#my first request we are slaying fam
echothefandomeater · 2 years
Could you maybe do a Echo x reader fic? If you want more specifics, it could be a modern au where Echo saves the reader from a bus but he gets hit instead and ends up in the hospital
Hero Complex
Pairing: Echo x GN!Reader
Genre/Warning: Echo gets hit with a bus but doesn't go into detail about his injuries, worried af reader and some general comfort
Words: 839
Summary: You and Echo were having the perfect day together but that was ruined when Echo got injured.
A/N: So first of all, thank you so much Anon for the first request, I hope I wrote it to a standard where you would like it also I'm not completely confident in Echo's characterisation here but I imagined he'd be a little more easy going around the reader like he was with Fives and the 501st
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The day had been going perfect, you and Echo were out doing some light shopping and having brunch, it was a time where you and Echo had scrounged and saved up just enough money to have a fun day and it seemed nothing could ruin it.
“I think Omega is really gonna like that teddy you picked for her” he shrugged “hopefully” then chuckled “but I don’t think anything could beat Lula.” You smiled softly “she did get her during a hard time but I think yours will come in a close second.”
He scoffed and made a fake offended noise “close second? Is that really what you think of me, love?” You laughed and lightly pecked his lips, days like this were precious days you held close to your heart. Days where it was just the both of you alone, joking, not having to worry about jobs.
He wrapped his prosthetic arm around your shoulder as you both waited to cross the road. It was mostly quiet since it was a Tuesday morning and a lot of people worked at this time. You both began crossing the road when the little man had turned green but you didn’t see the bus who’s driver wasn’t paying attention.
Once you heard the sound of screeching from wheels and a honk you finally saw the bus but your body froze. You stared as it approached you quickly, you couldn’t move, you could only mourn yourself and think of the batch and think of Echo and how much you would miss them.
You were torn from your dark thoughts as Echo pushed you out of the way. You almost reached out to him but hit the ground instead. 
You barely remember what happened next, all you remembered was sobbing and crying out his name as he laid there and the arriving ambulance, how tight you gripped his hand and just watching him go deeper into the hospital.
After finally getting a hold of yourself you called the batch. They arrived only 15 minutes later and you almost broke down again at seeing them.
Once you had explained what happened Hunter was comforting an upset Omega while trying to stay together himself, Tech was speaking, almost arguing, with the nurse at the desk whilst you and Wrecker held each other's hand both trying to comfort each other.
You felt so guilty but it didn’t make it any better when everyone had said it wasn’t your fault. Tech had spewed some fact about always having a choice as a being and this was the choice Echo made but it didn’t help. You stared down at your feet not daring to make eye contact with any of them.
Maybe all those months ago Crosshair was right that it was dangerous to add a former criminal to the group, that you would bring nothing but trouble. Part of your mind reassured you that you were here not Crosshair but again it didn’t help.
Eventually a nurse told you all he was awake and well enough to speak for now. You let the rest of them go in, not even knowing if you had the strength to look at Echo. 
When the group came out you had noticed Omega holding the toy Echo got her and it made the corner of your lip twitch ‘always a big brother’ you thought to yourself but turned when Hunter placed his hand on your shoulder “he wants to see you.”
Your stomach dropped but nodded. You walked into the room and seeing him connected to wires and such made you want to cry, especially because you knew he wasn’t comfortable with this kind of setting.
“Now what's that face for? I’m the one that got hit not you” he tried to joke but you just started crying again and it visibly startled him. You went over and just hugged him carefully while he hugged back, albeit confusingly.
“Hey take a breath it’s okay” you shook your head.
“It's not okay, you’re in here because of me, because I wasn’t smart enough to look around me” he sighed and rubbed your back.
“Y/N, it was either me or you, better me since I’m mostly prosthetics, the doctor’s said there was some damage to my prosthetics, a broken rib and a head injury but except for that I’m good, I just need rest and medication.”
You lifted up your head and scoffed while wiping away your tears “you’ve got such a hero complex, you know that?” you hiccuped angrily “sacrifice yourself for your brothers and then for me” he rolled his eyes.
“I didn’t sacrifice myself for you, I only injured myself” you very carefully and lightly shoved him and he groaned slightly but laughed lightly “Okay I’m sorry.”
You looked at him still frowning and he beckoned you forward silently, you obeyed and he kissed you. You knew it was to make you feel better but it still worked, gave you a little reassurance he was going to be okay.
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blazefire-engine · 3 years
The Deal (Part VI)
Backed into a corner, Paradis is in need of advanced weaponry to go against Marley forces. Mikasa Ackerman understands this more than anyone. The Azumabito family complies with her request to share Hizuru’s technology with the island demons- in exchange for being “Hizuru’s hope.” A small price to pay, according to the ever loyal and self-sacrificing Mikasa.
Canon-divergence from chapter 107 to 132 (-ish). Which means slight spoilers until chapter 132.
Part: I  |  II  |  III  |  IV  |  V  |  VI
"Oi, what was that for?" Commander Hanji exclaimed from the floor, rubbing her right butt cheek.
Eren sighed. "You know how the Captain feels about his height, Hanji-san."
The Captain’s glare turned to the Titan shifter at the mention of the sensitive topic. "Are you looking for another beating, Eren?"
Jean slammed his forehead by the window. "Idiot."
- - -
"Tomorrow the new recruits from the 106th Cadet Corp are arriving." Hanji announced in their evening meeting. Levi took the liberty to pour them all a cup of tea. "I will be assigning you all team leader and instructor roles."
The remaining 104th soldiers stared at her in shock. 
"Commander Hanji-" Armin started. 
"I will not take no as an answer." She said seriously. "You have all proven your worth and your experience is needed." 
"We are the only capable ones left." Levi added, reminding them all their comrades perished in the battle at Shiganshina. "We need to rebuild the Survey Corp and all of you are essential to carry out this role."
“It’s essentially a promotion!” Hanji grinned. “Armin, you will be our new instructor for strategy and my right-hand for all exploration plans.”
Said new instructor was sitting with his mouth open like a gaping fish.
Hanji continued on. “Connie, you will be leading ODM training and equipment management.”
“Huh?” The young man stuttered, then looked at Jean. “But wouldn’t Jean be more suited for the ODM training?”
“I was going to get to that: Jean will be assisting you on the ODM and equipment, but he will lead horse training.”
“Hah?” Jean shouted.
“Sasha, your hunting skills will be useful for rifle and survival training.”
She saluted silently from behind a loaf of bread.
“Eren, we have duties with Historia in the capital. But when you're here, you will lead the hand-to-hand combat and physical training.” 
“Mikasa, you will assist or lead depending when Eren is here. And you will lead the combat aspect of ODM and weapons training.” Hanji finished assigning the roles. “Levi will be supervising. Some Garrison members will be transferring as well to help with logistics and increase our numbers- I will handle those.” 
"Also, Mikasa, please do the orientation for the new recruits." The Commander concluded their evening meeting.
"Copy that." Mikasa noted it in her notebook. 
"Hanji-san, are you sure you want Connie to lead ODM training?" Jean mentioned as he and Connie shared a concerned look.
Eren couldn't help but snicker.  “How fitting that Jean is in charge of horse training.”
"Wanna say that again?" Jean threatened as Connie raised his hands to ease him.
"Connie has the expertise and he’ll lighten up the atmosphere." Hanji addressed Jean. "And you will be there to assist, you will be fine."
Armin smiled as he collected his papers and added. “You do have an affinity with horses, like Captain Ness.”
"And you have an affinity with strategy." Hanji grinned at the blonde boy. 
"You sure you aren't Erwin's kid?" Levi added seriously. The kid uncannily inherited Erwin's genius. Maybe he wasn't his kid, but maybe Erwin’s soul had reincarnated into him. 
