#my girlfriend got Quiet and Pensive a couple times and would just look at me fondly but like she was thinkin hard about something
androidboy · 1 year
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fallin-4-ya · 4 years
three rules / f.w.
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three rules
fred weasley x reader
summary: being best friends with ginny weasley came with three unbreakable rules, the main focus of them being no dating her brothers. so, naturally it was inevitable that the most infamous rule breaking weasley caught her eyes.
warning: none! (gif not mine credit to owner!)
requested? yes/no
words: 1.9k
By the time y/n was in her fifth year she had caught the attention of not only one redheaded Weasley, but two. Her spritely attitude and fun-loving nature had quickly gained the attention of Ginny Weasley, a Gryffindor two years below her. The girls got on so well, they practically became inseparable. Ginny, never knowing a sister even if one hit her in the face, found solace in y/n because of her warmth and kindness. Y/n loved Ginny as much as she could, and took her on to be the little sister she never had. It was often difficult to find one without the other, or even one not in ten feet of the other. But, there was one tiny problem. Y/n fancied Fred Weasley more than she cared to admit. And there was one thing that was no-no in Ginny and y/n’s friendship, no fancying each other’s siblings.
Ginny had made this abundantly clear the during their first year of friendship. No relationships with her brothers. Not Fred, not George, not Ron, not Percy. (‘Even though I doubt any girl in their right mind would go for Percy.’) They were all off limits; and it seemed her brothers had the same rule applied to them as well, because if one of them were to look at you Ginny would go on a rampage about how ‘she was her best friend and she deserves way more than you lot’. Ginny was so serious in fact, she had a set of three very specific rules to follow:
1.     No going on a date with a Weasley
2.     No kissing a Weasley
3.     You must tell Ginny if you break rule one or two
Y/n couldn’t be totally mad at Ginny, after all she was just trying to look out for a friend. Yet, y/n couldn’t help but to let her eyes wander when Fred walked into a room or snap her head in his direction every time he spoke a word. She had it bad.
It was only a matter of time before y/n found out Fred felt the same way about her, as she did for him. it was the beginning of the school year when he asked her in a quiet hallway after charms class if she would like to be his date to Hogsmeade the following weekend.
‘Are you mental?!’ y/n nearly shouted due to shook, ‘Your sister will kill us both, what about the ru-‘
Fred silenced her, placing a finger over her lips, ‘Ah, y/n, what’s life without a little rule breaking.’ She stared at him intently for a moment before Fred continued, ‘I’m going to take the silence and pensive thinking as a yes. See you on Saturday.’
And how unfortunate it was, how you two had such a wonderful time. Sneaking around Hogsmeade, looking over their shoulder and around corners for the sight of Ginny. The rush of adrenaline was nothing she had felt before.
They drank butterbeer together in the far, far corner of The Three Broomsticks, went to Zonkos in big puffy coast and hats to conceal their identity and took all of the side streets to get where they wanted to go. There was something about trying to keep their date a secret that made it even more fun.
They were two peas in a pod, bouncing of each other’s energy. They both agreed at they would meet the following weekend for a second date. Either one of them could contain their excitement. The feelings they shared were undeniable and the two wanted nothing more to make them work. The only trouble with this, is that they had to find a way to make it work without Ginny finding out, or at least until they were ready to tell her.
They didn’t share their first kiss until after their second date. Fred dropped her off at her common room after their day at Hogsmeade, gazing longingly at one another. Y/n was the first to speak, ‘I had a great time today, Freddie.’
‘I had a great time, too.’ Fred smiled at her. He paused and took a deep breath, ‘I fancy you, y/n. I really do.’
Y/n smiled wide, ‘I fancy you too, Fred Weasley.’
The whole world around them stopped, and for a single moment it was just the two of them. Fred leaned in gently, taking her face in his palm. His eyes flickered down to hers, asking permission. Y/n closed the gap softly, lips dancing on one another. Everything felt right. Until it didn’t anymore.
Y/n pulled away with a gasp, ‘Fred! What are we doing? We just broke rule number two, as if breaking number one wasn’t enough. Which means that we have to follow rule number three and tell Ginny. Or we’re dead for sure, I’m telling you!’
‘You and these bloody rules,’ Fred laughed. ‘Why on earth do you care so much anyway?’
‘Not so sure,’ the girl sighed. ‘I just don’t want to make Ginny upset. She came up with them when she was twelve, you know.’
‘Then,’ Fred said with a devious grin. ‘Let’s not make her upset. After all, you’re only in trouble if you get caught.’
Y/n smiled at Fred widely, before taking his collar and pulling him in for another long kiss. Maybe Fred was right, you are only in trouble if you get caught. So, the start of their very secretive relationship began. They would pull one another into a quiet hallway to steal a kiss, slip into an empty broom closet to snog and only held each other’s hands when the castle got dark.
From sweet nothings, to stolen kisses. Everything was hushed, swept under the rug. Perhaps if they acted as if the silly rules didn’t exist, then they didn’t. Ginny had suspected not a thing coming from the two of them, until one day she didn’t on a fateful spring day.
The flowers had just begun to bloom at Hogwarts. The days got longer and the weather became pleasant and warm once again. It was all Fred’s idea. The two were going for a quiet walk by the black lake, out of sight from wandering eyes; talking about nothing and everything. It wasn’t until, he leaned in for a kiss when the two heard a scream from behind them. The turned simultaneously, becoming face to face with the last person they wanted to catch them.
Her pupils tripled in size and her mouth was shaped into and oh position. Y/n went into panic mode, trying to calm the situation down. ‘Ginny! We can explain!’
Ginny scoffed at the two, ‘Yeah, you think?! What the hell? We’re you two actually snogging.’
‘For your information, Ginny,’ Fred intervened. ‘That was only a peck. We’ve snogged plenty of times before and trust me, it doesn’t look anything like that. Just ask her about that date at Hogsmeade.’ He winked at y/n.
‘Freddie, you’re really not helping.’ Y/n responded in a hushed voice.
‘Right,’ Fred nodded.
‘First of all, gross. Second, you broke the rules!’ Ginny yelled. ‘All of them! One, two and three!’
‘Ginny, look,’ Y/n stuttered, afraid to say the wrong thing. ‘We, well I- We were going to tell you! We just didn’t really know how.’
Ginny huffed, scratching the hair out of her face in frustration. ‘Didn’t know how to tell me what, how you broke the rules? The ones we shook on in second year! If you’re shagging my brother that’s fine, but you didn’t have to keep it a secret!’
She then threw her eyes towards her brother, ‘And you Fred. I’m so telling mum!’
Fred looked down at y/n who looked as if she was going to burst out in tears at any moment. He sighed, ‘Look Gin, don’t be mad.’
‘Mad?’ Ginny questioned, ‘Why on earth would I be mad?’
Fred looked at her like she had ten heads, ‘Not mad? Never would have figured out that.’ Sarcasm drooled from his tongue.
‘I’m not.’ Ginny stated simply. ‘Honest.’
Y/n looked up at her, ‘What? What do you mean you’re not mad, you basically just threw a fit if I’ve ever seen one?’ She looked a mix of relieved and vengeful.
‘Well, yeah, you guys broke the rules. And the initial shock was something. Blah, blah, blah. But, truth be told I’m happy you guys did. You see, I have about a lot of galleons wagered on you two, and if you waited just a few more days, they would have been Ronald’s.’ Ginny said, her arms crossed and shrugging her shoulders.
Fred and y/n looked at each other, mass confusion consumed them both. Fred turned to his sister with the most bewildered expression on his face. ‘Galleons?’ he questioned.
‘Yes galleons, Fredrick. Do I need to clear your ears out?’ Ginny stared blankly at the couple in front of her, who still wore confused expressions in their faces. She huffed, ‘Oh honestly, you two. Don’t act like you don’t know?’
‘Gin,’ y/n started. ‘We really don’t know what all this is about.’
Ginny shared eye contact between them, trying to figure out if they were being serious or not. She shook her head slowly, ‘You guys seriously don’t know, do you?’ Fred and y/n simultaneously shook their heads. Ginny gulped hard, ‘I actually don’t know how to say this. Well you see, me, George and Ron all had bets on when you two would get together and by the looks of it, I just won fifty galleons.’
Y/n looked at her with almost a blank expression, ‘So, you guys knew all along?’
‘Of course not. I will admit, you guys were doing really well with sneaking around. But, have you seen the way you two look at each other? You guys look at each other the way Ron looks at food. Anyone could see it.’
Fred turned to his girlfriend, who was blushing furiously, then back at Ginny. ‘So, you’re happy we broke the rules?’
‘My dear brother, you breaking the rules was inevitable. It was really only a matter of time before y/n cracked. The rules were only there to delay the future.’ Ginny laughed, putting a hand on y/n’s shoulder. ‘My best friend and my brother, doesn’t this practically make us sisters? Besides, it means you can come spend Christmas and summer holiday with us!’
Y/n found herself smiling uncontrollably, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off of her back. Ginny’s lips tugged into a lopsided grin, ‘Y/n, you will come stay with us, won’t you!’
‘Of course, Gin! As long as your brother doesn’t have anything to say about it.’ y/n poked Fred in the ribs with her elbow.
‘How could I possibly say no.’ Fred said, planning a kiss on y/n’s lips.
Ginny began making puking noises, pulling them out of their moment. ‘Just because I said I was happy you guys are dating doesn’t mean you can do all of that in front of me.’ Fred rolled his eyes, giving her a shut it and nudging her shoulder. This wasn’t going to be half as bad as they thought.
(‘I told you she wasn’t going to be mad.’ ‘Oh, shut it.’)
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Pairing: Aromantic!Fem!Reader x Ben Hardy
Warnings: Implied smut and some Feelings talk but honestly it’s pretty tame.
Words: 1,413
A/N: It’s Aggressively Arospec Week! So, as promised, I’m going to be posting a few blurbs/short one shots and things during the coming week to celebrate, all of them taking place within my Platonically verse. All of the posts will be tagged as “platonically event” in case you want to find them later (or block the tag)
This first one is inspired by a song - Promise by The Novel Ideas. I think it was probably written with a more romantic relationship in mind but theres a few lyrics in there that I choose to interpret as queerplatonic, and that especially reminded me of Ben and Reader in Platonically.
Ben’s house was a comforting place. You’d always felt comfortable there, since you’d first become friends with Ben, but especially after you got together. It was bigger than your place for one, an actual house and not a rundown flat you had to share to afford, though it was still fairly small. Its yard was almost non-existent but there was a scrap out the back that caught the sun in the afternoons. More than once you and however many friends had huddled there on wintery afternoons to warm up or else sprawled out in as few layers as you could get away with hoping the mercury wouldn’t rise much higher. So, after a day mostly spent indoors, huddled at your computers, you and Ben decided it might be nice to take a picnic rug out into the sunshine to relax before you had to worry about dinner. Of course, when Ben suggested the idea he chose to use the phrase, “boost our vitamin D levels” and you thought he was insinuating something else entirely.   “Well if that’s really what you want,” he laughed, pretending to reach for the waistband of his joggers.
Instead you stuck to his original idea, grabbing a fuzzy orange blanket from his wardrobe and laying it out over the patchy grass, throwing a couple of pillows down on top so your heads at least would be comfortable. For a while you just sort of did your own things near each other. Ben was preparing for a new movie so took the opportunity to read over the information he had and sections of the script, occasionally muttering to himself or highlighting something important (nearly always almost dropping his phone onto his face). And you happily stretched out beside him, relishing the warmth of the sun as you played games on your phone and scrolled through Tumblr. But, the lower in the sky the sun got, the closer together you moved until the sky was tinted with pink and you were laying perpendicular to each other, your head resting on his stomach. With a sigh, Ben set aside his phone and looked up at the wispy clouds moving across the sky. You knew what he was thinking about though he stayed quiet. “How long before you go?” “We start shooting in two weeks but I fly out a little before that just so I can get settled and meet everyone and there’s time to do any prep stuff before filming actually begins.” He paused but realised he hadn’t really answered you, “twelve days,” “Thats ages away,” you said with a soft laugh though you both knew the time would go by quickly. It wouldn’t be the first time you waved Ben off at the airport, but it would be the first time since you’d decided to be queerplatonic partners. Something about it made you a little sad, knowing you wouldn’t have your best friend by your side for the few months it took to film the movie, but it wasn’t the end of the world and you were excited on his behalf too.   Ben sighed again, less audibly than before but you could feel it in the way his stomach and chest moved so you rolled over to face him, propping yourself up on your elbow, studying the pensive expression he wore and determining he needed cheering up.   “I expect you to bring me back a present,” He smiled, his eyes drifting from the sky down to you as he let his head turn to the side, “I’ll keep that in mind,” “And I don’t mean something crappy like sweets or whatever junk you usually bring me. That was fine before but there has to be some sort of perk since I’m your partner now. I mean, everyone thinks I’m your girlfriend so you really have no choice here, you have to bring me something good.” The smile slowly spread until Ben was laughing, “Okay, something good it is then.” You giggled along with him, ignoring the patch of hard dirt under your elbow until you couldn’t any longer and instead rolled onto your back so you could lie beside him and let him wrap you up in his arms. And for a little while that was enough. It was close to being too warm, hot as you were from laying in the sun, but you didn’t mind, content in the knowledge that Ben was happy too.
Slowly his grip loosened until it was just his palm rubbing gently over your stomach and side, his thoughts back where they’d been before, “If I’d known I wouldn’t have auditioned for the movie,” “What?” “If I’d known things between us would work. At the time I kinda figured it was a good excuse in case asking you out ruined shit. I could just lay low for a few weeks and then dip, give you some space. But now it kinda feels like a mistake.” “Are you kidding? It’s a great roll, Ben, and you’re going to be amazing in it.” “Yeah I know, and I am excited about it,” “I’d hope so since it means you get to go to Greece,” He gave another soft chuckle at that, “Yeah that’s definitely part of my excitement. And it will be fun. But things are really good with you. Like really good. And I don’t want to ruin that by leaving.” You understood where he was coming from but still felt he was being a bit ridiculous, “You better not be getting romantically sentimental on me. It’s not like we live in the Regency period and have to rely on letters in the post or whatever. And besides, we’re not romantically involved so it’s a bit stupid for you to get all depressed about going.” You gave him a poke in the ribs for good measure.   “I promise I’m not,” there was an audible lift in his voice, “I just feel very protective of you. I don’t want you to be sad.” “Uhhhh, I’m going to be house sitting for you so there’s no chance of me being sad. I’ll have this place to myself and I am definitely going to enjoy it. Playing music as loud as I want, eating my way through your stash of chocolate, playing all your video games whenever I want. Able to be loud when I masturbate. No need to worry about accidentally waking up a roommate or walking in on her giving her boyfriend a bj. Fucking paradise really.” Ben snorted at the last bit and squeezed you tight again before kissing your temple, “Okay, sad isn’t a problem then. But I also don’t want you to realise I’m not necessary.” It was your turn to snort though it was less about amusement and more about how daft Ben sounded, “But you aren’t necessary.” “Way to make a guy feel special Y/N,” “No it’s a good thing. Like, being aro, I know I don’t need a relationship of any kind and, honestly, I’d be happy being single. I was happy being single for a long time. I have no desire for a relationship. But I want to be with you anyway. It doesn’t matter that I don’t feel a particular way for you. I just like you so much and think you’re such a good friend and we have so much fun that I’m happy with you. And I don’t want to stop being with you. You being in Greece isn’t going to change that.” “Guess I never thought of it like that. Kinda sweet actually.” “Plus, y’know, we’re pretty great at sex, right?” “Oh definitely great at it.”
It was much darker by then, the sun hanging low in the sky, but you barely noticed as Ben’s lips met yours, soft and comforting at first though neither of you seemed to want to be the one to stop the kiss. So neither of you did stop it. Instead you both shifted around to make it easier, eventually settling with his knee between your legs, giving you something to rock against as his arms loosened and his hands slid down to cup your arse. You knew you would miss him while he was away. He was your best friend so of course you would. But you weren’t worried. And you hoped you could at least distract Ben from whatever worries he had about it, if not cure them entirely.   “It’s getting dark Benny, you wanna move this inside? Think I’m a little low on Vitamin D.”
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uncommoncold · 4 years
...The Heart Grows Fonder
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Summary: Yeosang’s girlfriend discovers the truth about Yeosang and Seonghwa. With everything out in the open, Yeosang and Seonghwa’s relationship deepens. 
Word Count: 3.1k
Content Warning: Dom Park Seonghwa, Sub Kang Yeosang, Anal, Voyeurism, Rough Oral, Emotional, Angst
As expected, nearly every single moment of their time after the holidays was taken up by their come back. Every single night that Yeosang’s head hit the pillow, he was exhausted. Wooyoung was even too tired to snore or he was too tired to notice his roommate’s quiet snoring. The time that he had been hoping for with Seonghwa was failing to materialize, even in the few hours here and there that they had free time, at least five of the other six guys monopolized Seonghwa’s time. While he appreciated the man was well loved by the other members, it did nothing for the jealousy that was gnawing away at him.
The fact that his jealousy seemed to amuse Seonghwa also didn’t help. He couldn’t help remembering the last time he had let his jealousy get the better of him and the punishment that followed. It wasn’t often that he cursed how little time he had to himself but he certainly had been recently. It wasn’t just his time however, it was also Seonghwa’s time he wanted.
Yeosang was staring pensively down into his cup of coffee when a thumb trailed down his spine to rest momentarily on his hip. He looked around and saw Seonghwa smiling at him. “Are you busy?”
“No.” He answered more than a little afraid of getting his hopes up.
“If you’re not busy, didn’t you say you had something you wanted to show me?” Seonghwa took a quick peek around and leaned in to whisper teasingly, “Do you have time to go to the hotel?”
Yeosang beamed a smile at his lover, “I’ve got something better.”
“Better?” Seonghwa looked a little puzzled.
“Let’s get out of here before someone else decides they need your shoulder to cry on.” Yeosang started to make his way to get his phone and jacket but Seonghwa pulled him back, closing the door to press a short but heated kiss to his lips.
“You sound jealous…” He breathed against his lover’s lips.
“I want to argue with you but I’m afraid if we wait too long someone will come looking for you, please? You can punish me for being demanding and impertinent all you want after we get out of here.” He grasped Seonghwa’s hand and pulled on it, trying to coax him toward the front door.
“Alright, alright. Let’s go then.”
Yeosang was practically dragging Seonghwa by the time they got to the car. Once the doors were shut and the engine was started, he smiled apologetically. “Sorry.”
Seonghwa laughed, “It’s okay. I guess I have been a little busy the last couple of weeks.” His expression softened and he lifted his hand to caress Yeosang’s cheek but stopped himself, looking back up to the house and shaking his head. “Let’s go.”
Yeosang refused to tell Seonghwa where they were going, he only gave an enigmatic smile and a mysterious, “You’ll see.”
The apartment was small but neat and clean and completely away from the house and anything to do with the guys or KQ. “What do you think?”
He looked around appreciatively, “I wish I had thought of it. I’ll help you pay for it.”
“No, it’s fine. My parents bought it for me when I said that I needed a place to escape to.” Now that they were there alone, he felt oddly… What was the word? Anxious? Definitely but also a little shy maybe? He had seen him bound, covered in sweat and cum. Seonghwa had seen him at his absolute worst and his absolute best, he knew almost everything about him. How could he possibly ever feel shy with him? That was when he realized that he was being watched. When he looked up, Seonghwa was watching him with a gentle and quietly contemplative expression. It was one he had seen before but it usually came when they were wrapped in each other’s arms … after.
He couldn’t help himself, he reached up and touched the older man’s face almost as if he were in awe of him. How could one person be so beautiful? It wasn’t just what was on the outside but what was on the inside as well. He cared so much for all of them and did so much for everyone else, he just wanted to give him a little bit of what he did for him personally. He wanted… He wanted him.
“What are you thinking about?” Seonghwa asked quietly.
“I- I’m not sure. I’m trying to figure out why I feel like this, I guess.” Yeosang gave a little smile, feeling embarrassed. He looked away and back again.
“God you’re adorable when you smile like that.” Seonghwa reached over and ran his hand over Yeosang’s soft blonde waves, combing his fingers through them. His fingers ran down the side of his neck, slipping behind to coax him forward and into a kiss.
It might as well have been their first kiss and yet it was nothing at all like their first kiss. It was slow, soft and unspeakably gentle. Their arms stole around each other, their bodies moving together. Yeosang gasped and fought to catch his breath. With his eyes still closed, he felt his lover pull away a little but he could still feel his heat, the electricity of his presence. “Don’t stop.”
Seonghwa smiled and closed the distance to lap at his lover’s lips, “Give me your tongue baby.”
He whimpered and parted his lips, tongue flicking out to meet his lover’s as it pressed between lips, twining together with his. There was a slow burn gradually consuming him. It wasn’t the raging inferno that so often overwhelmed him when they were together. No, this was deeper, brighter, hotter, and far more insidious. It burned white hot behind his eyes and it threatened to burn him up until there was nothing left. There was an idea of why that might be and that word danced just out of his reach. No, he didn’t want to name it. If he named it, then it changed everything and he wasn’t ready for it to change. Instead he let the flames wash over him, wanting to be seared away.
Seonghwa cupped his cheek, searching his beautiful lover’s face, before he whispered, “What do you want?”
“Destroy me.” Yeosang breathed with his eyes still closed.
“Is that what you want?”
Curious at the question, Yeosang’s eyes opened and were met with a burning intense gaze. “Yes… I want it all, everything from you.”
“You keep saying that without really understanding what it means… or maybe you do.” Seonghwa stared at him, his expression unwavering. “Take off your clothes.”
Seonghwa moved over to sit on the couch to watch as Yeosang hurriedly began to pull off his clothes. “Relax, we have all night. Take your time… show me.”
Yeosang’s head snapped up, all night? They rarely got to spend the night together, a brilliant smile dawned. That didn’t make him want to move more slowly, on the contrary, he wanted to feel Seonghwa’s sweaty, naked skin pressed against him, he wanted to give himself to him entirely. He didn’t want to wait, it felt like he was wasting their precious time but he forced his hands to slow as he took off his clothes. Slowly, he crossed to where his lover sat. He sank down on his knees between Seonghwa’s legs. He hadn’t been given permission to do so but he wanted to touch him. With his eyes on him, looking for the smallest change of expression, he reached out and ran his hands over his thighs, feeling the taut muscle beneath his jeans.
A little smile quirked Seonghwa’s lips. “You’ve gotten bolder.”
Yeosang’s heart fell, had he gone too far? “I wanted to touch you. I’ve been wanting to touch you for what seems like years.”
“Not just now, I mean over all.”
“I’m sorry.” Yeosang dropped his head and his hands.
Seonghwa leaned forward and caught Yeosang’s chin between his fingers, lifting his face. “Never apologize to me for what your heart wants. Never apologize for wanting me. I’ve given you every reason to think that it’s alright to touch me when you want to. If you want to touch me, you never need to question it. Just know, I will always do the same.”
“Now, what would you have done if you hadn’t thought I disapproved?” Seonghwa leaned back.
