#muse || Klaus Hargreeves
muse-gathering · 1 month
@thenightmareofyourdrems asked: [dream] for sender's muse to wake receiver's muse from a nightmare ~ Five x klaus
The ceiling stared back at him from the top bunk of the larger shared bedroom in the Hotel Obsidian. The drink, despite containing nearly straight vodka, did not deter the spirits. Klaus heard them all the time: talking, whining, wailing, moaning, begging. They mostly stared and reached out, but when given too much attention they swarmed like moths to the flame of life, yearning to be recognized, to be heard. The fresher souls still knew themselves; the oldest always frightened Klaus most. They always unsettled Ben too, worried he may linger on indefinitely and eventually lose himself like they did.
The light spin of the room around him only made Klaus ache for more effective relief. This hotel itself intensely brought the allure back to him. The last time he settled on a bed here he'd been so far gone on hydromorphone Klaus truly thought he might next see Ben on the other side. Ben. He missed Ben. His eyes drifted closed.
The same hotel room, watching from above. A body, his, motionless on the single bed, tinges of blue on pale skin. Jealousy crept into his chest, constricting his breathing, and then his desire became real, eyes now looking up from the corpse's viewpoint, unable to move, not even to blink. He wasn't spun out; Klaus was dead.
But if he were dead, why could he still see? Why could he hear the voice above him, begging, 'Wake up, Klaus. Please. Listen to me, Klaus! Klaus. You need to hear me. I can't get anyone. I can't help you. They can't hear me. They can't see me.' Klaus sat up, but his body stayed behind on the bed, "Ben?" His brother had tears in his eyes, but his gaze raised to meet Klaus's, "Ben, wait. You're not supposed to see this... when I'm... when I'm like this."
Ben kept eye contact, jaw clenching, fingers wrapping into fists. 'Just because you stop seeing me doesn't mean I ever stop seeing you.' Klaus felt his shoulders sink, "Wait, you mean all this time? Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you..."
'Why didn't you ask?! Why do I always have to-'
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Klaus's eyes suddenly shot open with a light gasp, sitting up too quickly, searching for Ben but finding Five instead. The room spun sharply, and Klaus dropped onto his back again. More tears escaped as he squeezed his eyes shut, but he hadn't realized he'd been crying until then. He drew in a deep breath before turning his head toward Five, trying to put on a lighter tone, "...morning already?"
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kaitlinamberxo · 3 months
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“Face it, the healthiest long-term relationship in this family was when Five was banging that mannequin.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite fictional muses — 59/100: Klaus Hargreeves
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big-ball-o-twine · 2 years
Ngl I feel like (umbrella) Ben is much more pragmatic than people tend to give him credit for. He’s very tough love. There are a couple moments that point to this, but I think his scene with Viktor in season 2 is one of the best ones.
There, he doesn’t just comfort Viktor. He also refuses to let Viktor wallow in his upset feelings and just self destruct. He refuses to buy into this narrative that Viktor can’t control himself—that he’s just a bomb waiting to go off.
"Dad couldn't handle your anger. That doesn't mean you can't. And maybe you have a right to be pissed off and sad and messed up, but...it's a shitty world full of shitty people sometimes. You aren't a monster. You're my brother. And right now, our siblings are risking everything out there trying to save you. You aren't alone at the table anymore, Viktor. You can do this."
You’re not a monster, you’re my brother is often taken at face value as a rather soft and mushy statement, but in the context of everything else said, there is also this underlying, rather gritty sentiment—the world dealt you a shit hand, but so what. That’s life. You have to pick yourself up anyway. You’re not a monster—you can do better. You’re my brother—and our family is risking their lives for you.
Ben sympathizes with Viktor but he also insists that he take accountability for and control of himself. You see this in the way that he interacts with Klaus too. He loves Klaus, but he also demands that he do better almost incessantly. This sets him apart from other, similar emotional-support characters, at least for me.
Tbh Ben’s approach reminds me of Five’s ruthless pragmatism and his big-picture mentality, just in the emotional sphere. No I will not elaborate further.
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                   ˜”*°•.     Fear ,  despair .  Funny  how  the  mind  could  slowly  become  accustomed  to  these .  Treat  them  as  the  normal  in  an  attempt  to  keep  sane .  He’d  walked  and  walked ,  desperately  tried to  find  someone,  anyone   breathing  -  yet ,  nothing  but  corpses  had  been  found  instead.  Death  and  rumbles .  He  didn’t  know  when  had  the  panic  begun  to  simmer  down .  When  had  he  stopped  trying  over  and  over  again  to  time-travel,  go  back .  This  was  his  reality  now,  this  was  his  life ,  and  there  was  none  but himself  to  blame  for  that .    
