#my dad walked in right before the end and started laughing at me for crying as hard as i am
aestheticaltcow · 3 days
No Phone Policy 6.0
The final part of No Phone Policy: I had a lot of different ending ideas for this, but low-key. The seasonal depression is hitting pretty hard, so we get an okay ending instead of a fire ending. There may be an epilogue, but don't quote me on that.
The Bear Masterlist
Previous Part
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“What’s goin’ on, Y/N? You’re scaring me…” Mars begged as she kneeled beside you, brushing your unkempt hair out of your face. After what had happened with Carmy, you’d come to her downtown apartment. You didn’t answer her question. You closed your eyes and tried to take a breath, only for it to get caught in your throat.
Mars sighed and let you be in her guest room. 
Your Dad, on the other hand, had none of this. When Mars had updated him on what was happening, he was mentally preparing to go to prison for the rest of his life. He was going to kill Carmen Berzatto and happily admit to doing it. No one hurt one of his little girls and got away with it. 
He pulled up to you and Carmy’s house early that afternoon. He parked next to Carmy’s car and calmly approached the door. He remembered where the two of you hid your spare key and let himself in. 
“Carmen,” he called as he began walking upstairs, clenching and unclenching his fists as he vaguely remembered the layout of your home. He saw an open door and confidently walked in to see Carmy holding his granddaughter. Her eyes were wide as she furious sucked on a tie-dye pacifier, “Oh hey Marty. Y/N isn’t here..” Carmy trailed off awkwardly, unsure of how much you’d told your dad. 
“That’s Mr. Y/L/N to you, Carmen. Now, give me my granddaughter and start explaining what you did to my buggy,” he said authoritatively. Carmy sighed and handed Wolf off to him.
“Hi, gorgeous girl. You look just like your mommy- why is your mommy not here? Did your daddy do something stupid?” 
Carmy swallowed as he stood before Marty awkwardly, “We’ve been fighting… she has some fuckin’ postpartum thing. I don’t know- I wanted things to go back to the way they were, and I guess I pushed her too far. I didn’t hurt her- at least this time… she was ignoring me, and I grabbed her wrists, but this time, she fell down the stairs and ran off. She isn’t answering my calls, so I don’t know where she is.” 
Marty didn’t believe him for a dam second. “Be so happy I’m holding my granddaughter right now, or I’d beat the crap out of you, Carmen.”
Carmy nodded, knowing it was true, “Look, Mar- Mr. Y/L/N, I love Y/N more than I could ever. I’ve been killin’ myself over missing Wolf’s birth since she came out. I fuckin’ failed as a father and as a husband. I- I don’t deserve your daughter; I never have, and I never will. I just wanna talk to her. If she wants to leave, I’ll sign whatever- I just wanna see my daughter.” Carmy swallowed softly, suppressing the urge to cry.
Carmy dug through his closet that morning as Natalie sat on his bed, holding Wolf on her lap. “So, how do you want today to go?” she asked, wiping Wolf’s mouth with a tissue. Carmy huffed and pulled out a blue button-up shirt from the back of his closet. He was unsure if it would fit, but it was the ‘most court-appropriate,’ as Pete would say. 
“I dunno. Guess what were doin’ now?” he chuckled as he threw the shirt to the bottom of the closet still on the hanger. “Fuck it- I haven’t seen my wife in fuckin’ weeks. I’m fuckn’ tired of this shit. I want her to come home. I don’t wanna get divorced and fuckin’ share custody. I want her here, with Wolf, with me- as a fuckin’ family.” he scoffed as he moved to sit next to Natalie. “It took a year and a half to even get pregnant, and then I went and fucked everything up.” 
Natalie put her free hand on his shoulder and smiled sympathetically, “I can’t imagine what you’re goin’ through right now, Carmen, but I think if you stand there and speak from the heart, everything will work out.” 
Carmy shrugged and took Wolf from her lap. She laughed at the feeling of Carmy’s hands wrapping around her waist. He couldn’t help but smile at the sound, “You’re gonna have so much fun with Auntie Sugar… be a good girl, okay?” 
Carmy’s question was met with happy gurgling and a gummy smile. He smiled and kissed her before handing her back to Natalie, “Well, which me luck.” Carmy grinned as he excused himself.
When you entered the courtroom, Carmy felt his heart skip a beat. He didn’t realize how long it had been since he’d last seen you. You’d changed your hairstyle from what it had been to a shoulder-length bob; you also dyed it darker. Carmy swallowed when you took your jacket off. He hadn’t seen you in person for weeks, and as much as he tried, he could tear his eyes away from your chest. 
The judge called the hearing to start and began asking questions concerning the nature of the divorce. The words went through Carmy’s head, but he didn’t hear them. He was preoccupied with you. He noticed how you picked at your cuticles and kept crossing and uncrossing your legs and the glossy look in your eyes. You were on the verge of tears throughout the hearing, this was the last thing you’d wanted to do. Having your marriage dissolve. 
“Mrs. Berzatto, do you agree to the laid out terms?” you were brought back to reality when the judge had asked you the question. You looked at your lawyer who urged you to answer, you swallowed and finally looked at Carmy. When your eyes met his, everything flooded back. Meeting him at some bar all those years ago, your first date when he spilled both his and your wine glasses on you. His horribly awkward apologizes led him to info dump of how to get red wine stains out of cotton which led to the deeper conversation of how he’d been collecting denim with his brother since he was a teenager. Memories of laughing together, him attempting to help you with your homework, cooking dinner together at 3 in the morning, and just loving and being loved by him flood your mind. Being with Carmy was like being in a rom-com from the early 2000s.
“Y/N?” your lawyer asked, snapping you out of your thoughts. You took a deep breath and tried to say something, but no words could come out. “I-uh.” You stammered, “I’m sorry.” You managed to get out before quickly walking out of the courtroom, ignoring your lawyer's call after you. 
Carmy watched you hurry out of the room and then turned his attention to the judge. “May I?” he asked, gesturing to the door. “Be my guest, Mr. Berzatto.” The judge exasperated. Carmy nodded and quickly walked out of the courtroom to find you.
You were sitting on a bench just outside the courthouse with your face in your hands. He shoved his hands into his pockets and slowly walked to the bench. As he sat next to you, he heard you sigh. “Hi, Carm,” you said softly. 
“How’s you know it was me?” he asked playfully. He heard you scoff and watched you push your hands through your hair. 
“You always smell like smoke, spearmint, and old spice,” you answered, looking up at him. He chuckled, and you watched him adjust into a more comfortable position.
“You look good. How have you been?” Carmy asked as he turned to face you. You bit the inside of your cheek nervously. “Biting the inside of your cheek… am I making you nervous?” he teased. You rolled your eyes and sighed.
“Really shitty… I’ve been absolutely dreading this day all week.” you laughed as you finally looked up at him. “Who schedules a divorce hearing on a Friday afternoon? Sorta a weekend killer, isn’t it?” 
Carmy laughed at the sentiment, “A bit. For what it counts… I’m sorry for everything I’ve done.”
“Don’t apologize. I’ve been thinking a lot and…” you took another breath as you pushed a loose lock of hair behind your ear. I don’t know what I want to do.” 
Carmy’s eyebrows knit together as he shot you a confused look, “Do for what?” 
“Obviously, I don’t know what I want for dinner.” You sarcastically joked, “I don’t know if I want to get divorced.”
“What brought that on?” Carmy asked shifting in his seat moving closer to you. You copied the movement and thought for a moment before explaining. 
“Wolf, in all honesty. I look at her and I see you.” you laughed, “I don’t know if you know but Natalie sends me at least three pictures of the two of you together everyday.” Carmy chuckled at that, he hadn’t asked Natalie to do that but he appreciated it in the moment. “I don’t want her to have divorced parents and I-” you paused for a second “I don’t want to get divorced.” 
“You don’t want to get divorced?” Carmy repeated, making sure he’d heard you correctly.
“I don’t want to get divorced.” You said again. The comment left Carmy dumbfounded, “I’ve been thinking a lot, and I guess I realized you are sorry for all the shit you did. I said some really mean shit to you, and while it was somewhat deserved, I’ve been reflecting a lot, and- I don’t wanna get divorced. Do you?”
Carmy laughed at the obscurity of the question: “You initiated this baby. When I asked you to marry me, I meant it till death.” You sniffled at Carmy’s words and reached out for him. Carmy grinned and moved to hug you. Having you in his arms felt foreign, not in a bad way, but in an unfamiliar way. 
It wasn’t an overnight ‘get back together’. It took work, and the two of you were ready to do it.
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classyrbf · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS...how the jjk men(toji, gojo, geto, nanami, choso) act when you’re 9 months pregnant and ready to pop
INFO...jjk men x fem!reader, fluff, comfort, reader is pregnant (obvi), mention of mood swings, cravings, emotional reader, jjk men being great dads
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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toji has already dealt with this kind of thing before when it came to megumi, but it’s been so long that he’s almost forgotten what it was like. You’re waddling around the house, a stank look on your face as you stare at him. “Yes?” He questions, eyebrows raised. “I want food,” you simply answer. “Okay, what do you want?” He asks. And when you tell him you’re not sure, he lets out a long sigh because he knows this is gonna end in you getting emotional. You’ll complain your back hurts, your feet hurt, and then you’ll end up cursing him out for putting a baby in you. So all he does is walks over to you, and hugs you because he’d rather do that than get into a stupid argument about food. “Toji!” You cry into his arms. “I’m just so hungry and I don’t know what to eat!” You sniffle. To help with your problem, he starts listing off every fast food restaurant and food he could think of in hopes you’d find one appealing enough. “Chinese food?” He shrugs. You gasp with excitement. “Ugh, yes! Me and the baby could go for some orange chicken!” You smile. Toji just chuckles, “making the call right now, sweetheart.” He watches as you waddle over to the couch, smiling like a kid in a candy store.
ever since he found out you were pregnant, he was at the stores buying whatever supplies he saw, doesn’t matter if you needed it or not. And till this day, when you’re about a few weeks from popping, he’s still buying the baby things. “What do you think of this, eh?” He smirks, holding up a onesie that says “my dad is the best”. “You’re gonna spoil her rotten, is what I think,” you groan as you reach into the bag to see what else he bought for your daughter. “More toys?” You hold up a fake set of plastic keys. Gojo snatched them from you. “I’ll have you know that she will be learning life skills at a very young age, thank you very much,” he scoffed. All you did was laugh, shaking your head at him in disbelief. Your daughter’s room was filled to the brim with clothes, toys, blankets, you were starting to wonder if you had any more room. “I can already tell she’s going to be a daddy’s girl,” you said with a sigh, rubbing your belly. “Yes she is,” Gojo leaned in towards your very plump belly, “isn’t that right?” He placed a kiss on your stomach.
nanami is the type that doesn’t let you do a damn thing by yourself. You’re reach for something to high on the shelf, he’s sprinting towards you, ready to be at your service. “Be careful,” he says, rubbing your back. “Kento, I got it,” you chuckle. His eyes are always on you, watching your every move. Especially when you’re in public, he hates when people get too close to you. He knows others don’t watch their surroundings and could easily bump into you. “Ken!” You shout from the bedroom. “Yes?” He peeks his head around the corner. “Can you help me get my shoes on, I can’t even reach,” you pout. Within seconds he’s on his knees, slipping on your sandals, and tying them around your ankle. He will even go as far as to paint your toes if you forgot because he knows how much you hate not having them done. Like I said, he won’t let you do a thing by yourself. “Thank you, Ken,” you kiss his lips.
geto literally pampers you. I’m not saying he acts like nanami, but I’m saying that he makes your pregnancy as comfortable as possible. “Sugu, baby, can you rub my feet? They’re swollen.” You frown. “Of course.” He grabs the lotion and casually massages your feet while you’re both watching a movie, and literally over the course of your pregnancy he’s become the best masseuse ever. He’ll also randomly creep up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist before lifting your belly, feeling the weight off of your back. “Feel better, mama?” He kisses your cheek. “So much better.” You nod, closing your eyes as you embrace the moment. You’ve even found it hard to shower while being pregnant and geto takes it upon himself to help you, albeit jumping in the shower with you or sitting on the edge of the tub while you’re in the bath. “Is the water too hot?” He rubs the soapy water over your shoulders. “It’s perfect.”
I’m sorry but choso is clueless. Not in a bad way, but in like a panicky way. You’re an emotional wreck through your pregnancy, moods swings like crazy. “Can you just get out please?!” You’re annoyed with him, bothered about the littlest thing ever and then in the next two minutes you’re walking out the room just crying and apologizing to him, kissing his cheek. He has no idea what the hell is going on, and you’d think he’d learn after nine months, but no. All he can is just sit there and comfort you. “It’s fine,” he assures. He gets your favorite food that you’ve been craving for the past two weeks, eating it non stop and then within a split second you’re gagging, pushing the food away. “Oh my gosh, Choso! Please throw it away, it tastes so bad.” You gag again. “But…I…you were just eating this yesterday…?” He’s says, confused before throwing the bowl of food in the garbage. Quite literally doesn’t understand anything, just confused to all hell, but he’s trying his best.
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evie-sturns · 5 months
toddler - Matt Sturniolo
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summary: having 2 toddlers isn't the easiest, espically when you're currently pissed at your husband matt after an argument. one night you get pushed to the point of a breakdown when the kids won't behave and matt's there to help you.
contains: dad!matt, fluff, slightly suggestive , crying, slight mental breakdown, comforting, angst?
a/n: this was loosely based off of how daddy matt was in today's vid.
matt and i had an argument last night leaving me in tears, he’s been in his bedroom this whole day leaving me to deal with our two twins which are both 3 and a half.
i attempt to cook up something that somewhat resembles a dinner for our girls but the only thing occupying my mind is the events of what happened last night.
“why is this house always so fucking messy!” matt’s voice booms throughout the living room as he abruptly stands up
“shit, i don’t know maybe because you got me pregnant at 18 and i’m the only one who does anything for the kids our this house!” i raise my voice back at him
matt lets out a shocked laugh “sorry that some people have fucking jobs and don’t lay on their ass with the kids all day and call it tiring?”
“lay on my ass? i clean, i cook, i take the girls to daycare and i bring them home, i do everything”
“if everything includes not having a fucking job and using up my money that i earn then sure, you do a whole lot” matt says with a slight attitude.
“all you fucking do is act like you have it hard when you don’t! get a fucking grip” he yells
the whole room goes silent, i erupt into tears and walk out of the room to our spare bedroom
“and always fucking crying.” i hear him scoff, only making my state worse.
my thoughts are cut off by a wail coming from behind me, my head spins back to see millie with a fistful of claire’s hair, yanking.
i instantly drop the wooden spoon into the pot before speed walking towards the twins
“stop it!” i yell, grabbing millie from under her arms and staring into her eyes angrily “go find daddy, not acceptable millie.” i raise my voice, placing her down.
she folds her arms with a huff, stomping her little legs down the corridor to matt and i’s shared room.
“you’re okay claire” i coo, fixing her pigtail which sits on the very top of her head
i pick her up and place her down on the couch with one of her stuffed animals before making my way back towards the kitchen.
i turn down the heat on the stovetop slightly with an exhausted sigh
suddenly i hear small giggles coming from behind me followed by the backs of my knees being pushed
“fuck!” i yell, stumbling over and grabbing the handle to the pot, spilling boiling spaghetti onto the floor, also splashing up onto my sweater.
millie goes silent before sprinting in the other direction with claire
as of things couldn’t get any worse right now i hear matt’s voice start something
“what are you actually fucking doin-“ he cuts himself off when he sees the state i’m in
i burst into sobs, matt looks down at me with concern painted across his face
“hey- shh sh you’re okay, you’re okay.” he says frantically, walking over to me and kneeling on the floor
“matt i can’t do this the kids aren’t behaving and i can’t fucking make them something they’ll like-“ i start, saying in between shaking breaths
he carefully picks me up from under my arms before switching his grip to the back of my thighs, i bury my face into his shoulders and feel matt take in panicked breaths
he speed walks us down into our bedroom at the end of the corridor, “are you hurt sweetheart?” he says, placing me down on the bed and peeling my sweatshirt off of me
“did the hot water soak through? shit.” matt says trying to stay calm.
“no-“ i sniff, rubbing my eyes. matt yanks his sweatshirt off his body and lays it across me like a blanket.
“stay right here okay? i’m gonna sort the kids out then put them to bed, then i’ll come back to talk, try get some sleep for me gorgeous.”
matt presses a kiss to my nose before rushing out of the room, leaving the door open behind him.
i have a clear view of kitchen from where i’m laying so i see matt walk into the kitchen before kneeling down
“c’mere.” he demands, sticking out his arms. millie and claire toddle over to him with a guilty expression across their face.