Armin blushed. "Of course, I can never compare to the brilliant intellect of Commander Erwin… Hanji-san, can you proofread my lecture notes before-"
"Nope!" She chirped. "I trust your judgment."
“Oh, I almost forgot, I have chosen two new squad captains: Mikasa and Jean.”
In a freshly laundered green cloak and her hair tied up, twenty fresh recruits were lined up in front of her. 
With a salute, she introduced herself. “Hello, I’m Mikasa Ackerman. You may address me as Captain Mikasa. I’ll keep this brief.”
“Here are your schedules.” She handed them each a small packet. “Use the rest of the day to prepare your gear, settle in, and get familiar. You can expect similar routines as within the Cadet Corp, however, more rigorous. Warm ups start tomorrow morning so please get plenty of rest. Our routine expedition outside the walls will be in two weeks. Any questions?”
“Will we be getting our own horses?” A young man asked with a raised hand.
“Yes.” Mikasa nodded. “Captain Jean will assign you your horses tomorrow. They are your comrade and friend. Please treat them as such and with care.”
“When will we be getting our uniforms?” 
“Ah.” She was about to respond with another 'tomorrow,' but paused when she saw Captain Levi turning the corner with a stack of green cloaks in his arms.
“Captain.” She went to him and grabbed half of the cloaks. “Here are your uniforms.” They each gave the recruit a cloak. 
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“Wear it with pride. If you have no further questions, you are dismissed.”
As the recruits filed out, murmuring as they went, a single female soldier stayed behind, silently smiling at her.
It didn’t take long for Mikasa to recognize her.
"It's you." She stared at the amber eyes and short, blond hair. 
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"You're the young girl." She remembers slaying the titan in Trost, buying time for the civilians to evacuate. She looks at her chart. "Louise."
Yes." The girl gave a salute, one that mirrored Mikasa’s own salute all those years ago when she saved her. “I look forward to your instruction, Captain Mikasa.”
“Yeah…” She replied and watched the young girl follow the rest of the recruits."
Levi stood at the side as he watched each new recruit. Ever since the coup d'etat and the truth of their world released, the Survey Corp surprisingly gained more willing bodies, albeit more young ones who were no doubt fighting for freedom. 
He narrowed his eyes at the group of boys that looked at Mikasa with shining eyes. 
“That’s her!” One of them whispered. “The woman worth a hundred soldiers!”
“She’s probably worth more now- probably an entire brigade!”
“Graduated top of the class. Shadis said she’s a genius, top marks on everything.”
“Slayed more titans than anyone in the 104th.”
“Said she’s second to Captain Levi.”
“She’s so pretty too…”
“They must be crazy strong to survive the battle at Shiganshina…”
The murmurs died out and the Captain turned to watch the young woman, who seemed fixated on her clipboard.
“You have a few admirers.” He noted.
She paused but kept her eyes down. “Captain, I’m rather impartial to their admiration.”
He couldn’t help the small smile. “You and me both. They admire us because we’re strong. We give them hope.”
She picked up the sacks of cornmeal with ease, intending to bring it to the kitchens to help the Garrison members. “Do you think our strength is because of our Ackerman blood?”
“I don’t know. Could be.” He easily picked up the sacks as well. “But does it matter?”
“I suppose not. It was just a thought.”
- - - -
“Did you guys notice?” Eren said, curiously watching across the mess hall. “Mikasa and Captain Levi.” The two people were carrying two heavy looking sacks. “It feels like they’ve gotten closer.”
“Why? Jealous?” Jean teased behind his bowl of soup.
“No.” He scowled slightly. “I’m actually glad that she’s opening up to other people.” He watched her again. “And I think her grudge against the Captain is gone.”
“They’ve always been close.” Armin responded. “I think the Captain sees himself in Mikasa. He’s always patient with her, tells her to calm down. They’re usually the ones who lead the charge.”
“Now that I think about it, Mikasa is the only one the Captain actually tolerates talking to.” Connie said.
“That could be because she doesn’t talk much in the first place.” Eren replied. “She usually gets straight to the point like the Captain.”
“It could be an Ackerman trait.” Sasha exclaimed. “Birds of a feather flock together.”
“Huh.” Armin pondered. “You may be right, Sasha.”
A/N: Man, it's been a few days since I updated. After 139, I realized I could expand on this fic so I’ve been brainstorming and school + work has just been in the way. 
Also, damn, I suddenly got an explosive amount of activity with Beast. I wrote this shit like 6-7 years ago lmao thank you RM fam. 
I didn’t emphasize it, but the setting was young adult Mikasa with... urges and she tried to relieve herself with some cadets but just couldn’t get what she wanted (everyone was lowkey intimidated by her) and Levi definitely noticed and knew what she needed.
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softforcal · 6 years
“I LOVE U FOR THE SLYTHERIN!ASH LIKE YOU WENT BEYOND MY WILDEST IMAGINATION so here's another one. slytherin!ash x gryffindor!reader because i'm so here for that (and a hoe for the enemies to friends to lovers trope)” - requested by @irwinkitten (something was up with my asks today and it wouldn’t show up on my blog so i had to post it this way)
another long as fuck one, its 4k of filth, continue reading under the cut
-upon further discussion with the love of my life Laura we agreed on Quidditch Captain rivals too because we want to slay the fandom one rivals to lovers trope at a time
-you are the Gryffindor!Team Captain
-and Ashton is the Slytherin!Team Captain
-you guys were appointed captains the same year when your previous house captains graduated and left their Captain Title and their rivalry to you and Ashton
-of course that year the first game of the year was between Gryffindor and Slytherin
-the two of you shaking hands before the game, him leaning in and saying “get ready to get your ass kicked.” and you’re like “in your dreams Irwin.”
-from that moment on its a rivalry
-you keep a tally of games where you win vs when he wins
-and you both really push your teams to play their best when you’re playing against each other
-teachers know not to put you and Ashton together on projects or labs because you two are notorious for talking back to each other
-he’s a fan of really snarky stuff but you always have a come back
-just a real classic Gryffindor and Slytherin rivalry
-match days where you and Ash glare at each other from your separate tables
-Ash’s friends think it’s hilarious but at the same time, Slytherin!Cal points out “you know she’s kinda really hot.” “i know. it makes me sick.” Ashton growls
-because he’s way too into you
-which doesn’t make sense because you two are rivals
-like it makes it tough for him
-because he’s fallen in love with your smile but you only ever smile when you’ve beaten Ash which is bad, but when he wins and he’s happy then you look upset so wtf its a catch 22
-going to the match and for the first time since you both became Captains, Ashton is actually just like “good luck.”
-and you are shook. “you too Irwin.”
-”Ash. call me Ash.”
-and before you can call him Ash, he lets go of your hand and goes to shake another one of your teammates hands and you are just shook
-your team wins and as your teams are walking back to the locker rooms something makes you run to catch Ashton, “hey, we’re having an afterparty, you should come.”
-”we both know i can’t come to your afterparty.” he laughs, “but maybe we can grab a butterbeer sometime.”
-”okay. I’ll uh… we’ll figure something out.”
-you watch him disappear into the Slytherin change-room and a few of your team mates are like “what the fuck was that.”
-meanwhile Calum is hounding Ashton in the change room “did she just ask you out?! did she seriously make the first move!?”
-”fucking Gryffindor’s being brave all the time and making the first move.” Ashton agrees, what can he say, old habits of trashing other houses die hard
-but he’s kinda sad because like… he knows you’re going to be partying somewhere, happy, dancing, and he’s not going to be there to watch
-will he ever be able to see you dance and party?
-because like… the only parties that you go to are the Quidditch afterparties when your team has won and Ash could never go to one of those
-fuck he wants to see you dance and be happy so bad
-and you’re gorgeous. he starts to feel his blood boil just thinking about maybe you dancing with someone else
-”Cal we’re going to crash that fucking party.”