It  was  impossible  to  sleep  at  night  without  the  picture  vividly  playing  inside  his  mind .  The  umbrella  tattoos  on  the  wrists  of  these  people …  He  wanted  to  go  back.  Wanted  to  go  back  to  his  family,  warn  them .  Yet,  he  could  do  nothing .  Something  was  about  to  happen  during  the  years  that  he  was  gone,  yet  he  didn’t  know  what .  That  eye,  whatever  it  meant,  the  only  thing  potentially  giving  out  some  clue .  A  clue  that  he  was  too  dumb  to  catch  yet.  What  had  he  been  thinking ? 
Hunger .  Thirst .  Exhaustion .  These’d  been  the  priorities  he’d  stayed  focused  on .  To  have  solveable  problems  in  mind ,  the  only  way  to  stay  anchored,  to  not  burst  out  crying  for  the  thousandth  time .  Hunger .  Thirst.  There  were  still  some  stores  around  that  he  could  search  in .  At  least,  till  the  food  was  expried,  satisfying  his  hunger  would  not  be  difficult.  And  so,  he  went  to  the  closest  one  he’d  found  -  cans  of  beans  and  meat  a  very  frequent  lunch .  While  for  dinner ?  He  asusmed  some  sweets  could  do .  However,  the  moment  he  went  to  grab one  of  the  said  cans,  he  heard  movement .  He  wasn’t  alone .
❝ Who  are  you ? ❞  Wait .  The  face  looked  familiar  -  he’d  been  one  of  the  dead  bodies  he’d  come  across  with  few  weeks  ago .  He’d  had  the  same  umbrella  tattoo  as  the  others,  as  he  did  too .  Could  it  be... ?  But  how ?
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Starter for @muse-gathering
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c0mplex-heroes · 1 month
@theseance444 // cont.
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Relief didn't flood Charlie's body. No her concern wasn't eased in the slightest. The slur not gone unnoticed either.
She could tell this night was gonna go one way or another. Both equally as messy. But Charlie couldn't leave him out there alone. "Really? You're calling me from the street to say you're good?" She sighs, but she's already grabbing her car keys. "Alright, stay where you are and I'll come get you. Which street corner are you at?"
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somethingbcrrowed · 5 months
i can hold my breath i've been doing it since he left i keep finding his things in drawers crucial evidence i didn't imagine the whole thing im sure i can pass this test
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cloudybrews · 1 month
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Starter for @hcwthewestwaswcn
Klaus was running. He really didn't know why he was running. The soft foot steps, the yelling. He was pretty sure he was lost. And he missed ben.. at least his ghost verison who was a lot nicer. And now he was unsure where he was.
As soon as he saw the other, he ran to them slightly anxious. " Hey.. do know where we are because.. I think I need a nap" he blinks swaying slightly side to side.
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taleswrittena · 2 years
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Klau/s Hargreeve/s (TUA) interest call! Please like or reply to this this if you're interested in writing/plotting with Klaus. Keep in mind this is not a starter call but instead something that lets me know if you're interested in starters, memes, or plots from Klaus.
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muse-gathering · 16 days
@theseance444 liked this
Reginald barely looked up from his paperwork, "You've been stealing again." It wasn't a question or an accusation. Reginald stated this as if it were a simple fact. After a beat, he raised his gaze to assess the young man.
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"I told you I will not tolerate it. If you want to throw your life away and make yourself utterly useless, I cannot stop you, but do not do it here. If you do, you are free to go. No one is stopping you, but you already know what will happen. Everyone will forget you. No one will even think about you once you've gone, Number Four; I know I won't. I'll just have fewer headaches. Make your choice."
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@muse-gathering sent: GET WAFFLED IDIOT
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                   ˜”*°•.       Don’t  commit  murder .  As  hard  as  he  was  trying  to  resist  the  temptation ,  strangling  the  other  felt  like  the  most  alluring  idea .   ❝ What  the  hell  were  you  thinking  ? ❞  Thinking  -  a  powerful  word  when  it  came  to  this  family .  Unknown  really .  Sure ,  he  might’ve  been  a  bit  more  belligerent  than  usual  that  day,  however  having  a  waffle  thrown  at him ?  What  were  they ?  Toddlers ?
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c0mplex-heroes · 1 month
"I know it's 2am, but I really need someone to talk to. Are you awake?"