“tell me what’s happened.” matt says sternly, maintaining eye contact with both of them.
millie bursts into tears almost immediately as she looks at matt
matt runs his hand up and down her arm as he waits for a response
“we- we pushed mommy and she fell and spilt hot water on her and hurt her” she sniffs
“a-and.. and you’re mad at me” she continues.
“do i look mad sweetheart?” matt says softly, claire shrugs along with millie
“i’m really really sad that you weren’t behaving for mommy, and i know you know better than that right?” matt speaks
millie nods, wiping her nose with the backs of her hand
“and now i’m gonna ask you to go clean up the spill with claire and then we’re gonna go say sorry to mom okay?” he says gently, pressing two kisses to the girls forehead
they nod in unison before going into the kitchen, matt hands them the paper towels and they instantly drop down to there knees and attempt to clean the mess.
matt watches while biting his nails “why do you think you made mommy cry though?” he says, claire looks up at him with a heaped pile of paper towels in her hands
“because we were naughty.” claire sighs, matt nods while gathering the piles of drenched paper towels and throwing them away.
“what i’m ‘gonna ask you to do is sit down at the kitchen table and think about how you will say sorry to mommy tomorrow while i make you dinner okay girls?”
claire and millie run over to the dining table, more than hungry and tired now.
matt sorts through the pantry before settling on mac and cheese which i wasn’t even sure we had.
after a good 10 minutes matt brings over the two small bowls to the twins, who have been silent ever since they sat down.
“you have to eat all of this okay?” matt says while placing the bowls down. claire and millie nod
matt finishes up the last dishes in the sink before walking over to the girls “you alright?” he asks softy before picking both of them up, one in each arm.
matt walks down the corridor, flashing me a quick smile as both the girls bury their head in his shoulders.
“they’re very tired” he mouths to me with a small laugh while walking into their shared bedroom.
i hear the door shut followed by matt walking into our bedroom. “you feeing better gorgeous?” he asks calmly as he flops down in bed beside me.
“thank you for doing that.” i sigh, rubbing my eyes with my palms.
“don’t thank me? i’m their dad and i realise that after yesterday’s.. argument that you’re right and i do need to start caring more.” matt looks over at me.
“you don’t have to just say that” i whisper
“i’m not just saying that, i actually mean it.” matt responds with an unreadable expression
“the shit you said last night..” i start, my voice wobbling “i’m gonna find it hard to forget, because i know that in that moment you meant it.”
matt goes silent,
“and i know that you’re busy but i try, so hard to make you and the girls happy, meaning that i don’t have free time to work because everything i do is for you?” i keep going, several tears now rolling down my cheeks
“so you saying that you should help our more around the house and pretending like everything’s perfect between us isn’t gonna fix shit.”
i physically can’t keep speaking unless i want to start sobbing so i stop, taking in a shaky breath.
matt doesn’t say anything back, instead sitting up and grabbing me and pulling me into a deathly tight hug.
the few tears that fell dampen the shoulder of his shirt as he rubs my back.
“i don’t even know how to apologise.” matt says, his voice trembling.
“please- don’t cry.” he whispers, “i’m just really tired” i squeeze out
“i know i’ve been a shit.. person for the past year or so and trust me, you and the girls are on my mind every single minute of every day and- and there’s no excuse for what i said yesterday except for the fact i wasn’t thinking straight.”
matt rambles
“i shouldn’t have yelled, or said anything. i know, i know you have it way harder than me, and i’m not just saying that it’s true.”
“you don’t have to forgive me at all today, tomorrow or in general for this but i love you and i’m so sorry.”
matt finishes by pulling away to look at my face, which he cups in both his hands.
“thank you.” is the only thing i reply with, somewhat shocked by that 2 minute long tangent.
matt lays back down on the matress, pulling me towards him. i lay my head down on his chest with a deep breath in, instantly falling asleep
9:56am the next day
the morning sun burns into the side of my face as i roll over in bed,
my eyebrows knit together when i realise matt’s not next to me like normal.
i sit up in bed, wiping my eyes as i attempt to run my fingers through my tangled hair.
i stumble out of bed towards the door of our bedroom, gripping the handle lazily and swinging it open.
the whole house is perfectly clean “what the fuck..” i mumble to myself as i walk into the living room where my eyes lay on my favourite sight
my 3 favourite people, matt claire and millie are sat on the sofa, matt’s in the middle and the girls are cuddled up to his side while matt holds open a picture book which he stops reading when i walk in.
“good morning pretty” matt smiles stupidly, i grow a small smile on my face.
“i think that someone has something to say to mom?” matt says, looking down at each of the girls.
they run up to me and wrap their arms around each of my legs “were really sorry” claire says, i bend down to their height and give them a smile
millie follows up with a “and i’m sorry for hurting you a- and i love you a lot!” she says with a cute smile.
“it’s okay sweetheart, i love you.” i grin, wrapping my arms around them before standing back up.
“and i’m gonna make it up to you tonight” matt says quietly while walking over to me
“matthew bernard! you horny mother fucker” i whisper.
@luanetaluenta @sturnsssbow @mattfangirl @luvr4miya @luvtay111 @lolasturniolo @freshloveforthefit @ruedowney @lovingchrissposts @333michelle @h3arts4harry @sonicmacks @jamiesturniolo @chrisstopherfilmed @itzdarling @sturniolo-simp4life @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @recklessmatt @ev3rgreenxtrees @lovergirl4387 @certifiednatelover @solarsturniolo @mattsenthusiast @yomamaslays4lyfe @peachmels @alinaa131 @pepsiluvr0209
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socialkid · 1 year
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“Katsuki!” you hiss at her husband, opening the dark pantry to find your 3 year old son bawling his eyes out as you pick him up. “Whattttt?” Bakugou shrugged trying desperately to hide his snickering.
“Why didn’t you look for him!” You said rocking your three year old son in your arms, the mirrored version of your husband. He had tears in red ruby eyes that reminded you of the years back in elementary school when Katsuki himself would wine and fuss. They looked the exact same. You’d seen both of them in their young ages and they looked no different, like twins of different times even.
“You know he hates the dark!” Bakugou finally let go of his laugh but cut short after a glimpse of you shooting daggers at him. Katsuki, your husband had been playing hide & seek with his three year old son, Kyouji who was bored. He’d been pestering his dad all afternoon who was trying to watch his recorded episodes that he’d missed while working at the agency overtime.
“Fine I’ll play hide & seek with you for five minutes! That’s it ya hear me?” Bakugou said looking down at his son who was looking up from his leg, at the tower of a man his father was. Little Kyouji nodded excitedly. Unfortunately for your husband, Kyouji, unlike most kids in the world; preferred to be the seeker instead of the hider.
Katsuki groaned as his son struggled to find him for three minutes. His son was actually struggling to find this 6’2 man! Katsuki got smart and decided to fake a yawn loud enough for his son to find him. “Gotchu!” His son giggled.
“Yup you did. We done now?” He asked. Little Kyouji shook his head. Katsuki groaned even louder. “I hide, you seek.” Your son said before taking off, he was a man of little words.
Katsuki plopped down on the sofa, defeated. He began counting to twenty “1…2…3…” mid way to 17 he heard the kitchen pantry door close. He knew where his son was, but of course he knew he would have to play dumb for about two minutes before he could actually find him.
Katsuki got off the soda before being hit with a thought. If he found his son. He’d only want to play more, and Katsuki couldn’t take it anymore. He loved his son but he needed relaxation time. But he knew he had to keep playing with his son to keep him happy, especially since you were busy in a meeting in your office and you would go off on Katsuki if your son began throwing a tantrum.
“Ready or not, here I come!” Bakugou said. He moved around the house and pretended to look in places his son “might be hiding”. Right after a quick lap, and hearing the giggles of his son in the pantry, he plopped right back down on the sofa.
He wan’t going to leave his son in the dark for too long, just enough to get through his episode. Or that’s what he thought. Bakugou had made it half way through the next episode before realizing he forgot to look for his son.
Bakugou got up quickly to rush over to the pantry where he heard quiet sobs. Unfortunately he wasn’t fast enough. You had just got off your meeting and happened to hear your son crying. And that’s how Katsuki ended up in this predicament.
“What?! I had to get the brat off my back somehow!” Bakugou said. “That’s enough from you.” You glared at him as he gritted his teeth.
“What should daddy get as punishment? Think he should get a time out?” You asked your son as he nodded, wiping away his tears. “Oh no, your not gonna make me-” Bakugou started before quickly shutting up once he saw your face of death.
He sighed and got up quickly, moving over to the small chair in the corner facing the wall. The time out corner, you called it.
“You’ll be there for 15 minutes.” You said as Katsuki sighed. You put down your son, “Now how about I get you a snack?” You asked him as he nodded. “Tank you.” He said. You walked away to the kitchen, missing the evil tongue your son stuck out at his daddy.
“Oh I’ll get you for this.” Bakugou whispered to his son across the room, half joking, half serious.
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byunpum · 10 months
Mama's Boy| part 2
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Pair: Jake x neytiri x human reader (trio couple) x sully children's
Warning: kinda sad, crybaby lo'ak, Sweet family moment.
Note: Since the last post about this oneshot was so well received, I wanted to make another part. A little more sad, but with a good ending. More about lo'ak's relationship with his human mom and Y/N's relationship with neytiri and jake. If you want there could be a part 3, but that's up to you.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6(final)
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"Payakan how I wish you knew my mother" speaks lo'ak to his friend. The boy had escaped for a while from the metkayina clan. His new home. He went to spend some time with his friend tulkun, he needed to distract himself. He had been feeling so sad the last week, his birthday was coming up and the most important person in his life was not with him. "She would love you so much…she is beautiful and kind and…she is everything" says lo'ak lying on the creature's back. As he looks up at the stars, pointing to one. " my mom also come from that star, just like my dad…but compared to my dad, she is a human" lo'ak looks at tulkun, who made a noise of curiosity. Payakan asked himself the same question everyone asked when lo'ak said his mama was a human.
"Mama says that eywa blessed her with me…that I am a miracle. That I am her miracle." Lo'ak continues to stare at the star, as his eyes begin to glaze over with homesickness. "That's why I have my hands like this…as well as my feet. And my facial features are a little different…I look like my mom" Lo'ak laughs a little, trying to control the tears that were starting to come out. Payakan asks him if he misses her, making lo'ak keep a long silence. "Of course I do… she's the only person who understands me" lo'ak turns and hugs payakan. Payakan can feel lo'ak's tears fall on his skin. It breaks his heart, feeling his friend this sad. "I wish mama was here," lo'ak says, whimpering even more.
You had to leave your family, when Jake had to leave the clan. Jake thought it best for you to stay with norm, until he could find a safe place. Where you could be with the family. The omaticaya clan accepted you because you had grown up there, but in other clans humans were not welcome. So Jake would eventually try to get them to accept you, this was temporary. But it was still painful for the whole family. Neytiri's tears were running down her cheeks, and she didn't want to let go of your hand, as she walked up to the ikran with tuk. The little tuk was crying, as she asked you to join them. "My darling…mommy will be with you soon" you comfort the little one, neytiri did not let go of your hand. "Promise me you'll be okay" says neytiri, watching you nod your head. You were doing everything you could to control yourself. You didn't want them to see you destroyed, especially since lo'ak was watching you. The other children in the family were sad, and wiping their tears. But lo'ak was serious, looking straight ahead. He was upset with you, he thought you might go and it was you who didn't want to go with them.
You walk towards jake, he kneels down and gives you a soft kiss on the lips (the reader is wearing the oxygen mask I explained in this post "click here") "I'll come for you…I promise" says jake, hugging you as tight as he can. "Please tell him how much I love him…yes?" you pull away from him a little, to look at lo'ak. Your boy doesn't even want to say goodbye to you. "I will…don't worry he will understand" jake says goodbye for the last time and gets on his ikran. Everyone leaves, lo'ak takes one last look at you, watching your figure grow smaller the further away they go. And there right there his eyes begin to fill with tears. ++ +++ It was only 1 day before his birthday, and lo'ak couldn't feel more sad. Usually you two had a habit. Normally you were always with everyone in the family, you were always with your other children. But lo'ak's birthday was special, just for the two of you. You used to walk through the jungle, make jewelry for him. It was your time together, and now he was sitting on the sand. Watching the waves crash, while trying to arrange various pieces of snail shell. He had spent the whole day, searching for the materials he needed, getting away from everyone.
Tsireya together with rotxo and ao'nung went to ask what was wrong, well tsireya wanted to know. Lo'ak had been distant from the group of friends. "Hey…you" shouts ao'nung getting lo'ak's attention as the group of friends approached him. "H-hello" speaks lo'ak glancing at them quickly, but turning his full attention back to his work. "What are you doing?" asks tsireya, kneeling down to be closer to see what lo'ak is doing. "I'm collecting material to make some bracelets with my mom, for when she gets here," says lo'ak. This gets the boys' attention, looking at each other curiously. "When she comes? Your mom is here" roxto speaks while pointing to the sully's marui.
Lo'ak looks at him, and laughs a little. "No…my other mom…my birth mom. She will be coming very soon," lo'ak says. "You have another mom? That sounds amazing" says tsireya cuirious at what lo'ak said. "Yes, my mom stayed in the jungle, so she would be safe. She is a person from the sky" says lo'ak, realizing what he said. "Ahh mmm" lo'ak tries to fix what he said. "Your mom is a demon? How is that possible?" ao'nung starts to laugh, but rotxo pushes him away. "Is that true?" asks tsireya, watching lo'ak get flustered. Taking everything from the sand, and starting to walk towards his marui. Leaving the group of confused boys with more questions. "That was very rude of you," rotxo says to ao'nung. The boy lifts his shoulders and rolls his eyes.
Lo'ak arrives at the marui, lucky for him only his parents were there. Jake was helping neytiri with the food, they both saw how lo'ak quickly entered and went to the balcony behind the marui. He was holding some things in his hands and by his face they could see that he was crying. Jake looked quickly at neytiri, she stops him. "I'll go," says Neytiri. Getting up to see what was going on, he found lo'ak sitting down. He had some shells in his hands, together with other materials. As he cried inconsolably. "Lo'ak…everything okay honey?" asks neytiri wrapping lo'ak in her arms.
"I miss mom…she's supposed to be here. Everything is fine…why isn't she here?" cries lo'ak, tears were falling non-stop on his arms. Neytiri didn't know what to tell him, she missed you too. She needed you too, everyone in the family did. "Lo'ak I know you miss her…but you must wait a little longer," Neytiri says. Lo'ak looks at her, his look was one of upset. He looked like a lost little boy. "dad said she would be here….and tomorrow is my birthday and she's not here!!!! I miss my mom!!!" lo'ak cries harder, while neytiri hugs him. Cuddling him on her chest, she decides not to say anything and just comfort her son.
After a while, neytiri manages to calm lo'ak down. The boy stays on the balcony preparing his materials. While neytiri enters the marui, seeing that jake was waiting for her. "So?" asks jake. Neytiri sits up and looks at jake. Her eyes were soaking wet. "Jake… Y/N I miss her so much" neytiri wipes her tears, jake walks over and hugs her. "I miss her too" jake comforts neytiri. "Isn't there some way she…" neytiri looks at jake. Jake knew what neytiri meant, but it was a difficult situation. It had been a few months since the altercation with the RDA, and barely everyone had made it out alive. Neteyam had been badly hurt, lo'ak and the others had almost died. And spider had to return to the Omaticaya clan. Ronal didn't want humans in the clan, so it was very difficult for jake to bring you in. "Neytiri you know I can't do anything" jake tries to explain to her, but she gets up annoyed. But before leaving the marui she looks at jake. "For some things you move heaven and earth…but to bring our partner you look for a thousand excuses. She wouldn't look for excuses to be with us" says neytiri, angry.
Jake was between a rock and a hard place. They saw him as the bad guy, but he didn't want to put you in danger. Jake knew that something bad could happen to you, this was a dangerous place. But seeing his family suffer like this broke his heart. He missed you too. You were also his partner…he needed you. You were an important pillar in the Sully family, Jake felt that little by little everything was falling apart without your presence. He felt that he was falling apart without you.
That night was very slow, everyone had gone to bed earlier than usual. And lo'ak didn't even want to eat. He stayed in bed all afternoon. He would be lying if he said he hadn't cried a few times. He fell asleep, wishing his wish would come true that eywa would listen to him. It was the only thing he asked for.
In the morning, lo'ak began to open his eyes carefully, watching as the sun's rays began to enter through the entrance of marui, but he continued to lie down. He closed his eyes more, not wanting the day to begin. It was his birthday and he already knew it was going to suck…but out of nowhere he felt someone give him a warm kiss on the cheek. Ignoring the affection, he settled in more. "mama let go of me" lo'ak moaned, thinking neytiri was waking him up. But he felt someone kiss him again and heard that distinct smile. "Are you sure about that my love?" you speak, you were on the edge of lo'ak's hammock. Lo'ak's eyes snap open, looking back. Seeing the figure of his mother there, he couldn't believe it. "Ma-mama is that you?" asks lo'k, her voice was already getting shorter as he felt the tears building up in his eyes. "Mmm yes my love…I'm here" you caress lo'ak's face. The boy turns and hugs you with all his heart. Starting to cry out loud, he was so happy. "Mama…my mama is here" lo'ak doesn't let go of you at any moment.
