lurafita · 4 months
Challenge time!
I got a challenge. So I found this:
random generator thing. I typed in the different species we know from canon (tv-show canon for me), and that will randomly assign a species for a character. Like you press go for Magnus, write down result, then press go for Alec, write down result, and so on. Then, once the species have been assigned to the characters, you need to think up a prompt for them. My picks will be under the cut.
Magnus: Shadowhunter
Alec: Higher demon/prince of hell
Jace: Seelie
Izzy: Angel
Clary: Werewolf
Simon: Vampire (🤣)
Raphael: Vampire (Are you kidding me?!)
Catarina: Vampire (is this thing broken?)
Ragnor: Mundane
Maia: Mundane
Luke: Warlock (finally got a warlock in the mix)
okay, I will cap it here for now, other characters can be assigned later if need be.
uff. this is surprisingly hard.
Magnus is the only shadowhunter.
Alec as a higher demon has potential, not gonna lie.
Seelie Jace. hmmm.
and Izzy an angel. Then there could still be a sibling relationship between her and alec, actually. Alec is simply a fallen angel. Izzy didn't fall because she still follows the doctrine. though she might fall as the plot progresses.
Clary as a werewolf. Guess that is easy enough. She could be a mundane that had an encounter with a rogue werewolf, and Magnus found/saved her. Not knowing whether or not she will turn, he can't take her to a hospital. If she needed medical attention, he would probably take her to the institute, where they could also monitor if she changes, dies, or remains mundane. after the change, he can get her to the nearest wolf clan and inform them of the rogue that got her.
simon could also start out as a mundane, maybe he was even with clary when she was bitten and Magnus had to take him along as well. as both simon and clary then want to learn more about the shadow world, simon lands himself on the business end of a pair of vamp fangs. (could be Camille)
Raphael and Catarina could have history. Catarina could be leader of the clan! maybe she was the one who turned raphael in a bit to save his life.
Ragnor could be like a mundane university professor who is well versed in obscured knowledge and the history of mysterious stuff. Maybe Magnus is enrolled in one of his classes, because he has discovered that some of the mundane knowledge about all that goes bump in the dark can be surprinsgly helpful
Maia… I don't know yet.
Luke could be the high warlock of the territory.
okay, how to bring higher demon/prince of hell Alec into the mix.
obviously there would have to be some kind of summoning.
or alec himself decided to visit the mundane plain for a bit, because why not?
and maybe he just happens to witness the shadowhunter that is so uniquely dressed for his kind, fighting off demons, or that rogue werewolf, or whatever. and he takes a shine to him.
Or, Clary was supposed to be a shadowhunter (like her canon counterpart), and Luke was the high warlock who blocked her sight/erased her memories, and the werewolf thing just happened. So when the transformation seems to mess with Clary more than it should, because there is a magical block involved (which they don't know at this point), Magnus calls in the high warlock. Luke helps Clary through the transforamtion, but then in order to have the chaotic energies in Clary balance out, they need to get her her memories back. And just like Magnus in canon, Luke had given them to a demon for safekeeping. The demon in question happens to be Alec.
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helenofblackthorns · 3 months
the possibility of clace & sizzy having a double wedding is so funny to me because how would that even work. like you all need suggenes and you do not have that many close friends 😭 it can't all be Alec
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thesummerestsolstice · 6 months
There were quite a few people who absolutely refused to believe Elrond and Elros were who they claimed to be when they first came to Gil-Galad's camp. This led to the rise of several extremely questionable theories on who they really were, from the more mundane– they're just two half-elves the Feanorians found somewhere– to the more... esoteric, like that Maglor had "sung them into existence" to fool the armies of Valinor into letting them steal the Silmarils.
The most popular theory was that Elrond and Elros were actually the children of Maglor and Daeron of Doriath, and that they'd been kept secret for... some reason– look I never said the conspiracy theories made sense. E&E look a lot like Luthien (Luthien and Daeron are siblings with pretty similar features) and a bit like Fingolfin (who looks like Feanor who looks like Maglor), so it's not totally implausible. It would also explain how E&E had Maia powers without being Elwing's kids. And that was just enough information for it to become a completely unkillable rumor. Most of it dies down after E&E show some clearly human traits, like getting sick, but there are still die-hard believers out there. Some genealogies from the early Third Age list Elrond as Daeron and Maglor's child.
Elrond, who's been confronted about his "real parents" several times, is very over it. Gil-Galad thinks it's extremely funny.
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cilil · 10 months
𝓐𝓝 ~ For my 6666th post, I decided to compile an Angbang appreciation post to (hopefully) spread some joy and positivity for one of my favorite ships of all time. I tried my best to present the things that I love about Angbang in a broad and open manner, so that it encompasses all sorts of takes and welcomes as many fellow Angbangers as possible.
As I will also say at the end of this: You're cordially invited and welcome to share what you love about this ship and/or add aspects I haven't mentioned in this post. Just keep it positive!
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Melkor. Ah Melkor, the man himself, the myth, the legend, a prime example for chaotic evil and our resident devil. Throughout the Silmarillion, as well as Tolkien's other writings, Melkor is busy hating pretty much everyone... except Mairon, it seems. He trusts him enough to let him run entire fortresses and taught him a lot of dark magic, which, as mundane as it may seem, is a lot more productive and friendly than Melkor has been to other people, including those who serve him. I - and I think many other Angbang shippers as well - love the idea that there is this one person in the world whom he actually likes and appreciates.
Mairon. The eponymous Lord of the Rings and general nuisance, enough to make Eru himself intervene twice, the Deceiver, professional pretty boy and peerless perfectionist. No other Maia has come close to causing as much drama, and something tells me Melkor will be proud once he hears about the Second and Third Age shenanigans. Mairon seems to hate everyone as well... except Melkor, with whom you could argue he might be a little obsessed. He's both frightening and hilarious and, for better or for worse, an icon both in-universe and outside.
Great ship name. Angbang is both a handy and memorable ship name and an amazing pun. It sure is a funny coincidence that my (to date) favorite ship all time also has my (maybe forever) favorite ship name of all time. And if that wasn't enough: If you take Morgoth x Sauron as the basis, their ship name is Moron which... yeah. No explanation needed. The stars aligned with this one.
Opposites attract. There are fundamental differences between Melkor and Mairon as characters, such as the chaos vs. order dynamic (as @maironite also pointed out), their goals - Melkor wanted to destroy while Mairon was more interested in getting things to run smoothly, though both were keen on enforcing their will - and their approach to handling situations they find themselves in - whereas Melkor is often impulsive, Mairon is more patient and calculating. You can also create an ice vs. fire dynamic, though they share the fire element (Melkor used to be the Vala of Fire and Ice and is still seen using these two elements a lot). It gives them some additional friction and spice to work with.
Similarities. Aside from their differences creating chemistry, Melkor and Mairon also share a few similarities and things they can bond over to balance whatever conflicts might arise. Both seem dissatisfied with the plans of Eru and the Valar, want to create whatever they wish to create without rules being imposed on them, have a questionable moral compass at best, like screwing people over and have obsessive tendencies (more on that later). I like to think that they can nerd out about about science and magic for hours, which likely became the foundation of their relationship in the first place, and that they also engaged in deep and challenging conversations that satisfied both of them in ways other conversation partners hadn't.
The Fall. We love fallen angels and a good corruption arc. Mairon's origins as a respected member of Aulë's household - who is still remembered for his skill despite his dark deeds - and moments where he could have potentially been redeemed are documented in the Silmarillion and the subject of many interesting discussions and fanworks. However, while less pronounced and presented as far less likely in the narrative, the same applies to Melkor. Even he started out as "good" and his motives, at least early on, are also understandable: He was dissatisfied with his inability to create freely and completely on his own. You could even say he's a bit of a failed artist which... is painfully relatable. As much pain and grief as both of them have caused, it's also tragic that they couldn't overcome their pride and choose a better path, for the sake of others as well as their own, and that Melkor ended up dragging Mairon down with him; both of them would have had the ability to do truly great things if this hadn't happened.
