#mushishi x reader
star-spacer · 2 years
Let's Go Fishing!
Adashino x reader x Ginko (can be read as platonic or romantic)
You and the boys take a dip in the river. When you're half yokai and have inhuman reflexes, a few fishes aren't a problem for you.
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Summer heat was the worst heat.
Second only to the heat of drought-dried reeds going up in flames and the burning tinder of beloved houses, the summer heat pressed down upon everything, rendering the far-off mountain tops into hazy, quivering mirages. Your yukata stuck to your skin uncomfortably as you shifted from your spot on the wooden floor. The rhythmic pounding of Ginko’s mortar and pestle sounded through the air and you groaned, turning your head to look at him.
“How can you stand to work in this heat?”
“‘M used to it,” he grunted. “One time I went with a guy to chase down a rainbow. This was during that heatwave we had a while ago so we had to travel during the hottest time of the day to catch up to the rainclouds.”
“Yikes,” you muttered. “Can’t imagine doing that at all.”
Ginko tilted his head, one single emerald eye looking at you through the haze of his cigarette smoke. “Then what’d you do during the heatwave then?”
You grinned lazily at him, swiping the sweaty baby hairs off your forehead. “Why I slept, of course! I’d find some river bank, a nice shady tree, and I’d sleep in its branches.”
“Wish all of us would have that luxury,” he grunted, lifting the pestle and tapping it against the side of the marble pestle. Fine golden grains shifted around as he tilted it into a vial, carefully scraping the powder into it with a stiff reed. Once done, he plugged it up with a cork and searched for something around him. Spotting your lazy form sprawled out where you were, he pointed to a stack of labels next to you.
Ginko pointed at them. “Hey, can you hand me those?”
A flick of your fingers summoned a gust of wind, sending the paper fluttering past you and toward the Mushishi. They danced around his form and he deftly plucked them from the air, swiping a brush and ink from his cabinet and popping the ink bottle open. With a deft hand, the mystery vial soon received a label as he wrote it on the paper you sent.
“What’s that?” You hummed.
“Pollen from flowers that the Usobuki frequent,” Ginko hummed. The familiar name was that of the butterfly mushi he told you about, one that would make those afflicted by it fall asleep with it until a false spring started. 
It was the same one responsible for the summer and spring that he went missing in when you search until your feet bled and your voice gave out from yelling his name. So hearing that he was dealing with it again made your hackles raise, a dangerous look on your face.
Ginko didn’t notice, too busy tucking the bottom away into his little medicine cabinet. “The mushi itself puts people to sleep but I discovered that if a small dose of the flower pollen is taken with water, it could be an effective sleep remedy, especially for mushi-related problems.”
“I see.” The thought of a sleeping draught sounded appealing because, despite all the jokes you make about naps, any semblance of sleep for you was haunted by memories you’d rather forget. You opened your mouth, almost tempted to ask him for a bit but hesitated.
Ginko glanced at you, a verdant eye picking up the expression on your face. “Hm?”
The shoji door slammed open, Adashino behind it using his foot to move the screen. “Drinks here.”
You did a complete shift, hiding your turmoil as you cheered and flipped over to your front, thin yukata riding up to what would’ve been an indecent length if you were an upstanding citizen in society. Adashino didn’t say anything but groaned as he set down the tray and sat next to you. Ginko snuffed out the cigarette, allowing the smoke to waft away so it wouldn’t bother you before shuffling closer. Though it still lingered on his person as he sat down with you and Adashino, it thankfully didn’t bother you like usual.
The dark-haired man took off his lens and began polishing the circle of glass.“I knew it would get hot so I put some amazake in to chill in the icebox. There’s also ice in there too.”
“Thanks, Adashino! Maybe we can have some cold soba later then.” Propping your head up in one arm, you reached for the cups filled with the fermented rice liquid as the other did too. The creamy, sweet taste of the drink filled your mouth as you took a sip and you sighed happily. “Ahh, Ginko, what’s the use of going at each other’s throats about who’s doing what in the heat when it’s Adashino who’s the privileged one? He’s got a nice big house and an icebox of all things.”
“Being a doctor, and living by the waterfronts has its perks,” Adashino replied dryly. “I do say that you two are always welcomed to stay here.”
Ginko simply took a pointed, obnoxious sip of his rice drink, letting the noise draw out in the hazy air. You snorted and Adashino shot a dirty look at you both. Quiet filled the hot air as everyone settled down to enjoy their drinks, accompanied by the sounds of nature around you all. Every breath you took filled your lungs with uncomfortable warmth and you cursed the neverending sun.
The calmness of the summer day brought back long-faded memories of your mother teaching you how to fish in the stream, helping fight off the heat and simultaneously bringing food home for the day. The thought of cooling down made you give a wistful sigh as you finally sat up. “I could go for a dip right now…”
Then the thought hit you and you gasped, sitting up straigh and making the other two look at you with startled–if not slightly irritated–expressions.
You pushed your sweaty hair back from your face, eyes alight in excitement. “The fishermen should be done for the day, right? Then we won’t be bothering anybody if we go to the river to cool off then. You also said you wanted to get some fish for later so I can catch some too.”
Ginko raised his eyebrow. “We don’t have a boat though.”
“I can swim,” you volunteered excitedly. “I would love to be in the water right now.”
Adashino leaned back on his arms, a thoughtful look on his face. “Hmmm… I think that’ll be alright. Besides, I won’t mind spending a little time in the water.”
You popped to your feet excitedly, eagerness overtaking the sluggish haze of the heat.
“Come on! My mom–I was taught how to fish when I was younger. With the fish that the Suiko’s body brought in, I can promise we’ll have fish in no time.”
“The river is calm this time of year…” Adashino agreed. “I wouldn’t mind soaking my feet for a while.”
Both of you turned your expectant gaze onto Ginko, who gave a long-suffering sigh and knocked back the last dredges of his drink before slamming the wooden cup back down onto the tray. “Never say I don’t do anything for you two.”
Cheering, you swooped down to gather up the cups into the tray to whisk them away, prancing ahead of the males as they slowly got up from their spots. The sun beat down upon you again as you moved to the front of the house to wait for them. Thankfully, you stood under the engawa so most of the heat was kept off as you fixed your yukata.
“Hurry up, you two!!!”
In a few short moments, both Ginko and Adashino joined you, the latter with a woven straw hat on his head as he handed a shallow basket to the white-haired man. The three of you made your way down the path to Adashino’s residence, greeting the occasional villagers who passed by. It wasn’t a long walk to the beach, but the three of you opted for a detour to a more secluded area by the river deeper into the forest. But that meant that by the time you reached your destination, sweat had begun to stain your dark yukata. Maroon was not a good color in the heat, no matter how much you liked the color.
“At last,” you sighed, flopping down on the grass beneath a dappled shade of a tree.
“Tell me why we like to go here when we have a perfectly good beach at a much shorter distance?” Ginko sighed as he set down the basket.
“We’d roast alive if we went out there in this sun,” Adashino replied.
You sat up, sharp eyes scanning the water and spotting the almost imperceptible flickers of scales underneath the surface. A sharp grin spread over your face as you stood up, pulling up your sleeves and rolling them back. “Water’s shallower here and the fishes like to stay in the coverage. I can catch them easier.”
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, sighing out deeply as your fingers came up to press over the lids of your eyes. The telltale smell of ozone filled the air as your magic activated. For a moment, your full visage was revealed and you heard Ginko and Adashino shifting behind you. Black fox ears flashed into existence, hung low on either side of your head, a flicker of unearthliness surrounding you. Then they disappeared. With any other person you would not have allowed the thought of letting your true appearance show, but your trust in the two males was unshakable. You knew there was nothing that would make them betray your trust out of their own free will.
A moment passed and then you took your fingers away from your eyes, turning around to blink at the two as the golden glow faded away from your eyes. 
“Everyone okay?”
“What did you use your magic for?” Ginko asked.
You kicked your sandals off. “To keep the debris out of my eyes.”
Keeping an eye on the river in front of you, you began stepping into the cool flowing waters. Before you can get far, your shoulder was grabbed and you jolted.
Ginko had walked in after you, his face serious. A single, piercing green eye looked into yours.
You tilted your head. “Yes?”
“How are you sure it’s safe?”
