#msh answers
mrssakurahatake · 1 year
I really appreciate your writing! I’m relatively new to the fandom and I am happy to be in it while you are active!
Thank you for sharing your creativity with the fandom!
Thank you, Anon. This was such a surprise and completely made my day.
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silverskye13 · 1 year
Sleeping giants by the Crane Wives is so wolf!ren from msh to me (also just a great song lol)
Oooo I'm not sure I've heard that one yet! Gonna go give it a listen [and then probably add it to the MSH playlist pfffff]
Thanks for the song rec!
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dllamarama · 3 months
Episode 11 Queen of Tears BaekHong recap
Scene: Gwaenchana? Saranghae…
“This can’t happen, I haven’t told you yet…
That it’s okay, that I never resent you. I haven’t thanked you for being by my side all these years despite all the harsh words I uttered that I didn’t mean. I love you. You were the reason I wanted to live even more.
I thought I had more time…
I haven’t apologised to everyone yet… I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything...”
Does she know how many people cried when she had this monologue? I had to pause this episode and bawl my eyes out when I saw Hyun Woo break down crying while watching Hae In enter the emergency ward. And how was it possible for a man to cry so beautifully like Kim Soo Hyun? I’m impressed again and again every time I see those eyes accumulating tears before it slowly flows down his cheek.
First, her confession; she did not just said that she loves him, she said that she loves him from the very first time they met until now. Second, she apologised and I think it was the first time Hae In ever apologised to Hyun Woo. We have been focusing on Hyun Woo’s betrayal to her that at certain point we forgot that Hyun Woo had his reason for the divorce. We were disappointed and angry at his behaviour after Hae In told him that she only had 3 months to leave, but without considering that he has a right to want a divorce. She had never apologised to him for all those years she left him alone with her family, for saying the harsh words that she didn’t mean. She admits that she had a feeling about him wanting to file for a divorce; she is smart of course she would have a hunch about it. Hyun Woo is a bit dumbfounded after hearing her confession. He knew his wife more than anyone in this world, and she is acting weird. There is a reason for her sudden emotional confession and he doesn’t like to hear it. He was slightly angry at her for having the thought of dying, because he is not ready for it and he won’t let her succumbs to her illness. He is making sure that she knows what will happen to him if she dies, he will give up on his life. He wouldn’t hear anything that involves her dying and he wouldn’t let her die.
Scene: Honey dripping eyes by Mr. Baek Hyun Woo
Hae In is definitely taking the opportunity to make Hyun Woo being exceptionally a dotted husband; honey dripping eyes and holding her close while walking together and also having the satisfaction of doing it in front of YES. Talking about that shibalsaekki, while Hyun Woo and Hae In’s family were worrying about her and losing sleep because of Hae In, that shibalsaekki didn’t even care and only focusing to handle the aftermath of Hae In’s statement. It doesn’t seem like he even worried for her, his words means nothing and had no sincerity. It’s like discussing weather for him. How can he said that he loves her when nothing he did was ever based off love. All he wanted was Hae In and not her love, he just loves the idea of having Hae In to himself.
While Hyun Woo and Hae In were discussing their next step to take back the Queens Group, Hae In was shocked to find out that Queens employees are helping them to save the company. But Hyun Woo told her that the employees are doing it for the company, because they love their company and don’t want to see it crumble at the hands of MSH and YES. The people’s leader, Baek Hyun Woo everyone! We have seen how ruthless Hae In and her family handled their business but they weren’t able to see the foundation of their company; the employees. Hyun Woo is showing her that his method works without having to do things the same way as what her grandfather had taught her, and she saw it from his point of view now. She also got her answer as to why he is doing all of these and still stay with the Queens Group, just like the other employees, he is doing it for the sake of their company but it’s not because he loves the company; it was because he knew how much she loves this company (and he loves her).
Scene: Broken hair dryer
I liked this scene because Hae In is taking the initiative and actively seeking Hyun Woo to help her do mundane things without beating around the bush. She asks for his help to dry her hair because she couldn’t figure out the correct way to handle the broken hair dryer. It’s like they went back to their office romance era where Hyun Woo is helping her to fix the photocopier. Hyun Woo is ecstatic when she compliments him for his work and when she said that he can do it every day for her as a promise that he will be by her side just to dry her hair as an excuse. The atmosphere turns gloomy when Hae In shares about her new symptom to Hyun Woo; on top of her short term memory loss, she also has some sort of prosopagnosia where she failed to recognise face for a few seconds. She doesn’t want him to be by her side when her conditions worsen. It’s like she has prepared herself to expect the worst; dying. She knew the 3 months that the doctor gave her is almost over and her WBC count is only increasing slowly. On top of that, there is no guarantee that the lab in Germany will be able to cure her from the illness. Hyun Woo also knew that they were out of options, so it left him speechless and unable to promise her anything.