Philosophical aspects. To read Melkor and Mairon as a couple and their fates as a tragic love story creates interesting parallels with other star-crossed lovers in Tolkien's legendarium and raises fascinating philosophical questions. Can evil love? Can love be evil? Could love have been their road to redemption or was it - at least on Mairon's part - his doom? If I had to summarize my personal take on this, I would say that Melkor unwillingly corrupted love by genuinely being in love.
If you'd like to read a (more concise) take on this aspect which also touches on some other things mentioned in this post, I highly recommend this thread by @naruthandir.
There are just so many things you can read into this relationship and themes to explore, which I appreciate so much. It never gets boring and I always find new ideas to have fun with.
Power dynamics. Now, let me preface this by saying that I'm aware that some of you prefer it one way, some of you prefer it the other way, some see the Vala/Maia power imbalance as inherently unhealthy and like to take that as a central theme of their relationship and some prefer to interpret these two has having a fairly equal relationship. However, I'm not here to debate which take is "right" or "better", nor do I have any interest to. I think that, whichever way you choose, it's an interesting concept to play around with. Did you know that Estë used to be a Maia? I honestly think it would be cool if she still was, just to bridge the divide between Valar and Maiar a bit more. Nevertheless, I think we can all agree that especially Melkor isn't interested in what other Valar think is proper or appropriate and that Mairon, ambitious as he is, probably also likes having a Valarin partner/spouse. It's also interesting as a contrast to Melkor's usual arrogance and thinking that he's above everyone, and if you need something to prove that he wouldn't categorically say no to being with a Maia, look no further than his attempt at (forcibly) marrying Arien in other versions of the story.
Kink. Well, we've talked about power dynamics already, so let's not beat around the bush. We have some hot evil gay sex on our hands here. Super freaky too, if that's your thing. This ship is, in my opinion, excellent for BDSM and was what allowed me to discover and enjoy kink for the first time (though, again, none of this is a must if you prefer other takes). You can play with their existing power dynamic, subvert it, have them live out their sadistic urges, have them do elaborate roleplays, make use of all the creepiness and weirdness of the Ainur, particularly evil ones... they even have a convenient dungeon in their basement! There's so much good and sexy Angbang smut out there and I'd like to take a quick moment to thank everyone who wrote these fics that inspired and entertained me for years - and will do so for years to come.
Queerness. There are a lot of gay ships in the Tolkien fandom and fandom in general, but I still feel like it's important to mention this aspect. In fact, if you'd allow me to share something personal: Angbang was my first contact with queer content and, while this may seem strange considering that I am a woman, it also started my journey to discover my own queerness and I will forever appreciate that (I suppose it was "femboy" Mairon in particular alongside Melkor being a raging bisexual disaster - just my headcanon, not trying to push this on anyone - that finally allowed me to break out of compulsive heterosexuality and heteronormativity). I don't know if anyone had similar experiences with Angbang, but, well, I thought if I'm making an Angbang appreciation post, this might just be the time to include it.
Obsession. Melkor is obsessed with all things bright and beautiful, and this might very well include Mairon. As far as I'm aware, him being a fire spirit like Arien and the Balrogs are is fanon, but he's at the very least associated with fire in canon (on that note: kudos to whoever came up with the "little flame" nickname, it's so cute). Meanwhile, Mairon loves power and, as mentioned above, is obsessed with Melkor and his legacy enough to not only continue what they started, but also create a religion all about him. I like to think that both of them are also very jealous, which certainly ended up being the doom of a few innocent bystanders. They're just angry and evil and insane together and it's endlessly entertaining to me.
Tolkien's accidental "evidence". This could probably be its own post (which I might do in the future, though I'd do some additional research for it), and I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to "prove" to you that Angbang is canon or anything like that, I just find it funny when canon gives me tidbits that I can use for my "agenda". First of all, there's the infamous seduction line that has singlehandedly spawned countless fanfics and most likely raised a few eyebrows:
"In the beginning of Arda Melkor seduced [Mairon] to his allegiance (...)" The Silmarillion
One of my personal favorites is also the fact that, in the Lay of Leithian, Mairon starts ranting about how cool Melkor is - after only briefly mentioning Lúthien - and gets mad at Beren and the others for not stanning his boyfriend master hard enough. To make sure everyone knows exactly how awesome Melkor is, he later made sure people pray to him and perform human sacrifices which, since even any positive effects it might have couldn't reach Melkor in the Void, was apparently just for shits and giggles and to troll some mortals. Now that is what I call commitment! There's also Melkor's trust in Mairon and his fire spirit kink, but I've mentioned that already.
Aesthetics. Spiky black armor is incredibly sexy. Then we have peak hell and hellfire aesthetics. We have crowns and rings. We have fallen angels and fire and ice, as mentioned above. And we have two incredibly hot (literally) angels kissing. You could make them fuck in an erupting volcano. It's just... yes.
To conclude: We love villains, we love dark lords, evil is fun!
What I discussed in this post is pretty much just everything I could think of, with my friends and fellow shippers giving me a few additional keywords to mention, so there's definitely more. I hope this post made some of you appreciate this ship as well, maybe sparked or rekindled some love for it, and I invite you to add on and/or share what you love about Angbang. However: I'm going to have to politely and respectfully ask you to remember that this is an appreciation and positivity post, so I don't want to see any negativity, complaints about the way other people enjoy this ship differently or shade. Time and place. Alright? Alright.
Love you!
"Whom do ye serve, Light or Mirk? Who is the maker of mightiest work? Who is the king of earthly kings, the greatest giver of gold and rings? Who is the master of the wide earth? Who despoiled them of their mirth, the vain Valar? Repeat your vows, Orcs of Bauglir! Do not bend your brows. Death to light, to law, to love; cursed be moon and stars above; may darkness everlasting old that waits outside in surges cold drown Manwë, Varda and the sun; may all is hatred be begun and all in evil ended be in the moaning of the endless Sea!" Lay of Leithian, Canto VIII
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For writing prompt could we perhaps get a little more of the marriage of inconvenience? It’s a wonderful fic! If not no worries, married at first sight/meeting/date is my favorite trope!
Yeah! Thanks for the ask I really loved this fic so I was happy to finally finish it but I’m not burned out
Hope you enjoy!
Alec starts to wake up and he squints, because he’s definitely not in his own room.
He’s not in any room he’s seen before and it smells different but more like home than Alec’s ever had.
Something rustles next to him and Alec can’t help the small yelp when a strong arm wraps around his waist and he’s hauled back.
Back against firm muscles that are hard and smooth against the line of Alec’s back and there’s stubble, scratchy against his neck and he burrows back into the chafe of it.
“Magnus.” He gasps out in a sob of pure relief even as lips are being pressed to his shoulder. N
Alec is sore and pleasantly aching, his body tingling from the inside out and he has everything he’s never let himself dream about.
“Yes, sweetheart?” He’s asked, a dark chuckle against his nape and teeth are scraping over the bruise that is Alec’s deflect rune. “Good morning.”
And Alec whimpers when he finally rolls himself over and stares at Magnus.
Magnus who looks so very incredible, with his sleep-mussed hair and his makeup gone.
And he’s still just as devastatingly beautiful as the first time Alec saw him.
Which was the night before.
“We got married, we got married right?”
“Yes, we did.” Magnus is rumbling, pulling Alec closer and Alec lets himself be manhandled, limp with relief.
Magnus himself sounds very pleased and smug but the tightness of his fingers on Alec’s hip belay his sudden tension.
“Oh thank fuck.” Alec mutters because Maia swears like a mundane and he’s picked up on it. And Alec certainly isn’t going to be thanking any angels when this whole thing is an angelic problem. “The wedding is supposed to be in three days.”
