you and me in this ageless thing (told me I belong in this place) (Sentient Hogwarts- fight me jkr)
The fact that Hogwarts is a magical building is not a strange fact. Most wixes accept it without a second thought. 95% never think to question the wards that have soaked into the building’s foundation over the years, the magic that has drenched its hallways over nearly a millenium. Very few realize that Hogwarts- building of moving staircases and talking tapestries and a giant squid and rooms that respond to wishes- is sentient.
Of all of the students and teachers and house elves that have entered the Room of Requirement- the Room of Wishing Things- most have thought of the room as its own piece of magic. A complex spell, to be sure, but a singular one.
Maybe one or two students in a generation connect with the school as the original founders might have intended.
(Rowena would have rejoiced to know that someday, at some point in between decades and centuries, Magic itself had made the school not only a place of learning knowledge, but a place that carried knowledge itself. Helga would have welcomed the knowledge that the school itself is invested in protecting and supporting its residents. Salazar would have wondered at the full scope of what magic can do to inorganic stone. Godric would have enjoyed the way that Hogwarts has created her own wards, completely separate from anything that any wix has set up in her walls over the years.)
The Marauders are the closest to discovering the truth in their generation. They actually manage to tap into the school’s mind, its heart, with their map. They come up with the idea, the original piece of magic, but it is Hogwarts that not only allows it but allows some of her own magic to seep into its parchment, imprinting her soul onto it.
Three of the boys don’t question it. Only one- a little muggleborn werewolf in raggedy clothes and a craving for knowledge- does, and even he never gets all the way there. He doesn’t understand that the school allows them to create their map- not because of curiosity, or permissiveness. Hogwarts isn’t as calculating as the Sorting Hat.
No, Hogwarts does it because she loves them. She’s always had an affection for pranksters, for troublemakers, for those who test limits and innovate to their heart’s content. It is those kids- the girl gang that called themselves the Serpentine Six in the 1880s, the Marauders, the Weasley twins- that Hogwarts wraps her heart and her magic around, enhancing their endeavours, her magic cheering them on.
It is George Weasley who puts the pieces together for the first time.
It’s number of things that leads him to the conclusion.
It’s the Map, with its extensive and limitless knowledge of nooks and crannies, things that no student could ever find out on their own.
It’s the fact that stairs always seem to bend and shape in just the perfect way to let Fred and George get away with their pranks without professors getting caught.
It's the fact that when he makes out with Harry after his victory in the Second Task, the stones warm behind George's back, softening to provide them a soft space to lean against, comfort to have fun.
It’s the fact that the Room of Requirement doesn’t just shape itself to the inhabitants’ wills, but also seeks to protect whoever is inside. The reason why Umbridge didn’t manage to blast her way through before all of the members of the D.A. could get out was because the walls charmed themselves against her.
It’s the fact that George always seems to be able to find a room, a classroom, a closet, an alcove, to take kids to after Umbridge gets to them with her blood quill. Even if it’s not the Room of Requirement, it’s somewhere to take care of kids, to whisper reassurances into ears, to smear essence of murlap over wounds.
It’s the fact that when Harry comes out as Harry, as a boy instead of a girl, the Room doesn’t just provide a room to train in but supplies to transition. Magical binders and facial-hair-enhancing potions and the like. Hermione always gets somewhere private, safe, and tucked aside to make her prayers to Mecca. Dean gets a quiet place to go to light his menorah. Neville gets a soft closet and a spontaneous book of tricks to deal with anxiety, while every room that Angela enters becomes soundproofed, the air filtered around her ears to help her deal with her audiosensory issues.
THe school gives safe spaces. For trans kids, gay kids, religious kids, mentally ill kids. Its magic curls around them, takes care of them, loves them.
George sneaks out of bed one night while Fred is busy making out in some back hallway with Angela. He heads not for the Room, not for any logical location, but up to a random corridor on the Sixth floor, away from the kitchen, away from the towers, away from any dormitory.
He places a hand on the wall. "So," he says, voice an excited whisper, "You wanna tell me you're more than just a school? That you've got as many tricks up your sleeve as us Weasleys do?"
The stones warm beneath his touch. The lights glow around him and George smiles. "Thanks for seven years of fun."
Something curls around him, a hug from a ghost, a warm embrace by magic. George's soft smile turns into a beam and he can't help the laugh that spills from his lips as he reaches out, fingers entangling with a sense of pure magic that swirls through the corridors, an affection that is impossible and yet-
George knows, all the way down into his bones, that the school loves him. It loves all of them, all of its students, but him and Fred and all of the troublemakers that have entertained Hogwarts over the years-
It loves them the most.
The corridors move for him and Harry when they're sneaking around. The school gladly opens them new passages to avoid the crowds, ways to sneak out to Hogsmeade, ways to get around and find new ways to stick it to Umbridge.
(One thing that George realized, even before he put the pieces together about the school and its sentience, was that Hogwarts detests Umbridge's presence. There are only so many times that she can trip over a rug that magically gathered a crease or miss a step on the stairs or even just find a random bird following her through the hallways, cawing in her ear, before George notices what's going on.)
The school's magic, its heart, rejoices in George's veins. Now that he knows her, knows her truth, she is far more open about showing him love, showing him her secrets, revealing her soul. She doesn't just want to show off for George- she wants George to be able to show off to the boy he likes.
In return, George takes care of the school. He whispers cleaning charms whenever he sees someone leaving mud tracks from Hogsmeade, adjusts tapestries that are starting to list to the side, even repairs burn marks from his and Fred's pranks. It's not entirely needed, but it's a kind of extra care no one has given the school in centuries.
The school loves George and George loves her back.
No one will ever know that the fireworks that go off when George and Fred dip from Hogwarts were not planned by the twins. Sure, that's what George will tell Fred, what the world will assume, but the truth will sit between George and Hogwarts, in between the school and her boy.
After his brother dies in the final battle, after the battle wins in favor of Harry Potter and the Order, George finds himself not in the burnt out Room of Requirement or next to the rows of bodies in the Great Hall but rather back in his sixth floor corridor, leaning heavily against the wall, his wand dangling listlessly between the fingers of his right hand while his left hand braces itself against the school's singed wall.
There is a sorrow in the air. The school, broken and bleeding, is not grieving itself, but all of the children it has lost.
And George is grieving too. His brother, his other half of his coin, his mirror, is gone.
George has never existed without his twin brother. He has never had to. George has always been the planner, not the showman. What will he be without Fred to be loud, without Fred to cover up all of the ways in which George is not flashy, not showy, without Fred to make him laugh?
A sob is forcing itself from between George's teeth, tearing itself out of his throat. He has not given the tears permission to come, but now that the adrenaline from battle has dissipated, he cannot keep his self-control in place anymore.
Someone places a hand on George's shoulder. George glances upward to find Harry standing there, exhaustion in his eyes and sorrow on his bones.
"The school loved him," is the nonsense that babbles out of George's mouth, and he expects Harry to look at him weird. To question what kind of grief and stress and trauma drove him to talk about Hogwarts like this.
But instead Harry just nods and sits down on the floor in front of George, leaning against the wall behind him. He has always been understanding of difference, kind to things he doesn't know about yet.
George wishes he could think about how fun it was to make out with Harry. How so often D.A. meetings turned into dates after everyone else left. How they had so much fun sneaking around other Gryffindors and Weasleys and even Molly herself, back at the burrow.
But he can't. The words stick in his throat, trapped by his own grief and by Hogwart's sorrow.
Harry leans forward and offers out his hand. "Tell me about it," he says, and he is as weary as George, more exhausted than anyone, but there is still a love in his eyes, a desire to hear George's story.
George's tongue loosens as he lets go of his wand, letting it drop into his lap. He reaches forward and wraps his fingers around Harry's, entwining their hands together, and then lowers their hands to the ground, grazing the floor with their palms as he begins to speak.
The school sings under their fingers. It's not a happy song, but it is a kind one. A reminder of hope.
The school will rebuild, and George will be here for it. Harry will too. They'll both rebuild themselves along the way.
A school and her boys. George and the boy that loves him and the school that loves him.
Magic curls through the air, warming George's chest, and a smile lifts the corners of his lips the smallest bit.
He may have lost Fred, but he has not lost everything. He is still loved deeply, unconditionally, incredibly.
