#my hairdresser rules
Hair Day! (A modified essay)
Going to the hair salon is a treat I use once or twice per year. I love my hairdresser. She has been my only hairdresser for 20 years. She has been employed at several different salons, and I just follow her wherever she goes. She knows my quirks, weirdness, and she is a great conversationalist. Not to mention she does a great hair. She's honest and teaches me techniques and products to use, so I will know how to fix it myself when I am at home. I know I sound like I am possibly singing her praises too much. This girl was subpoenaed by my ex to testify during our divorce, and she showed up reluctantly and sat with me the entire time. She lost an entire day of work, but she still had my back. I am forever loyal for this reason in addition to her skills as a hairdresser.
Having said all of that, I have a couple of gripes. She knows what they are because I don't like to say something behind someones back if I am not willing to say it to his or her face. It is a policy of mine. My first complaint has nothing to do with her really, but the lighting in this place is extremely unflattering compared to some of the other places I have been to. I am not a fan of mirrors in general except for utilitarian purposes (fixing makeup or hair). I am not a fan of staring at myself in harsh lighting while she colors or cuts my hair. I either look down or have her turn the chair so I don't have to look. It is one of my quirks and she understands it.
The last time she colored, cut and styled my hair for me, it was perfect, and looked really nice, even in the bad lighting. I usually have to adjust my bangs, move my part over or something. It usually is just a little bit off from how I like it to fall around my face. This time I didn't have to make any changes to what she had done. I smiled and she could see how happy I was. My response is normally underwhelming, even though I always like the end result. This could be a personality thing or a spectrum thing, I am not sure. She grabbed the hand held mirror and said, "Here, you have to look at the back of your hair, it looks so pretty!"
I was initially skeptical, but it looked so good in the front. I took the mirror and turned around to see my hair in the other mirror. I glanced at the pretty colors and layers, then and my eyes immediately moved down to my ass. "Oh no!" I shook my head and tilted the mirror different angles so I could be sure of what I was actually seeing.
It was obvious to me at this moment that this day was not going to end well.
"What is it? You don't like the back?" Her big eyes showed the concern on her face. She is very transparent, a quality I like.
"No, the hair is nice. It is my ass! I thought it looked better than this. Oh my God. Why did you make me look at my ass? I could have gone all day believing my ass looked decent. I could have gone the rest of my life really. Now I have a problem. Thanks Sheila!" This is not great for my self esteem; which has taken many hits over the past few years.
"I didn't tell you to look at your ass."
"No but you should have known I would! Now I have to intensify my workouts and start fasting again, or just accept having a shitty ass. It's just too much!" I pouted a few minutes then took out my money. She laughed at me. I gave her the usual hug, paid her and thanked her. I probably won't see her for another 6 months.
When I left the salon, it was lightly misting outside. I popped into the salon supply store to get the product she had used on my hair, then I drove home. By the time I got there, I looked like a lightly rained on long-haired dachshund. My hair was somehow both frizzy AND flat! I don't know how it continues to defy hair physics, but it does. It looked really bad.
For the nostalgia of the "good old days" of high school essay writing, I shall summarize with the lamest possible closing paragraph, AKA- 'Saying what you have already said'. I have done this more often than I shall admit.
In conclusion, my hair dresser is great, the salon lighting sucks, the top of my ass looks weird, and I now have upper ass issues. The day started out good. There was great hair, bonding time with my friend, and it somehow quickly deteriorated into me standing in front of my mirror saying, "fuck this day. I look like a wet dog, and I have a terrible ass".
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
It could happen.
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cinnamonrollls · 2 days
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gendzl · 10 months
I have a dentist appt tomorrow :(
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cut my own fringe today with some blunt scissors and am unbelievably smug about the results
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like it actually looks *not* shit??
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
It's movie night but they can't use the home cinema, what do they do?
[week 1]
Bruce: Thanks for letting us use your place for movie night while we fix that leak at home.
Dick: No problem. Besides, I have plenty of snacks and the director's cut of Dumbo.
Everyone: *gathers around*
Dick: *puts on the movie*
~ 10 minutes in ~
*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
Tim: My crime alert's going off.
Harper: Mine too.
Duke: Must be big.
Bruce: Suit up and rendezvous in three.
Dick: *sighs and pauses the movie*
Dick: Can't get one night in this damn city.
[week 2]
Tim: Steph, why are we at a karaoke lounge?
Steph: I know the owner's cousin's hairdresser's dog walker's sister's girlfriend and I convinced them to let us use the party room. Don't worry, it's just like a TV screen.
Steph: *puts on Pitch Perfect*
Steph: Ooh, I love this part.
Steph: *grabs a mic and starts singing*
Damian: *stuffs napkins in his ears*
[week 3]
Jason: Since we decided on Pride and Prejudice, I thought I could play it at my safehouse.
Dick: Sweet, thanks!
Jason: *unlocks the door*
Dick: *tries to step in*
Jason: *stops him*
Jason: I said I could play it. I never said you could come in. I don't want your you-ness all over my new stuff.
Bruce: Jason, be reasonable.
Harper: Yeah, you got this junk off the side of the road.
Jason: My junk, my rules.
Tim: Then what are we supposed to do?
Jason: Fire escape's around the back. You'll get a decent glance.
~ 20 minutes later ~
Dick: *leans his head in to hear better*
Jason: My air, my rules.
Jason: *closes the window*
[week 4]
Bruce: Cass, it's your turn. Got the movie?
Cass: *nods and plays Rambo on her computer*
Barbara: Uh, why isn't there any sound?