“That’s cutting it a little close.” Magnus tells him and his grip has only tightened but the rest of his body is relaxed now.
His fingers are proprietary and knowing as they pet up and down Alec’s skin. And Alec has to wonder, how much did Magnus touch him while he slept, trying to memorize Alec’s body.
The way Magnus touches him, it’s like he already knows Alec and is familiar with him.
He acts like touching Alec is a natural extension of Magnus moving, because his fingers belong on Alec’s skin.
“If I let myself get poisoned by a demon can I just conveniently stay unconscious until after that?” He asks without any real thought and there is a sharp inhale and then Magnus rolls them from their sides over. He’s pinning Alec down and staring down at him and Alec gets the distinct impression that he’s said something wrong.
“If you get yourself poisoned by a demon, darling Alexander. Especially if it’s on purpose, I will be putting you to bed and I will be withholding myself.”
Alec can’t help the way he lurches up, arms winding tightly around Magnus.
“No poison.” He promises because avoiding the clave isn’t worth any loss of Magnus’ attention.
Magnus chuckles and it’s a comforting rumble, the promise of a predator's protection.
“Well, not for you at least.” Magnus murmurs against his lips, “though we could always plan a little poison for our wedding favors.”
Alec fights the grin because duty is still important to him but Alec is so tired of being the sensible and strong one when he’s been the one caught in a storm and dashed against a reef.
“You might not like how they react.” Magnus warns him, reminding Alec of the consequences.
The price that may be his freedom.
And Alec, maybe that would have scared him before.
But he has a powerful, magical, amazing husband who holds Alec like he’s a flash of frozen starlight about to vanish forever.
And Alec finds that he can live with this version of himself.
This version of himself that chooses happiness over a slow death.
Because Alec was never going to stay married to Clary if he even made it to the altar.
One of them would have ended up dead, one way or another.
Alec would have made it so.
So he kisses Magnus in answer.
A little hesitant because it’s new and there’s a little flare of magic where he tastes mint instead of morning and then his mouth is being claimed much more skillfully than his own attempt.
“I’ll have you, right? No matter what happens?” Alec pants when Magnus finally takes agonizing mercy and lets him breathe.
“We’re bound to each other, Alexander. As tightly as Jonathan Shadowhunter was to Raziel, if not much more intimately.” Magnus kisses him again and then his brow and the bridges of his cheeks.
Alec knows that his family won’t understand. Especially when he’s been trained to let them break and crush him into a mold of their own making that doesn’t fit for him.
And Alec knows he could have done it. He could have held on till he was at least forty and then if it got too much, well accidents happen.
Clary is the spark that set off the inferno.
Because Alec has considered willingly giving up his runes rather than marry her but somehow saying no to his family was harder.
“I think I lost them a while ago.” Alec admits and it’s hard, “and no one is asking me how I feel. Just that I’ll have Clary and Jace to help me run the Institute—“
— like Jace who is a soldier but not a leader and Clary who is a little girl who knows nothing and refuses to learn can help —
“I think I’m tired.” Alec finishes lamely, a quiet admittance and he means so much more than just simple exhaustion. “And I’m glad you found me last night. I’m glad you took a chance on me.”
Because Alec’s not sure what would have been left of him in three days.
“Even if I don’t want to let you go back?” Magnus asks and he’s testing the water, and Alec who has spent his entire life denying himself for other people is done.
“Okay.” He agrees, because Jocelyn is in the council and
Alec blinks his eyes open, “hey the downworld knows Valentine’s alive, right? I didn’t find out until recently but you guys know right? It’s why people are being more careful right?”
“Oh darling,” Magnus says and Alec’s being kissed again and he’s not complaining but he’d like to know how to make it happen on purpose. “I did know, but thank you for telling me.”
Alec nods and then he realizes and he’s shocked.
“I’m your husband.” Alec says. “You married a shadowhunter knowing the shadowworld was about to implode.” And Alec can’t help it, he’s impressed by Magnus’ sheer arrogance. “Dealing with the Fairchild’s was worth this outcome.” He decides and it’s a testament to how much he already adores Magnus that he’s making the concession.
“ Fairchild? Clary? Was your fiancé Clarissa Fairchild?” And Alec nods even though he’s not sure what her actual first name is.
“They were going to marry you off to a mundane-raised, memory-wiped, sight-hidden unbloodied child?” Magnus is seething above him, his muscles bunching and his magic coiling in the air.
“Memory-wiped?” Alec asks, because that hasn’t come up. He would know, memory wipes are serious and he could have used it as an excuse. Not that he’s unhappy with where he’s at.
“I wiped them for a fee.” Magnus tells him dryly and Alec decides then and there that Magnus is quite obviously his soulmate.
“Can we make sure she never gets them back?” Alec asks, and it’s petty and cruel and Magnus grins at him and croons gently, like he’s absolutely delighted by the prospect.
“Yes, I think that can be arranged.” And then Magnus is scowling at the wall like he can set it on fire with the force of his glower and he probably can. “How should we do this?”
Alec blinks and then shrugs, “send enough fire messages to let them know I’m still alive and show up as freshly married to my own wedding?”
“Sounds splendid, I’ll pick our outfits, a united front?” Magnus asks and Alec smiles at him, charmed. “It’s likely you’ll be disowned on the spot.”
“Well it’s a good thing I can just take your last name.” Alec mutters because he knows what he’s doing. Alec knew the minute Magnus kissed him what he’d be losing.
He also got a glimpse of everything he’d be gaining.
The choice had been easy, it still is.
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ladyhindsight · 4 months
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Clary doesn’t manage the escape from Sebastian and is thus forced to attend the following ceremony so we can finally get to the climax of this book. Eventually…
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→ Glaring anyone through eyelashes (many characters do this in the series) is a dumb expression and even more so dumber when you try to do it yourself. Nobody who does that expression looks serious rather than petulant.
→ I don’t like the structure here: …when he’d carried her away from the Dahak demons. Then she had been confused, if not grateful, but now she was filled with a boiling hatred.
Feels more effective, especially making the distinction between the more positive-like feelings Clary experienced towards Sebastian before and the outright negative ones here. (and → but)
We cut to Maia and Jordan. Jordan receives the news of his roommate’s death.
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Kissing, cuddling, or even sex don’t exclude commitment or caring, though can be done without neither. Comforting can be inauthentic and without true caring as well. Sometimes it’s difficult to differentiate individual thoughts belonging to characters from the preachy aspect of Clare’s writing because her characters mostly think the same way and have same opinions. And I don’t really care for any of it at all.
Maia then comforts Jordan and receives the call for battle from her pack. Cut back to Clary and Sebastian and me wishing this thing would finish itself sooner because these books are exhausting. Anyway.
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Sebastian is a vile misogynist, I get it. Individual Shadowhunters can hate scars or think they are ugly, I get it. But for people that it is the way of life, causation of their abilities and very essence, scars are, primarily, nonissue. It’s lazy and boring to have every character appraising scars—someone else’s or their own—with such intensity and so incessantly throughout the series.
Cut to Alec and Isabelle at the Institute.
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Being Jace’s parabatai has less to do with the fact that he is used to conversational tangent. Try brother or best friend. Parabatai came after.
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If there ever was a truer fact that was in accordance with the actual writing, it is this. Simon continues to prioritize Clary, even after when Simon hasn’t been Clary’s priority for some time now, if he ever even truly was.
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Interesting development, considering they met only a short time ago. Which seems like these background LGBT relationships have to be rushed in order to be taken seriously as representation.
→ Isabelle’s eyebrows went up.
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The hell is the point of leading the Clave if you can’t do shit to stop shit. Plot convenience, that’s what.
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Once again I’d like to remind us all that people are in this position because Clary and Jace lied by omission and hid the truth. The milk has already spilled and gone stale on the table but because no one ever holds them responsible, I will. Forever and ever.
