#my fictional character choices are Wade Wilson
guardiandae · 7 years
I have another ask for the sutumn themed post, but harvest will take longer than my break to answer in fact it'll be an essay, lmao, so itll have to wait a bit sorry~
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noxstellacaelum · 5 years
Filtering Female Characters Through the Male Gaze
Female characters filtered through the male gaze:  A (way) too long post about why we need a more diverse and inclusive approach to staffing showrunners, writers, directors, crew – heck, all roles -- in TV and movies.  
Yes, I know I am not the first person here on this.  
And note that while I have included a few tags b/c I talk about my frustration with Shadowhunters, Veronica Mars, the Irishman, Richard Jewell, and a few other recent shows/movies, I don’t get to this stuff until the very end,  I appreciate that fans may not want to wade through the entire essay, which (again), is a bit of personal catharsis.
I recently had a random one-off exchange with a TV writer on twitter.  The writer said that she had enjoyed the movie Bombshell much more than its Rotten Tomatoes rating would have suggested.  She wondered if the disconnect between her experience/perception of the movie and that of mainstream reviewers might have been shaped by gender: Specifically, she observed that Bombshell is a movie about women, but most reviewers are male.  
I have complicated feelings about Bombshell.  On one hand, yes, there was and is a toxic culture at Fox News.  Yes, Gretchen Carlson and Megyn Kelly were victims of that toxic culture.  But no, these women were not mere bystanders:  They traded in the racism, misogyny, and xenophobia (for starters) that still characterize Fox News today.  Why should these wealthy, privileged white women – both of whom spent many years as willing foot soldiers in the Fox News army -- get a glossy, Hollywood-approved redemption/vindication arc?  On the other hand, I am glad that the movie makers made a film about sexual harassment, and that the movie presented Kelly, in particular, as an at least somewhat complicated character.  This would not be the first time that a movie about women – especially complicated, and not always likeable women – has proven to be polarizing.
My ambivalence about Bombshell notwithstanding, the writer with whom I exchanged tweets is (not surprisingly, since she is in the industry and I am not) on to something when it comes to gender, character development and critical reception. It’s not just that Bombshell was about women, but reviewed largely by men; it’s that stories about female characters (real or fictional) often are filtered through the male gaze in Hollywood:  On many projects – even those focused on female characters – creators/ head writers are male, directors are male, showrunners are male, and producers are male.  This matters, because preferencing the male gaze impacts what stories about women get told, who gets to tell them, and how these stories are received inside and outside Hollywood.  
First, though, the caveats. I do not mean to suggest that men can never tell great stories about women.  Of course they can.   I also don’t mean to suggest that being female exempts creators, writers, directors, showrunners, etc. from sexism or misogyny (or any other forms of bigotry, as my discussion of Bombshell suggests).   There are plenty of women who prop up the patriarchy.  Rebecca Traister’s work speaks to this issue, as does the work of Cornell philosopher Kate Manne.  There is an important literature on the concept of misogynoir (misogyny directed at black women, involving both gender and race), a term coined by black queer feminist Moya Bailey, as well.  Intersectionality matters in understanding what stories are told, who gets to speak, and how stories are received in and outside Hollywood.  I also don’t mean to suggest that there are no powerful women in Hollywood.   Shonda Rhimes; Ava DuVernay, Reese Witherspoon (increasingly, given her role as a producer of projects like Big Little Lies), Greta Gerwig’s work in Lady Bird and Little Women, and others come to mind.  As I am not in the entertainment industry, I am sure others could put together a far more complete and accurate list of female Hollywood power brokers.  And, finally, I appreciate that Hollywood is a business, and people fund and make movies that they think their target audiences want to see.  So long as young, male viewers are a coveted demographic, we are going to see projects with women who appeal to this demographic onscreen.
Given these caveats, why do I think that the filtering of female characters through the male gaze is an issue? For me, it has to do with a project’s “center of gravity” -- that place, at the core of the project’s storytelling, where the characters’ agency and autonomy comes from.  It’s where I look to understand the characters’ choices and their narrative arcs.  When a character’s center of gravity is missing or unstable or unreliable, the character’s choices don’t make sense, and their narrative arc lacks emotional logic. Center of gravity is not about whether a character is likeable.  It’s about whether a character – and the project’s overall storytelling and narrative voice – make sense.  