((from @theseance444 ))
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Charlie was usually burning the midnight and beyond oil. A genuine sleep routine had never been something she'd achieve. Her mind was too active. Especially when she was on a case.
When her phone rings, she leaves her papers to one side. Picking up the phone in an instance. Initially she's annoyed but when she hears her brother, concern takes over.
"Hey. Yeah I'm up. What's going on? You okay Klaus?"
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somethingbcrrowed · 5 months
There isn't a reason.
Not one I can think of that would satisfy your curiosities or quell your insecurities.
Not one that I can mutter in the darkness of night while tangled between sheets and grunting like animals.
Not one that I can conceptualize in the garish light of day when there is nowhere for me to hide the flush of my cheeks and the loss of my vocabulary every single time our eyes meet.
Not one that I can tangibly reach out and grasp and hold onto as proof of its very existence.
But I love you.
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inkspiredwriting · 25 days
The Day of Swapped Powers
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
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In the dimly lit basement of the Umbrella Academy, Five Hargreeves and his wife Y/n were elbow-deep in an experimental project. Y/n, with her ability to read minds, and Five, the seasoned time traveler, were working on a device designed to enhance their powers temporarily. It was supposed to be a simple test, but, as with most things involving the Hargreeves family, things quickly spiraled out of control.
"Are you sure this is safe?" Y/n asked, eyeing the array of wires and glowing components skeptically.
Five, ever confident, waved her concern away. "Of course, it’s safe. I’ve triple-checked everything. What could possibly go wrong?"
Those words hung ominously in the air as they activated the device. There was a blinding flash, a strange crackling noise, and then silence.
When the smoke cleared, Y/n and Five blinked at each other in confusion.
"Did it work?" Y/n asked, touching her temples.
Five glanced at his watch, which now displayed an array of random dates and times instead of the usual readings. "I’m not sure. I don’t feel any different."
Just then, Five’s head buzzed with an overwhelming wave of thoughts—Y/n’s thoughts. "Did he forget our anniversary? What if this messes up our abilities permanently? Why does he always have to be so reckless?"
Five’s eyes widened. “Y/n, I can hear your thoughts!”
Y/n stared at him, her eyes widening in shock. “Wait, what? I can’t hear yours anymore!”
Five glanced at the mess of equipment, realization dawning on him. “I think we’ve swapped powers.”
Y/n’s mouth fell open as she processed this. “You mean I can time travel now?”
Five nodded, grimacing. “And I get to hear everyone’s innermost thoughts. Fantastic.”
The next few hours were a comedy of errors as Five and Y/n bumbled through their new abilities.
Y/n stood in the middle of the living room, attempting to blink across the room. She scrunched up her face in concentration, only to find herself standing on top of the coffee table, much to the dismay of Pogo, who was quietly sipping tea.
“Try focusing on where you want to go!” Five shouted from the other side of the room, nursing a headache from the mental chatter of his siblings.
“I’m trying!” Y/n replied, a mix of frustration and determination on her face.
With a deep breath, she managed to blink to the other side of the room—right into a wall. She slid down with a groan, rubbing her nose. “I think I broke something,” she muttered.
Five winced sympathetically, while also struggling to keep Klaus’s incessant mental babble out of his head. "I wonder if I left my sandwich in the fridge or if Luther ate it. Maybe we should have a séance later. Ooh, what’s Five doing?"
Five squeezed his eyes shut. “Klaus, could you please shut up?”
Klaus, lounging on the couch, raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t say anything!”
“I heard you thinking,” Five snapped, pinching the bridge of his nose. “And I don’t care about your sandwich.”
Klaus blinked. “Whoa, you’re reading my mind now? That’s… actually kind of creepy. Cool, but creepy.”
The rest of the day was no less chaotic. Five, now unable to block out people’s thoughts, found himself avoiding crowded rooms and anyone remotely agitated. He fled from Luther’s worries about him being a bad Leader, Diego’s brooding thoughts about his love life, and Allison’s musings about her career.
Y/n, meanwhile, was discovering that time travel was far more complicated than it looked. She tried jumping back to the living room, only to end up in her parents' bedroom. Her Mother's screams could be heard throughout the neighborhood
She reappeared in the living room, panting and wide-eyed. “You didn’t tell me there were so many things to consider when jumping!”
Five, who had taken refuge in the kitchen with a pair of noise-canceling headphones, looked at her sympathetically. “Welcome to my world.”
