#my friends are good listeners btw not implying theyre not
willpowers 10 months
sometimes i get all deep and philosophical in my friend's dms and i always imagine their faces like how ryuks is whenever light yagami goes on one of his cringe boy evil monologues
like ill be like "so metaphorically listening to a homie vent is the eqivalent to ancient humans helping an injured member to safety"
and like ill imagine my friends like
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terranceholdsapencil 4 months
73 yards is a bit difficult fit because the first half felt like a 10/10 episode. Then after kate (hiiii btw 馃グ) runs away and the whole roger ap gwilliam thing it drifts a little bit off, but it doesnt matter. Still REALLY good. Dreading. Enjoyable. Like I ate this episode UP.
But then the ending just sort of happens. It reminds me of those "and it was all a dream 馃憪" stories.
It feels cut off (not enough time?), and like an unsatisfying resolution, because it explains nothing- actually, I think I have more questions now. And its not like midnight where not-knowing-anything is part of the charme.
This ending makes the dread I felt all episode feel 'unearned'. Midnights story doesnt rely on the mystery, so its fine left unsolved and amplifies the dread, even. But this whole story was 'set up" to have this mysterious woman, and she says things to people that make them run away even if theyre your family, your friends. And is Ruby the woman? Maybe? Its implied? But that actually makes me question what the woman said and did even more. What is the 73 yards about? Introducing the exact measurements like that and make her only visible from so far away feels super important. And the distance was only *one* thing that was left totally unexplained. If it was just that? Who cares. The fairy circle? Id be more concerned if they explained that one than if they didnt. But still. What made them run away? What is old-woman-possibly-ruby's connection to the fairy circle? And other stuff, but who cares. Still.
And i think what really bugs me is the fact the ending presents itself as if it WERE a solution.
It doesnt feel like it acknowledges its almost a sort of deus ex machina moment. It doesnt acknowledge the fact it isnt a solution at all. In midnight, they acknowledge no one knows what the heck that was. And listen both wraps up most of the mystery while keeping it sort of open in other regards. Heaven sent basically wraps everything up.
But 73 yards? Nada. And I absolutely HATE that because I genuinely would LOVE for this episode to be one of my all-time favourites. I love the camera work, the score is really good, and most of the episode is really captivating, but the ending makes all of this dread feel so unearned that it 'overshadows' the great episode 73 yards starts of as.
Idk, thoughts
I sort of hope some of the things might end up getting explained for the sake of this series' arc but, Im not so sure thatll happen.
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cheesebrackers 2 years
these questions and theories have been typed down by me in the span of 4 days (4 days of info/questions)
(theory about why all possessors are heavier than gobbers)
This is very random but I was thinking about this and got two vague theories
1 the dark moon shard 2 the fact that it's technically 3 ghosts
1 maybe the dark moon shard has a spectral weight that exceeds the average weight of a ghost. Why would it have a spectral weight? No idea, the dark moon is a confusing thing, but its properties are related to ghosts, so who knows
2, Well, it's always 3 ghosts technically. There's not much to say about that but it could be a possibility
Maybe both
Also it's probably that Nintendo just thought making the bosses have more shit than other ghosts was a good idea and it has nothing to do with whatever I just said but I'm here to fill plotholes
How did he (a strong sneaker) go through the wall with the rotor? Ive seen ghosts go through walls with objects (ex; the 4 slammers in the gloomy manor) but ive also seen some be unable to do so, like that greenie in the old clockworks who tried to go through a door but slammed himself against it because he had a bucket on his head and for some reason that couldnt go thru the wall
(After asking myself what relationship boos and other ghosts are like, later getting two answers somehow)
Another detail i noticed that really doesnt matter at all! The english version says boos dont get along with powerful ghosts, while the french one says they dont get along with any other ghost, MOSTLY the powerful ones
I know theyre under control but i refuse to believe all boos dislike might other ghosts if you I cabt trust the old egg all the time, plus boos are very much sentient beings, so not all of them think the same Psychoanalysis of mario boos
(about boos and nebulospheres/spirit balls)
In english, e.gadd says boos probably got the ability to use nebulospheres from someone, because they didnt just start doing that like its nothing, implying they couldnt do that before (im not calling them spirit balls fuck you) (btw nebulosphere is the french name for them)
In french, its implied they could already use nebulospheres, but didnt do it as much right now
That brings me to yet another question Does the dark moon affect boos? Probably, in the way that they are most likely controlled by king boo instead of just being told orders, as implied by the nebulospheres thing. They werent harmless like other ghosts, but surely they werent THAT obedient.