Scene: Hae In-ah!!!
The worst of the worse has come. She failed to recognise Hyun Woo, she mistakenly took shibalsaekki YES as Baek Hyun Woo (the love of her life). She wasn’t just unable to recognise faces, she actually has a problem with her perception overall. Hyun Woo and YES wear different clothes and cars, she failed to recognise that. It was probably because she cannot differentiate the details because this is the first time she ever experienced it alone and she didn’t expect it.
I know I’m just repeating the same thing that everyone already agreed; Kim Soo Hyun acting just bone-chilling, nerve-wracking and giving us goosebumps. The very slightly different gaze of fake Hyun Woo and his voice tone was especially more apparent during the chasing car scene with the real Hyun Woo. The lack of expression and cold expression was delicately crafted so that the viewers would slowly realise that this is fake Hyun Woo.
The moment when Hae In realised that the man beside her is YES through the reflection from the car window was just brilliant. We saw her expression shift each seconds connecting the dots and disbelief that she really just mistook YES as Baek Hyun Woo.
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theoutlierdjournal · 2 years
Coaching S2
I wanna share some insight notes after i’ve done coaching with my senior on Rumah Kepemimpinan. Kenapa coaching? Karena saya buruh temen berefleksi, butuh di challenge dengan objektif, apa benar saya butuh s2 atau hanya pengaruh lingkungan karena beberapa teman terdekat saya dan juga suami saya udah s2?
Sebelum coaching, saya udh bikin SWOT mengenai S2. Apa strength, weaknesses, opportunity dan threat-nya dan mana yang lebih dominan? Ternyata even sudah bikin SWOT saya tetap nggak bs memutuskan, makanya ttp butuh coaching.
Coaching selama 1.5 jam. Pertanyaannya cuman 1 : Apa bener saya mau dan butuh S2?
Di awal saya memaparkan swot saya, and you know what? Saya dapet feedback dari coach-nya “dari paparan kamu, saya merasa bahwa S2 kamu lebih banyak krn opportunity-nya, dorongan eksternal-nya seperti Hannah blm sekolah shg lebih fleksibel dan tmpt kerja suami yg juga msh fleksibel. Saya ngerasa strength-nya blm terlalu kuat, tp take the opoortunity juga gak salah kok.”
Gue kaya “wow?? Ternyata itu jawabannya. Dan ternyata gak salah kalau gue take the opportunity walau strength dalam diri gue utk s2 blm kuat. Terus coach-nya menambahkan
“Opportunity itu biasanya jadi alasan kamu untuk memulai. Tapi strength, the why kamu S2 ini akan menjadi penyemangat kamu untuk menyelesaikan S2.”
Gue kaya wow??!!!!! Cool!!! New insight bgt!! Jadi PR gue adalah bener2 nyari strength atau motivasi internal untuk sekolah dan ssgh nya ini akan menjadi bahan coaching selanjutnya.
The second one, gue di”korek” lagi. Kenapa mau S2? Ada 5 point yang ternyata jadi alasan gue
1. Mau berkarya
2. Mau contribute kepada peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat
3. Impacted local (yes lokal aja lah, yg feasible dicapai)
4. Menjadi ibu yang berdaya dan berkarya (agak redundat sama bo.1 yaa)
5. Menjadi inspirasi untuk anak2 untuk sekolah setinggi2nya
Dan gue ditanya, apa harus S2 utk mencapai 5 hal tsb? Dan jawaban gue “NGGAK 😭” wkwkwkw semua bs dicapai dengan keadaan gue yg skrg kan? Wk, kenapa jadi “prasyarat” untuk ina inu? Wkwkwkw, lol.
Jadi sadar kan. Gausah kebanyakan prasyarat idup lo, Na wkwkwk.
Kemudian gue ditanya, dari kelima hal tsb mana hal yang paliiingggg penting menurut lo? Gue jawab poin 1 dan 4.
Gue bilang bahwa gue mau menjadi “someone” i dont wanna be a mediocre.
Why you don’t wanna be a mediocre?
Well bitter truth is, my number 1 strength is significance. Gue baru ngerasa berharga, berdaya, penuh hatiku kalau aku punya signifikansi thd org lain.
