#my brother wants a tattoo for each family member n said i get affected by music so ridiculously much that
taegularities · 11 months
the chokehold Somebody has on me
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all1e23 · 5 years
Swallow [Pt.6]
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Chapter: Barely Holding On
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Can two hopelessly damaged people find healing in each other?
Warnings:  Adulty themes. Yes, I’m a grown-up, and I said adulty themes. Heavy Angst (I know. What else is new with series right?) 18+
A/N:   I’m sorry it’s been so long between updates, but tbh this fic takes a lot out of me when I write it – it’s emotionally exhausting to write. If you want something to listen to while reading, I would recommend ‘It’s been a while’ and ‘Everything changes’ by Staind. I know some of you will be surprised by this chapter, but this has been a clear theme throughout the series. Send me love because I’m needy.  No beta. Read at your own risk. ;-)
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam though! Thanks!*
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The days apart stretched into weeks and the weeks turned into a month, and with each passing hour, you found yourself struggling to put one foot in front of the other. You wanted to leave. It would be so easy to start your life over. You’ve done it once you could surely do it again. Nothing was keeping you in this shit hole of a town. You were still jobless after all this time being home. So much for nursing always being in demand and as much as you loved Clint, you were starting to suffocate under the weight of all the memories encompassing you. The only real tether to this town was the one reason you should leave it.
If there was ever going to be a reason for you to leave and never look back, Bucky was it.
And it wasn’t just affecting you anymore. Clint had not been to the club since the day you went on your ride with Bucky. He wouldn’t say what happened, but you haven’t seen his kutte in over a month, and Clint told Nat she wasn’t allowed to work the bar for a while. That didn’t go over well. If your dumbass brother had simply asked her not to she would have agreed but he had to go all caveman – he slept on the couch for a few nights after that.
Clint doesn’t always think things through when he’s upset. You might get that charming quality from him.
It’ had been a month since Bucky told you the truth, but it didn’t change anything, did it?  Bucky was still the same man you fell in love with – flaws and all. It’s taken an embarrassingly long time for you to realize you were always going to come second to James Barnes and yet, you couldn’t stay away from him. No matter what happened or how hard you sought to keep your distance the pull between you was louder than any reasoning your brain could come up with.  
That’s how you knew you would end up here the moment you decided to come home – outside the clubhouse at two in the morning, fingers trembling as you typed in your old code. Your body sagged in relief as the light flashed green and the handle unlocked allowing you to slip in.
This was not the first time you crept into the clubhouse while everyone was asleep. It was the first time you had done it alone. The floor, couches and pool tables were covered in unconscious lumps and most snoring away. It wasn’t uncommon to see when multiple charters were getting together, patch overs, or family announcements. Whatever happened last night you missed one hell of a party. Times like these made it hard to be on the outside. Good times and bad, you were no longer a part of Bucky’s world, and it chipped away another piece of your heart every time it was shoved in your face.
“Y/n,” Steve said, hushed, careful of the people sleeping on couches around them. He was leaning on the bar watching you with an amused grin.
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
Steve chuckled quietly and walked towards you. “Shouldn’t you be at home?” He snarked back. You narrowed your eyes, but the corner of your lips curled up into a small smile. 
“Is his room still his room?” Steve nodded and followed you as you walked towards the back hallway stepping over the sleeping men on the floor as you went.
“Y/n?” You turned back to look at him brow raised in question. “If you go back there, it needs to be for good. I’m not telling you to take him back or saying you have to walk away. You should follow your heart but whatever you choose needs to be forever. He needs all of you. Not this half in bullshit. If you’re done, let him go.”
“I know.” You assured him. “That’s why I’m here, Steve. No more half in.”
Untold agony.
Plain and simple.
This last month has been sheer agony. Bucky hasn’t seen or spoken to you in over a month, and the only thing keeping him from completely wasting away was knowing you hadn’t skipped town. He half expected to wake up that first morning to find Clint beating down his door because you took off in the middle of the night again – a burning need to get away as far away from him as you could. Clint never came, and your jeep has been parked outside of Clint’s place since Peter drove it home.
There was a bit of contentment in all the anguish. A realization. Bucky needed to let you go, but it has never been that simple. If it were, he would have done it when your life was at risk six years ago.  Bucky’s been fighting to let you go since the day you left, and there were times when he thought he made it through and then there were nights like tonight where he didn’t believe he would ever be free of the ache that came from losing you. One of these days, he hoped, your love wouldn’t have this grasp on him anymore. He wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to live in a world where he no longer loved you.
No, that was not a hurt he wanted to endure. This was all pointless if his heart doesn’t belong to you.
There was a soft knock at his door, and Bucky was immediately irritated. Steve checking in on him again. He did the same thing five years ago. Always stopping by at random hours as if Bucky was going to drink himself to death or something else equally stupid. He pushed his hair back out of his face not bothering to put a shirt on. If Steve wanted to bug him at two in the morning, he got to see Bucky in nothing but dirty ass sweatpants. Maybe he will think twice before waking someone up after this – not that he has been sleeping at all since your fight.
“Steve I swear to God–” Bucky stiffened and sucked in a sharp breath when he saw you standing on the other side of the door, wide-eyed and restlessly fiddling with your bracelets.  Damn, he should have put on a shirt. No words were exchanged – words weren’t needed when it came to you. He let go of the doorknob and stepped back giving you space to come in when you were ready. It needed to be your choice just like it would be your choice if the door stayed open.
You slipped into the small space he left ajar and quickly shut the door behind you. You both stared at each other unsure who should speak up first or what to say once you did.  His brow wrinkled, mouth opened and then shut. Bucky didn’t know where to start, Why are you here? What the hell took you so long? Is this what the end looks like? Two in the morning and dirty sweats? Because I’m done for if you leave again. I can’t go another day without you.
The stillness in the air made your heart pound against your chest threatening to break free and reveal all your weaknesses. Your eyes roam over his chest taking in the new additions to his skin. Your eyes followed the black ink along his left arm, ‘sine timore’ sticking out in the middle of his bicep as of reminder of what comes first. Every member had those words inked somewhere on their skin, and you hated them with everything you had There was only one addition you noticed – a date over his heart.
The date you met.
It had been added to the work he had over the left side of his chest, and your heart was heavy from the weight of your guilt and all the things you kept from him. Your fingers fiddled with the straps of your bracelets and with your heart pounding in your ears the soft brown leather slipped from your fingers landing on the floor between you.