George Weasley opens his mouth and he begins to tell his story to his boyfriend and his school and the ghosts that will forever live in these walls.
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suzuhacooper · 6 years
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There’s a green & white scarf with clovers to win.
The rewards aren’t impressive and there’s not that much time to get 85 stars but since there’s no new chapter there’s nothing else to do...
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kirain · 2 years
This took me 10 months
Puck (Pixie)
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Pilfer (Niffler)
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Teto (Knarl)
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Fergal (Porlock)
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Zephyr (Diricawl)
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Icarus (Abraxan)
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Prim (Fairy)
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Skitter (Bowtruckle)
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Balfour (Gnome)
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Horus (Hippogriff)
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Cerys (Welsh Green Dragon)
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Sterling (Unicorn)
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Komodo (Chimera)
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Nigh (Thestral)
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Elvira (Acromantula)
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Szervác (Hungarian Horntail)
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Niblet (Plimpy)
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Eris (Grindylow)
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Rufus (Murlap)
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Rumple (Flobberworm)
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Stigr (Norwegian Ridgeback)
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Bumble (Mountain Troll)
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Tiberius (Manticore)
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Prydwen (Griffin)
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Tizzy (Doxy)
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Kirsi (Frost Salamander)
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Khan (Yeti)
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Hadeon (Ukrainian Ironbelly)
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Blitz (Salamander)
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Yan (Chinese Fireball)
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Sigge (Swedish Short-Snout)
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Mephistopheles (Fire Crab)
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Mizzle (Augurey)
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Ronno (Leucrotta)
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Splinter (Dugbog)
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Zany (Imp)
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Nairn (Hebridean Black Dragon)
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Dozer (Hodag)
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Kazemi (Kappa)
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Oscar (Quintaped)
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Furtivo (Chupacabra)
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Asmodeus (Ashwinder)
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Stellaluna (Mooncalf)
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Margot (Matagot)
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Copper (Giant Dung Beetle)
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Richter (Graphorn)
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harmonyandco · 4 years
Hermione has no idea that she’s doing it - but she’s been driving Harry crazy. It started with the Yule Ball where Harry got a swift kick up his arse and realised Hermione’s gorgeous.
He pretty much got over his tepid crush on Cho that night but he’s not sure how to pursue Hermione.
Then as Molly makes the kids clean Grimmauld without magic, Hermione blushes while helping him clean Sirius’s old room but she’s unable to meet his eyes.
Next they clean the library, a task Hermione immensely enjoys and Harry finds himself getting a semi hardon pretty much every time she climbs up a ladder and he can see the curve of her ass, when she bends down and he can’t help but ogle at it too.
That is until he sees Hermione browsing pictures of her family and Harry walks up to her and she shows him the album which contains pictures of Hermione in a bikini and Harry realises he might combust at the sight of the tantalising flesh that is the swell of her breasts, he never got a peek at ever but he can’t look away from in her beach pictures. When Hermione’s distracted, Harry makes a duplicate of the picture and sneaks it into his pocket.
Later at night, he wanks off with her picture in hand. A practice he continues even at Hogwarts.
But tired of just having his hand and finally feeling Hermione’s lush body press against his as she quivers in his arms upon meeting Grawp, Harry can’t help himself and want her quivering in his arms, pressed against his body for a wholly different reason and in a completely different way. So he sets out to seduce Hermione and drive her as crazy as she’s made him.
It starts with him accidentally brushing against her, standing closer than usual and the likes, and when he notes Hermione doesn’t mind him invading her space and gets rather flustered, he’s encouraged and thrilled.
After another detention from Umbridge, and another treatment of Murlap on his skin by Hermione’s gentle fingers as they’re alone in the common room, Harry braces himself and kisses her cheek, his lips almost touching the corner of her mouth to thank her and even as Hermione sucks in a sharp breath, she blushes, stammers a you’re welcome and in a daze walks to her dorms making Harry happy.
In the RoR, after another secret lesson, Harry and Hermione are the only ones around to plan another lesson when Harry makes the next move and finally kisses Hermione.
Hermione reciprocates with enthusiasm and pretty soon, the nights she’s not patrolling, the couple sneaks off with Harry’s cloak and the map to the RoR for some alone time in private.
The night Hermione saves him by tricking Umbridge into the forest, Harry goes down on her for the first time ever, to thank her for her brilliance, it doesn’t hurt that he’s been dying to taste her.
Hermione gets a chance to return the favour finally on Harry’s birthday, as the duo sneaks off into Arthur’s she’d at the Burrow in the middle of the night and Hermione goes down on her knees and gives Harry his first ever blow job.
When sixth year gets too stressful and even though Hermione believes Harry that Draco is up to something but the duo are unable to find what he’s doing and to what ends, they start occupying the RoR to keep him out and foil his plans as much as possible.
After a particularly stressful quidditch match, where Harry nearly got killed thanks to Cormac as Ron was in the hospital due to food poisoning, Hermione’s unable to help herself and that night, she decides to take the final step and the two lose their virginities to each other in the RoR. Hermione reaching out to Harry repeatedly over the course of the night to confirm he’s still with her and she hasn’t lost him.
Ron learns about their relationship and thus denies joining them on the hunt, proclaiming he’d be uncomfortable with them as they’re a couple and he’d feel like a third wheel.
The war ends as all the Horcruxes are destroyed.
Harry and Hermione celebrate in the RoR and that night, for the first time, they forget to cast the contraceptive charm in between tears and laughter and the joy of everything ending finally.
Three months later Hermione realises she’s pregnant and immediately informs Harry. The duo is scared witless but Harry is thrilled to have a family of his own and seeing his joy, the last vestiges of fear leave Hermione’s mind too.
Two months later they are married in a small and private ceremony as the couple chooses to have a magically binding wedding with Hermione’s father giving her away.
Hermione’s second trimester had made her extremely horny and the couple has the best sex of their lives, to that point, on their wedding night.
Four months later their daughter, Hope is born. Three years later, she’d have a brother, Jacob and Harry and Hermione’s youngest child, Ashley, would be born two days before their tenth anniversary.
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austenpoppy · 3 years
When did anyone tell Hermione that Umbridge was using a Blood Quill in OotP ? I can't remember. I know Harry confided in Ron, and then I remember a scene with Hermione waiting for Harry with a bowl of Murlap Essence.
When did she learn that this was happening though ??
Please help.
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ao3feed-fremione · 3 years
Essence of Murlap and Moonlight
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/24742489
by mialeave
“Fred? I need you to look at me.” She knelt in front of him, carefully placing a hand on his knee to rouse him.
He moaned groggily, turning his head to her.
“Hey, Fred. I’m going to help you, okay?”
He furrowed his brow at her. “‘Mione?” He took in the towels, the bottles collected by her feet. “Okay.” His head fell back onto the cushion.
Hermione finds Fred after one of his detentions with Umbridge.
Words: 2500, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley
Characters: Fred Weasley Hermione Granger George Weasley
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort Fluff and Hurt/Comfort Canon Universe Could Be Canon Fluff Romantic Fluff Romantic Gestures
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
Falling Stars (Sequel to Tell A Tale of You and Me) Chapter Three
Pairing: Dean Thomas x Reader
Summary: In the midst of a brewing war you fall for one of your classmates, a boy that you used to know. When you have the chance to fight against evil, you fight for what you believe in.
Chapter Summary: Dean seems to open himself up more to you when he takes care of your injury. An explosive Quidditch match kicks off the new season and the Gryffindor team dwindles in its numbers.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, mentions of blood
Words: 2584
Disclaimer: I haven’t read The Order of The Phoenix in ages so the timeline may be wrong!
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this part! There is a huge plot twist at the end of this fic so I’m gonna subtly start putting some parallels in! Also, I think that Dean doesn’t play Quidditch till the HBP but for the purpose of the story he’s on the team. I also forgot that Malfoy was on the Slytherin team 🙃 please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
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previous part   masterlist   prequel   next part
Chapter Three- Liars and Keepers
The loud, teatime chatter in The Great Hall sounded muffled in your ears, almost like you were underwater. You ate some of your soup, though you could barely taste it as your stomach gave another nervous lurch and you pushed your food away, trying to keep it down. The opposite of butterflies were raging in your stomach and you wondered what the opposite of butterflies would be. Everyone was laughing and chatting with their friends but you just couldn’t bring yourself to join in.
