#my eyebags weigh like a ton now
heyimboredtalktome · 3 years
The correct answer is no
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spencervoid · 4 years
Late Nights | Luke Alvez
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*I do not own this GIF nor do I take any credit for it!*
Pairing: Luke Alvez x Reader
A/N: My first Luke fic so I’m so excited to write this, inspired by a prompt and it’s cute so hope you all enjoy it!
Warnings: mentions of depression, sad thoughts, swearing (not a lot), fluff
If you are suffering from depression or a mental health problem then don’t be afraid to reach out to someone who you know you can talk to, whether it be a teacher, a friend or even someone online. Talking about yourself isn’t selfish and it’s not good if you keep it bottled in either, just know I love you and if any of you need someone to talk to then don’t be scared to reach out to me either. Below are some numbers you can call and websites you can visit if you don’t have anyone around you to support you.
Give Us A Shout: https://www.giveusashout.org/
SOS Silence of Suicide -  0300 1020 505
or visit this website to view any other options, I love you.
Prompt: “It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.” 
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You don’t know what you were doing showing up at his house in the middle of the night but he was the only member of the team who knew about your mental health problems and he only did live about 20 minutes away from you. It was just meant to be a late night walk but now here you stood in front of his oak-coloured door, deciding whether or not you should even knock. 
A billion thoughts ran through your head, the pros and cons weighing each other out as you felt the cold breeze hit your body in the winter wind. You winced and hugged yourself, trying to warm yourself up. Sighing, you brought your shaky hand up to the door and knocked twice, stepping back and patiently waiting.
No response.
You knocked for a third and fourth time, hanging around for a brief moment before you saw the hallway light flick on, your heart starting to quicken it’s pace. You took a quick deep breath and hoped he wasn’t in a bad mood or even the slightest bit pissed off. 
The door creaked open when you saw him, he was dragging a top over his head when he greeted you quietly, the action of pulling a top over himself caused his words to come out in mumbles. You smiled at his messy hair and uneven drawstrings on his trousers when it hit you, your eyes widening. 
“I’m so sorry, did I wake you up?” You took a step back but he reassured you, a tired smile on his face. “It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.” You still couldn’t help the feeling of uncertainty inside and bit your tongue to resist the urge of apologising a billion times even though you could tell he hadn’t slept, there were very faint eyebags under his eyes not to mention the cup of coffee on the corner table besides the door.
Luke moved to the side, motioning for you to enter his house. You cautiously walked in as if you hadn’t been here a ton of times before.
He shut the door as you walked in to the hallway, turning back waiting for him. “C’mere.” He whispered, turning around and walking over to you with open arms.
Your shoulders slumped as his strong arms wrapped around you, the gesture showed your body, brain and soul that he was right there with you and as you melted into his embrace, you found yourself starting to calm down.
Despite the heaviness in your stomach and heart, it fluttered at the feeling of your body pressed against Luke’s. You sunk into the warmth of his side, appreciative of the simple gesture. His touch made the room warmer somehow or maybe it just made you warmer, whatever.
“How are you?” He mumbled against your head and as you were about to speak up, you felt something nuzzle itself between yours and Luke’s legs.
You chuckled and pulled away from Luke’s embrace as much as you didn’t want to, bending down to pet Roxy. “Heya girl.” You spoke childishly, her tail wagging before she left and made her way somewhere else.
Luke placed his hand on the small of your back and guided you to his room, taking your usual seat on the left side of his bed, you brought your knees up to your chin and stared into the bed sheets, your wandering thoughts piling into your head once more.
“Here,” a soft voice shook you out of your distanced mood as Luke placed some water on to the bedside table next to you. You mumbled a thank you as he made his way to the other side of the bed, plopping himself down along with his coffee mug.
“You want to talk about it?” Your eyes met Luke’s as he reached his hand out to yours, caressing it slowly. Even the very small act of kindness made you fall for him more.
The way he cared, the way he looked after you and out for you in the field, on the plane, practically anywhere he could set his eyes on you, was so pure. Garcia and Matt always teased you both about one another but unfortunately the FBI’s strict rules of no mingling with fellow co-workers was amongst the many reasons neither of you did anything in that context.
You sighed in defeat as your eyes fell to the bed sheets once more, shaking your head slowly. You missed the presence of his arms around you, his cologne enveloping you, a sense of safety washing over you like a long awaited shower after a tough day at work. “Can you just h-hold me?” You managed to croak out, Luke nodding softly and shifting from his position in order to get somewhat closer to you.
He pulled the sheets over the both of you and tugged you to move closer to the top of his bed where you rested your head on his chest as he rested his against the headboard. He wrapped his arms around you protectively as if he was shielding you from any pain, and truth be told; it’s all he’s ever wanted to do.
You could hear his heart beat drum against his chest, your hands rested on his forearms, feeling the weight on your shoulders fade away for a mere moment. As you closed your eyes, you could’ve sworn you heard something from Luke’s lips, in a small whisper as if he was muttering them.
“I love you.”
