#my boys my otp my gays in space!!!
schmirius · 10 months
okay but what if... a different ofmd s2
I tried several times to make a less tl;dr version of this post, but it's not happening. BEHOLD: a season I just like better. It fixes things that I personally didn't like (and I have a strong Ed and Izzy bias). I wanted to do a few major things:
Keep 2x01-2x03, because I love them so damn much. this unfortunately sets the stakes *really high* for the rest of the season, so...
Rework the characters that canon s2 introduced, to be able to focus more tightly on the Revenge's response to the 2x01-2x03 atom bomb.
Give Ed and Stede more focused arcs (individually and as a couple). Ed and Stede were, emotionally, at completely opposite poles in 2x01-2x03, and in canon I think they didn't connect much after that. So in my version, they'll do basic work to understand why their s1 meet-cute failed and how they can move on to having a real relationship.
Address Ed's very vividly depicted violence from 2x01-2x02. I found the amends depicted in canon somewhere between "unsatisfying" and "horrifying." Jesus did I need to fuck around with that!
the three major acts in the season:
ACT 1 (2x01-2x03) – Trauma! These episodes remain largely the same as in canon.
ACT 2 (2x04-2x06) – Recovery I've edited these episodes so Ed + Stede are entirely separated from Izzy + the Crew. This gives the OTP space to work on themselves and their relationship. Likewise, Izzy has space away from Ed to go through his arc of self-discovery and consider if he wants to reconcile with Ed. Izzy and the Crew all get a chance to recover from The Trauma on their own, together as a community. ACT 3 (2x07-2x08) – Reconciliation Act 2 has given everybody time to process Act 1 and how they might come out of it as better versions of themselves and a stronger community. Now the OTP and the Crew reintegrate and, in the 2x08 climax, prove all their work has been worth it by fighting together against an external menace. (It's Hornigold. It's got to be Hornigold. This is so obvious to me.)
Each crew member is talented brilliant incredible showstopping spectacular, but in the interest of brevity, the characters in the imaginary episodes are going to be:
Ed and Stede → The OTP – Ed and Stede as a couple. Color-coded red so you can follow their arc.
The Crew, who begin in Act 1 as three separate crews:  → the Castaways (everybody Ed marooned/tossed overboard at the end of s1) → the Breakup Boat (everybody from canon s2 on the Revenge with Truly Insane Ed → the Girls (introduced below)
Most episodes are going to have two plots running, taking place on two ships:
The Revenge
The Pearl Diver (again, below)
Last terminology note: I'm going to be comparing "canon episodes" vs. "imaginary episodes" or "new episodes" a bunch.
Ready? Alright, let's kick it.
* * *
ACT 1 – 2x01-2x03 – TRAUMAAA
Ed + the Breakup Boat: The action on the Revenge remains basically the same, with the torture and the murder-suicides and all the crimes. Stede + the Castaways: I'd cut the Republic of Pirates in 2x01. Instead, I'd start with everyone at sea on the ship that rescued them (which also creates an atmosphere of everyone still being trapped by the awful shit that happened in 1x10). What ship? I think introducing Zheng the historical pirate is a really cool idea, but I also think it's one idea too many. Zheng's objectively cooler and more successful ship is always, implausibly, overshadowed by the lovable misfits on the Revenge, since the Revenge is the workplace that the show is about. This is annoying to me (and probably Zheng). Instead I'd make the rescue ship one of equal goofiness: Mary and Anne's ship. I'll call it the Pearl Diver, just because I can. We can lift the formula from Ed's ship in s1:
s1: gay men // s2: lesbians!
s1 power couple on the ship is Ed+Izzy // s2 is Mary/Anne
s1 crew members who later join Revenge are The Boys, Fang+Ivan // s2 will have the Girls, a surgeon and her competent sailor girlfriend. one of them is a trans woman, I said so
the set is just the Revenge with different props on, lol
Okay, that's our lesbian ship set up. It'll last five episodes and be a very easy foil for the Revenge. Stede: His 2x01-2x02 bit seemed to be "I love Ed, I'll get back to him no matter." I'd push that harder. New s2 will open with Stede as a brave romantic adventurer sallying forth into true love (the same way he was a brave romantic adventurer sallying forth into piracy in s1). So: "I love Ed, I'll get back to him no matter, and the force of our newfound love will be what straightens this all out." The OTP:  Ed and Stede are both hopeless romantics, of course, but they're coming at it from opposing genres. Ed thinks he's the doomed villain in a big-R Romantic novel. Stede thinks he's the little-r romantic hero in a bodice-ripper. Their job in new s2 is to shift ideas of self & genre to meet somewhere in the middle.
ACT 2 – 2x04-2x06 – RECOVERY
I think a lot of what s2 tried in mid-season succeeded, but it didn't really add up to anything. In order to advance Ed and Stede's arc(s), I'd isolate them from the Crew. This gives everyone space to start clearing up the Act 1 wreckage.
(quick 2x03 note:) The major change I'd make here here would be moving the Breakup Boat crew off of the Revenge sometime mid-episode so they can recuperate on the Pearl Diver instead. They get to leave the trauma boat, which gives them and us the audience some breathing room as we transition out of the murder-suicide portion of the season. In the Pearl's infirmary they meet the Girls – surgeon and girlfriend – and reunite with the Castaways. There's a palpable sense of each group feeling isolated from the others.
2x04 – really intense cleanup
Time skip: The Breakup Boat crew have been declared physically recovered enough to start repairing the Revenge (and therefore prepared to grit their teeth and return to the scene of their trauma). The Castaways offer to help; the Girls come along in solidarity with their new friends. The Revenge: (this is also 2x04 in canon) Izzy never left the wrecked ship, is doing Bad. The three separate crews do ship repairs, but then come together as one Crew to declare Izzy their unicorn.
The Pearl Diver: (this story has no equivalent in canon)
Ed: never leaves the Pearl's infirmary, is doing Bad. He's trying to come to grips with the fact that he did all that shit, the kind that his dad and Hornigold used to. Stede: is focused on telling Ed about their true love rather than trying to understand how awful Ed feels, to the point that he's telling his newfound love~ story super loudly to avoid talking about Ed's pain.
The OTP: They have a moment where they stop talking past each other.
Ed hears Stede when he says that he really does love Ed. (Ed doesn't necessarily believe it, but he's willing to listen.)
Stede hears Ed when Ed says he feels trapped worse than ever (though he's weirded out Ed thinks he's a doomed villain). (Stede, our favorite Ed stan, literally doesn't care what Ed did except as far as how Ed feels about it.)
2x05 – letting loose
Time skip! Again, everyone looks slightly less haggard. The Revenge: (this is 2x06 in canon; I've moved it to 2x05) The Crew: have Calypso's birthday, paid for with the treasure they wouldn't throw overboard in 2x01 because it's their treasure and not Ed's, ffs. Joyful, queer, "we're surviving, we're getting through this together." Izzy+Ed: I'm aiming to untangle the shitty parts of their codependency and eliminate Ed's outright domestic abuse. I read canon s2 as Izzy fully untangling himself from Ed and then presenting Ed as a gift to Stede, and I did not like that for anyone. I'm aiming to conclude new s2 with Izzy+Ed acknowledging how bad it was at the end (with a little more emotional insight than they might have been able to do in s1 – maybe this huge event in their lives leads to self-reflection and growth!) and how they could move forward maybe as very complicated friends. Izzy's going to be taking the lead on this one, because the codependency very much ended in Ed doing violence to him. He gets to decide what the fuck happens. So: Izzy: is finally somewhere without Ed, first time in 30 years. Now that he's been unicorn'd (feels supported), he has room to unwind and start discovering what he might like to do. So he does drag. And also sings about his complicated feelings for Ed, come on, Izzy has love for him. In new s2, Izzy still gets to bloom, but he remains closer in personality to his grumpy cunty s1 self, not quite consciously understanding how he's changing. The Pearl Diver: (this is 2x04 in canon; I've moved it to 2x05) The OTP: have the bonkers Mary/Anne dinner party (their f/f co-captain counterparts). They do their awkward exes bit. In canon s2, they see Mary/Anne as "these guys are so weird, wtf"; in new s2, they're more like "these guys are so weird, omg. remember how weird we were last year? that was so fucking great." Conclusions:
Ed and Stede have more in common than they'd feared (since, like, 1x10)
They see they can be dramatic assholes in love like these bitches and that's great.
But also: maybe they need to be less self-centered than "burn down your ship which is your entire livelihood without considering that this might kill your crew." Maybe Mary/Anne rowing off cackling in a boat together (to, say, China) isn't the W they thought it was.
also also: caught up in the adrenaline of understanding they're mad lads, Ed/Stede do the impulsive "taking it too fast" (canon: 2x06) and BONE.