You tried to be brave – Harry had been brave – surely it wouldn’t kill you. Had a student ever been killed in detention before?
Astoria must have noticed your leg bouncing anxiously because her soft laughter filled your ears, “it’s gonna be fine, Cass. It’s not like you haven’t had detention before and I know Umbridge is a bitch but really, what is the worst that she can do to you?” your friend smiled kindly as she twisted the ends of your hair between her fingers.
You kept your mouth shut for a moment, you didn’t want to tell her what had happened to Harry, “yeah,” you let out a nervous little laugh that sounded high and false to your ears, “I should probably get going,” you gave her a quick hug and got up from your seat.
Harry stopped you as you walked past the Gryffindor with a rueful smile on his face, “I’m sorry that you have to do this, Cass. I feel like it’s my fault,” over Harry’s shoulder you saw Dean looking at the both of you with an expression of interest on his handsome face.
You shook your head and looked down at the scar on the back of Harry’s hand; you felt a flicker of anger. Umbridge really was a monster, “it’s not your fault Harry, I couldn’t stand by and do nothing when I realised that she had been practically torturing you.”
Harry laughed as he pulled you into a tight hug, “well, thank you for defending my honour. I bet that Sirius is really proud of you,” you felt a thrill of happiness at his words, “and, remember that Murlap essence works the best for it.”
You nodded, attempting a brave smile, “see you, Harry,” your eyes met Dean’s and you offered him a small smile as you turned around.
“Cass?” he asked, curiosity and something else that you couldn’t place filled his voice. You hesitated, all you wanted to do was run to him but you shook your head and left The Great Hall. You had enough to worry about at the moment and you weren’t exactly friends with him anymore.
You were scared; you had to admit it to yourself, everything in the castle that once filled you with happiness and light, now looked dark and menacing. It was like a dark cloud covered your head as you walked down the candlelit hallways, almost as if you were in a trance. You had been so brave in Umbridge’s office only yesterday, after you had seen Harry in so much pain you were determined to make her pay for her cruelty.
Into her office you had marched with a fizzle of both courage and fear bubbling away in your chest. You knew that she would give you detention, you had no doubt about that, she handed them out like they were sweets. However, in that moment you didn’t care, Harry was your friend, your friend who had suffered through so much and he was only fifteen. Though, you wished right now you could be as brave as you had the previous night.
Gathering up your courage, you knocked on the office door which was promptly opened and Umbridge was standing there in her frills and her pink bows. She smiled at you like you were a particularly juicy fly. You had never seen someone look so thrilled, it made you feel sick.
“Right on time, dear, please come in and sit down,” she said in her high false voice as she gestured to a small desk.
You swallowed as you stepped into the office, crossed the room and sat down at the desk, keeping your eyes on the pink quill that was resting on the thick sheaf of parchment. The office stank of dried and dead roses; the walls had been painted a hideous shade of pink, much like the shade of pink that Umbridge wore. On the walls there were ceramic plates with kittens on them, the kittens looked at you and meowed. It looked like Umbridge was a crazy cat lady – and yet she hated McGonagall – that thought almost forced a laugh out of you. Almost.
“Do you know why you’re here?” Umbridge asked you as she sipped from a pink teacup.
You glared at her, “because I spoke up for my friend.”
Umbridge’s lip almost curled, “you’re here because you and that horrid boy are spreading awful lies,” she snarled before composing herself, “so, you will write, ‘I must not tell lies,’ it’s quite poetic really,” she tittered.
You remembered that she had forced Harry to write that too. You didn’t dignify her with a response, the quicker you got this started, the quicker you could go. At first, you couldn’t feel anything and you felt a burst of relief. The relief was short lived however, because in the next moment you felt a great pain on the back of your hand, like someone was cutting it open with a dull knife.
You glanced at your hand and saw the bloody words fade as you stopped writing, but as soon as you began writing again your hand was cut open all over again. You didn’t make a noise of pain; you didn’t want to give Umbridge the satisfaction. It was dark outside and your hand was a bloody mess, leaving streaks of blood across the smooth parchment when Umbridge stopped you.
“I’m sure that will teach you not to spread nasty little lies, off you go dear,” Umbridge smirked at you with relish.
The scathing retort died in your throat as you retreated from the office; you never wanted to step foot in that office or go through that pain ever again. You winced and hissed through your teeth as you closed your hand and felt a searing pain that almost made your knees buckle as you inspected the open wound on the back of your hand. You tried to mop up the blood with the sleeve of your robes but it was no use, the blood soaked the material, leaving it useless. There was too much blood.
“Cass?” you sighed and glanced up when you heard the familiar – unusually – gentle voice and saw that Dean was striding towards you. His face was hard to read. Though, his gorgeous eyes grew wide when he caught sight of your bleeding hand, “Jesus, you’re bleeding!”
“It’s nothing,” you tried to be nonchalant as you hid your hand from view but you couldn’t hold back the wince that wracked through your body. Dean raised his eyebrow as he looked down to where your blood was dripping all over the floor, creating a small dark puddle on the stone floor.
When Dean looked back up at you, it looked like he was wrestling with his inner emotions and he threw up his hands in defeat, “fucking hell, Cass. Come on,” he jerked his head to the corridor behind him.
Dean’s face was closed off but his eyes were unusually soft and gentle as he regarded you. You had missed that look in his eyes and you never thought that it would be directed at you again. So, you followed him down the corridor without arguing.
“Wait here,” he murmured at you when you reached the Gryffindor common room. He came back barely a moment later with a bowl of liquid and a strip of cloth. You followed him down a deserted corridor and sat down on the stone bench.
He took your hand in his warm one and he placed it in the liquid as gently as he could, the liquid instantly went bloody. You cried out in pain as tears pricked at your eyes, it was like pouring salt over the wound. Dean shot you an apologetic look and you vaguely wondered why he was doing this.
“Jesus, Cass,” he grimaced, “what happened to you? It looks like words have been carved into your skin.”
“Umbridge has this fucked up quill that forces you to write with your own blood, it doesn’t come with ink. It carves the words you write into your skin, she tortured Harry with it, so I had a go at her,” you huffed out a pained laugh, “she gave me detention, I hope it won’t affect my Quidditch performance.”
“That was a really stupid thing to do,” though, he sounded impressed and his hands were gentle as he attended to your wound, “do you have a thing for Harry or something?” he raised an eyebrow nonchalantly.
You hid a smile, why was he so interested?
“Merlin, no!” you stared at him in horror, “we’re just friends. Kind of. You don’t have to do this you know,” you muttered.
Dean dimples made an appearance as he grinned, raising an eyebrow, “I know but I’m a good person.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered as the pain began to dull, “I’m sorry about last year, it wasn’t me. I should have been a good friend.”
Dean shook his head as he wrapped up your hand in the cloth gently, “we don’t have to talk about that,” he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear as he smiled, resting his knuckles against your cheek. You felt tingles at his touch and your heart almost fluttered when you realised just how beautiful he looked in the shimmering candle light.
Slytherin had the upper hand in this game, at least they did at the moment, Cass was a remarkable Keeper and Dean’s gaze lingered on her for a moment too long before he turned back to his own game. Gryffindor was a lot less lucky with their Keeper, it seemed as though Ron was extremely nervous. He’d accidentally broken Katie’s nose with the Quaffle about ten minutes ago. Now the Slytherins in the stands – and on the team – began jeering and singing a cruel song. Angelina was yelling at Harry to concentrate on the game.
Dean caught a couple of the lyrics, it seemed that Slytherin was celebrating Ron for fumbling and letting the Quaffle in. Dean momentarily wondered whether Cass was joining in. He got his answer when the Quaffle was passed to him and he soared to the hoops. Cass was smirking at him, with the wind blowing through her hair and she winked at him, eyes sparkling with the promise of a competition.
“Come on, Thomas! Give me a challenge,” she teased but Dean wouldn’t let her distract him. He scowled at her as he threw the Quaffle, putting a lot of spin on it. Cass’ eyes widened as she dived for the ball and caught it with the tips of her fingers. The relief was plain on her face as she threw the ball back onto the pitch and one of her teammates caught it, “try again next time, Deano!”