Bucky’s eyes fell to your wrist trying to understand what you were doing, but the second he saw it, he knew. His eyes snapped up to meet yours, they were begging you for an explanation, and all you could give him was a shrug. Because you didn’t know why it was still there. You couldn’t count the number of times you had tried to get it removed, but it never felt right. No matter what how hard you endeavored you couldn’t erase him from your skin. 
He moved slowly towards you until your back was pressed flat against the closed bedroom door, his hand was on your wrist the second you were within reach and pad of his thumb pressing heavily against the swallow still imprinted on your delicate skin. Bucky bent forward slightly, his eyes watching you silently asking for your permission. It’s always had to be your decision. Yeah, in the past, he wouldn’t have held back at a time like this, but things were different now. Tattoo or not, you weren’t his, and you haven’t been his in years.
It’s taken him a long time to admit that, still, all Bucky could see was your lips.
Your chin raised silently giving him the permission he was seeking. His hips pushed into yours pinning you against the door, and his lips were on yours before either of you could think about the consequences. His lips brushed over yours, delicate and demanding – devouring every inch of you. A hand came up and cupped your jaw holding you still, your eyes fluttered closed letting his touch, his lips consume you entirely. Bucky didn’t let up until you were both panting and breathless.
He released your jaw and tightened his hold on your wrist as he pulled you back towards the bed, his grip loose enough that you could pull away not that you were going to. Your heart has been struggling to find it’s place since you returned and it finally found it.
Bucky blew out a thick cloud of smoke and put out the last of his cigarette in the ashtray next to him. The sun had been up for a few hours now and there were hushed movements in the kitchen but he was in no hurry to move. There was plenty of reasons to not leave his bed this morning, and every one of them was wrapped up in you.
A soft orange light was peeking through the cracks in the blinds covering his bedroom window, setting a gentle glow against your skin. He stared at you laying in bed next to him, your back rising and falling steadily with each breath and your arms wrapped tightly around his pillow. Fuck, he really messed this up. Bucky didn’t want things to go down like that way this time. He was trying hard to not repeat his past mistakes, but it seemed Bucky couldn’t escape them no matter how hard he attempted to right all the wrongs he had done to you.
The thin white sheet was barely covering your lower half – a sight he never thought he would see again after your talk. He ached to be happy that you were here, but his brain wouldn't let go of every way this could go wrong. What was going to happen when you woke up? The whole night felt like a mistake. The rock sitting in his gut was telling him this was a mistake. It was too sudden, too rash and after everything that happened, he should have taken his time. The genuine fear was eating away at his heart telling him you were going to bolt when the realization of last night finally hit you.
His knuckles grazed down the back of your arm as you began to stir.  Time to face the music then. You reached out in your sleepy haze and wrapped an arm around his waist attempting to pull him closer to you.  He obliged and grinned at the sight of his name scrolled on your ribs following the curve of your left breast. Bucky was the only one that knew it was there and he wanted to keep it that way – or he thought he was the only one. A pang of jealousy washed over him as his mind wandered to the five years you were gone, and he wondered how many men have seen it.
Probably better if he doesn’t dwell on ‘what ifs’ this morning. You were there in his bed, and that was all that matters. He bent down and pressed a kiss to your temple. The heady scent of cigarettes and soap pulled you from the soft waves of sleep you were floating in.
“Hi,” You croaked, hoarse from sleep as you caught his eyes.
Bucky smiled and ran his left hand down your back letting his hand rest on your lower back, fingers skimming the edge of the sheet. He could just not say anything. You could both avoid the inevitable and live in this little bubble for a few moments longer, but it would be an insult to both of you. Bucky knew all too well he can’t hide from what’s beyond that door and all that was expected of him.
“We should talk about last night, pretty girl. Last night was incredible. Unexpected but incredible. I thought–” He ran his right hand along his jaw. “It’s been over a month. I thought I lost you and all this. Then you show up here in the middle of the night, and we slip right back into old habits.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing, Buck.” You admitted before he got any further because it was the truth. You didn’t know what you were doing when you showed up at his door, all you knew was this is where you should be regardless of the history you shared and the warning bells that were echoing, loudly, in your head.
You answered him with a simple head shake. No, Clint didn’t know you were at the clubhouse and in bed with Bucky. Though he would be figuring it out here any minute when he went to wake you for breakfast only to find an empty bed and a hastily written note stuck to mirror above your dresser.
“We can chalk up to lingering feelings and a late-night mistake. No one has to know,” Bucky breathed, distressed and worn from the sheer thought of having to forget the feel of your skin under his hands. 
“Steve knows.” You whispered, “He caught me trying to sneak in.”
Bucky chuckled as his fingers slipped under the sheet and ghosted over the delicate skin hiding beneath the covers.  “Okay, just the three – or, four of us have to know.”
“Yeah, he definitely told Pegs.” He said with a roll of his eyes. “Steve spills everything the second they are alone. They won’t say a thing if I tell them not to. Say the word, and it’s forgotten.”
It would be easy to claim it was all a foolhardy slip-up spurred from the closure neither of you was granted years ago. There was no doubt that there were flames still burning, embers still smoldering for him – there would always be pieces of you lingering within his soul. Forgetting would be the easy out for you both.
“What if I don’t want to do that.” You whispered, soft and hesitant, a silent tremor in your voice.
“Do what, baby?”
You’re either in love with him, or you’re not.
“I don’t want to pretend it didn’t happen, but I’m scared this is going to blow up in my face again.” You mumbled, your voice barely above a whisper.  “I think I’m addicted to you. There are good reasons they say addictions break you down and tear you apart.”
“I promise you nothing is going to break you down again,” Bucky swore, scrambling not to lose this second chance.  “I know there are more than enough reasons for you to never trust me again and I know you deserve better than me, but I swear I’ll do whatever it takes to make us work this time.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat watching your fingers trace the swallow on the top of his hand. Steve was right, and man did you hate it when he was right. You couldn’t continue to be half in, one foot out the door always ready to run if something doesn’t go your way. You either loved him, or you didn’t, and you needed to make a choice. Right then. The right decision was palpable, and you knew what choice you were going to make.
“If we do this you can’t hide things from me. Even things that might hurt me and all the things that you’re scared of. You have to show me all of you, even the broken pieces you don’t want me to see.”
“Baby.” He sighed and let his forehead rest against yours. “I’ll show you the broken parts of my soul if you promise not to run when you see the monster I am because of them.”
“You are many things, Buck,” You whispered softly. “But a monster isn’t one of them.”
