#my Sims should be able to hug these little guys
imaginaryf1shots · 1 year
My Girls (|V) | Max Verstappen
Words count: 5K
Driver!oc X Max Verstappen
Platonic!Driver!oc X the grid
Summery: Cecilia Hansson daughter of a Swedish billionaire, a race car driver, with a dream of making it big in Formula 1. However she has a few secrets that may hurt her as women are disliked in the sport.
Series Warnings: google translated french, dutch, cursing, child abandment, absent father, drinking, car accidents, Jos Verstappen, misogyny, Christian horner (tell me if i missed anything)
A/N: This is a secondary blog so I won't be able to respond but I'm adding you all, just send it in the ask me anything if I missed ou by mistake.
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Max Masterlist
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Winter love
Finally it’s the end of the year break, a couple of months to have fun and let loose, I mean have fun before Covid hits, but no one knows about that yet. 
Lando was back in the UK and he kept asking Cecilia to get on the sim for them to race a little in the F1 2019 game. 
Lando(on call)
Come on Cece, why won’t you just get on for a little race?
Lando, I swear to god how many times do I have to tell you that I have a daughter who I haven’t spent-
Much time with her and like to spend some-
You’re an asshole 
They laughed as she shook her head at his antics, to her Lando felt like the little brother she never had.
Come on, she sleeps at what? 8?
half past seven
See, besides you need to keep up your hard work, just because you came 5th in the championship and won Rookie of the year doesn’t mean you can slack off.
Piss off Norris, we just finished last week
So while everyone is slacking you should be having fun with me, we haven’t done a race in a long time
Fine, I’ll text you when I put Nattie to bed
Cool, now let me talk to my niece, I miss her
I don’t understand you
You don't have to
Switching to facetime, Lando talked with Nattie for a while before she had to eat.
True to her words that night Cecilia put Nattie to bed, she read her a story and sang her a song, Nattie fell asleep hugging Cecilia and it took everything for her to leave her asleep and not just spend the night in her daughter’s bed.
She texted Lando that she’ll be ready in a couple minutes. Lando got excited and texted her that he’s ready. Turning on her PS5, she got ready and had discord open on her laptop next to her, it seemed like Lando forgot to tell her that they weren’t going to be the only ones, he had some of his friends and Alex as well, she didn’t really mind, she’s met Lando’s friends in the passing before when they came to the paddock. 
Everything was going great, they chose the track, who they’d be playing as, Cecilia of course chose herself. But you can’t have everything, not evening a nice game with your friends.
“Cecilia what the fuck?” Lando shouted down the microphone, his voice hurting her ear, her car stopped and wouldn’t move, making him crash into her, they lost their P3 and P2. as their friends laughed and passed them.
“I’m sorry, I don't know what’s going on!” She tried to make her car move but nothing she did made her car move. “I think my paddles are disconnected, I’ll try to reconnect them, you guys continue without me, I’ll join the next round.”
She tried everything she could, connecting and disconnecting, plugging in and out she even restarted her PS5, but nothing seemed to work.
“Something is wrong with my simulator, it’s not working.” Cecilia sounded stressed, she stood back looking at her setup. 
“You’re not backing out to spend time with your family are you?” Alex teased her, she knew he meant Nathalie but with Lando’s friends he was careful.
“No, I think I’m the only one awake, it’s not working, the game won’t turn on anymore, I’m getting stressed.” Cecilia said, and logged off not long after, there’s nothing more she can do at the moment.
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Apparently she had to get a new one, she had someone come take a look at it, and she had to order a new one, and who knew how long it’ll take for that to happen. When the pandemic hit, she knew there would be no way she'd get her sim for a long time, which was bad for her, not because she couldn't play with her friends, but because it’s something that kept her in a racing mood, and kept her skills sharp in the down season. So she found herself texting Charles to ask him if she could come by sometimes to get on the sim, but he was quarantining with Charlotte and they met with their separate families, which would make it harder for her, since she didn’t want to really get in contact with too many people, so she turned to Max, the only other driver she had in mind. Lewis was in the UK with his family and there wasn’t an abundance of Drivers she was close to who were in Monaco at the moment. 
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Setting up time with Max was easy since they were quarenting and there wasn't much anyone could do, with her mask on and a short drive later Cecilia made it to Max’s house, she’s never been there before. Walking in she didn't know what to expect, but he had set up his house pretty nicely. 
“Thank you so much Max.” Cecilia thanked Max after greeting him with a hug.
“Hey, I'm happy to help a rival out.” He poked at her, she knew at this point they were more friends than anything else, but still they’ve never really been alone before. So that made her a little nervous, seeing Max in his casual clothes and not his team kit made them distance themselves from their work. For her standing there, they were just two friends. 
“I think we’re past that.” She placed her clammy hands in the back pockets of her jeans awkwardly. 
“I agree, do you want something to drink?” Mask asked and led her through his penthouse and to the kitchen.
“It’s okay, thank you.”
“So what happened with your simulator?” Max asked and took out a tea box and waved it for Cecilia to see, she gave him a nod and he started the kittle.
“I have no idea, I was mid game with Lando and some other people, and suddenly mid race everything stopped working, I tried everything and nothing worked.” She explained leaning onto the island to watch him, he moved around with ease taking out tea cups and sitting the tea bags in. “Dad called someone in to check it out before lockdown and I just couldn't get it in before then.”
“That's weird.”
“It is what it is, I guess we get to hang out now because of it.” She said with a smile and a shrug, Max gave Cecilia her cup before they moved to the room had his simulator sat in, walking in she laughed when she saw two simulators, not one, admittedly one was more advanced with RedBull logo and the other looked like that once she had at home. “Colour me impressed, Mr. Verstappen.”
“Laugh all you want, but now we can race each other, one on one.” Max looked smug with himself. He had no shame, it came in handy now and he didn’t regret it, I mean he lives here all alone, yes he doesn’t stay home a lot but when he does it does get a little lonely. 
“I like the way you think.” Patting his back she walked up to the RedBull one and looked at it before she looked at him with a smile, he couldn't say no to her, he let her try it. Max sat everything up for Cecilia and him and they took turns choosing what circuits to play, both playing as themselves. “Is any of your family here in Monaco?”
“No, no, I just came back from the Netherlands when the lockdown started.” Max said and tried to pass the female driver, but she was blocking him very well.
“It must be lonely being here alone.” Cecilia said thinking about how lonely she’d be if she didn't have her family with her, she’d definitely lose her mind. 
“It’s alright.” Max didn’t mind it that much, he got used to it, besides he did call his family and check on them to see how things are over there.
“You should come over sometime, as long as you don’t come in contact with anyone, we have a child at home after all.” Cecilia spared him a look before she passed the chequered flag and won the race.
“It’s okay, but I do want to see Nathalie again.” 
“Believe me she does too, I don’t know what you two talked about when you found her but she’s been going on and on about you.” Max smiled and turned to look at Cecilia, she was already facing him, they were finished for the day. “And, if you need more convincing, We have a hell of a gym at home, I mean you’d meet my parents, but they’re chill.”
“I didn’t know you had a gym at home.” Max stood up and Cecilia followed suit, they naturally integrated to the sofa in the back of the room, she sat at one end facing him with her legs tucked under her and her back to the armrest. 
“We had everything installed after I gave birth, I needed to get in shape and with how small Nathalie was I couldn’t take her with me, and I didnt want to leave her, not even counting feeding her.” Cecilia said fondly, sometimes she feels like Nathalie is growing up too fast. “Sometimes I miss when she was that small, she was so cute.”
“Do you have some pictures?” Cecilia fished out her phone and went to the album on her phone labelled Nathalie 2017, she had her pictures all categorised with the year. Moving closer they both were sitting side by side as she showed him the photos explaining some of the stories behind them. They went so back in the album, there was a photo of Cecilia on the hospital bed with a newborn Nathalie sleeping on her, skin touching skin, Cecilia looked so tired and sweaty in the photos, to Max she looked so young. “You were 18, right?” 
“Yeah, I got pregnant at 17 but gave birth after my 18th.” His admiration for the girl just kept growing, he looked at her and noticed how close they were sitting, their thighs touching, he could smell the perfume she had sprayed. He moved his arm to push back her hair to be able to see her face when he stopped himself and cleared his throat.
“I can’t get over how much she looks like you.” Max said trying to distract himself, Cecilia looked up and their eyes met, they were still close she felt like she could see all the shades of blue with flickers of hazel in his eyes. 
“My mum says she’s my twin.” Her voice was soft, both their eyes flickered down to their lips, and just as the thought of how his lips would feel on hers passed her mind, she smiled and leaned back creating distance naturally without leaving any awkwardness between them. Soon after Cecilia left with the promise of coming back again later in the week. 
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The due kept meeting regularly, and Max started hoping her sim would never get delivered. When their meeting time arrived for the week, Cecilia came in with her mask, a backpack on her shoulder, a bag in one arm and her child in the other. The woman was always thankful for her F1 training. Once Nathalie saw the male driver her three year old legs carried her as fast as she could to the driver. Max leaned down and caught her, pulling her up in his arms and giving her a hug. 
“Hello, Thalia.” He greets the three year old, stepping back to let her mother move in the house, he took the bag from her hand in a swift motion.
“Hello Max.” Nathalie said with a smile. “We made you cookies!”
“Oh did you?” Max asked her with a smile, he looked at cecilia and she pointed to the bag in his hand, it had tupperware in it, once her mum knew he was here alone, she gave Cecilia some home cooked food, and since she and Nattie made cookies, they decided to bring some. 
“Yes, mummy can eat those.” Cecilia shook her head, the cookies they made were okay for her diet, she did make a patch of normal cookies as well.
“I’m sure I’ll love them.” Sitting her down the girl looked around curiously, she started walking around, giving the adults time to greet each other. “Hey.”
“Hey, she’s a bit hyper and had some cookies when we weren’t looking after we gave her some.” Cecilia said and looked at her daughter, she was a mischievous little thing. “I think she talks to Charles too much, I always catch him encouraging her.”
Cecilia sat her bag on the sofa, and took the bag Max held and walked to his kitchen, her daughter and Max followed suit. It made her chuckle. “Mum made you some food, I hope it’s not too much, but she’s a family woman, always wanting to feed people, I think that’s why my brother is her favourite, since I can’t eat everything she makes.”
“It’s okay, thank her for me.”
“Or you can come by like I asked and thank her yourself.” 
“Grand-mère makes good food.” Nattie agreed looking up at the duo, Cecilia ruffled her hair thinking how cute her girl is. “Maman! Stop!” 
“Yes Cecilia don’t ruffle her hair.” Shaking her head she continued with getting out the tupperware and placing what needed to be placed in the fridge inside of it. 
“Mon ange, do you want to watch a movie?” The girl nodded her head and they moved to the sim room, Cecilia gave her daughter her Ipad where she chose to watch cars, ironically. An hour in Max and Cecilia played 8 tracks with 5 laps in each track, all this playing made them aware of the other’s techniques, it was different from real life, but still with similarities, Cecilia would sometimes push cars off track to try and make Max lose, and he may have cursed or gotten mad at other people but not her, he just shook his head and continued on. 
They had a late lunch break before Nattie made them play a game with her, the sugar she had in her system took a couple of hours before she crashed, Max slowly got her up from the floor where she fell asleep and carried her to the guest bedroom, after Cecilia tucked her in they moved once more to the living room, they sun had set and they had dim lights on. Max got a bottle of wine with a cheeky look on his face. He only saw Cecilia drink once and that was at her first win, never again, she would get out with them but never drink. 
“I drove here.” She whined, wanting a glass of wine.
“Then stay, Nattie is already sleeping.” Max offered and popped open the bottle.
“I don’t know.” She was unsure, she knows that her and Max have gotten closer and she knows where this friendship is heading, she talked to Charles about it once, and told her to trust her instinct and if she felt like it to go for it, but to her the thinking is different, once she became a mother her way of thinking about things changed 180 degrees, she’s not number one anymore it’s her girl. Even if you push that away, Max is amazing with Nattie that is true, but she can’t get him into that, she can’t be sure if he’ll want to be in Nattie’s life, to be a male figure and possibly a father figure. Besides they are colleagues, with jobs that are under the microscope, the moment the public finds out it will be a shit show, and if they ever broke up then what? How can she stare at him 10 months of the year knowing they had something at one point. Too many things could go wrong, and she’s not ready to put herself or her daughter’s hearts on the line.
“Don’t overthink it.” Max could tell that her mind ran with thoughts too fast for either of them to grasp it. He poured her a glass and held it out to her, reluctantly she took it and took a small sip. 
“You're a bad influence.” 
“Some would beg to differ.” He responded with his own glass, after a moment of silence, he gathered his courage and asked the question he wanted to ask the moment he found out about Nathalie. “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah sure go ahead, this is good wine by the way.” Cecilia kept  her sips small, enjoying the taste.
“Is-is Thalia’s father around?” Cecilia stopped drinking, she just realised that she never talked with Max about it, Max kept his eyes on her, watching her every move waiting for a sign of discomfort. 
“He isn’t, he dipped the second I told him I was pregnant.” Cecilia sat with her legs tucked under her once again with her back to the armrest. Her elbow resting on the back of the sofa with her arm holding her head up at her temple, Max also had his back to the end of the sofa. “The fucker left me on my own in a country I know no one in and I only saw his face once since then.”
“What a fucking dickhead.” Max couldn’t understand how some men could just get a girl pregnant and dip, it takes two to tango, knowing that there’s a child out there that is half them and leave them be.
“You can say that again, anyways, he only showed up once with his lawyer, to sign away his rights and told me to keep him out of this, he did try to threaten me.” She laughed remembering the day, Max was confused why she was laughing. “My brother had him almost pissing himself, he’s rich, my ex, extremely so, but my family is richer and more influential so, with one threat to call his dad he had his tail tucked between his legs and left with no fuss.”
“Where does he live?” Max doesn’t know why he asked, maybe he wanted to see if he could find him and maybe just maybe while he’s crossing the road a little something could happen. 
“Last I heard in England, he’s British but he has family in Monaco, that’s how we met, he was older than me, thinking back now it was doomed from the start.” Cecilia leaned over and poured herself another glass, and offered to fill Max’s, he too needed another drink. “But you know what, I’d do it again just to have Nathalie, she’s the best thing that ever happened to me, she’s the reason I decided to race again.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was a teen when I got pregnant, and maybe yes I was 18 when I gave birth but I was still a teen at heart then too, you don’t just get older the instant your birthday hits, anyways I felt like a teen when I had her and I thought about quitting everything and just focus on us, but I couldn’t I didn’t want her to look back one day and see me give up when it got hard, I didn’t want her to think that having her ended my dream or that I didn’t work hard for it. No way, my mum is a housewife. Her dream was to have a family of her own, mine was to be an F1 driver.”
“Your dream was hard to achieve when you didn’t even have a child.” Max commented, all he wanted to do now is to pull her in for a long hug, to have her in his arms and protect her to help her like her ex should’ve, who’d let a woman like Cecilia slip through their fingers? A blind man in Max’s books.
“That’s true, and at times I thought that maybe I bit more than I can chew, I mean even now, with me coming fifth in the championship, Mclaren still has me on a yearly contract, and Lando got a three year contract.” Shrugging, it bothered her, Mclaren was applauded for being ‘feminists’ and accepting ‘diversity’ when they didn’t treat their drivers the same. 
“That’s not fair.” Max frowned, Cecilia just shrugged. “Well RedBull will always be happy to have you.”
“I don’t know about that, you may hate it but Mercedes is where I wish to be.” Cecilia was honest with him, she hoped to one day be part of Mercedes.
“Because of Toto?”
“Yeah, he’s married to Susie so there’s that, she’s been working for years on including more women in the sport, and he’s always had her back at that.” Cecilia explained.
“But you know he likes Lewis so much, he will place him above you when it comes to priority.” 
“Like Christain loves you, every team principal prefers one driver, but I feel like my luck there will be better, that’s why I’m going to prove to everyone that I deserve it next year.”
“I know you do.” Max found himself saying. “I’ve always believed in you.”
“Did you?” Cecilia whispered, Max nodded, her cheeks dusted pink. This is it. This is what Max wanted, he wanted to spend time with her talking, he wanted to talk to her before he fell asleep, to share their feelings and thoughts, talk about everything and anything, share things with each other they never did with anyone else. He wanted… he wants to feel less lonely when it’s late at night and he can’t fall asleep, he wants to have someone who he can speak to about everything, share his secrets with, he wants that.
“Yeah, I did, I do.” His tone matched hers, in the silence of the apartment and dim lights her light blue eyes met his darker ones in an enchanting fight, who’ll give up first, both drivers not used to giving up. Cecilia’s eyes ran down his nose to his lip and instinctively, ran her the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip witting it slightly, the tension in the room rose, Max swallowed and fought with himself to say something, change the subject, but evidently he was the loser between the two of them, he took a swing of his glass and finished it, before he leaned over and took hers placing them on the coffee table, Cecilia watched him with bated breath. Her eyes drew him in they were half closed, Max moved like a predator, a man on a mission, he inclined his face towards hers, it took her only a moment to feel his breath on her face before she pushed up and their lips met is a slow almost lazy kiss, their eyes closed as they lost themselves in the moment, her lips soft and already open, Maxed closed his lips around her bottom one, drawing her in, his nose nudged hers, and her arms moved to his hair holding him in place, afraid he’d pull back. Max’s arms moved to hold her waist and face, with the tip of his tongue he could taste the wine they just drank, deciding then that it tasted better coming from her lips.