BUT, quote and quote orang significance itu ternyata (baru tau dari talents mapping thanks to mbak @arum) tipikal ya agak narsis. I wanna get spotlight (jujur ya agak malu nih :”) somehow, that spotlight really leads me to a greater good alhamdulillah. Gue bener2 makes something thus i got that spotlight.
Terus si coach bilang “oke spot light is one thing, i still don’t get it, why would you be SOMEONE? Kenapa lo harus berkarya dan menjadi ibu berdaya?”
I am asking myself. Terus tiba2 kaya ada petir nyamber di hati gue, terus gue meneteskan air mata. “The answer is related to my inner child…….”
I am trying to hold my tears but i can’t…. Dengan bercucuran air mata, gue bilang sm coach,
“I wanna be someone because gue mau dihargai. Aku mau jadi perempuan yang dilihat sama orang.”
“Because i used to see my father beat my mom… gue selalu melihat bokap gue merendahkan nyokap gue. I don’t wanna be like that. Gue mau jadi perempuan yg dihargai. Gue mau berkarya buat buktiin kalau gue bisa dan berharga.”
I am still on tears…….
Rasanya plong banget asli pas ngomong kaya gitu….. Bahkan… gue gak bisa jujur sm diri gue sendiri. Gue harus di prompt sama orang dulu baru gue bisa menemukan jawabannya….
Oke Lanjut, Talking about spotlight ini juga yang “diarahkan” oleh coach. Jangan sampe, lo silau sama spotlight orang lain dan pengen dapat spotlight yang sama. Ainna tetep bisa dapet spotlight untuk diri lo sendiri tanpa harus menjadi seperti orang lain :)
Kenapa hal ini bs keluar dari coach gue? Because i force myself to pursue my degree on Ivy League. Karena alasannya shallow banget “Gue pengen juga membuktikan walau sudah jadi mamah-mamah gue ttp bisa masuk Harvard.” 🥲 hati gue kotor bgt wk. besides, gue juga tau di Harvard jurusan yang gue pengen emang align bgt sm tujuan hidup gue, tapi alasan tadi ituloh yg hmmmmmm…. Yang membuat gue insist utk mengambil Ivy League while i know US not as safety as European country ya kl mau raising kids tapi karena ada alasan “mamah mamah” itu tadi yg bikin gue insist mau masuk harvard.
I still can have my own spotlight wherever i am. Itu yg harus gue sadari…..
Karena sejujur gue kaya bump into NZ gitu tapi my half heart kaya “Hey Harvard ajalah, people will be more looking at you if you are in Harvard.” 🙃👍 how pathetic i am.
Jadi gue kaya skrg lebih lega aja skrg :”) bahwa gue gak HARUS berada di SUATU TEMPAT untuk ORANG MELIHAT GUE.
Huhuhu Allah bener2 nge-guide gue bgt ngerasanya Alhamdulillah 😭
Tapi mengenai tempat kuliah itu, kujuga pernah konfirmasi ke salah satu lulusan Columbia. Kubilang “Salah gak sih Mbak aku milih Ivy League just because IT IS IVY LEAGUE?” Dan kata senior gue ya gapapa, karena emg ada positifnya juga kan sekolah di Ivy League. Dari Alumni Network-nya, dari kurikulum, research, pasti emg ada banyak hal positif di Univ tsb shg mereka bs jadi univ top dunia kan?
Another point!
But somehow, sebagai mamah-mamah yang ingin kuliah lagi, tentu saja bukan sekadar kurikulum dan hal academic yg perlu dipertimbangkan. Tapi juga lingkungan negara tsb, atau bahkan kalau di support grup @labbelajaribu sampe harga day care juga jd pertimbangan seseorang utk kuliah di negara tsb 🥲 wkwkwk.
Dah begitu aja sharing tentang coaching hari ini. I am so blessed mulai paham sm diri sendiri, kapan gue ngerasa butuh mentoring, kapan gue ngerasa butuh coaching, kapan gue ngerasa butuh konseling. Huffttt.. ini privilage bgt krn gue Alhamdulillah punya akses dan terpapar tentang hal2 tsb in early years.
Alhamdulillah tsumma alhamdulillah
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ambuschool · 5 months
Coaching S2
I wanna share some insight notes after i’ve done coaching with my senior on Rumah Kepemimpinan. Kenapa coaching? Karena saya buruh temen berefleksi, butuh di challenge dengan objektif, apa benar saya butuh s2 atau hanya pengaruh lingkungan karena beberapa teman terdekat saya dan juga suami saya udah s2?