Cut to Team Evil. They've arrived to the ceremonial site and Clary reveals she has destroyed the Moving House of Valentine.
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Once again, I’d really like if Clare managed to write something else than characters remembering something when she needs to call back on some scene. It’s the only way she seems to know how to write this stuff and it persist throughout TDA and TLH also.
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Why would Jace care or do something about it if his enthralled and connected to Sebastian? Jace’s wants are Sebastian’s wants, it was clearly stated. Clary’s threat shouldn’t stop anything.
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I like this part. The hatred for the uncaring creator and the resentment born from it. A good motivation for disillusioned bad guys.
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Isn’t a bit strange that Raziel doesn’t give a shit if the Nephilim abandon their mandate and turn on him? What if the Nephilim took over the mundane world? There isn’t a threat of Raziel if they don’t do their Shadowhunting duties, is there?
Sebastian summons Lilith, she gives her blood for the Infernal Cup, and Sebastian wants to test it on someone who is revealed to be a kidnapped Amatis. What a twist.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 11 months
reading updates: october 2023
hi everybody!!! things (by which I mean everything) have been a little bit hectic lately (by which I mean it feels like everything is one fire 100% of the time), which I guess explains why I'm late posting this AND why I only finished four books in all of October.
I would be very sad about this if the number of books I read had any correlation to my value as a person, but luckily it doesn't! so I don't give a shit, I am literally just vibing and trying to have a good time reading my silly little stories. here's a book report about it.
what I've been reading:
The Goblin Emperor (Katherine Addison, 2014) - okay, so picture this: you're the fucking elf king's least favorite son. you're not a bastard, but he didn't love your mom and after she died he basically banished you to a miserable little estate in bumfuck nowhere with no one but your abusive older cousin for company. probably he was going to leave you out there forever and hope that you would die quietly so no one would ever have to remember you existed. (un)fortunately, your shitty dad and all of his male heirs just died in a blimp accident and now you're the emperor. GOOD LUCK. this book is political fantasy of the highest order, with loads of machinations and intrigue and chewy worldbuilding interspersed with genuinely sweet moments between characters as one very good boy befriends his way to power. blah blah empires are inherently evil, obviously yes but this is a made up empire with 0 real consequences and Maia is my little dude. the only way I could love him more would be if he'd just nutted up and kissed his boy secretary on the mouth.
Happy Hour (Marlowe Granados, 2020) - I kept seeing this book enthusiastically as kind of a light fizzy funtime celebrating being young and free and running around New York City with no plans, and man... that was not my experience! Isa and Gala are maybe the most stressful girls I've ever encountered in fiction: perpetually broke and hungry, absolutely lacking in direction or ambition, always ricocheting listlessly from one situation to another in search of a good time and mostly only discovering disappointment, I need these girlies to get their lives together for my sake as a reader. there's one scene in particular where Isa is crashing with some disgustingly wealthy friends at the beach and keeps getting callously dismissed while sweating profusely and trying to figure out how she's going to convince them to keep paying for her food and it was so visceral that I developed a second, worse anxiety disorder because of it. Granados' writing is stylish, to be sure, but drama was not worth it for me.
The Magpie Lord (KJ Charles, 2013) - this historical fantasy romance is quick, dynamic, and horny. I can't actually say that I'm particularly charmed by the quality of the writing, which is there to hurtle you at warp speed between scenes of homoeroticism and bald exposition about magic, but I do admire Charles' panache. the book opens on a rather gruesome scene of our protagonist, Lord Crane, attempting to slit his own wrist; it quickly becomes clear that this isn't because he's genuinely suicidal, but because he's been cursed by persons unknown in an attempt to drive him to ruin. enter Stephen Day, a magic practitioner who hated Crane's deceased father and brother but is determined to help him all the same. some plot happens, but also a lot of flirting and (spoilers) sex that comes with an actual power-up for Stephen due to the wonders of blood magic. a pulpy good-time all around, and short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome.
The Fervor (Alma Katsu, 2022) - The Fervor is a historical horror with a tantalizing premise: in the 1940s, Japanese demons begin to manifest inside of an Idaho internment camp for Japanese-Americans, adding a swirl of the supernatural to a situation that's already rife with mundane horrors. the actual execution is... lacking. Katsu's prose is blunt at best; when I call it "unsubtle" I don't mean the way some racist might mean when they inevitably go on a ramble about how Katsu beats her readers over the head with how racism is bad. racism is bad, duh, and it's hardly unrealistic to emphasize the fear and hatred that dogged the lives of Japanese-Americans during WW2. when I say this book is unsubtle I mean Katsu approaches each chapter like her readers have maybe forgotten everything they read leading up to that moment; you will be reminded frequently of characters' names, relationships, and straightforward motivations. and yet, somehow, the actual plot is still pretty murky. much is hinted at in the protagonist's past in Japan, then never actually elucidated, a main POV character falls clean out of the plot without resolution just before the climax, I still don't know what was up with those goddamn demon spiders. disappointing!
there was also one very specific, GLARING thing in the ending of The Fervor that I did not care for in the slightest, but that's tucked away on my Patreon in the monthly hater post. pay me if you want to hear about some CRAZY copaganda!
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hrodvitnon · 5 months
Abraxasverse Headcanons
And a couple more headcanons from me. ;)
(1) Destoroyah and Bagan. You mentioned considering swapping Destoroyah out for Bagan as the final Big Bad for Godzilla’s swan song. Well, you could maybe merge them by having Bagan fuse itself to Destoroyah, kinda like a dark mirror image of how Mothra’s ashes fused to Godzilla in Boston.
(1.5) I was always into the headcanon that Destoroyah is like the Michael Myers of the Abraxasverse - no-one knows why he commits his evil, and he’s not speaking, he just does. Bagan could be the personality of the duo.
(2) The Hollow Earth Core World/Realm Below/Zohar realm is extremely radioactive. What if the Hollow Earth’s Core World/Realm Below is mostly steeped in radiation which nourishes Titan life, but which mundane humans from the surface can’t survive long-term without protection, like the Apex infantry gear or a HEAV’s protective shell? The Iwi or other tribal humans who’ve been living down there would be exceptions, probably because they’ve adapted to the radiation over generations, and/or implicitly because one of the lepidopterran “divine”/“god”-type Titans (Mothra, Battra, etc.) had a hand in making those humans able to survive the radiation similarly to how Mothra’s link to the Chen family influences their Preternatural Twinhood? (I reread Abraxas: The Clash of Silver’s Hollow Earth scenes to see if this has any contradiction there, and Maia is wearing the infantry gear throughout.)
(When it finally occurred to me, it seemed kinda odd that GvK forgot about the Titans’ radiation, like that which the Mutos caused in Dagon’s grave in 1999, when portraying the literal realm of the Titans.)
(2.5) Maybe while military personnel use the gas mask-toting infantry gear that Maia’s plans depicted in the ending of Abraxas, scientific and non-combative personnel sport slightly friendlier-looking versions of the suit, with a full-face transparent visor in place of the gas mask?
Ah, interesting thoughts... Bagan and Destoroyah having an evil symbiotic foil to Godzilla and Mothra has potential. And it makes sense that the Hollow Earth is more radioactive compared to the surface world (I figure GvK and GxK “forgot” about the Titan’s radioactivity because iirc even the classic Toho movies could be inconsistent with how safe it was to be in any proximity to Godzilla, whether you end up dying in his path or not). Food for thought.
Oh, and one more thing on the subject of AbraxasVerse... welcome to TV Tropes, friend. :)
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thanks again to @melkors-defense-attorney for the cane idea!
Tulkas stands by the door, impatient, arms folded over his chest. Melkor feels very small as he moves about the cottage, gathering his things. He can't help the last time thoughts running through his mind at everything. This is the last time he'll make his bed. The last time he'll see some of these clothes. The last time he'll walk through this doorway, clean these dishes in the sink, run his fingers over the back of this chair.