This wakes up the whole family, who are left in speechless shock when they see you there. In the middle of the marui, hugging lo'ak. The first to jump out of the hammock is neytiri, running towards you. To join lo'ak's hug. "Ma Y/N, for my eywa" neytiri also begins to cry from happiness. The other children also run to greet you. "Mama!!!" neteyam nuzzles into your shoulder while tuk and kiri do the same. "How are you here?" neytiri pulls away to look at you, lo'ak hasn't let go of you at any time. Sometimes he forgets that he is twice your size. "Well someone went looking for me" you speak as you see jake, this one was at the entrance of the marui watching the whole scene. Jake approaches his family. "Well…now we have to figure out how to fix this whole 'demon' being here thing" jokes Jake, stroking your cheek with his thumb. But nothing matters at this point, because everyone was excited enough to think about anything else.
After a long welcome, all the children in the family decided to go get you something for a special breakfast, leaving Jake, Neytiri and you alone for a moment. Jake and Neytiri were watching you from a corner as you settled your things. "Did something happen?" you ask laughing a little, watching your partners look at you so lovingly. Neytiri was still teary-eyed. "Come here," says Jake, shaking his hand for you to join them. You walk over taking jake's hand, you were now in the middle of the two of them. You watch as neytiri moves closer to you, taking your face in her hands. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was enough to let you know that she missed you. You hug her neck, feeling her face in your neck. "I love you so much," says Neytiri. "What about me?" says Jake, still holding your hand. You two laugh, and you pull Jake close to kiss him as well. Feeling jake pull you into his lap, giving you kisses on your cheeks. While neytiri sat right in front of you, very close. Taking your hands, caressing them. Checking if you had no wounds. This was a very intimate moment, a moment you had not experienced for a long time.
"Ney I'm fine" you laugh, while neytiri keeps checking every part of your body. Lifting your legs and arms. "Are you sure? Nothing happened?" neytiri asks and jake just watches with a cute smile on his face. "Yes…the ones I'm worried about are you guys. And more you" you look up to see jake, he still had some bruises on his face and some cuts that were still healing. "Oh no baby…I'm fine, don't worry" jake says, feeling you touching some wounds on his arm. "He's very stubborn…I've been asking ronal to take care of him for weeks" says neytiri. You look at neytiri curiously. "Ronal?" you ask. "Oh..ronal is the Tsahìk of this clan, and speaking of her. Let her know you're here," says jake. Neytiri looks at jake with surprise and punches him in the arm. "Don't tell me no one knows Y/N is here?" neytiri looks at jake, who just laughs nervously. "Jake!!!" you start to fuss, but watch as jake laughs and takes neytiri's arm so that now she was on his lap too. Snuggling both of you in his arms. "I'll worry about that later…now I want to enjoy my ladies' company" jake jokes, giving them both kisses. You guys complain, but you don't complain about enjoying the moment.
Part 3?
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marksmelodies · 10 months
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nct dreams reactions to meeting your baby who looks just like their dad for the first time
dad nct dream x fem reader
warnings: suggestive, mentions of sex and pregnancy
minors dni
note: i went crazy on jaemins part bc he’s so girl dad coded
“they’re here” mark looks at you
today was the day jae was going to meet some of his uncles, getting yourself situated on the couch holding your baby, mark let the guys in, immediately they all stand around in awe at the sight of yours and marks child
“woah he looks just like mark” chenle says
“well isn’t he the cutest thing ” jaemin gasps
“you wanna hold him?” you look to chenle as he seems completely indulged at the baby in front of him
“yeah of course” he says as you stand up handing him your child
“hi jae it’s your coolest uncle chenle, im gonna spoil you so much” he smiles as the baby looks up at him with his big brown eyes that look exactly like his fathers
“yeah right he’s going to love me more” haechan whines
one by one the boys carefully pass jae around
“mark your genes are strong, hes literally your spitting image” jeno says
“yeah man that’s my mini me” mark laughs
as the boys all get the chance to hold him you place jae in his crib, not long after he starts crying, mark picks him up slightly rocking him side to side calming him down
“isn’t he already the best dad ever” you say to the guys
“i remember meeting mark when we were kids and now he’s all grown up and a dad” jaemin says
“yeah man it’s really emotional seeing you two start a family together, it’s beautiful really” renjun states
“i still claim the credit of setting you two up so technically you all should be thanking me” haechan laughs
“oh shut up i would’ve ended up with her whether you were there or not haechan” mark jokes
you and mark look at your baby in awe
“we did good” he whispers as he kisses your head
“yeah we really did”
after buckling your baby boy into his car seat you walk to the passenger side getting into the car “all set” renjun asks before leaving the driveway
you and renjun were going to introduce the guys to Chaoxiang, as you pull into the parking spot you get chaoxiang out of his seat before placing the binki into his mouth
“babe you have everything?” you ask renjun who’s carrying the baby bag
“yeah we’re all good” he says heading to the dorm, a few seconds after knocking an excited mark opens the door
“hey come in, we blocked off apart of the room and baby proofed it” he says leading you to the area
“thank you guys” you say as you place the baby carrier onto the counter
renjun taking chaoxiang out of his carrier caused him to cry due to the sudden movements but renjun quickly calmed him
“oh my god he’s adorable” they say in unison as renjun gives the baby to mark
“he’s definitely renjuns kid” mark laughs
“he has all of his dads features” you say
“even the eyebrows are the same” jisung laughs
as the boys are all talking to renjun about fatherhood mark sits down next to you
“i bet this month has been rough on the both of you” he says
“yeah it’s definitely a big change but i wouldn’t have it any other way” you sigh
“you have a beautiful family y/n i cant wait to watch it grow” mark says
“thank you mark”
renjun walks up to you giving you a quick kiss
“they’re already asking when we’re trying for another one” renjun laughs
“oh god i don’t even want to think about being pregnant again for the next 3 years at least” you laugh
“you’re doing such a good job mama, i’m proud of how strong you’ve been” he gives you another kiss
“thank you jun, you’ve been so helpful and supportive throughout all of this, i love you so much”
“i love you more sweet girl”
you were currently at the dorms watching a movie with your boyfriend and his members
as the movie plays as jeno lays next to you rubbing your pregnant belly, feel yourself getting thirsty, looking over to jeno his eyes are focused on the screen
“i’m going to get some water” you say getting up and walking to the kitchen, chenle was standing by the microwave making popcorn as you tip toe around him to get a cup from the cabinet
chenle was facing you as you put ice into your cup, all of a sudden you feel liquid tricking down your leg and onto the kitchen floor
“oh my god” you lock eyes with chenle
“my water just broke” you say as chenle eyes go wide noticing the pile of liquid on the floor
“JENO” chenle yells on the top of his lungs
jeno quickly gets up from the couch walking into the kitchen, he knows exactly what happened by the look on both yours and chenles faces “ baby we need to go to the hospital” he says walking into his room quickly grabbing the bag you packed for when you went into labor
the boys are now up from their spots in the living room standing around the kitchen anxiously
“i’m sorry clean it up” you say looking at the liquid that’s still on the floor, grabbing some paper towels
“are you kidding y/n don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault, don’t worry about it” renjun says grabbing the towels out of your hands
“alright i think i got everything, let’s go meet our babygirl” jeno says to you as you head to the hospital
after hours and hours of painful contractions it was finally time to push, jeno standing right beside you as you squeezed his hand with every push
“you’re doing so good one more big push for me” the nurse says
finally the cries of your babygirl are heard as she enters the world
you look up to jeno crying as he smiles wider than you’ve ever seen, tears rolling down his face as well “you did such a good job, i’m so proud of you” he pushes the lose hair sticking to your sweaty forehead out of your face, placing a kiss to your head
the nurse looks at your baby in her arms and then to jeno and then at you“oh she looks just like her dad” the nurse smiles and handing the baby off you you “here she is mama you’re beautiful babygirl” the nurse says
“she’s so tiny” you stare at her in awe as tears continue to stream down your face
after spending one on one time with your daughter you give her to jeno as he takes her small frame into his arms “hi baby it’s your daddy, i can’t believe you’re finally here, you look so much like me” jeno giggles
after resting for a while the boys came to visit shortly, all standing in the hotel room looking at the baby in your arms
“jeno she has your nose” jaemin smiles
“and your eyes” chenle adds
“she has your lips and eyebrows too” renjun says studying the baby’s face
“she’s so incredibly beautiful, just like her dad” you say looking up at jeno as he kisses your lips
the guys get a chance to hold her, they all feel an overwhelming sense of love for her
“you’re already so loved” mark whispers to her
“we all promise to protect you sweet girl” jaemin says once the baby is in his arms
chenle takes the baby into his arms as he looks at her and all of her beauty, trying to blink the tears forming into his eyes he quickly hands the baby back to you before walking away wiping his tears
“awe chenle why are you crying” the boys tease him, he takes a minute wiping his eyes that are now red “ she’s just so precious, im so happy to be her uncle” he scoffs and shakes his head at himself for being so emotional
“she already loves you so much” you say to chenle as you and jeno try to hold in your tears
“you guys are going to be amazing parents” they all say
“such a beautiful family, im so happy for you both” haechan says
“hey sweet girl” haechan says as he holds his baby in his arms as she looks up at her dad with big eyes
“what time are the guys coming over” you ask your husband
“they should be here anytime now” haechan says
the doorbell rings and the boys pile through the door waiting to meet their niece, haechan walks in either the baby as they all coo at the sight of her
“wow shes gorgeous” renjun whispers
“just like her mama” haechan places a kiss to your lips
“she looks a lot like me though” haechan stands proud
“yeah she does, she’s literally your twin” mark laughs
you all let them hold her and talk to her while you and haechan sit on the couch together
“we should let them come over more often, free babysitting” he jokes
“all jokes aside im really proud of you and everything you’ve done for our family, i love you” he says kissing your temple
“thank you babe that means a lot”
you continue talking to the guys as they finally hand your baby back to you
“i’m gonna feed her” you look to haechan before going into the nursery, as you finish up you hear the guys talking about you
“she’s incredible honestly, i could never have gone through what she did and the fact that i didn’t hear her complain about the pain she was in once, she’s literally the strongest woman i know” you husbands voice echos through the house
“she’s such a good mom already, you found a good one haechan im really happy for you and your new family” mark says
you walk out of the room acting obvious to the conversation you overheard as you burp your daughter
“hey love i can do that, why don’t you get some rest” haechan says taking the baby from you as he puts her over his shoulder patting her back
“okay yeah i think ill lay down for a few, i love you ” you say going in for a kiss
as you lay down in your bedroom your mind begins to wonder how lucky you are for such an amazing husband, you knew no matter what life brought to you, as long as you were with him everything will be okay
jaemin sits on the couch with his toddler on his lap watching cartoons
“layla baby come get dressed your uncles are coming over to see you and your sister” you yell to your daughter
“coming mommy” she says running to her room
once you dress layla, brush her teeth and style her hair you let her play in her room making your way to you newest addition to your family min-jun changing and feeding her, you speed walk to the kitchen to clean up the breakfast table and do the dishes before you can get yourself get ready, as you approach the table all the dishes have been cleared and the table has been wiped down, looking to the kitchen you see jaemin scrubbing the dishes in the sink
walking over to him you hug him from behind
“everyday you remind me of all the reasons i married you, thanks for cleaning up babe” you say leaning your forehead against his back as you take in a deep breath, he wipes his hands dry before turning around engulfing you into a hug “ you don’t have to thank me, you’re not responsible for doing everything around here” he kisses your lips
“oh i would so have sex with you right now if i could” you say laughing
“those days of having alone time are long gone” he jokes
“yeah i love my little cockblockers though” you say as layla comes running into the kitchen
you and jaemin look at each other trying not to laugh
“speaking of the devil” jaemin says picking her up ticking her stomach causing her to laugh
“i got it from here babe go get ready” jaemin says, you nod walking into you and your husbands shared room
taking a shower, getting dressed, styling your hair and doing your makeup all the span of 25 minutes is a new power you attained since becoming a mom
“layla come in mommy and daddy’s room really quick” you say as jaemin joins you walking to the bedroom
you both sit on the bed with her as she looks up at the two of you
“mommy am i in trouble” she asks
“of course not sweetheart, daddy and i wanted to talk to you really quick before your uncles get here”
“now you know mommy just had your sister a little over two months ago” jaemin asks
“yup” she smiles
“well your uncles haven’t met her yet they are going come over today to meet her” he continues
“even though their attention might be on your sister that doesn’t mean that they don’t love you just as much, the same goes for mommy and i, today we have to make sure your uncles are careful with your sister because she’s not a big girl like you are yet, she needs a little more help from us” jaemin says
“okay but will daddy and uncle haechan still play dolls with me” she asks
“of course honey, we wouldn’t miss it for the world” jaemin says kissing her head before letting her run off
you lay your head on your husbands chest for a moment taking a deep breath
“you were made to be a dad, it comes so naturally to you” you say kissing his lips
“i can say the same about you, you’re the best mommy i know”
you latch your lips onto jaemins as you stratal his hips, jaemins hands immediately going to your side and your ass
“fuck baby” he hisses as you grind yourself onto his clothed dick
“i want you so bad ” you moan as you nibble on his ear
“what’s up- oh shit” haechan says bursting through your bedroom door
“jesus christ” jaemin says as you two practically jump off eachother
“who the fuck let you in” jaemin says trying to palm the boner in his pants
“my sweet angel layla” haechan laughs
“i thought we told her not to open the door” you say looking to jaemin
“yeah for strangers, sadly this idiot isn’t a stranger” he says
“daddy uncle haechan is here” layla says running into jaemin arms as he picks her up
“yeah baby i can see that, why don’t you, mommy and uncle haechan go wait for the others to arrive, daddy has to take care of something real quick” he says as she runs off again, jaemin stares at you and then at haechan letting out a deep sigh before rolling his eyes heading into the bathroom
you cant help but laugh as you bring haechan to see min-jun
“she’s beautiful” haechan says staring at her
“yet again another mini jaemin” you say laughing
“she looks exactly like him” he says
“you said the same thing about layla” you chuckle
hearing a knock on the door you open it as the rest of the dreamies come flooding in
“uncle jeno” layla runs up to him as he picks her up, after layla says hello to all of her uncles they follow you into the nursery
“layla let’s go play in your room” haechan says
“oh my god i feel like i’m looking at jaemin” chenle says as he hold your daughter
the guys pass around your daughter as jaemin comes into the room
“how come every baby she pushes out looks exactly like you” mark laughs
“my genes are strong what can i say” jaemin shrugs his shoulders
haechan appears in the doorway of the nursery
“i wouldn’t be surprised if next week jaemin comes into practice saying y/n is pregnant again, i walked into them nearly making baby number three today”
“someone should definitely babysit tonight” jaemin says as he wraps his arms around you
“oh stop it” you say smacking his arm
“daddy” layla yells from her room
“coming princess” he yells back before leaving the nursery
“i pray everyday that min-jun doesn’t turn out to be another daddy’s girl” you laugh
the boys stay for dinner as layla sits between haechan and jeno, you excuse yourself early to feed min-jun, jaemin walks into the room as you’re feeding her
“my mom said she’ll watch layla tonight” he says excitedly
“why?” you ask
“i told her we desperately needed some alone time and she offered to take her for tonight”
“jaemin you seriously just admitted to your mother that you want to have sex” you say disgusted
“i mean you are my wife i don’t see what the problem is”
“geez you’re too open and honest sometimes” you sigh “ i mean if layla wants to sleep over there then that’s fine i guess ” you say
returning back to the table you hear jaemin asking layla about the sleepover
“a sleepover with grandma?!” she says excitedly
“yes sweetheart after dinner we can go pack your bag”
“yay i’m so excited” she says
“oh me too” jaemin laughs as the guys just stare at the both of you
“he’s absolutely ridiculous” you roll your eyes
“baby number three let go” haechan jokes
“oh don’t worry he’ll be wrapping it” you say loud enough for jaemin to hear as the guys nearly joke on their food
the boys all say their goodbyes to your girls as they head out
“oh thank god min-jun is asleep and layla almost packed” jaemin says walking back into the living room
“ i’ll drop layla off at your moms” jeno says
“really, that would be so nice of you” you say hugging him
“yeah no problem, enjoy your alone time” he says smirking as he pats jaemin on the back
“layla are you almost done picking out what plushie you want to bring” you husband yells
she comes out of the room with her big backpack on
“uncle jeno is going to take you to grandmas okay” you say your goodbyes as jeno carries her out of the house
closing the door you take a deep breath
“let’s go run a bath sweetheart, i’ll bring the baby monitor” jaemin says
as you lay in the bath together, jaemins arms wrapped around your waist “i didn’t know i genuinely needed this tonight but i definitely did, thanks babe” you say
“just wait till we get into bed, i’ll be giving you something else you definitely need” he says kissing your neck
backstage after the performance you text chenle to come meet you in the hallway of the dressing room he walks out kissing both you and his son jiahao
“good job today lele you did amazing” you kiss him once more
“oh my goodness what does his shirt say” chenle notices your sons shirt
you hold jiahao up so that chenle can read what is printed onto the shirt
“you think you’re cool? well my dad is zhong chenle” he reads aloud
“haha i love it babe” he laughs taking jiahao from you kissing your lips
“let’s go see your uncles huh?” he says bringing you and your son into the dressing room
“oh my god”
“he so cute”
“let me hold him”
the boys all yell from inside the room
“calm down you’re gonna scare him” chenle rolls his eyes, handing his son off to renjun, the boys all take a good look at him
“chenle hes your carbon copy” renjun laughs
“yeah he’s got your big head” haechan says
“yeah chenle had the easy part in the making of him yet here he is, after being inside of me for nine months looking exactly like his daddy” you joke
“and you love it” chenle kisses you head
“yeah i do” you nod
“gosh he’s so cute” jisung says looking down at the boy
“of course he his he’s my kid” chenle jokes as jisung rolls his eyes
“sit down my love, rest for a little” chenle says to you, chenle joins you on the couch
“i’m so proud of our little family” he says as you rest your head on his shoulder
“i am too lele, thank you for being such a good dad ”
“i’m only half as good as you are babymama” you slap his arm playfully
“i hate when you call me that”
“i know” he chuckles
you and jisung were laying comfortably together on the couch until your daughter ha-yun started crying from her crib
standing up you walk over to her taking her out of her bed, sitting back onto the couch with jisung you take the binky out of her mouth as you pull your shirt down replacing it with your nipple
jisung smiles at the two of you as he places his arm around your shoulder
“i love my girls” he says pressing a kiss to your temple, once you finish feeding your daughter you pass her to jisung so that he can burp her
“i think the boys should be here anytime soon” he says getting up placing the baby over his shoulder as he pats her back
you get up and head to the bathroom making yourself look a little more presentable
“babe” you hear jisung yell across the house
“what” you yell back
“ha-yun threw up all over me and the boys are on their way up can you take her for a second” he says
you can’t help but to laugh a little bit
“yeah i got her go get cleaned up”
as the boys arrive you open the door for them telling them that your daughter is in her crib as
they all stand around her
“you can pick her up and hold her if you want” say sitting back on the couch
jeno picks her up rocking her back and forth
“holy shit it’s literally a girl version of jisung” haechan says looking at your daughter
“speaking of jisung where is he?” chenle asks
“ha-yun threw up on him right before you guys got here” you say chuckling
“good girl” chenle coos at your daughter slightly shaking her foot
“i heard that” jisung says walking back from the bedroom
“she’s so adorable” renjun says
“she’s jisungs twin” you respond
“i cant believe our little jisung is a dad now” mark says
“he’s all grown up” he adds
“i still remember the day jisung called me freaking out about him knocking y/n up” chenle laughs
“i wasn’t freaking out” jisung defends himself
“i’m pretty sure you were, i didn’t even get the chance to say hello before you were like ““ holy shit i got my girlfriend pregnant”” chenle uncontrollably laughs
“yeah well it doesn’t matter now i have my beautiful girls, my lovely little family” he kisses you
“you guys really did make a cute baby i cant lie” renjun says
“thank you” you smile
“i still refuse to believe my little innocent jisung helped make this baby” haechan jokes
“innocent is crazy, how do you think babies are made haechan” jisung laughs
“ew i really don’t want to think about you two doing it” chenle makes a face
“you corrupted him y/n” haechan laughs
“guilty as charged” you say kissing him once again
“i have a feeling that this is one of many babies to come into the park family” jaemin laughs
“we’re already talking about trying for another one next year” you say half joking half not
“geeze jisung, make sure to put a ring on it before the next one at least” renjun laughs
“y’all are gonna be real busy” haechan makes a grossed out face
mark hits his shoulder
“shut up dude you’re so annoying”
“i meant busy with two babies” haechan defended himself
“no you didn’t” chenle laughs
“enough about our sex life” jisung says
“you all will understand one day when you meet the one” you smile to jisung
hope you enjoyed, this was so fun to write!!
