#mun: *rofling*
reflective-muses · 2 months
/bullies you into adding March 7th
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I'll add her as a test muse. She's very fun and cute. ;w;
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hxkerwxlf · 9 months
My record before Topaz banner.
4 wins: Kafka, Blade, Fu Xuan LC. Jingliu
1 Loss: Seele.
Record after such, and say up to current point.
5 wins: Kafka, Blade, Fu Xuan LC, Jingliu, Huohuo LC 8 loses: Seele, Lunae((Acceptable)) JingliuE1, Topaz, Huohuo, SW LC, Ruan Mei, and Ruan Mei LC. With 5 of the loses coming of the last 6 banners. My luck is beyond terrible.
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Gotta love the Gacha Bad Luck. Not won a banner character since Jingliu, and out of the past three LCs, only won one out of two in Huohuo lmao.
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kyukicho · 11 months
Added @foraltruism(all jjk)/@ofstygiaan and @ntzenin as mains for my blog because I love them and their portrayals to death and beyond.
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of-forossa · 2 years
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ravusnightblossom · 2 years
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ooc;  I think that’s the bulk of my steam for the moment. I’ll do the rest of them and the music memes another day and when I have headphones (for the musics.)
Now, though. There is pizza. So I vanish.
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fiercelywinged · 2 years
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Shipping Call | Accepting @ghoulsmuses asked: 💚💟❤ - for hero!touya specifically 💜💛 - for canon!touya lmao
Yes please, I'm definitely down for all of this. Hero!Touya and Keigo have been so cute together that I need that. I'm definitely down for the two of them shit-talking one another in canon.
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prodigiousvisions · 11 months
❝ it’s considered impolite not to give your all in a fight. ❞ childe @ keqing
tloz: twilight princess starters (accepting). | @relightsmartyr
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REPOSE COMES UNORDINARILY. KEQING REVELS IN THE OPPORTUNITY TO STRAY AWAY FROM WORK-RELATED DUTIES AND FINDS HERSELF DINING AT THIRD-ROUND KNOCKOUT. Intent is nearly certain to spend the remainder of the day on her own to allow herself a moment to just sit and think. But things are never so simple. She finds herself captivated by the tale of heroic grandeur being conveyed to the restaurant guests as she waits for her meal to finish cooking; she is seated at a table for two, yet one seat remains unoccupied. It's during this time that a familiar shade of orange maneuvers itself into her vision and asks if he can join her. While there is a brief moment of hesitation, she doesn't have any reason to reject him.
(Not yet, not now.)
Due to his late arrival, she only finds it natural that she offers him the menu that she had already finished perusing. Their chats in between are surface-level at best - namely due to the pin-point focused attention she has on Iron Tongue Tian. Then, her plate arrives, much to her pleasure. A typical and expected order from Keqing: a platter of Golden Shrimp Balls. Without looking down, her chopsticks dip below to grab one only to be met with some sort of interference. She tries again with no luck. Confused blink coordinates with the creasing of her forehead. She then realizes that this is Childe's fault.
The Yuheng isn't quite sure if the Harbinger is deliberately trying to get on her nerves now to draw her attention away from the story being told in front of their food or if his child-like behavior merely stems from curiosity about how her dish tasted. Each time he'd tried to swipe at her food she would only pull her plate further off to the side and away from his grabbing reach. But that didn't seem to stop him as he managed to reach over her and grab one anyway.
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"You're impossible." Punctuated by a look of ever-present judgment as she whips her head toward him, attention successfully being broken and dedicating itself toward Childe, not for any reason other than her displeasure. The Yuheng quirks a brow in exasperation before swiftly swatting the back of his hand with her chopsticks to deter him from grabbing another shrimp. Of course he'd even view something so trivial as this as a fight. "Aren't you the one being impolite trying to sneak bites of my food? If you'd just ask I would have been willing to share with you." So much for a peaceful meal. "Keep causing a commotion and I'll personally escort you out."
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hitandrunduorp · 2 years
//know whats fun?\\
//offering angst ideas to ppl xDD\\
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necrophcge · 5 months
// Meddles here is technically my most active, but I'm doing stuff behind the scenes for my lads Brom ( @of-forossa ), and Samuel Whist ( @fishermcn ) so I'll add them here too lmao.
// Ah hell man, probably a lack of progression when it comes to replies? When I'm writing a thread with someone, I do what I can to make sure they have enough from my own to continue the story we're telling together. So getting a reply in return that doesn't move things forward puts me in kind of a bind y'know? Matching or similar length comes with that as well, though I don't expect folks to match me word for word so much as giving as good as they've gotten!
Communication is also key! I know that it can be uncomfortable or a bit daunting to try to chat with folks you haven't gotten to know all that well, but with threads being something we create together we really should be on the same page. Even just a little update or the like is preferable to total radio silence rofl.
