#munich to venezia
dnllpgt · 21 days
Harry Adams (00 Characters)
Dear all,
today around midday I went to a very nice café with a terrace called Hinterhof Café in the area where I work, right next to the Salesians (www.salesianum.de) where I am the night porter for 4 nights a week (Mon-Fri 10pm to 6:30am).
The last two weeks, however, and for another two or three weeks I have been working in the afternoons in Sales (3pm-24pm) and tonight after the midnight shift I continued as night porter so that until 6.30am I was at Reception because my colleagues O. (the nice and fussy ex-Croatian financial police officer) and Jo (the very funny black man from Asmara, who has been a day porter here for more than 30 years) are at their respective relatives outside Germany, at home.
Brother S.K. and I (a Salesian who deserves a beautiful chapter of his own) hold the position. Our boss L.D. is ill until October, so there is a lot to do. Now, however, I am at Reception on duty and am interrupted every minute or so by a phone call or one from the 500 guests we have: the Salesians from Bavaria and the provincialate from all over Germany is full, I would say almost full. This Mail will be very technical with various references and I have called it (00-Sept. 2004) because I am sending you references so that you can get to know my world here at Rosenheimer Platz and in Munich as well as in Turin where I lived my first 32 years.
My son Marcolino (now 14 years old), whom I adore, just stopped writing and wrote the following to me on WhatsApp: ‘ch würde am Samstag kommen 1 tag’. ‘Passt’ I replied!
But why is this Mail called Harry Adams? Well, after sleeping for two hours, I had an online lesson with C.B. (a medical oncologist who lives in Tuscany in the province of Grosseto) who wants to learn Italian to live in the villa she has built with a swimming pool, various facilities and wants to become Italian: the people are nice, friendly, authentic… this is what she tells me in the daily lessons we do with Zoom or WhatsApp.
Sorry, I just sold ice cream to a mother of two beautiful children (about 5 and one year old), but she couldn't read the prices, a bit complicated.
After class I had an appointment with Gabriella aka Gabi (but she doesn't like the nickname Gabi) whom I have been seeing since 2016 at least twice a month and to whom I teach Italian who now speaks C2. She is a well-off retired English teacher with no children who lives with her partner W., a retired engineer who did all the statics for Caffè Fausto where I worked as a roaster, bartender and waiter for 7 wonderful years.
Gabriella was late arriving and on the terrace next to my table sat an Englishman who talked to me for 30 minutes and then talked to Gabriella all at once. He spoke English from London because he lives in the suburbs of the metropolis and explained to me that he is an Arsenal fanatic even though his whole family is from Leichester: when a short time ago this won the championship with Ranieri they were still rooting for Arsenal with dismay.
To get to the stadium from the London suburb the train costs in Euro 200-, very very expensive so very little goes to the stadium. Harry Adams, however, is the first cousin of Chè Adams the new striker of Torino F.C., that is to say the granata, that is to say many of my people. I was in fact at home and watched Torino-Cosenza 2-0 and I'm very happy. The match was not good, the marathon was active but torn by Cairo's management and the bitterness of the granata I read in the pages of Alessandro Costantino (Toro News) a peer who advised my father.
In short Adams came in, the crowd was enthusiastic and Harry Adams sat on the edge of the round table assuring me that his cousin is strong, that he is good in the header and I could see him in action in the championship matches Venezia Torino 0-1 Milan Torino 2-2 (I feel sorry for Luca C. my classmate from the Liceo Scientifico A.Volta many years ago!) and Torino Atalanta which took us to the top of the table, for a moment first.
That is why this e-mail is entitled Harry Adams. I extremely need to write, but I have no time. I'm better now. I hope to tell something again. ‘I thought it was an adventure instead it was life’, Joseph Conrad quote from memory, not sure.
Kisses Daniele
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Archimede Seguso, Drawing and vases "A Colori Sovrapposti“, 1966. Made for XXXIII. Biennale di Venezia, 1966. Archives of Gino Seguso, Photo: Die Neue Sammlung, A. Laurenzo.
Exhibition Murano. Milano. Venezia. Glass. July 1 – November 20, 2016. Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich. via: tumblr.com/design-is-fine
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carmenvicinanza · 10 months
Hiam Abbass
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Hiam Abbass, attrice, regista e sceneggiatrice palestinese, è nata in Israele e ha la cittadinanza francese.
È stata diretta da registi internazionali come Steven Spielberg, Amos Gitai, Tom McCarthy, Jim Jarmusch, Abbas Fahdel e altri ancora.
Nata a Nazareth, il 30 novembre 1960 da una famiglia di arabi musulmani, è cresciuta nel quartiere libanese del vicino villaggio di Deir Hanna. Dagli anni ’80 vive a Parigi dove è iniziata la sua carriera artistica.
Ha cominciato a recitare nel film per la tv La nuit miraculeuse del 1989, di Ariane Mnouchkine, seguito da apparizioni in diversi telefilm.
Al cinema ha debuttato nel 1989 con il film La nuit miraculeuse. È stata poi nel cast di Ognuno cerca il suo gatto, Haifa, Histoire naturelle, Venise est une femme, Le mariage en papier, Aime ton père, e Bab el Chams.
Il suo primo ruolo di successo è arrivato nel 2004 quando è stata la protagonista in La Sposa Siriana diretto da Eran Riklis che le è valso la candidatura per la miglior attrice agli European Film Awards.
L’anno successivo è apparsa nel film Munich di Steven Spielberg, in cui ha anche lavorato come consulente per il dialetto e la recitazione, vivendo per tre mesi in un hotel con attori israeliani e palestinesi che hanno avuto molte discussioni che hanno aiutato entrambe le parti ad avvicinarsi.