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tosotd-wwe · 4 months
McLaren Orange
*based off the song “tennessee orange” by megan moroney*
lando norris x fem!reader
warnings: fluff *first person pov*
summary: y/n was raised in a ferrari family, but a special driver in the papaya car gets her to wear the mclaren orange.
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I felt as if I was going to throw up. My hand hovered over my mothers contact, shaking from the knots in my stomach. I knew I shouldn't be nervous, but knowing the way my family is I couldn't help it. Finally after convincing myself to tap the icon, my phone began to ring. The ring went on an awful long time, making me feel even more terrified.
"Hi Mama," I say into the phone once she picked up.
"Hey darling," Her sweet voice echos into my ear. How am I supposed to tell her this?
"I've got some news for you," My voice cracks.
"Is everything alright? You're not in trouble are you?" Her tone becomes serious, I could tell she had her eyebrow raised looking towards my father.
"I'm not in trouble, Mama" I laugh slightly, "But, don't tell dad about this, please."
There was silence on the other side of the phone. I knew she was debating listening to my request, but also on not. I heard her shuffle around a bit. Maybe she headed into a different room for privacy.
"I know you guys raised me to know right from wrong, and I know you're thinking I did something wrong, but don't worry everything is okay." I sigh, "It's just, I've never really felt this way. I don't know where to start."
"You can tell me anything, sweetheart." She reassures me, my heartbeat already calming down.
"I met this guy," I mentally smack my head in embarrassment.
"Oh, I was expecting something totally different." She laughs loudly.
"He's got these gorgeous blue eyes." I feel my cheeks grow warm just thinking about the way his eyes look into mine. "He even opens the door for me. I don't think he's made me cry once."
I had met Lando after the Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix. A couple of my friends and I decided to go out for the night, we needed some freedom. Just that morning we were all wearing our red gear, cheering for the Ferrari's as they raced. Lando just happened to be at the club we decided to go to. He was with a couple of his friends, hanging around the dj booth in the back. I must have felt risky that day because I walked up to him, congratulating him on his race. Yes, I congratulated the enemy. We ended up talking a little longer. A little longer was the rest of the night.
"He's not from where we're from." I explained, "But, he feels like home somehow."
"Where's he from?" She qustions.
"The United Kingdom, Bristol actually." I tell her.
"He sounds like a very lovely guy," She compliments him. This makes my heart warm. Hopefully the rest of the story wont make her too upset.
"I've done things I've never done before with him, Mama." She could probably hear my wide smile through the phone. "He took me to this beautiful restaurant the other night. Oh, and we went cliff diving too!"
Talking about just a few of the adventures we had been on together already made my stomach burst with butterflies. Thinking back to when our hands were holding tight to each other as we jumped off the tall cliff, waiting for our fall to be caught by the blue water. When he gave me his jacket after our dinner because it was raining.
"There is one thing though," I hesitate.
"What is it?"
"Mama, he's a driver." I try to lead up to the fact that he's a big racing star, but not for our big team.
"He's a driver? Like a racer?" Her voice fills with excitement. "Are you dating Charles Leclerc?"
"No Mama, not him." I laugh, "He's not on Ferrari."
Yet again there was a silence on the other end of the phone.
"Mama, he drives for McLaren." I whisper, a weight being lifted off my shoulders as I did so. "Lando Norris."
I heard the door open from the phone, she was walking up to my father.
"He took me to Spain with him, that's why I was gone for a little while. He gave me the hat he had sitting on his dash when we got to the airport." I try to distract her from telling any information to my father. As long as he's a good guy why should it matter? "Mama, can you forgive me? Don't tell dad, please. I like him a lot."
"Honey, I'm not mad at you. I can't change the fact you like this boy. As long as he doesn't make you forget you look better in red." She sighs, the phone now on speaker mode.
"I don't know, his smile makes me forget sometimes." I fiddle with the rings on my finger.
"Hi daddy," I say quietly, knowing hes listening into the conversation. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it."
"Your mother and I are so happy for you, Y/n. I could never be mad at you for chasing your heart."
"I still am rooting for Ferrari, don't worry." I laugh, feeling relieved by their acceptance. "But if you every see me wearing McLaren. Just know I'm wearing the orange for him."
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sturniololoco · 7 months
this might sound weird but her me out.
could you do one where like reader is matt(or chris’s) gf but the boys have a younger sister (like sls) and when the sister goes to stay with the boys her favourite is always gf and she tells all her troubles and feelings to her when she’s missing her mom and dad
i completely understand if this doesn’t make sense but the idea came to me randomly xx
Home Sick
Matt Sturniolo x fem! Reader
Warnings: kissing, cuddling, crying, home sickness, etc.
My boyfriend, Matt, has been on the phone with his little sister the entire way to the airport.
This is her first time flying by herself and she just got off the plane so Matt is trying to walk her through it.
Chris and Nick have been talking excitedly about the plans they have made for her while they got their vlog camera ready.
I however, was nurvously picking at my nails, wondering what their sister will be like.
Will she like me?
I was pulled from my thoughts as I felt a hand on my thigh.
“Stop worrying baby. It’s gonna be fine.” He says in a low tone.
I smile and hold his hand, praying that he’s right.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as cute as Matt’s little sister sprinting into his outstretched arms.
Normally, he would call this cringy behavior, but I know he's so happy to see her, that he secretly enjoys it.
She does the same to Chris and Nick, somehow showing all of her love for them in one tight squeeze.
Then she came over to me.
I was shocked when she wrapped her small frame around me, hugging me tight.
I looked up at Matt, giving him the Are you seeing how cute this is? look.
He smiles back at me proudly while grabbing his little sister's bags.
Pulling away, but still holding my hand, she pulls me with her to the car behind her brothers.
To celebrate the little sister's safe journey across the country, we indulged in a pizza movie night for the occasion.
I was snuggled into Matt's side on the end of the couch, and both of us snuggled into a blanket while we held hands.
Matt's sister was on his right, leaning into Chris on her other side.
It was safe to say that the siblings had a very close relationship, just judging by how they cuddled close together on the couch.
At the end of the movie, Nick stood grabbed our plates, and started to clean up. Just as Matt and I were about to do the same, Chris began tickling his little sister with no mercy.
Matt was quick to join in, the trio laughing as her brothers held her down.
Once they gave in, she was half upside down and breathing heavily, smacking her brothers on the leg as they walked away to go and help Nick.
"You ready for bed, baby?" Matt asked me, seeing me yawn from m spot on the island.
I nodded and stood, giving everyone a quick goodnight hug.
But as I went to see their little sister, she was fast asleep in her spot on the couch.
Smiling lightly to myself, I called Chris over.
"You might wanna move her before she gets too comfy." I laughed as he scooped her up into his arms and whisked her off to bed.
I wasn't far behind, only I followed Matt, snuggling into his warmth as we lay down in his bed.
Who knew a light coming all the way from downstairs could be so annoying.
It was the middle of the night and got up to pee, but haven't been able to fall back into my slumber thanks to the obnoxious LED light coming from the kitchen.
Giving up on any more rest, I kept out of the room and made my way down the stairs, to be met with a sight I was not expecting.
The Sturniolo sister was there, scrolling on her phone as tears poured from her eyes onto her cheeks.
I hesitantly sat next to her, and when she tried to stop her tears, I pulled her in for a hug, only making her sob harder.
"What's wrong sweetheart? Do you need me to go get Matt?" I asked, rubbing her back in an attempt to soothe her.
She shook her head no and calmed herself, taking in a deep breath before saying,
"I just miss my brothers being at home so much. But I also miss not being with my mom and dad. I wish they could just come home with me." She said, sheepishly.
I gave her a sympathetic smile.
"Your brothers talk about you every day. They miss you just as much, but that's what makes these visits so special. You get to spend special time together." I said.
this seemed to cheer her up slightly. She sighed and smiled before leaning in and giving me a tight hug.
"Thank you," she mumbles into my shoulder.
"Any time kiddo. I'm always here, just as much as your brothers."
I feel so bad, this was so rushed! Lemme know if you want me to add more or redo it, or just do something simular. <3
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq @idkhowtosleep @sturnolio-luvs @rubyjaneaxx @avatarloverlol @vickyzloserz @whoreforchrissturniolo @artloo123 @oliverstarksbae @heartzz4k @lily-strnlo @annalovesbooks-https @girlfriendvlogz @draculaura123
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megameatymatt · 2 months
dad!matt and dad!chris is all i want in life
A Day with Dad - Chris Sturniolo
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Summary: Chris is left at home with his two daughters
TW!: none really
Requested?: yes
A/N: feedback, interaction, and requests are appreciated! ( im also very sorry if this sucks i don't read a lot of dad!chris or matt fics😭)
You and Chris have finally started building the family you've dreamed of for so long. You have two daughters: Avery who has just turned 4, and Scarlet who is 1 year old. You and Chris couldn't be happier living this life, but Chris noticed you've started to become more tired and tense, so during summer break, when the kids were home. He planned a day out full of activities for you and your friends.
It was 8:30 in the morning and you were leaving the house to get to the Breakfast place Chris put in a reservation for. "I'll see you soon," you say as you grab your house keys. "Have fun baby" Chris says as he grabs your chin and kisses you. "I'm gonna miss my girls," You say thinking of their cute chubby little faces. "They'll be with the fun parent, they won't miss you one bit," Chris says with a sense of pride. You roll you're eyes and laugh. "Whatever, Chris, I love you." "I love you more baby", and with that, you're stepping into the car and driving off. Chris waits outside until the car has fully left his sight before heading back inside.
As soon as he steps inside, he hears crying. "Scarlet" He mutters under his breath before running up the stairs and into the girls' room. He turns on the light and lifts Scarlet out of her crib. As soon as she's in his arms, she quiets down.
"Good morning sunshine, how are you?" Chris' presence wakes up his second daughter Avery. "Daddy!" Avery squeaks, wrapping her arms around Chris's leg. "Hey, bunny. You're pretty happy today!" He says, setting Scarlet back down in her crib. "Ok girls, Mommy went out today so guess what? You're gonna be spending the day with the best dad in the world," He says pointing both his fingers towards him. The girls cheer and Chris laughs. "Let's start by making some chocolate chip pancakes!"
It didn't go as planned. Chris ended up burning the pancakes. So now the 3 of them sit in the Mc. Donald's drive-thru picking out items from the breakfast menu. "I can't believe we are having Mc. Donalds for breakfast, this is the best day ever!" Avery says, waving her arms in the air. "Technically, they're breakfast foods so it's healthy. Also please don't tell your mother" Avery laughs as Chris picks up the food from the window and drives back home.
It's 4:40 in the afternoon. Chris got Scarlet to take her nap, and somehow he ended up sitting in front of Avery while she braids his hair into pigtails. "Done!" she says, grinning ear to ear as she hands Chris a mirror. "Wow sunshine, I look amazing," Chris says holding back a laugh.
"Now tell me, what would you like for dinner?" Chris asks handing her back the mirror. "Pizza, pizza, pizza!" Avery says jumping around. Chris sighs, "You sure you don't want something healthier sweetie?" Chris asks. "Healthy food sucks," Avery says crossing her arms. Chris lets out a chuckle. "How bout' we get pasta instead, huh sweetie. We've had a little too much fast food don't you think?" "with meatballs?" Avery asked. "With as many meatballs as you like princess," Chris says as he tickles Avery. Almost right after, Chris hears Scarlet cry again.
It's 11:30 and Chris and Avery have fallen asleep on the couch. Scarlet is in her crib, and Moana still playing on the TV. Keys jangle at the door before it finally unlocks. You walk into the living room and see Chris and and Avery snuggled up on the couch asleep, you smile and pull out your phone to take a picture. You tap Chris on the shoulder and he jolts up, then falls back down when he realizes it's just you. "hey baby, you're back" he says, flashing you a tired smile. "I am. How'd it go" "Let's just say i'm the favourite now" You laugh before taking a closer look at him. "What the hell happened to your hair?"
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 8 months
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Pairing : Dad!Yang Jeongin x F!Reader TW : kidnapping ; arguing ; angst ; happy ending ; slightly suggestive at the end as well ; Word Count : 4.2k Request : nope, but I really wanted to write a part 2 for Innie! A/N : this is the last last one (aside from Hyunjin and Jisung who will get a part 3 at some point, but like, the actual series ends with my fav.)
