#mvp in my book!
stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Ok lets try this again - Buck bts mini meta!
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So we have the above jumper which I've already written a little bit about how its similar in chunkiness to a couple of others, this one from season 3 - adaptive skateboarding with Chris
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and this one from season 4 - games night at the Diaz house
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but there is something else I remembered. the colour and waffly-ness actually ties into this jumper from 3x06
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and the very same jumper from 4x04/5 when Buck finds out about Daniel.
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I've never really connected these two scenes before, but actually it makes totally sense when you think about it - a woman driving around completely oblivious to this person stuck in her windshield - just like Buck - completely oblivious to this massive secret in his life - until the baby box reveals it.
Then there is this new bts
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which has me all kinds of 👀👀👀 because this is so not a Buck costume - trust me as someone who has spent far far to long staring at the clothes worn on this show, I can assure you we've never ever seen Buck in anything thats even close to this outfit and thats why I'm fairly convinced that this is for an AU scene(s) of some kind because there is a very specific reason that you’d change Bucks style in this way.
there's been the arguement floating around that this is just Buck dressing up because his parents are in town, but he didn't dress as preppy Buck the last time they were in town
We had this dark grey shirt - very in keeping with Bucks costumes
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and this dark purple (almost black) sweater - again in keeping with his other costumes
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and then the only other interaction we have is when he's in uniform. Even flashback Buck's outfits are in keeping with present Buck outfits, so this preppy Buck outfit is standing out because it is so different from his usual choices.
I wouldn't normally comment on trousers - its hit and miss as to whether they'll be seen on screen, so while a costume designer will make sure they're in keeping with a character, its not the part of the outfit you generally choose to relay information to the audience - that isn't to say it doesn't happen (we've seen it with Hen a few times) but its less common.
Unless you go very out of character with them - then it becomes intentional and that is what we have going on here. Buck tends to wear either navy, black or grey trousers, but we've only seen him in a colour outside of those 3 colours a handful of times - some olive khaki ones (1x05, 1x07 2x06 2x07 2x17) and then some tan ones in season 2 (2x08). we saw him in some teal green shorts in 5x09 but thats it and all of those trousers are muted in tone. So these bright yellow ochre trousers (which I think are corduroy) are very very loud!
The striped shirt is fitting in to to theory I have about when we see Buck in vertical stripes and it representing Buck being emotionally compromised in some way - if this outfit does sit within an AU of some description, it still maintains that theory - because who is to say how Buck would’ve been treated if Daniel did live - because although it would have meant he was a different person - it doesn’t necessarily follow that that alternate version of Buck wouldn’t still have parental issues!
The green jumper is very interesting as well- its tonally in the same range as the mint green shirt from 6x07 and these two greens sit separate from all the other greens we’ve seen Buck in - those have either been jewel toned or olive toned. What I’m going to be interested in seeing between now and when this outfit appears is if we get a steady darkening of the greens Buck wears. The mint green is very very light - its almost white, while this one is much brighter and subsequently darker and my feeling is that we’ll get to see Bucks growth manifest in a darkening of the green he wears - the concept of which makes my colour theory loving heart sing - because green means growth and watching a character grow as the greens darken - chefs kiss 😎
Then there is the preppy nature of this outfit - which I have to say - really doesn’t fit Buck at all - the shirt and jumper combo - again not something we’ve seen on Buck before - shirt and jacket, yes, jumper and jacket, yes, but shirt and jumper - well this will be the first time (Unless we see one between now and this one being on our screens. I also want to add a little aside about the fact that Buck is wearing his watch - in the past when we’ve seen Buck in long sleeves outside of work, he hasn’t tended to be wearing his watch - I’ve said before how his watch wearing outside of work is sporadic and doesn’t seem to fit into a specific pattern - unlike Eddie’s watch wearing. Well this season Buck has worn his watch ALL. THE. TIME!! and it appears this is carrying on into 6b and its clearly intentional - almost like the Eddie and time metaphor has been transfered onto Buck - which is a whole other post!!!
Ok I’d typed up all of the above before 6x08 aired - I just hadn’t posted it because I finished writing it just before the episode went out and I didn’t want this to get lost in the tsunami of live blogging etc! I’m adding this in because my little thing above about the green shirts getting darker - we actually saw it start to happen last night!!!! that shirt in the return to the ren faire scene with Hen - same tone but a darker shade!! I love you Kenni Wallace you are making this costume and colour nerd very very happy right now!
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0xycod0ne · 5 months
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the sunshine court aoughhh we're so back
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javsarts · 1 year
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Book 3 A Route with Mason as your BFF be like:
Mason really told his Commanding Agent to get his shit straight huh
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justanotherfanfolks · 4 months
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Diasomnia Cater real?!
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xylocopa-violacea · 1 year
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theside-b · 2 months
That's a wrap on The Boyfriend and I honestly like it so much! Really hoping for a season two and currently sat and waiting for the special reunion episode!