Doubt and worry were flashing vividly in his eyes. You could practically hear his mind racing as he tried to figure it all out that very second. He needed it all planned out before either of you made it out bed and that wouldn't happen. It wouldn’t be that easy. Your relationship was too complicated for that. Bucky brought your hand up and placed a gentle kiss to your wrist – The two of you were gonna have a chat about that here soon you had a strong suspicion.
“What does this mean?” He asked finally.
“It means,” You said, interrupting the raging thoughts you knew were surging in his head. “We are going to take things one day at a time.”
“One day at a time,” Bucky repeated. “I can do one day at a time.”
Slow and steady. Bucky could do that if that’s what you needed. He would do whatever it takes to make this forever.
Forever won’t happen overnight, but he can make it one day at a time.
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herstarburststories · 6 years
catastrophic night. — Dick Grayson x Reader
A/N: Hello, I’m V and love Batboys requests, keep sending them. Thanks. Hope you like it!
Beta: @lyss-91
Request: Hey there! (If you’re still doing asks/requests) could you do a Dick Grayson x reader where by day they’re best friends/crushing on each other and by night reader works for the League of Assassins and they’re enemies? Secret identities, of course😉 thank you! Love your writing!
+ Damian has a sister x brother relationship with Reader
“Do you have plans for tonight?” You asked in a tedious voice, as if it was just a simple question inside a ordinary conversation. That would probably trick anyone, but not Dick Grayson, the person who had known you for a long time and, of course, is the son of the world’s greatest detective and a detective himseld. Not that you were aware of that Batman’s part.
“(Y/N)…” He tried, knowing exactly what you had in mind. You just rolled your eyes and let your back rest against the chair you were sitting on. Having someone who knew you as deeply as he did was such a blessing, especially when the said someone was your best friend. You often didn’t need to look for pretty words and babble until he found out what was bothering you, Dick somehow was aware of the way you reacted to things. How your feelings worked, most of time. He was very considerate, loving, and sweet. Then, no surprise he was always surrounded by applicants. The former acrobat was full of positive traits in his personality. And the way he looked? Yeah, no way he wouldn’t be everyone’s type.
Which included you. No, it was not part of the plan, falling in love with him was never a situation you looked forward to. You just couldn’t help it. And God, did you demand yourself to stop. Even ignoring him for a couple days, though you weren’t able to keep it up. The way his blue eyes followed every move of yours after one week of avoiding him, somewhere between hurt and confused, trying so hard to find out what happened, if he did something wrong, just too much for you to bare with.
And here you were. In love with the man who had become your best friend, whom was also your well known friend, Damian Wayne’s, brother.
“Come on. Don’t give me that judgmental glare, Golden Boy.” And that subject emerged from nowhere once again. Why couldn’t he just let it off and accept your denial state? “We could pick up Damian and go to McDonald’s. They have a vegetarian hamburger now, and I promised Damian I wouldn’t try it without him." 
”(Y/N), I know why you are calling me to go hang out today.“ You sighed, dodging your eyes from his. You wouldn’t admit it. "I know you don’t want to have dinner with him, but you could at least give him a chance.” Since you met your sister’s girlfriend, you were sure something was off with that girl. Amaya, or whatever her real name was, could be very charming with both talking and appearance wise, but her tattoo showed another side of her. The symbol carved on her skin until death screamed a position: League of Assassin’s member. You couldn’t tell Dick about that, clearly. He did not know about your night life, only his youngest brother was acquainted with that small, big information. Yet, you hadn’t tell Damian about that little surprise at home either, as much as he would not be surprised but pissed for you. It was a typical warning from the League, their most gentle way to reminder you to keep your loyalty, to finish the plan. “I trust your instincts, but you can’t just hate the woman your sister is in love with because you felt bad vibes from her. She needs your support.” You had to admit that was such a lame excuse you gave Dick to hate on Amaya, but that was all you had. Wasn’t a completely lie, as well. “Hey.” Grayson put his hand on your cheek, giving you that warm smile that only he could’ve as you finally let your eyes be pleased with the sight of him. “If you want, I could go with you. Maybe call Damian.”
“Thank you, Dick. But you are right, I have to give her a chance. (Y/S/N) does seem happy. And I should be there for here.” You smiled at him, not really going to give Amaya a chance for obvious reasons, like her capacity of murdering your whole family if you blinked the wrong way, but appreciating his sweet support. Dick felt your cheek get bigger on his mouth as you face showed an amused expression, and it made his own corners of the mouth turn up in full happiness. He could literally feel the woman he was in love with showing a lovely grin, that was enough to make his worst day worth every breath. Although you were going to give Amaya a chance and spend time with your beloved family. You would be happy, so would him, then. Even though Dick would miss that meeting at McDonald’s. “Still, McDonald’s tomorrow for lunch?”
“It doesn’t sound very healthy.” He pulled his hand away with a smirk. Both of you missed the touch at the second it was taken off you, but he didn’t want to make it awkward by keeping his hand on your soft skin for too long and you didn’t want to make it weird by asking him to remain there. “I’m in. I will ask Damian to come.”
“Alright. I better go, dinner will be ready soon.” You got up your sit at the snack bar as he followed your moves, a usual gentleman act of his. “See you tomorrow.” You hugged him, receiving his arms around his body in a strong yet soft grip back. That. That felt even safer than learning combat skills from Talia, one of the best fighters you’ve even heard of.
“Text me to let me know how it goes.” Dick referred to Amaya situation and you nodded, letting go of his body another time. You held back the need of pulling him into a second hug and just grabbed your wallet to get some money. Before he could deny it as always, you put a couple dollars on the table. “(Y/N)!”
“I ate too, Dick. I won’t let you pay for it alone, I can pay my bills.” He was about to retort to you, saying it wasn’t what he meant, you just rolled your eyes, fully aware that was not the nature of this. “Don’t fight me on this, Grayson. You will lose, as always.” With a smirk and a wink, you left him.
Someone who did not always lose when it came to you? Nightwing. Unlike Dick, that guy was a hard obstacle. He knew how to fight and he did that with grace and, as shocking as it seems, jokes. You otherwise used your violence like art, every movement was a brushstroke on the surface of your painting; the combat itself. No funny words slipped from your mouth, only cold, threatening phrases. This was part of your living you couldn’t erase, you would die by its life someday, but not tonight. That night was about killing another one with a mask on.
