#my friend and i came up with an entire au where anakin is born with a dyad connection to obi-wan
antianakin · 9 months
A question, if I may? Do you think Anakin, as he was when he first joined the Jedi Order in TPM, was doomed to fail as a Jedi, so to speak? In-universe, not out-of-universe meta. At that point, do you think it could have gone either way for him, in that he was still capable of becoming a Jedi? And may I be cheeky and ask for full details of why you think that, one way or another?
I've written a post about this before because my answer to this kind-of encapsulates my primary interpretation of Anakin as a character.
In case people don't want to click the link, I'll rehash it a little below.
I think Anakin never would've been a good Jedi because by the time you reach him in TPM, he's already the kind of person whose values and desires don't match up with the Jedi lifestyle. This doesn't make him a bad PERSON, at all, and he's entirely capable of getting a lot of good out of the Jedi's teachings. I think that Anakin was capable of really being able to HEAL through Jedi training, but that if he had been able to really learn from them the way he should've, he would've left the Order voluntarily eventually out of recognition that this life ISN'T WHAT HE REALLY WANTS. Anakin doesn't WANT to be as limited as the Jedi are forced to be by making themselves answer to the Senate and the Chancellor. Anakin DOES want to be able to prioritize the people he personally cares about (in the more normal way that people tend to do, not the genocidal way he does in canon).
And all of this is FINE. Honestly, I think this is the ultimate good outcome for Anakin, to spend enough time with the Jedi to allow their teachings to heal him from his past and give him control over himself to the point that he can pursue the life he really wants in a healthy way. I think Anakin was always capable of being an incredible person and the character we see in TPM is entirely capable of going either way on that, but no, he'd never make a good Jedi.
I also think that if Anakin had been found a much YOUNGER age, like 3 or younger, he'd have been perfectly capable of being a good Jedi. It would remove his attachment to Shmi and the way they had to live their lives, it would allow him to have a better foundation of Jedi philosophies, and it would help him to really see the JEDI as his family rather than constantly searching for a "real" family beyond them. This interpretation comes straight from Lucas himself, who has said that if Anakin had been found at a much younger age, he'd have been fine with being a Jedi, but that being found late was, in many ways, his first stumbling block towards darkness. And that's no one's FAULT, obviously (aside from perhaps the slavers who took Shmi), but it doesn't make it any less true.
Let me know if you want more details on my personal interpretation of this!
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
soulmate au: 2 or 27 for rexwalker? (or rexanidala)
soulmate au prompts
2. the one where you have your soulmate’s name written on your body.
27. the one where you can transfer any injuries/pain your soulmate has onto yourself.
Once again featuring Marginally Less Terrible Jango, Hopeless Romantic Anakin, and Significantly More Awkward Rex.
Word Count: 5.9k
Anakin doesn’t have a soulmate until he’s ten years old.
He’s already been at the Temple for half a year by then, and heard enough about how not having a soul mark is a good thing, for a Jedi. It means fewer temptations away from the duties they’ve all agreed to take on. There are people with names on their bodies, including Obi-Wan, who has two, but everyone agrees that while friendship with one’s soulmate is fine, especially if that soulmate is a fellow Jedi, it cannot be allowed to become too deep.
“I don’t understand,” Anakin admits to Obi-Wan, one night when he finds Obi-Wan looking at the name that wraps around his upper thigh, the one in the unfamiliar alphabet and cultured, perfect strokes. It’s a few months after he arrives, long enough to think they won’t kick him out just for asking questions, but not quite long enough to know what’s normal yet. His own soul mark is several months away, not that he knows it. “Soulmates were one of the few things a mas--an owner couldn’t take away from a slave. They could get rid of the mark, but we still knew. They were important, something the universe gave us that we could keep, even if it was only in our memories. Why do Jedi try to make it not count?”
Obi-Wan gets a look on his face, the one he gets whenever Anakin has a question that’s more complicated and philosophical than what Obi-Wan was ready for, the questions about why that he has to think about because it’s all normal for Obi-Wan, who grew up here, in ways that it isn’t (and will never be) for Anakin with his Tatoo heart and slaveborn mind.
“It’s not about the depth of the relationship in and of itself,” Obi-Wan finally says. “It’s about how you go about it, how you let it affect you, and if you let it get in the way of your duties as a Jedi, or put yourself at risk of a fall. It’s... it’s not banned, exactly, to love someone the way one would expect to love a soulmate, but it’s discouraged for our own safety and health. Losing someone you love hurts everyone, but for a Force-user to lose someone they consider so dear to their heart, there’s always a risk of losing one’s stability and going Dark.”
Anakin doesn’t entirely understand, but he pretends he does.
Obi-Wan scratches at the stubble he’s trying to turn into a beard, and says, “Okay, let me finish getting dressed, and then I’m going to tell you a few stories. You said you like learning through stories, right?”
Anakin nods.
“Okay, so... Bandomeer, I think. Melida/Daan and Mandalore, definitely. And we can round it out with what happened a few days ago,” Obi-Wan mutters. “I--most of those are planets.”
“I’ve heard of Mandalore,” Anakin volunteers.
“Yes, most have,” Obi-Wan indulges him, but he looks a little nervous. “Anakin, I... these stories all have to do with some very painful times in my life, times when I almost left, or did leave, the Jedi Order. I think--”
“You left the Jedi?”
“For a year, when I was a little older than you, but I came back,” Obi-Wan says. “I’m... can you put on some tea? It’ll make this conversation easier.”
“Is it about your soulmates?” Anakin asks, clinging to the doorframe just before he exits.
“...one of them,” Obi-Wan says, passing a hand over the mark on his thigh. “It’s... she’s why Mandalore is on this list, but that story won’t make as much sense unless I tell you about Bandomeer and Melida/Daan first.”
“Because you left?”
“Because I already knew what leaving could cost me,” Obi-Wan corrects, gentle but oddly stern. “Go put on the tea, Anakin. I’ll only be a few minutes.”
Three months after Anakin hears about the times Obi-Wan was forced to leave, did leave, almost left, and threatened to leave (for Anakin’s sake!), the name of his soulmate comes in.
“That’s not a name,” Anakin says.
“That’s not a name,” Anakin says, more upset than he’d like to admit. The soul mark sits neatly on one side of his lower abdomen, warm and precisely lettered and absolutely terrifying.
CT-7567, in a dark, desaturated blue.
“I don’t think your soulmate is a droid,” Obi-Wan tries to joke. It falls flat.
“They’re a born slave,” Anakin says, and watches Obi-Wan stiffen. “Droids don’t get soulmates. Slaves do, but sometimes ma--owners don’t let slaves have names. They just give ‘em a number and that’s it. Supposed to make us more pliant and keeps us from having thoughts of individuality.”
“Them, Anakin, not us. You’re free.”
Anakin looks up at him, lip wobbling, and he knows a Jedi shouldn’t cry, not when he’s already ten, but he wants to any way. “My soulmate isn’t.”
“O-oh, okay, we’re crying now,” Obi-Wan mutters, clearly overwhelmed, and pulls Anakin to his chest. “It’ll be alright, dear one. Your mark means you will meet one day, and when you do, you can free them. Alright?”
“Skywalker? Sounds like a slave name.”
It’s a refrain that CT-7567 hears almost every time one of the adults sees his mark. They mention Tatooine sometimes. One of the bounty hunters that covers their weapons training gets angry if people point out the slave thing, and CT-7567 isn’t the only person to get a slave for a soulmate. She doesn’t explain it often, but there’s an incident when Rex is three that gives him a little more information.
“That one’ll be angry,“ the bounty hunter mutters, her lip curling when she hears the cadets gossiping about their marks again, sees CT-7567 pulling up his shirt to show off his own. She’s always like that, about the clones who have slave soulmates. CC-1010, who knows everything about everyone, says that she used to be a slave before she killed her way out. She’s definitely scary enough. “Name like that... Tatooine, human, might be a slave or might be freeborn from a line of slaves. Either way, that one’s going to be angry about it.”
“How do you mean, sir?”
Her eyes flick to his, and then back to the slugthrower she’s cleaning. “Tatooine slave culture knows things. Your mark on this “Anakin” is going to be your number until you get a name, and they’re not going to make the mistake of thinking their soulmate is a droid. They’ll know you were born to a purpose.”
It takes another year for CT-7567 to learn that she means ‘you were born a slave.’
(It takes two more for him to pick a name.)
Anakin is not the only one in the Temple to have this kind of soul mark popping up. He is not even the first. The Council is investigating it, apparently, but they don’t have much to go off of. It didn’t start until a year or two before Anakin came to Coruscant, but enough Jedi are affected by the CC and CT soul marks for it to be concerning. Anakin gets called in to provide some information on what he knows about slave-designations in these circumstances, which isn’t much, and is barely more than what they already know, but they assure him it’s helpful. Something about corroborating the information a raised slave is taught culturally with the information a Shadow can collect from a community that doesn’t trust them. Obi-Wan explains that it’s about how Anakin knows information that was collected and taught, instead of information that has to be gathered, bit by bit, and analyzed.
It’s a long way of saying that Anakin knows things that other people don’t, because he wasn’t raised in the safety of the Temple.
Anakin doesn’t know many of the others, but he does know one even before his soul mark comes in, because their Masters are friends. They talk about it, and three years after they first connect over this, something happens.
“It changed! Anakin, Ani, it changed!”
Anakin drops the datapad he’s been doing history homework on, and looks up as Aayla, already in the suite, grabs his shoulders and shakes him a little.
“Aayla?” Obi-Wan calls, coming out of the kitchen with a rag in one hand and a wet plate in the other. “What in the--what are you shouting about?”
Knight Vos follows Aayla in--it’s a bit early to call him a Master, given that Aayla’s still not knighted, but it’s getting close--and leans against the door, arms crossed. “Kid was right. The mark changes when the soulmate picks a name.”