By evening, they had gathered in the living room with the rest of the family for dinner. Five was trying to block out the cacophony of thoughts, while Y/n was gingerly sipping on a glass of wine, hoping to steady her nerves.
“Are you okay?” Viktor asked, noticing Five’s pained expression.
“Just fine,” Five lied through gritted teeth. "When will this dinner end? If I hear one more thought about mashed potatoes, I’m going to scream."
Y/n shot him a sympathetic look. “We need to figure out how to reverse this,” she murmured.
“Agreed,” Five said, wincing as Klaus’s thoughts about unicorns and rainbows floated into his mind.
After dinner, they returned to the basement to work on the device. Y/n, with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of time travel, meticulously followed Five’s instructions. Five, on the other hand, tried not to get distracted by Y/n’s focused thoughts and their shared determination to fix the mess.
“Okay, try activating it now,” Five instructed, holding his breath.
Y/n flipped the switch, and the device whirred to life. There was another blinding flash, and then everything went silent.
They blinked at each other again. Five tentatively tried to blink across the room and succeeded without ending up in a wall. Y/n reached out with her mind, relieved that she could hear the thoughts of the people she loved.
“We’re back to normal,” Y/n said, exhaling in relief.
“Thank God,” Five muttered, rubbing his temples. “I don’t know how you deal with all that mental noise.”
Y/n laughed, stepping forward to hug him. “It’s not easy, but now I understand how much you handle with time travel. I’m impressed.”
Five returned the hug, a smile tugging at his lips. “I have a newfound respect for your abilities too.”
The next day, as Five and Y/n lounged on the couch recovering from their ordeal, Klaus sauntered in, a mischievous grin on his face.
“So, how was your day in each other’s shoes?” he teased, plopping down next to them.
Five rolled his eyes. “Let’s just say, never again.”
Y/n chuckled, squeezing Five’s hand. “It was definitely an experience.”
Klaus’s grin widened. “Maybe next time you can swap bodies instead. That would be hilarious.”
Five and Y/n exchanged horrified looks before bursting into laughter. No matter how crazy things got, they knew they could always count on each other, even if their powers were temporarily on the fritz.
As they cuddled together on the couch, exhausted but happy, Five realized that their love and partnership could withstand any challenge—even a day of swapped powers.
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jupiter-letters · 5 months
Dating Number 4/ Klaus Hargreeves would include☂️👻:
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Fem! or GN! Reader TW: Brief mentions of addiction
A/N: I started Umbrella Academy a week ago and I’m obsessed, I’m almost done with season 3 and I can’t wait for season 4. I’d managed to fall in love with Robert Sheehan all over again and all that love has to go somewhere so here it is.
Waking up to little peppered kisses on your back and up your torso. If you don’t open your eyes he’ll just start blowing raspberries into your neck and on your face. Once he hears you laughing he’ll stop and flip you over. He likes being the first thing you see when you wake up. Some days are a little more peaceful and less silly, you wake to see him still asleep. A mess of curls and smudged glitter eyeshadow is the first thing you see. He’s at such peace and the most still you’ll ever see him. 
Putting makeup on each other, whether it’s going out or just playing around with new looks it doesn’t matter. Being able to experiment with new colors and combinations with each other is so much fun. On date nights you’ll pick outfits for each other, sometimes even just wearing each other’s clothes. Doing things like this with him leads to doing most things together. 
Why have him do things when you can do it for him? Or even with him? He loves having you wash his hair. Showers, baths? Of course we have to both be in there at the same time! Klaus is so touch starved any reason to spend time together he’ll take it,an added bonus is your company keeps the spirits away. 
You’re always in close proximity to each other, so your skin is always touching. Klaus just can’t get enough, physical touch becomes his middle name. He’s a natural affectionate person but just having you near is very grounding for him. 
He’ll draw on you with little glitter pens he carries in his pocket, he likes to call you his “canvas and his muse.” Even without the pens he’ll trace random shapes and words onto your arm or your back when you both lie in bed. Klaus also likes to play with your fingers when he’s bored.
Kissing!! He’s such a fiend for kissing my god, after that first kiss he’s finished. He always says he wants just one but it ends up escalating to a full on make out sesh. Doesn’t matter if you’re public or not you look too good it’d be a crime not to kiss you. Klaus doesn’t really give a damn about public embarrassment, if you wanted him to he’d run through central park naked, he would.