Realizing his concern for what it was, you relaxed and gave him an easy smile, hand raising up to pat the one on your shoulder. “I’ve gone into this part of the river before during worse conditions. In fact, this part is one of the safest areas of the river, I made sure of it before showing it to you guys.”
You had met a local river yokai around here to help it save some of the members of its family. A grateful family, a game of stone skipping, and a favor later ensured that this area would be in their blessing and be safe for you and those you brought with you.
Despite your reassurances, his eyes roved over the still surface behind you. “Hm.”
“I’ll be fine, Ginko. I’m a very good swimmer,” you said, patient with him as you shared a look with Adashino. Though you weren’t there for the event itself, you had arrived just days after the event with the Suiko had gone down and had heard Io’s story in its entirety. The race to catch a girl who swam with the swamp and bountiful fish that lasted till this day. You were also there in the aftermath with Adashino, seeing Ginko’s haunted looks as he regarded the waters around him.
No matter how hard he tried, he could not hide his demons from one who was considered a half-demon too.
“If anything happens, I’ll shout for you alright? I won’t go far.”
“We can stick in the shallows, Ginko. Just in case,” Adashino said from his spot leaning up against the tree. “There isn’t anything large in these waters so we’ll be the most dangerous fish around.”
Ginko finally let go of you, sighing. “Be careful.”
You short him a reassuring grin, turning to wade deeper into the water. Your dark yukata spread out around you, wine red against the sparkling water. Behind you, you heard the two splashing around against the shore, but they did not follow you. Slowly, the water rose to waist level, and then a bit more. You went out until you reached the middle of the river, treading water as you turned around.
“I’m going down now. Get the basket ready!”
There was an affirmative call and you waited until you saw Adashino fetch the item, giving you a nod from across the bank. Giving the two males a wave, you took a deep breath and dove under the water.
The world silenced, cutting away into the dull, muffled noise of water rushing overhead. You drifted in the peace for a moment before opening your eyes.
Another world greeted you, blue-tinted and sparkling with sunbeams filtering down from above. It fluttered with the creatures down here, a dance of life.
You wondered if this was what Ginko saw when he talked of the Koumyaku, the glittering, living river of light.
A silver streak flashed by the corner of your vision and you snapped your head to it. A school of fish, unaware of the danger now within their mist. A slow grin stretched across your face, teeth losing their human flatness as your heart picked up in anticipation of the hunt. 
Thank you for this offering.
Like the silt of the river, your illusion slipped away in the flowing streams of the water. Your dark form sliced through the water, chasing after the fish. Nails, too sharp to belong to a normal human, swiped at glittering, silver-scaled bodies and snatched them up faster than they could react. Once you hand a handful of squirming fish by the tails, you shot off towards the bank. Surfacing with a gasp and a splash, you waved at them with the fish dangling from your grip.
“Hey! I got them!”
“Bring them in!”
You began kicking off towards the pair, slower now that you had to rely mostly on your legs. Adashino and Ginko began wading out to meet you too and a brilliant idea hit you. As your toes touched the bottom of the river, you reared back a fish in hand as the remainings were moved to your other one.
Adashino’s eyes widened as the fish went sailing through the air. He yelped, lunging forward with his basket to let the fish flop down into it. Thankfully, Ginko’s hand snapped out to grab him by the back of Adashino’s yukata and his quick action prevented the dark-haired man and the fish from toppling down into the water. But unfortunately, that still soaked the entire front of his clothes
Adashino glared at you, front of his blue yukata now dripping. “Hey!”
“Oops–Sorry!” You laughed, totally unrepentant as you waded closer. The rest of the fish–thankfully–was gently placed into the basket. You faced both of them, hands on your hips as you regarded the pair. “It’s only a bit of water, y’know. It’ll help you cool off more if anything.” 
A drop of water trailed down your face from your dripping wet hair right after that statement.
“Yeah, yeah,” Adashino grumbled as he moved to hang the basket from the branches so it could trail in the water. That freed up his hands to fix his water-laden yukata, futilely wringing the fabric.
“Heh, heh. You can’t deny it does feel nicer though…” You turned to Ginko, who immediately picked up the shift in your person.
His lidded eye widened, taking a step back.
You launched at him, hands outstretched and water spraying out behind you as you splashed toward the male.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey leave me alone—”
“Adashino catch him! He’s the driest out of all of us!!”
“Adashino don’t you dare.”
Your bright laughter and splashing filled the air as the three off you ran around the quiet alcove meant just for you three and you were grateful to have another day like this with them.
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sweetchildcloud · 9 months
This are my crushes and what...does it say about me?
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shmothman · 10 months
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Pairing: Ginko/Reader Rating: Explicit (18+ only) Words: 9624 Read on AO3
Summary: In the end, it’s—as it so often is—curiosity that kills the cat. The rumors were just too intriguing to resist: a village where, for years, too many women have been having babies every winter, where the population boom is unprecedented and the town is beginning to crumble under the weight of too many children. A passing merchant had shared the gossip, and Ginko had gotten that look he gets—a worried set to his mouth and brow; a slight glimmer of interest in his bright green eye.
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deadmanscity-writing · 6 months
Requests for fanfiction: OPEN
About Fanfiction:
Please be specific about the request, as well as what season/event you want the oneshot/drabble to be set in.
I will do fluff, angst. No spice/smut.
Characters canonly 14 and below will only be platonic.
Characters that are 15+ will only be platonic/romantic.
If a character you are wanting is not on this list feel free to go ahead and submit a request for them, as well as an alternate that is on the list just in case.
How to submit a request is either through the "Requests/Asks" or DM/PM
Fandoms/characters I write for under the cut
My Hero academia
Tamaki Amajiki
Mirio Togata
Shota Aizawa
Hitoshi Shinso
Deku/Izuku Midoriya
Hanta Sero
Mezu Shoji
Tsuyu Asui
Kyoka Jiro
Mina Ashido
Eijiro Kirishima
Shoyo Hinata
Kenma Kozume
Testurou Kuro
Coach Ukai
Koushi Sagawara
Yū Nishinoya
Asahi Azumane
Keiji Akaashi
Yaku Morisuke
No Guns Life
Juzo Inui
Magi: the labyrinth of magic
Magi: The Adventures of Sinbad
Mystras Leoxses
Helluva boss
Stranger things (specify season)
Robin Buckley
Gareth Emerson
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Hunter X Hunter
Gon Freecs
Killua Zoldyck
Illumi Zoldyck
Chrollo Lucifer
K Project
Misaki Yata
Mikoto Suoh
Yashiro Isana
Oshi no ko
Aqua/Aquamarine Hoshino
The Case Study of Vanitas
The Great Pretender
Makoto Edamura
Laurent Theirry
Vinland saga
Canute (season one and two)
Thofinn (season one and two)
BNA: brand new animal
Shirou Ogami
Soul Eater
Black Star
Death the Kid
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado Inosuke Hashibira Genya Shinazugawa Giyu Tomioka Kyōjurō Rengoku Tengen Uzui
Hotaru Haganezuka
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Akira Tendo Kenichiro Ryuzaki Higurashi Kanta Shizuka Mikazuki
Wind Breaker
Jo Togame Haruka Sakura Hajime Umemiya Hayato Suō Kyōtarō Sugishita Akihiko Nirei
Death Note
L Lawliet Light Yagami Touta Matsuda
Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi
Namari Laios Marcille Shenshi Chilchuck Kabru
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo Satoru
Geto Sugurh
Kento Nanami
Megumi Fushiguro
Nabara Kugisaki
Yuji Itadori
Maki Zenin
Toge Inunaki
Yuta Okkostu
Ino Takuma
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zemfruit · 1 year
i have lots of artbooks btw (some are in cbz which needs a reader, i recommend sumatra pdf for windows, most are zip files with jpegs tho) most of these i got from nyaa dot si (if you torrent it'll go heaps quicker)
i might be a little slow with setting things up (megadrive or googledrive, i haven't uploaded most of these yet) but hit me up if you're interested in any of the following ;-)
angel sanctuary - angel cage artbook
angel sanctuary - lost angel artbook
abe yoshitoshi artist compilation
akira 1988 (storyboard + artbook)
akamichi art works
berserk mini art collections
berserk movie artbook (bg art edition)
blasphemous artbook
boogiepop phantom artbook - kouji ogata
claymore memorabilia illustration book / artbook + promo
cowboy bebop artbooks
dantalian animation artbook
exist - takeshi okazaki (popular edition artbook)
fool's art gallery (homare) - purple hair
final fantasy X-2 visual arts collection v2
ffix visual arts collection
halo artbook
hell girl artbook - kyouka suigetsu
jojo's bizzare adventure (artbooks & spinoffs)
kingdom hearts visual art collection
kenichi sonoda artworks 1983-1997
love hina art collection
makai kingdom mini artworks
metal gear solid artbook - yoji shinkawa
memories off 2nd - suzuna takano
made in abyss official artbooks
mushishi artbook
madoka scans (manga, artbooks, magazines (ALL untranslated!!!))