Every pot has it's kettle, glad Shun found his in Dai — personally I wouldn't have handled that whole tantrum over a t-shirt and being compared to an ex but okay — also really pleased that Kazuto chose to pursue Alan on his own pace (something that Alan has hinted at in socials and seems more than okay with it [I still don't get where people see how Kazuto and Usak would be a good match thou]).
Gensei and Taeheon were such beautiful souls to watch, a shame Gensei got stuck in that awful loop with Ryota, but his tender moments with the rest of the cast were lovely and so were Taeheon's — I still can't believe they were not fighting for that man.
Accompanying Ryota sure was a journey, in a way he was similar to Ikuo in the crush department, failing in love almost randomly (I still question if that was a editing issue, since the show skips large periods of time). Ryota's infatuation for Kazuto was what made me think that Alan was the right choice for the chef, as soon as Alan realized that Kazuto didn't enjoyed being hounded (which was what most of them did [Ikuo's "would you allow me to fall in love with you?" still haunts me] he immediately backed down and let Kazuto set the pace between them).
Overall I thought it was a great show, very engaging with a colorful cast and very interesting dynamics, for example I thought the whole anonymous letter thing from the first week was underutilized, it created tension, excitement and confusion all in one go, they could've have used it more. It was also great having them doing something, the coffee business was fundamental for the show and it worked really well (although after Kazuto's reign they should install new rules prohibiting immediate repeats, that man was putting it in the work), and the dates were all unique, which was nice.
I do know it managed to score the coveted Nº1 spot in Netflix Japan, and considering how the threshold for realities are, I assume a season 2 is not far off, that and the fact that the boys also scored a special reunion episode.
My wish for a potential season two: Usak's return, really think he was overwhelmed by the whole thing but would do better a second time around. More participants. Usak, Alan and Ikuo all managed to change the atmosphere of the house when they showed up, Kazuto as well once he returned in full-capacity. Having a player disrupt the on-going vibe makes for a great show. And the setting: Maybe move the boys to the mountains, or to the city, a different season maybe, like a chilly winter working in a different business. And more dates. Don't get me wrong, I loved the idea that for you to score a date is needs to be mutual — Dai being crushed on the pajama party round was brutal, but highly entertaining lol But they were few and far in-between, so having more or even creating impromptu ones could be fun.
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Another banger of a percy jackson episode, my hopes for this series continue to be high
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Is it just me, or is there an attitude in adaptations of All Creatures Great and Small and articles/books about James Herriot (Alf Wight) that Tristan is optional?
The second movie has no Tristan at all.
According to this post, the only reason the 1978 version has Tristan as a main character is because Robert Hardy insisted. Otherwise he wouldn't have been.
The 2020 version did an entire season without Tristan and articles about it kept saying things like "Tristan isn't here, but Helen made a mistake and it was funny so we don't really miss him."
The biography "James Herriot: The Life of a Country Vet" mentions Tristan (Brian Sinclair) only a handful of times and it's things like "The brothers were very different. "The two men were good friends." "He died and it was sad." There's basically nothing actually ABOUT him.
In real life "James" (Alf) and "Tristan" (Brian) were best friends just like they are in the books. When Brian was in the RAVC, Alf sent him twenty page letters. Post-war when they were living in different parts of Yorkshire, they and their wives got together every week for decades. Brian was one of the few people Alf told he was writing a book.
"James Herriot" did not consider "Tristan" optional. He considered him one of his closest friends.
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palabarian · 3 months
you prob already know this one but. i reread paladin's grace last night after reading the whole paladins series+swordheart once. and there is a cute little reference to swordheart in PG when zale is representing grace in court. zale says something like "i was once tied up by a man who wanted to kill me and marry my client. i have survived worse" and i was like YOOOOO HALLA MENTIONEDDDDD
Yes!!! Big fan of the way characters are woven between the world of the white rat books!!!
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souldagger · 1 year
shout out to the narrator of the ancillary justice audiobook for actually singing the songs. now i can have my heart is a fish stuck in my head
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spacey-daydreams · 9 months
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Drawing my tav doing the things I used to love but can no longer do is self care
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aubreysmaturin · 5 months
I'm laughing my head off over this Doctor Sankey guy treating Bush and complimenting him on his 'classic torso' and Bush thinking what on earth the man is on about.
It's like a scene from an O'Brian novel
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bolithesenate · 11 months
every waking moment i am haunted by the fact that i have yet tp read dooku jedi lost
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chimpukampu · 2 years
I finally finished S4 and HOLY FUCK I have so many thoughts I don't even know where to start first
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Well Liam's shaky sigh and his voice breaking while speaking at the graves and Matt's face when Caleb put the book in the ground were not easier the second time around.
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riverblujay · 1 year
been relistening to 8 bit book club all the way through in my spare time these days and like. low key makes me want to do a passion project of remastering the eps someday lol. bc holy fuck the levels are Wild sometimes
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