#muse;; i just never liked you (minn-erva)
adventures-written · 5 years
@xnoblewarriorherosx ;; Continued from here.
Minn-Erva rolled her eyes, “Even if we could repair the ship, we have no way of getting the parts. We can’t exactly go into town.” They were easily recognizable. Someone would see them and then what? They were strong together, but not strong enough to face a potential army without backup. She sat back against the wall of the cave, looking out at the potentially hostile landscape. 
“We can’t stay here forever. There are patrols around, we’ll have to find a new spot for cover. Leave no trace...” She was annoyed. This situation shouldn’t have happened, but it did. And now they were paying for it.
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atimebombarcarchive · 5 years
Tell us the ships! You never know!
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Alright but like, most of them are super fucking unpopular so I’ll just put them under a cut. I’ll just literally post the ships I have for all my current muses tbh. It’ll have a lot from my last ask on this subject too. Listen, and almost any of these combinations as poly ships too tbh. These are also just the ones I can think of. I know there are other ships for these characters that are super lit so like I’m always down to try anything. 
Pietro: Pepper (!!!!!), honestly I could be open to anything. This poor broken boy just needs love.Tony: Pepper (otp), Rhodey, Steve (but would need heavy plotting b/c I have some real strong feelings about their friendship ALONE so), Thor, NATASHA (I’m so here for this one it ain’t funny), Thor, Stephen (plotting would be needed there a lot b/c of similar reasons with Steve), BrunnhildeNebula: Carol (!!!), Natasha, LOKI (!!!!), Minn-Erva, Wanda, maybe Tony idkBucky: Natasha, Wanda, Steve.Steve: Peggy, Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, Sam (Plotting required), Tony (again, plotting Required), Thor.Natasha: Bruce (!!!), Steve (!!!), Clint, Tony (!!!), Thor, Nebula, Gamora, CarolWanda: Stephen, Nebula, Steve, Bucky.Thor: Jane, Brunnhilde, Natasha, Steve, Tony, BruceBrunnhilde: Carol (!!!!), Loki (!!!!), Thor, Nebula, Tony, BruceBruce: Betty (!!!!), Natasha (!!!!), Brunnhilde, Steve, Thor, Jane, Pepper
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adventures-written · 5 years
❝ we’re in this together. ❞ - Yon to Minn-erva (or newt if you move him here hun)
Things That You Want to Hear
She glanced over at Yon, tiredness clear on her face. This mission was one of the hardest to date. Not only had they been separated from their team, but they were stranded on a hostile planet. Just what they needed. Sighing, she looked back at her rifle, making sure it was in perfect condition for whenever the next fight came around. “Have you thought about how we’re going to get off of this rock?”
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adventures-written · 5 years
“ah, fuck it” - Yon and Minn-erva if you want hun? ^^
Surprise Kiss!
Minn-Erva was just coming out of the shooting range when she was grabbed and pulled. Lips pressed against hers, surprising the Kree woman. She was about to claw the persons face off when she realized it was Yon. Reaching up, she grabbed hold of the mans shoulders and pulled him closer. She hummed against him before pulling back. “Not that I’m complaining, but what’s the occasion?”
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adventures-written · 6 years
“Minn-vera, is there a reason you have been glaring at vers- thinking I didn’t notice?” - Yon
“Maybe because she is too cocky for her own good. One of these days she’s going to get us killed.” Though, she’d much prefer if Vers got herself killed.
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adventures-written · 5 years
@xnoblewarriorherosx ;; Continued from here.
Minn-Erva had spent her time being annoyed and frustrated. She was annoyed because she felt as if she could have done more to help her fellow comrades, frustrated because Yon-Rogg had held her back, and now he was nowhere to be found. Still with the Supreme Intelligence, she suspected. It was getting late and she hadn’t been able to relax after the day. She would have gone home if she thought it would do any good, but instead she checked the medical to see if Yon-Rogg had shown up there at all. Nothing. She knew he was injured. Had the S.I. really held him up this late?
Deciding she knew he would likely be a stubborn idiot, she headed for his home. Taking the train was a nuisance. So many people, even at this hour. She glared at the floor as she waited for her stop, not wanting to interact with anyone there. Stepping off, she headed into the complex that was Yon-Rogg’s apartment. She wasn’t sure what she expected, but when she went up she saw that the door was still ajar to his place. Frowning, she stepped towards it and carefully nudged it open. She was cautious at first, just in case there was someone inside that wasn’t supposed to be there. But all too quickly she realized it was just Yon-Rogg and herself. “You didn’t go to medical, did you?” she asked, being loud enough to wake him if he had fallen asleep.
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adventures-written · 5 years
☀ (Yon and minn-erva? lol)
Sexual Sunday Meme
☀ for my character’s reaction to yours exposing themselves
Minn-Erva raised a brow at him, crossing her arms as she looked him up and down. “You could at least buy me dinner first,” she joked, “Are you going skinny dipping?” She motions to the hot springs. They my as well do something while they’re hiding out on this crappy back water planet.