He finds a bag to put a few things in. A change of clothes, Anna's water and food bowls. He doesn't have much.
The absurdity of it strikes him, and he stifles a dry laugh. Here he is, preparing mundanely for a simple journey, as if he's a craftsman or trader preparing to go to market, when the reality is that he runs the risk of losing everything.
"Anna, sweetie!" He calls her softly, and she runs over from where she was investigating a few books. He ties a long strip of leather to her collar, the leash he spent so long crafting and making sure she was accustomed to. His hand rests for a moment on her head, and she pushes into the touch. "Good kitten."
"Enough delay," Tulkas snaps. "You have your things, let's go."
"Of course." Melkor frowns, standing. Anna follows him over to the door. Carefully, watching Tulkas's face, he reaches behind the other Vala. Tulkas glares daggers at him, but Melkor keeps his movements slow and pulls back holding a tall wooden staff. It's simple, but sturdy, and has served him well.
"What's that for?" Tulkas eyes it warily.
"Walking," Melkor replies. He kneels down to tie Anna's leash over a small ridge on the base that he'd left there for just this purpose. It'll give her a few feet more of length than if he held the leash in his hand.
"Walking?" Tulkas repeats in confusion.
Melkor keeps his tone even, detached. "I spent so long in the Void, my muscles began to atrophy. I had to relearn many things when I was released, and I am still unable to traverse significant distances unaffected. I do not need it in my house, but if I grow tired of being cooped up or I run out of food for Anna and must visit the village, I cannot manage that distance unassisted yet."
He sees Tulkas frown, then his eyes go wide as he realizes just how little the distance from Melkor's home to the village is. A mere mile or so that the once-great Vala cannot manage without support.
"So." Melkor forces a firmness he does not feel into his voice and grips his staff tighter. "Now you see one of the reasons I did not want to return to Valinor. I hope you'll forgive me that we’ll need to stop often, as the other option is you carrying me, and I think neither of us would enjoy that."
Tulkas grunts in reluctant acknowledgement and pushes the door open. Melkor walks through without a word, Anna scampering at his heels.
How was he so lucky as to find this little blessing? His sweet girl, so loyal, and almost as clever as his Mairon. If he were still lord of Angband, he can imagine watching Anna run circles around Mairon's favorite wolfhounds. He'd make sure they played gently with his little kitten, and in the evenings, when a hound slept on either side of their bed, Anna, so much smaller, could share their pillow or sleep cuddled up with a hound.
His chest aches with longing, deep desire for what can never be again, for the Maia he cannot touch or speak to without the risk of having his life ripped away again. It's too much.
"I need to stop." Melkor's voice grates against his own ears, and he's hardly conscious of anything but the hard wood of his staff sliding through his palms as he sinks to the ground.
Paws press against his thigh, and then with the soft pricking of claws, Anna climbs into his lap, purring for all she's worth. Still clutching his staff with one hand, he moves the other to her head, thumb brushing lightly over her ears. The tension in his chest begins to ease, the cold hand of dread loosening its grip. Manwë is a fair judge. He won't send Melkor to the Void again for something that wasn't his fault. And he won't punish Anna for Melkor's mistakes.
But what about my Mairon?
Melkor stands slowly, one arm holding Anna close to his chest, and looks towards Valinor. Come what may, this time he will save what matters.
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wade-winston-wilson · 8 months
I'm actually more than a lil obsessed with the idea of a While You Were Sleeping AU for Jimon.
• I imagine it's a Mundane AU, because Simon in glasses.
• Also an 80's AU, BECAUSE I'm imagining Simon works at a newsstand. Izzy is a regular. A regular he has a big, fat crush on.
• While Simon is rambling on to her about something, she gets into an accident. I'm thinking a bike runs into the stand and knocks her down. She hits her head and gets a concussion?
• Simon takes her to the hospital. While she's being wheeled away, he sighs wistfully about how he hopes she's okay, they're supposed to get married someday.
• A nurse overhears that and automatically assumes Simon is Izzy's fiancé. She ushers him into the room, tells everyone on the floor.
• Before Simon can protest, Alec Lightwood and his husband, Magnus, come barreling into the room, followed by a stern looking Maryse, young Max, and a disgruntled Robert Lightwood.
• To Simon's surprise, Luke Garroway is there too--his best friend's dad.
• Maryse is actually so distraught over Izzy, that Luke encourages Simon to keep up the charade--at least until Izzy is awake and okay. Her family can't take anymore bad news right now.
• Alec is wary at first, because Izzy would've definitely told him if she's been seeing someone--let alone that she's engaged.
• Simon is THIS 🤏 close to coming clean, when tall, blond and handsome walks through the door, face flushed like he ran all the way there.
• Simon is struck with the OH NO HE'S HOT SYNDROME, and puts up with the charade, doing his best to throw Alec off his scent.
And in the end, Jace and Simon fall in love. Isabelle meets Maia and they get married. Malec are already married and are about to adopt. That is all I have.
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tenrousei-kuroi · 2 months
Anne Rice and her lawyers certainly left a mark on fanfiction history, lol. In elementary school, after watching Hellsing, I entered a vampire phase where I consumed any media with vampire stories I came across (Anne Rice, Vampire Hunter D, Blood+, the classics like Dracula and Carmilla, Nosferatu, and even Twilight). This led to my appreciation for authors and books that include a gloomy atmosphere and/or supernatural or mystical elements, such as the works of the Brönte sisters, Poe, Frankenstein, and Marion Zimmer Bradley. Generally, I enjoy flowery language and drama, and if the main character is miserable throughout the story, I'll probably like it (hello, Raskolnikov). I also dig multi-generational stories (like One Hundred Years of Solitude, Isabel Allende’s The House of Spirits, and The Maias by the Portuguese author Eca de Queiroz). From more contemporary authors, I tend to read popular book series (like The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, Game of Thrones, and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). There's nothing I've read that I find boring or dislike for any reason today, and similar kinds of books continue to catch my attention, so I'd say my tastes have remained consistent.
I think it's mostly works from Romanticism that influence and inspire me the most, but there's one author – Clarice Lispector – whose originality and unique prose blows me away. I believe Penguin has published her books translated into English (originally written in Portuguese), and she's one of my favorite authors. Her stories often have simple premises, but her strange and unique perspective on mundane things makes everything she writes feel different. I don't know of any other author that can get into a character's stream of thoughts quite like her. Her style is not for everyone – I remember a few of her books were recomended reading at my school and some of my friends complaining about not really liking it, fiding it sometimes nonsensical. 
Sometimes I pick books based on random quotes I come across on social media, which prompts me to look them up, read reviews, and, honestly, just by liking the cover and title (usually for when I'm just browsing in some bookstore . 
Regarding festivals, I'm considering participating in Black Brothers Fest or Padfoot Fest, if I manage to finish anything on time. I have several drafts on my laptop that I could work on, but I'll only sign up once I'm ready to post (although nothing motivates me more than a looming deadline). Looking forward to seeing you at Padfoot Fest!
Hold. Up.
There's a Black Brothers Fest?
Just drop the pretense and call it Tenrousei-Kuroi fest lolol
Also Allende's for real! We did house of the Spirits in school, both the Spanish and the English versions as an exercise in studying the unique challenges of translating novels--the trickiness of carrying over tone and vibe without sacrificing meaning.
Do you read any Paulo Coelho? I have a few of his knocking around, as well. He seems to be the go-to author when my brother-in-law is looking for a Christmas gift for me >.<
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lurafita · 8 days
Make it random!
Found a generator online that randomly matched given characters to given species. Now I have:
Magnus: Shadowhunter
Alec: Higher demon/prince of hell
Jace: Seelie
Izzy: Angel
Clary: Werewolf
Simon: Vampire (lol)
Raphael: Vampire (okay...)
Catarina: Vampire (is this thing broken?)