“Fucking hell, Cass,” he chuckled as he shook his head and turned back to the game, soaring through the cold air as he tried to take possession of the Quaffle again.
Cheers once again erupted from the Slytherin stands as Ron let another goal on, panic on his freckled face. Dean glanced at the scores and his eyes bugged out, Slytherin were leading 40-10. Dean prayed that Harry would catch the snitch soon; it would be their only hope of actually winning the game.
Dean soared around the pitch, trying to get possession of the Quaffle as he noticed Harry diving, unfortunately, the Slytherin seeker followed him and it seemed that Slytherin was going to win. It seemed that the gods were smiling down on Gryffindor today because Harry managed to catch the snitch and Dean felt a great burst of relief go through him.
“Gryffindor wins!” the commentator called out, making a shiver go through the sea of red and gold as they cheered, and Dean heard the roar of the lion hat that Luna Lovegood wore. Dean grinned as he looked over at Cass who was looking put out as she flew over to him.
“Congratulations, I guess. It was amazing stroke of luck that Harry is such a good Seeker,” she pouted, making Dean laugh as they landed and walked across the pitch. Dean didn’t know what had changed but he didn’t feel the same anger or bitterness that he’d once held for her. Though, that didn’t mean he was ready to be her friend again.
“You played well, the fact that we won doesn’t really reflect badly on you. You’re right, we’re lucky to have Harry,” Cass smiled at him as she lightly punched his arm, her cheeks were flushed from the cold and her hair was tangled.
As Dean and Cass approached the team, Dean noticed that Malfoy had come onto the team with his cronies and he was sporting a smirk. He said something that caused George Weasley to lunge forward to try and punch him but Harry held him back. Dean and Cass exchanged shocked glances as they walked quicker to see what was going on. Malfoy smirked and said something to Harry that was too low for Dean to hear. Although it seemed that Cass had heard because she grew tense and Dean could tell she was ready to run over there and join in.
Harry’s face drained of colour as he let go of George and punched Malfoy before chaos ensued. Dean threw out an arm to stop Cass from joining in, “let me go Dean! You didn’t know what Malfoy said! If you heard him then you’d want to kick his scrawny arse too!” she glared at him, a fire in her eyes as a muscle fluttered in her jaw. Dean didn’t want to admit it but she looked exceptionally beautiful when she was angry.
“Madam Hooch will break it up,” he laughed in amusement as he nodded at Hooch who stormed over to the fighting boys. As she successfully broke the fighting up, Dean and Cass walked up to their friends who were bruised and bloody.
Dean opened his mouth to ask what had been going on but before he could get the words out, there was a high pitched giggle that sent a horrid chill down Dean’s spine and he heard Cass swear beneath her breath.
“Never in my life have I seen such childish behaviour,” her gleeful face contradicted her words, “I think those three boys,” she nodded at Harry, Fred and George, “should have a lifelong ban. They need to be punished.”
“What about Malfoy, Professor? He was fighting too,” Dean glared at her and Umbridge threw him a careless glance while Harry looked at her in horror.
“I think Mr Malfoy was acting in self-defence, it was Potter who attacked him,” she giggled before walking back across the pitch. The three boys looked crestfallen as Angelina Johnson yelled at them; she would now have to find a new Seeker and two new Beaters.
“Well, shit,” Cass breathed out a laugh.
“Shit, indeed,” Dean agreed, Quidditch would be a complete shit show this year.
@approved-by-dentists​ @thefuturelawyer​ @a-miserable-hufflepunk​ @firelordmillie​ @seriouslysiriuss​ @sleep-i-ness​ @play-morezeppelin​ @pregnant-piggy​ @sleepingalaska​ @blisfvlll​ @rexorangecouny​ @findzelda​ @wangmangagavroche​ @hxrgreeves​ @ghostofstudentspast​ @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon​ @my-unique-mind​ @im-an-angel-of-the-lord-you-ass​ @kashishwrites​ @fific7​ @blackbirddaredevil23​ @siriusblackspam​ @mads-bri​ @lilulo-12fanfiction​ @golddustwoman3​ @tinymalscoffee​ @ur-riddikulus​ @obsssedwithjustaboutanything​ @ourloveisforthelovely​ @wheezyreads​ @artemis1orion​ @sushiims​ @aspiringsloth20​ @queenl04​ @smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​
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literalprincess · 4 years
Essence of Murlap and Moonlight
Pairing: Fremione
Summary: Hermione finds Fred after one of his detentions with Umbridge.
Excerpt: “Fred? I need you to look at me.” She knelt in front of him, carefully placing a hand on his knee to rouse him.
He moaned groggily, turning his head to her.
“Hey, Fred. I’m going to help you, okay?”
He furrowed his brow at her. “‘Mione?” He took in the towels, the bottles collected by her feet. “Okay.” His head fell back onto the cushion.
Word count: 2500
The biting sting on his hand once again froze Fred in place. It was a tolerable pain, but now and then it would flare to near excruciating. This was one of those times, he had just brushed his hand on the back of one of the chairs. He sunk to the floor, rigidly trying to suppress a cry.
“You coming, Fred?” came George’s voice from up the stairs. He had gone ahead to crash in bed after their detention with Umbridge, eager for the day to be over.
“I’m just gonna hang out down here, maybe try and think of some way to retaliate.” Fred exerted the last of his composure to keep the pain from his voice. Thankfully the pain had subsided slightly.
“Okay. I’ll see you in bed in a bit then, yeah?”
Fred gritted his teeth, the pain flaring aggressively once again as he tried to raise himself to the sofa. “Sure.” It sounded choked but it was the best he could manage.
He managed to pull himself into a sitting position on the sofa, his hand cradled in his lap before the pain overtook him.
Hermione had been at the library late. A risky decision, she knew, especially considering Umbridge’s new educational decree enforcing a curfew. It had been important though- she needed to see if she could disband Umbridge as High Inquisitor. There must be an old rule that forbids it, she reasoned to herself as she spent hours scouring old student handbooks.
It was well past eleven as she snuck in through the portrait hole, immensely grateful for the shortcut Harry had shown her. She crept in, mindful someone may see her and report her for breaking curfew, but there were no spies watching the door. She was almost to the doorway leading out to the bedrooms when she heard the muffled whimper.
Her head shot back to the common room. At first glance, it had appeared empty, but after closer inspection, Hermione saw the top of a ginger head peeking out from the back of the sofa. She slowly approached, still unsure if she was about to spring a trap and land herself in trouble.
No such trap was set, however, she saw when she found one of the twins with their faces pressed into the cushions of the sofa. She gave him a once over, noting his uncomfortable position despite his unconscious state. It was Fred, she could tell by the lack of a mole on his neck. She continued to look him over but her eyes halted when they landed on his lap. He clutched his hand to him tentatively, blood coating the entire back of his palm.
She gasped. Surely this was not a common occurrence. With Harry, she reasoned that he had been on the receiving end of all the anger of the ministry but if Fred had received the same punishment...
She dashed out of the common room and to her bedroom, returning with armfuls of supplies.
“Fred? I need you to look at me.” She knelt in front of him, carefully placing a hand on his knee to rouse him.
He moaned groggily, turning his head to her.
“Hey, Fred. I’m going to help you, okay?”
He furrowed his brow at her. “‘Mione?” He took in the towels, the bottles collected by her feet. “Okay.” His head fell back onto the cushion.
Hermione carefully got to work cleaning up his soaked hand. When she had removed the majority of the blood to reveal a gouged I must not break rules. She choked. How could this have been done to a student? A seventeen-year-old boy. She soldiered on knowing he would remain in pain until she could help him.
She needed to remove his jumper, the sleeve fell to just past his wrist and got dangerously close to the wound on his hand.
“Fred, listen we need to take this off.” She said as she tugged slightly at the sleeve of his jumper. “I’m going to bunch it so nothing touches your hand, okay? You’re going to have to trust me, but I promise it will make it better.”
He barely responded but when she stretched the wrist of the sleeve and fed his hand carefully through. He didn’t wince, and she took that as a victory. Now that his long sleeves were out of the way, she could focus on fixing his hand.
