#my game thing is chaos.3915
rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
Sooo i may have downloaded gw2 because of you. This game is SO PRETTY.
Do you have any tips? I have exp with mmorpg but never played gw2. Take responsibility and share some wisdom!
:o!! omg??? Didn't think my recent constant gw2 posting would actually get someone playing sdhgjkdg I really hope you're having fun!! It's a gorg game with some flaws that are honestly frustrating at times but I heard most MMOs are like that? <-has literally only played Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 so those are my only as frames of reference
But tips!! Bit hard to think of some since tbh, I'm a filthy casual (and tbh not that skilled of a player, but recently I found out it's partially because of my ADHD?? It's weird lol) but I have some thoughts and tips and little QoL things I've picked up over the years.
Disclaimer though: I got the back when it wasn't free to play to try it out and idk if you're on the f2p right now since I'm guessing you're just trying it out (unless you went ahead and got End of Dragons which I think gives you both Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire now for free too?) so uh not sure if all these apply (also I mainly play PvE so)—
I won't talk too much about the Personal Story to not spoil anything, and I don't know if you've gone with the sylvari for your character/one of your characters. But trust me, if you haven't please give them a go for at least the first thirty levels because it gives a lot more—like way more to the point that I was surprised that people didn't get why He was so important to the story because I went with sylvari first—context as to why A Certain Character becomes heavily involved in the story when you reach level 60.
If you don't like your starting area, take the asura gate to Lion's Arch then head to Eastern Ward, from there you can take asura gates to all the major racial cities. Best layout for everything you need in one place is Rata Sum tbh but personally I live at the Grove
Get a nice guild!! Enhances the experience so much imo! And also LFG can seem hopeless sometimes because it tends to be empty but I find that parties for even Dungeons fill up eventually
Gameplay-wise, you can go with literally any profession and any playstyle you want, especially for open world and story. Try everything out! Iirc you can open your PvP tab and enter the Heart of the Mists to be temporarily max level and do whatever you want with your build to try it out.
Alternatively, metabattle.com is your friend for builds too. Though it doesn't really matter while you're levelling up.
And tbh a lot of core Tyria stuff (non-expansion areas) + Personal Story can be done while underlevelled and underarmored. Your best defense is actually your dodgeroll, so generally people go for gear that gives Power, Precision, and Ferocity (Berserker's). But for other modes you can take more supportive roles (boons, healing power, etc).
There's a wardrobe tab in your Bank that lets you try on literally any skin in the game, both armor and weapons. It'll use whatever dyes you currently have on and is great for Fashion Wars
Killing yellow mobs that haven't been killed in a while (usually found in map areas where there aren't a lot of people) grants a lot of bonus XP
This is such a grindy thing and I'm sure there's more efficient ways, but in your Dailies there's usually a map where you need to clear like, 4 events to fulfill. Those maps usually have a lot of people doing events and calling them out and I'd usually stay there and grind until I hit 80 lmao
I think you can also do this by doing a lot of WvW but I'm never in that area because my laptop can't take it. It's lots of fun when you manage to find a zerg though!
Iirc PvP also gives nice rewards and is really fun! I just handle the stress and my ping is too bad to be reliable hjkgdfg
Log in everyday for those Login rewards. They come in pretty useful and if you need quick cash, those Mystic Coins go for like 80+ silver each lmao And I think this is the only way to get Laurels for Ascended trinkets
Regarding the Unidentified Gears you get, I personally open them then salvage everything with a good salvage kit. The materials sell for more than the gears themselves, tho for Rare Unidentified gear you can take your chances with just selling them straight if you don't want the gamble of hoping for Globs of Ectoplasm (which sell for like, 1 more silver than each Rare Unid Gear but you can get multiple if you salvage Rare armor and weapons. But also none so yeah, discretion >.>)
The Personal Story absolutely does not take you through the entire map—I think when I did some Personal Story only runs on some characters I got only like, 11-13% world completion? So explore!