You had no idea why, as if you ever did need to, the League of Assassins wanted Nightwing, visible Robin’s partner at times, dead as soon as you could lay your sword on him. But it was harder than you would picture. You never wasted your time on mistakes, like letting one of your enemies — League’s Enemies — out of a fight breathing air. Yet here you were, already fighting that moon viligant for weeks. Yes, he was one hell of a fighter, apart from it wasn’t supposed to be so difficult. Talia wouldn’t be amused, she wasn’t by now, Amaya was a walking proof. It was like you had grown soft, sentimental to other people, an aspect that the League absolutely despised. Though, you could not help it. First, seeing Damian able to live a normal life with his father, without being trained continuously to improve his killing capacity at a young age, just craving for his mother’s affection and his grandfather approval. He was happy. The kid was her only string to her own humanity for so long and now he was genuinely happy. Not just satisfied with a new fighting skill or temporarily relaxed while spending time with you, but really daily content with his life. 
There was also Dick. He became your best friend when you visited Damian at his new house from the first time. Right, it wasn’t an immediate deep friendship, you two became closer as the months went by and suddenly a year was gone and you two experience what was like a decade of familiarity with each other. He showed you kindness, good, among with Damian, an example of someone who left the League and got a peaceful, great existence. They made you wonder what it would be like to be like this, to have it. You wanted that.
Of course you could see you family when you wanted to, and wasn’t at a mission too far away from the city they lived in aka Gotham, though it wasn’t the same thing as that. You got a kind of vocation to see Damian, how you missed him, but it extended when Nightwing mission came up. It had been a year, time for you to go back to the place which didn’t feel like home, yet was the only you knew as such. Besides, failing denoted Talia herself coming to Gotham, you didn’t want Damian facing his mother at this moment of his life.
Still, Nightwing let out a bad pun before you and him left into the well known comfortableness of the night after another hard, gaining no winners fight.
Damn it.
Text messages
(Y/N), 10:30pm: It was okay. I still do not like her, but I was sympathetic most of the time. Even mom was impressed. 
Dick, 10:31pm: Told ya, people can surprise you in a good way.
(Y/N), 10:31pm: They also can surprise you in a bad way.
(Y/N), 10:31pm: Grayson.
Dick, 10:32pm: Yeah?
(Y/N), 11:00pm: Would you hate me if I surprised you in a bad away?
Dick, 11:01pm: I wouldn’t hate you.
(Y/N), 11:03pm: What if it was really a bad surprise?
Dick, 11:04pm: I couldn’t hate you. 
Dick, 11:05pm: You are my best friend.
(Y/N), 11:07pm: Don’t let Damian read it.
(Y/N), 11:08pm: You are mine, too.
(Y/N), 11,08pm: Damian is still the first one, thought.
Dick, 11:08pm: I’m hurt now.
“TT. I do not see any aim on this, (Y/N). Mother is going to be very disappointed if we do not train her new attack position. I must learn it by the sleep of the sun.” Said Damian, the one child around and who were responsible for since he was born. You were the third person to hold him, after Talia and the midwife who helped bringing him to this world. You couldn’t say you raised him, but you did spend a lot of his days together, predominantly training when he wasn’t with his relatives.
“Come on, Damian. It will be cool. You deserve a break, we’ve been traning hard since you could walk. Your first world was katanna.” You tried to persuade him. Damian deserved a piece of his stolen innocence, freedom back, in addition, he was the only person you cared for and trusted here. Then, seeing him obligated to fight with no knowledge on other options, how living actually looked and felt like, was rather a torture that you accepted in silence.
“I do appreciate my blade very much. And training is what made me… Me. I am the Grandson of the Devil, I require you to get up the floor and fight me until one of us beg for mercy while coughs in blood. I—” This kid acted like a grown ass man. It did break your heart a little. He was so young, yet there was no childhood to be seen. It was a right robbed by birth.
“You are getting a break and painting with me.” You stucked with your decision. Even though he didn’t get what you did at his age, you could still give him a little bit of harmless fun. After all, you did owe his one. Damian wasn’t conscious of that, or he did in silent and agreement, but he was your humanity part inside the League. And you were every good intention he ever get directed to him.
“That is useless. It will not help me to increase my fighting skills.” Damian refused, ceptical that would be any help. He was in charge of a mission, turning himself into the best. It was this way since he was born, like mother and grandfather. Having fun or experiencing something because he wanted to was not a main objective or even a thought. “TT. A coloring book? I am not a child, (L/N).”
“Should I remind you your own age, Damian?” You arched an eyebrow. Wasn’t hard to know the ideas inside his head, you just decided to not let those win. “Come on. For me. We are best friends here, aren’t we?” Damian blushed in shame for the old position he’d gave you when he was younger and naiver. “We can train for hours with no stop after that, promise. I also bought some blank papers so you can drawn if you’d wish.” You put your hands up to show you were not lying. The boy watched you for a couple seconds, analyzing.
“TT. Whatever. Since we are training to recover this unnecessary wasted time.” Damian put his sword away with a frown, crossed arms as he sat down in front of you.
You continued to read your book as you felt a presence in your apartment. For someone who was trained by the League, Amaya surely didn’t show it. You could hear her steps even if you were sleeping, so loud and weak for their criteria. 
“I would suggest you to leave my house right now or I am gonna have to clean my carpet.” Oh, here you were. The cold part of your personality consistently appearing in similar situations. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to wash out blood?”
“I have a message from Talia.” She responded. No emotion found in her voice, unlike the night before at your house, when Amaya talked politely and rubbed your sister’s back as she meant something other than a work to be done. The blood in your veins ran faster, burning like toxic water inside you. It wasn’t fair with your sister that her first real girlfriend, just a little bit before she came out, would be a trained assassin ready to kill her with her hands while she kissed her. She deserve a girl who’d appreciate her, not study her. “You have five nights to end Nightwing, or she is coming to Gotham.”
“Give me one. Tonight it is going to end. You better enjoy the time with me sister while you are capable of.” You turned a page, treating the subject as the insignificant order it was supposed to be. 
“I am not weak like you, (L/N). I’m not attached to this people, but you might considered killing your precious Dick as well. Maybe so you will become the golden cold hearted murder you once were, not that piece of garbage who cannot finish a easy job.” Her words dripped envy and for the first time, you raised your head to glare her. Amaya wouldn’t touch Dick, the said facts were the problem. “We were trained to fight, not to feel. Learn that before it is too late.”
“Get out before I get tired of reading and show you how good a tongue can taste when it’s cooked with the right salsa.” There was no necessity for you to get up and show her the exit, with a blink of eye, Amaya was gone.
