#my favorite part about this collab is how even the happy AUs are angsty because of the backdrop of the fic
20 Questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tags @artsyunderstudy @wellbelesbian @prettygoododds and @bookish-bogwitch! It was fun reading your answers 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
22! 3 are collabs, and some of mine are quite short but I am still proud of that number.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
315,168. (That number is crazy) but again, some of that is collabs, including Birthday Man which is 39k and written by several people, and my part was very short. I would guess the real number is around 265k, which…damn. That’s still a lot.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Carry On! That’s it.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Plus One
Rose-Colored Glasses
Shield Me
How to Avoid a Scandal
Archery 101
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! I love getting comments. We have such a rich comment culture in our fandom and it’s something I really enjoy participating in. I feel like I’m doing my part to keep that comment culture robust when I engage with other commenters.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I was about to say I don’t do angsty endings, but then I remembered my mafia fic Button Man and, fuck. Yeah, that one’s real angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them are happy I think. Beastly is a fairytale with a traditional happy ending, but honestly most of them are, especially the longer ones. I even left Button Man as ambiguous because I’m a wimp 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! This fandom is so nice, we rarely see hate and I hope we can keep it that way.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! Mostly super tender and full of emotion. Sappy porn.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope. A few AUs but none with any actual character crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! Is that a thing? Beside AI scrapping I hadn’t ever heard of that.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A few! Plus One with @fatalfangirl and Archery 101 with @whatevertheweather, plus contributing to Birthday Man. Co-writing can be challenging at times but mostly it’s been good fun.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Snowbaz. Always and forever
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have some things languishing in my docs but the only WIP that’s published is Depth of Reason and I fully intend to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Probably emotions and inner thoughts. I like the plots and premises that drive my stories as well. I think I’ve got some creative ones in there.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
When I read other works I can always find things i appreciate that others do well that I wish I could do better. I wish I was funnier. I wish I could write banter or witty dialogue or crack. I wish I could be more poetic. I wish my writing was sexier or more visceral. Maybe I’ll get better at these things. And maybe I’ll never write in styles I appreciate. Which is okay. We can’t do it all.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Besame mucho 😘 No, idk my language skills are crap so I doubt I’d do this in a fic unless I saw a need for it in a story and I had someone’s help with it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Carry On is the only fandom I’ve written for. And the only creative writing I’ve done, too!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably Depth of Reason. It isn’t finished but it’s my baby.
This was fun! No pressure tagging @fatalfangirl @whatevertheweather @cutestkilla @aristocratic-otter @facewithoutheart @hushed-chorus
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wreck-jroth-club · 4 years
Tumblr media
We are all caught in the in between (Of what's real and what's a dream?)
bellarke | angst | S7 canon-divergent | fic collab
Would you choose the end of war and suffering in your own lifetime if it meant the end of every other universe, too—including ones where you, your friends, and your family are happy and at peace?
Or, the S7 finale rewrite where Clarke experiences some of these other lifetimes and makes the ultimate choice of whether or not the end of suffering in her own reality is worth sacrificing infinite others where things might have gone differently.
Read chapter five on ao3!
Clarke stumbles upon a familiar scene in her mindspace, and her curiosity throws her into a universe where she gets to experience how things could have been different if Bellamy had asked her one simple question only a few weeks prior.
Chapter written by: @bellarkestitchdelena​; Intro written by: @stealing-jasons-job; Moodboard by: @carrieeve​
Chapters update (most) Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays @ 7 PM EST
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yuneyn · 3 years
fanfic writer tag game
Tagged by @a-still-small-vox, thank you!!!
What’s your all-time favorite ship? I can't say I have an "all-time" favorite because I tend to go from hyperfixation to hyperfixation... but some of those who stay with me are Promptis (FFXV), Kurodachi (Cherry Magic), Lawlight (Death Note), and since I fell into Kamen Rider recently I should add Ryusen (Build), Shouphil (W) and Ankh/Eiji (OOO)...
How many works do you have on AO3? 38 but one is a collab for which I only wrote one tiny chapter.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 377,780 words.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. Unintended - Death Note, Lawlight fix-it that starts in the Yotsuba arc 2. You can hear it in the silence - Cherry Magic, Kurodachi fic set post-canon because I just wanted more food 3. Something just like this - FFXV, Promptis modern AU filled with extreme fluff 4. I'm still yours - FFXV, Promptis fix-it 5. Tomorrow - No.6, Nezushi pwp... honestly not sure why this one is so high lol, it was my first work in years back then. But I guess it's soon going to be taken over by You electrify my life, a Promptis fic that's a lot better.
Do you reply to comments, why or why not? Always, even though I'm not always the fastest to do so and I feel very repetitive in my replies, but I always want to say thank you.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Well that's definitely If I'm dead to you, a Death Note one about L haunting Light as a ghost. It's super angsty and definitely doesn't have a happy ending, even though it is somewhat bittersweet.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Lmao, all the others?? Idk, I guess maybe the ones that end with proposal/wedding, so that would be I'm still yours (FFXV, Promptis), Something just like this (FFXV, Promptis), I want you for a lifetime (Cherry Magic, Kurodachi) and Let's tell the truth, just for once (asking for an answer) (Kamen Rider Build, Ryusen) Yes I know I do proposals a lot and guess what - I'm writing a Shouphil fic (hopefully) so that's not the end of it.
Do you write crossovers? I want to say no, but does planning on writing a Kamen Rider one shot collection that might have the guys from Build, W and OOO interact at some point count?
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Hate, no. I did get weird comments sometimes, about like top/bottom dynamics which I don't care about so I was like, cool, whatever?
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? ...I do. A lot lol. But it's usually part of the overall plot, and even for the fics that are a bit more pwp, it's still more about the tension and relationship between the characters than the act itself (which I honestly don't really care about) So it's pretty vanilla, with a lot of teasing and/or bickering depending on the pairing.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I can recall?
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!! I've had one of my Death Note fics and one of my Cherry Magic fics translated into Chinese and it made me so happy!!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not really co-written, but I did a few fic/art collabs with @ikathemadhatter on Death Note fics and that was awesome!!