Cass: Volume button broke. Just read lips.
Jason: Kinda hard to do that with the brightness at zero. Did that stop working too?
Duke: Looks fine to me.
Jason: Shut up, Flashlight.
[week 5]
Tim: I brought my entire Star Wars collection.
Bruce, dodging a space laser: Not the time.
Tim: Okay.
Bruce: *punches an alien robot*
Tim: How about now?
[week 6]
Barbara: Sorry I got a cold, but at least we can still have movie night on Zoom. I torrented a copy of The Matrix.
Barbara: *shares her screen*
*movie plays*
Barbara: *leaves herself unmuted*
Barbara: *starts crinkling Sun Chips*
[week 7]
Everyone: *crowd around Damian's phone watching My Neighbor Totoro*
Bette: Why is your phone so small?
Damian: I have tiny hands.
[week 8]
Harper: Because we're watching Cars this week, I thought I could put together an all-immersive experience.
[week 9]
Duke: I called this company and since we're heroes, they're letting us use their electronic billboard for this week's movie at a huge discount. Kill Bill should be coming on right about...
*movie starts playing*
Jason: Not bad, Narrows.
*billboard switches to an ad*
[week 10]
Carrie: Since Steamboat Willie is now public domain, I thought we could do something different tonight.
Carrie: *pulls out a flipbook*
[week 11]
Everyone: *watching Love, Simon in a dark living room*
*lights flick on*
Apollo and Midnighter: *standing there in date night outfits*
Steph: Um, Cullen, who are these guys?
Cullen: *laughs nervously*
Cullen: Everyone, meet Apollo and Midnighter. They're kinda-sorta my gay uncles and we're kinda-sorta in their apartment and I kinda-sorta didn't expect them to come back early.
Midnighter: Remind me why we gave you a spare key?
[week 12]
Kate: *sets up a projector and plays Glass Onion*
Bruce: Kate, this is a crime scene.
Kate: The fun part's already done, let Gordon do cleanup this time.
[week 13]
Alfred: Back in my day, we did not rely on scrupulous use of technology. Which is why I propose watching a classic Sherlock Holmes tale on a classic instrument.
Alfred: *pulls out a zoetrope*
Steph: Anyone know what that is?
Dick: Not a clue.
[week 14]
Luke: Nothing like a good ol' drive-in movie. Great idea, Helena.
Helena: I know, and the Godfather is perfect for this.
*Batmobile crashes through the screen*
Steph: Sorry we're late.
Duke: I'm still figuring out the PRINDL.
[week 15]
*TV playing the Aristocats*
Bruce, trying to flirt: I like what you've done with the curtains.
Selina: Thanks, but it was Snowball's after-dinner surprise.
*TV blinks off*
Tim: Hey, what gives?
Selina: *takes a chewed-up cord out of a cat's mouth*
Selina, sighing: This is why I married rich.
[week 16]
Luke: May I present the ultimate Snakes On A Plane drone show!
*phone rings*
Luke: Hello? ... Yes, this is he. ... Mhm. ... Yep. ... Okay.
Luke: Never mind, the FAA says I can't.
[week 17]
Everyone: *watching Legally Blonde at Bette's place*
*dogs barking*
*loud music*
*car honk*
*neighbors shouting*
Bette: Sorry, we have thin walls.
Bruce, shrugging: Eh, still not as bad as HOA.
[week 18]
Damian: Where is movie night this time, Father?
Barbara: My money's on another crime scene.
Bruce: Actually, I rented out the theater just for us and they're playing a special edition of The Mark of Zorro. Everyone got their snacks?
Duke: Popcorn, check.
Cass: Licorice, check.
Steph: M&Ms are obviously the right answer by the way.
Dick: I got a slushee.
Jason: I got the slushee machine.
Bruce: Alright then, take your seats. The movie's about to begin.
*movie plays*
*Rogues break in, make a mess, and leave*
Bruce: I miss my parents.
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whispersofmercury · 7 months
6th House in Astrology
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🩺 shows where you are prone to illness
🩻 rules over the natural tendencies of your body
🩺ruler of the house shows areas of physical weakness
🩻 can help you find routines that will help you heal
🩺shows where you may be lazy or inconsistent
🩻but also suggests what routines or things you are likely to stick with!
🩺 this house rules over inherited or chronic illnesses (and other things that can respond well to routines and diets as part of treatment)
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🩻 stress induced conditions are also found in this house
🩺 this house is also the house of work, especially in regards to employees or if you are working towards someone else's goal
🩻 it's also an area of caregivers and service and can show where you give too much
🩺also rules over support staff! (Think Healthcare workers, sometimes therapists, nutrionists, nurses, etc.)
🩻 overall this house and its planetary rulers rules over EATING HABBITS alongside the moon
For example:
- what we eat and how we eat it (fast, slow, hot food or cold food preference?)
- what flavors do we like (Bland? Spicy? Cool and calming?)