“You said it was my day to pick Jeongsoo up from school, right?” Jeongin asked as he stood outside of the building, waiting for his daughter to run up to him like she usually would whenever she saw him in the crowd of other parents. It was his favorite part of the day, finally being able to see his daughter after working so hard. Today was supposed to be no different, but in the sea of other children, his daughter was nowhere to be found. “Did you already get her? Maybe you just forgot to tell me but-” 
“I didn’t get her. It’s your day. Is she still in the building? It’s cold outside so… Maybe she just decided to stay in and wait?” He could already hear the panic in your voice, and he wanted nothing more than to ease your worried mind, but he himself was beginning to panic as well. “I’m heading up there now, I’ll meet you in like, 5 minutes.” You said before ending the call, and now Jeongin was left to swim in his own thoughts, at least until you got there. 
The crowd slowly began to thin as parents took their children home, but Jeongin still stood there, hoping to see his baby girl standing there. She wasn’t though, and the sound of children laughing and playing faded out until all Jeongin heard was the wind whistling through the empty branches of the trees. “Excuse me!” He called when he saw Jeongsoos teacher start to lock up the classroom door. She turned with a smile, although she looked slightly confused. “Where is Jeongsoo? I’m here to pick her up and she’s not here…” 
She tilted her head, even more confused now. “Jeongsoos aunt picked her up. She said that Y/N wasn’t able to pick her up today. I thought that Y/N would have let you know.” Her teacher said, adjusting her purse on her shoulder. “I’m very sorry for the confusion.” But Jeongin was left even more worried than before as he shook his head, stepping in front of the teacher as she started to walk off. 
“N-No, no… Jeongsoos aunt doesn’t live here. There’s no way that she could have been picked up by her.” Jeongin stammered, reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone so that he could call you just to be sure. “Did you even check her ID? Did you even verify what she was saying? How could you have been sure that she was actually Jeongsoos aunt? Do you just let kids go off with anyone who says they’re related?” 
The teacher's eyes widened as she began to stutter, unable to even form a coherent sentence as her head shook rapidly. Thankfully you pulled up just at that moment, rushing out of your car to run over to Jeongin. “What’s… What’s going on? What happened? Where’s my baby?” You asked breathlessly, and now the teacher looked even more upset, even more scared than she had been before. 
“I’m… I’m so sorry. I’ll call the authorities, I’ll… I’ll do whatever I can to help. I’m-” She was crying, and with the lack of information that you had been given, you were more worried than before, looking to Jeongin for answers that you so desperately needed. 
“We have to go.” He said flatly, his heavy breaths were coming out shaky, but you didn’t have time to ask any questions as he ushered you back to your own car, although he opened the passenger door for you instead of letting you get in the driver's side. “I need you to call the security team, I need you to tell them that it’s an emergency. I need you to call management, see if they’ve gotten any calls or anything about Jeongsoo. And then I need you to call the guys to see if they’ve gotten any weird messages. Can you do that?” He asked, fishing his phone out of his back pocket and tossing it onto your lap. 
“Why? What’s going on?” You asked, but you didn’t wait for an answer as you started scrolling through his contacts to find everyone that he had asked you to get in touch with. 
Jeongin shook his head, his fingers gripping the steering wheel as he sped down the streets back towards your house. “This wouldn’t have happened if we were together…” He mumbled, impatiently drumming his fingers on the wheel as he waited for the light to turn green. “You’re so busy going out on your dates, trying to find someone so that you’re not lonely… You don’t even care about her… You’re so fucking selfish you don’t even see that you have someone right fucking here! Now my baby has been fucking stolen from me and… It’s your fucking fault!” 
“Are you seriously gonna try to fucking blame me for this shit?!” You shouted, and deep down you both knew that the last thing that was needed right now was for a major argument to happen, but emotions were running high, you both were terrified, and you were taking it out on each other. “I bet it was one of your crazy ass fucking fans! You’re always posting pictures with her on your Instagram even though I told you not to! Or it could have been one of the multitudes of girls that you sleep around with trying to get closer to you!” 
“For the last fucking time, I don’t do that shit anymore!” He shouted right back, whipping around a corner, and even though he was absolutely furious right now, his arm still flew out to hold you against the seat. Even when he was pissed, he still cared about you way too much for his own good. “You’re the one going out on dates every other fucking night! You’re barely even with her! And then you bring these random ass strangers back to the house and you think I don’t know what’s going on?! How do you know it wasn’t one of those assholes who did it?!” 
“That’s absolutely absurd!” The shouting match continued back and forth until Jeongins phone started to vibrate on your lap, and you immediately answered it, putting it on speaker phone so that he could hear as well. “Hello?” You rushed out the greeting, waiting for someone to say something. 
“Hi mom! Hi dad!” Jeongsoos voice came through the speaker, and you felt your heart sink. The car swerved to the side of the road and Jeongin grabbed his phone off your lap so he could talk directly into it. 
“Hey baby, where are you at right now? Who are you with? Let daddy and mommy talk to them, yeah?” Jeongin said urgently, his hands shaking as he gripped the phone tightly. No matter how angry he made you, no matter how angry you made him, right now all you had was each other, and you reached out to grab his free hand that was shaking nervously, giving it a small squeeze to try to calm him. 
“She say she know you and mom… She gave me ice cream… She’s really nice.” Jeongsoo said, her innocent mind completely unaware of how dangerous this entire situation was, how scared you and Jeongin were. “I wanna go home… I wanna watch a movie with you and mom… Can you come here?” She asked, and Jeongins head fell against the headrest, his eyes squeezed shut and his lips pulled into a thin line. 
“Me and mommy are trying… We’re trying to come get you…” He practically whimpered, sniffling loudly between each sentence. “Tell me… What do you see? Do you see anything outside, baby?” He was pleading, his grip on your hand tightening as he waited for Jeongsoos response, but she didn’t talk again, your daughter’s voice being replaced by someone much older created a pit in both yours and Jeongins stomach. 
“We’ll be in touch later. I can’t wait to meet you, Innie!” A shrill voice rang through the speakers, and while you would have looked at this as a victory in any other circumstance considering you had been right, you were far too worried about your daughter, whose whereabouts were still unknown, and the call had been ended and you couldn’t even redial the number. 
“You can say it…” Jeongin mumbled as he continued driving, one hand on the wheel and the other balled into a fist that was pressed against his temple. “Just say it. I know you want to… You were right… It’s my fault. It’s because of who I am… If you had had her with someone else… Someone normal… You wouldn’t be going through this right now.” The setting sun glistened on the tear that rolled down his cheek, a tear that you quickly wiped away as you shook your head. 
“I wouldn’t have wanted to have her with anyone else. You’re an amazing father… And I know that you love her. You love her more than any father could ever love a child… That’s why I know we’re going to find her, and we’re gonna get her back.” Your palm rested against his cheek for a moment as your thumb brushed along his tear-dampened skin. “We’re gonna bring her home.” 
It had been two days since your daughter had been taken. The police were involved, trying to trace every single phone call that came through, but it all seemed to lead back to nowhere. The calls were always untraceable, and every time the number was called back, it would say it was out of service. The only thing giving you and Jeongin hope anymore were the untraceable calls where you’d both get to talk to your daughter, it was the only time that you knew she was still okay. 
“We’re starting to believe that whoever did this, might be someone that she knows.” The cops explained as they listened back to the recording of the phone call. “She doesn’t sound scared, she doesn’t sound like she’s being forced to do or say anything that she’s saying. As crazy as it might sound, this might be someone closer to you both, or one of you… But I don’t think that this person, whoever it may be, I don’t think they plan on hurting her.” And while that was a massive weight lifted off both of your shoulders, it now begged the question of, who the hell was doing this? 
“Are you able to hear if there’s anyone in the background talking? Are you able to isolate the sound? Maybe we can hear someone, or something that would give us a sign of who she’s with or where she’s at?” Jeongin asked, running low on ideas of things to do that would help. He didn’t want to just sit around and wait though, he wanted to help, he wanted to get his little girl home as soon as possible. 
The front door was pushed open as you and Jeongin leaned around the computer that the officer was working at, trying to listen back to the call as the sound was edited and then re-edited to try to pick up any kind of background noise. “What the hell is going on here?” The voice asked from the doorway, and when your head whipped around, you were met with the sight of the guy you had been seeing for the past 2 weeks standing in the corridor with flowers in his hand. 
“Minjae, I told you that right now was not a good time.” You hissed, and from the corner of your eye you saw Jeongin make a face of both annoyance and disgust. “I’m really busy right now, there’s an emergency, and I don’t have the time for this.” You tried to explain as you got up from your chair and went over to stand in front of him. “I’ll explain it all when I have the time to, but… I just really don’t want to talk about it right now.” 
“If it’s so important then why didn’t you tell me? I thought I was your boyfriend… I mean… Why would you tell him and not me?” He motioned to Jeongin who was getting more and more irritated with each passing second, his long fingers drumming on the table top, and you knew that if you didn’t get Minjae out of the house soon, Jeongin would end up going off on him. 
“I really think that you should just go and I’ll talk to you about it later. Please…” You whispered, trying to keep calm, but you were getting more and more upset, especially considering every second wasted on him was a second that could have been put towards finding your daughter. “I need you to go now.” 
“Why? So you can have date night with your baby daddy?” Minjaes voice raised in volume and he threw the bouquet of flowers down at your feet causing you to jump back. “You’re just a bitch! You used me! Well… See if I care! He’ll just use you again! Don’t try to come back to me either! He can have your used up, pathetic, single mom, trashy ass!” 
Behind you, both the officer and Jeongin had stood up from their chairs, ready to move at any second just in case this guy put his hands on you, and for the most part, other than his ranting, things were fine. Jeongin knew well enough that you could hold your own, but when this guy started insulting you, Jeongin didn’t care for the officer that was still in the room, he didn’t care about the charges that might be placed against him. Anger coursed through him as he walked across the room and pushed Minjae up against the door, his forearm pressed against Minjaes throat as he pinned him against the door. 
“You don’t talk about her like that! Never talk about her like that! You don’t know her! You don’t deserve her!” Jeongin screeched into Minjaes face, his arm pressing deeper and deeper into the man’s neck. “You’re not worth the time that’s being wasted on you! You’re not worth anything!” The whole time he was shouting, Jeongins other hand was raised in a fist, and the officer had rushed over to attempt to pull Jeongin away, but it was proving to be pointless. “I don’t want you around her! Don’t come here!” 
Through it all, the man simply laughed in Jeongins face, although the sound came out strained due to the pressure on his throat. “You’ll see me again…” Minjae said, the sneer on his face far more menacing and downright eerie than you had ever seen on anyone before. “I’ve already gotten what I wanted from her anyway, she’s useless to me.” And those words in themselves had Jeongin reaching a point of wanting to commit murder, and the only thing keeping him from actually doing it was the fact that the officer was right there and he wanted to find his daughter. 
When the officer was finally able to pull Jeongin off of Minjae, he was practically pushed out of the door, leaving you and Jeongin alone momentarily as you waited for the officer to come back. “What did he mean by that? Did you fuck him?” He asked, his eyes narrowing at you and if you weren’t so shaken up by the previous interaction between him and Minjae, you would have been defensive, but instead you were just upset at the accusation. 
“No! I’ve never slept with him! I haven’t been with anyone in that way…” You pleaded, trying to declare your innocence, although you weren’t sure why it really mattered to Jeongin in the first place. “I thought he was trying too hard… He would always bring gifts over for Jeongsoo… And he’d tell me that he was really excited to be her dad one day…” Your head shook, but Jeongin was deep in his thoughts, weirded out beyond belief by what he was hearing. 
Before Jeongin could even respond though, the officer returned, motioning for the both of you to follow him over to the computer. “I have officers following him to wherever he’s going right now.” He said, and you wondered if it was because he heard what you had told Jeongin, but then he pulled the headphones out of the port so the three of you could listen to the audio file from the very last phone call you had gotten. “The voice in the background… There’s two, but listen… It sounds familiar, doesn’t it?” He asked, and then he started playing the file, and you felt your heart drop as you listened to the conversation that sounded so faint, but so clear through the laptop speakers. 
“You said that he’d come here to get her! Why is it taking so long?! Where’s the money at? When are we supposed to get it!?” The female voice that came first was screaming, although during the phone call you hadn’t heard it at all, and it seemed like Jeongsoo wasn’t phased by it either. You could only suspect that it was happening from a couple rooms over and Jeongsoo wasn’t too worried about it. 
“Well I can’t tell them to just bring the money here! Do you want to go to jail?! Cause’ I sure as hell don’t!” The man shouted back, and it didn’t take more than a second for you to place the voice, to envision a face with it, especially after what had just happened. Your eyes widened as you looked to Jeongin who seemed to be going through the five stages of anger and grief all at the same time. 
“Well you’re the one pretending to date the bitch, and it’s been two nights since we took the spoiled brat and you haven’t even attempted anything. You haven’t even gone over to see her! At least pretend like you’re interested still. Maybe you can help them find the kid!” The woman continued, and you felt sick, physically sick. You pushed yourself away from the table, running to the kitchen sink and practically flinging yourself over it. You hadn’t eaten much the past two days, so you just heaved, and it was the most painful thing. 
“It’s not your fault…” Jeongin whispered, his sudden appearance beside you had gone unheard, but he was rubbing your back soothingly as he held your hair away from your face. “I don’t… I’ll never blame you for this… No one would have thought this would happen…” He continued to murmur to you as you tried to catch your breath, and once you did, you fell against him. His arms wrapped around you tightly and his lips ghosted across the top of your head as he continued. “We need to go now though… We need to get our baby back…” 
Both you and Jeongin were far too worked up to drive, so you had opted to ride in the back of the officer's car as he raced through the streets to get to where your daughter was found. The ones that had been sent to follow Minjae had been led straight to the house where she was being held. The radio in the car had constant updates crackling through the speakers, and while you were just barely listening, focusing more on the thought that you’d soon be reunited with your daughter, you had heard them say that Minjae and a female had been placed into custody. 
When the car pulled up, you were practically blinded by the lights of the multitude of other police cars on the street, but through the lights, you spotted the silhouette of a man holding a little girl, and you knew that it was your little girl. Jeongins hand that had been holding yours the entire car ride was pulled away as he jumped out of the car before it had even come to a complete stop, and you did the same, both of you running to the officer to see your daughter. 
“Daddy! Momma!” Jeongsoos voice was filled with excitement as she wiggled free from the officers arms and ran across the sidewalk towards you and Jeongin, and the only reason you didn’t pick her up was because Jeongin had reached her first, and now she was being held tightly to his chest and spun around by him. “Why you take so long?” She asked, and Jeongin simply shook his head, refusing to put her down as he looked at you, his smile both sad and relieved at the same time. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetie…” You whispered, running your hand over her hair, trying your best to hold it together in front of her. “We’re gonna go home, and everything is gonna be okay… You’re okay now, sweetie.” You continued, and as if you were the one who needed to be comforted, Jeongsoo held out one of her arms and pulled you closer to her and Jeongin. 
“It’s okay, Momma… You not have to cry. I’m okay.” She reassured you, patting your shoulder and sighing softly. She didn’t know how scared you and Jeongin had been, she probably didn’t even know what was going on at all. She was sassy, she had a fiery attitude when she needed to, but she was also selfless and sweet, she was an angel in the eyes of you and Jeongin.
The officer that had been with you and Jeongin almost the entire time finally came over to where the three of you were after the other patrol cars drove off, carrying with them the two people that had stolen your entire world. “There’s going to be a court date, we do not expect Jeongsoo to be there, we don’t expect the both of you to be there, but at least one of you have to show up. Jeongsoo already very kindly told one of the other officers everything that happened, and I want you to know that she is okay. This was simply a scheme to make money, which is awful, but it could have been far worse.” You and Jeongin nodded your heads, but neither of you wanted to think about what you knew he was talking about. “I’ll get the three of you back home, and I’ll be in touch with you to let you know when the court date will be, okay?” 
Jeongsoo was fast asleep in her room, and you and Jeongin stood in the hallway just outside her door, neither of you wanting to have her out of your sights. The fear of losing her would stay with the both of you forever, but for now, it was like you needed that constant visual reminder that she was home, that you did get her back. 
“I know… It’s not my place to tell you that you can’t date anyone.” Jeongin mumbled, leaning against the wall of the hallway, his head hung low as he crossed his arms over his chest. “But, at least let me meet him or something… Before he meets Jeongsoo. I can’t handle something like this happening again… I just can’t.” 
You swallowed thickly, nodding your head. “I don’t want to date anyone else… I don’t want to be with anyone else… I can’t go through something like this again either and… and you don’t deserve to go through this again just because of me.” Sniffles sounded out so softly they almost got lost in the drifting sound of Jeongsoos quiet snores, but Jeongin heard it, Jeongin heard you. 