Ragnor: Mundane
Maia: Mundane
Luke: Warlock (finally got a warlock in the mix)
okay, I will cap it here for now, other characters can be assigned later if need be.
uff. this is surprisingly hard.
Magnus is the only shadowhunter.
Alec as a higher demon has potential, not gonna lie.
Seelie Jace. hmmm. and Izzy an angel. Then there could still be a sibling relationship between her and alec, actually. Alec is simply a fallen angel. Izzy didn't fall because she still follows the doctrine. though she might fall as the plot progresses.
Clary as a werewolf. Guess that is easy enough. She could be a mundane that had an encounter with a rogue werewolf, and Magnus found/saved her. Not knowing whether or not she will turn, he can't take her to a hospital. If she needed medical attention, he would probably take her to the institute, where they could also monitor if she changes, dies, or remains mundane. after the change, he can get her to the nearest wolf clan and inform them of the rogue that got her.
simon could also start out as a mundane, maybe he was even with clary when she was bitten and Magnus had to take him along as well. as both simon and clary then want to learn more about the shadow world, simon lands himself on the business end of a pair of vamp fangs. (could be Camille)
Raphael and Catarina could have history. Catarina could be leader of the clan! maybe she was the one who turned raphael in a bit to save his life.
Ragnor could be like a mundane university professor who is well versed in obscured knowledge and the history of mysterious stuff. Maybe Magnus is enrolled in one of his classes, because he has discovered that some of the mundane knowledge about all that goes bump in the dark can be surprinsgly helpful
Maia... I don't know yet.
Luke could be the high warlock of the territory.
okay, how to bring higher demon/prince of hell Alec into the mix.
obviously there would have to be some kind of summoning.
or alec himself decided to visit the mundane plain for a bit, because why not?
and maybe he just happens to witness the shadowhunter that is so uniquely dressed for his kind, fighting off demons, or that rogue werewolf, or whatever. and he takes a shine to him
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malec-ao3feed · 2 months
The Magic of Humanity
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wt0FyuJ by StarburstBane Sequel to "Dream Angel", Magnus struggles with his being a mundane. Alec does his best to support him, but will his love outweigh Magnus' guilt? Words: 1220, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English Fandoms: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Maia Roberts, Luke Garroway, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: Suicide, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Depression read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wt0FyuJ
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rvivifies · 3 months
◟✧⡀ ( maia reficco. cis woman. she/her. ) … there’s a figure off in the distance, do you see it? wait is  that … SIDNEY ST. CLAIR ? how long have they been standing there? if that’s really them, i believe  they’re 23. do i know them?  no, but i hear they’re RESOURCEFUL and PERCEPTIVE, but also  RETICENT and ALOOF. i do know that they’ve been in the City for 14 YEARS. it’s crazy that they’re  just standing there … shouldn’t they be working at MAGNUS RECORDS as a PHOTOGRAPHER? maybe they’re off today, i couldn’t tell you. hope they get moving soon. i’m starting to feel like THE  FINAL GIRL is peering over at me …
quick notes
head down, eyes up. calm breaths, don't flinch. those words echo in her head more often than not. she knows it'd be easier to hid behind the lens of her camera at all time, but wallflower life would never suit her. it's a shame.
she's scribbled sharpie over the lenses of her rose-colored glasses. anything sweet in life has soured, and she's all too aware of it. the cracks in the sturdy facade rarely show, patched up with disassociation and distraction — but never anything that pulls her fully from reality. she's been burned more than once and the scars in the mirror remind her of it.
she lives by routine and is convinced she'll die from variation. maybe it's mundane and usual, but it's easier this way. limiting surprises where she can keeps her heart rate down and her head feeling steady. she's completely restless but she doesn't dare stray too far from the path and plan she lays.
excluding those for work, thousands of photos exist in limbo on memory cards, few becoming real in print. her eye is critical, perhaps too much so, and the bar is raised every time she nearly reaches. sid knows that time is limited — she wants to photograph something meaningful, something relevant, before death greets her. whatever that is, she hasn't found yet. she is constantly looking for it.
what are you made for? for so long, sidney didn't know. she was never great at anything, not too clever or too passionate to work harder at anything. she felt like she was drifting, unmoored to anything or anyone. she never could quite grasp how people felt like they had purpose. with a countdown to death starting a birth, feeling like she was inconsequential made her feel like drowning.
apparently god thinks he had a sense of humor, or so her mother would say. she picked up a film camera, taking a class at a community center, and something just clicked (literally and figuratively). her work was better than everyone else's — not a brag, just the truth. suddenly, she realized she could tell stories with her photographs. not just stories, much more than a thousand words, her canvases showed epics.
in the universe telling her she was vital, that her photos were a way to leave a mark, she found herself in trouble more often than not. working for the paper has put her into risky situations and unpleasant people. it seemed that she found herself in unfortunate situations more than her colleagues.
luckily for her, though words in books never printed themselves in her memory, she was doing enough to be street smart.it didn't seem to help much. avoiding bad situations in public could only do so much — what is someone meant to do when trouble finds them in their own home?
she's pushed herself further from others the older she gets. she's lonely undoubtedly, but she tells herself her camera and her dog are all that she needs. sometimes a shot and a cigarette later, she almost believes that.
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theelvenhaven · 2 years
Unexpected Consequences
Part 4
Tumblr media
Maedhros x Reader
2.6k Words
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 
* * * 
You sat impatiently on the blanket you had spread out, to go along with your picnic basket. Sitting at the agreed upon place for you and Maitimo to meet for todays… date. Well you supposed that is what it was since you were starting all the way over it appeared. To some extent at least. 
Quietly you looked around the Gardens of Yavanna, seeing the lush and vibrant grasses that you sat upon, and the trees that grew taller than the ones in Middle Earth- or so you had heard. Larks and other songbirds sang beautifully around you, flitting overhead and some even landing nearby. Hopping across the ground to get a better look at you. 
Any other day you would’ve spent time trying to earn the birds trust and spending time with them, offering them bits of your food and conversing with them. But today was too important, your first real interaction that wasn’t so emotional- you hoped- with your husband. You felt your nerves begin to shoot up at the idea of it.
You had spent hundreds of times out here in Yavanna’s Gardens before, lazing around in the light of Laurelin and Telperion for hours on end. Conversing about the mundane, the frustration and of love and your future together. It had been blissful times, and you wanted those times back desperately. Now you were sitting under Vasa’s rays, quietly waiting with worry on your brow that Maitimo might not even show up. 
Perhaps you had scared him off finally when he saw how emotional it was you got. Or perhaps he thought this was too big of a challenge to try and win you back. Time was ticking by slowly and still he wasn’t here, only leaving you to start nitpicking with your outfit. Brushing the grass of your robes, to outstretch more comfortably on the picnic blanket, to tuck your hair behind your ears and bring it over your shoulders. 
You quietly hoped you looked presentable and appealing before finally you heard the sounds of approaching footsteps and none other than Maitimo appeared on the dirt path. Headed in your direction with a bottle of wine and glasses in hand, something you had asked him to bring since  you provided the food. You stood from your spot to greet him and be polite as he approached where you stood. 
Perfectly isolated from any nosy elves or maia who might be nearby. Though you knew there was still a possibility of being eavesdropped on, trying not to dwell on that fact. Maitimo gave you a small smile and you couldn’t help but return it, feeling your heart leap into your throat as you realized that now you were going to actually spend time with one another for the first time in how many millennia?
“You look lovely, Y/N.” Maitimo said as he greeted you, and you smiled clasping your hands together before motioning for him to sit with you on the blanket. 
“Thank you, you look.. Dashing if I may say.” You said trying not to be overly forward but you felt he deserved a truthful compliment. Maitimo was wearing a nice burgundy tunic with fine gold embroidery on it, and his copper circlet with his hair in big waves. He did indeed look dashing. 
