#my bf is the only one i dont mind looking at but again i wouldnt say that specific attraction is there
tinakibed · 5 months
You’re bisexual. Not lesbian
bisexual is what i call myself yes
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babithyn · 11 months
November 16th, 2023
tw~ ed
Hey guys, good news! I lost 6lbs within the past 3 days :) i mean its not much compared to what my goal is but im happy im below 230lbs.
I mean my highest weight was 259lbs and that was right before i gave birth to my babygirl :)
Granted, i haven’t been very disciplined so i’m kind of confused as to how i lost 6lbs. Maybe its water weight from all the swelling. I mean my feet we’re probably 4x their normal size. I couldnt even fit into my slides which were size nines and i where a seven. But i can fit in them again!
Also my bf’s hoodie use to be snug around my waist and now its loose so my stomach has gone down a little bit.
We went grocery shopping and i was doing my best to get healthy food and low c@l food. Bit i had to remind myself that i cant eat to little of food otherwise i wont have the nutrients in my body to nurse my daughter.
Another thing i have to remind myself is that the breast milk my body is making weighs about 10-15lbs. But because i’m nursing i should be loosing 1-2lbs a month. Cuz nursing burns calories surprisingly enough.
My goal is to loose another 5lbs by the end of the month. Although thanksgiving is around the corner so thats a little scary. But i might not be going to my moms for it meaning i might not celebrate it in general.
My mom had changed plans on me and is now going to her friends for thanksgiving. See that wouldnt be a problem if i didnt have a newborn and i knew her friend. But considering i dont know her friend i’m not comfortable taking my daughter or myself to some random strangers house. I don’t like meeting new people in general and you can times that by 20 now that i have a kid.
But in other good news. :) my bf and i were approved to rent a house! we get to move in on the first. Meaning we gotta start packing now. But i get to have my pupper with me!
i spent $100 to get him esa certified. So that i dont have to pay a pet fee and they cant refuse us housing or kick us out because we have a dog. So things are looking up for us!
The house is in a nice neighborhood and it has 3beds and 2 and a half af baths. Its two stories with a backyard and a garage! We got a brand new sofa and loveseat set!
The only downside to the house is that we’re going to be paying $2k a month not including utilities. And i probably wont be able to go back to work till about february maybe march. and i’ll probably only be doing part time for the first couple month’s i go back. On top of that ill have to pay for a babysitter.
Im thinking it might be more financially beneficial to just be a stay at home mom until she’s about 8-11months that way she’ll have started saying small words and hopefully have taken her first steps. then i can take her to a daycare and i can go to work full time.
but other than that we also need to get some more furniture and appliances. we need a washer and dryer, a new bed since we have a queen and our daughter loves sleeping with us. We also need a dining room table, dishes, cook wear, dressers nightstands. granted i have two dressers at my moms. its just that they’re heavy as all hell.
But on the plus side my mom and her bf are willing to help us and my bestfriend is coming to visit and said she would help us. And i’m sure my bf’s friends wouldnt mind helping its just a matter of him asking. I mean him and his friends are cops and if you know anything about first responders its that they have a huge sense of camaraderie.
Its kind of funny im dating a cop. I’ve never been a huge fan of them but it’s mostly the system that im not a fan of. it lets the bad ones get away with horrible shit.
But thats off topic. actually the bottom half of this entire post is off topic.
Anyways if you’ve read this far thank you :) Stay safe and much love thank you for coming to my ted talk:)
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rainninpain · 2 years
My boyfriend of four years cheated on me and thr only reason I ever found out was because he paid this female for sex it was a regular thing between them for several years before he met me. Ive been struggling for awhile with my mental health and was actually in the hospital when he fucked this bitch. He didn't pay her all of what he owed so she messaged me to tell me what they did and to tell me her youngest kid was his.
Before the revelation of cheating came about I handed him my phone one night so he could look something up, I was grooming my dog. He not only looked up what we needed he went to my texts messages and looked for messages between another ex bf and a former fiance. There were inappropriate messages from them talking about sex but there was never any acting on it as opposed to be actually physically got with this chick.
Anyhow for months and months he tried to find more and more ways to make me that bad guy when he crossed the physical line. I never denied those texts were inappropriate in a relationship, but he found ways to continuously find ways to read my emails and messages. First i locked the phone, than my tablet, than my car from when my phone was on blue tooth and than finally my smart watch.
I had been sexually assaulted and he didnt seem to care he pressured me more and more about how we werent habing sex and he needed intimacy and blah blah. He brought this shit up over and over for two years. I asked him repeatedly to table the conversation about our sex life and intimacy but he wouldnt.
Two weeks ago I called him out on the fact that he rarely listened to me when talking to him about anything. He didn't say anything. I asked him how often he was talking to the chick he fucked he said rarely. I already knew that was a lie but wanted him to be honest and he wasn't. Than i saw she was coming to town to visit whatever family she has here and i asked him and he lied again. He than got pissed off at me for telling him she couldnt come in our home nor was i going to allow him to take our vehicle to go see her and/or give her a ride. He laughed and called me dumb.
I asked what normal woman would be ok with their partner talking too and hanging out with the woman they cheated with?! He said probably none.
A week goes buy and I am no longer able to fight with him.about this but asked why he can't just be honest. The next night he sends me a text message, couldnt even tell me in person that he isnt in love with me and hasnt been and all this other fucked up shit. We just bought a $500,000 home and hes planning to move out and take the only car we have and leave me fucked. Tonight he tells me his pos alcoholic former bestfriend got his army disability money and he will be leaving even sooner cus the friend owes him $10,000. I asked if he told Josh we aren't together and he says yeah and wtf does it matter since Josh and I dont even speak anymore. I had to deal with Josh's shit for almost 2 years because of my bf. Josh is an alcoholic and caused so many issues.
This is not the first time Justin hurt me i nearly died in 2017 because of him and a friend bullying me. I NEVER should have trusted him again but I have bpd and didn't want to be alone and he promised he would never hurt me again and yet thats all he has done. My dad died 4 May 2021 and my mom 19 April 2022. So i have had nothing but fucked up shit for awhile now. Which is why my mind goes to the darkest and impulsive places. I hate life more and more everyday. My mom was my bestfriend and we were there for eachother and never abandoned. Now not only she is gone but my dad to and I am alone in this world because I trusted someone I shouldn't have. A pos like him. I should have known better....here i am alone in an expensive house with tons of pets a place I thought i would be happy because we bought it and got this specifically for my mom becauae it is handicap accessible but she died two months after moving in.
I truly no longer care about anyone and anything. The more I allow myself to feel things the more pain I end up in. I just want it all to stop. SI is on my mind constantly. The method I'd use so it would guarantee no coming back. The other times I called my doctor and she called 911.
I'm a fucking idiot and an absolute failure at everything. I can't even work because my mental health. I quit working after my first suicide attempt on 7 February 2016. That attempt was the worst of all and I wasn't expected to make it. Why I did I have no clue. I guess I was a puece of shit person in another life and this is KARMA or maybe its just karma for all the shit ive done my entire life.
I always want to help people and everything I ever did that was good never happened in other peoples eyes. I am the villain. I sacrificed half my life to take care of my addict sisters kids and yet my plder sister who actually did the fucked up shit before and after the kids mom died gets all the credit for everything I did. Thats an entire other situation but it all culminates to now and what I am dealing with. I don't know or understand why everyone hates me, why they abandon me, why the hurt me, what is wrong with me?!? I don't belong on this Earth. All I have is constant unbearable pain from loss, grief, depression, anxiety, sadness, trauma, ptsd, bpd, bipolar. What is the point in continuing to live this miserable life?! No one misses me. No one even talked to me at my mothers funeral.not even the other siblings!
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honestlyitsjustsam · 2 years
I hope you don’t mind me asking but what is your head cannon on wake-up times for the protocol? Like who’s an early bird and who has to be drug out of bed at noon? Love seeing your little headcannons and ideas in the Val tag!
oh i dont mind!! and im glad you like seeing my posts :3 sometimes i feel like i spam them too much asdfgasdfasdfg
okay so i believe Skye and Sova would def be early birds, the type of birds who also would go for a morning run together and talk about healthy life style... yuck crazy people
Chamber would be up early and would make sure he gets enough sleep and does his morning beauty routine or else he has eyebags and he will eliminate anyone who mentions them...slowly
Brimstone may be up early as well because he likes to meet the agents and its funny for him to see them all sleepy and messy asdfghj then they wake up fr and he makes them waffles and pancakes (mostly for Kj but shhhh)
Astra would be up early as well, she likes the quiet time before every agent is up so she can focus on her yoga and mindful exercises. oh and also she looves watching morning shows on TV which are all about gossip, she loves making fun of the concept and the people in it
Sage def is an early bird as well, i imagine she would wake up and after her meditation and a shower, def would make tea for herself and be tranquil with the day
Breach seems like the type to wake up whenever he pleases, like if he had a fun night and went to bed late he will wake up around afternoon but for a change, if he went to bed early he might wake up at noon, dont think he would be up early usually unless its Sova’s turn to make breakfast i feel the same for Reyna tbh, her waking up routines change whenever she wants to
i dont think Cypher and Viper would sleep..like at all. insomnia is a terrible thing and they both have inner demons which keep them up late at night. so until they cant function properly, they dont sleep which causes them to be up in the morning when everyone is just up. they might think these two are early but in reality they didnt even go to bed yet.
i think kj would sleep at late but wakes up early, she is the type of a person who is content with 4-6 hours of sleep. like it doesnt bother her, she may feel fatigue due to her late night hardworks but that tiredness isnt about the lack of sleep she gets.
raze on the otherhand would again work hard until midnight but sleep until midday as well to a point where kj would need to bring her breakfast because she missed it..My girl isn't sleep deprived; she simply enjoys sleeping.
Neon would be up early as well, but only because she doesn't sleep late; she sleeps at 10pm and wakes up at 9am. She also enjoys running and prefers to do it alone, so since Skye and Sova would be up at 6am, 9am is an ideal time for her.
even tho kayo is powerful, i believe kj would make a charging pod for him asdfghjsdfg like he wouldnt need to sleep but he needs his radianite core to be recharged so he would plug himself in and rest
i believe omen however does not need to sleep, like ever. he doesnt get tire because he doesnt have flesh or a nerve system so he really doesnt need to do anything at night but knit. omens existence is a little bit confusing to me but i see his body as a idk some sort of unstable material plus shade ig idk idk (but he never says no to bigspoon Cy and wake up next to him...)