“It’s not your fault, baby…” He cooed, but the pet name had you slowly lifting your head to look at him, and usually he’d back track, say you misheard him, or he’d just change the subject completely as his entire face turns a bright shade of red. Not this time though, he was tired of losing you, and he had gone through this entire shit show because he was too much of a coward to ask you before. Not again. “I love you, and I love the perfect little girl that we made together. I don’t want to lose her again, and I don’t want to lose you to someone else. I know I made mistakes, I know that I’ve been the biggest piece of shit in the past… But seeing you with those other guys… Seeing you walk out that door to go out on those stupid dates… I can’t take it anymore. So just… Kiss me once and maybe you’ll feel something. Maybe you’ll feel the way I’m feeling. But if you don’t, we can forget about it and everything that I’ve said and-“ 
Your fingers gripped his shirt as you pulled him towards you, your lips crashing together in a kiss that it felt like you had been waiting forever to have. “You talk too much…” You murmured against his lips, the corners of yours pulling up into a little smirk. “So is this you asking me out or…?” 
Jeongin rolled his eyes, his hands roaming along your curves until he stopped at your hips, giving them a light squeeze that had you wiggling and your body burning up. “If I had a ring I’d be asking you to marry me right now, so yes… I am asking you out…” He stepped closer, his body pressing against yours and basically pinning you against the wall. “Are you saying yes?” 
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athenamikaelson · 1 month
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Klaus Mikaelson x Soulmate!reader x Elijah Mikaelson Part 12
Warnings- 4.2k
Word Count- Swearing, violence, mentions of sex
“Is he my father or not,” My voice seems to echo throughout our family's little living room as I glare at my mother. 
“It’s not that simple, Y/N,” My mother raises her hands in surrender as she begins to take a step closer to me. The dark glare on my face seems to halt her movements and she closes her eyes and sighs.
“He’s the man that raised you, he-”
“You. Know. What. I. Mean,” I cut her off, biting out each of my words, “I want the truthful answer. Is Y/F/N Y/L/N my biological father?”
I seem to lose all the air in my chest as I watch my mother drop down onto the couch and look up at me with tears running down her face. And that’s all I need to have my answer.
“Oh my god,” I cover my mouth as my chest starts concaving on itself. Tears cloud my vision as I stare at my mother. Her tears mimicked my own. And a wave of anger flows through my body. She was crying as if she was the victim here. She was crying in front of her emotionally and physically wounded daughter as if this wasn’t her fault. 
I sit on the dark coffee table in front of my mother, our knees touching as I stare at her, “You’re going to tell me everything. And don’t even try lying to me.”
My mother looks up at me and nods as she puts her head in her hands, “Eighteen years ago your father and I were having problems. We’d been married 3 years and still couldn’t conceive. It took a toll on both of us. I got depressed and well… you know how your father gets when he is upset,” She looks up at me and I slightly nod as a wave of nausea passes over me, “Your father was out of town for the night and so I thought I would go down to a little bar outside of town. I was there for about an hour before I thought of leaving. But right when I was about to,” she pauses in thought for a moment then continues, “The most beautiful man I’d ever seen approached me. We talked throughout the night and then,” She looks at me to see if I understand where she was going and I nod disgusted.
“After I did what I had done I had never felt more disgusted with myself in my entire life. You have to believe me Y/N,” She reaches out to take my hand but I flinch away from her.
“Does Dad…or your husband know,” I ask but a part of me already knows the answer.
“When I fell pregnant with you soon after, you have to understand how happy your father was, I had never seen him that in love with something in the time I’d known him. You saved our marriage, Y/N. But… as you got older and you developed more of your own features and personality, neither of which were like me or him… I think your father realized or suspected that you weren’t his.”
My eyebrows furrow as I try to hold back my tears and sobs, “Is that why he…am I the reason he left?”
My question has my mother quickly shaking her head, “Your father and I had our own problems and even if it was because of that, it still isn’t your fault. He is still your father, he is the one who raised you.”
I stand up quickly, making sure not to move too much to upset my wounded arm, which is currently in a sling, and I huff out an angry laugh, “Raised me! Raised me?! I saw that man maybe once or twice a month for 16 years and in those few moments, all he caused was torture and heartbreak in my life. That man didn’t raise me! And looking at you now… I realize that you barely raised me too… I raised myself. Just like I’ve raised Theo,” I walk backward out of the living room as I shake my head at my mother, “I’ll never forgive you for this. Never.”
I hear my mother call out to me as I grab my keys and run out of the house. Rain pours down on me, dampening my clothes as I throw open my car door and turn it on. 
I drive around trying to decide my next move, and somehow I end up in the Salvatore’s driveway. 
I’m practically on auto-pilot as I walk up the stairs to the front door, I bring my hand up and knock, and within a moment it slams open and Damon stares down at me.
“What the hell do you…Y/N,” He pauses as he stares at my tear-filled eyes, “What happened? Are you hurt?”
I just stare at him and he takes a step forward and brings a hand to my arm. His touch seems to bring me out of my stupor and tears explode from my eyes as I throw myself into Damon’s arms. He doesn’t react for a moment as I cry into his shirt, but after a moment I feel his arms come and wrap around me.
“You want to…um, talk about it,” Damon asks quietly as if he’s not really sure how to comfort a teenage girl.
“My dad,” I hiccup out a sob, “Isn’t my dad!”
I feel Damon nod and he hums, “Um, sure, ok. Not entirely sure what that means,” He says the last part under his breath.
“I can’t go home. I can’t see my mom,” I pull away from Damon and I wipe the tears away from my face with my t-shirt sleeve.
Damon looks down at me for a moment before he turns sideways and gestures to the living room, “Then you’re going to stay here. For as long as needed.”
-2 months later-
“Hurry up hoe! This party isn’t going to decorate itself,” Caroline’s cheery voice calls up to me as I leave my bedroom at the Salvatore’s. 
“I’m coming Caroline, chill out,” I laugh to myself as I descend the stairs to where Caroline is standing. She shoots me a bright smile that rivals the sun when she sees me. 
“I can’t believe you’re still living here,” Caroline says as she grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall. 
I laugh awkwardly, “Ya, I guess I just like the bed here better than the one at my house.”
“And your mother really doesn’t care,” Caroline asks and I flinch at the mention of the woman I haven’t talked to in two months. 
“Um, ya. Theo’s away at some football camp until school starts and my mom’s always working so she doesn’t care.”
“You’re so lucky that you’re mom is so chill,” I laugh at the irony of that. My mom being “too chill” is the reason I’m not living at home right now. Caroline doesn’t know that though so she shoots me an odd look as she must’ve heard me laughing to myself.
After finding out about my paternal issues and moving in with Damon I made up a lie to all my friends that the reason I was living with him was that I needed a little vacation from my life, and not that I’m pissed off at my mom and scared to go home because it means I’ll have to face the reality of my life now. 
Damon is currently the only one who knows of my new “bastard” status. Even though sometimes I feel like strangling him, he has honestly been kind of a great friend these past two months. He’s gone along with my lie, not even telling Elena, who he is totally in love with. Damon and I have even started our own movie nights. Right now we’re bingeing the TV show Supernatural. He and I both like Dean, but our reasonings are a little different. God, I love Jensen Ackles. 
We’re postponing our movie night tonight because Caroline and I, mostly Caroline,  are throwing Elena her 18th birthday party. Elena told me to promise her that we wouldn’t make the party too big, but I kind of had to cross my fingers behind my back when I made that promise because when it comes to Caroline Forbes, no one will get in the way of her party making plans. 
“Good morning,” I look over to see the birthday girl smiling up at me as Caroline and I enter the living room. She and Tyler, who nods hello at me, are going through boxes upon boxes of party supplies.
“It’s 1 pm,” I say back to her and she frowns and checks her watch.
“Oh… Good afternoon then,” She laughs sheepishly.
I walk down the steps and bring her into a hug, “Happy birthday, Elena!”
I can hear Elena sigh and she pulls away from me, “Thank you,” Her vision goes from me to the boxes surrounding us, “I thought you said this was going to be lowkey?”
It’s my turn to smile sheepishly at her as I gesture towards Caroline, who is currently bitching to Tyler about hanging a streamer wrong, “You try getting in the way of her planning something. I love you Elena, but I’m more scared of her.”
Elena turns to look at Caroline as well and we both cringe when she hits Tyler over the head with a hard plastic plate.
“Good point,” Elena whispers out. 
“I feel like I have to fight Damon every single time we get a lead on Stefan,” Elena’s complaints have me side-eyeing both Caroline and her. I try to busy myself with unraveling some string lights, trying not to seem suspicious in any manner. I’m the only one here who knows really just how much Damon knows about Stefan’s “activities” this summer. 
About 3 weeks ago I found the articles about Stefan and he who shall not be named in Damon’s closet when I was going through Damon’s things. He’d gone through my things so I thought I’d return the favor. 
When Damon found out I knew he made me promise to keep it to myself. Only he, myself, and Ric could know. Damon didn’t want to worry Elena about all the killing Stefan had been doing. So “The Squad,” as I like to call us, have been researching different “animal killings” around the US this summer. Unfortunately, Damon and Ric won’t let me go on any of the road trips with them so I’ve been stuck at the Salvatore house this summer. 
“Maybe he doesn’t wanna find him,” Tyler’s comment makes me cringe slightly at the irony.
“What? He’s into you. Isn’t he” He asks Elena.
“The only reason Stefan left with Klaus was so that he could save Damon’s life,” Elena explains as she takes the supplies Tyler handed her, “I mean, trust me Damon wants to find him.”
You have no idea.
“But…you kissed him. Probably screwed with his head,” Tyler says and Caroline and Elena whip around to look at him while I hover a hand over my mouth to keep me from giggling. I’ve made fun of both Elena and Damon on multiple occasions this summer about the “kiss of death,’’ as I like to call it. 
“Tyler,” Caroline exclaims and Elena shoots her an “Are you serious” look. 
“I’m sorry,” Caroline apologies wholeheartedly. 
Elena raises her hand and shakes it, “I…Don’t worry about it. Look, yes, I kissed him, but it was a…”
“Kiss of death,” I say under my breath, but Elena still hears me and shoots me a glare.
“It was a goodbye kiss. I thought he was gonna die,” She tries to explain herself but Tyler shoots me a look and I have to fight off a laugh.
Elena fishes her phone out of her pocket, “I just missed a call from Bonnie,” She says.
At the mention of my witch friend, I perk up, “Tell her I say hi!”
Elena nods in agreement as she leaves the room. As soon as she goes, Caroline groans and whips around to stare at the werewolf.
“Just because I tell you things, doesn’t mean you’re allowed to know them,” She exclaims at him to which he apologizes. 
“I gotta run if I’m gonna change and pick up Sophie in time,” He says as he waves goodbye to me.
“Wait, you’re bringing a date? Slutty Sophie is your date,” Caroline asks and I frown at the nickname she gave her.
“Hey,” Tyler turns around, “It’s been kinda slow in that department. And… I’m horny all the time now.”
“Ya, tell me about it. Sometimes I feel like I’m gonna explode” Caroline agrees and I gag out loud.
“Ok, has no one here ever heard of too much information,” I say as I make a show of covering my ears. I go back to decorating trying to block out the obvious sexual tension between the vampire and wolf as they talk about their sex lives, or lack of. 
“Bye Y/N,” Tyler’s voice calls out to me and I just wave him off, which makes him laugh.
I turn around and watch Tyler walk out of the room and then I turn to my blonde friend, “Well, that was painful to watch…and hear.”
Caroline groans and throws the cups she has in her hands back onto the table in front of us, “Tell me about it. I just…ugh, I don’t know,” She groans in annoyance again as she picks up some streamers and tape.
“Can we talk about something else, please?”
I laugh slightly at her pleading tone and nod, “Sure, what about?”
Caroline thinks for a moment before turning to me and smirking, “About the guy you’re bringing tonight.”
I roll my eyes at the insinuation in her voice, “It’s not like that at all. Alastair is a work friend. He’s new to town and I thought he could use some more friends.”
“Is he cute,” She raises her eyebrows suggestively and I shoot her a look.
“Some might say that but I’m not into him like that, and he’s definitely not into me like that either,” I respond.
“And how would you know that,” She questions.
I think back to all the times I’ve seen him ogling the male customers at work and smile to myself, “Just a hunch.”
“When did you meet the guy again?”
“Around the start of the summer when I started working at The Grill. He got a job right after me and we’ve been put on the same schedules at pretty much the same times, oddly enough. He moved from Louisana, I believe.”
Caroline nods, “And he doesn’t know about…you know what?”
I shake my head, “As far as I can tell he’s a perfectly normal NON-supernatural guy.”
“Unlike Elijah right,” I glare at Caroline because of her comment which only makes the smirk on her face deepen.
“And unlike Tyler, right,” I smirk back at her and we both drop the subject on both of those men. Caroline got the jist about my little “friendship” or whatever it was with Elijah when she, Elena, and I, accidentally got into Jenna’s wine supply a few weeks ago. He also told me about her confusing feelings about Tyler. 
“Okay fine, changing the subject again,” She thinks to herself before frowning and looking at me, “Wait…when did you say your birthday was again?”
I frown at the question, “I didn’t say it.”
Caroline shoots her hands up in the air like a mad woman, “Well then tell me, hoe!”
I fight back a groan at her question and I don't want to answer but knowing Caroline she won’t stop bringing it up unless I tell her, “It was a few weeks ago.”
Caroline stares at me in shock as she drops the streams she currently holding. A wee bit dramatic might I add. 
“Excuse me! Why didn’t you tell anyone,” She practically screeches at me.
I shrug as I go back to untangling the lights I’ve been working on, “Elena has asked but I always just brush it off. Damon also knows, but he doesn’t celebrate birthdays either so I didn’t have to worry about him throwing me a party.”
Caroline’s eyes practically fall out of her head at my words, “So you did absolutely nothing for your birthday!?”
I just shake my head as if it’s nothing, “I don’t ever celebrate my birthday, Care. I haven't in years… I mean Damon and I had a pizza night, but other than that, no not really.”
Caroline continues to stare at me in shock as she comes over to me and throws her hands onto my shoulders, “Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N I solemnly swear I will be throwing you a huge 18th birthday party very soon. And it will make you change your mind about not celebrating.”
I go to argue but she puts a finger to my lips, “Hush hoe. I’ve already started planning in my head.”
Someone kill me now.
“Well, don't you just look Darling,” Damon's sarcastic voice sounds from behind me as I flatten out my dark blue dress. 
I turn around and see him wearing the same color top, “We’re matching!”
Damon looks at his top and then the color of my dress and groans, “You really need to move out. We’re starting to become the same person.”
I frown slightly at his comment and I think he notices because he clears his throat, “That was a joke, Pukey. You practically have already made this entire place yours I doubt you’re moving out anytime soon.”
“And yet you still won’t let me paint the walls,” I gesture to the wooden walls of my bedroom. 
Damon shoots me a glare as he raises his arm for me to take, “The wood on these walls costs more than some of the houses in this town. I’d rather die than let you paint them.”
I walk over and grab his arm and he leads me out of my room and down the hall where I can hear dozens of people yelling and music blaring.
“Did you find anything about-” Damon shushes me before I can finish my sentence.
“No talk about that tonight. Only happy drunk thoughts tonight,” I want to argue but I notice the tension in his shoulders and drop the topic for a later time. 
“Where’s the birthday girl?”
Damon slightly glares at the young teens that surround us, “With Blondey. Somewhere.”
The sound of someone calling my name has me turning around. I smile once I’ve found the caller. Alastair’s bright smile shines at me as he pushes through the hordes of people. His dark skin contrasts beautifully with the white button-up shirt he’s wearing. Dark slacks cover his long legs and I have to fight back a laugh at how put together he looks compared to the rest of the people around us who look like they picked out the first piece of clothing they could find in their closets.  
Alastair slightly grabs me out of Damon’s arms and brings me into a hug, “You look beautiful.” 
His compliment makes a warm feeling coat my cheeks as I look at him. “You don't look so bad yourself,” And I’m not lying either. He’s shaved down his hair again since the last time I saw him so he’s rocking a buzz cut that makes him appear even more striking and his dark brown eyes sparkle against the bright lights that Caroline and I had previously hung up around the house. 
“I fear I might’ve overdone it a bit. It has been awhile since I’ve been to a highschool party” He jokes as he gestures toward his attire.
“You think,” Damon’s sarcastic tone has me turning to glare at him.
“Alastair this is Damon,” I gesture to the man beside me.
Alastair who is usually all smiles seems to glare at the vampire next to me for a moment before brightly smiling at him, “Pleasure to meet you, Damon.”
Damon just stares at him for a moment, “Y/N lives here with me. So if I find you in her room later I will kill you,” He threatens and then shoots him a fake smile, “Other than that, enjoy the party.”