He watched her as she collected ingredients into a bowl through the haze of pain obscuring his vision. Her messy hair was pulled back in a haphazard bun, a pencil still resting behind her ear. She met his gaze when she had finished mixing the paste.
“I’m going to put this on your hand. It’s going to sting slightly but it should soothe it quickly. When it’s been on for a while, we can soak your whole hand in this Murlap essence, alright?”
“Okay, Granger.” His voice was groggy but strong. He sharply inhaled when she first put on the paste, but as she finished coating his hand, the tension in his body slackened. The cooling sensation of the medicine felt like it was drawing his pain from him.
Hermione was relieved to watch the strain leave his face. After a few minutes, she moved his hand into a bowl and he instantly relaxed.
He sighed. “Much.”
She got up from the floor when she was sure he had the bowl balanced surely on his lap, coming around to instead sit beside him.
“What did you do?” She asked tentatively.
“The usual.” He shrugged. “Suppose we’ll just have to get better at getting away next time.”
“Is George okay?” Hermione asked, eyes fleeting to the door leading to the bedrooms.
“He’s fine. She focused on me after I said she was an old bint. He should be okay after some rest.”
“Are you mad? Why did you do that? Why provoke her?” Her tone took on a slightly hysterical edge.
He looked into his lap. “She was going ballistic on some second years, really hammering down on them. We set off some fireworks to draw her away and if she’s focusing on me , she’s not focusing on George .”
Hermione studied him until his eyes raised again from his hand. “You’re a good guy, Fred.”
“That sounds almost like a compliment.” He gave her a half-smile.
She huffed a laugh. “How’s the hand?”
“Much better, thank you.” Fred looked around, for the first time realising the lateness of the time. “Why were you down here? Couldn’t sleep?”
“Not quite, I just got in. I was in the library.”
Fred looked at her disapprovingly. “You call me the mad one. You realise if you’re spotted, you’ll get punished as well.” He raised his hand in the bowl slightly.
“Well perhaps not quite so drastically, maybe I’d just get a flogging.” Hermione tried to joke but Fred’s face remained unamused. “It was important,” She tried to reason.
“I should certainly hope so. You have to be more careful than ever now, if she does this to you there’ll be hell to pay.”
Hermione studied him for a moment. “She wouldn’t do that for breaking curfew and besides-”
“It doesn’t matter! Filch is chomping at the bit for any excuse to punish students nowadays. You can’t take that risk again and if you do I’ll go with you, I know far more short cuts and my legs are longer so I can help you run away faster.”
He had a point, if she wanted to evade the inquisitorial squad it would be a lot easier with Fred. “Alright fine, next time I want to go I’ll tell you first.”
“I’m tired of all this,” Hermione admitted quietly after a moment. “I wish I could just go back to when my biggest fear was expulsion.”
“Me too, though I can honestly say I never feared being kicked out. I guess I was more scared of the potential hearing loss from the bollocking Mum would give me.”
“We were quite different people when we were eleven.”
“Life was certainly easier back then.” Fred released a wistful sigh.
“I like to remember when I first came to the Burrow. Everything was all so amazing and new and everyone was so welcoming. It was the first place I think I’ve ever felt at home immediately.”
“I’m glad because, well, it is your home. We all love you being there, Dad especially, I think. You’re a lot more help with explaining how things like solar panels work. He honestly went on about it for a week after you left.”
Hermione smiled, remembering how she had made an effort to bring a textbook with diagrams explaining the conversion of light into electricity on the visit after Arthur had asked her and she wasn’t sure.
“What about you, what’s your favourite memory?”
He slid his eyes to her, his eyes squinted slightly and one eyebrow quirked. The chaotic flames of the fire casting a mischievous light on his face. “Do you remember the day you took us to muggle London last year?”
“Yeah, you insisted on going ‘full native’ so you left your wand at home.”
“Exactly. We got caught in the rain on the way home and due to my adhering to the strict rules of full immersion, I couldn’t cast an umbrella charm to shield myself from the downfall. Everyone was resolute that I deserved the soak but when they started to walk on, you offered to share your bright red umbrella with me. That was probably one of the happiest moments in my life.”
Hermione felt her throat catch. She remembered the day in vivid detail. Fred, being nearly a foot taller than her, had huddled low to share her umbrella. He had had to walk with the front of his arm pressed to the back of her shoulder to fit. When it rained Hermione could still hear his steady breaths near her ear, the warmth of his body against her side if she closed her eyes.
Fred pursed his lips and nodded slowly, eyes locked on the dwindling fire.
“I think about that a lot,” Hermione admitted. Fred turned to consider her. “I enjoyed it probably more than I should have.” Emboldened by the dim light and the sincere mood, she shuffled closer beside Fred.
He looked down at her with a soft smile. Perhaps it was the exhaustion from the pain but he felt brave and he took her hand in his, resting them both in her lap.
“Your hand is warm,” Hermione noted. She brought her other hand to enclose his, drawing from the warmth. “It’s nice.”
Fred smirked at her. “We should do this more often then.”
“I think we should,” Hermione said, curling into his side.
“Hermione?” Fred asked after a few minutes.
“Yes, Fred?”
“This is real isn’t it, I’m not passed out on the sofa in some pain-induced dream? Because if it is, just admit it now and I promise I won’t be angry.”
Hermione laughed slightly at this. “You really think it might be?”
“Well, you haven’t told me to get lost yet. I’ll have to make the most of it,” Fred said as he adjusted his position. Much to Hermione’s surprise, he settled his head in her lap. “How very comfortable. The view’s not bad either.”
Hermione snorted, rolling her eyes at him.
“What? It’s one of my favourites.”
“Careful,” Hermione warned even as her hand came up to curl in his hair. “If you keep being so sweet, I’ll start thinking you’re in love with me.”
Fred chuckled from his spot. “What could I ever have possibly done, to make you think that I’m not?”
“Maybe taking Angelina to the Yule Ball.” There it was, the thing that had kept Hermione from hoping Fred liked her back.
Fred raised himself on one hand, turning his upper body so their faces were level. They were half-visible to each other now the light had died to glowing coals.
“You went with Krum.” It was a statement and an accusation.
She had, and she would be lying if she said she had had a terrible time. But she had spent a large section of the night watching him.
“You didn’t ask me.”
“You didn’t want me to.”
“Didn’t I?”
Fred stared at her sternly, trying to decipher her gaze through the darkness. “You didn’t even notice me last year unless George and I were causing mayhem.”
“I always notice you,” Hermione replied just as vehemently.
Surprise crashed into him. His previous feelings of insecurity and jealousy washed away in the riptide. All that was left ashore was his love for the short, frizzy-haired girl in front of him.
“I always notice you, too.”
The blanket of darkness shrouded them from the world. The only thing each of them could make out in the wisps of moonlight was the face of the other. Hermione raised her hand slowly, hesitantly, to cup Fred’s cheek. As her soft palm slid across Fred’s skin he leaned into her touch, his face softening. They continued to stare at each other for a while, neither wanting to break the spell cast around them.
“Hermione, love,” Fred said with shaking courage. “Would you mind if I kissed you.”
Hermione brushed her thumb across his lips, her hand glided up further to again curl in his hair. She used her grip to slightly pull him towards her. Fred needed no more encouragement. He leant the rest of the way for a chaste, fleeting kiss.
When he pulled back, remaining close enough that they still shared breaths, Hermione huffed a laugh. Fred joined her with a smile before recapturing her mouth. This kiss was deeper, their longing for the other bleeding through. They held each other tightly, hands occasionally roaming to rest in a new spot.
Fred was more annoyed at Umbridge than ever. He had the use of only one of his hands, the other still soaking in the bowl. He groaned his frustration which fuelled Hermione’s impulse. She barely realised she was moving but she came to rest on her back below Fred. When his kisses lowered from her mouth to her chin, her neck, her collarbone, her eyes shot open in surprised pleasure. She could barely see anything in the silver-cast room, only felt Fred as he hovered above her.
“Hmm?” He asked, trailing kisses back up her neck to her ear.
“I love you.”
Fred pulled back slightly, trying but failing to see her. All that he could do was give a light squeeze of her waist, a kiss on her cheek.
“I love you too.”
They spent the rest of the evening bundled together on the sofa, the world a distant worry in their minds.