i think Phoenix might wake up early as well because he looks like he enjoys life and wants to be alive truly, his job is to go and get his gf first because jett tends to be lazy in the mornings and if you dont wake her up she might go and sleep the whole day. so a kiss on the lips is enough for her to wake her up, then they go and visit their bf
yoru has to be the one Phoenix and Jett drug out of the bed, i always thought the dimentional drift to tire him so whenever he has fatigue he just dozes off and wakes up like 20 hours later, his lovers are worried for him :(
fade is a laaazy person, she wakes up late and whenever she wants BUT on sundays she has to be up early because hey sunday breakfast!! a sacred tradition for generations and then she will probably bother Cypher and wont leave him until he eats his breakfast
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jungwonsie · 4 years
not a request
warnings: maybe some cursive words or some words that are not written goof
note:hello people!!!i hope you liked my first post^^i am sorry i couldnt post for awhile but i will be more active from now on!also if you have any requests i uploaded my tellonym so yeah thanks again and enjoy<3 also i didnt look at this two times because i was in hurry but i will soon
members here <3
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you and jake have been friends since the begin and you were always there for eachother 
heeseung is always scared because you two seem to like eachother a lot but he knows that you love him and him only 
he trusts you but he cant help but feel anxious 
this night oh my-
you were hanging out with him and his members
you guys decided to watch a movie but they didnt have any snacks at home
so you decided to go and buy some
you asked heeseung to come with you but he was so tired :(
but you didnt want to go alone so you asked the others who wanted to tag along jake was the one who answered
you can see how mad heeseung is hwegfiu2eh 
he would litteraly glare at boyh of you <3
“its okay i will go with my bae you stay here”
he might or might not pushed him a lil away
cute lil baby he gets jealous so easy<3
at the end he will be mad at you but when you kissed his cheek and told him that you didnt mean anything only that you wanted him to rest i swear he blushed so much and kissed your forehead <3
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i swear i love jealous jay
you and heeseung were just friend i swear but oh my god our dear jay gets so jealous when he sees you two laughing or being a lil touchy with eachother 
but this time oh my-
you come over and hang out with them
you guys gathered and order food (pizza?or whatever you like0
as the food arrived there was some drinks that came with the food so heeseung as the oldest one there made the drinks (not alchohol)
he accidently poured some of the drink on your t-shirt
jay quickly got up and went to his closet to give you one of his hoodie/tshirt
but as he came back and saw that heeseung took of his hoodie (he was wearing a shirt underneath dw)
jealous jay mode turned on <3
he walked no he runned there and took you by your hand and hugged you tighly  “mine go away grrr” (barking<3) jkjk
he would probably whine so much so you ran to him and wore his hoodie (he felt better after that)
cuddles the entire time and many many kisses too 
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Okay so you and jay were very close with eachother 
but jake didnt mind it at all (cute baby <3)
but i swear when you decided to go shopping with jay and jake he would pout so much :(
like jau tries SO much to find the perfect clothes for you 
but jake wanted to do that :(
i believe that if he wanted he could knockout jay if he wanted to 
when he saw jay hugging you because he was so happy that he bought you clothes you could see jake he was so close to kick him <3
you said your thanks you to jay but he had to leave now (finally-jake)
you have to buy him food and he will feel better 
buys you more clothes even if you say no (rich rich bf <3)
you also drag him to a dog coffee and then you two had the time of yout life :(
after that he hugs you tighly and tells you that he was jealous (like we didnt know hihihihi)
you called him over your house and cuddle and kissed the whole night because he deserved it :(
he loved you so much please take care of him
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okay this lil ice prince 
you and sunoo were always close to eachother from the strat 
you and him will always look for make up and face masks products to use for you and sunghoon :(
you would always him if he wante to have face masks together or try putting him make up but his answer would always be no or maybe 
you would get upset but ofc sunoo is always there to save you <3 
the sunshine arrived <3
when he saw you and sunoo laughing together hebwas like
okay.its fine i am fine.=THAT SHOULD BE ME
next time you ask him he would be like “nonono i am sure sunoo will want it more than me” ofc he didnt mean that but ofc you left to go with sunoo
he would be SHOOKED his jaw was wide open hihihi
as youbwere waiting for sunoo to come with you sunghoon came before him and back hugged you 
“i wannadothisbutjustusplz” mumbles
he is so cute but he doesnt want to admit that he is jealous
he just want to be the only one you make face masks for and make up 
even though he doesnt like make up that much he wouldnt mind you do his make up :(
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you and nike were at the dance studio 
you two were very skilled dancers so you two decided to do some dances together 
maybe,maybe you and niki were a little touchy with eachother (not “dirty”)
but he might touched your waist a lot and yk having many physical touches 
and cute little baby would start pouting and corring his arms
after you are done from dancing you hugged niki and want to your lovely boyfriend that was watching you two dancing 
and he hugged you tightly and kissed your cheek so many times (he made sure that niki saw at least one)
“oh my y/n is really pretty and very talanted i have the best PARTENER”
yeah he made sure everyone in the building that you are his 
he would be mad at you when you two went at the dorms so made sure that you let him do your hair or do some face masks together 
if he isnt yet satisfied made sure to be preapared for many games or maybe watch his favorite drama together and cuddles all the time 
he might fall asleep with you in his arms so dont plan on leaving <3
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Okay so he might be the leader and he have to be mature 
but when he find out that myabe sunghoon have taken a liking in you he felt frustrating
one day when you came over to the dorms the boys wanted to play gamess
 so when you and the boys decided to play arm wrestling he hoped he would be at the same team with you 
luckily he got in the same time with you and was really excited <3
your team was jungwon ,you,heeseung and sunoo anf the others were jake ,niki,jay and sunghoon 
for you guys to find out who will play with who you played rock papres scissors shoot
you got partener with sunghoon 
he started feeling unwell 
as sunghoon hold yout hand to start the arm wrstili g he bite the inside of his cheek trying to control any emotion he had
sunghoon might went overboard with his strengh because you were really strong too and henwon but he made you hurt your hand in the table and it hurt  A LOT ouch<3
sunghoon and jungwom ran to get you some ice but sunghoon was a little bit faster and arrived faster than jungwon and gave you the ice 
jungwon mad asf and his jealous level on the MAX
he took the ice that jungjoon gave you and put the ice that he took 
he would stick his toungue out to sunghoon
make sure to give his huggies and all of your attention after that <3
he loves you a lot and he doesnt want to share you or anything :(
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niki knows how much you love hanging out with the members and he is happy that his partener is going good with his friends 
but when he saw that you and jungwon got closer he felt kinda sad :(
poor baby he dont want to share you with anyone :(
when you came over and decided to watch i-land with the others you sat in between niki and jungwon
you felt kinda cold so you snuggled close to jungwom 
nikis level of jealous 100%
it went worse when you started giving compliments to the others membe especially jungwon 
he pouted and hold your arm pulling you in his arms
“gimme compliments too plz”pouts
y/n is in love part 190298337646567478382903747578878378476645
you HAVE to pet his hair and give him forehead kisses and many compliments and he told you no more yang jungwon no more
ofc it was a joke but whenever you and jungwon went he would always tag along and always hug you infornt of him and gives you so many kisses <3
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loremaster4aot · 3 years
reader x floch
y/n is doing her math HW, but she's failing miserably, so her bf, who's also her classmate, comes to help her
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you've been rereading the same paragraph again and again, but you didnt understand anything. it didnt make the slightest sense for you.
you were calculating quadratic formula from every way possible, but the result was always bad. the result sheet at the last page of the book showed only the right answers and not the process of numeration. tomorrow is an important test and you dont know how to calculate the simplest paradigms. the stress was hard to bear, you wanted to be calm, but your nervousness was stronger.
a deep breath filled your chest and told yourself to not give up and start from the begging. that didn't help. you pressed the pencil in your hand as you broke the graphite and made gray smudge on the paper. tears began to roll down your cheeks and you crumpled another paper with foiled calculation into trash bin. this was pure misery.
you checked your mobile to escape from math hell just for couple of minutes. a text appeared in your notifications. it's your boyfriend
,,y/n look at this, it reminded me of you" floch sent you some youtube link, but you didn't open it.
,,babe, what are you doing?" you completely ignored the video he sent
,,just bored in my room. and thinking about what you might be doing. you mind telling me? i wanna know."
,,well..im feeling really bad"
,,im coming over right now"
he wasn't even here and you already saw him as your hero. he's incredibly smart at math and he acts cocky around his classmates for it too. floch always enjoys his math lessons, especially when he can solve a formula in front of you and the whole class.
you were proud of him. everyone struggled while he solved it in the blink of an eye. they cursed him and complained about his quick calculating, but screw them. peasants were just jealous.
finally you heard a knock on the door. you rushed to open them. floch stood in front of you and as he saw you crying, pain filled his eyes. it broke him to see you like this. usually, he's the one to make you cry, but seeing that someone or something else did this to you, makes him mad.
he didnt want to catch the attention of another students in the hallway so he quickly stepped into the room and closed the door.
,,y/n, what's wrong?" he began wiping the tears from your cheeks with his fingers.
you were a sobbing mess, so you didnt said anything, just hugged him tightly as you heard his heart beating in a steady rhythm.
,,calm down, im here with you, just tell me already. please, i dont want you to be sad over someone else." floch said
,,its... the math.."
,,again"? he isnt suprised
,,okay, sit behind the table" floch ordered
you felt warmth in your chest as he said it. that line made him look very authoritative. in the matter of fact, he could even be a math teacher. but if you'd be his student, he surely wouldnt go easy on you.
floch was standing at your right side, his hand writing some numbers. his grip around the pencil was strong as he moved and wrote some formulas on the paper. he was explaining them, but you couldn't concentrate at what at the moment. hands caught your attention instead. they were manly, big and...
,,so how would you solve this?" he asked and looked at your surprised expression
,,were you even listening, y/n?" floch continued
,,floch, please can you explain it to me one more time? i didnt catch every detail. pretty please" you tried to hide staring at him under a lie
,,you're so lucky that im deciding to go soft on you. i dont want to see you crying again. for today" he started explaining everything from the start. this time, you actually paid attention to the content he was saying and it became clearer for you.
your math teacher always made every topic hard to understand. with floch, you understood everything so easily. why? was it because you gave his words more attention, or perhaps, bigger value?
,,floch, what would i do without you?"
,,probably fail your test" smirk appeared on his face
you giggled. he was actually telling the truth so there was no point in opposing him. in fact, its never a good idea to oppose your precious boyfriend in anything.
,,after you pass your exam, i might give you some reward" his words motivated you to do your best. you want to look the best in your boyfriends eyes.
,,now finish this" he gave you a paper with harder problems to solve
after about ten minutes you handled it to him with result you got. stress filled your body. he started examining it and it felt like he was staring at it for an hour. in reality, it mightve been 15 seconds.
,,correct" as he said this, you hugged him
,,floch, thank you, you're my hero" you squeezed him tighter
,,i will always be"
my first time writing something like this. please take this in consideration.
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
tgcf again chapters 174-191. im now midway through book 4. pain and suffering. and yet also.... this is really good.... but also.... pain...
okay cave of ten thousand gods everythings coming out into the light.... xie lian pretending not to hear fengqing drop their act im emotional..... fengqing silently working together to separate xie lian and hua cheng im emotional..... every word that comes out of mu qing’s mouth im emotional....
honestly reading the xianle trio discussing hua cheng.. its very hard for me NOT to project all the times ive been in a friendship trio and someone got a boyfriend the other two didnt like (which was every time. theres never been a bf everyone liked. sometimes i was the one who had the bf. there were no winners then and tbh i predict there will be no real winners here as far as this friendship goes but such is life)
mu qing is so smart he’s clever he’s tricksy i love it i love him ugh
“A pair of arms had circled around him from behind, and hugged him with force all of a sudden. Xie Lian had buried his face in his back, and also didn’t speak. Though nothing was said, it was enough.” okay i cant get into every different way im feeling about whats going down bc it would get Too Personal but this..... im emo. also xie lian saying “something like this has to be said clearly“ and then proceeding to not say a word just going in for a hug is a mood
“He heard Hua Cheng’s staggering voice coming from above. “...Your Highness. You really…will be the death of me.” - ok well DONT SAY THAT!! now im worried!!!
“Hua Cheng, however, only snorted, appearing as if his eyes could see through the thick rocky walls. He said darkly, “Don’t worry. If he kills one, I’ll make ten more. Fast and furious like the storms, I will never back down. Let’s see who’s the one left standing in the end.” Xie Lian’s heart skipped a beat for some reason, and he mumbled inwardly, “... Oh no, this is bad.” Even though Hua Cheng’s expression was subconsciously displayed, Xie Lian really was quite weak to this aggressive and rebellious confidence of his.” - fjadskfajsl its okay xie lian honey you never know whats going to do it for you
okay so are the murals and statues are only from the xianle era? im hoping hua cheng didnt secretly follow xie lian during his time as a mortal during the entire 800 years and then pretend to a total stranger that would be too much imo lets see. i still really do get why feng xin and mu qing are like “...dude wtf lets get out of here stay away from that guy” (also tbh probably if theyd all managed to stay close... this probably wouldnt be happening which isnt a judgement im just saying bc thats definitely how ive felt about friendships) although this whole thing IS indeed tinged with homophobia which i still dont think makes sense in this setting but whatever i guess.
BOOK 4!!!! im scared
“A few days ago he nearly fainted, and it was only after that did he realize it was because he hadn’t had anything to eat for several days.” - unfortunately relatable but :(
“Ever since Xie Lian was young, he had never had to consider these kinds of affairs, and this was truly the first time in decades that this problem gripped him. However, if gods didn’t even know what starvation felt like, how could they possibly understand the feelings of a starving worshipper? How could they possibly empathize? At this point, he could only take this experience as a form of training.” - TRUE THO!!!!!!!! i like seeing this even tho the circumstances are sad
wait does xie lian get his bad cooking skills from him mom? im gonna cry...
“After returning to the city, Mu Qing’s stomach was still turning. He said as he stumbled, “I thought…that porridge, it smelled like bran water, but I hadn’t thought it’d taste like it too!” Feng Xin gritted his teeth. “Shut up! Don’t force people to remember that pot of stuff! The queen is…body of ten thousand gold after all…never cooked…this is already…UGH!…” Mu Qing humphed. “Did I say something wrong? If you didn’t think it was like bran water, why don’t you…go ask the queen to grant you another bowl! UGH!…” The two were heaving back and forth, and Xie Lian grabbed hold of the both of them, patting their backs.” - xianle trio.... including simply because it made me do the pleading emoji in real life..... also the way the queen wanted to feed all of them... weeping
i didnt realize that mu qing would still be around during this time.... god the fact that i know theyre all going to split......
“It’s precisely because it’s a time like this that money has to be brought up!” Mu Qing countered. “A time like this? What time is it? Time when we’re starving! It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to admit it, but nothing can be done without money! Can you both not just suck it up a little bit?” - mu qing i love you. god.... for real the fact that he comes from a completely different background than the other two is so important to his character and i think it shows so much in the way he continues to be in the present. he gives me the vibe of someone who is smart and hardworking but is bitter about it and tbh!!!! i get why he is!!! he’s very aware of these kinds of concerns bc he’s had to be, while the other two kind of think theyre above it and its a big difference between them. he’s still separated by the circumstances of his birth despite how much harder he’s worked to get to where he is.... ugh painful and delicious
i really am enjoying the xianle story tbh. xie lian going from his highness, favored by heaven, well-intentioned but lacking in experience and understanding to living in poverty and fighting with mortals who disrespect him. fucking delicious i mean this sincerely and respectfully im sad but i really like his character arc. and then to how he is in the present....
“Mu Qing looked at him, speaking not a word. Then he bowed deeply and really turned around to walk away.” - OH NO ITS HAPPENING AHHHHH ;_; honestly all of this hurts but it feels real like i think mu qing has every right to want to leave honestly and he DOES have other family and other ambitions outside of the trio... and i get why feng xin is mad about him wanting to leave when theyre suffering!! and i get why xie lian lets him go.... friendships are hard man and the pain of them splitting is rough!!!!