Ha recitato in diversi altri film prima del 2008, quando è stata la protagonista de Il giardino di limoni in cui interpreta una donna palestinese che lotta contro la decisione dei servizi segreti israeliani di sradicare il suo giardino perché avrebbe potuto essere usato dai terroristi per attentare alla vicina casa del Ministro della Difesa. Per questo ruolo ha ricevuto il premio Israeli Film Academy Award e l’Asia Pacific Screen Awards come miglior attrice.
Nel 2008 ha interpretato la madre di un immigrato siriano clandestino nel film The Visitor di Tom McCarthy e la madre di un soldato iracheno nel film Dawn of the World di Abbas Fahdel.
È stata nel cast del film I limiti del controllo di Jim Jarmusch e in A Bottle in the Gaza Sea,  tratto dal romanzo Une bouteille dans la mer de Gaza di Valérie Zenatti.
Il regista Radu Mihaileanu l’ha invece voluta nella commedia drammatica La sorgente dell’amore.
Nel 2012, ha fatto parte della giuria del Festival di Cannes e debuttato alla regia con The Inheritance in cui affronta il tema dell’identità da diversi punti di vista, quello del ruolo femminile diviso tra modernità e tradizione e quello dell’appartenenza nazionale di una famiglia palestinese che vive in Galilea.
Nel 2017 ha interpretato Freysa, la leader del movimento per la libertà dei replicanti, in Blade Runner 2049.
È stata la protagonista femminile della serie tv Succession che ha ottenuto un enorme successo negli Stati Uniti. 
Come acting coach è stata impegnata sul set di Alcuni giorni di settembre di Santiago Amigorena con Juliette Binoche, John Turturro e Nick Nolte e Babel di Alejandro Gonzáles Iñarritu con Brad Pitt e Cate Blanchett.
È stata accanto a Tim Roth in Come together, la storia di un terrorista che, a seguito di un grave incidente, perde la memoria dimenticando il suo passato e i suoi ideali sovversivi, per venire salvato da una medica  siriana rifugiata che non conosce la sua vera identità.
In Bye Bye Tiberias, selezionato per rappresentare la Palestina agli Oscar 2024 e presentato in anteprima mondiale alle Giornate degli Autori del Festival del Cinema di Venezia, è stata diretta da sua figlia Lina Soualem. Nel film, che esplora le tradizioni orali di quattro generazioni di donne palestinesi, interpreta se stessa nel suo personale viaggio di ritorno al villaggio dove è cresciuta e da dove è partita per Parigi, quando aveva vent’anni, per intraprendere la carriera di attrice. Un ruolo che la spinge a mettere a nudo il suo passato, a guardare indietro a come la sua patria è cambiata e a riflettere su tutto ciò che ha ereditato da sua madre e dalla generazione che l’ha preceduta.
Hiam Abbass ha anche un’altra figlia, Mouna, anch’ella attrice, entrambe avute da Zinedine Soualem, noto attore franco-algerino, con una carriera trentennale nel cinema, nella TV e nel teatro francese.
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finaguide · 1 year
Comment se rendre à Venise?
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L'aéroport international Marco Polo de Venise, situé autour de Mestre (en fait une banlieue de Venise).  Vous pouvez prendre un bus de l'aéroport à Piazzale Roma.  La gare est reliée à Milan, Trieste, Vérone, Rome et le reste de l'Italie.  Les bateaux de croisière et les yachts arrivent généralement à Stazione Marittima.  Les trains en provenance du continent passent par Mestre jusqu'à la gare de Venise Santa Lucia sur son côté ouest.  Attention - ne pas confondre avec la gare de Venezia-Mestre, qui est le dernier arrêt sur le continent.  Des trains directs pour Venise partent de Munich, Paris, Vienne, Budapest, Zagreb.
Les principaux moyens de transport à Venise et ses îles sont les vaporettos et les bateaux-taxis.  Le vaporetto est le moyen de transport le plus économique.  Il est préférable d'acheter un ticket journalier pour rejoindre les îles de Murano et Burano.  L'embarquement du vaporetto a lieu dans des stations spéciales.  Pour traverser le Grand Canal, vous pouvez emprunter le Traghetto.  Ce sont des gondoles publiques exploitées par deux gondoliers.  Le tarif est de seulement 2 euros par personne (seules les espèces sont acceptées).
Les gondoles sont l'une des principales attractions de Venise.  Ces bateaux sont historiquement le principal moyen de déplacement le long des rues du canal.  Maintenant, ils servent à divertir les touristes.  Les gondoliers conduisent les gondoles.  Il s'agit d'une profession très prestigieuse et rentable, dans laquelle il est pratiquement impossible d'accéder aux étrangers.  L'État tient des registres stricts des gondoliers.  Leur nombre est réglementé - 425 personnes.  En même temps, ce métier se transmet généralement de père en fils.  Le coût d'une balade en gondole à Venise est d'environ 80 euros.
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greenbagjosh · 1 year
Late July - mid August 2003 to former Yugoslavia and two dance parades
EN  Hi everyone!  It has been twenty years since I first visited two of the former nations comprising of Yugoslavia, as well as Munich, Milan and Zurich.  It was a unique experience to travel so far by train, going in a new direction this time.  I will give the story mostly in English, but also a short summary in German, French, Slovene, Croatian and Italian.  I hope you will enjoy the next two weeks of travel.    
DE  Hallo allerseits! Es ist zwanzig Jahre her, seit ich zum ersten Mal zwei der ehemaligen Staaten Jugoslawiens sowie München, Mailand und Zürich besucht habe. Es war ein einzigartiges Erlebnis, so weit mit dem Zug zu reisen, diesmal in eine neue Richtung. Ich werde die Geschichte hauptsächlich auf Englisch erzählen, aber auch eine kurze Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch, Französisch, Slowenisch, Kroatisch und Italienisch. Ich hoffe, Sie werden die nächsten zwei Wochen auf Reisen genießen.