It’s been years since Cecilia kissed someone, but she’s sure she’s never been kissed like this before. If kisses are supposed to make you feel like this, then she’s never been kissed before, the warmths of Max enveloped her and consumed her. Moving her head, she wanted more of him, wanted him to-
“Maman!” With a startled jump they pulled away from each other, Cecilia looked at Max like a deer caught in headlights, she didn’t say anything before she moved to see what her daughter wanted. She cursed herself for losing her resolve, for not sticking with her decisions, this just got messy. She hid away in the guest room with her daughter, thankfully she had her phone in her pocket and texted her mum that they’re spending the night. 
She isn’t ready to face Max in the morning.
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Next morning Cecilia wakes up and she raises her head and looks around for Nathalie but she’s nowhere to be found, slowly getting up, she doesn’t bother looking in the mirror, she slept in her jeans and shirt, yeah it wasn’t a comfortable sleep. Just as she places her hand on the knob to open the door, she remembers what happened last night. Fuck it felt so good, being this close to Max, her heart jumped and she felt all soft and tingly, she placed her forehead on the door and closes her head, reliving the moment once again. Shit, I need to focus. She bites her lip and contemplates what to do. She knows that the mature thing is to talk to Max about it and explain her feelings but she doesn’t really want to, she’s not ready to hear what he thinks.
Opening the door she hears Max talking and Nathalie laughing, following their voices she comes to the kitchen, Max was in a pair of shorts and a shirt. Watching them, Max had Nathalie mixing the eggs in a bowl that is too big, but it made it so she wouldn’t spill any of it, Nathalie was sitting on the counter, Max had one hand beside her, something she did so if Nathalie slipped she’d be able to stop her from falling.
“Like this?” Nathalie asked, looking up at the man for approval.
“Yeah, you’re doing amazing.” She wasn’t, but the answer made Nathalie very proud of herself. “What do you usually drink with breakfast?”
“Juice!” Nattie exclaimed, swinging her legs back and forth, Cecilia rolled her eyes.
“More like milk.” Cecilia interjects, she gives Nattie a look. “Don’t lie mon ange, when do you drink juice?”
“After lunch.” Nathalie answered with a pout, her shoulders dropped and she stopped mixing the eggs. 
“Why do we do that?” Cecilia asked her moving closer.
“Too much sugar is bad for you.” Nattie said the words she heard a million times before. Nattie can’t handle sugar well, if there’s no fresh juices they usually give her a small glass after she has lunch, which is her biggest meal of the day.  
“That’s right, my smart bébé.” Cecilia kisses the side of her head, and turns to look at Max, he had a smile on his face, it made Cecilia’s heart skip a beat, she looked away. “Good morning.”
“Morning, you sleep okay?” Max takes the eggs turns to the stove before he quickly finishes whisking them without Nathalie noticing, and pours it into the pan. 
“Yeah, as good as I could in jeans.” Max noticed her crumpled clothes, and her messy hair matching Nathalie’s, like mother like daughter. Cecilia combed through Nattie’s hair with her fingers taming her hair, the only thing different between them is that Nattie had curls while Cecilia’s straight/wavy.
“I can give you some clothes if you want.” Cecilia declines his offers, she planned to leave after breakfast anyway. 
“What can I help with?”  Cecilia asked.
“No momie we’re making you breakfast.” Nathalie said startling Cecilia who just raised her hands in surrender, Max laughed. Cecilia still stood by her daughter watching Max move around and give Nathalie things to do. 
They had breakfast in the kitchen, Cecilia finished eating first, she wasn’t always a fast eater but when you have a child you need to feed and also feed yourself it made her a fast eater. Max and Nattie were still eating so Cecilia took the moment to rinse the plates and place them in the dishwasher, cleaning up the kitchen.
“Mon ange get your things, we need to leave.” Cecilia called for her daughter once she finished eating, she was washing the pan Max used.
“Are we coming back soon momie?” walking to her mother with her begging look that she always used when she needed something, made Cecilia chuckle.
“Maybe.” with a pointed look the girl turned and left the kitchen with a permanent pout. She knows that Nathalie missed meeting people and just having fun with kids her age. Max is the only person she saw out of her parents and her, her brother was in Sweden, quarenting with his wife, kids and her family. 
Max silently leaned his back to the counter next to the sink, his eyes not leaving her. Cecilia tried to act like she didn’t notice, but how could she when he was standing so close, her mind flashed to the taste of his lips on hers.
“Are we going to talk about last night?” Max asked her and Cecilia didn’t answer, it isn’t very mature of her but once again she didn’t want to talk about it. “Cilia.”
“What do we need to talk about?” She decided playing dumb is the best thing to do, maybe she’s really dumb.
“Don’t do that.” Max turned off the tab and moved closer, he was serious, sighing Cecilia turned to look at him. “If you regret it, then say it, but I don’t think that you do.”
“It’s not that simple, Max and you know that.” Cecilia replied, her brows furrowed. 
“Then let’s make it simple, Cecilia, I like you, do you like me?” Cecilia’s eyes went wide, her cheeks went red, her mouth got dry and she stood there speechless. 
“It’s- max, I-I…” She stuttered feeling flustered and warm, a cocktail of emotions that she wanted to untangle, but if she does then so much would change and she doesn’t know if she's ready for that.
“I’m not asking you to marry me, do you like me? Yes or no?” Max asked once again, this time his tone is softer, full of doubt, maybe he misread the situation, maybe she was drunk(of two glasses of wine?), maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing.
“I do, I like you, but it’s not simple.” Cecilia whispered and closed her eyes, Max moved closer.
“I know that you have to think about Thalia-” She cuts him off.
“I do, but it’s not just that, Max we work together, no not together, against each other.” Cecilia said, trying to prove her point, she thought about this a lot and she talked about it with Charles, and she has a feeling that both Charles and Max saw it like each other. 
“I thought about those things too, no let me finish, your jumping to the future, since the season is postponed we have time to figure things out, we’ll take it slow, we won’t say anything to anyone and just keep it to ourselves, it wouldn’t be fair to Nathalie if we got in a relationship and then broke up a while later, as for racing, we keep work separate. You’d be happy if I won right?” Cecilia nodded, not daring to say anything. “I would be happy for you too, and that’s all we need from each other on that point, it’s simpler than you think, we’ll just take one thing at a time, you don’t have to bring Thalia with you until you’re sure we’re going to stay together, or that I’m not just playing with you and leaving, because I’m not, I’m not like your ex.”
“I know you’re not.” Cecilia mumbled, yes she doesn't want to end up heartbroken, doesn’t want her daughter to be heartbroken, but she knows Max is different.
“Then give us a chance.” Max pleaded, his hands cupping her cheeks softly, their eyes met and Cecilia’s resolve crumpled.
“Okay, yeah, let’s do it.” Max kissed her forehead softly before he let her go. They finished in the kitchen together before she and Nattie left, with a longer hug than usual, Max closed the door behind them.
His house now empty, he looked around and there was no trace of the two, it made him feel lonely, since he spent the last 24 hours with them he now felt like he was on his own, something that didn’t bother him before. When you taste something sweater and go back to how things were, it makes it harder, but he had to give it time. Dating Cecilia will be bringing so many challenges but he wasn’t one to shy away from challenges, he knows what he wants and he works his ass off to get them.
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, Landonoriss and 1,597,999 others
ceciliahansson15 photodump, what is everyone been up to? I can confidently say that the art world is lucky I chose not to be an artis😎
anyway, i hope you're all staying safe ❤️❤️
view all 10,149 comments
username1 how can you look sooooo gooood 🧎‍♀️
username2 mother is mothering so hard right now
Landonoriss I've seen your 'art', it's shit
ceciliahannson15 how dare you 🫵👊 these are lies
georgerussell63 I'll have to agree with Lando on this
ceciliahansson15 how did you see my art @/georgerussell63
georgerussell63 uh... ask @/alex_albon
alex_albon mate, why? 😬
ceciliahansson15 how did YOU see it??!!! @/alex_albon
alex_albon well you see the thing is, it was @/charles_leclerc🏃🏃
charles_leclerc not cool mate
ceciliahansson15 charles....
charles_leclerc it was Lando 🤷
landonoriss I can explain
ceciliahansson15 BLOCKED all of you @/maxverstappen1 congratulations on being my new best friend
maxverstappen1 ...thanks i guess
maxverstappen1 do i need to know what happened?
georgerussell63 no
alex_albon no
charles_leclerc no
landonoriss I'll text you
ceciliahansson15 @/landonoriss 🔫🔫
Pierregasly suddenly I'm glad I havn't checked the groupchat
liked by ceciliahansson15, danielricciardo
username5 I'm living for this comment section 😂
username6 only cecilia can get half the grid in her comments section
username7 the power cecilia holds
it's 4:45 rn so if there's any mistakes tell me
@luciaexcorvus . @vellicora . @tpwkstiles . @belennasif  . @eugene-emt-roe . @fanboyluvr . @fangirl125reader , @christianpulisic10 . @belennasif
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youaremyhome · 2 years
Pieces of the Night: Resisting the New Moon
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Warnings: Dark!Rafe Cameron x Reader, 18+ NSFW, smut, HEAVY non-con/dub-con, drug use, possessive behavior, blackmail, manipulation, DARK. More to add. Read at your own risk!
Notes: 3.0k words. I just to thank everyone that has been patiently waiting for my updates and i am SO SORRY for how long this took. Bad news: this is pretty plot-heavy so no smut, good news: next chapter is Rafe's POV! so i really hope yall like it so tell me if you do or don't, i just wanna hear from ya'll!! it means so much to read what you guys think as you read and i find it just as entertaining as writing the series lol
Taglist: @belcalis9503 @ACRAZYBIOTCH374 @fangirlwithlou@malfoytargaryen @RAFECAMERONSBADUSSY @takin-care-of-business@watersquirtpewpewboomm @magnificantmermaid @mk15x @abbybarnesstuff @lavenderhue
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! (And I’m sorry if I missed you, I love you)
Coming home should be relaxing.  
Instead, a ball of dread sits in your esophagus as you turn the key, inching the door open. Silence greets you, shoulders dropping with the weight rolling down your back. You’re truly alone now, with no greedy hands or nipping teeth to get you.
It was a struggle to leave Rafe’s apartment. A wake-up call of kisses and an encore of his performance in the alley started your morning off, followed by an insufferable breakfast with his roommates, Topper and Kelce. Both boys seemed confused as you sat at the dining table, dressed in Rafe’s t-shirt and boxers as he placed the coffee in front of you. The boyish leers and whistles followed you down the hall when you excused yourself, their eyes pinned to the various bruises scattered on you like exploded stars.
Rafe tried insisting on you skipping class with sweet promises that escalated into whispered threats. Fortunately, you were able to escape. It costed you another pair of underwear.
Dragging yourself to your room, your body and mind argue about who’s more exhausted.
While muscles felt strained and bones felt weak, your mind had no inner voice for once. On autopilot as you change, dumping your things to the ground. A muted consciousness fogs your senses, moving like a sim controlled by a child; clumsy and aimless. Collapsing on the bed is the last thing that happens before the screen turns black.
“Get up!”
Your name is being yelled in layers, crusty eyes peeking open as your friends storm in like an army brigade. Andi squeals and jumps into your bed as their voices overlap.
“How could you keep this from us you bitch?!”
“Everyone’s talking about it –"
“Talking about what?” Your sleepy voice cracks.
“You and Rafe, duh!”
Springing up, an instant flush blisters your face, the girls hitching up an octave as they point it out. Their eyes and questions are like needlepoints poking at your skin.
Rubbing your face with both hands, you press the heels to your eyes. “It just sorta… happened.” Little specks of black and silver sprinkle your vision once you’re done squishing your eyes. There’s no point in lying to them. Well, more than you have to.
Looking between the three of them you ask, “How’d you even know so fast? I left his apartment this morning.”
“Oh, please.” Dan huffs, flicking her wrist. “Those frat boys are worst gossips than us. I heard from Mary, who got a text from Liz whose sleeping with Matt, that Topper told him how you did the walk of shame straight to your class."
Louise strikes out, pulling the neckline of your sweater down, revealing the fresh bruises on your skin. They titter, the girls settling on your bed as you pull your knees up, hugging them tightly to your chest. You tell them what they want to hear.
How Rafe had been persisting you in class while you secretly – hated – loved it, cautious because of his reputation. Leading him to beg for a date and the modified version of the dirty details. As you weave the story, struggling is replaced with play fighting, crying with giggling. The lies stumble through your dry mouth, but they assume it's from your shy demeanor.
“So, do you like… like him?” Louise asks with an impish grin and wonder in her eye. Ever the romantic.
“Personality-wise?” You can’t help the grimace on your face. “He’s alright, I guess.”
Clearly, it isn’t the answer she was hoping for; she shrugs, saying people start dating from being fuck buddies nowadays. Controlling your bodily reaction to your relationship named as that is difficult, a weak nod is all you give.
You can see the excitement they hold for you like little offerings you’re supposed to lap up. In any other case, you would be squealing along with them, maybe even having butterflies in your stomach with fuzzy wings instead of knives.
They probe for more intimate details, something you all do after a new boy. Only this time feels…dirty, that these details should never see the light of day for how dark they are. Further despising Rafe for another thing he has unknowingly ruined: the enjoyment of gossiping with your friends. You’re holding back now and it doesn’t feel right. You should be telling them how you cry at the sight of him, not that you orgasm every time (though that is begrudgingly true, too).
“Just be careful, okay?” Danielle says after the conversation winds down. Reaching over, she lays her hand on yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. It’s a simple caring gesture that has you almost breaking. The touch is innocent and good-natured, something you haven’t felt in weeks.
It reminisces the first time you had told them about Rafe. Danielle always had a better judge of character than you. Repeatedly telling you how there were some people that rather burn than put a fire out. Now, you were encircled in a hellish blue fire that licked at your skin.
You hold eye contact, a wall trembling to fall but you reinforce it with a smile. “Of course.”
Over the course of the next couple weeks, other Greek life people you knew were asking about you and Rafe. You knew the community was big enough to not know everyone, but small enough for word to spread like a slow forest fire, contained in an area before it latches onto a lingering branch, lighting its way through the whole campus.
Questions of if you were dating seemed constant, a hardy no was always the answer. Not understanding the fuss of a random frat boy sleeping with a random college girl. Frustrated with it, you had asked a sorority girl that shared the same class with you and Rafe why it even mattered.
“You’re kidding, right?” You frowned and shook your head. “Everyone knows the rich, crazy VP that loves partying more than girls has never had a girlfriend. Especially one so nice.”
You repeated to her and anyone with ears that you and Rafe were absolutely not dating.
That didn’t stop him from heightening the rumors, walking you to and from classes, a kiss hello and goodbye. Arm stretched behind your chair during lecture, playing with the ends of your hair. Public displays of affection that curdled low in your belly. It only reminded you of the leash he has on you. So taut, that with any wrong move, he’ll turn it into a cage.
Even parties weren’t as fun anymore, Rafe making an appearance more likely than not. Those nights usually ended with you drunk, high, fucked out, or a combination of the three. It didn’t matter if you tried hiding somewhere in the packed houses or fought with him there, it ended with you in his bed.
Today you were especially ticked off.
Hungover and crabby, you’re grumbly and feeling like all over shit. You don’t know why your body hurts more, from your intense hungover or the way Rafe had slammed you down to the bed last night. He was already up when you awoke, only in sweats as he ruffled through his desk drawers. He gave you a distracted morning as you got up and dressed. Though you’ve been appeasing him as of late, you don’t bother with a response.
The sound of sharp inhaling has your eyes rolling to the back of your head in annoyance. After a few moments, you feel his stare as you push your last night's clothes into your bag.
“Wanna bump?” He thumbs his nose, lounging back on the chair. “Make you feel better.”
“Yeah, no thanks.”
The words are clipped and maybe a little sarcastic, focusing on getting everything you need so you can leave. Easily ignoring him as you round the bed to head to the bathroom.
“It’ll get that stick outta your ass you woke up with.” He mutters, but you know you’re meant to hear it.
Mild annoyance flicks into anger. Anger that has you whirling back to him, letting it dominate you like he has done so many times. Arm lashing out, you swipe the rest of the cocaine off the desk. The collected powder floats into a cloud of dust as its disturbed, satisfaction thrumming through you.
“What the fuck?!”
Rafe’s up in a blink of an eye, chair clambering back to the floor. Your delight dries up when livid eyes pierce you, and before you know what you're doing, you're running away.
There’s shouting of your name, bare feet slapping the floor as he gives chase.
The hallway between his door and the entrance narrows before you, distorting into something longer, inescapable. You don’t know where you're going to go with being shoeless and phoneless but you need to get out of here before –
You’re pushed to the side, inches from the front door and your temple bounces off the wall. Hands spin you around, facing Rafe with his eyes wide and skin taunt as he gives you a jagged shake.
“You stupid bitch –"
“Fucking jackass –"
“Hey, woah!”
You both freeze.
As Rafe turns his head to look behind, you cock your head to the side. Topper stands at the small dining table, dimpled chin hanging low and a bowl of cereal sitting in front of him. Bewildered eyes asses the way Rafe is hunching over you, the twisted grip on your upper arms.
“Rafe, man…let her go,” Topper says calmly, one hand lowly reaching out. Something akin to concern filling out his expression.
With a grunt tickling your ear, Rafe releases you, his chest still pressed to yours. He commands under his breath, “go back to the room.”
If it weren’t for the essentials you left, you would’ve disregarded him completely. Glowering, you check shoulders with him as you go, Topper’s worried questions echo down the hall.
Fear, anger, and misplaced embarrassment from the witnessed scuffle rattle up your head down to your chest. The scene plays in your mind’s eye over and over, a loop that changes only in perspective like a movie. One that doesn’t happen to you, only to a girl that’s looking for her lost voice. She had it before.
Only once under the shelter of being in public does relief settle over you like a cool mist. You don’t know what would’ve happened if Topper hadn’t been here.
“So, what are your plans for spring break?"
“Um, to go home?”