“Mu Qing’s departure had really shocked him to the core. First, he had never thought that someone so close would just up and leave. Second, Xie Lian had always believed in “forever”. For example, friends would always be friends forever; no betrayal, no deception, no breaking up. Perhaps there’d be times when they’d part, but it for sure wouldn’t be over reasons like “life is too horrible” - pain. just pain. same as above i get it but it hurts
“Xie Lian didn’t know too well just how much money would be considered normal when buying over ten lanterns, and he never looked at the price tag when he purchased things in the past.” - i feel bad kicking him while he’s down and he’s still trying to be kind even when it costs him but this is the first thing that came into my mind
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but also oh?? spirits of soldiers from the battlefield you say?? hmmm i wonder... who.... could possibly be among them....
“If you remain forcibly, you won’t be able to rest in peace,” Xie Lian said. The nameless ghost didn’t seem to care. “I pray to never rest in peace.” -  i cant lie this legit gave me goosebumps lol
“Xie Lian himself was alright in suffering through it, since there were far too many other things to worry about. But his mother, who had lived a comfortable, luxurious life, when had she ever done such crude labour? But if the queen didn’t do this work herself, who else could take over?” - hmmmm!!! housekeeping!!!! it matters!!!! rich people dont appreciate how much until they have to do it themselves!!! but this still makes me sad
oh god THATS when they pawned hongjing?? with the king sick and mu qing leaving?? :(((( even more emotional about its appearances in the present day
“That passerby chuckled. “You don’t know? This is too exciting! The servant is beating the master!” - oh god the dramatic and ironic timing of it all
god..... this is just... a sad time....
“MU QING ISN’T LIKE YOU ALL. HE’S MY FRIEND, HE WOULD NEVER HELP YOU!!!” [cut to] “Those were the only words echoing in Xie Lian’s mind, but he couldn’t utter a single sound, and could only crazily grab at anything at his disposal to throw. He didn’t care who he was hurling at, either. Finally, Mu Qing couldn’t take this anymore, and he steeled his face as he swept his sleeves and left. Xie Lian panted harshly for a bit and fell back down, spacing out again.”- IM SAD!!!!!! tbh i wonder if on some level xie lian kind of felt like mu qing owed him? i know he said to forget about that stuff to both of them but its one thinig to say it and think you mean it and another to have to deal with it
white no-face what is your DEAL!! also all the little fire ghost bits im...
“After having exchanged so many words, Feng Xin finally got the gist of what had transpired. He widened his eyes and pointed at Mu Qing, unable to speak. A moment later, he bent down and grabbed a sack and flung it over, roaring. “SCRAM! SCRAM SCRAM SCRAM!” Mu Qing was hit in the face by the sacks of rice he brought and backed two steps away. All three of them in the house were panting harshly.” - this is it this is the part where i closed my laptop and said “noOOooOOOoooo” out loud to my room im so upset... and mu qing still tried to leave the rice even after the broom thing im ;_;
“Feng Xin was completely convinced that he would never do such a thing, but that was precisely why this had become the worst-case scenario!” - pain, suffering, dismay, etc
“Feng Xin continued, “If Your Highness thinks your life might be in danger, I can finish this for you, I won’t tell Her Majesty, haha.” - bless your heart for trying feng xin
“But it shouldn’t be like this. The Feng Xin of the past would have absolute faith in him no matter what! Even if there was only twenty percent doubt, it was still unbearable!” - AHHHHHHH okay idk if i really have much to say about their relationship other than im sad but IM SAD!!!!
the differences between feng xin and mu qing’s relationship with xie lian are so interesting. feng xin has clearly always idolized xie lian a lot while mu qing hasnt at least not in the same way and he seems like he has some resentment towards xie lian (thats how i read it anyway thats what i said about it at the beginning of book 2 and i think its understandable and can be a very real part of friendships) that feng xin doesnt and i just think thats neat!!
“He was firmly tied down upon the altar, that broken base of the statue under his body. There were many people squeezed below the altar, and pair after pair of round, unblinking eyes were watching him.” - hmmm dont think i like where this is going
“Yet, before he could finish, he realized that the white silk that he used to cover his face had been undone. In this moment, the thing that had him completely tied down was that exact white silk.” oh my god wait is this ruoye?? is ruoye that same ribbon???? ill cry
“The hand stained with blood, the one that ended a life, was immune to the Face Disease.” - ohhh shit okay. okay okay. okay. shit okay. i See now.... so if youre an innocent civilian the only way to escape this fate (and the faces are actually the souls of other innocent civilians) is to get rid of your innocence... and doesnt this disease not actually hurt its just horrific? god.............
“White No-Face pitied, “You think they don’t want to do it? Wrong, it’s not that they don’t want to, it’s solely because no one wants to be the first, that’s all.” - shut up!!! youre the one who created this situation dont fucking preach about the way you think the world is
“He forced down the mouthful of blood and hissed, “What are you laughing at? You think that you got what you wanted? This was all forced by you!” The ghost fire within the ghost’s hand flickered even more fiercely.” - yes exactly!!! you put people in extreme circumstances sometimes they do extreme things!! youve proved nothing!! god i do love when characters say exactly what im thinking. plus the first ones who caved were trying to save their child
“He felt that, if he was to let them do what they wanted, there was something in his heart that would never return to its original state.” - :( also i kind of feel that in my life sometimes and i just hope xie lian’s heart ends up in a state he’s happy with
“He didn’t dare to look at what had become of the person lying on the altar, because what laid there didn’t look human anymore.” AHHHHHH!!! :(((( i mean i get why this event is what made hc... level up??? thats not a good way to describe it fjasldkfjaslk but you know what i mean... that line about being powerless to help your beloved OOOOOOF
okay well finished that chapter im. pain. hmmm. pain. i dont know if i actually have any words rn lol but im gonna stop here for now
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indecisive-v · 3 years
NINJAMUFFIN DOING ANOTHER AMA ON TWITTER, HERE'S MORE SHIT FOR YA! keep in mind i'm just sharing the funkin related stuff, though i am including WAAAAY more than what i shared before 👍 go check out ninja's twitter profile for questions about stuff like ritz! questions in blue, answers in orange. if yall don't wanna read everything i MIGHT make a version of this post where i replace the answers with my own summaries of em (and if the questions are long, those too)
and here's a link to the ama tweet itself! dunno if it's still goin
Q: I figure the answer will be yes but do you have more plans to implement more guest appearances from people in the newgrounds community into FNF? Or are you all gunna focus on OG lore and stuff going forward
A: for guest appearances, I think we have always seen it as getting a healthy mix of both. PERSONALLY I'd like to lean towards having more OG stuff than guest stuff, BUT it's all a matter of what other boys think of that as well. I'm not the sole person working on game!
Q: Are you gonna release the full FNF game or are you gonna be releasing week after week? Like, are you gonna release week 8 or are we gonna wait some years until The Full Ass Game comes out?
A: Release plan for FNF right now is a few more updates or whatev to the 'demo' we have out right now, and then a long silence of probably no updates whatsoever until the full game is done (which will likely be a few years). That's partly why we made kickstarter for game.
Q: Hey so like, how much will Fnf cost after it's finished? And when will you ask the supporters what they want the game on?
A: It's all subject to change, but right now it prob gonna be standard 15-25$ lil steam indie game.
We will ask Kickstarter pledgers and whatnot what they want the game on SUPER close to when its released, to keep options open if we get onto anything like a console people want.
Q: 1. how was your day
2. are you releasing a week 8 song early like week 7, or are you goin full lockdown
A: I am doing GOOD today, and I think recently I've been good in general.
up to the mood, but so far we doing good about not having anything leak or whatev, so I think it'd be fun to have update come out with people not knowing what to expect at all. Build dat intrigue
Q: Will fnf ever get official plushies?? Seems like an untapped market
A: FNF plushies will prob happen some point, we have a lot of current merch stuff on our plates already though! (Mostly kickstarter type stuff, shirts, pins, posters, and all the physical OST stuff) Its a lot to sort out, but in time more and more stuff will happen. We r jus 4 boys!
Q: did you ever expect your game to blow up as it did? what was your first reaction to seeing it become super popular
A: FNF never had a humble moment, literally day 1 before the prototype even came out, the vid on twitter had like 5K likes overnight. Then when ludum dare version came out, it got 5K likes again, like it wasnt just a fluke. Was crazy, and def felt like somethin was different wit FNF
Q: Do you plan on getting other people to come in to help with the music? That seems like a lot of work to dump on one person, what with the erect mode and whatnot.
I guess the question could apply to all aspects of development. Will you be bringing on more people to help?
A: We definitely are getting help from other people. We are always keeping an eye on people for various different things. In terms of programming, already I've gotten 2 people (MtH and Geokureli) to help with certain Week 7 stuff (charting/polish, and loading stuff). Shit like dat
Q: Oh, also, will the Steam version be Workshop compatible? That'd really help streamline the process of downloading mods.
A: Steam version of FNF will likely NOT be Steam workshop compatible, because we want all the mods to NOT be spread out through different places. There WILL be modding support that is as streamlined as Steam workshop though. Mainly for non-steam versions of the game!
Q: Are there any chances that the game will have a physical release? Also any updates on a switch port? I remember one of you guys talking/joking about it.
A: Not impossible for FNF to get a physical release. We would want to see how far we could go with it though. I think it'd be super easy to do something wit people like LimitedRun games or whatev, but I think stuff like that can only go so far. I wanna see Funkin in mf Walmart!!!!!!
not that LimitedRun isn't going to be an option! Just we consider and pursue many different things! FNF release is years away, so we have time to think about everything. Whole mindset can be different just a few months from now.
Q: Out of curiosity, how are you dealing with all the popularity? It blew up so fast id barely be able to handle it if I was in your shoes.
A: The only way I've been able to handle it is having the other boys on the crew and being able to talk to them about all the overwhelmingness.
Part of it feels very lonesome, feels like NO ONE can come close to comprehending exactly how I'm feeling, except them. also other PALS!!!
Q: Do you own any of the bootleg FNF merchandise? Like any bootleg plushies or anything?
A: i dont, i genuinely think they r a waste of money, and I know any bootleg shit that gets made, we can prob go about and make it, and make it 100x cooler because we actually put effort into shit. bootleg shit just in it for the coin, so they aint gettin that from me
Q: How did you go about getting in contact with sr pelo for skid and pumps vocals?
A: Pelo i think was familiar and pals wit PhantomArcade a bit thru various Newgrounds things and collabs and whatnot.
pelo retweeted the first OG FNF posts first ever, and brought a LOT of attention to it. to pay him back, we put skid and pump in game! ask dave for more info prob
Q: what's the plan for having the full ass game open source if it's gonna cost money? couldn't people just download the source and compile the game for free?
A: when FNF is fully released, the full source code will be released as well.
the game will be DRM free so it will be way easier for people to redistribute the released/offical .exe instead of compiling it, so that's not the issue anyways. people will pay for things if they like it
Q: What are the chances of it getting on consoles like switch or Playstation, ps5 would definitely be my preferred way to play
A: it'd be a matter of hiring someone to build out backend stuff for those specific consoles. someone who knows their way around all the wacky code stuff, AND knows console hardware stuff. Then its just a matter of hittin up those console manufacturers (Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo)
the CLOSEST one is SWITCH. pretty much all of that backend is already made, so it just a matter of gettin all that access and shit.
i think in any case though, there's a lot of NDA stuff required, i dunno how much we'd be able to talk about it even IF we get that stuf sorted
Q: any ideas of releasing it on epic store or another platform?
A: Right now, the only thing that is 100% confirmed and WILL happen is a Steam version, itchio version, and mobile versions on respective app stores. Other storefronts aren't out of the picture though, but we don't want to spread ourselves too thin with it.
Q: Will you continue using HaxeFlixel to make the rest of FNF?
A: yes, because it is what I'm the most technically proficient in, and generally is VERY flexible. just a matter of ME becoming a better coder. It's ALL open source, so if I need something done a certain way, either I can do it, or we can hire someone to do it.
Q: have you seen game theory's videos on your game yet and if so, what do you think about them? (not talking about his predictions because i dont want spoilers. i like mystery)
A: it is always good silly fun to watch the Game Theory vids about Funkin with some pals, and see what matpat thinks of the game. i lov the vids, but wish he used my face less! Or at least used a cuter pic of me like this one!!
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Q: Ok so: What does the future of FNF look like to you?
A: future of FNF is a rhythm game that not only exceeds every expectation that people have of it, but subverts most expectations and conventions as well.
Q: Do you plan on retouching on older weeks once the game is fully out? Like reanimating sprites, redoing some charting, updating the background, etc
A: retouching and probably overhauling certain aspects is almost definitely gonna happen. Everything is fluid and can be changed (and should be changed when necessary). i dont think anything should be too attached to, especially this early on in development
Q: I honestly do not care if the answer to this is vague as hell to keep surprises and shit lol but… Since Week 7 was the closest we’ll get to a playable girlfriend (still bf controlling tho), do you have plans to make girlfriend playable in spin-off things or just freeplay?
A: wouldnt be out of the picture for a playable GF, i don't think we've had some hard thing AGAINST it. just a matter of what we want out of the game, and what sort of story or whatev we could do with that concept
Q: How do BF and GF manage to meet famous newgrounds characters (such as pico, tankman and the others to come) like is this all in one universe/ timeline or are they being brought in?
