#murder drones valonia
xxlianastarfoxx · 2 months
Friends Together
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Ah yes, just two close friends side by side in a very nice scariest way with friendship ✨ Oh though there are always bizarre things these two always come up to do or just a nicest time. Friend can't always be separated her... They are always there to her side... :3
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xxlianastarfoxx · 8 months
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"I love my daughter,
But her friend sometimes scares me..
But I love my daughter"
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"One day I will go crazy..
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xxlianastarfoxx · 10 months
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Yeah i don't have time to do digital art when I busy doing college stuff with digital art of course. But did have some time to do traditional art while waiting bus and class. Too bad I can't erased the color haha.
Valonia as a boy version as she may go as Val, but she just simply changes clothes, does her hair and voice changer just to look and sound like a boy on purpose out of curiosity that she watches from shows.
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xxlianastarfoxx · 1 year
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When her mother said never go outside. But, her friend say It Is safe to go out at this time and moment, just find some small pieces they need. Valonia was hesitant to go outside and what her friend is suggesting, but she gone out with her close friend anyway, didn't want to leave a friend go outside by themself.
(The only one day that there was no Disassembly Drones doing the killing happening)
Valonia is not alone, she had her friend with her. Valonia just having little fun and silly right in front of her close friend (Of course, You can't see them, only she see them and is real to her.)
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xxlianastarfoxx · 1 year
Valonia (Murder Drones OC)
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Ah yes, my first Murder Drones OC. I Will probably do drawing of her later.
Say hello !
Digan Hola !
Lets just say she is the quiet one and she speak spanish.
The clothes she choose doesn't make sense.
Not good at social skills as she doesn't talk too much and not very open to others. She just show gesture and face expression.
Mostly do T-rex arm whenever she walk, sometime staying still and sometimes not staying still as she does small movement.
Always had her own notebook to write down or something, of course Is not.. clean but still useful.
Some others don't see her coming.
She Is just chill but little strange but pretty chill.
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xxlianastarfoxx · 1 year
Valonia doodle drawing
Her ways of sitting.
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During the Disassembly Drones attack: keep your child safe. 👍
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Valonia childhood drawings
Her mother like her child drawing Is cute.
Valonia had an imaginary friend Is seen odd.. but cute drawing.
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Eva: "This daughter of mine sometimes worries me.."
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Yay, Little buddy
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xxlianastarfoxx · 1 year
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I just wanted to do the prom one.
Valonia, Alone at the prom ? Came Very late on purpose ?
Yes, yes she did.
She saw the mess in the gym and she wondered if someone got killed today. But she would just shrug it off since it is not that big of a deal. She just enjoys listening to the music. As she says "Come on buddy, let's have a good time !"
Small Bonus
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"hehehehe, i feel pretty."
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xxlianastarfoxx · 1 year
They are just singing.
Let's just say I been listening Umbrella (J2 one) many times xd. I just imagine they are just singing along.
Oh though the voices are quite one or other and then both voices at the same time.
Just did this for funsie in mind.
[Artwork here]
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xxlianastarfoxx · 1 year
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[ENG] "My friend say today tonight, you will see some deaths at work."
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Eva: You know what daughter, i'm off work and today we're having a family game night. Just You, me and.. your friend.
Valona: ooh ! Family game night ! Hooray !
I just doing it with just different coloring way. Dat bluuueee and dat greeeeey.
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xxlianastarfoxx · 1 year
Valonia Doodle (Yes, as the character she do drawings like this style)
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Gone outside one time just company with her friend to find pieces she need but Valonia didn't expect that kind of pieces.
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Yes, Valonia doesn't know that weird dream became real and is real event.
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Sometimes, thing get nightmarish in her sleep.
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She only saw him.
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[English version]
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xxlianastarfoxx · 6 months
What is in Valonia notebook ?
Valonia notebook do have quite a lot of things in it that she does have.