FR  Salut tout le monde! Cela fait vingt ans que j'ai visité pour la première fois deux des anciennes nations comprenant la Yougoslavie, ainsi que Munich, Milan et Zurich. Ce fut une expérience unique de voyager si loin en train, en prenant cette fois une nouvelle direction. Je raconterai l'histoire principalement en anglais, mais aussi un court résumé en allemand, français, slovène, croate et italien. J'espère que vous apprécierez les deux prochaines semaines de voyage.
SI  Zdravo vsi! Minilo je dvajset let, odkar sem prvič obiskal dve izmed nekdanjih držav Jugoslavije, pa še München, Milano in Zürich. Edinstvena izkušnja je bila potovati tako daleč z vlakom, tokrat v novo smer. Zgodbo bom podal večinoma v angleščini, kratek povzetek pa tudi v nemščini, francoščini, slovenščini, hrvaščini in italijanščini. Upam, da boste uživali v naslednjih dveh tednih potovanja.
HR  Pozdrav svima! Prošlo je dvadeset godina otkako sam prvi put posjetio dvije bivše nacije koje su činile Jugoslavija, kao i München, Milano i Zürich. Bilo je jedinstveno iskustvo putovati tako daleko vlakom, ovaj put ići u novom smjeru. Priču ću dati uglavnom na engleskom, ali i kratak sažetak na njemačkom, francuskom, slovenskom, hrvatskom i talijanskom. Nadam se da ćete uživati u sljedeća dva tjedna putovanja.
IT  Ciao a tutti! Sono passati vent'anni da quando ho visitato per la prima volta due delle ex nazioni che comprendevano la Jugoslavia, oltre a Monaco, Milano e Zurigo. È stata un'esperienza unica viaggiare così lontano in treno, andando questa volta in una nuova direzione. Darò la storia principalmente in inglese, ma anche un breve riassunto in tedesco, francese, sloveno, croato e italiano. Spero che ti godrai le prossime due settimane di viaggio.
I had planned, in late May 2003, to go on vacation in late August 2003, as I had not returned to Zurich, Switzerland, for Street Parade, since August 1998.  I wanted to take the advantage at that time.  I guess it was a mistake to try to book a bed at the Youth Hostel in Zurich, as those fill up fast, and it takes a minimum of three or four months in advance planning, and I had none.  It was also the time when I had paid off the car loan for my first car, a 1997 Volkswagen Jetta III with diesel engine.  But I was still able to book just about everywhere else.  I managed to visit Munich, Stuttgart, Lausanne, Montreux, Geneva, Martigny (VS), ride the train from Montreux to Lausanne, Zurich, Villach, Jesenice and Ljubljana, Zagreb, take the night train from Ljubljana to Trieste and Venezia Mestre, on to Milan, Zurich, via Bregenz and Lindau-Insel to Munich, and flying home via Frankfurt to SFO.  I flew mostly with United Airlines, but went from Munich to Frankfurt Rhein Main by Lufthansa.
Timeline Wednesday 30.07.2003  SFO - IAD - MUC Thursday 31.07.2003  Landing in Munich Franz Josef Strauss, train to downtown Munich, obtaining new ATM card at bank, afternoon train to Stuttgart, visit to Mercedes Benz museum, dinner in S-Bad Cannstatt and stroll in downtown and ride on the U-Bahn Friday 01.08.2003  Breakfast at hostel, Cisalpino train to Zurich via Horb, Rottweil, Tuttlingen, Singen (Hohentwiel) and Schaffhausen, train to Montreux via Biel-Bienne, Neuchatel and Lausanne, checkin in hostel, evening in Geneva before the festivities of the Lake Parade Saturday 02.08.2003  Breakfast at hostel, train to Geneva, riding to Meyrin for some foodstuffs, Lake Parade from 2 PM to about 6 PM, train to Martigny VS Sunday 03.08.2003  Breakfast at hostel, train to Lausanne, storing luggage in locker, train to Fribourg and Düdingen across the "Röstigraben", return to Lausanne, taking luggage to Zurich, boarding the night train to Ljubljana via Villach. Monday 04.08.2003  Arrival in Ljubljana, buying a bus pass for Ljubljana, checking into youth hostel, taking bus rides around Ljubljana and city center, going to supper in the old town Tuesday 05.08.2003  Breakfast at hostel, encounter with Slovenia's Jehovas Witnesses selling "Vatchtover", train to Zagreb, buying a bus and tram day pass, riding through Zagreb, getting lost and finding a nice pizza place in the eastern part, going back to Ljubljana, checking out about 1 AM for the 3 AM late train to Venezia Mestre, as there was no guarantee of a daytime train from Ljubljana to Milan.   Wednesday 06.08.2003  Arriving at 2:30 AM at rail station (no JW's about), boarding the train, no A/C even in first class, crossing the Italian border with a Bulgarian passenger, eating breakfast at Mestre before the Frecciarossa arrived for Milan, adventure on the metro and in the Duomo.  Ride on Passante to Dateo and trolley bus back to city center. Thursday 07.08.2003  Breakfast at hotel.  Laundry day.  Ride to Sesto San Giovanni by M1.  Ride to Gessate by M2.  Shopping near Duomo including Miss Sixty.  Shopping for food and Chinese food for supper.   Friday 08.08.2003  Breakfast at hotel.  Cisalpino train to Zürich and S Bahn train to Baden CH in Aargau, evening in Baden Saturday 09.08.2003  Breakfast at youth hostel.   Sunday 10.08.2003  Breakfast at youth hostel.  Train ride to Thalwil and Pfäffikon SZ.  Train to Arth-Goldau, then Altdorf, Flüelen, Zürich for supper and Baden Monday 11.08.2003  Breakfast at youth hostel.  Train to Zürich, short tour of Zürich before Eurocity train to Munich via St. Margrethen, Bregenz, Lindau-Insel, Memmingen and Buchloe.  Ride on the new busses.   Tuesday 12.08.2003  Breakfast at hotel.  Ride on the U-Bahn to Olympiapark (Georg Brauchle Ring), visit to the BMW Museum and ride to the top of the Olympiaturm.  Ice cream from a vending machine, that has a Louis-Armstrong-like voice saying "everybody loves ice cream".  Dinner at the Hofbräuhaus am Platzl. Wednesday 13.08.2003  Breakfast at hotel.  Checkout from hotel, take luggage to Franz Josef Strauß airport by S Bahn (I think S8).  Fly to Frankfurt am Main, buy a bottle of Äppler, fly to SFO and return home Some time between 14.08 and 16.08.2003  go with mother to see an asteroid spotted at the Foothill Community College Observatorium Stay home most of the time until November 2003 (Hong Kong, Macau and Tokyo's Narita)
EN  Well that was pretty much the timeline for late July to Mid-August 2003.  Each day we will tell something about what happened.  Hope you will enjoy reading.  Until next time!
