#multipolar world
sayruq · 3 months
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kneedeepincynade · 9 months
Hello everyone, and welcome to sov says shit again.
Through people I follow, i was unfortunately made aware that people don't understand what it means to have access to imperial benefits.
Let's say you tick all of the boxes neded for the US Government to hate you
Minority,both religious and etnich
Darker skintone
Outside of the gender binary
Non heterosexual
And more
Now,your life is literally hell, and yet,you still have access to imperial benefits
For example,going in whatever grocery store you like and finding a cheap banana in the middle of winter.
This is because a country is being imperialised in the south of the world to produce your Banana all year round, damaging their local agriculture
Or again,your passport
An American passport is incredibly powerful and guarantees less burden from security
Imperial benefits are not some kind of original sin or whatever,they are a fact of life that one must recognise and understand that they won't exist in a better world. So yes,your banana may cost more,but some farmer down in the south of the world has finally sent his kids to school and his government has begun to improve the life of its citizens trough various reform the old imperial government would have never allowed.
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workersolidarity · 10 months
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*closes my eyes and taps my shoes together*
The US Dollar is still the dominant reserve currency
The US Dollar is still the dominant reserve currency
The US Dollar is still the dominant reserve currency
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immaculatasknight · 2 months
There is a better choice
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informacionanalisis · 7 months
Los cambios geopolíticos actuales están redefiniendo las relaciones internacionales y transformando el orden mundial establecido. La transición hacia un sistema más multipolar presenta desafíos significativos que requieren cooperación y compromiso por parte de todas las naciones. Solo a través de un enfoque inclusivo y colaborativo podremos construir un futuro más equitativo y próspero para todas las sociedades.
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politicoscope · 9 months
Africa Will Be A Power House of the New Multipolar World Order
Introduction In this era of rapid globalization, the world is undergoing a marked shift from the hegemony of a few dominant powers to a more balanced and inclusive multipolar world order. Among the emerging players, Africa is poised to take center stage and flourish as a power house of this new era. With its vast resources, untapped potential, and dynamic youth population, Africa is…
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derzaungast · 1 year
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digitalguap · 1 year
China & Russia Just Launched Their Great Reset | Multipolar World Confirmed!
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lionclawfist · 2 years
Watch "Pure Dictatorship! Russia Issues Harsh Verdict On US and Its Allies" on YouTube
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global-politics · 2 years
Is Unipolar World Order Coming to an End?
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China as the Rising Super Power Is Unipolar World Order Coming to an End: We are seeing China get ever closer to joining the US as a world super power. We had a long unipolar moment that began after the ed of the Cold War and has lasted till now. China’s economic performance demonstrates that it is really close to becoming a super power. Its military modernization is relentless and we not be far off from the moment when the unipolar power comes to an end. China’s tremendous amount of capital that it can deploy in so many ways is something the US can not do. Similarly, the Chines BRI is such a milestone for the world order and international relations. This is something which China could do. More research articles
The current situation of Multipolarity
On one hand we have a level of multipolarity at play in which you have a number of the other powers that are able to assert themselves often aggressively, as we saw Russia. That’s simply something that the US has not been able to stop. I would argue that the rise of China has led to a situation where Beijing has been able to develop partnerships with a number of countries who for many years had good relations with the US.
Moreover, China, although its vehicle of infrastructure and investments has been able to push back at that helps for sure. You can see in that regard that the US’s efforts to build a good consensus and coalition to push back China has only had limited success. You have so many countries around the world including in the West and EU that value their trade relations with China. They would not imperil their relationship with China for the US efforts to counter the Chinese led Power.
In addition to this, I would also argue that there’s somewhat similar dynamics with Russia. The US has been trying to make this global effort to impose sanctions on Russia and isolate it. But it had a limited effect because many countries including EU are heavily dependent on Russia for energy. I think until those countries which are so reliant on Russia are able to find an alternate, the US is going to have limited efforts of leading from the front and getting the world to unite against countering Russia. That’s a reflection of the fact that you have other major powers that have been able to develop these important commercial relationships.
Pakistan relationship with the US
Pakistan’s relationship with the US has been very volatile. I would argue that a key development occurred last August when the US left Afghanistan. The perception in Pakistan is correct that the US officials viewed Pakistan from the lens of Afghanistan. Ever since the US left and relocated their embassy, there has been a drift in relationship. It’s been on hold. It’s been unsettled. It has been in search of a new anchor for a relationship that it has been unable to find. You could argue that this is an area of cooperation.