Aayla pulls down the shoulder of one sleeve, and Anakin sees that the designation number has changed. It’s not a regimented CC-5052 anymore, but a short, sweet Bly, with a flourish at the end that probably means this person is always going to be excited to sign their name.
“We already knew that,” Obi-Wan says. “When people transition, their name changes on their soulmate as well. This is the same thing.”
“We didn’t know that it applied to born slaves the same way,” Knight Vos says. “All we had was anecdotal evidence from the kid. Trustworthy, yes, but no data to back it up. And now we know.”
“I wonder how it’s meant to be pronounced,” Aayla says, and obligingly lets Anakin poke at the name that swirls on her shoulder in a vivid yellow against the blue. It’s pretty, he thinks. The handwriting and the color and what it means that the soulmates they’ve all gotten are finding ways to be people.
“How long until mine changes?” Anakin asks, even though he knows that nobody here has that answer. “Do you think all of them are going to find names? Or...”
“If they don’t by the time we find them,” Aayla assures him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, “they will once they’re free.”
(In one life, the Jedi would have held their tongues and ducked their heads, hidden in denial and ‘we are their only option’ and ‘the Senate will use them regardless; we are a kinder fate than men like Tarkin’ and would never use the words ‘slave army’ to describe their men.)
(In this life, they are primed, from the moment a little freed boy explains exactly what a soul mark like this means to people like his, to see their army and say ‘we will free you.’)
Anakin has his eyes fixed on the name from the moment his mark burns and twists and changes. He’s sixteen by then, and on a mission with Obi-Wan that prevents him from running to break into Knight Aayla’s room and show off to her the way she had to him. He’s not even on planet, but at least it’s not the middle of a fight. That could have been bad.
“Hey, Obi-Wan?”
“I got a name.”
“For the assassin?” Obi-Wan asks, raising his head hopefully. “Did you get through to the guild?”
“...no, I meant, uh, my soulmate.” Anakin lifts his shirt, waits on that unfortunate dash of disappointment, and then Obi-Wan’s face lights up and the man practically scrambles over to get a better look. Anakin tries not to let himself read too much into it. It’s... nice, he thinks. That Obi-Wan is excited for him.
“I feel like half these individuals are picking names of exactly three letters,” Obi-Wan says, but he’s smiling as he almost touches the mark. He doesn’t, in the end, but Anakin wants to laugh at it anyway. “Rex, then. I look forward to meeting your young man.”
Anakin feels his face flare. “We don’t know that it’s a boy. I mean, there might be places where that’s a girl’s name. Or a species that doesn’t have our genders. Or--”
“I have a feeling,” Obi-Wan says, and laughs when Anakin pouts at him. “Oh, I wouldn’t bet my saber on it, but a few credits, at least. Nothing solid, but I was prone to visions as a youngling. Qui-Gon was never very good at dealing with the peculiarities of such a connection to the Unifying Force. He tried, admittedly, but he was very much a man of the present.”
Anakin spends the rest of the mission silently cheering on his soulmate for picking a name.
For taking that step to saying “I’m a person.”
Someone tries to assassinate Senator Amidala. Anakin and Obi-Wan are assigned to protect her. There’s an incident with a robot, and Obi-Wan is... pulled aside.
(Anakin finds himself thinking, more than once, that he could have fallen in love with this woman if he wasn’t so attached to the idea inked into his skin.)
(Senator Amidala doesn’t have a soulmate. She’s free to choose, she claims. He doesn’t envy her, but he does respect this.)
(Anakin likes the security of the universe telling him that there’s someone he’s meant for.)
Obi-Wan disappears to investigate something, and returns just before Anakin and Padme are set to leave. He looks... grim.
“The assassination is more complicated than we thought,” Obi-Wan says. “As in, the main assassin was expecting this to fail, so we’d come find him after he killed the subcontractor.”
“He wants to talk to us,” Obi-Wan says. “But, specifically, to the two of you.”
“So, you’re Anakin Skywalker.”
Jango Fett is a shorter man than Anakin, shorter even than Obi-Wan, but he’s not small. The armor bulks him out further. There’s faint scars on his face, here and there, and he seems more amused than anything when Anakin slips in front of Padme to actually be the bodyguard he’s supposed to play.
“What’s it to you?” Anakin challenges, and pretends he doesn’t see the way Obi-Wan pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.
Fett smirks. “One of my boys has your name on him.”
Anakin stops breathing for a moment.
“One of your boys?” Padme prompts, and Anakin tries to remember his job.
Fett’s smirk falls away and he palms his face. “Three million of them, and counting. I’ve had people cross-referencing soul marks as they pop up, in case anyone’s connected to someone... important. Special attention on the confirmed Jedi.”
“Three mill--you’re behind the ident number marks,” Anakin realizes. “The slave-born.”
Obi-Wan’s face looks carved from stone, and Anakin realizes that the mood he’s been in since he called Anakin and Padme was because he’d figured it out before he called.
“Yeah, Umiett said you��d be the one to make that connection,” Fett mutters. He shakes his head. “Listen, I’ve got three million clones that are more sentient than anyone told me they’d be, and I’ve spent the last few years trying to decide how to get myself out of this contract without abandoning them in the process. Tyranus gave me the job to assassinate Amidala, but I’d already had her shortlisted as one of the Republic members most like to help me get these boys citizenship and legal rights. Once I heard Skywalker and Kenobi were involved, turning this into a discreet way to get your attention seemed like the obvious solution.”
“You tried to kill me... to get my attention... so I’d help you.”
“I didn’t try to kill you. I subcontracted to a former acquaintance that I knew wasn’t good enough to get past two Jedi.”
“Right,” Padme says, seeming unimpressed. Anakin agrees. “Okay, three million sentients, all your children--”
“--yes, something that’s very illegal in the Republic at that scale,” she says. “Unless--”
“Kamino’s in the Rishi maze. Dwarf galaxy, not actually part of the Republic. Isolated.”
“Okay, that’s... going to make this more difficult,” Padme says. “Where does your citizenship lie? Are you still Mandalorian? I’m not as familiar with your role in recent politics as I could be. I know there’s something about all violent dissenters being sent to Concordia, but you--”
“If I thought that hut’uunla Duchess would listen to me, I’d have already reached out,” Fett dismisses. “That’s part of why I focused on Kenobi and Skywalker when doing the research. Skywalker’s got the background to argue slavery, and Kenobi’s got connections in Mandalorian politics.”
“And I’m to be your voice in the Senate.”
“Not mine. The clones’.”
Anakin looks to Obi-Wan for guidance, because this man was involved with the attempted assassination, but...
“Who is Tyranus?” Obi-Wan asks.
“Oh, you’re going to enjoy this. The man calling himself Darth Tyranus is Count Dooku of Serreno.”
Anakin hasn’t heard Obi-Wan swear that colorfully since the last time he got stabbed.
Things... progress. Quietly. Fett mentions there being a Sith in the Senate, something he picked up from a particularly ugly visit from the Count to Kamino, the kind of visit that involved veiled conversations intended as mocking, bragging monologues.
“He really is a villain,” Obi-Wan mutters, as if Anakin hasn’t seen him monologue to captured criminals on occasion, or get so caught up in The Banter that he lets something slip that he shouldn’t have.
Anakin and Padme go to Naboo to ‘keep her safe,’ and Obi-Wan hares off on a falsified investigation, keeping the Council updated the entire time. Anakin doesn’t like splitting up, not when so much is happening, but they have no idea who the Sith in the senate might be, if they even exist. Anakin doesn’t even have time to say goodbye to the Chancellor.
All this contributes, for Anakin is already stressed, and excited, anticipatory and afraid, and then the nightmares come. Padme’s more aware of his fears than she might have been, as much as they talk about slaves and freedom and how she makes things happen with words and legislation. Anakin’s a little in love with the idea of this woman, though he won’t act on anything until he meets his soulmate and figures out what they’re meant to be for each other, but... friends, at least. Padme is going to be a friend, possibly for life, and Anakin’s going to love her no matter what.
She coaxes out the truth, and then tells him, ‘well, your mother would know more about this than you, since you left at nine; it would be entirely reasonable to ask her for advice,’ and then smiles like they’re sharing a secret crush instead of plotting the violation of his orders.
They save Shmi.
Padme doesn’t get the advice she was using an excuse from Shmi, but from a long, tired conversation with Beru Whitesun. As it turns out, when a family’s been freeing slaves for generations, they know what they’re talking about. Even Anakin remembers the Whitesun reputation. Padme’s notes are copious.
Anakin cares for his mother, and talks to his stepbrother, and gets an idea of who these people in his life are. He can’t imagine they’ll make contact often, but he’s glad to meet them. Cliegg--his stepfather, and isn’t that a thought--isn’t a particularly soft man, or a smooth one, but his gruffness has a different energy on Tatooine than it would on Coruscant. Anakin approves.
Obi-Wan calls. Padme explains. Anakin is shamed by his Master and then has to defend that particular title when Owen and Beru stare at him and the comm in matching horror.
“Master-Apprentice,” Anakin says, just a little panicked. “Not Master-Slave. He’s my teacher, practically family, not... you don’t need to worry. I promise.”
“I’ve seen them interact,” Padme says, and then shoots a small, smug smile at Beru. “Obi-Wan’s somewhere between father and brother to Anakin. It’s very sweet, when they’re together, and very entertaining.”
Beru, who’s had three days to get used to Padme, smiles and nods. “Alright then. I’ll take your words for it.”
Obi-Wan sputters a bit at the claim, in the background, and Anakin is... just a little upset by that.
“I think your mother would want to speak with him,” Cliegg claims, and Anakin hesitates, because this is a mission call, for all that gossip is happening, and he really shouldn’t break more rules after the big one he’s clearly, blatantly completely ignored to come to Tatooine in the first place. Cliegg holds out a hand, eyes on Obi-Wan. “As would I.”
“Well,” Obi-Wan says. “I suppose I do have a moment.”
Anakin and Padme arrive on Kamino.
“Your mother,” Obi-Wan says, in lieu of a greeting, “is oddly terrifying, did you know?”
