#mtg rp
faerie--macabre · 11 months
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Death-Bringer Corpse-talker Spirit-Rider
     She teeters on the edge of death, and fears to fall in after those she has sent before her. A blossoming of truth that rots around a seed of endless lies.
D E A T H 'S M A J E S T Y
Ind. Priv. Sel. Liliana Vess of Magic the Gathering.                 Template ||   PSD
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annofravnica · 2 years
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"All my life, all I have ever wanted is to be gentle..."
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cyrusthemagician · 5 months
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Sonic prime sonic: "Thanks for the help little guy!"
Classic sonic: proudly holding one die
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vyronnes · 5 months
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Myra reference sheet
Reference sheet commission I'm excited to introduce Myra to you all! 🌟 Ahhh, just look at that smile! 🤩 Drawing her was an absolute pleasure, and I hope you like her as much as I do!
Character belongs to Xani Silvermoon Do not use
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flowers-shouldnt-die · 5 months
Okay hear me out: Tissaia has a kid with whoever you ship her with. And her partner knows the skylark thing so they just call the baby “little bird”🥰
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ittorule34 · 11 months
i'm sorry for looking in your eyes without permission.
My love, we have started into each others eyes nightly since the day we met. No permission was needed only the love we share is necessary.
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nite0304 · 1 year
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The last spoiler, the white monarch machine mommy herself! Elesh Norn!
I do have some important characters on the module, but the praetors couldn't be missing of course! And they all have the similar pattern:
A statblock beefy enough that any of them on their own could be the BBEG of a campaign
A set of permanent regional effects on their layer of phyrexia
A minion that can be heavily customized with a set of abilities for you to use
Elesh Norn in particular was the first one I made, and the one I am most proud of. And here you have her! Hope you enjoy using her as the Big Bad Evil Guy of your campaign.
Now go play MtG too!
And Check Plane Shift: New Phyrexia on my patreon! Click here!
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mtgratgirl · 1 month
Hello gamers, i have a ridiculous Nashi video in the works. Not that Nashi. Yea the bad sultai one.
There's a preview and a funny little skit on my Patreon Right Now! Check it out if your brain, like mine, is filled to the brim with commander sludge.
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fatexhunter · 4 months
Oblivion Ring
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As an action, the user emits a Circle of Aura aspect in their zone. The user may invoke that aspect while a target is in the circle: the target is teleported to a conjured zone called Oblivion with no aspects and no neighboring zones. When this ability is exorcised, the target returns to the circle.
(restriction or effect value) restriction or effect (total value) (type)
(-2) as an action (-2) (Emission)
(+2) create an aspect (0) (Emission)
(-1) invoke (-1) (Manipulation)
(-1) that aspect (-2) (Manipulation)
(+2) Teleport target (0) (Emission)
(+2) to a zone (2) (Conjuration)
(-1) With no aspects (1) (Conjuration)
(+1) no neighbors (2) (Specialist)
(-2) if the ability is dissmissed, The target is returned (0) (Specialist)
Total Complexity: 9
Aura point cost: 2
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holiday-in-eorzea · 1 year
Blade Of Night
Upon entering the Quicksand, the source of trouble was hard to miss. Another of the Lominsan marauders, though this one wore a covering on his head, and appeared to be more solidly built than his comrades. I assumed they signified him to be the leader of the troupe. Typical; leave the subordinates to do what they will outside in the heat, all while relaxing and drinking in shade and comfort. Although, it seemed something had riled him up, as he towered over the Lalafell waitress, shards of glass and remains of ale staining one of the nearby walls.
"Me poxy arse this is yer best brew! I’d sooner drink a pint o' me own piss than this swill!” the charming individual bellowed at the girl.
“I- I’m sorry! Just l-let me...”
The marauder raised his hand, as if to strike her. I called out. “Hey! What are you doing?!”
He paused, and turned to face me. “Just who the 'ells do ye think yer speakin' to, maggot!? I'm Pfarmurl the Driven, an' me an' me Bloody Marauders've been reavin' so long, mothers scare their children with tales about us!”
“It doesn’t matter who you are! I won’t allow harm to an innocent person, especially not over something so idiotic!”
The marauder scoffed, and stretched in an attempt to intimidate me. “Don't believe me words? Then I'll let me axe do the talkin'!” Sure enough, he began to reach for the wicked axe strapped to his back. In response, I moved towards my blade’s scabbard and prepared to draw.