“TT. I can’t believe I got Red Hood’s toy.” Damian huffed as he checked the present which came with his food. You grinned, finding this adorable. Dick laughed a bit.
“I know, you’d rather Nightwing. Who wouldn’t?” He winked, an inside joke there made Damian murmur something and started eating his food. Nightwing’s mention, the protector of the moon as you named him at a fight, coming to haunt your thoughts and force your tongue to sneak out.
“So, it’s my last day in town.” You said right way once your when both Dick and Damian were filling their mouths with them. It did not prevent the brothers from wide opening eyes and ‘what!?’s popping up. “Work is calling me.” You explained, giving Damian a significatiful glare. He understood, nooding slight as he look down, a french frie shutting him up before saying something too emotional. Damian was aware that you could not just ignore his mother calling you back, the consequences would be disastrous. Dick otherwise wasn’t conscious of your real work, you just lied about being a photographer who followed the beauty around the world, but he knew it would kick in sometime. Celibate time couldn’t last forever.
“Why didn’t you tell me— us before?” Dick sounded hurt. You took a deep breathe. His side was understandable, you wished you didn’t put him in this position.
“Because they called me by the night of yesterday.” Half lie, half truth. All you were able to offer him, everything you would ever be able to give him. Pieces, never an entirety.
“Is that why you asked me…” Grayson referred to yesterday’s late messaged at midnight.
“Yes. I’m sorry, Dick.” Once again, untruthful letters flying in the air. “I’m sorry, Damian. I really wish I could be here.” You kept your eyes on his green ones, attempting to assure Damian your wish wasn’t leaving him. Never was. He was the closest you had of a family for tropical, astronomical, equinoctial and solar years. He was still as important as a blood related to you.
“I know. But I understand. Be sure to come back, (L/N).” His supercilious reaction appeared as an alert for you. He was sorrowful, willing to not let it show. Exactly like he was teached to.
“Will not disappoint you, best friend.” You said delicate, catching the shine of hold tears in his green eyes.
“(L/N).” Damian nodded and get up. You were ready to do the same and get the most suffocating hug from him.
“Come here.” Opening your arms, you waited for some tender platonic love showing. He didn’t squeeze you as expect. Damian’s chin trembled and you were mindful of him about to cry.
“I need to retain myself to the male toilet for a moment, excuse me.” He announced, his quick steps heading to the bathroom.
“I think I need to talk to him a bit more.” You sniffled, deciding to leave him alone for a minute or two. The boy you almost raised required some time to digest what happened. Your attention was caught by his brother, glaring you intensely. “Dick?”
“I’m sorry, I should be more thoughtful. I know it’s your job and I’m glad you are going to do what you are passionate about again. We will miss you. I will miss you.” He let it out, stitching his neck. Guilty was as clear as the ocean into his eyes.
“I will miss you too. I already am.” You admitted, holding his hand on the table and rubbing it. That was cozy, like swimming in the beach in a hot summer day.
“I never told you that I felt more than just a friend for you. And this may be a horrible timing, but I’m in love with you, (Y/N).” Dick’s hand slowly went from yours to your waist. You could back off at any minute, he was going slow so you would be sure that was what you wanted. Your wants were guaranteed when you smiled, wrapping your hands around his neck.
“Dick Grayson, you really enjoy some dramatic moment, don’t you?” You weren’t going to waste your left time with the man you loved being ridiculous enough to try to be cool or indifferent about it. You wanted him to hear it back. “I’m in love with you just as much.” He smiled and ultimately brushed his lips against yours. This soft peck suddenly turning into a deep, emotional kiss. Two of you trying to express love, guilty, miss, everything with that intimate act both had been longing for.
“That definitely will not be the most amusing last record I ever had about you, (L/N).” Damian interrupted, making you and Dick pull away a little. You didn’t really care. The two boys you loved most were here. 
“Shut up and come here.” You pulled Damian into a group hug, adoring this moment. It was sad, but it was yours. You could definitely hold that close for  a longer time.
“Master Damian, you have a visitor at the door. The lady says her name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and she wishes to see you.” Alfred informed the young Wayne, who was sitting on the couch with Dick as company. Grayson glaced at his brother, eyebrows going up as he smiled. Damian was making friends! The other one did not retribute Dick’s actions. For sure, he was very excited to see you again, but Grayson on his feet while was not amusing. He had enough of his weak spot, no need of more affect demonstration.
“Do not follow me, Grayson. I will not hesitate to throw a stick on your head.” Damian threated with words that would send goosebumps down anyone’s spine except Dick. As the small boy got up and walked to meet (Y/N), his brother followed him from distance.
“Hey, Damian. Did you forget your best friend?” You smiled when your caught his sight. Damian rolled her eyes and a typical sound of 'TT’ coming out his mouth, soon filled with a version of smile for him. (Y/N) didn’t mind grinning and hugging him as tight as possible, and getting the same act in return. You missed him so much. The League wasn’t the same, neither were you. By the way his arms kept you close and did not push you away after 0.2 seconds, you could say he missed you, too.
“I thought I was your best friend, Damian.” Grayson joked, slipping from the door. Damian let go of you immediately, glaring the gorgeous man in front of you in annoyance. “I’m Dick Grayson, his brother. I have to admit that I didn’t think Damian’s friend would be this age.” He smiled at you.
“Well, I changed his diapers, so I guess it makes me Damian’s best friend. Sorry, Dick.” You joked, laughing soft when Damian huffed. “My name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Greetings are done. Grayson, go away before I get a stick.” He practically growned, trying to push you two apart before it could get more embarrassing.
“The same old dance. Don’t you get bored?” The moon protector said playfully, holding his combat accessories.
“I would not wonder about that, Nightwing. This time, you will fall and I will owe your head as a prize when I leave the city.” Sounded robotic to your ears, besides there was no time to worry about your thinkings.
“My best friend leaves the city and now my best villain. Hard day for me.” You couldn’t help but vacillate at this. Again, a person you were going to murder showing they had a life, people they cared about and virce versa. He even got similar problems as you. That would be difficult. You needed to push your human side away. You were good at this, Talia taught you very well. You could do this.
“I’m giving you one last chance, Nightwing. A quick dead. Surrender.” You bended your knees, spreading your arms into your fight position.
“Not happening. I never liked it too quick, anyway.” He winked, his athletic body easily finding its own combat start spot. “Time for some entertainment.”
“You want a honorable death. I do respect that. You are a great opponent, Nightwing. Now let’s see who is good enough to stay in this world.”
