#my brain rotating the images next to my irl experience playing guess the differences
faeryfrogs · 10 months
tumblr you're the fucking WORST some times
I'm not even following this person but tumblr is serving me their post which includes someone lying in a pool of blood in a decently realistic tv show scene.
like jesus christ. I have ptsd and did not want to see that. But I'm not following this person, so I'm not about to ask them to tag their posts... I don't blame the user at all, in fact, because their blog topic looks like something I'd steer clear from and just not follow! you know, because in the past, I could curate my dash...........
just found and turned on blur for violence (PSA- tumblr has a blur violence feature) but I wouldn't need to if tumblr didn't serve me random posts from random users!!
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