Fred would find out in the morning if it was indeed a dream. If it was, he figured it was worth the pain in his hand when he woke up.
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 3, Ch. 7
PART 3: THE YEAR OF QUIDDITCH & MAGICAL CREATURES Chapter 7 - Care of Magical Creatures
Almost half a year since our first Care of Magical Creatures lesson I still remember just how amazing it was. Nova and I have been waiting for that Thursday of double Care of Magical Creatures since our First Year.
We knew that Professor Kettleburn was going to give us a tour of the School's Creature Reserve and at some point, we knew we would have to take care of a creature or two. How did we know all of that? Let's just say we have our sources for the important stuff just like Tonks had a Third Years tudent last year to buy Dungbombs for her.
It was a nice change to have at least one class with all the other Houses. It meant that Nova, Tonks, and I could all have the lesson at the same time. At first, we were a bit skeptical about Slytherins but they have been really good and a lot of them are big animal lovers.
That Thursday, I woke as excited as on Christmas morning. I got dressed, stuffed the list of creature predictions, Nova and I made, into my pocket, went down for breakfast and I couldn't wait for the rest of the lessons to end so we would go meet Professor Kettleburn on the School Grounds.
The class hasn't even begun and I knew that Kettleburn was going to be my favorite professor. Tonks was a little taken aback when she saw that he had a claw for one hand, was missing an eye, and had a wooden leg. I, on the other hand, admired him to still be so passionate about his work after all the harm creatures have done to him.
I was wondering if I was going to get any scars or lose an arm or a leg when I start working with Dragons. A burn would be painful and would make my mum worried sick, but I think it would look amazing!
Professor was smiling all the time and loved anyone as excited to work with creatures as he was. He was the total opposite of Professor Binns who was not only dull but seemed to teach History of Magic just out of spite so that nobody else could get his position.
After his brief introduction about all the creatures we were going to learn about and work with in our Third Year, some that were included were a Niffler, which made Nova jump, a Bowtruckle, a Firecrab, and a Kneazle for which Tonks finally got more interested in the subject.
“But before we start learning about all these fascinating creatures, I have to show you something.” Professor Kettleburn got even more excited if that was even possible. “As Third Years, you are old enough for me to tell you that Hogwarts has its own Magical Creatures Reserve.” Oh, this was it!
Nova and I looked at each other, trying to hide the fact we already knew about it.
“We are going to go see it now. Just bear in mind that some of the creatures in the reserve can be quite dangerous so stay in line and don't touch anything.” Kettleburn's face got serious for the first time that day.
We followed him through the thin woods at the end of the School Grounds and as if we went through the wall between Platforms 9 and 10, a whole new world was in front of us.
I couldn't believe just how big it was and my hopes for seeing a Dragon just went up by 100%!
“As some of you would know, not all creatures can live and thrive in the same environment and some mustn't be close to one another as some consider others food and if they don't like each other's energy, they might want to attack one another.” Kettleburn explained.
“So, we have Grasslands. This is where we will spend most of our time this year. Here you can find Nifflers, Porlocks, and Abraxans.” He pointed towards a path, that leads to what looked like a big meadow, with his claw hand.
“Then we have the Forest, which we will visit by the end of this year. In here we have Fairies, Gnomes, and Bowtruckles to name a few.” He gestured us to go forward.
“This is the Dark Forest and we won't go in here until your Fifth Year.” Some of us sighed. “You will be able to study creatures like Unicorns and Chimeras in there.” Nova squealed when Kettleburn mentioned a Chimera. I chuckled as I remembered she told me on the day we've met that she wanted to own one when she was a child.
“By the Lake,” Kettleburn continued walking and we followed, “you can find Grindylows, Murlaps, and Flobberworms.” We moved forward.
“Now in this one...” he chuckled as if remembering a funny memory. “In the Rocky Mountains, we will be studying a Mountain Troll in your Sixth Year, a Manticore, and a Griffin. You will also find Doxies in there and Frost Salamanders.” Nova's hand went up at once. Professor nodded that she could speak.
“Professor, will we be able to take care of a Frost Salamander?” The hope in her voice was simply adorable. Next to a Chimera, Nova wanted to have a Salamander of any kind as she found them extremely cute, and learning about one and taking care of one in the Reserve would be a dream come true for her.
Professor Kettleburn scratched his chin with his claw and gave her question a thought. “Perhaps something can be arranged if your O.W.L.s for Care of Magical Creatures will be good, Miss Blackwood.” He smiled at her and at that moment I knew that Nova will start studying for the O.W.L. as soon as we are done with the class today.
“In Scorched Vale,” the Professor continued, “we have some of the most dangerous creatures that our school owns. We won't be going in there but I will bring a creature from it to our class when we study Firecrabs this year.” My hand was the one that shot in the air now. Professor Kettleburn smiled.
“Professor, are there Dragons in there?” I couldn't stop myself from asking. If there were creatures in there that were the most dangerous, even though I knew that smaller beasts than Dragons can be extremely dangerous, I found it a perfect place for them and it is called SCORCHED Vale!
“There might be.” Was all our teacher said and winked at me. If I didn't want to make a good first impression on him, I would've run in there right past him. I knew there had to be Dragons somewhere around Hogwarts!
The thing was, how would I be able to sneak inside? Getting inside the Forbidden Forest was hard enough with Hagrid always keeping an eye on the entrance behind his hut ever since Aragog told him about a visit he received from a blue and red-haired student.
Let me tell you we were in shock when Hagrid told us he knew we were in the Forest alone and for a moment we really couldn't understand how did he find out. Then he told us that he visits Aragog frequently and that even though he is blind, his younglings told him as many details about us as they could.
We had to promise Hagrid that we would never go in there again and even though we did and we haven't been inside since we have been searching for new ways to sneak in.
Professor Kettleburn was the one who showed us to the Creatures Reserve and even though the path to it from the School Grounds is pretty simple, he did have to use some kind of a spell for the Reserve to be visible to us, otherwise, a student, exploring, could easily stumble upon it. And knowing Dumbledore, he had to put some protective enchantments around it so that enthusiasts like me wouldn't wander inside when not allowed.
“The last reserve, that Rubeus and I are quite proud of, was opened just before the start of this school year. It's called the Foggy Moor. There aren't any creatures inside yet but we are having a Kappa delivered in a few months.” He beamed. “If you haven't learned about Kappas and how to defend yourself from them in your Defence Against the Dark Arts class, I advise you not to go anywhere near this place.”
He then took us back to the Grasslands and showed us the Nifflers and an Abraxan. We were lucky Nova's aunt was breeding them as when she told Kettleburn he bombarded her with questions, allowing us to play with the Nifflers until the end of the class.
The only thing missing in our first Care of Magical Creatures was Hagrid, for who I am sure he would love to be with us. I knew he helped take care of these animals and I wondered if we could try and convince him to take us with him sometime. The whole Reserve seemed less dangerous than the Forbidden Forest.
The next time we had the class, we were in for a big surprise. Next to Professor Kettleburn was a beautiful young Hippogriff. He explained that they just delivered him to be taken care of inside the Creatures Reserve and that he thought we could have a little lesson with him before he settles into his new home. His name was Chestnut and he was a beautiful brown color.
A Slytherin boy by the name of Barnaby was the first to try and befriend the Hippogriff. I had a chance to talk to him before class and it turns out he loved animals just as much as Nova and I did.
Barnaby looked like he knew what he was doing as he approached the Hippogriff with an extended hand and a bowed head. Chestnut, however, wasn't as keen to knowing him and Professor Kettleburn told him to retreat. I was the next to try and at first, it looked like the Hippogriff was going to bow back but changed his mind at the last second almost knocking me to the ground.
After a couple of failed attempts, which included Tonks, who accidentally looked him in the eyes, and a Slytherin girl who was so afraid that the Hippogriff sensed it and rejected her immediately, it was Nova's turn.
She took a deep breath and stepped forward slowly. She murmured something to herself that sounded like 'you got this' and bowed her head. She stood there for a second then extended her arm and took only one step closer to the Hippogriff. It looked like she was waiting for him to respond. The creature was just looking at her rather peacefully.
She bowed her head even lower and again only made one step. She waited again and she did this until she was only a step away from the Hippogriff. I couldn't help but admire her. She was so amazing. She saw how we all failed before her and she decided to take a slower, improvised approach.
