoulder with your purse. “Alright, shoes tied?” With a glance down, he nodded and took your hand.
“Come on, Irina.” He said as he held out his hand for the little girl’s. “You can help me count the boats today.” Your heart melted as you shared a glance with Natasha while your children held hands between the two of you.
“Alright, follow the leader.” Natasha said as she took her daughter’s hand and headed out the door. You smiled at her back as she easily melted the rest of your heart completely.
“Hey. On your butt, please.” You said as you turned your son to sit forward in the booth while eating his pizza.
“Mom, the games…”
“They’ll still be there when you finish eating.” You reminded him like you did every Friday. “Besides, you’re being very rude to our guests.”
“Oh, no you don’t.” Nat laughed as she caught Irina before she could turn around to look around as well. “What did you two learn in school today?” She looked between the two children as Killian moved to sit cross-legged on the seat beside you.
“We, um…” He started with a small bite of food in his mouth but before you could scold him, he swallowed. “I practiced counting, and I can count to 100 by five’s now!” You smiled proudly at your little man and ran your fingers through his brown, curly hair as he showed you and Nat his new skills. You both cheered for him as Irina sat up a little straighter for her turn at the praise.
“We did Very Hungry Ca’piller.” She said before taking a small drink. “And one of the ‘coons wiggled!”
“Cocoons.” Nat clarified for you, just in case, because your son and her daughter were in two different age groups since they were 11 months apart in age.
“We did the butterflies, too!” Killian said as he looked over at his new little friend. “It’s so cool to watch them fly away.”
“Did you work on your little letters, moya lyubov’?” Nat asked as she looked down at the little girl that could honestly be her twin. She nodded as she took a bite of her pizza.
“What about you?” You asked as you took the crust of Killian’s pizza from him before he could put it on the table to get it out of the way.
“Not today.” He said as he picked up the second half of his small slice of the pie. “We did senses again today.”
“What are senses?” Irina asked as she scooted closer to the table to look at her new friend.
“They’re like… how you can see the world.” Killian explained as he put down his pizza so he can count out the senses he had learned that week on his fingers. “So you see, and hear, and touch, and taste, and smell.”
“Can you use those senses right now to tell us more?” Natasha asked as she smiled at your son while gently pushing her daughter’s hand so she would take another bite of her pizza.
“Umm.” Killian said as he thought for a moment. “Well, I see Irina, and Miss Natasha, and Mommy. I taste pizza. I smell mommy’s apples.” You mouthed ‘perfume’ to Nat and she nodded subtly as Killian continued. “I hear the music, and I touch the table.” He said with a large smile.
“Good job, K!” You said as you rubbed his back. “Finish the pizza.”
“What did you paint that was green?” Natasha asked as she licked her thumb to get a small spot of green paint of Irina’s ear.
“Numbers.” She said as she finished her pizza and grabbed her drink cup.
“Yea, I see how that constitutes getting paint on your ear.”
“Mom, I’m done.” Killian said as he set his crust down on the table before you could grab it. You sighed and nodded as you pushed his apple juice toward him.
“Finish your juice then you can have your play card.” There was a slight scramble as both kids finished their juices so they could go play. You handed your son his card and helped him over your body so you could finish eating. “Stay close, Killian.” He nodded at you before running straight forward to the skee ball; his favorite game. Nat barely took a step after her daughter, before she took off at a run to play with Killian.
“We have about 15 minutes before he wants to go on the airplane ride.” You laughed as you picked up your glass of Guinness and took a sip.
“Cool.” She sighed as she sat back in her chair and grabbed her Budweiser. “They never tell you how tiring raising children is.”
“It just gets worse.” You told her as you picked up your pizza. “But trust me when I tell you, you’d hate it if you had to give it up.”
“Agreed.” Nat said as she crossed her legs and looked over at your children. “So, I have to ask since… well I mean I just kinda have to. You called this a date. But you have Jason…”
“I’m bi.” You said with a smirk. “Though I haven’t really dated in a long, long time. Law school is a bit of a time suck and you know how working for Stark is. That’s why Jason and I had Killian.”
“Did you two ever… you know, date?” She asked as she gestured vaguely.
“We tried in middle school.” You responded with a shrug. “For like a minute. But in high school, I was the book worm and Jase became the captain of the football team. Puberty did wonders for him, not so much for me. I had to age into the woman you see. And I was trying to figure out my sexuality in a small town with extremely Irish Catholic parents who essentially black listed me when they caught me kissing my female tutor in 10th grade. They let me finish high school, as long as I stayed in the basement, and told me to never come back. 
At that point, Jason was the closest thing to family I had left. We had both planned on moving to New York, he went to NYU for engineering, I got in to NYU Law. We got a place together until he did a study abroad program in Abu Dhabi. Then I kinda inherited a thankfully low cost, rent controlled apartment that I refuse to leave in the East Village, and when he came back, he got a place a couple streets away. Then our agreement kinda came to date, and well, you know the rest.”
“Alright, please, for the sake of everything holy tell me you wore glasses.”
“Yes.” You laughed as you set your beer down, and ran your fingers through your hair. “I still have them, too. They were nerdy in middle school but new ones gave off the stereotypical ‘hot librarian’ vibe in college.”
“Oh, be still my beating heart.” She teased as she put her hand over her heart. “Please let me witness your gorgeous ass in those glasses at least once.”
“Find me on the weekends.” You said with a nod as you looked over to watch Killian helping Irina play skee ball to get her more tickets. You smiled, and grabbed your cell phone as you continued. “From Friday night when I get home to Sunday night when I go to bed, I couldn’t be bothered with my contacts.”
“Damn, girl. You are just feeding into my fantasies, aren’t you?” You glanced over at her from the corner of your eye with a smirk as you took a few photos of the kids.
“Good, thing I have a weakness for redheads, too.”
Part 2
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