It was so strange, he spent so long with his lady - never touching her without her permission, never making any sort of move without knowing it was her desire, it was so strange to be told he could reach for what he desired. There was a thrill as he reached back out to run his hands along his lover’s thighs, further up over his hard stomach. As he watched, he could see the hardening of Seonghwa’s cock beneath the thick material, his mouth watered.
Seonghwa watched as Yeosang touched him, almost shyly. With a look that said plainly, he wasn’t sure if he should be doing it or not, he began to unbutton his shirt. He rose up to drag his lips over the body he revealed. He dragged his tongue from his waistband up over his navel, over his ribs, his nipples which tightened at the attention. He wanted Yeosang to know his body as well or better than he knew his own.
Yeosang reveled in the exploration he had always been denied in the past. He touched and tasted every inch of the man before him. The scent of him, the taste of him, the feeling of him, he took him in with all of his senses. He paid attention to each and every move and sound he made as he touched him - even to his fingertips which he kissed and suckled in turn. By the time he returned to the fastenings of Seonghwa’s still closed jeans, Yeosang was writhing against him. He had never known it could be so arousing to just explore the body he adored. With his eyes locked on his lover’s, he opened his jeans and worked them down his slender hips and discarded them with his underwear. For a moment, he just stared at his gorgeous cock. Slowly he nibbled his way up along the inside of his thigh, nuzzling his nose against his balls before trailing back down the other side. Not able to hold himself back any longer, he rose up and wrapped his lips around him. He moaned as his lips glided along his length.
God, the taste of him, the smell of him, the feeling of the head of his cock against the back of his throat… It was going straight to his head. He felt almost drunk on Seonghwa and they had barely begun.
Seonghwa’s hand settled in his hair, he felt the tug and then the tightening of his hand as he forced his head down. He choked as his lover’s cock battered its way into his throat. Tears welled up in his eyes as he fought to breathe between thrusts. Suddenly, Yeosang’s head was pulled up. Seonghwa was dripping with sweat, his face flushed as he panted, “Come here to me.”
Yeosang climbed up onto the couch, straddling Seonghwa’s lap. He couldn’t help wriggling a little as he felt the spit slicked cock between his legs. His entire body was alive with anticipation. It seemed as though it had been years since Seonghwa fucked him and he trembled with the need to feel him now.
Seonghwa reached over to his jacket and pulled a small bottle out of the pocket. He slicked both himself and worked his slippery fingers into his lover’s hungry body. Each press of his fingers caused Yeosang to push back against them. By the time he finished, he was whimpering and seemingly desperate for his cock. “What do you want, baby?”
“I want you to fuck me. I need your cock inside me.” There was a time he would have been embarrassed to say that but it seemed so long ago. Seonghwa liked to hear what he really desired, not just hollow words to suit, what he really wanted. What he wanted was Seonghwa and he was sure he would lose his mind if he didn’t fuck him soon.
Seonghwa inhaled sharply between his clenched teeth, “I slide yourself onto me. I want to watch…”
There was a small sound that caught his ear, he couldn’t quite work out what it was. It almost sounded like someone punching in their door code but he was more than a little distracted as he watched Yeosang slowly lowering himself onto his cock. This wasn’t one of the more usual positions for them and he was struggling but he was determined. He cried out and stopped for a moment before completing the motion and hilting his lover’s cock. Seonghwa wrapped his arms around him and leaned up to catch his lips as Yeosang began to ride him. He leaned back a little so he could see his face when a movement caught his eye over Yeosang’s shoulder. He saw her then, standing in the entryway, Yeosang’s girlfriend. Their eyes met. She looked more than a little surprised at the scene she had stumbled upon but she also looked to be … aroused. He was relatively sure that she had no idea that her boyfriend was fucking him when she wasn’t around to watch.
Instead of say something and draw Yeosang’s attention to her, he held her eye and smiled, daring her to say something. He knew she liked to watch, that was what brought them together in the first place. What was more, he wanted her to watch. He wanted her to see how different her boyfriend was with him. Yeosang whimpered his name, his eyes were closed, head thrown back as he rocked his hips.
“What do you want, baby? Tell me.”
Yeosang’s heated gaze met his and he breathed, “Choke me.”
He caught his lover’s lips and kissed him hungrily as he left Yeosang’s lady to watch or leave. He didn’t really care what she did at that moment. He had waited too long for this and he meant to have him. He reached up and wrapped his slender fingers around the other man’s throat and gently began to squeeze.
He didn’t try to cut off his air, that could cause damage and the pressure required might bruise and he didn’t want him to have to explain and handprint around his throat. Instead, he pinched at the sides, slowing the blood flow to his brain. He watched his eyes carefully, they dilated. He released his hold and the blood surged, sending a rush. He left his hand around his throat, as he fucked up into him. “Do you want to cum for me baby?”
Yeosang nodded, unable to give more than a strangled groan. “If you want me to.”
Seonghwa shifted to wrap his fingers around the other man’s cock and began to stroke.
He could barely think as Seonghwa’s fingers closed around him and deftly began to jerk him off. The fingers tightened again on his throat, the edges of his vision grew a little fuzzy, then there was a rush as blue lightning shot through him. The world fell into pieces as he came violently, it tortured him as he felt himself flipped onto his back, his lover moving over him as he hammered into him. It was seconds or an eternity, it felt both in equal measure, Seonghwa roared and slammed into him one final time before falling atop him. Yeosang reached up and ran his fingers through Seonghwa’s hair, down over his face, tracing his thumb over his lips. “Seonghwa…” His voice was hoarse and more than a little raw as he breathed his lover’s name. “I-” He wasn’t sure what he wanted to say and just shook his head.
It seemed as though the other man understood just the same and smiled, giving him the softest kiss with a quiet moan. As always, he was praised, petted, and cared for. Through the thick haze that floated around him, he thought he heard the door open and close. He looked in the direction of the entryway and saw no evidence that what he heard was his front door. In the shower, tender hands bathed him and washed his hair. Soon he found himself tucked into the place he most wanted to be, Seonghwa’s strong arms in the bed he was sure they would spend many nights. “Mm, I wish we could always be together like this.” He was already drifting toward dreams and his words were barely more than a whisper.
Seonghwa leaned to one side so he could see the beautiful man who he cared for more than any other. He looked so young and vulnerable that he wanted nothing more than to protect him from the world in that moment. He held him, gently laying a kiss to his brow. “I want the same thing…”
There was a small sound, if it was meant to be words then they were lost as Yeosang slipped effortlessly into the embrace of sleep, wrapped in the arms of the man he adored.
No matter what happened, someone was going to get hurt and he hated that. The fact that it might be him had occurred to him and honestly he knew that might happen when he realized he was developing feelings for Kang Yeosang but there was so much in their lives that was impermanent and he decided that come what may, he would take the happiness that he could. What he hadn’t expected was that Yeosang would fall in love with him in return. He was sure of it though he hadn’t said as much and in truth, he wasn’t sure he even understood the depth of his own feelings. The fact that he had been dating someone for at least two years hadn’t really entered into it. He had seen their relationship and he was convinced it wasn’t healthy but it wasn’t exactly his place to tell him so. That was something he had to figure out on his own. It was part of what made him decide to show him what being loved felt like. It was possible to have the pain he needed and the love his heart craved. It was possible to have himself as well, that was what had been lost. It was slow going but he was doing his best to show Yeosang that he could indeed have it all… with him.
He glanced down at his lover’s sleeping face and smiled as he pouted and turned his face into Seonghwa’s shoulder. God he was cute when he slept. Whatever would happen, would happen. He only hoped that on the other side of it, Yeosang could have what he needed and could be truly happy. What would be perfect would be if he could find a little of that happiness for himself as well. He turned his head to rest his cheek atop Yeosang’s head and closed his eyes, only tomorrow would tell.
Other stories can be found on my master list.
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ladyanput · 5 years
Seeing Green Ch.5
Well, everyone, I’m so glad you’ve all supported me thus far. Here\s a chapter that contains a lot of what people have been asking for~
“Good morning, Marinette." Marinette glared up at the intruder of her quiet breakfast, dark shadows quite clear under her eyes. She had had a long night last night, talking with the Bat crew, then spending a good chunk of the night trying to find Chat Noir. The fact that he was in Gotham of all places didn't sit right with her, but she couldn't fully explain why. "How are you going this morning? You look quite beautiful."
Adrien smiled expectantly down at her, taking a seat across from the girl, obviously not reading the mood of the room, of which Marinette wanted him nowhere near her.
"Adrien, what do you want?" Marinette used her fork to poke her fried egg, lowering her gaze so that she wouldn't have to look at that smile that was so practiced that it just didn't feel real. She flinched when he took her free hand and kissed the knuckles. She felt bile rise in her throat and she ripped her hand away. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Mari, listen… I'm sorry that I didn't stick with you during the whole Lila incident. I was a real jerk, I guess I was just scared that this would escalate and there'd be big problems." Adrien leaned forward, trying to catch her eye, but she refused to give him the satisfaction. So her basically being ostracized by her class hadn't been 'a big problem'? That made her grind her teeth, but a gentle nudge from Tikki immediately calmed her down.
"Adrien, I'd like to be left alone, alright? I'm not feeling great." Marinette muttered as she glanced out one of the large windows the hotel's dining room offered. The sight of the snow falling from the sky had been enough to make her groan, silently glad that yesterday's picnic had been cancelled. Honestly, who arranged a picnic during November?
"Marinette, please… You're a really special girl, and I realise now how great you are. I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me today?" Adrien blushed, and Marinette was reminded of a preteen who just confesses their love to their longtime crush. It didn't do anything to lift her mood, instead it only soured it. Way too late for that, Adrien, that ship has long since sailed.
"Not interested." Marinette stood, finding her appetite was now gone. She brushed past the model, making her way into the lobby. She froze when she saw Damian standing by the reception desk, her heart skipping a beat. He looked so handsome, his dark hair smoothed back from his strong, serious face. She practically skipped her way over to Damian, noticing the flowers in his arms. A pleasant flush flooded her cheeks, wondering who they were for…
“Damidear, you brought me flowers!” Lila darted her way across the lobby, throwing herself at the boy, sending him stumbling back a few steps. Marinette’s brows drew together, somewhat flabbergasted, until she spotted that her class had been where Lila had been standing. Ah, that explains it. “I’m so glad you decided to visit me, yesterday’s incident was so horrible.”
“Who are you?” Damian rose a brow at the girl, nearly scowling when she got a pout and tears welled up in her eyes. He tried to pull his arm from her grasp, but she sank her nails in hard, no doubt leaving bruises. “Please, let me go before I have to get security in here.”
“Wh-hat do you mean? Dami, you can stop with the act, everyone knows now that we’re dating, we don't have to hide anymore..” Lila let out a whine, glad she decided to dress up in her skirt she’d had hemmed so that it slid up her slim thighs, slowing off her body. 
Damian almost felt nauseous when the girl trapped his arm against her chest, rubbing her breasts against his arm. What the fuck was this girl’s deal?
“I will tell you again, let me go.” Damian roughly pulled his arm from her grasp, sending her stumbling backwards. A girl wearing glasses rushed forward and caught her, sending a furious glare to the youngest Wayne.
“What the fuck is your problem?! I understand the need for secrecy, but you don’t treat your girlfriend that way, no matter the circumstances!” She snapped, cradling the sobbing Lila close.
“I am not dating her. I’ve never met her before yesterday.” The cold, hard fury came forward as Damian towered over them, his grip on the bouquet tightening. “I have been interested in only one girl, and I’m telling you that’s not her! She’s-”
Damian’s gaze met Marinette’s, and he smiled that smile that sent her heart fluttering.
“She’s right over there.” Damian made his way over to Mari and pulled her into a warm embrace. Marinette returned the hug, laying her head on his chest, then let out a giggle when he kissed her forehead. “Hello, Angel. I thought you and I could spend the day together. Miss Bourbon informed me it is a free day?”
“Yeah, it is.” Marinette beamed up at Damian, giving his cheek a soft kiss in return. She took the offered bouquet, ignoring the accusations that Lila and her court were throwing their way; that Mari had stayed with Damian at the mall plaza to steal him away, that she was a homewrecking slut, among other things. She merely turned her gaze towards them, seeing them as they are; lost causes. Only Alix, Kim, Juleka and Rose strode forward and shouted in her defense, bringing the gazes of everyone in the lobby, guests and employees alike. She turned back to Damian, trying her best to block the ensuing chaos behind them out. “I would love to spend the day with you. I really need out of here.” 
“Marinette, wait! I-I wanted to take you out today, thought we could go for lunch. I can take us to the best restaurant in town.” Adrien grabbed her wrist, attempting to pull her out of Damian’s embrace, only causing him to tighten his embrace in turn. Adrien shot a withering glare to Damian, before turning a pleading gaze to Marinette. “Please, Mari, please don’t go with him. I-I can treat you a lot better than he can, he’ll only use you, you’ve only known him for three days!”
Sandwiched between the two men, Marinette didn’t know why she had been scared of them being similar, because they were quite the opposite. Damian was tall, dark, serious, and was protective. His actions spoke louder than words. While Adrien, while he claimed that he loved his friends, he did very little to actually keep them safe, going as far to keep the wool over everyone’s eyes and let Lila run wild. He certainly hadn’t cared about her misery, when she became an outcast, when Chloe became so bullied when her father was forcibly removed from being mayor, that she moved to a different school, he stood by, so afraid to create any sort of ripples, not realizing that a typhoon was already going on in front of him.
“I think we should go, it’s getting a bit unsavory here.” Marinette turned her back to Adrien, making his eyes narrow in fury. The couple, leaving everyone stare after them as they stepped out into Gotham.
“Good morning, everyone! Are you all prepped for your free day?” Miss Bustier strode on, completely unaware of what had just happened. Behind her, Miss Bourbon facepalmed at her mentor’s inability to read the fucking room.
Marinette strode through Gotham City park with Damian, beaming when they held hands, lacing their fingers. When she glanced up at him, she could see his cheeks had gone rosy, a small smile tugging on his lips.
“I’ll admit, I’m kind of nervous. You know, about this, about us. I mean, I’ve only known you for a few days.” Marinette forced out, leaning her head on his shoulder. She felt herself relax when he gave her hand a light squeeze, urging her to continue. “I… I don’t want to rush into anything, but I want to try and see where this can go. We just need to have some boundaries, because the last time I rushed into love, I got hurt.”
“Was it Agreste?” Damian let go of her hand and wrapped an arm around her when she shivered. At her nod, he rolled his eyes. The boy seemed like a coward to the vigilante, and a spoiled brat. Ever since he first saw Adrien on a magazine cover, he had wanted to punch him in the face. Today just made things worse. “He is a fool, not seeing you were right there in front of him, Angel. But I do agree that we should take our time with this. I feel for you, but I don’t want to scare you, Angel. I’ve never had this attraction to another person before.”
“I’ll have to go back to Paris in five days.” Marinette pointed out as they walked by a statue of a couple. She gazed up at it, refusing to meet Damian’s searching gaze. "The morning after the Wayne gala, I'll be flying back… And I don't know when I'll be back."
"We can text, call, Skype, there's tons of ways to talk. I'm sure my father will have business in Paris from time to time, I can visit then too." Damian offered, gently taking hold on her shoulders and had her meet his gaze. "Angel, we can figure out what this is between us. We don't have to rush into anything, but we can take a slow pace, and when we figure it out, we can finally say what we are."
Marinette found herself tearing up all of the sudden, then hugged him, feeling his strong arms wrap around her, holding her tight. They stayed like that for a while, not moving as the snow fluttered around them. Finally, they pulled apart. 
"Come on, there's a nice little coffee shop around the corner. Then… Mari, I'd like you to meet my family. They won't stop teasing me, since I talk about you often, and they won't get off my back."
"Dinner? Up at Wayne Manor? Um… O-okay, but what should I wear?" Marinette whispered, her brows drawing together, creating that pensive look that made Damian want to kiss her brow. 
"Just dress casually. We're just normal people, Angel, we don't dine in high class suits." Damian teased, earning a light shove from Marinette
"Fine, I think I'd love to come to dinner, if Miss Bustier will allow it." Marinette rolled her eyes, knowing that Miss Bustier wouldn't care in the slightest. Damian chuckled, as if he had read her thoughts, then carefully lead her towards the café. For the rest of the afternoon, that’s where they stayed.
“Lila, girl, don’t let that creep bother you, he doesn’t deserve you anyways. You always have Adrien, right?” Alya soothed, having dragged Lila and her boyfriend out for an afternoon of retail therapy. They were back in the clothing boutique they had been yesterday, eyeing the gorgeous dresses on display. Nino was off, looking for a good records store so that he didn’t deal with the toxic gossip. He had lost his confidence in dumping Alya.
“There’s the dress, Lila!” Alya pointed to the mannequin in the middle of the store, where a bronze coloured dress was, before she turned to the nearest employee. “We’d like to attempt that dress, please.”
The employee smiled, though it was a bit at the girl’s broken English. She took the dress off the mannequin and guided Lila through the posh boutique and to the changing rooms. Once Lila was inside, the tearful, heartbroken personality dropped and she scowled. The young Italian girl stripped down to her underwear and inspected herself in the mirror.
How on earth could Damian Wayne not want her? She was the definition of the perfect Italian beauty. She fluffed her hair, put into her signature hairstyle, to her beautiful, perfect face. Her hands slid over her petite chest, her slim waist and thighs. She was every man’s fantasy come to life, she knew that if she got Damian in bed, he’d be under her complete control.
She pulled on the dress, feeling the silk hug her curves perfectly. She was small, dainty, not a cow with flabby tits like Marinette had gained. She had heard about guys preferring ‘thick’ women, but she knew it was a lie. Miss Bourbon, the ugly cow, and Marinette had never had a boyfriend in their lives, so that just further proved her point.
“Lila, does it fit?” Alya called in, breaking her from her thoughts. Lila rolled her eyes and stepped out of the dressing room, grinning when she heard an excited squeal from her special toy. “That looks killer on you! That Wayne kid is an idiot for cheating on you with Mari. Hey, I got an idea, how about you wear that to the Wayne gala at the end of the trip? Show him what he’s really missing, make him beg for you back! That’d be big news, Damian Wayne crawling on his hands and knees to get his beautiful Lila back!”
“Do you really think that could work? I-I don’t want to force Damibear to take me back, it isn’t his fault that Marinette seduced him away by having sex with him, he’s a guy..” Lila sniffled and hugged herself tightly, as if to hold herself together. She wiped away her tears and hugged Alya tightly, to hide her grin. “I bet if you get us together, he’d be so appreciative towards you, Alya, he’d give you any favour you’d ask for…”
The thought made Alya perk up as Lila rushed back into the changing room. The two girls soon strode to the check out and Alya took out Nino’s debit card, the starry look of hope still in her eyes as she paid for Lila’s dress. As they exited the store, she missed seeing Lila shred up the receipt and take the tag off of the dress, promptly tossing them into the trash.
“Hey, babe, you guys get what you needed?” Nino strode up, all smiles as he hugged his girlfriend, kissing her cheeks, half listening to the response she gave. “Hey, there’s this cool track they have in the store and I just wanna grab it right quick, it could be pretty awesome to use in my next DJing gig. Can I have my wallet, babe?”
“Sure thing, just don’t keep us waiting too long, okay? I need to get back to the hotel and get a story put up.” Alya shrugged, halfheartedly handing the wallet to Nino before she turned back to Lila, going back to trash talking Marinette and Evangeline.
A few minutes went by, before Alya caught sight of Nino storming out of the records store, looking murderous. He grabbed Alya’s arm and dragged her close.
“Did you just spend around three hundred euros of my money at that boutique?” He hissed in barely contained anger, his eyes narrowing. 
“Yeah, I had to get something for Lila. She just got dumped, Nino, she really needed it.” Alya explained, frowning at her boyfriend. “Lila needs to get Damian back, she’s not letting Marinette win without a fight.”
“Alya, for the love of god, did you not hear what the Wayne guy said earlier? He never fucking dated her, he had never seen her before in his life.” Nino loosened his grip and stepped back before he did something he would regret. He ran his fingers through his hair. "Maybe if you actually listened for five fucking minutes, instead of having your nose in your phone or taking in Lila's bullshit, you would have gotten the message!"
"... Did Marinette and the pedophile get to you? Nino, you should know better, Marinette's been bullying Lila ever since she came to France, why would you take her side?" Alya demanded, shoving Nino back. Lila took a step back and grinned, noticing the gathering crowd.
"Alya, stop it! You took my debit card without asking and bought a three hundred dollar dress! I have less than ten euros left in my bank account!" Nino yelled, throwing his arms up in the air. Did she just not get it?! "You don't just do that, Alya, not over a dress for your stupid friend! Why didn't you use your own money?!"
"Nino, stop being selfish! You can make more money on your next gig, I need to help Lila get Damian back, my blog is at stake!" Alya pleaded, then set her hands on her hips, shaking her head. "Besides, I need my money for that new microphone that's coming out in a few weeks, to make my videos sound better."
"Fuck, it's always about you! About Lila! You never think, Alya, you just see the bright, sparkly thing and grab for it, without seeing the nails you'll have to walk on! You don't even care about me, all you care about is that stupid excuse of a blog you've got!" Nino roared. But his head snapped back when Alya's hand connected when his cheek, his glasses flew from his face and clattered loudly across the floor.
The air in the room was tense.
"N- Nino…" Alya's voice dropped to a shaky whisper as she stared in shock at her own hand, that was now reddening from pain. "I- I… I'm.."
"Just… Enough, Alya." Nino walked over and retrieved his now cracked glasses. He didn't give her a backwards glance and made his way towards the exit.
"Nino…? Wait, Nino? Nino, wait!" Alya screeched, hot tears sliding down her cheeks. She screamed after Nino, begging for him to come back, before it turned into a violent torrent of curses and vile insults. Quickly, she dropped to her knees in a sobbing mess.
 Lila knelt beside her and gathered her friend into her arms, hiding her victorious smile in the girl's hair.
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gloves94 · 4 years
Sunburn [Prince Zuko] 20
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Warnings: None   Rating: PG-13   Pairings: Zuko/OC   Summary:  “You have everything you’ve ever wanted.” “No.” He said softly. “Not everything…”  His golden eyes looked at her with a melting intensity she had never witnessed before. “I guess not.” She responded with glassy eyes as tears welled up threatening to break the dam of her eyes.
My fanfiction: M A S T E R L I S T
Things were certainly looking up.
Zuko smiled as and his uncle stepped out of the carriage that had brought them to the Earth Kingdom Palace, he helped his girlfriend down of it like the gentleman he is and the three walked towards the palace together. All wearing their finest Earth Nation robes. Iroh wore green, Zuko wore a reddish brown shade and Tsai's wore her trademark golden ochre.
"Many times I imagined myself here, at the threshold of the palace." Iroh commented as he held the basket of his tea supplies, "But I always thought I would be here as a conqueror. Instead, we are here as the Earth King's personal guests, here to serve him tea. Destiny is a funny thing."
Tsai always pictured herself here, but in her head she was welcomed as an honored guest and assigned personal guards amongst other luxurious goods. This wasn't quite what she had in mind, but it would do for now. She was excited to talk to the King. Maybe he'd listen maybe he wouldn't but she wouldn't lose anything trying.