“She’s... still recovering,” Anakin says, brow furrowing. “She can’t leave the bed for anything other than the ‘fresher for weeks, probably. And she’s nice, how is any of that terrifying?”
“It’s her energy,” Obi-Wan notes. “Quietly intimidating, I’d say. Very odd, really.”
“What did you even talk about?” Anakin asks, and then blushes as Padme giggles at him, like she knows things that he doesn’t. She probably does. She’s older than him. Still.
“Ah, that,” Obi-Wan says, looking away for a moment and--blushing? Obi-Wan’s blushing? “She rather aggressively informed me of what is considered normal on Tatooine for a relationship that is, as Padme put it, ill-defined but close and familial.”
“Master, you--what?”
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes and steps forward, pulling Anakin into a hug. Oh. “I’ve been informed that the manner in which I show affection to you is rather understated and ambiguous, by Tatoo standards, and that leaving things unsaid isn’t enough.”
“I consider you my brother,” Obi-Wan says, into this hug that is stiff and uncomfortable, but sincere and full of effort. “And I do love you very much, dear one, even if I’m rather unpracticed in showing it in ways that would... translate, shall we say.”
“Oh,” Anakin says, because he can’t think of anything else. He hugs back.
There’s a moment there, where Obi-Wan relaxes and Anakin shifts, and everything feels just a tiny bit more right, and then someone coughs.
“If you two are done?” Fett drawls, and Anakin mourns as Obi-Wan huffs and pulls away, hands back to being tucked into his sleeves in front of him.
“Quite,” Obi-Wan says back, with the strained smirk of someone who’s been dealing with the same frustrating sentient for a solid week without the option of just bashing their face in.
Fett rolls his eyes, and gestures for them to follow him. “I’ve got a bunch of the Alphas and CCs waiting on you, along with anyone we know for sure has a Jedi soulmate. Kenobi’s already spoken with them all, got confirmation that we probably haven’t missed any connections.”
“I know the list of everyone who reported a CC or CT soul mark to the Council,” Obi-Wan huffs. “I have it memorized.”
“Because of Anakin?” Padme asks.
“His mark came in when he was ten,” Obi-Wan says. “I was his legal guardian until very recently. Given the circumstances, it was reasonable that most of the information on the ident-code marking situation be shared with me in the same way that his school reports and medical records were. He was a minor until a year ago, Senator, and as you so rightly pointed out, my role in his life is certainly that of the family member who raised him for the past decade.
“Master,” Anakin hisses, well aware of his blush. “You’re embarrassing me.”
Obi-Wan looks at him, amused. “I’m told that’s rather the point, dear one.”
Padme looks away, clearly fighting back a grin, and Fett’s expression is mocking, at best.
They enter the section of the facility where other people are a moment later, and Anakin is... not quite as ready for the sea of identical faces as he thought he’d be. One small boy in different tunics from the rest runs up to Fett with a call of ‘Buir!’ and falls into step with them, grabbing Fett’s hand and peering curiously at the rest of them.
“This is Boba,” Fett tells them. “He’s the only unaltered one.”
“The one you claimed at birth,” Padme clarifies.
“Decanting!” Boba pipes up, and then smiles winningly at Padme. “I wasn’t born. I was decanted. He claimed me at decanting.”
Fett looks like he wants to run a hand down his face. “Yes, Boba’s the clone that was provided to me as part of the payment I demanded when I first signed on to the project. He’s the only one I technically have legal claim to.”
“All the others are Kaminoan property until claimed by the Senate or Jedi,” Obi-Wan adds, and Fett nods in his direction. “Preferably the Jedi, of course.”
“The Nulls are with Kal Skirata,” Boba pipes up. “He adopted all of them and Kaminiise didn’t care that much because they thought the Nulls were all failed experiments anyway.”
Fett grimaces at the look that gets him from Padme. “They’re not mine. None of them would have wanted to be, anyway, but it stands that I haven’t spoken with them in years.”
“They’re precedent,” Padme corrects. “One I should have been made of aware of if you want this to work. Can you put me in contact with this Skirata individual? What’s his, and their, citizenship status?”
Anakin steps back to Obi-Wan as Padme drills Fett for information, and keeps his eyes wandering for threats--unlikely, if Fett is genuine, and Obi-Wan says he is--and trying to figure out the best way to keep track of which clone is which. They do feel different in the Force, but Anakin’s not as used to using that sense for identification as most Jedi. He sees a few scars and tattoos, but he thinks he’s going to have to--
“Anakin? Why did you stop?”
Anakin ignores his master, because one of the clones, one he can’t even see, is glowing so strong and right and calling to him...
“Anakin, please answer me.”
“I can feel him,” Anakin breathes out. “My soulmate. I think I can feel him, in the Force.”
“Ah,” Obi-Wan says, relaxing. “Yes, that tends to happen, when we look. Fett assured us that he’d be at the meeting, dear. Just a few more hallways to go.”
Those hallways pass in a blur, because he’s there his soulmate is there and--
A room, full of clones that look older than Anakin, for all that they can’t be, and more clones that don’t.
There’s a clone in full kit, helmet included, but Anakin knows, just knows, that this one is his.
“Troopers!” Fett barks. “Kenobi’s brought some friends in. Senator Amidala’s going to be working on the citizenship bill with us. The other Jedi is Anakin Skywalker. You can guess why he’s--”
The fully-armored soldier takes a half-step forward.
Fett sighs. “By the ka’ra, Rex, you’re going to embarrass yourself and me. Take your bucket off, kid, let him see you.”
“Some tact, Fett,” Obi-Wan snaps, and for all that it’s quiet and intended to be subtle, the clones absolutely hear him.
They also seem amused. Apparently Obi-Wan’s been hanging about for long enough that he and Fett have a dynamic, one the clones have gotten used to and find hilarious.
Anakin only sort of notices this, because the clone in armor, still unpainted, pulls off his helmet and for all that it’s the exact same face as Anakin’s seen a thousand times over in the last fifteen minutes, there’s something uniquely beautiful that has nothing to do with the blonde hair or the nervous smile.
“You’re Rex?” Anakin asks, even though he’s sure, he’s absolutely convinced, that this young man is his soulmate.
“Yes,” the young clone says. He looks about Anakin’s age, and Fett’s told them time and again that the clones are basically the age they look, for the most part. Anakin’s going to take it slow anyway.
“Obi-Wan already said it, but, um, I’m Anakin,” he says, and tries to find something to do with his hands that isn’t just taking his soulmate and hugging him ‘til all the suns set. He looks down, and settles for mimicking Obi-Wan and just tucking them into his sleeves. He looks up at Rex, and tries to smile, but he’s so nervous about all of this that it probably doesn’t look like much. He thinks he hears someone snickering.
“Oh good,” someone mumbles. “They’re both hopeless.”
Anakin snaps his head around and glowers at the little group the comment came from, but he has no idea which one said it. All four look amused, and have varying degrees of shit-eating grin in place.
“If you didn’t outrank him, Rex would totally be shooting you right now,” little Boba says. “I think he’d deserve to do that.”
Anakin doesn’t have to strain at all to hear Fett’s groan.
“Alright,” one of the older clones says, and everyone stands a little straighter. An authority among the clones? Official, or more of an informal primus inter pares situation? “Rex’ika and his Jedi can go get to know one another, and none of us are going to make fun of them for it, because I know damn well how many of you have been mooning over the idea of your soulmates despite knowing literally nothing about them.”
“So’ve you, Alpha!”
“You want a boot up your ass, Wolffe? Because if you keep talking, that’s what you’re getting.”
“Boys,” Fett says, and they settle down. “Now, the Senator has some questions for you, and you’re going to comply when she asks, because it’s going to keep your little brothers alive. You understand?”
One clone raises a hand, and Fett sighs.
“Yes, and little sisters, Valierra,” he adds. He mutters something under his breath that sounds like “kriffing Basic.”
(Anakin later learns that Mando’a is not a gendered language, and Fett’s frustration is entirely about the fact that ‘brothers’ isn’t gender neutral. Anakin tries to ask why he doesn’t just say ‘sibling’ or use the Mando’a word, and there’s apparently a whole thing with some instructors wanting to encourage the clones to learn to be Mandalorian, and others wanting to cut them off from anything to do with the planet.)
(Anakin... tries to understand. He’s still confused about why ‘siblings’ isn’t on the table.)
“Go on, Anakin,” Obi-Wan says, looking somewhere between amused and exasperated. “We can catch you up later.”
“I got enough from Beru,” Padme assures him. “You can pop in to help us fine-tune later.”
Anakin nods, just a short jerk of his head, and then looks to Rex. The man is glaring at a little at a little group of other clones, but when Anakin reaches out and takes his hand--takes his hand--Rex turns and stares at him with wide eyes and a flush that Anakin’s sure he’s mirroring.
“We should talk,“ he blurts out, and he can feel Obi-Wan’s despair at how completely inept Anakin is at this whole ‘personal interactions’ thing, but that’s fine, because Obi-Wan’s a bit of a slut, and Anakin doesn’t flirt with everyone he meets, and he’s been waiting for his soulmate like a sensible person.
(“Or a romantic,” Vos had pointed out, once. “Most people date at least a little if they don’t meet their soulmate by, like, fifteen. I mean, culturally I understand why you want to wait until you meet your soulmate, but it’s not really a matter of sensibility, just personal preference. Obi-Wan’s not less sensible for sleeping around.”)
(Anakin does not like this argument, and so he ignores it.)
(Well, no, he agrees that people should be allowed to flirt if they want, but he doesn’t like the implication he’s gotten from a few other padawans about how he’s ‘awkward’ for not knowing how to talk to people that he wants to impress somehow.)
(So, he’s going to claim it’s sensibility.)
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“Kriff off, Ponds!” Rex barks out, immediately pinging on the exact clone that said the words, and Anakin bites a lip to keep from laughing at them both.