But im not sure
(this one is older and maybe I've already said it but this is about ghosts and where they may come from)
I've been kinda wondering about something. I settled on the theory that non-humanoid looking ghosts aren't dead people, just made up mfs
But, in dark moon ok, Belinda, Lucinda and Herlinda aren't human looking. That's for sure. No one is shaped like that, it fits the style of the other ghosts
But. They are hinted to be dead, as shown in the haunted towers
There's three pictures, each showing a woman that fits the physical traits of each sister
And now I'm confused. again im very sure nintendo doesnt actually give a shit about logic and just made this shit for fun but listen im autistic
My friend at school said maybe king boo is the core of ghost creation because of a portal he made in the treacherous mansion that caused the "paranormal chaos" (several wave of ghosts in different locations with a timer which you CANNOT FAIL ONCE), but that can't be true, because they have been in evershade valley before kb fucked everything up
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yuukei-yikes 2 years
any thoughts on remind blue?
currently, it is my favorite kagepro song (this changes like every week but i digress...) and i really want to make a pv for it but i lowkey have no idea where to start
your analysis/ramblings on things is really interesting to read and see, so also just wanted to let you know that i love all the content you post!! :D
I LOV remind blue. like every kagepro song makes me want to rip my face off 鈾ワ笍鈾ワ笍鈾ワ笍 but this one is one of those that make me feel so strongly that i cant listen to it 鈾ワ笍鈾ワ笍鈾ワ笍 cuz i do that btw. i cannot listen to kagepro songs without preparing myself emotionally and it has to be when i am alone in my room. i could never listen to them in public. that'd be weird. im drawing and suddenly a kagepro song comes on in my playlist and im like this is so fucked up who put this here (<- i did)
songs like summertime record, lost day hour, remind blue and ayanos theory of happiness specifically i basically never listen to because it causes something in me both mentally and physically. im normal though.
TOTALLY support the idea to make a pv!!! i wouldn't know how to start either tbh馃挃 who would u make it be sung by?? like the song is so good but for the lyrics im like meh like str is already a thing. idk it sorta has the same vibe. its like summertime record and lost day hour's lyrics had a little baby together. which is why i always liked to interpret it as a haruka song but fuck it ig its shintaro's.
i also liked the idea of it being seto's or hibiya's. i think they'd deserve a song like this, especially hibiya!! tho for hibiya the whole "adult" thing is different LOL and even seto, he's just 17... ive always loved haruka being the punchbag for the "im an adult wtf" feeling because he goes from living his whole life thinking he will die and then he doesn't. or well he DOES die but then comes back, and suddenly he finds himself with his whole life ahead. like haruka and his early 20s crisis abt i did NOT think id be alive this long and now i gotta deal with everything those feelings bring me but at the same time i have to pay rent and worry abt what to make for dinner soooo erm fine ig. that's also what i think lost day hour is about, i know jin describes it more like a song abt old friends but girl idk it rly only has a couple lines abt that as opposed to all the rest of the song... erm. what was i talking about again.