"It sure is, Uncle." Zuko agreed with a slight smile.
Moments later Zuko sat quietly beside his uncle as he poured a cup of tea in the King's meeting room. The throne was elegantly decorated with golden figurines and a mural depicting Ba Sing Se in traditional ink brush art.
"What's taking so long?" Zuko asked warily. They had now been waiting for a while.
"Maybe the Earth King overslept?" Iroh suggested.
"No," Tsai said suddenly. "It is not customary of Earth Kingdom people to be unpunctual."
What kind of royal reception was this supposed to be? Tsai shook her head if her mother was in charge of this Royal Reception none of this would've been acceptable.
Tsai stood up and dusted her palms on her dress.
"That's it," she announced in a bored tone. "I'm sick and tired of waiting. This is unacceptable. I'm going to go find the Earth King myself."
"Have you lost your mind?" Zuko reached for her arm holding her in place.
"I'll be back soon," she simply said shaking his light grip off. "You don't even know where he is." He added crossing his arms over his chest in disapproval.
"Don't worry, I know my way around a palace." She said cockily before exiting the room.
Or at least attempting to. She was pushed back into the room when several Dai Li agents came into the room and surrounded the three.
Iroh's brow furrowed in suspicion.
"Something's not right." Zuko whispered.
Azula suddenly stepped into the room and she walked past the Dai Li agents, coming to standing in front of her brother just outside the ring of agents.
"It's tea time!" She chirped joyfully, however her tone was malicious and held a sharp edge to it as per usual.
Zuko jumped to his feet in surprise and anger, "Azula!"
Azula wore a uniform similar to the Dai Li agents including a matching emerald green bow at the top of her head.
"Have you met the Dai Li?" Azula asked lightly as she smirked, "They're Earthbenders, but they have a killer instinct that's soFirebender. I just love it."
Iroh calmly picked up his cup of tea, now standing up. “Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname 'the Dragon of the West'?"
Azula rolled her eyes at her uncle, "I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle."
"It's more of a demonstration, really." Iroh replied and he calmly took a sip of the tea.
Tsai had heard this tale before, she knew what was coming. The three of them stood together backs pressed against each other. Zuko glanced over at his uncle in surprise then he smirked slightly and spun behind Iroh, Tsai quickly ducked and summoned her trusty hidden blades ready to attack if needed. The older man jumped to his feet and began breathing fire, scattering the Dai Li agents. Zuko quickly ran and kicked a fire blast at the wall, blasting a hole in it as Iroh continued to breathe fire as he walked backwards, then he ran down the hallway after his Tsai and his nephew.
Iroh ran in front of Zuko and threw his hand out, blasting another hole in the wall at the end of the corridor with a lightning bolt then he jumped out of the hole making a runaway opening and, landing in the bushes below. Tsai followed landing on a similar bush landing painfully on her bum.
"Come on!" Iroh shouted looking up when he saw Zuko had stopped at the edge of the hole in the second floor of the palace. "You'll be fine!"
"No! I'm tired of running!" Zuko shouted back in defiance and he turned slightly to glare down the hall with a determined expression, "It's time I faced Azula."
"Has he lost his mind?" Tsai said jumping to her feet and running towards the palace. Iroh smacked his head in exasperation at his nephew. He reached for the impulsive auburn-haired girl's hand and pulled her back.
"There' no time!" He said dragging her away with him.
"You're so dramatic." Azula sighed mockingly as she stopped between several Dai Li agents in front of her brother, "What? Are you going to challenge me to an Agni Kai?"
"Yes!" Zuko snapped back and he shifted into a bending stance, "I challenge you!"
"No, thanks." Azula replied haughtily and she smirked evilly at her older brother.
Zuko growled and shot a fire blast at her, but two Dai Li agents intervened and deflected the blast by pulling up a section of the floor, creating a wall. The agents dropped the wall then shot their rock gloves at Zuko's feet, causing him to lose his balance and place one hand on the ground, which was quickly trapped by another rock glove. Azula smiled cruelly at her brother and turned around as the Dai Li agents captured him.
Katara scowled as she paced back and forth inside the Crystal Catacombs, stopping a moment later when she heard the hole above her open up.
"You've got company." A Dai Li agent stated then he threw someone down the hole and the person rolled forward until he landed in front of Katara.
"Zuko!" Katara gasped and her eyes widened in shock before they narrowed in anger when the scarred teen looked up at her just as the hole closed above them.
"Let's go and take Azula down once and for all!" Tsai stretched her arms dramatically ready to go and cut down Zuko's sister.
"I think if we are smart, we can take her!" She said aggressively clenching a fist against her chest. Iroh remained pensive as he processed his own very complicated plan.
"Besides," She spoke after a moment. "There's something of hers I'm itching to give back to her." She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She always kept Azula's knife hidden on her person and was more than eager to return it to its rightful owner. "Come on! What are we waiting for! There's no time to lose!"
"Tsai," Iroh said impatiently. "I thought you less impulsive than my nephew," he flashed her a rare glare that was borderline a scold. She lowered her head. She hated to disappoint him. "You're right," she sighed accepting her mistake. If they were going to do this it had to be done right.
It was then that both made eye contact and saw two Dai Li agents standing guard outside of the palace.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He said stroking his beard.
"Are you sure they'll help?" Tsai questioned as they approached a nearby apartment. "How do you even know that they're in there? Have you known all along?!" She said tossing the body of the terrified Dai Li guard that was tied up to a corner of the hallway’s balcony.
"Those who are quiet and attentive can see all, even what may be hidden right before them." Iroh spoke wisely. She fought the urge to roll her eyes. He really did sound like her grandfather. If Zuko knew that Iroh had known that the Avatar was in Ba Sing Se all along he would go fire bananas angry over this.
Iroh knocked on the wooden door and a moment later that onyx haired blind girl that they had encountered in the forest that one day opened the door.
"Glad to see you're okay," she said.
"We need your help." Iroh beat straight to the point. Tsai watched from a couple of feet away keeping watch over the Dai Li guard. Iroh went into the apartment and didn’t come out until sometime later.
“I brought someone along who might be able to help us.”
The door opened and outside stepped Iroh, Toph and Aang and Sokka who looked horrified when they saw the auburn-haired girl standing next to a kidnapped Dai Li guard with her arms crossed over her chest an annoyed look on her face.
“Sup,” she greeted casually not particularly pleased to see any of them.
“Tsai!” Aang exclaimed his tone was more alarmed than pleased. She didn’t flinch when the earthbender stomped on the ground and made two pillars rise from the ground and raise the agent up to eyelevel. He grunted and his breathing quickened. Tsai wasted no time in yanking the rag that kept him silent. He was sweating bullets and already had a cut on the side of his face that she had worked on him.
“Alright, sing,” She threatened flickering her wrist and exposing her shiny blade again. The tip was still stained with his fresh blood.
He gasped and spilled all the information they needed. The guard spoke about how Azula and a man named Long Feng were plotting a coup to overthrow the Earth King. He also said that Katara was being kept in the crystal catacombs of Old Ba Sing Se deep beneath the palace. Which was probably were Zuko was being kept as well.
Moments later the gang had split up into two groups and Tsai was making her way with Aang and Iroh walking through a makeshift tunnel into the crystal cave. She had never regretted wearing a kimono dress more in her life.
Azula… She was truly vile. All this time she had been in control. Playing them like their little pawns. She wondered how long she had known that the three of them had been living in Ba Sing Se.
She wouldn’t put it past Azula to betray the man she was working with and singlehandedly conquer the Earth Kingdom. Whatever was going to happen next was not good. She was much too distraught to listen to what Iroh and Aang were conversing about when Aang made a hole in a tunnel revealing a chamber filled with gleaming crystals.
"Aang!" Katara shouted happily and she rushed forward, hugging the bald boy tightly.
Aang smiled then glared at Zuko over Katara's shoulder, his eyes narrowed slightly in annoyance and distrust. Zuko glared back at him over his uncle's shoulder as Iroh and Tsai embraced him in a tight family sandwich embrace.
"Aang, I knew you would come." Katara said and she hugged Aang again.
"I don't understand." Zuko said in confusion as he looked from the Avatar to Iroh and Tsai and then he pointed at Aang, "What are you two doing with the Avatar?"
"Saving you, that's what." Aang replied snidely and Zuko growled, taking a threatening step towards him, but Iroh stopped him.
"Zuko, it's time we talked." Iroh said lowly then he looked at Aang and Katara, "Go help your other friends. We'll catch up with you." He said.
"Tsai?" Aang called for her. "We'll be there soon-" she flashed him a small smile “-And ready to save the Earth Kingdom.”
Aang smiled at her and Iroh and bowed down his head respectfully before exiting the chamber.
“Why?” Zuko observed the whole interaction between his uncle and the red head and the Avatar perplexed.
"Right," Tsai added softly. "You've grown so much and believe me when I say we are both extremely proud of you, but catching the Avatar is not your destiny and you have to accept that." She said in the most caring tone she could muster.
"You're not the man you used to be, Zuko. You are stronger and wiser and freer than you have ever been." Iroh stated seriously as he looked at his nephew. “And now you have come to a crossroads of your destiny. It's time for you to choose. It's time for you to choose good."
Zuko's eyes went slightly wide as he gave a step back. His golden orbs bounced between Iroh and Tsai until they focused on her. He would expect this kind of thing from his uncle, but from her? He shook his head. He always forgot that they were both basically the same person. Tsai would always pick his uncle over him. Even now.
"What?" He repeated his eyes turning into slits and narrowing in anger.
"It's for the best," she reached for his hand, yet he stepped away defensively.
"You're supposed to support me Tsai."
Ah, there it was. That hot headed prickly side of the temperamental prince. She looked at him with hurt in her eyes.
"I am," she responded. Her mouth suddenly going dry, she didn't like where this was going. He shook his head rapidly from side to side in denial. She really didn’t like were this was going.
"Why can't you be more supportive? Why can't you see this is the only way that we both get what we want?" He shot back angrily.
"Zuko!" Iroh growled out not liking the angry tone in which he spoke to his girlfriend.
"Not now Uncle!" He barked back rudely.
Even Tsai raised a low hand in an attempt to be polite in telling Iroh to momentarily shush and stay out of their conversation. She had a feeling that this was about more than his inner demons.
"I am trying to be supportive!" She tried to reach for his hands once again. Yet he pulled away again. Stepping away from them. Creating a small distance that suddenly seemed so great.
"I don’t support this obsession because it is going to consume you alive," her tone kept increasing as her temperament reached the borderline of her already split thin patience.
Silence was his response.
"Fine!" She snapped angrily. Her head was pulsating with anger. Blood boiling.
"Fine!"She repeated. Both of her fists were tightly clenched at her sides.
"You know what?” She taunted. “The only reason your father sent you on a fool's errand to capture the Avatar was because he didn't want you. He sent you because the Avatar hadn't been seen in the past one-hundred years and he wasn't expecting you to see him for another one-hundred years- but you got lucky. You got really lucky and it spawned this unhealthy obsession that is consuming you alive!" She finished with more anger than concern in her straining voice.
"The past week- ever since you let go of-of all of this? Don't you realize how happy you were? How happy we were? Didn't you just feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders?"
Zuko face twisted into a nasty scowl his hurtful tone now matching hers. His tone just as strained, chest heaving as he felt the anger boiling inside of him ready to unleash his infamous temper.
"What about you?" He lashed out stepping forward in a threatening matter. She wanted to stand back yet managed to stand her ground proudly.
"You come down and judge me from your high ostrich-horse. You literally abandoned your family and for what? Why? Because a stranger asked you on a lame adventure?" He tossed a stretched-out arm to his uncle. "Because your grandfather kicked the bucket?" He scoffed ridiculing her life’s story.
She felt a pang on her already aching chest. She fought so hard against herself to stand tall and proud. Her nostrils flared as she gave him a dark hurtful look. Her eyes dull and empty.
"And what about your plan?" He pressed on. "Your dream plan is never going to happen, and you know it," he paused for a moment and scoffed. "Not unless the war ends, and you know that soon everything the light touches will belong to the Fire Nation. The truth is you left because you were bored of your unassumingly dull life in the colonies and that's why YOU were so happy here. Because you could blame our current circumstances as your excuse to tell yourself why you are never going to accomplish anything extraordinary. That's why you abandoned your dream!"
"ENOUGH!" Iroh uncharacteristically roared stepping in between the two arguing teenagers. Both of his hands stretched out as he separated them.
Her eyes were dark, lips parted, her eyes welled up with hurtful fat tears as his words sank into her thick skin ripping into it like painfully dull knives. He had been more than mean. He had been cruel. It took Zuko a moment to realize just what he had done, the horrible things they had both said to each other.
A sudden explosion resounded in the crystal cave when Iroh was suddenly encased in a prison of crystal being unable to move. Zuko and Tsai were divided by a row of crystals with Iroh in the middle. Without a moment to react both quickly spun around and shifted into offensive stances. Zuko's eyes narrowing when he saw two Dai Li agents and Azula jump into the crystal cavern chamber.
"I expected this kind of treachery from Uncle." Azula commented drily then she tsk'd, "But Zuko, Prince Zuko, you're a lot of things, but you're not a traitor, are you?"
"Release him immediately." Zuko snapped in reply.
"It's not too late for you, Zuko." Azula continued persuasively, "You can still redeem yourself."
"The kind of redemption she offers is not for you." Iroh said firmly as he looked at his nephew.
Tsai had been standing very still. Her heart aching. As she tried to stand her grounds both physically and emotionally.
"Why don't you let him decide, Uncle?" Azula barked then she looked at Zuko imploringly, "I need you, Zuko. I've plotted every move of this day, this glorious day in Fire Nation history, and the only way we win is together. At the end of this day, you will have your honor back. You will have Father's love. You will have everything you want and have ever wanted."
It was completely the opposite of what his girlfriend and uncle had just said to him. He was stuck in the middle of two opposite ends. Stuck between good and evil. Right and wrong. Pinned between a wall and a sword.
"Don't listen to her!" Tsai suddenly stepped up. "You can't trust her!"
"Zuko, I'm begging you." Iroh pleaded from where he was trapped by the crystals and Zuko looked at him, "Look into your heart and see what it is that you truly want." Iroh pleaded.
"Zuko please!" Tsai begged him. Literally pleaded to him her voice cracking "Please don't do this!"
Her voice wasn't the only thing cracking.
"You shut your mouth you colonial mongrel. Dare you speak to my brother like that!" Azula barked. "Your mere existence is a disgrace to the Fire Nation!" She made a gesture and before Crystals around her moved trapping her in a glass prison similar to Iroh’s. She kept her neck raised up afraid that if she lowered it would puncture.
Azula gestured at the two Dai Li agents, who then Earth bended themselves out of the chamber while Zuko contemplated his choice.
"You are free to choose." Azula stated with a small smirk and she turned, following after Aang and Katara.
It took him a moment but Zuko lowered his eyes his eyes as he walked out of the chamber. A single tear slid down Tsai's face as he walked out. She felt all the air leave her lungs as if she had been punched to the gut. Her heart shattering at his betrayal. She swallowed her pride and her breathing became aggressive before her limbs went numb and cold, suddenly feeling as if they were made out of cinder and stone. Her heart shattering on the spot alongside any illusions of dreams of happiness in the future. She had lost everything.
Zuko had just abandoned the chamber betraying the two of them without turning back.
There was a moment of heavy silence in which the only sound that could be heard were the weak sniffles and cries of the broken-hearted girl.
"So that's what you're going to do," Iroh spoke after a minute of heavy silence.
"Just stand there and cry," he commented sadly. She tiptoed being able to speak properly. "N-No," she let out a weak howl.
"Let him walk away." He continued pressing on like her conscience.
She was quiet for a moment as she sniffled the incoming angry hot tears.
"You didn't ask me to come with you with the promise of adventure," she said. "You asked me so I could fall in love with him. Change him." The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. She almost felt broken. A part of her shattering under the crushing cruel reality.
Iroh was silent for a moment.
"I thought he could change. That he would choose good. That he would choose you." He said, his voice soft.
Tsai nodded her head slightly, "Right…" She trailed off for a moment. "I have lost everything," she confessed. "My family, my brother, myself and most importantly my dream and for what?" She cried. Her voice louder angrier dripping with frustration.
"You have your own destiny to fulfil Tsai and it may or may not be alongside my nephew, but it you must keep fighting."
There was a heavy silence between them and Iroh lowered his head. Everything really was lost... It took her a moment for her tears to cease.
"You're right." She said determined. She rolled her eyes to look at Iroh who simply nodded at her, his eyes closed a faint smile on his face.
Feeling a sudden surge of inner empowerment and snapping out of her momentarily depression, a determined look blazed in her eyes. Iroh saw how she came back to life from her depressive wilt. She flashed a blade and began angrily chipping at the crystal that kept her prisoner. Some moments later she was free.
"Alright," she opened her palm stretching out her fingers they each let out a satisfying pop as she did. "Ready? Move aside," she said with a sly grin raising both of her hidden blades. Today they were going to take down the Fire Nation.
“Tsai,” Iroh said her name sagely. “After you free me… I’m afraid I still have to ask more from you.”
Iroh reached a clearing which was destroyed. Shards of crystal, rock, water and rock and other debris coated the clearing. At the end of one side opposite to a stream right under a prison of gleaming crystals kneeled a defeated Katara. Her eyes reflected a broken soul as she held the Avatar's limp, pale body in her arms. Zuko and Azula rounded her as they got ready to strike without mercy.
Suddenly, a burst of orange fire flashed before them shielding Katara and Aang from Azula's fire blast. Katara, Zuko, and Azula all turned to stare in surprise as Iroh leapt off a ledge on the chamber's wall, landing in front of the Avatar protectively.
"You've got to get out of here!" Iroh shouted at Katara who was struggling to carry Aang to the waterfall, "I'll hold them off as long as I can!"
"Very moving uncle," Azula said mockingly. "And your accomplice?" She looked around and did not realize the girl from the colonies was standing so close to her. Right in between the two siblings.
“Right here.” She said darkly.
The siblings turned to face her, ready to attack. Her blades gleaming in the dim light reflecting off the crystals. Her eyes were swollen from crying and angry as she instead ran forwards towards the Dragon of the West. Behind them Katara carrying the Avatar in her arms climbed the waterfall in a body of water in an attempt to escape.
Zuko’s jaw loosened when he saw her raise a blade at his uncle
“Go get her!” She cried out as she dodged a fire ball Iroh shot in her direction and ducked before sliding across the floor cooly and easily reaching her target.
Zuko’s eyes went wide when she grasped Iroh’s robe in a tight fist and brought the sharp blade to his neck. His Uncle opened his mouth and breathed a fierce stream of flames out from his mouth. Azula noted how she shiftily kicked one of his feet from underneath and using her weight pushed against his opposite shoulder while somehow ungracefully dodging the flames making the man quickly collapse on his back.
She had him pinned to the ground a foot stepping on his chest a sharp blade tightly pressed underneath his fat chin.
The Avatar had gotten away.
“Traitor!” She let out a heart splitting roar. Her shout echoing and resounding the nooks of the Crystal Cave. Her breathing hard as she painfully heaved over the older man. Her bottom lip trembled as a lost tear slid down the bridge of her nose. The pain almost too unbearable. Her hand holding the shaky blade trembling slightly.
She was hurt. His eyes were cold as they looked into her dark ones. Tears threated to once again spill from the windows of her soul.
“What are you doing?” Azula laughed cruelly.
“M-My best…” Tsai said in a whisper more to herself eyes wide in disbelief at what she was about to do. It took her a moment to compose herself before she stepped off the man’s large body.
“He’s a traitor!” She said louder finally turning to look at the Fire Nation siblings. Azula suddenly began to laugh and clapped her hands. “Very, very dramatic.” She said with humor.
“He’s a traitor to our Nation and must be punished!” Tsai spoke through a strained breath.
“And so are you.” Azula snapped her fingers and both Iroh and Tsai were once again encased in two giant crystals prisoners of the Fire Nation. Iroh surrendered with honor lowering his hands while Tsai struggled.
Zuko’s eyes darted from Iroh to Tsai in shocking disbelief. Iroh had his eyes closed and turned his head away from his nephew. The red head did the same not wanting to meet his perturbing gaze.
"We've done it, Zuko." Azula said gleefully as she plopped herself done on the Earth Kingdom throne, Zuko standing quietly to her left, "It's taken a hundred years, but the Fire Nation has finally conquered Ba Sing Se.”
"I betrayed Uncle ..." Zuko commented quietly as he stared at the ground blankly. "And Tsai…" he said a little more quietly to himself. He was… confused.
Her actions. It didn't seem like her. It went against everything she stood for.
The way she threw herself and attacked his uncle like some wild animal. He still found it hard to believe.
It wasn't her. Something wasn't right…
His heart clenched in pain when he remembered the pained look in her eyes as she stared him with a ghostly expression on her face.
"No, he betrayed you." Azula replied coolly as she stood and she turned to look at her brother, "Zuko, when you return home, Father will welcome you as a war hero."
"But I don't have the Avatar." Zuko stated in confusion and he glanced at his sister skeptically, "What if Father doesn't restore my honor?"
"He doesn't need to, Zuko." Azula said in almost nice tone and she put her hand on Zuko's shoulder, "Today, you restored your own honor."
Zuko looked away from her, his lips pursed with uncertainty.
"So," Azula said suddenly intrigued. "Your girlfriend-" She began.
"She's not my girlfriend." Zuko growled out through gritted teeth. At least not anymore. At least not after that fight… That betrayal.
Azula chuckled being the vile creature she was. "The way she came after Uncle. I really thought the fat man was done for."
Zuko remained silent. He didn't want to see her. He didn't even want to think about her.
"So what's her deal? Did she follow you around like a lost puppy from her pitiful colonial life? Hm?" Azula continued to press that hot red button.
"…Yeah," Zuko agreed after a moment. Half of him agreed in anger. The other half lied through his teeth. Despite their fight - he couldn't let Azula hurt her.
It was best to have her believe whatever she wanted.
"Pathetic." Azula scoffed cruelly.
Again, he responded with a heavy silence.
"At least she's got a good head. For a time, there I had her pegged as a traitor, just like uncle."
He'd had heard enough. It made him sick. His stomach twisted with ill feelings before dramatically storming off.
The two most infamous traitors to the Fire Nation were being kept in separate cells in the Fire Nation's Royal Navy ship. Both of their hands and feet had been cuffed with Earth cuffs and Tsai's hidden blades had been taken away from her making her feel more naked and vulnerable than ever.
Because of this she kept her body pressed against one of the prison's walls making herself small. She knew that Iroh was doing the same on the other side.
Neither had said much throughout the entire night.
"Iroh?" Tsai suddenly asked.
She kept on replaying the events of the day in her head. Today had started as such a perfect day and had now ended… well like this… She didn't think she could reach an even lower, rockier bottom. “Are you sure what we did… Do you think we made the right decision?” She asked hesitation in her voice.
She remembered the little plan they had crafted in the spur of the moment.
She raised an eyebrow, half not paying attention as she chipped away in an attempt to liberate his body from the crystal prison.
“I’m going to ask you to betray me.” He said ominously.