Lastly: The OTP ask to reboard the Revenge now that there's no Pearl Diver, mentioning hopefully that they've learned a lesson. The Crew are not convinced. They maroon Ed/Stede on land at close of ep.
2x06 – restucturing
The Revenge: (this plot is similar to Izzy+Stede's story in canon's 2x05)
Haven't thought of a frame story I like here, honestly. But the point of the episode is that Izzy helps Crew to be better pirates. This does two things:
Izzy's getting a chance to choose to manage people for himself, rather than as Ed's minder or Ed's goon.
Crew are getting competent advice from someone who genuinely gives a shit (Stede or Ed do not fit the bill). This allows them to keep running things in a fairly democratic structure where they do make decisions based on actually, for real, Talking Things Through.
Crew: consider what they're going to do about Ed and Stede – who maybe have had time to sort themselves out a bit? – replete with silly company restructuring metaphors.
Izzy: probably does shirtless swordplay considers how he wants to deal with Ed. Talking to Crew he decides that he, too, can try airing grievances with Ed in workplace metaphors. (It doesn't take much to convince him. Izzy will always love being a professional.)
On Land: (this episode has no equivalent in canon)
The OTP: in true OFMD style, they attend a modern couples retreat that has 18th c trappings. It is run by the straightest dude ever (Steve Carell levels of Kinsey 1 in 18th c khakis).
This dude is obnoxious, but he does remind them to strike a balance between demonstrating their love by talking through their needs (e.g. 2x04 infirmary, 2x05 dinner party) and by taking action (which will always be bonkers for them, like 1x09 act of grace, 2x05 impulsive boning). I'm thinking of it like: Ed/Stede realize they're whim-prone (as in canon 2x04), and also there's this tool nearby.
They're like, hey, actually I really love you, and make out sappily for a while then wonder, bemusedly, why they didn't do that before fucking a bunch. ("but the fucking was still good?" "oh yeah mate, we should definitely always be fucking")
Unfortunately: The retreat ends abruptly when they spot pirate hunters closing in on the B&B and have to make a run for it.
ACT 3 – 2x07-2x08 – RECONCILIATION
I really couldn't tell what canon was going for at season's end, starting from about "Stede kills Lowe" at the end of 2x06. I found a lot of it contradictory and kind of ass-pull-y. Major divergences to follow.
2x07 – reintegration
(this episode is similar to canon episode 2x05)
The Revenge: Having spent 2x06 thinking about what they want to do next, the Crew decide they can take on Stede + Ed on their flight from pirate hunters. Everyone's back on the boat. I'd probably make the frame story here something silly and light-hearted like the Cursed Red Suit. Everyone can mingle in groups that are different from the ones they started out in during Act 1 – permutations of people from the three distinct crews, Stede and Izzy and Ed thrown together with people they haven't seen in a while. These different groups can brainstorm deeply stupid solutions to this probably fake problem. I'd probably make the frame story here something silly and light-hearted like The Cursed Red Suit. Everybody can mingle in different groups and brainstorm deeply stupid solutions to this probably fake problem. Ed/Stede: Crucially, Stede and Ed aren't together in any of these groups. They separate and see everyone and understand that they're not, actually, in charge of Crew anymore. It's weird but okay. They both have to legitimately listen like they've been practicing all season. Ed doesn't apologize but he at least doesn't fuck with anyone, so that's... fine. Izzy+Ed: They haven't seen each other since the murder-suicide farrago in 2x02.
Izzy: "You can do the big gestures but you're a shit captain, Ed. You can't be there on the everyday stuff." (with subtext: you need to give a shit about me all the time, not just when I can be convenient to you.) It's not any kind of forgiveness, and Ed can't offer an apology because he still doesn't understand them. But this is Izzy saying he'll talk to Ed (with more pushback than canon's 2x06 "oh look it's scowly face").
Lastly: This has been a monster of the week ep where the first five minutes were like, there's a problem which will affect us in the future! and then the middle of the episode is, but it's not affecting us right now so let's do interpersonal stuff! Sadly, whoever they dump the Suit on at the end of the episode reminds them the problem still exists: the pirate hunters are worse than they thought. Hornigold is on their trail.
(this episode has no equivalent in canon.) And here we reach the locus of all my frustrations!
Nose Guy doesn't exist in new s2, so we don't need to blow up the Republic with no foreshadowing as in canon 2x08
Zheng's awesome fleet doesn't exist in new s2. The foreshadowing that she was planning something incredible doesn't have to come to nothing like it did in canon 2x08, when her fleet also blew up with no foreshadowing. (what was that badass montage from canon 2x02 of her crew portaging ships thru the jungle even for ;_;)
Canon s2's sudden decision to make the stakes of the entire season "oh, uh, everyone wants to destroy piracy?" and completely ignore all the interpersonal problems set up in Act 1 – that doesn't happen!
Probably nothing in imaginary s2 will be as intense as 2x01-2x03 were. But new 2x08 will be a claustrophobic, high-pressure situation where everyone will have the resolutions they made in Act 2 tested, in a situation as dangerous as the worst of Act 1.
HERE WE GOOOOO Cold open on the Revenge:
A scene that looks about as bad as Ed's storm in 2x02: Izzy is dead from a headshot, Crew are panicking, Stede is alone and can only shout to Ed that he loves him from far away.
Ed is kitted out as Blackbeard at his worst – makeup and all – and seems ready to, again, blow the whole ship up. Viewer is perhaps worried that Ed has, again, lost it. We balance on the precipice!!
Chronological start of ep:
Wind back the action!
Time skip from 2x07: The Revenge has been running from Hornigold for weeks, hiding themselves in ever smaller spaces as they get jumpier and jumpier about the pursuit. (Think on deck → main cabin → galley → the secret fucking deathbed under the galley.)
Ed, off by himself, is beside himself at the thought of meeting Hornigold for real once more. He failed to kill him all those years ago – what must he do now to solve the problem for good?
Intercut with Hornigold's ship:
Hornigold is chasing them, being a dick in his sumptious cabin. It's light on the action, heavy on letting us know who he is.
He's cruel and violent, like Act 1 Ed, except (a) he's less concerned about covering up his awfulness with charm and (b) he's perfectly open about "I hate this guy I used to own and I want to kill him" (about Ed) in contrast to Act 1 Ed not being able to say anything of the sort about Stede or Izzy.
We already know what kind of evil shit Hornigold used to pull because mostly-dead Ed told us in 2x03, so, you know, good enough.
Ed has to kill himself and also his dad again, lol, we get it
Climactic stuff on the Revenge!
Hornigold catches up to them; there's some fighting or whatever; it leads us up to the cold open. But then it pushes through to: it was all a fuckery!!
(do not ASK me what kind of fuckery. they are hard to write, they are both deeply psychological and incredibly goofy. This is just an outline of a fake season LEAVE ME ALONE)
Ed was a distraction, acting how Hornigold expected him to act! It works: Stede kills Hornigold!
The OTP: The murder addresses how each wants to deal with violence in their respective genres:
Ed, when he did patricide on behalf of someone he loved (mum) got caught up the cycle of dreadful murder and trauma he wanted to escape. And now he sees that he can – he's not the doomed Romantic villain!
Stede, in doing step-patricide on behalf of someone he loves (Ed), commits in a real way to ruthlessly murdering bullies. He's a swashbuckler! He definitely likes it! Finally, he's found a way to express romantic love in a grounded* way. (*by OFMD standards.)
It's a deranged pirate sitcom way of turning their tentative courtship into a healthy adult relationship.
Ed + Izzy:
During the fuckery: Izzy is playing murdered-by-Ed, so he's "dead" on deck (vulnerable) amidst the chaos.
Ed throws himself over Izzy to save him from getting shot.
This doesn't erase all the shitty things Ed did! It's a big gesture instead of an everyday thing, just like Izzy was complaining about! But it's definitely an indicator that Ed would prefer not to drive Izzy to suicide and Ed does, even, ask if Izzy's okay afterwards, checking him over, before someone else points out that Ed got shot.
With final approval from Izzy – after a lengthy pause where Izzy looks at Edward panting and bleeding on the deck – the Crew decide to journey forth to find Super Good Medicine to save Ed.
Blackbeard's historic raid on Charleston (who is playing Blackbeard at that point? who knows!)
Ed and Izzy working on being weird-ass friends again, but without so much murder-suicide
Stede and Ed finally talking about how they want to spend their life together: what's between retirement and piracy?
This is all pretty okay because new s2 ends in a hopeful place where nobody FUCKING DIED jfc where everyone's grown a bit but, as always, still has room to grow more.
the end!
