#my best friend said my partner and I are like a middle aged couple šŸ˜­ kinda insulting but I knew what she meant
voiceshearingyouloud Ā· 1 year
Iā€™m always wary of saying my partner and I have good communication because since everyone talks about communication as the most important thing and saving grace of a relationship Iā€™ve kind of mythologised it in my head and been like well, thereā€™s no way weā€™re that good at this. But then I remember that communication is the process of continually talking about your feelings when youā€™re hurt or when you need something or when youā€™re happy, and talking about what your plans are for the future of your relationship and your thoughts on your past together and Iā€™m like. Yeah we do kind of ace it on that
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basslinegrave Ā· 5 months
make your own post this and that so i am. so i dont spam ppls tags and what not
thinking about how snm would realize they got feelings for one another and i feel like for sam the realization would come much later like. into their 20s at least but for max i think hed crush on him on and off since they would be like teens or something? im a sucker for stories about my ships realizing their feelings and getting together so its hard for me to just pick One to go with. if i was a writer i would make like 80 different situations a week šŸ˜­ but with these two since theres no canon, there doesnt have to be a set timeline anyway and there can be a morbillion of them. like if i look at the cartoon that is a married couple with a house and all. so it narrows it down to getting together much sooner... then in ttg you just have them perhaps not fully in it, maybe they talked about it, maybe not yet at all, maybe s3 could be where sam realizes his feelings, etc etc (i dont see them as a couple yet there though) and so on
anyway my fav idea is that max just has feelings for sam but hides it (maybe even forgets about it from time to time and then falls in love with him all over again) and this goes on for years and years but he thinks sam wouldnt be interested at all so he lets it be (maybe except one time drunkenly fooling around back in like college, or at least during the one week before they got kicked out lmao)
sam realizes it much later, in their 20s or early 30s (not even early middle age man yaoi.... weak...) and i think he would be a bit "afraid" of it all, i do think hes bi but not having experience with men especially and it would be a scary and unknown area for him plus he wouldnt want to somehow hurt max and ruin their friendship and all that. reassuring himself that would never happen and no matter what they will be best friends even if he told max but he would still try to bury those feelings at first. big on "try", they would still slip out in other ways like caring for max and just the usual (how they talk, touches, stuff like headpats and throwing max etc), thats also the thing that would be like "oh yeah. whats there to be scared of", the fact that once they would get together, nothing would really change at all? they already have their own love language of sorts and are always together anyway etc so it would just go from "partners" (work) to "partners" (work and life and everything else) i think. i also like how in ttg you can look at some things as "oh hes deep in the closet" even if its not written like that..
its also hard for me to separate canon and fanon at times and hard to like. work with some stuff, its always a mess in my head but a good chunk of the fans ship them and take them as a couple. me personally i would see it only in the cartoon but even there its more of a joke (but if you show some things as facts it can be easily viewed that way) but for the rest of the media it stays vague (which i do like, except ttiv, you know what you did ttiv *shakes fist*) but there i keep thinking about how max is sort of shown as gay but not really. like its more of a 'if youre gay or a shipper etc you see him as gay, otherwise not' situation to me. if you say hes gay online, there will be people telling you that hes not, its never been explicitly said (true) etc he just doesnt like girls.. and i noticed the irony of how this is a time where people that normally are against aro/ace characters they will paint him as such just so that he isnt gay, lol. like "no he cant have anyone if he can only have men šŸ¤¬" anyway. that said yeah they can be aroace best friends, just for me personally id prefer to be more romantic - in their own way. ofc they dont go to romantic dinners but they can go blow up a shooting range or go to a burger joint and see which one of them can eat more burgers before throwing up, but they can also smooch when the player/reader/watcher isnt watching, you know. max hates kissing though, which can either end in they dont kiss much Or they do, its just on the same page as with them hating when others touch them but theyre glued to each other 24/7 (or like the case with max hating seeing naked ppl but he himself being naked normally) so like he hates seeing it, but is fine with sam and sam only?
derailed strongly there, i wanted to talk about how they would also tell each other, thats also something i cant decide on but me like a little bit of angst of course so it would have to come with either a little misunderstanding or going "too far" -> realizing it wasnt too far but what the other very much wants etc etc. actually i have nothing here, moving on
uhh and i also think about them proposing? i think they both would want to. theres also so many ideas but my fav is that sam gets to propose first, but max just goes fuck! beat me to it. and he pulls out a ring as well and they get to propose at the same time (with sam perhaps getting emotional, max would call him a sap but then get a bit emotional too for once) but then theres also something silly for the comics/htr where i can imagine it more like max mentioning marriage, as a joke or not, and sam pulling out a comically oversized ring pop for him (then they have the """"shotgun"""" wedding lol) then for ttiv which is my dearly hated storyline. they maybe proposed in the past, but idk if they actually got married, they ended it because it got rocky. perhaps sam got cold feet but max would be the one to end it (then make harsh remarks about sams dating life and all that, but deep down being glad its not working out for sam cause max has always been the jealous type) and maybe they finally get therapy (or max contacts sybil after ages and she gives him some advice and such) and perhaps after splitting up for a bit like in the cartoon (insert snm divorce gif) they get back together now that theyre like in their 50s and realize its no use, theyre not really holding each other back as they would be worried maybe but that they truly want to be with each other and they get actually married after trying again. i think its silly for them to get married like youd expect maybe sam to think about that but not max but i think hed be very excited about it mainly cause of the food at the reception
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sandsofdteam-moved Ā· 2 years
5 and 12 :D
heyy!! hope ur doin well :D (dteamblr ask game)
5. when did you first start watching their content? what got you into it?