A: i think they are all just there existing. i think there's a lot of wacky things in other media that try to justify crossovers, like MULTIVERSE bullshit or TIMELINE shit, but i dunno, its like subspace emissary. Captain Falcon and Olimar from Pikmin just hang out. Shit like dat
disclaimer that all lore shit is in phantomarcade head pretty much and maybe there is wacky dimensions or somethin
Q: Will the game have dlc?
A: its not too unlikely that we'd have expansions of some sort, but i mean right now we plan on packing in as much as we can into base game, and trying to make that as pure as possible.
if there is ANY dlc, i would personally want it to be 100% free updates
Q: How did you meet Phantom Arcade, Kawai Sprite, and EvilSker? And what do you think about the community and its controversies?
A: me and phantomarcade been fukin around NG for years so years and years ago we naturally crossed paths and became pals
about 2 years ago i found kawaisprites music on NG, and started talkin wit him, made Ritz wit him and we fell in lov
and evilsk8r i met cuz of FNF!!!
quik elaborate on evilsk8r, wanted artist for gamejam FNF was for (ludum dare), and OG person i asked wasnt available, so he referred me to evilsk8r, who I have never met or talked to before ever.
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i just dreamed
that two of my friends slept over and they both slept on my bed but i slept on a sleeping bag at the foot of my bed and i didnt think anything of it until we went to do it again the next night and i was thinking the boy should be on the floor and i should be in my bed bc its my bed but then two indiscriminate people showed up to sleep on the floor on the sides of my bed and im not quite sure who they were but i wasnt bothered and a bunch of other people started showing up like a party and this one kid that was in like four of my classes and i think is really attractive  was there but we werent friends so i was  
confused about that but my father showed up and we have a bad relationship and wed always fight but never in front of people but there were all these people in the dream and he was snippy but quiet so no one else could hear him and he said some rly scathing thing and tried to leave but i followed and said smth about him and he just stood there which he never did so i went to go back upstairs to the party and he followed as he said smth and i backed up the stairs and across my room as he talked and i walked into the guy friend who slept over (gfwso for now on) but i didnt really acknowledge it bc i had some kinda tunnel vision bc my father was still talking and the music from the party in my room was turn down or off idk but everyone was staring and i started to tear up and he glared at gfwso then left and i turned and went through the attic door bc thats what i walked into and i didnt want anyone to see me cry and gfwso followed to cheer me up or smth but my attic wasnt my attic to the right of the door it was a whole other house that i promise ive never seen before and we were in the kitchen and there was our old couch but slightly off in it and the cabinets were almost blindly white with the lights on them and there were stairs going upstairs behind that you could see in spaces and i wanted to explore because “i never knew this was here!” and suddenly the place was full of more people but just generatic like space filling people no characteristics but it wasnt like they all just appeared there it was more like my mind had just registered they were there but anyway i went exploring and gfwso just kinda followed along but id ask him where to explore next and i grabbed his hand and like tugged him with me and there was this section that led to like a back deck that was level with the ground where the rest of the building was like built up anyway it was dark and we were looking out and i said “wow” bc i thought i saw a lake in the property of the people next to us but it was just really wet pavement and i was embarrassed but i hadnt told him i thought it was a lake so i wasnt embarrassed about like him just to myself for being so dumb and then we went back inside and up the stairs behind the kitchen and he started kissing my neck but i kept pulling away and laughing as i led us upstairs bc i hate pda and i knew ppl could see us and we werent dating and i wasnt even sure he liked me until he kissed me and i found like a supply closet or smth and went to kiss him back like actually kiss him but his top half was a cleaner bottle like spritzer one and i was kissing a spritzer bottle and i was excited to kiss him but when he was a cold plastic bottle i was disinterested and disappointed but i wasnt confused about him being a bottle i thought it was his halloween costume but i dont know what my costume was and i walked out of the supply closet to see some tall masculine person standing there like angry at me for being there bc they wanted to make out with their short boyfriend in there but they didnt say that i just knew it they said they were angry bc i was making out with a boy in there but i knew when they opened the door that bottle head gfwso wouldnt be there so i just left and eventually i found gfwso again and he didnt have a cleaning bottle body and him and his friend and i walked off the deck and were walking home bc gfwso and his friend live close together but its x miles (i didnt catch how many i just knew it was far) from me but i didnt want to stop talking to him so i walked with them and his friend didnt say anything the whole time but we bickered lightheartedly and i remember walking across an intersection but there wasnt any buildings around us and it was really bright and i thought it was early morning so i was confused about that and i said so and i looked back at my house to see it was still kinda dark there like we were in a time zone on the other side of the world but i looked at my phone and it was only 6am ish but it looked like 2pm where i wouldve been bc the sun was wholly out it was getting toasty and gfwso’s friend left well more like disappeared but i understood that he had gone home and we kept walking and lovingly bickering and stuff and there was this tree on the right side of the road and it was short but wide like a motel and on the other side of the road there was a tall chainlink fence like 10ft high or smth and it was a bit taller than the tree and this old couple was driving on the road and we thought they might get into an accident if they kept driving like that and right as we thought that they went off the road and crashed right beside the tree into a trailerbed that wasnt there before and we ran over to them to see if they were okay bc were both first aid and cpr and aed certified and we asked if they needed help and i thought the old man who was driving had died bc his head was bent toward me but his body was 90 degrees away but his head just moved back to his body like memory foam would rise back to its position after someone layed their hand on it and i thought it was weird but i didnt say anything and the old lady who i understood was his wife said they were okay and they were lucky they went up the trailerbed and not into it and she laughed and i looked to gfwso who was suddenly my ex bf connor who i ended on bad terms with and then i woke up to my alarm
thoughts? theories? interpretations? analysis? ideas? comments?
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ayellowcurtain · 5 years
can you write one for elu where lucas sees some series of suspicious texts in eliott's phone and seriously thinks eliott is cheating on him (bc the texts are kinda obvious) which turns to him being kind of paranoid for a while (not long) and finding more "proofs" so finally he confronts eliott. crying and ofc eliott finds it ridiculous cause lucas is his everything.but it was actually idk just a classmate of eliott's texting their bf/gf from eliotts phone bc of some reason
can you write something april fools related? like prank goes wrong kinda thing? i mean i dont think any of them would make a break up prank but maybe they thought the other wouldnt take it seriously since its ridiculous for them to break up but then it gets a bit serious and sad but they're happy at the end ofc. 
Could you write something with maybe Lucas overhearing some girls saying how hot Eliott is and him getting all jealous and territorial
Lucas loves Mika, but he doesn’t trust him completely. Sometimes he doesn’t think about consequences or doesn’t take things seriously. 
He needed some company to go out tonight. Apparently he had a bad couple of dates and needed to forget about it tonight, but everyone already had plans and Lucas and Eliott were his last hope. Lucas agreed to it last night when Mika texted him, but now he’s not in the mood, too tired after a long day. 
Eliott is excited to go out, so Lucas tells him to go with Mika and he will stay home, go to bed early if he can. 
Eliott checks with him a few times while getting ready to see if Lucas haven’t changed his mind. He gives Eliott a long, passionate kiss before he lets him go meet Mika. He smiles to Lucas and says he’ll be home soon. 
Lucas is relieved to be alone tonight. He woke up in a bad mood and had a stressful day at school, that’s probably why he and eliott were also in a weird funk, so it’s nice to he at the comfort of his house in complete silence. He takes a long shower, puts his and Eliott’s clothes to wash, etc.
While cooking something later, he puts some classical rock to listen to, looks around when he’s back to the bedroom, looking at their beautiful, comfortable, tiny oasis. Since he got his room back, he and Eliott redecorated (with Manon’s help) everything, bought some plants to hang on the ceiling next to the window, changed the beddings, donated some clothes so both their closets could fit into one. 
It feels cozy, warm, safe, a little bit like a jungle. 
Lucas already chose a movie to watch, crawling underneath the covers. Before he can press play, he decides to check his messages. Nothing yet. 
Don’t be a babysitter. He knows how to handle himself.
He presses play, adjusting his pillow. It’s not the best movie, but it’s not a waste of time either. He puts another one right after, an action movie to keep him awake. 4 a.m and the second one is over. Lucas had to fight to not fall asleep during this one, so he turns his notebook off, putting it on the table. 
Ok, his time alone could be over already if it was his choice, he misses Eliott and having his big, warm body to cuddle before falling asleep. But Lucas is happy that he’s out, having fun. He turns off his lamp, checking his phone and there’s some messages, all from Mika.
Mika sent him a bunch of photos. They’re apparently in a photo booth with a bunch of other guys and two girls. Eliott has his arm around some guy’s shoulders, seeming to fit it perfectly with the group, he’s really out going when he wants to so it’s not a surprise to Lucas how well he fits with Mika’s friends. The jealous side of Lucas doesn’t like how close the guy is to Eliott, but there’s nothing going on, it’s just him being possessive. And the other guy seems very young, younger than Lucas. 
The last picture ruins his entire night in a second, making him jolt on his bed, sitting and opening the picture, zooming in. His boyfriend with his wet, flat tongue out and the guy is really close, nearly sucking his boyfriend’s tongue. 
Mika posted something on instagram, tagging Lucas in it. He opens the notification and it takes him to the post. It’s a close up of that photo, only showing Eliott and that kid that he has his arm around, tagging Lucas and Eliott on Eliott’s tongue. 
As he freezes, looking at the photo again, he can see comments coming it, a bunch of guys and some girls asking who the guy in the picture is, someone already answering with Eliott’s instagram. Lucas’ vision is blurred, he’s trying hard not to cry or to freak out. 
This is what Lucille was talking about. 
He tries to racionalize but somedays it feels too much and he just needs to shove some sense into Eliott. Lucas types and sends his answer to all the thirsty people. 
He’s taken. 
A minute later Mika deletes the photo. Lucas suddenly feels sleepless. getting up from his bed and leaving his phone behind, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hands, cleaning his face with his shirt afterwards. 
Lucas was naive to think he would be enough for Eliott and that things would be different from what they were with Lucille. Maybe he got it all wrong and Eliott is happier when single or when he’s able to have whoever he wants, whenever he wants to. 
And Lucas can’t do that, he’s too jealous and too insecure to be in an open relationship. He can’t seem to stop crying, a blue light enlightens his room, Eliott is calling but Lucas doesn’t answer, too riled up, he would probably say things he would regret. 
He doesn’t know what to do, would much rather not have to see Eliott or Mika again any time soon, but it’s the middle of the night, he can’t just leave. Where he would go? Manon is not home, Yann is probably sleeping and he wouldn’t have the courage to bother anyone else with his relationship drama. 
So he lets his feelings take over again, sitting on the floor, hiding his face on his hands. He can feel his heart shattering and once he cried everything he could, his walls start to build around him again.
Lucas feels tired, his body aching from crying for way too long. It’s just a stupid picture! He gets up from the floor, hoping to throw himself in bed and fall asleep for days, lock himself from the outside world. 
But before he can reach his bed, he hears loud voices. Eliott and Mika are back. Mika is screaming his name and Lucas feels like punching him, not looking at his face ever again. They both barge in to the bedroom, Mika calling for Lucas again, almost running into him, standing in the middle of his room. 
“Lucas!! Hi, baby!” He tries to hug him, but Lucas steps back. Eliott looks wasted and full of guilt and Lucas feels like punching him too. 
“Can you leave me alone?” He has to gather all his strength to form a single question, Eliott takes a step forward, in front of Mika. 
“Can you leave me alone?” He raises his voice, stepping forward too, ready to throw both of them out of his bedroom. 
“It was a joke!! Nothing happened!” Mika explains loudly, laughing but he’s the only one. 
Eliott takes another step forward, putting a hand on Lucas’ chest, kind of trying to calm him down, kind of trying to stop him from getting closer to Mika. 
“Nothing happened, Lucas. I swear...” 
“It was more than fucking enough, Eliott!” He nearly screams again, looking at the boy in front of him, trying not to cry again. “You’re such a fucking idiot!” 
Lucas can feel Eliott’s hand shaking on his chest but he can’t bring himself to care now. 
“We are done, Eliott. I can’t do this.”
“No, no, no, we’re not done, Lucas.”
“Yes, we fucking are.” He means it, says every word looking into Eliott’s perfect eyes. 
“Baby, we were just kidding, trying to make my friends’ boyfriend jealous.” Mika doesn’t seem to realize the seriousness of the situation, Eliott ignores him completely, freaking out inside, thinking that he’ll loose the man of his life because of a stupid joke. 
“Yeah, it worked out perfectly, didn’t it?” Lucas looks at him and Eliott can’t have this anymore, he needs to talk to Lucas, so he turns around, trying to walk Mika out of the room. 
“Get out, Mika, now. We need to talk.” 
“We don’t have anything to talk about, Eliott.” Lucas answers, but he ignores, closing the door as soon as Mika is out, locking the door. 
“We do, I won’t let you break up with me over some shit like that.” 
“It’s not “some shit”. You kissed someone else, posted all over the fucking internet and expect me to be fine with it?” 
“I didn’t kiss him, Lucas!!! I swear! Nothing happened. It was a stupid photo and as soon as I saw it I asked Mika to delete it.” 
“So if Mika hadn’t posted it, I would have never known, even better.” 
“No, that’s not it! He sent all the pictures to you!” 
Lucas can’t hold back the tears, he’s so angry he can’t even think straight.
“I hate you so much right now, Eliott!” 
Eliott is holding back his tears, desperate, holding Lucas’ face and trying to kiss him, put some sense back into his head, show him what they have and how Lucas doesn’t hate him but he pushes Eliott’s hands off of his face. 