“Out,” Fett orders. “We’ve got shit to do, stop being a distraction.”
“Being a distraction, my dear, is a skill that Anakin’s put far too much effort into developing just to drop it on your command,” Obi-Wan says, light and airy and not at all like he just dragged Anakin and Fett for no Force-damned reason.
“Come on,” Rex mutters, tugging Anakin to the door with a blush that only grows as the other clones catcall them on the way out of the room. Anakin hears at least one particularly dirty comment get cut off by a smacking noise and a reprimand from a clone he thinks is probably Alpha.
The second they’re out of sight, Rex slows down, and glances back at Anakin.
Anakin tries to smile in encouragement. He’s not sure it works, really, but Rex smiles back, so it can’t be that bad.
“Here, Alpha told me to use the mini conference room,” Rex tells him, when the get to a nondescript door with a number on it. “It’s not completely secure, but we can lock the door so it’s mostly private.”
“Can I kiss you?” Anakin asks, and then has to fight to not clap a hand over his mouth.
He was going to go slow. He was a moron who’d promised himself to go slow. Rex is mostly an adult but there are ways in which he isn’t, and Anakin might not be fully an adult either, but that’s not really an excuse, and--
“Yes, please,” Rex says, and oh Anakin really likes the shy grin on him. It’s pretty.
(This man, he thinks, could easily bench press Anakin a few times over, but he’s blushing like a storybook maiden, and he’s doing it for Anakin.)
Anakin moves slowly, because this isn’t something he has much practice with either, but he takes Rex’s face in his hands and leans in, pressing their lips together with only the slightest tilt of his head, just barely less than chaste, and a firework goes off inside his ribcage.
His soulmate! He’s kissing his soulmate!
There’s a ‘stop projecting’ nudge from Obi-Wan in the Force. Anakin tosses up a shield and focuses back on the kissing. He pulls away, and the goes to just... peck a bit. Just small, chaste, tiny kisses because he doesn’t want to stop. Because for all that they just met a few minutes ago, this feels right.
Warm hands, larger than his own and steady in a way he thinks he really likes, settle on his hips.
“We--mm--really should talk,” Rex manages, and Anakin... well, Anakin stops kissing him.
Rex apparently likes it as much as Anakin does, because he lifts up onto his toes to kiss Anakin again before fully breaking off. He grins, clearly sheepish, and shrugs. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Anakin says, and then Rex pulls him down to press their foreheads together, radiating warmth and hope and affection that Anakin hasn’t earned yet, but is definitely going to.
“This is a Keldabe kiss,” Rex says, and his nose brushes against Anakin’s as he shifts. His hands are still on Anakin’s waist, and Anakin decides to wrap his arms around Rex’s shoulders. It’s nice. “I like, um, I like the other kind of kissing too, but this means a lot to me, and it’s one of those Mandalorian things they actually let us pick up.”
“Fine by me,” Anakin says, and he, hells, he hasn’t even asked for proof of the soul marks, but he doesn’t need to, really, with the Force as insistent as it is. “So. Talk?”
“Yeah. Let’s talk.”
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bedlamsbard · 4 years
I got a couple of different asks about Luke and Ahsoka in other side AU 10, so I guess I will just make it a regular post after all so I can answer all of them at once.
Okay i just read your latest other side chapter and I wanted to ask about Ahsoka and Luke dynamics. I wonder what exactly where their heretics disagreemts about the jedi doctrine? while i can guess some of the stuff like attachements i guess i mostly see ahsoka as nonjedi and therefore someone who should not be attached to doctrine about attachements (haha) so i am wondering how you see her. i would actually love your take on how their first meetings went. continued in next ask, 1/2
1/2 continuation since most people write them as Ashoka immediately spilling the beans about the whole Vader situation to Luke and yours Ahsoka didn't. So I am curious what do you think Ahsoka feels about it. I got of course lot of it from the fic itself so i am mostly asking about how did you base your interpretation, if that makes sense and what led you to the narrative choices to portray their relationship in such way.
I'm most interested in what Luke and Ahsoka know about each other. Luke doesn't know much about Ahsoka obviously, but does he have any idea why she seems to hate him? He must be desperate lol. And how much does Ahsoka know about what happened on the DS2? And how much does Kanan know about these events? What was Hera able to tell him and what else did Luke and Ahsoka tell him? I always figure that everyone but Luke and a few people he told (like Leia) think the Emperor and Vader from the DS2 explosion.
I now have this image in my head of Ahsoka spending time with Rex and her laughing as Rex does something like tell a joke or a specific gesture. Then Luke walks by, does the exact same thing and Ahsoka is like "Of course, you'd do this stupid thing, you idiot!" :D
I think shortly before I started writing this sequence I had seen some cute art of Luke and Ahsoka hugging, which is a pretty common art trope and which has never sat quite right with me.  I also have the tendency to want to do the opposite of common fanon, which I can’t leave out either.  I also wanted to logic out what the hell was going on with Ahsoka’s charaterization in her Mando episode on a Watsonian level rather than a Doylist one (which I did a few weeks ago), even if other side takes place well before Mando and doesn’t intersect with it in any meaningful way.
When it came to the Luke and Ahsoka relationship (or lack thereof), it came down to three questions for me:
Who knows what?
What do they know?
When do they know it?
I made the decision early on in the chapter to leave Leia out of this relationship entirely, since the new canon seems to at this point in time (within a year of RotJ) be keeping it relatively quiet that she and Luke are siblings, and it’s not something that Hera would have a reason to know.  (Note also that this entire sequence is told from Hera’s POV, which plays into the “who knows what when” angle.)
As per Rebels S4 (not the epilogue, because Mando’s thrown that out the window), Ahsoka knows (or has good reason to believe) the following:
Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader, Sith Lord
Darth Vader was directly or indirectly responsible for the genocide of the Jedi Order and the deaths of any Jedi who survived the Purge (”you and your Inquisitors saw to that”)
Padme Amidala is dead
Obi-Wan Kenobi is dead (Obi-Wan was not dead, but she has no way to know this)
no Darksider can return to the Light side
At the end of RotJ (not taking into account anything that happened in the comics or ancillary novels, which I’m not up to date on), Luke knows (or has good reason to believe) the following:
Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker
everyone Anakin ever knew is dead, mostly because of him
Vader returned to being Anakin Skywalker at the end of his life
(Leia presumably also knows all of this, perhaps with a few more details based on things her parents might have told her, but her feelings about Darth Vader are: Bad, Do Not Want, to be glib about it.)
Now, there’s one other factor here, which is Rex.  Rex knew Anakin and knew Ahsoka and was in the Rebel Alliance -- we know that he was on Yavin IV prior to Luke’s arrival and we know that he fought in the Battle of Endor. (And turns up in a couple of scattered art panels from the comics.)  If we want to take his brief appearance in Galaxy of Adventures with Han Solo’s strike force as canon, then he may have also known Han and probably Luke -- certainly his ears would have pricked up at the name “Skywalker.”  (Okay, there’s one other factor, which is R2-D2, but Artoo never tells anyone anything despite knowing...everything. Or most things, anyway.)  Rex doesn’t seem to know that Anakin became Darth Vader (I believe there’s an interview somewhere where Dave or Pablo or someone says that a meeting between Rex and Vader would be “awkward,” but there’s no canonical reason to believe that he knew about the Anakin/Vader connection), but he probably found out at some point that the 501st was the battalion involved in the assault on the Jedi Temple.  He also, as of Rebels S3-4, assumes that Vader killed Ahsoka -- presumably Ezra would have told him as much as he could.  (And Ezra does know that Vader is Anakin, so he may have told Rex that as well.)  Rex also knows that Anakin Skywalker was having an affair with Padme Amidala, but presumably didn’t know about (a) the marriage or (b) the pregnancy, because how would he know?
Then we come to Ahsoka’s return and unfortunately the current canon gives us no time point for when it actually happened: presumably Ahsoka did not or could not return to the greater galaxy at the point she “left”, during the fight on Malachor (3 BBY), because as of Rebels S3-4 everyone still believes she’s dead.  Maybe she’s still stuck on Malachor without a way to get off, who knows; maybe after S4 Ezra grabbed her into the World Between Worlds she decided to stay on Malachor until she ~caught up with the main timeline, which...you then have to believe that Ahsoka is going to deliberately remove herself from the war, which I can get to, but is not something I’m totally comfortable with.  Or she pops out in the timeline at the same time that Ezra returns to the main timeline and is able to more or less immediately return to the main timeline narrative, plus or minus a few weeks.  (There are, after all, still a couple of Advanced TIE fighters parked in the Sith temple, even if they were potentially damaged in the temple collapse.  Ahsoka could have repaired them or used the comms systems to call for a pick-up -- this is, btw, what happens in Crown.)  We don’t know when the S2 finale scene/S4 WBW scene of Ahsoka walking back into the temple actually takes place in the timeline; it doesn’t have to be at the exact same time as the rest of the S2 finale sequence (since obvs Vader dragging himself out, Maul flying off, and the Rebels crew looking sad doesn’t all take place at the exact same time).
Other side AU is deliberately vague about when Ahsoka returns from the World Between Worlds/Malachor/to the Rebel Alliance; it’s not stated in the story, but I made the assumption that she came back shortly after the (non-epilogue) end of the Rebels finale, but was still deeply messed up from her Malachor revelations.  (Also, like, Sidious, I guess, but she was probably so messed up about Anakin/Vader that Sidious being around barely registered.)  Since she never seems to have held a formal position in the Rebel Alliance, I assumed that after she returned and let everyone know she was still alive, she then immediately took off to try and figure out what the hell happened with Anakin at the end of the Clone Wars, since she saw him like a week before he snapped and at the time he seemed fine.
The problem is that almost everyone involved is dead.