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Actually lemme revert back to my Voltron days for a sec because i got rage.I got into the show the same time season 3 came out and the Lance x Allura development immediately stole my heart because why wouldn't it?It was the first time i saw people like me as a couple onscreen,by which i mean i'm a mixed latino like Lance-and we're even both carribean since he's cuban and i'm dominican!!!-and a black woman like Allura,and it was such a well-written ship to boot that gave me a good example of what i deserved to be treated like by my s/o and raised my standards for romance both fictional and for my own future(and current)dating life and it meant the world to me and i think it always will.And y'know what?Yes,Allura's death hurt a LOT and it still does sometimes but by now i've learned the sad truth that this is the norm for canon bw
The thing that REALLY sets me off?The fandom's response to them.Nonstop,i'd see 'Allura and Lance are such siblings!!!' 'Omg i'm so glad Lance is finally over Allura XD' 'I really hope Allurance isn't endgame afterall' and it was infuriating back then for the obvious people hating on my otp reason but i've realized that it was literally misogynoir.White and loads of nonblack Vee El Dee fans just couldn't stand that their precious Lancey boy genuinely loved the darkskin black girl mc with no ill-intentions and grew out of any bad habits towards her in season 3 of an 8 SEASON SHOW so that meant we were getting black4brown rep instead of sanitized twink tsunderes and they're STILL AT IT with the Le///akira desperation
But nah nah,y'all 'Space Mom and Dad' allegation makers ain't getting out of this!Allura was a GIRL,Shiro was a MAN-a GAY MAN FFS!!!Their season 1 dynamic was very clearly that of a tired dad and his rebellious teen daughter and all the 'baiting' you saw was you inserting your straight woman feminism fantasies onto them-Again,WOMAN,when Allura was an entire 17 year old and Shiro was in his mid-20s!You're literally the same as people who ship him with Pidge or even worse because there's an added layer of perpetuating the long history of adultification and by extension dehumanization of black children.Sit your tenheadasses down,it's not racist or misogynistic that people think you're gross and weird for infantalizing and straightwashing a canon gay japanese man
Keith and Lance weren't baited.Shiro and Allura were never even a fucking option.ALLURANCE was bait,for latinos and black people and those of us inbetween alike,they dangled it in front of us in promos and the vlogs and the official books and most importantly in THE ACTUAL FUCKING SERIES.Only to go 'Sike!!!The only deserving happy ending for traumatized black girls is to die for others and their soulmate to be forced to live on without them!!!' and the fact that y'all have the AUDACITY to make it about yourselves by twisting one of the best love stories in modern american animation into 'Nice Guy Gets The GirlTM' is bodyslam worthy.Be.Fucking Quiet.
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prismatoxic · 6 months
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(ID in alt!)
hello i'm tox and i'm a 29-year-old gay trans man! i draw, write, play games, and think about boys kissing a lot.
my art tag & my writing tag my ao3 my twitter (don't use it a lot)
current main fandom is dungeon meshi and my otp is chilaios
i have finished the manga/am watching the anime/i tag spoilers
i am also very much into original characters and will post about my own frequently
i have an organizational tag system and also i do a lot of commentary tags, i also tag common triggers when necessary
minors do not send me messages or follow me, thanks
love talking to people but i am nervous and forgetful, be patient
i block anyone who's rude to me on the spot
you may ask me to tag things or correct misinformation i post/spread
anon asks are open for the foreseeable future
if you want to know more please read the full thing below!
i'm in a lot of fandoms and have a lot of OCs, but my current main fandom is dungeon meshi! my otp is chilaios, but you'll also see kabumisu from time to time because that's my other fave. i've finished the manga and watch new episodes as they air; for blacklisting purposes, my general spoilers tag (for major plot points or things the anime isn't at yet) is "#dunmeshi spoilers" and my spoiler tag for new or upcoming anime episodes is "#dunmeshi anime spoilers".
as the anime is currently on hiatus and i've finished the manga, my focus has been wandering. i'm not done with dunmeshi, nor am i abandoning any of my chilaios fics!! i just have adhd. i'll be posting lots of OC stuff and reblogging general posts about things i have an interest in.
i tag most posts, often with commentary but i also have a mild organizational system. you'll see a lot of "laugh rule", "psa", and "queer stuff". i always try to tag for fandom and ship (if either are things i like and may appear on my blog again), and if a post's body doesn't include text for sensitive content that's in links or images, i'll try to tag things that are widely considered triggers as well. i don't have a dedicated nsfw tag, so if you can't handle tumblr's allowed level of filth, my blog may not be for you. also, no minors, period. if you are under 18 and follow me or contact me directly i will block you. (if you see my post on your dash and reblog it without checking my blog, like... that's fine, i don't care. just stay out of my immediate space, ok?)
i love talking to people and will happily answer most messages, but i'm also shy and extremely forgetful, so try not to take it personally if i don't get back to you. people who are rude will be blocked on sight, i don't have the time or energy for that.
@/captainfkingmagic is my partner! he's not around here often but he's my everything and i do tend to talk about him fairly often.
if you ever want me to add a specific tag to something or want to offer a correction or information on a post that i don't seem to already know, please reach out! unless people start being shitty, anon asks are always open. thanks for checking out my blog!
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
rating camp camp pairings
because i ran out of ideas for posts and saw someone else do this a few years ago so swoop the idea is mine now
nerriston - 10000000/10
i love them. ok. i really do theyre super cool. it make sense like. they have a perfect dynamic. theyre cute. we have magician who has anxiety, cocky loud theatre kid who does not give a shit, and short dnd nerd who would beat your ass and probably carries in all the groceries at once. LIKE. its perfect. it literally is the best
im equally as loving of presner/harriston/nerrison but nerriston is my main otp
presnurf - fuck you/10
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hacks gags dies
presmax - 1/10
personally i dont see this? and its not because they havent interacted, mostly because their personalities don't mesh well imo? not to say that opposites don't attract, thats the building ground for so many good ships, but with them its just. kind of just pure annoyance any time they interact. and unlike nerrison, it's not a continuing thing that makes it a rivalry and has layers to it (ex. background interactions, like at the lake lilac summer social), with max and preston its just general annoyance any time they bump into each other.
plus i hc preston to be 14 and max is canonically 10 and while my headcanons arent canon, that interpretation of mine makes it a very much no go for me
neil x harrison - 3/10
not for me, but i can 100% see it
again though, i hc harrison to be 14 and neil is canonically 11, so,,, another dealbreaker for my bc of this headcanon
nerikki - 3/10
definitely compatible, and if it werent for the fact i have a sturdy hc on cc campers' ages, i feel i could like it?
but 14yo x 10yo is a big nono for me
ered x nikki - 1/10
for me it feels like nikki has a crush on ered in the same way kids tend to have crushes and idolize people older than them. like how someone may like their friend's way older brother, even though hes like 6 years older, but it dies out once they mature and stop idolizing him.
ered is either 15 or 16 in my headcanons, and nikki is canonically 10, so,, nikki can have a crush on ered in the same way kids have crushes on celebrities, but for ered to act on that would be very very bad
ered x nerris - 6/10
can see it, not my favorite, but i can definitely enjoy content from it (like fanart or fics) if its not the main focus.
ered x dolph - 1/10
sir, dolph is like literally the youngest. ered is the oldest pls stop (ik the eggs benefits episode was what started a lot of ships but. but cmon)
honestly though i rlly like the idea of them as older sister younger brother type of dynamic, tho ive not seen many people hc that if any
space kid x dolph - 8/10
i like them as friends more but i can definitely see it and enjoy it!! either romantic or platonic, i really love their (imagined bc they never interact lmfao) dynamic, and theyd mesh together very well personality-wise. both are clueless (dolph because he doesnt pick up on things well/holds a very positive view on everything, and space kid because his brain is like a pinball machine), and both have no friends/are generally excluded from everyone else due to their differences.