Sebelum coaching, saya udh bikin SWOT mengenai S2. Apa strength, weaknesses, opportunity dan threat-nya dan mana yang lebih dominan? Ternyata even sudah bikin SWOT saya tetap nggak bs memutuskan, makanya ttp butuh coaching.
Coaching selama 1.5 jam. Pertanyaannya cuman 1 : Apa bener saya mau dan butuh S2?
Di awal saya memaparkan swot saya, and you know what? Saya dapet feedback dari coach-nya “dari paparan kamu, saya merasa bahwa S2 kamu lebih banyak krn opportunity-nya, dorongan eksternal-nya seperti Hannah blm sekolah shg lebih fleksibel dan tmpt kerja suami yg juga msh fleksibel. Saya ngerasa strength-nya blm terlalu kuat, tp take the opoortunity juga gak salah kok.”
Gue kaya “wow?? Ternyata itu jawabannya. Dan ternyata gak salah kalau gue take the opportunity walau strength dalam diri gue utk s2 blm kuat. Terus coach-nya menambahkan
“Opportunity itu biasanya jadi alasan kamu untuk memulai. Tapi strength, the why kamu S2 ini akan menjadi penyemangat kamu untuk menyelesaikan S2.”
Gue kaya wow??!!!!! Cool!!! New insight bgt!! Jadi PR gue adalah bener2 nyari strength atau motivasi internal untuk sekolah dan ssgh nya ini akan menjadi bahan coaching selanjutnya.
The second one, gue di”korek” lagi. Kenapa mau S2? Ada 5 point yang ternyata jadi alasan gue
1. Mau berkarya
2. Mau contribute kepada peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat
3. Impacted local (yes lokal aja lah, yg feasible dicapai)
4. Menjadi ibu yang berdaya dan berkarya (agak redundat sama bo.1 yaa)
5. Menjadi inspirasi untuk anak2 untuk sekolah setinggi2nya
Dan gue ditanya, apa harus S2 utk mencapai 5 hal tsb? Dan jawaban gue “NGGAK 😭” wkwkwkw semua bs dicapai dengan keadaan gue yg skrg kan? Wk, kenapa jadi “prasyarat” untuk ina inu? Wkwkwkw, lol.
Jadi sadar kan. Gausah kebanyakan prasyarat idup lo, Na wkwkwk.
Kemudian gue ditanya, dari kelima hal tsb mana hal yang paliiingggg penting menurut lo? Gue jawab poin 1 dan 4.
Gue bilang bahwa gue mau menjadi “someone” i dont wanna be a mediocre.
Why you don’t wanna be a mediocre?
Well bitter truth is, my number 1 strength is significance. Gue baru ngerasa berharga, berdaya, penuh hatiku kalau aku punya signifikansi thd org lain.
BUT, quote and quote orang significance itu ternyata (baru tau dari talents mapping thanks to mbak Arum) tipikal ya agak narsis. I wanna get spotlight (jujur ya agak malu nih :”) somehow, that spotlight really leads me to a greater good alhamdulillah. Gue bener2 makes something thus i got that spotlight.
Terus si coach bilang “oke spot light is one thing, i still don’t get it, why would you be SOMEONE? Kenapa lo harus berkarya dan menjadi ibu berdaya?”
I am asking myself. Terus tiba2 kaya ada petir nyamber di hati gue, terus gue meneteskan air mata. “The answer is related to my inner child…….”
I am trying to hold my tears but i can’t…. Dengan bercucuran air mata, gue bilang sm coach,
“I wanna be someone because gue mau dihargai. Aku mau jadi perempuan yang dilihat sama orang.”
“Because i used to see my father beat my mom… gue selalu melihat bokap gue merendahkan nyokap gue. I don’t wanna be like that. Gue mau jadi perempuan yg dihargai. Gue mau berkarya buat buktiin kalau gue bisa dan berharga.”
I am still on tears…….
Rasanya plong banget asli pas ngomong kaya gitu….. Bahkan… gue gak bisa jujur sm diri gue sendiri. Gue harus di prompt sama orang dulu baru gue bisa menemukan jawabannya….