“Please, Lucas, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you would get this upset.”
“I don’t care right now. I’m going to bed.” 
“Ok...” Eliott doesn’t seem to understand, going around the bed to his side. 
“No, you’re not sleeping here. Go cuddle Mika for all I care, I don’t want you here.” 
Lucas is a lot shorter, but he doesn’t act like it, pushing Eliott out of his room. The other one is still in shock (and too drunk) to fight back, when Lucas finally stops pushing him, he tries to turn around and stop him, but it’s too late, Lucas slammed the door on his face and he can hear him locking it from inside. 
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strawberryezpls · 2 years
I should stop naming things life update like we get it girl.
July 31 2022
I keep thinking about this certain person. Im going to describe him in a way where only i would know who im talking abt bc if i dont hint I'll forget. But 3 years is a long time and you would think i moved on. But i have this mindset that ive had since i was a kid and its still affecting me till this day. I set goals for myself personal goals and once i reach half of the goal i need to complete it(that didnt make sense oops) ex: i said i wouldnt kiss anyone on the lips till highschool(or middle i forgot) and boom i technically complete that. I also said once i get a job i can start taking dating seriously which i havent really done bc that shit scares me. And so on. And sometimes i have goals that are connected to certain ppl. I can let go of these goals if i notice they arent the right person anymore. And ive removed everyone but 3. The first is someone I'll always wait for. 2nd is honestly if hes down(he never will be lol) and the 3rd. I havent even talked to him in years and i still think he fulfills my goals i have set for him. He was going to compelte all my goals that i set for myself when i was younger. It was initially my primary school bf but that shit wasnt gonna last. But then he took that spot. Hes not supposed to but he is. And i cant just erase that from my mind. He did me wrong, but i still think its okay bc its what i deserve. I mean do i deserve better idk. But i feel like i need him in my life again. But all it will do is break me. I think im looking for a reason to cry and be broken more. Its my choice if i want to stay broken. But its all that im used too. I was so fast to unblock him. And when i finally blocked him again last night it took 5 minutes. I think its obsession over how hes doing alright and im still broken . Its a alot of reasons of why i want him. But none of them are good enough to send that first text. I need to learn how to heal on my own and realize just bc hes doing well like nothing happened doesnt mean i get to stay broken. I can heal i can forget about him i can do it all.
Update: um this is awkward bc i dont think ill give any of them a chance rn tbh. If i think they're silly high school romances i wanted to happen. Also the last one he literally took advantage of me but i felt gulity and didnt think it was still dont but i have to remind myself what he did wasnt okay. Anways the first guy could be one out of 2 of the ppl i could be waiting for. But im guessing it was my sophomore yr crush. Which is odd bc im pretty sure he never liked me back and liked someone else instead. And the second guy i deserve better than someone who takes a week just to respond even if hes "busy". So i think ive finally let go of him bc IF HE WANTED TO HE WOULD!!!!!
0 notes
sakuurae · 6 years
85 questions tag !
Tagged by @wtf-taeyong, and thanks again for the tag ! ^~^
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink - Water with lemon !
2. phone call - My mum
3. text message - My boyfriend, haha. Were just online shopping together
4. song you listened to - Gods plan by drake lMAO
5. time you cried - Idk like a few days ago when i watched wolf children again with @taeyxong
6. dated someone twice - Naaah bruhh. I cant repeat mistakes haha.
7. kissed someone and regretted it - Nopee
8. been cheated on- Lmao (sadly yes)
9. lost someone special- I suppose so
10. been depressed- We all feel depressed at times
11. gotten drunk and thrown up- Happens way too often ! 
fave colors
Omg this messed up the number format but ... pastel pink, pastel yellow, and white
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - Definitely—on this site as well as in person ! ^~^
16. fallen out of love - Nope ! 
17. laughed until you cried - All the time. I laugh easily at a lot of things so imagine what im like when something is actually hilarious
18. found out someone was talking about you - Yeah ! But its okay, it doesnt matter because people who know you the least always talk the most about you !
19. met someone who changed you - Definitely, @ loving bf
20. found out who your friends are - Alway knew and we stuck together since senior year of hs
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - I dont even have a facebook
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I really dont even have a facebook and i also wouldnt add people i dont know in person
23. do you have any pets - nO but i want to claim my cousins dog. She has a white shiba
24. do you want to change your name - Nope ! Its a present from my parents so id never : )
25. what did you do for your last birthday - My friends and i got a hotel room for the night and partied in there
26. what time did you wake up today - Like 07:00
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - Sleeping lol
28. what is something you can’t wait for - Summer plans !
30. what are you listening to right now - Back to you by selena gomez
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - No ? But ill reserve this for the day i meet tom misch lmao jk
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - Nothing really ! Things have been really placid
33. most visited website - Youtube and google drive !
34. hair colour - Light brown to blonde but im going back to pink
35. long or short hair - I have medium lengthed ! Its by my ribs
36. do you have a crush on someone - Yeah who else
37. what do you like about yourself - I like my personality !
38. want any piercings? - I dont want any more : ) i have seven and i regret getting that many and i honestly believe it was just my experimental edgy period ahaha. I dont even wear earrings anymore
39. blood type -  ???
40. nicknames - Every time i see this question i cry. Just make more puns already omg. Rae is a nickname, billy rae cyrus, raenglish major, sun rae, raeddy, furrae ... help.
41. relationship status - Taken !
42. zodiac - Leo
43. pronouns - She/Her
44. fave tv shows - I dont watch tv !
45. tattoos - I have one on my back and its a minimal outline-like drawing of dolphins hopping above waves. (It really isnt extra at all lol it looks like someone with a great steady hand drew it with a .38 pen on paper)
46. right or left handed - Right
47. ever had surgery - Nope
48. piercings - Sadly seven
49. sport -  Im all in for basketball these days, but in my other tags ofc i stated ping pong and badminton, etc.
50. vacation - Heck yeah i just got off one
51. trainers - ???
more general
52. eating - Nothing but im probably going to drive for ice cream
53. drinking - Water like always
54. i’m about to watch - Nothing ?
55. waiting for - My motivation to kick in so i can write soulmate ten more
56. want - To be happy ! ^~^
57. get married - I want to !
58. career - Professor, definitely. I want to make each class meeting more extra than the previous
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - Hugs are nice, but so are kisses
60. lips or eyes - Eyes
61. shorter or taller - I dont really mind to be honest. I care about personality way more before physical qualities. It just matters whether or not youre happy with the person and for me, looks isnt needed ! They fade away over time, but a good heart doesnt : )
62. older or younger - Doesnt matter to me either, but no huge age difference for me, haha
63. nice arms or stomach - Doesnt matter either
64. hookup or relationship - Relationship because my hoe phase is over
65. troublemaker or hesitant - I aint bringing a trouble maker home to my parents
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - It can happens
67. drank hard liquor - It isnt deemed a party to us unless theres hard liquor lol so yes
68. lost glasses - LMAO yeah i got new ones recently. Theyre the trendy circular ones
69. turned someone down - Yeah
70. sex on first date - Nope
71. broken someone’s heart - Yeah but im sure they grew from it the way i grew from heartbreaks—we all do
72. had your heart broken - Oh yeah
73. been arrested - Nope !
74. cried when someone died - Yes
75. fallen for a friend - Yeah ! Feelings cant just be prevented; people cant help how they feel often ! Usually when i crushed on someone i would just tell them and if i get rejected then i move on, and if not then we start something. My bf was a friend i fell for really hard and i told him, and then we ended up together : )
do you believe in…?
76. yourself - Always have to !
77. miracles - No ?
78. love at first sight - No, but attraction is !
79. santa claus - When i was five lmao
80. kiss on a first date - Not for me, but it happens !
81. angels - ? :x
82. best friend’s name - Lucy and i made jokes of her being lucy from fairy tail a lot before. Now all we do is watch miraculous ladybug and cry
83. eye colour - Brown
84. fave movie - I guess iron giant; i dont watch much movies
85. fave actor - Dont have one !
Tagging: @taeyongtime @taeyxong @jungwxoo @jencto @amorenjun @okmica
Only if youd like ! ^~^ Maybe thisll serve as a break from writing, haha
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I wanted you to answer 0 to 44, not 0 and 44 😅
Oooh okie sorry anon haha
Here we go again then, sorry in the advance for the long post 🤡
0: Height
1: Age
2: Shoe size
Am tall so i have big feet that's all u need to know 😭
3-4-5: Do you smoke/drink/take drugs?
I do not. Tried like one cigarette and a couple drinks when i was like 16-17, decided it wasn't for me. Later on when i met my bf he introduced me to straight edge and I ended up claiming edge in 2019 when felt like i knew enough about it.
6: Age you get mistaken for
I know I used to look older when i was a teen cause I've always been really tall but now I just look my age haha
7: Have tattoos?
Only one, some blackberries with a bee on my forearm
8: Want any tattoos?
Yea I'm getting an angel tattooed hopefully this summer
9: Got any piercings?
I dont
10: Want any piercings?
really want my nostril pierced but my mom absolutely hates piercings lmao
11: Best friend?
I've had the same bestfriend since we were both 12. People often mistake us for sisters but we dont see it haha. My other bestie is my bf tho, he knows me better than anyone and there's no one i get along with better in the universe
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
Dirty talk, being told what to do, hands, eye contact
14: Biggest turn offs
Bad manners, not feeling appreciated
15: Favorite movie
The place beyond the pines, Up and Ratatouille
16: I’ll love you if…
You talk to me about stuff u like and if we have the same shitty/dad humor
17: Someone you miss
My bestie, she left for work for a couple of weeks, and my bf
18: Most traumatic experience
Was followed home by some random old dude when i was 15. He left after i yelled my brother was upstairs but i've been scared of going places alone at night ever since.
19: A fact about your personality
If i know you and like you, i will not shut up. If i don't, I won't say a word 🙃
20: What I hate most about myself
My low self esteem and pretty much my whole body lol
21: What I love most about myself
My compassion, kindness and humor (my ass too)
22: What I want to be when I get older
Any visual communication/graphic design job honestly, just wanna work in the field i love, no job in particular. Although working with bands or for a fashion design magazine would def be a dream job.
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
My sister and I get along great most of the time, but i don't like my brother tbh.
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
My mom and I have been getting along great lately. And it's alright with my dad as well.
25: My idea of a perfect date
I'm a sucker for movie dates and walks 🥺
26: My biggest pet peeves
Again, bad manners and also mansplaining 🤢
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
He's kind, funny and hella pretty. He always gibs the best cuddles n gifts. He dresses cool and he lets me borrow his cool shirts. I luv him always, even when he's grumpy.
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
Honestly no one comes to mind
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
I have the bad habit of being often late and i sometimes lie about how ready i am or where i am omw 🤡🤡🤡 (am never more than 10min late!! but my friends are always v on time)
30: What I hate the most about work/school
I go to a pretty nice Arts&Design university and I hate how much competition there is between the students 🙄
31: What my last text message says
Answering a friend about plans for tomorrow
32: What words upset me the most
Honestly, anything about my weight or diets
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
Getting any reassurance about how i look or being understood when I am upset
34: What I find attractive in women
Cool clothes or make up, uplifting personality, shared interests
35: What I find attractive in men
Hands, necks, pretty eyes and a nice clean shaved face too (sorry sammich 😭), smelling nice, shared interests/music taste
36: Where I would like to live
Somewhere near the city but with some green and most importantly somewhere calm
37: One of my insecurities
My chubby body
38: My childhood career choice
Wanted to be an arts n crafts teacher for children hahaha
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
Blueberry cheesecake, cookie dough or ben n jerry's Netflix n chill
40: Who I wish I could be
Honestly wouldnt wanna be anyone else
41: Where I want to be right now
On a vacation on the seaside would be p cool
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Megan Fox
44: A random fact about anything
I have a chonky cat
0 notes
chelsanitys · 7 years
anon post
for all 3 of my fans
i live for ur wit and sass
thx n same
Dont fuck with the best! Kate works hard to get the craziest anons to post in her yard, and I've got nothing but respect. There's no fan in the fandom as genuine and earnest as she is. Wishing her and her cats a long and healthy life!
lmao yall need to quit
you've probably answered this already but what do you think will give vm the best shot at the OG?
a good short dance + a good free dance + gui missing the catch-foot on his twizzle again
Are you taking the bar exam this summer?
no i just finished my first yr
I will cry if T&S end up together, They would be a horrible match. Surely I'm not the only one who sees this??
i am ashamed that this is the level of trollin i get. step up ur game!!