Moreover, there has been a bit of bad blood with the developments of the last 2 3 months with the Imran Khan’s allegations of a US conspiracy. The new government will allow some of that rhetoric to dissipate al least on official level and allow for a space for the future cooperation. The relationship has suffered some blows. The new PM of Pakistan has offered conciliatory messages and so has the US government responded. I do believe that Washington will have a high comfort level working with Shehbaz Sharif than with Imran Khan because of the allegations Imran Khan made.
Furthermore, just a quick side note, the Pak-US relationship was not always bad under Imran Khan’s rule. He made a very successful visit to the President Trump in the White House a few summers ago. Donald Trump had asked Imran Khan to negotiate and bring the Taliban to negotiations wit the US. It was only in recent months when President Joe Biden infamously did not call Imran Khan and things got worse. I do agree that in past, the US, Pakistan relations has been what some would call as Imperial. There frequently has been meddling in Pakistan’s domestic politics. If you look at the US had done in terms of the drone strike campaigns, the efforts to track down Bin Laden with a fake vaccination campaign. I understand why Pakistan are certainly skeptical and suspicious of the US policies. In Washington, there is certainly acknowledgment of that. But I do think that the relationship can come around and overcome the problems of the last 3 months. But my sense is that Imran Khan will continue to hold on to that narrative of a US led effort to oust him.
US Influence in South Asia
When the US plays a democracy card, it is more critical of the countries that are not allies or strategic partners pf the US. But New Delhi has been a bit concerned about what the Biden Administration had said about India. Including the 2+2 dialogue that happened in the Washington 2 months ago in which the Foreign Affairs and defense officials of both the countries met to talk about security and diplomacy. Antony Blinken, the US Secretory of State, made this concern about human rights record (of India). But I think this is a separate question from the larger question of how the US sees South Asia and how it sees what China is up to and what Russia is up to.
In addition to this, it’s very interesting, I think that South Asia has become a major battle field for India-China competition and also for the China-US competition. China is Washington top foreign policy concern. When the US has tended to accord to Asia, it has looked at East Asia. That’s because the US top treaty allies are there like Japan and South Korea. It’s also East Asia where China has been doing stuff that concerns the US. Mostly its provocation in the South China Sea that directly impacts key US partners and allies. Now that we see China deepening its relationship, not only with Pakistan but also its commercial presence in the region including in the countries where traditionally, India had been a key external player. I think that we have seen in recent times and what we will see more in future is the US trying to bring most of the countries in South Asia under its Indo-Pacific strategy.
Final point on this is the Russia factor. South Asia is a region where Russia has no enemies. Half of the SAARC countries abstained from the first General Assembly resolution condemning the Russia invasion. Russia has been able to develop a soft power in many countries of South Asia. Not only in India but also in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and many other countries which is serious threat to the US made unipolar World Order in the South Asia.
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sayruq · 3 months
After the US bombed the Yemenis for the fifth time, the Yemenis responded by attacking an American ship in the Gulf of Aden
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Earlier Joe Biden admitted the missile strikes are doing nothing to the Houthis. For example:
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As a result of such antics, insurers won't cover US, UK ships heading to the Red Sea and it's become clear that the US navy is more vulnerable than expected
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kneedeepincynade · 1 month
Un giorno dovremo tutti sederci al tribunale della storia ad essere giudicati,la storia ci chiederà cosa abbiamo fatto davanti a tutta la sofferenza,davanti alla morte,davanti al genocidio, io sono fiero di poter rispondere davanti alla storia di essere stato in prima linea,di essere andato davanti alla sede del male e aver dichiarato la verità
One day we will all have to sit at the tribunal of history to be judged, history will ask us what we did in the face of all the suffering, in the face of death, in the face of genocide, I am proud to be able to answer in the face of history that I have been on the front line, of having gone before the seat of evil and having declared the truth
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workersolidarity · 10 months
🇮🇷 I support Iran. I want to make that clear. 🇮🇷
Iran's anti-Imperialist creds are unquestionable. The entire basis for the existence of the revolutionary Iranian Islamic Republic is anti-Imperialism. No country supports Palestine and the Palestinian people more than the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The moment the Iranian government no longer supports the fight against Western Imperialism, the justification for its existence vanishes with it, along with the support of the Iranian people it enjoys today.