Oke Lanjut, Talking about spotlight ini juga yang “diarahkan” oleh coach. Jangan sampe, lo silau sama spotlight orang lain dan pengen dapat spotlight yang sama. Ainna tetep bisa dapet spotlight untuk diri lo sendiri tanpa harus menjadi seperti orang lain :)
Kenapa hal ini bs keluar dari coach gue? Because i force myself to pursue my degree on Ivy League. Karena alasannya shallow banget “Gue pengen juga membuktikan walau sudah jadi mamah-mamah gue ttp bisa masuk Harvard.” 🥲 hati gue kotor bgt wk. besides, gue juga tau di Harvard jurusan yang gue pengen emang align bgt sm tujuan hidup gue, tapi alasan tadi ituloh yg hmmmmmm…. Yang membuat gue insist utk mengambil Ivy League while i know US not as safety as European country ya kl mau raising kids tapi karena ada alasan “mamah mamah” itu tadi yg bikin gue insist mau masuk harvard.
I still can have my own spotlight wherever i am. Itu yg harus gue sadari…..
Karena sejujur gue kaya bump into NZ gitu tapi my half heart kaya “Hey Harvard ajalah, people will be more looking at you if you are in Harvard.” 🙃👍 how pathetic i am.
Jadi gue kaya skrg lebih lega aja skrg :”) bahwa gue gak HARUS berada di SUATU TEMPAT untuk ORANG MELIHAT GUE.
Huhuhu Allah bener2 nge-guide gue bgt ngerasanya Alhamdulillah 😭
Tapi mengenai tempat kuliah itu, kujuga pernah konfirmasi ke salah satu lulusan Columbia. Kubilang “Salah gak sih Mbak aku milih Ivy League just because IT IS IVY LEAGUE?” Dan kata senior gue ya gapapa, karena emg ada positifnya juga kan sekolah di Ivy League. Dari Alumni Network-nya, dari kurikulum, research, pasti emg ada banyak hal positif di Univ tsb shg mereka bs jadi univ top dunia kan?
Another point!
But somehow, sebagai mamah-mamah yang ingin kuliah lagi, tentu saja bukan sekadar kurikulum dan hal academic yg perlu dipertimbangkan. Tapi juga lingkungan negara tsb, atau bahkan kalau di support grup @labbelajaribu sampe harga day care juga jd pertimbangan seseorang utk kuliah di negara tsb 🥲 wkwkwk.
Dah begitu aja sharing tentang coaching hari ini. I am so blessed mulai paham sm diri sendiri, kapan gue ngerasa butuh mentoring, kapan gue ngerasa butuh coaching, kapan gue ngerasa butuh konseling. Huffttt.. ini privilage bgt krn gue Alhamdulillah punya akses dan terpapar tentang hal2 tsb in early years.
Alhamdulillah tsumma alhamdulillah
0 notes
maryhill98761 · 1 year
Sun-kissed skin without the sun: The truth about Tanning Injections
Are you tired of exposing your skin to harmful UV rays just to get a glowing tan? Well, what if I told you that there is a new way to achieve that sun-kissed look without ever stepping foot in the sun? That’s right - tanning injections are now on the market and promising the perfect tan in no time. But before jumping on this trend, it’s important to know all the facts about these injections. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into everything you need to know about tanning injections – from how they work and their benefits, to potential risks and side effects. So grab your sunscreen and let’s get started! Visit: https://www.suretan.net/ What are tanning injections? Tanning injections, also known as melanotan, are a synthetic form of the hormone melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH). MSH is responsible for stimulating the production of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. When injected into the body, tanning injections cause an increase in melanin production, resulting in a darkening of the skin. Tanning injections are typically used by people who want to achieve a deep tan without having to expose their skin to harmful UV rays. However, there are some risks associated with using these injections, including nausea, vomiting, flushing, headache, and low blood pressure. In rare cases, more serious side effects such as heart attack and stroke have been reported. How do they work? While there are many ways to get tan without spending time in the sun, there’s been a recent surge in popularity of tanning injections. But how do they work and are they safe? Tanning injections contain the active ingredient dihydroxyacetone (DHA). DHA is a sugar molecule that interacts with dead skin cells on the surface of your skin to darken them. The effect is temporary and will typically last for about a week or so before fading. There is some concern over the safety of DHA, as it has been shown to cause DNA damage in cells. However, the levels of DHA used in tanning injections are much lower than what is found in self-tanning products, so the risk is minimal. Overall, tanning injections are a safe and effective way to get a temporary tan without having to spend any time in the sun. Are they safe? Tanning injections are a new way to get that “sun-kissed” look without having to expose yourself to the harmful UV rays of the sun. But are these injections safe? There is no denying that too much sun exposure can be dangerous. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can damage your skin in a number of ways, including increasing your risk for skin cancer. So, it’s understandable that people would be attracted to a method of getting a tan that doesn’t involve any sun exposure. Tanning injections are a new way to get a tan without having to expose yourself to UV rays. These injections contain melanin, which is the pigment that gives your skin its color. When injected into the skin, this melanin produces a tanning effect. But are these injections safe? The short answer is: we don’t know yet. Tanning injections are relatively new and there is limited research on their safety. Some experts are concerned that injecting melanin into the skin could cause side effects or even lead to cancer. At this point, more research is needed to determine the safety of tanning injections. In the meantime, if you’re looking for a safe way to get a tan, your best bet is still to use self-tanner or bronzer. These products don’t contain any harmful chemicals and won’t increase your risk for skin cancer.
