#my hass teacher called me the supreme yay
legallysoup · 1 year
12.10.23 - thursday, jeudi, torsdag
first actual studyblr post! decided to start off easy and instead of launching myself straight into 100 days, i decided to do the studyblr community challenge instead.
there was a gas leak in our english class today, but i dont know if it was for muck up day or not. i guess we'll never know.
things i did:
all of my french education perfect about foods my maths assignment on frequency tables the geology science investigation based on a prac today in class nearly all my consolidation on the rock cycle the friend quest on duolingo i got that we had three days to do but did it in roughly five hours. teamwork!
things i will try to do tomorrow:
edit my coding assignment and commits finish my rock cycle consolidation do two more norwegian units in duolingo transcribe a chinese poem for homework
(this sounds really sad but i am proud good job me)
day one: introduce yourself and tell us what you study! hi, my name is tay or soulless :> i learn french and norwegian and play video games (badly) in my free time. im still in high school so... literally everything but im most interested in languages, english and science at the moment! (not physics though :sob:)
this is a bit rushed, hopefully tomorrow i can format my posts better
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