My eyes practically fly out of my head as I watch Damon’s retreating figure leave the room and I quickly turn back to Alastair to apologize.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s good he’s protective over you,” He smiles at me and reaches out his hand for me to take, “Want to get a drink?”
“Oh definitely,” I sigh dramatically as I put my hand in his. 
We start walking but I catch Alastair and a blonde guy staring at each other as we walk by him. I smirk to myself and then look up to my friend with a raised eyebrow.
“Not a word,” He laughs out.
“I didn’t say anything!”
Alastair rolls his eyes as we approach the refreshments table and he hands me a bottle of water and I shoot him a questioning look.
“We’re so not drinking whatever is in that punch. Who knows if someone spiked it with something? Water is a safe choice,” I begin to laugh thinking he’s joking but at the serious look on my friend’s face I stop.
“A little worried are you?”
“There’s nothing wrong with being a little cautious,” He opens up my bottle of water for me and smiles, “Also what’s with the text I got from your blonde friend this afternoon about you having a birthday party?”
I groan loudly and I can hear Alastair laugh, “How did she even get your number?”
He shrugs his shoulders, “I’d like to know as well,” He looks down at me for a moment then frowns, “You really didn’t tell anyone about your birthday?”
I just shrug, “I told Damon. But other than that no. I don’t celebrate it, and whatever Caroline is planning you definitely don’t have to come.”
Alastair shakes his head defiantly, “Oh you bet your ass I’ll be there. Going to get you a pretty present with a bow and everything.”
I put my head in my hands and sighed, “I hate you.”
Alastair laughs and takes my hands away from my face, “You love me and now you’re going to dance with me.”
I’m surprised at the strength of my friend as he leads me to the dance floor that's filled with teens dancing and grinding together.
“You sure you don’t want to go and find that blonde guy,” I yell to him over the music and he rolls his eyes.
“You’re stuck with me, babe. I’m not going anywhere” 
“Call me if you need anything alright,” Alastair says to me as I walk him to his car. After dancing for about an hour the party started to die down when people couldn’t find the hostess or the birthday girl. 
“I’m going to see you tomorrow at work. I think I’ll be fine until then,” I smile at him as he gets into his car.
“I know, just making sure you know you can call me for anything,” He says through his open window as he starts his car.
“I know.”
“Ok, I’ll wait for you to get back inside before leaving,” He nods towards the front door.
“Ok, bye,” I wave to him and start walking to the front door, I turn to look over my shoulder and find that he hasn’t taken his focus off me for a second it makes me unnerved but I shake it off and open the front door. 
As soon as I step a foot inside I hear the squealing of tires and I turn to see Alastair peeling out of the driveway. Guess someone’s in a rush.
I walk into the living room and sigh as I see the damage that was done by the hordes of kids. Bottles and trash line the walls as streamers and the decorations we had worked so hard to put up are lying all around the floor. I start to walk down the steps to start picking up when a loud bang comes from upstairs. 
I frown as I start walking towards the stairs, but as soon as I hear another loud bang I start running. I find myself in front of Damon’s bedroom as I watch the vampire throw and break anything he can get his hands on. I call out to him but he seems to be in his own world of destruction right now. I start to approach him like someone would a rabid animal and I freeze as he turns to look at me. Dark veins appear under his eyes as he glares at me. He starts walking towards me and I put up my hands.
“Damon, what’s wrong? What happened,” He gets closer and I’m about to run off but he grabs me. I shriek escapes my mouth before I realize what he's doing. He's hugging me.
“Damon? What’s wrong,” I slowly wrap my hands around his waist as he holds me tighter. Almost tight enough to bruise, “What happened?”Damon is quiet for a moment before he whispers out a growl, “Stefan.”
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w2sology · 1 year
morning scrunches, harry lewis.
summary: mornings with harry and baby bog
warnings: girldad!harry, cuteness overload!!!
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waking up besides harry had quickly become one of your favourite things ever since the two of you began dating. his face being the first that you saw everyday was just so refreshing and bought you so much comfort.
today was no different, your hand naturally coming up to caress the side of your boyfriend's face as he slept peacefully. before you'd gone to bed, your head was on harry's chest but now, it seems the roles had reversed and harry's head was now on your chest, his arms wrapped securely around your body.
turning to the bedside table on your side, you checked the baby monitor, seeing your baby girl was still asleep.
using that as an excuse for a couple more minutes of cuddles, you inched closer to harry, feeling him readjust his head on your chest.
a few moments after, you heard harry groan, waking himself up after a good night's sleep. and like he did every morning, he searched for you, smiling through tired eyes once he found your beautiful face.
"morning, love," he rasped, kissing your cheek.
"morning, babe."
now that harry was up, you checked the baby monitor again, seeing your little sleeping beauty was wide awake, just feeling rather quiet this morning.
"d'you want me to go get her?" harry asked.
"no, it's alright, i'll get her."
the two of you often took it in turns to do the morning shifts, as you called them. one of you would tend to your baby and settle her down or get her ready for the day, whilst the other got to breakfast and making sure the rest of you were ready for the day.
walking to the nursery, you outwardly awed at the sight of your little bundle of joy, picking her out of her cot. the newborn scrunch was something you absolutely adored and would definitely miss as she got older.
"hello, my precious girl!" you cooed as she smiled a gummy smile, reaching for your face as you held her near you. "let's go say morning to daddy, hm?"
the first time you say harry interact with your daughter, you almost gave him another. he was such a natural with babies, people were surprised to find out he head a mild feat of them.
walking back to your bedroom, you saw harry had moved positions, his body now sat up against the headboard as the sheets rested around his waist, exposing his naked upper body.
he put his phone down as soon as he saw you and your daughter walk into the room, smiling so hard his cheeks were starting to hurt.
"look who's awake," he gushed as you handed her over to him, sitting right besides him. resting your chin on harry's shoulder, you watched how he interacted with your daughter, your heart swelling at the sight.
he kissed both her cheeks, watching as she squirmed and smiled at her dad's touch, her small hand holding his finger, grasping so tight as if it was all she knew.
"i'm gonna get started on breakfast," you spoke softly to harry, leaving as he nodded and kissed your forehead.
it was actually his turn to make breakfast, but seeing how occupied he was with your little girl, you were sure you could manage another day of making breakfast.
meanwhile, harry spent that time talking to baby girl about everything and nothing, things he did with her uncles lately, how big olive was getting and the playdates that they'd be able to have soon, things he'd seen that reminded him of her mother, how beautiful her mother was... literally rambling to an 8 week old about whatever came to his mind.
"did you know i actually wanted to call you bog? yeah, your mum put a straight end to that dream. you'll still be mini bog to me though," you heard as you came back into the room, laughing to yourself at the almost name of your baby girl.
"breakfast's ready," you mumbled against harry's skin as you kissed his cheek, giving your daughter one too. "oh look, you changed her! she's so adorable, i might cry."
"oh, please don't, you'll set her off again." harry rolled his eyes as you nudged him.
the next few moments were filled with a comfortable silence as your baby glanced between her parents, a serene look on her face.
"can you believe we made her?" you sighed.
"i can believe it, yes, because that's what happens when two people───"
"harry! gosh, i'm trying to be sentimental here." you groaned at his inability to be serious.
he laughed in response to your reaction, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as his other arm was being used to hold the tiny human. "i'm joking, i promise. but i get what you mean. like we're actually parents."
"still feels unreal."
"mhm. but," he said, facing you. "i wouldn't change it for the world."
humming at his words, you placed a sweet kiss on his lips, a hand on his cheek as you stared at him lovingly. "me neither."
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mactavishsgfandwife · 8 months
Dad!Simon Takes Your Daughter Swimming 🧸
i’ve started taking adult swimming lessons recently because i literally forgot how to swim 😭 it’s so fun tho and i’m good at it now that i’ve jogged my memory pure fluff! just simon being a good daddy (i love him as a girl dad it just makes sense)
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Walking out of the changing rooms, you hold your daughter’s hand at the edge of the swimming pool, looking about for her father who seems to be taking his sweet time getting his trunks on. For the mean time, you focus on controlling your hyper little girl. Her hair bounces over her shoulders as she jumps up and down excitedly in her pink kiddie wetsuit - almost giving you a heart attack every time she makes a sudden movement, for fear that she’ll slip. In that anxious state, a tall, military man wrapping a strong hand around your waist almost makes you cry out from shock.
"Hello, love," he tries to hide his chuckle at how he made you jump, planting a soft kiss on your temple.
"God, Si, you scared me!" you laugh, still a little breathless, as his toddler starts to whine and tug your hand towards the pool, her arms somewhat restricted by her small yellow armbands.
"Hey, relax," he whispers into your ear softly, taking a moment to calm your anxieties. Oh, and he thinks he’s being smooth and subtle when he checks you out, but he’s definitely not - not that you care. When he sees your tensed shoulders gently start to ease up, he lifts the baby up into the air and steps down into the pool with her, making her shriek in joy. You giggle to yourself, silently noting how your husband chose not to wear that plain black tshirt. He almost always reaches for it when you go swimming, in an attempt to hide his scary scars from the little kids and to retain some of the comfort that he finds in covering himself - the same comfort he finds in his mask. But today, he was just in his trunks, and you couldn’t help but appreciate the sight of his warm, broad back as he held your little daughter on her tummy in the shallow end, encouraging her to "kick!" and "swim to daddy, sweetheart."
With one hand on your stomach, you gently lower yourself down the pool ladder - your back faced away from it to give your (still small) pregnant stomach some room to breathe. Watching you slowly descend into the pool, Simon lifts your three year old up onto his chest so that her chubby cheek is squished against his shoulder, and swims over to you. The little girl babbles and kicks her soft legs, convinced that it will help them move faster, making simon chuckle and plant a little kiss on her forehead before he stops next to you.
"Y’okay?" a firm but gentle hand supports your lower back as you finally land your feet on the bottom of the pool. When you’re down, that same hand wraps further around your back to lightly caress your stomach, the baby in Si’s arms still babbling and trying to swim away like a mermaid (she can’t actually swim).
"’Course I am," you grin, spirit lifted by your family and by the way the water supports your belly, taking some of the pressure off of your tender body.
"Daddy’s been teaching you how to swim, has he?" you let your body float, Simon still holding both of his girls close to him in the water.
"Can swim! I can swim! Swim!" your little girl squeals, her energy shining through her purple goggles, that would leave little rings around her eyes for a few hours after she took them off
"You gonna show Mummy how well you can swim..?" your husband grins. He gently loosens his grip around her, his hands never actually leaving her sides but still not restricting her freedom of movement.
With her new-found freedom, your daughter starts to giggle and kick her legs, chubby arms flailing and splashing water everywhere.
"Swim!” she squeals, wriggling and kicking, simon gently nudging her back upright when she loses her balance, "can swim! Daddy, can swim!"
"That’s right, baby," Simon coos, a little smile growing on the face that’s typically so rugged and serious. He’s so proud. <33
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i hope this was up to standard! tysm for all the love on the last dad!si post!!! i want to do my next one on her falling over (inspired by this video) bc omg imagine him cuddling his little girl and kissing her knee better 😣😣😣
thanks for reading!!
@minimimmies as promised x
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multifandomgirl08 · 11 months
Wedding Headcanon [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Wife!Reader (Established Relationship)
Photo Credit: Pinterest/Tumblr
Format: Headcanon/Social Media
Summary: Headcanons from Max and the Reader's wedding. Social Media posts from during their honeymoon.
Warning(s): N/A
Words: 0.8k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
The wedding was with about 100 people there (Maybe slightly over, who's really counting)
The whole grid came. + Sebastian came but didn't RSVP until the last possible minute.
Christian, Geri, and most of the engineers from RBR ended up coming (ex. GP, Calum, Jonathan, and Hannah), those who weren't able to make it sent Max their congratulations
Lewis ended up sitting on Y/N’s side of the aisle instead of Max’s.
Y/N was nervous to walk down the aisle but talking to Sophie helped calm her down
“Sophie,” Y/N said to her as they walked hand in hand before the music started playing for her to walk down the aisle. “I just want to thank you. Thank you for raising Max the way that you did, and being there for him when Nico came into his life.”
You could see that Sophie was starting to tear up a bit. “My son loves you, and my grandson too. I couldn’t have asked for a better wife to my son even if I had a hand in choosing her myself.”
Victoria ends up being Y/N's Maid of Honor
Max did end up crying when Y/N came walking down the aisle
Her dress was custom-made, and she wore ivory instead of the traditional white
Daniel tried to joke that he lost the rings when the officiant asked for them. Max ended up just laughing before Daniel slipped them into his hand.
There is a section of Y/N's wedding vows to Nico
Nico ended up crying into the skirt of her dress not wanting to let go of her during the rest of the ceremony
Max ends up spending the first few moments of his vows stumbling over his words before reaching for Y/N's hand, needing to feel her to ground him back to just her
Lando offers to DJ the wedding reception as his wedding present, and he would have if Martin hadn't already agreed to do it months before
Daniel made the best best man speech known to man with just the right amount of jokes. His speech ended with,
"But I digress, Y/N, you make Max so happy and have become an integral part of his family. I hope Max, that you know how lucky you are to have her in your life." Daniel lifted his champagne glass. "To many more years for the two of you, to Mr. and Mrs. Verstappen."
Victoria kept her Maid of Honor speech rather short but welcomed you into the family and joked with Max that if he screwed up she got to keep you in the divorce
Max laughed before giving Y/N a questionable look as if to say, Something I don't know about? Before breaking out into a smile knowing that Victoria is joking
Max quickly interjected, "I don't plan on letting that happen." before lifting her hand and lightly kissing the back of it
Everyone drank from their glasses and Nico and Victoria's boys got glasses of sparkling apple cider
Nico ends up cutting in during Max and Y/N's first dance
On the cake topper, the groom is in a race suit instead of a tux
Y/N ends up shoving Max's face into the wedding cake after it was cut
Halfway through the evening, Daniel ended up stealing the photographer's camera and started taking candid photos of everyone
Max and Y/N leave the day after the wedding, Nico staying with Sophie until both you and Max get back from you're honeymoon
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Liked by martingarrix, tiffanycromwell, and 345,926 others
ynverstappen My travel buddy
oscarpiastri Don't know where you're going but can you bring me back a keychain?
landonorris Keychain? I'm surprised that Y/N is even posting on her IG
lewishamilton Enjoy the honeymoon guys 🏝️ 🏞️
View all 381 comments
fan50 I want what she has...
agirlsguidetof1 Officially not allowed to gatekeep shirtless photos of Max anymore
Feb 3, 2025
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Liked by maxverstappen1 and 391,872 others
ynverstappen Before dinner, during and after
View all 605 comments
raquel.james OMG! So cute!! 💘💘
formu14leclerc How do all of her photos maintain the same aesthetic?
girlonthxgrid 😍😍 They are the best couple!
Feb 7, 2025
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Liked by ynverstappen and 273,837 others
verstappen1.jpg Being with you is simply lovely
ynverstappen ❤️❤️❤️
View all 368 comments
fan97 These photos feel like they're straight out of a Vogue shoot
fan47 Max pulled out the Simply Lovely. I'm Dead!
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Liked by ynverstappen, victoriaverstappen and 586,745 others
maxverstappen1 To share everything with you.
View all 354 comments
fan60 Max double posting on two accounts in the span of a day
fan85 I know it's their honeymoon, but Max is gatekeeping all of the gorgeous pictures of Y/N for himself
Feb 9, 2025
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taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra
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mellowmistt · 2 months
baby fever | matt sturniolo
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summary: story of pregnancy with Matt (yes he’s a girl dad)
content: fluff, swearing
A/N: Feel free to send me story requests and I will do my best!
I wake up against Matt’s embrace, his arm over my waist, head nestled against my shoulder. I gently opened my eyes, adjusting the light gleaming through the blinds. I inhaled deeply, instinctively stretching my legs to wake my body up.
“Morning” Matt whispers croakily, rubbing my waist gently.
“Good morni-“ I could barely finish my sentence before gulping. I abruptly sat up, feeling like I would need to rush to the bathroom, but the feeling went away for a few moments.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Matt asks, sitting up and placing a hand on my shoulder.
I stare blankly at the bedsheets, the sick feeling creeping back up my throat, I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom, heaving into the toilet.
Matt follows behind, concerned at my sudden movements. He rubs my back and pulls hair strands out of my face as I lean back from the toilet, deeply breathing at the sudden disruption through my body.
“Does this mean what I think it does?” Matt asks softly. I turn to look at him, the realisation only just hitting me. We had discussions about having a baby a few months back, we didn’t exactly plan or start ‘trying’ to concieve, we just decided it would all happen naturally when the time was right.
“I should probably go buy a test” I say, exhaling another deep breath.
I put the cap back on the end of the test strip and flush the chain. I walk back into the bedroom and sit on the end of the bed next to Matt, who immediately puts his arm around me for comfort. We sit like this for a few minutes, looking at the upside-down test.