"i hope tessa marries semple so i can see all the shippers cry tbh" Poor Alex! Marrying him would probably restore his self confidence and prompt a return to the cfl! Still holding out hope!
honestly alex was the hottest of all her bfs. fedor is balding, has a dad bod n is wearing khakis on the beach now. and semple was always fug. also rl talk i didnt know canada had its own football league until this guy came around. thats so cute for canada
"i hope tessa marries semple so i can see all the shippers cry tbh" I want her with the Bitove guy. His family looks like the type that will post tons about them on sm afterward.
lmao yall know his grandfather started the toronto raptors?? i knew this brodie’s last name sounded familiar. also apparenty he and his fam golf at trump’s resort @ mar-a-lago VOM. tessa is 500% going to end up with a smarmy, filthy rich trust fund kid like him like its not even a question
Hey now. I want shippers to get overthemselves, too, but Tessa marrying Semple, god no. Basically, Tessa, open your eyes and save yourself.
lol i actually wish she was still dating him so all this mindless speculation rn would stop
Bitter and hateful is what I come here for. Anons should just fuck off and go to the Disney website if that's what they want.
vm fans are so damn soft n sensitive about everything lol, i rly wish some of yall would stop taking everything i say so seriously
Please come back, without your snark the fandom is controlled by the most delusional shippers.
i’ll post more when there r actually things 2 talk about. being around here when nothing is happening and ur all screaming into a vacuum about the same things over and over is like being institutionalized in a loony bin
why are you always up so late?
nhf for this east coast bias, it is a perfectly reasonable time in california
Which of the current/rising juniors do you see making tbe most impact next quad?
carreira/ponomarenko are going to win a olympic medal in 2022. even if the shibs, h/d and bock don’t retire, i see them easily rising through the pack - they just have the Look and aren’t without talent. i’m iffy on the rest - mcnamara/carpenter are too creepy and weird, parsons have no height difference and are siblings, both are coached by an unproven staff, everyone else are varying levels of mediocre. hawayek/baker will go to worlds 2018 if they’re lucky and prob never again if no one else retires.
i wouldn't take h/d's music choices as an indicator of what vm will have. they are the c team and vm are the a team in that camp. look at last season... h/d got stuck with marie-france's lame ass idea of the evolution of music and vm got prince.
true..... altho i think personal taste is important too. tessa would die b4 she ever approved an ‘evolution of dance’ sd
I want Tessa to steal Fedor back from Meryl. All that drama would be hilarious. Fedor lost his looks and is butt ugly now so he is exactly Tessa's type, even more so than in 2009.
i nvr thought he was that cute but he literally looks like he goes door to door selling pool cleaner now
I noticed that when Tessa shakes hands or kisses someone on the cheek (like during medal ceremony or interviews) Scott often puts a hand on her lower back even though there had not been any physical contact between the two of them before said handshake or kiss. It just always surprises me and I'm not sure I understand why he'd do this. What's your take on it ?
lmao ik u want me 2 say its bc his subconscious is screaming out in jealousy and he wants to covertly claim her and show the world she still belongs to him but i rly think they r just touchy ppl who like to touch. or hes makin sure she doesnt lose balance and fall off the podium as she’s leanin over
moulin rouge would've been a much cooler choice in 11/12 for their musical fd instead of funny face, but i don't see them doing it for their olympic fd. it's a bit tacky and overdone. i figure they'd want to do something that's a little bit more special and unique then that.
ia it wouldnt have been a bad filler fd for an off year. i just dont see it doing it for their Last Ever and for the olympics. its such a warhorse - what could they possibly say with it thats original? and its such a character piece - they r such overly emo, earnest ppl, i dont think they’d want to do something that different from themselves for their Last Ever. 
huh what, vm don't stand a chance against moonlight sonata?? Pls... that would be a flop, such an overused piece of music everywhere, it's like Für Elise - hearing the first notes of it makes me vomit in my mouth a little
ya bc no one’s ever won a gold medal skating to a warhorse before
it sounds more believable to me than vm and moulin rouge tho
What interpretation? PC will just float around. They can do that in any key and judges will eat it up.
true, gui gui is a demon
No way. The judges will think they're watching Gordeeva/Grinkov again and just hand the gold to them immediately.
remember when pc said they didnt even know who torvill and dean and g/g were lmao
If scott doesn't cut his disgusting gutter frat boy hair I'm renouncing my Canadian citizenship and moving 2 Peru
was legit lookin @ pics from autumn classic n skate canada and i cant believe how short his hair was then, i can not believe i was complainin so much. i am honestly such a whiny bitch lmao this is my punishment
i have mixed feelings because Prince is the best short dance of VM's career so far but then Latch was one of the worst lol. It dragged in a lot of areas, especially the middle, and it never felt complete. I don't hate it by any means but considering we only had 2 free dances left and that was one of them... :| so I'm torn between trusting MF, and then thinking she's one misguided song choice away from ruining VM's swan song.
the thought of mf picking out the music for vm’s last ever fd makes me kind of sad. like yall have no ideas? at all?? ur relying on instagram suggestions and mf’s adult lite fm spotify playlists for inspiration? im surprised n disappointed tbh, like they arent kids anymore, i thought they would take more ownership of their careers. 
but idk we’ll see. whenever i complain a lot, i usually like their material later lol
why do i feel like vm are gonna come out in their sd with despacito... the justin bieber version...
ok who is this person who keeps sending me despacito questions?? you sound like you want it to happen more than anyone else and are trying to will it into existence
It's funny because Tessa is SO cautious about everything she/they say, that she comes off/is rehearsed--I don't understand why she cares so much. They are not politicians or even super famous. Plus most people who watch (excluding Tumblr fans bc they're all extra) watch during high times like Worlds and Olympics. Most people don't watch interviews and press conferences. If they do watch one, it's usually only the fun "game" interviews or the mainstream ones like etalk which they are not tons of
idk what this is in reference to but ok lol. it prob matters to her bc its her life and she cares bc its happening to her? just spitballin here
Oh no what has Max Trankov said I'm scared to know now. If he's a Trump fan I might have to #nopeout lol he’s russian and a male chauvinist pig. he once said he wouldnt do a quad with tati until she had a baby for him...”and then maybe we try”
still gonna stan his trash ass to the end of time tho
Speaking of bad music cuts I could not stand the way HD's music was cut this year. Like I like all the songs they used individually but it just felt so weirdly put together like the songs didn't flow well into the next. The only part I liked was the last part with earned it.
really? i thought earned it was the part that seemed completely out of step with the first 2 pieces of music. the transition was way off and the tempo was so much faster than the other 2
The Facebook q&a is the first time I felt vm are actually compatible enough to be a couple.
should’ve published this steaming hot take when u sent it a month ago bc i have no idea what this is in reference to now
what do you look like?
tired mostly
haha funny how we went from vm are in a relationship to they hate each other.
dont ‘we’ me bitch i have nothing to do with this fandom’s daily emotional yo-yo-ing
Can you explain the Tessa/Kaitlyn Weaver friendship? Are they really friends? Kaitlyn seems like the kind of girl Tessa would make fun of behind her back.
more like kaitlyn weaver is tracy flick and is trying to bring down everyone in her path tbh
I get a bit of a superiority, cold vibe with Tessa, don't you?
no but i dont have self esteem issues
I think people who find Tessa cold and snobby do not get her at all. Yes, she is far from perfect and her feminism is all (...) but to call her cold and unfeeling means you haven't been paying attention at all. Like get off her dick and/or stop following her career.
i dont think shes cold either. standoffish maybe, but i dont feel like thats from superiority or aloofness. some ppl just want to mind their own business and chill?? not everyone’s a chatty cathy like scott
Music stresses me out. The only thing I've gathered from all of the various discussions is they should be exciting but not too exciting because it's an Olympic season. But they shouldn't also be too safe. Like I know you have mentioned various choices that would be good but what would be in your mind the ideal program, both SD and FD. It's their third Olympics, so how do they build on the past while still being fresh but also them. Or do they just not and give the audience what they want?
something original thats not a warhorse but is also audience friendly and is instantly musically palatable to a lot of ppl
so basically mahler
Which songs from moulin rouge should they use?
if they were doing mr (which i doubt), the orchestral score is 500x better than the cheesy ass nonsense from the soundtrack. like come what may with nicole kidman’s tremulous bird vocals and ewan mcgregor literally straining not to pop a vein would almost be too dramatic and Too Much. i think that kind of thing only works for a v specific kitschy, performative kind of team (a la russians) and wouldnt vibe with vm’s super earnest approach at all. but the orchestral score is genuinely moving and effective in a less garish way
but i dont think they’re doing moulin rouge lol
"the movies honestly made it hard 4 me to interpret hermione’s undying loyalty and devotion to harry as anything other than latent sexual attraction tbh lmao" Hahaha, pretty much. Plus, the whole Harry and Ginny thing, even more so in the movies, seemed to come out of nowhere and was cliche as fuck.
is bonnie wright still acting? i’ve seen dead fish more alive than her on screen
LMAO someone posted a clip from VM's show when they were having dinner with WP and they were talking about how WP live together and they ask VM how they deal with one another and LOL I stg I started loling cause their reactions were #priceless. S literally just had a WTF look on his face while he said something hella awkward & T looked like she wanted to slap him. Her follow up that she doesn't think they could ever spend all their time together just cements why they'll never date for me.
lmao that whole scene is so stupid. kaitlyn n andrew r such good friends i swear
Thanks for setting that anon straight. Set some boundaries so that they don't egg on shippers?? WTF. They're fine with doing what they're doing, and if they're dating others, those others are obviously fine with it too. Besides, it's not like they're filming porn or something. If you can't handle it, stop watching them.
idek what these r in reference to anymore but it sounds dumb as hell lmao
Wow I cannot believe that people actually think VM owe fans any explanation for their relationship/partnership. Like we don't know them, we're never going to know them or be friends with them? Why the fuck do they owe fans a detailed explanation of their personal business? I stg these shippers have lost their damn minds. As long as VM continue to put out good programs and do well I couldn't care less what they're doing off ice. Whatever it is it's clearly working for them. You do you VM.
the entitlement of some fans is insane. its STILL happening now with tessa’s ig now too. why dont yall just let her live n let her white-girl post to her hearts content. she is literally doing nothing differently to what every other skater does, idg this absurd criticism
Fr tho both of them have such nice teeth and I've never seen pics of them with braces, like how??!?!
tessa’s r so nice i cant believe she’s never had braces. and they r such a natural white? like u can tell w most skaters that they get it professionally whitened but hers dont have that artificial look at all
Are you in college? Your bio says 23 but it said that last year too.
i actually turned 24 a while ago im just 2 lazy to change it. im in law school currently
I just read an ancient interview with vm where they said Mahler was about getting married or something... WHAT
ya i cant remember if it was them that said or marina that said it tho. i remember a story about a guy who wrote them saying he and his gf were watching mahler at the olympics and once it was over, he was so moved he got down on one knee and proposed to her and marina was like ‘thats what that program is meant to do’ lol
Do you think Zach is a good skater and partner? I keep changing my mind on him.....
he is such a bland, wet noodle - no taste, no flavor, just empty white carbs. its up to madi to add any spark to the team bc she’s the real star, he just stands there and is tall and can lift her
Why the fuck are so many people freaking out because Tessa did not attend a wedding with Scott. 1. They are not dating so there are no reason for Scott to bring her. 2. She has people visiting 3. I bet they don't even hang out off ice 4. I think Scott has a secret girl in Ilderton. 5. TS not dating. I wish people would claim down.
this is so far back in my inbox i have no idea whats happening
I love it that whenever Tessa posts an IG story the fandom goes crazy analyzing and speculating about Scott what there even when he is clearly not Then there there are talks about TS wedding. WTF Soon it will be TS having babies. I am wondering if maybe the fandom (new fans) are mixing reality with those fanfics.
honestly no clue
I know this has been discussed before but I don't get how Scott and Jess even communicated. Jess could barely seem to understand English back then and Scott couldn't speak French. I wonder if them not being able to speak to each other is part of why they lasted so long actually
lol bryce davison actually learned french so he could communicate w/ her. not scott tho lol
I don't think T cares too much about fs friendships the way other skaters do. Of course she's friendly with a lot of them but she's not really close with anyone except her partner, which doesn't really count lol. She has her own friend group outside of skating and that's what she seems to stick to. It's funny you mention Meryl, Brooke, Tanith, and Lauren because they're all still really good friends.
honestly i think skating stressed (stresses?) her out so much back then that she really hated being in that world for too long. i dont blame her for wanting to disconnect and not having to hang out with skaters who just talk about other skaters and skating 24/7
I don't mean this in a mean way. Watching Avatar.  If you paint Meryl's face blue she could be in the movie 
it kills me when ppl say she looks like a disney princess? ya the ant queen from a bugs life maybe
I think Tessa sometimes forget that Scott is a huge part of why they are successful and she wouldn't have all of these deals w amazing brands if they weren't so strong+didn't win everything. it's easy to put her on the pedestal bc she's gorg and can dance, but he should get/deserves just as much credit-- i mean he is the one lifting her and she could not do any of this by herself. sometimes i get the vibe that she thinks she's too good for him. maybe he's not as fancy, but he has a heart of gold
i’ve literally never gotten that she thinks she’s too good for him...? they go out of their way to pay each other compliments all the time and dont even jokingly diss on each other. its actually kind of weird that after knowing each other so long their relationship isnt just one long roast section where they talk shit about each other bc thats what my relationship w/ all my lifelong friends r like....but then again im a flinty bitch and they’re super earnest and emo like all the time. like i bet they both cry during sex
i find it kinda gross, disturbing and a bit pathetic that so many people feel the need to write erotic fan fiction about Tessa and Scott--like they are real people not characters, and it's kinda creepy that people spend so much time writing and reading them. Also, i would pay a million dollars to have someone show TS what people write about them--they would literally die and so would i--some fans are kinda extreme crazy
u know how on graham norton when he’s always showing celebs really erotic fanfic and fanart of themselves and they’re just dying of embarrassment?? i would literally pay everything in my bank account (so like....twenty dollars) for someone to do that to vm
omg it's gonna be so awk when tessa and scott have to see klawes...poor klawes, she just could not hold a candle to tessa. still don't know why klawes still follows tessa's insta--like i would unfollow and would not wanna see some of the pics t posts of TS giving each other lovey looks/touchy regardless of whether ts are together or not. also, it's never like t and klawes would actually be friends bc they're polar opposites
v disappointed that the olympic summit did not deliver on this #drama
tessa and kl were real friends tho, i think its sweet. and its nice they still keep in touch even tho scott is a dog
Are you a fan of tessa's style? She wears so much expensive yet ugly shit in my opinion.