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I don't have WIPs on AO3, it stresses me out if I can't finish. Usually if I post a WIP I have to be certain I'll finish it. I do have a RP on hold and I feel terrible about not being inspired already aaaaah.
What are your writing strengths? Eeeeh I don't know. As someone who is prone to self-deprecation, this is a hard question lol. I guess introspection, and bickering?
What are your writing weaknesses? Description. Omg I hate it. Also coming up with an elaborate plot that's not just an excuse for my faves to get together lmao.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I am partial lol. I have seen some weird French stuff sometimes that were there to look cool/classy but as a native it just sounded odd because it obviously came from a google translate thing. If you're bilingual, knock yourself out. Otherwise, there's always a chance someone native of that language will read and feel weird about it. As for me... I don't think I will do it. I hate writing in French, and I'm definitely not good enough in Japanese to try it.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Soooo that was Stargate SG1 back when I was like 15, very badly written fics in French posted on old geocities websites haha.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I don't think I have a favorite (and I'm also very bad at picking one thing anyway), but... I guess I really like You can hear it in the silence (Cherry Magic) because it made me super happy when writing it and I had just gone through a super dark phase... which, speaking of, If I'm dead to you (Death Note) was written during my dark phase, and as it turns out I really like it too.
I tag... @stickers-on-a-laptop, @ikathemadhatter, @kurosawa-sun and uuuh I don't know, anyone who wants to do it can do it I can't remember who I am following on tumblr I'm not around enough lol. Of course no pressure either!
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suzukiblu · 3 years
Fic Writer Meme
Tagged by my dear @dancinbutterfly, and like, obviously I will take any excuse to talk about writing.
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
168, although a few of those are podfics that the podficcer credited me as a co-author on. Actually less than I would’ve expected, tbh.
2) what is your total ao3 word count?
1,431,989. Honestly also kinda less than I would’ve expected at this point. I will blame all those old fics I never brought over from LJ and ff.net for this expectation.
3) how many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
I literally cannot tell you, the ancient ways have been lost to me. I can give you my Ao3 fandoms, though!
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Witcher (Netflix)
Young Justice (Cartoon)
Star Wars
Good Omens
Fantastic Four
League of Legends
Care Bears
World of Warcraft
Slender Man Mythos
Additionally, long ago: Naruto, Gundam Wing, Digimon, Ranma ½, Bleach, Inu-Yasha, and many scattered other fandoms of my youth. So, so many others. So I’ve written for 25+ fandoms, at least.
4) what are your top 5 fics by Kudos.
a mark, a mission, a brand, a scar (13004)
I once started out to walk around the world but ended up in Brooklyn (8450)
it’s a long way forward (so trust in me) (6965)
oh don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me (6818)
if the bad times are coming let ‘em come (5362)
5) do you respond to comments?
Not really these days, though I hoard and treasure them like a freaking DRAGON. I used to respond to all of them but sometimes I’m just not around and then it becomes awkwardly late to reply and also they kinda . . . pile up a bit. I do try to answer all the comments with questions in them, at least, as long as the questions aren’t literally spoilers or anything like that.
6) what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t usually write super-angsty endings, I think? I don’t FEEL like I usually write super-angsty endings, anyway, at least not these days. I think I did it more often when I was more into, like, drabbles and shortfic. Now I just spend way too long on stuff to give it a downer ending.
The most recent angsty ending I can think of is wanna hold him, maybe I’ll just sing about it, though eventually I did write a sequel to that to soften the blow a bit. And also torment people a bit. Both, technically. Technically both.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
blondes really do have more fun, definitely. It’s very . . . giddy, I guess? What with the gender euphoria and all. There’s angst and heavy emotions in the actual plot but the highs of the happy parts/ending are probably the highest/happiest ones I’ve written, and Supergirl gets everything she wants without having to compromise or give up anything else.
8) do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I write fusion fic more than crossovers, really, but I have written a LOT of fusion fic. Some of it has been weirder than others, tbh, but probably the Avatar: The Last Airbender/Animorphs fusion that I have been lovingly slaving over deserves to be this answer if only for how much extremely sincere effort I have put into it over the years.
9) have you ever received hate on a fic?
Mild hate, but occasionally. I don’t really tend to remember negative comments, tbh, though it does sometimes make me not want to reread the comment section I know they’re in. But a lot of the hate I’ve gotten in the end just seemed like socially-awkward people being unnecessarily blunt instead of just hitting the back button, so I try not to take it personally. Can’t please everyone. Don’t WANT to please everyone, frankly.
10) Do you write smut? What kind?
Yes, and the kind is “a lot”. Sometimes I don’t really feel like it but definitely I have done a lot of it. I try for Feelings and also to be safe, sane, and consensual as much as I can.
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
I . . . am not sure? Though probably, after being at this for all this time. Someone once told me that someone picked up a fic I’d (at the time) abandoned and just started writing/posting more of it without asking or telling me about it, but I never actually found said fic and I don’t know if that technically counts as “stealing” anyway.
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
A few times, yup, it’s pretty gratifying! I also like to run them back through Google Translate and see what they say, haha.
13) have you ever co-written a fic before?
yoooo @dancinbutterfly, @rainnecassidy! Also done it with a few other people long, LONG ago, but that was back in the LJ era. Don’t think I’ve technically collabed with anyone else lately, although sometimes people will give me ideas for stuff I’m writing or offer suggestions when I’m stuck on a thing, which is very helpful.
14) what’s your favourite ship?
Like . . . per fandom? ‘Cuz we could be here a while. Most recently it’s Jaskier/Geralt, for a while it was Aziraphale/Crowley, DEFINITELY for a while it was Steve/Bucky . . .
You know, I guess technically my all-time favorite ship is actually Naruto/Sasuke, because I made a LOT of friends in Naruto fandom and it actually hugely influenced the end of my teenage years and beginning of my adult life and so, SO much of my writing. So like, if nothing else it wins on influentialness.
15) what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Let ‘Em Come. @rainnecassidy and I wrote that AU a long-ass time ago now and I never did my half of the sequel fic because I got too distracted with another longfic I was working on at the time and then took a real long fandom break. I always felt kind of bad about it because people seemed to bother her for said sequel more than they bothered ME for it, since her fic was the last posted part. Unfortunately I just don’t have the spoons or the MCU-focus for the research and effort it’d take anymore. Also, like . . . it’d probably be pretty long, so unless I was REAL obsessive about it it’d take a good long while.