“Thank you, Y/N.” He answered you and a silence fell over the two of you, as you sat there. The two of you not really looking at each other, Maitimo busying himself with setting aside the wine glasses and the bottle of wine next to the picnic basket. A sudden nervous tension began to fill the air as you both sat there awkwardly, trying to figure out what to do or what to say. 
Well.. you were here for a picnic. So you supposed you should eat now, and maybe conversation would start to flow better if you did that. With that thought in mind you turned to reach for the basket, to open it up and begin pulling out food. 
“I brought apples and caramel.” You noted, remembering how it had been one of his favorite treats when he was living in Valinor. You watched as his eyes seemed to light up that you remembered and part of you was relieved that, that hadn’t changed about him. That he still seemed to like apples and caramel and wasn’t a total stranger to you.
“Thank you.. The wine is sweet, to pair with whatever savory thing you’ve brought.” Maitimo answered almost as though he was nervous of what your reaction would be. He watched you pull out an assortment of things- cut up meats, cheese, bread, fruit, caramel and some dipping oils. A mixture of things that you liked and what he liked too. 
You spread out the assortment making sure that things were in reach for the both of you before Maitimo reached for the bottle of wine. You watched him quietly dig around in his pocket, surely in search of a corkscrew so the wine could be opened. But to his dismay he couldn’t find it, leaving him to awkwardly hold the bottle of wine just sitting there for a moment. 
“Um.. It would appear I have brought everything but a corkscrew.” He muttered out a little awkwardly, and you grew quieter than you already were. Before looking back in the basket, checking the pockets to find that you indeed had one. Much to your relief before you offered it out to him. 
He thanked you before he began to work on opening the bottle of wine and you got out the plates to put food onto it and napkins. The silence that fell over the two of you was again tense and awkward, so you took it upon yourself to fix his plate. Before you two traded a glass of wine for the plate of food. 
Quietly you sipped on the wine and it was indeed sweet and would pair well with the different cuts of meat you brought. Fixing your own plate before you began to finally pick at your food. The silence was once more deafening and you could swear even the larks and other songbirds could feel the awkwardness in the air as they were silent too. You mulled over a litany of questions to ask him…
But you weren’t sure… Did you ask him how he was? You had only just seen him last week… Did you ask him how he had been? That seemed as though it was asking for a millennia’s worth of stuff to be hashed out between one another… Asking him how healing went seemed awkward enough seeing as it would require him to talk about why he had been in Mandos. 
You knew he had died, but not from what as you usually stayed away from whatever the topic of gossip was around Tirion. Especially concerning your husband as there were so many mixed accounts and different motivations and feelings towards them. You simply couldn’t trust or rely on those things to be accurate. 
Quietly you peeked over at him and you could see that Maitimo seemed to be in his own thoughts too, completely lost in whatever was on his mind. You wondered if he was struggling with the same concept of what topics to bring up together, what would be safe and easy to talk about. But right now neither of you knew anything about each other except for things from when you both resided in Valinor. 
This time as you paid attention you could see faint silvery scars on his face… Assisting in indicating that he was certainly not the same. You wondered where he had gotten scars like that.. And if there were more. But your first date together didn’t seem like the ideal time to be asking. 
You noticed that on his plate olives sat untouched as did the ham… Which was strange it used to be one of his favorites. Maybe they didn’t taste right? You wondered if maybe you had served him spoiled food, so finally you opened your mouth to speak;
“Are the olives and ham not okay?” You asked him quietly, looking away from his plate. Missing him looking over at you, before he looked down at his plate to realize he had subconsciously been picking around them. A habit he supposed from when he was in Beleriand and didn’t like the taste of olives and ham anymore. 
“They’re fine… It is just I do not like them anymore.” He answered you simply and honestly, now you really felt like you were sitting across the blanket from a stranger. Maitimo’s favorites were well… no longer his favorite anymore. You felt defeated and this was starting to feel pointless and bleak… How were you supposed to reconnect with him if you didn’t even know the most simple things about him like what his favorite foods were? Did he even like the same shade of copper anymore? Did brocade still bother and itch his skin when he had to wear it?
“Is everything alright, Y/N?” He asked softly, seeing as you sighed out in your defeat and your shoulders had gone slack, and for a moment you sat in silence. Thinking how to answer him, but you supposed honesty would be the best way to address this issue.
“It is just… I do not know who you are anymore.” You answered him softly, and there was another long stretch of silence, before you heard Maitimo sigh out at your words. It almost sounded like relief and it brought you to look up at him in surprise. Seeing how Vasa’s rays seemed to shimmer down on his freckled face. 
“Forgive me… But it is relieving to hear that you are in the same position as I am in.” He mused out with a small smile, 
“I see you eat munster now, and you wear pale shades and different fabrics… Your hair is different. It is like I am sitting across from a stranger.” He admits to you honestly, and it is your turn to sigh out with relief as you set your plate down. Bringing a hand up to rub your face for a moment, it felt good to know that even your diplomatic, smooth and intelligent husband was even struggling with the fact that he didn’t know you either. 
“I am so relieved.” You breathe out almost in amusement, finally the tension dissipating between the two of you. 
“You don’t eat ham, or olives anymore. Do you even like the shade of burgundy you are currently wearing?” You asked him with more confidence in your voice, and you watched a smile pulled at his lips and slowly he shook his head no. 
“No.. In fact I hate it. I’ve had more of a preference for deep oranges or darker yellows.” He confesses to you, and you smile. While still warm colors it was certainly a far cry from the burgundy he was currently in, 
“You used to hate yellow.” You mused to him, picking at the food still on your plate. Before you brought your wine glass up to your lips to sip from. Maitimo nodded at your words, tilting his head and looking over at you, mirth was in those pretty pale blue eyes and it made a fluttering start in your stomach. 
“I know, now I will wear it over burgundy any day.” 
“If that is the case then why did you wear burgundy today?” You press gently, and you watch Maitimo sit in thought for a moment. Before he seemed to shrug at your words, 
“Perhaps to offer something familiar… To both of us. I wore it so often in our youth, I was hopeful it would perhaps offer better memories and newer happier ones.” He answered you truthfully, and you smiled at his effort. It was nice that he was hopeful it would be reminiscent of your shared youth. But you knew that was unrealistic. 
“I just want things to be normal. Like they used to be.” He iterated but this time you shook your head. 
“No.” You answered a little too quickly, wiping the smile off his face and you flustered because you didn’t mean no you didn’t want things to be normal. 
“Things cannot go back like they were… It is how we ended up where we are now.” Still at your further explaining Maitimo looked defeated and this time you took the initiative to scoot across the blanket and reached for his hand to take into yours. Only serving to conflict Maitimo entirely by what it was you were doing and what you could possibly mean by this. 
“I want us to find a new, healthy normal. One where we have better faith and trust in one another, where we are equal, and where we both have a say in what happens in our lives.” Not from outside sources like angry fathers driven to madness by their creation, or being ignored and forced to stay behind for a millennia wondering what happened. You wanted something new and fresh with Maitimo. 
You felt him flex his fingers, curling around your hand and fingers. A smile had found it’s way back to his lips as he looked down at the hand that held his. Maitimo was relieved that you still wanted a normal between the two of you and that you didn’t want to abandon anything that could happen between the two of you. 
“I want those things with you too, Y/N.” He answered with reassurance in his voice, Maitimo wanted to lean in and press a kiss to your forehead. To rest his with yours, to be at peace in a romantic way… But he knew he hadn’t earned that yet. Maitimo felt blessed enough that you even wanted to hold hands with him in this moment. A comfortable silence fell between you both, and he watched as you continued to stare at his hands… Surely looking over the scars and letting your mind run rampant with where they could’ve come from. 
“Though I must ask…” You began, and for a moment Maitimo held his breath. Waiting and anticipating for you to ask him about Beleriand and what had happened to him. 
“Do you still like apples and caramel? Or did I bring that for nothing?” You said looking up at him as he began to chuckle out softly, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. 