neon genesis evangelion artbook mega pack
ocean 3 eternal materials (art only)
overlord II and III artbooks
persona 3 artbook
persona 4 artbook
plastic little original art
ranma artbook - takahashi rumiko
rahxephon artbook collection
rumbling hearts memorial artbook
romancing saga - time weaver artbook
range murata artbook collection
scorn artbook
shida atsuko artbook
satoshi kon 1982-2010 artbook
tactics ogre: wheel of fate art works
tales artbook collection
trigun artbook
valkyria chronicles 3 artworks
world of warcraft artbook
yuu kinutani's art works
yoshitaka amano's art works
help me complete the alphabet <|:-]
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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Emile Hides - He/She
Agender - Fray/Panromantic - Asexual - Polyam
24 years old
Autistic - OCD - Anxiety
Age Regressor - Permakid - Age Locked
Proship - Self Ship - Fudanshi
Art Tag: Emile’s Arts
Writing Tag: Emile’s Writing
Edit Tag: Emile's Edits
This is my Ship and Let Ship blog where I post about ships I like, Self Ship as loudly as possible, write X Readers curated to me and me alone, and ramble about my F/Os in the tags of other people’s posts.
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Full F/O list under the cut (Very Long)
Romantic F/Os
Koro-Sensei - Assassination Classroom
Toshinori Yagi (All Might) - My Hero Academia
Nezu - My Hero Academia
Mashirao Ojiro + Neito Monoma + Hitoshi Shinso - My Hero Academia
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) + Kendo Rappa - My Hero Academia
Atsuhiro Sako (Mr. Compress) + Jin Bubaigawa (Twice) - My Hero Academia
All For One - My Hero Academia
Makarov Dreyar - Fairy Tail
Toma E. Fiore + Mako - Fairy Tail
Jackpot - Fairy Tail/OC
Zanoba Shirone - Jobless Reincarnation
Leuvis - The Promised Neverland
Kyube - Madoka Magica
Ginko - Mushishi
Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Kometani Chushaku + Naruse Shisuto - Komi Can't Communicate
Masato Hanzawa - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Gonzaburo Taishiro - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Franky Franklin - Spy X Family
Riri - Romantic Killer
Junta Hayami - Romantic Killer
Harunobu Nikaidou - March comes in like a Lion
Otsu + Minegishi - Manly Appetites
Muta - The Cat Returns
Scorpia - She-Ra
Bismuth + Peridot + Lapis - Steven Universe
Eda Clawthorn + Raine Whispers - The Owl House
Hieronymus Bump - The Owl House
Good Billions + Bad Billions - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Tad Mullholand - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Ruby Gloom + Skull Boy - Ruby Gloom
The Snork - Moominvalley 2019
Lynn Angel + Nick Hoult - All Saints Street
Teddy - Bob's Burgers
Sisu - Raya and the Last Dragon
Zack Binspin - Moshi Monsters
Allhands - Drawga
Gyorik Rogdul + Grendan Highforge + Rosé - Drawtectives
James - Pokemon Anime
N - Pokemon Black/White
Lillie - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Molayne + Sophocles - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Guzma - Pokemon Masters
Milo + Gordie - Pokemon Sword/Shield
Jacq + Saguaro + Salvatore + Hassel - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Kieran + Drayton - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Hydreigon - Pokemon Black/White2
Chesnaught - Pokemon XY
Inteleon - Pokemon Sword/Shield
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Sirfetch'd - Pokemon Anime
Captain Pikachu - Pokemon Anime
Heracross - Monster Mind
Smeargle + Kecleon - Monster Mind
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario
C.Q. Cumber - Splatoon 2
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3
Jel La Fleur - Splatoon 3
Isabelle + Tom Nook + Redd + Brewster - Animal Crossing
Papyrus - Undertale
Vulkin - Undertale
Swatchlings - Deltarune
Viktor Humphries - Slime Rancher
Dick Gumshoe - Ace Attorney
Raymond Sheilds - Ace Attorney
Phineas Flilch - Ace Attorney
Hifumi Yamada + Celestia Ludenburgh - Danganronpa 1
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2
Toko Fukawa + Genocide Jack - Danganronpa UDG
Ryoma Hoshi + Gonta Gokuhara - Danganronpa V3
Monokuma - Danganronpa series
Shirokuma - Danganronpa series
Kyle Klim (K) + Luna - Virtue's Last Reward
GTM-CM-G-OLM - Virtue's Last Reward
Kazuaki Nanaki + Hitori Uzune - Hatoful Boyfriend
The King - Hatoful Boyfriend
Zenyatta - Overwatch
Ramattra - Overwatch
B.O.B. + Bars - Overwatch
Maximillien - Overwatch
Lynx17 - Overwatch
Iggy - Overwatch
Toy Freddy + Funtime Freddy - Five Nights at Freddy's AU
Nightmare Fredbear - Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Sun - Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach
Leshy - Inscryption
Magnificus - Inscryption
Theodore DaCabe (The New Prince) - Chzo Mythos
Anna (The Huntress) - Dead by Daylight
Al-An - Subnautica Below Zero
Candyman - Lethal League
Gabocha - Suikoden 2
Richmond - Suikoden 2
Neclord - Suikoden 2
Luca Blight - Suikoden 2
Andras - Hell's Library
Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children
Reed + Leigh - Middlegame
Aguri Yukimura - Assassination Classroom - Queerplatonic
Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia - Queerplatonic
Reedus Jonah - Fairy Tail - Queerplatonic
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail - Queerplatonic
Peridot - Steven Universe - Queerplatonic
Nemona - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Queerplatonic
Raifort - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Queerplatonic
Bowser - Super Mario - Queerplatonic
Cobb - Animal Crossing - Queerplatonic
Genocider Syo (Genocide Jack/Jill) - Danganronpa UDG - Queerplatonic
Winston - Overwatch - Queerplatonic
Goobert - Inscryption - Queerplatonic
Neito Monoma + Hitoshi Shinso - My Hero Academia - Metamours
Naruse Shisuto - Komi Can't Communicate - Metamour
Minegishi - Manly Appetites - Metamour
Baron Humbert Gon Gikkingen - The Cat Returns - Metamour
Nick Hoult - All Saints Street - Metamour
Brassius - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Metamour
Princess Peach + Princess Daisy + Prince Peasely - Super Mario - Metamours
Shuu Iwamine - Hatoful Boyfriend - Metamour
Maugaloa Malosi - Overwatch - Friends with Benefits
Abra - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Grovyle - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Buizel - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Rhydon - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Sandslash - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Lucario - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - Trainer
Wilkstrom - Pokemon X/Y - Trainer
Salvatore - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Trainer
Shiintonic - Pokemon Anime - Partner
Stoutland (Rusty) - Pokemon Anime - Partner
Mincinno (Nezu) - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Partner
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Partner
Koraidon - Pokemon Scarlet - Partner
Ogerpon (Clementine) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Partner
Weavile - Pokemon - Partner
Heatran + Entei - Pokemon - Parents
Marlo + Dora - Animal Crossing - Parents
Ginko + Adashino - Mushishi - Parents
Tony Mario - Mario Movie - Father
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3 - Father
William Afton - FNaF Series - Father
Ridley Wizen - Suikoden 2 - Father
Bumi - Avatar: The Last Airbender - Father
Frank Columbo - Columbo - Father
Opal - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Mother
Briar - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Mother
Beware - Pokemon Anime - Mother
Toriel - Undertale - Mother
Reaper Leviathan - Subnautica - Mother
Alder - Pokemon Black/White - Parental Figure
Toadsworth - Super Mario - Parental Figure
Mondatta - Overwatch - Parental Figure
Nezu - My Hero Academia - Parental Figure
Clavell - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Grandfather
Rizzo - Animal Crossing - Grandfather
Craig Cuttlefish - Splatoon - Grandfather
Kaoru Toudou - Baka and Test - Grandmother
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - Uncle