DE  Nun, das war so ziemlich der Zeitplan von Ende Juli bis Mitte August 2003. Jeden Tag werden wir etwas darüber erzählen, was passiert ist. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lesen. Bis zum nächsten Mal!
FR  Eh bien, c'était à peu près la chronologie de la fin juillet à la mi-août 2003. Chaque jour, nous raconterons quelque chose sur ce qui s'est passé. J'espère que vous apprécierez la lecture. Jusqu'à la prochaine fois!
SI  No, to je bil približno časovni načrt od konca julija do sredine avgusta 2003. Vsak dan bomo povedali nekaj o tem, kaj se je zgodilo. Upam, da boste uživali v branju. Do naslednjič!
HR  Pa to je uglavnom bio vremenski okvir od kraja srpnja do sredine kolovoza 2003. Svaki dan ćemo reći nešto o tome što se dogodilo. Nadam se da ćete uživati u čitanju. Do sljedećeg puta!
IT  Beh, quella era più o meno la sequenza temporale da fine luglio a metà agosto 2003. Ogni giorno racconteremo qualcosa su quello che è successo. Spero che ti divertirai a leggere. Fino alla prossima volta!
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ririannews · 1 year
Hasil Pertandingan Sepak Bola & Basket 15 April 2023
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿English Premier League🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - Aston Villa 3 - 0 Newcastle - Southampton 0 - 2 Crystal Palace - Everton 1 - 3 Fulham - Tottenham 2 - 3 Bournemouth - Wolverhampton 2 - 0 Brentford - Chelsea 1 - 2 Brighton - Manchester City 3 - 1 Leicester City   🇪🇸Spain La Liga🇪🇸 - Rayo Vallecano 2 - 1 Osasuna - Villarreal 1 - 2 Valladolid - Athletic Club 2 - 0 Real Sociedad - Real Betis 3 - 1 Espanyol   🇮🇹Italy Serie A🇮🇹 - Spezia 0 - 3 Lazio - Bologna 1 - 1 AC Milan - Napoli 0 - 0 Verona   🇩🇪Germany Bundesliga🇩🇪 - Schalke 04 5 - 2 Hertha - Koln 1 - 1 Mainz - VfB Stuttgart 3 - 3 Borussia Dortmund - Bayern Munich 1 - 1 Hoffenheim= - RB Leipzig 3 - 2 Augsburg - Eintracht Frankfurt 1 - 1 Monchengladbach   🇫🇷France Ligue 1🇫🇷 - Toulouse 1 - 2 Lyon - Rennes 3 - 0 Reims - 🇮🇹Italy Serie B🇮🇹Modena 1 - 1 Parma - Venezia 3 - 2 Palermo - Ascoli 1 - 0 Sudtirol - Cosenza 1 - 1 Cittadella - SPAL 2 - 2 Brescia - Benevento 1 - 1 Reggina - Cagliari 0 - 0 Frosinone   🇳🇱Netherlands Eredivisie🇳🇱 - Excelsior 2 - 1 Go Ahead Eagles - RKC Waalwijk 2 - 1 Groningen   🇵🇹Portugal Primera Liga🇵🇹 - Famalicao 2 - 1 Vitoria SC - Maritimo 3 - 1 Pacos Ferreira   🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿English League Championship🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - Middlesbrough 5 - 1 Norwich City - Sheffield United 4 - 1 Cardiff City - Swansea City 1 - 0 Huddersfield Town - Blackpool 1 - 0 Wigan Athletic - Reading 0 - 0 Burnley= - Watford 2 - 0 Bristol City - Stoke City 1 - 2 West Brom= - Sunderland 2 - 1 Birmingham   🇮🇩Indonesia BRI Liga 1🇮🇩 - Persib 1 - 4 Persikabo 1973 - Persija Jakarta 5 - 0 PSS Sleman - Persebaya 3 - 0 Dewa United   🏀NBA🏀 - Heat 102 - 91 Bulls - Timberwolves 120 - 95 Thunder Read the full article
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veetravelblog · 1 year
Milan & Venice, Italy
Our overnight train ride departed Munich at 8:00PM, I reserved a sleeper train on the OBB Railjet. The accommodations were as expected with our own private room, that can sleep up to four, I would not recommend it for four adults, but for two there is plenty of space. We brought snacks, sandwiches and wine for the ride which helped :) The trip was smooth and we were served breakfast in our cabin, shortly thereafter we arrived in Milan with little delay at 9:00AM.  I planned half a day in Milan that began with a couples massage at QCTermeMilano, a spa in the heart of the city that offers an array of relaxation rooms, thermal spas and saunas. After a much needed recharge I could not imagine a better way to spend our time, at about 2:00PM we ordered an Uber to take us to Milano Centrale to catch our train to our next destination Venice. 