•Her drawings doodles. Adorable, cute, bugs, nightmarish (or future events), venting and dream stuff she had, sometimes innocent dreams but getting mostly seen many deaths of others which she just got used to looking at and feeling nothing disturbed about it. Many drawings of her classmates, her 'friend' or anyone else.
•Her list of classmates and others. Always putting their names, putting their photos, writing down their traits, valued, their dislikes, likes, etc.. Always putting words 'Active' on every classmate or others. Putting an X onto the 'Active' words (like Deactivated), consider as they were killed or putting the word 'Missing' and including putting the missing posters in her notebook whenever she is not so sure. (Valonia sees nothing wrong about putting everyone in her list, she doesn't want to forget them)
As Valonia does keep attention to her surroundings about many others existence, she always eavesdrops out of curiosity or reasons, or overhearing them, what she sees and knows.
Sometimes no one knows Valonia that much, not noticing her and sometimes forgetting where she is standing due to her not speaking much and being mostly quiet one but Valonia do knows them.
Yet she just show gestures, expression and text.
•Plans, Creative and Ideas
Of course, Valonia does have quite creative and come up ideas or plans that are quite innocent like for gifts, decoration, clothing, art, cleaner bots (robot cockroaches) enclosure because she cares, materials will be needed to bring and even for someone needing as in future use.
But while her 'friend' does have plans too in the notebooks which are making blueprint, calculations, codes and program, parts that they need to collect for used and other things, revenge plot (Valonia won't want to use revenge. But, unless one day it will be necessary..) and they are very creative but not in a normal way kind.
Of course, for Valonia she sees nothing doing anything malicious or wrong about writing the things.
Oh though she won't like someone taking her notebook without her permission.
She has another notebook that involves her daily days like a diary about her home life. She uses separately since the notebook always runs out of pages.
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xxlianastarfoxx · 1 year
Valonia favourite animals are bugs.
Yes, bugs like any and every bugs.
Her most favourite are spiders, mantis and cockroaches (which she mostly take good care of it at home)
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xxlianastarfoxx · 8 months
I remember making Valonia for having damaged program. I thought it wasn't right way to do and unsure of my ideas stuff.
But then after the came GlitchX stream about questions explain about pill babies.
I was like "Oh, so I was doing the right way all along"
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xxlianastarfoxx · 10 months
I feel I want to do male version of Valonia.
Not like AU thing.
She just do her hair, change clothes and just voices changer. Then, end up being simply called 'Val' when she didn't finished saying her full name because got interrupted for a second.
She would just do that out of curiosity when she watch some cartoons and animes.
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xxlianastarfoxx · 5 days
Eva (Murder Drones OC)
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The one who had to take good care and protect her daughter and yet make sure her daughter and her 'Friend' don't do anything too drastic or get in trouble or others in danger ! Eva !
- She does speak Spanish.
- Obviously she is brave but at the same time scared but had to be brave even if there is something scary happening.
- Protective mother.
It may look like she is being too overprotective and restrictions for her daughter. But, she is pretty well balanced. She knows her daughter Valonia and that 'Friend' too well. She does for tough love to BOTH of them. (Valonia 'Friend' was a pretty scary part but had to make sure things don't get things out of hand and extreme. Surprisingly Eva is still alive and not dead yet.) Eva knows when to let Valonia and her 'Friend' to enable things. Yes even bringing a drone body in the home. And she knows how to check Valonia emotionally.
- Pretty much do mechanic build, repair and programming. But she chose and got a job as an infirmary at the nurse office. (Of course, keeping an eye on Valonia, checking her class at the door window to make sure she is in class. She can't leave her alone at home)
- She made her own cool gun with a medical and also a weapon. 💀 Using whenever something is very necessary and she just keep it hidden under her coat.
- She does trust Valonia since she knows how to avoid many deaths of future events.
- She likes cartoons, animes and games Of course, she did show it to Valonia.
- Sometimes she does get stressed, tired and always says "I'm gonna go crazy someday.."
- Unlike everyone else, she is not that stupid for not easily trusting a Disassembly Drones. Even if others had told they hadn't killed others and let them into the bunker. She still doesn't trust them.
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