Now, at this point (shortly before Scarif and ANH), a few people are still alive who then die shortly, but whom Ahsoka may have no reason to believe were involved.  Bail Organa, for example, is still around, but aside from him being Padme’s friend Ahsoka doesn’t have a reason to know that Bail was there when Padme died -- and since they were in contact for the nineteen years preceding there’s no reason for her to assume now that he was keeping something for her.  Back in the comics (before I stopped reading them), Vader did some digging to figure out what was going on with Padme and his child; Ahsoka probably would have done the same digging (without having to torture anyone), but without necessarily knowing that Padme was pregnant.  Knowing the date of Padme’s death (same as the Republic, essentially), she may have had a previous assumption that Padme was assassinated on Palpatine’s orders, but knowing that Vader is Anakin probably moves that assumption closer to the truth, that Anakin was somehow involved in Padme’s death one way or another.  Sooner or later Ahsoka will turn up the fact that Padme was pregnant, come to the obvious conclusion that Anakin was the father, and possibly find out the same thing that Vader does in the comics -- that the child was born before Padme died.  (But also probably not that Padme was carrying twins, but even if she found that out, it wouldn’t make a difference.)
While Ahsoka is doing her digging (and there really isn’t much information out there to find), the events of Rogue One and ANH happen, and Ahsoka comes back to the Rebel Alliance to find out which of her friends are still alive.  (Maybe Rex is with her at this point, who knows.)
Everyone in the Rebel Alliance is talking about some young hotshot named Luke Skywalker.
Luke Skywalker who has a very familiar lightsaber, who claims his father was Anakin Skywalker, and who had some kind of relationship with Obi-Wan Kenobi, who turned up on the Death Star, fought Darth Vader, and died.
Ahsoka has just spent the past few months trying to figure out what happened with Anakin, and as best she can reassemble the facts it mostly comes down to “Anakin did something dumb for Padme, that something dumb was ‘turn to the Dark Side and kill literally everyone,’ and then Padme died, the Republic was overturned, and the Jedi Order was wiped out.”  Ahsoka presumably walks into a room, hears the name Luke Skywalker -- maybe sees him -- and is all at once face to face with the living evidence of just how badly Anakin fucked up.
This is just too much for Ahsoka to deal with at the moment, so she takes off again, and spends the next five years brushing in and out of the Rebel Alliance doing odd missions that can really only be done by a trained Force-user.  Rex, who seems to have a more stable position in the Alliance, is always going to side with Ahsoka over anyone else; if she tells him not to tell Luke that she knew Anakin, he won’t.  (And for that matter, he may have somewhat fraught feelings about Luke himself.)  She may have the odd interaction with Luke -- who has heard that there’s another Jedi in the Alliance and wants to be friends/get real training -- but Ahsoka just does not want any part of this. It’s irrational! She knows it’s irrational! But this is the living evidence of Anakin’s failure, Anakin who last she saw him TRIED TO KILL HER, who was at least partially responsible for the deaths of everyone she ever knew.  (And honestly, finding out that Vader topped it all off by killing Obi-Wan is not going to help.)
Ahsoka may also be feeling a certain amount of survivor’s guilt: if Ezra had not pulled her out of the Malachor temple at that exact moment, she came pretty close to bringing the temple down on both herself and Vader, and may have succeeded in killing him.  She did not do so, and who knows how many people died because of that in the years between Malachor and Yavin?  (Just because Tarkin was the one who gave the order doesn’t mean that Ahsoka may at least partially blame Alderaan’s destruction on Vader, if she knew he was on the Death Star then.) She knows he killed Obi-Wan.
The Yoda lineage is very good at going “yikes, I am going off to live alone and beat myself up over my failure for years” and Ahsoka is very much an example of that lineage.
She and Luke have a relationship of “Hi, I’m Luke Skywalker, do you want to talk?” and “I have to leave immediately,” maybe with the odd “please stop using that lightsaber grip it is physically painful for me to watch, do it like this instead, okay, bye.”  Luke probably told all of two other people about what happened with Vader on the Death Star, Leia and Han; he has no reason to tell anyone else about it because it won’t matter to them.  Why would he tell Ahsoka, whom he has no relationship with?  He doesn’t know that Ahsoka knew Anakin Skywalker and would only know if one of four people told him: Ahsoka herself (no), Rex (no), R2-D2 (maybe), or Admiral Ackbar (would never have occurred to Luke to ask, might have occurred to Ackbar to say).  (We also don’t know that Mon Mothma knew Ahsoka very well, or at all, for that matter; they never interacted in TCW.)
As for her swinging harder into overt Jedi-ness by Mando after her blatant “I am no Jedi” of Rebels, it reads to me as a response to the Anakin/Vader revelation (especially the attachment thing).  She had made certain assumptions in the TCW period (see her saving Rex in the TCW finale) and prior to Rebels; Kanan’s method of Jediness was something she could accept in the time period and in those circumstances; the Anakin/Vader revelation shattered all of that, followed immediately as it was by Kanan apparently going full Jedi self-sacrifice despite his attachments.  (Her reaction to Ezra being a trauma response about two very different circumstances.)  All of a sudden what she thought might have been mutable based on the circumstances became something that had to be adhered to in case of dangerous results, which she had just had brought home to her in extremely bad circumstances.
I made a crack somewhere about Mando’s central tension being between “being Mandalorian” and “being doing Mandalorianness”; I think in the post-OT period with Ahsoka and Luke we’re seeing something similar with “being Jedi” and “being doing Jediness.”  Even if Ahsoka isn’t actively claiming the title Jedi anymore (because what does that accomplish in most contexts?), she’s leaning far more into the tenets of the Jedi Order -- which Luke doesn’t know and doesn’t know he doesn’t know.
Thus the doctrinal dispute.
Ahsoka grew up in the Jedi Order.  That’s what she knows, that’s how she knows how to be a Jedi; for her being a Jedi is being part of the Jedi Order, whether or not the actions associated with performing Jediness are being actively practiced.  Luke doesn’t have that context.  For Luke, being a Jedi is...being doing Jediness.  (This is super awkward phrasing.)  Performing the actions of a Jedi.  Luke has a few holocrons, but I’m guessing that a lot of what is on those holocrons makes the assumption that whoever is opening with them has the context of being a part of the Jedi Order and doesn’t explain really basic stuff about the Order or what that means.  Luke’s Jedi Order is not going to be the Republic Jedi Order made anew; it’s going to be something that has a resemblance to it and is based on a similar view of the Force, even arguably its heir, but is just not going to be the same thing.  It can’t be.  Luke doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.
Kanan, of course, is coming into all of this from a similar context as Ahsoka: he grew up in the Jedi Order, it’s what he knows, it’s who he is.  Except Kanan never walked away from the Order, so while Ahsoka had been disconnected from her Jediness at the time of the Purge, he never lost his -- part of Ahsoka’s tension from TCW S7-Rebels was “I can’t be a Jedi because the Order is gone” and Kanan’s was “can I be a Jedi without the Jedi Order?”  (Ezra is a whole ‘nother thing but is somewhat outside the scope of this.)  The Jedi Order never factors in Luke’s Jediness at all.  (There’s some lineage doctrinal dispute here as well -- the Yoda lineage seems to be very closely connected to the Order as the font of Jediness, the Windu-Billaba lineage somewhat less so.  The Yoda lineage is like...the hardcore conservatives of the Jedi Order, though, and are probably not typical.)
Poor Kanan came back from the dead, after a week in another universe (which had its own problems; he’s been trying to very gently convince his counterpart that even after being an Inquisitor for months he can still be a Jedi), into Luke trying to build a new Jedi Order from scratch, Ahsoka firmly believing it couldn’t and shouldn’t be done and not wanting to be in the same room as Luke at all (not to mention that she really did not believe that they should have gone for “hey, let’s send Hera Syndulla to another universe” as even being an option), and both of them having essentially incompatible notions of being a Jedi at each other -- this is probably the most time Luke and Ahsoka ever spent in each other’s presence.  They’ve probably never articulated their problems at each other, just assumed that the other knew them.  And Kanan has his own “how to be a Jedi” approach, which is from a very different than either Ahsoka or Luke because despite originating from the same context as Ahsoka, he had a very different path to get to his present position.
As for what Kanan knows -- uh, pretty much only what Hera knew, and Hera knew very little?  She was friendly with Luke and Leia, but didn’t have much interaction with them -- she states that she had a tendency to avoid Luke because even if she would never say it to Luke’s face, she silently believes that if any Jedi should have been in the Rebel Alliance, it should have been Kanan and Ezra and not this relative newcomer.  If the Death Star 2 news about Vader and Palps was never common knowledge, then Hera wouldn’t have known it.  Kanan’s in a position of having to play catch-up, but also having a completely different priority (finding Ezra).  He sat through this meeting where after they’d finished grilling him on “you were in ANOTHER UNIVERSE and also you CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD?” they politely sniped at each other with a bunch of context he didn’t have and flat out decided that wow, he did not want to deal with this at all, whatsoever.
(This is also not stated in the story, but Luke and Ahsoka also disagreed about whether Jacen should be trained or not: Luke said, yeah, of course, when he’s a little older! and Ahsoka said nope, he’ll be fine, it will go away. Hera was just very “...I will deal with this later” about it since it wasn’t an urgent issue.)
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legobiwan · 4 years
Whumptober #5
“on the run”
Notes: Yes, I’m a day behind, I’m hoping to post a second story tonight but let’s see where life goes. This story...I started out with an idea, and then that idea went in a very different direction as I started writing. RotS AU.
General Whumptober tag
Whumptober 2020 #1
Whumptober 2020 #2
Whumptober 2020 #3
Whumptober 2020 #4
If you were here, Qui-gon…
Right. If you were here you’d probably shackle me up - wrists tightly enclosed in Force-dampening binders, restraining collar around my neck. Your harsh words would be an invisible whip against my true skin, your touch too soft for a monster such as I, pleading almost, far too kind than what I deserve for my crimes.
You would do all this, Qui-gon, your eyes dark with disappointment, letting no other man or soldier or droid handle me except yourself. Your failure of a Padawan trussed up like a common criminal (common? Perhaps not.), signed, sealed, and delivered personally back to Coruscant for my trial and probable execution.