Basically I think its time has just passed at this point, alas.
16) what are your writing strengths?
Sex, action, snark, and weird fusion fics. Also making people love things they usually hate, that’s one I get told a lot.
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
Fitting physical descriptions of . . . literally ANYTHING into the story. Just, anything. Physical descriptions are hard.
18) what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I try not to do it, personally, because I know soooooo very little about other languages. Sometimes I’ll sprinkle in a little bit of it, but usually I feel like it’s better to avoid it, personally.
19) what was the first fandom you wrote for?
I literally could not even tell you. The first fandom I REMEMBER writing proper “fic” for was . . . Ranma ½, I think. I thiiiiink. But that was a long-ass time ago and I never even posted it anywhere because those were the days when I despised typing things up beyond all measure, hah. And before that I remember writing Animorphs . . . comics? Storyboards? Something like that. Kind of a cross between the two.
20) what’s your favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I do not know! There’s really just too many, tbh. Some top options are you found me when no one else was looking, best friends means you get what you deserve, clay kids, Avamorphs, handmaiden!Anakin, oh don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me, and . . . and I could go on for a dang MINUTE, honestly, haha, I’m just gonna stop myself here before I get too carried away.
I tag whoever happens to be reading this that wants to be tagged; have fun with it!
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resbang-bookclub · 6 years
AMA Transcript: Unrequited
Next up, @infantbluee, @kallie-flower, @nori-wings and @thiefofblood (Souly on Discord) came to answer questions and spread the love for their Resbang, Unrequited! Here’s some of what went down:
Q: How did you guys come up with this idea? I remember you threw a ton of ideas around and settled on this one. Can you take us through the process? >:)
kallieflower: Oh god. We went through SO many different ideas. We wrote like what? 40k for our first idea before we scrapped that?
b l u e: Then like 30k for the next one that we also scrapped.
kallieflower: WE KEPT TRYING TO WRITE SHORT THINGS BUT IT DIDN’T WORK. Soma just does not work as shortfic.
b l u e: Even our final bang ended up being a 40k two-shot lmao.
Q: So what was it about this final idea that made u guys decide, YES, this is it???
kallieflower: The first idea was a Madoka Magica AU that exploded into a mess because magical girl worlds take a loooooottttt of work. The second fic also exploded into something big.
b l u e: We were going to stick with it though. We were. We had it all ready for check-in and everything. But then like two days before, kallie went, "okay so I love our fic idea and all but what about this." Me, on three hours of sleep: "I effing hate you." Then we stumbled through our first 3k and sent it to the mods like the gremlins we are.
kallieflower: We didn’t expect it to get so big either but c’est la vie. Chloe almost killed me like 48293783 times during the process but I think we managed alright.
b l u e: You're lucky I love you so much.
Q: Did you guys start writing straight from the beginning of the fic or did you write a specific scene first?
kallieflower: Actually we didn’t start from the beginning haha! Or well, our idea didn’t start from a plot. We just wanted to write Maka cursed. We wanted to write her with no inhibitions in love, like she might’ve been had she not been so hurt by her parents’ separation. And since there are witches in the SE universe, we had fun with that instead of making it an AU.
Q: Do you write linearly at all or did you jump around a lot?
b l u e: Surprisingly yes. Aside from my dream sequences.
kallieflower: Your dream sequences were our pit stops. We just had to actually do the writing to get there.
b l u e: Hahaha our writing process was.... Unique.
kallieflower: That’s one way to put it lmao.
nori-wings: It was a mess, but we love it.
b l u e: WE are a mess so it's just us in fic form.
kallieflower: God yeah. For one thing, this fic was like 90% chloe with me just making her do crazy things I wanted to happen.
nori-wings: And 5% of what the artists wanted to happen.
b l u e: YEAH hahaha that was kallie too tbh. She was like, "me as a witch would not understand anything about my magic at all and would curse people for kicks, so let's do that."
kallieflower: We would have a general plot of how we wanted to go and what points we wanted to hit. Chloe would start to write it, but then I would be like “WAIT WHAT ABOUT THIS.” And then she would pretend she thought I was a total nuisance but we all know she’s too soft and sweet to ever say no to anything. Also our artists were such a LOVELY help too.
b l u e: We wanted as much of their input as possible and we wanted to make this as much of a collab as we could. The train scene at the beginning of the third chapter was all nori because she was mad at us for only torturing Soul and wanted Maka to cry too.
Q: Nori/Souly did you have a favorite piece of art to make?
the monkey chain (soul): The skating scene was my fave. I also accidentally changed the part in the fic with the skating since I didn't ask what kind of skates they were supposed to be kfljgdf.
b l u e: LMAO it's our fault though!!!! We were Too Slow.
nori-wings: Black*Star dragging Soul and Maka is my favorite, it was super fun to draw.
b l u e: When you sent the first wip of that, I think I cried for days. It was better than my dreams. You were both so fast GOD, it takes me seventeen years just to sketch a pic.
kallieflower: For real tho. We don’t deserve artists.
nori-wings: They are exaggerating, it was a quick sketch that I made on a post it lol. It took me a week to draw it in digital.
the monkey chain (soul): I had free time since we moved and were without internet for a night so I had a ton of time to finish my pic.
Q: Did you have trouble meeting the deadline?
kallieflower: Trouble is putting it lightly lmao. We died. Many times.
b l u e: I don't trust fast writers. Clearly they are superhuman. It wouldn't have been hard if we didn't spend so much time drowning in memes and shitposts that we neglected to write.
kallieflower: I blame the internet.
Q: Were there any scenes that you guys really struggled with writing?
b l u e: The beginning, definitely. Everything else flowed out pretty quickly, but the beginning made us want to cry into our pillows and smash our keyboards.
kallieflower: I think there was a period of time where Chloe was like, “I will physically pay you money to write this scene so I don’t have to.” But yeah, the beginning scenes were definitely hardest to write. I think we rewrote them like a million times.