One of the hardest fights that any of you ever had started happening. Nightwing was fast with his escrima sticks and astute on his dodges, like an acrobat. And you were skilfull with your knifes and very comfortable with your movements, as if fighting was just a inner free animal inside of you. He finally got a hit right on a place that would let you unconscious from the pain or at least unable to walk for enough time to call the police. Or it should have.
The opposite happened. As soon as you left Damian and Dick, you spent the rest of your day meditating, training to reline your body and mind as the League reached you. You hands were under an obligation, to kill Nightwing. The League of Assassins lived up for their name, and you were one of them. They were your family, the organization your and your victims  bloods should ran for. No excuses, no feelings, no doubts. Like a journalist exposes the truth, like a cooker cooks, like a singer sings, you were (Y/N), War’s name Laylatan Karithia, english known as Catastrophic Night, you killed killed and wasn’t a hostage of empathy or blame. Your conscious side laughed at every tear. 
All the pain Nightwing offered internally replaced with a kind of calm anger. You used that agony to turn into strength, as Talia taught you so many times after almost breaking all of your bones. That needed to be done, so you would do.
And like that, taking advantage of his surprised state, you advanced, kicking his waist, then leg and punching him on the ribs with a knife between your fingers. Nightwing screamed a scream that you could recognize, sounded like Dick. It was your mind taking care of driving you insane, trying to make you feel guilty for being obedient. The fact made you grow both furious and tormented. You were in charge of yourself, no manipulative human feels would stop you.
Throwing Nightwing on the floor as if he weight was a disconsiderative factor, you got on top of him. Placing another knife inside his body, another loud moan of pain breaking the silent night. He tried to get up and fight, even hold you back, besides his body did not allow him. Your metal had envy in the brilliant end of them, an idea which Ral’s Al Ghul was proud of a decade ago. Not to mention the fact of the place you stabbed him. His leg, near to a very important blood vase. Moon’s Protector was sweating, still picking up his stinks to fight. You could sympathize with that, your beaching body and should proved it.
“Just a few more centimeters and you will bleed until you are dead. Arteries are magical if you know how to play with them.” You smirked diabolic. At this moment, you knew Amaya was right. And so was Talia and the League of Assassins itself. You were wicked people that could never be forgiven, you shall be grateful for having as malevolent people like you, or else you’d be dead by yourself in a sewage ditch like society’s garbage because you were different, you were nefarious, degenerate, villainous on an equal footing. No good you deserved because you did no good and it was destiny. Dick would never be able to change that, neither Damian. He just had the right of his fresh start because he had no choice but growing inside this diabolical system of his mother. You on the other hand made a choice years ago. A desesparated, unratinol choice, correct. Still, a choice. Didn’t matter if you regretted it or not. “It was an amazing dance indeed, sir.”
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everlarkficexchange · 6 years
Zero Hour
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[Promt 88]:I love soulmates fics ! Anything with Everlark being soulmates and finding each other -finally :) thank you ! - anonymous
Written By: Mega-AuLover
A/N: this monstrosity you can thank @xerxia31 for. There were several Soulmate Prompts and the one I wanted was taken by another author, whom I personally stalk, but she was talking about a wedding and I thought a wedding no…soulless mindless Zombies..I think I made tea come out of Xerxia’s nose :) but seriously thank you for saving the life of this story. To my beta who I have a serious writers crush on @alliswell21 you and I both know how much awe I am in over your writing skillzzz. 
Rated: T  
They were known as the living dead. Zombies  created by the Capitol who didn’t find their true love. Katniss Everdeen watched one of them from her window, walking slowly, a mask of indifference on its colorless face. He was followed by Darius, one of the nicer Peacekeepers.
She glanced down at her arm, the cause of such a creature, was the tracker embedded under the tattoo they had to get printed on their arm. It was a control measure put in by the Capitol after the war.
At the age of twelve, all children received a tattoo with their initials and age.  It was the first step to show the ever presence and dominance of the Capitol. At 18, they were brought to the school yard to be outfitted with their trackers.
The tracker remained silent until they met their soulmate.  When you met your soulmate, the tracker would glow showing their initials for exactly  8 hours, in which you had to connect with your mate and register with the local magistrate.
The magistrate  were the only ones with the authority  to remove the tracker.
If you missed the 8 hour window, the kill switch would activate. An electrical discharge was sent from the tracker directly to your brain, a sort of modern day lobotomy.
Everyone strived to find their life partner, afraid of becoming a poor soulless creature, just as her sister, Primrose, called them.
Primrose was right, the mateless walked the earth with no purpose other than to do the dangerous jobs the Capitol assigned them. They blew up the caverns in the mines, tested new machinery, the lucky few became slaves to a Capitolite or wealthy member of the society. They were kept far away from the regular folk and guarded by Peacekeepers.
“Hey Catnip,” Gale knocked on the window pane bringing her out of her thoughts.
Katniss smiled at her friend, hunting partner , and soon to be in-law. This morning both families were overjoyed about the nuptials She waved him inside. “Hey Gale.”
Gale was twenty six, tall and very good looking. There were rumors about his prowess in the bedroom, though she didn’t care much about the stories.
He entered the room, and filled it. He was a little over six feet tall, one of the tallest men in The Seam. “So Primrose finally got you to wear a dress.”
Katniss grimaced,”It’s like putting lipstick on a pig, Gale.”
Gale chuckled. “You should see my dad, he didn’t want to wear a suit, but you know my mom.”
Hazelle Hawthorne was a force to be reckoned with.
“Vick wanted me to give this to Prim.” Gale extended the package he held in his hand.
“Thanks,” she took the package from him. “I’m sure whatever Vick cooked up, Prim is going to love it.”
Everyone thought Katniss was going to be Gale’s soulmate, but it was never meant to be. Katniss was thankful that the odds were in her favor.
“I can’t believe my baby brother is getting hitched before me.”
When Vick turned eighteen the previous day, no one was surprised  his tracker showed Prim’s initials. The entire Hawthorne clan came to the Everdeen home, to confirm Vick’s initials showed  on Prim’s arm. Both families ran to the Seam magistrate to have the trackers deactivated and removed. Katniss had been so happy to see the darn devices removed from Prim and Vick’s arms.
Because they were from the Seam, they needed to fill out the wedding certificate at the Justice Building on the other side of the in the Merchant quarter.
“Me either. It’s insane that Prim’s all grown up.”
Gale laughed, “Yeah , Rory and I have been ribbing on Vick all day with the older woman bit. It’s just funny that even though Prim’s like two years older than him, she still manages to look younger.”
