#my fingers do not wnat to type today they keep missing keys but GODDAMNIT i was determined to write this!! XD
slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
So uh.... Got in a horny mood XD and you know I'm still on a dragon patrol kick. So here's what I imagine them all acting when that time of the year strikes.
A bit of a warning for imploed dub-con/non-con, and extreme violence. I hope it's not too bad.
Imma get Greasy out of the way first because your little tid bit made me want to write this in the first place (it's terrifying, but the thought of him having to be tied down because his need is that damn strong is way too hot). As you said, Greasy gets dangerous during his heat. Before he was a part of the Dragon Family, he spent his time looking for anyone to relieve himself with. Fellow dragons as needy as him, or unsuspecting humans who had no idea what was going on. If he couldn't find anything to relieve himself, he became so frustrated, and that led to him becoming even crueler than usual; taking his frustrations out by making everyone else's lives more difficult (imagine your home gets burned down just because a dragon couldn't get his rocks off -_-). Now though, he gets chained up in the castle so he doesn't cause a rampage. The only dragons who have the strength to wrestle him down are Stupid and Wheezy (and maybe Psycho? They both are cruel feral bastards so they could go toe to toe). If any of the others come close, regardless if they had a hand in his predicament, Greasy will snarl and growl at them in anger (*cough* unless it's Smartass coming in to call in a 'favor'for them both-). If he has his own mate though, or even just a friend with benefits, Greasy will try to go after them and steal them away for the few weeks this last. Of course, he loves them so he's as gentle as he can be with them... But God damn it, they look so enticing just standing there! All he has to do is remember their existence (how they smell, how they taste, their lips and body on him), and he's already bricked up and ready to go. He might accidentally intimidate his mate/friend a bit with how much he needs them to stay, "Serás mi princesita buena y te quedarás donde perteneces." But don't let it fool you. They can easily make this dragon do anything for them in the state he's in.
Honestly, as much as he hates it, Psycho isn't really any better. Though unlike Greasy, who tries to find a partner, Psycho just chooses the path of violence straight away. He kind of acts like a hippo when he's in heat; as in you don't have to do anything to earn his wrath. All you have to do is breathe wrong in his general direction, and you either have to settle for death penalty or negotiate some of your limbs. It's bad. Psycho will even wrestle with his coven-mates. Even the giant dragon Stupid has been on the receiving end of Psycho's frustrations plenty of times (fortunately, because Stu is so hulking and huge, it barely phases him), and Wheezy has had to drive Psycho off of him plenty of times. The only one who won't receive the crazy dragons' wrath is his mate. To his chosen, Psycho acts completely different; he's nuzzling and affectionate, kneeling to them and whimpering for their attention, etc. His willing to act submissive to his mate because he loves them and trusts them and knows not to hurt them, even through his frustrated, lusty foggy head space. However, once he gets them in the nest, he starts acting more dominant; doing everything he can to keep them near and keep others away, not letting them leave the nest (unless they're with him), and being surprisingly particular about how they fuck. He'll go with any position, but he prefers having his mate down on all fours (in werewolf terms, he wants to take them like a bitch), no matter if they're dragon or human. And no matter what position, he insists on maintaining eye contact. If his mate looks away, he'll find a way to get them to look back into his eyes. All while being mostly silent; letting his hard, desperate thrusts and husky growls seak for him during these few weeks.
With those two being fucking insane, is it any wonder that Wheezy is stressed the fuck out? He's trying so hard to keep himself under control and has to intervene every time Psycho or Greasy starts shit. If any one of these dragons deserved some stress relief, it's Wheezy. But unfortunately, all he can do is find some corner for him to hole himself up, ignore the ache in his jaws with how hard he's chewing on his tabbaco, and try not to get an aneurysm everytime he hears a fight breaking out. Hopefully wherever he's at there's a window, because he will be blowing out so much smoke during this time. Even if he has a mate, he tries to stay away for their sake. He doesn't want to hurt them or scare them, regardless if they're a human or dragon (not to mention the added struggle of trying not to get them knocked up during the breeding season)... But if they approach him on their own, or the right circumstances play out for him to seek them out themselves, Wheezy is going to have a very hard time resisting the temptation that his mate is, "Fucken' hell, babydoll. 'Yer gonna be the death of me one'a these days..."