lmao no. i think some of her casual wear is cute, but she wears some of the most hideous high fashion shit ever when she’s going out. like that blue carpet jumpsuit? yall know wht im talking about. those hideous trousers??? also she wears an unbelievable amount of boring black dresses
also gf needs to do smth with her hair. tired of her high bun and slick pony. she looks way cuter w/ her hair down imo
Do you think Tessa pays for all the Adidas stuff she wears?
no she def gets it for free. i was a walk-on my freshman yr of college for half a second and even i got a bunch of free shit from nike
How do u as an ed sheeran unstanner feel about ts doing these songs their obviously using him for the sd next season and i wouldnt be suprised if they use him for the fd as well
reading this made my cholesterol go up
really hope they're exhausting all the ed sheeran options now so they won't actually use it for comps lol
ngl i do kind of dig that embarrassing white boy rapping galway girl song but that cld prob just be my girl saorise ronan hypnotizing me like she always does
Minus the horrific man bun, do you think Scott's hot? Also, do you think Tessa finds him attractive?
no and probably yes now that hes so fug
Do you think Scott's attractive?? Also, do you think Tessa being told she's beautiful constantly on sm has made her get a big head--she often comes across as a bit cold and stuck up prancing around in her $1000 + outfits? Love her and she's gorgeous but...
some of yall need to stop projecting your shit onto tessa for real 
Power plays of the figure skating journalists. Inside Skating does a very literal interview and article with P/C which blows up and then they go to Jackie Wong so he can basically write up a damage control press release. Kind of fascinating to see both journalists doing their thing with the same content. Hard to believe Inside Skating didn't think their article would create a storm. Interesting.
speaking of jackie, skaters r really going to him for their exclusives now huh? dying that ashley gave him her big la la land fluff piece instead of tsl. pays 2 be nice and kiss ass
Doesn't look like KH/JLB will have much of a chance to advance cuzis so crowded with the current seniors not retiring and juniors moving up. KH/JLB needs to work on their twizzles, thier lines, skating skills, chemistry looks promising. Some of those junior and senior teams should consider representingif they want a chance at aCanada doesn't have any promising teams once VM-WP retire. I feel like CB, SS, HD ain't retiring till they win Wch or OG which may never with PC around.
hawayek/baker could prob skate for gb because jean-luc has citizenship and carreira/ponomarenko could prob skate for canada bc she’s from montreal but i doubt the us fed is letting either of them go. they’ve invested way too much at this point. i don’t think c/p need to move tho, i think they’re talented to rise organically through the ranks. i think they’re more likely to be us #1 instead of not tbh
I don't understand the whole David and Tessa affair; like some people say it happened after he was separated and others talk like it was a full blown affair. The only thing I do know is that her being called a "homewrecker" or anything else of that nature makes me want to punch something because it's disgusting, and it's society go-to response. Be cruel to the woman and basically give the man a free pass. But maybe he received shit, too? I just never heard about it.
i think he was basically separated but not divorced when it happened
Do you think if TS and Cappelini and Lanotte switched partners they would be a good team?
lol no. anna’s not a great skater and luca looks like he’s shorter than tessa
Wait is that Tessa's ex Semple in that photo you posted of her pre and post nose job? Cause if so damn does she lowball herself. Like she could have such better looking guys I do not understand. Girl is very pretty she needs someone to help her pick better guys.
~we accept the love we think we deserve~~
I think T is cringeworthy as a speaker bc she's sooo gd rehearsed. Not a things she says comes across like she didn't practice it in the bathroom mirror 75 times that morning. She would be pretty good if she could lose even half the pretension in her delivery and tossed out the eye rolly words she keeps littering the sentences with like privilege and journey.
they honestly both suck. she’s worse than he is, but they’re both super stiff. and they always do this forced banter bit at the start which just seems so awkward lol
That one anon pointing that some have denied the nose surgery - this is exactly what annoys me about those shipper blogs, not that they are shippers (you can want them two to be together- that by itself doesn't bother me), but their ways and how they always have to insist on vm's perfect image - they all get so upset and aggressive when you point some issue out, like why would you deny Tessa has done a nose job... so out of touch! vm are interesting exactly cause they're real people with flaws
i can not believe ppl r denying her nose job. like yo its right there. it does lend credence to my theory that all shipprs r just hallucinating n seeing things that arent there tho
If Tessa and Scott did hook up while officially with SOs I have a feeling they wouldn't consider it cheating.
ok lmao??? im sure something extremely profound i said provoked this
how rich do u think scott and tessa are???
prob millionaires by the time 2018 comes around if they get their sponsorships
i might do part 2 later if i can be bothered... but nothing really makes sense out of context lol, its like watching charlie kaufman do slam poetry
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santafe1899-blog · 7 years
ykno what nvm answer all of them dickhead
fuck u 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
i see every1 i love p frequently tbh
4. Are you easy to get along with?
i reckon so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
yeah i trust em to (if they aint all drunk themselves)
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
like 80% of the population
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
i reckon i got p good odds tbh
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
uhh helena cuz she just gave me a hug bless her
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
yes. deeply.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
‘love u mom’
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
choose any from this
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
f u c k   y e s
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
ehhhh idk not rly
15. What good thing happened this summer?
so much?? bfs?? top surgery??? its been a good summer
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
give me
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
al wouldnt be cuddling me rn if i didnt
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
i dont even remember his name
19. Do you like bubble baths?
i dont have them often but theyre cool
20. Do you like your neighbors?
yeah theyre chill
21. What are you bad habits?
o god so many. drinkin paint waters prolly the worst one
22. Where would you like to travel?
santa fe
23. Do you have trust issues?
uhh nah
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
talkin 2 the ppl i love
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
well itll b GONE in 5 days SOO
26. What do you do when you wake up?
go back 2 sleep
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
the bfs
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
uhh nah
30. Do you ever want to get married?
howd that even work
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
we just tested n Yes
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
there r so many options wtf…the richest 2
33. Spell your name with your chin.
mjnac mjk
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
soccer 4 lyfe (im a forward)
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
y would u ask me this
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
im shit at that tbh i always end up spillin. prolly my elementary school crush cuz i got over it in a week
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
i usually awkward laugh
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
uhhh… im tryina think a the similarities btwn the bfs…uhh…nice smile
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
somewhere w food
40. What do you want to do after high school?
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
m concentratin
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
outer space
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
food. promise a seein the bfs
46. What are you paranoid about?
uhhh losin people
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
dont think so
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
navy blu
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
i mean… appearance wise its already changin. but i reckon i cld prolly be less brash
53. Favourite makeup brand?
uhhhh idek know more than 2 makeup brands
54. Favourite store?
55. Favourite blog?
mine. uh jk like…the bfs? idk i only rly follow my friends n art blogs
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
mac n cheese
58. Last thing you ate?
a bagel
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
i won like 10 art competitions in elementary
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
bein a little shit once
62. Been arrested? For what?
vandalism rip
63. Ever been in love?
yeah i am rn
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
wed been datin for a month. we kissed then we both laughed
65. Are you hungry right now?
when aint i
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
theyre the same
67. Facebook or Twitter?
uhh twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
medda, crutchie, albo, spot, davey, kath
71. Craving something? What?
when isnt it mac n cheese
72. What colour are your towels?
like… a few diff ones
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
uhh like…1? i didnt get 2 bring my childhood ones n i aint the kinda person 2 collect em
75. Favourite animal?
dogs tbh
76. What colour is your underwear?
black rn
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
cookies n cream
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
hot fuzz
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls??? obv??? mean girls 2 was shit we all know that
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
nemo for sure
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
yeah a lot
92. In a fight with someone?
not actively
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
too many (never too many)
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
prolly like..3
95. Last movie you watched?
96. Favourite actress?
m e d d a
97. Favourite actor?
idk a hot one
98. Do you tan a lot?
i tend 2 burn more
99. Have any pets?
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
im ok
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
fuck yeah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
uhh … yeah
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
payin attention 2 al
109. Is something irritating you right now?
yeah im hangin out w this rlly annoyin guy rn :/
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
not rly
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
uhh theo
113. What was your childhood nickname?
id rly rather Not
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
i mean sometimes but we dont got one
116. Are you listening to music right now?
yeah we have a playlist on
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
as much as like, ny1 is
121. Are you mean?
122. Is cheating ever okay?
absolutely not
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
nah, just lust
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
theo, paintin, the bfs, medda
128. Would you change your name?
been there done that
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
yeah sure
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
“we did this already”
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
tbh ‘cause I’m never going down, im never giving up, im never gonna leave, so put your hands up, if you like me, then say you like me.’ mean a lot rn
134. Can you count to one million?
i mean…probably?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
“im straight”
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
i got str8 hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
brunette by majority rules
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
july. 4 no reason…..
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
ughh tea if i have 2. just give me a red bull
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
yeah sure
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“Well – I don’ like sayin’ the name if I can help it. No one does.”