makki - 9/10
at first didnt like it at all, i like it now though!! dont have much of a reason for this, just think it's cute. angsty boy and feral girl. max would be moping and nikki would bring him a cool rock and he would not understand why but keep it anyway
maxneil - 10/10
"mandatory gay pairing for every main characters" is what someone from a random youtube video from like 4 years ago would say
though i rlly like it. guy who doesnt care at all and guy who overexplains absolutely everything/cares too much. max would ask a retoric question and neil would go into a ramble. max annoying the absolute shit out of neil and neil just. loudly sighing
neil x nikki - 1/10
i headcanon them as stepsiblings after parents day!! before i used to like it, but the fact their parents boned and nikki discussed being siblings killed that for me
nurf x a cactus - 10/10
he deserves to be prickled
neil x tabii - 1/10
i dont like fics where they're together as adults if im honest. as much as i adore tabii, her borderline obsession with neil makes him uncomfortble and i dont think it'd really be healthy at all. hes made it clear he doesnt like her
max x sasha - 7/10
can def see it! two bitchy assholes, though i dont like the idea all too much. would need someone else in the relationship to balance it out, or else its just kind of two dicks doing back and forth
pikeman x sasha - 8/10
it would not be healthy but by fucking christ it would be hilarious
sasha would be the gold digger and pikeman wouldnt know how to speak to a woman and it would be great
nikki x sasha - 5 to 8/10
nikki was bullied by sasha a lot, also sasha is kind of a dick, but they could be cute if sasha got over herself and started to be actually decent. with care put into it, it would be cute in a storyline of "girl forced to be perfect her entire life and externalizes this onto others, learns to embrace her true self through realizing that girl who is messy and doesnt care about how she looks is happy"
or maybe i just really like mabel x pacifica. its one or the other
tabii x erin - 8/10
very cute!! i liked how they acted at the end of the lake lilac summer social, but they work more as best friends in my opinion? badass besties who would wingman each other and tell each other everything in sleepovers. but at the same time, i do love gay people.
erin x neil - 7/10
SIGH if only erin got more character development. it could have been very cute. mostly because erin deserved someone who liked her for something other than her loks, which shed been pressured to prioritize just all of the time. also neil and erin could bounce ideas off each other?? and once more, pathetic bf x badass gf
erin x snake - 2/10
there wasnt much between them outside of "omg hes cute" without much emotion put into it, yk? which is funny because i like snake x tabii which wasnt too different but whatever
snake x tabii - 8/10
forever crying about that. they would go so well together????? tabii deserves someone who thinks shes pretty i really like tabii and she and snake would be badasses together and i and i and i
pikeman x snake - 3/10
do not like it personally. mostly because pikeman's an asshole but yk
camper x counselor - wtf/10
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daniel x david - 4/10
definitely not for me!! can be cute i guess, especially in aus where daniel isnt a cultist, but i dont think david would ever fall for a child murderer
david x gwen - 20/10
i love them. i love them so much. goes into my favorite trope of badass wife x too scared to ask for katchup at a ristraunt husband
david x jasper - 10/10
pre-jasper death only. post-jasper death and thats creepy because jasper is literally still a child
pre-jasper death and in aus where jasper lives, i will gobble that shit up like a starving turkey. i literally love it so much. like??? i cant explain why. plus ive read so many good fics with it that i am unable to hate it.
gwen x jen - 3/10
jen has appeared a total of one time for exactly 5 seconds. but in aus where shes given a character and isnt a murderer then i think it could work
daniel x jen - 5/10
never interacted (as if im one to talk with my nerriston bullshit) but cultist x cultist can be made interesting
cameron x priss - 9/10
could either be 1 of 2 things
your grandparents that keep fighting all of the time but love each other
two irresponsible grandparents that teach the child how to make an explosive
they seemed to have a sort of romantic connection and it wasnt all sexual attraction, and cameron's fear of comitment was the only thing really stopping them from enjoying a presumably happy and healthy marriage
platypus x food - 10/10
a match made in heaven
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pockyyasii · 10 months
happy satogou week~!!
my pkmn otp finally gets a full week dedicated to cherishing their gay messss ❤️💙
{ and yk from today its been exactly 365 days since Episode 136th of Ultimate Journeys aired in JPN. }
(my heart is literally broken. gonna go watch it now and cry a river.)
(i miss you two, ash and gou 😭)
here's some photos from the show that r confirming whatever they have going on-
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(1) i love how they just stayed in that position for like, twenty seconds after they fell 😌
(2) does this need context... or...?
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(3) bro wth-
(4) ash, bestie, wanna have a chat where your hand is?
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(5) this scene w/ dub has a whole new effect- (ily gou's english va)
(6) i love this scene bc in the previous seasons of pkm ash didn't really touch his companions (i.e. clemont and brock), but then in journey's he had no sense of personal space lol.
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(7) not gou already wearing ash's clothes 😌
(8) then there was the constant hand holding. constant, i tell u.
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(9) ❝ It seems to me like you wanted to catch ash, gou! ❞ -koharu
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(10) goh, you made ash pregnant hella fast-
(11) i've been watching pkm since i was born, and i don't think there's ever a moment i've ever seen ash blushing / so flustered
{this was the scene when ash's mum told gou to take care of her boy}
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(12 + 13) them feeding eachother. (+ pikachu and iris third-wheeling cutely)
and finally--
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they're in fricking wedding suits.
(if y'all made it to the end i love you sm lol)
(here's a pecha berry >>)
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(nom nom)
also here's a secret.
my otp is also satosere. SHH. this can be kept by the two of us, mm'kay?
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Welcome to Danni's Den!
You know, if anyone wants an office tour! 😄
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Is it a proper office? No. One makes do when one lives in an apartment and only has so much space. (Especially when one is sharing space with a fellow nerd!) Because Eddie and I don't use a dining room, we converted the dining area into my office! So if you see peaks of the kitchen/living room/entrance, that's why! It's not much, but it's all my own! 💛
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Eddie installed some hooks for where my mugs used to hang. I have better mug storage now, so hanging above the entrance I put this ornament I picked up while in New Orleans back in August 2022! Gay mermen? C'mon. I named them Henry and Sebastian btw.
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This is my non-HP witchy section. Mostly astrology books. A few miscellaneous witchcraft books on the bottom shelf. And my crystal collection on top!
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I mentioned "mug collection" right? I love them! 😍 Though it might be worth noting that I have other mugs in the kitchen cabinet. 👀 And a small holiday collection I bring out during the holidays. I don't have a problem, I swear.
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Aaaand my cubes! My Sorting Hat. Some fandom and astrology themed candles (most from various Etsy shops.) Various HP figures. Cubes for storage (mostly notebooks and notecards and things.) I have quite the collection of tarot and oracle decks in one of the open cubes. A little chest full of decks, and a few more decks in specific deck boxes (cuz my chest is too full 🙈) I also have 2 bound fics, and a HP word search book (I looooove word searches!) Mostly the cube organizers are for various knick knacks and such.
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My specific HP shelf! For mostly books. I also have 2 owl plushies, 2 niffler plushies, 2 pygmy puff plushies, and a fwooper plushie. They all have names, yes.
Francine the Fwooper
Oist (white owl) (the tag said "owlette" and Eddie made a joke about naming her Oist...like "moist towelette" but "oist owlette." It stuck. Oops. She probably deserves a more dignified name but Oist made me giggle, so there we are.
Archibald (brown owl)
Nemo (black niffler)
Eva (gray niffler) (both Nemo and Eva are named after Nightwish songs, because I love Nightwish.)
Pippa (pink pygmy puff)
Puck (purple pygmy puff)
The cabinet attached to the shelf is storage. Things I don't want on display, or can't have on display right now. Miscellaneous knick-knacks from Etsy sellers or from our trip to Universal in 2017. All the HP foreign editions Eddie gifted me. Character wands (that aren't displayed) and the empty boxes for the wands I do have displayed.
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And THIS is where the magic happens, baby! My desk. An absurd amount of colored pens. All the books I'm most likely to consult while writing (poetry, symbolism, mythology, philosophy, etc.) My Snarry art on the wall!!!!!! 😍😍 (I need more frames so I can hang MORE SNARRY ART.) (A gal always needs more Snarry art, y'know?)
Then between my desk and the HP shelf I have PILLOWS because I'm too restless to stay in one place and position for too long. I also have a lap desk tucked away so I pull that out and hop into my pillows to keep writing! (My lil bee is named Beatrice, btw.) (Queen Bea! 🥰🥰)
This space seriously brings me so much joy, and so much inspiration. To have a space dedicated to writing, and my fandom, and my BOYS. Being able to have Snarry out and proud and all around me???? 🥺🥺 I'm all in my feelings. (Seriously, though, need MORE.) And not just a representation of my OTP, but of other creators who inspire me! The bound books being writers and bookbinders. My embroidery by onbeinganangel!! And some of the artists I love! A great reminder of all the talent in fandom and how much love and passion there is out there!!!! And I have pieces of it HERE WITH ME???? I am blown away and very in love.
I am very grateful to my partner. It was his idea to split areas so I'd have this one for myself (he has his own space now, too, for Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Brandon Sanderson, etc.) (Oh and his monstrous dice collection.) But I was lamenting how I was running out of room on my one little wall for Snarry art. My desk used to be on the little wall where my witchy shelf is. And it was Eddie's idea to make the whole room mine. And he and I worked hard not only rearranging to have our own areas, but decluttering and reorganizing the whole apartment! This man found the time and energy to make my life happier even when super busy and stressed from work. So in its way, this space also represents his love and thoughtfulness and dedication for me. Which makes it all the better! (And really, he had to do all of the heavy lifting, I am tragically weak.)