“What?” She questioned an aghast expression of disbelief on her face.
Iroh was suddenly free from the crystals and calmly stepped out. She looked beyond confused and he pulled out a white Pai Sho chip from the inside of his sleeve. Suddenly it felt like they hadn’t played in ages. She took her hand and placed it inside of her palm wrapping her fingers around it. It was the White Lotus, one of the rarest chips in the game of Pai Sho. A strong game chip that could change the entire outcome of any game if played well.
“I need you to return to the Fire Nation…”
“What?” Somehow, she hadn’t been able to wrap her mind around the idea. Part of her felt as if she was hallucinating. Her mind and heart racing. This went against everything she stood for now. All of her growth, everything she had learned about the vile origins and horrible crimes that her people had done. How could she return back to that? She also doubted that they would receive her with open arms.
“What-but- how- I… I don’t want to!” She cried out and suddenly felt like a very small child. “I don’t want to!” She protested in a childlike matter. “I give up! I’ve lost everything already!” The hot rivers of tears began to once again spill down her face.
Breaking him out of a crystal prison was one thing but this-
"I-I can't do it," she spoke, her voice cracking.
“You have nothing to lose then…” he said sternly with a serious expression on his face. One that made her feel as if she had no choice.
“Do you want them to win?” He leaned in.
“N-No,” she sobbed and began to aggressively wipe her tears again.
“Then listen carefully and do as I say…”
Iroh leaned in and together they concocted a plan to sabotage the Fire Nation. However, their meeting was interrupted by a horrifying scream echoed the chambers of the cave.
"That sounded like Katara!" She said and looked at Iroh with panic.
He gave her a knowing look and he sprinted out of the chamber leaving her truly alone.
“Tsai,” Iroh said ominously.
“There’s something else you should know.” He said quietly.
Again, he was silent for a moment. She heard him open his mouth and croak out two simple words.
"Your hair..."
xxxx AN: Wow.... This was more painful than I expected 🥺😭 I’ll admit I debated whether Tsai should runaway with Team Avatar and go rouge but it was too predictable. I also considered making her turn evil but it goes against all of her growth so- here we are. We have a spy amongst our hands. Things should be interesting... 👀
FIRST https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/621142853126602752/sunburn-prince-zuko-1
NEXT https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/621569264636362752/sunburn-prince-zuko-21
PREV https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/621326239834275840/sunburn-prince-zuko-19
62 notes · View notes
mercurryblack · 4 years
Chapter 8: Rosario
A certain Garland girl spends a peaceful evening with LLAC’s leader.
“You’re late, chica.”
Rosario Garland had never been the kind of girl to make others wait. She may not have been perfect, but she prided herself on making sure that she was at least fifteen minutes early when she was meeting with anyone, regardless of the importance of their meeting.
The girl was patient if nothing else, and that trait had proved itself invaluable when she started dating Lillian, who was also an early bird. It had come to the point where it had become a friendly competition— whoever was the last to arrive would pick up a check, and vice versa.
Not that it really mattered, however— she couldn’t recall the last time she had lost to Lillian.
“Of course you’re here already. Why is it that you always come first?” Lillian said, greeted her girlfriend with a side hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Would you prefer it if I came last?” grinned Rosario, nuzzling up to her.
Lillian shrugged. “You know, sometimes I wouldn’t mind if— wait.”
Rosario’s grin widened. “Heh. Gotcha again, Lilly.”
“Okay, I set myself up for that one.” Lillian sighed, her cheeks turning pink as she understood the entendre. Pretending that she wasn’t caught off guard, she coughed loudly and continued. “So, what have you been up to these past few days, Rosa?”
Rosario let out a long breath as she answered. “Ohhhhh, y’know, the usual. I’ve been helping my parents with th’ Dulcinea in my downtime, and making sure Sirocco and Socorro stay out of my room. School’s been drop-dead boring, though. Pbbbllltt.” She blew a noisy raspberry. “I shoulda become a Huntress like Dad used to be.” 
Lillian nodded, as the two started to walk. “It’s got its ups and downs. How’s the restaurant doing, anyhow?”
“Pretty well. We got flatscreens installed, so with the Festival upcoming, it’s reached the point where we don’t have to eat leftovers from the day’s menu any longer.” Rosario rolled her eyes. “I know it’s saving Lien, but papa’s got a butt-load of dosh saved up from old contracts. You think he’d be less of a tightwad.”
“Eh, it’s practical. Huntsman mindset and all that.” Lillian shrugged. After a moment, she smirked and gently elbowed Rosario. “Maybe your folks should’ve invested in a McGarland’s franchise instead.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Rosario scoffed, shaking her head. Her brown hair swayed across her shoulders. “Y’know, I asked mamá about doing that a while back, and she said that— word for word— ‘she’d sooner shove her head in a boiling fry vat than ever involve herself with her shit-eating malaka of an idiot brother ever again.’”
Lillian nodded, humming pensively. “This ‘idiot brother’… the same one who tried to take her as his wife? Helios something-or-other?” She asked.
“Apollo, actually, and yeah.” Rosario replied. “I never actually met the guy, don’t really want to. All I know ‘bout it’s that papá found out and beat him up in some ritual fight, and won the right to marry mamá, and they eloped to Mistral City and lived happily ever after, blah blah blah. Just the same story they tell me on every single anniversary of theirs.”
“You swamp clans are a laugh a minute, aren’t you?” Lillian remarked dryly.
“Tell me about it. I’ll take the Dulcinea over being sent away to Laurelboros anyday.”
“If I get another break, I’ll try and pay you a visit over at your place. Who knows what my feminine charms could bring, hm?” Lillian half-jokingly suggested.
Rosario laughed. “Yeah, that’d be a hoot— see how many poor schmucks try and hit on the biggest lesbian in all of Mistral.” She said. “But enough about me, Lilly— what about you? Anything new in your life, my dear Huntress?” She asked, leaning her head sideways and curiously raising an eyebrow.
“It’s been… stressful. You heard about the whole SYBR case in the news, right?”
Rosario nodded. Days prior, the news of the two members’ deaths had flooded the news outlets. While the details of the case still remained confidential, the media hadn’t shied away from the gruesome way in which the murders had taken place. “Yeah, Dad was pretty shaken up about it. He used to be pretty close with Yaara and Berilo— well, all of them, really. They were in the same year, I think.” She bit her lower lip. “What about it?”
Lillian sighed. “Well, we’ve been assigned to help out with it.”
“Yeesh. How’s that going?” asked Rosario, wincing in surprise.
“Right now, the whole thing is shitty. It was done neatly, whoever did it made sure they weren’t leaving any clues.” Lillian pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.
“Ugh, we haven’t made any progress since the initial investigation. I feel like dead weight.”
Rosario affirmingly placed a hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder, giving it a gentle rub. “Hey, hey, don’t beat yourself up over it. I’m sure you and your compadres will find out who did it. Who knows? Maybe you just haven’t looked in the right place yet.”
Lillian turned to the Garland girl, her eyes half-lidded and her expression unamused. “Really. Not the right place. In the exact place where they were murdered, Rosario?”
“ … Okay, not my best moment of reassurance, but you know what I mean.” The Garland girl winced.
Lillian rolled her eyes. “Sure I do, cabeza hueca.”
Rosario glowered. “I may be stupid—”
“Yes.” Lillian cut her off, visibly holding back a laugh.
“This is you getting back at me for that “came last” bit, isn’t it?”
“Also yes.”
After twenty minutes’ worth of a pleasant stroll, the pair finally made it to the upper cliffs near the base of Haven Academy. It was mainly a residential area, but just behind the pagoda-style houses was a cozy picnic spot overlooking the mountain’s majestic waterfall. Only a select few were in the know, yet it was a popular dating spot among those few.
So it was just as well that they were here now, in the evening when nobody was about to interrupt them.
Lillian had thought it would be a good idea to bring Rosario to a place that wasn’t a restaurant. The Garland girl had more or less grown up in one, so a change of scenery was best for both of them. Undoing a backpack that Rosario had handed off to her earlier on, she tossed a blanket to Rosario, who spread it out on the grass while Lillian undid the cloth surrounding their meal’s basket.
The couple ate their food— a pair of bocata-style sandwiches the Garland had made herself— as they overlooked the city. It made each of them drift away from the issues in their minds; doubts, worries, and problems fading to the back as they took in the serene moment.
Naturally, Rosario figured it was a bit quiet.
“Uh…” She began, attempting to come up with an appropriate point for conversation. “So, Lilly, how’s your training going? The Vytal Festival’s coming up in a couple’a weeks after all, right?”
Lillian coughed on her bite of food. “Oh, yeah, right. Vytal.” She had almost forgotten about LLAC’s prior plans for the festival. For a second, it seemed like only yesterday that she and her team had been drilling for their matches.
“My cousin Robin— she’s in her second year, I think you’ve met— she’s popped around the shop once or twice while you were there. She’s entered her team already, says they really have a shot at the championship.” Rosario continued. “You could probably kick her butt, though.”
Lillian nodded. “I’ve run into her a couple of times. Her teammate… Kogane or something? She went and bought a couple of new Mistrali-styled uniforms for me and Am when we first arrived in Haven, after bawling us out for wearing what she called ‘unfashionable’ Atlesian outfits.” She huffed disparagingly. “Yeah, as if her three-inch heels are any kind of improvement over a tac suit, but whatever.”
She paused, taking a bite out of her sandwich. “Oh, and just so you know, I could kick your cousin’s butt. No sweat. But I doubt it’d happen anyways.”
“Whff’a maffr? Iff’ere—mllpp— s’there a problem?” Rosario asked, swallowing a particularly large bite as she turned to Lillian.
“No… it’s just that I think it’ll be much better for LLAC to not participate in the festival altogether. We promised to help Detective Yuen with solving the SYBR case.” She pursed her lips. “So I think it’s safe to say that we’re not going to be fighting anytime soon.”
Rosario threw her arms up, stunned. “Not going to fight? Are you shitting me? I’ve seen you guys throw down in exhibitions, remember— between that goth’s agility, your sister’s durability, the hat kid’s unpredictability, and your strength, you’re totally fit to win it! You’re one of the best fighters I know, amiguita, no way are they gonna keep you from the Festival!”
Lillian rolled her eyes. “Well, be that as it may, it still won’t change the fact that we’re busy with the murder investigation, and this year’s festival is being hosted in Vale. It’s too far away, no way are we going to get a pass from Detective Yuen to compete.” She replied.
“Man.” Rosario muttered, shaking her head. “That just ain’t right. You talked to the rest of the team about this yet?”
“Not yet, no, but I figured I’d tell them tomorrow. If they agree with me, I’ll talk to Professor Lionheart about withdrawing from the tournament.” She scratched the back of her neck. “And if they don’t… well, I’ll figure something out. But that’s not important right this minute.”
However, the nagging thought of how her teammates might not agree to her proposition stayed in the back of Lillian’s mind. Either way, she was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Seeing the girl’s troubled expression, Rosario leaned in to rest against the crook of Lillian’s neck. “Okay, I get it. Enough serious talk.” She said, before turning her attention again to the view from the mountaintop.
“I never realized how pretty it is when you get just a little higher up.” 
She lived in the area just underneath the cliffs, and had little business anywhere higher, so she’d never paid much consideration to coming to the summit before. Now that she did, she was slightly awestruck by how small Mistral City looked from up on high.
“It’s even prettier when you see it all the way up, right from the academy grounds.” Lillian said, her voice calm.
“Lucky. Means you get to take it in all the time.”
“Well, after a few years there, you’ll get tired of the view and much rather be down in the city proper.” Lillian shifted her shoulder. “But do you want to know about the one view I’ll never get tired of?”
“Sure. Where’s that?” Rosario asked, looking up to face her.
“Here,” Lillian gently placed her hand atop Rosario’s own and stared at the city below them, before turning her gaze to her girlfriend. “Right beside you, Rosa.”
After a moment’s pause, Rosario pulled her beanie down and averted her gaze, trying to hide her suddenly flushed face. It was usually her who threw around corny romantic remarks and double entendres, but when Lillian said something to make her blush…
Well, she could dish it out, but she wasn’t very good at taking it.
“You have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen, you know that?” Lillian said, giving the Garland girl’s cheek a soft brush as she gazed into Rosario’s turquoise orbs.
“Yeah, and you have the cheesiest compliments.” Rosario replied, still blushing. “But thanks, I like yours too. They’re, uh…” She trailed off, too distracted by Lillian’s eye contact.
They lapsed back into silence, looking over the cityscape dotted by lights under a darkening evening sky.
“…Time like this, kinda makes you wish this moment could last forever, doesn’t it?” Rosario asked offhandedly.
“You mean, this moment with your hand on my abs?”
Rosario tilted her head downwards, and noticed that her left hand had indeed found its way onto Lillian’s stomach.
“...You mind?” She asked in a faux innocent tone, glancing back up.
“Hmf,” Lillian smiled, wrapping an arm around Rosario’s shoulder. “Not even a bit.”
Rosario grinned, slowly closing her eyes as she melted into the embrace. “Then, yeah… this is a moment I could live with.”
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - Hitch
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 17 | Part 18 Hitch | Part 19 >
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Disclaimer: sad fluff, some body insecurities
Author’s note: Can you tell it’s Monday? It’s Monday. Gosh I feel like I need a hug after writing this. 😭
Word count: 1.764
(Link to my Masterlist)
Dear readers,
Do you ever look in the mirror, just to study the way you are slowly changing? I don’t want to say older. Just, changing. My eyes are practically always the same shade of brown, like milk chocolate, and my hair is often an equally chocolaty mess, pulled up in a bun. And I like it like that, too. 
And then there is my skin. Sometimes pale like porcelain, sometimes sun kissed with a hundred small freckles, dusted over my cheeks and nose. I don’t understand why people wouldn’t like their freckles by the way. I absolutely love mine. Unfortunately now that winter has come, I mostly look tired. Thank heavens for concealer!
I wonder by the way if men also look at themselves in the mirror like that. Especially since it’s generally far less accepted and normalised for them to wear make-up, even if it is just a simple concealer.
Anyways. It’s winter and I look like a walking, talking zombie, my once fresh looking skin now showing some mean little creases and fine lines. Admittedly, I do sometimes rub my skin with a little bit of extra cream when I see those lines. Not that I am willing to invest in those luxury treatments or get my panties in a twist, but still. It does, in some way or form, influence the way you feel about yourself.
I embrace change, but today? I am most definitely wearing make-up. Thank you very much.
With the loudest of sighs I flung the refrigerator door closed, my shoulders slumping visibly as I plopped down on my chair at the dinner table, dinner long cleared away from the table but my parents still sitting there. 
My mom was the first to pick up on my sulking mood, her careful eyebrow raising up over her reading glasses as she put down her Swedish crossword, pen still in hand.
‘Looking for something?’ She asked casually.
‘No.’ I grumbled, looking over at dad who was still hiding himself behind a folded open newspaper. Mom sniffled and shook her head. ‘Then what is it, Ali dear?’
‘It’s just…’ My lip trembled - not even make-up could make me feel any better today. ‘..things are not working out like I want them to and..’ Sniff. ‘..it’s so frustrating.’
Slowly my dad lowered his newspaper. Usually it was my mom who dealt with any off-days on my end, which truly were sparingly. I didn’t really wish to share my troubles and thoughts with my parents too much, fearing they’d continue to see me as “their little girl”. I wasn’t a little girl for crying out loud. I was a grown woman of 37-years. I shouldn’t need my parents anymore, right?
‘Is this about eh..’ My dad started, squinting his eyes as if looking for any signs that I would go for his jugular right here and now. I didn’t. ‘..eh..Henry?’ He swallowed as I started to cry, shaking my head no.
Mom quickly moved aside her crossword and pen, reaching out her arms to smooth her warm palms over my shoulders. Even through the tight knit of my dark grey sweater I could feel the soothing calm of her touch. ‘What’s the matter baby? Tell us.’
‘UGH..it’s just.’ I sniffled and angrily wiped a few rogue tears away. ‘I..ugh..this feels so stupid. I just thought I had found a place of my own. I’ve been looking at some apartments..and..I thought I had found one. Ten minutes from here. Perfect. Finally. But..’ I furrowed my brows. ‘..I couldn’t get it. The owners chose someone else, despite me being first choice. I just got the news.’
Mom was quiet for a moment and dad swallowed harshly, the two of them deciding on how to go about it. I sniffled again and looked up. First at mom, then at dad, the both at them suddenly looking even older then I remembered them to be.
‘Oh..’ Mom finally exclaimed, seemingly relieved. ‘I thought it had to do with Henry. Woof! Thank god for that.’ She quickly pushed her chair closer to mine, wrapping a bony arm around my shoulder and pulling me in for a mom hug. ‘Come here.’ She hummed, squeezing me even tighter to her chest. ‘Hmmm! Well, you know you can stay here for as long as you want. We love having you here with us. Close to us. It gives our life a bit of…’ She leaned back and smiled, shrugging slightly. ‘..joie-de-vivre!’
I snickered, shaking my head in disbelief. ‘You could get a dog too, you know.’
‘Hahah oh we might, we might. We actually discussed it the other day. Would you like that, a dog?’ She asked at me, dad snuffing in amusement - either because he absolutely didn’t want a dog or because this whole shift of moods was amusing him.
‘That is yours to decide mom…dad.’ I gave him an exasperated look and he chuckled, quickly grabbing his newspaper again, hiding the cheeky grin that lingered on his lips.
‘But really, I am just glad that it’s not Henry. You and him are just such a fine couple together.’
‘Thanks mom.’ I smiled, wiping the last remains of my tears. I laughed. ‘I eh..actually confessed I love him the other day.’
‘OOOHHH.’ Mom near jumped with excitement and my dad quickly duck even further away behind his newspaper - he really felt uncomfortable with all this girl chat. Me and mom both grinned and before long we were deep in conversation about what had transpired between me and Henry the past few weeks. A talk that was long overdue honestly, because of course mom had HEARD  a gazillion things, but in her motherly role she had decided to wait for me to spill the beans.
Well. The beans were spilled. And I couldn’t be happier to hear how enthused and adoring my mom was about everything Henry concerned.
Henry carefully read the words on the screen of my phone, the both of us sitting on my parents couch, the rest of the house quiet as my parents were out. 
It was an e-mail I had received that afternoon. Bad news. Again. As if losing that house wasn’t enough, of course more shit had to happen. He slowly furrowed his brows as he licked his lips, scrolling back up - as if checking he didn’t miss anything in his careful read.
‘O..kay..’ He finally said slowly, sighing visibly. ‘Yea..’ I bit my lower lip and reached out for my phone, retrieving it from his hesitant fingers. ‘Are they even allowed to..’ He raised his eyebrows. ‘..make such a suggestion?’
‘I don’t know Hen. Ugh. What is it with this week?! I hate it. Two weeks ago it was all fine and now this? Please let it be over..’ I sulked, reopening the e-mail of the fertility clinic and giving it a once-over. Yep, there it was really in black and white; due to a rapidly growing waiting list they suggested that me and Henry would perhaps first check out “other means of fertilisation”, before enlisting for a sperm donor. Meaning, most probably and quite rudely; just forgo the condom and see where that takes you.
There went my plan B. My back-up plan. At least for another extra 6 months of extended waiting as they had simply pushed me back on the list now I had a “partner”. Could they do that? I don’t know, but it sure was a blow in the gut.
‘What would you do in this situation, Hen?’ I asked quietly, seeing him shift his weight to turn towards me. ‘Well, believe it or not. I think this is my situation too now.’ He swallowed and reached out for my hand, tentative fingertips stroking my palm.
‘True.’ I smiled with watery eyes.
We were after all a team now. Together. Boyfriend and girlfriend.
‘I eh..’ He shook his head. ‘Okay this is going to sound so stupid now, but I want to get it off my chest. Before I did the Durrell challenge, just really a few weeks before, I had a chat with a..’ He sighed. ‘..a woman who would wish to surrogate a ..-’
‘WHAT?!’ I sat up a bit and swatted his hand away.
‘No no..Ali. It..nothing happened. I just..’ He swallowed awkwardly. ‘I guess I just started my very own path in trying to become a father. It’s a thing that’s been on my mind for a long time now. I want it. Though it immediately became clear after that conversation with that woman that I could not do it like that.’ His eyes searched mine, hoping I would not hate him for it, understand him.
I sighed. ’Gosh..I thought you were going to say you had like a kid on the way and..-’
‘Ali.’ He grabbed my wrist and looked me even deeper in the eyes. ‘There is nobody else. There is no kid on the way. It’s just you and I.’ - ‘Okay.’ I quietly nodded and swam through the depths of his stormy blue eyes. I near drowned in them. 
‘So, you want to be a dad, hmm?’ A tear rolled down my cheek before I could stop it and Henry’s eyes instantly tracked it as it moved over my cold skin. With a tender finger he brushed it off, his lips curling in a sad smile. ‘Badly.’ He swallowed harshly.
He suddenly looked so fragile, like I could see right through those big bulking muscles and handsome features and see within, see the most deep and hidden away piece of Henry that I had ever gotten to see. 
With pensive blue eyes he was looking down, his hand re-interlocking with mine, his other hand now aimlessly hanging by his waist. He looked a bit forlorn, lost at the sea that I had found in his cerulean gaze.
The sea that was Henry. Sometimes calm and soothing, something strong and unbending. 
A sea that wanted what I wanted. Badly. 
Without words I crawled over to him, using whatever strength I had to pull him into my chest, his head resting in the crook of my neck and his breath slightly shallow. He was such a large man that it was hard to actually make him surrender and lean into me. Usually he was the one who was to protect and be strong. Now it was the other way around. Sighing harshly he finally gave in, his nose sniffing as his arms slowly folded around my waist.
‘All I learned is that I don’t want to do it alone.’ He finally gulped, softly.
I closed my eyes and let a hand roam over the soft material of his sand coloured cable knit sweater. Poor bear. My poor bear. I nodded.
‘Neither do I, Hen. Neither do I.’ I pushed my nose in his neck and whispered into his skin: ‘And I think you are going to be an absolutely great dad.’
He swallowed back a cry.
‘In fact I KNOW it is so.’ I smiled, pressing up a number of kisses on his skin until I reached his lips. ‘And all other things are just a hitch, a hiccup. What I really, really need.. is.. you. Let’s..let’s make this work.’ I sniffled. 
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​ @madbaddic7ed​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​ @misslalaland-blog-blog​ @ilieherecharmed-fics2readnrec​ @michelehansel​ @henryfanfics101​
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kunderdogs · 4 years
Take A Chance IV
Simon Dominic (AOMG) x Y/N (Reader) Genre: Romance / Angst Count: 2.4k+ Warnings: None Rating: Mature (suggestive, swearing) Summary: Who would’ve thought a one night stand with Simon D would turn into FWB? It only gets more complicated when you developed feelings, against your better judgement.
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Chapter One. | Chapter Two. | Chapter Three. | Chapter Four. | Chapter Five. | Chapter Six. | Chapter Seven. |
Over the course of two weeks, you and Kiseok had a pretty good routine going on. He didn't come over every night, more like every other but he called and texted you nearly every chance he got.