Aang - Avatar: The Last Airbender - Uncle
Petri - Animal Crossing - Aunt
Elizabeth Afton - FNaF Series - Big Sister
Mitsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Big Sister
Sekijiro Kan - My Hero Academia - Big Brother
Boris Wizen - Suikoden 2 - Big Brother
Micheal Afton - FNaF Series - Big Brother
Molayne - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Big Brother
Jelonzo - Splatoon - Big Brother
James Ratari - The Promised Neverland - Big Brother
Peter Ratari - The Promised Neverland - Little Brother
Victini - Pokemon Black/White - Little Brother
Arven - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Little Brother
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Nighteye) - My Hero Academia - Twin Brother
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Found Sibling
Cyrus - Pokemon Platinum - Found Sibling
Genji Shimada - Overwatch - Found Sibling
Ramattra - Overwatch - Found Sibling
Micheal Bleak - Wayward Children - Found Sibling
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario - Cousins
Ingo + Emmet - Pokemon Black/White - Cousins
Callie + Marie - Splatoon - Cousins
Sophocles - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Cousin
Samson - Animal Crossing - Cousin
Ira Blood - All Saints Street - Cousin
Cosmog (Nebby) - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Daughter
Amy Rose - Sonic Series - Daughter
Berdly - Deltarune - Daughter
Akito Sohma - Fruits Basket - Daughter
Julie - Jobless Reincarnation - Daughter
Jack + Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children - Daughters
Bede + Allister - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Sons
Pecharunt (Momotaro) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Son
Rabbid Luigi (Louis) - Mario + Rabbids - Son
Espio - Sonic Series - Son
Neito Monoma - My Hero Academia - Son
Inasa Yoarashi - My Hero Academia - Son
Ichiban Natsuno - Mix; Meisei Story - Son
Black Hat - Villainous - Son
The Collector - The Owl House - Son
Hastur - The Baby in Yellow - Son
Sam - Trick R' Treat - Child
Luz + King + Hunter - Kids
Bowser Jr. + Koopalings - Super Mario - Kids
The Lab Kids - Animal Crossing - Kids
Boss Salmonids - Splatoon 3 - Kids
Warriors of Hope - Danganronpa UDG - Kids
The Monokubs - Danganronpa V3 - Kids
Rosalina - Super Mario - Niece
Sonic + Tails - Sonic Series - Nephews
Jelfonzo - Splatoon - Nephew
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Nephew
Snufkin - Moominvalley 2019 - Nephew
Laxus Dreyar - Fairy Tail - Grandson
505 - Villainous - Grandson
Zanoba Shirone - Jobless Reincarnation - Student
The Squidbeak Splatoon - Splatoon - Family
The Rising Volt Tacklers - Family
Danganronpa V3 Cast - Danganronpa UDG - Family
The Fairy Tail Guild - Fairy Tail - Family
Class 3-E - Assassination Classroom - Family
Fatfam - My Hero Academia - Family
League of Villains - My Hero Academia - Family
The Sohmas - Fruits Basket - Family
The Evil Slasher Orphanage - Various - Family
Toshimitsu Kubo - Baka and Test
Shoko Kirishima - Baka and Test
Irina Jelavic + Tadaomi Karasuma - Assassination Classroom
UA Teachers - My Hero Academia
Lucy's Celestial Spirits - Fairy Tail
Samuel - Fairy Tail
Yuuko Ichihara + Kimihiro Watanuki + Shizuka Domeki - XXXHolic
The Host Club - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Ritsu Sohma - Fruits Basket
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate
Miyano Yoshikazu + Sasaki Shuumei - Sasaki and Miyano
Hanazawa Masato - Sasaki and Miyano
Kuei - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Entrapta + Hordak - She-Ra
Grime + Sasha - Amphibia
Iris + Misery + Frank and Len - Ruby Gloom
The Joxter - Moominvalley
Flug Syls - Villainous
Jessie + Meowth + Wobbuffet - Pokemon Anime
Cheren + Bianca - Pokemon Black/White
Hau + Gladion - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Dendra + Miriam - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Team Star - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
The Leauge Club - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Grimer - Monster Mind
Elvin Gadd - Super Mario
Metal Mario + Gooigi - Super Mario AU
Doctor Mario + Mr. L - Super Mario AU
Pearl + Marina - Splatoon
Spyke - Splatoon
The Mad Scientist Team - Animal Crossing
Chara - Undertale
Kris - Deltarune
Chihiro Fujisaki + Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Mondo Owada - Danganronpa 1
Kazuichi Soda - Danganropa 2
Ultimate Imposter + Ryoma Mitarai - Danganronpa 3
Hiroko Hagakura + Yuta Asahina + Taichi Fujisaki - Danganronpa UDG
The Nightmare Animatronics - Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Bonbon - Five Nights at Freddy's; Sister Location
Moon - Five Nights at Freddy's; Security Breach
Helpi - Five Nights at Freddy's; Security Breach RUIN
Huggy Wuggy + Mommy Long Legs - Poppy Playtime
Jamison Fawks (Junkrat) + Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch
Younster Squad (All heroes in their early 20's) - Overwatch
Team Talon - Overwatch
Nina - Suikoden 2
Klaus Windmier + Sierra Mikain - Suikoden 2
Claire + Brevity + Hero + Ramiel - Hell's Library
Thankyou very much for Reading
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Crush List - Fictonal Foe List - Agere List - Ship Lists - Kin List - Koro-Sensei's F/O List
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daydreamerwonderkid · 6 months
What fandoms you currently hyperfixated on?
Your oldest fandom?
Your favorite animes?
Favorite games?
How long you've been drawing?
Your favorite character from any franchise you can think of rn?
Sorry for the introgation LMAO, i just want to know more 👀
Lol you're all good, I don't mind asks like this :3
What fandoms you're currently hyperfixated on?
-Currently I'm pretty stuck on Batman/DC (can you tell?), but I'm also really into Dungeon Meshi and Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. My sister recently introduced me to The Greatest Real Estate Developer and we've both been having an absolute blast with it. Idk if it has that big of a fandom, but it definitely should pffftt
Your oldest fandom?
-I wanna say Marvel and Star Wars since the first movie I ever saw was A New Hope and my first comic books were Spider-man and X-men comics. I was really hardcore into the MCU at its height and I'm a diehard fan of the Clone Wars series.
-Funnily enough, I was getting a bit burnt out by both the Marvel and SW fandoms a while back and that's actually why I got back into Batman and DC XD
Your favorite animes?
-My #1 favorite anime/manga/story of all time has got to be Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I don't know what to say about it that hasn't already been said, but it really is that fucking good and Hiromu Arakawa is definitely a huge inspiration to me.
-Other than that, I gotta say Paranoia Agent, Mob Psycho 100, Love is War, Spy x Family, Trigun (haven't seen Stampede yet), Mononoke, Castlevania, and Mushishi. I'm sure there's more, but those were the ones I could think of off the top of my head.
Favorite games?
-There's so many games I play, so I'll try to narrow it down a bit. Tbh my longest favorite running series/franchise has got to be Legend of Zelda. The only game from the series I didn't enjoy was Spirit Tracks, but otherwise I've pretty much enjoyed every single entry.
-I also love the Ace Attorney series, Stardew Valley, Jedi: Fallen Order (I have Survivor, but haven't played it yet), Disco Elysium, the Yakuza series, Ib, etc.
How long you've been drawing?
-Genuinely don't remember when I started. I think I've always been drawing. Of course, I was taught traditional art mediums first. I did a lot of oil painting, watercolor and charcoal drawing. It wasn't until, I wanna say, my third year of college that I started learning about digital art. It's not a medium I'm a 100% comfortable with and I've only recently started feeling more confident with it when I realized I could download brushes that were similar to pencils/ink/charcoal/watercolor/copic markers/etc.
Your favorite character from any franchise you can think of rn?