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3thab-el3ashgina · 2 years
answer here
wallah shway knt msh’3ool elyoum
0 notes
wwwsarms4musclecom · 2 years
cas: 189691-06-3 bremelanotide PT141 PT-141
PT-141, a synthetic peptide analogue of alpha-MSH, is an agonist at melanocortin receptors including the MC3R and MC4R, which are expressed primarily in the central nervous system. Administration of PT-141 to rats and nonhuman primates results in penile erections.
PT-141, also known as bremelanotide, is an innovative new peptide hormone treatment that works for both men and women to improve sexual function. PT-141 is an effective and efficient treatment for both erectile dysfunction and increased libido in men and improves female sexual arousal disorder in women. PT 141 peptide gives you the desire and motivation along with the ability to increase blood flow to the penis or vagina and clitoris, returning the intimacy and passion to your relationship. PT 141 addresses those issues to help resolve sexual difficulties.
PT-141 works directly through the nervous system to increase arousal, desire, and satisfaction with sex. Treatments like Viagra and Cialis work through the vascular system and only give you the ability to achieve an erection. However, PT-141 gives you the desire and motivation along with the ability to achieve an erection, returning the intimacy and passion to your relationship.
PT-141 is empowering our female patients by rejuvenating their sex drive! One third of the population experienced sexual dysfunction, according to a 2015 survey. In the older pool of premenopausal women, approximately six million suffer from hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). If you happen to be someone in one of these pools, you are clearly not alone. Our peptide PT-141 can possible be the answer you are looking for.
How exciting is this? PT-141 is a medication that can help boost your sexual desire, bodily engagement and performance like nothing else on the market. AIM has the purest pharmacy form of the peptide made for the ultimate results.
Most of us are no strangers to the decline in sex drive that typically comes with age. But, it doesn’t have to be this way! Bremelanotide PT 141 provides a natural solution to this dilemma of decreased libido.
At AgeRejuvenation, it’s our job to inform you on the variety of options available when it comes to taking health into your own hands. Keep reading to learn all about PT 141’s benefits and applications.
Bremelanotide PT 141 peptide is a chemical that binds to and activates a cellular receptor—in this case, the melanocortin receptors associated with skin pigmentation.
This synthetic peptide, known as Bremelanotide, was originally developed from a hormone that induces skin tanning, Melanotan II. During initial tests, the discovery that Melanotan II caused the side effects of sexual arousal and erections was actually a pleasant surprise.
These effects occurred in 9 out of 10 male volunteers in a study conducted at the University of Arizona by Dr. Hunter Wells.
Discovery of PT 141 Revolutionized Sexual Dysfunction Treatments
Additional research found that this hormone acts on the nervous system rather than regulating arousal through the vascular system like medications such as Viagra and Cialis.
0 notes
singleiciousmom · 2 years
Tumblr media
I thought he’d get line of 8 grades, especially subjects taught in Filipino, and expected the worst (maybe a line of 7!🫣) in Filipino, because he said he failed their quarter exam!😒 So, this was really a surprise!😅 Good job, babe!👏🏼 I know you can do better. You just lack focus, because you play games while you’re in class!😤 Please don’t wait until the deadline before you do your schoolwork. I know you’re an introvert, and you don’t like chatting on Messenger, but you need to communicate with your groupmates when you have group work.😏 And please say “po” or “opo” when you answer or talk to your teachers, particularly your Music teacher, so that he won’t lecture you anymore.😅 #AGATiu #JuniorHighschooler #MaSci #MSHS #JuniorHigh #GradeSeven #ReportCard #Outstanding #IGotItFromMyMama #ProudMom https://www.instagram.com/p/ClF2xuypeGFgCmzZv-GXIe_DJmfIz4WdQGIIfM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skid-scarecrow · 2 years
You don't have to answer that, but i have to tell that i missed talking wiz u, 3rfa n msh hinf3 bs btmn 3lik
0 notes
mrssakurahatake · 9 months
I Licked it so it’s Mine😛— snippet, snippet, snippet!