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In modern rulership, the 6th house also rules over
🩺 meaningful work or service
🩻 acts of service
🩺 giving back to others
🩻 being a support system
🩺 in older astrology it would rule over slaves and slavery, and while horrifically there are still slaves in the world, this house more modernly expanded to significate people that serve you (anyone you pay for a service, like hairdressers, lawnmowers, etc)
🩻 Day to day work (can show workaholic tendencies, especially if Saturn or potentially Mars is involved) also indicates how easy it is for the person to delegate work tasks
🩺 Animals and pets (traditionally more so working animals like herding dogs but expanded to include everyday pets in our modern day)
🩻 workout routines and what makes you feel better on a day to day basis
🩺 Look to the 6th house to see how you work on an everyday basis! The planetary ruler of the zodiac sign on this cusp will tell you a lot about your relationship to routine, what workouts you need, how and if you delegate work (if you should do more delegating for your stress levels!), potential health considerations, and more! I'm going to be diving deeper in future posts about each planet in the 6th house so if you have planets in the 6th house (or even if you want to know more about the zodiac sign and planetary ruling your 6th house means) watch out for that coming soon! 🩻
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* Disclaimer: Most of this info comes from my notes from a channel called astrology with Heather she's an amazing astrologist, and if you want to look deeper, I'd highly recommend her work!*
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libraryofolive · 2 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓓𝔂𝓮
Featuring: Takuma Ino x gn!reader Genre: Fluff, crack Word count: 1.1k Like this? You can find my smaus here and my drabbles and other fics here! Do you have a request? You can find my rules for requesting here!
Synopsis: Chaos reigns supreme as your golden retriever boyfriend helps you dye your hair
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When your boyfriend Ino Takuma squeezed the first blob of dye directly onto your scalp, you couldn’t help but shriek at the cold goop hitting your sensitive skin.
“What are you doing?” You cried, keeping your head as still as possible as to not splatter dye across your white bathroom walls. You were dressed only in your cheapest oversized tee, one that already had more than a sprinkle of dye on it from previous attempts at colouring your hair, and panties, not trusting Ino to not accidentally get anything on any trousers you wore. You loved him, you really did, but when he asked you to help you colour your hair, you were… sceptical, to say the least.
“Trust me, babe! This is how I saw someone do it on TikTok!” He too was dressed in an old t shirt and a pair of boxers, heeding your warning about not getting anything on the clothes he actually liked wearing. The flimsy plastic gloves that came with the box dye adorned his hands, a dye brush in his hands as he started to spread the concoction over the top of your hair. His tongue stuck out his mouth slightly, his brow furrowed in concentration. You admired his concentrated face in your bathroom mirror, only to get pulled out of your admiration by his shoddy technique.
“Takuma, make sure you get it on every layer, not just the top of my head. As cute as the Narcissa Malfoy type of hair can be, it’s not what I’m going for right now.”
“I told you, just trust me! I’ve done my research, I swear.” He made eye contact with you through the mirror, grinning wildly. The fact that he had gone out of his way to look into how best to help you, and was so happy about it, made your heart flutter. This - much like your previous appreciation of your boyfriend - was cut short again, though, as you felt dye slowly seep its way onto his forehead.
“You’re getting it on my face, babe - its a good job I remembered to cover my forehead with Vaseline to avoid it staining my skin.” Your voice was full of mirth, lightly teasing your pseudo-hairdresser. Music wafted around the two of you as you settled into a comfortable silence, Ino too concentrated on your hair to keep up a conversation. You broke the silence occasionally to remind him of something or to tease his technique, but you were happy to be pampered by your eager boyfriend. You had to admit, this was a much nicer way to dye your hair than straining to reach the back of your head and praying you hadn’t missed a patch that you couldn’t see - especially when Takuma’s gloved hands started massaging your head.
“What are you doing? You’re gonna get it all over you.” You asked when his long fingers started to work themselves through your locks.
“Shh, baby, relax. I’m giving you a head massage - making sure I get dye into all the nooks and crannies. You’re gonna look so good, I know it.”
“Because of your expert hair dressing skills?”
“Well, yeah, but also cos it’s you, and you always look good.” His off-handed compliment had your face warming and your gaze straying from his in the mirror.
“Yeah, whatever.” You mumbled.
Eventually, all of the dye was used up, your boyfriend’s gloves discarded, and a timer set to let it marinade into your hair. The two of you sat cross-legged on the floor of your bathroom, now facing each other, knees touching.
“Can I wash it out for you? Like a proper salon?” Ino asked you.
“Really? You want to do that?”
“Well, I’m not half-a-job Bob. Gotta make sure my client is looked after and the dye washed out properly, duh. And to try and save your pillowcase and towels later.” He grinned at you, taking your hands in his and holding them up in the middle of the two of you. You hummed affirmatively as you studied his arms - he had slashes of colour running up his forearms from where they had accidentally caught some of your hair. He brought your hands up to his lips, kissing your knuckles.
Washing the dye out of your hair was nothing but chaos - you kneeled, leant over your bathtub, the shower head that normally rests above it being pulled off its holder and used by Ino to rinse off your hair. He started off by rinsing off as much dye as he could without shampoo, but when it came to loading your hair up with the soap, he put the shower head down next to you in the bath. This caused the water still coming out of the showerhead to propel it onto its back, the water ending up spraying all over your walls and bathroom floor. You started screaming, unable to lift your head out of the tub for fear of making it worse with your dripping hair, and Ino had both hands covered in your expensive shampoo that he had been told not to waste under any circumstances.
“WHAT DO I DO?” He yelled, eyes wide as they took in the carnage he had accidentally created.
Eventually, Ino grabbed the shower head, pointing the stream of water back into the bathtub. Warily, he handed you the the showerhead so that you could hold it steady whilst he lathered up your hair with soap. Why the two of you didn’t think about that in the first place, you had no idea. You decided to chalk it up to the fumes of the dye messing with your heads.
Eventually, the water being used to wash your hair ran clean, giving you the all clear to stop. You banished Ino to the living room as you dried and styled your hair, not letting him see his finished product until it was, well, finished. You adored him, you really did, but you didn’t trust enough to apply extreme heat to your hair just yet. Maybe one day, you had assured him, but when you looked at your sodden bathroom walls and floor, today was not that day.