I almost missed the part when the Hippogriff took a step backward and bowed to Nova. I was staring at her as if she was the centerpiece of an exhibition. When the creature bowed to her, I snapped from my daydreaming, feeling my cheeks burn red. Which was happening a lot lately, whenever Nova did something amazing. I was in awe that she managed to befriend the Hippogriff.
“10 points to Ravenclaw! Now look at it and offer your hand and perhaps he will let you touch him.” Kettleburn was as proud as ever and he was having just as much fun as we were which made the class even better.
Nova took another deep breath, bowed again still not looking the creature in his eyes, and extended her arm, approaching him. The Hippogriff bowed his head and not much to my surprise let Nova touch his beak. I could see that she wanted to jump from excitement but she knew she shouldn't make any sudden movements. She looked as if from a fairytale, petting Chestnut. Her long hair was moving with the wind and she was so graceful standing next to the creature.
I couldn't take my eyes off her and I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to call her my best friend. She was an amazing Quidditch player, she understood my stupid jokes, she loved animals and she was crazy enough to save me from an Acromantula last year. I felt my cheeks burning when Professor Kettleburn snapped me out of it, announcing the end of the lesson.
“Did you see that? Did you see it, Charlie!” Nova jumped to me, clapping her hands, her smile from one of her ears to the other one.
“I did! I am so jealous! How did you manage to do it?” I wanted to know her secret.
“There's this trick my aunt taught me. If you have to approach an Abraxan and you see he is not having it, you should do the same but slowly and listen to the creature's response.” She said proudly. “And since nobody managed to do it the Kettleburn way, I decided that it couldn't hurt if I try the method on the Hippogriff and it worked Char! How awesome am I?” She explained as we were walking back to school, shaking my arm while doing so.
“The most awesome.” I smiled, my cheeks turning pink again.
We decided to go to the Lake as that was our last class of the day and see who did better at predicting which animals were inside the Reserve. We were tied as Nova's list contained a Salamander, a Fairy, a Doxy, and a Niffler, and mine had a Kneazle, a Porlock, a Mountain Troll, which I really thought I wasn't going to get right and a Dragon. Even though Professor Kettleburn didn't explicitly say that there are Dragons in the Reserve, Nova allowed me to get a point for it anyway.
The next day Nova and I decided to introduce Barnaby to Hagrid as we knew he would like him as much as we do. We then spent the entire afternoon looking through the list Barnaby made predicting the creatures in the Reserve as well, saying that he had a little birdie that told him about it last year, and as Nova and I exchanged looks, we knew we made a new friend.
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My dear, dear Neville, 
Poppy tells me that things are getting worse and worse at Hogwarts. She writes every day, sometimes twice (it’s the only way to ease the pain of being apart for so long) and you, my boy, crop up in nearly every letter. I’ve heard that you are at the forefront of it (and taking the worst of the blows from the wretched Carrows.) 
I’ve been proud of you since the first Herbology class you made it all the way through, in October of your first year, and I am so proud of you now. 
It’s so hard to be away from my wife, from my home, from my job, from my students, from this war. I spend my days safe and removed from the action - they would have killed me for my blood if I had stayed. But the pain of it - and the anxiety in waiting - is eased by what I know you’re doing. 
Trust in yourself, Neville, and in your fellow students. If what you’re doing is Dumbledore’s Army, then trust in his memory, too. Trust McGonagall, trust Poppy, and trust in Harry Potter. I believe in you endlessly. You’re going to win this war for us all and show those Slytherins what you’re really made of.
Yours in spirit, 
Professor Sprout 
PS - If Poppy knew I wrote you a letter and didn’t tell you to use your Essense of Murlap, she’d be furious, so.....use your Murlap, Neville. Don’t be a hero in that regard.
PPS - Not to say “I told you so” but do you remember me telling you all the reasons why you belonged in Gryffindor rather than Hufflepuff? 
PPPS - I’ve attached some roaring dandelion bulbs from my sister’s garden. I thought they might look nice in your headquarters, if you’ve got the right light. 
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whatisitmate · 7 years
I’m too hype okay
welcome to this trashy Crimes Of Grindelwald hype post 
lot’s of questioning and speculating to come lol
all these creatures 
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i swear to god those are three lil baby tadpoles 
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ok ok so i think he’s been able to get some sort of control over is obscurus like he’s forcing it out to show lil miss circus lady here (istg she’s gonna be his girl) 
although he still finds it terrifying but i wouldn’t blame him y’know, considering how much pain it’s brought him 
god do you think he gets angry in that one clip bc something to do with Newt or Dumbleydoor wanting him on their side “just for power” but he wants to be more than that and to be recognised for something else other than his magic
ahem, anyways 
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since we’re in paris, let’s just say that 
alike london, 
france has their own ministry of magic (pft ofc they do everyone does right) 
like, “le niffleur”, “le murlap”
and look at all the names and even brief images of the other creatures 
the ministry has a magical creatures department right?
they have to, right? 
so what if this is france’s magical creatures department??? (idk the name of it im sorry just bear with me, thanks) 
there’s people working down there too 
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so what if that’s why queenie’s there? because it’s the place where they sort out issues on magical creatures?
what if she heard about Newt heading to Paris for business and thinking he’s going to work in that department in Paris 
but why would she go there?
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gee Tina, that looks like a dangerous place 
i hope nothing happens to you honey
(that sounded so hateful. god no it wasn’t meant to but you’ll hear why i said it right after this sentence) 
bc sOmEtHinG happened to Tina? like disappearing 
ontO THE NEXT IMAGE I STOLE FROM THE TRAILER AHAAA (im not gonna be in trouble any more if i put the link right) 
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i had hopes that this would have something to do with the philosophers stone or how horcrux’s work 
like the faces either have to relate to splitting the soul or pro-longed life, i don’t know 
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i might be way too dumb to even say this bc y’all gonna be like “yeah mate we figured that out already, super obvious”
but incase you didn’t notice
these are different scenes lmao
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look at that power woah man 
so does hogwarts have a gravesite or at least some graves layin around in there bc there’s a gravestone at the back of that scene and i just wanna know if hogwarts boutta be cracked in half 
that’s all i’ve got
y’all heard all my questions 
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Remembering is Difficult
Neville x Reader (romantic)
Summary: Reader and Neville have been dating for a while but have been to busy to talk for a while
Word count: 735
Warning: none that I know of
It had been a couple days… no a full week. It had been a full freaking week since he’d talked to [Y/N]. Well, yes, they talked, but they hadn’t had a full conversation. It was stuff like: ‘Hi, [Y/N/N]!’ which was met with the response, “Yes, hello, goodbye.” and she’d scurry off, angrily scribbling her final draft of an essay on to parchment. It’s not like he’d been free to just sit around and chat either. Professor Sprout always needed help in the greenhouse, or his friends pulled him away to do something every time [Y/N] had a free second. Honestly, it was a great pain, but he didn’t have the heart to tell anyone to bugger off.
Day, well, day nine of the silence between him and [Y/N]. She didn’t show at breakfast, or lunch, and he saw her for a moment at dinner, and just the same saw her walking away with no more than an apple, her history of magic book locked into an iron like grip. She had such a determined path that Neville didn’t dare try and converse with her. If not for the brief passes in the hall, Neville might have forgotten what she looked like, he had all but forgotten the breezy sound of her voice.
So you don’t have to imagine how happy he was to talk to her again. He was ecstatic when he got a letter from an owl from her, telling him to meet her in the library at the end of the day so they could study and talk and actually spend some time together. If Neville had to guess, despite [Y/N]’s busyness, she missed him terribly as well. She would put off some of the workload for the weekend if it meant talking to him for an hour. And, boy, was Neville grateful for that hour.
They met in the library, sitting at their normal table. All their books scattered around them, [Y/N] told him about how Hannah had fallen into the lake, or rather was chased in by a murlap. [Y/N] laughed and told him how Hannah missed the next to classes because she was trying to get the goo of the lake out of her hair. Neville laughed along to the story, but really was just smiling at [Y/N], the way her nose wrinkled when she laughed, or how she rubbed her eyes when trying to understand something. She was amazing.