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kuroosdumbslut · 4 years
Kaminari, Sero, Bakugou, and Kirishima with an s/o who had to drop out of college
~Aged up~ One hundred percent self indulgent due to the fact i dropped out of college for my own mental health
Ok so Kaminari is actually the one to being it up first, and for good reason
While he’s already secured a job as a pro hero, you decided to go to college! at the time, it was the logical choice in your mind, but then denki was coming home to you in tears, or very close to tears, due to your class load
obviously the state of the world didn't help with your stress levels and he was so concerned for you
the last straw was when you had a full mental breakdown and just spewed everything weighing down on you, and it broke his heart to see you in such emotional pain
“Baby, sweetheart, you don’t have to go to college. Obviously I’m not going to force you to quit or anything but you're in so much distress...I make enough for like 5 of us, babydoll, if finances are weighing down on your mind!”
he's very sweet, but he's gonna ramble a little, trying his best to calm you down and comfort you at the same time
when you do finally make the decision to drop out, the moment you pressed the withdrawal button, it felt like a ton of weight just disintegrated off of you
kaminari was glad to see you not as stressed almost as soon as you finalized everything
“there you go, baby... always choose your health and happiness over everything, okay?”
he's really encouraging to you and will gladly give you love and affection when you get down and berate yourself for dropping out
sero was pretty perspective of how you were feeling, and he could sense that you had an unhealthy amount of stress built up
he wanted to talk to you about possibly cutting back on classes or seeing if he could help you in some way, but it was a bit to late
he had been relaxing on the couch after work, you were in your office getting work done for your classes, but sero was up in a split second when he heard you scream in frustration and then sob
he ran in your office to find you balled up and sobbing, textbooks and note pages strewn all across the room
“Mi amour, come here baby, come here...” he held you close and let you cry into his shirt as he gently rubbed your back 
“it’s so frustrating!! I can’t figure it out and I’m so overwhelmed the entire time I’m doing work... I hate it, I fucking hate school...” 
it hurt him to see how much school broke you down, but he just sat with you and listened to you rant
“Sero...would you be mad at me if I dropped out? Maybe not forever but for right now?” sero straightened up and pulled yu even closer, pressing a flurry of kisses all over your face and the top of your head
“My love, I’d never get upset at you for that... hell, I don’t blame you for wanting to drop out. I mean, I just went straight out of U.A. and into pro hero work. If you need to, then just drop out. You gotta put yourself first!”
he was right there with you when you withdrew and dropped out too, holding your hand when you started getting shaky and second guessing yourself and was there cuddling you when you decided to take a nap 
if you decide to get a part time job? he’s supportive. you want to take some time off from doing anything and just exist for a bit? he’s supportive. 
he just wants you to be as happy as possibly <3
bakugou first notices how stressed you were by the way you were constantly putting homework and classwork before anything else
“I’ll get food later, I have to get this thing in...” “I’ll come to bed in a bit, I have to do this paper...”
He knew you were working hard to just power through this semester, but he could see how much you were neglecting yourself and never giving yourself time to relax... and he could tell you were close to your breaking point
He’s gonna sit down and talk with you before you have a full breakdown
“Hey, babe, I need you for a second.” if you don’t come to him right away, he’s gonna carry you away from your work station and make you sit with him on the couch
“You’re overworking yourself, dumbass. You hardly do anything except school work. Are you okay?” While he knew you were extremely stressed, he didn’t expect you to start tearing up
bakugou frowned, brows pulled together in concern as he scooted closer to you and held you to him. you were shaking, seemingly trying to hold back from fully sobbing
“Hey...baby, look at me...” bakugou, with uncharacteristic gentleness, tilted your head up to look at him and his heart clenched at how sad and exhausted you looked. eyebags, bloodshot eyes from both crying and staring at a screen all day...
“i-i don’t think I can keep up going to school right now...I’m so overwhelmed, Katsuki...” you were quiet, nearly whispering it, but bakugou heard you
“then take some time off...clearly this isn’t working for you. you can’t run yourself into the ground, dumbass. and you aren’t weak for quitting for right now, you’re putting your health first...”
he’s a little awkward and doesn’t exactly know what words to use to reassure you, but it helps regardless
he can see how much stress was released when you finally dropped out and was lowkey heartbroken that you were holding that much stress over school
he loves you so much, but theres a chance he doesn’t immediately notice your stress due to him trying to go above and beyond at work
he had come home pretty late, probably around 2am. patrol ran late that night and he fully expected you to be fast asleep, so he was surprised to hear you call out to greet him
“welcome home Eiji! I’m in the office!!”
kirishima wandered into the home office and found you attempting to finish an essay. youre eyes were bloodshot and you looked absolutely exhausted
“pebble, you’re up pretty late...maybe you should stop for the night and come to bed with me” he watched as your eyes widened
you frantically explained how much work you had due and how you didn’t have time to take a break, you had to get it in now! you explained the amount of work the professors had assigned and how they were expecting more just because its all online for now
kirishima agreed with you that it was way too much work, picking you up in his arms and carrying you to the bedroom to get you away from the thing thats stressing you out the most
once in the room, you finally broke out in tears. “Eiji, im so exhausted... I just wanna drop out and not deal with it right now, im just getting depressed-”
kirishima wrapped you up in a tight hug, giving you small kisses all over your face “then just drop out for now... you shouldnt be forcing yourself to power through school while youre clearly not mentally okay right now.”
you teared up more but nodded, holding him tightly as you fell asleep with him
the next day you officially dropped out and kirishima could visibily see you let go of stress, slumping in your chair with watery eyes
he knew you would be hard on yourself, but he was glad you admitted that it was too much and decided to take a break from schooling, and he’d be there for you when you tried to beat yourself up over “giving up”
in turn, kirishima also cut back how much extra he was doing as well 😌 he became more aware of both your stress and his own
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