// Shoot, it's probably been about twelve, maybe thirteen years now? Been on here the whole time and have bounced around to a few different fandoms before more or less settling down into the soulsborne community.
// I'm definitely an angst kinda guy, though usually in the sense that things are going down or conflict is brewing rather than interpersonal drama. I live for fight-writing and the tension that comes with lives being on the line. Fluff is usually reserved for one and done replies rather than threads because I feel it's more impactful thst way, while smut is... well. I'm getting better at it, but it's definitely my weakest writing of the bunch. That, and I admittedly can get a bit nervous posting it out here in the wild for everyone to see (////-\\\\)
// Both! Plots and plotting are my preferred go-to for our muses to get to know each other and establish what their relationship will be like going ahead, while with memes I'll usually go ham on a single reply with the intent of further fleshing out what we've pieced together for our muses.
// If you've known me on my other blogs you already know I tend to get long winded XD. Short replies never feel like I've said enough honestly, and by taking the time to get in depth with them I reckon it opens the door wider for potential interactions (memes) or it gives the other person more room to reply with (threads). Least amount I'll do is around two to three paragraphs.
// I'd love to tell you folks that I'm a responsible, orderly guy who keeps a good sleep schedule and has a set time for writing. Unfortunately I'm little more than an animal who's as likely to bump out an ask or reply at 4:00 in the morning as I am to post something mid-afternoon. Ideally though... I prefer the evenings for it. More privacy, more time to gather my thoughts and less demands for me personally to have to address.
// I'm a firm believer in the notion that muns typically have something either in common with or identify strongly with their muses in some form or another, and I'm no exception. Meddles might be a conqueror, cruel and malicious, but struggling against a seemingly impossible task and not wanting to be alone in this world... yeah. Yeah, I can relate to that. It helps me put myself in their shoes and understand them better if there's something about them I identify with.
tagged by: @ferinehuntress (much obliged panda :D)
tagging: @yellowfingcr, @hexenjagd, @bcwblade, @rotten-pest, @izar-tarazed, and you!
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yukikorogashi · 9 months
me trying to form words in my pudding mess of a brain rn more like call the heckin police and turn me in... bUT THAT BEING SAID. 2023's ending so it's time to scream !!!
hooboyyyyy where does one even start with becky ??? do i go back to when we first met what felt like decades ago? :0c perhaps i go back to when we were born, yea? EITHER WAY, from the day the world was blessed with your presence, it's been an EXCEPTIONALLY better place, and any of us who get to call you a friend (or even just an acquaintance) are so so sooooooo so so lucky! u.u i will never not be absolutely floored by the fact that i know someone so sweet and so selfless who i get to call a bestie and rely on for so many things... what did i do to deserve you ??? heck if i friggin know, man <3 all i do know is that i'm so grateful that i know you, and it forever means the entire world to me that you forgive my transgressions and continue to support me throughout all of my disasters; thank you
not only that, but you're one of my fave writing partners eternally !! <3 we've discussed this so many times, but i'm just so stoked that we can literally take ANY muses from ANY fandom and throw them together; doesn't matter who they are or how the interaction will work. we make it work !!! and EVERY single time, the dynamic is so incredible and always immediately full of depth that can be difficult to establish without the amount of dedication we put into it ;w; you are so insanely creative and talented, becky, and all of us who get to witness that are the lucky ones here <3 i'm always just squeaking and screeching on my end when i see anything from you on the dash; writing, art, headcanons, ooc posts... you bring such a liveliness and cheer, and i can't thank you enough for brightening my life!!!
i hope you have a fantastic end to 2023, and here's to 2024 treating you right <3
2023 is almost over!
With the final month of the year here, it’s your chance to send the mun or muse something you’ve wanted to tell them! Whether you haven’t had the chance to or you’ve been too shy, now’s the time to say what you feel, and don’t hold back!
Dang gir, if this is you struggling with words, then I can't wait to be further blown away when seeing you at your top game AUEHUAW!!!