Smartass, similarly to Wheezy, is at the end of his damn tether. He's also more violent than usual during this time, clobbering his comrades if they're being idiots. Though he actually stays in the castle instead of trying to take his frustrations out on some humans. The last thing Smartass wants to admit is that this heat has gotten the better of him. So while Greasy or Psycho will try to find a village to burn down, or Wheezy will try to stow himself away somewhere, Smarty will be sulking around the place, trying to keep some semblance of normalcy despite the throbbing need to bury his cock in something hot and tight, and the way he'll snap at anyone who so much as walks too loudly. If he has his mate around, he'll still try to act like he isn't bothered by their presence at all. Though it isn't that hard to notice how his tail will curl possesively around then, or the smoldering desire for them in his eyes. Only when the others aren't around (or are just too distracted to notice their leaders' absence) will Smartass chase his mate's scent throughout his home until he finds them, "Whatevah plans you had t'night, forget 'em."
Now Stupid, despite his size, is the most friendly during this time. He does whimper and pout with the aching heat coursing through him, but he's not instinctively violent like his brother and comrades are. All Stu wants is to just make this discomfort disappear somehow. Out of all the dragons next to Greasy, Stupid is the one you'd most likely find humping whatever soft thing he could find. (He may or may not have tried approaching his friends about it. But Psycho has made it pretty clear he wants nothing to do with this, and after Stu helped chain Greasy down, Greasy isn't exactly receptive to the big lug right now). But this also means that he's the most approachable of them all during this time. Especially if you approach him with intentions on helping him. Stu is very friendly and sweet, even during this time, so you don't even have to worry about him snapping at you or trying to force you to do anything for him. So if you're in the mood for some dragon dick with no strings attached, Stupid is your best bet. Aside from the emotional strings you'll gain because god damn it, this fat dragon is just so sweet and cute even with his horniness. How can you just up and leave after a banging session?? "Can you stay? Pleeease? I don't want you to go just yet!"
Bonus for my dragoness gals. Shiny is... Well, any dragon that tries to come to her will be in for a surprise when she snaps and claws at them. Shiny knows what this time of year is for, and she is not going to let some stranger dump a sexually transmitted parasite inside her, thank you very much! The benefit of staying in her crystal cave is that the majority of dragons who try to chase her scent won't even be able to get inside without risking their wings. Yes, not even her usual fuck mate Greasy is allowed near her during this time. She loves him and knows he won't intentionally get her pregnant, but she also knows that they both can get horny enough to completely forget to be cautious. So Greasy is shit out of luck with her during this time. Shiny is torturing herself too, in a way; just because she drives any guys who approach her doesn't mean she's not aching for something to sink inside her right now. Which is why she has zero qualms with hooking up with the ladies during this time. No cock means no risk and no risk means all the fun. And if she gets with a dragoness who doesn't mind being the bottom, that just makes it even better for Shiny. Not that she'd just let them take her if her partner was a top, "You didn't really think I was going to make it easy for you? Did you?"
Poppy... Oh dear God, Dragoness!Poppy is in for a hell of a time. And not the good kind. She also doesn't want to risk a source of relief to lead to something unplanned later, so Poppy has taken the habit of holing herself up in her burrow and just counting the days until her heat passes. She'll even go so far as to hold her snout shut to try to repress her noises and mating calls to make sure no other dragon finds her. She is smart though; leading up to the heat, she'll stock up on food so she isn't starving and needing to be filled up. So any one expecting her to have to come out sometime is going to be very disappointed... Though, if Poppy was friends with Shiny or the boys during this time, she would think about possibly... Maybe... Asking them to be with her during this time? (Assuming Shiny and/or Greasy didn't hunt her down find her and asked her themselves). If she does have a mate, she won't be able to hide her want for them, no matter how hard she tries. Her will in this regard is, unfortunately, not as strong as Wheezy's, "Please, please, please! I'll be so good, I promise!"
(Bonus bonus. If Poppy was a princess cursed to turn into a dragon at sundown, the means that she has both the devils waterfall and the heat to deal with (which is a hint to her dragon side not being something that 'needs to be fixed'. Trust me, I'll expand on that more in the reblog). If it's horribly timed, she may have to deal with her monthly hell and heat at the same time. Which idk about you, but that sounds like quadruple hell to me. Her dragon heat won't let up in the mornings either, when she's human. So Poppy will still lock herself away 24/7. It doesn't help her at all when all she can fantasize about is the very beast she's cursed to turn into, and not something 'normal' like a dashing knight, or even her intended betrothed. And it is especially unhelpful when her heat is drawing near, after she realizes how alluring some of her new dragon friends are to her.)