Speaking of, there's a lot of interesting little hidden spots around the world. Find some Jumping Puzzles, they are incredible and lots of fun and frustration >w< There should be a couple just in Lion's Arch, actually.
You can buy food and utility consumables on the Trading Post, and right now at the time of writing, you can go get a shit ton of useful food items for a little Zhaitaffy.
Breaking the text block because apparently there's a word limit for it now >.<
You can get full level 80 Exotic gear for Karma in Orr at the Temples of each god once you've beaten the meta event for them. Each Temple gives different gear. You can get Berserker's stuff at Grenth's.
That said, I think there's plenty of worth to doing Dynamic Hearts (those gold heart things around maps) and buying some of the stuff the heart vendors sell once you've done them? Some are even part of Item Collections
Your chosen server doesn't really matter except for who you can play with (NA can't play with EU and vice versa) and who you're fighting for in WvW
If you join a party or a squad and they're not in the same map instance as you, you can right click on their icon on the side or on their name in chat and choose to join their instance
Login whenever they release new Living Story!! It's kind of expensive to go buy them all if you missed them (you can convert gold to gems but it's still a hassle esp if you don't get to farm much and don't like grinding) and if you login you get it for free
the common and uncommon dyes are so cheap, feel free to just go nab each one of them for your Fashion Wars desires from the Trading Post
Personally, I don't really craft but there's some endgame stuff where you need max level in some of the crafting disciplines. Feel free to look into it since I honestly don't really craft >.>;; Bit expensive
Buy better inventory bags from the TP, like. Idk why it's never explained outright that there's a shit ton of things you can buy from the TP that are just never mentioned? Had no idea about sharpening stones and all that until I got bored one day and decided to look through literally every tab
Iirc you can lookup things in game really quick with the /wiki command then typing the thing you're curious about after it. Like '/wiki Dragon Bash'
You can do custom emotions by typing in /e though it doesn't make your character do anything. I think this was for roleplayers? You can target an NPC or player with the non-custom emotions by adding @
Hang onto your aquabreather whenever you get one and don't forget to use the same runes on it as the rest of your armor. it switches out your headpiece completely and ngl, it's so oddly hard to find an aquabreather for higher levels. Eventually you can get one in Orr, in Cursed Shore at Gavbeorn's Landing from Gavbeorn himself but that's like, late core game :/ not even Exotic too. I think you can land yourself a good Rare one from doing Tequatl the Sunless, but it's by chance and I don't think they're for sale in the TP.
Speaking of Teq, there are World Bosses you can fight everyday!! This is also something I don't think the game ever elaborates on, but they're usually the final stage of a map metal event and are huge whole events that give good rewards + stuff you need for high level/Legendary crafting. gw2timer.com has the timers for literally every boss worth fighting repeatedly and their locations too, I think.
I really really feel like not enough is said about taking time with the game to smell the flowers and do dynamic events that no one does. There's a lot of little stories and ambient dialogue from various NPCs in the world, and a lot of interesting little interactables in some places. Something I really like is that nearly every graveyard has epitaphs on each gravestone, and it's so interesting going through all of them. One of the maps, Drizzlewood Coast, gets a lot more... idk real? Shocking? And kind of depressing if you've played the charr personal story and pay attention to the names of the cache keepers at the end of the first half of the map's meta event.
Like. It's a really pretty game even if you don't go all out on your graphics, and there's a lot of details in the environment even in core Tyria that only get crazier through the expacs. HoT genuinely feels like a massive, massive jungle that you're lost in (also the enemies become several times more dangerous than in Orr), and PoF the desert really does feel massive, and the detailing where there's civilization is nuts. Can't speak for EoD since I don't have it yet, but Cantha was gorgeous even back in GW1.
Seriously like I feel like my biggest tip is to stop and appreciate all the details the devs have put into their literal world building. This isn't the kind of game where you should rush to 80, especially not on your first playthrough/character.
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