Not to be a broken record if not that stubborn returning tennis swerve, but DAMN-- where do I even start when it comes to the magnificence that is my bestie Sammy??? The day we met was truly the beginning of the one of the bestest things that could have ever happened to me. As one of the most gosh darn amazing human being on this very planet was going to end up being such a dear friend of mine. A friend whom I would readily defend with a shovel in hand, if ANYONE does her wrong in anyway! And to be loved so dearly and supported by her too is just... I'm just so lucky tbh. 😔 It's so funny how we both remain so floor and are constantly going "What did we do to deserve them???" @ one another, because lord knows I STILL keep wondering this myself. I just know that I likely did something right, to be blessed like this. 8^)
And, Sammy... you are a treasure... one of the most precious beings in the whole wide world to me... ;; For any rocky roads that we may end up needing to drive through... it's always worth it when we both fight to make it to the end together (... Gdi, I hope that actually made sense, ROFL!!! B-But I think you know what I mean, bestie!!! 😭 You have always been fantastic at deciphering my caveman talk too so AUWEHUAW!!!) And of course I will always support you and all the amazing things that you so generously bring to the table!!! Ya know I'm one of your biggest fans-- and heck, it's not like I'm sneakily fighting in the background with a few others over that number one fan spot so... 🤫
And oh gosh, no matter how many times you say that, catch me here with a hand over my heart! 😭❤️ You know YOU are one of my most favourite of writing partners (LIKE DUH!!!), forever and always! You are one of the most fun beans to scream to about anything, and truly-- the fact that we can take any muses from any fandom and throw them together like THAT really just shows how incredibly well we work together??? And honestly, I can't thank you enough, for always being such a wonderful plotting and writing buddy. Again, I really am one of the lucky ones, though. To work so well with honestly? One of the most talented dang writers I ever have the honour of knowing!!! You are always so fun to talk to about absolutely anything, and how enthusiastic you always are about anything I gotta share always means the world to me. And again, I hope I am able to return that all in some way and properly express how much I truly appreciate you! ;u; ❤️
Hey, I can't thank you enough for just being you, Sammy. For being such a constant blessing in my life over these years. Honestly, I'm just left speechless every time I take a step back to just look at the entirety of this beautiful friendship I have with you. I'm so lucky to know you, we are all so lucky to know you... I love you, gir. ❤️
Have a fantastic year end yourself, bestie! Thank you so much for taking the time to send this like homg-- And well, catch me here already looking forward to spending another year with you!!! Just holds your hands now!!! 😔❤️
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@magnifiico ❤️��
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loyal-logik · 1 year
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WHAT’S YOUR PHONE WALLPAPER: A picture of the night sky (it’s just one that’s already on the phone lol, I’ve always felt weird about personalised screens and that others can see it?) LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Where The Dead Ships Dwell–In Flames CURRENTLY READING: I’m actually reading 2 books. I’m up to ASOIAF: A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold, and I’m also reading a book on a beginners guide to Buddhism. LAST MOVIE: Good question, I don’t actually remember lol. LAST SHOW: I’ve been rewatching Law and Order: SVU <3 CRAVING: Uh… money? lol That would be great XD WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW: Trakkies, an Iron Maiden shirt, and a hoodie. PIERCINGS / TATTOOS ?: I have my septum pierced and my right ear (used to have left as well but it didn’t stretch and then I couldn’t get it back in). I’m planning my first tattoo, I’ve just gotta book for it. GLASSES? CONTACTS?: Glasses. LAST THING YOU ATE?: Sushi <3 FAVOURITE COLOUR(S): Red CURRENT OBSESSION: Transformers ANY PETS: An 11 year old galah cockatoo I’ve had since he was just 18 weeks <3 DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH RIGHT NOW?:  Yeah, fictional characters rofl. And Sigourney Weaver forever. And of course, my partner who I’ve been with for like… 15 years or something now. FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Honestly, so many. Ellen Ripley (Alien/s), Megatron, Shockwave, tonnes more lol. LAST PLACE YOU TRAVELED: From work to home? lol XD
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TAGGED BY: Took from my other blog :) TAGGING: You!
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kaaras-adaar · 1 year
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what’s your phone wallpaper: A picture of the night sky (it's just one that's already on the phone lol, I've always felt weird about personalised screens and that others can see it?) last song you listened to: Where The Dead Ships Dwell--In Flames currently reading: I'm actually reading 2 books. I'm up to ASOIAF: A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold, and I'm also reading a book on a beginners guide do Buddhism. last movie: Good question, I don't actually remember lol. last show: I've been rewatching Law and Order: SVU <3 craving: Uh... money? lol That would be great XD what are you wearing right now: Trakkies, an Iron Maiden shirt, and a hoodie. piercings / tattoos ?: I have my septum pierced and my right ear (used to have left as well but it didn't stretch and then I couldn't get it back in). I'm planning my first tattoo, I've just gotta book for it. glasses? contacts?: Glasses. last thing you ate?: Sushi <3 favourite colour(s): Red current obsession: Transformers (back on my TF shit...) any pets: An 11 year old galah cockatoo I've had since he was just 18 weeks <3 do you have a crush right now?:  Yeah, fictional characters rofl. And Sigourney Weaver forever. And of course, my partner who I've been with for like... 15 years or something now. favourite fictional character: Honestly, so many. Ellen Ripley (Alien/s), Megatron, Shockwave, tonnes more lol. last place you traveled: From work to home? lol XD
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tagged by: stolen from @ofspvrta tagging: you!
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hxkerwxlf · 8 months
Today's results. Be a loss and a win.