He sighed and put his cheek in his hand as she reached over to him. To Neville’s great surprise, she grabbed the book in front of him, dropping it after reading the title. She giggled, “Our herbology textbook? Really? Haven’t you gotten it memorized?”
Neville laughed, “Hey!” He grabbed the book back, “At least I didn’t say anything about you reading the [Y/F/S] book for the second time, since we’ve been sitting her.” He made a face at her. He made a move to grab her outstretched hand, just barely cupped it… and Flinch came barging in, screeching that there was five minutes till bed, all students head off.
Neville stood with a sigh, packing his things away. As a habit, he checked that old cracked remembral he kept in his cardigan’s pocket.
The small glass orb swirled with red smoke. It discouraged Neville, he had been so good at remembering things, and he didn’t forget his robes, they weren’t needed. He had all his books, all the most pressing tasks complete. Talked to [Y/N]… [Y/N]. He cast his eyes back to her watching her pack up her things with an almost sad look to her.
Neville turned back to her, head tilted in an almost curious matter, “Y’know,” He bounced the glass sphere in his hand, “this old thing tells me that I’ve forgotten something.” He said talking a few hesitant steps towards her.
“Oh?” She asked, not even looking up.
“And for the first time, I think I remember what I’ve forgotten to do, you wanna know what I’ve forgotten?” He asked.
[Y/N] sighed and looked up, flipping her bangs away, “What, Neville? What have you forgotten?” She was annoyed at him, and he had an idea on why.
“This,” He grinned and gave her a quick peck on the lips, “good night.” His smile got even bigger at her blush.
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ludovicjordier · 7 years
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Julap the murlap knignt
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ao3degression · 8 years
Drarry Fic Rec 2.24.17
A Crush and a Costume by icanhelpyouthere
Harry has developed a secret crush on Draco Malfoy. Desperate to act on it, Harry turns to an eyeliner-wielding Pansy Parkinson, who uses the 8th Year Halloween Party as the playing field for her plot.
Really? It happened over coffee? by spritgnome1
Harry and Draco got married. But the public knew nothing. Draco makes a mistake and uses his new name in a coffee shop. Seamus is a silly prat.
Draco Malfoy in a crop top by andx06s
Draco Malfoy loves teasing Harry Potter with his crop top, and Harry likes it despite denying it.
Inquisitorial Squad by MellodramaticLawliet
Draco secretly hates being in the Inquisitorial Squad, and when he finds Harry bleeding in the hallway after one of Umbridge’s famous detentions he decides to offer him some essence of murlap.
The 9 Times Harry Potter Rescued Draco Malfoy by QueenofThyme
Draco Malfoy keeps getting jinxed and Harry Potter keeps rescuing him. Draco isn’t happy about it.
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
Always There - Remus Lupin
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: After a particuarly bad full moon, your boyfriend Remus is in need of some kind words and gentle touches.
Warnings: fluff, teeny bit of angst
Words: 1179
Disclaimer: This gif does not belong to me!
A/N: This is for @approved-by-dentists​ 400 writing challenge, congratulations again honey, I had so much fun writing this!! I know that I always uses Andrew Garfield for Remus but I’ve recently discovered Tom Webb and he’s just *chef’s kiss*! I hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what you think, I love you all very much! xxx
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You bounced your leg nervously as you sat in the common room alone – you had convinced Lily and Alice to go up to bed a couple of hours ago – in front of the fire. You were willing yourself not to fall asleep. Nerves churned in your stomach as they always did when it was a full moon as you hoped that your boyfriend would be alright.
You and Remus had been dating each other for the past year, the two of you had just started out as really good friends until you both felt a different sort of connection and decided to try dating. You had feared that the relationship would lack passion but you were very wrong, especially just before the full moon. You found yourself blushing at the memories.
About half an hour later your boyfriend and his friends came stumbling through the portrait hole. Remus looked a little worse for wear, it was clear that this full moon had been a bad one. Your heart constricted painfully when you saw the cuts and bruises all over his gorgeous face.
“I’m fine, just leave me alone!” he grumbled, Sirius opened his mouth to say something but Remus quickly shot him down, “I’m not going to the hospital wing, so just forget it!” he said angrily and that was when he noticed you standing by the fire. His hard eyes softened just a touch, “Y/N, you should be in bed!”
You knew that he didn’t mean to raise his voice so you didn’t hold it against him, instead you walked over to him and stroked his cheek gently, being careful not to hurt him, “you say that every month, and every month I’m always going to be here for you because I love you,” you kissed him gently and he smiled at you, his eyes softening even further.
“I love you too, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m sorry Y/N.”
“I know, and it’s okay,” you smiled and glanced at the others, they all looked absolutely exhausted, it must have been a really long night, “you guys go to bed, I’ll clean Remus up since he won’t go to the hospital wing,” you glared at him playfully.
“Are you sure?” James asked, his eyes drooping with exhaustion, you were so grateful that Remus had such great friends who would look out for him, “I’m sure,” you replied with a soft smile and the boys all looked politely relieved as they traipsed up to their dormitory.
You sighed and sat Remus down on the couch, you were proud of him for enduring this every month though you wished that he didn’t have to go through all the pain of it. He was so brave. You sat down next to him and stroked his tousled hair off of his forehead and he looked up at you with puppy dog eyes. His puppy dog eyes nearly always worked on you, but not tonight. You grinned as you kissed him.
“Don’t look at me like that handsome, I still need to clean you up and then you can sleep. Take off your shirt so I can see what we’re dealing with while I run up and get some Murlap and Dittany,” you always hand them on hand now.
You crossed your arms while he pouted and took his shirt off, wincing as he did so. You chewed your lip as you made your way upstairs; you hated seeing him in such pain. You grabbed the Murlap and Dittany, conjured up two bowls and a cloth before going back down to see Remus. You had never seen him this bad before, he had deep open wounds across his stomach that would surely scar and purple bruises littered his chest and his neck. You just wanted to kiss them better.
You sighed as you gently ran a hand down his chest gently, he shivered as you ran your gentle fingertips over his pink scars and he blushed at your touch before his eyes darkened. You giggled as you rolled your eyes, you knew exactly what that look meant, “they’ll be none of that until your wounds properly heal,” you said in a breathy voice as you rested a hand on his thigh.
Remus huffed before his face darkened and he suddenly got serious, “it’s bad, I know, it was the worst full moon in months. I just didn’t want the others to know how badly it affected me. I didn’t want you to know either,” he admitted and you sighed, you wished that he could be more open about his struggles.
“Why not? You know how much we all love you,” you asked, soaking the cloth in Dittany and applying it to the bleeding cuts on his stomach, you vaguely wondered what had happened.
“I’m the monster, remember? You all risk so much for me every month, without fail when I could easily kill every one of you,” he winced as you cleaned his wounds.
“You’re not a monster sweetheart, I hate it when you say that,” you chewed your lip as you looked into his handsome face. How could someone so beautiful and amazing think he was a monster? You were very much aware that when he made his transition he could hurt you but you trusted him with every bit of your heart.
“We risk everything for you because we love you and we’d all die for you without a second thought, you have to know that,” you smiled at him reassuringly as you quickly finished cleaning him up. You wanted to get him off to bed as quickly as you could so he could at least get a little bit of sleep.
“I appreciate the sentiment but I don’t want any of you to have to die for me,” he mumbled, taking your hands and kissing over your knuckles, making you beam at him, he was so adorable, “I’m sorry Y/N.”
“For what sweetie?” you frowned at him, why was he apologising? He had nothing to apologise for, absolutely nothing.
“Taking care of me; it’s rotten work.”
You grinned at him and kissed him deeply, “not when it’s you baby. C’mon, let’s go to bed.”
“Will you stay with me?” he asked in a small voice and you truly thought that you couldn’t love anyone more; your heart was so full of love for him.
“Of course, I’ll even let you be the little spoon,” he chuckled as you kissed the top of his head, “I’ll always be here for you Remus.”
And, you were always there for him, even when you left Hogwarts and the wolf’s bane potion was invented, you were glad of it, it reduced a great deal of his pain and self-loathing. Even when he was curled up on your lap as a harmless wolf you were there for him. You were even right by his side when your best friends died and Sirius was locked up. You would walk through hell for him. You’d always be right by his side, for that was where you belonged.
@approved-by-dentists​ @smiithys​
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