This was an event or twitter thread thing i started, that just fizzled out, but just picking a snip has my mind spinning again.
Ino’s gaze narrowed and Sakura knew she’d said too much. “Forehead,” she accused, pointing her finger for good measure. “Why does Kakashi pop up in every story?”  Sakura was sure Ino could see the panic on her face. That was exactly the conversation she wanted to avoid, and instead she’d walked right into it.  The lack of response seemed to speak volumes to Ino, who looked as if her birthday had come early. “Is he popping up anywhere else you aren’t telling me about?” The eyebrow wiggle was completely unnecessary. It left Hinata blushing and Sakura enraged, which was entirely Ino’s point.  “There is nothing happening with Kakashi!”  Ino wasn’t buying it, her icy blue eyes narrowed in thought as she leaned across the table to get closer to Sakura’s face. Not one to back down, Sakura met her in the middle, definitely. Ino’s hand slapped the table, making the mostly empty tea cups rattle and Hinata jump. “That’s exactly the problem. You’re spending all your free time with the man and nothing is happening.” She sat back, a triumphant grin plastered across her face. “Ino,” Hinata admonished, all the while watching Sakura for a reply. “You can’t say something like that about the Hokage.”  Undeterred, Ino continued, “If he isn’t interested he needs to back off so someone else can stake a claim.” “You did not just say that. I don’t belong to Kakashi, or anyone else for that matter.” Sakura protested, her temper dangerously close to boiling over. 
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silverskye13 · 8 months
is msh ever getting finished? i got so attached to them…
Hopefully yes. MSH suffered very hard from what RnS is suffering from now: a handful of chapters that, for no good reason, are terribly hard to write. I started and stopped the current chapter of MSH at least 8 times, and will probably do it 8 more times before it stops feeling like an awkward mess.
All that to say I plan on coming back to it, just as soon as it cooperates with me again. In the meantime, here's a snippet of the chapter that'll probably be cut but who knows:
The mist had thinned to a sheer veil by the time they made it to town, collecting in the dips and hollows in the fields like the bustles on a quilt. The sun worked hard to burn it away, but it clung stubbornly to the ground, making the air heavy and leaving dewdrops on every surface in sight. Even the windows of the houses were streaked with damp as though rain had passed over, and the half-clouded sky made the illusion all the more convincing. 
This early in the morning, Haltvale was slow to come to life, but it was. Gardens were being tended, and people walked in pairs or small groups to their errands, rubbing sleep from their eyes and talking quietly. Theirs was the only wagon on the main road, a slow rumbling of solitary and distant thunder, and folks made room for them as though they were a rain cloud passing through. Ren frowned when he noticed it, casting puzzled looks at all the wary glances in their direction. The prickling of eyes watching etched patterns across his spine, and it disturbed him even more when he turned to confront those stares, only the watch as gazes abruptly averted and paces quickened. Doc seemed to sense it too, because he kept his eyes on the road, his expression grave. His normal bright and welcoming greetings were absent, replaced by hunched shoulders and the firm line of his frown. 
"Did something happen?" Ren whispered, biting his lip nervously. "Everyone's on edge."
"Well I don't know, Ren," Doc smiled grimly, "has something happened in the past couple days that might put people on edge?"
Ren winced and rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously. He let the conversation drop just as quickly as it started, the trundle of their wheels on the rutted road filling the silence. At last, Doc pulled them to a stop by the general store and stepped off.
"Alright," Doc said, "you two stay close. I won't be long."
"We won't get carried off by any creatures in town, Doc," Gem said, poking her head up from the back of the wagon. "Besides, I need fabric, and you suck at picking it out."
"Fabric?" Ren asked, raising an eyebrow. "What in the world would you need fabric for?"
"Because someone keeps getting his shirts shredded by some creature in the woods." Gem answered with a narrow-eyed smile, daring him to argue. Ren coughed awkwardly into his hand and suggested: "My favorite color is red."
"You'll get what I get you," Gem sniffed, hopping down from the wagon.
"Am I the only one grounded to the wagon, then?" Ren asked.
"You're not grounded," Doc said, his voice dropping just a hint lower. "I ahm… I don’t want to be in town very long, alright? Meet back at the cart in an hour, two hours tops?"
Ren shrugged, settling back in his seat as comfortably as the wooden bench would allow. “You two have fun.”
“Weren't you just complaining about being grounded?” Gem asked, crossing her arms in feigned indignation.
