#multishipper brain engaging and i have no one to blame but myself
kitkatt0430 · 6 months
Iris/Cisco is Irisco, but I don't think anyone's gonna stop you from calling it Newsvibe if you feel like it. (Though it makes me personally think Cisco/Gideon. Because of the article she always shows to Eobard. But since the article is written by Iris it still kinda-sorta works as Iris/Cisco/Gideon, I guess...)
Ah, Irisco does sound familiar. So I probably have seen it before, I just couldn't remember. But I like Newsvibe better so I'm sticking with it. :D
Though, I suppose Newsvibe works for Gideon/Cisco and Linda/Cisco too since, as you said, Gideon is associated with news from the future and Linda - like Iris - is a journalist and thus a news reporter.
... is Linda/Cisco even a ship? Now I have to find out. :D
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