Confused, you tilt your head to stare down at the phone, Lauren combined with numerous heart emojis displayed on the screen. Your laptop is set on your knees as you complete homework while chatting with her. Hair still wet from your shower and Rafe’s texts unanswered. Apologizes filled the text history from him, all left on read which led to missed calls and increasingly agitated texts.
“Uhhh, no.” The crinkle of fabric as Lauren packs for an upcoming trip accompanies her words. “Dad didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“He and mom are gonna go back to that little island we stayed at for Christmas.” Your heart drops, your oblivious sister continues, “…yeah, apparently Dad and that Wade guy hit it off and they’re doing business.”
Your dad’s a commercial architect, designing retail and office spaces across the west coast. He sometimes takes the odd job at the beginning of the new year so your family would be able to enjoy your summer in a new city. It usually took months of permits and construction to fully finish the project, your dad liked to stay with them till the end. You don’t even know what Ward does, just that he must’ve made a good impression, yet you can’t remember because you had a nuisance sitting beside you.
A gnawing pit opens at the bottom of your stomach, feeding on the fear that drips like a broken faucet. If this deal with Ward goes through, you’ll be spending your summer in Kildare, possibly longer with no job lined up for yourself.
A summer of Rafe. A summer of suffering through all the shit he’ll pull. No doubt he’ll be hearing of the news soon, having been privy to the calls with his dad, wanting to be a part of the business.
Before now, you’ve resigned yourself to placating him until May, until graduation and then you’d be across the country, far away, and never looking back. As Lauren’s voice hums in the background, your eyes stare at the keyboard in thought. A hand grazing over the tender spot of the side of your head.
This changes how you’ve been dealing with the situation. Handling Rafe like a spoiled child, giving him limited access to his favorite toy. It was the best strategy you had, believing you had an end date to this mess. However, with summer looming towards you with its long shadows and unrelenting heat, you know you can’t do it any longer. You can’t deal with the constant touching, the faux sweet gestures, and the rough treatment. It makes your head flutter with sickly butterflies just thinking of it, your chest feels light as you breathe in deeper.
You need a new plan, now. One that frees you from the shackles of Rafe Cameron. How you were going to do that…you had no idea. Once he learns of the deal, he won’t let it go. He won’t let his dad say no to it, and won’t let you say no to coming with.
The rest of the phone call is a distant thing, the laptop closed and you don’t even know if you saved your work. Amongst the quiet of the night, you drift into your mind, visualizing an alternate world.
A world where you never saw Rafe on the beach that night, or even went to the Outer Banks at all. How after winter break, you still would’ve had a class together. Still had that fated reunion. With no pogues around to deface him, you might’ve liked the attention from him.
Played it coy, compelling him to make the first move, maybe after lecture one day and walk you home. Having a nice, normal conversation with him. How you would’ve agreed to see him again, to have sex with him again.
This other you gets the Rafe you had first met. A jerk, yes, but one that listened to you, that had self-control. Was soft with you. She gets the normal progression of fuck buddies to a situationship. Because despite all the faults he clearly has, other you would’ve been able to look past them. Giving him leeway with his transgressions, not considering it a big deal since it wasn’t a serious thing anyways.
Other you has weeks and months to see the red flags rising up, one by one. The excessive drinking turns him nasty, the blow that levels him out and becomes emotional. Other you would’ve ignored them, chalked it up to typical college behavior until he eventually hurt you. You’d like to think other you would immediately end it, no matter how much he had manipulated you into liking him.
It's at this point of the dark tale where you know the universe is out to get you, an age-old revenge set upon your very soul. Because if other you tried to end it with him, would he have turned just as vicious as before?
Yes, you think, yes, he would in a heartbeat.
Separate paths: one with a smooth, sandy trail as the other grapples with high seas. These two lives are so separate, so unlike the other but still converging in the end, the same destination. A desisted beach with just a blond boy, ready to meld hands and bodies together. No path to take and no boat to ride on.
Gusts of wind brusquely whip around you like nature herself is propelling you forward, toward him. A warp of stumbling and muted colors as the rough waves crash to the shoreline, deafening and ferocious. The blond stays there, waiting. As if he knows you’ll be coming to him, even though you don’t want to. Like he knows no element will stop this journey of yours deeper into the sand.
You can’t see his face but fright ghosts over you like a disembodied entity. You want to go the other way, back to what was before.
The sand starts to flow, gentler than the water, luring you nearer to him, closer to what you know is bad, bad, bad. You think you scream, or maybe there’s another roaring of the waves as your arm's length away now. Details filling out his face come into a sharp focus, the edges around him blurry as Rafe smiles at you.
He seems unaffected by the storm happening viciously around the two of you. Spontaneously, you’re in his arms and you’ve never felt so small. Resisting only seems like it's the sand moving your bodies to and fro, not the intense effort you give. There are words being eaten around you, Rafe telling you something with that giant grin of his.
What? You mouth, your voice is sucked into the vacuum of noise and boomerangs back at you.
YOU’RE MINE. Rafe shouts with a manic glee like a god’s voice booming down below from the heavens. His laughter pushes the waves closer, sand and sea mixing together.
Terror is all you know, from the beginning of time to the end of your days. Rafe’s hold feels more like tentacles than hands, squeezing and capturing you tight. There’s merely the scream of delight by the ocean and the sob of horror from you.
Just as you’re there, you’re not.
Woken in a slick sweat that coats your hairline to the back of your knees. Your heart sputtering from the nightmare and the harsh yank back into the conscious world. After taking a moment that this is reality, that you’re not being swallowed into the vortex of Rafe; do you relax back into bed. Smothering your face back into the pillow, you whimper with the ruminants of irrational fear. That little nub in your brain is lightened up, alarming you that there is real danger near you.
A danger you have to face head-on.
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onboardsorasora · 7 months
34 year old Daniel in the 90s is basking in his parents love and teasing Michelle. A part of him doesn’t want to return to 2024 because he hasn’t been able to be home like this since he was 17 and left for Italy
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Decided to hop to it lmao. for you bestie!
De-Aged Daniel | De-Aged Daniel Pt2 | De-Aged Daniel Pt3 | De-Aged Daniel Pt 4 | De- Aged Daniel Pt 5 | De-Aged Daniel Part 6 | De-Aged Daniel Part 7 | De-Aged Daniel Part 8 | De-Aged Daniel Part 9 | De-Aged Daniel Part 10 |
Daniel sat in the far corner of the breakfast nook watching with soft eyes as his mother went about preparing lunch. It had come as a shock; one minute he was putting on his race boots to jump into the sim and the next he was standing in the yard. 
His father had come running immediately, having seen it all happen. How his five year old self had been cycling around the yard before he– well no one really knew how it happened, but Daniel was standing there instead. He’d bitten back the joke about thankfully being fully clothed, he didn’t think his parents would have appreciated it.
It had been very emotional. Very surprising. Michelle had run away to her room– fair. Grace had cried immediately, pulling him into a tight hug. Joe had stared at him with something akin to pride. 
Now Daniel sat in the kitchen reeling off random facts about the future. Things he always told himself he’d remember to tell his parents if he ever got sent back to the past.
“Oh, invest in Apple. They probably aren’t on the stock exchange now but when they pop up– trust me.” He sipped his tea as Grace laughed.
“How about you tell us other things than insider trading.” Joe grinned.
“Well, what do you want to know?” Daniel put his mug down with a clank.
“I know there’s a bunch of shite you’re not allowed to tell us. But what’s there to know about grown up Daniel Ricciardo? Your accent is different, did you move away?”
“Actually,” Daniel smiled softly. “Yeah I did. I became a formula one driver. And I needed to move to Italy to do it.”
Daniel felt his chest warm at the shock on his parents’ face, how they looked him over carefully as if taking in this new information and trying to see how such a high paced career would have changed him from their precious baby boy.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Joe muttered, “thats fucking amazing. For which team? Ferrari?”
“Well no, they never officially gave me a contract. But– well my team doesn’t exist yet. But they’re fast, currently the world champions. I won 7 races with them.” Daniel smiled proudly when Grace came over to hug him tightly.
“I’m so proud of you baby waby.” 
Daniel felt his chest clench and tears spring to his eyes. He hadn’t heard that endearment in so long, it brought back memories of wonderful times.
“I love you too mummy wummy.” his voice cracked when he said it and Grace held him tighter. When she finally let go, Daniel got up to clutch Joe tightly. Not one to go without his father’s hugs, he didn’t see why he should start now.
“Gosh, I miss you guys.” Daniel muttered. Grace frowned.
“Do you spend a lot of time away?”
“Too much. You guys come to some races too, but– it's still a lot of travel at the end of the day.” He had to bite his tongue to keep from mentioning Isaac and Isabella.
“Where were you before you Exchanged?” Joe asked after a bit.
“Oh I was at work, so little me is probably with Blake right now. Poor sucker, he has to deal with adult me and little me. I hope I terrorize him a little.” Daniel giggled, thinking about all the chaos his small counterpart could be unleashing right now on his long time friend.
“Don’t be mean, you weren’t that terrorizing.” Grace would never hear a slight against her baby, not even from him himself.
“They say it's not always an even exchange, you seek out what makes you most comfortable. So if not Blake, where would you go?” Joe asked and they watched as Daniel grow soft and bite his lip.
“Max. Probably.” 
“Who’s Max?”
“He’s… everything.”
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uvuii · 1 year
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sweet moments @uvuii works
꒰ genre. ꒱ ۪ ot7 + femreader ⌇ ⌗written : fluff -> no warnings.
lee heeseung
waits for you to get off of work. He’ll have a box of desserts in hand as he’s checking his watch every 6 seconds, waiting for you. Big hugs when you see him! He’s missed you so much. Somedays he’d walk to your workplace, so you guys can a have a cute little romantic stroll back home!
park jeongseong
holds small trinkets in his bag for you. Hungry? He has your favorites snacks on hand. Hot? He bought a small fan for you and makes sure its always 100% charged. Chapped lips? Has the exact brand of chapstick you use in his pockets. He wants you to always be comfortable with him, so he makes sure he has everything you need + when you need it!
sim jaeyun
loves to take photos of you. Has a whole album on his phone just to hold every single shot he has of you. Your too cute, he can’t help taking like 80 every moment! When he’s on tour and missing you, he’ll scroll through all of the pictures!
park sunghoon
dies inside when he spots you at their concerts. His heart nearly explodes from happiness when he sees you sitting next to his family. He wish he could jump of that stage and kiss you silly, but he has to perform. Speed walks backstage after the concert, because he knows you’ll be waiting for him. Biggest smile on his face because he’s finally able to shower you with hugs and kisses!
yang jungwon
always suggests silly date ideas. You two would be lying in bed, him being completely exhausted from dance practice that day, but so suddenly goes ‘We should try ice skating together!’ ‘Wonie…right now?’This man is so excited to try cute stuff with you. He loves you so much and wants to see you have fun on your dates!
kim sunoo
finds random excuses to hold your hand. ‘There’s so many people here…’ as he moves closer and locks his hand with yours. It makes you giggle with how silly his tactics are. But to him, it doesn’t matter if his excuses make any sense at all, as long as the result will include his hand in yours.
nishimura riki
he finds it so funny to try silly pickup lines on you. He’ll say some really terrible ones, but you’ll find yourself giggling and twirling your hair over a few of them. And this boy can definitely tell. ‘Oh my god Y/n are you blushing?! …no way you enjoyed that…. you’re so weird ewww…’ (He definitely saves it to his notes so he can use it on you again. )
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loorain · 2 months
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - The End of Toddlerhood: Juno's Birthday
At long last, the day has finally come. Juno will join the big kid club and the family will no longer have to worry about tumbling toddlers anymore!
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Scarlett is the first to get a final toddler hug from Juno, while everyone else gets ready for the day. It's a lovely, quiet moment between grandmother and grandson, one that Scarlett will surely remember forever even if Juno does not.
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Sabrina and Marquise decided against a big party and instead invited over lifelong friends to celebrate Juno's special day. It's a very simple party since it's during the work week, but Juno's got the most important things: a birthday cake and a special surprise from his parents.
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Sabrina: Ah, so you must be the mysterious Irina! Alton has been keeping you under wraps!
Irina: Yeah, well, we started dating pretty quickly after he broke up with his ex, so we wanted to take things slow. It's so nice to finally meet you, though! Thanks for the invite.
Sabrina: Well I hope the two of you can be around a lot more! You'll definitely have invites to any game or karaoke nights!
Irina: That sounds great!
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Sabrina: Who would've thought we'd end up with two of the cutest kids on the planet?
Nyla: You mean the two cutest kids on the planet.
Sabrina chuckles.
Sabrina: I didn't want Robin or Sigrid overhearing me make a claim like that.
Nyla: The twins are a close third place.
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Sabrina: It's just so awesome that Juno has all this love around him. When birthdays came around for me, it was usually just me, my mom, and my cousins and uncle.
Beau: Well, the little guy deserves it. He's a good kid. How are you feeling?
Sabrina: About what?
Beau: You know, about this? A phase of life is ending for both of you. Juno's gonna be a kid that's able to go to school, feed himself, learn new skills, and he's not going to need you in the same ways anymore.
Sabrina: Hmm... well, I think I've processed it all now. I'm excited about this new chapter and I know I have the memories to look back on, which is nice.
Beau: That's good. I'm glad.
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Beau: Well, you'll have a new portrait to put up in the restaurant!
Sabrina: Oh yeah! Tomorrow I'll take him there and continue the tradition! I've already picked out the perfect outfit for him of everything!
Beau: You'll have to tell me all about it.
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Marquise: Aww, kiddo...
Sabrina walks over to them.
Sabrina: What's this? Giving out some final toddler hugs Junebug?
Juno: Yeah yeah!
Juno raises his arms towards Sabrina.
Sabrina: Oh, is it Bibi's turn?
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Sabrina kneels down in front of him. Juno comes in close immediately, ready to give his Bibi a final hug before it's time to age up.
Sabrina: My sweet Junebug. Thanks for being so awesome. Time to blow out your candles. You ready, buddy?
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So Sabrina grabs Juno, brings him over to the birthday cake, and helps him blow out his candles. Happy birthday to the baby of the family, Juno aka "Junebug"!
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Before and after! The toddler days of Gen 5 are officially behind us! Juno joins the big leagues along with his cousins.
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Audrey: Welcome to the club, Juno!
Juno: Thanks, guys!
Alma: Now you're finally big enough to hang out with us in the treehouse. We don't usually allow boys in, but we can make an exception in your case.
Juno: Huh. Thanks, I guess.
Alma: Don't mention it!
With the twins and Juno being so close in age but the twins being a little older, it's easy for Juno to feel overlooked, so his parents have their own special surprise for him.
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Juno: No way! Is this my bike?
Marquise: All yours!
Juno: This is so awesome! Thanks, Dad!
Juno envelops his dad in a big hug.
Marquise: You're welcome, but you should be thanking your Bibi too.
Sabrina: Did I hear my name?
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Juno: Bibi! Thank you so much! This is awesome.
Sabrina: You're very welcome. The most awesome bike for the most awesome little fella!
Sabrina makes a thing out of giving Juno the biggest kiss on his cheek, which makes Juno cringe.
Juno: Aww, come on Bibi!
Sabrina can't help but giggle.
Sabrina: Already too big for a kiss from your Bibi? You just aged up!
Juno sighs dramatically.
Juno: Can I ride my bike? Please?
Sabrina: Of course. Dad can help you with your first lesson.
Juno: Alright!
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Marquise: Alright, now riding is all about balance! Hold on tight to the handlebars and lean into the turns!
Juno: Got it!
So Juno spends the afternoon of his birthday getting his first bike riding lesson from his dad. It's a simple interaction, but one neither sim will ever forget. With this milestone, Juno's parents know the joy of childhood will only continue.
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victorluvsalice · 5 years
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It’s Day 6 of our trip through the Brown-Kosperov portion of Newcrest, aaand photoset captions still don’t work. *grumbles* I’ve sent off a support ticket to tumblr -- we’ll see if anything comes of it.
Anyway, to start off the actual update -- it’s the Lottery! Yes, this is actually a holiday in The Sims 4, if I haven’t mentioned it before -- one of those pop-up ones. The only tradition is to buy a ticket, then wait with bated breath for the drawing the next day! Emmett and Nikal both made the $100 investment, because they can afford it, and -- well, it would be super cool if they won, wouldn’t it? Certainly give me enough money to give their house a proper TECHNO-SPELLCASTER makeover (or perhaps just replace it with something semi-appropriate from the gallery, like I ended up doing with their old residence when they swapped lots with the Van Dorts). Einstein doesn’t seem to approve of such financial daydreaming, though. XD Really, Einstein? Like, right then?
Anyway, I had a hankering to do more with magic, so Nikal and Emmett zapped themselves to the Magical Realm to chat with the Sages, search for more tomes, and generally experiment! Emmett picked up the Inferniate spell from Morgyn, allowing him to set things (and people, non-fatally) on fire -- I’m not sure when this skill will come in handy, but you never know! XD Nikal, meanwhile, found a Tome of Good Fortune during her search of the bookshelves -- annoying me, as that’s a potion recipe she ALREADY KNOWS. On the other hand, Emmett doesn’t know it, so I threw it in his inventory to study later. Honestly, the main reason I came here was to pick up the free “Orb of the Dragon Familiar” that sits in L. Faba’s study for Nikal -- I’ve decided that, since she’s part of the “fire” section of the map in her home game, Spellfall, and the second area of that section has a dragon boss, she should have a dragon familiar. And I had the perfect name too -- Vale! After DragonVale, another game by Backflip. Isn’t he the absolute cutest thing? :D Seriously, if the Sims team decided to make plushies of the familiars, I’d snap up the dragon (and the leafbat) in a HEARTBEAT.