Q: Nori and Souly, was there a part of your art that was trickier to do?
nori-wings: I think painting Soul and Maka's kiss, because I wanted to use as few colors as possible and I played a lot with shading, or at least I tried haha.
the monkey chain (soul): Uhhhh not really for me? My pieces were relatively simple and probably the most issue I had was drawing Maka's skates and figuring out what Soul would be wearing.
b l u e: I cried when we got paired with souly.
kallieflower: Chloe literally fangirled to hell over getting souly as our second artist. And we were very lucky to get nori as our artist too because we already became really close friends through the zine and talked all the time. Our resbang just gave us an excuse to move all our blabber to a personal server lmao.
nori-wings: Yeah, they asked me to be something like a beta but I ended up being their artist.
kallieflower: We joked about it beforehand too and were SO happy it happened. We were so blessed with support and love this year. We never would’ve finished without the help of our artists and betas.
nori-wings: They are making it sound nice, but we wouldn't let them drop out.
kallieflower: LMFAOOOOOO. Nori likes to be sassy but she’s one of the softest of us all
b l u e: We legitimately would've dropped out if not for our artists.
kallieflower: “Do it for our artists” was our mantra through the whole process when we wanted to quit. Peer pressure makes diamonds, maybe.
b l u e: I mean, it didn't feel like that when we were bullshitting our way through our next 5k before each deadline, but it be like that sometimes.
Q: What was your favourite scene to write?
b l u e: My favorite to write was definitely the nightmare demon scene.
kallieflower: Because she’s a sadist and likes angst. Chloe likes to make people feel pain so her favorite scenes were definitely the angsty ones.
b l u e: FDSJFKDSF
Q: For errbody: what do you feel like you improved/grew in this resbang, writing and arting-wise??
kallieflower: For me, I definitely grew in writing skills even though I didn’t end up writing much of this bang (chloe, bless your soul for carrying me this year lmao) because chloe is SO GOOD at writing that it made me want to be better, learn better, do better.
b l u e: Kallie made me work harder than I ever have my entire life and it paid off SO MUCH. I very much only ever write ventfics.
the monkey chain (soul): I feel like I Peaked with Maka's outfit in the skating picture, like I don't pride myself in outfit design much these days but Maka's outfit came out so good. I didn't expect it.
Q: Were there any parts of Unrequited that really pushed you out of your comfort zone?
b l u e: Writing with someone else was such an experience.
kallieflower: We definitely had to compromise a lot in terms of writing. Like I wanted Soul to walk in on Kid touching Maka’s scar and Chloe immediately said “fine, but only if we make Kid a gardener” and if that isn’t a super fair trade off, idk what is. Chloe and I work so well together so that was easy. And we like a lot of the same things.
b l u e: There was a little adjustment [with adapting to different writing styles] but not much, because despite what kallie says, she's actually so freaking smart and talented it actually makes my eyes water.
Q: If you had the time to do something differently, what would you do and why?
b l u e: Everything. Jk no but really. There's just a lot I wish we could've elaborated on. And more suffering to be had of course. I just wish we had more time to elaborate on Spirit and Maka's mom.
kallieflower: Oh god yeah. Maka did not get enough of a backstory in the manga or anime and that makes me sad always.
Q: What made you both decide on the outcome of the curse? Did the witch know how it was going to affect Kid?
b l u e: We actually knew the outcome from the very beginning when we decided what kind of curse it was.
Q: Okay SO one last question for the crew. What is next!!!! >:)
nori-wings: Next collab is me writing and Chloe as my artist. (She just doesn't know it.)
kallieflower: OMG PLS HAHAHA. I’d be all over that collab. Chloe is working on a soma longfic she won’t let me beta because she’s Secretive. And I am trying to work up the energy to use my keyboard again after the hell that was finishing Resbang.
Thanks to the crew for stopping by! Stay tuned for more transcripts!
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batbobsession · 7 years
Stuff I’ve Written
Let’s talk about something… - How Adam must have felt when he realizes he’s human again.
Our Fault - A oneshot of the prologue, from the eyes of Mrs. Potts.
Our Fault, Part 2 - The morning after the curse is cast.  Mrs. Potts tries to find Chip, and in doing so stumbles upon Chapeau, Plumette, and Cadenza.
Not Until My Whole Life is Done - Young Adam goes about his regular days in the castle, but something’s wrong…
Finale - Maurice looks upon all the happiness in the room during the final scene and realizes that his job as an artist is a lot more important than just making a picture.
That’s How a Moment Lasts Forever – An old man tells his granddaughter a story in hopes that it will fade into legend, and the residents of the castle will live on through it.
Less Human - Just the staff going about their normal activities, not even realizing that they’re becoming more and more like the objects they were cursed to be.
Enough - Belle runs away to find her mother.  This is Maurice’s reaction after they found her.
BatB in Four Parts - What if BatB 2017 was the third installment in a four-part movie series?
Nocturne - Not too far from where a provincial village sleeps, a castle sings its sorrows to the night sky.  No human wanders in such a place, but it is alive all the same. (Probably the one I’m the most proud of at the moment…)
The Nameless Prince - Our favorite castle staff finds themselves dealing with steampunk androids and Carrionites.  Also, the Doctor is in! (Doctor Who/BatB2017 crossover)
Long Ago - A reclusive earthbending prince meets a young inventor who teaches him that the world is a lot bigger and a lot kinder than he originally believes.  If Beauty and the Beast took place in the world of Avatar…
New Life: Part 1 – Based off of this post from @plumettesfeathers, @gastt, and @forr-everrmorre. Maurice sees Belle and Adam’s son for the first time.
New Life: Part 2 – Same thing, only with Garderobe and Cadenza seeing Plumette and Lumiere’s daughter. AU where Garderobe and Cadenza are Plumette’s parents.
Up in Smoke - Lumiere and Plumette contract a deadly disease.  Everyone thinks about how much their lives have been affected by the two, and decide that letting them die is out of the question.
Remember - What if the king was still alive and away from the castle at the time the curse was cast?  How would he feel once he remembers?  AU where Adam’s father is still alive.
Bit by Bit - What if over time the transformed staff became more object-like, and slowly stopped having human emotions?