And you would be right to do so, Qui-gon. So, so right. Force, part of me wishes you could swoop down right now, take me in your arms, the last friendly touch I would ever know before you placed my body on the electroguillotine’s platform to the cheers of the Senate, to the stony facades of the Jedi Council. One last bit of kindness, your hand on my cheek, before the killing blade would deliver me from my sins, before this would all just be over.
After all, it’s not every day a member of the Jedi High Council assassinates the Chancellor of the Republic on live holofeed.
Their faces Qui-gon, the way the Force shifted like two ancient, tectonic masses, colliding as Palaptine - or should I say Sidious - fell from his lofty perch, body plunging, down, down, down until it hit the subterranean floor of the Senate chamber with a sickening, exhilarating thud.
The similarities to my subterfuge as Rako Hardeen were not unmarked, believe me, Qui-gon. Palpatine, however, unlike myself, continues to be dead, two neat holes placed through the side of his treacherous head.
I feel, perhaps, that I have forsaken myself.
But you weren’t there, Master, you didn’t watch through thin slits of wavering consciousness, of azure and crimson rainbows, of the sneaking tar of decay that oozed forth from the man who would lead - would conquer - the Republic and the Jedi. You weren’t there as your Padawan - your friend and brother, the boy you so cared for (more than myself, I can now admit). As Anakin brought the two blades together at Dooku’s neck, executioner of a death sentence signed in familiar large, looping letters - “Sheev Palpatine, Chancellor of the Republic.”
It was him, Qui-gon. The Sith Lord was right there, the entire time, one hand on Anakin’s shoulder, leading him to perdition.
And I did nothing to stop it.
Nothing, until now.
Perhaps if I had been the one to perish on Naboo…perhaps none of this would have ever happened. But that is another world lost to another time, and the ‘here and now,’ as you would say, consists of a cold storage closet in the rear of a Rodian smuggler’s ship.
Three days I’ve been cramped in this space, my passage paid with the frozen Twi’lek guard lying at my feet, legs bent at unnatural, backward angles, the trickle of blood dripping from their nose now an ugly, improvised tattoo.
It’s cold, Qui-gon. A blessing, in some ways, as my departed friend here is unlikely to suffer the worst effects of putrefaction, but I feel even if I were to be on the sunny beaches of Scarif, I would still shiver at my own conscience.
I am tired, Qui-gon.
You visited me in my dreams last night, Qui-gon.
Neither the avenging angel of death nor the soft shepherd of comfort, you stood, distant, enigmatic as a Loth-Sphinx, as distant and maddening as you had been in life.
I suppose this should have come as no surprise.
Why? You asked me.
Why what, Qui-gon? Why did I kill Palpatine, why did I run, why did I make a fool’s promise to you all those years ago?
As to the last question, I believe - well, perhaps not believe, but fervently hope - you know the answer already.
To answer the others - what choice did I have? To witness what I had, to know Anakin was in thrall to this…this thing, that I would never convince him of Palpatine’s true intentions, that I had lost any trust, any esteem he may have still had for me with my own betrayals -
It was all happening too fast, Qui-gon. The situation on Mandalore, the battle on Coruscant, Dooku’s death. I briefly confided in Bail Organa, the Senator from Alderaan, hinted at my actions in regards to the Mandalore situation, on the way to Coruscant. He told me in no uncertain terms that the Senate would be forced to bring down charges of insurrection, even possibly treason, once they learned of my manipulations of the GAR.
What was one more charge, on top of the others, I thought.
It…it’s better this way, Qui-gon. The Jedi, while still under suspicion, have an obvious and convenient scapegoat, a Council member gone rogue, the underground actor fanning the flames of rumors of a coup. Anakin, while unstable, is at least now out of his orbit. Whether he stays in the Order or leaves, I cannot say, but I hope for his sake - and his unborn child’s - he leaves.
Don’t you see, Qui-gon? The only one who must suffer here is me and I will do so gladly.
Ah, but why not turn myself in, you ask. The deed is done, why run from my actions?
The Twi’lek’s crimson lividity has given way to a more pale ochre, abdomen swollen and nauseated. While the cold has stalled this inevitable process, I must confess to being a bit wary of my companion’s stability.
One more night, and we shall reach Mandalore.
I remain here, discomfited bunkmate to the dead, while Cody and his men span the galaxy, hunting for the wayward Jedi - the turncoat, the traitor, the aruetii…
But you see, Qui-gon, as the galaxy turns its eye on me, it distances its gaze from the Order, from the Council’s machinations.
If I had not acted, someone else would have - with far more dire consequences, I fear.
We spoke of it, you know. Taking over the government, stripping Palpatine of his power (and how laughable a notion that is, to strip a Sith Lord of their edged fury. Impossible to achieve without bloodshed.) It’s not that we wanted to usurp the government - even within the Council itself, there was strong dissent to even considering this notion.
Mace would have gladly fallen on his lightsaber to see justice served. As would Kit. And Plo. And possibly Master Yoda.
But their souls were clean.
Mine, on the other hand…
It’s late Qui-gon, and I fear tomorrow will be an unpleasant day.
You once said, Qui-gon, that upon finding a confluence of paths, there is no correct direction, that, in the end, there was only a decision, and the consequences thereof.
I find myself in such a place.
It seems the news of my actions reached Mandalore before I did, the civil war now at an uneasy pause, Maul neutered (and what does that say about me, that I could not achieve this victory when Ahsoka could? Perhaps I am too close, too near that fault line to act as she could.)
But they do not know, Qui-gon, what I do. Ahsoka may look on in muted fury, Rex dipping his head as he comms Cody, his only words a soft we have him, Bo-Katan radiant with indignation - why could you have not done this before?
Before we both lost her, before Satine’s legacy was burnt to the ground, before it came to this.
They wrap me in cords and shackles and the best Jedi restraints Mandalore has to offer, dumping me in the same containment cell as him, who takes one look at my sorry state, who knows what sins are written on my soul.
Maul throws back his head, and cackles, the sound of a hundred broken mirrors.
They only have one, he says.
He doesn’t need to explain further.
The Mandalorian sarcophagus. We both saw it, that first time on Mandalore, Satine’s cheeks turning pink, then red, as she explained the true purpose of the monstrous devices.
We would never use them now, she said. There’s no need.
We can only hope, you answered.
And now, it is a question of who is the greater monster - the being born of blood and violence, or the one who accepted it into his heart.
He would have been his new apprentice, Maul drawls, with a sick smile.
I know, I answer. I do know, don’t I? Knew this entire time and yet could do nothing to stop it - until now.
Will you accept your fate, Kenobi? Be hauled back to Coruscant in chains, your allies grinning as your head falls from the blade?
I should. Damnit, I should, Qui-gon! I am a Jedi, I do not fear death, for there is only the Force.
And yet…
We are leaving, Qui-gon, Maul and I. To what end, I cannot say. Do not fear for me, Master of mine. I am long corrupted, past redemption in this life and can only hope to use my darkness for an ultimate good.
There is much to be done.
May I feel your soft hand on my cheek one more time, Qui-gon, if only in my dreams.
Please forgive me.
I am sorry.
Yours in this life and the next,
Obi-wan Kenobi.
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Headcanons and Fic Prompts
Back when I thought that the Jedi actually forbid love instead of possessiveness, I was going to write a ‘Jedi reform and it saves them from genocide for some reason’ fic. Honestly, I’m glad I didn’t get around to writing it (I’d be cringing so bad now). However, I came up some stuff for it that I think are actually good headcanons and fic prompts. Considering how, well, heavy and serious my post on the Star Wars fandom was (as well as the discussion that it sparked, I did not think so many people would be interested), I think a little bit of fun is a good idea. Without further ado, here are some Star Wars headcanons and fic prompts for anyone who wants to use them, discuss them, whatever.
Some Jedi spend time growing food for the hungry on Coruscant (and other planets). Many of these Jedi are ones who can’t go on missions for whatever reason (for example, need a mental health break, training an apprentice who isn’t ready for missions yet). Some of those Jedi also deliver the food, whether it’s to food banks or people homes, I never really worked out.
Most Jedi go on a year long journey to the planet they were born on to learn about the culture there. This is optional, though a lot of Jedi do it when they are able (the biggest issue is setting aside an entire year).
Quinlan Vos is like Anakin’s cool uncle and he tells Anakin stories about Obi-wan (most of them are of Obi-wan doing something stupid/reckless/extra or a combination).
Fic Prompts:
Choose a Jedi, and have them spend a year living within their birth culture. What is their birth culture like? How do they respond? Do they choose to hold onto it or completely leave it for good? If the Jedi has a Padawan, does the Padawan go with their master? What if the Master and Padawan are from different birth cultures? Do they split the year in half for each of them? How do they react to being from the same birth culture (if they are)? Did they already know or did they just find out? How do they deal with their birth culture clashing with Jedi culture? What shenanigans does the Jedi (and possibly their Padawan) get up to?
AU where Obi-wan becomes a mind-healer (therapist) sometime during Anakin’s apprenticeship.
Quinlan tells Anakin stories to embarrass and/or annoy Obi-wan. Anakin enjoys getting stories about Obi-wan. Whether he enjoys them because they’re stories about Obi-wan being a reckless idiot or because they increase his hero-worship of Obi-wan (because reckless idiocy is cool) is up to you.
Sometime in the first few years of Anakin’s apprenticeship, Quinlan Vos ends up babysitting Anakin.
Quinlan Vos may or may not have a small crush on his friend, Obi-wan Kenobi
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twilightofthe · 5 years
For the fanfic writer ask meme: E, N & W. Thanks 🙂.