Anyway, after that, it was just time to practice magic and experiment with the cauldron until it was time for work! And since we followed Nikal last time, I decided we’d be joining Emmett on his scientific adventures this time! What strange and exciting things awaited him at the lab?
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0423s-archived · 2 years
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PAIRING. boyfriend!enhypen x gn!reader
GENRE. fluff, headcanons
WORDS. 865
WARNINGS. none really (let me know if there should be!)
A/N. yes i'm writing during my trip, pls ignore what i said about not doing that 😬. feedback and reblogs are always appreciated <3 requests are open if you'd like to read something similar (or different). thanks for taking the time to read this!!
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lee heeseung — a lover of cuddles. he will never pass up on the opportunity. he's got a garden of pillows and blankets on his couch. people often assume they're there because he tends to crash out on his couch (hence why his back is always aching) and while that may be true in part, the actual reason is so that he can cuddle with you as comfortably as possible. sometimes he even hugs his blankets and pillows, pretending that it's you instead. cuddling is such a habitual activity for you both. you go from sitting side by side to laying down together in the blink of an eye, regardless of the time. heeseung just loves holding you close, being able to smell your hair and feel your heartbeat synch with his own. SMALL SPOON.
park jongseong — he doesn't mind cuddles. if you wanna cuddle, he'll “agree” to it. but when he's feeling affectionate and wants to cuddle, he'll play it off as wanting a long hug in bed. it's not because he's embarrassed or anything like that. he's just shy and for some reason admitting he wants to cuddle out loud is impossible for him. i feel like jay fosters this eternal warmth. he's comfy and cozy 24/7. he doesn't need any blankets or pillows, nothing. this guy could cuddle you on the floor and you'd still enjoy it, no doubts whatsoever. he always tucks your head under his chin and he constantly has this peaceful, unbothered, blissful smile on his face whenever you're in his embrace. BIG SPOON.
sim jaeyun — the literal definition of a cuddle bug. jake believes the solution to everything is cuddles. dude will literally step away mid fight and tell you that he's too tired to keep bickering with you so if you're ready to calm down just meet him in bed (that sounds so suggestive but he always means it innocently). jake is definitely very good at conveying his thoughts verbally, but sometimes its best to just let your actions take the stand. and it just so turns out that how he feels is very clear from the way he cuddles with you. if he's facing away from you, maybe he's a little cross, if he's the small spoon, he's feeling apologetic, and if he's the big spoon, he's forgiving you. cuddling’s a love language with him. BIG AND SMALL SPOON.
park sunghoon — groans and complains when you force him to cuddle with you but everyone and their mom knows that he loves it so much (perhaps even more than you). physical affection really isn’t his strong suit. especially when he's the one who's supposed to be giving it. and cuddling’s a two party task so he freaks out a little. but like, compared to when you first even proposed the idea of cuddling to now, he's definitely warmed up a lot. he doesn't shy away from your embrace anymore and he always cuddles you back. sunghoon likes that he can be close to you without having intrusive thoughts eating away at him subconsciously. BIG SPOON.
kim sunoo — cuddling with sunoo would literally be so heavenly, i cannot tell you enough. he's so warm and bubbly and affectionate. of course he gives great cuddles. he hugs you tight, he warms you up from the inside and the outside. neither of you can stop smiling. cuddling with him is so fun you don't even require the accompaniment of other entertainment like a favorite movie or tv show. after a long day, when he's way too tired to be himself, he'll cuddle with you so that you know he's doing alright. often wordless, your embrace declares enough. BIG SPOON.
yang jungwon — a shy cuddler. he gets so flustered whenever you link your arms around his waist or rest your head on his chest. he knows you can feel how significantly his skin has heated up and how fast his heart is thundering, and that only embarrasses him more because why is he so shy around his significant other? it did take him some time to feel confident about initiating and providing physical intimacy. but now he knows that if he feels comfortable, you're comfortable as well. and oh, the giggles. both of you are in such a sweet and fluffy mood that some cheesy lines slip and you both just can't stop laughing about it. SMALL SPOON. 
nishimura riki — annoys the shit out of you. he'll squeeze you super tight and act all innocent when you complain. you're the one who wants to cuddle so you have to take what he's giving you, no objections whatsoever. but when he wants cuddles, he expects to be treated like a little prince. play with his hair and tell him everything you love about him. but don't you dare coddle him like a baby. if you do he'll get all sad and blue and it'll ruin his mood (yes he's a drama queen and yes he's a big baby). cuddles are like a last resort to boredom. if there's nothing else to do, he'll come and cuddle with you. 9/10 times he falls asleep in your embrace. SMALL SPOON. 
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nikrangdan · 3 years
enhypen x short!reader
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pairing: enhypen x short!reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: how enhypen would react to a short reader!!! this was requested btw i hope u guys like 😁 ive written separate headcanons for sunghoon and jay before but i wrote more here anyways 😏 THERES A COUPLE CUSS WORDS IN HERE
okay lets get this straight
hes literally the tallest member in enha
and then ur the shortest in ur friend group
im literally crying bc when u guys are standing facing each other heeseung is just looking straight over ur head LIKE UR NOT EVEN IN HIS LINE OF SIGHT
and THIS is why he always has his arm around ur shoulder or he makes sure ur holding onto his arm or smthn
and when hes practicing he likes to bring u up to dance with him
like he holds ur hands and u just try to 💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻 with justin bieber playing in the background
“i cant dance heeseung u know this” u stare up at him
“i know just vibe to the music~”
he finds it hilarious so hes giggling the whole time u two do a little jiggy
AND THEN HE GETS ALL SOFT AND TURNS U AROUND TO BACKHUG U AND FACE THE MIRRORS and he watches u guys sway back and forth slowly to the music
he loves the height difference and hes always looking at it in mirrors
*takes a deep breath* ... JAYYYYYY‼️‼️
he probably mentioned how short u are a couple times when you first met but i dont think he would be the type to constantly point out ur height and tease u or smthn
BUT!!!!! he loves it
alot of clothes you like are often too big for you and hes like
I Am Here To Rescue You From Distress, My Love
Ur so thankful for him!!!
he loves finding clothes for you
shirts arent a big problem its mostly the pants
he says “u look so good”
Jay ur superman 🔥
idk he just thinks ur so cute
he likes to stare at u like 🥰🥰☺️☺️
Jay has such big heart eyes for u AAAAAA
when u two are in the kitchen u arent able to reach the high cupboards
one time he stood on it and was like “y/n look”
you literally almost broke your neck trying to see him because HE WAS SO HIGH IN THE AIR
so high u were like “u got enough oxygen up there⁉️⁉️”
and then he said “u look like an ant” and he started dying at his own joke
But he never pulled that stool stunt again bc u attacked him viciously🤗🤗🤗
Wait im crying already
everytime i write about jake i have to take a break
hes literally too much for my heart
he GIGGLE!!!!!!!
Hes so obsessed with u its not even funny
he probably loves u more than u love him AND HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE BC HES JAKE SIM
His favorite thing ever is when sit in between his legs and ur back against his chest yknow
when u guys watch movies he feeds u popcorn like that
Head Pats!!!!!
He pats ur head alot or ruffles ur hair alot
and hes just so gentle with u
Ur like his little baby >_<
Jakes big fluffy bulky jackets
he wants u to wear them
and he
he zips them up all the way and puts the hoodie over ur head
and he just dies of laughter
Ur standing there like 🧍🏻‍♂️
“its getting hot in here jake”
you tried to flick the hood off but the chunky sleeve mixed with ur short arm was not a good combination so you couldnt even raise your arm
That made jake lose it and he just fell to the floor in tears😭
but seeing him so happy made u 🥰☺️ kinda so its okay
Hello hand holder
i say this whenever write for hoon
but this guy🤝🤝🤝
Get those hands ready yall
mmm okay
he probably calls u shorty whenever he teases u
Rude ass 🙄
ur like “😐” and hes like
“im sorry” *attacks u in a very messy and unmannered hug to the point where u fall back onto the couch and almost break ur leg*
i bet he holds stuff up in the air so u have to jump up and attempt to get it😭 so evil
but he doesnt like seeing u suffer for too long so he gives it to u after like 5 seconds 😁
he teases u alot but when ur out in public hes like Bodyguard Hoon
Hes not letting anything happen to u!!!!
one thing he says he doesnt like but we all know hes lying is when u like to jump on his back and force him to give u a piggyback ride
he just accepts it
one time u fell asleep on his back and he was like
“uh y/n”
yeah he eventually plopped u on the couch which woke u up
Sunoo thinks ur so adorable 💧_💧
like u two could just be sitting next to eachother watching something
and u have ur legs pulled up to ur chest and ur arms wrapped around them with ur chin on ur knees
you hear him giggling to himself
u look over like ......🤨 “what”
“nothing y/n *giggles again* ur just so cute”
ur like Staaaaawwp and u push his shoulder
and then he pushes u back
Play fighting ****
u guys laugh so much 😭😭
sunoo likes to talk about you alot
to everyone
literally everyone
to the boys: “omg y/n fell trying to reach the garlic LMAO”
to his mom: “y/n went up to this guy thinking it was me and pushed him it was so funny”
to his instagram: “how did y/n fit through my neighbors doggy door and why”
PLEASE when u two have arguments for fun
u go jump on the couch so u can be taller than him
and u just stare at eachother before bursting out into laughter
he loves to show u off aaaa “heres y/n” ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Please i think id cry if i was friends with jungwon (AND NI-KI)
he play too much 😫 he actually has no chill
“can u reach this y/n? or should i carry you *evil laugh*”
but besides from the teasing he adores u so much
and theres some things you arent able to do
But hes so happy to do it for you!!! he loves feeling like hes doing smthn for u
He always has this proud dad look on his face whenever u literally do ANYTHING
u could literally pick a twig off the ground and jungwon would go 😊 thats my y/n
he likes to massage ur legs when ur just chilling on ur bed or smthn
hes got one hand massaging ur legs and his other hand massaging his own legs
“i’ll make us grow taller y/n!”
“what??? you don’t need to be taller jungwon, i do!!” u snatch the hand hes using to massage his own leg and plant it right back on ur own legs
he starts laughing really hard and u think ur the president of comedy now 🔥🔥
he likes feeling tall when hes with u
but he also likes being babied 🙁🙁
Plz give him head kisses and cheek pinches
This kid is literally a titan
and hes crazy
picks u up BRIDAL STYLE and starts running around the room like an animal
like WHAT ???????
he says its because you’re the only THING around and he needs the exercise
and this kid is a teaser too😫😫
“y/n can you hand me the cereal up there? oh wait you cant”
you turn around like What the hell did u just say...
yeah he got a smacking that day
“im just kidding i didnt mean it”
ni-ki is also very sweet
he offers piggyback rides and makes u little gifts
one time u got a cramp from being on ur tippy toes too long
he was laughing at first but then he saw ur eyes welling up with tears and he ran to u really fast 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
heres an analogy
ni-ki hands : whale :: y/n hands : seahorse
they just vanish into thin air and u guys think its peak comedy
“whered ur hand go y/n 💀”
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hooniee · 4 years
 — ꒰‧⁺ making lunch for them*ೃ༄ 
↷enhypen x reader ⋯ ♡ᵎ
↷ genre: reaction | fluff⋯ ♡ᵎ
↷warnings: mentions of food hence the title! please proceed with caution ⋯ ♡ᵎ
⇢˚⋆ ✎ this was super fun to write and i might write so more reactions/headcannons like this! please enjoy <3ˎˊ-
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*
-ˏˋ~ heeseung lee ~ˊˎ-
“okay here’s a lunchbox for you! all of your favorites, make sure to eat all the veggies so that you can be healthy. i packed two water bottles so that you don’t get dehydrated. i also packed a bunch of snacks for the boys so make sure they eat too! oh and-”
heeseung laughs at you rambling, making you halt and feel shy under his gaze
“too much? sorry, you know how i am”
heeseung shakes his head, “not at all babe, thank you”
you dating the oldest in the group automatically made you like a mother figure to the 6 boys you adored
you had packed heeseung lunch ever since you found out he never had time to cook anything besides ramen packets :((
it wasn’t healthy for him and both of you knew that
he loved your lunches and it had just become a routine
the boys started to pout and get sad that you didn’t pack them anything 
or as heeseung says, “they’re hungry little monsters too”
from then, you started putting loads of snacks in his lunch bag so that the boys could have something to munch on, occasionally making seven lunch boxes as a meal packed with nutritious foods.
heeseung complained about how heavy it was to carry all of them
but in reality, he wanted to be the only one who had the special heart shaped sandwiches. 
-ˏˋ~ jay park ~ˊˎ-
(tasting the potato) “a little too salty” 
(picking up the heart shaped onigiri) “why is it cut in a weird shape?
(staring at the ratio of chicken and rice) “could have added more chicken to balance out the amount of rice-” 
“jay if you don’t like it, just say it,” you pout, moving to take the lunch box away from him.
*glaring at you* “who said i didn’t like it?”
jay is definitely  the type of person to love cooking
from enhypen&hi, you can see him taking the lead in making dinner with the members
he critiques your cooking, like a mini gordan ramsy, but in a more loving way
honestly your food is amazing but he doesn’t want to be seen as soft so he pretends to play it off as
“it could be better but it’s still edible”
on the inside, he was screaming at himself
“this is so good! my cute s/o made it for me and look at this cute heart shape! oh veggies too! i should eat these so that i can be healthy”
he’s grateful that you take your time out of your day to cook for him
and who are we kidding?
jay swallows your food
even if it tastes like expired makeup
-ˏˋ~ jake sim ~ˊˎ-
“what is this baby?” jake asks, pulling a yellow bento box out of his practice bag.
he had never seen this box. it was labeled with “with love, enjoy babe!”
jake had woken up late or more so, you wanted to give him some more rest, and you decided to pack his bag and make him a lunch box while you were up.
“that’s your lunch jake,” you laugh at his adorable confused face, putting the ingredients back in the cabinet.
“lunch ?that you made for me?” jake’s eyes widen as you nod your head.
you didn’t know how he would react from the way his face stayed in shock, did he not want it? was the note too much?
that was before he rushed over to hug you and plant a kiss on your forehead. 
jake was a simp for you
you were the light of his life, his one and only, his whole world, etc.
you could have grabbed something from the top shelf and jake would cheer like you just won a grammy
he was grateful for anything you did for him, cuddling him when he was tired, packing his bag when he need those extra 5 minutes of sleep
to say the least, he never would have imagined that you would make lunch for him
you had usually packed snacks in his bag since you were also a busy person but it was the first time you had made a whole meal for him
your cooking was the best, next to his mom’s of course
jake almost didn’t want to eat it from how pretty it was made
“why is jake hyung looking at rice like that?” 
“because his OH SO precious (y/n) made it for him”
“ahhh makes sense”
-ˏˋ~ sunghoon park ~ˊˎ-
“sunghoon! wait up, wait up,” you yell out, running after him. 
maybe it was because sunghoon was blessed with those super long legs but man, does this man walk fast.
sunghoon turns around, baggy white tshirt and black sweats, a black duffel bag hanging off of his shoulder
he corks his eyebrow at your figure that’s panting after chasing after him.
he checks his pockets and unzips his bag, “did i forget anything?”
“here,” you place a bento box with a pink cloth tied in a knot in his hands.
he squints, turning it in different ways, “what is this?
“it’s a lunch box! i made it for you,” you smile.
no thank you came from his mouth but you could tell as his cheeks started to glow pink like the cloth
sunghoon is confused when you make him lunch?
don’t get him wrong, he’s thankful but why?
i see sunghoon as a person to ask why questions for anything his s/o does for him
not is it to just annoy you, but he can feel the love behind the words when you explain WHY you did that thing for him
he loves affirmation over physical touch
sunghoon seems to be someone more introverted and quiet in the relationship
listening to his s/o, nodding to them when their ranting about something
he feels really grateful to you and eats his lunch with a big smile
he attempts to make you lunch too
if jungwon hadn’t called the fire department, you guys probably would be burnt to a crisp </3
-ˏˋ~ sunoo kim ~ˊˎ-
“oh my gosh (y/n)! what is this?” sunoo squeals as you place the newly prepared food in the bento box.
“it’s your lunch, bub,” you smile, seeing his face light up when you mention his lunch.
“for me? for real?” he questions
you nod your head and he starts doing a cute wiggling dance.
“my (y/n) is the best!”
sunoo loves to eat!
he loves all types of foods from all different palettes
sunoo didn’t mean to wake up so early
after a long night of practice, the last thing he wanted to do was go wake up early
but he couldn’t help it
the smell of cooking had instantly made him rise from bed
he took a little peep out to see you rushing around the kitchen
there was an egg, frying in the pan
you were packing rice that was freshly steaming, into a blue bento box
in your (f/c) apron, hair out of your face
he smiles at the sight, pretending to be asleep when you awoke him
-ˏˋ~ jungwon yang ~ˊˎ-
“wonie? are you here?” you softly call out, peeping your head into the practice room
“i’m right here,” jungwon comes from behind you making you jump, almost dropping the lunch box
“hi won,” you smile
“hi (y/n), what’s up?” he smiles, softly giving you a forehead kiss
“i wanted to drop this off, “ you hold up the box
he tilts his head in confusion, “bento box? for me? i didn’t order anything though?”