For this leg of the trip I reserved two Business Class seats on the FrecciaRossa 1000 due to depart at 3:45PM for €98 (about $50 each), this proved to be the best train experience thus far; the business class cabin was very nice, seats were comfortable and the complimentary snack and drink selection included Prosecco and Italian beer. The train ride was an easy two and half hours, along some beautiful sceneries that changed from the urban view near Milan though the countryside and into the Gulf of Venice. Upon arriving to Venezia San Lucia, our hotel the Grand Canal Suites was conveniently located just across the canal from station. We checked in, dropped our bags and went off in search of some food and wine. Just around the corner from our hotel we found a small restaurant,Trattoria Agli Amici, we looked over the menu and quickly decided on the mussels and vino della casa bianco (white house wine) We were given a tip by our newly made Dutch friends in Germany “In Venice always order the house wine” they said “It may not be on the menu, it will always be delicious, served in a carafe and it will be cheaper than the cheapest bottle on the menu” needless to say they were right! Both items were delicious and our bill was €20 = $20! Being that this was our first taste of Venice it definitely set the bar high. The rest of our evening consisted of restaurant hopping and simply taking in the fact that we were in The City of Love. We found scrumptious prosciutto e melone at Osteria Leone Alto and ended the evening at Mira Hosteria to have dessert which was located just under our hotel with tables right alongside the Grand Canal. We would end up dining at Mira both evenings in Venice, it was that good! 
On our second day in Venezia we decided we would make our way over to Basilica di San Marco and Piazza San Marco or Saint Mark’s Square. In this same area you find the Palazzo Ducal or Doge’s Palace all iconic landmarks of Venice dating back to the 8th Century. Once you start walking towards San Marco and crossing the various walking bridges and canals the crowds begin to thicken. It is much like a labyrinth walking through Venice, I coined my husband with the name human compass because if I would have been alone I would have surely gotten lost! I am a C level conversational Italian speaker but when I mix that with my Argentinian Spanish I can pass for B+ so we were doing alright exploring the quintessential Venetian streets. The alleys and canals are breathtaking in themselves, to think how long they have been there and the talent and time it took to build this city is remarkable. Additionally, since there are zero motorized vehicles allowed there is a sense of peace and quiet, you do not see people even riding bicycles or scooters. Time just goes a bit slower in Venice and we enjoyed every minute. We stumbled upon Bacaro Jazz, the neon cocktail sign drew us in but the jazz music and giant house sangria container made us stay. It was a small venue with friendly bartenders and patrons, strung along the entire ceiling were hundreds if not at least a thousand bras, all different colors and sizes with notes on them from their past owners…I know what you must be thinking and the answer is no… I packed very light for this trip and fit everything in a carry-on and a backpack so my apparel was limited, I could not leave anything behind! (LOL)
At sunset time on our last night we checked an item off of our bucket list that I am sure many of us share, a Gondola ride. During the trip our Gondolier, Pietro shared a lot of great information with us about the town he lived in his entire life.  He let us know that each Gondolier owns his gondola and that there is a rigorous process including school, training, exams and internship before becoming a Gondolier. We asked about cost of living, and how much an apartment or home would cost monthly, he proceeded to shake his head “It has become very expensive” he said “a two bedroom furnished apartment in the heart of Venice would be €1000 per month” in that moment my husband and I looked at each other and gave each other a small nod almost as if to say “huh, not bad actually” As our sunset ride turned into night we ended the jaunt on a high note, as we fantasized about living in Venice for a year or two…
On our last day we checked out, stored our luggage and went out for breakfast at a nearby cafe. We decided that before our 3:00PM train we would walk around a bit and find Cacio e Pepe to eat for lunch it translates to literally mean “cheese and pepper” Anthony Bourdain (rest in peace) had this dish in Italy and claimed to have been the “best thing he’s ever eaten” We embarked on our quest and did not have much luck for a little while until a restaurant host advised that there was a place just over a nearby bridge that serves it.  Upon arriving to this said restaurant, I entered and asked this tall grizzly chef if they served cacio e pepe there? He looked at me and his eyes widened, he raised his hands up and said “Qui non troverai cacio e pepe! Non è di questa regione. Io non lo faccio!” I tried to hold back my laughter and quickly went outside and my husband asked what happened?! I laughed and let him know we were set up! This man was obviously triggered by the question, what he said to me was that I would not find cacio e pepe because it is not from that region of Italy and he does not make it! We were not discouraged  because I remembered seeing cacio e pepe written on a chalk board as a special at one of the restaurants we had a quick bite at the day before. I tracked down the place via my pictures on my iPhone and realized it was on the other side of Venice but we had time and the walk helped build our appetites. We ordered the Cacio e Pepe upon arriving at Trattoria Da Gigi and it was the BEST dish we had thus far. They cook the pasta and then dump it in huge parmesan cheese wheel *drool* top it with freshly shaved cheese and pepper, delizioso! With full tummies and happy hearts, to have found our dish, we made it back to the train station with about a half hour to spare and prepared for our next destination FLORENCE, ITALY, be sure to keep an eye out for my next post to see how it went…
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enibas22 · 2 years
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from IG Tom Wlaschiha - 7th September 2022
Tod in Venedig
#deathinvenice #morteavenezia
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digger09 · 4 years
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#venedig #karlsplatz #gondel #kanalegrande #italien #bella #pizza #venezia #munich #bayern #emscherstrand #italy #love #food #hamburg #münchen #seilbahn #running #deutschland #instagood #germany #venice #allgäu #gelsen #photooftheday #pasta #berlin #stachus #gipfel #resseglades (hier: Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMPnAeepRM9/?igshid=1zqrs10eps4f
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albechtvanderlong · 7 years
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EuroCity 1288 per München HBF: le carrozze sembrano uscite da un episodio losco di Derrick degli anni ‘80 😂 . . . #treno #train #veneziamestre #stazione #railwaystation #ferrovia #railway #eurocity #venezia #münchen #venedig #monaco #venice #munich #trenord #öbb #db #travel #instatravel #travelling #instagood #instapic #marzo #march #instalike #instafollow (presso Stazione FS Venezia-Mestre)
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What’s the Craic With...Football Kits? (Pt. 1)
The 2022/23 football season beckons and with it comes the unveiling of club kits - Home, Away, and Third. So let's have a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly that have been revealed so far.