Thanks for the ask, anon! (sorry for responding so late aaaa)  Questions from this writing ask game
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
C-3PO, I too am loud, over-talkative, anxious, like linguistics, and tend to bother people.  Lol but for real?  Ok, I know I’ve made this joke before, but minus the evil and the murder, I really do relate to Anakin in a way, like I’ve got this entire [post] on why I think he’s ADHD like I am, and his anxiety and general tendency to be a disaster socially resonates with me too, like, I get that.  I’m also a massive drama queen who’s really smart about like one or two particular things so yea.  I’d say overall tho, I’m probably the most like Luke, a little whiny and awkward, a little dramatic, little reckless, love my friends and family a LOT, want to explore.  As to fics that capture similar qualities, I’d definitely say Pas de Deux, the way I write Anakin in it has a LOT of my anxiety and my worst headspace involved and wrapped up in his character, I very much projected a bit while writing it.
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
Ohhhh honey you’ve got a storm coming….  besides the obvious other two books in walk the (family) line, I’ve got an entire list on a separate document of different stories I want to write, ideas including:
A oneshot fic I’m actually kinda working on right now.  It’s another modern!AU Obikin romcom and I won’t spoil it, but it involves parkour, R2 the parrot, Obi Wan may or may not be James Bond, and Anakin accidentally becomes Twitter famous
An epistolary style fic set during Obi Wan’s time on Tatooine where nine year old Leia finds the emergency comm Bail has to contact him, and both the lonely, kind of awkward young princess and the tired old hermit who should know better but is also lonely and misses both of her parents dearly set up a penpal relationship.  End goal is to establish a relationship that gives Leia a proper reason to name her son “Ben”.
A semi-crackfic where the Jedi Council gets some sort of Clue From The Force™ about the identity of the Secret Sith Lord, that clue being that the Sith Lord is: a politician with close ties to Anakin Skywalker, and also had very specific motives to send Darth Maul to Naboo.  Alllll the wrong conclusions are drawn from that, and the next day, Padmé Amidala is arrested for treason.  Obi Wan is the only Council member who’s like “y’all she’s innocent, it’s clearly the fucking Chancellor”, Sidious tries to manipulate the situation to remove the only two people in his way at once, and poor Anakin spends the entire fic in a state of “UH HI YEAH WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON”  Shenanigans ensue
A 5+1 times they kissed Obikin alternate canon shortfic, because I’m hopeless and want to write shmoop.
A Sadmé (Satine/Padme) Ocean’s 8 AU that came about entirely over me yelling over Cate Blanchett and wanting to write a heist fic starring all of the SW Prequels/TCW ladies being total badasses
This absolutely BONKERS Rebels AU fic where S4 Ezra accidentally pulls both Ahsoka AND Kanan into the World Between Worlds during the Vader fight in S2.  Vader recognizes what happened and promptly kidnaps S2 Ezra who’s there by himself— as well as Maul who’s established a bond with Ezra over the Sith holocron —in hopes of discovering the secret of time travel.  While S2 Ezra has to somehow survive the Crazy Murder Roadtrip with Maul and Vader, now S4 Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka have to race to A: Find and rescue S2 Ezra before one of the Sith kill him— and therefore also kill S4 Ezra, B: Make sure Maul and Vader’s tentative alliance doesn’t lead to them finding Obi Wan for obvious reasons, and C: Make sure neither Maul nor especially Vader find the Lothal Temple World Between Worlds entrance and risk unleashing either into a past they both desperately want to change
A fic detailing different little neuroses and traits and attitudes passed down through the Yoda-Dooku-Jinn-Kenobi-Skywalker-Tano line.
Cross generational shortfic focusing on the desert children— Anakin, Luke, and Rey — and their first experiences with water and rain
A ficlet where Yoda somehow gets babified and basically just all of the Jedi Order having to deal with the cuteness overload that is Baby Yoda.
A post-TROS political drama where Leia’s Force Ghost realizes that once again, a new government is gonna need to be built in the aftermath of the First Order’s nonsense and that there are almost no good remaining politicians in the galaxy.  Finn is unfortunate enough to know how command works, how to take charge, how to deal with FO remnants, and is Force Sensitive enough to see ghosts, so Leia takes it upon herself to mold Finn into the next leader of the GFFA.  Would focus on rebuilding, family legacy, be very very Jedistormpilot, and so on.  I feel like I’m not really invested enough in the ST but I reeeeally want to see this idea in fic form, so I might end up giving this idea away at some point.
This one fic that’s been going through my head for YEARS but have always felt scared of actually writing because I know right now that it’s gonna get LONG, like over 200k (lol and look what’s happening with Mutuals ahahAHAHA—) where Anakin flat out dies.  Just, during TCW season 5, he fights Dooku and in the process of killing him, goes down with him and dies.  Padmé will have just became about a month pregnant at this time, and part of the fic will focus on her and Obi Wan and Ahsoka dealing with the aftermath of Anakin’s death, as Sidious is forced to jumpstart his plans and execute Order 66 early now that he’s not waiting on Anakin anymore.  The other part of the fic will focus on Anakin’s ghost, unable to communicate with Obi Wan or Ahsoka and having to watch them and Padmé and the surviving Jedi form the Rebellion themselves and his children being born and growing up without him, even though Luke and Leia will end up being the only ones who can see him.  It’ll go right up through the 20 years of the Empire and have a gigantic cast and I just don’t know if I can do it.
Now, I hate to say it, but I need to let it be known that these are still MY IDEAS, and I have not given anyone permission to use them, so please do not be that person.  Do not steal these ideas for yourself.  I will be VERY upset if someone does.  If you really like an idea, DM me and ask, but I don’t plan to give any of them away at the moment.
W: What is your favorite pairing to write?  Favorite pairing to read?
Hmm, to write?  That’s tough!  There’s so many different complex relationships in Star Wars that I’ve really found myself enjoying exploring, and it’s hard to find a particular one that I like best.  I’m open to at least sampling most pairings for reading, but my favorite has to be Obikin.  It just makes me happy!!!!! :D
Thanks again for asking, and y’all should tell me in the notes if any of the fic ideas sound like something you’d read!!!!!
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hansoloscharizard · 8 years
Poison Rain - Chapter One
Heyho, welcome to my new, big Fanfiction-project! 
Poison Rain will be a multi-chapter- AU about Padmè surviving Mustafar and disguising for seven years until Vader finds her. 
This is the first chapter (you can also find it on AO3, if you wish: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9608513/chapters/21708230
I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1
Padmè Amidala Naberrie leaned on the railing and looked down to the busy city below the palace of Alderaan. The sky shimmered in a deep orange and the clouds seemed to glow. She loved the peace of the sunset behind the mountains.
“Lysa? Lysa!” The voice of the young princess of Alderaan echoed through the wide corridor and Padmè turned to her.
“My princess?”
Leia Organa wrapped her arms around her belly and Padmès heart felt heavy for a moment. “Father says, I am done. I managed the whole day with the council and I didn’t complain even once.”
Padmè fondled Leia’s hair which was dark brown and curly. Just like mine. Even with blonde colored hair and the blue contacts her daughter looked so similar to herself, that Padmè sometimes wondered how anyone could overlook the truth. “I am so proud of you, my princess”, she said lovingly. “I know one day you’ll be a queen as good as your mother is.”
“First I’ll be senator as my dad”, Leia answered back. “Actually I think this is a position with much more power.” For her young age –she was nearly seven years old- she had a very good understanding of diplomacy and politics. She never ought to know who her real parents where, but Padmè couldn’t help to see herself in every word the little girl said. Except her strong temperament. I was a calm child, and she is always loud and demanding. She knew too well where that trait came from.
Leia dragged Padmè with her, still chatting about her day with the government. “And then that guy from Tatooine came again to ask dad to speak for him … You know, the anti-hutt-movement …” The mention of the desert planet felt like a stitch. She didn’t talk to Obi-Wan for too long but the Jedi was careful and rarely searched contact with her. “It’s too dangerous”, he said. “What has an Alderaanian employee to do with an old eremite from a forsaken planet like Tatooine?”
After she gave birth to her son Luke she had only seen him twice, the last time two years ago. Obi-Wan wouldn’t allow her to come and his reports where more than imprecise. He is a Jedi, not a father, and he lives far away from Luke. Anakin’s step-brother didn’t like Jedi and especially not one that could bring doom over his entire family.
Leia led Padmè to her playroom. It was big and colorful and full of toys and stuffed animals.
“What do you want to show me, your highness?”, she asked, still a little absent.
“You know, Master Morum told me about the Jedi and the old republic …”, the girl explained.
Master Morum was Leias teacher. “What did he teach you?”, Padmè asked concerned. In the official version all Jedi where traitors and the republic was a weak institution, helpless against threats from outside. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
“I know they say, they where evil, but they protected the galaxy for thousands of years, didn’t they?” Leia didn’t wait for an answer. “So I made this!”
She knelt down next to a little scenery of figures which where set up around the tiny model of a star destroyer. “I don’t think the empire is better than a republic. They do things, which are unfair and the senate can do nothing about it! So the Jedi fight. They will return and protect us, look!”
Padmè closed her eyes. Oh no, Bail, what did you think? Her old friend would better have taught her daughter conformity. She is too wise for her age. This will do her no good. In earlier days Padmè would have wished for a daughter that could think herself and fight for what she believed in. But the time changed and so did I.
   Darth Vader looked upon the skeleton of the unfinished death star. He had his hands crossed behind his back and observed, how it got bigger and bigger while the star destroyer came closer. He would supervise the construction for the next weeks, until the gravitation problem was solved. The completion of the space station was delayed for months again because the isolation- material for the core reactor behaved unexpected towards the attraction of the nearby moon.
“Lord Vader? We are close enough now”, one captain reported with a salute.
Vader nodded. “Give me seven TIE-Fighters. I will fly a Lambda-Fairy.”
“Shall I inform Grand Moff Tarkin on your arrival?”
“No.” It will make a better impact if it is unexpected.
The man saluted again, rushed towards the bridge and shouted a few orders while Vader left the bridge and walked down the corridor that let to the hangar.
He had to send the hand of the emperor, who by now sojourned in the basement on the moon to Alderaan to keep an eye on Bail Organa – Vader didn’t trust the senator’s loyalty towards the empire.