-”of course we are.” Cal grins
-”yeah its bullshit that we’re the only house ever not invited right?” Ashton states
-”well technically she invited you…” Calum points out
-Ashton tells a few of the Slytherins and of course Slytherin!Michael is down to come
-plus, Gryffindor!Luke is a bro and he’s down to let them in
-so a few Slytherins go to the Gryffindor common room and Luke meets them outside, “if anyone asks, it wasn’t me who let you in.”
-the whole group promises not to rat out Luke and he lets them in one by one
-as soon as Ashton gets into the common room, even with the party in full swing, he spots you
-you’re so beautiful it makes his little Slytherin heart swell
-and of course you turn and see the golden haired Slytherin boy and Ashton is shook when you smile
-”You came!” you scream, making your way towards him through the crowd of red, “i thought you weren’t going to.”
-”changed my mind. that’s allowed isn’t it?” he smiles
-and neither of you are really sure what to do because up until legit that morning you’d been rivals and now you’re in this weird, unknown place where you’re not sure how to act with each other
-you turn and see Calum, his hands on a Ravenclaw girl’s hips as she grinds against him
-and there goes Michael with that little Hufflepuff girl that he’s always trying to make laugh
-and Luke? well Luke has his hands all over your Gryffindor Chaser
-yeah, Gryffindor winning afterparties can be a slut fest but thats all good
-you’ve never really cared
-but you’ve never been in a situation where a guy you’re actually sexually attracted to has been there
-and there he is
-all gorgeous and bad… he’s a bad boy you just know it
-you kind of love it too… like, come on he’s sexy as fuck
-and you’ve been playing Quidditch against this guy for ages, you’ve seen his gorgeous Beater arms
-and you’re the Gryffindor so you bet you’re ass you’re going to jump on this opportunity
-”Dance with me.” you state, turning so your back is to him you and you can put his hands on your waist
-Ashton laughs to himself, you’re always the one making the first move and he’s sort of starting to love that
-but now it’s his turn
-he’s not going to pass up on the opportunity you just presented him with. and he’s a fucking Slytherin, so he’s ambitious AF
-his grip on you tightens as he pulls you back against him
-you feel… dirty.
-no one is paying attention to the two of you but still
-and besides, you’re not even being that bad, Cal practically has his hand up that Ravenclaws shirt and he’s notorious for being a womanizer
-and Ash’s hands just feel so good on you
-he’s nice and rough, just like you imagined
-yeah, you’d imagined this whole thing before (but you’d never admit that to anyone)
-you turn to make the first move (again) but before you can his lips are on yours
-one hand on your face, the other on the small of your back to keep you pressed against his chest
-its hot and rough and oddly passionate
-groaning into each others mouths and you’re sure no one else can hear you
-tangling your fingers in those curls and when you pull slightly he groans a bit too loudly and it makes you snap back to reality enough to pull away
-Ashton’s eyes open at the loss of contact and he sees you looking around, seeing if anyone is watching, suddenly you’re not the brave Gryffindor anymore
-he grabs your hand and pulls you through the crowd, “Irwin where are we going?” you ask as the two of you leave the Gryffindor common room
-he stops and looks at you, “do you trust me?”
-part of you wants to say no but looking into his eyes… you do. “yes.”
-and then he’s pulling you again, stopping in front of a wall. you’re about to ask more questions when he presses a few of the stones and the wall slides away, revealing a dark corridor you have never seen in your life
-Ashton whispers an illumination spell and a ball of light appears in the corridor, Ashton grabs your hand and the two of you go into the corridor, the door closing behind you
-”Irwin-” you begin. “what did I tell you about calling me that?” he growls, pressing your body against the wall as his lips capture yours again
-now that you’re alone we’re talking full on rough making out
-and now you know he likes having a bit of his hair pulled so for sure you’re doing that to make him groan
-his hands skim under your shirt and you find yourself pulling your shirt off before you begin to fuss with his
-”we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” Ashton says as he helps you pull his shirt off
-you stop, looking at him
-you’re a little shocked that he’s so ready to back off if you’re uncomfortable. i mean, you didn’t think he was some crazy aggressive asshole but this is such a soft side you didn’t know he had
-and it’s like… yes this would be dirty and bad but it would also be fucking LIT AS FUCK FAM
-”are you sure no one else knows about this secret corridor?” you ask
-”pretty sure.” he answers
-grabbing his face and kissing him again
-yes, the first time for you two isn’t going to be on a bed and thats kinky but also… you would not be able to sneak him through the Gryffindor common room to get up to your room and (as per usual Hogwarts) you share a room with two other Gryffindor’s so you wouldn’t even be able to fuck there
-you don’t know about Ashton’s room situations, he might be one of the lucky Slytherins (like Calum) who has their own room with no room mates but your Gryffindor pride is too much to walk through the snake pit Slytherin common room to get to Ashton’s room
-your heart is practically racing out of your chest
-i mean, the sexual tension has been there for… well, for as long as you could remember
-and all it took was a ‘good game’ and now here you are less than 12 hours later?
-why hadn’t you said ‘good game’ years earlier?
-you begin to unbutton his pants and he’s just like “you’re sure you’re okay with this?”
-”Ash, are you going to fuck me or not?”
-there’s his Gryffindor
-he tears off your pants like it’s nobodies business
-and like… he can tell by the way you said ‘are you going to fuck me or not’ that you’re down for the rough stuff
-suddenly his teeth are skimming the skin of your neck and his fingers are gripping you so hard you’re sure there will be bruises
-and you’re moaning and it’s revving him up like a motherfucker
-fingers fam. fingers.
-lets be real he’s pent up like a motherfucker and and he’s been waiting this for god even knows how long
-so you bet your ass he’s having the full experience
-”fuck, wanna taste.” he groans, “get on the ground.”
-for a second you don’t want to obey because you’re both Captains, and it’s going against your Gryffindor Captain mentality to do what he says but… you make a decision right then and there that in strictly a sexual context, he can be in charge
-getting on the floor and the cold stone corridor ground sucks but Ashton immediately distracts you with his tongue
-tangling your fingers in his hair
-he makes you cum once and you think he’s going to come up for air or something but nope, home boi is determined to get you to cum at least twice with his fingers and tongue because this boy will be fucking damned if you leave this experience without wanting more
-your moans echoing off the walls
-when you come a second time you’re a mess and Ashton comes up between your legs, lips on yours
-once again you find yourself reviling in the dirtyness of it all
-the taste of yourself on his tongue, the cold stone floor, the fact that it’s with Ashton fucking Irwin
-he slides into you and you both groan
-his face buried in your neck, soft kisses against the spots that he marked up earlier
-intertwining your fingers
-squeezing his hand with each thrust
-tangling your fingers in his hair again
-and if he likes pain from getting his hair pulled then what would he think about…. dragging your fingers down his back
-hearing Ashton swear in his husky sex voice is a blessing
-his lips attach to your neck again and you know there’s going to be a mark because his teeth are driving you wild
-and then his fingers untangle from yours and go to wrap around your neck
-you can feel the bite of his Slytherin Legacy ring against your neck and the thought of it makes you moan
-his lips are on yours again and you know he’s close because his speed is getting quicker
-all it takes is you moaning his name and he cums
-running your fingers through his hair as his thrusting slows and you both just try to catch your breath
-he finally groans and pulls out, rolling off of you onto the ground next to you, “fuck the ground is cold!” he says
-you both laugh
-(if ya’ll know me you know i’m lazy and i have created an anti cum spell so imagine just waving that shit out and it’s anti-pregnancy and anti-mess)
-he grabs your pants and tosses them to you before getting his own clothes on
-you stand up and he kisses you softly
-”still want to grab that Butterbeer?”