At first you didn't think anything of it. He would ask you how your day was, if you ate and how you were feeling. Nothing crazy or out of pocket. It was innocent most of the time, and usually followed up by making plans to see you later on.
There was nothing you could do to stop your heart from bursting out of your chest each time you heard a small chime. Nicole had glared at you once when you two were on lunch and you scrambled over the table to reach your phone.
"Is that Lover Boy?" She teased. You were thankful that, out of all the nicknames she could've used - and she had a lot of them -, lover boy was the one she had stuck with. For now.
"What?" You feigned ignorance, "I have no idea what you're talking about. That's...Amazon. My package was delivered."
She smirked, sipping her iced tea, "I'm sure it was."
After a few days, Kiseok's texts became a little more...risky. You had no problem with sexting. When in the right setting, it was hot but he would send you wild shit while you're in the middle of a meeting, or when you're trying to finish up the last of your work before heading to see him. Usually you could play it off then retreat to the bathroom to respond but when he sent a voice recording of that damned deep voice of his, you stood from your desk and went to the stairs corridor to call and cuss him out for getting you bothered at eleven in the morning. You promised punishment as soon as you were off and Kiseok was, to say the least, intrigued. That night he was stunned at how different you could be if he gave you the reigns. Days after that, he still catches himself staring after you with amazement.
From that point on, he pretty much figured out that he could make you do nearly anything with a certain voice. It was a dangerous game that you two played. It only escalated when he coaxed you to touch yourself in the private bathroom at your company with him on FaceTime. You were lucky that you had finished in record-breaking time, before any of your coworkers (or God forbid, your boss) found out what exactly you were doing.
By the time the third week rolled around, Nicole had stopped hounding you for details of your hookups. Instead, she cautioned every now again. Typically, it was the same thing.
"Don't get too attached."
"He's a celebrity. You know how society is to foreigners dating celebs."
"What if he's a player? I just don't want you to get hurt."
While you appreciated her concern, you knew it was already too late not to get attached to him. Other than text you constantly, Kiseok did little things that had your head and heart confused.
On his bad days, he would complain to you about what happened and asked for your advice, if you had any to give, on the topic. He joked and teased you just like a friend would and willingly showed you pieces of his personal and work life as well. It was subtle at first - videos of him in the studio and then pictures of his friends when he was telling you a story about them. Each time, he would bring you food or have something delivered so you both got to learn each other's eating and drinking habits. You had seen him tipsy but he made it a point not to over do it in front of you.
Kiseok was also very considerate of you and your time, which you appreciated more than anything else. He didn't hound you if you didn't text back immediately and understood if you were swamped at the office or had to cancel that one time because the work would not be done until late in the night. He just told you to take care of yourself and later, had a pizza ordered to your job. It was around that time that you noticed you were falling a little too fast. You hadn’t admitted it out-loud, instead you chose to ignore those feelings completely. Hopefully, they would magically disappear into thin air.
You both didn't get into intimate details of your life. It was only by a weird stroke of luck that he hadn't found out about Cookie. She usually called right after you got off work anyway. Kiseok was busy during the day so when you went out to meet with your daughter and her father on your off days, he was in the middle of his own jam-packed schedule. Really, he was only available during the night time so you were more of a booty call than a FWB at this point. Neither of you had defined the "relationship" so far though, so it was hard to put a name to it right now.
It was Saturday when you woke up early and got dressed in casual clothes to go with Cookie to the zoo. Her, her father and his girlfriend were flying back to the US tonight so they wanted to do one last thing to fill the hours before the boring plane ride. You had cried last night as you thought of being without your mini-me for two whole months but his family hadn't seen her since she was much younger. You knew she would have fun, especially since his parents were dying to take her to Disneyland. You wished you could take an extended vacation and go with them but you had used most of your vacation days to take Cookie to Disney World for her birthday and that was only a couple of months ago.
Either way, you were sadder these past two days and thankfully Kiseok was swamped with an upcoming project so he hadn't been over in about four days. You didn't have to explain your blood-shot eyes.
You had so much fun at the zoo with your daughter that you didn't bother touching your phone. Your ex had taken most of the pictures for you all with promises to send them to you. It was around two in the afternoon when you four decided to go to a nearby burger joint and get some lunch. Cookie was shoving her face with chicken tenders so you decided to check your phone to pass the time. There were a few new gray message bubbles.
'Hey sexy thang ;)' 10:09AM
'This song better go double platinum with all the work I'm puttin in this bitch' 11:32AM
'Don't tell me you're asleep still?' 11:38AM
'I'm going to find a way to get your sexy ass as a video vixen one of these days' 11:47AM
'Argggh PD is calling me back. Text me when you wake up' 11:51AM
'We should be done by 2. Loco is taking me to some new place for food then I'm free. Can I swing by your place?' 11:52AM
Of course they were all from Kiseok. Not even your mother texted you as much as he did and although you liked the attention, right now you wanted to focus on Cookie since you won't physically see her for weeks after this. You frowned to yourself, feeling tears well up in your eyes for the millionth time today. You were going to miss her so much.
Composing yourself, you quickly typed a reply back. 'Hey. I'm up, just a little busy today. I won't be able to see you tonight. Maybe tomorrow if you're free?' 2:16PM
With that, you locked your phone and slid it in your pocket, once again forgetting about it soon after.
Your ex's girlfriend, Mia, nudged you slightly when she saw how pensive you were. "Hey, you okay? Was that work?"
Shaking your head, you took a breath, "No, I'm just gonna miss having my best friend around."
Cookie popped up, french fries sticking out of her mouth, "I'm gonna miss you too, mommy!" Her curly hair was pulled into two pony-tails, coils springing happily as she devoured the food in record-breaking time. "Don't cry! I'll make daddy buy you a Tiana dress so we can match!"
You laughed at the sight, tears pooling in your eyes again as her father pouted. "Ok, sweetie, I'd love to match with you."
About thirty minutes later, you all were getting ready to leave when Mia said she'd swing by and grab the rental car from the parking lot. They had to go to back to their hotel to pack. You all said your goodbyes, tears flowing freely between you and Mia. Cookie looked concerned for you as she wiped your tears, kissing your cheeks to reassure you.
Your ex hugged you and thanked you again, his eyes sparkling with happiness to have his precious daughter with him. You wished you could go with them once again as you watched their car drive off.
Back at home, you were greeted with a depressingly quiet apartment. It was cold and dark, something that was going to be a common occurrence for the coming weeks. Sniffling, you made your way to Cookie’s room, scanning her pink room with a blurring gaze. You were slowly walking around the room when you felt your phone ring.
It was Mia.
"Hello?" You called, wondering what could've happened in the last hour since you parted ways.
"Hey, Y/N, Cookie is freaking out because her father forgot to ask you to bring her Peach doll," Mia nearly shouted over the distraught crying in the background. You could hear your ex trying to console Cookie, to no avail. "Can you meet us at the airport with it?"
Searching the room, you spotted the Princess Peach doll on her bed and nearly sprinted out of the door. "I got it. When is your flight again?"
"Boarding is in another hour and a half."
Shit. You scrambled to snatch your keys and shoved the doll in your purse. "Okay, I'll leave now and meet you at departures, okay? Tell Cookie mommy's on the way."
You hung up and made a mad dash down to the parking garage. The airport was about a forty-five minute drive from your place, not including traffic or any other delays like the predictable Seoul rush hour.
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At his own apartment, Simon was lounging on his couch, laptop on his chest as he worked. Loco was right next to him, on Face Time with the one and only Jay Park as he was at the airport.
"Have a safe flight," Loco was saying before Kiseok slid shoulder-to-shoulder with him.
"Get there and back in once piece, boss," the oldest one teased and Jay laughed. Unfortunately, he was distracted a little too long because he suddenly collided into a woman. The phone fell, face up and there were suddenly two faces on the screen.
His body guards reacted immediately and made sure the two were alright. Mildly interested, the two on the other side of the line watched on.
"I-I'm so sorry, oh God, I'm just in a rush." The woman's voice was so eerily familiar to Kiseok that he took a second to strain to hear it over the airport commotion.
Jay was off to the side, picking up his passport and other belongings that fell. "Nah, it's alright. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, thank you. Again, I'm so sorry I wasn’t- Is this your phone?"
Without further ado, the woman picked up Jay's phone, and Kiseok felt his eyes bulge out of his skull when her face came into view.
What was Y/N doing in the airport? Loco didn't notice the other's tense reaction and simply waved at the stranger. You didn't seem to glance at the screen, yet they could easily notice your tear-stained cheeks, and just passed it back to the owner.
Over Jay reassuring her that it was fine for the third time, a loud and very male voice yelled. "Y/N! There you are!"
With another apology, you left the frame and turned towards the male voice. Jay watched the interaction for a second before continuing on his way, which was conveniently right past you. Loco was talking to the CEO like that didn't just happen when Kiseok saw you in the frame again. He was positive it was you this time around.
You wore that over-sized gray sweater that he thought was so cute on you, hair tied messily and hugging a handsome foreigner tightly. He pulled back from the hug and pushed back some pieces of your hair from your face before smiling, his lips moving. Staring up to him, you nodded, wiping your face with your sleeves. He brought you back to his chest, arms around your shoulders.
Involuntarily, Kiseok felt his jaw clench at the display of affection. His eyes tore from the phone quicker than he meant to, causing his junior to stare at him in confusion.
For the rest of the night, Loco was warily watching as the older man was fuming next to him. There was hardly any movement from his part and he was sure he was in a coma until Simon wiped out his phone, tapping it a few times before pressing it to his ear.
“Nayoung? It’s been a while. Are you free right now?”
Almost choking on his coke, Hyukwoo coughed. Why was Kiseok calling her, of all people? Once the call wrapped up, he nervously voiced his concern, “Hyung...Why are you calling her at this hour..?”
He didn’t get an immediate response, instead, Kiseok stood and glared with the power of a thousand suns at the TV in front of them.
“Am I not single? Can I not do what I want, with whoever I want, too?”
Without any further explanation, he stormed out of the apartment all together.
Hyukwoo stared after the front door in confusion. “Too?”
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yagirleddie · 4 years
the agency (1)
~min yoongi x reader
~summary: what happens when you have to leave the best two years of your life behind and hand the rest of it over to a corporation that turned you into a living weapon ? what happens when years later memories of an unknown life materialize out of nowhere and change everything you thought was real ?
~warnings: idk, give it a read ig 
Getting close to the apartment now, you feel the nerves almost twice as much as what it was on the subway from work. The adrenaline has long worn off but the panic and anxiety lingered around your bones as you recalled the phone call from earlier.
“Are you sure there’s no other way? Cant the extraction wait?”
Your voice wavered only slightly before hiding the cough making its way up your throat. The smell of the approaching Doom’s Day seemed to only have an effect on you as unsuspecting civilians littered the pavements alongside you. A couple bumping into you without as much as an acknowledgment or an apology. Figures.
“It has to be today, agent. We agreed that we’d give you two years to live amongst these people in exchange for the rest of your life and your services.”
“I know but what about Yoongi. He’s the love of my life!! I can’t just up and leave, they’ll know something is up.” The frantic beats of your heart showed more in the trembles of your fingers than in your voice and for that you were thankful, however even you knew hiding anything from your boss was impossible.
The deadline of 9pm clouded your thoughts and you dreaded having to meet with your boyfriend of two years and his friends that have quickly become yours, knowing it would be the last time you’ll ever see them again.
Pulling out your keys to the apartment, you take note of the splintered wood of the closed door as it will most likely be the last time standing in front of it. With shaky hands, you manage to open the door and dejectedly walk through, placing your work bag on the floor and your keys in the ceramic bowl under the standard ‘LIVE LOVE LAUGH’ poster that Yoongi bought you as a gag gift for your birthday last year.
A deep voice belonging to none other than Taehyung, Yoongi’s old flatmate before moving in with you. His black hair was curled this evening, boxy smile hidden under the cool grey fabric of his most prized hoodie. The front had the signatures of all his friends on it and the shiny silver print of yours and Yoongi’s handwriting on the back. The print reminding you of your questioning glance of why there was only two and met with the “its reserved for my favourite couples,” as his answer.
“Guess who I found lost in her pretty little head?!!”
A chorus of your name being called and their confessions of missing you brought you out of your head as a hand pushed you further into the open plan living room to stand behind the black couch.
“Fucking finally!”
“You know how long we had to wait for you?!”
“Jin hyung kept complaining about you being late!”
“Did you just call my girlfriend pretty?”
There it is. The voice you’re gonna miss so much. His deep melodic drawl still made butterflies erupt in your stomach, even almost two years after your first meeting. The gleam in his eyes when he looks at you is still evident despite being covered by the jet black strands that fall into his face, matching the all black outfit that consisted of a hoodie and sweats. He looked comfortable and all you wanted to do was snuggle against his chest and fall asleep to the rhythm that was his heart and forget that in 3 or so hours you’d have to leave.
“Hey Yoongs,” you sigh lovingly into his gesture of affection, his lips cold yet so inviting, “how’re the kids doing?”
You lean over the couch to ruffle your hands through the half-red-half-blonde hair of the youngest of Yoongi’s friends and stupidly laugh through a greeting with him. Jungkook’s doe eyes closing slightly due to his bunny teeth taking up the bottom half of his face and the dimples in his visible cheek. He shared that with his older brother, the grey haired man that sat across from Taehyung with his legs folded under him. Another person you’ll miss.
Yoongi pulls you into another embrace and patiently waits for you to wrap your arms around him. He’s a good head taller than you making your position comfortable enough to rest his chin on your head. He mumbles into your neck about Jin- the oldest and resident mother of the group- needing your opinion on the food he’s made and whether or not you’d fight his case when he’s put on trial for murdering Jimin and Hobi for being absolutely useless in the kitchen.
A breathy laugh escapes you before diving in for another soft kiss from Yoongi and whispering an ‘I love you’ in his ear. You lock eyes and you pray that he doesn’t see the sad and regretful yearning that possibly shows on your face before walking towards the kitchen with a sigh.
The kitchen is bustling with the movement of Seokjin putting together a salad while playfully berating his dongsaengs for picking the toppings off the freshly decorated cake sitting on the island’s marble countertop, courtesy of the rich bastards leaning on it. A “pre-wedding gift” they called it. If only you’d ever reach that point in your relationship.
The shorter of the two-Jimin-bounds over to you with open arms and a charming eye smile that made it hard not to smile back. His gentle laughter forced its way through your ears as his chin hit your shoulder and you wonder what you did in your past life to deserve feeling such heavy guilt in your stomach for what you’d inevitably have to do later. Surely you kicked a puppy or some shit because fuck if leaving them wasn’t going to be the most painful thing you’ve ever done.
Jimin’s short arms are replaced with the strong ones of your boyfriend, immediately recognizing it was him due to the mint and sandalwood essence of the scent that was Yoongi. His arms shook with the force of his usually silent laugh brought out of him by the shenanigans of the elder and the two men still eating away at the almost naked cake.
Hobi, the red head, and resident sunshine of the group only briefly greeted you before apologising to Jin for the cake and offering to redecorate it. His smile never leaving his face which only added to the fun atmosphere of the simplistic design of the black and white kitchen. Looking around one last time, Yoongi again notices that same forlorn look in your eye from earlier and hesitates to question it before you excuse yourself from the kitchen to “wash up and get comfortable".
Yoongi turns to Jin after watching you retreat to your shared bedroom, and asks if he thinks you’re acting weird, to which he only responds with a distracted “huh” before moving to the apartment’s very spacious balcony to neatly set out the dishes that he slaved over for majority of the afternoon
Namjoon watches Yoongi take a seat next to him with a pensive look on his face and index finger pawing away at the skin on his pink lips. Jungkook mouths to Taehyung that, as quiet as Yoongi hyung is, he’s uncharacteristically more so than usual. Yoongi sighs audibly and slouches down so far on the couch that his cleanly shaved chin rests on his chest, bringing his left hand to push his hair off his forehead.
Taehyung senses the anxious atmosphere and pulls an irritated Jungkook (for not being able to “kill the son of a bitch who got his Widowmaker killed") to where Jin, Jimin and Hobi were occupying seats nearest to the edge of the balcony.
Taehyung turns back and sees Namjoon pat, the now upright, Yoongi's shoulder and moves around the couch to get to him. Namjoon takes in the questioning glance of the dark haired younger and hesitates before explaining that Yoongi thinks Y/N is acting weird.
Before Namjoon could say anything further he's interrupted by the call of your name and a plea from Jungkook to sit next to him.
“Noona!” Jungkook pouts while requesting that you sit next to him and not Jimin which made you smile before throwing an apologetic look towards the glaring blonde. Minutes later Yoongi takes a seat next to you and brings your hand out from under your bum to hold it in his. Your sweater paws no more as the matching black hoodie pools around the wrists that were covered with light scars that only Yoongi knew existed. He smiles in your direction which immediately lightens the weight in your chest, causing you to climb into his lap. His arms snake around your slim waist, never once letting go from your hand and brings his lips to your neck.
“I missed you, baby.” Yoongi whispers into the air between you and it takes all the self restraint in your body to not burst into tears because of the situation you found yourself in.
“You saw me this morning.” You laugh and Yoongi thinks the sound alone can cure cancer, with the way your eyes seemingly disappear into your head and occasionally hitch in frequency when you struggle to draw in a breath.
Suddenly with the way he’s looking at the endearing tint on your cheeks, he doesn’t notice when his hyung stands up to make a toast, only brought back to the present when he feels you tense in his arms when you look at the time on your phone. 7:58pm.
Looking at your phone to check the time only served as a heinous reminder of the fact that in an hour your little family will be no more. The look in your eye returns and before Yoongi could comment on it, Namjoon is urging him to stand and make a speech. He stares back dumbfounded before realizing that he’s been spaced out long enough to miss both Jin and the younger male to finish talking. Which must have been long because those two had a thing for the dramatics. Tapping your waist, you move to take back your seat next to Jungkook with your body facing Yoongi as he speaks.
“We all know today is the two year mark of Y/N officially being welcomed into our family…”
Your boyfriend continues to drawl through his speech but you’re lost on the fact that it really has been two years since you met them. Back when the city was still new to you and your anticipation of civilian life was exciting. So exciting that even while finalizing the two year deal with your agency, you overlooked many of the EXTRACTION details in favour of dreaming about falling in love and starting fresh. However you didn’t take into account that leaving this life behind will hurt like hell.
“I’m excited for what the future has in store for us Jagiya but for now the only future I want to think about is our two year anniversary next week.”
The boys don’t notice your sudden quietness throughout the dinner and even if they did, they don’t comment on it. They collectively chalk it up to post work exhaustion which pulled a smile from you at their business-like discussion on your apparent exhaustion.
Namjoon and Seokjin call your name from across the table to decide their win on their discussion when a series of ear shattering explosions cut the joyful dining experience in half. In a curious and frightened panic, the boys look around and freeze at the sight of flickers of light in the near distance.
Taking their frozen stances as an opportunity you check your phone. 9:00 pm. Your hands shake and you will yourself to slip away from the 6 distracted men and unsuspecting boyfriend. Looking back you see both Jin and Yoongi ask Jungkook if he’s alright, along with the fake maknaes and getting scared “I’m fine hyungs" as a response.
Turning your back on them you don’t see Yoongi blindly reach out behind him to check if you’re alright and you don’t see him turn around in confusion.
Your throat burns with the effort it takes not to cry or call out to your friends and boyfriend and instead sucking in a breath, harshly swallowing the pains of heartbreak threatening to make your knees buckle. You dash to the front door to uncover your belongings and in a quick fashion pull out the 7 letters you wrote for your boys.
Whispering a quick sorry to no one in particular you push your way out the threshold of what once was your home, eyes filled to the brim with the painful tears of the situation. In your haste to leave you don’t notice the confused and betrayed pair of eyes standing with his back to your large Black TV, silently watching you through the mirror hanging off to the side at an angle that caught your hurried exit.
Voices fill the air with concern and panic as the boys on the balcony realise the absence of the second oldest's girlfriend. Jungkook wipes his face with the back of his hand and Jimin pulls out his phone to call you. Taehyung is off somewhere searching the house for you and Yoongi is frustratedly carding his hands through the roots of his hair.
Silence ensues as the ringing of a phone sends everyone into search mode. Jimin finds it first and the boys watch your screen light up with a picture of you and Yoongi from 6 months ago. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook are playing soccer in the background while slightly to the left sits a bored Namjoon with his hands under his head and a sleeping Seokjin on his stomach. Hobi sits behind Namjoon, eating what’s left of the pineapple that you packed for that day.
Yoongi remembers that day well, especially because it was supposed to be a romantic date with just you two but ended up being a family picnic with you and the boys.
What scared him most was the loud and obnoxiously red notification that ripped through the air with its arrival, sending the once worried group of 7 into panic stricken fear and confusion.
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eurynome827 · 6 years
Quoting Shakespeare
A Drabble for the HBC!
Inspired by @cchellacat (thank you for looking this over and your always kind words!) @buckmesideways22 and @book-dragon-13 and our discussion on this post:
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By @sebastivnstan and @codename-widow
18+ for alcohol consumption, dirty talk, and excessive longing 😏
"I can't believe you've never heard of this," you said, shaking your head as you pulled the text of the poster up on Google. "If you cannot understand my argument, and declare ``It's Greek to me'', you are quoting Shakespeare; if you claim to be more sinned against than sinning, you are quoting Shakespeare;"
You continued to read aloud until Sebastian took your phone and finished reading the text himself silently as you finished off the last of your margarita. Looking around at the rest of your friends, you grinned as your buzz began to settle nicely around your edges. The six of you had been friends since college, stayed close, and made it a priority to take an annual trip together. Somewhere warm with lots of activities and cocktails was the norm, and this year was no exception. 
Your four friends were coupled off, so explaining this trip to significant others was usually difficult and annoying for you and Sebastian. This time both of you were single. No clingy girlfriend calling him all day wondering what was going on, and no aggravating boyfriend freezing you out until he decided to be angry you hadn't tried hard enough to contact him.
Single this year, and really feeling it. It was the only explanation for how your decades old crush on Sebastian had resurfaced with a vengeance. 
The fact that he'd been flirting with you incessantly wasn't helping either.
"I remember this now, I have seen it," he grinned at you, handing your phone back.
"It's cute, right? You don't realize the impact he had on our language until it's laid out like that."
"It's not as cute as the quote you've been throwing at me since college."
You raised an eyebrow at him with a smirk. "A bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours."
His eyes focused on your mouth for a second (were you imagining that?) before flitting up to meet yours. "A bird of your tongue..."
His words trailed off but the eye contact remained until you looked away, catching your breath. You needed another drink. This was getting overwhelming.
"Beatrice and Benedick, it took them a long time to get their act together!" You chirped out, desperate to move on from that moment between the two of you. Before he could answer, your friends started calling for another round. 
"I'm heading to bed, guys," Sebastian rose from his chair and waved away their protests. "You want me to walk you to your room?"
He held out a hand to you, but you remained seated, trying to answer him without letting your voice shake. "I'll stay for another drink, thanks though!"