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Ali & Carly
Ali: ⚰ knock knock Ali: do i need to get the ouija out Carly: yea Carly: tho bit late to ghost the lad in my bed Carly: idk who he is Ali: 🤠 put on a disguise Ali: like whomst Ali: beats having to leave your own gaff Ali: tho it is a crime scene Carly: got love bites from my arse to my elbow Carly: is he a vamp or what like Carly: i taste good i kno Carly: [sends photographic evidence] Ali: bitch Ali: are you anaemic?! Ali: leech sounds more like it but is he sparkly with good hair Carly: bitch its too early for words i cant spell wtf Carly: he is sparkling but thats my shine ha Carly: the hair is a no Ali: low on iron, probs, i'll get you some iron tablets Ali: taste like blood, don't tell your bedmate, he won't wanna leave Ali: party's over n sharing ain't caring Ali: someone's feeling herself this morning Ali: here for it Ali: I've already been left so that's a no to me Carly: party only ended when i passed out a few hours ago Carly: so yea Carly: was fun Carly: baby no come over Ali: was whilst it lasted for me too but you know Ali: duty calls Ali: you sure Ali: don't wanna break it up if you're good to go again Carly: yea Carly: not scared to go hard on site cuz garda are to come around Carly: i am but hes snoring Carly: & boring Carly: come Ali: perks Ali: check he's not bumped his head Ali: they'd have to come if a normie went missing Carly: nah he has to go before he goes for a slash in my bed Carly: lads are ming Ali: want me to forward that to lene Ali: make her day Ali: steal my girl Carly: do Carly: never seen her party before Carly: weird Ali: Yeah Ali: she can hang but Ali: you know, other shit on her mind Ali: work being one of 'em Ali: thank god I ain't working today Carly: & i cant get a job Carly: ha Carly: can get rid of this boy easy tho Carly: hold on Ali: another skill for the CV Carly: yea Carly: better not have knocked me up Carly: not cute Ali: Umm Ali: you need to go to the pharmacy Carly: theres so much shit on the floor i cant tell whats us & whats party Carly: idc Carly: idk Carly: ill ask him Ali: Lemme know Ali: if I could pick it up for you I would Ali: guess I can, put on a oscar winning show for the nosy bitch in there Ali: Ma will die Carly: ha Carly: its k he wouldnt have gone near me w out Carly: quoted Ali: what a prick Ali: better not be there when i show up cunt Carly: hes leaving Carly: screaming him awake will do that like Carly: ha Ali: what he get for passing out 🤷 Ali: coulda shaved his eyebrows off like Carly: next time maybe Ali: get out the sharpie and all Ali: now it's a party Carly: need your artsy talents tho Carly: me just hold up i need my baby Ali: you got it covered babe Ali: i believe in you Carly: aw Carly: i gotta clean me & this place need belief Ali: how long are your rents away and are there enough stragglers we can rope in Ali: twatface not included, bye Carly: idk but yea theres lads everywhere Carly: mattress is covered Ali: 👏 Ali: put 'em to work Carly: while i lie here k Ali: hmm Ali: no bitch Ali: i know you're princess 'round these parts but still Ali: carriage is back to being a pumpkin sweetie Carly: but im 🤒 Ali: you're hanging Ali: can't claim morning sickness now bitch Ali: chop chop Carly: ha Carly: k bitch Carly: honeymoon over yea Ali: will be if your 'rents come back to this and murder you Carly: idc Carly: be sweet to me Ali: awh baby Ali: only playing tough love Ali: thinking i'm spending too much time with my gf? Carly: yea Carly: i missed you when she stole you away Ali: how dare she 😜 Ali: missed you too tho Carly: youre mine Carly: married you first Carly: & you didnt say bye to me 😢 Ali: are you sure Ali: 'cos I ain't Ali: but how unforgivably rude 😰 Carly: id remember Carly: never forget my boo Ali: baby Carly: you can make it up to me tho Ali: oh yeah? Ali: lemme guess, feed u grapes whilst you recline Carly: nah just be here Ali: easy Ali: got to yoga first but then i'll be there Ali: went too hard with the dancing last night obvs Carly: k ill shower that lad off me Carly: i think you went just right baby Ali: too descriptive babe 😬😂 Ali: calm down with your creative ways Carly: ha Carly: you should hear me sext Carly: so good Ali: sure Ali: maybe works on the straight boys 😉 Carly: not trying to work on anyone else Carly: tell your gf if shes gonna come for me Ali: you're alright, not her type Ali: I barely am Ali: 50% like Carly: shit odds Carly: that why shes so angry Ali: as shit as yours Ali: just in reverse Ali: not saying you're both wrong but Carly: k Carly: cant all be perfect babe Carly: thats just you Ali: 💁 Carly: you kno Ali: ugh my brother's being so annoying Ali: bitch i'm coming down i will fight you Carly: which 1 Ali: dancing one Carly: hes fun Ali: glad you think so Ali: send him over instead yeah Carly: you come here & stay at yours Carly: i'll Ali: alright Ali: you're getting a rough deal soz Carly: why Ali: 'cos he's usually the alright one, so if he's testing me, wait 'til the rest rock up Carly: idc i can sleep through anything Ali: be my guest Carly: but i want you to be mine Carly: had to share last nite Ali: you done w sharing? Carly: yea Carly: im mad Ali: aww Ali: pouty princess Carly: [sends a pouty selfie] Carly: cuz its better when you stay Ali: you're so cute Ali: it's rude and i object Carly: just for you my baby Ali: 😏 such a tease Carly: nah Carly: you can have anything you want Ali: yeah yeah Ali: anything you want from the shops Carly: theres nothing here Carly: i cant do that to you Ali: okay, i'll get breakfast and cleaning shit Carly: theres no money tho Ali: i don't mind Ali: s'only breakfast Ali: IOU if you want but honestly Carly: you're too good to me & for me boo Ali: nah i'm not Ali: no one deserves to be treated like shit the morning after Carly: got me crying Ali: baby Ali: don't be sad Carly: come down is a bitch but youre an angel Ali: 💚 i know Ali: you've survived it many a time before though, you'll be okay Ali: especially when you get some food and hugs Carly: yea Carly: shouldve invited your brother to my party Carly: what a bitch i am Ali: no no, he ain't here, just blowing up my phone being dumb Ali: you're alright, sure you'll meet him when summers out and he's out on town being fabulous Carly: k didnt fuck up the 1st impression Carly: love the gays Carly: your gf excluded like Ali: he's stalked your socials and liked what he's seen Ali: not in a creepy way 'cos gay, of course Ali: awh 😂 why can't we all get along Carly: he can add me i wont send him nudes Carly: cuz she looks at me like she was willing me to hang this hard Ali: oh good to know 😜 Ali: not letting him though, he chats shite and if he's gonna I need to vet it Ali: deal with it boy, crazy posessive wife like Ali: she's just angry with me Carly: idk who lads are if i cant id them in my usual and not seen his dick Carly: my bad if nudes go where they shouldnt Carly: whats he saying about me Carly: who could be angry at you too beautiful Ali: me either for a while, like Ali: feel it's unfair to describe it from memory of having to bath together Ali: awks Ali: just that you're cute Ali: n fun, of course Ali: and a hoe with it 😜 so her, easily lol Carly: aw Carly: but you didnt snog ronan last nite he werent there Ali: nah but she thinks i'm making a twat out of myself with you Ali: tragic straight girl crush, like Carly: cant have a crush on your missus Carly: weve gone beyond it Carly: real love Ali: yeah Ali: but you know Carly: she thinks were gonna fuck Carly: 3way would sort that Ali: exactly Ali: can't on principle Ali: and even if we whack out the strapon, no real dick for you so Carly: list where ive been Carly: puts loads of people off Carly: she'll know youre not trying to get w me Ali: i'm not gonna do you like that Ali: fuck that Carly: idc Carly: do what youve gonna do boo Ali: i know you don't Ali: but i do Ali: fuck those people who are just mad they weren't higher up in the list Ali: s'why you weren't so jog on Carly: stop being so nice to me Carly: if youre mean she'll forget her jealousy Ali: i don't want to Ali: i can handle it Ali: if she can't then Ali: that's that, isn't it Carly: yea Carly: but i dont wanna start shit for you Ali: trust, you didn't start this Ali: it's easier for her to pretend that's all it is Ali: that's all Carly: k Carly: if i was a lad id be fucked wouldnt i Ali: probably Ali: don't agree with that, it'd be the same but it'd be different in how she'd be able to deal, yeah Carly: thank god i grew some tits Ali: 😂 Ali: good job babe Carly: my ma was made up as well Carly: took a while like Carly: cant let her get the album out cuz i look like a lad Carly: pretty one tho Ali: you were always cute Ali: i remember Ali: grew into your ears and all 😉 Carly: aw Carly: do you tho? Ali: yeah, 'course Carly: you were always scrapping Carly: shouldve got w your gf then she'd like you more Ali: 😬 let us not think of how troubling the age gap woulda seemed then Ali: must've thought i was a right scouse stereotype Ali: bitches deserved it tho Carly: i thought you were cute Carly: & brave Carly: i was always behind my ma's legs Ali: like my sister Ali: I was always down for the more the merrier but her and Laoise said coven's had to be three so Ali: 🔮 number and all Ali: and tbh Laoise weren't that thrilled Ro was there, like Carly: black magic vibes from her forever Ali: legit Ali: shoulda been scrapping with her, like Carly: yea or fucking her first bf but i got there before you Carly: idk how she knew tho cuz he didnt tell anyone Ali: never lose that sixth sense, babe Ali: esp. when concerning keeping a man 🙄 Carly: did her a favor he was shit Carly: didnt have a clue what he was doing Carly: thought every virgin binge watched porn like Ali: 😂 Ali: have you ever binge watched? you're learning nothing of value from that shite Carly: yea but when youre bored youre bored Ali: I hear ya Ali: always bored Carly: me too Carly: & this sex drive isnt set for a cry wank or eye fuck Carly: no offence ma and da Ali: can't take it personally, lads Ali: ain't there's to try and control Carly: they gotta txt me back so i kno when they are coming home Carly: wtf got you two so busy Ali: all that sex they ain't having Carly: porn binge watch Carly: tho my dad likes reading his Ali: Can't beat a sticky page Ali: lost arm form Ali: art, lmao Ali: sure his form is grand Carly: doctor like howd you lose that arm Carly: epic cry wank Ali: 💪 on the right Ali: limp noodle on the other Carly: hot Ali: that's your father you're talking about Ali: no need to be that stereotypical Carly: shit my bad Ali: 😂 Ali: i love you bitch Carly: I love you too Carly: loads Carly: im mad at you again tho Ali: why what have i done>!> Carly: some1 came round the doorway & i thought it was you so i opened up but nah Carly: enjoy the eyeful lads Ali: oh babe Ali: 😏 bless you Carly: not gonna put clothes on for my girl Carly: waste of time Ali: obvs, charm you out so quick Ali: least it weren't the postie, or was it Ali: Ma reckons we were gonna get complaints, as if mother Carly: lad did deliver for me Carly: not letters tho Carly: least id showered Ali: gotta replenish Ali: you chasing off your comedown rn tho Carly: cant outrun that bitch Carly: some of the mas on site are mad tho you can tell yours Carly: state of their sons my bad Carly: should've kept em in if you were bothered Ali: oh great Ali: no you can't speak to the manager, piss off helen Carly: ha Carly: my da is gonna be in such a mood when he hears Carly: sorry you missed out Ali: parents Ali: not like anyone died Ali: calm it everyone Carly: dont want me to fuck on site dont want me to go off it Carly: talk sense Carly: other day you were trying to marry me off da Ali: just 'cos it brings people to his door Ali: soz to take you away from all the cranking but Carly: yea Carly: sorry im not hiding in the back like w i was little Ali: yeah Ali: too big for the caravan now baby Ali: need your own, how much is it to rent Carly: theyre on about it but the state on this one might change their minds Carly: im cleaning as fast as i can k Ali: we're gonna sort it, i am omw swear Ali: and i'm a parent pleaser so Ali: do the rounds, sweettalk to mothers Carly: he'll just take me back to the doctors like take her off the tablets shes too outgoing now thx Carly: another of your talents boo Ali: when the meds work TOO well Ali: but of course Carly: if he was around hed kno how shit they are Carly: ha Ali: 😔 Ali: baby Carly: its k just gotta double down Carly: pro now Ali: 💚 Carly: style the freakout out cuz ima bad bitch Carly: facts and talents Ali: no lies Ali: the baddest Carly: what we doing today that isnt boring Ali: you mean you ain't buzzing to make like kim and aggy Ali: rude, i'm living Carly: do anything w you but Carly: can only check you out every time you bend Ali: cheeky Ali: appaz imma check all of you out, like Carly: what you dont wanna Carly: your gf will be sad shes so wrong Ali: didn't say that but yeah Ali: hate to make her admit that as well, like Carly: ill tell her Ali: you gonna snitch on me Ali: 🍯 Carly: nah jk Carly: i like annoying her tho Ali: i know Ali: it is funny Ali: not taking sides but lol Carly: taking mine i kno Ali: shh Ali: there's no right or wrong here, babe Carly: k but you love me more Ali: its different Carly: maybe Ali: maybe huh Carly: idk she dont think it is Ali: yeah Ali: but we know the truth Carly: fact is we're ruling this place together Carly: no surprise shes jealous Ali: if the 👑 fits like Ali: soz babe Carly: & we fit Carly: cant fight it Ali: nope Ali: if it works it works Carly: yea & you work it better than anyone babe Ali: oh you Ali: save it for all the Ma's you gotta say soz to Ali: 💋 Carly: ha Carly: mine will kick my arse out if she gets on one better leave the mattress where it is Ali: not gonna come to that but always room for a lil one at ours Ali: i got you Carly: aw Carly: never had a sleepover when i was a kid Ali: 😧 then you gotta Ali: tbh they weren't all that always but you know mine were the best Carly: yea no doubt Carly: all the magic Ali: exactly, midnight snacks and scaring the shit out of each other Ali: can tell you who you gonna marry if you've got a tea light, like Carly: thats easy tho Carly: no1 Ali: alright then, excluding the fact we already is so rude, tbh Ali: i'll tell you who you next gonna bang Ali: same diff Carly: youre just gonna say you Carly: smooth Ali: please Ali: gimme some credit 😂 Carly: now i gotta kno Ali: we'll do it when i get there Ali: which will be soon Ali: got stuck chatting to an old lady in the shop Ali: assume she can't see or she'd have avoided me like hell 😂 bless her Carly: if its ronan again or his cousin dont tell me Carly: aw so cute Carly: youre the sweetest & prettiest ever Ali: i'll casually throw the wax in the bin like nothing to see here Ali: not this morning baby but 1/2 ain't bad #stillgotit Carly: tell me you see my death & run like k bye Carly: every morning Ali: you'd rather your literal death? they ain't THAT bad, predictable but like, damn Ali: that's some shade, feel the burn, lads Ali: so are you cutie Carly: idk but over ronan hard Carly: hes being such an arsehole to me Carly: cba Ali: don't Ali: ignore his Carly: yea but like im gonna see him even if i do Carly: fucking site life Ali: i kno but blank him Ali: nothing talks louder Ali: or if you gotta, be proper polite like he's a stranger Carly: ha yea Carly: amazing Ali: childish but so is he so Ali: two can play at that game Carly: youre right i kno Carly: ive deleted his txts so i cant show you but its k cuz youd be sad Carly: or mad Ali: i'm sure i could guess the gist Ali: you can tell me if you wanna talk about it though, i promise i won't go ripshit Carly: idc Carly: ive known him long so i didnt think hed go that hard but thats what lads are like Carly: he fucks around more than me too Ali: he's a hypocrite Ali: just 'cos he knows other lads can do it better Ali: he's just insecure, babe, ignore him Carly: i need a holiday from here Carly: but ma & da never take me w Ali: shit considering how many times they manage Ali: cut a hol off and you'd have enough funds lads Ali: maybe we can Carly: i did kick off last time cuz they didnt refill my prescription Carly: went crazy like Carly: wouldnt want that girl there either Ali: not your fault, that, though Ali: you were literally off your meds Carly: that they reckon i dont need tho Ali: if you didn't then you wouldn't act like that without Ali: simple as Carly: never thought of that Ali: we'll go, i promise Ali: even if it ain't far Carly: lets camp Carly: marshmallows are the shit Ali: hell yeah! Ali: let's find a cave forreal Carly: YEA Carly: dont fall over tho Ali: do my best 😂 Carly: you gotta Carly: only scaring me w ghost stories or whatever Ali: promise Carly: k we'll go Carly: 💙 Ali: 💚 done and done Ali: do you wanna bring anyone else or Carly: got my fave coming Carly: do you Ali: nah Ali: just wanna take you exploring Carly: k Carly: then you can Ali: 👌 Carly: id go now so whenever you want boo Ali: soon Ali: i'll work it out Carly: i kno Carly: got the belief Ali: 🔮 Carly: should get dressed or nothing'll get done Ali: awh Ali: you knew i just got here Carly: they arent on yet Carly: not that fast Ali: jk Ali: find me on the mattress when you're decent bitch Carly: baby no Carly: youll catch something off that Ali: sitting on the carrier bag Ali: always thinking Carly: so smart
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