“You Hawthorne men look old, or have you forgotten that when we met in the woods, you were 14 but looked like you were 18. I mean right now you look like you can be someone’s grandfather. Now that we’re talking about it, you’ve looked like a grandpa since the day you turned 16.”
“Hardy, har, har,” Gale snickered, pointing to his tracker, it read 26. Gale had worn his tracker for the past 14 years.  A constant reminder that the Capitol owned him.
“Well you can’t help it old man,” Katniss joked back.  
“Old man? you’re  practically an old lady yourself. How old are you? 24? that’s ancient by Seam standard’s.”
Gale was right, no one in the Seam waited this long. There was only two occasions where a person never found their soulmate.
“Maybe you and I are the new Goat Man and Ripper.”
“Well I do know my way around a distillery, and you do have a Goat.”
“Lady does not qualify as a goat, she’s more of a pet.”
“Remember when you bought Lady for Prim?”
“You mean with the money we got from the stag I got with my arrow, that you claimed you shot?” Katniss crossed her arms over her chest.
“I still say my arrow was the one that got him.”
“Gale you and I both know you’re no marksmith. You can’t shoot down a full grown bear standing 20 yards away.”
“Man those were great good old days.” Gale wistfully uttered, his days were now spent in the mines.
So much had changed since she was a child. She looked behind her to see the empty rocking chair. It reminded her of harder times. 
According to many, becoming soulless was the worst fate someone in Panem could have. But Katniss had seen a different kid of desperation.
She had seen what happened to soulmate when their love was taken away. Her mother had found her soulmate in a man from District 12’s Seam side. Fate brought them together and for a long time they were happy, until he was taken away by illness.
“How is your dad feeling?”
“Good, if he could stay away from Haymitch and Ripper’s liquor. My maw says he drives her insane, he says she drives him to drink.”
“Your mom then says drive, what drive, we don’t even have a car.” They said together. It was an old joke between them.
Gale’s father had survived the great illness thanks to her mother. The Hawthorne’s were lucky. Many were not.
Katniss was eleven when the great epidemic filtered through District 12 and beyond. It affected the Seam the greatest especially those poor souls loveless creatures. When her father became infected, her mother, a healer, tried everything she knew to help save him but her father was too far gone.  He died shortly after the diagnosis.
Her mother never fully recovered.
“Listen I’ve got to go. I’ll see you in less than twenty minutes. Who knew someday you’d be my sister.”
Katniss shook her head, “I guess somethings are meant to be Gale.”
She closed the door and from her vantage point she watched him flirt with Mrs. Andrews. She was glad they were not a match, she and Gale were too alike. They were more like siblings then lovers.
Her mind swirled with images from the past. The constant hunger, the near death, the death of her father, and the loss of the care of her mother.
It became very clear no one cared about dying children, or the sick people of The Seam. The Capitol was more concerned with its own plans. They tightened security around the wall that was erected after the great rebellion was neutralized. The wall cut through the land separating the privileged and the poor.  The vendors lived in the Merchant Quarters and the workers and the poor lived in the ghettos.
In District 12 they called it the Seam. In District 2 Darius a Peacekeeper said the ghetto was known as the Dungeon.
Hearing her sisters words brought Katniss out of her thoughts. She turned around to see Prim dressed in white. “You look beautiful.”
“Never as pretty as you.”
“Oh here, Vick sent this to you.”
Prim blushed as she reached for the box. She opened it and gasped. “Bread! real bread for toasting!”
“Bread?” Katniss wondered where Vick had gotten it. There wasn’t a bakery in the Seam, it wasn’t allowed. But once a month. The Baker sold his goods outside of the gate door, but most of the time the bread was stale. Gale would trade with him, when they got a good haul. The last time she’d tasted fresh bread was when that boy had given her bread./
“It’s still warm Katniss,” Prim touched he bread reverently.
“Can I smell it, “ Katniss asked recalling smelling the scent of freshly baked bread. The smell of fresh crust and flaky interior had never left her.  
“Sure, do you remember the last time we had fresh bread Katniss. It was a miracle. We were so hungry.”
Katniss recalled how empty their stomachs were on that hollow day.
Her last resort was to sneak into the Merchant side and rummage in trash cans for food. She found nothing and as she was giving up, a boy appeared by the window. He nodded at her then a few moments later a commotion  from within the walls of the house.
She remembered hearing the painful cry of a child, before the door of the back yard opened. It had been the blond boy who’d seen her through the window. He had a welt on his face and his big blue eyes held unshed tears. But his chin didn’t tremble as he ran out and gave her two loaves of burnt bread.
Katniss had never been able to forget that boy. She’d never seen him again. However, no matter what the Capitol did to divide them,  in her heart she could never forget that boy.
That single act of kindness gave her the strength to carry on. To remember her father’s generosity, his dexterity, and his abilities to hunt. Katniss looked down at her wrist, the glaring zeros poised to begin at any moment.
“It was a miracle, Prim. And today we have another one. Vick and the rest of the Hawthorne’s will be here at any moment.  Why don’t you go get mother?”
“Don’t worry, Katniss, someday you’ll find your soulmate.”
Katniss hid her grimace. “Don’t worry about me little duck, today you’re going to sign the official paperwork, precisely at 1:00 in the afternoon and we’ll have a toasting afterwards.”
“I know! I’m so happy!” Her sister couldn’t contain her joy. She was as bright and as delicate as the yellow flowers she was named after.
“Katniss don’t forget your pass.”
“Don't’ worry. I will not forget.” Katniss put on the long sleeve jacket that went with the dress. Katniss was shorter than her mother so the sleeves reached the tip of her fingers, she didn’t mind, she was always cold. She was glad it had pockets.
Prim turned to their mother, “Isn’t it a great day for a wedding mom?”
Their mom slowly nodded. “Yes dear.”
It really was a breathtaking day, there wasn’t a rain cloud in the sky. It was warm, with a pleasant breeze. It was a the perfect day for a wedding.
“It’s really happening,” Prim squealed when she saw Vick arriving.  
Tears gathered in her eyes, as she watched her sister take in Vick in his suit. He was handsome, as handsome as the rest of the Hawthornes. He was tall like his brother Gale, but his eyes were kinder. His smile softer, and unlike Gale who sported a beard and mustache, Vick always had a five o’clock shadow.
“You look amazing,” Vick softly said taking Primrose’s hands in his. 
“Thank you for the bread.” She offered.
“Every bride should have fresh bread on her wedding day.”