If he was disappointed he hid it well. He called out goodbyes to all and left without another glance at you. Maybe you were reading this wrong. Letting your brain run away from you, you barely noticed pounding two more margaritas. By then your two couple friends were canoodling and heading to their rooms. Waves and goodnights were exchanged and you found yourself wandering back to your room through the resort courtyard. 
The heavy perfumes of the tropical flowers that were draped along the balconies hung in the air, lit by moonlight and low lamplight. You were lost in your tipsy thoughts until you noticed that Sebastian was out on his balcony. You ducked behind a column before he saw you, and studied him. He was painfully beautiful. Always had been. What was going on with you two this week? He looked pensive, almost annoyed. Had he hoped you would go back with him tonight, or were you imagining everything?
A little tequila-soaked inspiration began to take root in your brain, and you crept out from behind the column.
"Romeo, Romeo..."
His face brightened at the sound of your voice and his eyes started scanning for you in the courtyard below him. You moved closer and called again (quietly, you hoped), "Romeo, Romeo," and your face glowed in a smile as he caught sight of you. 
"You got something to say, Juliet?" He teased and suddenly you did. You looked at him, at gorgeous and sexy him, and you had a lot to say.
Boldly stepping just under his balcony, you made a declaration the tequila wasn't going to let you hold back.
"Romeo, Romeo, let me suck your dick."
His eyes almost fell out of his head, and then he threw his head back in that laugh, your favorite laugh, with his eyes squeezed shut and his nose scrunching up on his ridiculously handsome face. You waited below, smirking up at him.
"Babe, are you drunk?"
You shrugged. "A little."
"How many more margaritas did you have?"
"Two....I think."
His face was almost sad again. "Sweetheart, I've been trying to get your attention for a while now, but I can't let you come up here when you're drunk."
"'mmmm not drunk!"
"Did you hear what you just said to me?"
"I'd say it sober!"
"No, you wouldn't," he shook his head at you and you felt your chest tighten. "You're always running away from me."
"I run because I'm stupid. AND I thought it was all in my head. I want you."
He sighed. 
"Listen," he began, "I'll make you a deal. Go to your room, drink some water, and get some sleep. I'll come see you in the morning, and see if you even remember this."
"Fine, I'll take that deal!" You put your hands on your hips. "I'm not gonna want to just TALK in the morning, Seb."
"I won't want to just talk, either," his voice dropped a little and your knees got weak. "I'll let you do whatever you want."
"Oh?" You squeaked out.
"If you're still interested in that offer you made, sweetheart." Now he was smirking and you nearly melted into the patio.
"Oh, fuuuuuuuuuuck."
You turned and rushed toward your room, his soft laughter following you. Throwing your door open, you entered and closed and locked it, out of breath. Throwing your clothes off to try and stave off the fire under your skin, you climbed into bed with a water bottle. After drinking all the water, you closed your eyes and willed yourself to pass out but you were too riled up. You couldn't get him out of your head. In desperation you reached a hand between your legs to try and relieve yourself but quit in frustration. Grabbing your phone, you dialed his number and let it ring.
His sleepy voice almost made you groan out loud. "Are you okay?"
"What's wrong?"
"You got me all turned on! And you sent me away! AND NOW I CAN'T COME."
"You heard me."
He sighed. "Baby. I told you. I'm not gonna take advantage of you."
"This isn't just because I'm drunk. I promise."
"If that's true, then I'll make you come all day tomorrow." You gasped, and he continued. "I won't let you out of bed. But you're gonna be sober and you're gonna remember every moment."
You whimpered. "Okay."
He hesitated. "I don't want you to be mad at me if you change your mind in the morning. I can't risk that."
"I know. You're so good, so good to me always."
Now he made a sound, a sound that made you press your legs together. "I want to make you feel good, so good. I wish you hadn't had so much to drink."
"Me too."
"I wanted you to come with me tonight."
A lump formed in your throat. "I wasn't sure you did." Your words from earlier came back into your head. "It's taken us a long time to get our act together."
He chuckled a little. "Yeah."
"My head is a little clearer now." Your hesitation was returning, but you had so much to say. "You need to know that I meant what I said. I want you. I want to kiss you. I want to feel your lips on my skin and your hands all over me." You listened to his breathing becoming heavier and let your hand wander down your body again. "I want to feel your skin against mine, your beard against my thighs. I want to pull your hair when you make me come with your lips and your tongue." Your heart was racing and listening to him listen to you was getting you closer to release. You kept speaking, your voice getting closer to a whimpering whine. "I want to be on my knees for you."
He moaned in your ear. "Oh, baby, you're making me crazy."
His moan set you off. You panted into the phone as your back arched off the bed. There was a quiet moment.
"Did you just -"
"Yeah," you said breathlessly, but you had one last thing to say, "but I wanna come on your cock in the morning."
He let out a long breath in your ear. "You're killing me."
Finally, you felt yourself drifting off. "Come here in the morning. Don't forget."
"YOU don't forget."
The phone fell from your ear. "Good night."
You closed your eyes tight against the morning sun. Slowly you sat up, nervous that your head would be throbbing, but you actually didn't feel all that terrible. The water must have helped. And the orgasm.
The orgasm. Shit.
What did you do last night? You told yourself not to panic as you used the bathroom, brushed your teeth and wrapped up in the hotel bathrobe. 
He wanted you. You hadn't been imagining it. This was right. He should be here soon.
What if he didn't show up?
You started chugging another bottle of water and jumped at the knock on your door. Struggling to cap the bottle with shaking hands, you unlocked the door and opened it to see Sebastian on the other side, looking a little nervous.
He tilted his head and looked at you softly. "Hey, Juliet."
You looked at your feet, and then back up to meet his eyes with a smile. "Hey, Romeo. You here to take me up on my offer?"
Tagging some more HBC friends @omnomsauruswrites @randomfandompenguin @mrsmookie @loricameback @spacemansam @cametobuyplums @stachestachestachesebstan
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elejah-wonderland · 5 years
Game Of Love/8
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Part 8
Joel Goran x reader
ft. Klaroline
a/n: thanks for reading. It is so appreciated. I have been away on holiday and now I am back and there will be an update on all my stories. Xoxo 
here is a materlist = click on elejahfanfic - it’s my blog with mastelists of my fanfics and this one too
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @captainshurley @cassienoble2000 @goddessofthunder112 @idkhaylijah @elejahforever @caritobear
Sometime in the early hours of the morning, Y/N woke up, looking around, not understanding where she was and what had happened to her.                       
"Caroline?"- Y/N now said as she saw her friend asleep on the neighbouring chair. The blonde, who had a long day at first didn't move, and so Y/N called her again. 
Suddenly, Caroline jumped as if someone had splashed water on her and pressed the alarm button, then asked Y/N how she was.
"I am in a hospital?"
"You are."- Caroline said.
Alaric, who was on-call, came in,  followed by Oliver. They both now checking on Y/N.
After a thorough examination, Y/N got nearly the all clear. Physically she was on the mend, but now as the neurologist Dr Laurel Lance came in, they found that she suffered from post-traumatic amnesia.
"We will continue to monitor everything."- Dr Lance said-"but, she should be getting all her memory back - I will prepare all the exercises and with the right medication she will be regaining all her memory back in a little while."
Caroline and Jenna were somewhat relieved. They now went back in to see Y/N.
Hours later
Joel took a bit of a breath and then entered the room, where Y/N was brought in, muttering a little hey followed by a smile.
 "Hey"- Y/N said with a puzzled look as she was not sure who he really was, presuming he was a doctor that came to check up on her, she asked-
"And you are going to check - what -?"
"I am - Joel."- he then said.
"Oh"- Elena exclaimed in a low voice, as she was told about him by Caroline.
"I am sorry that I hadn't come already, but- it was another crazy today, and I was in the OR, and then the ER."
 "Don't worry."- Y/N said and now looked at him investigatively saying-
"So, you are Joel?!"
"I am."- Joel confirmed.
"Good. Cause I have - questions. You know that I - can't remember stuff, people."
"Yes, I do."- Joel said and now sat down on the neighbouring chair.
"They say that I will get it back, and I hope I do, because- feels really weird, that the last things I remember was months back. And not me working here and - any of what had happened recently- like you. Caroline said that we kind of had something. And that we - kind of broke up and that you are also having a baby with your ex-girlfriend- Alex, the Attending? Did we broke up because of this?"- Y/N said.
"No, we didn't break up exactly cuz of that - certainly not because of me having a baby with Alex. It was - ahm, it was not a clear break up. You see, before the shooting- we had - I don't know what to call it- because it was not a fight or anything like that. I did a very stupid thing."- Joel now briefly told Y/N what caused them to be in a cold zone, as he called it.
"Right."- Y/N muttered .
"I thought Caroline would have told you- about everything."
"She said that you will tell me about - us. But I see there is not really us. We are not a couple, or anything, are we?"
"No, we are not."- Joel said with obvious regret and added-"Well, I would like it to be -I know I don't deserve someone like you, putting your blind trust in me, and I can only dream of you giving me a second chance."
The deep regret in Joel's voice moved Y/N. His eyes were sincere and loving, but some strange feeling that crept out of nowhere held her back. And with a little painful smile Joel now made, he apologized for springing all this on her.
"Hey, it's fine. I need to know stuff"- Y/N said-"good and bad."
"Yeah."- Joel said getting up now.
"Thank you- for being honest with me."- Y/N said-"You got to go already?!"
Joel nodded a little looking at her dearly, his heart pulling him over to kiss her and take her in his arms.
"I am sorry, I messed up."
Y/N nodded in acknowledgment of the apology.
"Ok. I - need to see other patients."- Joel felt his soul shrink and as he was at the door he walked out of the room.
Inside, Y/N took a deep breath. She didn't know how to feel about it all. His demeanor said this was a sweet, gentle, dear guy, his eyes so warm and loving. And then on the other hand, he had such bad track record with women - which Caroline made sure she knew. And she didn't get that she would start something with a guy that had such a messed up life. Her mind now wondered to a conversation before he came in.
Somewhat earlier, before Joel got there. Alex came to check up on Y/N's labs.
"Can I ask you something?"- Y/N said.
"Yes."- Alex uttered raising her look from the paper.
"You are pregnant with - my boyfriend's baby? Ahm- well, the guy who was my boyfriend- how does is this all working out? I mean- "
'Well, we were together before you and him hooked up. We are still figuring all this out."
Y/N could notice Alex not really wanting to discuss that subject with her. As she signed the paper off and went to the door, Y/N now asked-
"You want him back, right?! "
Alex was quiet looking at Y/N poignantly, and then walked out.
Y/N didn't know what to think, but her heart fluttered when he spoke to her and now wondered if her heart should be listened to. Feeling still quite tired, she fell asleep.
A bit later, Joel's patient that gave him the Anthology of Love Poems now asked about Y/N.
"She woke up."- Joel said to the old woman.
"Oh, I am so happy for you."- the woman said.
"Thank you, Agnes."
"Did you tell her that you love her? Has she forgiven your indiscretion? "
Joel smiled a little and now said-
"She doesn't remember who I am."
"Oh, I am sorry. But, you should not give up. Write her a poem."
"I don't think that will help much. Plus I am really bad with words."- Joel said.
"You really don't know how to woo a woman, do you?"- Agnes continued- "for you young ones it is all about - the wambam-done. Where is the romance?"
Joel now signed off the chart and put it back on the little table next to the woman's bed, now looking at Agnes, pensively, he said-
"Thank you"- and walked out of the room.
The next morning, Joel got in the hospital with a bunch of balloons heading to Y/N's room.
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Joel arrived with all the balloons, but Y/N was not there. He, nevertheless attached them at the end of the bed. He wrote a little message to her, and then left the room.
As he waited for the elevator, Caroline came up to him.
"Hey."- Joel said back to the blonde intern.
"We had no time to really talk. And I just wanted to say thank you for being there - for her."
Joel was taken in by Caroline's words and being nice to him, as before she kind of ignored him.
They now got away from the elevator and Joel now asked-
"What brought that change?"
"I - just thought about everything.  I was so angry with you because- you made her cry like she never did for any guy before. And it just- but then you were there all the time by her bedside and apologizing over and over again for the mess you made. You really love her, don't you?"
"I do."- Joel said sighing now looking down and then at the brunette-"and- yes- I made a mess. And I don't deserve her or her love, but I will fight for it. And- yeah - ahm-I've  started going to therapy."
Day after Y/N was shot
Joel knocked at the door of Dr Rose Cohan, psychiatrist.
"Come in. Dr Goran?"- Rose said extending her hand out to Joel.
"Yes. Joel Goran. We can leave the doctor out."
"Yes, we can."- Rose said-"please, take a seat."
Joel sat down in the most comfortable armchair there was, sinking in it relaxing immediately.
"Shall we start with you telling me a little bit about yourself."- Rosie said-"you can start from whatever point you want."
"Can I start with the reason why I am here."
"Sure. We can."- Rose sat down in the armchair opposite him and Joel started-
"My - the woman - my girlfriend was shot- and - she nearly didn't make it-"- Joel went quiet for a second and then taking a deep breath, tears now welling up in his eyes, looking aside, wiping them off with his thumb and forefinger.
Rose was quiet and gave him time to continue. A few seconds later, Joel continued and said-"I've been with quite a fair amount of women. I have had a few relationships, but- none of them- I can't explained it- when I saw her wheeled in the ER, seeing her laying unconscious, in blood- it was like someone had shot me, too. I never felt this strong for any woman I have known."
"Have you told her that?"
"She lapsed in a coma."- Joel said.
"I am sorry to hear that."
"She- well, I don't know if she is still my girlfriend, because, before the shooting we- well, I nearly slept with someone. And I have told her about it. And she- well- didn't want to see me anymore."
"Why would you go with another woman, if you feel the way you feel about her?"
"I don't know. I can't explain it. I had a talk with my ex-girlfriend, who is expecting my baby - and it - didn't go so good, and she- expressed that she expected me to fight for her and- accused me for moving too fast. But, she clearly stated that she didn't want anything to do with me."
"And you? How do you feel about your ex- girlfriend?"
"I - care about her."- Joel replied-she is a good person, but- this will sound so awful, but when she told me that she didn't want me, I was relieved. I am such a shitty person, aren't I?"
"Why would you think so?"
"This was the second time she had broken up with me, and - I had no courage to do it, even though I - wanted out."
"Did you want the same with Y/N?"
"I - felt like- that I made a mess of everything - and - I felt that I - that she was better off without me. I don't deserve to be loved. And she was so right. Because- I just mess up things and- there is no point to any of it."
Rose now asked Joel about his parents and his childhood. And the story that had emerged, made Rose see why Joel had a problem with love.
"You have to stop thinking that you are to blame for your father and mother's bad relationship, their divorce. You are projecting your mother's death as your fault. That is why you became a physician?!"
Joel nodded.
Several more sessions later, after analysing all Joel's relationships and him
"You need to believe in what you really feel. Don't be afraid of it. Don't sabotage it.  You are not your mother or your father. It will sound like a cliche- but listen to your heart. I believe that you will be a good father and a good boyfriend, and husband one day."
"Really?"- Caroline was surprised to hear it.
"Yes. I recognized that I have - that I can't deal with stuff- my emotions. I hurt her- and I've never wanted to do that. I also want her back, and I realized I need to deal with a lot of issues in my life if I stand a chance to get Y/N to love me, trust me again."- Joel replied.
"First she needs to remember."- Caroline said.
"I know."- Joel said-"and when she does, I want to show her that I really love her."
"Right."- Caroline said-"Did you tell Alex that?"
"I am meeting her later today."- Joel said.
"Ok. I will see you later."- Caroline said and then went away.
Joel, who already should have been in the ER now hurried there.
A while later, Y/N returned from more check ups and tests, her eyes looked amazed at the colourful balloons. She now asked the nurses who had brought them, but they didn't know.
"There should be a card" - one of them said.
Y/N now got to the balloons and found the card.
She opened it and smiled.
Jenna, who now walked and seeing the balloons asked-
"Secret admirer?"
"Joel."- Y/N said.
And by the way Y/N's eyes sparkled, Jenna knew that Y/N's heart shone with special kind of gladness. But then she put the card aside.
"What is it, sweetheart?"- Jenna asked.
"I feel so selfish."- Y/N said- "how could I fall for a guy who has a baby with another woman?"
"Oh, sweetheart. When we talked about it- him- you said that they have discussed it and that she didn't want him. That they had clarified things."- Jenna said knowing that she was thinking of Alex.
"But she wants him back. And - from what I am hearing they were ok, till I came along."
"Alaric told me that Alex and Joel were like off and on. That she also had a thing with Charlie. Are you sure this is actually Joel's baby?"
"What are you saying?"- Y/N now looked at her aunt surprised.
"Alaric saw them hanging out together. He kissed her and - well- I did some digging. She is now five months, isn't t she?"
"I thought that- are you sure?"- Y/N asked.
"I still have some digging to do, but - something tells me that there is something fishy here. Ok, so what did Joel write."
Y/N now showed her aunt the note.
It was the Maori pendant symbol.
"I don’t get it."- Jenna said.
"It's the pendant he gave me for my birthday. It means new beginnings."
"Did you - remember this?"
Y/N nodded smiling, tearing up a bit.
Days after
"I want to do something for Y/N. And we all deserve a party."- Caroline said-"we've been through so much lately."
"How about we take the party to Y/N. I think that we can have the cafeteria for one evening."- Liv said.
"I will talk to Alaric"- Jenna said-"to get clearance. I know it is a hospital, but I guess we can get an hour or so to have a little party."
"Good. We really need this. Maybe it will trigger her memory."
Jenna was immediately went to get the idea in motion.
 Y/N, Caroline and Jenna now were ready to sing.
"Hit it."- Jenna said to Alaric. 
Seeing the three of them dance like Bananarama did in the video, brought back memories of the fun parties Jenna had always prepared  for the girls for birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmases,  especially after she became their guardian after their parent's death.
Klaus now understood where the show and karaoke thing was coming from. It also brought back memory of him and Caroline on her birthday.
Seeing her now singing  and looking at Oliver, hit his heart hard.
Alaric now put another song and said that everyone should choose a partner for the dance.
Joel now went to Y/N and said-
Y/N now nodded, and they started swaying to the music. It felt like he was transported back to High School and he was at the school dance.
Oliver unfortunately got paged and as he left, Klaus now took the opportunity to go over to Caroline, who sat down at one of the table.
"Is it free?"- Klaus asked her and she nodded.
"You were amazing- earlier."- he said clumsily, complimenting her on her singing and added-"I made a huge mistake."
"Please, don't."- Caroline now said.
"I know that you are with someone and I have no right, but - "
"Exactly. I am trying to go on. And - as you said- Oliver is a good guy and I don't want to hurt him."- Caroline said getting up, walking out of the cafeteria, now hiding her tears that came on.
Joel looked at Y/N like he was asking for approval to kiss her and her eyes gave him a little meek look of yes 
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Pt. 9
Han Jisoo was true to her word and within a week she called HEET and Woojin in for a meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to tell them that Guerin would be reinstated as their manager, and that Woojin would be staying on as an assistant. Woojin had already been briefed, but he was better at keeping a straight face than Guerin so she had to wait outside the room or the boys would know before Jisoo got to announce it.
Once Guerin heard a ruckus inside the room she knew it was okay to open the door and peek her head in, beaming at the scene that greeted her. Jisoo was laughing at the surprised reactions of her boy group, taken with their joy. Minhwan had jumped up and was hugging Gabriel and Woojin, the latter being a less willing participate in the spritely jumping around of the other two but still smiling. Seungbin was standing and asking if it was real and not a prank, Byoungjin had his hand buried in his face, likely starting to cry while Tobio crooned to him and comforted him. In a split second that changed as soon as they saw her coming through the door and she was rushed by her boys all speaking and shouting indecipherably at once.
She bounced around with them and couldn't help shedding a few happy tears herself, so relieved that this part of her life could return to normal finally and moved by everyone's reaction.
Once everyone had calmed down and reseated themselves, Seungbin had tried to sit on Guerins lap but she redirected him to his chair reminding him that it was a professional meeting. He settled for pulling his chair close to her and holding her arm while resting his head on her shoulder. No one had the heart to tell him to stop.
After the meeting Minhwan suggested they all get dinner to celebrate once their lessons and practice were over. Jisoo politely declined attending but handed over the company card to Guerin in support. Guerin resisted hugging her friend and instead bowed deeply with all the boys following suit.
"Noona, are you going to invite Wow-hyung to dinner with us too?" Byoungjin asked as Guerin escorted them back to their practice room.
"No!" Seungbin said quickly before Guerin had a chance to respond. She gave him a curious look before speaking into the silence that his abrupt interruption had caused.
"I was going to say that I think this is a team celebration so we should keep it to us."
"Seungbin, don't be rude. You need to apologize." Minhwan chastised the younger boy in true leader fashion.
Seungbin's eyes were on the floor, "I'm sorry Noona..."
She didn't respond right away but did give him a head pat and a smile as he looked up at her from under her hand. Once they were in the practice room Guerin cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention.
"I think we should talk really quickly before you all start." She looked at each of them, "Wow is my boyfriend. I like him a lot. All of A.C.E are my friends. But HEET are my boys. I love you all so very much and I'm always rooting for you first. I might have to balance my personal life a bit differently, but know that my love for you hasn't changed." Tobio remained largely expressionless per usual, Byoungjin looked curious, Minhwan was nodding, Gabriel had a slightly disbelieving look, Woojin looked uncomfortable as though he had been caught eavesdropping and Seungbin looked conflicted.
"I'm sorry Noona... it's just that... we just got you back and he's been with you this whole time..." Seungbin rubbed the toe of his shoe on the floor as he looked down.
"I understand. And you'll have enough of me around soon enough since we're getting back to normal. It was hard for me to be apart from you, and Kim Seyoon was a part of that support to help me get through it. All of you make me so happy, his is just a different kind of happy." She caught Gabriel hiding a laugh at her last comment.
"Oh shut up you know what I mean." She scolded him in English, unconvincingly because she had to fight to hide a laugh too.
"What I really want to say," she continued, "is to please not hold any grudges with him or any of A.C.E. Just like you don't with Charlie. And if you feel sad, worried or insecure you can talk to me. Don't bottle it up okay? And don't judge Wow unfairly." She finished.
A smattering of nods and words of affirmation from HEET were enough for her for now.
"Okay, let me see what you've been working on!" She clapped her hands and walked over to the music player with Woojin while HEET scurried to get warmed up.
"You still haven't had sex?" Charlie hissed.
Guerin shushed her, looking around quickly, "Just because we're speaking English doesn't mean we should assume people won't understand, or record and translate."
"I was quiet, but more importantly are you dying?" Charlie looked at Guerin with concern and held a hand to her forehead. Guerin groaned and rested her head on the table.
"Yeah I think I am." Her respond was muffled and tragic.
The two girls were in a small bakery sharing a piece of cake. It had been a couple days since their respective dates, Seyoon and Jun were busy as their fan project had been released and they had some schedules pertaining to that.
"You know how much effort I've put into making that situation happen for me and you have your own place and it is WASTED on you." Charlie feigned anger at the top of her friends head.
"I know." Guerin turned her head to the side to stare absently out the window, watching a young woman sitting on a bench outside on her phone. Charlie changed tactics and patted Guerin on the head encouragingly.