Yeah, sorry for this bomb of dragon horny XD I hope you can still look at my profile the same way after this.
- DarlingPassion
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh my god you cant send this to me at this time of the month 😭🤣🤣 I
Oh my god oh my god.
OKAY. SO. I WANT TO WRITE THEM A L L AND HONESTLY I STILL MIGHT, BUT- We'll start with one XD And that one is-
Dragon!Stupid Weasel x PartDragon!AFAB!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You're only part dragon (Your father, and your grandmother on your mothers side, are dragons- so your mother was half and you're... a little more. But still not wholly a dragon.) so you're about half the size of the biggest dragon, and, up until this point- you never had a heat.
But now you're with Stupid. And you're in love❤, and you're mated💞. And something about his heat... activates yours for the first time ever.
Warnings: SMUT, dragon fucking/monster fucking, heat, mating, talk of breeding, significant sze difference, creampie, etc. Unedited.
You are not used to this feeling- you feel completely out of control. You are openly dripping onto the stone floor, creating a puddle between your thighs, your cunt throbbing with a need to be touched- stretched open- pounded. It is all you can do to hold yourself still; your forehead pressed firmly into the cool floor and your claws digging into the stone cracks. All you can think about was your sex, all thought and logic gone.
What is this. What the hell is this. I need- I need...
It is hard to pinpoint exactly what you need, except to orgasm. To cum and be filled until you're a sticky mess and you have babies. But how to get that?? You don't know, you cant think!-
You gasp, stretching straight up again immediately and feeling dizzy at just the sound of Stupid's voice; your brain threatening to shut off completely in that lovely burning hot way it does when you cum as you turn around to search for your mate. "Stu- "
As soon as your gaze falls on your behemoth of a mate, so tall his horns graze the cave ceiling and send stone shavings tumbling to the ground. Something about that (He's so powerful. So strong, so beautiful. Perfect for making so many strong healthy pups.) makes something flutter inside you as his glazed-over eyes lower to your wetness on the ground and light up like luminescent emeralds in the dark. You connect gazes for a moment and look at each other, just long enough to agree, then you're flat on the ground underneath him; his belly heavy, comforting on top of you and his cock as hard as iron grazing your slippery folds.
He dwarfs you- you're not even full dragon so your body is smaller then even Smartass and Psycho's are... whereas Stupid's big for even a full dragon. His broad chest is wider then 2 of yours. That's what you liked about him at the start, how he towered over everyone and made your head go foggy- but now you love him and now you're in heat, and he could crush you and- you kind of wish that he would.
He's pounding his giant length into your core better then ever, sliding between your folds and ramming himself in deep over and over; both your orgasm's building up high but remaining just out of reach. Usually it takes some time to get him to fit, but you're leaking precum like a waterfall so he's able to slip in relatively easily- though not so difficult that the familiar stretch doesn't rub you the exact right way.
He's so perfect, he's so so perfect, you think, his objectively ginormous cock burying itself in your cunt and grinding against your clit. At some point you end up on your knees, your claws digging once again into cracks in the stone floor and taking Stu from behind. Its all a blur, you don't know how you got here, all you can think about is how good this feels and how much more of him you need. How you need his cum so bad, how you'll make him all the pups he wants.
Your claws carve lines into the ground as you scrape desperately at it, rolling yourself backwards into his thrusts. You're dripping so so badly. The red hot feeling in the pit of your stomach is amazing, and his snout is buried in your neck, giving the most animalistic grunts, which reminds you its him. Stu. Your Stu. And this is not his first time- he's done this before- and he's caring for you right now. He's needy and horny too but you're his little mate, his little part-dragon who's never suffered a heat before and he has to take care of you.
When finally he pours boiling hot seed into you the feeling is so warm, so sudden and so filling your eyes widen and your breath gets hotter- smoke slipping out as you breath heavily and squeeze him even tighter; cumming for him.
... After a moment Stu pulls out gently and, still insatiable, bows down to soothe you with his tongue from behind; licking gently at your used folds with his burning hot tongue.
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