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kanskje-kaffe · 1 year
What are your thoughts on cloneshipping? I recently got into it not really as a ship but I feel more like a crack ship that I sometimes go back too cause some of the art and stories are really cool. I also havent really watched much of tcw (I am busy and cant binge 7 seasons ) and i can see it in some fics but other fics i see them and the found family/brothers/brothers in arms. Sorry kinda rambling
Heyyyy no problem, ramble away haha! I love cloneships! I don’t really have any cloneship OTPs - I really go to bat for Rexakin and Foxakin and so far no cloneships have quite hit that height - but there’s some I really enjoy. I think the military culture and kinship makes for fantastic dynamics around trust and intensity, as well as belonging to a subculture that no one else shares or even can share. There’s a reason Val Kilmer said he considered Top Gun to be his first gay role LMAO! And you’re right, some of the cloneship artists and writers are SO talented. Amazing people!!
My favorite clones are Rex, Gregor, Fox, Howzer, Fordo, Echo, Wrecker and Tech from TBB, and Fi from Repcomm, but I’d basically give my life for any of the boys and I love hearing about other people’s special favorites!
(I’m guessing this is maybe off the back of the found family post I reblogged (sorry if it isn’t tho haha!) and I wanna make it extra clear on this post too that my view of “found family” is non-nuclear. A found-family that slots people into mom/dad/big bro/youngest sibling/etc slots is my idea of hell. I don’t like it for the Jedi or the clones. A group consisting of parents and their children is just called “a family”, and it’s great, and it’s completely not what found-family is. Found family is metaphorical - you get the love and support normally associated with family from a different source, ie, not family. A secret second thing.
I love the dynamic of clones as found-family and as military brothers in arms, both of which can become romantic relationships and do in real life, and while I can see familial dynamics between some individual clones I think the insistence some people have on viewing them as literal siblings is super weird. Like first of all there’s five million of them… this isn’t Ratatouille LOLLL Also I think it kind of flattens them from the vividity of this rich life and full culture and the unthinkable hardships they’ve endured together into like… Malcolm in the Middle in Space. (I also don’t think the literal-family reading is reflected in the text at all.))
If you do get time to watch some more TCW even in small doses I hiiighly recommend it, and the Repcomm books have amazing clone stories and characters too! You should message me off anon, I’d love to talk more about the crack cloneships you like too! 🤗🤗❤️
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kazhan-draws · 2 years
Hi! Not sure if you're still doing the OTP relationships ask thing but if you do I'd love to hear your thoughts on 29 and 37 for Mungrove! Thank you!
Hiiii! I'm still doing it, it took me a little while to get around to do it because I have, once again, a lot to say, but thanks a lot for the ask and the opportunity to be completely unhinged about them again 🥰
wanna ask me questions about my blorbos? follow this link to the otp ask game
29.  What is their sex life like?  
The short answer: wild, kinky, mildly dangerous, somehow therapeutic.
The long answer under the cut. 🤣 CW: I obviously talk about sex, kinks, use of one homophobic slur.
In canon universe—or close enough to canon since it works better if they’re alive 😂 I think their sex life is mostly about exploring at first. 
Themselves, each other, what it means to be a man who has sex with another man. Eddie is pretty much a blank canvas because I don’t think he’d have a lot of experience before Billy, so it’s mostly fun and “yeah I really am gay lmao” for him, meanwhile Billy does have experience but strictly with women, so he’d kinda be rediscovering what sex is and coming to terms with the fact that he will never, ever feel that way with a girl. 
They both have a pretty bad case of internalized homophobia, but it’s even worse for Billy—he’s the one who gets called a fag by his own father because he likes taking care of himself and looking good, he’s also overflowing with toxic masculinity, so things are probably a bit rocky at first. Billy is 100% the kind of guy who’ll laugh in Eddie’s face the first time he asks him if he wants to bottom, because he isn’t that gay, you know? 🙄
Thankfully, they move past this, either because Eddie knocks some sense into him by telling him there’s no Gay Scale, or because Eddie implies Billy’s too chickenshit to take a dick up his ass and Billy simply can’t resist a challenge. 😈
So, yeah, no matter what universe they’re in, I think they experiment a lot. They’re both very horny and very into each other. They’re young and stupid and they both are a little bit (sometimes a lot) self-destructive, which means they’re kinda on board with trying basically anything at least once even if it sounds dangerous—perhaps even because it sounds dangerous sometimes. 
Like, they can’t be found out because the consequences would be bad, but that doesn’t stop them from having sex in public spaces because they enjoy the thrill, things like that.
And yeah, I think they’re both pretty kinky, again, no matter what experience they have. I think they’d play a lot with D/s dynamics, it’s not always a part of their relationship but it’s definitely something they’d explore. 
I tend to write Billy with a thing for pain, so mostly impact play, some overstimulation, it’s about getting hurt in a safe and controlled setting, where he’s the one who decides when it stops because all he has to do is safeword and he knows Eddie will listen. Name calling, humiliation and degradation are a big no though, boy needs to be praised and called pretty. 😌
Eddie is very much into all of this. Giving Billy what he wants/needs? Hell yeah, man could spend hours just taking his boyfriend apart and be satisfied with not getting an orgasm out of it himself, like that’s just a bonus at this point.
Pain is a big no for Eddie, Billy can spank his ass a little bit but not too hard okay >:(  I think (and I’m currently writing a fic featuring this, which I hope to finish soon) Eddie’s thing is humiliation/degradation, being used and denied an orgasm also works wonders for him. It’s pretty heavy for Billy to get like that with Eddie though—yes he can be an absolute dick, but that’s not who he wants to be with Eddie—so it’s something he’d do for him, and not because it’s something he’s into on his own.
I think they’d have quite a few accidents, the fun kind of accidents they can laugh about immediately, and the not so fun kind where one of them gets hurt—physically and/or mentally—but they make a point of working things out and making sure they’re okay afterwards. 
Anyway I could go on and on with all my little mungrove sex headcanons, because I have a lot of those (surprising, I know) but the bottom line is that they love each other a lot and their sex life is mostly about that. 😌
37. What do they like the least about each other?
There are two things Billy has a hard time dealing with. The first one is how Eddie gets when he’s completely wrapped up in something—music, D&D, whatever Eddie is fixated on at the moment. Eddie often requires some ‘me’ time, and that means ‘me and that specific activity I’m so into I forget about everything else around me including my boyfriend’. 
And like, Billy loves that Eddie is passionate, it’s part of what drew him to Eddie, but Billy doesn’t do well with being ignored or forgotten, it triggers all of his insecurities and abandonment issues, so Eddie showing up late or completely forgetting to show up because he lost track of time doing something? Eddie not being available for him for a long period of time because he’s working on a new campaign or whatever? Yeah, that shit hurts. That’s probably something that leads them to fight a lot at first, at least until Billy realizes this isn’t something Eddie does on purpose and that it doesn’t mean Eddie loves him less or whatever. Still, it’s a struggle, one of those things they both need to learn to compromise about.
The second thing Billy likes the least about Eddie is how he gets when he’s struggling with emotional stuff, or hurt. Eddie is awful at dealing with emotions when he feels like they make him look weak. He’s a prideful motherfucker, joking about things that actually hurt him is basically 80% of his personality, and when it hurts too much for him to be able to laugh about it, Eddie shuts down completely. 
A wounded Eddie runs and hides. He’s going to say something awful to push people away and then lock himself up in his room and stay there, wallowing in self-pity until someone volunteers to drag him out. 
And even then, it’s like talking to a fucking wall, and getting Eddie to admit that something wounded him, or that he’s struggling to deal with something is like pulling teeth. 
You know it’s bad when Billy has to be the emotionally mature one, because he’s really fucking bad at it and at having the patience for it, and it drives him kind of crazy when Eddie gets like this, especially considering Eddie’s the one who always encourages him to communicate his own feelings. 
The thing Eddie likes the least about Billy is how insecure he really is, because that’s the source of most of their serious fights. Eddie is a social creature, he craves attention as much as Billy does, but he also genuinely likes people—maybe not a lot of them but he has a circle he really, really cares about, and that’s more than Billy ever had. 
But Billy gets jealous because he doesn’t like sharing Eddie’s time with other people, or because Eddie is a very tactile guy and watching him touch and hug other people makes his skin crawl. 
The jealousy is kind of cute at first, it makes Eddie feel desired you know? But then it leads to Billy acting like a dick, and it’s obvious it’s hurting him and Eddie hates it, he also doesn’t always have the patience to reassure Billy and he isn’t going to stop hanging out with his friends or touching them because it makes his boyfriend growl like a big territorial cat. 