“Well now that I know I'm not grounded, I'm choosing to stay here and nap while you two go do your errands,” Ren sniffed, pillowing his arms behind his head and reclining in a shaft of weak sunlight that dared to peak out of the clouds. “Go on, shoo.”
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thatpinkshinobi · 4 years
Wet & Wild ✨
Tumblr media
"Kakashi, we could stay here and talk about my pool for the rest of the afternoon, or you could just kiss me already."
Commission for the lovely and extraordinary @mrssakurahatake ❤️ for her fic “Wet and Wild”
✨Do Not Repost My Art✨
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bouncyirwin · 4 years
For the writer ask will you please answer 5 and 16?
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
This is such a hard question I’ve been scratching my head for five minutes 🤣 I’d say Knock Knock? I have a lot of fun writing it, and it gets amazing feedback which reduces me to a puddle of happy tears 101% of the time. It’s nice to horny bond with the rest of the fandom 🤣 Tuesday of Doom would be a very close second, I’m really proud of this one, I love torturing Sasuke tbh
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
A few! Friends to lovers is definitely at the top of the list, I abuse this poor trope. Baby fics melt me, I’m a sucker for my favourite characters starting a family. And, of course, when a character who has been wronged moves on to something better and the person who hurts them witnesses that 😉
Thank you for the ask ❣️
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princen-monkie · 4 years
Hallo ich habe kein tumblr, habe aber deine Geschichte zu gelesen. Ich mag sie und wollte fragen ob du noch mehr schreibst? Ich mag auch mein Schulgeist Hanako
Hallo! Hallo!
Willkommen! Willkommen! :D
Vielen lieben Dank, dass du meine Hananene Fanfiction gelesen hast und dass sie dir gefällt. Es bedeutet mir wirklich sehr viel. Vielen Dank!
Ich werde auf jeden Fall mehr schreiben. Ich habe die nächste Fanfic bereits angefangen. Allerdings wird das kein Hananene enthalten.
Hier, weil du so lieb gefragt hast, gebe ich dir einen Ausschnitt aus meiner neuen Fanfic. (Allerdings ist das noch alles andere als perfekt, ich hoffe, das ist nicht schlimm):
"Amane! Amane! Schau mal!" Mit einem aufgeregten Quieken kam Tsukasa (4) auf Amane (4) zugerannt. In seiner kleinen Hand hielt er einen Stock, den er voller Stolz seinen Bruder zeigte.
Amane begutachtete den Stock und ein weites Lächeln breitete sich auf seinem Gesicht aus."Woah, der ist ja toll! Jetzt bist du ein Zauberer!" Bei den Worten fing Tsukasa an, den Stock voller Freude umher zu schwingen.
Es war später Abend. Die Sterne funkelten bereits am Himmel. Und es war Vollmond. Eigentlich längst Zeit, im Bett zu liegen und das Traumland zu besuchen. Die Zwillinge durften an diesem Tag dennoch im beleuchteten Garten spielen.
Und da Tsukasa einen "Zauberstab" gefunden hat, spielten sie Zauberer. Er war ein Zauberer wie in den Geschichten, die Oma und Opa immer erzählen. Amane war sein Zauberlehrling.
Vergnügt rannten sie durch den Garten und sammelten Blätter sowie kleine Steinchen ein. "Damit können wir einen Zaubertrank erstellen", erklärte Tsukasa seinem Zauberlehrling Amane nachdem er einen Baumstumpf in eine schwarze Katze mit grünen Augen verwandelt hat.
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ohayohimawari · 5 years
Number 13 & 14 please?
MSH! One of my favorite people
13. Favorite writing song/artist/album of this year:
I tend to listen to instrumental music when I write so I’m not distracted by lyrics and the two artists that I listened to the most are: Yo-Yo Ma and Ali Farka Touré. There’s so much passion and emotion in their performances that I can’t help but be swept away. They have the incredible ability to make their respective instruments (cello, guitar) to seem to speak and sing.
14. A fic you didn’t expect to write:
I answered this one in a previous Ask, but I can easily give a different answer to this same question because, honestly, I’m surprised that I’m writing and sharing stories in the first place hahaha!
I never, ever thought that I would write AU’s (!!!) Most of my hc’s come from wanting to weave my ideas into canon--it’s a challenge that I love. But this past year, I’ve written 3 (I think?) AU’s: one modern teacher and one forest spirit AU for the KakaYama event last May, and recently a time travel story where I sent 4 of the Nart knuckleheads to the Warring States Period of Japan.
Each of those stories presented their own challenges to write, and I enjoyed the process, so I think I’ve almost convinced myself to try writing other AU’s haha!
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