A Shadow’s Tune - The French Revolution is in full swing, and many of the castle’s residents are starting to lose hope.  They’d hate to see their beloved home fall a second time…
One Moment - A collaboration done with the incredible@lumiereswig.  While the villagers teeter on the edges of anger and fear, the staff laments over the fact that Belle is gone, and now they will never be human again.  The other part of the collab is here.
What Might Have Been - Imagine Gaston wins. Imagine Belle arrives too late…and the Beast, wounded and alone, is forced to live the rest of his life as a monster. Maurice is carted off to the asylum, and Belle is forced to marry Gaston in order to keep her father alive. Now, fifteen years later, a small boy happens upon the castle and finds that it’s not like the stories he’s heard.
The Last Christmas - It’s only been months since the queen died, and already the castle is beginning to feel the weight of it.  But the servants look back and smile and remember the joy that they all felt when the queen was there to celebrate Christmas with them.
The Songs of Other Lives - my first poem on this blog!  It’s part of theSestina Challenge I issued a few days back.  Feel free to participate, so long as you tag me so I can see your awesome poems!  This one’s about the staff.
Music-based Prompts
The Midnight Waltz - On the eve of the summer solstice, the queen gathers her friends and family together to dance the night away.  But the celebration is not contained in the ballroom; the entire castle is affected by the music and the spirit.  Based on the David Garrett piece by the same name.  
Memories - Agathe isn’t as heartless as some may think, but her curse brings a purpose with it.  Based off of “The Impossible Planet” from the Doctor Who OST.
Grey - After the queen’s death, all of the happiness drains from the castle and its residents, especially the young prince.  Inspired by a piece from “The Killing” soundtrack.
Sunrise - It’s been a full day since the curse has been broken, but this is the first sunrise they’ve seen since being reunited with the ones they love.  Inspired by Leia’s Theme from Star Wars IV.
The Snow - On the night the curse was cast, the castle was changed. The village was changed.  We all seem to forget that the forest changed, too.  Based off of the Allegro from Vivaldi’s “Winter.”
Wooden - Cadenza has always played for Garderobe, his wife, his angel, his muse.  But this time, something’s off.  How…long has it been since he’s actually seen her?  Based off of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata.
Never Let Go - my first real oneshot; a retelling of the fading scene as well as the relief afterwards, but all from Cadenza’s perspective.
The Rehearsal - Just a small thing; Garderobe and Cadenza practice for their first performance after the curse has been lifted.
Duet - Belle finds out about Cadenza and Garderobe’s marriage.
Can we talk about Cadenza’s love for Garderobe? - No, seriously.  Can we?
And Always Will - inspired by a post @lumiereswig wrote.  It’s been two hours since everyone’s woken up the morning after the curse has been cast.  So what’s on my mind for something like that? Angsty Garderenza.
Find Her Here - Garderobe and Cadenza discover an old castle secret.
Lumiette Thoughts - Lumiere just staring at Plumette because he can hardly believe he’s married to her now.
Golden Hour - very first real Plumiere oneshot.  They’re dancing in a garden.  What more can I say?
Run - Lumiere is sick with a illness that reminds Plumette a little too much of the plague.  As well as the death it brings in its wake.
OMG I wrote 37 fics for this movie.  I can’t even believe myself right now.
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carpemermaidtales · 7 years
Hello!!! ❤ I was thinking about my favorite scenes/lines from my favorite fics and got to wondering what scenes/lines stood out to the people who wrote them. Lolol. What would you say are your top 10 favorite bits from your fics?
Ok, well I spent ENTIRELY too long doing this lmao (like an embarrassingly long amount of time, so thaaaaaanks)! *squints at you* Picking felt impossible, because I think I have favorite parts from everything I write--each of them feel like my children I’ve raised and released into the world. Not to mention, some of it I’ve just plum forgotten and I’ve had to skim through my stuff and re-discover it LOL. And then there’s stuff tied up in anon fests, and wips that aren’t even posted yet, and every time I write something new, that becomes my new favorite bit. Sometimes it’s a snappy line I’ve managed, sometimes it’s a little bit of imagery, and sometimes it’s a scene that I was most excited to write when planning the story concept.BUT BOY HOWDY, HERE WE GOOOO (cut for mermaid rambling):
1. “Don’t be so smug, Potter, it doesn’t suit you. You don’t have the bone structure for it,” Draco drawled when he’d regained his composure. (From Partners of the Four-legged Variety) // Now, there’s actually a lot of parts to this one I love, but this is one of my favorite snarky Draco lines I’ve got in my repertoire. I really enjoyed exploring Harry’s past issues with his childhood through the veil of Crup training and contrasting it with Draco’s more firm methods and Harry’s more lax ideals. I also love the beginning from this, Draco’s visitor badge when he enters the Ministry still makes me smile./2. “Hermione says I shouldn’t cast duplication spells on things I’m actually wearing, so,” Potter says absently as he lays his trousers on a desk. “We had a mishap once, when we were on the run last year.” (From It’s Joggers Season [or so the Muggles say]) // This is also a fic I somehow managed to pull a post-war emotional plot out of with the premise of Joggers, so, there’s that, too. I’m also quite fond of Harry’s first entrance at the beginning of the fic./3. I don’t have any one favorite line, but I’m pretty happy with the way the imagery turned out in when life hands you (lulu)lemons :) Especially the way the sunlight is described./4. The beginning of Harry + Draco’s date in Chapter 2 of Never Feel the Burning Light, and in particular Draco’s exasperation at Harry changing in front of him. Also the walk to WWW after the date. Also Harry and Lucius’ stand off at dinner in Chapter 3./5. The intervening years into adulthood—the stint in prison and Remus’s own ongoing battle with his personal demons—hadn’t made the all-consuming need wane in the slightest. It had taken them some time, tiptoeing around each other as they mended the scraps of their friendship, tattered and broken by a war against a madman, but then there had been Firewhisky to help smooth the way.Sirius couldn’t even remember which of them had moved first, but suddenly they’d been kissing each other roughly with just as much fierce passion as they had in those secret hiding places, their hands hungrily mapping the changes in their bodies from boys into men and fingers tugging urgently at clothes until there was nothing but the drag of their fingertips against heated skin and the faint trembling in their bodies when they sagged against each other afterwards, sated and panting. Remus’s lips had twitched with an amused, tired smile and Sirius wanted to crawl inside his body and stay there forever, his heart thudding heavily in his chest. (from By the Light of the Moon) // The thing I love most about writing Wolfstar is all the angsty, heart-panging feels for these two broken men who had to grow up way too fast, so exploring some of that threaded with a quickie for that month’s DD theme was really enjoyable./6. The kiss by the sea in Weekenders, but I also had a lot of fun creating this from the art it’s inspired by, especially Harry introducing Draco to pub games. This whole thing is an exercise in Harry introducing Draco to the Muggle world and it was a lot of fun to play around with!