“idiot, i made it for you”
jungwon is the leader
even though he doesn’t have to, he always makes sure that his members have eaten or are staying hydrated
he always is worried about his members than himself
and it takes a toll on him as the hyungs said
it made you sad when you heard a report from heeseung that jungwon had been skipping lunch as much as he preached about the topic
enough was enough for you
you got up extra early and got to work
you had prepared a lunch bento filled with protein, veggies, carbs and a small chocolate bar. making sure to pack a water bottle, you packed it in a tiny backpack
you felt proud of your final creation
and from then on, you had decided to start making jungwon lunch everyday
from that day on, jungwon hasn’t skipped lunch
-ˏˋ~ nishimura riki ~ˊˎ-
riki enters the practice room again, cutting his break short while his hyungs take a nap, continue to eat, etc.
as he’s about to start to warm up, a purple bento box catches his eye. it was placed on the speaker.
he didn’t remember that being there before? maybe it was one of his hyungs. he should probably give it to them.
to his surprise when taking a quick glance at it, it said his name
“for your lunch riki! (y/n)”
he quickly pulled out his phone and snapped a picture, sending it to you with the caption “is this for me?”
your phone buzzes and you see the notification from riki. you laugh, opening his message
you respond “yes babe! enjoy <3”
just like jungwon, ni-ki had been skipping meals :(((
and you weren’t happy to hear that
ni-ki was still growing and needed nutritious meals to be able to stay healthy
his only excuse was that he needed to practice to be better in dance
ni-ki was already amazing :((( 
why did he need to sacrifice his precious lunch time to practice?
you became anxious about the way he wasn’t taking care of himself
he already doesn’t get enough sleep
now not enough nutritious food?
that was not going to pass by you
you wanted to drop the lunchbox in secret, he didn’t need to see your flustered face anyway
you signaled to sunoo in the lobby as he guides you to the practice room
ni-ki was too busy playing on his phone to notice you
you dropped it off but you didn’t expect him to find it so fast
he was glad that it was just a drop off, so you couldn’t see the fire growing on his cheeks
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postalenha · 3 years
on and off % jake
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pairing: playboybf!jake x reader genre: angst, fluff, lovers to exes, exes to lovers idek word count: 1.89k words requested: yes / prompt 14, “we called it off again last night.” / 18, “it’s been you all along.” / 19, “for the first time, i had something to lose.” synopsis: immaturity isn't needed in a relationship, but that seems to be jake's and your's specialty. warnings: curse words, mentions of drinking, throwing up, su!cide, toxic relationship, making out
"i thought you're going with jake today?" sunghoon asked as you hop into his car.
you rolled your eyes at the thought of riding in the same vehicle as the boy, "no, we called it off again last night."
"again?!" the boy exclaimed, "y/n, that's probably the nth time you guys called it off." he sighed in disbelief, "that's not how relationships work." he commented.
judgingly looking at his way, "yeah? like you know any better?"
"shut up." he started the engine, "this isn't about my love life."
"whatever." you blurt out, "i guess being bad at handling relationship runs in our blood." you jokingly said, as your cousin laugh.
he tilt his head smiling, "damn, of all things that can be passed down, that's what we got."
"well, at least we got good looks. that works as a payoff." he added. you agreed at him with a nod, "anyway." you changed the subject.
"i'm planning on ending it with jake." you stated. he looked at you, "no shit, you sure?" he assured, "to be honest, whatever makes you happy." he added, looking like he wanted to say something but he decided not to.
"don't apologize." you led before he could even say sorry for insisting that you should date his best friend, sim jaeyun.
"i'm not- okay whatever." he almost want to deny the urge but he saw you looking at him with a teasing face, "i just feel a little responsible for all the stress this relationship have caused you." he scratch the back of his head, as you slap his arm.
"shut up, dating him was my decision. you don't have to blame yourself for all the bad decisions i made for myself. i'm an adult now." you told him.
parking his car he nod his head, "okay. just remember i'm here if things are bad, okay?"
"okay." you said, before going out of his car. walking at the corridor of your building, trying to see if jake arrived earlier than you today.
and he certainly did. there he is on his designated seat beside the window, silently watching as the wilted leaves fall down from the tree.
the clock ticks time faster than you expected and your professor came in, not able to call out for jake's name to even talk to him.
sitting down to a chair, you told yourself that you'll talk to him later. and here you are, in front of jake sim at the rooftop of your university's main building.
it might be your lucky day for no one else is here but the two of you. this place is usually cramped with so many people and miraculously today isn't one of those days.
this may be one of the many signs sent from above that this relationship should end as it wasn't right from the beginning.
your blood boils as your cousin sunghoon pushes you into the table of his friend group, "come on! you wouldn't lose anything! he just want to talk to you." he shouts.
"then tell him i don't want to!" you shout back a little annoyed. the last thing you want to do tonight is talk to the famous serial dater, jake sim. "for i know, he just wants the best out of me!"
"come on! jake's not like that!" he defended his friend. to be honest, sunghoon is the last person you should be ranting to. for he is just like his friend, they play with girl's hearts for fun.
you rolled your eyes as you reach the table of ego. the decision of naming that wasn't yours, but the other students. they called this the table of ego because everyone in here got some solid ego. heeseung, jay, sunghoon, jake. all of them.
"y/n! you actually came!" heeseung cheered as soon as he saw you, he scooted a little bit on his right to leave some space between him and jake, "come sit!"
sitting beside him was probably one of the decisions you will forever regret in your life. the memory of that night was a blur. you barely recall anything that happened then.
the only thing that you remember was when jake was reaching for a kiss, you accidentally threw up on him before passing out.
the next day, he told you to be his girlfriend to compensate with the mess you gave his brand new shirt. you said yes just so he could shut up, telling yourself you'll break up with him after a day or two.
two months then passed and you are just breaking everything now. well, it's better late than never. you just didn't expect that he would actually be a good boyfriend.
he's mostly good, not until everything gets complicated even with nothing. you fight over the smallest thing like, not being able to respond to each other's text to someone getting jealous.
it wasn't the best relationship you've been in but it was a good experience. you learned so much and now, it's time to move on.
"what is it that you wanted to say?" jake impatiently snapped you back into reality. you swallowed a good amount of saliva before saying, "let's break up."
it was better to say it forward than beating around the bush. with this, more time and energy will be saved. because even if you give him an explanation he probably won't listen.
he slowly blinked and sighed, looking away he said "okay. if that's what you want." see. he wouldn't even bother asking you why.
well, if you get things easy. they would also go easily, "okay. it was fun meeting you." you head out, leaving him there.
he most probably would not be so upset that he might think of jumping off the building, but you still prayed that he wont.
and he didn't. you can guarantee that as you see that three weeks later jake sim is with a woman walking the same isle as you are. the chances of you seeing him here at this huge mall was small, but never impossible.
you grabbed your friend's hand trying to hide from the sight of the man, "what are you doing-"
"shut up, jake is here." you told here looking at their way, walking into a clothing store. you hurriedly go and sit at a restaurant far from them and ordered food when your friend speak up.
"y/n, what's the point of hiding now when you guys already broke up?" she patheticly looked at you who's trying to hide from a menu list.
putting the menu list down on the table, you crossed your arms, "i am not hiding from him. i simply don't want to involve myself with anything that has to do with him."
"yeah, like seeing him in a shopping mall involves you with him." she said with full sarcasm. "you have no idea how pathetic that sounded."
not listening to anything she said, you started eating your pasta. almost choking when you saw a familliar figure walk in the restaurant.
trying your best to lean down and not get noticed you hear your friend call, "jake!" you kick her feet under the table as you see jake wave back and walks closer.
"what the fuck did you just do?" you whispered at her, she just smiles like an idiot as jake reach your table.
"hello, jia." he greeted your friend, "hi, y'n."
flashing a fake smile, you said "hi." satisfied with how annoyed you are, jia announced "you guys can join us! we got two extra seats here."
"we don't want to intrude-" you cut him off, "yes, there are a lot of vacant tables. they sure can find their own, right?"
serving a glass of wine, a waiter says "oh, we're fully booked, ma'am. so if you want to eat here, you have to wait for another hour or so." he said pouring some on your glass. "if you'll excuse me."
"it would be rude if we don't invite you right? so join!" your friend cheered as the girl jake's with sit next to you.
taking a sip of your wine whenever jake helps the girl cut her steak, you became unaware of how drunk you are. "so, when did you meet jake?" you asked the girl.
to be frank, she was quiet the whole time. just sitting there, not saying a thing but a "thanks." whenever jake helps her with anything.
"you can't answer that? well can you tell me if you are able to use your hands to their purpose? like cutting off a steak or puring your own glass of wine?"
"y/n-" your friend tried to stop you. but you didn't listen. you just continued to blabber nonsense until jake grabbed your wrist to the bathroom.
shaking your hand off his grip you screamed at him asking, "why did you bring me here?!"
"y/n why are you being so rude?" he calmly asked you.
you sarcastically laughed, "i'm being rude? who's more rude when you're out here eating at the same table as your ex-girlfriend and your current girlfriend?"
"current girlfriend- y/n that's my cousin!" he tried to calm himself by breathing slowly, pushing the side of his mouth using his tounge "do you really think i could replace you that fast?"
the sudden question made you feel like someone cut off your tounge. because you mostly have answer for everything but this. his question caught you off guard.
"when you broke up with me, i never asked why. i knew you were tired and i don't want to exhaust you more." you hear his voice shake as he speak. "i was also tired and we both needed a break."
you looked straight at his eyes that are sparkling from moist done by the tears that he have been trying so hard to hold back, "but as time pass by, i felt more and more empty. there is a big mark of you in my heart that ever since you left, no one has ever filled."
"nobody could ever fit in, but you." cupping your face he also wipe your tears away. "i never felt that way before. it's like, for the first time, i had something to lose."
"jake, i-" it was as if you forgot how to compose a word. you never knew he felt the same way you did when you broke up with him.
maybe sunghoon was more of your cousin than he is jake's friend. because if jake only knew how many times you told sunghoon that you miss him, he would've came back faster than this.
he smiled pulling you into a hug, "it's fine if you don't feel the same way anymore. i understand that. but i just want you to know that i am not the douchebag you think i am."
pulling away from the hug, you see his eyes were bloodshot "sorry, the last thing i want to do is make you cry-" you pulled him into a kiss not letting another word out of his mouth.
running out of breath, you seperated his lips from yours. you widely smiled at him, "it’s been you all along."
kissing outside a three star restaurant's restroom isn't as ideal as other comeback stories, but you wouldn't ask for anything else. as long as you have jake in your arms, your heart is content.
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lightsovermonaco · 3 years
Body Shots (Pierre Gasly)
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Inspired by (and beta read) by the amazing @limp-wrist-max​ thank you Mea! 
Word count: 3.5k
Recommended song: “Lucky You” by Sim Dane
Vacationing in Milan had its perks. Fine dining, luxury stores that were prime for window shopping, and the proximity to your best friend, to name a few.
When you'd touched down in Milan you had had no intentions of visiting Pierre. You had just finished your exams for your summer class and had a week before the next semester started up, so you had simply booked the cheapest ticket and boarded a plane. 
The intent had been to have some good wine, good food and unwind. Pierre saw your Instagram story minutes after you posted it and recognized the bakery you stopped at for lunch. And once he found out you were only a few minutes away from that weekend's grand prix, he had ideas that didn't involve you reading a novel all day.
Pierre had insisted that a last minute cancelation by a family friend had left a paddock pass unclaimed and had suggested you take it.
"You're my best friend, it'll be fun to have you experience a weekend through my eyes for once instead of sitting in the stands. Come visit me."
Something in the inflection of his voice made the simple request rub you raw. He missed you. It had been months since your last get together and you couldn't blame him. The last year had been rough for him and he  rarely had anyone physically at his side to help him through it.
Inviting you instead of one of his parents was about more than your current proximity to the track. He hadn't missed a beat in asking you, not hesitating to consider anyone else being with him this weekend.
Your stomach had turned as you climbed in a cab Sunday morning, not out of fear of something going wrong but because of the nagging feeling that something was about to change.
You'd known Pierre since you were kids. Your brother had raced in karting before pursuing another dream, but in the few short years you'd hung around European tracks you had managed to forge a bond with one of your brother's rivals. That friendship carried on regardless of the distance that separated you, kept alive by visits in the off season and once a year trips to the racetrack at Silverstone.
Pierre met you at the gates and you had barely seen him since.
A decent qualifying session saw the Frenchman start P10 on Sunday's race. He didn't hide the fact that he was disappointed, but come time for his final meeting with the team you'd never guess he was anything but ecstatic.
You had to be conscious about your mouth hanging open when Pierre stepped into the garage in his fireproofs with his suit half undone. The tuft of blond hair peeking through his backwards cap floats on an invisible breeze and he bounces on his toes. His brow furrows when he is handed a data sheet, listening intently to what the engineer points out.
Butterflies riot in your stomach when Pierre catches you staring and winks. You pray he writes the blush on your cheeks off as the heat and he must, because he raises his eyebrows and flexes a bit.
You laugh to cover the way you want to do nothing but strip him out of that tight fitted white shirt. Your crush was getting out of hand. Pierre's shameless, friendly flirting only escalated matters.
You told yourself it was nothing. He was like this with every girl he met, making a fool of himself to earn a laugh. You were no different, except maybe that you were a constant where most other women only got to enjoy his playful personality for a short time.
You're treated to a few long minutes of watching Pierre prep to climb into the car before he's heading out on track to line up at the grid. 
The race starts off fine, Pierre's pace is better than expected. One of the Haas's breaks down at the pit entry and Pierre's strategist decides to bring him in for a fresh set of tires. A kiss seems like the proper reward for their stroke of brilliance, which affords Pierre the advantage when the pits close soon after. 
Restarting on lap 28 is nail biting. Hamilton, Stroll, and Pierre make up the podium places. The entire garage gasps when Stroll goes wide at turn four. Hamilton serves his penalty and Pierre inherits the lead. Sainz jumps on the opportunity to attack.
Pierre defends brilliantly until the final lap. The team erupts when he crosses the line first, bringing home the win.
Red, white and green confetti sticks to his skin as he sprays the champagne over all of you. In the heat of it all, Pierre sits on that top step and shakes his head. You already know that the photos of him being snapped from all angles will be gorgeous, the sun shining down on the first French grand prix winner in decades.
A legend in the minds of his people and in yours.
You could scarcely believe it yourself. Your best friend had finally, after years of being pushed down, won a grand prix at the temple of speed. Red Bull had been wrong, just as you'd insisted when Pierre cried over losing his seat and his friend in one weekend. But god, did Pierre rise above it all.
Pierre catches your gaze just before he leaves the podium. A lifetime of emotion swirls around him like an enigma, begging you to find out what it was hiding. Your wave is barely more than a lift of your hand but Pierre notes it nonetheless, tipping his trophy in your direction.
You wait patiently on the sidelines as Pierre poses for pictures with his team on and off the track. His attention constantly falls on you, his grin widening each time he sees you tucked under the arm of an enthusiastic mechanic or crew member. Alpha Tauri was a family and you were an honorary member thanks to your connection to their driver.
An action packed hour of cameras passes before Pierre is able to break away. As soon as he's given the go ahead he passes his trophy off and marching to you. You're both practically running by the time you meet in the middle. You crash into him and he lifts you off your feet in a crushing hug.
"You did it," you whisper, overwhelmed by his success now that you've gotten the chance to celebrate with him. "I'm so proud of you."
Pierre laughs as he sets you on your feet. His smile is wider than you've ever seen it and you're sure his cheeks must be sore.
"Wish they allowed us to bring a friend up there," Pierre says softly, a smile melting into a sly smirk. "Seeing you doused in champagne is an image I wouldn't forget."
You shake your head, caught up in his ceaseless flirting. He had no idea that his honeyed words and gentle touches lit something inside of you, rattling your brain and making it impossible to form a coherent sentence. Instead you snatch the black and gold Pirelli cap off his head and place it on your own, earning you a peal of laughter.
"Looks better on you anyway." Pierre runs a hand through his sweaty, champagne doused hair, leaving bits sticking up at odd angles.
Someone calls Pierre's name, far enough away that there's no rush. Pierre's hands remain planted on your waist and yours stay wrapped around his neck. By the way his bright blue eyes bore into yours, you swear he's thinking the same thing you are.
"Thank you for believing in me," he murmurs, gaze falling to your lips.
"I knew it was just a matter of time," you tell him, inching up on your tiptoes. Tempted by his win, you want to ruin the best friendship you've ever had. You want to discover if the lips you spend far too much time dreaming about felt as soft as they looked. You want to know how it feels to be lost in Pierre, newly minted race winner, and find out just how he dealt with the adrenaline and euphoria of his incredible drive.
"Well done mate!"
Max Verstappen startles the two of you apart. You take a healthy step back and drop your gaze to the ground to hide your burning cheeks.
"Thanks." Pierre accepts the Dutchman's embrace and claps him on the back. "Sucks I didn't get to fight you for it."
"There will be more chances in the future. And I didn't expect to see you here, that's a nice surprise." Max knocks you with his shoulder, tipping you off balance. On instinct you latch onto Pierre's arm to steady yourself. You wait a heartbeat too long to remove your hand and both of you find anywhere to look but each other.
"So where's the party?" You ask, searching for a distraction from the way your palm still burns.
"Definitely not at Red Bull." Max shudders and you laugh because that's what you do when someone is being over dramatic. It rings hollow in your ears.
"I hear there's a few guys with adjoining rooms at the hotel who bought plenty of booze," Pierre says. "You and Dan wanna come by?"
"Is that really a question?" Max grins, already typing out a text as Pierre feeds him the details.
"You should do body shots," Max suggests, which earns a roaring laugh from Daniel and a half hearted one from Pierre.
"I don't think so," Pierre says, "there's no one here I trust enough to let that happen."
"Not even your best friend?" Max gestures to you and shoots you a wink when Pierre glances over. "I think she's trustworthy."
"No thanks." Pierre holds up his plastic cup and salutes Max before draining it to the dregs.
Pierre's immediate refusal hurt more than it probably should have. You hadn't expected him to jump at the offer but having him shut the idea down so thoroughly hadn't been what you wanted either.
Max notes your pouty lower lip and speaks on your behalf. "Come on mate," Max insists. "You just won your first prix, live a little! It's not like you've got anything to lose, she's your best friend."