Once the right amount of time had passed, I glanced at Matt before flipping the test around. Sure enough, it read ‘Pregnant; 2-3 weeks’
“Oh my gosh!” I say with a gasp, smiling into Matt’s chest.
“No way!” He says, soft laughter escaping in happiness before kissing my head.
A few weeks later, we finally had ultrasound pictures and confirmation of a healthy pregnancy so far, meaning we could finally tell people. Of course Nick, Chris and our parents were the first priority, Matt and I had already planned on how to tell them. It had been so hard not being able to tell Nick and Chris, feeling so nauseous the past few weeks when hanging out with them, barely wanting to eat but also being ravenous at the same time because if I don’t eat I will definitely throw up.
We decided to give ‘gifts’ to Nick and Chris and pretend it’s a prank for YouTube. We bought two gift bags, tissue paper and two little gift boxes to put an ultrasound picture in.
“Okay, here are the gift bags!” I say, placing them onto the kitchen table in front of where Nick and Chris were sat, suspiciously eyeing Matt as he holds the camera, smiling.
“Why am I scared” Nick exclaims, grinning at Chris.
“I know like this is so random” Chris laughs nervously.
“Okay, you can open them now” I say, glancing at Matt.
They both undo the ribbon securing the bags and unfold the tissue paper.
“Okayy, a little box?” Nick says, pulling it out in sync with Chris.
They both open it hesitantly, Nicks jaw drops instantly, staring blankly at the picture for a few moments.
Chris takes a few moments inspecting the picture in the box before he realises what it is.
“Whatttt!” Nick says, looking up at Matt and I in awe.
Chris finally looks at us, jaw dropped.
“Is this real?!” He exclaims through giggles.
“Yeah, I’m six weeks pregnant” I say, pulling my sweatshirt up and showing them the small bump which is starting to become more visible.
Matt chuckles softly behind the camera as he watches his brother’s reactions.
“Oh my god!” Chris exclaims, standing up with a big smile.
“Oh my god why am I about to cry!” Nick states as he stands up and hugs me, laughing softly.
“You guys are gonna be uncles finally” Matt says as Chris hugs him.
“I’m so excited!” Chris exclaims, before running to hug me.
I was now 18 weeks, and into my second trimester. I had just had another scan which determined the sex of the baby. Matt and I wanted it to be a surprise to share with everyone, so we didn’t open the card and gave it to a bakery to make a gender reveal cake.
Matt and I stood against the table, the cake in front of us iced in white with a black ‘?’ in the middle.
Our friends and Nick and Chris stood around us, excitedly awaiting the reveal.
“Okay..three..two…one!” They all say, and Matt and I cut a slice of cake, waiting a moment before pulling it up, revealing a bright pink sponge. I immediately tear up, my hand comes to my mouth as I put down the knife and hug Matt. I had always dreamt of having a baby girl, a mini me. Our friends cheer in awe.
“Oh my gosh I’m so excited baby, we’re going to have a daughter!” Matt says before kissing my head.
We had reached the week of the due date, these past nine months have flown by. Matt had been my number one supporter of course, he would always take trips to the store to get me my favourite chocolate bars or cookies, whatever I was craving, he held my stomach when we would go to sleep, trying to keep me as comfortable as possible. He loved to kiss my belly and talk to our baby, saying how excited he was to meet her, and that Nick and Chris will be the best uncles to her.
It was almost seven pm. I had just changed into my pajamas and sat beside Nick on the couch, who had come over for a movie night. Matt was at the store again buying snacks with Chris.
“You okay?” Nick checks in, helping me sit on the couch.
“Yeah, fine for now” I say, putting my feet onto the recliner. I felt massive, I couldn’t wait for this baby to be here, but of course at the same time I was terrified of giving birth.
A few minutes had gone by, and I started to feel sharp flashes of pain on and off in my stomach. I sat up abruptly after one very painful one.
“Woah, what’s happening?” Nick says nervously.
“Owww… I think.. I’m getting contractions” I say, stuttering through the pain flashes, holding my stomach in reflex.
“Oh my god okay I’m calling Matt!” Nick exclaims, grabbing his phone and rapidly tapping to find Matt’s contact.
I shut my eyes and breath deeply, trying to keep myself calm.
“Matt get home right now I think the baby is coming!” Nick exclaims.
“Oh fuck really? I’m literally two minutes away hold on!” I hear Matt say through the phone, before hanging up.
“Nick can you go grab…my hospital bag it’s on the floor next to my..bed!” I say.
“Yeah of course, hold on!” Nick says, rushing to my bedroom, returning a moment later.
“Here let me help you up, we’re gonna have to get you into Matt’s car as soon as he arrives” Nick says, offering his hands to me.
I stand, and immediately feel water ooze out of me. I look down and see my pajama pants wet.
“Oh god my water just broke!” I state.
“It’s fine, come on let’s go to the garage” Nick says reassuringly. I lean on Nick, we slowly walk toward the garage, hearing Matt pull up.
He opens the door and runs out, Chris emerges from the passenger side with a worried look on his face.
“Okay come on baby get in” Matt says as he pulls me over to the passenger side.
“Chris go run and get the hospital bag it’s on the sofa!” Nick says, helping me get seated.
The boys rush inside the car, Chris runs back with the bag and gets in the backseat next to Nick, barely getting time to buckle up before Matt was reversed out onto the road.
I let out pained breaths throughout the ride, the pain only getting worse. It was a fifteen minute drive to the hospital, Matt was trying his best to comfort me throughout the journey.
“Just keep breathing, deep breaths we’re almost there baby.” He says softly, trying to keep everyone calm as he gently rubs my leg.
I grip onto each side of the car seat, leaning my head back trying to ignore the pain.
“Ahhh fuck!” I state.
“I’m sorry I’m going as fast as I can sweetheart!” Matt says as he glances back at me with sympathetic eyes.
“Free space there Matt!”Chris exclaims after a few minutes. I didn’t even realise we were already in the parking garage of the hospital.
Matt quickly pulls into the parking space, luckily it was right by the entrance.
“Chris run in and ask them for assistance!” Matt shouts as he unbuckles my belt.
Chris runs out the door, Nick grabs the bag and puts it over his shoulder. Matt runs around the front of the car to help me out.
“Ohhh holy shit” I breathe out, it hurt so bad getting out of the car.
“Just hang on sweetheart, we’re at the hospital now you’re doing so well!” Matt says.
Chris comes back with a nurse who has a wheelchair, and we get escorted to the maternity ward.
“One more push honey!” A nurse shouts as I lay on the bed, squeezing Matt’s hand as I scream through the pain.
“Just one more push baby you are doing amazing!” Matt says, rubbing his thumb against my hand gripping onto his, his other hand on my shoulder.
I push, nearly crying as I feel the burn again, sweat was running down my forehead, my face was hot and flushed and I felt like I was about to pass out. I hear the baby cry out, and a wave of relief passes through me. I did it. Matt kisses the top of my head.
“Well done baby, I’m so proud of you!” He says softly.
Matt sat next to me, holding my hand as I rest, watching our baby in the cot next to us.
“Go get Nick and Chris” I say, looking at Matt smiling. It was time for them to meet her.
“Alright I’ll be right back” he says, kissing my hand as he lets it go.
I sit up slowly, leaning over the cot.
“You ready to meet your uncles my little angel?” I say softly, gently holding her tiny hand. I couldn’t believe this was real. We had this tiny precious life to look after, I knew Matt was going to be an amazing dad, the way he cares for me, he will care for our daughter even more strongly, which makes me smile at the thought.
A few moments pass before Nick and Chris enter the room.
“Hey!” Chris says, smiling as he sees his niece.
“I’m so proud of you!” Nick says, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder, before putting all his attention on his new niece.
“Oh my gosh, hi!” Chris says excitedly, holding her hand gently.
“Oh my god I’m literally gonna cry she’s so adorable!” Nick says smiling down at her.
Matt sits beside me, putting his hand around my back and kissing my cheek.
“How are you feeling?” He asks.
“I’m fine, a little tired though” I admit.
“I’ll have them leave if you wanna go to sleep.” Matt says, rubbing my back.
“No no, I’m fine, they should see their new niece Matt” I says smiling, watching the joy on both of his brothers faces as they talk to the baby.
“I’m your uncle Nick!” Nick says in a high pitch tone, even though she is sleeping.
“We brought the snacks Matt and I bought from the store before!” Chris says, handing me the big bag of goodies.
“Oh my thank you so much!” I say, grabbing a chocolate bar.
“Ugh this is amazing!” I state as I bite into the chocolate. Why does it taste so much better after giving birth?
“Do you guys have a name yet?” Nick asks, turning to face Matt and I.
“We’ve been bouncing around a few names, but we’re gonna lock one in when she opens her eyes” Matt replies.
“Lock one in” Nick laughs as he imitates Matt’s choice of words.
“You know what I mean!” Matt giggles.
We sit and relax together for the rest of the night, I drifted to sleep at some point, finally resting in happiness after all the hard work of the past few hours.
A/N: let me know if you want a Chris version! Thankyou for reading if you got this far <3
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fhatbhabiee · 4 months
Cuz I Loved You
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DBF!Joel Miller x Reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: light smut (nothing too crazy), touch of angst, heartbreak, Joel being a dick, plot twist ending, blue text is flashback from Joel's pov, pink text is flashback from readers pov
note: yes- this is based off the new Joel pic along w alittle help from @/corrodedcorpze on twitter who had the idea and yes i asked to write this before i did bc we don't steal ideas in this house
part 2
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Music was playing, people were talking and enjoying themselves, and your dad was having the night of his life. He never really liked celebrating birthdays but your mom convinced him otherwise.
You were running late as usual, stopping and getting the few things that had already run out at the party. As soon as you pulled into the driveway of your parents house you saw his truck. You felt your heart drop to your asshole. It had been months since you last saw or even spoke to Joel. Why did he have to be here?
You walked through the house, leaving the supplies in the kitchen before walking to the backyard. You spotted your parents and walked over to them, completely ignoring everyone else.
If I don't see him I won't have to talk to him.
Joel's laughter quickly died down as he looked over Tommy's shoulder and saw you. His eyes quickly roamed your body- you had on your favorite red sweater- the same red sweater Joel had got you for your birthday and a pair of black leggings. You looked beautiful as ever.
“Joel.” you gasped, pulling the knitted fabric out of the bag.
“It's the one you pointed out in that window in town.”
“Oh honey thank you so much. It's beautiful.”
“Cmon try it on. Wanna see how it looks.”
“Okay.” you smiled, standing up from the couch and replacing your t-shirt with the sweater. It fit you perfectly. It was a bit baggy but by the look on your face, Joel knew you still loved it.
“Beautiful.” he smiled, gently pressing his lips against yours. “But I think it'll look better on my floor.” he smirked, hands sliding up your sides under the sweater.
“Well let's try it out.”
“Joel.” Tommy called out, pulling Joel's head out of the clouds.
“Sorry what were we talking about?”
You got up from the table your parents were sitting at and glanced over, making eye contact with Joel. His heart sank as he saw your smile disappear because of him.
He looked good- so good that it hurt. He grew his hair along with his beard- covering the patches of skin you kissed all the time. You could tell he aged some but really he looked like the same man you fell in love with.
“What's all this?” Joel asked, eyes glancing over the dining room table.
“Well you told me you were working late so I'd thought you'd enjoy a hot meal.” you said as you poured a glass of whiskey and handed it to him. “Plus since we can't do date night this weekend I thought tonight was good.”
“I coulda put Tommy in charge.”
You let out a laugh. “Joel Miller don't make me laugh. You know good and well leaving Tommy in charge is the reason why you have more gray hairs then brown.”
He chuckled and kissed you softly. He pulled away and looked into your eyes for a moment, smile still spread across his lips.
“I love you.” he whispered. You were surprised. You were always the one to say the L word first in relationships but Joel beat you to the punch.
“I love you too.”
“Sweetie?” your mom called out, making you look over at her. “Oh sweetie…” she whispered, reaching up and wiping the tear that rolled down your cheek with the pad of her thumb.
When did you start crying?
“Come on. Let's go inside for a minute.” she grabbed your hand and walked you into the house.
“Mom it's fine. Just my allergies acting up.”
She laughed. “I wasn't born yesterday.” she handed you a glass of water. “Seeing him must be hard huh?”
You felt the heat go to the tip of your ears. “H-How did-”
“A mother knows. And after you two broke it off you stopped coming around and Joel was nothing but a mess. Sarah was calling your dad left and right because she couldn't get ahold of him.”
You couldn't lie to yourself, hearing Joel was a mess was oddly comforting. The sounds of his footsteps approaching the kitchen made your mom go quiet. She looked up at Joel and then back over at you.
“Do you want me to stay?” your mom whispered.
“No it's fine…”
“Okay… I'll be outside if you need anything.” she said to you, giving her a quick nod before she walked out of the house, leaving you and Joel alone for the first time in months.
“How have you been?” he muttered, finally breaking the silence after about 5 minutes.
“Fine. You?”
“Fine.” he replied.
“That's all you're gonna say?” he scoffed.
“Well you had a mouth full to say the last time I saw you.” you crossed your arms over your chest, digging your nails into the palms of your hands and repeating yourself not to cry in front of him.
He opened his mouth, about to say something, when the sliding back door opened and people walked in.
“Can we go somewhere private?” you gave him a small nod and led the way upstairs to your old bedroom, closing the door behind both of you.
“Look I'm sorry…”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “If 'I'm sorry’ is all you have to say I think I'll be on my way now.”
“Would you let me finish a sentence?”
“No Joel I will not! You don't deserve my time, you don't deserve to even be standing in front of me, speaking to me.” you yelled.
“I don't deserve it?” he yelled back. “You're fucking joking right?”
“Does it look like I'm laughing? You broke up with me, Joel Miller. You were the one that said it was too much. You were the one that wanted out. Not me.”
“Because you wanted all this life I couldn't give you! Do you not understand that I'm more than twice your age? I don't want to start over!”
You faced away from him, quickly wiping your eyes with your fingers.
“Don't cry…” he said in a soft tone.
“I am crying Joel. I'm crying cause I loved you and I hate you for that.” He walked over, gently placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I'm sorry.”
“Fuck you and your sorry.” you walked towards the door but he grabbed your wrist, spinning you around to face him.
“Fuck you Joel! Let me go.” you placed your hands flat on his chest and tried pushing him back but he wouldn't budge. “Fuck you.” you tried pushing him off again but no movement. You stopped for a moment, staring into his eyes- those dark brown eyes that you loved so much. He leaned down, just one move away from pressing his lips onto yours.
“Fuck me.” you whispered. He didn't hesitate. He pressed his lips onto yours, his hands sliding down your curves and around to the small of your back, pulling your body closer to his. You reached up and tangled your fingers in his curls at the nape of his neck.
God you missed this but you knew this was a bad idea. There were nights where all you dreamed about was this. But no matter how much of a bad idea it was- you didn't wanna stop.
You both stripped down to nothing and he picked you up by the backs of your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist. It took him no time to bottom out inside of you, both of you groaning at the feeling.
“Fuck I forgot how much you felt like heaven baby.” he groaned, bouncing you up and down on his cock while thrusting up into you.
“God I missed you so much Joel.” you moaned, digging your nails into his shoulders.
“I missed you so much more baby girl.”
It was like you had stepped into a time machine and went back. The sweet praises he whispered, the way his massive hands roamed your body as his thrusts became sloppy. The way you moaned his name on repeat, the way you always had to be touching or kissing him while he put you in this euphoric state.
It had been so long for both of you, you both came before either one of you wanted it to be over. You stayed in his arms for a moment, trying to catch your breath and gather your thoughts over what just happened.
“I umm… Gotta get going.” you said as you dropped your legs from his waist and got redressed.
“Yeah me too. Got a meeting in the morning.”
Before you walked out of the room he grabbed your hand again.
“Are you free this weekend?” he asked. You let out a small sigh and shook your head.
“Joel I'll never stop loving you but it took me everything in my power to get over you. I'm sorry but it's best that we don't speak again unless we have to.”
“I'm sorry.” with that you walked out of the room, leaning Joel alone.
— • —
Weeks had gone by since you last seen Joel and you've never felt better. That is until you got a stomach bug. Your head had been in the toilet for the last few days and the smell of food just made you even more nauseous.
You were laying on the cool tile floor of your bathroom, not having the energy to get up and go to your bedroom, when your eyes caught a glimpse of the unopened tampon box sticking out from under the sink.
3 minutes. 3 very long agonizing minutes. Once the timer on your phone went off you looked on the bathroom counter to see what your future would hold.
“Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me.”
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beta'd: @clawdee @nerdieforpedro @iron-strangers @dancingtotuyo thank you all ily <3
divider: @saradika-graphics
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