/7. More Draco in the Muggle world from Never Got No Good Doing What I’m Told, and all of Harry’s stalking and his convoluted ideas for what Draco’s motives are for going to the market and watching movies at the cinema./8. Keith cut Lance off before he could admit to whatever—or whomever—he thought of in his masturbatory habits by jumping on him, still sweaty and disheveled from his training, and slapping his hand over Lance’s mouth, catching Lance’s laughter in his palm.Lance smelled like citrus and coconuts—something he made himself from a planet full of lush fruits and plants they’d discovered in deep space. Keith fought hard not to lean closer and bury his nose in Lance’s neck. He was warm and soft and laughing against Keith’s hand, and Keith’s heartbeat was suddenly rocketing out of control, pounding away inside his chest.Sometimes Keith really regretted his impulsive decisions, after the fact. (from [don’t] hold my breath) // I’m also really fond of the imagery of this one, especially the descriptions of water and Keith’s dream about kissing Lance underwater. S O F T./9. “Oh, that works,” Lance said, grateful to finally have some relief from the sharp tugs of skin and awkward sleeping positions. He waited a beat before leaning close to Keith’s ear to tease him. “You should’ve just said you were down to cuddle. I love being the big spoon, you know? Or the little spoon. I’m not picky.” (from Stuck on You) // I also really adore all of Keith and Lance’s bickering in this one, and the descriptions of the Dr Seuss jungle planet in the beginning./10. Annnd for the last one I thought I’d go with something from my WIP folder, but I’m not sure whether to share an except of the magically binding New Year’s Eve promises or this Love Bug/Soulmate/Fake Dating Garrison AU (a smorgasbord of Voltron tropes), soooo both?
The Love Bug AU: Keith is like an octopus, his arms winding around Lance’s neck and latching onto him when Lance tries to squirm out of his hold.“Uh, quick question, what the fuck?” Lance asks, shooting a helpless look at Hunk.Hunk shrugs, looking just as bewildered and surprised as Lance is in that moment.All Lance can focus on—aside from, uh, everything, about Keith being all over him—is that wow, okay, Keith actually smells really nice and his hair feels soft brushing against Lance’s cheek. Keith peers up at him and Lance’s stomach swoops when their eyes meet—and, holy shit, are Keith’s eyes actually some kind of indigo? Lance thought they were just dark before, but now he sees the complex color and gulps. This was not how he pictured his night of celebration going.
The Drarry Magically Binding New Year’s Eve Promises: The magic was making his mind work in a maelstrom of thoughts, shoving desires and questions at him left and right. Will you please go out with me? Can I kiss you? Did you enjoy your date on Valentine’s? When will you leave me to get married? Harry was panting by the time he managed to get his mind under control. He realised belatedly that Draco was speaking to him in an increasingly faster and worried tone.“…something you took? Are Ron and Hermione alright? You’re starting to scare me, can you say something?” Draco’s words rushed at him in a rush of sound.Harry felt like a plug had been pulled and all of the water had drained from his ears with a swirling gurgle. He turned and clung to Draco’s arms instead of the sofa.“Water?” Harry asked, his throat scratchy and dry.Draco’s eyes darted back and forth, holding his gaze for a moment before he pulled his wand from his pocket and summoned a glass to fill with Aguamenti. Harry’s lips twitched briefly. Draco apparently didn’t want to leave his side, even for a short moment to get a proper glass of water. He took the glass with shaking hands and gulped it down in three large swallows that left him huffing for breath.“Better?” Draco asked.Harry nodded, feeling some of the magic abating when it didn’t seem like Draco was going to turn him away or turn him down immediately. He supposed just having Draco’s undivided attention was enough for the Promise for the time being. Harry sagged back against the sofa, sinking down heavily to sit on the arm. Draco hated when he did that, but he didn’t complain this time. His face was etched with worry.“Good. Now, you’re going to tell me what the fuck that was as soon as you’ve caught your breath,” Draco commanded. He crossed his arms tightly over his chest. Harry’s eyes rested on his forearms, appreciating the way they flexed.
/I wanted to include parts from our collab, too, but I think I’ve forgotten which bits you wrote and which were mine because damn did we blend it all together well hahaha! This was super fun, boo, thanks for asking!! It made me think of taking this one step further and making it into a game: list your 10 fave parts from your fics and have people send in their favorite line/scene/etc from one of the fics listed! (people, consider this carte blanche to do that with this list)Expect me to come back at you with this question in your inbox, too!
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(for the fic writer meme) 1, 4, 8, 13, 20, 29, any or all that you feel like!
Thank you so much! I’m putting it under a cut bc its Long but please read as it includes fic recs, possible upcoming fics from myself and a whole lot of other author appreciation!
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Hm…Fantasy AUs, Mundane AUs with a REALLY GOOD twist (either mentioned or as a surprise), Canon-Divergent fics that either delve deeper into a character development and ‘what-ifs’, and stories with more to them than ‘character A + B (+ C, etc) get together - I like stories with relatable or interesting plots.
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Hm…I have MANY ideas tbh, but if I were to write them I’d need to fill out the plots a LOT more! 
I think that my fav idea that I would have the most to work with rn is my Nart Pitch Perfect AU (Which sounds a little strange but me and @artlessictoan have worked out the entire plot and its Good Shit) but I don’t know whether I just wanna make redraw scenes and write up a few snippets or draw a few comics of the plot and stuff? Idk, I’m still debating on that one, lemme know what you think!