i just think it was rly funny how we were all like ok remind blue uses "boku" so it's seto kano hibiya or haruka (or konoha). and then jin was like hehe. shintaro鈾ワ笍 SHINTARO DOESNT EVEN USE BOKU whatever im pretty sure he also said it can fit anyone and its more a general mekakushi dan song. but tbh so is summertime record sooooo. sorry im sidetracking a lot
i dont particularly care for remind blue so much (LIKE THE SONG SLAPS im still talking about lyrics) bc it's very heavy on the shit abt like growing distant and stuff sortof??? like kagepros ending/str is implied to have the mekadan not grow apart but kinda do their own thing while still meeting to hang out, bc kagepro is also about growing up and with growing up comes maybe growing distant from these friends you love, but they will always be important and one of a kind in ur life and when u meet its like time hasnt rly passed between you. not to mention the whole thing about combining eyes and how all the snakes will always end up gathering by the queen no matter what, meaning the dan will always be bound to make their ways back to each other no matter what, and are connected to one another by the literal narrative that theyre all actually sort of aware of a little bit (they always refer to their tragedy as a "story"..kagepro is a little meta lol). and like that's all so beautiful but also fuck it. they all meet for pizza nights every week. erm. the passage of time am i right
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pluviophile-imagines 3 years
i'm sure i just spammed your notifs but sis!!!! usurper!gojo!!!!!! i'm in love with your writing ugh and i have a question. have you thought about the reader in canon? is she a sorcerer? a civilian? are she and gojo still together?
ADJFHDB ur good i think its so cool when i can tell someone's going through a specific tag of mine, im flattered u like the concept & my work that much!!!! ironically up until i got this ask i hadn't thought abt that reader in canon but after some pondering i kinda fell in love with the idea n here's what i came up with.
i think she is a sorcerer! not like special grade, id put her at around nanami's level; that is to say, having achieved black flash but not Hugely powerful (have i thought abt her ability? no i do not have the brain power for that sorry kajhbdf). now in the au she n gojo r childhood friends鈥攊 don't rlly wanna apply that here, bc his childhood in canon is implied to be v heavily influenced by his status & his clan and i imagine her to have come from a non-sorcerer family (or perhaps one only vaguely involved with the society, like maybe one of her parents was one of those people who could see curses but not a sorcerer??? idk, trying to apply the low-ranking-noble thing here) but either way not someone who he would've known since an early age. however since they're the same age theyd be in the same grade in hs! so i like the idea of her going to the kyoto school, while hes at the tokyo one, and they meet at the goodwill event thing they do every year where he.....
well, in essence, falls in love right away and in classic gojo fashion decides the best way to express that is though aggressive pigtail pulling in the form of beating her ass 馃檮 bc of course. so she Hates him at first, and he is Madly In Love
now i v much like the idea of them spending the next many years in that oh-so-classic frenemies situation where hes silently pining after her while being A Menace and shes slowly falling for him despite herself lmfao. maybe she even transfers to tokyo after their initial meeting for whatever reason??? idk! not gonna get too into it but i do think by the time they graduate it evolves from him pestering her while shes annoyed into a close friendship where...... he still. pesters her. bc hes gojo pfft do also like the idea of her becoming a teacher (or otherwise working for the school) when theyre adults as well <333 bc i am a cliche and i simply adore it <333 i love the idea of her being a radical progressive wrt the society much like him n nanami, n thats one of the reasons he's so head-over-heels (sometimes...... he gets her to rant abt how the higher ups suck and the system is broken...... and watches with heart-eyes as she's angrily rambling.....) but yeah. also i rlly like the idea of her n nanami being v close solely bc theyre very similar KJAHSBF (this is also true in the au btw hes one of gojo's royal advisors i just havent mentioned it lol).
ANYWAYYYY i think!!! round abt the time hes idk 25 he comes to her and is like listen so the elders in my clan r rlly riding my ass to get married and pass on my genes and shit (not a lie, he just doesnt really care) and like shoko said she wouldnt do it (blatant lie he never asked her) soooooo u wanna maybe get hitched??? n reader's hesitant at first but then hes like look u n i share the same ambitions abt sorcerer society, we both wanna change it, its good for us to get married yanno? i give u the gojo name and suddenly theyve got two of us to contend with, two of us to send off on missions if they dont want us around, whaddya say?
and as established in the au one-shots, miss reader is an ambitious lil thing. n sure this might pose some issues (despite herself she is in fact v much in love with this fucker shes not super sure her heart could take being married to him......) but hes right, marrying the strongest sorcerer puts her in a position to help him change their society for the better and also hes Loaded who tf Wouldnt want a piece of that gojo fortune so she says fuck it why not.
and cue the agonizing "we're literally married and pining but havent even figured it out yet" slow burn as shoko and nanami and megumi and literally everyone who even somewhat knows them is tearing out their hair watching them KSJDHFB
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