You jumped into the living room, throwing your arms wide open and yelling “Surprise!” to catch your partner’s attention. His jaw dropped when he saw your hair - his work - and how well the colour suited you.
“Woah.” He walked towards you, running his hands through your freshly coloured and styled hair.
“You did a good job, babe.” You praised his work.
“Good job? Baby, my work is spectacular!” He said, a wide smile on his face and hearts in his eyes, admiring you, and praying that you’d let him help you next time, too.
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dogtoling · 2 years
What kinds of jobs would Inkling society have that humans wouldn't? Besides the obvious ones (Grizz Co, etc.)
i feel like i've thought about this before or even made a post before but it might've just been in my brain? The possibilities are literally endless and I haven't thought very much into it but I might as well throw some in - except I will include jobs that we also have, but that would be notably different.
Turf War related jobs:
Stage construction: constructing ink battling stages and modifying them for rotations in different modes - changing the layouts and setting up towers, clam baskets, etc.
Cleanup crew: cleaning up special weapon and sub weapon shells and other junk after Turf Wars, lost-and-found
Lobby reception: and whatever else jobs you would have in Lobbies. if only we knew the full process of getting into a turf war.
Turf War judge: I REFUSE to believe that a freaking cat and his cloned son are the only turf war judges in existence when theres like 237489236423 turf wars happening at any given moment. Anyway, this job handles timing, watching and judging results for ink battles and includes making sure no rules are broken.
Turf War commentator: mostly for tournaments, but may be paired with the above entry
Ink Battle Coach: we have football coaches, same thing. etc
Weapon repairer/modifier: The turf weapon repair scene NEEDS more competition....
Jobs that we also have, but are very different:
Healthcare jobs: you need specialists for EVERY SPECIES.
Dentists, but for the cephalopodan beak and radula. Different dentists for crab mouthparts. And then, of course LITERAL dentists, for the fish and sharks and other creatures that DO have actual teeth.
Hairdresser, but in the Mollusc Era most people have hair that is literally meat to at least some extinct, and feels pain. Specialized mainly between fin stylist and tentacle stylist, probably
Fisherman, in the traditional sense - most food is probably definitely seafood, from the ocean. But given the implication of terrestrial wild fish, there's like... probably land fishermen. Which would most likely just be hunters.
Street food. Most Mollusc Era street food aimed at Cephalings is some variation of fried shrimp, crab, deep fried Thing or takoyaki (that might not have octopus in it, at least hopefully, but it also may.)
Probably unique jobs:
Fryer. Given that Fred Crumbs literally got himself fried head to toe for fashion, there's... well, "frying" is likely a body mod that you can learn to do. It might not require a job if it's something like solarium in execution?
Shell tattooist for all the shelled species - could be hardy paint.
Like every turf war job I listed above.
i was going to include something about childbirth and nurses but given we have very little information about anything and i dont want to think about how on earth that even works for species with eggs, OR species with 100 eggs at once, we're skipping this. use your imagination.
Kelp farmer (we may have this, but it's definitely not a common job.)
Respawn First Aid. For when people get splatted in the middle of the city and need ink quick. In hindsight, it may be a matter of there being an ink canister for this purpose in most public buildings and it can be broken out in an emergency situation. Like one of those red fire bottle foam things (i forgot the name).
Egg Hunter (Grizzco, but there must be others)
Zapfish Farmer
Symbiosis Counselor. like a marriage counselor, but for symbiote citizens and their hosts that struggle to get along.
That's all I can think of for now, but drop ideas in the replies I guess!
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
Hi! can I request averyjameson as parents. like what kind of parent they would be and what rules and stuff they would have for their kid(s)
averyjameson as parents head canons
of course <3. i've already done 3 posts about them as parents (seperately) so if you want to go read those, you can scroll through my master list (pinned in my intro post) until you find them (there's jameson as a girl/boy dad and avery as a boy mom i think). two other people made these (maybe more idk) so i apologize if any of these are similar. hope you enjoy.
they definitely would not be strict parents. they trust their kids to be responsible and stuff so they don't really have any rules.
although they have a ton of money, jameson and avery make sure that their kids don't take everything they have for granted. they involve them in the foundation where they donate to charity, talk to them about societal issues, and could even make them do some community service.
they stay at hawthorne house most of the time, but they do also own another house (or maybe a condo) that they go to whenever hawthorne house is unsafe/they want to get away for a while.
their kids were homeschooled for around a year while they travelled the world together. they both love travelling and wanted their kids to see the world just like they did.
idk if someone else said this, but jameson would definitely be the type of dad who tried to learn their kids' generation's slang. unlike other parents, he would succeed (and he somehow doesn't make in cringe)
they didnt post any pictures of their kids on their socials until they were old enough to decide whether or not they wanted to be on their parents socials knowing the risks.
their kids each have their own wing in hawthorne house (literally all of jameson's brothers' kids do)
i don't really see the kids having a favorite parent. they both prefer one of their parents for different reasons. avery is the one to go to if you need advice/comfort and jameson is their go to when they need a laugh or something fun to do
jameson and avery are so affectionate with one another that their kids don't find it weird. they're so used to it that this is what's normal to them.
they'd have a girl and a boy (maybe a third kid but i think they'd keep it at two. i can see them either being twins or them being 2 years apart or smth).
although they want their kid to do well in school, they're not strict with grades. they don't want their kids to not give a shit about school, they want them to try their best, but avery and jameson make it known to their kids that their grades do not affect their worth.