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
‘ November 5th was certainly going to be remembered by every one of their classmates, but for all the wrong reasons. It was no one’s fault, the firework had simply been a faulty one. Accidents caused by them happen by the thousands every year.
But the memory of Sakura, still only in her second year of Uni studying to be a doctor, saving Naruto’s life with a blanket and plenty of pressure, the ambulance rushing him off to A&E for emergancy surgery, huddled as a group of eleven in a crowded waiting room with nothing but hope and fear until the early hours of the morning… It was a memory that would haunt them their entire lives.
And as for their failure of a relationship, that was the last straw. It wasn’t as though Hinata wasn’t supportive of Naruto, of course she was - all of their friends were, but the stress tore the two apart. But what was even scarier, was the fact that, apparently, if you break up with someone, it’s impossible to stay friends with them. But how could they not stay friends? They were simply too important to each other to loose.
As Hinata staired at Naruto, the golden light bouncing off the frost dusted windows catching in his hair and highlighting his olive skin in an orange glow, real arm reaching down to change his car’s gear, face alight with new hope and happiness… The content warming her heart like a fire in a harth told her that she wouldn’t have life any other way.” ‘ - Exeunt, Chapter 2.
I think this is my favourite piece of writing that I’ve done recently because it starts of very jarring, really the first angsty/darker part of this fic - and there will be more of that to come, just some warning - but it ends in a really peaceful, warm way that I think really ties that section of the story up nicely. I’m also really happy of the way it flows and builds back up from the trauma into something lighter.
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Make characters flawed, conflict one of your best plot-bunny devices, find yourself a Writing Alpha bc Artless is The Best tbh and my writing is improving tenfold after just a few sessions with them talking abt my stories.
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
I’d say when I’m REALLY in the Mood to write something/the scene I’ve been stuck on, or if something has just Clicked in trying to work out how to progress with a fic. In my bed with comfy clothes and fairylights on in the evening after dinner. Listening to a playlist that immerses me into the story and scene I’m writing and no distractions.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
If I could then I would re-write, or continue (because the sequel hasn’t updated in 3 years) the Coming To Terms series. It was actually one of the first fics I completely fell in love with and its super mundane and there are lots of different plots for various characters while still keeping the pace and keeping track of various storylines. It had a REALLY GOOD ending to the 1st part but there was SO MUCH more potential for the sequel and there was a lot of unresolved things and it was all leading up to one big bang which it didn’t get around to. Honestly I highly recommend it though, its super nostalgic for me and still one of my fav works of all time!!!
(my choice!)
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Exeunt, without doubt. It’s the Magnum Opus of all my Naruto AUs and something that I want my writing to develop with as it is created. I think it has the most potential too seeing as it is completely different to the original Naruto series so it has the potential to be a stand-alone thing.
27. How do you feel about collaborations?
Oh boy, oh man I LOVE collabs. Have you even read A Time For Change, holy shit that AU is just like my Happy Place and its SO NICE to talk about the plot with someone else without spoiling anything bc you’re both in on it?? Its just a really special experience!
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Hooo boy here we go.
@artlessictoan, holy shit, their works are just. Goals. Absolutely, this isn’t even coming from a ‘i work with them a lot so i have to be nice 2 them’ this is a legit thing like their fics are some of my favourites of all time and their characterization is SO SPOT ON. They’re REALLY GOOD at writing dialogue and they really delve into the root of the story when it comes to writing them, their research shows through so well and they cover things that you wouldn’t even think of. They’re one of those writers where you have to just step back after reading one of their works and think ‘Oh my god. Oh my god what a wild ride why didn’t I think of that oh my gOD.’ Check out their work, seriously guys!
@linddzz Oh my god, their writing, where do I even begin. They NAIL the characters completely and utterly when they write them, they really bring to light Credence’s personality and the problems and issues he had to face and faces still, especially in my favorite of their fics A Study on the Habits of the Adult Obscurial. I really like the way they represent Newt also, he doesn’t know how to People very well and he’s just so very in-character that once you read their fic you just accept it as canon honestly.
@jinglebellfic Listen up folks if you haven’t read Riptide Lover then you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD, its one of my favorite works and it’s been updating for YEARS and its still being updated bc they talk abt it all the time and this AU just gives me LIFE. Just a warning for those who aren’t keen that it is Very NSFW but the story just has SUCH A GOOD PLOT and it starts BANG in the middle of the action, no messing around, it’s so well-written that I was sucked into the story (and the fandom, this fic is what got me into it in the first place!) so quickly and I enjoyed it so much that I spent abt a week reading it whenever I had the spare time to. It’s very nostalgic to me now and it makes my entire month when it updates.
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f1uffy-turtle · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Asks
[SOURCE: criminal-minds-fanfiction: Most of the writer ask posts I come across are only like ten or so questions long so I thought I’d try to make a longer one because we like talking about our writing! Feel free to reblog!]
I got this from @wickedobsessed101 and copied and pasted the questions so I can fit my own answers too. You can find the post I got from them here.
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? I started around 2011, so I was around 13 years old at the time.
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one? I am currently writing for The Owl House fandom, but I am intending on broadening my scope to She-Ra as well as Lord of the Rings, Zelda, and ATLA bc gay fantasy brain go brrr.
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer. I prefer to write original characters myself. Y/N stuff is not exactly my forte. It gives me more control as to how I know the characters will act depending on their own characterization and backstory.
4) What is your favourite genre to write for? I actually really prefer to write really tense stuff, despite my misleading username. I live for the conflict of the moment and it does lean into some pretty angsty stuff sometimes. I mean, look at Soul Bound. However, I also do like writing light-hearted comedies as well as some fluff whenever I can get around to it. My heart yearns and so too must the romantic tension.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi-chaptered stories, which would it be and why? I really only have one that is published, but it is definitely the one that I do like the most. Soul Bound was originally a story that was going to stand on its own. It was set in a world that I created meticulously from the ground up, taking inspirations from Lord of the Rings, Legend of Zelda, ATLA among other things. I do have other multi-chapter projects in the works that I absolutely love, however out of my published babies, it's SB 100%.