National Sovereignty is the basis of Socialism. And though Iran is by no means a Socialist country, neither is it a Neoliberal Western Proxy, and Iranians enjoy one of the largest economic safety nets in the Middle East, as well as an economy who's natural resources are dominated by SOEs. Including their National Oil Company...
Iran's oil, of course, was initially Nationalized under Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddegh in March 1951... and of course two years later he was couped by the United States in a typically American Colonialist move, giving full political power to the Shah who used it to stifle dissent, especially and not coincidentally, Socialist and Communist dissent, responsible for a multitude of slaughters against the Iranian people, who were demanding a more active and independent government.
At least, that was until the Islamic Revolution, beginning in 1978 and culminating in the overthrow of the Shah, imposed on the Iranian people by the United States, in February 1979.
You cannot have Socialism without National Sovereignty. And one way the Iranian government can be thought of, is as a radical movement for National Sovereignty; an anti-Imperialist project to expel the colonizers and Western Capitalists who would see the wealth sucked out of their country by Wall Street.
Please, please please don't fall for more US sponsored color revolutions!
Support the revolutionary Islamic Republic of Iran and its fight against Western Imperialism and US Hegemony! And join our fight to build a Multipolar world and Socialism!
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butchstalinist · 9 months
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politicoscope · 1 year
Happening Now: African New Generation Seek Multipolar World
Happening Now: African New Generation Seek Multipolar World
Pan-Africanist political leader and activist Kémi Séba has spoken to Sputnik about Africa’s role in the world and its relations with Russia. He believes that it is not for the West to decide whom Africa builds ties with. Pan-African activist Kémi Séba, present at the Second International Youth Forum “Russia-Africa: What’s Next?” held on October 24-26 in Moscow, in an interview spoke to Sputnik…
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derzaungast · 1 year
Eben die hochkarätig besetzte Runde bei Garland Nixon gehört (Andrei Martyanov und Scott Ritter zu Gast). Wie immer kompakte, absolut solide Expertise zum Verlauf des NATO-Krieges gegen Russland.
Was bei mir hängen geblieben ist, sind diesmal die Einschätzungen der beiden Gäste zur gerade stattfindenden Umwälzung der Geopolitik, die mit Präsident Xi‘s Besuch in Moskau einen Fokuspunkt der Unumkehrbarkeit erreicht hat.
Martyanov vergleicht die derzeitige tektonische Verschiebung in der Geopolitik mit derjenigen bei der Auflösung der Sowjetunion vor 30 Jahren, die im Vergleich zu den Veränderungen, die sich jetzt vollziehen, vergleichsweise gering ausfiel. Machtverschiebungen wie die jetzige hin zu einer multipolaren Welt passieren in seiner Sicht nicht (wie der chinesische Präsident in zurückhaltender Bescheidenheit sagt) einmal in hundert Jahren, sondern haben laut Martyanov Auswirkungen auf Geschichte und Machtverhältnisse der Welt, wie sie vielleicht alle 300-500 Jahre vorkommen.
Scott Ritter stellt ähnliche Überlegungen an. Er vergleicht die Entwicklung, deren Zeuge wir heute sind, aus US-amerikanischer Sicht mit dem Fall Roms und stellt sogar noch die Zeitraumangabe Martyanovs in Frage. Die Machtverschiebung, die jetzt stattfindet, ist ein Ereignis, wie es einmal in tausend Jahren passiert, meint Ritter.
Beide scheinen ausdrücken zu wollen, dass die globale Dimension der von Russland und China angeführten Multipolarität bereits dabei ist, die globale Herrschaft des westlichen Imperiums zu beenden und den Schwerpunkt des Weltgeschehens für die nächsten Jahrhunderte auf die Welt außerhalb des NATO-Blocks und seiner Vasallen zu verlagern.
Und das scheint mir eine sehr gute Nachricht zu sein. Als europäischer Insasse des wertewestlichen Freiheitsstalles muß man sich selber immer wieder daran erinnern, dass man in einem Kerngebiet einer im Höchstmaß propagandisierten Sphäre lebt.
Eine Sphäre, in der nach wie vor (angesichts der Aussichtslosigkeit dieses Unterfangens immer erbitterter und verzweifelter) die sich auflösende Kontrolle des US-Imperiums über die globalen Verhältnisse verteidigt wird. Der Rest der Welt hat sich bereits (oder ist gerade dabei) umorientiert auf die Führungsnationen der neuen multipolaren Welt, die Frieden, Prosperität und vor allem Gleichberechtigung aller Nationen und Staaten verspricht.
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