-before you leave the corridor Ashton’s fingers brush over your neck, “shit, i’m sorry, you’re neck-” “classic Slytherin.” you tease. “stay here and i’ll go grab you a scarf.” he says
-he comes back really fast with a green scarf and wraps it around your neck
-going and grabbing that Butterbeer
-its an honest to god date
-people are a little shook to see you and Ashton out and about together
-especially with that green scarf
-its kinda late though so you end up back at the school pretty quick
-people are still partying in the common room but a lot of people have cleared out, part of you wants to invite Ashton in but part of you also just needs to go to sleep and think about what the fuck just happened
-because there are still people in the halls you’re not really sure what to do… i mean, you’ve fucked but like… do you kiss? do you hug?
-”come here.” Ashton says, as if reading your mind as his hands settle on your waist
-you go to cup his face and he grins, leaning in and kissing you
-he lets you go and you’re about to take his scarf off but he shakes his head, “keep it, you don’t want to lose the respect of your team by going in there with all these hickies on your neck.”
-i mean… true
-”okay,” he begins to pull away and you say “goodnight Irwin.”
-he laughs, grabbing you again, “what did i tell you about calling me by my last name?”
-another kiss, but this time it’s deeper and rougher and it has you both wanting to go find that secret corridor again
-hearing some whistles and you both break away to see Michael and his Hufflepuff girl standing there with grins on their faces, “get it Ash!” Michael screams
-of course this prompts Ash to get Michael in a headlock and you head into the Gryffindor common room with a smile on your face
-there are still a few people dicking around and Luke is on the couch but his girl is gone and when you enter he immediately pulls you over, arm going over your shoulders, “so you and Ash?”
-of fucking course this Giraffe saw that. he sees everything from his height.
-”and ooh, this is his scarf isn’t it?” Luke asks, beginning to pull the scarf from around your neck
-”back off Luke!” you laugh, smacking his hands away
-”so what are you going to tell the team?” Luke asks, “this is complete betrayal.”
-rolling your eyes, “its not serious, Luke.”
-”pfff, you and Ash have had a thing for each other for ages.” Luke scoffs
-you roll your eyes and head up to your room
-the next morning you’re at breakfast, wearing your red scarf not Ash’s green one. you think it’s going to be like any other day but as you’re leaving a hand goes to your waist and Ash falls in step with you, “you’re not wearing my scarf?”
-”i can’t just wear your scarf Ashton, you know that.” you roll your eyes
-”why not?” he pouts
-”okay, Ashton, what is going on?” you ask, stopping and pulling him out of the direct hallway to a quieter place, “i’m not going to wear your scarf because i’m not your girlfriend. i’m a quidditch captain, like you. i need to represent my own house-”
-he shuts you up with his lips and before you know it the two of you are in the secret corridor again
-”Ash we both have class-” you say between kisses
-”this corridor is a short cut.” he insists, pulling down your pants and turning you around so your back is to him as your hands go to brace yourself against the wall
-its quick but hot as fuck
-you’re starting to realize that it might always be hot as fuck
-him using your red scarf to restrict your neck and thats fucking hot
-you both finish and hurry to pull up your pants then he’s showing you down the corridor and he hits a few tiles and pulls you through quickly and just like that you’re in the back of the class you’re supposed to be in?
-thats how this boy is always getting places so fast!
-you begin to head over to sit with your Housemates and are surprised when Ashton follows you, taking a seat next to you
-the other Gryffindors are surprised as fuck too
-”hey, I’m Ashton.” he smiles
-”we know who you are.” they all say
-”so is this some sort of rival captain forced hang out day?” one of them asks
-”no we’re just getting to know each other.” Ashton shrugs
-”why though?” one asks
-Ashton is shook because he expected this sort of thing from his house but not from yours
-”guys!” you scold, “you’re acting like Slytherins.”
-”ouch.” Ashton laughs
-”sorry, old habits die hard.”
-you begin hanging out more and people don’t react the best to it
-but at least the Slytherins don’t say anything mean to you because they know Ash will kick their asses if they do
-you go to a Slytherin vs Ravenclaw match with your team and your eyes are on Ashton the entire time
-he’s flawless
-a few of your team mates being like “so you and Ashton are hanging out a lot.”
-”its just casual.” you say before you can stop yourself.
-so you just outed you and Ashton to your team
-thats fun
-they are shook
-but they’re not going to question you about it because they’ve noticed you being happier
-Slytherin wins and after the match you go down and wait outside the change room for Ashton to come out
-as soon as he does and he sees you he pulls you into the change room and locks it
-more dirty, kinky, half public sex
-and your neck had just started to heal
-locker room shower sex too because fuck yeah bud
-as your putting on your clothes you tell Ash how great he played and he is actually so soft that you’re complimenting him?
-”so i talked to the team and they’re okay with a few non-house people coming to the after party, if you wanted to come.” Ashton says
-”how did you manage to convince them of that?” you laugh
-”well when i told them i want my girlfriend there they didn’t argue.” Ashton states
-”i’m your girlfriend now?” you ask
-”yes.” he states, pulling you in for a kiss
-and just like that you’re his girlfriend
-he wraps his green scarf around your neck and you laugh
-walking into that Slytherin common room with Ashton’s arm over your shoulders and everyone just gawks at you
-so everything is straight up Fuego with you two
-because you used to be rivals the two of you are matched so well
-like, heavy making out
-lots of hair pulling
-PDA is a thing for Slytherin!Ashton because this boi is possessive AF but also just so proud that you’re his
-sexy dancing to the max
-and it turns out Ashton totally has a room to himself?
-he fucks you on every surface in that room and i will fight you on this
-its just really passionate
-you two are a fucking force to be reckoned with
-”are you sure there’s no secret passage out of your room? i don’t really feel like having a walk of shame out of the Slytherin common room.”
-Ashton walking you out and he glares at anyone who gives you a look
-your houses are going to take a while to accept each other
-but then one of your Gryffindor friends catches Cal’s eye and suddenly your friends are all for SlytherinxGryffindor relationships
-it’s totally a plan that Cal and Ash devised to convince your friends to like Slytherins more but it backfires when Cal’s womanizing Slytherin ways leak out and the girls are all like ‘we hath been played by this slythering boi’
-but Ash is so loyal to you and so in love and everyone can see it
-your first Quidditch game against each other since you started fucking dating and of course a ‘good luck’ isnt enough so he pulls you in for a kiss and both of your teams groan
-meanwhile, Michael (who of course is the quidditch game announcer) makes a super dirty comment ON THE MIKE
-or maybe something more PG like  “Oh look kids! spit exchange!” or “first years shield your eyes the captains are working on making a new Christmas team.” because there was that one time Michael said something dirty on the mike and almost got fired from being the announcer
-you both want to win but you both kinda want to see the other smile?
-but you both have to lead your teams so you put on your game day faces
-it’s a super close game
-like insanely close
-but Gryffindor wins
-you begin to walk to the change room but Ashton grabs you and once again you find yourself in some sneaky side corridor but instead of stopping to fuck the shit out of you against a wall Ashton is dragging you somewhere
-ending up in a Prefect bathroom?
-Ashton turns the tub on because you’re both kinda grody from the game
-getting into the water and Ashton begins kissing you immediately
-he gets really dominant which is chill
-”aw baby are you sad cuz we dominated you in the game and now you want to dominate me to make up for it?” you tease
-he pulls back and just gives you this fucking look
-because yes. that’s exactly what he’s about to do.
-and he knows you’re going to let him
-and you’re going to fucking love it too
-so this is your relationship fam
-you are fiercely protective of each other
-that god damn slytherin legacy ring
-sucking it off his god damned finger
-”that’s so hot.”