they're not the type of parents who care about what their kids want to do in the future. they don't need them to have some huge paying job. if their kid wants to become a hairdresser, that's fine by them.
jameson and avery would sort of become their kids' best friends. not in some weird way, but they're very close and tell each other everything. even their kids get along and rarely fight.
this one is a bit sadder but they'd definitely have a discussion about consent very early on bc they know that growing up in the spotlight can be dangerous and people might try to hurt them. they would obviously explain it in a kid friendly way at first.
they'd definitely get a pet. i can imagine the pet being all of the hawthorne's pet (like the four brothers, their wives/gfs (i hc max and xander don't get married but stay together), and their kids)
no matter what alisa and avery's other lawyers said, her kids never did interviews until they were old enough to do one and to decide they wanted to do one. they aren't required to attend events and stuff unless they want to. alisa and avery had a few fights over this until alisa backed off and realized that they were just kids.
they wouldn't have kids until their late 20s. they'd want a few years to themselves, travelling the world, before they have kids (i can also imagine them not having kids at all but eh)
they hate excluding their kids when they make important decisions. they make sure their kids know their opinion is important to them. for example, earlier i said they'd get another house or a condo to get away from hawthorne house sometimes, well they'd ask for their kids' opinion on which place they should buy and stuff.
when their kids don't get along (very rare cause i imagine their kids to be best friends), they put them in a room together (they're in the room next to them or right outside) and don't let them get out until they apologize (they're also very strict (?) with apologies. they want their kids to properly apologize if they did smth wrong like 'im sorry for .... i did it bc... but ik its wrong and ill never do it again. next time i feel like this ill...' or smth like that)
they have movie nights every week. each week, a different person gets to choose the movie or the series. they all settle down in the theatre room at hawthorne house with tons of popcorn and candy and binge watch movies (or just one if they're tired).
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can you do some rohanxsavannah hc plss
Rohan has panic attacks and Savannah pulled several all nighters to research how to comfort someone during a panic attack
Savannah was hesitant at first, because she has bad experience with relationships (Duncan), so they took it slow (I mean on the emotional side of the relationship, it's pretty much canon that she isn't shy on the physical aspect)
Rohan is the little spoon
Savannah made him spend time with Gigi (because there has to be at least one family member that likes him) and they actually got close, he's Gigi's second brother atp (and also the co-founder of Brady hate club, the other co-founder being Gray)
He changed the rules of the Devil's Mercy to be with her (because the old rules said he has to be celibate to take over but he didn't want to leave her)
They watch horror movies together, they both love them
She found out that he secretly loves rom-coms (his guilty pleasure, CHANGE MY MIND) and never let him live it down
This is basically canon, but still, Savannah is a top
They argue a lot and I mean a lot, but it's always resolved before going to sleep, because they hate going to bed angry
He loves to lay with his head on her lap
He's tough and sarcastic when they're with other people, but he's like a lovesick puppy when he's with her
Duncan tried to get back in contact with Savannah and Rohan broke his ribs
He takes her last name when they get married (I mean, he doesn't really have his own anyways, but even if he did, he would still take hers)
Rohan is a girl dad. They have two girls in future and they're the light of his life
He loves Savannah's hair, like, he'll always find an excuse to touch it. He'd brush it, braid it and all that stuff. Savannah is convinced he was a hairdresser in his past life
They had a long distance relationship until she graduated college, but then she moved in London and they started living together
She spent several months trying to convince him to get a cat until he finally gave in
He actually ended up being the cat's favourite and he's always rubbing it in Savannah's face
Not really a savannahxrohan but he fights with Grayson on the daily. It used to be more serious, but now it's more of a joke, "keeping up the ritual", as Rohan likes to say when someone asks
That's all I have for now, maybe I'll come up with more eventually
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angelmichelangelo · 3 months
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this was fun to write :D thanks for the prompt @lydjachan :)
Snip. Snip. Scissors skim along the back of his head, brought down just a half inch over graying fur, April is sure to keep her hand steady as hacks away at the rat’s hair. “I must thank you again, Ms O’Neil,” Splinter says quietly, voice low and rumbled, clearly in a more relaxed trance than he’d anticipated when he’s asked her quietly if she were any good at cutting hair – or in this matter, fur. “Don’t sweat it,” she’s batting off his praises with slight embarrassment. “Though, I hope you know that I’m not the best groomer there is. I clipped my cousin's dog once and he ended up with a bald spot or two.” She clicks her tongue, feeling a heat rush to her cheeks as she lowers the scissors away from her head and catches his eyes in the mirror they’re perched before. “Sorry,” she says rather sheepishly. “Maybe not the best story to tell when I’m already at work back here.” Splinter laughs softly, eyes sliding shut, a true testimony to his trust in her. “It is alright.” A pause, and a breath. “I assure you, you cannot be any worse than what my children have tried over the years.” April laughs, combing through a long part of fur at the nape of his neck, holding it between her fingers and cutting little tufts of it falling into her lap. “Boy, is that a sight I wouldn’t want to see,” she says, trying to picture any one of the boys with dainty little hairdressing scissors or with any kind of instruments that they usually did not wield. Sure Leonardo could rock twin blades but she wasn’t sure she’d trust him with something as dangerous as an electric razor. Splinter hums. “Neither was the state of my poor head,” he comments. 