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why? The Legion of Lenny Faces was a crack fic that I just posted for funsies. I wouldn't mind getting rid of that.
7) When is your preferred time to write? Since I am starting to work again, I'm thinking about starting work on my writing around 2PM. It's normally around that time that I start anyway, so it works out.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from? Movies, music, sometimes even my own songs that I write. Inspiration really comes from anywhere that hits me. However, it hits especially hard whenever I make a playlist for a particular mood that I want a story to have.
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote? In Soul Bound, my current favorite scene that I have written was the scene in the chapter Confrontations with the scene between Amity and Odalia. I essentially channeled everything I ever wanted to say to my abuser into Amity's words and it was the most cathartic thing that I ever wrote.
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind?In The Bean that I wrote for April Fools, while it definitely is a crack fic, I still wanted it to read like an Owl House episode or at least an Owl House short. However, I did think of an alternate ending in mind where the bean just kept on multiplying until it flooded the entirety of the BI. However, That would mean by those rules, duplicating all non-living things on the isles.
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it? I split an entire chapter into two pieces and rewrote another one just because of criticisms that made complete sense to me. In all honesty, I did blame the burnout, however all of that and the small break I did take helped a lot to reinvigorate my love for this story that I am writing.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why? Skara. 100%, she is babey and I love her.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why? Gonna be honest, while I love King as a character, I don't exactly like writing him. I feel like if I wrote him as more of an active part of the story, it would detract entirely from the whole thing. Second would be my OC, Robert Almade solely because I feel like he can be much more fleshed out, but also because there are parts of his character that I did write that just don't make complete sense to me. This should be worked out later.
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories. For Soul Bound, I literally asked a Discord server for ideas because all the titles I did think of were shit XD. However, I recently came up with the title for my Skarlow punk band AU, Skara and the Wallflower, based on the book/movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower as well as band names in general.
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names? I normally think about the themes the character embodies and how they may change and grow throughout the story, and then I translate specific keywords into different languages and trim them in a way that sound like a name.
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx?[Ask me about a specific story]
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.“Oh, sure! Protect me from him, but let Amity take the brunt of it and possibly die? What if she is dead, Eda? What if I can’t see her again?”
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them? I'd rather not talk about it.
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to? Possibly I may have one for Skara and the Wallflower if I feel up to it, however Soul Bound is going to be a one-and-done deal.
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently? Yes!
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire? @lunanight2012 @quirkquartz @descendantofthesparrow
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it? Any story that I haven't published.
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence? I do listen to music just to set in the general mood and once I get going, I can go either with or without it.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes? I can write smut. However I don't ever feel comfortable publishing smut. It really just isn't for me.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story? YES! I ABSOLUTELY HAVE!!!! SO MANY TEARS BECAUSE OF THE ANGST!!!
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write? This most recent chapter was actually the hardest to write because I was already so scared when writing Scrying of the Soul that when I started writing this one, I didn't know how to settle down with this whole thing. I knew Luz needed to process her trauma before I introduced the ghost, but exactly how I felt like I had trouble with.
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? I have a varied mix of ways I outline. Yes, I do have a list of bullet points about what major plot points go where, but really that's all that comes together before I start writing. Soul Bound is completely plotted out in the very broad strokes, but the rest is just improvisation.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction? That writing would be the single most fun thing that I have ever done and to be fair while I do want my stories to be the best they can be, just the fact that I'm getting them out there makes me happy.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like? Gonna be honest, my one-shots don't get a lot of love, but it is entirely understandable.
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at? Ya know, Imma just say a song title that I wrote that many people love that I've grown to just not like. Ticking Time Away.
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec, not the answerer)Yeah, sure!
32) Are any of your characters based on real people? The way I characterize Odalia is based on a mix of what is already established. That and a heavy doseage of my abuser and their mindset. Which is kind of why it felt cathardic writing that scene in Conflicts.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten? Honestly, whenever I make a revision and it is heavily praised by either a reader if I edited an already published chapter or a beta reader if I had revised a particular scene they didn't like. I thrive off of any good critique and it makes me want to do better.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten? I mean there are people who wouldn’t read just because what I wrote was a ghost fic, but tbh it wasn't even that harsh.
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest? I normally share with other writers when I'm really excited so I can bounce ideas off of them, however specific story elements I keep close to my chest because that part feels like my personal touch moreso than the general idea.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s? HAHA NICE TRY BEYOTCH YOU JUST HAVE TO READ IT!! (Other than the fact that Amity does get her body back, but that's already been promised.)
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written? The BEAN
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name them. I would honestly be willing to collab with anybody from the Good Witch Society on Discord. As well as my partner which we already talked about quite a few ideas that we had for stories.
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person? So, I do love writing inner monologue, however if I was ever staying in one character's perspective, it would just feel way too limiting. I prefer third person omniscient so I can at least give the reader insight into what's going on in everybody's heads.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?IRL, yeah. But I have established that I am using this to exercise my own writing skills.
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written? Emira I would actually consider a minor character in the grand scope of my story, however I absolutely adore writing her.
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx.I write my own songs and to be completely fair, it was really spontaneous in Soul Bound, but I found out a plot point that could definitely weave in extremely well within the story.
Skara and the Wallflower being a punk band AU will definitely be a songfic with all original songs.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it? Actually, nobody has ever really guessed a plot twist yet.
44) What is the last line you wrote? This really can't be good.
45) What spurs you on during the writing process? I already really adore the stories that I write and my goals are to write them and get them out there. I think about how the characters react and how things can go wrong in a way that makes sense.
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?[Ask me for a specific story]
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about?[Ask me]
48) What’s your favourite trope to write? Friends to Lovers, hands down.
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about? To be completely honest, the first fic I read was a Zelda fic. I forgot what most of the plot was about, but it did involve Link and Zelda going into Termina and meeting up with this original character who did everything he can to fuck with the both of them. It's very vague, but I absolutely loved it and I never remembered it updating.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? I'd have to cave and say angst. I like to have conflict in my stories, but I never like to have it be complete brooding. Just some light trauma, you know?
If you wanna read my stories, they’re all right here: F1uffyTurtle
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