“I do still like apples and caramel. In fact they were quite the rare delicacy in Beleriand, so I am happy to indulge.” And he felt his heart swoon at the way a smile spread across your face, he didn’t have the heart to tell you that every time he had them… It only brought up the painful memories of you being so far away from him. Which is why they had been a delicacy he indulged in rarely. 
“Good, I brought plenty, enough to get us through a game of 100 questions.” You said turning back to grab the sweet treats releasing his hand. 
“Isn’t it a game of 20 questions, Y/N?” He asked with some confusion, and you shrugged. 
“Well I figured since it’s been a millennia we would probably have more than 20 questions to ask.” You said shrugging, and offering him a smile that made him feel as though he could breathe much easier. 
“That is fair enough.” He laughed softly, as you offered him an apple slice and opening up the container containing caramel.
“I’ll go first, now do you still hate brocade?” You asked, and Maitimo smiled relieved that they would only be simple questions of likes and dislikes. You knew now wasn’t the time for the harder questions, you only wanted for things to be a happier time between the two of you right now. There’d be plenty of bumps and hardships in the road. 
With that the two of you only continued to play your game blissfully, indulging in every basic question of likes and dislikes. Finally the two of you felt at peace with one another. Happy to be in each others presence once more. 
* * * 
Tags: @saviorsong​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @celebrimbor-telperinquar​ @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdysimpy​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @spidergirla5​ @eunoiaastralwings​ @eternalabysss​ 
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How about one where Alec’s siblings try to give him an ultimatum after he and Magnus start dating. Like it’s him or us kind of thing?
Hey! Thanks for prompt!! Hope you enjoy 💜
“Do you even think before you spew shit out?” Alec asks, having perfectly thought out what he himself was going to say. “No—“ he holds up a hand. “Don’t actually try to answer that, I have no faith in whatever you’re about to say. So tell me one thing, just one thing. Did the four of you—“ Alec pauses and gives Simon what he knows the vampire calls his ‘disappointed assassin!dad look’. He goes even paler under his death pallor and Alec sighs. “Did you even consider how dangerous what you're asking could be for Magnus?”
“Magnus is more than powerful enough, we all know that now.” Clary explains, like that makes it better.
It doesn’t.
“It’s not about if he’s capable. Obviously he’s powerful enough. It’s about whether or not even the slightest risk to Magnus’ safety is worth the outcome you’re trying to get. And it’s not. I’ve run the risk and it’s not an acceptable one.”
“You’re seriously going to choose your boyfriend over the mission?” Jace asks and Alec sends him a dry, unimpressed look at the hypocrisy.
“At least he is my boyfriend.” Alec murmurs, because Jace didn’t even have an official relationship to blame for his actions regarding Clary for a long time.
“Okay.” And Alec settles in his chair and clears his throat. “So here’s what we’re not going to do. We’re not going to do the ‘you’re picking Magnus over the mission. Or ‘you’re picking Magnus over me’.” And here he gives them all a tired look.
“It’s going to be yes, obviously I’m going to pick Magnus. I've lost Magnus three times now and each time the likelihood of getting him back became less and less each time. Magnus is my husband. I don’t care who it is. You could be bleeding out, begging me with your whole soul to do something that would put him even just a little bit of harm's way, and I’d say no.
“Because it’s not Magnus’ job or responsibility to do such a thing. And as your superior, I’m telling you right now, that no one will argue with me. Because every single Institute in this realm knows that Magnus Bane has a very protective, possessive asshole of a boyfriend. One who legally jacked up the price of every single magical and mundane service Magnus offers to the clave. And currently, the New York Institute doesn’t have the funds to pay his rates. Because we’re still paying off the debt you four — and yes Simon you are included in that thanks to Clary and Izzy — all racked up, calling Magnus like you had a stack of quarters and he’s an arcade.”
Alec takes a weary breath and ignores Simon murmuring, “how does he know what an arcade is?”
And Izzy’s quick and quiet, “Magnus took him and Madzie to one.”
It’s only Alec’s business if he enjoys showing off the knowledge he learns at Magnus’ side.
“So you three are going off duty. Turn your phones in to Andrew. You can go through our databases and see if there’s a warlock who would be willing to work with you in our pay grade. Simon, leave.”
“You can’t take our phones!” Clary protests and while Alec doesn’t actively hate her anymore, his glare still stops her in her tracks.
Alec will assign her ichor duty if she shows insubordination and she knows it.
“If I leave you your phones, you’re just going to call every single downworlder you know starting with Magnus.” Alec knows exactly how this plays out. “You’ll interrupt the valuable time of people who have frankly, more important things to do than save you some time and brain power.
“And even if one of them, maybe Maia, is willing to help you out, she’s a mixologist learning to be a marine biologist. She’s not going to know shit about the kind of abilities you need. So you’d just be wasting her time twice over
“So look through the database, ignore any clave bias in the portfolios and be respectful when you call. You’re making a request, not a demand.”
Alec is very pleased with himself, even if the group is looking at him with varying degrees of confusion and irritation. And then he hears a noise and looks over them to see Magnus.
Magnus is watching him with his gold eyes melting into amber the longer their gazes stay connected.
“We are gonna just go.” Simon mutters, “right now. Immediately, we should definitely go. I will leave. Text me when you’re not grounded and get your cell phones back okay?”
“We’re not grounded.” Clary quietly protests but Jace clamps a hand over her mouth, probably recognizing the look on their faces from his ill-fated stay at the loft.
“Uh, assassin-daddy-vibes over there definitely grounded you. And because my life might be at stake—“ Simon waggles his brows and ignores the groans. “I am definitely obeying his house rules. And also I think I might be either mentally scarred for life or forced to confront parts of me I am not prepared for if I have to watch them jump each other.”
Alec ignores them.
This is the reason why he lets them keep Simon around, he’s like a little Shetland sheepdog desperately trying to keep his incredibly reckless ponies together.
“That all sounded very familiar.” Magnus says quietly as he steps past them, shutting the door behind him as. There is something soft and almost uncertain when he asks.
“I try to listen when you talk.” Alec admits and shrugs his shoulders, “sometimes it’s hard when I’m tired. Or if it’s something frustrating because I don’t understand. But I figure if I don’t understand it I just need to listen harder.”
“Even my clave hating rants at six am when you’re covered in ichor and passing out on me in the shower?”
Alec shrugs again, “sometimes those are the most important ones. You got hurt and we were separated because the clave summoned us to two different battles. Because your safety isn’t a priority for them. It’s why I put so many new protocols in place. The only one I can trust to protect your back is me.” Alec believes it wholeheartedly.
He trusts no single other person to put Magnus’ well being above the world. Because even Cat now has Madzie and they lost Ragnor. And one night; when Magnus had taken Madzie out for a movie, Cat had come over to talk.
Because she could not handle not having the assurance of someone who would put Magnus first. And she didn’t trust Alec, not until he spilled his blood and swore a secret vow.
And so the two of them; they’d promised each other. That Cat would always put the little girl the three of them loved first.
And Alec would always put Magnus before anything. Even above the survival of their realm.
Alec will cut out his own heart if it means Magnus’ still beats and Cat watched him swear that vow on his runes and divinity and had finally known some peace. Because Alec is also willing to lose a piece of his soul if it means keeping Magnus safe; and Cat knows that too.
“My darling,” Magnus murmurs and Alec will always endeavor to put that look on his face. “And you’d choose me over any of them.”
Magnus says it wonderingly, like it’s a deep shock and his hands are cupping Alec’s face and he wants to meld into them as he nods.
And Alec knows Magnus won’t entirely believe him, and it’s not Magnus’ fault that he can’t yet.
But Alec is going to spend every day of the rest of his life proving that he will always and forever put Magnus first.
Like he should have done from the start.
“I’m a selfish man.” Alec admits softly, “how can I not put you first, when you’re the very heart of me?”
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