"That's exactly why-"
"Shut up, it would be fun! Wouldn't it?" Max says this last bit to you, a wild grin on his face.
Max expects you to turn red and object. That was his end goal. But what the Dutchman hadn't counted on was how drunk you already were on Pierre. On his smile. On his bright blue eyes, swirling in the aftermath of his unlikely triumph. And mostly on the not-so-sneaky way he glances at you every few minutes.
"Let's do it."
Pierre blinks, searching your face for any sign of distress. "Wait, are you serious?"
"Yeah, why not?" You shrug, suddenly fearing that you'd read him wrong and he really was against this whole thing. "Unless you don't want to-"
"Get the vodka," Pierre interrupts, nodding to Max though his stare remains pinned on you. Pierre latches onto your wrist and drags you around the room until he finds a table long and sturdy enough for his liking. 
"This a good height for you?"
The coffee table is low enough that you'd have to kneel. Luckily getting on your knees isn't something you'd mind doing for Pierre. You lick your lips without thinking. Pierre's pupils blow wide, black swallowing the swirling oceans of blue.
"Sure," is all you manage.
"Good." Apparently neither of you were able to focus on speech. You work together to clear the empty plastic cups and used napkins from the surface. Your hands brush when you both reach for the last cup and you just catch the way Pierre's breath hitches.
You and Pierre have danced this dance since you were teenagers. Each of you knows the steps by heart. The only difference is tonight neither of you were poised to bow out before the final lift.
"Beep beep, bitches!" You yank your hand away when Max's shout reaches you. Pierre's hand lingers in front of him,  outstretched as if your palm remained grazing his thumb. 
Max holds the bottle of vodka over his head as he wades through the crowd. "You're all about to be very, very entertained."
"Where's your chaperone?" You ask Max, searching for Daniel in the low lighting. You press your palm to your thigh, dissipating Pierre's lingering heat.
The Dutchman waves you off. "Went to get us more drinks. Pierre, isn't it kinda hard to do body shots if you're still fully clothed?"
"Who says I'm the one getting undressed?"
Max's grin dimples his flushed cheeks. "I mean you can ask her to take her shirt off in front of all these people if you want to."
"No," Pierre responds quickly. "Fine. I'll do it."
When Pierre strips off his shirt he gets more than a few whistles from men and women alike. That tended to happen when someone was built like a Greek fucking god, you supposed. Whoever voted for People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" and decided on Michael B. Jordan had clearly never laid eyes on Pierre, with his bronzed skin, endless expanses of muscle, and brilliant cheshire grin.
Michael B. Jordan who?
Pierre hands the team branded shirt off and lays out on the table. He pillows an arm under his head, bare bicep flexed as he gets comfortable. Leaning in to kiss along the hard muscle was out of the question, however tempting it was.
Pierre looks up expectantly. "You coming?" 
Holy shit, this was actually happening.
"Yeah, I'm coming." You sink to your knees and Pierre laughs.
"Up here." He pats his thigh with his free hand and beacons you forward. "Please."
Screw it, you've already thrown your friendship out the window. This night ended either in heartbreak or awkwardness, might as well get your money's worth.
A few whoops break out above the music. The bassline isn't the only thing thundering in your chest as you straddle Pierre's thighs, hands braced on his chest.
"Okay?" Pierre whispers for your ears only. You nod with what you hope is a charming smile.
"Alright move," Max says, shooing you back until you're resting on your haunches. Max flicks the cap off the bottle and you grab it to take a long sip.
Max gapes at you and you wipe a hand over your mouth. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies."
Pierre's thighs tense beneath you in response to your bold declaration. Dozens of Pierre's friends and team members gather around. For all you care, Pierre is the only person in the room.
"Last chance to back out," Max warns. You're too busy tracking the drop of liquid that falls from the neck of the bottle to splash onto the crease of Pierre's abs to bother responding. 
"Pour it out." Pierre's chest sinks with his demand, doing nothing but sparking your imagination, creating images of him heaving beneath you. You'd sell your soul to recreate the way you're currently poised above Pierre's hips with a little less clothing and no audience.
Max gives up hope on you replying and dribbles the alcohol up Pierre's abdomen, stopping just below his pecks.
"Have at 'er-"
Your tongue is on Pierre's skin before Max has finished his sentence. You feel the muscle tense beneath your tongue, going rigid at the first contact. The burn of the vodka doesn't even register as you lap it up, catching the drips that fall over his sides. 
You aren't sure either of you is breathing. Salty sweat mingles with the sharpness of the alcohol, an afterthought barely worth mentioning.
Blame the liquid courage or blame the high from Pierre's win, but you were confident Pierre was enjoying this just as much as you. 
Planting a hand on Pierre's hip, you steal a glance up at him to find him locked on you. You take that as permission to continue, dragging your tongue flat up his stomach and continuing well past where the vodka had been poured. Up between his pecks, over the curve of his throat that bobs beneath your tongue, over his chin until you meet his lips, already parted and waiting. 
Neither of you pay the shouts cresting around you any heed. You've both waited too long for this, endured too many almosts and what ifs to let the opportunity slip through your fingers. Your sticky hands cradle Pierre's face, angling it in a way that's to your liking so you can explore more of his mouth. He tastes like whiskey and mint, the juxtaposition of hot and cold scattering your thoughts. One of Pierre's hands finds the nape of your neck when you gasp for air, refusing to let you end the moment.
And it's pure, unending bliss that floods your veins when he nips at your lower lip, swollen and surely reddened from his kiss. His thumb sweeps across the back of your neck while you both fight to catch the breath currently evading you.
Daydreams didn't hold a candle to the real thing. One taste and you were addicted, craving as much as Pierre was willing to give.  
"Hey," he murmurs, the corners of his mouth tugging up in a stupidly gorgeous smile.
"That was nice," you tease, tangling your fingers in the silky blond strands of his hair. "I wouldn't be opposed to doing it again."
"Me too. Maybe somewhere where it's just us though. I wouldn't want to scandalize my team any further." You manage to steal another sweet peck before Max hauls you off Pierre.
"Fucking finally," Daniel says, clapping when you're upright again. "Do you know how long I've been trying to orchestrate this? The two of you really are dumber than a box of rocks. I can't believe all it took was Max suggesting body shots to get you two to kiss."
The arm that wraps around your waist feels right. Pierre hasn't hugged you like this before, with his chin resting on your shoulder and his nose nuzzling your neck, but it already feels like home.
Pierre ignores Max completely in favor of pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear. "Why don't we go back to my room? I'll pour more alcohol on myself if that's what it takes to convince you."
You're just about to take him up on the offer when one of his team members taps his shoulder. He glances at them impatiently, which the man thankfully doesn't take personally.
"They want some photos with you holding your trophy," he explains, handing a shirt and the star shaped interpretation of the Italian flag to Pierre. "It will only take a few minutes,  they promised not to keep you long."
Of course everyone knew exactly where your minds were. Sanity had long since left the premises, tangled up in crisp white sheets. Pierre's entire team and half the Red Bull garage had seen what had gone down while the prix winner was sprawled on that coffee table. There would be no chance of denying it in the morning. 
And while you'd never imagined that the first time you'd kiss your best friend would be directly preceded by licking copious amounts of shitty liquor off his super-heated skin, now that you'd experienced it any other way seems forgettable.
Pierre sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I mean, I already have my trophy, but…" your stomach lurches when you realize he means you. Pierre catches the way your mouth hangs open and he shoots you a grin before accepting the real trophy.
"You carry it," he says, not giving you much of a choice as he thrusts it into your hands. "I'm occupied."
You're about to point out that his hands are, in fact, free and that the more likely reason for insisting you carry the trophy was his usual post-race laziness when he slings an arm around your shoulders and tucks you tight to his side.
"Is this okay?" Pierre asks when you involuntarily stiffen. God, it was more than okay, it was perfect, it had just caught you by surprise. You'd only kissed him a handful of minutes ago and Pierre was already wrapped around your finger, smitten as if you'd been a couple for years.
"Yeah no, it's perfect. Simply lovely," you say quickly, stumbling over your words.
"Can I kiss you again?"
Your answer comes in the form of a hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks. You prop the trophy on your hip and smile up at your race winner.
"You don't have to ask that ever again. My answer is always yes."
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jayla’s cafe | sjy
↬ series: cameras & caffeine | chapter one ↬ overall pairing: cafe owner!jake x ceo!reader (all members will be featured at some point throughout the series, some are in it more than others !!) ↬ overall series genres: fluff, slight angst, jake also bakes, reader is a single mom, we fell in love when we were kids but life happened so we broke up and now we’re reconnecting because we’re adults and i don’t think i ever truly got over you au, love triangle if you squint really really hard ↬ navi: next | series masterlist ↬ warnings: none ↬ word count: 1.3k
[ series synopsis ]
↱ You were young when you fell in love with Sim Jake. How could you not when he had a smile that could light up the darkest of nights, eyes that seemed to look deep into your soul, and a bubble of happiness around him that you wanted to be a part of? He was young when he fell in love with you. How could he not when you had a warmth that could never be replicated, a spark in your eyes that he loved to see, and your own special way of calming him down? But life had other plans for you two. After high school, he wanted to move back to Australia and start a new life with you but you wanted to stay in the country and continue the life already established for you. Things changed, your views no longer aligned, and before either of you two had broken up.
Now, a few years have passed and due to medical issues, your father has decided to temporarily step down from his position as Hybe Entertainment’s CEO, leaving the position to you. Despite all the eyes watching and waiting for you to fall since you’re so young and a single mother, you’re determined to prove them all wrong. You’ve been doing fine so far, working in such a high position and stressful environment while simultaneously being able to take the time and effort to take care of your son, Heeseung. But when you get news of your ex, Jake coming back to the country and opening up a cafe you decide to pay a visit. One visit turns to two which turns to three and before you know it, Jayla’s Cafe suddenly becomes a part of your regular routine. Jake meets Heeseung, the two instantly taking a liking to each other but unbeknownst to any of you, cameras lurk in the bushes and flash when you’re unaware. What happens when photos are revealed to the public and connections are made? Connections… that might not just be baseless rumors after all.  ↲
You let out a sigh as your eyes stay settled on your laptop screen in front of you, too focused on work to be able to glance at the time and too busy to hear your office door opening. It’s only when you feel a presence next to you, a slight tug at your hand, and the sound of your son’s voice that you’re finally brought back to reality and out of the trance that work had put you in. You smile as you smoothen out Heeseung’s hair, move the chair back a little to allow him to settle on your lap. You look up at Sunghoon and smile,
“Thanks for taking care of Hee today,” you say gratefully. Of all the billions of people in the world, you couldn’t be more thankful to have Sunghoon as your best friend. He was there for you when you were pregnant, a constant source of comfort when you needed it, and now was one of the closest things that Heeseung had as a father.
“Mhm,” is all Sunghoon replies as he takes your coat for you. While the three of you head into the elevator
“Hoonie?” you say. Sunghoon stays quiet at the nickname, simply looking at you and you continue, “I’m thankful for all that you’ve done for me but you really don’t have to any of this. After all, you’re the co-CEO of Park Enterprises with Jay and you have your own life. Maybe you should go on a few dates here and there instead of always being with me and Hee, I can set you up,” you offered. Sunghoon was hurt at your implication that there were better places to be than with you but didn’t show it. Instead,
“I don’t have time to go on dates, you know this.”
“But you have time to take care of a kid for half a day?” you countered. In all the years that you’ve known Sunghoon and have been best friends, you never could really get a read on him. You wondered what he was thinking about and the thoughts running through his mind but when the elevator finally reaches the parking lot below your building,
“It’s different because you and Heeseung are actually worth spending my time on,” he replied as you got into your car. The car ride to your house was spent in silence, a normal occurrence with Sunghoon but it felt normal and was a type of silence that didn’t need to be filled. Spending time with Sunghoon was something that you did so often that it was almost a part of your routine. Like tonight, there were times when Sunghoon would pick up Heeseung and bring him to your office and the three of you would then have dinner together. Other times, you picked up Heeseung and headed to Sunghoon’s office for dinner. Occasionally, Sunghoon’s half-brother and co-CEO of Park Enterprises, Jay would eat out with you guys too. Growing up, you were all a group of five who were stuck together like glue, Jay, Sunghoon, Yeji, you, and Jake. The Park Brothers ran the family business together while Yeji chose to travel the world, much like Jake did. You hear your name being called, causing you to look at Sunghoon next to you,
“You ok? You looked so deep in thought.” You glanced behind you, looking at Heeseung now asleep in the backseat,
“Just thinking about some things is all.”
When you got to your house and started eating dinner, you couldn’t help yourself from glancing at Sunghoon every so often. You couldn’t deny that it felt nice to have a constant source of stability and comfort through him, but it wasn’t fair to him since he was spending so much time and taking so much effort to help you out given that you were a single mother and he had grown to become your best friend. The two of you were on your living room couch since he was spending the night and were watching a movie while Heeseung was asleep in his room. Suddenly, Sunghoon brought up a topic that you weren’t quite expecting him to but you weren’t surprised about it earlier.
“Jake’s back from Australia.” You set your cup of hot chocolate on the table and wrap the blanket tighter around you and lean your head on Sunghoon’s shoulder,
“I know.” It comes out mumbled as you keep your eyes on the screen, not quite wanting to talk about it but you knowing that you were going to have to face it eventually, nervousness now filled you.
“He opened up a cafe downtown, Jayla’s Cafe.”
“I know.”
“I’m going with Jay tomorrow.”
“Jake invited me too but I said I couldn’t go because of work.” It was a lie since tomorrow was your day off but Jake didn’t need to know that. Honestly, you weren’t ready to face Jake and you didn’t think you’d ever be. When you and Jake were younger, you fell in love but after high school, life happened and Jake chose to go to Australia while you decided to stay since you were learning how to take over Hybe Industries.
“You gotta tell him.”
“It’s not like I keep it a secret, like, people know I have a kid.” It was a dumb response and you knew it. Sunghoon called you out on it by saying,
“You don’t keep it a secret but you don’t actively acknowledge it either.” Sighing,
“Can we not talk about this today?” Or ever, you wanted to say.
“I know it’s not my place to tell you what to do. But he’s back now.”
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The opening day of Jayla’s Cafe went way better than Jake expected if he was being honest with himself. Whether it was due to good marketing, pure luck, or Layla’s presence in the cafe that drew in so many customers, he wasn’t going to complain about it. He was more nervous now than he was in the morning because Jay and Sunghoon would be dropping by in a few minutes. It had been years since he had seen his old friends or been a part of “high society” as most would call it due to the status and wealth you all grew up with. He missed you the most and kind of hoped that you would’ve dropped by today. But things were different now, he knew. You two weren’t the little kids who fell in love and acted on that love in your teens. You were no longer the girl who’d yell at Jake for teasing you over something dumb, you were now the CEO of Hybe Entertainment and someone that young kids could look up to and aspire to be like. He was no longer the guy who’d hold your hand or give you a hug when you cried because you didn’t need that-- him anymore.
“I was the one who decided to head back to Australia,” Jake muttered to himself in an effort to somewhat justify the years that he hadn’t seen you or anyone else except for the few times Jay would come to Australia. The bell chiming signals to Jake that someone had walked in, confirmed at the sight of Jay and Sunghoon entering inside the cafe. While you had already told him that you wouldn’t be coming, his heart still sank a little at the lack of your presence here. Greeting the guys and setting out some pastries and drinks, the three talked and caught up on things. Somewhere down the line,
“Jake, can you connect my phone to the Wi-Fi real quick?” Sunghoon asked, handing Jake his phone,
“Yeah, sure man.” Taking Sunghoon’s phone, the phone screen was still open, a mistake Sunghoon was unaware he had made. Looking at the phone screen, Jake saw a photo of you and Sunghoon which wasn’t something that was surprising to him. What did surprise him was the sight of a little boy in between you and Sunghoon, Sunghoon’s smile the brightest he’s ever seen it before. As Jake hands Sunghoon his phone back after connecting it to the Wi-Fi, he couldn’t help but wonder what the hell had happened in the years he’d been gone. But throughout the night and as the conversation went on… he couldn’t bring himself to ask.
↬ a/n:
now that tatts & cupcakes is over, meet cameras & caffeine !!
❦ written by riri ( @enhykkul​​ ) | main blog masterlist | blog navi
taglist status: open -- send an ask or comment !! ( if you comment, i respond under my main acct )​
taglist: @markleepooh | @ifvjay | @softnanaaaa | @dear-dreamie​ | @sunshineshouchan | @bloom-bloom-pow | @mykalon​ | @fairycob​ | @icywhatim​
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Living with Matthew Gray Gubler during quarantine would include...
@drspencr did a Spencer Reid version of this! (You should read it, its adorable) So I decided to do an MGG version (with permission ofc).
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- 2 weeks into quarantine and he was already planning Halloween costumes.
- Yes, it was still March
- You knew that the man whistled but man was that his favorite pastime lately. Lost count of how many songs you've had stuck in your head courtesy of your lovely boyfriend
- There was quite a scare about a month in
- Matthew had a BAD cold and you had thought for sure that you were part of an unlucky bunch who had caught it
- But after two days and 4 bowls of Chicken Noodle Soup, his cough had ceased and he was back to being his normal dumbass self
- He has you posing in numerous weird ways for his abstract and odd ways of drawing
- These soon filled up one of your walls in the bedroom
- If anyone were to see that wall, they would probably think you guys were insane or something but in reality, you were just so bored
- You had both done quite the kimono modelling/photoshoot
- Seeing you in a kimono got him a little excited if ya know what I mean
- But that's a story for another time
- Though it was a constant reminder when he would place the scandalous polaroids around the house where he knew you would find them
- He begs you to let him buy a Kimono Dragon
- Which you correct him, because it's komodo
- And you obviously say no, because where would you keep that thing??