The Good
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1. Norwich City - Home
Without a doubt the best kit of the season. Very clean. Very simple. New badge. Sponsor fits well. The only title Norwich will win this season however.
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2. Bayern Munich - Away
Phwoar! Now that is a sexy kit. A very classy way to flex winning the title for the tenth time in a row.
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3. Olympique Lyonnais - Home
Fair play Adidas. Very decent kit - particularly love the colour detail on the obligatory three stripes on the shoulders.
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4. Arsenal - Away
A nice mix of simple yet detailed. Bronze on black is lush.
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5. York City - Away
A kit dubbed “Chocolate and Cream” celebrating the city’s chocolate making heritage. Delicious.
Honourable Mentions
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1. Crystal Palace - Away
A little bit unusual - but I like it. Yes it looks like a child has been let loose with a set of Crayons but swings and roundabouts.
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2. Huddersfield - Away
An all-black kit - simple and classy if perhaps a bit boring.
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3. Venezia - Home
Very stylish, but not exactly a football top.
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4. Everton - Home
Simple but sleek. Hummel proving once again why they’re the best in the business.
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5. Manchester United - Home
Retro, classic, lovely. Will they be able to emulate the United teams of old on the pitch though?
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gagosiangallery · 3 years
Sarah Sze at Gagosian Basel and Art Basel Parcours
September 1, 2021
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September 20–November 13, 2021 Rheinsprung 1, Basel Timepiece (2021), Art Basel Parcours September 20–26, 2021, 7pm–1am daily Rheinsprung 9, Basel __________ Gagosian to Present New Works by Sarah Sze in Basel Gallery Artist’s First-Ever Exhibition in Switzerland Will Coincide with Art Basel 2021 Program Will Also Feature Sze’s First Large-Scale Outdoor Video Work as Part of Art Basel’s Parcours in the City’s Old Town Sculpture is everything physical outside of the mind’s eye. Painting is a sculpture. The digital is a sculpture. An image is a sculpture. They are sculpted with the senses: eyes, ears, mouths, fingers—all of them. The senses give form to these things, which we collect in order to build our imagination, memory, dreams—the nonphysical. Sculpture is a lens, a portal, not a medium. —Sarah Sze Gagosian is pleased to present Sarah Sze’s first-ever exhibition in Switzerland. This is her third exhibition with the gallery, coinciding with Art Basel 2021. Sze’s first large-scale outdoor video work will be a key feature of this year’s Art Basel Parcours. A peerless bricoleur credited with “changing the potential of sculpture,” Sze gleans from the physical and digital worlds, building artworks of staggering intricacy and diversity that invite minute observation while evoking a macroscopic perspective on the infinite. Activating the borders that separate mediums, she reflects on the overload of virtual experience and the confusion that it creates with our real experience in physical space. In paintings, sculptures, and video installations, Sze grapples with the ideas and matter of time and entropy, underscoring the precious and precarious nature of materiality. The works on view transform the galleries into a unified, image-laden expanse, allowing viewers to grasp the formal and conceptual breadth of Sze’s practice. Cast sculptures Wider than the Sky and Pound for Pound (both from the 2020–21 series Fallen Sky) are directly related to Sze’s landmark installation that was inaugurated at Storm King Art Center in upstate New York this summer. Inspired by ancient architecture and the language of ruins, they catch passing light and shadow, appearing as if already disintegrated.
In recent years, Sze has also returned to painting, adapting the processes of sculptural accumulation to two dimensions. Her richly textured yet loosely structured paintings collapse multiple forms of picture making into a dynamic whole. Sze weaves layers of paint and scraps of images—often visibly taped to the surfaces—into compositions of sweeping arcs, thrumming lines, and shimmering gradients. In freely combining photographic imagery and painterly mark making, these restless tableaux evoke the fluidity of the digital realm while retaining the aura of the analog and the handmade. A play of light beckons viewers from the rear gallery where the latest of Sze’s Timekeeper video installations plays, a co-op of structural elements and moving, sounding digital parts. From a makeshift rigging a pendulum swings, perpetually marking time and space across a salt-covered arena ringed by process-related flotsam and jetsam while disembodied video images track around the room, like searchlights. Art Basel Parcours For the Parcours program in the old part of the city of Basel, Sze has created Timepiece (2021), a large-scale outdoor video work that transforms the facade of a four-story building at the top of the historic Rheinsprung into a plume of moving images seemingly let loose from their frame. A multitude of randomly coded video sequences—a moon, a card trick, an electrical storm, and more—appears at dusk, rising, pixelating, glitching, and eventually dispersing. Like nature, they seem to have unpredictable lives of their own. In this mesmerizing live digital process, Sze further explores her original concept of timekeeping as a key framework for knowledge, meaning, and the record of life lived. This project is supported by Gagosian. Biography Sarah Sze was born in 1969 in Boston, and lives and works in New York. Collections include Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris; Tate, London; Museum of Modern Art, New York; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; and M+, Hong Kong. Exhibitions include Triple Point, United States Pavilion, 55th Biennale di Venezia (2013, traveled to Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, in 2014); Timekeeper, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA (2016, traveled to Copenhagen Contemporary, in 2017); Centrifuge, Haus der Kunst, Munich (2017–18); Night into Day, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris (2020). Sze participated in the 56th Biennale di Venezia (2015) and the ARoS Triennial, Aarhus, Denmark (2017). Recent permanent commissions include Blueprint for a Landscape, Second Avenue Subway, 96th Street Station, New York (2017); Shorter than the Day, LaGuardia Airport, New York (2020); and Fallen Sky, Storm King Art Center, New Windsor, NY (2021). _____ Sarah Sze, Untitled (Timekeeper), 2021, mixed media, including archival pigment prints, video projector, and pendulum, 80 1/2 × 48 × 30 inches (204.5 × 121.9 × 76.2 cm) © Sarah Sze. Photo: Sarah Sze Studio
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the-paintrist · 4 years
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Pompeo Molmenti - Pia de' Tolomei Being Led to Maremma - 1853
Pia de' Tolomei was an Italian noblewoman from Siena.