-That's a little difficult since I have so fucking many XD
-Atm, I can say my brain has been super fixated on Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi) and Dick Grayson (Nightwing/Batman). Tbh my brain is constantly rotating my favorites, so it really depends on the day or the week who my new top blorbo(s) is gonna be
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the-nysh · 1 year
Do you have any manga or anime recommendations where there is no romance between the main cast members?
....You mean, beyond the series I already post about, right? Where explicit romance (beyond being implied or openly interpreted as queerplatonic + found family) already isn't the main focus/genre of the story, yes? Note, that in any active fandom, ships are going to be an inevitable part of it anyway, depending on the types of character bonds/dynamics that resonate with readers most, yes even in long-running adventure shonens like One Piece, where the author said no romance between the crew members is intended, fans will find a way around that regardless. :O But also even in stories like Hunter X Hunter, eventually there will be arcs that talk about or feature romance anyway (the Chimera arc had a very beautiful/tragic one), so finding stories that completely avoid the topic whatsoever is going to be another challenge. Also, bc....that leaves a very broad spectrum of interests behind?? What else are you actually looking for?
Because most sports animes (like Haikyuu for ex) focus solely on the passionate teamwork + coming of age journeys of the chars. :O Or maybe you want something more episodic and educational? Like Cells at Work or Moyashimon (college microbiology made cute...or is that far too hyperspecfic?) Or maybe something chill and relaxing with nature/spirits for a change like Mushishi? Something odder like a sci-fi hacker mystery such as Dennou Coil? Or something completely batshit unhinged/weird with wartime historical spice like Golden Kamuy? (oh wait, there's dashes of romance mentioned in there among the side chars, so again, kinda unavoidable) Because there's honestly lots out there if your only sorting filter is -no romance- among mains!
So I dunno *randomly throws a dart into the void* how about something cool, like Seirei no Moribito (Guardian of the Spirit)? About Balsa the spearwoman tasked as a bodyguard for a possessed child prince who's sentenced to death? Only found family-like stuff in there, as far as I can recall. You may find it interesting!
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languor-em · 3 years
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star-spacer · 2 years
Pickled Plums
Adashino x reader x Ginko (can be read as platonic or romantic)
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You loved the noise of cicadas in the ripe summer air.
Gravel crunched beneath your sandals as dappled sunlight filtered down from the canopy of green. It was the apex of summer and the forest was ripe and heavy with life and heat. From your peripherals, you could see the glowing forms of the familiar mushi dancing through the air. They were the same types that often frequented the village, a sure sign that your journey was coming to an end. You wondered if Ginko had yet to see them from wherever he was behind you.
The satchel sitting on your hip alongside the pack on your back was a reminder of the gifts wrapped lovingly in twine and leaves. Gifts for Adashino and Ginko both, picked specifically with them in mind as well as the food carefully preserved by a bit of yokai magic and plenty of salt. The thought of rice and Adashino’s pickled radish made you drool, and you had no doubts that Ginko’s endless stomach would appreciate some food as well.
 Cries of seabirds and waves crashing against the shore slowly began to replace cicadas as the forest opened up to show a fishing village in the distance. Your speed picked up, eagerly scattering pebbles at the sight of the clay-shingle roofs. As you passed through the dirt streets, villagers caught sight of you and an excited wind began to catch the sleepy adobes.
Calls of your name began to echo through the air as those living there went out to greet you.
“It’s you!”
“Welcome back!”
“Oho going to see the doctor aren’t we?”
The last one was met with a delighted laugh, your eyes twinkling with mirth at the old man. “Of course! Is he home right now?”
“He should be!” Another woman called, her child waving at you from behind her. “He just finished treating Aoi’s son a little bit ago.”
“Thank you,” you called back gratefully. Turning around to the villagers, you put a finger to your lips and winked. “I think Ginko is arriving soon, don’t tell any of them that I’m here, alright?”
“We won’t,” The old man chuckled. “Good to know all three of you are back in town for a while. We were beginning to wonder when we’d see you two wanderers again.”
You shrugged as your eyes caught sight of a minuscule movement from the alleyway.
“We can never stay for long,” you said. “But we’ll always come back, of course. If you don't mind…” Your head tilted towards the alleyway, indicating your wish to leave.
“Of course!” He guffawed, stepping aside. 
“Here, here!” A man said, shoving an earthenware jar into your arms. “For you all. A thank you to the doctor for treating my little Tsumiki last month.”
“O-Oh thank you so much.” You bowed your head, clutching the clay pot in your arms. “I'll be on my way then.”
“Eager huh? I know how it was when I was your age. Ah, younguns…Always have one place or another to be.”
You brushed past them with a smile and a parting promise. “I’ll come back down to visit later.”
“You better!”
“We’ll be waiting, young lady.”
You threw back a wave, attention focused on the alleyway where you saw it. Stepping into the shade, you stopped to listen for the quiet noise of something moving. Your sharp ears finally picked up something.
There. To your left.
“Here you are, little one,” you murmured crouching down and setting the jar down next to you with a soft ‘thump’. Reaching forward, you cupped the spirit in your palms. There was an offended squeak and the flower yokai opened a bulbous, yellow eye in the middle of its petals. Upon seeing your face, its petals snapped back close with a quiver and another squeak. A nature yokai then.
“Sssh, it’s okay,” you soothed, stroking a finger down its body. It was smooth and lumpy, like one of those sea anemones Ginko showed you on the coast that you both went to once. After a moment, the petals crept back open and the yokai peeked back out, its big watery eye staring back at you. 
You gave it a soft smile and it quivered before wiggling back and forth before unfurling completely.
“There you are…You shouldn’t be here,” you told it. “It’s not safe for you to be here. Come with me and I’ll bring you somewhere safer, alright?”
You put the yokai on your shoulder, where it snuggled into the shoulder of your traveling yukata. You smiled and picked up the jar before setting off again for Adashino’s house at the other edge of the village. There would be nature there, where it could thrive and survive better than the streets of mankind. Yokais like these ones never survived for long in human settlements, dependent on green life to draw their energy source. Without it, they would wither and fade away. You were glad that you came across it when you did.
Slowly, the slope of the road increased as you reached the edge of the village. Yet your speed picked up all the same. Home was so close, you could almost taste it, that house upon the hill with its shelves of artifacts and rosewood-scented halls. 
Brown shingles peeked over the crest of the hill and you grinned, shifting the jar to one arm and placing your free one on the bag at your hip.
“Hang on,” you told the yokai on your shoulder.
An affirmative squeak was given and you broke into a full sprint over the ground, kicking up dust behind your sandals. At the new pace, it took no more than a few minutes to finally reach Adashino’s house. A jump cleared the stones at the foot of his house and you clattered onto the engawa, kicking your sandals off noisily.
“Adashino!!!!!” You yelled, letting your voice echo through the halls.
There was a clatter and someone yelping before Adashino stumbled out from an adjoining hallway, fixing his monocle. “Huh?”
He squinted at you, vision adjusting to the stark sunlight after being inside for so long. After a moment, his eyes widened as it clicked. He said your name sharply.
“You’re back!”
You nodded, shifting the earthenware jar to both your arms and showing it to him as well as the satchel to your side. “And I brought gifts too!”
Adashino tilted his head and moved forward, reaching out to take the vase away from you. “What's all this?” 
Shrugging, you relinquished it to the dark-haired man’s grasp. “Haven’t looked yet. Tsumiki’s father gave it to me just earlier as thanks for you treating her.”
He hummed, lifting the lid and you stuck your head over the opening to peer into it with him. Seeing the sight of green in pickling sauce made you gasp.
“Ah… It is cucumber season, after all.”
“This could go really well with some of the stuff you have, Adashino!” You turned to him excitedly. “We should make some food! I also brought back some things too! Ginko should be arriving at the end of the day so maybe we can all eat together.”
“Are you sure this isn’t just a ploy to get into my cabbage stock?” The doctor asked you, raising one eyebrow. He startled as he made eye contact with the yokai on your shoulder, jolting back. “Ah–”
“Oh right!” You chirped. “I saw this yokai on the streets heading here. I’m going to release it near the treeline so it can go back to the forest.”
Adashino sighed, stepping aside and flapping a hand towards the back entrance of the home. “Go on do that then. Leave your bags here. I can get started on lunch.”
You grinned gratefully, carefully singing the bags of your shoulders. “Sounds good!”
“Oh, and stop bringing strays back to my house! I keep on having to redirect them away when you’re not here.”