Suddenly, a voice called out from a table behind us. “Oho, this is lively, even for the Quicksand. You two going to put on a show for us?” Both the marauder and I turned to see a rough looking man finishing a drink, dressed in a billowing red shirt, and loose pants; a long blade strapped to his hip.
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“What's this? Another godsdamned fool? Show some respect when ye talk to...” the marauder started to say before the man in red cut him off.
“Pfarmurl the Driven, leader of a troupe of bloody mummers or some such. Aye, I heard you the first time - your voice carries quite well.” The man waved away his own interruption with a relaxed, casual air.
Pfarmurl, the marauder, took clear umbrage to the attitude. “Then unless ye want me to split yer skull with me axe, ye better-” He paused mid-sentence, taking a more measured look at the man’s sword. It was certainly imposing; wicked black spikes were worked into the shaping of the false edge, with runic lettering down the flat. My knowledge of languages failed to provide a translation.
“Th-That sword!” Pfarmurl stammered. “It couldn't be... Frenzy!? But only the Sword of Nald would - Bloody hells, it's you!”
The man in red smiled, but it was a predator’s grin; there was no joy in those eyes. “You know, I've never been one to stand back and watch. Mind if I join the fun?”
Pfarmurl held his hands out in defense, scared stiff. “B-B-Beggin' yer pardon, sir!” was as much as he got out before turning tail and running as fast as he could muster.
The man in red just sighed, and scratched at the back of his head. “Why do they always do that...? Looks like it's just you and me.” I once again reached for my sword, as he laughed, face softening. “No no, I didn’t mean to suggest we fight. I merely wanted to compliment you. Standing up to that Lominsan was quite brave of you—and quite foolish.”
“I was simply doing my duty; one that I would hope anyone would do likewise, but I know many don’t.” I replied, relaxing my posture; noticing how much I had been tensing only as the muscles released.
“I think I like you, gladiator. Name's Aldis, and I'd buy you a drink, but I'm afraid I just spent the last of my coin.” The man gestured to his now empty mug.
“That’s alright. I’m not much of one for drink, but thank you for the offer regardless. I’m Liya.”
“Liya, huh? I used to be a young gladiator like you. Back then, I...” Aldis trailed off, as if lost in a memory, but quickly returned to the present. “Ah, but that hardly concerns you. These days I'm just an explorer of the unexplored, a seeker of as-yet-unknown experiences...” Aldis sighed wistfully and looked towards the ceiling. “...Like that beautiful stranger keeping my bed warm right now. Gods, I've missed this city; this wonderful desert jewel of debauchery and sin. Now, if you'll excuse me.” Thankfully, he either didn’t notice, or at least didn’t call attention to the reddening of my cheeks as he made his way towards the interior stairs.
I took a brief moment to compose myself, and made my way over to Mistress Momodi, the proprietor. “Is everything alright now, M- Momodi?” I had to catch myself of speaking out of habit before inadvertently insulting her again. Using one’s title was customary at home, but she had already indicated her preference.
“It’s fine now that seadog’s been run off. I swear, if I hadn't seen Aldis with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it was him. Everyone here thought he died years ago.” She let out a dejected breath. “Listen, Liya. Do me a favor and don't tell Mylla about meetin' Aldis, alright? She doesn't need this sort of drama.”
“Why? Is there something I should know about? He’s not a threat, is he?”
Momodi shook her head. “Well...let's just say some folk ain't good for one another. If you catch my meanin’”
“Ah, like that. Well, in that case, I don’t think I need to include that detail when I return to Mylla about the job.”
“My thanks about that. I suspected the guild would be quick to dispatch someone, and I had even money on it bein’ you. Those mercenaries occasionally keep the peace in these parts, but their patrols seem to come round as they feel. I’ve sent a runner ahead to Mylla about your performance here and from what I could gather from outside. It’s good to have someone that cares handy.” She smiled and gave a cheeky wink. “Now, you must be thirsty, havin’ to lug that armor around in this heat; how about a drink?”
I was instantly reminded of the cracking of my lips, and the rasp of my throat. It had been far too long since I wore my own skin, and I considered myself lucky to be relieved of the need of arms and armour in my life. Even if it meant needing to become acquainted with them after the fact. “A cup of water would certainly be appreciated, I admit.”