So yeah, it leads to them fighting, which makes it not so cute anymore. 
Just like Billy isn’t a fan of Eddie hyperfixating on things to the point of forgetting about everything else because it triggers his insecurities, Eddie doesn’t like how said insecurities make him feel like shit whenever it happens. He already feels super guilty when he realizes he’s been neglecting the people around him but Billy has a tendency to make him feel even worse about it because he gets angry/frustrated/sad and that’s just not helpful. 
It's also really hard for Eddie to realize something is wrong sometimes, Billy will suddenly be a dick or push him away because something Eddie said or did made him fear he's going to leave him, or doesn't actually love him, etc... and Eddie simply doesn't get it? So it's more fighting and trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong, more guilt, etc...
Anyway, I honestly think they're each other's best option for MANY reasons, but that doesn't mean they don't have a few struggles, they're both very flawed and they come with their own baggage—and it's not a small one lmao—so things are bound to be difficult once in a while.
I feel like I'm a bit all over the place in both answers but I did my best, I hope this wasn't awful to read! Thanks again for asking me questions about my blorbos 🥰
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
judai for the ask game? (if it isn't too late)
NEVER TOO LATE i love chattering about yugioh guys....judaijaden my friend my beloved pal
favorite thing about them: wwaughhh judai/jaden is such a good character and i adore his character arc..... i love that he effectively has to learn how to have fun with dueling again (and thats its the King of Games himself who helps remind him of that!), and that you don't have to sacrifice your passion for what you love as you grow up. Real shit. Also he's just,, so fuckin funny (especially in the dub.))--both his dub and sub VAs do such a great job with him.
least favorite thing about them: man season 3!jaden is........rrrrrouuughhhh. not my favorite, the things that season does to his character. s3 is just. kind of clumsy in its execution dfsfdgdf it drops a lot of jaden's most endearing traits and struggles to make those personality shifts fully worth it. i do think s4 helps bring it back around though.
favorite line: IT'S SO HARD TO PICK JUST ONE HE HAS SO MANY GOOD LINES ESPECIALLY IN THE DUB. "Um, I read the card?" "Alright, Ap :^)" "This is no time to be speaking Australian!!" "I guess bear hugs and old people just don't go together :^(" DUB COMEDIC TIMING HITS DIFFERENT
brOTP: WAHH I LOVE HIM AND SYRUS'S FRIENDSHIP thats his BESTIE!!!!! His dynamic with Zane is so good too....honorary truesdale brother. I'm also a bit in the minority in that I much more enjoy thinking about and playing in the space of his bond with yubel being a sort of platonic soulmates situation. yuub being jaden's cool metalhead older sibling type beat 4 lyf round these parts
OTP: sorry for being a heroshipper it's not my fault i just LIKE THEM. his dynamic with aster is just so funny and kind of sweet and im enamored with them. what if we both liked superheroes and we were both boys and we kissed. 😳 (i like a lot of jaden ships though. rival, spirit, fiance..... i do think he'd be kind of a bad boyfriend for a number of reasons so his relationships might not. last. but. at least he has plenty of friends!!!!)
nOTP: just dont vibe much with jadenyubel as a romantic ship im afraid u__u like its fine but not really my jam.... i've talked about it before but the "ive loved you since you were a child" thing that yubel has just works so much better as a platonic read to me than a,, romantic one. sits weird with me otherwise.
random headcanon: god. so many. gay fat trans guy who's gonna grow up to look like jack black. can and will see every superhero movie that comes out. absolute s-tier smash bros player. has a fondness for pokemon firered. i could go on.
unpopular opinion: the aforementioned preferring his dynamic with yubel to be platonic, also season 1 jaden (and season 1 of gx in general!!) fucking rules. masterclass of just peak silly yugioh.
song i associate with them: One of my favorites for him is Odds Are by Barenaked Ladies.... something so upbeat and hopeful to it. "Sure things go wrong, but I'll take my chances/Odds are long, so why not play"
favorite picture of them:
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i love this tag force 3 sprite of him....so cute
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bosstoaster · 2 years
Hi Boss! Would you answer these for DLS Ryou? He is, by FAR, my favourite character in any divergent fic I've read 🥰🥰
1: sexuality headcanon
2: otp
3: brotp
4: notp
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
6: favorite line from this character
7: one way in which I relate to this character
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Of course I will! Ryou is still my boy and I love him dearly. Also, thank you!!! That is beyond flattering, oh my gosh.
I go back and forth on this one, actually. My kneejerk is bi, but, ya know, clone of a gay man? But imperfect messy clone? Let's just go with MLM, especially give how he's taken to Lotor as of late.
OTP - Ryotor or Ryance are both very good with me
Brotp - I mean, the actual bros :3
lol none of the above. I guess him and Keith would be weird at this point, but I could be persauded.
His entire existence?? I don't think it counts as a headcanon when he's basically entirely my creation.
Gosh, this is hard, considering the, ah, sheer volume of lines. Shout out to the time he rambled for like five minutes about if the UN Law of the Sea means that earth copyright law applies in space. This is an actual debate I have had. Also shout out to @velkynkarma who honestly gives Ryou better lines than I do.
I am very 'stab first, interrogate later' in terms of problem solving. Ryou gets a lot of that from me.
Honestly? Not too much. Probably just how funny he thinks he is, but I find that funny, so...
Both :)
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thatblondeperson · 2 years
You know, as a bi man I really don't mind how Tim coming out was handled too much, besides, you know, they not showing Tim and Steph break up on panel. I feel that there's this trend when it comes to male bi characters in media and in comics too, that the only romantic relationships that are given emotional depth are the ones they have with other female characters, while their relationships with other men are just something physical or not "deep enough". Like, people forget that while there's this annoying ideia that bi people are only "bi enough" if they are with someone of the same gender, there's also a lot people that are only okay with bi characters if they end up with someone of the opposite gender. And I feel like this sentiment is really common in comics spaces.
Idk, I'm happy that they're showing that Tim is happy with another boy, and that his relationship with him is real, and special and important. I still want him to get back with Steph in the future, they're my OTP, but for now I'm really happy with how things are.
Oh it's absolutely wonderful the way they're portraying him with Bernard. It's sweet and sappy and cheesy and romantic as hell. On top of that, I'm thoroughly enjoying this solo run, i think it's cute and it feels very Tim. It's a nice fun story.
I don't think there's a way to win with bi portrayal in media. If they're in an opposite sex relationship, it's not bi enough. It's defaulting to heteronormativity, it's regressive, it's lazy. If they're in a same sex relationship, they may as well have just written them as gay. The biphobes come out and say that writing them as bi isn't enough rep and if they're already with a same sex partner, why not make them gay? Bisexuality gets dismissed when the bi character is in a same sex relationship because it's too complicated to discuss or whatever. It's a mess.
It's never going to be perfectly clean. I think Meghan does tend to ignore canon with some stuff, which is where her decision making gets clunky for me, but in the larger picture of viewing the story as a whole, I'm not mad at her writing. I just think we skip over stuff and miss maybe important plot details along the way. We're not going to get them, so that's my time to try to fill in the blanks with whatever I've got.
It's all a game of interpreting the text. That's what I'm spending my time doing while I read and disect Tim's character. I like to pull him and his experiences apart and put them back together in the stories he's in a re-approach the text in different ways. Overall, I'm happy with the direction we're in. Please don't mistake my obsession with past canon and overanalazing emotional bonds as anything other than my normal shtick of reading far too much into every line of text.
There's a million ways they could have written this whole scenario, what I am most upset about is not getting to see what lead up to, and the subsequent breakup, and not getting to see Tim really coming out to Steph. If they're not together, it's fine. They're my OTP still, but I'm happy if they're just given the respect of being two halves of a whole, whether it's romantic or platonic.
I think we're going to get quite a bit of emotional depth with TimBer in this arc which is going to be so nice, and I'm excited to see how the Robin card gets played in their relationship. It's nice to get to have another romantic partner for Tim to be fully open with, and to be vulnerable and honest with. I don’t want it to come across that I don't like that we're getting that.
It's a great story, it's a great direction, it's a great little queer romance, and it's much needed representation that's been a long time coming. I'm all here for it, I'll be buying the trade book probably once it's out. ✌️🩷💜💙
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Heh Heh
What about....