When female characters are filtered through a male gaze, a project’s center of gravity can shift, even if unintentionally, away from the characters’ agency and point of view:  So, instead of charting her own course through a story, a female character starts to become defined by her proximity to other characters and stories.  She becomes half of a “ship” . . . or a driver of other characters’ growth (often through victimization, suffering, or self-sacrifice) . . . or mostly an object of sexual desire (whether requited or not).   Eventually, she can lose her voice entirely.  When that happens, instead of a “living, breathing” (yes, fictional, I know) character, we are left with a mirror/ mouthpiece who advances the plot, and the stories, of everyone else.
What are some recent examples of this? The two that I have mentioned recently here are Shadowhunters and Veronica Mars S4.  
- With SHTV, I will always wonder what might have been if the show – which is based on books written by a woman, intentionally as a “girl power” story – had female showrunners. Would an empowered female showrunner have left Clary, THE PROTAGONIST OF A 6 BOOK SERIES – alone on an NYC street in a skimpy party dress, in November, with no money, no ID, no mother, no father figure and no love of her life, stripped of her memories, her magic, and chosen vocation, as punishment, after she saved the world?  Would a female showrunner have sidelined Clary’s love Jace, and left him grieving and suicidal, while his family lived their best lives and told him to move on?  Would a female showrunner have said, in press coverage of the series finale, that the future of the Clary and Jace characters was a matter for fan fiction?  After spending precious time in the series finale wrapping up narrative arcs for non-canon and/or ancillary characters.  And to my twitter correspondent’s point, I guess I am not surprised that mainstream entertainment media outlets didn’t call out the showrunners’ mistreatment of Clary, and by extension, Jace, and the obliteration of their narrative arcs -- and yes, I am looking at you, Andy Swift of TV line (who called the above-mentioned memory wipe “actually perfect”).
- Likewise, with Veronica Mars, would a more diverse and inclusive writers room have made S4 Veronica less insightful and less competent than her high school self, or quite so riven with self-loathing, or quite so careless and cruel with the people in her life who love her?  Would a more inclusive creative team have made S4 Veronica less aware of the class and race dynamics of Neptune, yet more casually racist, in her mid-30s, than she was in high school?
- There are so many other examples from 2019.  Clint Eastwood falsely suggesting that a female reporter (who is now deceased and thus unable to defend herself) traded sex for tips from an FBI agent in Richard Jewell. Game of Thrones treatment/resolution of the Ceresi and Daenerys characters – where to even start.  Martin Scorsese’s decision to give Oscar winner Anna Paquin’s character a total of 7 lines in the 3-plus hour movie the Irishman.
- And, in real life, I wonder whether a Hollywood that empowered and supported female creators would make sure that people like Mira Sorvino and Annabella Sciorra got a bunch of work while also making sure that Harvey Weinstein never again is in a position of power or influence.   Same with female comics targeted by Louis C.K. Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose … the list is long, and Kate Manne’s work on what she calls “himpathy” is useful here.
To be clear, I am not saying that stories involving “ships” of whatever flavor, stories of suffering and self-sacrifice, and stories of finding (or losing) intimate relationships are “bad” or “wrong” or inherently exploitive of female characters.  I don’t think that at all.  I also don’t think that female characters have to be perfectly well-adjusted, virtuous, or free from bias, or that they should never be make bad choices or mistakes.  I want female characters who are flawed, nuanced.  I don’t mind lives that are messy, or romantic entanglements that are complicated.  Finally, I don’t think that that faulty, reductive, or unfair portrayals of female characters is a new thing.  Mary Magdalene was almost certainly not a prostitute, after all.  And classicist Emily Wilson – the first woman to translate the Odyssey into English – has brought a hugely important perspective (including an awareness of how gender matters in translation) and voice to the translation and study of canonical characters and works.
At the end of the day, I just want female characters to be able to speak with their own voices, from their perspectives.  I want them to have their own, chosen, narrative arcs.  I want them to speak, act, see, and feel as autonomous individuals, with agency, and not just in reference to others.  And, I think that more a more diverse and inclusive approach to staffing writers rooms and in choosing show runners, directors, and key positions in storytelling would help.  
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riding-ricciardo · 4 years
Thank you @suckmyballshoney and @ricciardo-and-gang for tagging me! ❤️
🐳 name: Napsugár
🐳 nickname: Napsi, Napcsi, Sugi, Nap
🐳 zodiac sign: Taurus
🐳 height: 167 cm
🐳 nationality: Hungarian 100%
🐳 languages spoken: Hungarian and English
🐳 what time is it: 10:56 pm
🐳 celebrity crush: Zendaya, Ariana Grande, Marc Márquez, Sacha Fenestraz
🐳 favourite fictional character: Deadpool - Wade Wilson
🐳 favourite musician: Rosalía (rn I change it every week tho)
🐳 favourite sports team: Red Bull and McLaren
🐳 favourite season: Spring
🐳 favourite flower: Sunflower
🐳 favourite scent: Vanilla
🐳 favourite animal: Cats and horses
🐳 favourite food: pancakes
🐳 dream car: a Suzuki or a Honda
🐳 dream trip: UK or Barcelona
🐳 instruments: No nothing. I’m tone deaf :( I wanted to play on piano years ago but it’s not for me.