-scarves becoming a normal part of your wardrobe
-both of your teams knowing way too much about your sex lives because they have to see the marks in the shower room
-so this is like 4k and i should stop but i don’t want to
-but fam i have to and i am so sorry
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thirstaidkitpodcast · 6 years
*cue Stevie Wonder*
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It’s not everyday Thirst Aid Kit turns ONE YEAR OLD. And so we have an extra special episode here for ya — from southern men to British baes, newbies to Zaddies, french fries to hearty snacks, we tried to show love to all the baes we’ve loved before and we’re thrilled you’ve been along for the ride. We’re talking messages from former guests across the seasons of Thirst Aid Kit, from super-listener thirst-buckets, and from the celebrity world [SPOILER: YES, CHRIS EVANS]. And so many other treats. Grab a chilled drink and a fan and get buckled in! Let’s go!
We began with a real ‘Behind The Candelabra’ Moment where we revealed what goes into our much-misunderstood opening segment, [REDACTED]. We chose some of the most-requested episodes: our very first, starring Andre 3000 (😍), and of course our two patron saints, John Cho, and Keanu Reeves (spoiler: we were drinking cider in that [REDACTED]. Innocent cider!)
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Shoutout to every single producer and editor we’ve ever had on Thirst Aid Kit – your flawlessly applied beeps have helped to take our sweet but suggestive little tributes into the realm of filth and joy. Shoutout to Eleanor Kagan, Julia Furlan, Agerenesh Ashagre, Meg Cramer, Megan Detrie, Neena Pathak, TK Dutes, and Camila Salazar. 🤗😘
We moved on to talking about out fave moments from the three seasons of TAK. We all have our faves, but we chose three, one from each season, starting with Oscar Isaac, our Season 2 opening episode. We laughed a lot about just how ridiculous Oscar’s bit in the not-great In Secret? Remember?
Ah, memories!
We also cackled at our over-the-top reaction to that scene in Creed, and how Michael Bae Jordan made us feel like we could tackle our to do lists FOREVER. And then we reminisced about the time Gena-Mour Barrett, The Perv’s Perv, came on the show in our Loony For Toons episode, and went HAM on a) Kovu from The Lion King 2; and b) Winnie the Pooh. Nichole said she enjoyed the way Winnie the Pooh ate honey, and Gena chimed in and said he “gobbles it up.” JESUS CHRIST.
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Then of course, we got into one of our listeners’ favorite segments: Fanfic Wars. Between us, we have written more than fifty (50!) short stories over the course of this year, and well, we love writing those drabbles! So we went a little deep on our faves, and what they say about us and and very specific kinks (Bim: men doing housework. Nichole: men doing... housework 👀). We chose from across all the seasons, so! Nichole went back to the John Cho episode. Excerpt below:
He places the bouquet on the bar, and gathers my hand against his cheek. He waits until I return his gaze and says, “maybe we wished on the same star as children. Maybe you’re the princess I died slaying a dragon for in another life. Maybe this is a type of hell where our punishment is knowing we’ll never have another love like this. I don’t know. But whatever I did to deserve you, I’d do it again and again, and again.” The woman behind me lets out a soft, “damn.”
Bim also chose from the first season, picking the drabble she wrote for Andrew Lincoln:
The wave in his hair gets tighter the further back you go, and because he hasn’t had a haircut recently — at my insistence, I have to admit — the curls gather and sit right on his collar, making my hands itch to touch. I must have made a sounds because he turns off the tap before turning to me. His face is a little flushed, from the steam, I presume, and he’s smiling. The smile reaches his eyes but I don’t linger there. Instead I let my eyes rest on one of my favorite features of his: that noble nose.
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And there are other drabbles besides!
We also did a very special thing this episode: a MUTUAL WEDDING PROPOSAL. 😭All the best of life and love to Jenny and Henry, who allowed us to be part of their engagement. Thanks for trusting us, and happy married life!
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No Fanfic Wars because, well, ISSA BUMPER BIRTHDAY EPISODE ALREADY! From the dirty auntie laughs to the profane gasps of delight, we’ve enjoyed every minute of breaking down pop culture and thirst with you. You can listen to the whole episode RIGHT HERE. (more links to listen are down below).
Guest shoutouts in order of appearance (you can find all the episodes they appear in on our Episodes page):
Bridget Minamore, The Great British Bae Off
Tobin Low and Kathy Tu, Nancy Podcast, The Nancy Fancies
Jen, Glorious Thirst Bucket
Krutika Mallikarjuna, Pow! Bam! Thirst!
Gena-mour Barrett, Loony for Toons
Julia Furlan, Former TAK Producer
Cynthia Harris, Southern Baes
Alanna Bennett, Tom Hiddleston, The Earnest Scarecrow
Bolu Babalola, Back to Baesics
Cookie, Glorious Thirst Bucket
Essence Gant, The Sterling Choice
Brittany Luse, More, More, More
Ayumi, Glorious Thirst Bucket
Daniel M. Ortberg, Literary Baes
Eleanor Kagan, Former TAK Producer
Samantha, Glorious Thirst Bucket
We’re on Twitter at @bimadew and @tnwhiskeywoman; the show is on Twitter at @thirstaidkit. Send us your (short!) drabbles at [email protected]. Rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, please, because WE NEED IT LIKE OXYGEN.
Subscribe to get new episodes delivered to your device automatically every Thursday. We’re on Apple | Stitcher | Spotify | Google Play | Podbean | Overcast or you can search ‘Thirst Aid Kit’ wherever you get your podcasts.
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retvenkos · 6 years
“so what if we’re wild, we only live once.”
(also, keep in mind that this is based off of my experience in the american school system, any classes are ones that are offered at my own school.)
so he’s obviously head of the journalism staff
and he definitely is a part of yearbook too
and what is he interested in most??
no one really understands why, but they don’t question it as long as he helps them with homework
and bill is 10/10 that guy who always has his homework done and let’s you borrow it
his worst class is by far history
he’s in choir and plays the piano for like, every song
he actually has a really nice set of pipes (he’s a tenor, too)
he’s terrible with dates
so darcy is on yearbook because he can take the most stunning photos
and he is also a part of journalism, and his niche is critiquing
plays?? restaurants?? sports??
and yes, he goes to sporting events
and yes, romeo gives him a wink everytime he sees him at the baseball games
it’s a ship to end all ships
he isn’t quite sure what he wants to do in the future
i forgot to mention - these are headcanons for when each one is a senior in high school, i’m not working out ages in relation to each other. find someone more motivated for that
but he does know he wants to go to a really nice college
he’s definitely on chess club, and he’s a member of key club too
journalism, guys. and she’s not into heavy creative writing, more like articles and interviews and such
president of debate
and her style game is strong - she, bill, and darcy are the three best dressed. facts.