"We can see them again soon. You can try again!"
Guerin sighed and forced herself to sit up, "I'm not really worried. We'll get there eventually. But like... I want to."
"I believe in you." Charlie offered, taking a bite of cake.
Seyoon and Jun had their final schedule for their fan project. They sat in their respective seats getting their makeup done after their hair. The usual staff were tending to their cosmetics so the chatter was friendly per usual. Eunkyung was adding some finishing touches to Seyoon's look before changing the subject.
"These schedules are all because of your girlfriends right?"
He hesitated as he decided how to respond, feeling about odd, "It's not because of them." She didn't say anything as though waiting for him to finish a thought but he didn't say anything else.
"But... because you are openly dating now?"
Seyoon glanced at Jun but he was engrossed in conversation with his own makeup artist and didn't seem to hear the topic change, "We just want to assure our fans our love for them hasn't changed." He finally answered.
Eunkyung nodded absentmindedly, adding some gentle brush strokes to the foundation on his face. "I have to admit. I was surprised when I saw who you were dating."
Seyoon glanced up at her but she was seemingly focused on his makeup. He felt a response wasn't necessary so he didn't say anything.
"I thought you'd definitely date another idol once your ban was up." She smiled, stopping the touch ups to look at his face as she appreciated her handiwork. He nodded again, still not sure how to respond.
"When I was little my parents divorced." She started, "My parents never seemed to be suited for each other. I asked my dad how he and my mom had decided to start a family despite being so I'll suited for each other." Seyoon watched her pensively as she focused on more makeup details, not meeting his eyes.
"He said he felt that deciding to get married was like being a taxi going on duty. Once he turned on his light, whoever hopped into the cab was his responsibility. It was just unfortunate that it turned out to be a bad tipper." Eunkyung finished her story and sat back again, then met his eyes and the slight young woman smiled prettily. "You're all set for stage."
He thanked her and stood to move to the couch to wait for Jun for them to start their surprise vlive before the schedule.
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Charlie had arrived at Guerin's place ahead of time to set up. She had asked him over with a movie night, only letting him know that it would be more private than at his dorm. Other than that she hadn't given him other details. Charlie had spent ages deciding on whether lighting candles would be too much or not and kept lighting, blowing them out, then lighting them until a knock finally came at the door.
The secluded environment that they were about to be in had inspired some ideas in Jun. He hesitated outside the door for a moment, trying to get his thoughts under control before ringing the buzzer. He continued reminding himself to not jump to conclusions and to just enjoy the movie with Charlie while he waited for her to answer the door.
Hearing the buzzer Charlie froze and took a deep breath to calm the butterflies in her stomache. She opened the door, relieved for a moment to see that Jun had also dressed casually, even though her outfit hid her much more selectively chosen lingerie. Once the door was closed behind him they embraced, almost a little awkwardly.
The two of them puttered around until eventually settling onto the couch with some snacks as they started the movie they had agreed on beforehand. Charlie was completely unable to focus on the movie as she kept going through her plan for later in the evening in her head. She was so distracted she didn't even notice Jun's lack of reactions to the comedy. He was equally as distracted as the two of them cuddled closer and closer.
Charlie couldn't handle it, about an hour into the movie she couldn't even follow what was happening. She gave up and decided to go for it. Acting on impulse, refusing herself the opportunity to overthink anymore. Pulling away from him she pulled off her shirt, revealing a lacey surprise, the swung her leg over his lap, blocking the television.
Jun, who hadn't even been paying attention and contemplating along the same (although less bold) options was taken by surprise. His hands went automatically to the hips of his girlfriend. Jun's attention was snapped to attention as his eyeline, which started at her new lingerie before traveling up to her face, forced the reaction he had been lacking from the film. His eyes wide, he couldn't help but grin as a reaction before biting his lip and increasing pressure on her hips, pulling her closer. Their lips met, the kiss passionate and deep without lacked any pretense. Charlie removed his hands from him long enough to stand and remove her jeans, revealing the rest of her lacey provocation. He had all of a full second to react, not even noticing her flush before she moved back onto his lap her arms pulling him close as their lips met again.
His hands moved up to trace the edges of her bra, moving back to touch the clasp before hesitating. She pressed against him, wordlessly encouraging him grinding on his lap. Motivated by her response he fumbled momentarily before unhooking her and exposing her torso to him. He had seen her like this once before, but the moment had been ruined by Wow bumbling into their moment. This time no such distractions marred the experience. He took the time to experience the full glory, holding her away for a few moments.
She allowed him the enjoyment before stepping off him, taking his hands in hers and pulling him up. She snuck a kiss as they stood, lasting a few seconds longer than intended, before leading him away into the bedroom where they were finally able to more fully explore their desires.
For security and privacy, Kim Hyeim had allowed Guerin and Charlie access to the main waiting area of Beat Interactive. Seyoon had worked late knowing Guerin had a personal matter to attend to. Once she texted him that she was waiting for him when he was ready, he wrapped up his work and headed to the main floor immediately.
Guerin was waiting close to the door with her surprise. As soon as the elevator doors dinged she looked up to see Seyoon stepping out. She had time to stand up before seeing a pretty young woman that had been waiting closer to the elevators pop up and rush over to him.
Seyoon was surprised with Eunkyung greeting him first at the elevator doors. "Oppa!" She greeted him excitedly, hugging him without precedent. He froze for a moment looking down at her before patting her head, causing her to look up at him, "I waited for you!" She added.
He took her shoulders and gently moved her away from him. She complied by letting him go but still leaning close to him. He wasn't sure what to say but she seemed expectant so he mentally scrambled before settling on "Why?"
"I... I like you!" She said earnestly, pushing against his hands on her shoulders again. His lost expression only grew more confused and desperate as he floundered on how to react.
"Your girlfriend... she doesn't suit you! You have more options." She pressed, "I think you should know... you don't have to settle for the first customer once your light comes on!"
Seyoon had been known to react to annoying stimuli in situations like Jun singing loudly in the shower at bedtime, but he had rarely been moved to anger. The feeling for him was less a hot flash and more a settling cold at his face froze, eyes darkening. He was spared an immediate reaction as Guerin stepped up.
Seeing Eunkyung embrace Seyoon had made her heart lurch. She stood in place gathering her emotions, forcing herself to calm down as she watched another woman overtly throwing herself on her boyfriend. Swallowing her bubbling rage she forced a smile and moved to the pair.
"Seyoonie." Guerin said, greeting her boyfriend with forced cheerfulness before staring pointedly at the shorter woman leaning into him.
Eunkyung started. She hadn't noticed Guerin come into the waiting room, unaware she was allowed and having spent the last few hours working up her courage to confess to Seyoon. Seeing Guerin, the obstacle she perceived between her and Seyoon, she stepped back but couldn't hide a hateful expression.
The animosity was not lost on Guerin, who proceeded to politely bow and introduce herself. Eunkyung barely inclined her head in response. Guerin let her gaze linger almost condescendingly on Eunkyung, her annoyance poorly hidden before she turned fully to Seyoon, "Are you ready to go?" She asked.
"One moment." He reached for Guerin's hand, the turned to Eunkyung, "My light wasn't on when I met Guerin. But meeting her changed that." Guerin looked at him, baffled by his words and sure that her language skills were failing her. He continued, "I don't expect anyone to understand. I don't need them to. Least of all you." Eunkyung's expression became hurt and shocked but he wasn't done, "Our relationship has been professional until now. It's clear to me that it can't continue. I'll speak with Kim Hyeim so you won't need to be bothered by my presence anymore. It's been nice working with you, you've done well." He bowed politely to her form as she was frozen in surprise.
"Are you serious? Her??" Eunkyung spat, recovering enough to be angry. Guerin raised her eyebrows but Seyoon spoke.
"You have been inappropriate this entire time and I've been patient. You are about to cross the line." His cold expression was unfamiliar and scary, even Guerin looked to him in surprise, "At this point you will be leaving with a good recommendation. I suggest you don't throw that away."
Eunkyung took a step backward, paused and looked at him in shock. She seemed to debate saying something, threw a last disgusted expression at Guerin then turned to leave, angry tears in her eyes. The pair watched her leave. As soon as the doors closed behind her, Seyoon pulled Guerin into him hugging her close. Guerin was temporarily lost for words. She knew she had been insulted but the interaction had been confusing, so her anger was curbed by curiosity, and embracing Seyoon who held her so tenderly helped abate the strong negative emotions she felt.
"What just happened?" She asked.
"She's not important. She was wrong." He rested his head against hers, trying to calm himself.
"Will you tell me more later?" She asked, snesing he might be too worked up now to get into details. He nodded into her. After a moment he relaxed and changed the subject.
"So what was your surprise?" He asked.
"Oh... well I hope this cheers you up..." she pulled away from him and reached down to a crate she had set behind her protectively out of habit. Opening the door a white fluffy cloud of a creature pushed out, wagging a happy tail.
Seyoon dissolved.
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homesoutofhuman · 6 years
Daddy Issues: John Wick/Reader Part 4 - Melting in your vice dreams
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I can give you what you want I can make your heart beat, short I can make you ice cream We could be a sweet team - Ice Cream,  New Young Pony Club
It’s the weekend, so you have time to yourself, and do not have to visit The Wick household. You are a little sad about it you must admit, having grown used to your routine over the couple of weeks you’ve been working there.
Your day usually starts with a coffee that John makes you from his expensive machine. As you sip it you get to watch him prepare to leave the house, combing his dark hair back in the mirror, straightening his tie. Even searching frantically for keys which you hand to him with a small smile. He thanks you gratefully, kisses Connor on the head then runs out of the house in a cloud of that now familiar blend of wood and flowers that both comforts and flusters you.
You’ve think you must be imagining the longing look in his eyes when he leaves you, or the relieved smile when you tell you and Connor have had a good day. He’s given you his phone number and you’ve started to send him photos throughout the day. Connor smiling as he goes down the slide, the two of you enjoying ice cream floats.
Next time we’ll have vegetables, I promise!  You caption it.
John stares at those photos a little more than he should, noticing your hair, blown by the wind, slightly messy over your eyes, the laughter clear on your face, the smear of ice cream on your lips that he yearns to lick away. He tells himself he’s doing a good job of getting over his attraction to you, ignore it, then it will go away.
You feel at a little loose end with the whole weekend stretching ahead of you, but since the sun is shining, you decide to make the most of it, putting on a bikini and setting yourself up in the yard, an iced tea and a stack of books beside you to keep you amused.
You doze in the sunshine, having a lovely fantasy about your employer. You imagine what would have happened if you’d kissed him that very first day you’d met. If you’d pulled the lollipop from your lips and said;
“Mr Wick? I’m your new lover…”
Then pushed him inside and kissed him with your sweet sticky mouth, licking at the tempting seam of his lips. You feel yourself growing hot, imagining the weight of his tongue in your mouth, his big hands stripping you of your clothes...
“I’m so sorry I know it’s your day off…”
You think the low rumbling voice is in your daydream at first, but then you crack open your eyes and see Mr John Wick standing over you, you yelp and sit up, knocking your iced tea over.
It soaks into the grass and he kneels to right the glass, a futile endeavour. On his knees, John is level with your eyes and you stare at him, still a little dazed and doubting he is really there.
He is wearing what you now fondly call ‘lazy dad get up’. Dark jeans cling to his strong legs, wrinkled shirt, and mussed hair, free of the gel he uses on work days.
“What….are you doing here?” you ask, falteringly.
John pushes himself up off his knees. His eyes run over your body, and you remember you are only wearing a bikini.
Not one to be shy you spread your long legs out and arch up your chest to his eager eyes.
I’ll give him something to stare at.
John’s eyes are huge and he moves away in an effort to stop leering. He sits down on a garden chair and you look at him questioningly.
“Is there a reason you’re at my house, Mr Wick?”
“Yes, forgive me for disturbing you. It’s Connor, he has a cold and was fussy last night, asking for you.”
Your heart softens smile gently at John, your hands itch to touch him, you want to throw your arms around him and let yourselves find comfort in each other. But of course, you don’t.
“Why didn’t you just call me?” you’re curious, rather than accusatory, stunned that he has gone out of his way to come to you, a little embarrassed, and just a tiny, tiny bit hopeful that it means he likes you more than as just his employee.
John looks bashful. “Actually...he’s waiting in the car...wouldn’t settle until you came out for ice cream.”
He looks so imploring, child like himself, that even if you wanted to, you couldn’t possibly resist.
You stand up. “Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go!”
John clears his throat, looking you up and down. “Maybe...if you don’t want to cause a major accident, you should put a few more clothes on?”
“Oh right...yes…” you giggle, pretending to cover yourself up demurely, but really you are celebrating a victory internally at his discomfort. “I’ll slip into something else…”
You bound inside and pull a white sundress over your bikini. It shows off the freckles on your shoulders and is sinfully short. What the hell, it’s my day off, I need John to remember that.
Once you’re back at the car, you hug Connor, who sniffs into your neck and whines about his cold. You sit holding his hand in the backseat while John drives you to the ice cream parlour, and by the time you’re there he has forgotten his sickness, bounding inside like a rocket.
John watches him go, a little quiet and pensive and you glance to him.
“Are you okay?”
He glances back to you, and you can see his walls, ready to come up at any moment. You lean forward before that can happen, rubbing the top of his arm, his shirt soft under your thumb.
“You can talk to me..”
John sighs a bit, his eyes flicking to check on Connor who is making friends with the staff, tasting every flavour of ice cream.
John sits with you at the table, ordering a coffee and telling you to get whatever you want, on him of course.
“I just...I have to admit, I felt a little upset...that he was asking for you. Usually all he wants when he’s sick is me…”
You reach across the table, patting his hands which are clenched together in a tight grip.
“You’re his Dad. He does want you first. I’m just new...a novelty. You’re the permanent thing in his life and you always have been, always will be.”
John looks down to where your hand lays top of his, then moves his own to keep it there.
“Thank you...I know but still...I felt a little...jealous…” he doesn’t specify of what, so you are left wondering.
The waitress brings John’s coffee and your dish of ice cream.
John snorts with sudden laughter “What the hell is that?”
“A banana split!” You say, in mock outrage. “You never had a banana split John?”
“I never had something so ridiculous looking, no.”
You pick up the cherry from the top and suck it into your mouth and John’s smile fades.
You shove a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth and moan. “Oh my god...it’s so good…”
John shifts a bit in his chair. “Glad you...are enjoying it…”
“Try some…” you offer a full spoon to him and he shakes head, looking suspicious.
“I don’t think so.”
“What are you on a diet?” You tease and he glares a bit.
“I watch what I eat. I’m not as young as I was...things don’t burn off as easily.”
He pats his stomach and you roll your eyes. You love the way he looks, dad tum included, but of course you can’t say that.
“Then you mustn’t be doing the right things to burn them off…”
John gives you a heated look.
“You’ve got cream...on your mouth…”
“Oh?” You stick your tongue out, trying to guess wildly where.
John sighs, sounding long suffering and moves his hand from yours, up to your mouth, wiping the side of your lips with his thumb.
You freeze, the feeling of his thumb on your lips is devastating.
“Did you get it all?” you practically whimper.
“Not...really…” John’s voice in turn has turned unearthly, lower than you’ve ever heard it. It drags along your skin, sending every nerve ending singing in its wake.
He reaches to hold your chin still with his thumb and forefinger, then swipes the entire curve of your lips with a long index finger. You stay stock still, drowning in his dark eyes as they focus on your mouth, like it is an heroic task he has to complete.
You’re trembling, and you don’t like it, so you let the tip of your tongue flick out, touching his finger. John pulls his finger back as if burnt, but keeps his grip on your chin a moment longer.
“There...now you’re clean.”
You feel far from it, when he leans back in his chair you have to cross your legs in an attempt to stop the throbbing between them.
Connor is giggling with the waitress, his runny nose forgotten, and the shop fills with a pleasant ambience of families talking and laughing together. Amongst it all, sits John, sipping his coffee, appearing unaffected by your closeness, glancing to his son every now and again, then back to you, an unreadable expression in his soft brown eyes.
“I should go...leave you to your day…”
John frowns, displeased. “Of course...you must have plans...meeting your..boyfriend, girlfriend?”
You shake your head at his clumsy question, how can he be this age and not know how to ask that?
“I’m not seeing anyone”
“That’s...surprising…” John replies “You’re...I mean...you’re smart...attractive.”
You smirk a bit at him. “Thanks. I just haven’t found anyone...up to my standards yet.”
John raises his eyebrows “It’s good to have high standards, as long as they’re not impossible?”
You tick off your fingers “They should be intelligent, have their shit together, of course hot...and most of all..know how to handle me.”
John looks intrigued “You’re hard to handle?”
You shrug. “A little, people just need to know how to put me in my place.”
“You’re a softy with Connor.”
“Yeah well….fully grown up they’re a different story.”
“That’s because you’ve dated boys...you need a man.”
John answers quickly, before he can think properly, and as soon as the words are out he knows he said too much.
You watch the doubt settle in on his face after such a firm pronouncement, and decide to torture him even more, in revenge for touching you so erotically, for turning you on with nowhere to go.
“Oh yes?” you say in a sultry, teasing voice “And you know what I need, Mr Wick?”
He grunts, feeling he’s placed one step onto a burning path, and the only way out is to keep going.
“Maybe I do….I’m much older than you...I know better…”
You laugh at his teasing tone, loving the banter between you.
“I’m not your child, John, and besides, you’re not old, you’re just...seasoned…”
He barks a laugh, holding a hand to his chest in mock offence “Like...a piece of meat? Is that how you see me?”
You flush, he winds you up like no one else, leads you to say things you don’t mean, things that aren’t carefully controlled and passed through your filter first. He makes you feel raw and open, and you realise you like it and hate it at the same time.
“Actually...far from it…” you attempt to explain and he leans forward with rapt interest.
“You know I...have a lot of respect for you.”
John breathes deeply, nodding “That’s a good thing, thank you. Not sure what I’ve done to deserve it but thank you anyway.”
“It’s the way you are with Connor...if you want to know...the way you quote books at me that I’ve never read and make it sound like poetry...the way you make me a coffee every morning just how I like it….”
John is staring at you, amazed. “I didn’t realise you noticed me that much, if at all.”
“I’d have to be blind not to, Mr Wick.” you say, soft and playful, trying to pull the conversation back from the edge of danger.
“So you like working for me then?”
“I do. Not saying I couldn’t do with a raise but still…”
John lets out a laugh, the tension broken, and taps the side of your bowl.
“Just eat your banana split and be grateful….”
You eat the rest carefully, making sure not to make a mess that John might have to clean up, although you long for him to touch you again, to lick your mouth clean with his tongue.
Connor is high on sugar, bouncing around between the two of you as you walk outside.
John turns to you, shoving his hands in his pockets where they can’t cause any trouble.
“I’ll take you home. I’m sorry we messed up your day like this.”
“I enjoyed it.” you say simply, feeling a dread in your stomach at leaving him, of going back to your house alone.
You sit in the passenger seat this time, and you know it’s all your head, but the air between you and John seems charged, the heat between you almost tangible.
You thank him for the ride and he shakes his head dismissing your words. He lifts the strap on your sundress which has fallen down your arm, pushing it back onto your shoulder gently.
You’re about five seconds away from climbing onto his lap and begging him to fuck you in his car, but then you remember there is a child in the backseat and feel ashamed.
“I’ll see you Monday?” You ask in a rush, opening the car door with haste.
He leans over the seat to watch you go, and you put an extra swing in your hips for his benefit as you walk away.
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enchantedbride · 5 years
Commission: Paused Game (Yua/Elizabeth)
Commissioned by: @radiantfluff​
Pairing: Yua/Elizabeth
Fandom: Persona
Warnings: None
A/N: Thank you for commissioning me!
The button press sounded more like a thump than a click. Any harder and she might very well damage the game controller. Yua looked over at Elizabeth, whose lips were curled into a distinct frown and she turned her head down in a pout. Noise from the television filled the moment of silence, rather joyful music contrasting with the mood. Yua adjusted her seating position. Her girlfriend was quite frustrated, that much was obvious.
“What’s wrong, Elizabeth?”
The question hung in the air a moment before the other woman exhaled a frustrated huff. She shook her head, sitting up as well with her hands still clutching the controller. “It’s just this… this game is all wrong? Surely someone with skills such as mine would have mastered the ins and outs of this challenge by now. Otherwise I wouldn’t keep losing.”
“You’ve only been playing the game for a couple of hours, and this game is difficult for a lot of people. It’s okay if you’re not the master of it within minutes,” Yua attempted to reassure her. “It’s not the game, and it’s not really you either. You just need more practice because you’re new to it.”
“But I’m not just an ordinary person! I don’t understand,” protested Elizabeth, “My brother didn’t even have the courage to play a portable version of these ‘video games’. I thought perhaps I could not only give it a try, but master it too!”
“Oh, I see! Is that why you asked to come over and play on my console out of the blue? Because of Theodore?”
“I… well… perhaps. Yes.” Elizabeth hung her head guiltily. “But of course I also wanted to see you. But, I’ve never really gotten to play one of these things before. I heard Theodore talk about them, and you play them sometimes too. If you like them, then I want to play them too so maybe… oh, never mind. In either, case, I won’t be letting this best me so easily! I will show this game the power of my genius and it will yield to me!”
A bit of a crooked smile formed on Yua’s face. She was certainly more than happy to let Elizabeth try her games. Really, she shared the other’s sentiment in wanting to spend time together. Teaching one another about their worlds was certainly a way to do that. But, Elizabeth had picked one of Yua’s most difficult games to play. It was very much like Elizabeth to be competitive, that much she knew. But, from what Elizabeth had just said, she had to wonder if Elizabeth was attempting to impress her.
“Well, I certainly think that with time, it will,” Yua tried to encourage her. “So, that begs the question. What would you like to do now?”
Elizabeth blinked. “What would I like to do now?” she repeated the question in a rather confused tone of voice. “Well, wouldn’t the logical thing to be to keep practicing and attempting to overcome it?”
“Maybe so. But’s it’s also important to know when to take breaks. Sometimes taking some time away can help clear your head. That’s what I was thinking of suggesting.”
“O-oh, right. Of course,” replied Elizabeth. “I suppose one can get stuck and then they can’t overcome an obstacle in that state. Even I know that.” She shook her head agreeably, sighing so softly that Yua could barely hear it. “Well, Yua? What might you suggest we do as a means to ‘clear my head’?”
“There’s a lot of things we could do, but it’s your call in this case,” Yua answered her thoughtfully. “We could do something else like get something to drink or go for a walk.”
“It’s certainly true I haven’t yet had the opportunity to peruse the new neighborhood you’ve moved into recently. It’s quite different here compared to where you lived before. I know in reality people come from all walks of life, as each soul in the sea of souls is different. But, even so, it still surprises me that there can be such a stark contrast. What form a soul takes can change, and thus the world is forever changed too.”
“That’s… certainly true. I’m certainly a lot happier since I moved, I know that much,” Yua remarked. “There’s all sorts of places near by. There’s a local shop that serves ice cream, there’s a park…”
“Ice cream? Yes, the weather has been warming up,” Elizabeth thought aloud, giving a nod. “It sounds nice, and I didn’t get to try a lot of flavors when you took me to one such establishment last time. But, it takes a while to eat, doesn’t it?”