 Once he knows you’re ok with all the random bursts of affection he really piles it on. Neck kisses, shoulder kisses, nose kisses, not one day goes by where he doesn’t kiss you. He kisses like he wants to devour you, if he wasn’t able to kiss you that’d be hell on Earth. If you’re a fan of random kisses at the most inappropriate times he’s a professional. You’re driving, he’s gonna make out with you. Out shopping, kissing! Right now! Doctor’s appointment? Kisses under your jaw in the waiting room, he can’t help it, he's bored.
Helping him get clean, you and Ben have been pretty good influences in his life. Trying to keep him on the straight and narrow for the sake of his health. He wants to be present for you, he wants to be able to remember the things you do together. You help him find fun things to do without getting drugs involved. Taking your time and being patient with him means the world to him. He loves his siblings but they aren’t the best at helping him with it. They do try a little harder when you come around seeing how serious you are about helping him. You stay awake with him when his nightmares get too bad or when the withdrawal is really wearing him down. If it’s the ghosts that are bothering him you just tell them to piss off.(he really appreciates that)
Klaus begins to teach himself new skills to help you out around the house, cooking, cleaning you name it. He doesn’t do it very well but you appreciate the effort anyway. Chores become another activity for you both to do. He’ll even indulge in some of your hobbies just for the fun of it. 
Tattoos! He gets something on his wrist that reminds him of you, he can’t wait to show you too. If you get one related to him, god forbid a little number 4 on you he’ll cry. He does eventually tell you about the rest of his journey in Vietnam and Dave. Klaus wants to be sure you know he won’t compare you to him, He’ll always love Dave but he doesn’t love you any less. He’ll get really shy if you kiss his hand tattoos, there aren’t a lot of ways to fluster him so that’s a good one. 
Being surrounded by death and destruction most of his life really makes him appreciate what you have. The way you indulge in his antics and impulses makes Klaus feel so seen. You don’t feel real to him sometimes; late at night he’ll just lay his head on your chest and listen to your heart beating. 
When some crazy new developments or drama happens in his family you’re first to know. Luther tells him something very personal and secret and 15 mins later he’s calling you on the mansion’s phone. 
Luther: “This stays between us Klaus I mean it…” Klaus: “Of course Lulu I wouldn’t dream of telling anyone you’re dirty little secret” A few moments later… Klaus: “Babe you’ll never believe what Luther just told me!”
He’ll always be looking at you, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing you have his full attention. Klaus will just be gazing at you lovingly while five is trying to talk to him, eventually he’ll just ignore him and go to talk to you. You're his favorite person to talk to; he never gets bored with you.
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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loki-hargreeves · 27 days
It's been years since I last took this test [what fictional character are you] and the first time I took it, I got Klaus Hargreeves and that's why I even got into TUA in the first place. It would be fun to retake it, especially since it has more results now.
Don't know who this is but that's the fun part of this quiz
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I checked some results from shows/movies I watch and this is what I got
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Tagging (no pressure!): @lis-likes-fics @virtie333 @dumbgothbunny @marc-spectorr @soft-girl-musings @iraniq @lucywrites02 @babiiface95 @my-secret-shame @blackroseyaz @vcat55 @kermitgasm @whatthefishh @stargazingcarol @nathanbatemanfucker @inklore and anyone who sees this 💚
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muse-gathering · 23 days
@thenightmareofyourdrems asked:
[ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger ~ five x anyone
He'd decided on the littlest relapse. A baby relapse, really. A small one. Tiny. If anyone truly understood what he felt like on a daily basis, Klaus knew they wouldn't blame him. They would do the same. Or, at least, they would want to. His siblings would never understand, especially Ben, but Klaus accepted that. He didn't ever want any of them to feel the way he did. Yet, if they did, they wouldn't blame him. They didn't know, and that's why they blamed him. Klaus kept telling himself this in mental circles as he walked unsteadily down the street. No opioids, at least. No drugs. Just alcohol. Ben wouldn't be proud, but Klaus was. A baby relapse. No drugs. Say no to drugs, right?
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Granted, if he was already this drunk and no one would notice or care that he didn't take them, and methamphetamine was so available in this time period, would it really be that bad if—"Haha, Five!" His thoughts were interrupted when he caught sight of his brother, stepping in front of him, "Fancy meeting you here, old man."
Ben, who'd been distracted by his disappointment in watching Klaus slip away for the last couple hours, suddenly raised his voice, "Klaus, you idiot, behind you!"
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Otto had lowered his gun a little in confusion as Klaus stumbled between them and Five before he glanced at Axel, who only offered him back a shrug. They raised their guns in unison and took aim at both brothers instead.
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