You laughed and departed for the clearing, bare feet slapping against the warm ground, humming a jaunty tune. The yokai on your shoulder swayed along to your movement as you stepped into the shadows of the trees and kneeled down at the base of one. Your hands came up to move the spirit off your shoulders and it was brought to the front of your face.
It chirped and you smiled, letting out an animal-like coo in return. “Be safe, alright? Don’t wander into the human settlements like today, it’s not good for you.”
Your hand lowered and allowed the yokai to hop off, stubby limbs wiggling happily and it hopped into the underbrush. Just before it completely ducked under the leaves, it turned around to wave at you. You waved back and with a final cry, it turned around and vanished into greenery like it was never there. A moment passed as you stared at that spot with a bittersweet smile. Your job was done, fulfilling your duty as the bridge between yokai and humans once more. Like the others, you would never see it again, but there was solace in the knowledge that it was able to live its existence. With that, you quietly got to your feet and padded away.
“Come here help me get all of this onto the tray,” Adashino instructed, jerking his head to the various bowls as he picked up his own wooden board. “You wanted to have all these side dishes so you’re carrying them all. Come on, we’ll set stuff out on the engawa in the front.”
You hefted the plate up in one hand, pilling the dishes onto it easily. “On it.”
Adashino gawked and grumbled as you swept past him easily.
The pair of you made a few more trips before settling down at the edge of the doorway, midway between the engawa and the house. Adashino tugged the rag under the miso soup, moving the whole pot into the middle between you two and you rearranged the rest of the pickle bowls around that, the rice, and the cooked fish.
“Ah, hold on…” You said, leaning over to grab your satchel. You flipped the woven lid up and reached in to withdraw several wrapped packages and set them alongside the food. “I got us some stuff from one of the towns I was at.”
“How long ago was that?”
“Oh don’t worry. You should know that I’m well-versed enough in magic to preserve a little bit of food.”
“What’s this about food without me?”
The both of you perked up at that voice, attention snapping to the edge of the yard where a white-haired man stood.
“Ginko!” Adashino called. “Hey!”
You shot to your feet with another cry of his name, ditching your sandals where they were and launching yourself at him. Ginko grunted as you crashed into him, staggering at the force of your collision.
“Geez,” he grumbled, wheezing as you squeezed him in a hug. “Missed me much?”
The smoke of his mushi warding cigarette tickled your nose and you pulled back, sneezing heavily. However, despite the warding affecting you to some extent, it didn’t stop your face from splitting into a wide grin. “Duh. Come on, put your pack down, and let’s eat. No matter what you think, we were waiting for you.”
Adashino made a sound. “Maybe you should be quicker next time.”
“Hmph.” Ginko took his cigarette out, snubbing it and tossing the butt into the shrubbery to the dark-haired man’s dismay. As you pranced back to where Adashino was sitting, Ginko slung off his traveling case and set it down next to your own bags. He settled down with a groan, relieved to be off his feet after a long day.
As Adashino began to portion out the soup and rice, your deft fingers unknotted the twine trying up your first bundle of food. There was an electric crackle in the air that made both men pause, and a snap as verdant leaves opened to reveal pristine triangles of plump rice.
“Your magic?” Ginko asked as you reached to undo the other bundle.
You nodded. “Just a simple one for these to keep as I traveled back.”
There was a second snap and this time it revealed wrinkly dried fruits, the sour smell of pickled plums wafting up to join the other food odors in the air. Both of them immediately knew what those were and Adashino winced.
“I’m not touching those,” Ginko declared, reaching for one of the rice balls from the first bundle. He took a bite from it, not seeing Adashino trying to stop him. “I know that whatever you brought home, those are not normal umeboshi and–”
His expression deadpanned, lips thinning and eye twitching as the flavor finally hit him. Seeing that, you cracked.
“I tried to stop you…” Adashino sighed while you cackled. “But you weren’t paying attention.”
“I was going to say…” You began, trying to find air between your laughter as you scooped up your own rice ball. “I visited the Valley of the Plums. There was a seasonal shop there known for its intensely sour plums, so I got some to take home.”
A massive bite was taken out of yours, you humming in delight as you finally indulged in the treats after so long. Though you favored the sour flavors the same couldn’t be said for either of the men, who stared at you warily as you ate your rice ball with no reaction.
Adashino, fooled by your lack of response, tentatively reached for one of his own. “It can’t be that bad right…?” He picked it up and brought it closer to inspect it. Like he would one of his mushi items,
“Do it,” Ginko demanded.
The man, fool as he was, gave into his temptations and bit into it. His face puckered up, such a comical expression that sent you into another round of raucous laughter and even sparked Ginko to chuckle too.
“By the gods!” Adashino exclaimed once he got his mouthful down. “People eat this? This should belong on the shelves of my collectibles. Ginko why did you tell me to eat it?”
The said man forced himself to take another bite. “If I have to go through it, so do you. Someone has to go through this with me since this one–” he jerked a thumb to you, innocently sipping your miso soup to wash down your finished rice ball, “–is completely immune to everything.”
You smiled peacefully. “There are just the plain plums too if any of you want to eat them with the rest of the food."
“No way!!”
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dark-furure · 3 years
Hello everyone!
I'm a writing blog!
I'll write for many anime shows! But only ones I know. Which I've seen quite a few! You can go check my MAL if you wanna see the shows! I'll write for pretty much any of them!
Anyways here are the rules of this blog!
I'll doing only X reader. It's fine to ask about an au or if you want a specific type of reader (ex: neko, gn, ect.)
I won't be doing a few things. Them things are nsfw, mental illnesses, ships, x ocs, toxic, abuse, and characters 13 and under
Just things along them lines.
But please feel free to ask! It may take me time to do reach request. But I promise to do the ones I get.
Also here is a list of anime/shows I'm into right now!
Jojo's bizarre adventure
Super danganronpa another 2
Epithet erased
Bungo stray dogs
My next life as a villainous
Vinland saga
High rise invasion
Full metal alchemist
Toilet-bound Hanako-Kun
Zombieland Saga
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shmothman · 9 months
Just a Little Rush
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Pairing: Ginko/Reader Rating: Explicit (18+ only) Words: 5105 Read on AO3
Summary: just a little rush, babe / to feel dizzy, to derail the mind of me
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emzmuu · 3 years
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Naoki Urasawa's Pluto
Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Yugami-kun Has No Friends
Skip to Loafer
Natsume Yuujinchou
Gin no Saji
Fullmetal Alchemist
Sousou no Frieren
Magus of the Library
Ancient Magus Bride
Blue Period
Girl From the Other Side
Chainsaw Man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Omoide Emanon
Arcana of the Dawn
Trinity Blood
Witch Hat Atelier
Dungeon Meshi
Pandora Hearts
A Sign of Affection
With You and the Rain
Kare Kano
Mob Psycho 100
Golden Kamuy
To Your Eternity
The Promised Neverland
Karasu ni Hitoe wa Niawanai
Akatsuki no Yona
Hunter x Hunter
One Piece
Rojika to Rakkasei
My Broken Mariko
Blue Glass
Revolutionary Girl Utena
The Witch and The Beast
Deep Sea Aquarium Magmell
Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi
Hiraeth: The End Of The Journey
Vinland Saga
Shrink Psychiatrist Yowai
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
Princess Arete
Hotaru no Yomeiri
Houseki no Kuni
Where the Shooting Star Falls
Surviving Romance
Your Letter
Magical 12th Graders
Inso's Law
Aria of the Withered Branch
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Who Made Me a Princess
My In-Laws are Obsessed with Me
The Dark Lord's Confession
Her Tale of Shim Chong
Avatar the Last Airbender
🌷є(•◇ •◍)э››
Drakengard 1 & 3
Nier: Replicant & Automata
Story of Seasons
Twisted Wonderland
Touken Ranbu
Granblue Fantasy
Legend of Zelda
Pokemon (Dungeon Explorers, Rangers, Platinum, Emerald, X, Moon)
Beyond Good & Evil
RPG Maker (Ib, Mad Father, Witch's House, Yume Nikki, Ao Oni)
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Hey y’all, it’s me again😁, gonna give a couple updates and maybe post another x reader fic tonight or tomorrow!