Snip. Snip. More fur falls away, a more leveled out look as it all starts to fun evenly. A flutter of pride dances about in her chest as she rocks back on her heels to momentarily admire her work so far. “I mean, I guess anybody that doesn’t have to deal with hair themselves wouldn’t quite understand the importance of a good haircut,” she then muses as she runs her fingers through one patch of fur, straightening it out before snipping it away. “Or a bad one for that matter.” She adds darkly. Splinter chuckles warmly, folding his hands into the sleeves of his robes, he opens his eyes to watch April through the reflection. “That is true,” he tells her with a fond smile. “Though, I did start to wonder when perhaps all the… questionable haircuts they had given me was simply an act of rebellion.” His eyes slide shut again, tipping his head back so April can reach the top of it. “A coup, of sorts against me since they were, and are, very much hairless.”April laughs harder now, pulling her scissors away so as to not accidentally make him hairless too, she looks at Splinter through the mirror and tips her head sideways, her own hair falling over her shoulder. “Gosh, don’t tell me that, Splints,” she says, only a touch of seriousness to her tone. “I’ll have to start wearing a hat or a helmet down here. Save me from falling victim too.” Splinter nods carefully. “All I am saying,” he says gently. “Is that if Raphael proposes for you to wear your hair in a, um, what is it called now… mohawk? Then trust in me to say no.” That has April fully tipped back with laughter now, enough to draw Donatello out of his lab still wearing his goggles; he tears them away from his face to frown at the pair. “Is he bitching about us again?” He asks April. Splinter doesn’t open his eyes at him, but he is smirking. His tail swishes about contently. “Hey,” April says when she’s stopped her hysterics. “That’s the rules of the salon. You gotta have a good bitch, Don, it’s worth more than the haircut itself!” Donnie situates his hands on his hips, clearly put out by this, he scowls at his father and then pouts right at April because he’s fifteen and such a dork, she thinks. “I gave you bad bangs, one time!” He exclaims before stomping out. This time it’s Splinter’s turn to laugh it out. And fifteen minutes later when Michelangelo comes trotting into the room, wearing a rather ratty and mangled looking blonde wig that they’d clearly salvaged from some dumpster dive some time ago, twisting a straggly strange of platinum plastic around a single finger, asking April, “Can you slot me in next, Apes? I got some hot gossip about a certain rat I need dishing out,” She can’t help laugh again, catching Splinter’s fond, loveable expression through the mirror after she shuns the poor turtle out, his father’s expression reading with all the affection in the world, “I love my idiot sons.”
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luminouslywriting · 5 months
Just adding on to my previous anon about Brady getting into his partner's interests (I hope that's OK; I know you get a million anons), I feel like Bucky would be the same, but times a million. She likes Pilates? Cool, he's bought a Pilates machine and Gale has already put it together. The more niche the interest, the more excited he would be, imo.
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Omg you’re so right!! He’s the exact type to try out every hobby under the sun, especially the obscure ones!! I had to do a mini-headcanon list for this one too! And don’t apologize for the asks :) I LOVE getting them! More below the cut! Cut for length haha!
-Bucky Egan is a spontaneous bubble of energy that cannot be contained and this absolutely translates over into your relationship!
-You're into calligraphy? Excellent! He's going to get into it as well and I think he has really pretty handwriting anyway! He'll start writing down your favorite quotes or write you pretty love notes and leave them around the house.
-You like collecting southern music records? GREAT!! He will go on a hunt for some super obscure singers to add to your collection and watch with a grin as you get excited about it.
-You like swing dancing? He is getting INTO it and he's absolutely entering you into a competition the minute he has a free second
-Crocheting? The man's not GOOD at it, but hey! The effort is there and you absolutely end up with the cutest baby blankets for your future kids.
-Scrapbooking? He has one to rival yours and it's all about you because you are his muse, his reason of being, his light, and his life.
-You're handy at mixing drinks? He wants to learn EVERYTHING from you. He loves alcohol and he loves you, so what's not to like about this particular hobby?
-Interested in hairdressing? Try out any styles on him! He's excited to see what you can do! And he's equally as excited to try and cut your hair (he takes it more serious than flying)
-You mention once that you used to play chess? He's finding the nicest chess-set that he can, reading up on the rules, and challenging you to a nightly game that usually ends in some sort of verbal match before sex
-You like journaling? What a coincidence, he's starting a journal solely about YOU and how much he loves you (yes it's your favorite book that exists)
-Flower-pressing? He's gonna go out of his way to find the prettiest flowers and bring them to you to press. And yes, they end up in various picture frames around the house as decor.
-Into astronomy? Babe, he's already hauling a telescope, a book that Gale lent him for stars, and ready to stargaze with you as much as you would like
-You're an ice-skater? He's not the best at it, but he's going to be by your side the entire time, hand held in yours, and a brave face on
-This is all just to say that he's enthusiastic, a hype-man about your hobbies, and literally ready to have fun at any given time with you, no matter the circumstance.
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daphnedauphinoise · 4 months
how do you care for your hair when you use heat on it? Like what steps/routine do you follow? Not necessarily products (although they're very welcome). It's hard to know what's good and what's not since your hairdresser, just like influencers, are most likely selling you something.
I changed my haircut recently and started using heat (it's kinda curly so I straighten it and then try to curl it a little) and it really changed me and got told so much that I had a glow up, so I think that's my best look and will try to keep doing it since it looks great on on me but I want my hair to be and stay healthy so that's why I'm asking you.