“Maybe. But that might be a good thing in this case. You’re frustrated and need some time to cool off. If we go get ice cream that might be a bit more literal way of doing that.”
“Well… yes… I admit that I’m certainly brimming with fiery determination in wanting to beat this game into submission, but… oh, alright. You have a point. And it would be nice to try something different from last time.” Elizabeth got up somewhat reluctantly. Her momentary hesitation betrayed that she felt conflicted on the matter. As such, Yua felt it best to give her one last reassurance. Through words, of course, but also through an accompanying kiss on the cheek.
“It’ll be here when you get back.”
“Of course.” Elizabeth attempted to quickly brush aside her remaining hesitation in favor of moving forward with more confidence in her step. After all, she didn’t want to let this matter keep her down for too long. Plus, there was excellent company and ice cream to be had.
It was perhaps a moment before the two of them were readied and set out for their destination. The ice cream shop was within walking distance so it was simply a matter of taking the right path. Elizabeth of course had to follow Yua’s lead as this world was not her own, and this was a new neighborhood. Perhaps her work was connected to world, but that was not the same as being apart of it.
As the two of them walked however, Elizabeth found herself wanting to speak. The sounds of life around them were nice enough. But even simple conversation was something she wanted more. Even as she enjoyed the scenery, silence between the two of them would leave room for her frustration to continue to pester her.
“Once I’ve ‘cleared my head’, maybe there’s a chance yet that I might impress you.”
It was only a moment before there was a understanding chuckle from Yua. The response was not one Elizabeth expected, and as such as quickly turned to the other with a quizzical expression.
“Ah, is that perhaps contributing to your frustration with the game?”
She was quiet for a moment. Elizabeth shifted from side to side, unable to meet Yua’s gaze for a moment. Eventually however, she huffed in resignation.
“Perhaps,” she said simply. There was a pause, followed by a shake of her head. “I had it all planned out. I’d show off my natural talents and you’d be amazed! We’d be able to enjoy your games together and we could enjoy something you like. But, things aren’t really going as I hoped they would.” Another pause followed a downturn of her head. “Surely you’d have more fun with someone more skilled, correct?”
Elizabeth felt a hand wrap around hers and squeeze gently by firmly. She looked back at Yua, briefly squeezing hers back in an almost reflexive response.
“Being good at something isn’t the only way to enjoy it,” Yua replied, “I don’t need to play with another skilled player to have fun. As long as you want to play and are having a good time, that’s what matters most to me.”
“I see…”
“There’s also a joy in watching someone else learn and want to share in something you yourself enjoy, too. That’s the part that matters most to me. And it’s wonderful you’d want to try to learn about something I like.”
Elizabeth was quiet for a moment, withdrawing her hand from Yua’s.
“... So as long as we’re enjoying ourselves, that matters more than being good.”
A car scuttled by, filling another moment of silence that passed between the two. Elizabeth withdrew her hand for a moment. Her face twisted into what appeared to Yua to be rather pensive contemplation. For a second, Yua perhaps wondered if what she’d said wasn’t enough to allay Elizabeth’s concerns.
But then, Elizabeth took initiative and took Yua’s hand, giving her another squeeze. Perhaps it was an indication of reassurance on her part in this case.
“Alright, in that case, I’m looking forward to actually learning how to play this game proper. After we get ice cream, of course!” declared Elizabeth. “Speaking of ice cream though, I wonder if they have any of those flavors you found so unusual in the last shop we went to.”
Yua laughed amiably. “Maybe, but I haven’t really investigated this place yet. Just be careful though, alright?”
Elizabeth blinked before blushing sheepishly. “I’m not going to try to eat my ice cream as fast as last time. I don’t want to go through that unpleasantness again… ‘brain freeze’ you called it?”
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gloves94 · 4 years
Kingdom of the Sun [Fire Lord Zuko] 3
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Chapter Warnings: Heavy petting, angst Story Rating: M Pairings: Zuko/OC
"There you are!" A familiar feminine voice echoed the cave. The cold lovers turned to see Suki and Sokka creeping inside of the hole in the wall that they called an ice cave. Sokka was holding a gas lantern that seemed to glow in the darkness. It had been awfully quiet outside, the only sound that could be heard was the howling wind that blew by. Sokka looked at the couple that was inside. Specifically, at how they were sitting. Zuko was sitting against one of the icy walls slightly hunched forward. In between his wide open legs sat the auburn-haired girl wrapped in his thick wool cape, his arms were around her holding against his body, his head comfortably resting on top of hers. Sokka also noted the discarded winter clothing and weapons that had been carelessly thrown across the small space. A sly knowing grin made way to his face. Those two were freaky and he knew it. "Looks like you two kept busy while hiding out here in your little snow bungalow." He said while childishly sniggering at the red-faced girl’s expression. "I fell through the ice and almost died. Zuko's just… keeping me warm." She explained. The Fire Lord simply breathed out a firey exhale which made him resemble a dragon and shot his friend an irked glare. “Mhnn… Sure,” The Water Tribe boy arched a teasing eyebrow the knowing smirk still plastered to his face. Suki stood next to him with her arms crossed over her chest, her expression mirrored his. The Kyoshi Warrior laughed a little, her eyes drifting up eyeing the cave’s dripping ceiling “I’m surprised the place didn’t melt down.” “Get dressed and let’s get back up. Luckily nobody got hurt. We captured the one responsible for all of this mess.”
xxx The celebratory mood had definitely been killed. It was a miracle Katara’s grandmother hadn’t had a heart attack on the spot or something. It really seemed like it had all been one massive distraction, the only casualty of the several explosions being Tsai’s ship. Thankfully there was no one on board at the time.
She hated to admit it, but her mother had been right. She should’ve known this would happen. Now dressed in warmer clothes, yet still feeling cold and uneasy at the cold brush with death she stood with the group as they huddled outside of a snow building where the assassin’s accomplice was being held. Several oil lamps planted outside illuminated the space. Aang and Katara were still dressed in their ceremonial robes and Tsai couldn’t help but feel guilty about having ruined their ceremony.   “He hasn’t said a single word since we captured him,” explained Chief Hakoda who was stepping out from the holding building.
“What matters is that nobody got hurt,” Aang said a hard look on his gray eyes. “This doesn’t make any sense,” Katara said holding a hand against her mouth in a pensive matter. “Why would anybody do this?”
It had obviously all been one large ploy to distract everybody. The assassins knew they wouldn’t be able to kill anyone with the Avatar and his team nearby. A diversion to scatter the group in their separate ways seemed like the best option to then strike.
“I’m sorry,” Tsai stepped forward, eyes lowered in a guilty expression. “This is all my fault. My mother warned me not to come. It’s been happening more and more often now but it’s not rare for somebody to come and try assassinate me- “ “Or me-“ Zuko added at her side, arms crossed over his chest. She looked at him with a concerned expression. He wasn’t wrong. They could’ve both been targets. Two birds one stone. Whoever sent these assassins knew that the Fire Lord and the girl from the Republic of Nations would probably be together. “It was obviously meant to be a distraction so the assassins could strike.”
“Regardless, I’m pretty sure he’s not coming back out of the water.” An unpleasant chill went down her spine as she thought of the man’s dreadful ending. The terrible feeling of the icy water still prickling at her skin like needles. “Question is- who sent them?” Chief Hakoda asked stroking his chin wisely, slightly pacing around in the snow. Tsai looked pensive. Her head lowered with burdening shame before allowing a sigh of defeat escape her lips. “It’s my father,” She admitted. “He’s beyond reason. He’s behind the Anti-Revolutionary Movement. Wants to take the colonies himself as an absolute monarch.” “But the revolution is over,” Sokka butted. “The Republic of Nations has been well established for some time now. He can’t create an uprising, much less by-“ Suki added before her tone faltering in hesitation at the end. “It’s okay, you can say it,” she drowned out to her friend. “By killing me,” she finished her friend’s words. “It’s not the first time that one of our dads went nuts and tried to kill someone in the group.” ‘Although, hopefully it’s the last…’ She thought the last part to herself. Zuko pinched the bridge of his nose. Tsai couldn’t tell if it was either due to frustration, the painful memory of his father or just plain irritation. “So, your father thinks he will accomplish just what by killing you?” Toph asked bluntly with her arms crossed over her chest. “Many see me as a symbol of the independence of the colonies,” She trailed off holding her arm uncomfortably. “He thinks that killing me will send a message, spark a coup d’etât, a movement. We’re not fighting a man here; we’re fighting an ideology.” “What ideology?” Aang probed. “Anarchy,” Zuko responded with a sullen tone. “Your father is an anarchist. I wouldn’t be surprised if his ideals went hand in hand with the New Ozai Society.” The group shared a moment of silence. The hollow wind blowing by. The oil lanterns crackling lightly in the darkness. “So, what are we waiting for?” Toph arched a challenging eyebrow breaking the group silence. “Let’s go back to the Republic and wait for the snakes to come out of their holes,” she punched her own fist an excited grin on her face. Scattered humorous huffs were heard.
Now this was more like the good old days. “It’s not that simple Toph,” Katara butted. “All of these people, they’re underground. They’re not gathered in one place. There’s no way of knowing who’s who or who’s involved.” “There is one way…” Zuko’s eyes glinted darkly as he raised his head up to the building were the hostage was being kept. “He won’t talk.” Hakoda answered as he read the torturous idea the Fire Lord had in mind. “I’ll make him,” Zuko spat in an angry tone. Tsai looked at him with a concerned expression, she didn’t know if it was instinctual or not, but she wrapped her hands around his arm for a moment in an attempt to ground him and his infamous temper. “Zuko’s right. We have to get him to talk,” Sokka trailed off pensively. “Not here. He’ll return to the Fire Nation with me.” The group murmured and discussed ideas to make the captured prisoner cooperate. And yes, Aang’s ‘Why don’t we just ask him nicely?’ was immediately discarded. Lion Turtles, the boy had the patience of a saint.
“For now, this works in our favor. I think our best play is making your father and the other Anti-Revolutionaries think that you’re dead.” The Chief said placing a comforting hand on Tsai’s shoulder for a moment. “What?” Her eyes grew a little wide in surprise. “And then what? He’s going to attack the city again! My brother can’t hold him off alone! What about my family?” “Don’t worry,” Toph continued to squeeze her knuckles and Tsai got the impression that regardless of the situation the girl just really, really wanted to beat someone down. “We’ll lend him a hand.”   “It’s also best if your mom and brother think…” Sokka trailed off uneasily. She lowered her head a little. “Geez…” She huffed at the thought. “If my mom finds out I’m not really dead, then I really am dead,” she said dramatically at the thought of facing her mother’s wrath. “I can’t do that to them. It’s too painful,” she pleaded with the group. How could she put her family through such a painfully emotionally ordeal? It would be cruel and unnecessary. “It’s for the best.” Katara said reaching for her arm just like her dad had done a moment ago. “We’ll go deliver the news ourselves. We’ll also be on guard if anything arises.” Katara explained in a comforting tone. “I’ll have an army sent to the Republic of Nations for precaution.” The Fire Lord spoke still seeming deep in thought. “And what am I going to do?” She said frustrated stretching her arms out. “Hide away here in a snow bungalow? “You didn’t seem to mind before,” Sokka muttered under his breath laughing to himself. Earning him a punch on the side to keep quiet from his girlfriend. “You’re more than welcome to stay if you’d like,” Chief Hakoda said in a welcoming tone before retreating and walking inside of the building where Ty Lee and other Southern Tribe Warriors were guarding the prisoner. Her face turned a little blue at the thought of being in the ice tundra for another day. “It might be best if you return to the Fire Nation with Zuko,” Aang said. Her eyes peeled wide open as panic surged through her. Going back to the Fire Nation? With him… She swallowed the breath that had caught in her throat. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea. After all, Fire Nationers weren’t particularly welcoming to her…
Unconsciously her body flinched slightly at the thought. Her mind drifting to unpleasant memories of the last time she was in the nation. “Aang’s right,” Suki added. “There’s no way anyone would be able to hurt you inside of the Fire Nation.” “You’ll be safe there,” Katara insisted. All of her friends were trying to make the girl’s concerned expression morph into a more relaxed one. But how could one relax in a situation like this? Going back to the Fire Nation with Zuko… Yeah maybe they had gotten a little carried away earlier, but it had been a life or death situation. She had a terrible feeling that there would soon be a confrontation between the two of them and frankly she was dreading it. “I’ll keep you safe,” She turned to look at his golden eyes and whole heartedly knew that he meant it. His hand placed gently in the middle of her back. The look in his eyes made her blood warm her ears and she felt an unflattering patch of red form on her neck.
She turned away hoping nobody would notice the blush creeping on her face. Her hands reaching for her hard temples as she rubbed them lightly already anticipating a terrible headache to come. “My mother is going to kill me…” xxx
By the time it was past midnight everybody had once again gone their separate ways. They had all hugged tightly and exchanged their good wishes. Except for Toph. When Tsai attempted to hug her, she made a massive pillar of black earth rise from underneath throwing her off her balance and told her to go hug a snowman or something. The only hope of reuniting in the future being Aang and Katara’s soon to be wedding.
Zuko had decided to travel by airship since it was considered to be faster. Tsai was to be his honored guest and Ty Lee and Suki accompanied them as their Kyoshi Warrior bodyguards. She presently lay alone in a cold bed with her arms wrapped around herself in an attempt to keep warm. She rubbed her feet together, against each other like a cricket, as she was still suffering from the effects of having fallen into the freezing arctic ocean just a couple of hours ago. She would be very surprised if she didn’t develop a cold in the next day or so. She couldn’t sleep. She didn’t know what was keeping her up, if it was her cold body, anguishing concerns over her family, the stress over fighting all of these groups that sought to destroy her and Zuko. Horrible thoughts about the last time she was in the Fire Nation…
She couldn’t be here anymore. She wanted to talk to someone. Carefully tiptoeing out of her room, making sure not to make any noise. She was bluntly caught in the act only a moment after. She stood like a deerdog in headlights. Suki standing outside in the middle of the corridor with her arms crossed over her chest coolly. She gave her friend a knowing look. "Did you want to talk to Zuko?" She asked with a knowing expression on her features. “Me?” Tsai chuckled nervously. “Nope,” she said popping the ‘p’ in the word innocently. “I just got lost.” She lied awkwardly, a nervous grin giving away her intentions of entering the Fire Lord’s chambers in the middle of the night.
Her friend laughed a little and walked towards her shaking her head lightly. “I just want to talk with him,” she explained averting her eyes. With a smirk Suki reached for her sleeping shirt and unbuttoned the top two buttons of it, pulling the hem low to make her cleavage more pronounced. Her hands moved expertly as they reached for the sides of her head and ruffled up her hair making it messier and appear more voluptuous. She finished by pinching her cheeks hard making them turn a blushing red. “Ow!” the other protested. “I told you we’re only going to talk.” She said swatting her hand away. “Sure.” Both girls shared a light laugh. “Go get him,” Suki said nudging her on. “Have a nice talk,” she wiggled her eyebrows teasingly. Actually, causing the other girl’s face to turn even redder. Tsai walked inside of the room carefully. It was pitch black with the exception of a dim candle that sat on the nightstand on the empty side of his large bed. Quietly, she slid her bare feet across the floor hoping not to bump into anything until she reached the edge of his bed. She gathered he was probably fast asleep from the unmoving lump that lay underneath the bed’s covers. The mattress sank under her weight as she climbed on the bed and crawled towards him. She reached for his naked shoulder his name about to drop from her lips when she was suddenly jerked down, a sharp object zooming towards her.
She lay frozen, pinned under a heavy naked torso a blade hovering mere inches away from her eye.
Zuko looked down at her, a firm hand wrapped around her throat lightly pressing down, his knees bended on top of her legs keeping her immobilizing his enemy. His hair loose and undone falling on either sides of his face.
The thought of him welcoming every assassin that attempted to strike him like this made Tsai grow a little envious.
His molten golden eyes looked down at her barely illuminate face. He looked at her messy, long hair sprawled out on the pillow, her flushed face, parted open lips as she held in what he interpreted to be a shaky breath of surprise. He whispered her name in surprise and lowered the knife. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I’ve grown used to sleeping with an eye open,” he put the blade on the nightstand next to the candle. “I never thanked you for what you did for me. You didn’t have to do any of that.” She began. If the two of them were to return to the Fire Nation together it would be best to get the uncomfortable confrontation out of the way. It wouldn’t be pleasant. This conversation was bound to happen anyways, it was best to get it out of the way and discuss, well, define, just what the hell the two of them were. That is- if they were anything at all to begin with. For all that she knew maybe the two were rekindling old emotions, burning off some frustrated pent up steam. His eyes lingered on her expression. Yet he said nothing remaining silent. His warm body still pressing against hers. There was an intense look in his eyes, a raw emotion she was unfamiliar with burning in them. The look made her feel vulnerable as he studied her. Not removing himself or his prying eyes from her he waved a hand over the candles and the two were consumed by a sudden darkness.
Guess there wouldn’t be much talking tonight. Blindless lingered in her eyes for a moment before they adjusted to the absence of light. The hand on her neck lowered and splayed over her chest, his digits tracing the flesh over her clavicles. His other reached for her side, fingers almost like snakes slipping underneath her shirt with such ease and tenderness that goosebumps became erect on her arm. He leaned in with a calculated manner, stopping only a torturous distance before her mouth. His nose tracing her features, bumping into hers. She could feel his breath warming her face. Slowly, torturously his mouth barely grazed hers. “I miss you,” she admitted breathlessly and in return he kissed her hard. He kissed intensely with longing, teeth clicking together as their lips moved against each other. “I miss you more,” he spoke gruffly against her mouth. A rough groan dripping with wanting escaped his lips. It was the involuntary king that made his chest rumble. He pressed his groin against hers grinding into her.   His other hand slid further up her body. Fingers mapping out her skin. His other hand rounded around her head tangling in her locks of hair. She held her longing breath, the girl practically dripping with anticipation. A familiar itch between her legs begging to be scratched. She reached for the other buttons of her night shirt and began undoing them. Again, his hand snaked back down to the exposed skin above her clavicles. The warm hand sliding lower and lower until it reached her breast. It lingered there for a long moment, his fingers pressing down on her skin, yet remained stiff. He remained frozen for a long moment. Long enough for her to consider voicing out a concern but didn’t. Instead, she felt the unwelcome absence of his warmth as he removed himself from her. The cold aid greeting her harshly.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized scratching his nose nervously. She saw him retreat and sit on the edge of the bed both of his feet planted on the floor as he lightly slouched completely turning away from her.
She lay still. Cheeks puffed. She wanted to be angry, she wanted to pull at her hair due to all the pent-up frustration and storm out of the room- but she wouldn’t. She had to be patient. She had to be understanding. She had to be respectful.
Just like he had been when he made his own demands to her the last time, they were together… Her pride was wounded. She knew, deep in her heart that he didn’t mean to hurt her, that he didn’t mean it like this, that he had his own reasons for being so reserved. That he wasn’t being a tease. Knowing that she had also hurt him all the same if not worse the last time they had been together in the Fire Nation made everything impossibly worse. But the ugly feeling of being undesired by the person you desire the most… It hurt. Once again… he had neglected her. She silently let out a breath she had been holding and pushed her pride and sexual frustrations to the side.
“I’m under a lot of stress,” he confessed. “I can’t sleep, I can’t think, I can’t-“ He sighed in distress, his voice trailing off and buried his head in his hands in frustration. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness. She saw his back muscles moving slightly as he hunched over. She looked at him with sadness, with guilty from wanting more of him. Her body still hot. However, those were demands she could not make of him. After all love was patient, love was kind… Zuko’s body stiffened when he felt a touch on his back, it took him a moment to relax when a pair of arms wrapped around his torso holding him in a close embrace. She pressed her cheek against his back and closed her eyes listening to his drumming heart beating. “It’s okay,” she whispered reassuringly planting a gentle kiss in between his shoulder blades and then another one on his shoulder. “Let’s try and get some sleep,” she comforted him and pulled his torso to lay back on the bed. “Come on.” She insisted when he remained still. However, after a moment he caved. He lay on his side turning away from her. He seemed distant and cold. She said nothing, swallowing her pride and respecting his space. Maybe it was best if she left. Maybe it was too painful, too confusing, not only for him, but for her too. Too many emotions for one day. She tossed the covers off her body getting ready to return to her chambers. “Stay,” he demanded. His voice soft.
She wasn’t expecting him to say anything. She froze, her eyes looking back at the Lord that had now turned to face her, slightly sitting up.
Coming here tonight had been a bad idea. Scratch that. Coming to the ceremony, specifically to seek him out had been a terrible idea. What was she hoping to accomplish? The two of them getting back together... Their relationship returning back to normal only for the two to again split when push came to shove? He looked at her with pleading eyes. He reached for her arm and despite never having felt the sensation of skin burning in her life she guessed this was probably what it felt like. Anguish knotting in her throat rendering her silent. She gradually turned and caved to his touch. Slipping underneath the bed covers and facing him. Her hand touching his face, she caressed the scar that marked him, tracing it with the back of her hand. She looked at him with an endearing expression in her eyes and a heavy heart before lightly pressing her lips against his scarred skin.
After all this time she still loved him…
He said nothing in return and leaned forward burying his face on her chest. He took in a deep breath inhaling the scent he had missed so much, welcoming the familiar touch he starved for, lightly kissing the flesh he longed for. And he still loved her… He knew they would be having the unpleasant conversation that would define their relationship soon. Their emotions, their future, their intimacy, their fall… It would all have to be painfully dissected. But for now, this would do. This unspoken sad language the two of them seemed to share. He placed a hand on her side, his fingers lightly tracing circles on the skin underneath her shirt.
She held him close in a bittersweet embrace. Love, sadness, much regret, wanting and disappointment were all in the bed with them. Not another word was exchanged between the two. It wasn’t necessary. She rested her head on top of his and she ran her fingers through his hair soothingly.
Some moments later she could feel his rhythmic breathing warming her skin, his hand still draped on her side. He had fallen asleep. She couldn’t see his expression yet felt a little relieved knowing he was actually resting. One of her legs possessively tangled in between his.
Tsai was left alone with her distressing thoughts; painful tears prickled the edges of her eyes threatening to spill. She missed him so much. She still loved him so much. How could they have allowed themselves to do this to each other? A single tear slid down her face and she pressed her lips kissing the top of his head.
Her mind drifting to an unpleasant memory. She could still vividly remember their downfall.   It had been that horrible day...   She could still remember the smell of moisture and myrrh incense in the Dragon Catacombs…
She squeezed her eyes shut tight and prayed for the dark memory to go away, but it didn’t…
AN: Sorry this took me so long, I wasn't sure in what direction to go in this chapter, but overall I'm happy with it! (of course angst because I can't just let these 2 be happy) Alright, next chapter is going to be a flashback chapter and we're about to find out what happened in the Dragon Catacombs... prev: https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/624849870080131072/kingdom-of-the-sun-firelord-zuko-2 next: https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/625513136018112512/kingdom-of-the-sun-fire-lord-zuko-4
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