🐳 coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Tea
🐳 dog or cat person: Cat! I love them.
🐳 following: 213
🐳 followers: 541
🐳 other blogs: only my personal. I don’t really post there @napsugarbihari
🐳 blog established: 2020. 01. 15.
🐳 do you have a tumblr crush: not really, @suckmyballshoney do you count?
🐳 do you get asks: Sometimes yes! I enjoy a lot answering questions tho.
🐳 what is your lucky number: 3, 7, 8, and 78.
🐳 what are you wearing right now: An old white t-shirt and shorts
🐳 drink of choice: Water? Maybe red wine.
🐳 number of blankets you sleep with: One.
🐳 average sleep hours: 8-10. It doesn’t really matter because I’m still tired™️ 24/7
🐳 random fact: I have a piercing in my ear and I really want to get more soon!
I’ll tag @loving-ricciardo, @theonlyprincessoftheworld, @pins-a-roulettes and everyone else who wants to do it!
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mcfreakin-bxtch · 5 years
The Fan Tag Game
Tagged by @fatbottomedcurls, thank you lovely  ❤️
Answer the questions and tag ten people you want to get to know better:
Three tv shows I would have joined friend groups in: That 70′s Show, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (I know they’re terrible people but I love this show), and a tie between Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Stranger Things
Three animated universes I wouldn’t have minded living in: Bob’s Burgers, The Simpsons, and I know this doesn’t count since it’s a video games but I can’t think of anything else so Skyrim. I love that game and dare I say would kill it at taking souls of dragons
Three fictional characters I relate to: Diane Nguyen (Bojack Horsemen), Bojack Horsemen, and Fiona Gallagher (Shameless US; never watched the UK version!)
Three fictional characters I wouldn’t vibe with: Raven Reyes (The 100), Rafael Solano (Jane The Virgin), Luther (The Umbrella Academy)
Three fictional characters I would be good friends with: Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, and Wade Wilson (I did not think this was all going to be Marvel xD)
Three fictional characters I would probably most definitely have romantic feelings for: Bucky Barnes, Javier Pena (this was a tough choice to make out of Pedro’s characters), and a tie between Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate) and Kate Fuller (From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series). I just also have a huge crush on Madison Davenport
Three villains I’d want to have a chat with over coffee: Ivar The Boneless (Vikings, yes girl; his eyes have a way with me but I feel like he could hold a deep conversation as well), The Shadow King (Legion FX), and David (Prometheus) 
Three superheroes I’d want to be for a day: Jean Grey (X-Men), Wanda Maximoff, and Wonder Woman
Three abilities I would want to have: Telekinesis, Reality manipulation, and Time travel/manipulation
Three ships I sail as the fierce and feared captain I am: Bellarke, Clarke Griffin (The 100) x HAPPINESS YOU COWARDS, and Deacon x Sole Survivor (Fallout 4) I just saw the case I had for it and said fuck it
Three fictional female characters I feel empowered by: Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of The Caribbean) I WILL SAY THIS TILL THE DAY I DIE, Elle Woods (Legally Blonde) I know that may seem a little silly but c’mon you cannot deny the message it’s conveying, and Clary Fairchild (The Mortal Instruments). She will always have a special place in my heart
Three fictional male characters with good ethics and morals I believe deserve more recognition: Bob Belcher (Bob’s Burgers), Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games) I just got done watching the movie on tv so he’s fresh in my mind, and Fezco (Euphoria) I know he sells drugs and all which isn’t cool but he generally does care about his friends and looks out for them and does everything he can to take care of his family and skjflsjfdlhj
Three fictional lgbtq+ characters I would take bullters for: Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy), Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), and Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood)
Three fictional places I would have liked to visit: The Shire (The Lord of The Rings), Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland), and Jurassic Park
Three costumes worn by fictional characters I would have rocked: Amaru (From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series), Beetlejuice, and Harley Quinn (Old and/or Birds of Prey)
Three characterization tropes to describe myself: Brief Accent Imitation (all the TIMEEEE), Idealism (there’s quite a few), and Grew a Spine
Tagging: @lesqui, @creamysacrilege, @forever-rogue, @longitud-de-onda, @littlegirlsdontplaynice, @lustriix, @crazyzivadiva, @foenixphire, @c0recl0wn, @sando-rannn
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obiwansimobi · 6 years
20 Questions Tag!
I was tagged by @hydrocatz! Thank you so much, I am ridiculously excited to do this lmfao
Rules: Answer all 20 questions and tag 20 people.