she makes such pretty notes
and she slays in argument writing
english is obviously her favorite class, but a close second is her research class
and she actually sucks at cooking - she took culinary arts as a sophomore and set off the fire alarm twice
she has a free period in her schedule where she goes to the library and slaves over math
it doesn’t come easy to her
definitely has an old-school planner that is always full
okay, i don’t know much about sarah - full disclosure, but i’ll try
so first of all, this girl is really put together
she has her schedule mapped out two months in advance, she remembers everyone’s birthday, and she already knows the vacation days during the year
she has library aide for one of her periods and knows every adult in the building by first name
she also happens to be an aide when kath has her free period and she is either the embodiment of the heart eye emoji or trying to help katherine with math
she loves psychology and already has plans to study it
she is in key club with darcy and also just volunteers a whole lot
her favorite is visiting and helping out animal shelters
she goes there so much that they finally just give her a job there
she doodles a lot on the side of her notes - it keeps her from falling asleep in science
the master of the messy top knot
okay, this boy does not know when to stop
he is taking all of the advanced classes he possibly can, and he’s stressing over them way too much
jack makes him like, 10 cups of stress relief tea daily
there’s also a running bet that the whole school is in on about whether he or kath will be valedictorian
specs says that davey will do it if he doesn’t have a heart attack before final exams
race says he’ll be so busy he’ll forget to even show up to graduation
also, while we’re at it, we need to talk about this boy’s notes. they are the hardest thing to decipher in this world, but if you can read his chicken scratch then you have a goldmine of helpful ways to study
he loves mnemonics with a burning passion and uses them at every chance he can get
his favorite class is chinese or math
and he’s definitely a part of future business leaders of america, mesa, and book club
yes, this is for when les is a senior
he’s obviously not in the same year as the rest of the gang, but les as an 18 year old is gold
okay, first of all… heartthrob who genuinely doesn’t know it
he’s not actually officially part of any club, but he’s always staying after school afterward to like, float into the different club meetings
but he’s definitely an sbo - probably vice president or activities
he’s a part of band and definitely plays the saxophone
you know that means he starts off every class period by playing careless whisper
the teachers all really love him
he actually gets pretty good grades
and he is way overly competitive in review games, especially ones in history
he will wreck you
always goes off campus at lunch and walks into his next period a couple minutes late with a shake
did someone say art?????
jack does literally every form of it, and he does them all so well
davey seethes at this, but loves it when jack helps in in ceramics
he’s also really supportive of younger artists who are still perfecting their art, so he’s obviously the head of the art club
and he’s the paint master for drama club and all of their productions
he frequently falls asleep in english class
he’s also the president of latinos in action - chosen unanimously even though he wasn’t going for the position
y’all can fite me on latino! jack kelly
also, his signature style is a blue sweatshirt, and all of his clothes have paint on them
he’s also that kid who never has a pencil on him, and never returns the ones he is given just because he always forgets
so i don’t know where the headcanon about crutchie being on the swim team originated, but it is dear to my heart and lives on in this post
he is the nice™ jock
also, he wants to go into the medical field for sure
he had medical terminology as last class of the day and it makes his day 10 times more bright
he uses highlighters so much (but only the yellow ones)
also, crutchie is lowkey a style icon???
all of his teachers love him
he’s that kid that always raises his hand in a group discussion, and it’s one of two things: a lame pun that gets more groans than laughs, or a really insightful bit of knowledge 
there is no in-between
definitely volunteers with sarah at the animal shelters and is a part of french club, even though he’s only ever gone to like, two meetings
albert wrestles, no one can convince me otherwise
but he’s also on dance co.
we love a well rounded boy - especially when he’ll pull up if you question his life choices
he is soooo salty, and he has no filter. Even in front of teachers.
anyone in his history class can attest to this - especially when they are going through america’s messy past
literally does not care about the majority of his classes
but he maintains a good gpa so he can be on the wrestling team
also, he failed his driving test twice, and when he got his license it didn’t make a difference since no one would trust him with a car anymore
but he’s actually really good in his business and marketing class
he frequently helps in the little store that the business class runs during lunch and stuff because he’s really good with money and change
a part of dance company
and he hates the early morning practices with a passion but will just chug energy drinks to get through it
this boy doesn’t sleep… unless it’s in english
the most surprising thing about him is that he’s really good at math??
and he doesn’t even try - he’ll be talking all class period and then finish the homework in class in like, 10 minutes flat
it’s the same thing with physics
but it’s not like you can ask him for help, because he doesn’t really listen to the professor or follow their methods and steps
like i said earlier, race just doesn’t care
or so you think, but his shirt is always matching the color of his shoes and headphones, but then his hair is literal mess and he wears like, he only owns like, two different pairs of joggers
he’s honestly such a mystery
okay, so buttons kills it at fashion, which is why he aces his fashion design class
he’s head costumer for all of the drama departments musicals and plays
he’s also really into art history, and he gets inspiration from art all the time
he’s definitely a part of key club and is a part of national honors society although he’s only ever gone to a couple meetings for both
he gets pretty decent grades in everything but physics, but he definitely tries to study for all of his classes
he goes stag to every school dance and deliberately tries to get his ships together for a song
coffee??? he only ever drinks it black
it’s how he stops romeo from taking his
he’s also a dork who color codes his notes because they help him study better
but he has no idea how to take notes for math class, so he kinda just does example problems and then is confused on how it ever did it in the first place
so this is one musically talented boy
he plays the guitar, trumpet, and drums
it’s also an inside joke with him and jojo that they both play the castanets
but he’s definitely a part of any band the school offers - as well as pit for the musical
he’s a really chill, laid-back student that gets their work done and just hangs out
he is very nice and definitely a teacher aid for one of the english teachers
and he’s also a part of the poetry club
it’s to improve his songwriting as well as give him a place to destress
He’s definitely the guy who will always lend you his notes if you missed a day, but he’s also not that great at taking notes because his mind is always on something else
he’s also an attendance office aide for one of his periods
he took ballroom as a joke with mike, and he really ended up liking it
but he’s not a part of dance co. because their style is totally different from ballroom
He also has a lot of energy, so he’s that kid that’s always bouncing his leg up and down and making the desk behind him shake
but no one ever asks for him to stop because he has the biggest smile that you just can’t shut down??
he knows this, though, and he definitely uses it on teachers to get extensions on his work, and he does, like 80% of the time
his worst class is probably english because he can’t just sit down and read for long periods of time
but during the shakespeare unit he kills it because he’s always first to volunteer to read or do a part
his handwriting is very messy and he uses so many abbreviations not even davey knows what they’re saying
always races to be first in the lunch line
always one of the first people to be in class
Hot Shot
he has auto shop as his first class of the day and absolutely loves it
but he’s also that kid that hangs out with his friends in the middle of the hallway, bottlenecking the whole thing during passing time
thinks he’s the cool™ kid
wears leather jackets exclusively
he hates any core class
but secretly really likes his humanities class
he’s taking italian with spot and the poor teacher just can’t handle these two together
he’s also secretly good at basketball
the coach found out somehow and asks him every year to be on the team
but hot shot would rather die than be on a school team
has a youtube channel where he mostly posts prank videos  especially those that involve the school
he ran for sbo and was elected as treasury, even though mike is the one who went to all of the meetings for like, two months straight
he is the epitome of a class clown, but it’s always in good fun
he always is wearing a black t-shirt under his sbo sweater
and since he’s an sbo he has to go to all the sports game to support and stuff and he cheers the absolute loudest
he does gymnastics with mike after school every day and at every sbo meeting he brings up how it needs to be a part of the sports at school
he never takes notes but can retain everything
his worst class is anything science related
but he’s secretly really good a history
A proud member of spanish club
mike is definitely the more artsy twin
he takes drawing and ceramics but can’t paint for the life of him
he’s a part of the art club with jack and is basically second in command there
he does gymnastics with ike after school and is on dance co.
he struggles with math and science but gets by okay
has a free period for first where he could be sleeping in or studying but instead he goes to auto shop to talk to hot shot
he definitely has a crush. hot shot won’t admit it, but he loves mike being there.