A low-rank- commander awaited him already. “We manned the TIE-Fighters and the fairy, my Lord.” He licked his lip nervously.
“That’s what I expected”, Vader commented dryly and the commander winced. “Yeah, of course, Sir, I am sorry.” He licked his lip again and Vader grimaced disdainfully under his mask. Cowards where everywhere around him and men who allowed fear to control their behavior had already lost.
 He greeted Tarkin and Director Krennic down on the moon basement. Tarkin was polite but Vader felt his bad mood- he was a man who rather worked on his own. Both had a lot of excuses for the problems which where only the newest in a long series of delays and unexpectancies. When the work started, Tarkin had estimated the construction time on five years, but now, six years later, they where still far away from even getting close to the finish. “Now that I have recruited Galen Erso, it will be much faster. He already worked on the original plans”, Krennic assured him. An ambitious man. He could be useful in the future.
“I hope you will work a little bit faster in the future, Director”, Vader replied harshly. “I have no time to deal with every single step you take.”
Grand Moff Tarkin saluted. “Of course, Lord Vader.”
“Director, am I right that Francine Vanli still lives here?”
“Yes, my Lord.”
“I want to see her. After that I will return to the Executor to report back to the emperor.”
  It made Padmè sad to watch her daughter entering the dining room without her. Bail had offered her a higher rank, which would allow her to take part in all those formalities, but Padmè didn’t want to risk that. She was sure that the Organas where under observation.
And if Vader found out that I am still alive … She shivered. The look in his cold blue eyes still followed her into her nightmares.
She was so sentimental today, but tomorrow would be the seventh day of the empire, the seventh birthday of her children. They came more than one month too early, probably because of the internal injuries …
No. Stop thinking about that, she admonished herself. You won’t cange the past, no matter how often you think about it.
That night, she was back on Polis Massa. Far away from Anakin, but she could still feel the pressure on her throat. Every breath felt like she was inhaling fire and her skin was covered in cold sweat.
“From a medical point of view she is well”, she heard the droid tell Obi-Wan. And also: “For reasons we can’t explain … We are losing her.”
No, she wanted to scream. No it hurts so bad it feels like fire I am not well I can’t breath, please, make it stop … The droid told Obi-Wan, that she was about to give birth to twins. Twins? Oh no … She never dared to go to a healer, afraid that queen Camilla could release her out of service before the war was over. Then: It is too early, more than one and a half month, my babies will die and I will die too …
Then the scenery changed and she found herself in a mass of people, her face veiled while she attended her own funeral. She floated in the air and looked down into the hearse, saw her very own face so pale, so dead … It’s just a wax figure, something deep inside her flustered. A pregnant wax figure, hands crossed over the swollen stomach.
She awoke in a sea of sweat, the moon still shining trough the high window. Just a dream, she thought. It was just a dream. But it was not. It happened, only seven years ago. Leia doesn’t even know, that it is her birthday, she thought sadly and her hand wandered to her belly. Bail and Breha had made her a few months older to avoid questions.
My little girl. And my boy. She had to celebrate the birthday of her children alone.
  “She is on her way to Alderaan, my apprentice?”, the Emperor asked.
“Yes, Master.” Vaders voice sounded deep and synthetic in comparison to Palpatine’s croaking. He knelt on the floor of the empty conference room, one arm shored on his leg, his head lowered. The Emperor could feel challenged by even the slightest sign of disrespect.
“Very well.” Palpatine nodded. “When do you think will the new station be operational?”
“Grand Moff Tarkin estimated five more years.”
“That is not what you think.” Palpatine eyed him.
“No, my Master”, Vader admitted. “This mistake won’t be the last. Many things can just be done by try and error, we have no records about an equally ambitious project in the last two thousand years.”
“What is your estimation?”
“It will be at least a decade.”
The emperor nodded again. A dark hood covered his face. A pity. Vader served him six years and he knew nearly nothing about Darth Sidious. Even though I once thought I did. The cynical smile hurt in his burnt face, but Vader was used to the pain.
“I allow you to leave”, decided his Master. “I await your report on the building progress.”
“Yes, my Master.” The hologram disappeared and Vader got up. His time would come.
  “I am glad to meet you, Miss Aevan”, Padmè welcomed the new women friendly. She flicked through the application and smiled. “Oh, you where born in Theed?”
“Yes, Mylady.” The new was around Padmès Age, her hair was auburn red and she had dark blue eyes.
“Lysa, please. I am of Nabooian decent myself”, she told her – she and Breha had decided that more truth would make the lie more believable years ago.
“So call me Francine, please.” The women smiled shyly. “Where in Naboo do you come from?”
“Kaadara. Did you ever visit it? It is beautiful, so near the coast …” They chatted on. Padmè decided, that she liked Francine. She spoke basic with the melodic dialect that was characteristic to most Naboo- Native-speakers and she knew even a few words Gungan.
Padmè introduced the young women to her new job as servant in the royal chambers - due to the information in the application she was well trained and experienced in that field and one of the old servants had just left because of his age. She tried to hurry up now because she had an appointment with Obi-Wan who two days ago finally agreed to talk to her again.
They met Leia in her playroom – thankfully she had removed the Jedi-scenery days ago – and Padmè greeted her happily. Due to the day of the empire a week ago the princess was very busy with all the ambassadors and parades and she followed Bail to every single appointment, so she had rarely seen her.
“Your highness.” Francine sunk in a formal curtsy.
“My Princess, this is Francine, the new servant. You know, because Lucan left us.”
“Oh yes.” Leia grinned. “Hi, Francine.” She could be very engaging, if she wanted to.
Padmè left the young women with the elder servant Cary to introduce her further into her work and hurried to her own room. Puh, just in time.
She had an own holoprojector, which she now turned on. Only a few minutes later Obi-Wan appeared in the typical blue, flickering way.
He wore an old robe and she was shocked to see that light strings shimmered in his dark hair. The Jedi had always been a serious man – except for the never ending supply of one-line-jokes – but the deep wrinkles on his face let him look ten years older than he was. Padmè realized that it was nearly a year since she had seen him the last time. And with every year he ages a decade.
“Lysa”, he greeted her with a tired voice.
“Ben”, she answered with his assumed name. “How is Luke?”
“Oh, he is good. Blond hair, shiny blue eyes and always loud. I feel like I was a twenty-five year old padawan again.” He smiled sadly.
Padmè thought back to the Naboo-crisis and the time they spent on Tatooine. “Are you an angel?” where the first words Anakin ever said to her, a wild but so warm-hearted child. Maybe those words are what made me fall in love with him then years later, she thought cynically. These very words made her overlook the angry, young man in his twenties all those years ago. I could only see his smile, not the anger in his eyes.
“Owen tries to protect him”, Obi-Wan went on. “But if he is a little bit like his father this will never be enough to him.”
Padmé sighed. “What about … you know what?”, she barely dared to ask, but she had to know.
“It grows stronger.” Die Jedi shook his head. “I think he already uses it unconsciously. He needs somebody to train him, but Owen won’t allow me to get even near the boy.”
“I can understand him”, Padmè said absently. He is strong with the Force. Of course he is. How could he not?
“What about Leia?”, he asked gently.
“I don’t know. Not in an obvious way at least.” She frowned. “Or maybe she is just better in control of herself. Please, can you tell me more?” Her heart was hungry for every word.
“I saw him fly his uncles speeder a few weeks ago. Another little pilot I guess.” Padmè couldn`t help herself but smile. “Maybe he can be the little boy Anakin was meant to be.”
A shadow sank over Obi-Wans face. “Yes. Maybe.”
   “Why did you have to restart this phase?”, Vader asked coldly. The officer in front of him looked as if he was near a breakdown.
“It is like … I fear, the plans contained a mistake, Mylord …” Captain Rook had to supervise the casing of the station, but something went wrong and the removal and reapplication of a thousand tons of material would cost the empire months and many credits.
“A few … cable chutes and ventilation shafts where planned to small …”, he babbled on.
The man whipped his forehead. “Mylord?”
“What did you do to correct this?”
“The plans have been rewritten and we … We’re gonna catch up to the timetable. I will take care that we do.”
“Who planned the casing?”
“I’m sorry, I’m not sure, Sir.”
“You’re lying. You remember, and so do I.” He lifted his hand and Rook sank down, hand at his throat. “You where responsible from the beginning”, he told the corpse. “A lie, and a bad one.” He turned around to the men at the bridge who had observed the scene.
“Lieutenant Veers!”
The man saluted. “Yes, Mylord?”
“You where involved in the work of this man, right?” “Right, Sir.”
“Your troops await you. I want the C-sector to be renewed by the end of the year, Commander.”
“Thank you, Mylord.”
Vader nodded shortly, then he left the bridge and rushed to his own rooms. He had to report to the Emperor.
  “Luke? Luke! Where are you going again?” The voice of uncle Owen echoed over the field.
The blond boy winced. “I am coming!”, he shouted back.
He stuffed the speeder he was building under the plans and ran to the house. “I am sorry, uncle”, he apologized, gasping for air.
Owen stroked his hair. “It’s fine, Luke. Come on, your aunt made dinner.”
Luke jumped down the stairs into the wide manhole, which contained the entrances to the different rooms and sheds as well as all the machines and droids the farm required. He rushed into the kitchen and shouted: “Aunt Beru!”
She turned around and threatened him jokingly with the wooden spoon. “Where have you been again, boy?”
“We fought the empire”, the seven-years old explained proudly. “Me and Biggs, you know.”
His aunt laughed. “So, that makes hungry for sure. I made stew.”
“Oh, not again.” Luke grimaced.
“Soldiers eat that every day”, she told him. “You have to get used to that if you want to fight the empire.”
“Oh, please Beru, don’t strengthen him anymore”, Owen sighed, entering the kitchen.
“I will be a great worrier!”, Luke claimed and Beru smiled lovingly. “Let him dream, Owen. Reality will come soon enough.”
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