“Okay, everyone time to get moving,” Hazelle, Gale’s mom interrupted the tender moment between Prim and Vick.
“Yeah some of us are hungry,” Rory shouted.
“When aren’t you hungry?” Gale muttered.
Katniss chuckled. She wondered how long Gale and Rory would go before one tried to hurt the other.
As they made their way through the Seam, many stepped outside to softly hum the bride’s song.
This was a special time in a young person’s life when the future seemed limitless.
Katniss was the curmudgeon trailing in the back with the full knowledge that life was filled with more hurt than good.
As they approached the wall, the streets became busier since it was the day the merchants sold their wares to the inhabitants of the Seam.  Everywhere Katniss looked there were men, and she was filled with dread and panic as she saw two young people looking at their trackers as they time slowly ticked down.
The tracker would automatically start when she was near her mate. She took deep even breaths as she followed the wedding party.
When they arrived at the wall,  the sun in the sky indicated it was noon. Katniss heard Rue’s song being of the giant clock-tower as it struck twelve. She’d never seen it but she heard it all of her life.  On a cold winter’s day the bell could be hear in the Seam, it chimed on the hour.
They stood long in the long line waiting patiently to go up into the small wall border crossing outpost. They moved slowly until they reached where the gate was between the Merchant and the Seam. Katniss kept didn’t really look around but the smell of bread caught her attention.   
The baker was at the wall, with a tall man with curly blond hair. They looked alike, Katniss assumed he was the baker’s son. He reminded her of the young boy who had given her the bread.  When he looked in her direction, Katniss swiftly looked the other way.
“Peeta, please give the lady her bread,” his father admonished.
Katniss glanced at him once more when his attention was turned to the woman in front of him. He was broad shouldered, his arms were muscular, and his hands were large but they were careful enough to gently hand the woman her bread. His actions caused her to smile.
“Next,” the Peacekeeper called out.
“Come on Katniss,” Posey, Gale’s baby sister called.
Katniss joined the group as they were allowed in the building. Prim was ahead of them with Vick.  
Her sister  had her hand linked with Vick, as they spoke with the Peacekeeper. “State the nature of your visit.”
“We are getting married,” Vick’s deep voice boomed. “Our trackers were removed yesterday by the Seam Magistrate.”
The Peacekeeper checked their passes. “Congratulations on your nuptials, may the odds be  in your favor.”
“Thank you,” Prim gushed.
One by one they went through the checkpoints. They were all in a festive mood as they entered past the checkpoints and headed toward the Justice Building. Katniss paused at the looming clocktower, it’s shadow cast the town square in darkness.  When they arrived they discovered their appointment was set back a hour.
The small party waited in the lobby of the building waiting to be called to sign the paperwork.  They had all of the time in the world.
“Only fifteen more minutes before we’re married,” Vick said quietly for Prim to hear, but Katniss overheard it.
Her sister gazed up at Vick and her pale blue eyes shined with happiness. Katniss swallowed as she recalled the harshness she had to experience. Their mother Lillian stood just feet away, a pale shadow of the woman she’d been.  
Katniss shuddered the at the prospect of becoming someone like her mother. It was why she’d  decided to not interact with men. She didn’t want to find her soul mate. Her mother Lillian, had slowly come back from her depression,but there were days she returned  to the rocking chair.
In the beginning, her mother spent months in her rocking chair simply existing, without words, vacantly staring out into the void. Katniss barely got her to eat or bathe. At age eleven, Katniss had become an adult, taking on the responsibilities that were beyond her years. She tried, but with the illness no one opened their doors to orphaned children.
“Everdeen and Hawthorne,” a young woman called out with a clipboard.
“Yes?” Prim stood up.
“Thank you for your patience. As a reward, you’ve been selected to have a wedding ceremony by the Head Magistrate.”
Only a few received this honor. It was fitting that it should be Prim and Vick. “Thank you,” Prim whispered.
“This way, please.”
Everyone followed the woman into the Head Magistrate’s office.
The head magistrate was a woman with mile high pink hair and an outfit that had white doves all over it.
“Welcome, welcome.” The woman stood and she had the strangest shoes Katniss had ever seen. “I am Head Magistrate Effie Trinket.”
“A pleasure ma’am,” Vick nodded.
“Oh my, you are a tall one,” Effie said as she looked up at Vick. Her eyes scanned all four Hawthorne men. “You certain are a handsome lot.”
Gale grinned, and Katniss rolled her eyes.
“Are we ready for the ceremony?”
Prim eagerly nodded.
“Good you stand here my dear,” Effie instructed Prim and then turned her attention to Vick, “ and your beloved over here.”
All the attention was on Primrose and Vick as they solemnly stood before their families and the Head Magistrate.
“Dearly beloved we’ve come together to witness  this woman, Primrose Everdeen join this man, Vick Hawthorne, in the sacred bond of marriage.” Addressing the groom and bride, she asked, “Are you ready to take the vows to uphold the laws of marriage as decreed in the statues of Panem?”
“We do,” Prim and Vic said united.
“Do you promise to keep the other in health and in sickness. To stand by the other in good times and harsh times?”
Katniss watched Gale’s parents exchange loving looks. Her mother turned pale. Katniss lowered her head and glanced down at her shoes, tucking her hands in her jacket’s pocket.
“We do,” Prim and Vick replied.
“The by the power vested in me, by our beloved President, Corilanius Snow, and the Country of Panem, I now pronounce you, husband and wife.” Effie Trinket joyfully exclaimed, “You may kiss the bride.!
Katniss looked away as Prim and Vick kissed.
“Now if you could please sign the certificate.”
Katniss watched as her sister wrote Primrose Everdeen for the last time. It was a bittersweet moment. She was losing her sister to someone else. Albeit it was to Vick, and he was moving in with them, but things were changing.
Maybe she should start thinking of it as gaining a brother, instead of losing his baby sister.
“Who are the two witnesses?” Effie Trinket asked.
Katniss stepped forward with Gale.
Gale signed first and handed the pen to her. Katniss took the pen, and pushed down her sleeves. Smiling she glanced up at her friends and family as she poised to sign her name. But everyone looked shocked and ashen. Katniss frowned.
Her first instinct was to search for Prim to make sure she was alright. Prim’s eyes were wide, her face pale.  Her sister had clamped her hand over her mouth and was pointing to her arm. Katniss glanced down at herself, that’s when she noticed the timer on the tracker had begun it’s count down.
Everything in the room became still as it suddenly dawned on Katniss, her race had begun.
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