he usually wears bright colors with his dance co. jacket
doesn’t really like coffee, but he always has a coke on him - it’s his one weakness
is also a part of spanish club
okay, so i know, like, nothing about kenny, so i’m just going with my gut based off of his photo
film is his passion and he wants to be a director one day
is 10/10 that kid in your photography class that spends 90% of the time making stop-motion videos
he’s very nice and is always lending jack pencils even though he knows he’ll never get them back
also, there’s a running gag that he and darcy are the same person, ike runs conspiracy theory videos on his youtube channel
his two favorite classes are film (duh) and theatre
he’s a part of the ensemble of every musical the school puts on
he’s even directed a show a couple of times for the spotlight showcase
he is like that background kind of kid that is a part of the big groups and is totally included but just doesn’t have a huge role in the big stuff
he hates having to write essays because he says it’s sucking the creativity out of writing
also likes psychology
co-captain of the soccer team
also a madrigal with bill and specs (he’s a baritone)
always tries out for the school musicals, and he usually gets a main part
he takes quite a few advanced classes and it is not rare to find him passed out on one of the other newsies’ couch
he manages to keep a good gpa with his schedule
his favorite class besides madrigals is probably latinos in action, which he has the same period as jack
while he doesn’t play any instruments himself you can always find him hanging out in the band room at lunch
he is absolutely terrible in math but is taking college math now so he can get it done with and never have to do again for as long as he lives
his aspirations are pretty much all over the place at the moment, but he smiles through the uncertainty
“i feel like it’s fine”
on the baseball team
a shameless flirt, especially with darcy
did someone say president of the asian american club??
he’s also a part of drama club because he has a passion for theatre
he can’t when it comes to math, though
so instead of getting frustrated he just writes notes in the calculators for people to find
he’ll also fall asleep in that class
he’s definitely a partner in crime with ike and frequently is a guest on his youtube channel
studying??? who’s she???
really good at debate, though. katherine keeps telling him he should join the club but he says his skills are beyond that of a club
on the track team and one of the fastest runners
it’s a good outlet for all of his energy
he takes notes in all of his classes since he learned all the strategies from avid, but he never looks back at them
surprisingly gets really good test scores, though
you know he takes wildlife biology and he memorizes like, every type of bird call
he can even mimic some of them - it’s how he wakes romeo up in math.
he also goes out every day for lunch, and his next period is english which he has with like, all of the boys, so he’s always throwing fries across the room for henry or mush to catch in their mouths
he beats his own school records every year so he’s like, constantly the athlete of the month
definitely goes to all of the different sports games and cheers very loud
carries a huge water bottle that he fills up during french class to get out of presentations
Kid Blink
first of all, this kid does not do any kind of sport because his depth perception rivals that of mine
which means it  s u c k s 
however, he kills it at math and physics is his one true love
If you need a study partner for either, he’s your guy. just know that he explains nothing and goes pretty fast. keep up and you can do math with him.
he lowkey hates history because it’s about a whole bunch of dead people who were problematic
he’s a part of mesa
he takes american sign language and it’s one of his favorite classes
he and smalls are constantly having conversations from across the room
a lot of the time it’s about the teacher, and one time they were caught by their chemistry teacher who knew asl
they got detention for like, a week because of it
here comes the heartthrob!!!!
very handsome, and his strong suit is engineering. which always shocks people.
which means he’s definitely a part of mesa and the engineering and technology club
he’s definitely the person to go to if you need help in physics. he explains things really well
the only bad part about it is that he also goes off on tangents when he’s explaining and you can get confused if you listen too long
he’s actually kind of a style icon, his hair is probably the best out of everyone
he always has headphones in, but one earbud is out so he can hear the teacher and whatnot
he cannot act for the life of him
but he has a good-natured laugh that makes up for the cringe 
he also cannot dance
okay, so smalls is a part of the asian american club, key club, and poetry club 
even though he cannot write to save his life, they let him come because he’s uber supportive
there’s also a joke that he and spot are a part of the short™ club
lowkey, smalls started this joke because he finds it hilarious when spot gets upset
he actually takes interior design and it’s his favorite class
he’s really good with color
he also takes woodworking and makes the guys stuff for it
davey has a bookshelf and jack has a desk
takes asl with kid blink and loves it
is the kid who always has to stand up to take notes because seating charts always put him in the back, despite his height
okay, so sniper is a cheerleader but don’t let that fool you - she’s also on the wrestling team and will take you down
albert is like her older brother and helps her with her business class
she regrets having taken it, but she needed another cte credit and thought it would be safer than welding
she has a criminal law class that she loves with all of her heart
she writes in all capitals
she’s also that kid that writes all of her essays handwritten to spite her english teacher which, on the first day of school, complain about her writing in all caps
she’s good with history and has it with albert and it’s her personal goal to get him to laugh at her comments in that class
studying??? sounds studious. and not a part of her aesthetic.
has an attendance office aide period where she mostly does the homework for her next class period
is that kid that always almost swears in class debates
first, our boy is president for madrigals (he’s a low bass)
then he’s a proud part of the book club
his thing is psychology, and he goes in hard, he and sarah sit next to each other and talk in hushed whispers about all the cool stuff they learn
he takes very neat notes
but only has to look at them two or three times before he’s ready to take a test
is always an ensemble member in the school musicals
he is also a library aide and constantly smells like old books
very organized
his locker always has everything you could possibly need - a jacket, hat, bag of trail mix, water, etc.
the mom friend™
first of all, he’s that kid who always sits in the same seat. if you’re sitting in his seat, you’re dead. don’t @ him.
he hates science with a burning passion and is so glad he finished all of his credits for it in junior year
is actually a bit of a history buff
but he never participates in class, just writes really good essays and aces every test
and speaking of writing
he’s actually really into creative writing
who did you think started the writing club???
but he’s no less tough
he always wears a leather jacket, a red shirt, cuffs the bottom of his jeans, and has his pen tucked behind his ear
he doesn’t really take notes, and he only writes in pen
Tommy Boy
captain of dance company
is having none of race’s idiocy at practices either
but he’s actually really funny and nice, all the teachers love him
can’t write a summary in english for the life of him but will write a 10 page essay on why dance company is a part of the performing arts and deserves just as much recognition as theatre, choir, and band
only ever eats out of the vending machines for lunch
is a part of french club
really likes culinary arts because his one weakness is sugar
can’t do any form of art other than dance
but he doesn’t need to - he’s that good
notes??? what are those???
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anamorales · 5 years
Frida Kahlo salad
Hi friends! How’s the day going? I hope you’re having a great one so far. I’m off to take Livi to her first orthodontist appointment (what?) and meeting with a business partner later today. I’m hoping to catch an Orangetheory class in between editing the podcast episode for tomorrrow. I’d love to hear what you’re up to!
Today, I thought I’d share some pics and adventures from lately because it’s been a non-stop party over here.
This weekend was Kyle’s birthday! We went over to Kyle and Meg’s house for bean burritos and Mexican donuts. They set up a jumping castle for the kiddos, so the cousins and friends ran around and had the best time, while the adults all hung out and chatted. It’s funny because I feel like as we get older, birthday parties become so much more wonderful and low-key. Family time and good food is all ya really need.
After Kyle’s party, we met our babysitter at home and the Pilot and I took off to see La Bohéme at Arizona opera.
  First time wearing this Everlane dress (on sale right now):
(the fabric is a dream come true. Shoes are here!)
I was familiar with a couple of songs from La Bohéme but had never seen it live.
It’s funny because after about 10 minutes, when Mimi comes over for Rodolfo to light her candle and loses her key, I was like “WAIT. This is so much like Rent!” Turns out that Rent was crafted to be a more modern day La Bohéme. I’m a giant nerd and had no clue. Anyway, it was breathtaking. The performances were incredible and we had a great time.
I like date nights with this guy
Sunday morning, I took the sweatiest hot yoga class and later that afternoon, the fam came over for Super Bowl fun. We made Frito chili pies, which is kind of an inside joke.
(I’d try to explain why it’s hilarious, but inside jokes are never funny when you spell them out.)
Basically it’s Fritos with chili on top, and then toppings like cheese, green onion, sour cream, avocado, whatever you like. In high school, we’d call these Traveling Tacos. You’d get a bag of Fritos, they’d pour chili and nacho cheese on top, and hand you a fork. 
I made a giant batch of chili – wish I would have measured everything but it came out AMAZING – and we had all of the toppings ready to go. We also set up our 3-bowl slow cooker with buffalo chicken dip (recipe coming soon!), spinach and artichoke dip, and Rotel. Lots of chips and veggies for dipping, and the best chocolate chip cookies. Mom brought over shredded meat and tortillas, and Kyle brought over salsa and rice. It was a feast!