Yuna D. Kaito, Akira Ijyuin, Seishirou, and Best boi Clow? (I am kidding on the Clow part though)
I haven't read ccs2 so I'll skip Kaito. Ik who he is but idk anything about him. Also based on diversity of length of replies you'll clearly see my favoritism lol 😎
Sexuality headcanon:
I guess he's straight? He had crush on a woman his whole life, married men and they're living happily together
Gender headcanon:
Cis male
Probably him and that girl of his. Sorry I keep on forgetting her name, I'm rly bad with names
Suoh, Akira and Nokoru
Who is he paired with anyway? If someone is shipping Akira with Suoh or Nokoru that's fine with me really. So no ship I dislike
Random headcanon:
I'm 300% sure Akira met his dad by accident (from Akira's perspective) on street, on his bday to the boot, and just never figured out it's his dad. Comedy shojo style ofc
General opinion:
He was so adorable, I adore him. Also I like how Clamp draws his hair nowadays
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It's cute and someday unique
Sexuality headcanon:
I guess he's bi? He was too touchy with Yue and it got me like SUS
Gender headcanon:
His gender is magical bastard
None really
Also none. We don't know anything about his past so we dont know who his friends were
I'm actually not opposed to Clow/Yuuko, I just like to joke about it. I don't ship it but I can see why some people do. Beside Yuuko, idk if Clow is shipped with anyone else
Random headcanon:
I literally can't come up with anything. Sorry :<
General opinion:
Actually this is where my problem lays, it's bc I read CCS hurriedly back in 2015 and all I know about Clow is that he was some powerful dude that acted nonchalant and managed to fuck up time and space somehow. Also that clamp somewhat used his as plot device (?). Ik he appeared in Tsubasa too but I feel like I'd have easier time getting college degree than understanding trc ending
So yea, I basically lack info on Clow to form an option that isn't based on jokes and what I've learned from fandom
Sexuality headcanon:
Subaru-sexual he's gay af. His TB vet persona is literally campy older gay guy who preys on younger males. Chicken Hawk really. Because look. Sumeragi twins are bi bait. They look the same and are both beautiful af. We all know who Seishirou had eyes for during whole year. So yea, defo gay. Actually, let's just keep it as Subaru-sexual, yea that's the most fitting description
Gender headcanon:
Bastard babygirl cis male I guess
Seisub ofc. If I had to sort them then X>TB>TRC versions. They're just so... written. Honestly in the end it doesn't even come to whether one ships them or not, bc their story altogether is a very powerful tragedy. Also I'm generally non-emotional person and extremely hard to emotional affect (literally over 95% of media I watch leaves no profound effect on me) but two of them (TB/X in general), damn did it cut. Damn does their story cut in deep, not just in terms of romance, but in terms of lonliness and isolation of modern cities; in terms of tragedy, character development and complexity of human nature and interpersonal relationships. Honestly I can go miles about seisub and how it fundamentally changed way I do and view shipping but I'm a bit sleepy rn. I've been chasing high I experienced with seisub and whilst I can recreate it with some other clamp ships at the moments, I can't with ships outside clamp fandoms.
In TB/X it absolutely has to be his relationship with Hokuto. Power duo they were unstopable, Subaru couldn't catch a break. In that manner TB trio too. But not just comedy moments, but ones like this:
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At moments I wonder if Seishirou underestimated Hokuto. She is bubbly, seemingly has somewhat shallow interestes and such, but behind cheerful surface (maybe even front she puts up for Subaru's sake so she'd cheer him up), Hokuto is extremely sharp and mature girl for her age. There were few moments where Seishirou and Hokuto had serious convos, usually about Subaru's self sacrificial and sensitive nature. And Seishirou always had his smirk and inner 'quite observant out of you Hokuto-chan' moment.
In X he barely interacted with anyone beside Subaru. Ik we as fandom joke about Seishirou and Fuuma being bastard bffs but if we were to serious take X, then I'd say Seishirou would prefer to avoid Fuuma altogether. Ofc he'd never let Fuuma know that, it'll be considered vulnerability. He'd be unnerved not only by someone stronger than him, but also with ability to see what dwells in one's heart. Fuuma could hold a mirror reflecting his soul and Seishirou would rather stay blind to what he sees there
Ofc I saw some crack ships with Seishirou but I never saw a serious ship with fanbase that's not seisub. I guess I'd be a bit ?? if he's paired with a woman. Ofc unless said woman is Setsuka, because tbx fandom is still torn whether motherfucker is just an insult or description for Seishirou
Random headcanon:
He wears sunglasses to save eyesight and 'put distance between himself and world around him'. But I'm sure Seishirou keeps sunglasses on regularly to turn blind eye to reason behind his blind eye, so to speak. Deep down he knows he moved in front of knife on impulse to protect Subaru and that deeply unnerves him. Of course all subconsciously, thus he'd rather not be reminded of that inner turmoil. Still it's rather ironic Seishirou and Subaru parted in TB with both leaving marks of reminder on each other's body. Subaru remembers Seishirou whenever he looks at his hands and Seishirou sure as hell remembers Subaru from time to time when he looks at his blind eye
Also I think Seishirou made bet on impulse based on deeply rooted wish for connection with another human being. Ofc he never became aware of said wish because it's ego-dystonic to him. He views emotions as weakness, love included.
General opinion:
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darkcrowprincess · 10 months
Fandoms I have been in(I only count the ones where I watched or read all the media for it, looked at fanfiction/fanart for it, and or go back to it because my adhd hyper fixations on things):
*warning this is going to be a big super essay to read. I apologize 😔 😅*
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Harry Potter: I loved the books, loved the movies. Saw the last movie with my ex boyfriend when it first came out. It was the Fandom that opened my eyes to fanfiction. Yes I read fics on muggle net.com. I was a big Harmony shipper till I had a big brain moment were I realized I could ship Harry with guys! 😈 And yeah I went down a deep hole of Drarry or Tomarry fics. Luna Lovegood was my favorite female character(she was my spirit animal). I also had an obsession with Snape and reading fics where him and Harry became a found family. Right now I have a tiny obsession with Jegulus. God do I love Regulus Black and the drama of him and James Potter's doomed relationship.
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Sailor Moon: One of my first animes before I fully realized what anime was. Had the white sailor moon vhs tapes that I would watch all the time. Watch it on toonami whenever it was on. Had a huge crush on Tuxedo Mask. My big day dreams were of me imagining I was like Usagi and I got to be a moon/outer space princess. The fanart for this Fandom was beautiful. Love the cosplay for this fandom. Reason I remember the planets so easily was because of the English Dub theme song.
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Fullmetal Alchemist: What made me really love anime. And shipping. Just over all this whole Fandom is everything for me. Edward was my favorite character. Love him so much and related to a lot of his issues. Especially his Daddy and abandonment issues. Royed was my ship, my otp for this Fandom. I remember getting into this because of a friend of mines in my group thearpy gave me the full series of brotherhood on DVD. The rest is history.
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Avatar the last Airbender: Saw this show on Nicktoons growing up. Why did I love it? Honestly because of Zuko. I love Zuko. He's my favorite thing about avatar. And I was so hell of excited when saw the episodes of where he finally joins the gaang! I love season 3! I love the aesthic of the fire nation. Beaches, firebending, political drama!! Learning that not all of the fire nation was evil. The show was so gray and I love that. Ships, any ships with Zuko was the pull(except Mai. Sorry she was my least favorite character. I really didn't like her very much). Honestly I'll read any fic with Zuko as the main character. Just he's my special boy and I love him.
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The Owl House: Like Harry Potter, I at first I didn't know if I'd like this show when I gave it a chance. Fortunately I did and God do I love this cartoon! Yes it has tons of problems(mainly the Fandom when it comes to shipping and being toxic when you don't share the same headcanons about ships or found family) but over all I love the characters Luz, King, Eda, Hunter, and Belos. Especially Luz Noceda( she was basically me as as kid so I feel so protective of her. Honestly I do not trust anyone who does not like her). I love the hidden dark family drama between the Wittebanes and Clawthornes. I love Belos as a villian. I love the glyph magic and the idea of Palismans. I love Bad girl rebel Mom Eda and King the titan prince. I love the dark reveal about the golden guards and Hunter. I love the animation. Everything else about the show, including its other forms of magic, other characters(Amity mainly) the romance. Are honestly a big let down compared to everything else. But at least baby gays/younger lgbtq kids can have this show. They can grow up with this representation(even though I personally don't like lumity). I over all have a love hate relationship with this show. I love Luz and ship her with Hunter(my bi otp couple 😍) but over all the show had so much potential that I feel like it kept wasting over stupid ship.
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Shera the princes of power: This cartoon is just my happy place. I love Catradora. I love all the girl power, feminism, magic, girly girlness. The silly names. The princesses. Entrapta!!!(my spirit animal and having a cute beauty and the beast type romance!) The angst, the drama, the trauma! The romance!!! The animation! It's just this cartoon is everything to me. I love the fanart for this Fandom and if i had to pick a favorite character it be tied between Catra and Entrapta. My favorite Episode is ' Save the Cat'.