According to a tradition recorded by early commentators on Dante's Divine Comedy, she can be identified as the 'Pia' mentioned in Canto V of Purgatory, where Dante and Virgil meet those were penitent at the time of their sudden violent deaths – her tale follows that of Bonconte da Montefeltro. She states that she came from Siena and was killed by her husband in the Maremma:
Do thou remember me who am the Pia; Siena made me, unmade me Maremma; He knoweth it, who had encircled first, Espousing me, my finger with his gem.
She refers bitterly to her murderer for his disregard of his marital vows to her and briefly tells Dante her story. She asks the poet – once he has rested from his long journey – to remember her among the living and thus speed her journey through Purgatory. Dante uses the name 'la Pia' not 'Pia', underlining the familiarity between them. She also asks him to pray for her since she knows none of her family do so.
The identification of this 'Pia' with Pia de' Tolomei is now almost universally accepted, although conclusive documentary proof of this has yet to be found. Early commentators on the poem noted that she was to be identified as a woman of the Tolomei family in Siena, wife of Nello dei Pannocchieschi, lord of Castel di Pietra in Maremma, podestà of Volterra and Lucca, captain of the Guelph Taglia from 1284 and alive until at least 1322 (the year he made his will). There is also a surviving record of his second marriage, as a widower, to Margherita Aldobrandeschi, countess of Sovana and Pitigliano. They had one son, Binduccio or Bindoccio, who was murdered, aged thirteen, when Orsini assassins, threw him down a well in Massa Marittima.
The surviving archives do not name Nello's first wife, but she has been identified as Pia. Nello owned Castel di Pietra in Maremma, where it has been suggested he murdered Pia in 1297, either after she found out he was having an affair with Aldobrandeschi or to clear the way for his second marriage. Among the early commentators, Jacopo della Lana, l'Ottimo and Francesco di Bartolo claim that she may have been killed for some crime, while Benvenuto and an anonymous Florentine of the 14th century assert it was due to her husband's jealousy.
Against this identification, the Tolomei family had no daughters or nieces named Pia in Nello's time. However, one male of the family did marry a woman named Pia Malavolti – the marriage did not last long (she had many lovers) and so the Tolomei decided to have Nello, the head of the family, remove her to Maremma, where she died in misery, possibly murdered. A closely related theory is that Pia was born a Malvoti and entered the Tolomei family by her marriage to Baldo d'Aldobrandino de' Tolomei. According to this story, Pia was accused of adultery by her husband, then kidnapped by Nello and taken to Maremma, where she died.
Pompeo Marino Molmenti (8 November 1819, Villanova in Motta di Livenza – 17 December 1894, Venice) was an Italian painter.
He was born in Friuli to Francesco Molmenti, an engineer of comfortable means, who had followed his older brother, Ettore, to Venice. When he was orphaned as a boy, Pompeo was cared for by his uncle Ettore, who encouraged his studies. In 1834, he was enrolled in the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia to study under Ludovico Lipparini, Odorico Politi, and Michelangelo Grigoletti. As a student he painted a Murder of Caesar.
One of his early patrons was Count Spiridione Papadopoli (1799-1859) and his wife, Teresa Mosconi, who owned a villa in Villanova, not far from Molmenti's birthplace. As a young man, he had painted a Death of Othello for the Papadopoli family. A second version was completed in 1866. During 1835 to 1840, Molmenti painted a Madonna and child for a lunette at the private oratory of the Papadopolis, which recalled the Renaissance Madonna Giovanelli of Giovanni Bellini. He painted a Santa Teresa (now lost) for the countess, and a San Paolo (destroyed) for the church of San Polo di Piave.
From 1843 to 1844, he accompanied the Duke Saverio di Blancas on a trip through Syria and Greece. During this time he drew many Arab subjects, and painted The Departure of Tobias with Rachel from the House of Laban for his patron Count Papadopoli and Sara gives Agar as wife to Abraham. He then traveled to Florence, Rome, Paris, and Munich. During 1848-1849, he participated in some of the patriotic uprisings.
In 1850, he displayed three paintings: Cimabue discovers in Giotto the Genius of Painting (now lost), a Holy Family copied from the Raphael painting Madonna della seggiola, and a Virgin and child and a St Ursula for the church of Sant'Orsola of Conegliano, now displayed in the duomo. He painted an Immaculate Conception for Malo near Vicenza; a Martyrdom of Santa Filomena for Vidor; a San Rocco for a church of Palmanova; and Jesus gives the key to St Peter for Fontanelle.
In 1851, he became professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Venice and worked alongside Pietro Selvatico to reform the institution. Among his pupils were Antonio Beni, Giacomo Favretto, Luigi Nono, Bressanesi, Luigi Pastega, Egisto Lancerotto, Tranquillo Cremona, Napoleone Nani, Silvio Rotta and Ettore Tito.[6] He was knighted for the Order of the Crown of Italy.