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adventures-written · 5 years
"Minn-erva, might I ask where my dear mate is going at this hour?" Yon asked leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed as he watched the blue skinned warrior "Can't sleep?" ( @xnoblewarriorheroesx )
Minn-Erva was just pulling her jacket on when Yon-Rogg came out. Looking over at him, she looked tired. “For some air,” she replied. By now, she was heavy into the pregnancy, showing quite well now. She had been feeling off recently, getting inside of her own head. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back.”
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adventures-written · 5 years
“I love you…but I can’t be seen with you.” (Genis-Vell to Minn-Erva)
Forbidden Love Starters
Raising a brow, Minn-Erva watched Genis-Vell. She was unimpressed by his words, to say the least. Emotions were something she buried. She never dared discuss them and she certainly didn’t let herself be open and vulnerable to people. “Don’t worry, I don’t expect anything from you.”
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adventures-written · 5 years
@xtheavengedx ;; Continued from here.
When she woke up again to the nurse checking her vitals and no one else, she almost wondered if Yon-Rogg had actually been there. She felt pretty out of it. Maybe he hadn’t been there after all. Probably too busy to sit at her bed side. She was awake at odd times, sleeping for the most part during the first week of her recovery. By the second week she was given the ok to go home and recover there. No working, she would have to come back for check ups every three days to ensure the wound was closing nicely.
And she was banned from any training or going out to the shooting range. Stuck at home, for the most part. She hadn’t seen Yon-Rogg in a few days, but didn’t want to bother him. She headed home on her own, the train and all of its jerking bothering her wound. But she managed to get home safely, changing into some loose clothes and going to make herself some food. Only, there was nothing in the fridge. She hadn’t been home for a while. “Of course..” she sighed.
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adventures-written · 5 years
Radio: Is this thing working?! This is Kree Starforce outpost Alpha, we’re under attack by Skrull Forces led by Carol Danvers! If she gets what’s inside then the Kree are doomed! (For Min-Erva)
Minn-Erva never thought she would hear anything about Carol Danvers, AKA Vers, ever again. She assumes that the incident on Earth would be the last time she saw her. After many months of recovering, of having to watch Yon-Rogg be punished for his obvious mistakes, it only left Minn-Erva angrier. A once proud Kree, the commander she had respected, torn down to absolutely nothing.
It was frustrating, to say the least.
Hearing the radio click on, Minn-Erva wold have normally ignored it. Normally it was some new recruit pestering her for something they likely needed to learn on their own. She was about to push the button to mute it when she heard the obvious distress call and the very name of the woman she loathed. A low growl erupted in her throat and she reached to answer the call. “This is Minn-Erva of the Starforce, tell me your situation and send me your coordinates.”
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adventures-written · 5 years
“Thank you… In the end, that’s all I had to say.” - Yon and minn-erva (captured by kree maybe? Exile storyline?)
Soft Angst
He was giving up. Once again, her commander, ex or otherwise, was turning belly-up in the presence of the Kree Empire. They once served them with full, unquestioning devotion. But things had changed. They had changed. Minn-Erva was not about to let them be captured. To what? To be sentenced to death? Or worse. There was always worse than death.
Gritting her teeth, she did not want to hear his gratitude. It felt empty. It felt like she had failed him. She was not about to fail her commander.
“This isn’t the end..” Minn-Erva stated quietly, “We’re not done, Yon-Rogg…So pull yourself together. The second we have a chance, we’re getting out of here.”
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adventures-written · 5 years
“ hello ? 911 ? i’d like to report a murder of my remaining brain cells …. “ (a sick yon to minn-erva lol she gets to deal with his ass. Modern au?)
Random Starters
Minn-Erva rolled her eyes. “You know, for a commander in the Military, you’re quite the child…” she commented, stepping over to feel his forehead. He was definitely feverish. “You don’t have time to be sick, you know..”
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adventures-written · 5 years
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“Curiosity killed the cat..”
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adventures-written · 5 years
“My friend Thor has a brother with Blue skin.” -candothisallday-sgr
Minn-Erva stared at the human, glancing him up and down. He didn’t look like much, that was for sure. “I am not a Frost Giant,” she stated, “I am Kree, a race of warriors. Don’t mistake me for that drabble.” Her words were laced with venom as she spoke. She rolled her eyes, looking away, “I hate this planet…”
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adventures-written · 5 years
"I can't sleep--- I've tried everything." -unapologeticallyresilient (for Minn)
Insomnia Starters
Minn-Erva had her arms crossed, standing there with the door open as she glared out at Vers. This was annoying. The one time she doesn’t have Yon to go crawling to, she comes to her. Yon-Rogg had been pulled away by Ronan. What they were doing, she wasn’t entirely sure, she was just pissed she didn’t get to go along too.
And now she was on babysitting duty.
She huffed at her, turning to grab a jacket and throwing it on. “Come on then,” she growled. The shooting range generally helped  Minn-Erva when she couldn’t sleep, so maybe Vers firing off a couple rounds would help the woman out. This was annoying.
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