“No freebies this time!” Momodi called over her shoulder, already pouring the cool, clear liquid from a jug. She said it with the tone of a teasing joke, so I chose to take it as such. She passed the cup across the counter, and I returned the favour with a small pinch of coins from my pouch, still unsure about the currency and its value. Momodi took one and pushed the others back. On inspection, I noted she had effectively charged 3 of their “gil” for the water, though I wasn’t sure if that was a reduced price, inflated, or simply the standard rate. As I had no reason to argue, I accepted the fare and returned the remaining coins to their place.
Though the respite from the heat was welcome, I still had my duty to accomplish, so begrudgingly I exited the cool interior of the Quicksand, to traverse the streets of Ul’dah back to the Gladiator’s Guild. I passed the returning messenger on the way, exchanging a brief look of acknowledgment as they went on their way.
Mylla was in her customary position, overseeing the guild members training with their wooden blades. I gave a salute, but she was quicker than I in starting the conversation.
“I've already heard of your exploits at the Quicksand, Liya. You did well to send those marauders packing. I wish I could say we've heard the last of them. Alas, we've received reports of axe-wielding raiders assaulting merchants traveling through Scorpion Crossing.” She shook her head lightly in disgust.
“They move quickly then. Did they already have this planned as a distraction?”
A frown crossed the guildmaster’s face. “It seems words will not suffice. after all. I want you to finish what you've begun, Liya. Head to westem Thanalan and see that Pfarmurl fellow and all those who have shared in his crimes never trouble the people of Ul'dah again.”
“To what end, guildmaster?”
“I trust your judgment, and your ability. Should it come to it, I have arranged for your prior allowances with the Brass Blades to extend further, under my authority. No crime would be decreed if it were a necessary step.” Our eyes met, as if the full meaning of her statement was conveyed through vision alone.
“I will do my best, and hopefully it does not come to that.”
Mylla nodded, a grim demeanour colouring the expression. “Good. Then, be off. The trade outpost of Scorpion Crossing is the nearest settlement in the area. I advise asking there for more precise information.”
I gave a crisp salute, the habit still forcing itself from my training, and exited the guildhall. The western gate, identified as the Gate of the Sultana was not far from the guild, as I passed through the streets into the afternoon sun. The weather was cooling, but still warmer than I would typically prefer. The more temperate climate of Ravnica had caused more of an adjustment than I thought. I exhaled as of to chase the heat away, and set off.
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Everywhere I looked as I walked reminded me of home, of Melenas. Though the climate here was harsher, the wildlife and greenery had adapted well. Farming had always been somewhat of a struggle; trying to find suitable groundwater sources to feed our crops and what livestock could manage. I could imagine the soil here would handle thoumfruit and jazar in greater abundance. I shook my head; Kolya was insistent on my learning the proper names of things, least of all for his understanding; garlic and carrot. The words still felt foreign in my mind, but to his credit, the names he used seemed to be more common across a number of planes compared to my own. Of course, getting the seeds here was an entirely separate issue; while inorganic materials traveled the Blind Eternities without issue, the same could not be said of more natural things. I had tried to retrieve some herbs for baking, only to find handfuls of dust on my arrival.
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By the time I had made it to the outpost, the sun was all but swallowed by the horizon, as dusk swiftly approached. Asking around, it seemed that accommodations could be found, as it was a popular trade route, and merchants were often passing through. It was dangerous to continue in the darkness of the open road, with unknown terrain, strange wildlife, and even knowing that my quarry was out there somewhere, so I opted to ask about a bed for the night. Much easier to seek people by light of day, and if they wanted easy prey of merchant caravans, they’d be unlikely to move on. Though, that would also solve the issue. The beds were rough cots, clearly sourced from military surplus despite the wealth of the city and surrounds. Not much in terms of comfort, but there was a lot to be said for the relative safety and security offered by the fortifications made to the outpost, and by the Brass Blades stationed by the gates on regular rotation. Memories of having to do much the same in prior lives came to mind, as I felt a touch of guilt of not envying their position. 
