#my deranged dottir
strywoven · 2 years
this is your constant reminder that verona does NOT favor men much at all. in fact , if she finds them attractive - in any capacity - her one thought likely will be : i wonder if i can hunt him for sport ? i wonder if he will look nice skinned and hanging on the mantle ? no , that's not a joke.
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snakedevour · 1 year
writing muse is back yumeko my dottir you are soooooo deranged and fundamentally flawed but we like you like that
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just-an-adventurer · 6 years
Okay, so this post by @liliths-dottir about Jacob Seed and grey sweatpants inspired me to write my first-ever fic thing! Feedback is appreciated and I hope y'all enjoy!
"What the hell are you doing?"
Jacob's voice came from the doorway, jarring the deputy from their thoughts and distracting them from their very important task.
What task you ask? Why, attempting to hop across the bedroom wearing Jacob's grey sweatpants like a deranged seal, of course.
They had crept into Jacob's room half an hour ago, and seeing as Jacob was still busy, Rook decided to use the spare time to shower and wash the dust and blood of Hope County from their skin.
After exiting the shower, they eyed their rumpled pile of dirty clothes, burnt slightly and undoubtedly sporting a variety of bloodstains. Nope. Surely Jacob wouldn't mind them, ah, borrowing some clothes, right? Rummaging through his dresser drawers, their mouth curled into a grin. They could just stay naked and pose suggestively on the bed to give Jacob a surprise when he returns. They ultimately decided not to, on the offchance some Peggie came knocking only to suffer a nervous breakdown seeing Eden's enemy number one sprawled nude on his Herald's bed. But all thoughts were brushed aside as soon as Rook uncovered it: a warm, sherpa-lined pair of grey sweatpants. Experimentally feeling the inside, they nearly crawled into the sweatpants then and there - the lining felt like a cloudspun sleeping bag delivered from heaven. Hell, considering the sizeable width of the pantlegs, Rook could probably use them as a sleeping bag if they tried hard enough. Tugging the pants from the neatly folded stack they resided in, the deputy gave a quiet whistle. Damn, his legs are long. Holding the waistband to their hips, they contemplated the fit. The pantlegs went right over the top of their feet and continued several inches onto the floor. This was never going to work. But damn if the Junior Deputy of Hope County wasn't going to try.
So that leads one to the current turn of events. After donning one of Jacob's loose white T-shirts and cinching the sleeping bag sweatpants around their waist as tightly as they could, Rook was making the arduous journey to the bed in their functional new attire when they were rudely interrupted by Jacob's sudden entrance.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Rook nearly toppled over mid-hop as Jacob seemed to materialize in the doorway. I need to get him a bell or something.
"What does it look like I'm doing?"
Scoffing slightly, Jacob didn't dignify that with an answer. Instead, he closed the door, electing to lean against it with crossed arms as he simply observed the Deputy's latest jaunt into madness. Under his gaze, Rook finally managed to hop, shuffle, and slide to the bed, the latter protesting with a creak as Rook flopped unceremoniously onto it.
Jacob moved from his post at the door to walk to Rook. "Are you wearing my sweatpants?"
Facedown in the covers, they let out a muffled "Yep!" as they kicked their feet, flopping the loose ends of the pantlegs around. Jacob shook his head and made his way to the dresser, slipping into some sleepwear that wasn't commandeered by Rook. He then nudged Rook over, trying to get them to at least lay parallel to the bed instead of across it. They obliged, nestling their face into his thigh as he sat down. "Busy day?"
Jacob nodded and gave an affirmative grunt as he brushed the hair from their face, noticing that despite their playful demeanor, purple circles rested under their eyes. "You look pretty wiped, too."
It was Rook's turn to nod. Their eyes slid shut as Jacob began to absentmindedly massage their scalp. After a time, they cracked their eyes open to look up at Jacob. He seemed lost in thought, the infamous Seed blue less intense somehow as he looked down at them.
It was a pleasant scene, but Rook couldn't resist raising a suggestive eyebrow and cracking a grin. "See something you like?" Jacob just snorted in response, hand withdrawing from Rook's head.
"Not tonight. Now make room, we both need some rest." Rook obliged, nestling into Jacob's side as he lay down, bringing the covers up around them.
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