Iā€™m gonna be real honest and say I really didnā€™t like Dream when I first got into their content in early 2020, not bc I specifically disliked him or anything, but because I was a bitch about liking the same mcyts as my sistersā€”my younger sister was actually the first one to watch dt content in my house! Eventually I got one of the death shuffles recommended to me and I caved, albeit in the middle of the night with headphones on so no one would hear. Got hooked on the dnf dynamic from their duo videos, then the dteam dynamic off their challenge vids, and here I am 2 years later still going strong off the same 3 losers even though my sisterā€™s lost most interest lmfao
12.Ā  talk about your favorite dynamic that they have with each other or someone else
Oh this could be a long one, I could talk about dteam dynamics for ages and go on and on, I donā€™t really have a preference because theyā€™re all wonderful
First off, Dreamnap, the ultimate brothers from another mother, partners in crime for a decade, and absolute soulmates. Their dynamic is crude and hilarious and so full of love that they even have their own little nickname of ā€œbrotherā€ when they want to convey all of their care in just a wordā€”from the tweet after Sap had surgery to Dreamā€™s 30k donation on stream, you can tell that behind the angry gamer exterior theyā€™re a couple of softies! Dream gives the world and more to Sapnap and Sapnap acts like heā€™d defend the guy until his own lungs give out, so as long as Dream isnā€™t directing his anger towards him. Theyā€™re toxic in the best way possible where behind every jab is a bastion of history and trust. Their friendship has been through ups and downs and from what it seems, theyā€™d lay down their lives for one another if it came down to it.
Secondly is SNF, the original duo of menaces to their tired keepers. I remember back in the day during early dteam content where I genuinely thought they hated each other, especially after they ā€œbondedā€ to annoy Dream during one of the dteam videos. In retrospect I was an idiot šŸ˜­ their antics came from their kindred spiritā€”even now, they egg each other on to do the worst things possible and act like actual siblings. Sapnap looks up to George like an older brother (and has apparently said as much, to Georgeā€™s chagrin) and George could give less of a shit about a brotherly dynamic, and sees in Sap someone he can drop his guard and be himself with like the gremlin he really is. Ofc, the two of them do genuinely just have fun together and can spend just as long as any other dteam duo, evidenced by their apparently characteristic long calls in teamspeak that Bad alluded to in a past stream. Idk I just love that theyā€™re so in sync about all of their shenanigans and bits (mcc roleplayā€¦) but when it comes down to it they do just genuinely find comfort in one anotherā€™s presence and can build each other up just as much as they can knock one another down :]
And finally the elephant in the room, the shitshow of DNF. Idk where to even start with these two, I feel like Dreamā€™s tweets honestly sum it up better than I ever couldā€”their dynamic and teamwork started the entire Drempire of content, with George putting all of his trust into some 20 year old from Florida despite having a lucrative degree and what sounds like an insanely competitive level of talent, and Dream working like hell to make sure that George didnā€™t waste his shot. They started the empire, roped all their friends in, and managed to create one of the most successful content groups in internet history. The trusting bond they share seems almost inhuman. Thatā€™s not to mention the amount of care and love that goes unsaid but not unheard. Weā€™ve seen them tunnel vision within calls filled with upwards of a dozen people. Despite never having met, they know each other scarily well, knowing the intricacies of how each othersā€™ brains work, how to annoy each other, and especially how to fluster the other. Thereā€™s just something particular about the ways that the two of them constantly gravitate towards each other, use those disgustingly sweet voices, and, well, play into the dnfing. I donā€™t think anyone is advocating harder for dnf to be real than dnf šŸ˜­ from fanart likes to quips to lord knows what kind of off-camera conversations they have, no one is doing it like them. Anyways. I said SNF are in sync and while thatā€™s true, it doesnā€™t hold a candle to the shit that these two pull with the equally horrible sexts and fond reactions to each othersā€™ voices and presences. Theyā€™re obsessed with doing things together sometimes and it makes everyone in the local vicinity want to gouge their ears out and I canā€™t say I blame them! Iā€™d do the same šŸ˜’šŸ˜’ Idk I just adore the dynamic capabilities of their relationship that can be pulled and interpreted in a million different directions, when at the end of the day it does just come down to them having an insanely strong love for one another :>
and all together they are just complete menaces needing parental supervision, egging each other on to do the dumbest shit or working in duos to fuck with the other person. but like all the other duo dynamics, their bond is immeasurable and a delight to get to witness, and I canā€™t wait to see that translate to them irl!
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