TV Shows:
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Criminal Minds: I love this show. This show is what got me into horror movies and true crime. This show was like everything to me as a kid. I've seen all the seasons. This show spiked my interest and fears about the human mind. This show made me seriously wish a male character was actually physically real so I could marry him! Love you Spencer Reid my bisexual nerd you. But in great contrast to the horror of the show, I love how much of a found family the bau team is. I love their banter. It it's just these guys just bring me soo much comfort. Ships I love Emily x any female character because my woman deserves a girlfriend. Spencer x Happiness(or me I'd gladly take him) Morgan x Garcia(they soooo should have been canon). Sometimes I ship Hotch x Rossi, or Hotch and Reid. But over all Hotch deserves some happiness too. Fanfiction for this Fandom I just like reading a few here or there with the bau team being friends in other settings. Mostly college. I'll read any ship as long as it stays in character. Though id read anything with Spencer as the main focus.
(that's it for now. Didn't put Movies because the list for that is complicated. Considering a lot of the Movies I watch are connected to books and or other movies/comics that I haven't all read)
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beangods · 1 year
4 to 8 and 38 to 40 for the homestuck questions.
4. Ever made your own chumhandle?
gallantArcher. i used it on pesterchum for about 2 days and continue to use it whenever the need arises, which is almost never
5. Ever made a trollsona?
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his name is dhanus deixis and i periodically redraw him to match his hairstyle to mine. he's a prospit-bound breath player, not that he would know what to do with that information if he knew it. he's also a cuspblood between indigo and cerulean, but close enough to indigo for a pegasus lusus to bond with him. once he exited the caverns, a book scorpion lusus also bonded to him, so he spent most of his childhood trying to prevent his lusii from seeing each other and attempting to kill each other on sight. when he was 6 sweeps old his pegasus lusus did crush the book scorpion to death with its hooves, but injured itself so badly in a fit of equavian rage that dhanus had no choice but to put it out of its misery. with his crossbow strife specibus. right now as a subadult he's in Space Uni about to become the highest ranking official on a primarily agrarian colony. the only quadrants he's ever filled are pale, though he had an unrequited blackrom crush in his youth.
6. Ever made a kidsona?
no 😔 my kidsona's name would have to be dirk [PATERNAL SURNAME REDACTED] to fit the letter schema because many people in my life have thought my name WAS dirk because that's what it sounds like when you say derek kind of fast and mumbly in my accent.
7. Ever cosplayed a HS character?
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never took it to cons but i did cosplay vriska at school at least once and i of course had some closet dave cosplays i simply cannot post here. no idea what happened to the red converse but i do still have all other components of this cosplay.
8. Ever bought HS merch?
BOY HOWDY HAVE I. my entire room is plastered with hs posters (including 2 at my dad's place i snagged right before wlf nuked the homestuck collection) and i have several shirts and collectibles as well. my white whale is the terezi scalemate boxers though.
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one of my first ever online purchases and i sent it to the wrong fucking address. never received them and didn't know about order numbers so to this day i am kept awake at night by what could have been.
theres actually some scalemate fabric available online so i may eventually just make a pair myself. how hard could it be?
38. OTP?
im always feral for rosemary like if you dont ship my other favorite ships then whateber i guess i could see why someone would do that but every time i run into someone who ships in a way that actively breaks up rosemary i kill them with my mind. i'm going to have a nice traditional rosemary themed wedding when i (a gay man) get married. assuming [meticulous details of my wedding plans that involve contacting renegade cells within the catholic church bc i dont want to bother converting to episcopalianism as an adult]
39. NOTP?
vriska x any man. also any wlw ship where john is inserted for no reason (vrisjohnrezi being the exception bc we all know that's a lesbian-centric semi-nonsexual throuple). johnrose/junerose. pb&j. i cant think of any others (apart from the incest ones) that provoke a sense of visceral wrongness atm
40. BROTP?
johnrose and dirkjane. they are simply best friends. vrisjohn is like. pitch moirails to me.
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bigmammallama5 · 2 years
Dear ms llama,
How do draw?
How do learn draw?
Sincerely, the gayest mess who wishes to draw all the things
Dear Pizzarolls,
I'm sorry this sat in my ask box for two months, life has been very hectic and it slipped off my radar. D:
How do draw: get a pencil and paper, set your self critiques and harsh expectations to the side, and draw your favorite character or otp. It's intimidating still even for me, but just being in the moment and creating something that makes you happy is worth it.
How do learn draw:
draw. get used to the motions, problem solving, and repetitiveness. make sure you stretch and take care of your hands. also drawing with friends is very fun!
look for references and resources and tutorials! looking at what you want to draw will help you understand how to draw. wanna draw a skelly boi? look at lots of skeleton pictures. using a reference is not cheating, so dont let people tell you that. i would also suggest taking your own reference pictures if you can using yourself/your friends/or those little wooden bendy dudes you can get at the craft store. i didnt really use those but i have friends who swore by them. worth a try!
trace. yes, im saying this. tracing for the purpose of learning is not inherently bad. if looking at a picture of a skeleton and following a tutorial are just not clicking, print that sucker out and tape it to a window and trace him. focus on the part that you arent understanding and see if it clicks then. if it does then yay! you have successfully learned. now draw him again without tracing and see how you do!
***an addendum to tracing: i would suggest not tracing other people's artwork without asking first. a fair amount of artists are okay with you using their work as inspiration, though the topic of tracing has always been polarized. use caution and err on the side of screenshots and stock imagery!
draw for yourself. the lure of popularity and "clout" for notes and likes is really pervasive in a lot of online spaces now, and ive seen it destroy artists and fic writers. ive seen how it can negatively impact individuals to the point of hatred and jealousy and while it is extremely easy to want to get notes and recognition and we as humans thrive on feedback and community... draw for yourself. you will find your community and people who genuinely enjoy what you make. your worth is not measured by likes or algorithms.
On a more academic note some actual resources I and other artists do recommend are the Morpho books. I'm sorry for the am*zon link but that should give you an idea of what to look for. They're affordable, well illustrated, and cleanly put together. I would also look at those fun stock image packs of dynamic poses! Like the ones you find on deviant art. Those are super great for drawing your oc's and otps. I'm also a big advocate of live drawing, which i know isn't always available for some people. Drawing a Real Body right in front of you with an instructor is invaluable, but also asking to draw your friends sitting at the lunch table is just as good.
Um yeah. That how draw. And disco music. here's a skelly boi for your troubles
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hes doing the marge simpson dance
sincerely a very tired and gay llama
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princenasim · 3 years
What are your OTPs (Marvel wise)?
It’s about to be gay as fuck. Go grab a snack and a drink cuz this might be a long one 🥴
SteveTony/Stony: The main one of course. I don’t have to explain why.
Cherik: Lowkey paved the way for gay angst like Stony.
BuckyTony/Winteriron: Wasn’t hooked on it at first until I read their fics. We were robbed as usual 🙄
Stuckony: Kinda ironic considering I don’t ship Stucky but I love tf out of this. Idk 😂
SamBucky: Literally marriage material. I was hooked instantly.
RhodeyTony/Iron Husbands: Don’t really ship them as much as the others but it’s still cute nonetheless.
AgentAnt/WooLang: Jimmy Woo deserved a boyfriend. And that is Scott MF Lang. Honestly had more chemistry with Woo than Hope imo 🤷🏾‍♀️
ClintCoulson/Shield Husbands: Really wished we had a scene with those two but that’s never stopped me before.
Spideypool: Andrew Garfield Spider-Man though. Just to be clear…
ThorQuill: Two totally jacked space gods with daddy issues and dead mothers? Yeah sign me up. Also their scenes in IW/EG>>>
FrostStrange: I pray to God that the MCU would provide us with some material with my magic boys but knowing them…
HawkAnt: Shipped them as a joke at first…I don’t think it’s a joke anymore 💀 also they would be very fucking chaotic together I’m not ready
ThorBruce: Ragnorok is all I have to say.
Hulkeye: Never was a big fan of Brutasha/Clintasha so idk where the hell this came from. I don’t think they ever really had a scene together either of you don’t count the hammer scene from AoU 😭But the more I thought about it, the more adorable they came to be. Especially if Deaf!Clint was involved. Also why do I ship Clint with so many people? 😭
PowerFist: Netflix screwed me over big time. I’m still not over it. Hopefully they’ll get introduced in the MCU. Hopefully…
Fratt: Same as the previous one. Still mad. Also they kind of remind me of Butcher and Hughie from The Boys.
Halex/McSummers: The Hulkeye parallels are so insane to me. Hank deserved better than Raven tbh.
SilverCyclops: Same thing as HawkAnt. Those idiots would be so cute and so chaotic.
Yup. That’s about it.
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