Thank you for this question, I loved digging through to make this post x
I am going to talk about prevention and solutions so you can fully protect your hair. Starting with protection, and I have to say it, don't use heat regularly. Ideally you would take a minimum of three/four day break between each use of heat and this is only if your hair is healthy. If the condition of your hair is not that healthy then I would suggest going even longer (once a week, every other wash etc) between each use. To further reduce how much heat you are using, I would reccomend not using heat to curl your hair. You can easily do heatless curls and because they have been so popular, you can find easy tutorials anywhere. You can use a bonnet/ protective hair styles to keep your hairstyle for longer to widen the gap between each heat usage.
Futhermore, I would look into learning how to refresh your style so you are not having to consistenly go back and redo your hair.
You said that you straigthen your hair more so I am presuming you are using iron for that. If you are, use heat protectant made for heating irons as they can differ from standard heat protectants.
Proper use of heat protectant:
Spray the heat protectant in sections. A lot of people just spritz heat protectant on the hair that is on the top and the whole section underneath has not been protected.
You can also spray teh heat protectant on your hairbrush and brush your hair with that. Make sure to cover your entire head, I find it works better to do this just before the section you are applying heat to.
For further scientific details here is a post by a chemist that I follow on the scienece of heat protection.
I would also invest in some split end serum/ smoothing serum to help nourish the ends of your hair and help prevent breakage. I highly reccomend the Kérastase Nutritive Nutri-Supplement Split Ends Serum. I have been using for a while and it has made my ends so much smoother and less frizzy looking. This is more preventative and it saves the tears of realising that the only thing that will save your hair is a big chop.
You need to make sure that you are getting rid of all the product build up in your hair and making sure it is clean. I would use a clarifying shampoo every second/third wash, depending on how much product you use and whether you live in a city etc... I find that using it every 4-5 washes works for me but that is because I barely use any product on my hair.
When it comes to coniditioning, there are two types: protein and moisturizing. A good routine has both but how much will depend on the porosity of your hair. Protien hair masks help with elasticity, whereas moisturising masks help with length and shine.
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I have seen chemists and hair care specialists reccomend fully deeply conditioning your hair before heat styling and for that a good moisturizing mask would do the trick. After this the general rules of hair care apply.
(further links)
How to know if your hair needs protein or moisture?
Testing the porosity of your hair
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contentment-of-cats · 3 months
Chiss headcanons - cultural
Chiss traditions surrounding hair are complex. Thrawn is constantly suppressing twitches because his Humans' hair is Wrong. most of the men, of course, emulate the 'Tarkin' where the hair is combed back as if in a wind tunnel and plastered with gel strong enough to seal a hull breach or alternatively worn in a 'Guard Six' buzz. The women if they do not have hair trimmed to above the collar wear braids or buns. He understands that Chiss familial traditions cannot apply, but some styles and lengths are improper for their age, or rank, or status. One cannot run through the crew rebraiding female officers and crew members' hairstyles.
Funerary traditions also center around hair for the Chiss. When a person passes, their hair is shorn and the head wrapped in a silk scarf in family colors. The hair is then made into elaborate hair pieces (for the wealthy) or for Lesser and Common families is pressed between pieces of crystal and sealed into a pendant, ring, or charm for a bracelet. The act of shearing the heads of the deceased is to cut them from the bonds of life, and allow them to go free.
Hair is 'dressed' by a hereditary class of workers, so skilled that a braid of hair 500 years old looks as if it was dressed that morning. However, when hair becomes too brittle or fragile, it is burned to ash and then placed in a pressure chamber and turned into a hard, diamond-like glass. Even the grindings as the glass is smoothed and polished are incorporated into the metal of the frame. Not a speck is wasted.
Most deceased Chiss are placed in deep rich soil to decay for a year, then their bones are removed and polished before being placed in the familial or community ossuary. In places without soil, the body goes into a pod of cultured bacteria that decay the body instead. The resulting fluids are vaporized to steam and allowed to cool, falling as life-giving water on crops. If no body exists, coils of hair from the immediate family are placed in the container instead.
Among some Chiss on ocean world like Rentor, a burial at sea is preferred. For others who live and work in space, being shot into the heart of a sun allows them to return to the universe completely.
Among colonial Chiss, it is traditional to shear the hair of a young person enlisting in the CDF or going into space for an extended time. This tradition is not usually followed by the Ruling or Great families unless they are taking a Merit Adoptive to symbolize the separation from their old life.
The wealthy have hairdressers on staff, their ancestors' hair is made into elaborate hairpieces to be worn on the most important holidays and occasions. When not in use, it's placed in wooden boxes lined in silk and kept in climate controlled rooms. The less wealthy patronize small firms for the same reasons, and may keep their important hairpieces in storage there or at home. The Common families have their hair made into amulets worn on a chain under the clothing.
Members of the military wear plan hairstyles. No hair pieces or wigs. Among families, the higher the rank the more elaborate the hair. Depending on the personality and family traditions, a Patriarch may wear a hairpiece requiring frameworks and other supports. On Founding Day - the day a Family was founded - the Patriarch of a Ruling family wears the most elaborate and oldest hairpiece, robes that can trail three meters, and sometimes need cooling fans within.
On a formal occasion, Thrawn does brush out Pyrondi's hair, then braids it properly. He puts a lot of thought into it. He denotes her rank, he marital and familial status, her ship, but most importantly - her victories.
He goes on to braid more hair, and for some of the men to razor designs into the sheared sides of their undercuts. The first time the Chiss see Humans with those hairstyles, it's a message. "These are my Humans. These are my family."
Compiled with help and inspiration from Bextia!