I am taking request for x reader fics for these shows/fandoms as well as writing for them on my own accord:
🌊Demon slayer: Kimestu no Yaiba
characters (dead or alive) include:
Main three (aged up)
The Hashiras
Anyone else y’all can think I‘ll write about them
⛓Hunter x Hunter
characters (dead or alive) include:
Main four (aged up)
The Phantom Troupe
The Zoldyck Family (aged up)
The Body Guard team
Anyone else y’all can think of I’ll write about them
Upon special request I will write for the following:
🗝Black Butler
🎭 Jojo‘s Bizarre Adventure
(This list will only expand as I am bound to get emotionally involved with every show I watch, thank you.)
🌻 I will be writing in an x reader style. This includes Male, Female, Gender neutral, (etc.). Most of my personal fics will be Gender neutral, but for specific request I’ll write whatever insert you would like.
🌻 I will write fluff, smut, head cannons, yandere themes, (etc.). Depending on the content there will be nsfw warnings and minors dni. I will write just about any type of content excluding some, but I will go into greater detail when that time comes. If I am not comfortable writing themes I deem inappropriate for my taste I’ll decline as appropriately as I can.
🌻 Tried getting my /ask page set up but I have no idea what I’m doing so help is greatly appreciated😩. If y’all want to test the /ask link out please do and if it don’t work tell me and I’ll try my best to get it up and working, in the meantime if anyone has any request please feel free just to message me but if you’d like to remain anonymous I understand🥰.
🌻 Thank y’all so much for the support, it makes my day when I see that someone has liked my post or has started following me, I hope to write content that y’all will enjoy thank you for the courage!!
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kakusu-shipping · 4 years
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Emile Hides - He/She
Agender - Fray/Panromantic - Asexual - Polyam
23 years old
Autistic - OCD - Major Anxiety
Age Regressor (4-8 years old)
Art Tag: Emile’s Arts
Writing Tag: Emile’s Writing
This is my Ship and Let Ship blog, where I post about ships I like, Self Ship an entirely healthy amount, write X Readers curated to me and me alone, and ramble about my F/Os in the tags of other people’s posts.
I love self inserting, probably more than self shipping. Writing lore and weaving myself into the plot of my favorite media is the best part to me, so please ask about my Self Inserts and their plot because I love to talk about it! And let me know if you want me to ask about yours as well because I always want to know about other’s S/Is and love sending asks!!
Very long F/O list under the cut, along with some navigational links at the bottom. Thankyou for reading.
Romantic F/Os
Koro-Sensei - Assassination Classroom (+Friendship Irina, Karasuma)
Kazuaki + Hitori - Hatoful Boyfriend (+Familial Nageki)
Toko Fukawa - Danganronpa (+Familial Masaru, Jataro, Kotoko, Nagisa)
Hifumi + Celeste - Danganronpa (+Friendship Chihiro, Taka, Mondo)
Teruteru Hanamura - Daganronpa (+Friendship Kazuichi, Sonia, Gundham)
Ryoma + Gonta - Danganronpa
Shirokuma - Danganronpa
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario
James - Pokemon the Series (+Friendship Jessie, Meowth, Wobbuffet)
Guzma - Pokemon Masters (+Friendship Kukui, Molayne)
N - Pokemon BW (+Friendship Cheren, Bianca)
Drayden - Pokemon BW
Wilkstrom - Pokemon XY
Lillie - Pokemon SuMo (+Familial Molayne, Sophocles)
Molayne + Sophocles - Pokemon SuMo (+Friendship Kuikui, Guzma)
Milo + Gordie - Pokemon SwSh (+Familial Opal, Bede, Allister)
Clavell - Pokemon SV
Salvatore - Pokemon SV
Inteleon - Pokemon SwSh (+Familial Mincinno)
Chesnaught - Pokemon XY
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon SV (+Platonic Koraidon)
Ghetsis’ Hydreigon - Pokemon BW2
Ted B. Grizz - Splatoon
Jel La Fleur - Splatoon 3
Papyrus - Undertale (+Familial Sans, Gaster)
Vulkin - Undertale
Spamton - Deltarune
Swatchlings - Deltarune
Dick Gumshoe - Ace Attorney
Raymond Shields - Ace Attorney
Phineas Filch - Ace Attorney
Ginko - Mushishi (+Familial Adashino)
Muta - The Cat Returns
Scorpia - She-Ra
Bismuth - Steven Universe (+Friendship Peridot)
Eda + Raine - The Owl House
Hieronymus Bump - The Owl House
Billions and Billions - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 
Tad Mulholland - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Alfur - Hilda
The Snork - Moominvalley 2019
Zenyatta - Overwatch (+Familial Genji, Mondatta, Ramattra)
BOB - Overwatch (+Friendship Ashe, McCree, Bars)
Maximilien - Overwatch (+Familial Ramattra, Mondatta)
Ramattra - Overwatch (+Familial Zenyatta, Mondatta)
Lynx17 - Overwatch (+Friendship Hana, Lucio, Jamison)
Iggy - Overwatch (+Friendship Lena, Emily)
Brooster - Animal Crossing
Toshinori Yagi - My Hero Academia (+Friendship Hizashi, Aizawa, Midnight)
Taishiro Toyomitsu - My Hero Academia (+Familial Tamaki, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Momo)
Atsuhiro Sako + Jin Bubaigawara - My Hero Academia (+Familial Tomura, Himiko)
Ojiro + Monoma + Shinso - My Hero Academia (+Familial Nezu)
Makarov Dreyar - Fairy Tail (+Familial Erza, Juvia, Laxus)
Jackpot - Fairy Tail
Toma E. Fiore + Mato - Fairy Tail
Chushaku Kometani - Komi Can’t Communicate (+Queerplatonic Naruse)
Riri - Romantic Killer
Junta Hayami - Romantic Killer
Otsu - Manly Appetites (+metamour Minegishi)
Anna - Dead by Daylight
Sun - FNaF Security Breach (+Platonic Moon, Freddy, Gregory)
Funtime Freddy + Toy Freddy - Five Nights At Freddy’s
Leshy - Inscryption (+Familial Magnificus, P03)
Magnificus - Inscryption
Candyman - Lethal League
Gabocha - Suikoden 2 (+Familial Ridley, Boris)
Mae Browski - Night in the Woods
Viktor Humphries - Slime Rancher
Sisu - Raya and the Last Dragon
Rockhoof - My Little Pony
Tadano + Haida - Aggretsuko
Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran Highschool Host Club (+Familial Kyoya)
Harunobu Nikaidou - March comes like a lion
Franky Franklin - Spy X Family
Tetsuo Takahashi - Interviews with Monster Girls
Lynn - All Saints Street (+Familial Ira)
Skull Boy - Ruby Gloom
Al-An - Subnautica Below Zero
Peter - Your Boyfriend Game
Robot Husband - 10 Billion Husbands
Zach Binspin - Moshi Monsters
Isaac - Castlevania the Animated series
Teddy - Bob’s Burgers
York + Grendan + Rose - Drawtectives
Allhands - Drawga
Leuvis - The Promised Neverland
Theodore DaCabe/The New Prince - Chzo Mythos
Kyle + Brett - Drive Time Radio
Andras - Hell’s Library
Reed + Leigh - Middle Game
Vermont + Kass - My friend Gabe’s OCs
Toshimitsu Kubo - Baka and Test
Chihiro + Taka + Mondo - Danganronpa
Kazuichi Soda - Danganronpa
Shirokuma - Danganronpa
Winston - Overwatch
Peridot - Steven Universe
Grime - Amphibia
Queen - Deltarune
Entrapda + Hordak - She-Ra
Skull Boy - Ruby Gloom 
Snufkin - Moominvalley
Flug Syls - Villainous
Irina + Karasuma - Assassination Classroom
Hunny + Reiko - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Hizashi + Shota + Nemuri + Sekijiro + Ryo - My Hero Academia
Nezu - My Hero Academia
Fafnir + Makoto Takiya - Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