3 wins and 7 losses now lmao.
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Enjoy your treasure you fuck gdisdgisdg.
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I am now a Lunae haver.
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E2 Bronya is pretty nice though.
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Also managed to finally do this also somehow on the LC lol.
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bloodsalted · 2 months
Is there any fandom you regret exploring?
On what platform did you start to write?
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@qapsiel || questions for the mun || accepting just to get the brain going!
Is there any fandom you regret exploring?
// none that i really regret because i still do love some of the characters from there and i met some groovy people. a cpl that i still talk to but! tvd was just blaaaaah in general. not so much writing but the fandom discourse, the nastiness i saw some people being treated, the anti-this people and anti-that people. had someone once treat me like hellllllllll cause i wrote stefan and he was mean to damon once on the screen so i was evil for writing him. that kinda stuff. but for the show itself? a buncha crap happened in the show that was god awful. we're talking late season 2 and early season 3 here. so i really started pulling back. plec just took a giant dookie on something that coulda been amazing and that's a shame. that said? i still love stefan, tyler and katherine with all my lil heart.
On what platform did you start to write?
// forums that started ... er.. maybe proboards? i'm not sure which one came first. but it was a long ass time ago! that and messenger! also...uh some early ass social media platforms that give me secondhand embarrassment admitting to. ROFL. they were HORRID. lol!!! but i did LARPing (vampire: the masquerade) and tabletop before i ever wrote. or passed notes back and forth to friends where we would write stories for one another and continue them. basically roleplaying without typing. hah!
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tilosecretbirb · 3 months
Eir// verse that follows the Hobbit Movie part 1
Eir is recruited by Gandalf per the use of her family land and boats in Laketown and knowledge of the surrounding waters, training and knowledge of dragons and drakes, and the fact she's she's through mirkwood one(1) time with her father and siblings.
It wasn't good dont ask!!!
Eir agrees because she doesn't want to follow through on the arranged marriage her parents have set up for her. The deal is if she helps kill smaug they will stop pestering her to marry a man twice her age she doesn't even know.
I'd take the dragon too tbh.
It's been a few years since she was left heartbroken on the shoreline and her skills have improved.
It takes her awhile to journey from the forest and swamp lands in Esgaroth’s shadows where she lived.
But by the time she reaches bagged she's feeling far more refreshed about thing and excited about meeting the legendary dwarrow her family have held as lucky and always ranted about.
And yes she would call thorin king and kneel to him.
Me as the mun I'm like wow that's a lot.but hey go off I guess.
Idk if she gets to hear that's what bilbo baggins hates but she'd probably sit there very politely the whole.time watching like 👀👀👀👀 because she cannot afford to marry a tailor she doesn't know.
She spends most of the north south road struggling with Feelings and nursing a growing crush on a company member. But thoroughly distracts herself most likely by speaking with Balin, Gandalf, Bombur, Bofur, Bifur (yes Bifur), and Nori or possibly Bilbo is she hasn't completely chased him off.
If she gets injured at any point it's probably during the warg chase protecting the dwarrow. She is ruthless and will protect without regard for herself. I can see her full on tackling a warg no holds barred Fiesty x1000
" someone's about to die for 13 dwarrow a hobbit and a wizard and it's gonna be this warg!"
Would fight an orc bare handed especially for ori or bilbo or kili.
Magic sword or not that thing doesn't appear often when it's needed so it isn't dependable in combat.
After Rivendell she gets patched up rofl starts loosening up and action planning for the dragon. Completely ignoring the orcs because they are small fry compared to smaug.
She's still functioning on the belief this will be a death mission for herself and not for anyone else.
Efinitely would remain close.to Bilbo acting as an extra buffer alongside Bofur to help him out/ feel secure
Misty mountains are hard because shes taller than all.of them.and getting tossed around. Has to break the news she hates heights....
Hates goblin town. Wouldn't recommend it. Where the hell is gandalf?!
Trying to pick off wargs from the tree with her long bow AND save bombur. Who can do both? EIR CAN BECAUSE SHE DOESNT SAY NO WHEN SHE SHOULD.
Probably sprains her shoulder pulling on bombur.
Eagles play out a childhood nightmare. Screams until she realizes it's a bird and not a dragon lol.
Tldr: eirs afraid of heights
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captivemuses · 10 months
33 & 37 for childe
33. what’s the first ship you played?
Zhongchi with @inanthesis. That started at the earliest stages of me writing Childe when I was still trying to find my writing voice with him.
37. how does your muse handle breakups?
Rofl you of all people know how that's gone for him with our Chiluc. But he would not exactly be happy were a breakup ever to happen for him, Childe doesn't get into relationships without being extremely sure it and the potential partner are what he wants, so the attachment would for sure be there and it would hurt were the relationship to end.
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