The night was still early, so folks had gathered near the center of the outpost to share tales of the road, both tall and mundane, and to come together to share meals, showing more of a community than I had gotten from just a general impression of the city proper’s populace. On one side, there was a merchant complaining about misplaced packages from his shipment, asking his compatriots to assist in locating them overnight and subsequently being laughed off, with assurances that there was plenty of time in the morning for that. On the other, one of the established traders of the outpost told tales of living plants, whose blood had such apparent power as to keep a person from appearing to age. I nearly scoffed myself, before remembering that I knew practically nothing about this plane, so for all I knew, it could very well be true. I’d certainly experienced enough things I had thought mere stories if I thought about them at all prior to my execution. Soon though, the merriment wound down, as caravan leaders took to rest for the day ahead, and others made themselves weary; from the day’s labour or drink, I do not know which. I found my way to my allotted cot, removed the heavy chain coat and highboots, and allowed what I had come to appreciate in the gentle ache of a healthy exertion take my mind in slumber.
Another morning, and another push against my spark. And unfortunately, another nullified response. Not that I would necessarily abandon people in need, but it was always useful to know whether you had a backup plan if required. I sourced a light morning meal from one of the departing caravans, and had managed to eat most of it before a yell could be heard from the gates leading away from the city.
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peofun1 · 11 months
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POV you just pulled my D&D character in a gacha game
Whisper, the air Genasi Sorceror! originally from an older game, I decided to bring her back for our Strixhaven campaign. she's really a perfect fit for the setting.
(if you can tell what actual gacha card i used for pose reference, no you can't)
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primespinosaur · 2 years
Man it's really fucking funny that like ten years ago I tried to roleplay Tibalt as a menacing psychopath and every year since then has been Wizards of the Coast telling me I was clown for trying that. 🤡
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ruthlessravenart · 6 months
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ancicntforged · 11 months
"Oh I'm finally up in the contest?" It felt like she was waiting for a while! "Alrighty then, time to show off my dance-moves!" Thankfully she was rather adept at dancing, but why was she dancing with her claymore in hand?
Ah right, just dancing would be boring, hence why Kiana got ready.
Stanced up and lit her weapon ablaze, before licing through the air and creating some beautiful fireworks to look at.
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"God, I love being a Herrscher." Sometimes. "Good luch to the other contestants!"
The Poll.
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arch-loebster · 2 years
I need to find ppl to rp with lmk if your interested! Id prob like to do critical role (kaylie), life is strange (chloe), or rvb (Connecticut, carolina, sister, tex, + some others). I could also do toh or mtg or various other things, but lmk if anyones interested! Best place to contact would be @UBChloe#6051 on discord!
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dungeonmalcontent · 9 months
I fixed alignment!
Link to the document in question if you don't care to hear the tale of it.
That's a really ambitious thing to declare. I even already went to the trouble of making this because I've been planning on announcing like this.
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But, yeah.
Maybe I didn't fix it, per se. At worst, you can call this an alternative system to traditional alignment. And it all started because people were getting a little too complicated talking about the "nuance" of the standard alignment system and things like the MTG mana color system.
And my response was going to be "what ya'll are trying to get at is a spider graph." But that extended response post got annihilated because I didn't save it as a draft before switching tabs. So I started writing it up as its own post. And that lead to me making some demonstration graphs, and that lead to me going ahead and just writing up a whole essay. And then I adapted that essay into a variant rules module for 5e d&d.
So. Yeah. That's how I ended up making Re:Alignment. (get it, it's like a pun, because "re:" is the default header for a reply email and I'm responding to the trash state of alignment in 5e, but it's also read as "realignment" like repairing a misalignment.. it's clever, just trust me)
The document is 11 pages and can be read in its entirety as a preview on DMsGuild if you follow the link to it (easier to do on desktop). The doc outline how this approach to alignment changes how alignment works, the actual alignment system itself, and describes what I have essentially replaced good, evil, lawful, chaotic, and neutral with. I also included a print friendly PDF sheet to fit into a character sheet where you can track your spider graph alignment and other important alignment based RP information. Also also, there's a standalone graph jpg that you can slap onto a modified character sheet or other RP tool of your choice.
The doc is priced as "pay what you want", so if you want a downloaded copy or one you can print (though hopefully not the last page, because I make those all black) you can get it for free. If you want to throw a little money my way or if you really like the system, you can pay however much money you want. It was like 48 hours of work, so a decent amount of effort went into this.
If you're wondering "what did this moron replace the alignments with?" I'll answer that right now. I replaced alignment with this:
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If you want to figure out what that means and how it works, read the doc. It's not that long and it describes it pretty thoroughly.
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