In 1853 he exhibited a painting on the subject of Pia de' Tolomei, commissioned by the architect Count Giacomo Franco [ and now in the Museo Civico di Castelvecchio. He also painted an Arrest of Filippo Calendario (1854) commissioned by Princess Giovanelli.
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finaguide · 1 year
Comment se rendre à Venise? 
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L'aéroport international Marco Polo de Venise, situé autour de Mestre (en fait une banlieue de Venise).  Vous pouvez prendre un bus de l'aéroport à Piazzale Roma.  La gare est reliée à Milan, Trieste, Vérone, Rome et le reste de l'Italie.  Les bateaux de croisière et les yachts arrivent généralement à Stazione Marittima.  Les trains en provenance du continent passent par Mestre jusqu'à la gare de Venise Santa Lucia sur son côté ouest.  Attention - ne pas confondre avec la gare de Venezia-Mestre, qui est le dernier arrêt sur le continent.  Des trains directs pour Venise partent de Munich, Paris, Vienne, Budapest, Zagreb.
Les principaux moyens de transport à Venise et ses îles sont les vaporettos et les bateaux-taxis.  Le vaporetto est le moyen de transport le plus économique.  Il est préférable d'acheter un ticket journalier pour rejoindre les îles de Murano et Burano.  L'embarquement du vaporetto a lieu dans des stations spéciales.  Pour traverser le Grand Canal, vous pouvez emprunter le Traghetto.  Ce sont des gondoles publiques exploitées par deux gondoliers.  Le tarif est de seulement 2 euros par personne (seules les espèces sont acceptées).
Les gondoles sont l'une des principales attractions de Venise.  Ces bateaux sont historiquement le principal moyen de déplacement le long des rues du canal.  Maintenant, ils servent à divertir les touristes.  Les gondoliers conduisent les gondoles.  Il s'agit d'une profession très prestigieuse et rentable, dans laquelle il est pratiquement impossible d'accéder aux étrangers.  L'État tient des registres stricts des gondoliers.  Leur nombre est réglementé - 425 personnes.  En même temps, ce métier se transmet généralement de père en fils.  Le coût d'une balade en gondole à Venise est d'environ 80 euros.
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ririannews · 1 year
Jadwal Pertandingan Sepak Bola & Basket 15 April 2023
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿English Premier League🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - 18.30 WIB Aston Villa vs Newcastle - 21.00 WIB Southampton vs Crystal Palace - 21.00 WIB Everton vs Fulham - 21.00 WIB Tottenham vs Bournemouth - 21.00 WIB Wolverhampton vs Brentford - 21.00 WIB Chelsea vs Brighton - 23.30 WIB Manchester City vs Leicester City   🇪🇸Spain La Liga🇪🇸 - 02.00 WIB Rayo Vallecano vs Osasuna - 19.00 WIB Villarreal vs Valladolid - 21.15 WIB Athletic Club vs Real Sociedad - 23.30 WIB Real Betis vs Espanyol   🇮🇹Italy Serie A🇮🇹 - 01.45 WIB Spezia vs Lazio - 20.00 WIB Bologna vs AC Milan - 23.00 WIB Napoli vs Verona   🇩🇪Germany Bundesliga🇩🇪 - 01.30 WIB Schalke 04 vs Hertha - 20.30 WIB Koln vs Mainz - 20.30 WIB VfB Stuttgart vs Borussia Dortmund - 20.30 WIB Bayern Munich vs Hoffenheim - 20.30 WIB RB Leipzig vs Augsburg - 23.30 WIB Eintracht Frankfurt vs Monchengladbach   🇫🇷France Ligue 1🇫🇷 - 02.00 WIB Toulouse vs Lyon - 22.00 WIB Rennes vs Reims   🇮🇹Italy Serie B🇮🇹 - 01.30 WIB Modena vs Parma - 19.00 WIB Venezia vs Palermo - 19.00 WIB Ascoli vs Sudtirol - 19.00 WIB Cosenza vs Cittadella - 19.00 WIB SPAL vs Brescia - 19.00 WIB Benevento vs Reggina - 19.00 WIB Bari vs Como - 19.00 WIB Genoa vs Perugia - 21.15 WIB Cagliari vs Frosinone   🇳🇱Netherlands Eredivisie🇳🇱 - 01.00 WIB Excelsior vs Go Ahead Eagles - 23.45 WIB RKC Waalwijk vs Groningen   🇵🇹Portugal Primera Liga��🇹 - 02.15 WIB Famalicao vs Vitoria SC - 21.30 WIB Maritimo vs Pacos Ferreira - 21.30 WIB Estoril Praia vs Portimonense   🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿English League Championship🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - 02.00 WIB Middlesbrough vs Norwich City - 18.30 WIB Sheffield United vs Cardiff City - 21.00 WIB Swansea City vs Huddersfield Town - 21.00 WIB Blackpool vs Wigan Athletic - 21.00 WIB Reading vs Burnley - 21.00 WIB Rotherham vs Luton Town - 21.00 WIB Watford vs Bristol City - 21.00 WIB Stoke City vs West Brom - 21.00 WIB QPR vs Coventry - 21.00 WIB Millwall vs Preston - 21.00 WIB Sunderland vs Birmingham   🇮🇩Indonesia BRI Liga 1🇮🇩 - 20.30 WIB Persib vs Persikabo 1973 - 20.30 WIB Persija Jakarta vs PSS Sleman - 20.30 WIB Persebaya vs Dewa United   🏀NBA🏀 - 06.00 WIB Heat vs Bulls - 08.30 WIB Timberwolves vs Thunder Read the full article
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enibas22 · 2 years
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from IG extrascharff and Instastory Tom Wlaschiha - 6th September 2022
IG extrascharff
Fast alle haben uns für verrückt gehalten - aber, wir sind es tatsächlich!
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