Name: Call me Ria! :3
Zodiac Sign: Aries (I’m not a very Aries-like Aries though. I’m like Diet Aries lmfao)
Height: 4″11  l o l s o b s
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Learning Italian! Also know a little French and Japanese, but nowhere near well enough to hold a basic conversation :’D
Nationality: Peruvian-American
Favorite Fruit: Passion Fruit, Clementines, Mangoes, Strawberries
Favorite Scent: Honeysuckle and Citrus-y scents. Also, that one man candle from Yankee Candle which is the actual bomb diggity      
Favorite Color: Lime Green!
Favorite Animal: Sea Otters, Foxes, Red Pandas, Pigs, Rats, Cats, I just really like animals ok
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate!!! or Tea with milk yum :’3
Favorite Fictional Character: R2D2 (<-YESSSSSSSSS.) Also: Wade Wilson, Peter Parker, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa-Skywalker-Solo, Sherlock Holmes, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Ginevra Weasley (my actual golden trio), but also Harry tho because I love Harry, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Leopold Butters Stotch, Charles Xavier, Kurt Wagner, Kurt Hummel (I really love Kurts, okay), Sam Evans, and my actual Disney baes: Belle, Quasi, Vanellope, and Jack Skellington among others
Dream Trip: Italy, Japan, the whole damn UK lmfao
When was your blog created?: Sometime early this year, lmfao! But my old blog was around for ages, back when Sims 3 was the new girl in town (10000000 points to your house of choice if you got the reference :3)
Last Movie You’ve Seen: Alex Strangelove on Netflix and Deadpool 2 in Cinema (Wade Wilson is my pansexual baby and Peter Parker is his lifemate except not the Tom Holland one cause that’d be creepy no Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker that’s the one yes sobs why do the fates ruin me so)
Song You’ve Had on Repeat: Light my body up - Nicki Minaj, Power by Little Mix (and also Reggaeton Lento by CNCO ft. Little Mix), Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At the Disco and 1,2,3 by Sofia Reyes ft. Jason Derulo and De la Ghetto 
Favorite Candy: anything gummy but especially sour gummies and coke flavored gummies. Also, Bunchacrunch (shout out to the folks sitting in the row behind me when the Poltergeist came out a few years ago and I showered them in a full box of bunchacrunch each time I gd jumped TT___TT)
Favorite Holiday: Halloween (an excuse to dress up AND free candy? ALWAYS)
I tag: EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO DO IT! which is lame I know but I don’t wanna be that annoying one who retags you to do the same meme over and over again )’:
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reclaimedasset-a · 7 years
mun related | Accepting
♣ ━ share five random facts about yourself
1. I am passionate about creating things, regardless of what they might be.2. Doing what I can to make people happy is my reason for living.3. I am super insecure and that tends to make me struggle with creating things. -- I need to learn to create for myself and not for the approval of others.4. I was born in London’s East End, in Hackney, which is where the Kray twins lived for a good while.5. There isn’t a single room in my house that doesn’t have a pile of books in it. Even the bathroom has a pile of books in it!
♫ ━ a small playlist for a muse of your choice
Well I have a nice playlist for John Constantine I’ve yet to post on his blog, I’ll put that down since Bucky has his on his blog already. [Link to John’s playlist on spotify]Some of the songs on it are:- Recovery by Frank Turner- Deadhead by Some minor noise - End of the world - Armor for sleep- Laminated et animal - Destroy rebuild until god shows- Get out while you can - Get scared- The River - Good charlotte
♕ ━ which fictional characters are your favorites? 
Oh no.... Here we go....
Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Bill Cipher, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Stanford Pines, Stanley Pines, Blue Diamond, Peridot, Lapis, Steven Universe, Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian Michaelis,  Alois Trancy, Jim Moriarty, Sebastian Moran, Sherlock Holmes, Mary Watson, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, John Constantine, Chas chandler, Liv Aberdine, Mae Borowski, Gregg Lee, Beatrice Santello, Angus Delaney, Maka Albarn, Soul, Death the kid, Vocaloid Rin and Len, Darkiplier, Antisepticeye... Pretty sure I could go on forever so lets leave this as it is for now. Oh boy. 
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