- "The closet babe!!"
- "For the LAST time. Komodo Dragon baby. Not Kimono. He cannot sleep and eat and live safely in a closet. Do you want your kimonos ripped to shreds?"
- He pouts for a bit
- You had listened to the Alvin and the Chipmunks version of 'Funky Town' so many times that you sung it in a very high pitched voice naturally now
- Popping in on zoom calls with the Criminal Minds cast
- Helping Matthew come up with new ideas for his stuffed animals
- "What about a Walrus!"
- "Yes perfect! I can make his little tusks. It'll be so cute! Thank you!"
- Smooches
- On a more HORNY note
- Remember all those times where Matthew was filming and there was NEVER time to get laid
- Well, now is the time
- And trust me, you took advantage of it
- There were finally days were you could just stay in bed and be with eachother
- Matthew loved cuddling, he was so grateful that he didn't have to stay six feet away from you
- Because he could barely stay six inches away from you
- "So much for social distance." You mumbled between kisses
- "There is no fucking way I could handle that."
- Making him a Rumple Buttercup mask
- He nearly cried when you gave it to him
- Begging him for a whole week to binge Criminal Minds with you
- "Please, please, please? I just wanna watch my baby in action!"
- Truth be told you hadn't been able to watch the show fully. Just a few episodes here and there
- "Why watch that when I'm right here?"
- He ended up giving in and watching it with you. Pointing out the ones he directed, making you love them 6x more
- There was oh so much baking
- The amount of brownies you had stored in your freezer for later was sinful
- It was a good thing that you guys didn't live in an apartment building or have extremely close neighbors because music was blasting so often
- There was so much dancing
- You had warned him to not dislocate his knee again while dancing
- Which was the real reason he had to be on crutches in season 5
- At one point he had you put on his, as the fans called them, director scarves
- That was another great fashion show for the polaroid camera
- Having socially distant picnics with his family
- Watching the classical horror movies that he loves
- So you buy him some of The Shining merch on amazon
- Not only watching horror movies, but watching Disney movies
- Matthew is not secretive for his love of Disney movies
- And Star Wars
- Him doing magic for you and only showing you how to do about 2 of the tricks because ya know
- A magician never reveals his secrets
- You rolled your eyes numerous times at this
- Taking long baths together
- Let's just say the bathroom was steamy for more than just one reason
- Taking over his twitter for a day and saying weird shit
- But later posting a picture of you
- "Can we please pick a stray dog off of the street? I need another living thing here."
- "Only if we can call it Edgar."
- "As in 'Allen Poe'?"
- "Duh."
- Wearing so many of his clothes
- Like
- So many
- And maybe putting him in one of your shirts just to see him in a crop top
- It was a little hotter than you expected
- Making him read Rumple Buttercup to you more than once
- You just love it so much
- "And that's when Rumple realized, everyone was weird!"
- You may or may not have put makeup on the poor man
- He was so reluctant but when he saw himself in the mirror
- "Damn I am SMOKIN!"
- Making youtube videos because he "needs content" and "is bored"
- When you had moved in, you brought your PS4, this had Sims 4 on it
- You made your family on it
- He insisted on getting a dog
- "We are living out the real dream! Look at all the tiny Gubes y/n! Look at 'em!"
- Life is a never-ending hug with this man
- And that's how you liked it
- You wouldn't wanna be stuck in the house with anyone else.
Doesn't nearly do a justice compared to the QUEENS but I enjoyed making it. Hope you guys liked it too. Requests are open!! (You can also request for a full fic of one of these plot points 👀)I JUST REACHED 100 FOLLOWERS WHAT DO I DO
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etoileholland · 4 years
The Sims
Pairing: Tom x female reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of woohoo lol
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: You teach the boys how to play the Sims, which may or may not have been a good idea.
A/N: I downloaded the boys from the gallery in the Sims, and Harrison’s Sim really is this chaotic 😭 he’s nearly died at least three times and I still have no idea how it’s happened. Also the gif is not mine, all credit goes to its respective owner.
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“Okay, so how do we even play?” Harrison asked as you gave him an odd glance.
“Seriously, you’ve never played the Sims before? Are you sure you’re not like a forty-five year old man in a young man’s body?” You retorted as Harrison glared at you.
“I’m not, I was always very physically active as a child. You know, like actually playing sports and running around outside, unlike someone over here who apparently played video games all day.” He replied as he shot you a side glance.
“Okay you got me there, not gonna lie.” You said as you grabbed a few Cheez-Its from the bowl that Harry was eating out of. “Basically you can design a character and live out whatever you want to do. You can be stinking rich and famous, or you can be a kleptomaniac and steal from the rich and famous. Whatever dream you want to live out really.” You added as the game loaded to the main screen.
The guys were all huddled around you on the coach, staring at the screen while you showed them how to create a Sim. “Okay so who wants to go first?” You asked and Tom raised his hand.
“Cool. You can make it look like you, or you can make yourself look totally different. You even can live together in a big house if you want, to make it more realistic.” You added as you handed Tom your laptop.
It took him about 30 minutes to create his Sim, and it looked just like him. He handed the laptop to Tuwaine as he made his own Sim, but he only spent like 10 minutes on it. Next, Harry and Sam made themselves, and lastly Harrison created his own Sim. About an hour later, the boys were ready to play.
“Aren’t you going to make your Sim too, love?” Tom asked as he handed you back the laptop.
“Nah, I already have a Sim. She’s living in Del Sol Valley, and you guys can look at the different worlds to see where you want to live.”
They all made the collective decision to live in Del Sol Valley as well, since they all had the acting career aspiration. That came as no shock to you.
“Alright, I’m not good at building houses, but if you want to look at the gallery-” you pointed at the top of the screen, “you can download one that someone else already made.”
The boys collectively “ooo-d” as they clicked around the gallery, before deciding on a modern build home that’s two stories tall, with five bedrooms.
“So in order to actually afford this house, I’m going to show you a little cheat.” You smirked as the boys became excited.
“You can cheat in this game? I already love it.” Tuwaine said as you laughed a little.
“There’s a cheat for everything, you can even cheat the gender of your children.” Tom’s eyes widened as he contemplated something.
“So we could have children together in the Sims? We need to work on that immediately.” Tom said as he pulled you onto his lap. He placed a kiss to the back of your neck and buried his head in the crook of your neck.
You did the ‘motherlode’ cheat a few times so that the boys would be able to afford the house, and then you helped them move in.
The house was beautiful, with a hot tub, a pool, a library, and an exercise room. It was massive, and you could tell they were all excited to play.
“Here, have at it.” You got up from Tom’s lap as you handed him the laptop, so that they could control their Sims.
Apparently, it was a bad idea to leave them to their own devices.
You were sitting at the kitchen island, eating a bowl of ice cream and scrolling through Instagram. Your scrolling was interrupted when you heard a blood curdling scream come from the living room.
“Ahhh, oh my god oh no I’m gonna die! Y/N I need you right now!” Harrison screamed as you ran into the living room.
“What? What’s the matter?” You inquired as Tuwaine just pointed at the laptop screen.
“Harrison set the bloody house on fire! And no one knows how to put it out!” Tuwaine said as he was trying to click on the screen.
“Oh my gosh okay click on the fire and press ‘extinguish’. Hurry!” You instructed as Harrison did the action. It worked, but Harrison was charred black, and his moodlet was ‘very tense’.
“I have no idea how that happened. I was trying to make pancakes for everyone but instead I caught myself on fire, along with the stove and the counter.” He stated as he showed you the damage.
“Well, when art imitates life.” Harry said as Sam gave him a high five. Harrison then smacked Harry on the arm, and Harry let out an “ow!” before pouting.
“Boys, boys, play nicely. You can replace everything, it’s okay.” You said, rubbing Harrison’s back.
“Will do.” Harrison said as he fixed up his Sim and they continued to play.
Less than thirty minutes later, Harrison screamed again.
“Oh my god my Sim has a death wish! He got struck by lighting when he went to take out the garbage. I didn’t even know that could happen!” Harrison said as he set the laptop on the coffee table, and got up dramatically, throwing his arms in the air to signify that he’d surrendered.
“I’m done, I don’t want to play the Sims anymore.” He pouted as he put his arms around you, and pulled you into a hug.
“Oh angel, I’m sorry your Sim is so chaotic. It’s okay though, it’s just a game.” You cooed as you rubbed circles on his back. “Why don’t you go have some ice cream or something? That’ll cheer you up.” You said as he nodded, letting go of you and trudging to the kitchen.
“Hey look! Y/N your Sim came over to visit!” Tom said as he grabbed the laptop so he could control it. “I’m going to make you fall in love with me right now.” He smirked as he made a move on your Sim. He flirted enough so that the option “woohoo in a hot tub” appeared, and without hesitation Tom clicked it faster than the speed of light.
“Now this I want to see!” He said as he rubbed his hands together and licked his lips. He saw your Sim and his walk over to the hot tub, and the boys were staring intently as well to see what would happen. They all wooed and cheered as your Sims hopped in, and they were curious to see what would happen next.
Your Sim straddled Tom’s waist, and they both fell backwards into the water. Tom’s Sim raised a finger and motioned for your Sim to come over, and she jumped on him, pushing him underwater.
“This is a child’s game?!” Sam said as they couldn’t tear their gaze away from the woohoo-ing sims. Not gonna lie, it was pretty hot watching Sim ‘you’ and Sim ‘Tom’ go at it, hot and heavy.
Hearts came up from the water, and your Sims emerged, before deciding to make out with each other.
“Need me a freak like that.” Sam exclaimed as Harry high fived him.
“Damn that was hot. They should really stick that on Pornhub.” Tuwaine said as everyone broke out into a fit of laughter.
“Phew, I don’t know about you but that’s got me feeling some type of way.” Tom said as he wiped a bead of sweat from his face.
“Same here.” You said as you moved onto Tom’s lap so that you straddled him.
“Oh my god don’t recreate it here!” Harry said as he covered his eyes.
“Wanna woohoo?” Tom asked as you giggled, pressing your lips to his. He pulled away and stood up, before carrying you to your shared bedroom. Your legs were still around his waist as he became more aggressive with your kisses, and you moaned slightly as he locked the bedroom door behind you two.
The boys shared a glance as they realised that you two would be preoccupied for a while. “Hey hand me the laptop, let’s see what other bad things can happen to Harrison’s Sim.” Harry smirked as they huddled around the laptop, continuing to play the game.
Additional A/N: Is this the dumbest thing I’ve ever written? Yes, yes it is. Also, is your girl so touch starved during quarantine that seeing sims woohoo in a hot tub suddenly became too steamy? Also yes.
mes petits anges (taglist): @scarletxwidow​ @sunflowerhollands​ @fangirlwithasweettooth​ @taciturnspidey​ @musicalkeys​ @harrysleftchelseaboot​ @quaksonhehe​ @halfblood-princess-505​
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yellowocaballero · 4 years
The Crow’s Funeral AU: Martin Fixes Everything
Stared a long while ago and wrapped up at the request of an anon. This was written because, while I was wrapping up TCF, I thought...’man, if Martin had just been able to find Jon when he woke up, none of this story would have ever happened’. Like, Daisy and Jon enable each other, but Martin just shuts that shit down. No CW that don’t apply to TCF, except maybe for very oblique references to suicide attempts. 
A shadow dimmed the reading light, and Jonathan Sims irritably looked up. From his vantage point on the floor, he saw a towering figure above him - a human, somewhat circular, faintly recognizable, looking strongly as if he had run into his own personal nightmare. But no, not quite - there was something far more complicated in that face than fear. Which was a pity. If it wasn’t fear, Jonathan Sims didn’t understand it at all.
“Jon? Christ, Jon, is that you? Jon!”
Ah, Jonathan Sims thought faintly. The man from the cabin.
Maybe he should have ran further.
The man found Jonathan Sims two weeks later, reading a romance novel as he lay on the floor underneath a table. 
Upstairs, seized throats choked screams. Library patrons shuddered in the Dark, early victims of a terror just beginning. Some of them would escape, staggering home to their mourning families. Some would stumble home, only to find that their families were unrecognizable to them - or they were unrecognizable to their families. Others would not escape, shivering between stacks for the rest of time. 
Jonathan Sims enjoyed the ambiance, and the vast quantity of books. Books were fun. Not that the world wasn’t fun and exciting and always filled with an interesting little drama to stop and watch, but books had things the world didn’t. Like dragons and spaceships and planes. Like happy smiles and...a horse ranch? Heavily muscled cowboys? But the farmer’s daughter would never let herself fall for a wanderin’ man - 
A shadow dimmed the reading light, and Jonathan Sims irritably looked up. From his vantage point on the floor, he saw a towering figure above him - a human, somewhat circular, faintly recognizable, looking strongly as if he had run into his own personal nightmare. But no, not quite - there was something far more complicated in that face than fear. Which was a pity. If it wasn’t fear, Jonathan Sims didn’t understand it at all. 
“Jon? Christ, Jon, is that you? Jon!”
Ah, Jonathan Sims thought faintly. The man from the cabin. 
Maybe he should have ran further. 
“I cannot believe you!”
Jonathan Sims - Jon, according to this very infuriated man who was currently clamping Jon’s wrist like a vice  - could do nothing but stumble after the man as he was dragged through the village. To be fair, he didn’t mind - this was the first time he had been manhandled in his life, or at least so far that he could remember. Humans didn’t really tend to touch him. They did a lot of talking and crying whenever he met them. To be honest, he had begun assuming that they were interesting conversationalists but altogether somewhat dim-witted. It was interesting to see this contrary example currently chewing his ear off. 
Experimentally, he tried to open his Eye and Know who this man was and what Jonathan Sims had personally done to wrong him. But all he received was grating feedback - an infuriatingly familiar roadblock that sprung whenever Jonathan Sims attempted to understand what had brought him to that small cabin in the midst of a storm so severe it turned the sky green. 
“First you run off. During the apocalypse, of all things! I spend ages running after you, absolutely unable to find hide or hair of you. Then two weeks later I catch wind of a sketchy guy making a nuisance of himself interrogating everyone in Dunbeath, and I go - great,  that’s our Jon for you! What on earth do you have to say for yourself!”
Jon - he was really warming up to this moniker, it rolled off the tongue nicely - tripped over a loose rock, almost sending himself sprawling in a tumble of gangly limbs before he caught himself. “Uh, I’m not -”
“Dunbeath, Jon! You made me walk to Dunbeath in the apocalypse!” 
“I’m quite sorry -”
“I don’t want a sorry!” The man released him abruptly, forcing Jon to almost windmill his arms to right himself again, and he whirled on him. But where Jon was expecting a face red with anger, he instead saw an expression crumpled up in pain. Jon realized for the first time that the man was on the verge of tears. “I was so worried, Jon! I thought you were dead, or - or worse, or so much worse. You said you’d stop running. You said that we were a team now, that you’d never leave me behind. But you left. I needed you, I was scared, and you left me. You know I’ve been through hell, and you left…”
Then, horrifically, tragically, he really did start crying. 
It was quiet, less gross sobs and more soft hitches of breath, but something about it was unbearably exhausted. It was the tears of a man who had been holding them in for too long, only released because he was too exhausted to keep them inside anymore. It was oddly bestial, and very sad.
It made Jon a little sad, to see the man crying like this.
He remembered something he read in a book, just that morning. One person had been sad, and the other person had...well, the book called it hugging. He thought he might have seen it a few days ago, when an older woman clung desperately to a younger woman who kept on screaming something about beatles. It was the same principle, wasn’t it?
Experimentally, he held his arms out, feeling like a bit of an idiot, and he was rewarded (?) when the man immediately moved closer and pressed himself close to Jon, his face buried in his shoulder. It was comfortable, familiar, and instinctual, and Jon found himself loosely wrapping his arms around the man. 
They...hugged. Jon felt weird about it. But it was nice? Why was it nice?
Then the man casually reached up, gently took Jon’s cheeks in his hands, and bent him down to kiss him. 
Jon’s brain short circuited. 
It lasted an excruciatingly long time, and also no time at all. The man released him, stepping back and frowning. It must have been something in Jon’s reaction - the way he stiffened or tensed. Or maybe, from where he was pressed up against Jon’s chest, he didn’t feel a heartbeat. Jon had read that humans had those. 
“Jon?” The man asked, face creased in sweet confusion. “What’s wrong?”
“Um,” Jon said, feeling unbearably awkward about all of this, “who are you, again?”
At least they didn’t go back to that creepy little cabin.
Instead, Jon found that the man - “Martin, Jon, Jesus, my name is Martin!” - was staying in something called an ‘Air-Bee-en-Bee’ at the outskirts of the village. Or perhaps squatting was a better term - when Jon was guided inside, he saw the telltale signs of a life quickly disrupted. The previous resident of this cute little cottage had left in a hurry, as if it would save her. 
He experimentally opened his Eyes, ignoring Martin’s - or was it Michael? - raised eyebrow, and let himself Know the information. Ah, excellent - the Hunt. She had thought that her ex-husband had chased her down to Scotland from France. Delightful. He wondered what the Ex-Husband was really doing - 
“Jon! Focus, please.” 
Jon guiltily let his eyes close and his hair float back down. Michael didn’t seem surprised by the display, just exhausted. He collapsed at a little circular kitchen table, a woman’s hairbrush and a newspaper still spread out on it. Jon cautiously sat down on the chair next to him, feeling strangely guilty. He didn’t know why. Maybe it had to do with how stressed out and afraid and tired the other man looked, and how Jon was sure that it was all his fault. 
“This has been the worst two weeks of my life,” Martin said, face buried in his hands. “Which says a lot, really. I’ve had a real shite life, but this is really just - just beyond the pale.”