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DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.9 KISS♥MARK by Sakamaki Shuu Mini Drama “Mark of Ownership”
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Original title: 所有の刻印
Source: Diabolik Lovers CHARACTER SONG Vol. 9 Mini Drama
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke
Translator’s note: This has to be one of my favorite mini dramas from this series so far. It was a bit shorter than some of the other ones, but I thought the plot of having the MC cut Shuu’s hair was rather endearing. Especially since she got so into it near the end. Although I have to agree with Shuu that she took an awfully long time just to cut his bangs. The man even managed to squeeze a nap in there. :p When I go to the hairdresser just to have my bangs trimmed, I’m in an out of there in like five minutes.
“Hey, you over there!”
You look around.
“Over here, look...I’m loafing around on the couching.”
You walk towards the sofa.
“Ah, stop right there. There’s a pair of scissors inside that shelf. I want you to grab those and bring them here.”
You grab the scissors and walk over to the couch.
“Cut my bangs with those. Reiji’s been giving me shit about how I’m ‘violating the rules of well-kept hair’ all day, I can’t even sleep in peace as a result. It’s too much of a bother though, so I want you to do it in my place. I don’t want to have to lift a single finger. ...If you don’t want to cut them, you go shut up Reiji instead.”
You frown.
“If you don’t want, then hurry up and cut my bangs.”
You seem hesitant and suggest he does it himself.
“Hah...? What makes you think I’d do it myself? Were you listening to me just now? I don’t want to have to do anything. I don’t care about the length. Just go with whatever seems fine to you.”
You shake your head.
“You can’t...? Haah...I’m asking you to do it, so get to it already.”
“I’ll at least do you the favor of sitting up.”
You are clearly very nervous to cut his hair.
“What’s wrong? Your hands are quivering?”
You explain.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t care about the length? Just cut them to your liking since you’re the one who has to see my face every day. If you keep on stalling...I’m going to hurt you with those scissors.”
“...! Oi...! Don’t tug onto my hair that strongly, it hurts!”
You apologize.
*Snip snip snip*
“...Haah? Turn my head to the side? Can’t you change positions instead?”
You walk to the side.
*Snip snip*
“Heeh...What’s this? Seems like you’re pretty into this.”
You tell him not to move.
“Haah? ‘Don’t move’, you say? Don’t order me around.”
*Snip snip*
“Haah...What a drag...”
*Snip snip*
“I’m going to take a nap real quick, so just take care of the reest, okay?”
Shuu dozes off.
*Snip snip*
“Zzー ... Zzー ...”
*Snip snip*
“What...? You’re done...? I don’t need to take a look in the mirror. No need to confirm how it looks.”
You show him either way.
“Haah...Are you trying to pester me by showing a mirror to a Vampire? I mean, not that it actually has any effect.”
You ask if he’s satisfied with the look.
“Mm...This’ll do. You’re done. Now qmove aside and go away already. ...Anyway, is this really all you managed to get done in that time? Did you cut it strand by strand or something?”
You explain.
“You lost track of time while trying to get it to look as even as possible on both sides? ...Heehー You’re surprisingly perfectionistic.”
You ask to keep going.
“Hah? You want to fix up a couple more things? ...Honestly, give you an inch and you take a yard.”
Shuu suddenly pins you down.
“Didn’t you hear me earlier when I said we’re done here...?”
*Rustle rustle*
“If you want to be of use to me that badly, let me tell you then. There is only one thing you could ever do for me. ...Right?”
“Haha...Come on...Be quiet and give me your blood.”
Shuu bites you.
*Rustle rustle*
“...Hah. ...Haah. Look at you trying to seduce me with that face. Haha...”
“Did you really think you could just leave without doing anything in return after you got to cut away at part of my body...?”
He leans in close.
“You got to have your fun with me, so now it’s your turn to entertain me...”
You wriggle around.
“Oi...Don’t move. ...Hah. Just like you claim to have cut my hair in utmost detail I’ll make sure to suck your blood in the same way...Doesn’t that make you feel happy? ...Hahn...”
“Nnh...The blood’s oozing out...Haha...”
You protest.
“Haah? ‘Stop’...? No way...I’m nowhere near done yet.”
You ask him when he’ll be done.
“Good question. I have no idea how long this’ll take. I’ll be taking my sweet time making little adjustments until there’s the bite marks on your neck are in perfect balance. ...Just like you got so nitpicky about my bangs...No, I think I might even take it a step further.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Nn...Hah...I’ll make sure it ends up just to my liking. Hahaha...”
ーー THE END ーー
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-Discord server - competition (tiktok edits)
-Weekly, monthly winners - you can win merch, tote bah, shirt and 2 concert tickets (you can choose the country)
-Print the server rules out and put it on your fride so Joker Out will be the first snack in the morning
-They're Kens - confirmed, the table was full of candy, papers and a horseshoe
-They are the representatives of the Lipica or something like that
-They will have a convert in HUNGARY(?!?) (OH MY JESUS)
-Pre-save the song, it's important!
-Someone said stop woth the soon, they answered: soon!
-Hi Polish fans!
About the new single:
We know it will be not in:
The song inspired by the journey outside of Slovenia, it's about the community the concerts. Etc
-Kris said 'it's very crazy' and 'very party'
-very happy and fun song
-we still don't know the date and the title and the language
-They told us everything about it
-Hi Mark!
-On friday we will know everything
-Nace thinking about the mullet and will talk about it eith his hairdresser
-Jure smoker marlboro touch(?)
-Check your phone constantly (suprise live before friday?)
Suprise ubder the cut.
Bojan thights, and Jure's hair looking like a nest
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