Taurus - Fairy Tail
Gildarts Clive - Fairy Tail
Samuel - Fairy Tail
Tsukasa Kazuki - Romantic Killer
Professor Elvin Gadd - Mario
Metal Mario + Gooigi - Mario
Doctor Mario + Mr. L - Mario AU
Cheren + Bianca + Hilbert + Hilda  - Pokemon BW
Jessie + Meowth + Wobbuffet - Pokemon the Series
Hau + Gladion - Pokemon SuMo
Penny + Giacomo + Mela + Atticus + Ortega + Eri - Pokemon SV
Jacq + Raifort + Tyme + Salvatore + Dendera + Miriam + Hassel + Saguaro - Pokemon SV
Koraidon - Pokemon Scarlet
Jaques - Animal Crossing
Riou + Joey + Nanami - Suikoden 2
Nina - Suikoden 2
Klaus + Sierra - Suikoden 2
Chaco + Tuta + Yuzu - Suikoden 2
Hero + Ramiel + Claire + Brevity - Hell’s Library
Goobert - Inscryption
The Mycologist - Inscryption
Anghel Higure - Hatoful Boyfriend
Shuu Iwamine - Hatoful Boyfriend
Freddy + Gregory - FNaF Security Breach
Moon - FNaF Security Breach
Bon Bon - FNaF Sister Location
Helpy - FNaF Pizzeria Simulator
Steve + Dustin + Eddie - Stranger Things
Makoto Katai - Komi Can’t Communicate
Watanuki + Domeki - XXXHolic
Liontari - Children of the Whales
Ayato Naoi - Angel Beats
Tony + Pauline - The Mario Movie (Parents)
Entei + Heatran - Pokemon (Parents)
Ginko + Adashino - Mushishi (Parents)
Toadsworth - Super Mario (Parental Figure)
Captain Craig Cuttlefish - Splatoon (Parental Figure)
Iroh - Avatar (Parental Figure) 
Gaster - Undertale (Parental Figure)
Nezu - My Hero Academia (Parental Figure)
Mondatta - Overwatch (Parental Figure)
Reaper Leviathan - Subnautica (Mother)
Opal - Pokemon SwSh (Mother)
Beware - Pokemon the Series (Mother)
Alder - Pokemon BW (Father)
Ganon - Legend of Zelda The Windwaker (Father)
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3 (Father)
Ridley Wizen - Suikoden 2 (Father)
Columbo - Columbo (Father)
Sekijiro + Mitsuki - My Hero Academia (Siblings)
Mirai Sasaki - My Hero Academia (Twin Brother)
2P!Canada - Hetalia (Brother)
Victini - Pokemon BW (Brother)
Molayne - Pokemon SuMo (Brother)
Arven - Pokemon SV (Brother)
Boris Wizen - Suikoden 2 (Brother)
Ramattra - Overwatch (Brother in the monk sense)
Genji Shimada - Overwatch (Close enough to be Brothers)
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club (Close enough to be Brothers)
Kaoru Toudou - Baka and Test (Grandmother)
Clavell - Pokemon SV (Grandfather)
Elvin Gadd - Mario (Uncle)
Burgh - Pokemon BW (Uncle)
Drayden - Pokemon BW2 (Uncle)
Sophocles - Pokemon SuMo (Cousin)
Ingo + Emmet - Pokemon BW2 (Cousins)
Mario + Luigi - Mario (Cousins)
Gooigi + Metal Mario +Robot Mario - Mario (Cousins)
Ira - All Saints Street (Cousin)
Snufkin - Moominvalley 2019 (Nephew)
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia (Nephew)
Sonic + Tails - Sonic (Nephews)
Masaru + Jataro + Kotoko + Nagisa - Danganronpa (Adopted Kids)
Luz + Hunter + King - The Owl House (Adopted Kids)
Tamaki + Eijiro + Tetsutetsu + Momo - My Hero Academia (Adopted Kids)
Himiko + Tomura + Suichi + Dabi - My Hero Academia (Adopted Kids)
Cohozuna + Horroboros - Splatoon (Adopted Kids)
Koopalings + Bowser Jr - Super Mario (Adopted Kids)
Juvia + Erza + Lucy - Fairy Tail - (Daughters)
Bede + Allister - Pokemon SwSh (Sons)
Neito Monoma - My Hero Academia (Son)
Inasa Yoarashi - My Hero Academia (Son)
Ichiban Natsuno - Mix; Meisei Story (Son)
Ryoma Terasaka - Assassination Classroom (Son)
Berdly - Deltarune (Son)
The Collector - The Owl House (Son)
Hastur - The Baby in Yellow (Son)
Black Hat - Villainous (Son)
505 - Villainous (Grandson)
Laxus Dreyar - Fairy Tail (Grandson)
P03 - Inscrypton (Grandchild)
Drayden - Pokemon BW (Trainer)
Wilkstrom - Pokemon XY (Trainer)
Salvator - Pokemon SV (Trainer)
Weavile - Pokemon BW (Partner)
Castform (Bozu) - Pokemon SuMo (Partner)
Mincinno - Pokemon SwSh (Partner)
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon SV (Partner)
Shiintonic - Pokemon the Series (Partner)
Aguri Yukimura - Assassination Classroom
Kendo Rappa - My Hero Academia
Rikiya Yotsubashi - My Hero Academia
Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia
Shisuto Naruse - Komi Can’t Communicate
Reedus Jonah - Fairy Tail
Minegishi - Manly Appetites
Baron Humbert von Gikkingen - The Cat Returns
Peach + Daisy - Super Mario
Bowser - Super Mario
Prince Peasely - Superstar Saga
Cheren - Pokemon BW2
Nemona - Pokemon SV
Cobb + Doc + Raddle + Petri - Animal Crossing
Tom Nook + Isabelle - Animal Crossing
Rouxls Kaard - Deltarune
Genocide Jack/Jill - Danganronpa
Genji Shimada - Overwatch
Winston - Overwatch
Metal Mario - Mario
Emmet - Pokemon BW/BW2
Hassel - Pokemon SV
Saguaro - Pokemon SV
Ash’s Sirfetch’d - Pokemon the Series
Lady Sneasler - Pokemon
CQ Cumber - Splatoon 2
Marco Pagot - Porco Rosso
Ryutaro - Pom Poko
Baptiste - Overwatch
Doomfist - Overwatch
Roadhog - Overwatch
Sid - Suikoden 2
Richmond - Suikoden 2
Humphery - Suikoden 2
Luca Blight - Suikoden 2
Hugo Oak - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
The Nowhere King - Centaur world
Masaru Bakugo - My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia
France - Hetalia
Souichi Nishimura - Baka and Test
Nokoko Inaka - Komi Can’t Communicate
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail
Gaster - Undertale
Siren Dogen - Ace Attorney
Iroh - Avatar the Last Airbender
Shigure Souma - Fruits Basket
Kyubey - Madoka Magica
Alastor - Hazbin Hotel
Neclord - Suikoden - Ex-Husband
Monokuma - Danganronpa - Ex-Husband
Mask Seller - A Whisker Away - Ex-Husband
Redd - Animal Crossing - Ex-Husband
Alan Ituriel - Villainous - Ex-Husband
All For One - My Hero Academia - Ex-Husband
Belos - The Owl House - Ex-Boyfriend
Jacques - Animal Crossing - Ex- Boyfriend
Big Mac - My Little Pony - Ex-Boyfriend
Hizashi Yamada - My Hero Academia - Ex-Boyfriend
Thankyou very much for reading.
More stuff you should check out:
Fictional Foe List - Kin List - Ship List - Koro-Sensei’s F/O List - Fanfic Request Rules - Pro-Ship Self-Ship Discord Server
51 notes · View notes
dokeblr · 6 years
Request Guidelines
When requesting fandom things please include:
General plot
Whether you want a headcanon or imagine.
If your request has more than one character specify whether it is a romantic pairing, a platonic pairing or if you want separate headcanons/imagines for each character.
If you want it to be character(s) x reader, please make sure to state that and give some details about the character.
Example: “Could I please get a headcanon about Character A at a water park?” or “Could I please get an imagine about Character A and Character B in a D&D au? Could you make it romantic?” or “Could you do a Character x shy chubby reader?”
When requesting non fandom things please include:
General plot
Setting (optional but preferred)
Theme (optional but preferred)
Example: “Could I get a story about a small mushroom witch?” or “Could I get a story about a black male in a post apocalyptic Ireland who has powers related to nature and is struggling to find other people?” or “Could I get a wlw cottagecore story?”
I will not write anything about:
Incest Ships
Underage Ships
Graphic Rape
Graphic Pedophilia
Fandoms I will write about:
Peaky Blinders
5 notes · View notes