The Frito chili pies ended up being huge hit. Liv misunderstood the title and when she asked for seconds, she requested more “Frida Kahlo… salad.”
We LOVED the halftime show – say what you will but I think J. Lo and Shakira SLAYED – and called it a night.
Last night, I taught bootcamp and went to my first official choir rehearsal.
Here’s shortened version of what we did for bootcamp:
As far as choir goes, my first rehearsal was so challenging and so, so enjoyable. It feels really good to use my brain in a different way. We’re doing Mahler’s 2nd (which, according to the Pilot is in “the key of super sad”) and the finale is haunting, magnificent, and unlike anything I’ve worked on previously. (I’ve sang in German quite a few times, but the tempo changes and dynamics of this one are on another planet.) I’m really looking forward to seeing it come together.
I hope you have a beautiful morning and I’ll see ya tomorrow with a new podcast episode!
The post Frida Kahlo salad appeared first on The Fitnessista.
Frida Kahlo salad published first on https://immigrationways.tumblr.com/
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jonasmaurer · 5 years
Frida Kahlo salad
Hi friends! How’s the day going? I hope you’re having a great one so far. I’m off to take Livi to her first orthodontist appointment (what?) and meeting with a business partner later today. I’m hoping to catch an Orangetheory class in between editing the podcast episode for tomorrrow. I’d love to hear what you’re up to!
Today, I thought I’d share some pics and adventures from lately because it’s been a non-stop party over here.
This weekend was Kyle’s birthday! We went over to Kyle and Meg’s house for bean burritos and Mexican donuts. They set up a jumping castle for the kiddos, so the cousins and friends ran around and had the best time, while the adults all hung out and chatted. It’s funny because I feel like as we get older, birthday parties become so much more wonderful and low-key. Family time and good food is all ya really need.
After Kyle’s party, we met our babysitter at home and the Pilot and I took off to see La Bohéme at Arizona opera.
  First time wearing this Everlane dress (on sale right now):
(the fabric is a dream come true. Shoes are here!)
I was familiar with a couple of songs from La Bohéme but had never seen it live.
It’s funny because after about 10 minutes, when Mimi comes over for Rodolfo to light her candle and loses her key, I was like “WAIT. This is so much like Rent!” Turns out that Rent was crafted to be a more modern day La Bohéme. I’m a giant nerd and had no clue. Anyway, it was breathtaking. The performances were incredible and we had a great time.
I like date nights with this guy
Sunday morning, I took the sweatiest hot yoga class and later that afternoon, the fam came over for Super Bowl fun. We made Frito chili pies, which is kind of an inside joke.
(I’d try to explain why it’s hilarious, but inside jokes are never funny when you spell them out.)
Basically it’s Fritos with chili on top, and then toppings like cheese, green onion, sour cream, avocado, whatever you like. In high school, we’d call these Traveling Tacos. You’d get a bag of Fritos, they’d pour chili and nacho cheese on top, and hand you a fork. 
I made a giant batch of chili – wish I would have measured everything but it came out AMAZING – and we had all of the toppings ready to go. We also set up our 3-bowl slow cooker with buffalo chicken dip (recipe coming soon!), spinach and artichoke dip, and Rotel. Lots of chips and veggies for dipping, and the best chocolate chip cookies. Mom brought over shredded meat and tortillas, and Kyle brought over salsa and rice. It was a feast!
The Frito chili pies ended up being huge hit. Liv misunderstood the title and when she asked for seconds, she requested more “Frida Kahlo… salad.”
We LOVED the halftime show – say what you will but I think J. Lo and Shakira SLAYED – and called it a night.
Last night, I taught bootcamp and went to my first official choir rehearsal.
Here’s shortened version of what we did for bootcamp:
As far as choir goes, my first rehearsal was so challenging and so, so enjoyable. It feels really good to use my brain in a different way. We’re doing Mahler’s 2nd (which, according to the Pilot is in “the key of super sad”) and the finale is haunting, magnificent, and unlike anything I’ve worked on previously. (I’ve sang in German quite a few times, but the tempo changes and dynamics of this one are on another planet.) I’m really looking forward to seeing it come together.
I hope you have a beautiful morning and I’ll see ya tomorrow with a new podcast episode!
The post Frida Kahlo salad appeared first on The Fitnessista.
Frida Kahlo salad published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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anamorales · 5 years
Frida Kahlo salad
Hi friends! How’s the day going? I hope you’re having a great one so far. I’m off to take Livi to her first orthodontist appointment (what?) and meeting with a business partner later today. I’m hoping to catch an Orangetheory class in between editing the podcast episode for tomorrrow. I’d love to hear what you’re up to!
Today, I thought I’d share some pics and adventures from lately because it’s been a non-stop party over here.
This weekend was Kyle’s birthday! We went over to Kyle and Meg’s house for bean burritos and Mexican donuts. They set up a jumping castle for the kiddos, so the cousins and friends ran around and had the best time, while the adults all hung out and chatted. It’s funny because I feel like as we get older, birthday parties become so much more wonderful and low-key. Family time and good food is all ya really need.
After Kyle’s party, we met our babysitter at home and the Pilot and I took off to see La Bohéme at Arizona opera.
  First time wearing this Everlane dress (on sale right now):
(the fabric is a dream come true. Shoes are here!)
I was familiar with a couple of songs from La Bohéme but had never seen it live.
It’s funny because after about 10 minutes, when Mimi comes over for Rodolfo to light her candle and loses her key, I was like “WAIT. This is so much like Rent!” Turns out that Rent was crafted to be a more modern day La Bohéme. I’m a giant nerd and had no clue. Anyway, it was breathtaking. The performances were incredible and we had a great time.
I like date nights with this guy
Sunday morning, I took the sweatiest hot yoga class and later that afternoon, the fam came over for Super Bowl fun. We made Frito chili pies, which is kind of an inside joke.
(I’d try to explain why it’s hilarious, but inside jokes are never funny when you spell them out.)
Basically it’s Fritos with chili on top, and then toppings like cheese, green onion, sour cream, avocado, whatever you like. In high school, we’d call these Traveling Tacos. You’d get a bag of Fritos, they’d pour chili and nacho cheese on top, and hand you a fork. 
I made a giant batch of chili – wish I would have measured everything but it came out AMAZING – and we had all of the toppings ready to go. We also set up our 3-bowl slow cooker with buffalo chicken dip (recipe coming soon!), spinach and artichoke dip, and Rotel. Lots of chips and veggies for dipping, and the best chocolate chip cookies. Mom brought over shredded meat and tortillas, and Kyle brought over salsa and rice. It was a feast!
The Frito chili pies ended up being huge hit. Liv misunderstood the title and when she asked for seconds, she requested more “Frida Kahlo… salad.”
We LOVED the halftime show – say what you will but I think J. Lo and Shakira SLAYED – and called it a night.
Last night, I taught bootcamp and went to my first official choir rehearsal.
Here’s shortened version of what we did for bootcamp:
As far as choir goes, my first rehearsal was so challenging and so, so enjoyable. It feels really good to use my brain in a different way. We’re doing Mahler’s 2nd (which, according to the Pilot is in “the key of super sad”) and the finale is haunting, magnificent, and unlike anything I’ve worked on previously. (I’ve sang in German quite a few times, but the tempo changes and dynamics of this one are on another planet.) I’m really looking forward to seeing it come together.
I hope you have a beautiful morning and I’ll see ya tomorrow with a new podcast episode!
The post Frida Kahlo salad appeared first on The Fitnessista.
Frida Kahlo salad published first on https://immigrationways.tumblr.com/
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