“Okay?” Jon didn’t know what to do with this. Martin seemed as if he needed to vent a little, but Jon didn’t know how to be comforting. Wait - wait, this was his speciality. He was too off guard to think of it before, but it would obviously fix this situation. Jon let his irises spin as Martin looked up from his hands, startled at their green light. “Why did -”
“Stop that,” Martin said sharply, and Jon did.
He shut up. He closed his mouth and swallowed the question. He had never - no Statement for the Archivist? - why had - what -
“I understand you’re scared and confused,” Martin explained, not answering the question of how he had done that. “But you can’t just compel people like that. No matter what the world looks like now, you know it’s wrong.”
“I - I do?” Jon asked, flabbergasted. 
Martin faltered a little. “Do you not?”
They stared at each other until Jon began to feel a little defensive. As if he was doing something wrong by just - by just existing. It was eating, what wasn’t natural about that! Jon leaned back in his chair, finding himself crossing his arms. “You’re the first human I’ve had an actual conversation with, so excuse me if I don’t know how it works.”
But Martin just looked gobsmacked, mouth opening and closing as Jon begins to tire of this conversation. He unfolds his arms and leans forward, tugging the newspaper closer to him. The headline ran a cheerful story about how Farmer Douglas McIntyre had won an award for the biggest zucchini. Good for him! Jon wondered what Farmer Doug was doing now. Immediately after he had that thought, he knew exactly what Farmer Doug was doing right now, and he spared a second to feel very bad for him. 
“Jon, you’re a human.”
Hm. Maybe this Martin guy didn’t know as much about Jon as he pretended. Jon didn’t look up from the newspaper, flipping the page. Oh, look, the Horoscopes. “Don’t be silly. I’m an Archive.”
That quieted Martin, who seemed to be thinking very hard. Jon tried to remember what his birthday was. He had read it on that little card that had been in his pocket - right, right, February 14th. Aquarius. 
“I read the statement you left on the floor,” Martin said quietly, and Jon abruptly shut up. What statement? “Jonah lied, you know. That’s all he does, is lie. You’re not an Archive, a thing, you’re - even if you’re not human anymore, you’re a person. You know that, Jon. In your heart, even if you don’t remember. You’re more than what Jonah tried to make you.” He looked down at the table, as if he couldn’t bear to look at Jon anymore. “What he succeeded in making you, I guess.”
The words soothed an anxiety Jon didn’t even know he had. They settled something in him, calmed him and reassured him. But they incensed him too, this blatant disregard of something Jon knew was true. Martin seemed good at that, both riling him up and calming him. How was his control over Jon’s emotions so effortless, as if he wasn’t doing it on purpose at all. It was a talent. 
“Who even are you?” Jon snapped, feeling flayed raw and vulnerable. But he always felt like that, really - lost and dazed. The world was too loud for him sometimes, too novel and exciting and relentless, and Jon spent long hours cooped up in a dark room with a good book just for some safety. There wasn’t anything around that could hurt Jon - he knew that like he knew he was an Archive, no matter what Martin said - but he still felt so scared, all the time. “What gives you the right to tell me who and what I am like this?”
What would ameliorate that fear? The only thing Jon could think of was to understand where he came from a little bit better, and understand what he had been doing before two weeks ago. If he had been doing anything at all. Jon had wondered if that moment was when he had been born, but - well, the clothing he was wearing had been somewhat threadbare, and the card indicated a history. 
He hadn’t entirely ruled out that he was a sort of...manifestation of this newly apocalyptic world inserted inside the corpse of a man who took his last breath the second Jon took his first, but he was keeping his options open. If what Martin was saying was true, that he really was a person who had simply run afoul of Jonah Magnus and paid the ultimate price...he didn’t know if it made him feel better or worse. Maybe a little worse, actually?
But Martin just seemed shocked by the question, shocked by Jon’s need to ask it, shocked that he didn’t even understand. No, not shocked - maybe just very sad and tired.  He seemed so tired. “Jon, I’m your boyfriend.”
“Oh.” That explained a lot. Jon narrowed his eyes. “But you don’t look like a cowboy,” he said, somewhat reproachfully. 
Martin stifled a laugh behind a hand. Jon felt strangely pleased, even if he hadn’t been making a joke. 
Then something seemed to occur to Martin, because he straightened abruptly. “Oh, god, Jon, you must have been so confused when I kissed you.” He buried his face in his hands again. “I finally get a boyfriend, and two weeks later he’s an amnesiac and it’s the apocalypse. I always said the world would end before I would find someone, I just didn’t know it would be two weeks after…”
“Do you need a moment?” Jon said sympathetically. “Or you can tell me about it? I’m quite a good listener.”
“I can’t decide if this is surreal or terrible.”
Jon felt a little lost. It was quite possibly the most familiar emotion he had - knowing what was happening but not quite understanding, frantically consuming information about the world around him while his perception of himself was hidden behind a thick wall of static. 
He didn’t know what to say to make this man feel better. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to give a Statement?” Jon asked hopefully. Statements were most of what he knew, and the only context in which he interacted with humans. 
“I’m not giving a fucking statement, Jon!” Martin snapped, and Jon cringed. Martin’s face immediately crumpled, in what Jon was forced to assume was guilt. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped. I’m just stressed - no, Jon, I shouldn’t have snapped. It’s just - Jon, the Statements are evil. They’re bad. You always knew - Jon, you have to restrain yourself. You can really hurt someone else. Do you understand?”
No, Jon didn’t understand. He didn’t understand Martin, he didn’t understand how to relate a ‘boyfriend’ to himself, and he didn’t know why Martin kept on trying to tell him that something good was bad. Statements were good. Jon knew in his gut that Jon was nothing but Statements: that he was fear, and fear was him, and that the world was fear. That Jon was the world, strung through a sack of meat. An Archive. 
“Why are you always trying to make me feel bad,” Jon said lowly, and Martin shut up. He started at Jon with wide eyes, slightly alarmed. “For a boyfriend you really seem to hate me.”
“Jon, no. I love you. I’ve never hated you, not even - I don’t think I’m capable of hating you, do you get that?” Martin’s expression softened a little, but something about it was still deeply sad. “This is a problem, but we can fix it. We just have to work together. We’ve gotten through everything, we can get through - the apocalypse and this amnesia and everything. We can do it, Jon, we just have to stick together.”
Something mysterious swirled in Jon’s chest, yet another of the frustrating emotions he just didn’t understand. It felt quite bad. “There’s nothing to fix.”
They sat there in silence, Martin sitting at the edge of the bed with his face in his hands and kneading his forehead gently. He looked tired, and defeated. Jon just sat in the little chair at the little stand, flipping aimlessly through a newspaper that held no new information at all, lost and confused. 
Of course, there was one thing Jon did know. He stared curiously at Martin, whose shoulders were shaking a little. “Are you going to cry again? I haven’t even done anything to you.”
“People cry even when you haven’t hurt them, Jon,” Martin said dully into his hands. 
For some reason, this made Jon oddly anxious. “Why else do people cry? I don’t understand why people are always crying. All they do is cry and scream or wail or -” Jon threw a hand out, irritated, “ - try to put themselves out of their misery, or whatever. But nothing’s happening to you and I haven’t asked you a single question. Why do humans cry all the time?”
“When we are very, very sad, Jon,” Martin said quietly. “That’s why we cry.”
Jon stared at him. Martin wiped his eyes a little, unbending, and stared at Jon very firmly. His expression was creased in unhappiness, but there was something very firm in the set of his mouth and chin. As if what he was doing was very difficult, but he chose to do it anyway. Had Jon ever done that? Did he remember?
He stood up, and Jon cautiously leaned back in his chair as Martin walked up to him. But he just knelt instead, gently taking Jon’s hand and squeezing it tight. He met Jon’s eyes fiercely, now a little lower than him, and Jon felt something strange writhe in his chest. 
What was this feeling? He had never felt it before. It was…
“I promised Jon. For better or for worse.” The corners of his mouth twinged. “Well, not that particular promise, but we wanted...anyway. I’ll promise to you, here. I am here to help you. I know it’s scary. I know you may not want it. But that’s when we need it most, okay? I know you’re lost and confused. I’m not going to push you.” He faltered, just a little, and looked away. “Maybe this is for the best. Maybe you - maybe you needed this. Even if it meant that I -”
“Meant that you what?”
Martin looked back at Jon, smiling weakly. “Don’t worry about it. But I’m not going to push you to rem - to act in a way that you don’t feel is right. I just need you to listen to me and take my thoughts into consideration, alright?”
“I still need to eat,” Jon said sulkily. “You can’t stop me doing that.”
“Yes,” Martin said, face curiously blank. “I can’t stop you.”
“Good!” Jon brightened. “I suppose having a human around would be useful. There’s lots of things around I just don’t understand. You can explain things.” In a hit of magnaminty, Jon proclaimed, “And I’ll make sure that nothing eats you. That’s a real tit for that.”
“Looking forward to it,” Martin said, already seeming a little exhausted. 
“Then it’s settled.” Jon squeezed Martin’s hand back and, on impulse, leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek. Martin startled a little but didn’t pull away. It was nice, his stubble all scratchy and soft. “You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met, Martin.”
“That was always true,” Martin teased - teased! He stood up, and Jon stood up with him. He didn’t let go of the hand, strangely attached to its warmth and pressure. When Martin faltered a little, Jon squeezed his hand even tighter. It made Jon feel better, so maybe it would help Martin. That was a nice thought: that Jon could make someone feel better, instead of worse. “You haven’t asked about yourself at all.”
But Jon just shrugged. “I highly doubt I - or Jonathan Sims, whatever - had any loved ones. It’s a surprise you even exist, honestly.”
Martin opened his mouth, then closed it. “People cared,” he said weakly. 
“Lie,” Jon said severely. “Don’t lie to me, I can tell and it’s unbecoming.” But Jon was nice, and he decided to let the lie go. This time. If there was one thing Jon couldn’t abide it was chronic liars, but Martin didn’t seem the sort. “That’s all unimportant, now. We should move forward. There’s a lot of apocalypse to see, and I want to see the Flesh’s Corpse Flowers for myself. I hear that they’re made out of real -”
“I had an idea, actually,” Martin said, stopping Jon short. He looked like he strongly wanted to press the ‘loved ones’ thing, but he was refraining. Good. People shouldn’t ask him invasive questions. “I can see the tower in the distance. It has to be in London, right? And that has to be the epicenter of this. I wouldn’t have gone by myself, but with you here maybe we can find Jonah Magnus and -”
Jon didn’t know what stopped Martin short. Maybe it was the look on Jon’s face. He didn’t know what the look was, and he didn’t bother to see. All he knew was the horror in his chest, so deep and overwhelming he felt as if he could drown in it. A strange, foreign feeling, that was as familiar to him as his own body. Something that, in another person, Jon would have labelled as terror. 
“ - or we don’t have to,” Martin said softly. “Why don’t we try to find the others, then? Regroup. I’m worried sick about them. You can find anyone in this world, right? Can you dig up a few humans for me? They’re our frie - well, we’re close, anyway.”
That was much easier. Although Jon wasn’t sure how he felt about more humans, it would definitely be interesting. There had to be good stories from any of Martin’s friends - maybe even people who Jonathan Sims had known. “I can do that no problem. Names?”
“Uh.” Martin thought hard. “Basira Hussain, I think, but she can take care of herself. We should probably find Georgie and Melanie first, they have to be vulnerable. What with Melanie’s - yeah, we need to make sure she’s okay. Georgina Barker and Melanie King, then?”
Sounded easy enough. Jon did the only familiar thing and let his eyes open, letting his unkept hair float gently up. Jon Looked, and Saw -
“Don’t make people up,” Jon said scornfully, a little embarrassed. “Give me a real person now, please.”
Martin gaped. “They’re real, I swear! Are they dead, or -”
“No, I’d know if they were dead. They just...don’t exist?” Jon fought the urge to pout. “I hate it when people don’t exist.”
“...do they not exist or can you just not see them?”
“What’s the difference?” Jon asked blankly, and Martin shrugged in concession of the point. “Anyone else?”
“Okay, Mr. Apocalypse Google,” Martin teased lightly, and Jon surreptitiously downloaded what a ‘Google’ was. Ah! It was funny! But what was the internet? “Basira Hussain, then? You said that the last you saw of her, she was trying to find Daisy - or what was left of Daisy.” Martin’s mouth twisted unhappily. “If Daisy hadn’t gotten to her…”
Jon Looked again, and this time he got an easy answer fed into his mind. It was a great answer too, and made Jon grin in excitement. “Basira Hussain’s fighting her way through Manchester, but I have a bead on Daisy Tonner. Fantastic! She’s a few hours away!”
“She’s what!” Martin screeched. “Oh my god, she’s going to eat us!”
“Don’t be silly, I’d eat her first.” But Jon was bouncing on his heels in excitement. This woman wasn’t a human - she was a monster, a monster who knew him, and Jon couldn’t wait to find somebody who would understand what it’s like. “Let’s go, we have to catch up!”
“Look, I know you two were friends, but she is quite literally probably a giant Hunt monster right now - alright, alright, coming!”
Jon bolted out the door, Martin hot on his heels, and there was a strange lightness in his chest that hadn’t been there before.
Jon didn’t know what or who he was - if his gut was right, and he was a simulacrum of fear assembled by Jonah Magnus, or if Martin was right, and he was a lost man without a past who had doomed the future. Maybe it was both, or neither, or something far more complicated in between. Maybe it was too complicated to Know or See, and too big to understand. Maybe it was something Jon had to figure out for himself. 
Martin would help. And if he didn’t help, then it probably wasn’t a real loss. He seemed to be going through something himself, which was none of Jon’s business. Even if he was the only person in the world who had ever seemed to care about Jonathan Sims. 
Well. Everyone was disappointed eventually. Jon had gotten over his own early. Martin would realize, sooner or later. That Jon was a monster, who did not not know how to receive or give love, and that he would never be able to give Martin the human he loved back. 
Jon had the feeling that a lot of people had realized that about Jonathan Sims.  
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readbythestarlight · 3 years
c2e134 133
Okay... here we go... who is ready... again... for the stress?
Honestly I feel like I’ve been anticipating this big battle for so many weeks that now the stress has worn off
"Or cats"
Wait live? Live-live or live as in just "live"?
That’s a looooot of cold damage in one
Oh?? What’s this? Dunemancy is so neat
Y’all should never have brought Essek he’s the SQUISHEST wizard
Caleb stop bullying your boyfriend
Caleb showing concern about his boyyyyyyy
I’m losing it. Caleb’s animal brain admitting he likes Essek a lot while his people brain won’t yet.
"Much appreciated, Mr. Clay" he’s so polite
Cad not being able to do mending because "his hands just don’t like the spell" is adorable
Y’all are being exceptionally mean to Frumpkin
Oh damn this is dark
I need to go to beeeeed :(((
Looks like at this point we’ll hit the big fight NEXT week?? Maybe end tonight’s episode with the start of combat?
I’m glad they’re settling on somewhere for the booby trap/ambush instead of wasting more time looking for somewhere “perfect”, because they def never would have found anywhere EXACTLY right and then it would have been too late.
This is so chaotic I love all of it
Yasha cracking an opal with her muscles alone is the single sexiest thing to ever happen in Critical Role
This has me stressed
Caleb now is not the time to get stuck
Essek in the towerrrrrrr
“This is quite impressive. Is this of your own design?” !!!!!!!
A window inspired by Essek 10/10
“Thank you for coming with us this far”
I love them
Yes what is his favorite food
Soups and stews lol what a cutie I wouldn’t have guessed
Shadowgast Tower Tourrrrrrr!!
“Do you fuck with that at all”
“I would like to... fuck with that eventually”
My tower tour Shadowgast dreams are coming true guys
“What is your goal? Ultimately?”
“...I think my priorities have mostly shifted, since we last spoke about things like this. I think what’s going on right now is more important than my petty earthly grievances. I’m still very much fascinated with and attracted to the ability and skill and it’s not fashionable to say but the power—sho doesn’t feel the tug of such a thing? But I’m... but it doesn’t matter though, there are bigger things than you and I.”
“I think that’s the key. The pursuit of
Magic in the ways that we know it.... at a certain point becomes about the self. It becomes about what *I* can do. It’s impressive that you’ve... deviated, at your skill level.”
I can’t keep typing the whole conversation but y’all
“The one thing that has stayed true though so that I—well I carry a lot of sims like you do
“Not anywhere near like I do”
“Don’t be so sure”
“I’m pretty sure” *while looking down to meet his eyes*
“Everything I’ve done for years has been to atone. I still want that. I’m questioning if there’s more than one oth to that atonement.”
Okay okay so thinks he can’t absolve himself but can at least make it a little better
And Essek understands
And a gentle pat before they go
God y’all I love for them
Awww Laura :(((
Travis hug your wife
Essek going to Fjord for advice?
Jesus Fjord that’s cold!
And what about Dagon??
That’s amazingly cold but also smart of him
Like usually he’d be the kind to go Nah let us handle it but now he’s thinking smart and he knows they need them weakened if possible
It’s time!
RIP Frumpkin
RIP Dagon probably
Oh dang, 66 from Marisha! Nice!
If he���s angrily saying fuck that’s a good sign
Fuck you Lucien
“That’s a real dickish thing to do” you’re a real dickish thing to do
Good, fuck you
Matt: “we’re not gonna fight but I’m gonna set the scene”
Me: can’t wait to see Lucien levitate to the ceiling and rip through his tiefling skin to reveal his true Beholder form
I love that Fjord is the guy who has watched his friends try to say goodbye and resign themselves to dying and he went “not if I have any fucking thing to say about it”
Ugh fuck you cowards
“Leave Otis for me” lmao
Do any of them have their bag at least?
Fuck u Lucien
Oh no
Oh boy okay
This is gonna be great
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